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PITRA,,J.; KOVARIKO - 9 ' Chemistry and iharmacology iDf -cardlotoda drugs of vegetable origin. --%sk. farm. 11 tw4151259-276 Je 1620 1. V~zk=ny ustav prirodnich leciv, Praha. (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) KOVAHIKOVA, A.; ELIS $ J. Convdasant and pELralytie properties of 16-hydrcxystrophantidin. Physiol. Bohemoblov. 11 no.61535-541 162. 1. Research InstittLte for Natural Drugs and Central PI-rmacological -Laboratory, Institute of Organic and Biochemistry., Czechoslovak Acaderay of Sciences, Prague. (CARDIAC GLYCOSIMS) (CONVULSIONS) (MUSCLES) 0 V A 'V ~D * 'K ~Q`i t~ IFF, El an F, t i t o 17 .1 i at u r r ~_-pn i ~ (Vyzlrjrmi-y uotrpe- ~prirodnicln lnciv~Prnhr,.) Entqr-cl. roi-rption of Cardiac- 01-yoosides. PrF,guA, Ynrninia Vol 1-1 1.10 10, ";d,, pp R)qtrapto It pfirt of e lethal (lose of d1go,xi or nacet, n Llyld C- oXin -,M vd-jr1l.nintored intrwenously, ifter )~ hr)urn !on wris continuad until t,,e Or.-TUrv.,ls boftrt Stop,pad.The fin- :-.L pannt-Ity of the lethel doge -,-as d-lLffereat 1.7iiun tlL-i,_. tit- ratioll wtin fini3l-ind -At- the originiq! substiqri,~-e Prort ths drmo found whcm tho Wes co-1ploted lAtIl rz-stror"A- entin.This pheno-menon Is caiasocl by the slow Get,= of dig- in nnd millpr effeot is found w~ien th,~ -~wiethod oP ad'Altional b1trstion iz gives hiphOT' absorption valuea,Tlie author recom.71,,,':.4nd9 the w+iole tillrntlon with the oricinal 3,,ibqt,*rnce.5) TnblVs,7 reforenc- .1c". .1 -TUjjjZ'rrjan. 5 ARIENT, M.; KOVARIKOVA, H.; CIRAK, A. Contribution to the determining the N-mothyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide in the urine of patients with malignant disease. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.7;1711-1714 J1 162o 1. Department of Olin-.Leal Laboratories, Central Military Hospital Praguos;#AW Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry., Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. SPONARY J.; FRIC, L; STOKROVA, S,; KOVARIKOVAJ, J. On heterogeneity of human serum albumin. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.7:1831-1837 J1 163. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. PAVLICEK, Z.; KALOUS, V.; KOVARIKOVA, J. Relation of the M-2 components of the oarum to the haptoglobin. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.7:1593-1597 J1 162. 1. Institut fur phyaikalische Chomie, Karlsuniversitat~ Frag. F CZECHOSLOVAKIA �ZDjLkR, J; FRI C, 1; STOKROVA, S; KOVARIKOVA, J. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czechoslovak Acadedy of Sciences, Prague (for all) PragueI Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, No 7, 1963, pp lU3-T--IM "On Heterogeneity of Human Serum Albumin." KWLIK, M.; FRIC, P.; HUSLAROVAj A.; HORACEK, F. f- KOVAROVA, MO FRIEDBERGER, V. Preoperative diagnosis of anicteric obstrdations of the choledochus. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no. 211566-572 28 My'65- 1. Interni oddeleni fakultni polikliniky Karlovy University, v Praze (vedouci: prof. dr. K. Herfort, DrSc.); Centralni rentgenove oddeleni fakultni polikliniky Karlovy University v Praze (vedoucit MUDr. F. Horacek) a II. chirurgicke kli- nika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednostai prof. dr* Jo Lhotka, DrSo.). KOVARIKOVA, iti ZUNAr Vl. Read injuries in children. Rozhl. chir. 40 no.11,702-706 N 161. 1. 11 chirurgicka klinika v Plzni, prednosta doe. dr. J. Spinka. (BRAIN wds & inj) KOVARIKOVA, V.; ZUNA, Vl.; SEBOR, J. Abscesses of Douglas' pouch as a complication of acute appendicitis. Rozhl. chir. /+:L no.2:139-W F 162. 1. 1 chirurg. klini)m lek. fak. KU v Plzni., prednosta doe. dr Spinka. (DOUGIAS POUCH dis) (ABSCESS) (APPENDICITIS compl) KOVARNIK, Franti8ek Matematika. Sbirka uloh pro 1. rocnik povolani 6/1 - zednik, 6/2 - fasadnik- - stukater-modelar, 6/3 - tesar, 6/4 - zelezar-betbnar, 6/10 - kamenik. (Mathematics; a Collection of Problems for the 1st Grade of the Training in the Occupatinns 6/1; Bricklayer, 6/2: Plasterer, Stucco Plasterer, Molding Plasterer, 6/3: Carpenter, 6/4: Concrete-Block Mason, 6/10: Stonecutter. 1st ed. illus.) Prague, SNTL, 1957, 31 p. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 36. 15 00t 57. p. 77940. KOMOV, Sarpi 6orgievieh Technology of industrial geophysics; trepanning and opemtions in the shafts Moskva. Gos. nauch.-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi, i gomo-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1947. LF-7 P. (Ih9-2hOq2) 1. Geophysics. 2. Prospecting KDVAROVA, A., MUdr. Health education in Peoples German Republic. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no.8:481-483 Aug 56. 1. Ustredni ustav zdravotnicke osvety v Praze. (HELLTH KDTJCATION, in E. Germany (Oz)) v I ?- KOVAROVA, An Health education in Italy. Gesk. zdravot. 5 no.12t720-724 Doc 57, 1. Uotredni ustav adravotnicke oevety. (Huim zwrATION in 1ta:L7 (CZ)) KOVAROVA, A. MUDr. Health education filme in rural localities. Studies and comparisons of the effectivenews of popular documentation and narrative health education films in a rural locality. Cesk.zdravot. 7 no-11:707-710 D '59 1. Ustredni ustav zdravotnicke osvety v Fraze. HEALTH EMATION) RAL HEALTH) M (MOTION PIGTMS) 3)CUTLIK, S.; JANDA, V.; LYSA, A.; KOVAROVA, B,j techn. spoluprace Clinico-olectroenceplialograr-,hic' studies in varicella encephalitis. Cesk. neurol. 23(56) no.7:444-450 160. 1. Infekeni klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU, prednosta prof. &-. J.Prochazk-a I-Teurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty hkienicke KU, prednosta doe. dr. Z. I-L-cek. (CIIICIC,,~",Pox 11) (ENCEPHALMS etiol) (Y'Ll,',GT,18,E,MNPCEPliALOGRMHY) J Di DRAKC, Karel, KOVAROVA, Dana, Tale granuloma of the endomotri-am. Sborr. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.1+005-510 1 65. 1. Patologicko-anatomicky ustav (prednosta: prof. 14UT)r. A. Fingerlwid, DrSc-.) z Gyriekologicko-porod. odd. nemocnice, Trutmov (pradnosta: prim. MUDr. J. kriiisochr). STANKOITIANSKI., S.~ KOVAROVA, H.? MADAJOVA, V. Si;udy af renotiona of some derivat!ves of ld indandione with rega~-d to their analytical use, Pt,I, Acta r nat Univ Com 9 no.5i273-284 165. 1. Ch.,A'.r of Aralytical ChatIstry of the Faculty of Natural Selenne5 of Comenina University, Bratislava. Suhmitted Dec~embar 20, 1963. ROUSY J.; KOVAROVA, J Contribution to the problem of the relation between olfactory disorders to changes In the pH of the nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis. Cesk. otolaryng. 12 no.2292-98 Mr 163. 1. Nlinika nemoci usnich, noonich a kroniob 2ekarske fakulty KU v Plzni prednosta, prof. dr. F. Kotyza. HrDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION) (HAT FEVER) ~NASAL HUCOSA) (SMELL) KEGLIK,, M.; HORACEK, F.; KOVAROYA, M.; FRIC, P. Contribution to the diagnosis of incomplete bile duct obstruc- tion by intravenous-cholangiography. Cesk. gastroent. vy%. 17 no.7:402-410 Nt63 1. Interni oddeleni fakultni polikliniky v Praze (vedauci prof. dr. K. Herfort) a Centralni rentgenove oddeleni fakultni poli- kliniky v Praze (vedouci MLTDr. F.Horacek). HRUSKA, Vaclav, podplukovnik dr.; TOCIK, Michal, podplukovnlk dr.; Technicka spoluprace: KOVAPOVA, Marcela, F.4HA, Milualav hingicin) effect of peracetic. aeld on moaL microflorti, Voi. zdrav. listy 34 no.5:215-217 0 165. Possible use of paracotid aftdvpf~etablo d1s- Infection. lbid.:217-220' 1. Bygienicko-epidemiologicky oddil Plzen. XOVAROVA j V. KO MUDr ; MICHALICKOVA, J. , MUDr Influenzal infections in infants. Pediat. ligty 9 no.2:116-118 AP 854. 1. Virolg. ustav Co. akademie vied, prednosta akademik D.Blaskovich, Bratislava. II. detsks, klinika SU v Bratislava, prednosta MUDr J.Michalickova. (INFLUIEZA, in infant and child,) KOV A R OVI). \1 - Bi"KOVIO' D. V. !01! Apidemiologic and laboratory considerations on 1952-1953 winter and 1953 April epidemics in Slovenia, Bratiel'. lek.listT 34 no.8: 841-851 Aug 54. 1. 9 Virologickeho ustayu Ga. a W onto vied, riaditel akademid D.Blaskovic, a z Oblastneho ustavu spidemilogia a aftrobiologis v Bratislave, riaditel 4P. J.Karolwesk. (nWLVRN7.A, spidsmi6logy, In Czech.) b PO THURZO, Viliam,-MUDr.; SLMYCIUSOVA, Maria, MUDr; KLIMM, Milos, MUDr.; KOVAROVA, Valeria, M(Mr Now filtrable fowl tumor. Cesk.onkol. 1 no-3-4:230-234 1954. 1. Isoledevatellskii institut Onkologii, Bratislava, u1. 0o. armadjy 17. (IMULASMS, TTerimental, myxoearcoma, filtrable in fowl) (MYXOSARCOMA, experimental. filtrable in fowl) I'D OVAN, SMIDA, J.,' Inz.; KOVAHOYA. V.. MUDr (Bratislava, Ul. GSA 17) Comparison of two Mat~od of puriftexttion of fowl tumor B77 virus by precipitation with Am onium sulfate and by fractional emntri- fugation. Cesk.onkol. 2 no.2-14149-155 1955. 1. Vyakumny iistav enkologicky, v Bratislava. (NROPIASMS, virusesI fowl tumor B77 virus, purification by ammonium sulfate Precipitation & centrifugation) (VIRUSES$ fowl tumor B77 virus, purification b~r ammonium sulfate precipitation & centrifugation) - - .;"W.LIJA 5ec 10 Vol 10/11 Obstetrics Nov 57 2045. KOV~ROVA V., SIRACK~ J. and SIMKOVIC D. Oncol. Res. Inst., Bratis- Ia-Va-.--r-A-TTtrInpt at serial passaging of Ca cervicis uteri nto the chorionallantoic membrane of chick embryos L. ONKOL. 1956, 3/3 (201-204) Illus. 2 K Of 9 human squamous cell cervical carcinomata it is claimed that 4 were cultivated on the chorionallantoic membranes of 10-day embryonated hen eggs, carcinoma tissue being demonstrable up to the third passage. Prolonged cultivation in vitro was not achieved with any of the tumours. Hewitt - London (V, 10, 16) CZECHOSLOVAKIA General Problems of rathology. U Immunity. Abs JoUr: Ref Zhur-Bio.l., No 9, 1958, 41864. Author : Oraveo, C.,1 Holoubek, V.j Kovarova, V., Klimec, M., Bazany, Me Inst : Not given. Title : The Properdin'System in a Tumorous Disease. IV. The Level of Properdin in Guinea Pigs Treated with Cortisone, X-rays and with Herpes Virus. Orig Pub: Neoplasma, 1957, 4, No 1, 7-9. Abstract: The investigations were conducted in connection with the effectiveness of experiments on hotero- transplantation of tumors with application of cor- tisone and X-ray irradiation. Guinea pigs were injected, for a period of 5 days, with 2.5 mg of cortisone acetate intra-abdominally, or were once irradiated with 600 r, or were infected intrader- Card 1/2 ,of '-, 116 /'? 0 f/// 11tq i f -'/~ / 'q SMIDA, 4OULMIff, Viktor; KOVAROVA, Valeria; ORAVEC, Ctirad Some aspects on the immmobiological behavior of the virus tumour B-77. Neo-planma, Bratiol. 4 no.4:127-333 1957. 1. Oncolopxical Research Institute, Bratislava. (VIM315'. eff . tumor 3 77 virus, on hemagglut.) (dAMAGGWTIMTICK eff. of tumor B 77 virus) (mrOPIASMS, * expet'. I eff. of tumor B 77 virus on hemagglut.) KOVAROVIC, J.; FRIED, A. Blood modifications following infectious hepatitis. Yoj.zdrav. list.Vl 19 no.11-12:266-267 Nov-D6c 50. (CLML 20:5) x0VAROWWYA, A. A. 27619 Drobnoo Otkrytie Kadmiya. Zhurnal Obahchey Xhimii, 1949, VyF. 8, s. 1459-60. Bibliogr; S. 146o. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Stateyl Vol. 37, 1949 Kmllt % I , ; `)~ hUNI I;,"? P.1-1. ; LIEVATCVS!~:LYA , I I.; L, 1TV :.K , L.P. ; KIRPILC I I NMKG~l I i I. "i . ; U'UP'V'Icfi, Yu. A. Effect of i3tabilizers on a Prolonged thormal oxidative aging of the polyaiudp, 1168.11 Plast. massy no.8:71-8 165. (11,11RA 18:9) GINTSBEM , E.G.; CHIBISOVA, Ye.I.; KOVARSKAYA, B.M. Polarographic analysis of the products of thermal oxidative degradation of polyester resins based on maleia and chlorendic anhydrides an ethylene glycol. Plast. massy no.10:42-" 165. (MIRA lg:iu) 'UDO: 678.6 44- -14 .0481.2 0* :- : : : : : M, 09111 -10- 0114,01 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i i - i 11 it u is 16 11 A it a I 9 It 21 IS it is h V a It 6 a 0 0 a a ! 36 it W 33 Is In to pis * 4 &1 42 u It a v t--A. I -m ~ 00 CC I*- U A A It - 6 Sa ('01104dal and cb*;Wcal lavrolliffation of thdrient blands of let": InAtufal talon, jet#%, Rtwovirs. Revoritt r atid RoVallou It. A. IN-Ondkm &'W It W - - - - , TM P 1 0061, hoo. d#4 RkN-ft v( ) 193i Rk .1 Iwdy ."a Jr.1wi6so it( I be Iwlurr.~ 44 t tie %I I vOwItt 0 tmII.-Wv. A2) k~mwj%.. (3) ICIIIII. AIM 1, 1) 0,14't .4 MI, .00 aittl KOII -m III,- Nm"Ai~ t%v- %It thmis of dem. -A the "Ifiir-Ithohl W mmf .00 of dillk." of 1AIrMIS, the 11111MIOV Of F~O.. he* AvOll. ll*Ct,. ItIvOs stRi NaCI ou (It,, -Imbit. ity 44 late%c* at truips. (Imil -45* I'S WO'. AIIJ the w1h, ~ 194 rom vu this stability of thv addu. of S 13%1, /nO t6%j. i COO III, P). LoWits 1111-1 aml C 1,14, L 44,1 0- 1N 'I.-fl mlldwd. yj at CIO 0 .. ..... wee iv,u*j .1. 0.V a., u It As No 6 IT 4" ?I, An I I I to -.1 j It ,-,00 3 0 0 04 0 0 900 0.10 go 0 se e T TT Td T T I'MOC175491 AND Fee-0111116 00 II 00 -A 9 99 Schatim in dbpwm SYMMM, L 96batim i al rubber in dimperWIm 369d" : 011 dlftrmt 00 1 I Paulo". U. i ed rubbw siols. W samserbg by nftw 00 1 . V. MAIDOAM"T and X*Y4 WA of it E! a H* Phydooddm- "BiLl. 19"1.-4 ill 0 6,: types 00 Sol ON rods for rubber we distinguished, (j) h oa it for warf am the w . ! ~ - -,L- p6mary ==1411": YW. 4=4 ~ mumm b= MW **'A OUWUO swelft mt4 ebmadmixed by small mol. dimenslom. w" peadrsts, Into the micellem wj cWtAse OMOUD swellil*. I ILA SETALLURGKAL UTIRATUMI CL411WK47000 .3". 7 -777=-77::: b U AV AD All; 4i at ~aa a Op pt 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -t-C 0_0 0009010*9*9999119- w 31 12 a x 0 x p Q it C 0 w io -Do 4 -00 -71.16bber been Invew-Upted (a) to stud%, '.00 the effed of the smal. w4we of the solvent on thek r meclmdtisl popartlea, asid (b) to detemine the vadalwaletbi yw- Val. on oooRM In diffamt .00 that the Gwyent don 00 ~b"ft Mw ~ results Mesta that the Wh -,, .160 goo Mbobs"~Nbwgth of vubber sols in solvents (0) develo ad b the lli =00 swe ng y ;Mllm wM& b.. el the centres of a g which 100 I nWiA* tmp. > the of the pum solvent; rul)bar f- " 11R.Oolveits (1),wil advanood surface molvation, fom'D'p I _Sob aii cooling. UL The yuktion of the Weemit f tt d 0 wA crt y o ht Irith.the Oo6w. of rubber " and wla of ' Iv inyl PdAymmids bai bon studied in various molvmtc The abs. turbkUty X, of the rubbw as the solvent ps"m up the merim of h)4ro- The variaticra of 11X with dflution is i I linear. W. R. A EZ- -goo An I I v w5 x a i ur @q 3Z-i-i 13: 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w v - w W41 61 "1 M A LLA L_f_jj-_A_"4A 4 -!L M systenw. IV. 0400WAUm of vubber moh=wdii of difbmt PObUIU03- V. MAWARrrov AM R KOVAUKAJA (Act& PhyxicoeblML U."&, 19" The caWktion of rubber CaHids C%MHII, CHC~. CA and eydamum b C, 00 81XI 'I ty am I ,- BuOH. Z11 hu ban iM'3gZd amount of ()a coguiste the Ofulb, 4 -PION at AUOH required to 1013 lu~ v&h! t6 me), wt. of the dbpmvlm me&, $-0R uces no oosphtion or C V Optem in which volvatim is pmbabL!(al j are more staWe th- th- in wh" rubber u=~ vol. solvation (CC14). L S. T. aAjvmf CL&SSWK&TIOM j~i efULLUKKa LITE T W 5 A3 -eel -00 roe Jo 0 !see Woo a j U 10 Fv peril CW44 sit 19 a IT 00 of 0 Ain. It APITALLUVOIC&L L1190471001 CkAUPKAVIN Urn too-ol #"SAW A ssbq~ .1b o"v Get M11.11 OwG., AS& o a W 0 a 10 a 0 of V* ell up A, am 0 0 A 0 0,010 0 4.10 0000 of 00609009000 0.0 0..0 0. 0 4 A~-O. O:Ab. O-L-614-6 0 0 09 0 0 0 :ISO Coo NOW too too 0 W , a a it, N it V it Is 11 11 it is 0 it It u U a e 14 p Il .11 V iA 1 A I AS N EL 90 UjI It t 4 a 'Lw .1 4:5~4 Influence of the rAturv of solvent on the proptrUes of frectiossol claturmil rubber. - , f . 767-70(li W); c ultmov. "-id J. tLI. S. S. R.) S. C. A. 34.11UP.-Solus. of PaIrrit1w nIIIIx`r ill 1`10 stilt ill C.1111.victe ppid. by H'1011 m atilt ill, d flav, toll, wk-tv th*iolved ill Vadmisik'1vttlit. showed a tichavior illvolmi'tent lti(b the 111"KY W StAud- illArt (cf. C. A. 3z' ~L'~mi- *I. (I I T%o of tile 41 fiactimi. ) Th e gavv vismsitks not ptotxXtiotwal to tile Courn. (L *0 r ftactiuns frorit Ft*O had lower vi-co~ities thart thosw from 00 C.11s. this shows that the solvetat affected tile propefliv, - l i f f m rart 0 rat mol. wt. o of tile nitilper. (3) The apimi dclivil. Ird oil I lie j-1vi-I't ll,eij I'W fif V. (4) I he 1,811" W I hr viwo'll it-4 of '.1 it avli'm' dclivild"I mI the ' - l Wa. Ow - N4V'11t. 0) 1111, 9 vighle 4 a llil%t. ol ripla to tile Intill of tile willir viwo%itics; tIIi% judwat- all 0 ~ afluirption of mmarr 131ols. by latter Illieclics. T. 1. Biketman ZO 0 06 0 7*7-rl 00 .99 00 too -09 t I ;LOS &0 14 1 1 a-, -- - too ' 4400 U S A, '0 Is: 1, 0 V Dr ad K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11W n 1 0 111 0 0 9 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0-0 0 0-00 0 0 0 ot 1) 0 0!0 a 0 0 0 0 so too 0 a 0 00 KOVARSKAYA,. B. M. Cand, Chem. So,. Dissertation: "Physicochemical investigation of the Degrees of Dispersion and Hydrophobization of Cellulose k'illers for Condensation Plastics.), Inst of Physical Chemistry, Acad Sci USSR, 5 Jun 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, jun, 1947 (Project #17836) KOVARSY,AVA, B. M. viscoolastic properties henol-for "1414ch 0 and "). L. NUIZ. J. (U Ohemic C. al Abet. 14, =406-7rgj*~ngl. at C -A. 47 Vol. 48 No. 8 Apr. 259 1954 Synthetio Redue and Motion FD-963 USSR/Chemistry Plastics Card 1/1 Pub- 50 6119 Authors Kovarskaya, B. M., Cand Chem Sci Kanavets, I. F., Cand Tech Sci; Tsj"p`-es-,-_L-.-ya-----Cand Tech Sci Title quantitative determination of the adhesion of thermosetting press- ing composition to the surface of pressure molds Periodical nim- prom., No 7, 410-412 (26-28), Oct-Nov 1954 Abstract Developed and describe a method of measuring the adhesion of press- ing compositions to the mold with the aid of a plastometer designed by Kanavets. Make recommendations for operational procedures which will reduce adhesion. One reference, USSR, since 194o. Four tables, 3 graphs- Ifistitution Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Plastics. 15. 1.11. GOLUDI-I'MM-A, L.Y., AICUTIII, M. I'l., ond SLO,',M',5!U.Y, G. L. "Epo.-:ldc va"d then-knom-2chunicol Properties," 4.~, T-a-i-or - -,in't" . 'i prcc- L., Ct tulic ~th ConGn2ss on The ftemis-t-r.~', and Physics of Illigh 2f jDn-21 Fob I-' ,),7, 1.1loscow, Plastics ?,-~stuarch Inst. B-3 , CT,4, 3915 KARGIN, V.A., akAd6mik; KDVARSKAYA, B.M.; GOLUBENKOVA, L.I.; AKUTIN, M.S.; SLONIMSKIY, G.L".~~-~"--~-"In---W-~--' Block-copol7mer from phenol-formaldebyde resins and nitrile rubber. Dokl. AN SSSR 112 no.3:485-486 Ja 157. (NLRA 10:4) 1. Goaudarstvenny7 nauchno-isslodovateliskiy I pro7ektW inatitut plasticbeekikh mass. Oitrile rubbers) (Phenol condensation products) AUTHORS: Rogovin, Z. A., Kovarrikaya, B. M. SOV/156-58-2-40/48 TITLE: InvestiCation of the Thermomechanical Properties of Stereo- reL-ular Polypropylene (Isaledovaniye termomekhanicheskikh svoystv stereorob-ulyarnogo polipropilena) (9.Publications From the Series "Investi~-atioiis in the Field of the Production of New Types of Carbochain-Fiber4(9-ye soobshcheniye iz serii "Issledovaniya v oblast-i polucheniya novykh tipov karboteepnykh volokon") PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhp.ologiya, 1958, Nr 2, PP. 361 - 364 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The detert,.iination of the change of elasticity as well as of fluidity of the plastic at increased-temperatures of processing plays an important role in the investigation of the properties of the polypropylene mentioned in the title, The determination of the influence of its molecular weight and the phase state (whether amorphous or cystalline) is of equal importance for the change of the mentioned I)ro- perties, The optimum parameters of the technological process Card 1/4 cannot be determined without a sufficient study of the Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties of SOV/156-58-2-40/48 Stereoregular Polypropylene. (9.1-lublications From the Series "Investigations in the Field of the Production of New Types of Carbocliain-Fiberd') mentioned problems. For this reason these factors are inves- tigated in detail. In order to cet-?rmine the characteristics of fluidity at increased temperatures the Kargin (Refs 1-3) dynamovietric balance was used.,' Tne determinations were carried out under the action of a permanent stress (6-00 kg/cm2) on a standard sample (diameter: 10 mm, height: 5 M) during 10 seconds- A polypropylene preparation produced by Krentsel and his collaborators in the Topchiyev Laboratory served as base material,. The -amorphous product was isolated by extraction with toluene at 200 from the propylene sample. Fractionation was carried out according to a method due to the second author (Ref 4). On figure 1 the thermomechanical curves of the individual amorphous fractions which deviate froA-2ach other by up to 30 times (as to the value q,) are shown. The authors draw the following conclusions from the 'Its: resu~ 1) It was proved that the increase of the molecular weight of the amorphous as well as of the crystalline polypro- Card 2/4 pylene considerably influences the increase of temperature Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties of SOV/156-58-2-4o/48 Stereoregular Polypropylene. (9. Publications From the Series "Investigations in the Field of the Production of New Types of Carbochain-Fibers") of its fluidity. 2) As is the case with other polymers also here a difference in the character of the curves of the amorphous fractions on the one hand and of the crystalline fractions on the other hand was observed. The determination of the shape of these curves may fiirniah one of the criteria of the phase state of those fractions which are isolated from stereoregular synthetic poly-mers. L.A.Pedorova collaborated in the experimental part of the investigations. There are 2 figures and 4 references, Vhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra iskusstvennogo volokna Moskovskogo tekstillnogo instituta .'(Chair of Plastic Fibers of the Moscow In- stitute of Textiles SUBMITTED: December 23, 1957 Card 3/4 Investi-ation of the Thermomechanical Proporties of SOV/156-58-2-Ilto/46 Stereoreg-ular Polypropylene. (9.Publioations From the Series !kInvestisqations in the Field of the Production of New Types of Carbochain-Fibere") Card 4/4 A'o V /'q e-.w & 1.7 Y/~' Q-_9 - /9') - 69-20-1-5/20 AUTHORSi Golubenkova, L.I., Kovarskaya, B.M.t Akutin, M.S., Slonimakiy, G.L. --------- TITLE: Thermomechanical Investigation of Epoxide Resins (Termomekha- nicheskoye issledovaniye epokBidnykh smol) PERIODICALz Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol. XX, # 1, pp 34-37 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Epoxide resins may be either thermoplastic or thermoreactive, depending on the initial diphenyl propane and epichlorohydrine components. Thermoreactivity begins at a molar ratio of I ; 1.5 of the initial components and at a further decrease of the epichlorohydrine content. The thermomechanical curves of the initial resins were obtained on a dynamometric scale. The solidified specimens were measured on a consistometer. Epoxide resins are low-molecular, i.e. they pass from the vitrified condition into a vi8cous-fluid one. The vitrification tempera- ture varies between 5-500C. Solidified resins are prepared by using a hardening agent, polyethylonepolyamine, for 30-45 days. The reduction of the epichlorohydrine content to a ratio of 1 : 1.2 and a 10-hour heating at 2000C produces the resin type ED-15, which is elastic at increased temperatures. Card 1/2 hesins with lower numbers of epoxide groups are more elastic Tharmomechanical Investigation of Epoxide Resins 69-20-1-5/20 at increased temperatures than those with higher numbers. Thermoreactive resins, solidified without addition of a har- dening agent, have a higher heat resistance and have a better appearance than those solidified by amines and resol resins. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno -i ss 1 edovat ell skiy I proyektnyy institut plasticheskikh mass, Moskva (Scientific Research and Designing Institute for Plastics, Moscow) SUBMITTED: January 25, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 PETROV, G.S. [deceased]; LEVIN, A.N,., GARBAR, R.I., red.-,.XOYARSKATA, Bju, red.; IWAX, TeoGss takhnered, (Thermosetting resins and plastic material@] Termoreaktivnye smoly i plastioheskie massy. Pod red. H.I.Garbara. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.iod-vo khim,lit;ryg 1959. 309 P. (HIRA 13:2) (Resins, Synthatio) (Pla tico) GOLUBENKOVA, L. I.; KOV.AMKAYA, B.m.; LVANTOVSKALI. I.1.; AKIJTIN, U.S.- Mechanism of the bardening of epoxy resins with amines. T sokcrma soed.. 1 no.1:103-109 Ja '59- (MIRA 12-';~ 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy I proyektW inatitut plantichookikh muss. (Resins, Synthetic) (ArIn0s) GOIUBY.NKOVA, L.I.--ROURSKAYA. B.14.; AMIN, U.S. Tharmomechnnical investigmtJon of opoxy roeins. Vy8okom.nond. 1 nn.1:109-113 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Nauchna-issladovatallaldy i proyektrqy inatitut plastichefskikh isass. (ReBins, -7ntbetic) XDVARSK:AYA, B.M.; GOLIMENKOVA, L.I.; AKRIN, M.S.; LBVANTOVSKAYA, I.I. Preparation of some block polymers and investigation of their propertiec. Vysokom.soed. I no-7:1042-104", JI 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. WELuchno-issledovateliskiy institut plasticheakikh mass. (Poly-mars) HUMN, M.B.; GOLUBEMOYA. L,1.; NOVIMUT-44-B.H.; STRIZHKOVA, A.B.; LWANTOVSKAU, I.I.; AM , U.S.,- MOISMV, V.D. Thermal degradation of coildensation resins. Part 1: Thermal degradation of apoxids resins. Vysokom.oood. 1 no.10: 1531-1537 0 '59- (MIRA 13:3) 1. Nauchno-issladovatel 'skiy inatitut plantmasB, Moskva. (Resins, Sy'nthetic) FRASS I B0QX EUL431TATION 30V"4984 International symposium an macromolecular chemistry. Moscowo 196.0. *Lmpozium po makromolekulyarnoy kh1mii SSSR. f -IS iruvra 1960 9. ; daklady I aytoreferaty. a, I ular l ec Saktslya III. (International Symponium on Macromo Chemistry Hold in Moscow, June 14-18, 1960; Papers and 2umakaftes) Section 111. [Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 19603 "-p.- 55,000 coplea printed. Tech. Ed. - P. S. XaWdna. Sponscring Agency: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry., Convalwalon on Macromoleculmr Chemistry. FURPOSEs This book Is Intend4d for chemiats interested in poly- merization reactions and the synthesis of high molecular ---compounds. n- COVE"Agg This Is Section ILI of a multivolUMS work contai LOS papers an macromtolecular chemistry. The articles in goneral'deal with the kinetics of polymerization reactions, th* synthesis Of Wclal-PurPose polymers, e~g.p Ion ex- -h-nge resins, semiconductor materials, eta., methods or net- 'LlYzing polymerization react'lons, properties and chemical 1BtaractiOns Of high molecular materials, and the effects of varlous factors an polymerization and the degradation of I cular compounds. XO personalities are mentioned. : a given follow the articles. ;!;;* ,L~rlvey V~L_ A , 71, 2' ra Mil y, and S. S. X~dv~dev f U . . Of =c -Po-r-N-3-t`e-a--3n-T6'e , , a Zfreat Id and ~c QzIdatica of Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Polymers 364 ZOL12" Z 2 and D_ F_ Ya-cy )ci-r (USSR). Study or the Effect 0: 30fle-Organic and Or&anoelemental Compounds on the Thermal Degradation Of Polyvinyl Chloride 3T2 I nSkt_e_r_1dL_0-, _11tUf_rA and P ef.!I- (Czechoslovakia). Degradation O~ -paprolac " -t ro"V s .suit or F_%- change aqactl~n Bet weafl Aside Bonds 350 TAnfkovC and &_jZj.Ln i 'Z~. (Czecbo3lovak R)t_ - . Ife'utralization Or Residual Catalyst n Polydlmethy sli~xane; I Effect Or Thermal NeutrallZatlon on the Thermal Stability of 8 38 -- . - nek, and I- Stf-1 (Czechoslovakia). ThexAcox1dat an egrudation of Polyesters. Study of De- gradation Reactions, for Dl-rrarent Types of Linear Polyesters 405 B L. 1. G.I.benk Va S. MM a, to E 6, t ~ fufi-F.~- -on -- - - - - ' HE - th D d tr e - eg'rA a o n D n T ~tao".L=azion of Yome Rolyme,. Maze_ 414 A2j:_--t_A and A. (USSR). Investigation - 6~' the F-Ctl--lencT OF InhibItor, or Rubber Oxidation at Varj_ 423- and Ting Wen-Vang (USSR). mechanism or the Protective Action of Benzene Rings During the Radio- IYs1s Of Polystyrene 433 and K. A. Andrianov (USSR). On th. Aydro- lrtlc stability or with Inorganic chains cf JKoleoules 440 -;L~ Aetr~lln)A Te. A. Penakaya, and a. I . V0 (USSR). tiOn During the Freezing of Starch Solutions 334 M T? L B. 1. A ck~~ and U__"-ov _ % t r.j ic~ of th-e-Trcpertles Of Cellulose by QFa rtjn& it'd 110 S/191/60/000/007/005/015 B004/BO56 //' 0212/7 AUTHORS; Neyman, M. B., Levantovskaya, I, I., ST=r2z ova, A. S-.9 Akutin, MV S. TITLEs Investigation of the Thermal Destruction of Condensate Resins. The Thermal Destruction of Hardened Epoxy Resins ID PERIODICAL; Plasticheakiye massy, 1960, Ro- 7, PP. 17 - 20 ~ TEXT: Following an earlier paper (Ref. 1) on the thermal destruction of V )A-6 (ED-6.). epoxy resin, the authors give a report on their investigation of the thermal destruction of A-15 (ED-15) epoxy resin obtained by con- densation of epichlorohydrin with diphenylpropane, as well as of ED-15 and ED-6 hardened with 7% polyethylene polyamine or with 30% maleic anhydride. They give the following experimental datas Kinetics of gas formation in * the thermal destruction of ED-15 (Table 19 Fi 1) on the basis of the KhT-2) or the Griffin ohromatographioal analysis by means of YAT-2WU apparatus (Fig. 2, ohromatogram)l kinetics of 'gas formation in ED-15 (Fig- 3) hardened with polyethylene polyamine and ED-15 hardened with maleic anhydride (Fig. 4); degree of decay of the hardened ED-6 as a Card 1/2 87645 S1101160100',10121001-1016 B020/Bo66 AUTHORS: Kamenskiy, I. V., Ungurean, N. V., Kovar"kaya,,,j,,, Itinskiy, V. 1. "mom - ya a., TITLE: Polymers on the Basis of Condensation Producto cf Furfurolp With Acetone. Report No. 2. Hardening of Furfurylidene- and Difurfurylidene Acetone in the Presence of Acid Catalysts PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 12, PP. 9 - 13 TEXT: Inventigations carried out in resent years by the kafedra plasti- cheskikh mass MKhTI im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Department of Plastics of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) and NIIPM' (Nauchno-issledov~Ltellskiy institut plasticheskikh mass = Scientific Research Institute of Plastics) revealed that condensation products of furfurole with various ketone form hardening resins in the presence of mineral acids. In the present paper, result8 of an investiE~,ation of the formation and cure of polymers on the basis of furfurylidene- and ai- furfurylidene acetone are given, which are formed in the condensation of furfurole with acetone. The effect of ionic catalysts was thoroughly Card 1/4 87645 Polymers on the Basis of Condensation Products S119116010001012100.41016 of Furfurole With Acetone. Report No. 2. B020/DO66 Hardening of Furfurylidene- and Difurfurylidene Acetone in the Presence of Acid Catalysts studied, as these catalysts permit the production of cured Polymers. The exDeriments were made at 70 - 1000C up to resinificatibn, and -at 160 - 2000C up to nomplete cure. The results, of studying the effect of some ionic catalysts are Presented iii Tablo I . CdCl and cacl do iiot 2 2 promote resinification, but give with the monomer an infusible complex which is insoluble in organic solvents and decomposes with water. Sulfuric acid is a good catalyst for the cure. The best ionic catalysts were aromatic sulfonic acids. Benzene sulfonic acid has many advantages com- pared with all other catalysts. It was found by experiments that the cure of furfurylidene acetone proceeds in three steps under the action of ionic catalysts, mainly benzene sulfonic acid: 1) Transition of furfuryli- dene acetone to a resinous state. The resin is soluble in acetone, dioxane, and other organic solvents; the reaction rate depends on the quantity of catalyst and on temperature. The resin is low-molecular in this state (Fig. 1); transition from the vitreous to the viscous state takes place in a narrow range of temperature. A range of high elasticity could not U ji Card 2/4 87645 Polymers on the Basis of Condensation Products Sll9lZ601000101210041016 of Furfurole With Acetone. Report No. 2. B020/BO66 Hardening of Furfurylidene- and Difurfurylidene Acetone in the Presence of Acid Catalysts be found. The bromine number of the resin in this state was 254, as compared to 345 in the case of furfurylidene acetone (Table 2), whereas the oxime number dropped from 422 to 210. The molecular weight of the resin does not exceed 1200. Polycondonsation takes place under water separation (Table 3). 2) In the second stage, a resin is formed which is not soluble and only swells in organic solvents. On prolonged cure, an intenser cross-;-linking of molecules takes place, and deformation of samples decreases (Pig. 2). The conditions for curing samples whose thermomechanical characteristics were determined, are given (Table 4). The rate of curing is temperature-dependent. 3) In the third -tage, the cured resin is infusible and insoluble which is characteristic of spatially interlaced polymers. Difurfurylidene acetone polymerizes at 1800C without a catalyst, and is cured in the presence of catalysts, which takes place as well ir three steps. Fig. 3 shows the thermomechanical characteristics of three samples whose curing conditions are given in Table 4, and Fig. 4 shows the thermomechanical curves, recorded by a dynamometric scale, for samples obtained by heating to 800C for 10 - 150 min. Table 6 gives the Card 3/4 87645 Folymers on the Basis of Condensation Products S11911601300101210041016 of Furfurole With Acetone. Re-ort No. 2. B020/BO66 Hardening, of Furfurylidene- and Difurfurylidene Acetone in the Presence of Acid Catalysts bromine and oxime numbers for difurfurylidene acetone and resin in the first ct,,~.-e of cure. The thermomechanical curves for difurfurylidene resin in the second (Fie. 5) and in the third (Fig. 6) stage of cure are presented. The elementary composition of the cured difurfurylidene acetone resin is given in Table 7. There are 6 figures, 7 tables,and 4 Soviet references. Card 4/4 86837 S/020/60/135/005/027/043 5110 B016/B052 Strizhkova, A. S., AUTHORS: Neyman, M. B. , ZU"sk I Levantovskaye, 1. 1., an unt, M. S. TITLE: The Mechanism of Thermal Destruction of Solidified Epoxy Resins PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 135, No. 5, pp. 1147-1149 TEXT: Tho authors studied the kinetics of thermal destruction of epoxy resins solidified by maleic anhydride (see scheme) or polyethylene poly- amine. They determined the forming radicals by the method of electron paramagnetic resonance. Fig. 1 schematically shows the results obtained from thermal processes: (1) gas separation; (2) weight losses of the residue; and (3) rate of radical accumulation. Considerable amounts of methane, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein were found in the gaseous products of destruction. According to the temperature, gas separation stops after 5 - 15 minutes. Thermal destruction, however, continues while liquid products of a comparatively low molecular weight Card 1/4 86837 The Mechanism of Thermal Destruction of S/020/60/135/005/027/043 Solidified Epoxy Resins B016/BO52 are distilled from the polymer. The authors suggest the following scheme for the formation of the above products: They assume that the terminal CH --CH-CH 0 2/ 2 groups are separated most easily from the polymer. This radical X0 0-H 0 can be isomerized into a I // I radical which forms acrolein and CH2-CH-CH-H hydroxyl. The original radical may also decompose into a CH 20 molecule and a CH 21'U radical. By isomerization of the latter, the acetyl radical X0 CH3 0 may be formed which extracts hydrogen from the epoxy resin and forms acetaldehyde. Finally,.the acetyl radical may decompose into CO and 6H 3* By absorbing hydrogen, CH3is converted into methane. In all cases, the reaction takes place under the formation of active radicals which cannot accumulate in high concentrations and, therefore, cannot be de- tected by the e.p.r. method. This is only possible in later stages of the process. The authors assume that the bonds of diphenyloll propane which cause the formation of stable radicals, may also be ruptured. The rupture of Card 2/4 86837 The Mechanism of Thermal-Destructibn of S/020/60/135/005/027/04~ Solidified Epoxy Resins B016/BO52 phenyl-hydroggn bonds,probably leads to the formationof siable radicals and semiquinone structures. The-singl6t signals recorded by the authors indicate the presence of long-lived iadicals. Prom ;these results the au- t thors determined the activation energies of the three above-mentioned processes. Por the resin solidified by maleic aithydride, they are 30, 26, -and 53 kcal/mole, respectively') and for the resin so1idified by poly- ethylene polyaminep they are 25, 35,1and 44 kcai/mole. The authors also assume.that processes (1) and (2) are.related-to the rupture of looser bonds, while process (3) is,closely connected with the~rupture of tight bonds.-Prom'their experiments the'authors conclude that active radicals can not easily be detected by the available e.p.r. method, while this is possible in the case of weakly s~ctive,radicals. They thank Z. P. Yegorova and 0. L. Lependina for their assistance in taking spectra, and E. G. Gintsberg for the polarographic determination of aldefiydes. L. A. Blyumenfelld, A. V. Topchiyev, and V. V. Voyelodskiy are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 8 references: 7 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iscledovatellskiy institut plasticheskikh mass (State Scientific Research Institute of Plastics) Card 3/4 86837 The Mechanism.of Thermal Destruction of S/026/60/135/005/027/043 Solidified Epoxy Resins ~BO16/BO52 PRESENTED.- June 29,. 1960, by V. A. Kargin, 'Academician SUBMITTED: June 27, 1960 -10-CHi-CHOH-CHi-OR),,- -0-CH,-CH-CHj-ORO-C11,-CH-CH, V HC-CO HC-CO &,--L-C1iOH-CH,-O ROCHt CHOHCH101, ROCHICH-CH, 0 CH9 R C GINTSBERGY E.G.; ~TLA~~S~M.; STRIZHKOVA, A.S. Study of the thermal destruction of condensation resins. Polaro- graphic determination of aldehydes formed during the thermal des- truotion of-epco~ide resins. Plast.masdy no.4:3.1-13 161. (Epoxy resins) (Formaldedyde) OAIRA 14:4) NEYMAN, M.B.; KOVARSKAYA, B.M.; YAZVIKOVA, M.P.; SIDNEV., A.I.; AKUTIN, M.S. 1:1 --- Destru.ction of condesnation resins. Part 3: Thermooxidative der struction of hardened epoxy resins. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.4:602-606 Ap l61. (MDU 14:4) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut plastichookikh mass. (Epoxy resins) ACCESSION NR: AR40)5668 s/ooSI/63/000/021/0490/0490 SOURCE: RM Khimiya, Abs. 21SIJ6 AUTHOR: Usmanov, Z.; Kamenskly, 1. V.; Losev, 1. P., Kovarskaya, S. M. T'ITLE: Synthesis and study of the condensation products of furfural with higher aliphatic ketones and the polymers based on them. Parts )-3. CITED SOURCE: Sb. FIzIka I khImlya prirodn. I sIntletich. polimerov. Tashkent$ AN UzSSR, vy*p. 1, 1962, 105-130 TOPIC TAGS: furfural, furfural condensation, aliphatic ketone, higher aliphatic ketone, ketone po,lycondensation, ketone based pg)ymqr crystallization ABSTRACT: The authors studied the polycondensation of furfurylidene methylethyl- (1), furfurylidene methylpropyl- (11) and furfurylidene methylbutyl- (III) ketones. When heated to 240C in the pr"enee of alkallne'readents, I forms a soluble and fusible polymer,which can be hardened under theEinfluence of Ionic catalysts (H2SO4, benzenesulfonic acids (IV), Lewis acids). 4ccording to data from thermo- mechanical studies, hardening in the presence of IV proceeds In 3 stages: 1) a fusible, low-molecular, soluble tar; 2) a high-moleculai tar, swelling in solvents; .-3) i9jusibleand Insoluble stercospecific polymer. Hardened tar prepared from C _Lord ACCESSION NR: AR015668 I shows increased thermal stabi 11 )ity (up to 3000. Tairs can be prepared from and III In the presence of ionic catalysts and require longer heating periods due to the spatial effect.of the alkyl.radicals. V.!Nemlrovskly DATE ACQ: 09Dec6l SUB CODE: CH ENCL: 00 2/2 Card 5/1901/62/004 /003 s7 P 0 B1 24/3101 A L--~V%n,ovj, 'IJTHCR~ jtrizhkova, 'L. D. , i,'. B, , Korsh,01-, V. V-no-r-,4ov, ey ai ~, n P. V. va I e. t Sidy , TITLE: 3tii6~i of 'he thermal dc,cradation of Tincruvil lop.-.radition of hetcrochlain Dol eztcr2 Z':,,', R 710 D I C A LVysokor-.o1eku1yarny.%e v. no. 1~,62, TEXT Therm,il dc.crallation of polyarylates on the ba3is 0,~, ne (DDP) ant! tereplith-Alic (polyar~jlnte TD) or -nwl-2,2 1 -1: .,hL a D) Acitlis prepared either in a hiFh-boilinr, !3olvcnt ~c-.trolcz-.. c th c, r (Tlj(s)' and !D(s), respectively) or by interfacial con,~cnzaticn (TD(i and 1D(i), respectjx;aly' is stioiod in this naper. Tlnc no,`ntz~ 0 - , 0, :, " ., of 'r TD(i),---)50 C; ll,(S)- 260 V; -c nol,rarylates ere; TD(s)-, 0 N -270 C). Thermal def~rada-tion of tl-.e mentioned polymcrs ,Dct,-,.,ecr IC50 and 5250C. E"volution of pas sets in 6 C, .-,-horc'-0.26- -0. 1 ' 1 e c c o 1 and 0.06 O-d2 role CO, 0.30-0.60 mole CO, ~tryl.,,Jc ~ifrructurcil unit -are. liberated. The liquid of thef,7:~;l Card I/A 3/11go/62/004/003/01n/0,03 Study of the thermal ... B120101 depradation of TD(s) performed at 4500C show absorption band.,3 -ut 1~65, and 2970 cm- 1 characteristic of the itiethyl group, and ~-it 175~) ~inj 12,10 cm- characteristic of the ester bond. The split absorption band at 1735 cm_ indicates the presence of terophthalic acid, where-_-s the fsplit bp=-I at 1600 cm- sho,.,,s free DD? to be present. The irfrareJ spk~ctr= of the sol;_!2 residue of TD(s) after thermal Ie,-,radation it 4500C fcz'-l 'hour 010,Ds no' cont,-Lin bands which are characteriiitic of methyl irouj)s, ba!'_'z cl~aractcristic of the ester bond are established, in the infrared spectrum o4" tile solid ri-_sidue exDosed to thermal de.;,ra.-Iation at 5000C -for 1 1,our. These bands are lacki-nr in the spect-rum of 'he pi-oduct exposed to OC tra of the 3olid fe- derr.-ldfition at 600 for 20 minutes. Absorption sj)ec~ zidue of TD(s) and DDP in the ror,-ion of 700 - 900 and 1600 cm-i the corcentration Of Dhenyl vings increases after i'Ae,-2ddation tc. tile formation of polyphonylene-like structures. These conclw,,iu,-s ,.-,ere' confirmed b~ the' E ~.'M s-Dectra of the residuez of thermal ia- Pradniion of TD(s-) at, 450-9 500, and 600 0C. A. A. Berlin and L. 1%. Blyumen- felld V solomoloh. soyed., 2_,_ 1494, 1960; Zhurnal strukturnoy !(himii 1 , 10-i Card 2/3 S/190 62/004/012/015/015 B101/B186 AUTHORSt Alishoyev, V. R., Gurlyanova, V. V., Kovarskaya, B. M., Neyman, N1. B. TITLE: Pon-additive effect in the stabilization of polyformaldehyda by additibiial'of-Jolyamidei and aritioiidan'ta" PER16DICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnvye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 12, 1962, 1887 . . I., TEXTs It has been found that a joint addition of polyamide and anti- oxidant more effectively reduces the evolution of gas in the degradation of polyformaldehyde by thermooxidation than an addition of polyamide or antioxidant alone (Fig.). There is 1 figure.. SUBMITTEDi June U, 1962 Fig. Increase of pressure in the oxidation of polyformaldehyde at 2000C, P0 - 200 mm HE- (1) Without addition, (2) with polyaml*de, 0). with antioxidant, (4) with polyamide - antioxidant mixture. Ordinate: 6P, mm Hg; abscissa; time, min. Card 1/2 i, I ~ Non-additive effoct in thet.,4. 11 4p mn pm. m I q ~. . i S/190/62/004/012/015/015 B101/B186 .14 Card 2/2 . Opems, NUN 38064 S11 91/62/000/0006/004/010" 'D S1 1 O/B1 38 LUTHORS: ~&oiseyev, V. D., Neyman, Y. -B., KovarBkaya, B. L'., Zenova, I. Ye., Gurlyanova, V. V. '42 1 T L L; TherLial destruction of condensaiio,- --c--ins. I n, v e st a ta of the thermal destruction of epoxy reDins usin, ta~;3(_-d atc--Z PERIODICAL: PlLsiicheskiya massy, no. 6, 1962, 11-15 TEXT: The desti-action mechanism of epoxy resins v.-as investi.-ated by synthesizing e-poxy resin 9A-06 (ED-6), rolecula--r t!31 (15;*j groups), with the cent.-a! carbon atom tagged, in diphenlolpropane. I ur- resin was heated in a -lass al'11DOUle, evacua 1 O_j M, M o r 1 h r U ted to 2 at 300, 400, and 800 0 C. The desTruction oroducts were Dassed into (1) all empty, exhausted collecting flask cooled by a -mixture o~ acetone and dry ice, and (2) into a similar flask cooled by liquid IL, and I'illed with silica Col. To the first was added dial;illed water,_and to the second a saturated solution of ~NaCl. The Gaseous desti-uction products in the salt solution were examined by absorption Pas chromaio-graphy (7".0 ), and the - Z- 3 + C 0 -t- C': (2) C917,; foil-owing were found to be present; (1) H2 4; Card 1/5 S11 91 /62/0G'/CG6/00,,'/C~I o' Thermal destruction of ... B110/3138 (3) C2H 4; (4) C~HS; (5) C3LT6 . The specific activity of the aldeh:ides in. the 'i'irst collecting II'lask was determined by A. -F. Lukovni4ov's (Zh.LKh, 11 , 299, 0 956 )) The percentages by weight for H 2 ' CC' Cl~'4 U C H C H8, C H,, solid residue, and aldehyde at 300 C were res-Dectively: 2 41' 3 3 0 - ; 1.18; 0.411; 0.025; 0.016; 0.015; 0.068; 98.Zf; and 0.00023; at 400 C: 0.0008; 1.17; 0-55; 0-039; 0.024; 0.022; 0.055; 98.1; and at 80C)OC: 1-4; 5-69; 5.27; - 87-44; - - investigation of the 0 activities showed that no losses had occurred. The 5 oe wilde signal of paramagnetic resonance 008 -oarama,netic particles per of material) corresnords to the sianal of !he thermal decomposiiion products of. di-ohenylol propane. If n is taken as the number of repeating groups in the molecule, then p - (n + 1)/(2n + 3), where p is the molar fraction of e - (86-OWDIC + n-261 diph-enylol propane. Then M; 340 + n-284, and P 0 17 Ir ) I P is th; content (in by weight) of terminal epoxy groups. Values 2-ound for p: from the radioactivity, P - 0.40; -~'rom the molecula:- vieight, P - 0.32; from the content of epoxy groups, p - 0.38. -Lt P - 0.37, the res4n consists chiefly of molecules with n - 0 and molecular impurities with n - 1. The small fractiQns of labeled material in the Card 2/5' T'I-ermal dectruction of . . . B I 10/Bl ~8 decom-7~C)Z~ition prodluctS propune at 3001C U6 ~,,; at 1-000C t th-,.-'6 the dlecorj,-.~osition nroducts derive fro-m the aliphatic part of the resin molecule. 'The mechanism is pressumably Card Oj i iD- -Ti ipD-9 n t-IT + ID luo =11 it,o + Clio t TPO-1140 910-1 it _CHD 0 t ell _18 I I'llo ell H 0 It cd E-4 icstruction of S/191/62/000/006/004/016 M), I - deco:-v)osition of radical I by react -' on (a) (see F_J3 inhibi ted by the Li~lbiiizinr effect of the phenyl group. The isomerization of radical II by reacLion ~T (b) requires --17 kcalymole. For this reason, only a small amount of labeled ethylene is formed. As shown also by the para-magnet-ic I'lectron resonance spectra, t1he ta,:,,8ed central carbon atom o'L d'L-Dhenylol propane participates in the formation of heat-resistant, condensed aromatic and other svot-ens Yith conjugate double bonds. As the 912 cm-1 band of the e-3o.-.:y -roup disappears in the infrared spectra of the solid decomposition Droducts of the resin, stable free radicals are formed as reported by Id. 3. Neyman et al. (Vysokomol. soyed., 1 7 'here are 5 figures I 1 10 (1959))- L and 3 tables. Card 5/5 ~j' 5/191/62/000/007/002/011 B124/B144 /0 AUTHORSs Alishoyev, V~ R., Neyman, M. B.f Kovarskaya, B. M. TITLE: Thermooxidativa destruction and stabilization of polyformaldehyde PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 7, 1962, 11-14 TEXT: The authors sought to obtain kinetic data on thermooxidative destruction and stabilization of polyformaldehyde in laboratory devices and durin- casting. "he same temperature was kept in all parts of the reaction vessel to prevent polymerization. Five cells (Fig. 2) and a weighed portion of about 10 mg were used. Reaction vassel I with ground section was connected to the principal part of the -apparatus, the weighed portion was added, and an Sn-Pb-Cd-Bi alloy introduced in the curved tube 2; the alloy on malting at test temperature is'olated the reaction vessel from the measuring part of the apparatus. The pressure in the reaction vessel automatically balanced itself with that in the measuring part through the action of gases formed in the electrolyzer 3, this being checked in the manometer 4. Thereupon the reaction vessel was evacuated, oxygen was Card 1/0 V S/191/62/000/007/002/011 Thermooxidative destruction and ... B124/B144 introdiiced through an opening in the alloy, the temperature in the reaction vessel and irf the lower part of the curved tube was adjusted to + 0-50G by way of a silicone oil thermostat., Fig- 3 shows the results Crom using a derivatograph on 140 mg of acetylated polyformaldehyde in the course of heating from 20 to 27QOC at a rate of 3.30C/min. The experiments showed that the kinetic'e of thermooxidative destruction were characterized by t~e curves for weight losses as well as by those for pressure increase. Whereas in the absence of oxygen the pressure at 1450C rises very slowly with an oxygen pressure of 600 mm Hg it rises 0 1 at 145 C as follows: 6 P - Aeit, where 0.044 min- . In the same experiment, the induction period V, during which the pressure rises slowly, is 115 min. An analysis showed that HCOH was the'main product of thermal destruction, whereas COt COV H20, and H2 were formed besides HCOR in the thermooxidative destruction. No hydroperoxide was detected analytically. Oxygen takes part in the oxidation of the polymer and stimulates its thermal destruction.. The results indicate a self- accelerating chain process'with degenerate branching. When either the partial pressure of oxygen or the temperature rises, the autocatalysis Card 2/0" 3/191 621000101010011010 Bioi/B166 LOVAn tovtlkayn, - 1. 1. , Dral-. G. V P., Sidorov, V. A., Kochetkov, V. N. -tsova, 1. 3:0) .1 i 11UL latevoslyan, G. 0., Kuzne B. TITLE: j t,:t b i 1 -1. t i on of 1)61ynmida films for agriculture 0 ii j ~A 111~,13ticn(2.3kile raassl, no.. 10, 1962, 6 - 8 Tl-',,,,'T :Pvf iO~ctiorj of polyii:iido films, type 54, as used in hothouses anti silo.,;, froi;. o' of photo- and thernio oxidation,ivns tested by trying varlons nd,]~tives under various test conditions. : The following vvere added a:3 ultrnviolot lif~ht absorbers: 2-hydroxy-4-rue thoxy -ben zophen on e om r-'4 (O~ABF ) (1) , 2-hyd roxy -4 -ilkoxy -bon za phonone (a rhixture. of benzophenonos V:itit vnric,us al_!~oxy rroups Df the. type OC711 15' OC81i17' or OCgH,g) (11), and 2-liydroxy-51-meti;,yl-benzotriazole (Tinuvin) (III). As antioxidants, KI !!lid cop!)cr naphthen;,te and orrnnio stabilizers of the follovjinr. type were It.,; o J :-1) dorivatives of arom.-itic amines; 2) phenol derivativesi 3) aromatic oxai;iine"; 1) 2, 6-di ter t-bu. ty 1-4-me thy I-pheny I-pyrocatechin phosphite (Ionoi~ Card '1/r' J/1 91 /6:?/'f)!,-)o/oi olool /o1 o 6tal)i I i oil of . . . Biol/B186 ~,-vnducod b-. condensation, namely hexamethylene !tdini- 0 1. nitte :,.riel .1; -ca,)ro1;,ctaw, at P60 C in --n 14-itmosphere, were subjccteQ to ther,mo- -in(" Aotoaxidati-,?e action. LiElit sources were carboD-arc ;-ind mercury-r1ij- rt7 l(lifi.40, tvf)C n?K-2 Temperature in the test chamber 7r Th(,,rwoc,.-: rle 1-118 ~/ idation me--ioured by the drop in oxyren presiti. elialinatc-11 ,iost. efficiently by the pyrocatechin esters and phenyl-ft-naph- thy 1 u.i i nt- .It :as funnal that stabilizers 'of the OMBF and Tuvin types act as antiox1J.-Ants. 1,116tooXidation experimerfts shovied the follo%vin( resultst in most caet; the eioii, .iuion at rupture dropped even on initial exposure. Af ter "0:1-~ of' expt~uuro time, brenking tenacity of both stabilizod and nonstnbilized films fell by approximately 20 - 25~'- A&-,eing time until k?mbritt1.(.i?-(:nt voi.3 deteriained. VVithout an inhibitor it began tifter 190 lirs of exl)o~t:ure to the li,~,-bt of nn arc lamp. Optimum results were obtained with ii I,- ' roo;Aechin esters (250 hrD), KI + copper naphthenate ('~60 hrs) and (jnntov:~r) ) ((,-,6-,Ii-tert-butyl-hv(lroqxiinbne)) (240 hrs). Different ac- tion of thu lifht from the are lamps and the mercury lamps was explained by spectriu:; differ-oncez. Further fiold tests are recommended. There are fiLni,.o:3 -ind 1 table. Card 212 )10909 3/191/62/000/010/002/010 B101/B166 AUTHOP: Kow lEs ~IaZLL__~ - _;~ "ITLE: Pherwil and thermooxidative destruction of some condensation po Lj i!iers PlElilOOCAL: Plasticheskiye wasoy,, 'no. 10', 1962, *11 -14 T,~;,. T :vestriietion annly~,e_,~ of some heat-resistant-polymers sre described, foil-owint: ipon previous papers by this author (Vysokomol. soyed. , 1 , no. 10, 3, no. 3 (1962); !bid. 3, no. .4, 602 (1961); DAN 83JR, 135, no. 5, 1147 (1',1G;)) Plast. mas3Y no. 5 (1962)). These aref polycarbo- nate (1) bolsed on 1", 4'-dihydroxy-diphenyl-2,2 "-propane, polyarylate bqswl on turupbtbalic acid, pulyarylate (III) on the basis of isopbthalic U type (IV) expoxy resin produced by condensation of 4,4'di)i,~),~lroxy-diplienyl-2,21-proz)ane with epichlorohydrine and cured with maleic anh dride ~ibove 2500~. Thermal decomposition of I and II sets-. in above 400 0C that of IV ahove 250 0C, thermooxidation of I, II, and III 6 sets in at 250 C, that of IV at 2000C. Free radicals form on thermal de- composition. The mechanism of thermal decomposition differs in each in- Card 1/2 S11911621000101010021010 Thermal and thermooxidative ... B101/BI86 vestiration but is characterized by accumulation of stable radicals. The molecular weipht of01 decreases after 40 min at 2500C, orafter 10 min between 250 and 350 C, owing to the dependence on oxidation and temperature 3 3 3 from 21,10 to 19-10 , and to -16.7-10 in the casting cylinder. Hence, casting is a3aumed to be accompanied by thermooxidation and'mechanical destruction, and in order to reduce the d9pth of destruction in the casting process it is recommended that transition of the resin into the viscous fluid state, should be accomplished in as short a time and at the lowest ten;peratures possible. There are 5 figures and I table. Card 212 45650 1~0 90 8/191/63/000/003/005/022 BIOI/BI861 AUTHORSt LevantovBkayal 1. 1., Yazvikbva, M. P., Dobrokhotova, M. K., VlaWdvaj IK. N. TITLEt the4a~;hltw6 d'*e-g'radation and stabilization of some poly" amiddb PERIODICAM Plasticheskiye massyt no. 3, 1963s 19 23 TEXTt This is a study of the kinetics of oxidation of polyeaproamide polyamide 68 (11) (a polycondensate of the SH salt), and copolymer 548 (M~ (polycondensate of he xamethylene diamine adipinate, hexamethylene diamine sebacinate, and e-caprolactam). The* deorease"~n oxygen pressure was.deter mined at initial p 200 mm Hg and 130 - 200 C or at 20000 and 6anging, 2, PO The kinetio curv es of oxidation were a-shaped especial-ly at low 2 temperatures or low PO The induction period was 10-20 min. A slower 2 crop in pressure at a longer oxidation time is explained by liberation of Card 112 S/191/63/000/003/005/022 Thermooxidative degradation.... BlolIBI86 gaseous oxidation products proved chromatographically in (I). At 150 0and PO - 200 mm Hg, 02 was noticeably adsorbed by I and II, the stability of I 2 being larger than that of.II. "III was oxidized more elisily than I and II. The effect of the following stabilizers was testedl 0.2~ KI; 0.2-~ copper naphthenatel 0.1% KI + 0.1% copper naphthenatel 0.5% diphenyl aminel N-iso- propyl-NI-phonyl-p-phenylene diamine; N,NI-di-soo-octyl-p-phenylene diaminel NINI-di-sec-nonyl-p-phenylene diamine; N I %-di-pl-naphthyl-p-phenylene diaminel phenyl-R-nyphthyl amine (Neozone )I Nrphenyl-W-cyclohexyl-p- phenylene diaminelo4- and ~-naphtholj 2,6-di-tert-butYl-4-methyl phenol (ionol); 2,2-methylene-bis-'(4-mothyl-6-tert-butyl)-phenoI (2246) Dropyl' gallatel phenol styrene condensation productl mercaptobenzimidazolel tri- nonyl triphenylene phosphitel and polyphosphites as well asthe photo- stabilizers 2-hydroxy-4-mathoxy-benzophenone And 2,21-hydroxy-51-methyl- phenyl benzo triazole. Resultat Aromatio amines were more effective than phenols and naphthols. N,N'-d~-A-naphthyl-p-phenylene diamine was most active for I and III Neozone~*D, however, for II. The mixture containing 0.1% KI and 0.1% copper naphthenate had a strong protective affect in I and II. There are 9 figures. Card 2/2 i2at Oi,,2Z-46` F& 46compoods ~~Yeri .-An KARGIN, V.A., akademik; NEYMAN, M.B., prof.; BUCHAUENKO, A.L., kand. khim. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, V.V.; 14ASLOVA, I.P.,~ LUKOVNIKOV. A.F., kand. khim. nauk; MATVEYEVA, Ye.N.; BERLIN, A.A., prof.; MUSHY, D.M., kand. khim. nauk; POPOVA, Z.V., kand. khim. nauk; LEVANTOVSKAYA, I.I.; KOVAR~,WA ~,J,4,,,kand. khim. nauk; ANDRIANOV, K.A., prof.; -UZ MINSKIY, A.S., prof.; SLONIMSKIY, G.L., prof.; MAKUNI, Ye.B., tekhn. red. (Aging and stabilization of polymers] Starenie i stabili- zatsiia polimerov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 330 p. (MIRA 17-3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Andrianov). ACGES'SION NR: ApLo16284 Z/0043/64/000/00'1/0013/0020 AUTHOR: Kovarskaja, B. M. TITLE: Decomposition of polyearbonates SOURCE: Chemicke 2V,-Sti, no. 1, 1964, 13-20 TCPIC TAGS: polycarbonate, casting conditions, polycarbonate pyrolysis, expo- sure length, decomposition product, decompostion rate, impurity influence ABSTRACT: Polycarbonates resist quite high temperatures; even a steady 400C may be tolerated. Heating to higher temperatures causes a sharp increase in de- composition as shown in Fig. 1 of Enclosure 1. Gases liberated by pyrolysis are hydrogen, carbon monoxide and dioxide, methane, W:ane and traces of propane. Infrared spectral analysis after exposure to 500C shows formation of benzene rings. It seems that mathyl groups are liberated from diphenylpropane, and ether.~ bonds are decomposed with liberation of carbon oxides. Original rate of oxi_ dation is proportional to reaction pressure and increases exponentially with Card 14 ACCESSION NR- AW16284 temperature. The process of oxidation is an autocatalytic chain reaction, and its rate is increased by some of the impurities in the polymer. Repeated pre- cipitation from a chloroform solution with methanol and washing with acetic acid substantially increases thermal stability of polymer as shown in Fig. 4 of Enclosure 2. Casting methods of formation of polymer reduce the molecular weight of polycarbonates according to the temperature to which the polymer is exposed and the period of exposure as shown in Figures 6a and 6b of Enclosure 3. Samples cast at 350C contain substantially higher amounts of law-molecular weight fraction than those prepared at 250C. Changes in tensile strength as a function of molecular weight are shown in Fig. 8 of Enclosure 4. The change from solid to liquid state should take place at as low a temperature as fast as possible. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: N~tchnv-issledovatellskiy institut plastmass, Moscorw (Research -Institute for Plastics) SUraTTED: Wun63 DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL.- o4 SUB CODE: CH, MA NO REF SOV.- 004 OTMM: 003 Card ACCr,,SSION NR: AP4018159 S/0191/64/000/00(5/0014/0017 AUTHORS: Tevantovskaya,, I.I.; .,FovarskayA,..B.M.; Neyman, M.B.; Rozantsev,, E'~G.; Yazvik6~4-i,- M.P. M TITLE: Inhibiting tbs:tbermal oxidative destruction of polyamides with aromatic~amines and radical type stabilizers SOURCE: Plasticheskiy~ m.assy*, no.3p 1964, 14-17 TOPIC TAGS: polyamide,',thermal. oxidation, oxidation inhibition, antioxidant, phenyl bete%,naphthylamine, piperidine nitric oxides piperidone nitric oxide, ra'di,cal-tVpe stabilizer, induction perio'd ABSTRACT: The inhibition of th-rnal oxidation of polyamides with pbenyl-beta-*napbtbylamine and witb the free radical type stabilizers 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidone nitric oxide and 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-. e tbyl -4 -bydr oxypippri dine nitric oxide was investigatecl'. The radical. stabilizers display marked inhibition of*thermal oxidaqion. Less than half of th^ original amount of aromatic amine is spent during* the induction period in inhibiting pol-yamide thermal oxidation; inbi Card 3. ACCESSION NR: AP4018159 bition of oxidation at the end of the induction period apparently depends on the remaining unspent antioxidant. Unlike the aromatic amines, the free radical inhibitors retard the oxidation of polyam- idea until they are completely consumed. At the end of the induc- tio~ Deriod the rate of oxidation with tbese.radical inhibitors approaches the rate of oxidation of the uninhibited polymer. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 formulas-. ASSOdIATION: None S~BMITTED: 00 DATE ACq: M.-Iar64 ENCL: 00 SUB COIE: CH NR REP SOV:. 008. OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 KMRSKAYA, B.M.; 711IGUNOVA, I.Ye, T)-Igj'adlAtjC'jj Of (3FIOYy PLVIOIL flo,^.Yz17-,19 164. (MIRA 17:10) KOVARSKAYA,, B.M. Production of stabilizers is a most important task of the chemical industry. Plast. massy no.8:1-2 164. (MIRA 17:12) FOVARSDFATA, B.t~. B.Y. 7,;ez;'-rt, --iti, on cf p-, 1 vz-a-lx I I I, tv:i. (In. rq -Svf~-t I Is r 1(,.! 42 -'-2~~ t-4 1. Vyt;l=ny u,,3th,,r V.~ljk--va.