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XQWVICH, I.; KOVARSKIY, M. Increase the quality requirements for signal contacte. Pron.ener 14 no.2:51-52 F '59. (MIRA 12:31, 1'. GlavWy energetik Volokbovskogo alyuminiyevogo zavoda (for Naydovich). ?. . Naebal'nik tsekha setey4i podatantaii volokbovokogo alyuminiyevogo zavoda (-for Kovarskiy); " (Electric contactors) 22(5) PHASH,I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2381 Kovarskiy., Mikhail Savellyevich Oplata truda na predpriyatiyakh chernoy metallurgii (Wages in Ferrous Metallurgy Plants) [Moscow] Profizdat., 1958. 94 p. 2,200 copies printed. Ed.: V.V. Novospaoskly; Tech, Ed.: S.I. Rakov. PURPOSE: The book Is intended for trade-union committee workers~ members of plant, mine, and shop wage committeesp and trade union- members of mine., metallurgicalp pipe-rolling, and by-product cok- Ang plants. COMAGE: This book-disausses problems related to work scheduling in connection with.tlie reduced working day and new wage structure for workers , foremen;and engineering, technical and service personnel inAron and steel mills. The six-hour working day for personnel working underground and the seven-hour day for workers engaged in C ard 1/5 KOVARSM, M. S.; BARAN, N. A.; BYC11KOV) 1. Ya.; ZIMOV, G. I. Introduction to Chapter Dealing With the Prevention of CormMicable Diseases wid the General Purpose of Organizing Epideraic-Control Work, PP 775-773 of Sbornik Vazhneyshikh Ofitsie.11nykh Materialoy po Sanitarr*rm i Prot ivo -L~pidemicheskin, Voprosam (Collection of the Most Important Official Materials on Sanitation and Epidemic- Control Problems), second edition, Medgiz, Moscow, 1949, 1206 -DP, 2 Vol. XOVARSKIY, M. S. All Russian planning-thematic conference on commmal hygiene. Gig. sanit., Moskva no-5:52-56 May 1951. (CIAL 21:1) KOVARSKIY1 M. S. Public Health - Congresses All-TTInion conference on coordination of plans for scientific and research work in the field of communal hygiene for 1952. Gig i. san. no. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AugU3t 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. Subject USSR/Medicine AID P - 3911 Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 15/21 Authors Golldberg, M. S., Kand. Med. Sci., M. S. Kovarskiy-, Kand. Med. Sci., L. I. Mats, Prof., N. A. Ruffell, Kand. Biol. Scl. Title All-Union Conference on Problems of the Hygiene of Atmospheric Air and Water, and Sanitation Bacteriology Periodical : Gig, i. san., 12, 45-47, D 1955 Abstract : Discusses briefly the reports on various problems presented at the Conference in Moscow (May 16-20, 1955) organized by the Institute of General and Municipal Hygiene, Acad. Med. Sci., USSR. Institution : None Submitted : No date ALEKSANYAN, A.B., prof.; BEZDE3,'EZFIIYKH 1.S., doktor med. nauk; BELYAKOV, V.D., doktor med. rauk; BESS-IMN-1-Y, B.S., do),.t. med. nauk; VASIUMOV, V.I.,, prof.; GRCMASHEVSKIY, L.V._ prof.; YELKIN, I.I., prof.; Z11DAEOV, V.M.,, prof.; Z11MAYEVA, Z.M., kand. biol. nauk; j~O-V-AR-SKJ1,...M.S-., kand. med. nauk; NALBOKOV, V.A., prof.; 11OVOGOiMDS1UYJk, E.M., prof.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik,* PETHISFCIMETA, P.A., prof.; PERVOMAYSKIY, G.S.) prof.; POGODBIA, L.N.; ROGOZIN, I.I., prof.; SUKHOVA, M.N., doktor biol. nauk; GTIASOVNIKOV, A.A., kand. med. nauk; SHX,'ROV, I.1., prof.; 51URABURA, B.L.0 prof.; YASHKUL', V.K., kand. mod. nauk; ZliUKOV-VF.REZIINIKOV, N.N., prof., otv. rod.; DOLDYRT11, T.I., Frof., red.; ZASURHIN, D.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; KALINA, G.P., red. [Multivolume manual on the microbiology, chnical aspects and epidemiology of communicable diseases] Mnogotomnoe ru- kovodstvo po ni3crobiologii, klinike J- opidemiologii infek- tsionnykh boloznoi, Moskva, 1,1oditsina. VQ1.5. 1965. 548 p. (MI11A 18:3) 1. Deystvitelinyy chlen A~UJ SSSR (for Aleksa.-*ran, Gromashevskiy, Zhdanov, Zhukov-Verezhnikov). 2. '~hlep- korrespondent ANIN S,17.51 (for Rogozin, Boldyrev). GNUSIN, N. ~- 11-11 Distribution of electrically deposited metals alcng the height of the rough layer. 17zv. SO AN SSSR noo 10, Ser. takhe nauk no. 3:154,-157 165 (MIRA 19t1) 1. Institut fiz1ko4.himicheskikh osnov pererabotki minerallnogo syrlya, Novosibirsk. Submitted March 9. 1965. KCIVAF--3KlY- N.Y,3.; GITTISIN, Apprc,;,e evaluation iDf truct ssurfw~e cl, bry the profile recordirg 21ash,h.-Tiet. 1. .,%-r -9 . ya `Ibirsk,~ C, 'o otd(.1 n'Ya lll~ GNUSIN$ N.P.; KOVARSKIY, Mae; FEDOTIYEV, N,P, Roughness and polarization curves in the eleatrodeposition of copper from acid sulfate W-utions, Zhurspriklekhima 38 tiooll:2464-2469 N 165* (MIRA 18sl2) I, Submitted December 4, 1964s GNUSINY N.P.; KOVARSKIY, N.Ya,, Di-strIbixtion of 6leutrodepoaited IrCt.ULS al.Cllr, th6 of a rouph layer. Zliurj~z,lzhivi. 30, no,IM1,61-256" 0 165. (,'-I]'RA :L8.-12) I., Novosibirskly khtiaikc-matallurgicheskiy institut, Submitted ~U~y 30, 1964. KOVARSK17X, V.A., Mladshiy nauchVy sotrudaik Composition of mixed feeds supplementing corme Zhivotnovodstvo 24 nQ& 9;52-54 S 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1i YbIdvaskiy muchno-issledovatellakiy institut zhi-v6tnovodstva i veterinar-ii, (Feeds) Cat~~gcry:USSR/So"lid State Ehysics - Solid state theory. Geometric crystallography E-2 Abs Jour : Ref 2hur - Fizika, No 1-- 1957,No 1049 Aut4or :Kovarskiy, V.A. Title : Th ia-M-n-911Tons of Electrons under the Influence of Acoustic Oscillations of the Crystal Lattice. Orig Pub :Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-ta, 1955, 17, 185-195 Abstract :The author calculates the probability of a radiationless transition of a bound electron upon interaction witYacoustic oscillations of the lattice of an ion crystal. The probability of capture of,a fast electron by an F center is computed. Card 1/1 K0 Y ,j Y. 4, AUTHOR: Kovarskiy, V.A. 56-6-19/47 TITLE: Nonradiative -Recombination of Electrons in the Impurity Centers in the K-Type of Germanium (Bezjzluchatel'naya. rekombinatsiya elektronov na primesnykh tsentrakh v germanii N-tipa) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Fr 6, pp. 1445-1453 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Theoretically the radiationless "phonon" recombination of current carriers in the foreign centers in N-germanium at helium temperatures is dealt with by the following chapters: 1:~ Energy levels and quantum states of the systerm. 2 Radiationless recombination of a "condensorP in a Coulomb center. The interaction between an electron and the acoustic oscillations of the lattice is determined and fixed by the method of successive formation of the diagonal form of the initial Hamiltonian by hcmo- geneous transformation. In oomputation the tensor character of the effective mass of the current carrier is taken into aLocowit. Further- more, the general expression for the deformation potential is not disregarded. There are 18 references, 8 of which are Slavic. Z/ Z~1' 7 - KOI%RSKTY, V. A.: Ma~ter Phys-Nlath Sci (diss) -- "i-rivestigation of the theory of impurity diffusion and of non-radiation recombination of electrons in semi- concluctors". Kiev, 1958- 1-5 pp (Acad Sci Mm7 SSRI Inst of the Physics o-f 0 Metals), 175 COPICS (KL: NO ', 1959, 124) AUTHORt Kovarskiy. VA. SOV/51-5-2-26/26 TITLEs The Theory of Radiationless TransAions in an F-Centre -(K teoril bazyzluchatelinykh perekhodov v F-tsentre) MERI OD I GAL Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1968, Vol 5, Wr 2, pp 222-224 (USSR) ABSTPAGT: The author extends to higher teLaperatares his own theory (Ref 7) of radiationless transitions in F-centres in allmll-halide crystals, in which the potential energy of the electron-phonon nteraction acts as a perturbation. He deduces a value of 5.55 x 10itsec-1 for the frequency multiplier (PO) in the exprassion for the probability of thermal ionization of an F-cantre in NaCl. This value agrees well with the experimental result obtained by Farfianovich (6.31 x 1011:600-1). In the study of thermal stimulation or non-activated KaGl (Ref 1) the calculated values of the frequency multifliers P. for K01 and KI are given as 2.38 x 1014 and .3.45 x 1614sec- (Table 2). The author Card 1/2 PERLIN,, Yu-Ye-j.-AqARSMY, V.A. Theory of impurity-sensitized scattering of slow polarons. Fiz.tver, tela 3 no,4:1031-1034 Ap 161., (MIRA 14:4) 1, Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Kishinevskiy sellsko- khozyaystvennyy institut. (Electrons-Scattering) (Color centers) baery B/1 OY62/004/oo6/040/054 BIOB BI 38 AUTHOR: Kovarskiyj V. A. TITLE: Theory of radiationless transitions in "non-condonian" approximation. Low temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 6, 1962, 1636-1648 TEXT: Using perturbation theory, the author obtains, in adiabatic approximation, the wave functions of a localized electron in a crystal in the form of a convolute series in terms of nuclear variables. Near the point of intersection of the adiabatic'potentials, the dependence of the electron matrix element on the coordinates of the nuclei in the lattice has a resonance character1 A general expression for the probability of radiationless transition at low temperatures is found with the aid of "negative ordering" of exponents (M. Lax. Journ. Chem'. Phys., 20, 17529 1952). It is noted that the formulae of K. Huang and A. Rhys (Proc. Roy- Soc., A204, 406, 1950) are considerably changed if approximation is performed beyond the "condon approximation". This fact has to be taken into account when theory and experiment are compared. There is I figure4 Card 1/2 S~13812 ~62/004/011/021/049' B104/BI02 AUTHORS: Kovarskiy, V. A., and Sinyavskiy, E. P. TITLEs The theory of nonradiative transitions in crystals in "non- Condon" approximation. High temperatures PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela,.v. 4, no. 11, 1962, 3202 - 3207 TEXTt The object here is to ext'end to high-temperatures the theory of non- radiative transitions in localized centers of crystals at low temperatures developed in a previous paper (V. A. Kovarskiy, FTTP 4, 6, 1962). For high temperatures it is important to consider resonance effects that can arise through the possible intersection of the adiabatic potentials. From the electron wavefunction Q1 [P.; t (Q)]; Q. = q. where (Q) C2 EPO top XV.'pQX r 4 4( M - W Card 2/3 =zssioii m: A2013535 s/bl81/6Vbo6/bo2/b636/b637 AWHORS: Kovarskiy, V. A.; SinYavskiYj, El. F. TITLE: The theory of nonradiativo transitions in a "non Condon" approximation SOUME: Fizilca tvordogo telaj v. 6,, no., 2. 19642 636-637 TOPIC TAGS: nonradiative transition,, Condon approximation) non Condon approxima- tion., thermal transition ABSTRACT: Beginning i-tith a relationship between the Condon approximation and the non-Condon approximation, W ~jf:- 2p) = IMOJI s - 2p) 11F,. (0). hc[,C'p' the authors consider the function r~ka(G) and the problem of dotormining the nx- panded functions of 0. Until recently it had not been possible to evaluate thid, but corVuters can now be used. The authors have deteritLined values for this function for different types of crystals. Deviations of the funot:L.i Fta(Q) from unity (on the lover side) are related to the fact.that nonradiative transitions take place at low point3 somewhat below the intersection of Card 1/2 Acmsiou int: AM13535 adUlbatic potentials. Departure from the Condon approximation leads to deep traps of the second and third order. Regardless of the choico of model for a local center,, the probability of nonradiative, transitions in a non-Condon approximation will be about ('~s/j,)2 tins greater than the probability evaluated by the Condon approximation, Orig, &rt* has 3 1 table and 8 f ornulase ASSOCIATION t Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Molde SSRa KiAhUw (Institute of Physics and Hathematios AN Hold* SSR) SUM=TlDt O9Aug63 DATE ACQs 031-tar64 =Lt 00 SUB CODE s EC, SS NO REP SOV: 003 OTHER2 002 Card 2/2 ACCLSSION NRI A019675 8/0181/64/006/003/0962/0964 AUTHORt Kovarskiy., V* A. TITLEt Retardation of the recombination rate of current carriers in a magnetic rie2A SOUWEt Mike, tverdogo tolaj ve 6) not 3) 1964; 962-9611 TOPIC TAGSt semiconductor band structure., impurity center., semiconductor conductivity) recombination,, semiconductor carrier lifetime ABVIRACTs From the phenomenological recombination theory of S. 1, Pekar (Isaledovardya po eloktropnoy teoriya kristallovp GITTLj, 14,, 1951)j, a lldiffusioO approiimation may be made,, according to which the recombination factor of elec- trons at positively ofiarged centers is determined through the diffusion coeffi, ciente Since the diffusion changes in a magnetic field) it is important to determine how this change affects the lifetime of the carrier a:A. henco$ the recombination rate of the electron bande*.. From the "diffusiond approximation,# I the author daternines the Wetima of ouzTmt carriers to be Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4041720 S/0181/64/006/097/2'131/2145 AUTHORS: KOvarskiy, V. A.; Chaykovskiy, I. A.; Sinyavrkiy, E. P. TITLE: Quantum-kinetic equations for processes with nonradiative recombination SOURCE: Fizika tve rdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2131-2145 TOPIC TAGS: recombination coefficient, quantum,statistics, kinetic theory, phonon, polaron, nonradiative recombination ABSTRACT: Several reasons fox the inadequacy of the standard kinetic-equation formalism to non-optical transitions between dis- crete spectnim. states are pointed out. The authors then propose to describe the processes accompanying multi-phonon nonradiative com- bination by ri-teans of a system of integral quantum-kinetic equations based on *the formalism of the quantum density matrix, a formalism in whicb. the quantum-mechanical and statistical calculation stages Card .1/3 .ACCESSION NR: AP4041720 are combinod. The method used is essentially that of Kubo (J. Phys. Soc. Japan, v. 12, 570, 1957). A graph representation is obtained for the recombination coefficients.with the aid of the technique of Konstantinov and Perell (ZhETF v. 39, 197, 1960), modified by Lang and Firsov (ZhETF v. 43, 1843, 1962) to cover multi-phonon jumps in the case of low polaron mobility. The free relaxation of the band carriers, which are in quasi-equilibrium with.the crystal lattice at the initial instant of time, is considered. A criterion is considered for the applicability of perturbation theory to the theory of mult~phonon nonradiative transitions. "The authors thank Yu. A. Firsov and I. G. Lang for valuable information in con- nection with the computation procedure, and also A. I. Ansel'm and Yu. Ye. Perlin for a discussion of the calculation of the re- combination coefficients*" Orige art. hast 5 figures and 76 for-. .mulas# ASSOCIATIONs Xnatitut fiziki i Matematiki AN Molms Kishinev Unati- Card 2/3 ,ACCESSION NR: AP4041720 tute of Physics and Mathematics, AN Moism) !SUBMITTED: 27Dec63 ENCL.- 00 'SUB CODE: GP M REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 002 card KWARSKIY, V.A.; WSFALENKO, V.A. Thermodynamic theory of perturbation for a local center. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.5:47-59 '62. (MIRA 18-3) vw~ 3-9 Generalt SOURCE i kzlks . KGVARSKIY, V.A. 9-matrix the theory of ~adlatjonlesn triuisitions in electronic shells of molecules. Part 2. Teoret. i eksper. khim. 1 no. 5:683-687 S*-O 165 (MIPA 19 11) 1. Thstitut prikladnoy fiziki Ali' Moldavskoy SSR,- Kishinev. SuInitted July 5, 1965. 't-7 1~ KOV'ARSKIYI IYAVSKIY, E.P. -I-,------- SIh I Meory of radiationleas multiphonan transitions in the electronic shells of molecules* Teoret. i ekaper. khim. 1 no. 5:633-641 S-0 165 (MIRA -19.-l) 1. Institut prikladnoy fiziki AN Moldavskoy SSR, Kishinev. ,%*tmitted July 8. 1965. L 31493-66 EWT (.1 )/r_ IJP (c) Acc NR: Ap6ol3o22 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/004/0657/0660 AWHOR: Perlin, Yu. Ye.; ~oyarskiyp V. A.4, Tsukerblat,, B. S. 50 ORG: none 5 TITLE: Contribution to the theory of marW-phonon nonradiative transitions between. local states of different multiplicity. Is SOURCE: Optika i spektroskqpiyv~, Ye 20) no. 4) 199, 657-660 TOPIC TAGS: nonradiative transition, spin orbit interaction, phonon interaction, electron interaction 5'A*AP-Sk:FrEin AIBSrL?ACT: The authors analyze many-phonon nonradiative translons between levels' of different multi'plicity within the framework of the adiabatic approximation. The 61ectron-phonoWqnteraction is assumed to be small compared with the spin- orbit interaction, and the non~-adiabaticity operator is treated as the perturbs- tion, using a method described by the authors elsewhere (mv v. 4, 1936, :L962; Usp, fiz. nauk v. 80, 553, 1963). Possible mechanisms of many-phonon transitions are discussed, and a general formula is obtained-for the probability of nonradi- ative transition with spin flip due to the spin-orbit interaction. The upper limiting case,, when the spin-orbit interaction is small corkywed with the electron. Card 1/2. UDC: 535-330: 548.0 L 314193-~6 1 Ace NR: Ap6oi3o22 phonon interaction is considered in detail. The matrix element for the spin-orbit interaction is then regarded as the perturbation. Different expressions for the nonradiative transition are then obtained ,# depending on wbether the electronic part of the matrix element of this transition vanishes or not. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBMnATE:. 14Deca/ ORIG RU: 004/ OTH RU: 002 Card 2/2 tnc, ACC NRI AR6017245 SOURCE CODE: uR/0058/65/000/012/DO39/DO39 AUTHO R: Kovaregy, V. A. TITIX: Magneto oscillatory effect on local centers of crystals SOURCE: Ret. zh. Fizika, Abs. lM32T REP SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii. AN SSSR, t. 3, vyP. 1, 1964, 412-419 TOPXC TAGS.- photoelectric offtat, light polarization, &UW*tic effect, oscillation, optic center ABSTRACT: The possibility is considered ofoacillation of the photoelectric absorp- tion coefficient of polarized light by local centers of a crysial in a strong magneti, field. The experimental observation of the effect at low temperatures is determined by the minimum concentration of the local centers at which a distinct measurement of the absorption coefficient in possible, but the Impurity scattering of the band elec- trons still does not destroy the Landau level structure. Conditions of observing the effect in several crystals ar* discussed. SM CODE: 20 , , 11 A -AA5Q;&6 MIT(I)d TJP(c) AT ACC_ ~, R6019906' SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/6"/000/002 /B002/BOO2 w ; AUTHOR: Kovarskiy, V. A.; Vitiu, Ye. V. e) TITLE: The theory of generation-recombination fluctuations in sem: conductors SOURCE: Ref zh. Blektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 2B15 REF SOURCE: Bul. Akad. Shtiintse RSS Dlold.,*Izv. AN MoldSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. i matem. n., no. 12, 1964, 44-50 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, semiconductor carrier, noise genera orv ' ABSTRACT: The authors develop a the r of the~spectral density of generation-recombination noise in semiconductors in the case of a single-phonon mechanism of the cap't-ure of a--c-Fa-r-ge carrier by an impurity center and the ejection of the charge carrier from the impurit center into the band. [Translation of abstract] Del SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ card I A p __ ATOMIC - ~ . 8%1kE-C0bE.__ ACC NRI MVWW1651boo/0001004 Auziom Vitiu, Yq, Y ; KmamrsMx, Y. A..; Q'_Tw_aV8XVLA- _F. ORG: none TITIZ: Quantum kinetic equations for processes with multiphonon transitions. 7he Green's function method soum: AN MoldSSR- Institut priklaftM fiziki. Teoretichuskiye I eksperimental'rWye issledova_F1XMz1cheskikh svoystv poluprovodnikm7kh materialov I drugikh kriatallow (Theoretical and experimental studies on Physical properties of semiconductor materi- als and other crystals). Kishinsvp Isd-vo YArtys MoldoverWaske,, 196% 41-56 TOPIC TAGS: quantum statistics., Green function., kinetic equation., recombination co- efficienty carrier scattering ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to develop the formalism of quantum kinetic equations in the variant using retarded and advanced Green's functions and thereby combine the statistical and quantum mechanical aspects of the calculations. The analysis is limited,to static fields. The tensor of the electric conductivity in a static electric-field Is determined by the method of Be Xubo, (Journ. fts. Soc. Japan v. :L20 6p 570m 2957) in a variant In v1deb the current correlation is expressed in term of the -starded and advanced Greenwe functions. A system of integral quantu: kinetic equations is derived., describbW the scattering processes with account of the recombination wchanism of collision between Us carriers wA the impurities. One of Card 2 ACC R_tA_!662WI.1_ the equations is the quantum analog of the Boltzmann equation,, and the other described processes of capture and emission of electrons by the local levels. By way of an example, the authors consider the recombination mechanism of impurity scatteringj, when the carrier lifetimes are comWarable with the relazation lifetimes determined tV the ordinu7 scattering mechanismso The recombination coefficient obtained as a re- sult of the quantum-statistical calculation corresponds exactly to the estimates of the "non-Condon" approximation for the probability of nonradiative transition. The icalculation shove that for experimental observation of.the recombination scattering mechanism It is necessary to have a high concentration of ionIze4 donors., and the -donor degeneracy multiplicity should be high. At low tenpemtures the mobility de- termined, by the recombination scatterirg webanim should wt depend on the tempers- ture. The authors thw* V. L, Bondh-&OVff_ichj, ]), N, Zubww. A. 1. Us and ,N. M. P3aWd& for valuable rmarks wAs ftring various steps of this vork. Origo aft. bas: 6540MOXIMS. I MM CODIS 2D/ sm wms gwoM~/ o= mw, oiV on Yaws oo6 h)*"' WOO, mi4b~ ~biAe,flyi I' hi, por. W nd,, 'At elype. co lalldl MAlon, lm~ tbi - film ~ vas dbtained -Aneastwj -t~--Jd On: the collecal- asm- MpUcid-. A fuO.O.tion -:Of 11irretn': bli".,- ."or imuct 1w V a th, fmictioa of MIAU (w, abd - katUFt as- 'I ith Z Vi. k_vlt'kAm;'ele M.-IiAlt"it 1u I k LI: rlaor~ I is Xiang, Mai 01 F V~ K'V aj'~iv --f -:te 7jol 4-16 -A~ bU I an onsf, a 5IN -1:7, c0 M: A ~.M~ a Vwi r -M.- ile, 7t _nv _~PAYII FREYDLIN, S.Ya., prof4 KOVARSKIY Ya.M., arkhitektor (Leningrad) Some problems in construction of medical institutions. Zdrav. Ros. il*eder. :'. no.11:26-29 N 161o (MIRA 14: 10) (HOSPITAIS-CONSTRUCTION) USS~ Jklectricity Literature Jun .51 "Review of L. M - Piotrovskiy and Ye. A. Pal I a J~iook 'The Testing of Vlectric Machines, Part 1. General, and The Testing of DC Machines,"' Ye M. Kovarskiy, N. I. Murkes, A. A. Stupin, Engineers, Sci Res Inst, Min of Elec Ind USSR "Elektrichestvo" No 6, pp 8!;~90 Reviewers consider recommendation of this book 'b7 the-Min of Higher Educ as'a manual for power otg1meering and elec engineering instit-ates a idstake In view of its many shortcomings, par- ticularly the fact that only about 1/3 of the TAteiature 'Tun ~IL~ (Contd) book's vol has a real bearing on the test- of machines. Published by Gosener .~~goi.Zdat, 1949, 380 Pp, R 14-00. :20M5 ^VTAK=IY, To-M.; SAPAROTA, A.L., roaaktort, IMIONOV, G.Te, takhnichookiy -igdot-6f~ [216atric machinery' repair] Remont alektricheakikh mashin. Moskva, Goo. energ. lzd-vo. 1953. 240 p. (Microfilm) (MLRA 7:10) (Electric machinery-Repairing) en V ft Al AUTHOR: Kovarskiy, Ye...M...' Ebgineer.- 110-12-10/19 TlTLE: n the Minimum Weight of a Power-saturating Choke (0 mini- mal'nom vese silovogo, drosselya nasSrshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 195?, Vol.28 No.12, pp. 31 - 36 ~USSR). ABSTRACT; For purposes of automatic control, it is of interest to control an induction motor by means of a saturating choke in the stator circuit. The power characteristics of this arrange- ment depend mainly on the losses in the rotor of the motor, which can easily be calculated. However, the weight of the equipment is very largely governed by the weight of the satur- ating choke. This article gives particular values of the minimum weight of choke depending on its rated power and amplification factor. The weight of the choke is primarily governed by the electro- magnetic load on the active materials in it, and in particular by the current density in the working windings. The we4 "ght also depends on the dimensions and area of the core window and on other factors, which are enumerated. One important factor is the value of the amplification required and since this can vary widely, the author introduces a concept of a choke of mini- Cardl/3 TAum weight in which the current density in the operating and 110-12-10/19 On the Minimum Weight of a Power-saturating Choke control windings are equal and limited by heating and, therefore, the amplification factor is a-minimum. In designing a choke, the ratio of the ampere-turns on the d.c. and.a.c. windings is important and depends on the desired voltage ratio. Complicated analytical methods of calculating this ampere-turns ratio exist but it is better to use experimentally determined ratios, In the manufacture of chokes it is advantageous to use material with a high induction at saturation, such as cold-rolled transformer steel rather than alloys of the permalloy type. A mathematical expression is given for the magnetisation curve in order to analyse the influence of different factors on the weight of the choke. Xxpressions are then derived for the conditions governing the weight of the choke and its minimisation. Detailed consid- eration is given in turn to: the section of the core; the weight of copper of one working winding; the best window area and also certain factors that enter into the calculation. Expressions are derived that can be used to find the minimum weight with chokes of different constructions illustrated in Fig.l. The curves that relate theweight to the window area, the window shape and the shape of the cross-section of the core are very flat. Values of these ratios and other design factors are tabulated for various Card2/3 core constructions but these are intended only as a rough guide 11'01111~1,LSKIY, Ye.,;'. , weight of the hro eloc"ric drive." C-nd ech sci-wiss) A"'.Active Strength qIld in W6 d;vicoo of -: thro,t1o t Ue .-__~:Lqn~ the LOS, 195u- 16 rp (Sci Res Inst o,,,,rlectt Digineering Industry), 1CO covics (10:91-1,.~-58P 113) -/016- PHASE I BOOK MaWITATION 877 Kovarskiy., Yefim Mikhaylavich Rerumt elektricheglkikh masM" (Repair of Electric Machines) Moscov., Goseaergoizdat,, 1958. 255 P- 40.,000 copies printed. Ed.: Aleksandrovskiy., B. B.; Tech. Ed..: Larionov,. 0. Ye. PURPOSE: This book is intended for fitters,, mechanics, winders and technicians engaged in the overhaul and repair of electric machines, COVERAGE: The author describes the techniques employed in the repair of d-c and a-c electric machines,, the testing of repaired machines and the detection of fmilts. He also supplies information and data on materials., instr=ents and equipaent employed in such repair. No personalities are meationed. There &~e 12 references, all Soviet. I TANZ OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 7 caxd 1/6 Repair of Electric Machines 877 Ch. 1. Dismantling and Assembly of Electric Machines 29 1. Dismant3ing of medium-size machines 29 2. Dismantling of large macb.ines 34 3. Assembly of repaired machines 40 Ch. 2. Basic Information on Insulation 44 1. General information 44 2. Winding wires 52 3. Varnished cambrics 56 4. Pressboard. Baanded pressboard- 58 5. T19,pes 58 6. Micanites 59 Ch. 3. Repair of Stator Coil Windings of A-C Machines 63 1. Windings of a-c machines 63 2. Winding pitch 64 3. Three-phase winding 66 4. Mmber of slots per pole-phase; pole winding group 66 5. Fractional slot winding 71 6. Types of windings 71 Card 216 Repair of Electric Machines 877 7. Simplified represeatvUoa of winding circuits 75 8, Connection of winding phues 76 9. WI:%din-gs of variable-speed induction squirrel-cage motors 77 10. Windings of siNae-pbase induction motors 79 31. CalcuUtion of number of tam and wire gage 80 12. Winding faults and their detection 83 13. Winding methods 89 14. Random winding 90 15. Palled-tbrough winding 96 16. Former winding 103 Ch. 4. Repair of Stator and Rotor Windin s. Repair of Excita- tion Windings 116 1. Amature windings 116 2. Detection of winding faults 126 3. Preparation of armature coils 130 4. Armature marking 130 5. Packing of coils into slots 132 6. Soldering of windings, cmmtators and armature bindings 135 7- Repair of rotor windings 139 Card 3/6 Repair of Electric Machines 877 8. Repair of armature bindin s 145 9. Repair of excitation windings 149 Ch. 5. Drying and Impregnation of Windings 154 1. Resistance standards of machine insulation 154 2. Drying by hot air method 155 3. Drying by electric current 155 4. Drying temperature 157 5. Drying time and control 158 6. Impregnation of windings 158 7- Varnishes 163. 8. Drying and impregnation data 166 9. Drying ovens 170 10. Compound filling [bituminization] and vacuum-drying 172 Ch. 6. Repair of Ccommtators and Brush Holders 175 1. Commutation 175 2. CommutAtor structure 180 3- Preparation of commutator segments 182 4. Segments assembly 183 card 4/6 Repair of Electric Machines 877 5- Commxte-tor assembly 186 6. Commutator insulation 188 7- Co=utator faults eand types of repair 188 8, Repair of ring commtator (contact slip rings) 196 9. Repedr of brush holders 198 Ch. 7. Repedr of Mechanical parts 201 1- Repair of armature and rotor cores 2D1 2. Shaft repair 205 3. Repair of frames and end-shield bearing brackets 207 4. Repair of friction bearings 208 5. Repair of antifriction bearings 212 6. Balmaing of rotors 213 Ch. 8. Testing of Electric Machines 220 1. Types of tests 220 2. Inmaation resistance test 221 3. Measurement of winding resistance 222 4. Checking of coil-end markings 225 5. Determination of transform%tion coefficient 228 Card 5/6 Repair of Electric Machines 877 6. No-load test 228 7. High-speed test 230 8. Test of insulation between winding coils 230 9. Short-circuit test 231 10. Test for heating 233 11. Test of insulation electrical strength 240 12. Testing of parts 243 13. Determination of repted data of an induction motor 244 Bibliogmphy 246 Appendices 247 AVAUABLE: Library of Congress (TM89.K62 1958) jF/aak 3.1-24-58 Card 616 V -7. AUTHOR: Kovarskiy, Ye. M., Engineer 110-4-?/25 ~i__'__-owe-!~-6f an Electric Drive that is Controlled TITLE: The React ve P by a Reactor (Reaktivnaya moshchnost' reguliruyemogo dross- ellnogo elektroprivoda) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, No 4 ~6 ZUSSR')~ pp. 21 ABSTRACT: Electrical drives in which an induction motor is con- trolled by a saturating choke in the stator circuit are important, for example in lifting-devices used in atomic power equipment. The governing factor in this drive is the reactive power of the saturating choke. It is of considerable practical interest to derive the general relationships that determine the required reactive power and to devise a design procedure for it. This is the object of the present article. From the simple equivalent circuit given in Fig.lA, a relation- ship is established between the working ch&racteristics of the motor and the relative reactive power of the system. This gives a very convenient method of calculating the relationship between the power on the shaft and the reactive power of the system. Simplifications, by using other equivalent circuits,given in Fig.1, are then considered and data are worked out for the high- Cardl/3 slip motor type AOC. An expression is also derived to relate 110-4-7/25 The Reactive Power of an Electric Drive that is Controlled bj a Reactor the rated power to that actually developed. Analysis shows that there is an optimum minimum slip at which the current required by the drive is a minimum. leig. 2 gives the optima for three load characteristics. The value of the optimum slip depends very much on the rotor resistance, which, in some motors, may change wibh the square root of the slip. Calculation5 may then be made of the r,actor pmer needed for the desired speed regulation. Results of the calculation, given in kigs. 3, 4 and 5, show that the necessary reactive powers are very great even when they are at the least value corresponding to optimum slip. The question therefore arises of reducing the power required in the reactor. There are two ways of doing this. By altering the rotor resis- tance in proportion to the square root of the slip, the power required in the reactor is considerably reduced for almost all load characteristics. The data given about the reactor power show that as the power of the drive is increased, the use of combined regulation is unavoidable, although it entails switching equipment and a sliding contact. Figs. 6, ? and 8 give current Card es for combined resistance and reactor control applied to /1 0-58-10-4/24 AUTHOR; Ambartsumov, T.G., (Cand.Tech.Sci-), Kovarskiy, E.M. (Eagineer) and Gershkovich, G.I. (Engineer). TITLE; The possibility of increasing the permissible current-density under brushes. (0 vozmozhnosti povyBheniya dopustimoy plotnosti toka pod shchetkami) PERIODICAL~ Vestnik Elektropromyshlonnosti, 1958~No.10, pp, IT-19.. (USSR) ABSTRACT-, A number of tests were made on d.c. electric motors of ratings up to 20 k1f, to determine the influence of brush current-density on brushwear, brush and commutator beating and commutating conditions. The peripheral speed of the commutator was up to 21,3 M/se..-,-the a ecifio pressure on the brushes was maintained at -270-300 g/J, ani~ the ourrenf,-density in the brushes was raised double the standard value given in GORT 2332-43~ The results of -long-term waar'tests on electro-graphite brushes for four differert motors are tabulated, The relationships between brash wear and service life for the same four motors is given in Fig.l. There vfv~ little variation in the degree of sparking and stability of. commutation an compared with normal current-densities.. In some cases commutation conditions were even improved, as shown in Fig,,'; which gives curves for a 16 W, 3000 r.p.m. motor using varioue brush sections. Increased brush current-density had little effee~ on brush or commutator temperatures. It is, therefore, ~_orisiderel; Card 1/2 that h igher current-densities than those included in standard SOV/.110-58-10-4/124 The possibility of increasing the permisaible current-density under brushes, GOST-2332-43 could be used conditions of com=tation. density in brushes should can be simplified and made for d.o. machines with normal New standards of permissible current- be drawn up. If this is done, brush-gear lighter. There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUM[ITTEDs April 17, 1958. 1. Carbon brushes--Performance 2. Carbon brushes--Test methods 3. Carbon bruslies--Electrical factors 4. Electric currents--Thermal effects Card 2/2 JOVARSKIT, Tefim.Rikheylovich;-TIMMINA, V.I., red.; LARIONOT, G.Te., q'-" tekhn 1. red. (Repair of electric machinery] Remont alaktricheakikh mashin. Izd.4., pereemotrannoo i dop. Moskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1960. 262 p. (Electric machinery-Haintenance and repair) (MIRA 13:5) tie TL HER At OW 0. KEN H P4 Bil- f; RO- E gi, ukl 's I 1 1 Te 5v 29 -2 .6 No got IMUHaKIL,-Yafim-Mikhay2m*ch-, RYZHIKH114A) Ye.G., red.; IA.'?1OPON', G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Repair of electrical machinarylRemont elektricheskikh mashin. Izd.5., pereen. i dop. Moskvap GosenergoizdA 1962. 287 p. NIRA 15-11) (Electric rwAchinery-Maintenance and cropair) KOTARY, Istvan, dr.. full-, orr-, gageorvos, fogorvos volt egyetemi tanarseged, foorvon. Intraoranial and mediastinal complications of abscesses and phlegmons of the face with special reference to the border forms. 7ogor7. exemle 47 no-11:353-358 Nov 54. (PA(M, abscess causing intracranial & mediastinal compl.) PACR, dis. (1 phlegmon, causing intracranial & mediastinal comple) (ABSOMSS face, causing intracrantal & madiastinAl compl.) (PM3GHON face, causing intracranial & mediastinal compl.) KOVARY, Istvan, dr. Improved forehead mirror. Fu:Lorrgegegyogyai3z&t 8 no.4:190-192 D 162. 1. A Budapesti Varkeruleti (1) Rendelointezet Ful-orr-gegeosztalyanak (Foorvos: Kovory Istvao dr.) kozlemenye. (OTORMOLAM"GOLOGY) KOVARY, J. Thecamobeans (Testaceans) of the Inferior Fannonian 5ediraents in Hungary. p. 266. FOLDTANI KOZLONY. BULLETIN UF THE hUNGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (Magyar FoldtMi Tarsulat) Budapest. Vol. 80', no- 3, July/Aug. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions Lis (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. fl. No. 12, December 1~~ r C.Y A- 9 allIPTY'KIM Sec.14 Vol-11/3 Radioloa Mar 5 7. 551. K6yARY S. Budapest. *Mit Radiumspickung und Coutardscher ROntgenbe- strahlung geheilter Fall von loymmetrisch-beideeitigem Sarkom des harten Gaumens. A came of symmetrical bilateral sarcoma of the hard palate cured with radium needle.s and Coutard's X - I r r a d I a i I o n 6ST. Z. STOMATOL. 1956, 53/5 (254-25s) nius. 2 Case report of a bilateral giant cell sarcoma In the hard palate, treated merely by a radium implant and fractionated X-ray therapy, with a 5 years' tumour free survival. Lokkerbol - Amsterdam (XIV, 5, 16) CIM-CHO-SLOVAICIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. B-2 Abs Jour: Ref.Zhur-10dmiya, .11o 6) 1957, 19193. Author Lukesh) Kovarzh, Blaha) laoubek Inst Title ~~erldeines, V. Synthesis H-methyl-2-phenawfl- piperidine* Orig Fab: Chem. ListY, 1956, 50) Vo 2)~ 278~-281- 8b. Chekhosl. 11im. rabot,. j,.9560 21, No 3,, 1324-1327. Abstract: Bince V,)e,,")'-me-tbylaminovalerinio aidehyde (1); obtained before as n diusthylacetal (II) (see part IV)) presents seemingly, the Initial product of the alkaloid sedamine product of reduction H-methyl-2-phenacylpiperidine ~111)7, the condensation of I in physiological conditions with benzoylacetic acid (IV), which leads to 111, is studied. I Is isolated from II by titration with IN HM. Card 1/3 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Fi 4- .',~OVARUJ F.; -ILKA, J.; Chrdr of Physiology, Voteri.n;iry ?aculuy, U~1-1-e g~_e of Agri culture (Katedra Fysiolo-io Vetcrinxni alculty L' - U VSZ), Brno. of Calves Weaned on the 3rd Day of Life and Maintain- od -on 1-'ilk-Freo Diet After the 22nd Day of Lifo. IV. Consumption of 1.1ilic and Vegetable Pats in the First 60 Days of Life." Prague, Co-s-17oslovenska Zysiolor.,,ie, Vol 15, 110 5, Sep 66, P 361 Abstract: Absolute and relative amount of fats in total food sup- ply was studied on 12 calves& The absolute consu,,aption of milk fats in the first 21 days was 1200 g, and of vegetable fats 2500g in 60 da s; total per calf 3700 g. The relative consu-.---.ption was 1.24 g kg of body woight per day. On the third day the fats accounted for 51-4/J of total food intake, on the 15th day 6.6%, and after the 22nd day 14-0%- 1 Czech reference. Submitted at 3 Days of Physiolony of Domestic Animals at Liblices 9 Doe 65. 1A - TFUB07Dr , I A~ With tho pur loids in conditions, close to the naturog syntlicalz0a iioru. dimothylacotal,~_aninovalorianio a1dohYdo (I) and dimothylacotal of mothylaminovalorianic a1dollydo (II). I is obtainod from the mothYl ostor of tho somialdchyao of 0,1utaric cid. (m) by moans of dinotilylacotal of mothyl astoraof comialdchydo of glutnrio acid (IV), Ii is obtainod. by tho reduction of dimothylacotalamide (V) and dimot11Y1a00ta1m0thY1amido of t"10 som'r-ldo"Ydo of glu- Card 1/7 CHECHO-SLOVA*ICIA/Organio Chomistry, Synthotic Organic Chor-datry. L-2 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 19192 From the acid VII is obtairiod its mothyl aster via the chloranhydrido yiold 146 g. b.p. 43.5--44.50/11 mm. IV is obtained: a~ by the ozonization of the mothylostor of acid VII (509.) in a modium of mcthylacotato (40o cc) at 00 in tho course of 7~ hours, catal tic roduction of ozonido solution ovor 1;'/ f N/BaS04 (19-~ at a tomperaturc lower than 0, distillation of '%,he solvent boiling the ro- maindor with C1130H (230 cc), CaC12 (10 g.~, and with a saturated no-Uhanol solution of 1101 (5 cc) in the course of 5 hours) subsoquont neutralization) extraction with other, and distillation in vacuum in n coluran, yield is IV (contnina_30j~j dinothyl ostor of acid (XI)) 41p, b.p. 96 970/11 =pn 8D 1.4230,`d~8 1.042~; b) cata- U ly-L c raduction of VIII (100 g.) in a xylolo rnoaiun (400 cc) with 45 PJ,/BaSOjj (5 ) at 1110' and distillation in vacuum III is obtained ~~3 g. b.p. 100-1300126 mm); from Card 1 5/7 CHECHO-3LOVAKIA/Organio Chomistry, Synthotic Organic Chemistry. E-2 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur.-Khimiyal 11o 6, 1957, 19192 III accord. to tho method IV is obtained (contains 27- 29% XI), yield 45,,f,, b.p. 105-.105.50/16) rin. is obtained fron tho r)thyl ostor of tho acmichloranhydrido of ~lutqric acid (~5.21 g.) by catalytic roduction with , lwl a 4% Pd/Ba'04, (~)Z.) in xylolo, fractional distillation, hoating 12.5 g. of the fraction with the b.p. 911-9/60/14.5 mr-i in an abso- luto alcohol (25 cc) modium with alcohol; H01(rasr) (3cc) in th~,- course of 3 hours, subscquont clistillption in vacuitia X (containing an admixture of dioster), b.p. 124.5- 125.5'/17 r=, 1120D 1.11200, d~8 0.9822; n-nitrophcnyl- hydrf,zono, m.p. 118-1191 (fropi aquoous alcohol). V is obtainod by heating IV (10 g.) in C11 011 (~00 cc), natu- rated Iniz, to 1000 in +,he course of ;6 hours in an auto- clavc, distillation of the solvent, oxtracting with C6i6 and procipitation with pctrolouTi other, yield 75-5~', m-P. 750 (from bonzono - patroloun othor). V! io obtained Card 4/7 CHECHO-SLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistryi Synthtic Organic Chemistry. E-2 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-11dAmiya, No 6, 1957, 19192 duction by means of LiAlIf 2 -) in tetrahXdrofurane, by boiling for 6 hours, yield 4(891~p, b-P.76-82'J/10 mm. Part III see RM(him. 11956; 16075- Card : 7/7 2q- B/139/56#A/06/021/031+ ,6X10 E032/ElV+ AUTHORS: Kruglov, S.P , Uvarzh, Z.,-and Lo atin, I.V. TITLE; Relation between the en and the Energy of Gamma - Radiation Incident per Square Centimetre PERIODICAL: IzvestiA vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Fizika) 1959, Nr 6, PP 139-144 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is usual at the present time to express the intensity of gamma radiation obtained from accelerators in energy units such as w/cm2 or MeV/cm2.sec. However2 frequently another unit is used, namely, roentgeamin. On the other hands it is well known that the roentgen loses its significance as a unit above 3 Mev. The Present authors have used the calorimetric method to establish the connection between the roentgen and the energy in MeV/cm2 for Emax = 45, 65 and 85 MeV. The amma rays were produced by the synchrotron of the f eningrad Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences., USSR. The experimental arrangement is shown Card in Fig 1, in which T is the synchrotron target, 3 is l/)+ a lead screen, K is a collimator, M is an ionization chamber monitor, mr is a clearing magnet, KA is the , 69163 S/139/59/000/06/021/031f E032/9114 Relation between the Roentgen and the Energy of Gamma Radiation Incident per Square Centimetre calorimeter, CT is an adjustable calorimeter table, C is the standard ionization chamber (13 mm copper front wall), HK is a thimble chamber similar to the Victoreen chamber (volume = 2 cm3), and ) is a lead jacket (3-1 mm thick). The distances between the various parts of the apparatus are indicated7 and are in mm. The gamma ray beam diameter was determined with the aid of an X-ray film and was found to be 5.45 cm at the standard ionization chamber. The intensity of the gamma beam was found to be uniform over its cross- sectional area to within 2-3%. Recombination effects were found to be negligible.- In the first stage of the experiment the calorimeter was used to determine the energy of the gamma rays necessary to produce one coulomb of charge in thestandard ionisation chamber. The energy necessary to produce one coulomb of charge in the Card monitor was also determined. From these determinations 2/)+ it was found that at Eax 85 MeV the required factor was 4.25 x 1018 MeV/coulomb in the standard chamber. --ouna for t~ e values 69163 S/139/59/000/06/021/03)+ R032/H114 Relation between the Roentgen and the Energy of Gamma Radiation Incident per Square Centimetre at 45 MeV, which is the only point in common with the previous determinations. This paper was reported at the Inter-Collegiate Card Conference on Accelerators (Tomsk, February 1958). V+ There are 2 figures and 6 English references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad Msico-Technical Institute,,_AcademY__QX_ 56-iences, us ) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1958 KOVARZH, Z., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Calometer with liquid nitrogen for absolute measurement of the energy loss of -radiation from accel- erators." Leningrad, 1960. 14 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Physics Technology Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 2?-60, 153) 69427 S/139/6o/ooo/m/ool/041 AUTHORS: Kruglov, S.P., Kovarzh, Z. OW/Eglplatin, I.V* TITLE: Comparison of Ionisation and Calorimetric Measurements of the Intensity of y-rays from a Synchrotron PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh u9hebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, ig6o, Nr 1, pp 3 - 11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been shown (Ref 1) that there is a discrepancy .of 2.5-309'0 between y-ray energy-flux measurements by different methods. The present paper is concerned with the physical reasons for this discrepany and describes experiments which have been carried out using the 85 MeV synchrotron of the Leningrad Physico-technical Institute of the Ac.Sc., USSR. The y-ray flux. was measured both by the calorimetric and the ionisation methods. In the calorimetric method the y-rays were absorbed in a lead cylindrical absorber and the temperature change was measured with the aid of a thermistor. Absorbing cylinders 11 cm and 4 cm long were used. The calorimeter employed is shown in Figure 1. In this figure, 1 is a perspex container, 2 is a steel chamber, 3 are polished plates, 4 are steel pillars, 5 are stirrers, 6 is an C-ardl/,6 aluminium plate, 7 are aluminium foils, 8 are brassiv, 69427 S/139/6o/ooo/oVooi/o4i Comparison of Ionisation and Calorlme f912/A~11 c asurements of the Intensity of y-rays from a Synchrotron flanges, and all the dimensions indicated are in mm. As can be seen, two identical calorimeters are employed in order to reduce the effect of fluctuations in the external temperature. The thermistors in the two cylinders had equal temperature coefficients (to better than 0.500) and were included in opposite arms of a Wheatstone bridge. The cylinders were well insulated from the chamber 2 and from each other. To achieve th4s they were suspended on thin threads in a vacuum of 10 mm Hg. The surface of the cylinders and of the mflectors 3 was carefully polished to reduce radiation losses. The envelope I was. thermostated. The instrument was calibrated with the aid an of a special heating element which communicated/accurately known amount of energy to the cylinders. The calibration curve for a cylinder 11 cm long is shown in Figure -5. The accuracy is indicated by the dotted lines and is 1%. A photograph of the calorimeter is shown in Figure Card2/57 Figure 4 shows the disposition of the apparatus in an actual 69427 S/1-39/6o/ooo/ol/ool./o4i ej.14 urements of the Comparison of Ionisation and Calorimet ~2f& Intensity of y-rays from a Synchrotron experiment. The y-ray beam which leaves the collimator K passes through the monitor M , a clearing magnet mr and enters the cylinder U of the calorimeter KJJ. A standard ionisation chamber C is placed behind the calorimeter in the path of the beam. The charge collected in this chamber per unit energy of the y-beam depends only on the maximum energy E max at a given temperature and pressure. The measurements were carried out in two stages; Firstv the energy of the y-beam necessary to produce one coulomb of charge in the monitor ionisation chamber M was measured using the calorimeter. Next, the ratio of charges collected, during equal times, by the monitor and the standard ionisation chamber C was determined. The product of the two quantities gives the result. The second method employed was as follows. A thin-walled ionisation chamber was placed inside a block of a material. A measurement was then made of the ionisation in the chamber Card3 as a function of the thickness of the material in front of it (transition curve). Since, in the case of complete , ~ 69427 S/139/60/000/01/001/041 EQ~2t,E214 Comparison of Ionisation and Calorimetri e surements of the Intensity of y-rays from a Synchrotron absorption of the y-beam, all its energy is, in the last analysis, usedin ionisation, it follows that the incident energy U of the y-ray can be related to the ionisation in the air-filled region of the chamber by Eq (1), where W is the energy necessary to produce one pair of ions in air, ~M is the ratio of the ionisation losses per cm of path in the substance employed and in air (averaged over electron energies) and I(t) is the number of ion pairs per cm of path in the air gap at a depth t If e is independent of t then the integral 71 Mdt is equal to the area under the transition curve. Figure 5 shows the ionisation chamber which was used. The high-voltage electrode B and the collecting electrode C were in the form of aluminium foils, 0.05 mm thick. The back-scatterer P also serves as the second high-voltage electrode. The depth of the working volume is 2 cm. With Card4/5' such a dimension of the air gap, electrons scattered 69427 S/139/60/ooo/01/001/o4i EO~24ER14 Comparison of Ionisation and Calorimetri e surements of the Intensity of y-rays from a Synchrotron through large angles will be deflected sideways and ,will not contribute to the ionisation. All the measure- ments were extrapolated to zero thickness of the air gap. The experimental technique was similar to that in the case of the calorimetric method. It was found that the calori- mettic method is the most direct and accurate. The only assumption in this method is that all the absorbed y-ray energy is converted into heat and this holds provided chemical changes and changes in the crystalline structure do not take place. The transition-curve method for high Z materials (lead) gives a low result. The main reason lies probably in that the extrapolation to zero thickness of the ionisation chamber cannot be assumed as linear. However, in the case of low Z materials such as carbon, aluminium and copper, the agreement between the calori- metric method and the transltlon-curve method is sufficiently good. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 9 references, I of which is Soviet and 8 are English. Card5/T e r7 '4"'OL4 4~ - L4 '4 S- ( r,::- i .1vothermio pma calorimet+r. Zhur.tekhd'fit. 31 no,l:ll e. (66-24 Js 163., t U$ 12) .I ,.l. Fisiko-tekbnioheBkiy institut AN WSR, Uningrad. .- (G=A rays) 040r"ters) .0 6-0 0 1 1 4 S 00 Of& 00 A 00 14 06 00 00 a it 4141 a goo 00 0 go 00 R 0 WON 0 0 0 a I I t W 10at 3131 34IS362M31040 awl$ -00 -00 -00 .4 0, 000 =,ego too c*e goo 800 so* 4*0 bO 0 Calibratlisn wW Memsurtownt in Twbukwe sewmvh by the Elot-Wire IoWbo& losdo Xogr June 1947. National Adilisori'M ~,r Aero-. noutics, Washington. (Technical Memorandum No. 1130.) Translated from A Milenletem Aerodinami- kal IntketAnn Kisifilt Munks, Budapest, Hungary, 1943. Describes a calibration and measuring apparatus and a method by which: the wire constants can Im determined by simple measurements, the scatter of the latter can be readily smoothed out, and on this basis the amplitude of the fluctuations determined; and the thermal tag (time constant) can be deter- mined by a separate method, under actual Con- ditions. and the required compensation and faith- ful res agse of the entire apparatus can be readily controwe I - ___ Z ASS.&LA WEIALLURGICAL LITERATURI CLAWKATION 114V 63-InT S tOW SITIOUT. Itt/ lldrsov!) SVIONO "Le GNV Got NAIIII OK (MV ISI U 9 AT 00 Ill; ' " 4 * . I 1 4 . I . IT 0 0, it 0 It a a it it x 0 0 ff 1 3F IN a a a v it n i L 0 0 0 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 silo". 00 01 *1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10'qol 000, 00 41.0 0 a 0 0 e ~-GIT T ,A .4 00 A fell A 01 00 0#0 0 00 .3 h r 772, SM DWRCIV4MS IN HOT WIRE AMMOMMM. (Hungar. Act& Phys., 1948* vol. 11 k3), 25-51). I Kovassnay, L. 1. 0. '00 '00 YURMical characteristics of the hot wire are introduced into the "'0 thoory takkng Into consideration the reaction o!' h ating current 00 fluctuatio-n upon the hot wire caused by tho resistance fluotuAtion te, 10 f the wire Itself. loose of sensitivity and variation of time con- 0 =0 I etant depend on'the ftmign of beating circuit. Sq- current Waves are applied to the hot wire for the study of compensation performanco and measurement of time constant. A compensated amplifier based upon ;rem a now working principle is described. The amplifier has two separate stages In parallelp both of them satisfying simple requirements for frequency characteristics. The compensation Is controlled by varying the amplification ratio of the two stages by means of a simple potent- lug*! S 4 - S L A MY&LUAWCAL LITINATME CLASSWICATION CIO* U a *f go 1% An i I I rw 0 :is Is 0 0 0 0 6 0:0 1W : : : : 00 * & 0 GA 0 0 G 00 0 YJJVAIU (Hunwinn) sea also MAGS KOVATS, A. Melyepitestudomanyi Szemle - Vol. 5, no. 4/_5, Apr. / May 1955. Railroad bridges. p. 175. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9. Sept. 1955 Uncl. KOVATS, A. Develo-nent of tramDortation b- cableway in Tlj-~ngary. p. 41~1. Vol 5, no. 12, Dec. 1c)55. KOZT,,--,F,'FDE3TUDO!:A,'-TvI SZF,'.IF,. Budapest., T!Unga-v. So: 1~astern Eur-,,pean Accn-ssion. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 KOVATS, Attila afi~ 603 television receiving set. (Conclusion). Radiotechnika. 10 no.2.:46 F 160. KOVATS, Bela Insuring quality requirements In supplying drinking water from storage reservoirs. Hidrologlai kozlony 42 no.2gl2l-128 Ap 162, 1. Vizugyi Tervezo Iroda, Budapest. ILIZI, Vilmos; KOVATS D t4Geza- MATRAI, Istvan; ZIEGIER, Karoly; Y = ;i4 , ~-~-Yo^~zo - 't Efficiency of production and utilization of water power. Energia es atom 14 no.4/5:190-195 I~y 161. 1. Vizugyi Tervezo Iroda. 2. ITnergia os Atomtechnika" szorkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Illei). -KOVATS., D. Geza, mernok Conference on the Development of Watei lesources Mlanagement, Pudapost, September 9-11.,19b4. Vizugyi kozl nr,4:5.19-522 1'64. 1. Division Chief, Water Resources Plannirg Office, Budapest. -r-, r 1lic -:3-1 111cchnolo'. Qq_ PAM F :Oocc~_,., nlf,., ~,r JOIJP, UThim, 110. 1960j No, ) A U ~MOR : Vx"o s El. ; Kow, t~ z B. ; Torio z 1, 1 71v"'T. : T, T 2 : Pofllning of 11otor OLLs 1,) I'Cr' ) I JJO 0 2. 6:: C iOR'G. PURI. I ?Jja 1:0-M. lapja 1A:,-;S'.7%hC,'T ~L.Nila clar-O thernosr.)l-vcni; - i -Ictllor,", (Till) of -purification o'L ivb-oic tirr; 4-he and result.S. Q1 devoloped 1), Of corrperatlivo ex-pGri-J1011ts In PLlrificallt*doll otlarur 2--iothads, are described. The hqavy o-'l (11 -s tilla, to o 'L naplitacilo baso vitb, 6-'D 0 . 9.) rvo~ a,, raw -7id -Viscosit'i I.L701.0, Ost/37-80 so ard Petrolo-Lm, 11otor and itiockot Dubvicants Ai_90 ';W0,01 /1'2/000/003/068/000 .31 Z (,1/13101 V' :izos , '--Endi-c ; Kovfi ts , -1di t 7 1 T LE Cont--ct rcfinin-- of lubricatinc- oils at, high teL,;,porature 2~iRIO.07C.~L: .Ivry- 71-rarnal. Khimi -b z; t r a c t .1 ya, no. 3, 4167, 3:,'.174 pasv'anyolaj - es kiz;6rl. int. k6zl. no. 2, 1961, 105 - 115) on t1le re-N-ning of i-.iotor oils activatcd and nonactivated T: 3tudj-,~, 0 ~, 1; j 'h clays f domestic or4-,r,in have slo,.,:n. that tlae best bleaching arents U ---a cl*s actva'cd vii-~h acid. The j~reatest eff ect obtained when the U C. (Dils refined .,.-ith cresol are moa claY us%~d a' 200 30C . U to ble:-:ch than those refined with furfurol or 3henol. It wa~. found that, ,,or successful bleachi-,Q~ with clays, lhydroEan should be excluded. I' a-bstracterls note: Complete tra"slaition.' Card 1/1 /X,3/009/055/0,75 31 U, V?---os, Kov"its, Zdit, F61C-IvUri, Ist'va'n separation of saaturLted hydrocarbons (..,-C- 1 u'.' I C A ererativny,y -hurn,ll. i\".himi.,,?a, no. -19, abstrac, 72 Cry a r(1svhn3-olaj-C'1S fol'it-'I'tz int. 'k-bZ1., no.2' 1 ~9 61 '17 - 84) 7"- .erosine fractions consistinC, of hydroc:&rbons t%-ith, -12 carbon at=s 11 - 1. t"-e i-.;olecule an' s,.i- ble as a source of ray., maerial for the 1:1::Inu~%c~ure ta of synthetic deterE-cnts should be almost completely 't'ree of aromt-;tic col..2_ :)O~Inds. 'Tests .-.-ere made to ascertain the -oossibility oil rcmovinc the aro~ ... fraction of Tuymazy petroleum by &Olsor-,tion. Irj tics from the 1~erosine the first, ver~;ion, the k,~rosire fraction, diEsolved in a low-boilinr petrol- eUM solivent containinc no aromatic coi-iioounds, is passed throu8h a colu;-.-.n L~ - containin,g silica i-el. Elution of the saturated compounds is effecled at 0C, a 1 0 20 ni of t*ne aroiaat.ic compounds at 150 - 180 C- ..hen the layer of -..d- sorbent has cooled, the process oun be r0pul,"t0d. In thL2 30cond vomdon, heavy E~is oil contai-in.- no.arom%tics is used as the solvent. The proceo_~ Card 112 Ch-r.o,-,,a-tographi.c separation ... Z-1/061/62/000/009/055/075 B160"/B144 is carried out in one cycle as in the first version. rAbstracter's note: ~Iom.olete translation.1 Card 2/2