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NAGY, Janos; WI, Lajos; NOVESDI, Antal; Q~EHVFIIKA, Janos; BEREGI, Gabor; KOVARI, Laszlo; MAHM, Sandor "I Domestic news. Bany lap 95 no.10;697-699 0 162. KOVARIp T. Matematikai Iapok-Vol. 6, no. 1, 1955. Tenth anniversary of our liberation. p. 1. Bola Szokefalvi-Nagy's Valos fueL-venvek es fue nysorok (Real Functions and Series of Functions); a book review. p. 95. SO. Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9p Sept. 1955 Uncl. ,'644: 6 At* TimAs, - On a problem P. Tur.5n. Alat. Ro _97-, Up"Pr? ()956). Russi:~n and English summaries) Owing Probi of Tb~ positive solution -of the foll _C111 TiqAn. is g tfi~rc an integral function jor w1lich th~ the set of a 6 S. of i be functionsfiz), I i7verywhere dense on the whole cor, ex'pl,~ne'?' 4tithor's summa v KCVAFI, T. On the maximir, modidus of entire funvtions. Tn Fnglish. p.30~~. (Acta Yathematica, Vol. 7, no. 31h, lr'-56, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Yonthly List of East European Acces-sions 1f. Vol. (-, no. ?, Sept. 191"7. Unc-I. A notf- on -ntire functions. In Enl-iish. P. 1;7. (ACTA ;'.A7!:I:A"J.GA. Vol. ~, no. 112, 1957, lfunGary) SO: I-'.onthl-%r List of East. Furoo,~an Accesgions LE. 7o1. 6, no. 12, I_c. iqc~-. Ltcl. HAJOS, Gyrogy; CSASZAR, Akon; PAL, Laszlo; TURAN, Pal; CORRADI, Keresztely; KARTESZI, Ferenc; GALLAI, Tibor; GRATZER, Gyorgy; SCHRIDT, E. Tamas; RENYI, Alfred; HETYEI, Gabor; BARTFAI, Pal; DEAK, Ervin; KOVARI. Tamas Mathematical problems. Mat lapok 13 no.1/2:174-183 162. 1. "Matematikai Lapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for hajos). 2. "Matem'atikai Lapok" felelos azerkeBztoje (for Turan). 3. "Matematikai Lapbk" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Renyl). KC,VAlRlK,, Antonln New meacurin?, recording, 31gnaling, dnd progrein. apparatus. "utotrat-lzace Q no~IiV A 165. KOVARIK B. - NFXW J. -- -- I :11~- lj~ Zffect of cobalt and nickel salts on acetylene polymerization. p. 48 CHEMICKE PRITMYSI. (Ministeratvo chemickeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 1959 Monthly List of ""ast -1luropean Accessions, (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 Uncl. Z/009/60/000/01/006/038 E112/E253 AUTHORS: Kovar"ik A B., Benf5ek, J., and Zavri'el, J TITIE: Use 0761wilicates for the Preparation of Catal7stsl PERIODICAL: Chemicl6y prfmysl' 1960, Nr 1~ pp 21-22 ABSTRACT: This is an investigation on the effect of indigenous aluminium. silicates (kaolin and clay) as additions to silica gel ill the Lebedev process for the preparation of butadienelfrom alcohol., Details of the preparation of the catalyst which contained 69% MgOl 20% kaolin or clay, 10% Si02 and 1% promotor. In comparative tests the standard catalyst contained instead of kaolin the equivalent amounts Of Si02. The activity of the catalyst was assessed in the synthesis of butadiene from ethanol and it was found that the addition of kaolin or clay gave certain technological advantages, such as halving of sedimentation time improved ease of filtra- tion. Kaolin showed slight ~dvantages-over clay in as much as the reaction temperature was about 100C lower. Maximum yields were already obtained at 3900C. The conversion by the addition of kaolin was higher than Card 1/2 with the standard catalyst or with clay, The yields Z/009/60/010/02/007/026 E142/E235 AUTHORS: Kova~fk, B., Beni9ek, J., and Zav~el, J TITLE: ~~~~eparation of ~utadienejfrom Alcohol PERIODICAL: Chemick~ PAmysl, 1960, Vol 101 Nr 2t Pp 81-83 ABSTRACT: The authors studied the properties of catalysts for the preparation of butadiene from alcohol by the Lebedev method. This process has been described in various publications (Refs 1 to 6) but the quoted reaction temperatures vary between 270 to 4500C, the quoted yields vary between 45 and 72% and the quoted life of the catalyst varies between a few weeks and several months. Very little information is available on the composition and activity of the catalysts. Table 1 gives data on composition and activity of the most satisfactory catalysts described in lite:rature. They all contain as basic components MgO and Si02 whereas the original Lebedev catalyst consisted of a mixture of zinc and aluminium oxides (Ref 1). The authors prepared some of the catalysts described in literatures and further types of catalysts which were tested on laboratory as well as on semi-pilot plant scale. Card 1/4 The catalyst was activated for 24 hours in an air curre:4t Z/009/60/010/02/007/026 E142/E235 The Preparation of Butadiene from Alcohol at 5500C. The experiments were carried out under atmos- pheric preBsure; the tests lasted for 6 hours. On the semi-pilot plant scale 16 hours cycle reaction were interrupted by 3-hour regeneration cycles. The yield of butadiene was estimated by absorption from the contact gas. Ethyl alcohol was analysed in the condensates by esterification with formic acid in the presence of H2SO4- The preparation of the MgO/SiO2/Cr2O;S catalyst is described. Several types-of this catalyst with varying percentage composition of the 3 components.were tested and best results were obtained when the catalyst consisted Of 79% M90i 19% S102 and 2% Cr 0 The preparation of a modified catalyst consisting 01 a9,O/SiO2/kaolin/Cr203 is described. Multi-component catalyst P? contained SiOptMgO and catalyst promotors of oxides of group 2 and 8 o he periodic table. This type of catalyst increased the conversion and -yield of the butadiene and reduced the optimum reaction temperatures; its preparation was described in an earlier publication (Ref 13). The pro- Card 2/4 perties of these three types of catalysts are compared in U1 d5% etil1~10al"C-Lohol- Z/009/60/010/02/007/026 E142/E235 The Preparation of Butadiene from Alcohol using 1 litre of catalyst per hour. The life of the P7 catalyst is about 800 hours when 16 hour reaction cycles are interrupted by 3-hour regeneration cycles. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 14 references, 4 of which are English, 2 Soviet, 5 C7,ech, 1 German, 1 Polish and 1 Hungarian. ASSOCIATION: V~zkumny' ustav syntetickeho kau7cuku, Gottwaldov (Research Institute for Synthetic Rubber, Gottwaldov) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1959 Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Kovar1k, Bohuslav 27227 TITLE: Z/009/61/000/009/001/003 E112/435 Evaluation of catalysts for butadiene and styrene production PERIODICALi Chemicky" pruomysl, No.9, 1961, PP-472-473 TEXT: The present report was compiled from several unpublished papers, deposited in the archives of the Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber. It summarizes efficiency studies of the following catalysts in semitechnical applications: 1) MgO/SiO2 for butadiene from ethyl alcohol; 2) Ta205/SiO2 for butadiene from ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde; 3) Fe203 or ZnO for styrene from ethylbenzene; 4) Cr203/AI203 for butene from butane and 5) Ca8Ni(PO4)6 for butadiene from butene. Relevant data are assembled in the form of a table to which the following explanatory notes are added (the numbers are Identical to the numbers of the first column of the table). 5. Reaction temperature: It is feasible, in theory, to prepare even more active catalysts, particularly for the butadiene processes from ethyl alcohol and ethylalcohol and acetaldehyde Card 1/6 27227 Z/oog/61/ooo/009/001/003 Evaluation of catalysts ... E112/435 respectively. 6. Conversion: Never exceeds 40%; a higher rate of conversion necessitates higher temperatures, which is not desirable in view of low stability of the monomers. 7. Yields: The given values refer to a product of 100% purity in the rectificate; the yields decrease with the complexity of the process. Processes based on catalysts, capable of auto- regeneration are preferred. They are, however, applicable only where reaction temperatures are in the region of 5000C. For discontimuous processes, slower-acting catalysts were found to be advantageous. It is for this reason that the process of Ostromyslenkiy is given preference over Lebedev's method. 11. Service life of the catalyst: In Lebedev's process the catalyst is used only for 800 h and the yield during that period is 72%; using the catalyst for 1600 to 2000 h lowers the yield of butadiene to 66%. The physical deterioration of the catalyst has to be considered. Lebedev's catalyst suffers erosion and disintegration to dust particles which may block the pipes. 12. Performance of catalyst: This term defines the quantity of product produced during the life period of the catalyst. 14. Price of catalyst: This is only of secondary importance in Card 2/6 27227 Z/009/61/000/009/001/003 Evaluation of catalysts ... E112/E435 view of the varying life periods and varying efficiency. 15~ Effect of catalyst price to the total costs of the product; Attention is drawn to the relatively high costs of the Lebedev catalyst, There are I table and 5 Soviet-bloc references. .0 # A V ASSOCIATION- Vy'zkumny ustav syntetickeho kaucuku, Gottwaldov (Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber, Gottwaldov) Card 3/6 A688 Z/009/62/000/002/002/002 45~ 9.2 (9 E112/E453 ve AUTHORS. Erben, F., Koudelka, J., Kovarik, B. TITLE., Preparation of pure isoprene PERIODICAL: Chemicky' pramysl, no.2, 1962, 66-69 TEXT~. A two-stage process for isoprene is investigated involvingi 1) reaction of paraformaldehyde with isobutylene to form 4,4-dimethyl-dioxane (10) (11); 2) pyrolysis of (II) over a suitable catalyst to produce isoprene (I). The process is known to produce isoprene contaminated with 1 to 4% of pentenes, which it is very difficult to separate and the aim of this paper is to find optimum conditions for the preparation of pure M. Stage 1. Reaction of paraformaldehyde with isobutylene is carried out in presence of H2SO4 at 800C. The effect of varying the concentration of H2SO4 was studied. Optimum quantities are Ig H2SO4 Per 1 mole CH20. Increased quantities produced tarry by-.products. Heating for 10 min at 80'C produced 70% conversion. Prolonged heating increased the yield only insignificantly, Reaction is strongly exothermic and difficult to controls Difficulties in maintaining exact reaction conditions were first Card 113 Z/009/62/000/002/002/002 Preparation of pure isoprene E112/E453 encountered in semitechnical experiments, They were due to varying moisture content of paraformaldehyde, which caused a variation in the concentration of H2SO4- Difficulties were then easily overcome by introducing necessary corrections for the H2SO4 concentration. Effects of H004-concentration on rate of reaction and effects of temperature and reaction time on the ~-onversion of isobutylene to (II) are summarized in the form of graphs, Stage 2. Pyrolysis of (II) into (I) was studied with three catalystsf K-1 75% A1203 + 25% SiO2, activated for 8 hours at 5500C?, K-2 38% H7P04 on aluminosilicate. activated for 8 hours at 400OC; K-3 - mixture of calcium phosphates, activated for 8 hours at 4000C. Best results were obtained with K,--2,. effecting at 200'C a 79% conversion of (II) into (I) with a yield of 90 mole %. Disadvantages are that during reaction and regeneration of K-2, phosphoric acids are gradually washed out. Catalyst K-3 was, therefore, selected for bulk experiments. Effects of temperature on the efficiency of the catalysts are summarized in Table II, showing conversion of (II) into (I) in mole 5'a and isoprene contents in distillation condensates~ The Card 2/5 z/oog/62/000/002/002/002 Preparation of pure isoprene E112/E453 effects of temperature on conversion and on the ratio isoprene: pentenes were investigated. Since separation of isoprene from the pentenbs by fractional distillation was found difficult, the authors set out to produce a raw isoprene with low pentene contents even at the cost of lower conversion figures. This was achieved with K-3 at 285 to 2900C. Results were as follows: conversion of (II) into (I), in mole %, 34 to 37%; yields of' isoprene, 85 to 80%; ratio of isoprene:pentenes, 100:0.2 and' 100:0.5 respectively. Th'e material was no* considered of sufficient purity to be used for polymerizations without further rectification. A chromatogram is shown (Fig-3) and its analysis after one and two rectifications is tabulated (Table V). it i,s concluded that the described method does not require complex plant equipment and produces isoprene-of low pentene contents. Compared to other procedures, the refining of the crude materials proved simple. Semitechnical yields were-80 to 85% theory, based on 4,4-dimethyldioxane (1,3). There are 3 figures and 5 tables. JI ASSOCIATION: Vyzkumny - u0stav syntetickepho kau'c'uku, Gott-Kaldov (Research Institute for.Synthetic Rubber, Gottwaldov) Card 3/5 ERBEN, F.; KOUDELKA, J.;-,MVARIK, B. I ~~ Preparation of the pure isoprene. Chem prum 12 no.2:66-69 F 162. 1. Vyzku~ny ustav syntetickeho kaucuku, Gottwaldov. xomlx~ J. "Communication. and People's Compittees", P. 7, (TECIINICKE NOVINY, Vol. 2, No. 9, May 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, uncl. Kovarik,..J. -- - How Soviet experiences help us, (Ydnisterstvo lesu a drevarskebo no. 11, Nov. 1954. Through toward fulfillment of tasks ment. P. 230 p. 229. PAPIR A CELULOSA. prtruslu) Prahn. Vol. the increase of socialist assigned by the Party and 9, commetition the Govern- SCURCE. EEAL - LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1956 K[)VA'R I Kj SEDLACEF. V.. Dr.: SILHAN, J., MUC.; KOVARIK, J., KJC. Us* of morphine during pathologically prolonged labor. Cask. 97n. 22[361 no.4004-309 MaY' 57. 1. 1. por. a gyn. klinika MU v Brno, prednonta prof. Dr. Ludvik Havlamak. (MRPHINE, anesth. & analgesia in prolonged labor (Cz)) (LABOR, aneeth. & analgesia morphine in prolonged labor (Cz)) KOVARIK, Jan, promovany geolog I - Technical problems of rock surveying for building purposes. Geolog pruzkum 5 no.2:52-53 F 163. - 1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Praha. JOVARIKV-Jan, promovany geolog Deposits of nonore raw materials in the German Democratic Republic. Geol pruzkum 6 no.5tl32-134 My 164. 1. Geologicky pruzkum National Enterprise, Prague. LICHYY J.; Eq ,KARIK,.J.; LICHA, If.; STOVICEK, J. Contribution to the use of punch cards for the documentation of diagnosis in neurology. Cesk. neurol. 29 no.1:55-58 Ja 166. 1. Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove (prednosta, prof. dr. M. Sercl, DrSc.). SERCL, Miroslav; JECROVA, Dagmar; KOMIA, Milan; KOVARIK, j KYW.L. Vlastimil; LICHA, lielena; LICHY, Jo I Saea; SIMKOVAP Dagmar; STOVICER, Jaroslav; VROA, bubomAr; 7,I)RAHAL, Leopold Comparison of neurologic findings and organic phosphate scriun cholinesterases in dulaynd offects of Insecticides on the humian body. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.: Suppl. 8 no.4: 415-433 165. 1. Neurologicka klinika (prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Sercl, DrSc.). IQ() v A fz I Ile \)J. KOVARIK, J.$ if. '~Rrly d'af MOvis Of extensive intracrardal-tumors. Lek- listY 5:15-16, 1 Aug, 50,, p, 439_44 lo Of the Neuro.1c)glcal Prof' Ylr, Sercly Clillic Palackeho Univers ty in 01 Ouc (,Ti(- d-- Om a D,) CUll 19s 51, Nov,,q 1950 SERCL, M. ; JAROS, 0. ; SVAO INA, J. ; KoAR-1TL'--"T.-; NETTL, S. ; ZMRAHAL, L STOVICRK, J.; LIGHYi J.; i2UHUM, D.; SIMKOVA, B.; KYRAL, 71. Problem of the effect of one-centimeter electromagnetic waves on the nervoun system in exposed workers (radar). Pracovni lek. U no.8:395-400 Oct 59. 1. Neurologicka klinika v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. Dr. Se. MUDr. Mir Sercl. (RADW OWVOIJS SYSTEM, radiation eff. .r SMOL, Miroslav; KOURIK. Jarovdr Contribution to the familial occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Studies on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis VI. Cesk. neur.23 no.6:406-411 0160. 1. Neurologiolm klinika 10mrske fakulty KU v Hradei Kralove, prednosta prof. Dr.Sc. HUDr. M.Sercl. (AWOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS genetics) SIFRTSLI-t M.; KOVARZHIKv Ya. Iateral amyotrophic sclerpoio; a o3inical otudY of 50 patients from the point of,view of &xterna.1 factors, Zhurionevral psikh 60 no.9tI101-3205-160. (MIU 34:1i 1. Nevrologicheslmuu klInIka medi%~Inskogo falailltata v Gradtse Kravlove (rukovoditell - Prof. M. 34ortall)v'Eiekhoslovakiya. (SPIML CORD-ZIMSES) SERCL, M.; KOVARIK,_j., Geomedical factors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Czechoslovakia with special reference to the Hradec Kralove region. Cesk. neurol. 25 no.3:183-186 My 162. 1. Neurologicka klinilm lekarske fakulty KU v Hradei Kralove, pred- nosta Prof. MUDr. M. Serel, We. (AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS statistics) SERCL, M.; _~A4IK,-ff ;~ JICHA, J. '_~O A contribution to the problem of the level of lipids in the blood serum in disseminated sclerosis. Cas.lek.cesk 101 no.2:48-54 12 Ja 162. 1. Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradei Kralove, prednosta, prof. Dr. Se. MUDr. M. Seral Ustredni biochemicka laborator KOZ v Hradci Kralove, prednosta MUDr. J. Jicha. (MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS blood) (LIPIDS blood) SERCL, Miroslav;-KOVARIK:, Jaromir; JAROS, Otakar Clinical experiences with Psilocybin Sandoz (CY -39 Sandoz). Sborn. vdd.prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no-4:421-426 161. 1. fieurologicka klinika; prednosta prof. DrSc. MUDr. M. Sorel. (HaLUCINOGENS ther) (INDOLES ther) (Ma-MMU, DISORDERS tber) SERCL, Kiroslav; JECHOV,,%, Dagmar; KOMRSKA, Milan; KOVA JTK, jr1romir; Kl=, Vlastimil; LICHA, Helena; LIGHY, Josef; N-,.TTL, Sasa; SINKOVA, Dagmar; STOVICEN, Jaroslav; V101A, Lubomir; ZDITUOIAL, Leopold; TUSL, Miloslav; SVORCOVA, Stapanka; ICIDT, Vlastislav On the effect of 1-centimeter electromagnetic waves on ths.nervous system in man (radar). Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no.4:427-440 161. 1. Neurologicka klinika,- prednosta prof. DrSc. IPJDr. M. Serel Katedra obacne hygieny; prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Dvorak. (RADAR) (NERVOUS SYSTEM physiol) SERCL; Miroslar; KOVAM. Jaromir; JAROS, Otakar; VRCHAp lubomir; SDMOVA, bi6ar. Clinical trials with V-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenaDyl)-tatrahydro- 1,1+-oxazine (trioxazinem V~7) Aidapest. Sborn.ved.prac.lek. fak.Karlov.Univ.(Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.3045-350 163. 1. Neurologicka klinika, Universita Karlova (prednostaiDrSe, prof.p MUDr.. M.Serel). SERCLO 14irorlav;_KOVARIK, Jaromir Ch the effect of centrophenoxine (ANP 235, Lucidril) in Charcot's disease. Study on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. XIII. Sborn.ved.prac.lek.fak.Karlov. Univ. (Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.5:579-585 163. 1. Neurolo.aicka klinika; prednosta prof.MUDr.M.Sercl. Drsc., LFUK v Bradei Kralove. KOVARIX, Jaramir Study of Charcot's disease with special reference to the cli- nical picture and analysis of elements of the external en- virorment. Sborn. ved.prac.lek.fak. Karlov. Univ. (Hrad.Hral.) 6 no-4tSupplementl1+91-4917 t63. 1. Nerulogicka kLimika; prednosta: prof. DrSc. Mudr. M.Seral, Karlov. Univ. v Hradci Kralove. Y, prof. dr., C-; Jy,`*~ r)V' KYF~I, V. t 'Iht~ -omblom of ]~~,Te cf pr-dnonhig with orgmife plici:7,pliate nc.--uvc~2. '!8 no.3:220-223 Ap 'C'.5. A . eu r olf-.. 1. 1.1) i R a I ~3, ~Lr 5k e fulall ty K ~l 1-'I,-,V:v Ur. a v e -r -Y In Kralc,-~ -.: prof. dr. I.T. Son7l, SERCL9 1---c MuDr., "E: J . ,4- LIGHY1 (if gem= I 1'~ . . -~-. ved. pra"l. leh. -.117. 1:!., .1 rol o1r, I T re", SERCL, Miroslav; JECHOVA, Dagmar; K(YWKA, Milan- KOVARIK, JaromJr; KULAL, Vlastimil; LICHA, Helena; LICHY, Jo,-qef,. Dagmar; STOVICEK, Jaroalav; VRCRA, Mbo-nir; ZDRAHAL, Leopold. On the possible developnent of demyelir tion diseases of the human central nervous system resulting from injury by organic phosphate insecticides. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. K-,r3ov. Univ. 9 no.1:175-182 164- 1. Neurologicka klinika (prednostat prof. HUDr. :.". Serci-, DrSc) Karlovy University v 11radei Kralove. CZECHOSLOVAKIA NICHL, J. . BAUDYSOV4jL, 0 ARIK. J; Physiological Institute, czec,hoslo~=a~'a~demy of Ustav CSAV), Prague. "Changes In.Respiration of Cultivated Cells Adapted to Cold." Prague, Ceskosloven5Ra Fyslologie, Vol 15, No 2. Feb 66, pp 10,1:-!"l Abstract: Cells ada' cold use more oxygen than controis. they are also more inhibited In their growth'by the presence of cyanide. It appears that cells adapted to cold have a more aotive oxidative ability to decompose glucose. 1 Figure, 1 Czech reference. -Submitted at ~16 Days of Physiology" at kosioe, 29 Sep 65. L 33001-66 ACC N& AP6024090, SOURE'CODE1 CZ 2;r6767djU/(5di7(555 Wbd~ AUTHOR: Lichy,, J-;..~~y~rik, J-1 Lichat H.; Stovicek# J. ORG: Neutulogical Clin ctor X. Se'r'cij 1c, Medical Faculty, XU/headed by Professor,, Do Docto'p-of sciences/, 11radec Kralove (Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU) TITIZ: Contribution to the use of punch cards with holes on the edge for filing to diagnoses in neurology SOURCE: Cookoulovenaka nourologis, no. 1, 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: punched card, computer application, hospital equipment, data storage ABSTRACT: A punch card with holes at its edges for filing of neurological diagnoses is described. The registering of the data on the cards is described. A decimal system describing the diagnosis and the clinical syndromes is discussed. The advantages of the suggested filing system are described. Possible use of such cards in computer diagnoses of diseases is di8cussed. Orig. art. has: I figure and 1 table. (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 05, 06 / SUBM DATE: O6Apr64 / ORIG REFi 002 / OTH REF: 009 Card KOVARIK, J. "Geometric Cor.-ectness of Projected Maps." P. 135, (KAIrT0--;RAFICKY PREHLED, Vol. 8. No. 4, Dec. 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (UAL)) LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. MKAW) J. Czechoslovakia Unsere Hilfe der tachechoslowskiseban Kartographic (tacbech.)S. 31-32 SO: Vernessunge Tecbnik, Nov 1955,, Unal. -rocitic i.-,)n au V. 1956 n c c s s--' o n"o 1. 5, v 1 cr, 7 KOVARIK, J. Problems connected with the selection of the contest of a nap. p. 124 Vol. 9, no. 3, bept. 1955 KARTOGRAFICKY PREHLED Praha, Czechoslovakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4, April 1956 KWARIN, J.; SMIDRKALp J. "Use of a copying device for aerial photographs in cartography." P. 97 (Kartograficky Prehled) Vol. 10, no. 3, Sept. 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (ERAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4. April 1958 KOVARIK, J. - .. - . Cdrtometric determination of curve lenpths on a topographic surface. P. 97 (Karto[,Taficky prehled. Vol. 11 110. 3, 1957, Praha. Czcholova,.-ia) Mohthly Index of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC. Vol.. 7, No. 2 February 1958 VALENTA, Vaclav; VLACHOVSKY, Karel; VYSKOCIL, Vaclav; ZBYTOVSKY, Adolf; KOTT, Josef; KOVARIK, Karel; MAZUR, Arne; COUFAL, Jaromir . - I - Some remarks on the problem of nuclear reactor shielding. Jaderna energie 9 no.7:233 J1 163. 1. Zavody V.I. Lenina, Plzen. KOVARIK, L The effect of the angular displacement of engine cylinder rows upon balance. 'I ~A P. 395. (AUTO"UHL) (Praha, Czechoslavalda) Vol. 1, no. 12, Dec. 1957 SO: 'Monthly Index of East European Accession (E-47AI) LC Vol ? E0. 5, MaY 1958 KOVARIK, M. ; UNGRAD, Z. "We have been in Hungary." P. 519- SVRT FIOTORU. (SVAZ PRO SPOLUPRAGI S A101ADOU). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 17 Aug. 1955. 1 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8. No. 93 September 1959. Uncl. Kovarik, M. "Training of the League for Cooperation with the Army helped me." P- 781 SVET MOTORU. Praha, Czechoslovakia,. Vol. 9, No. 25126, Dec.., 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI), LC, Vol. 8J. No. 9,, September, 1959 'Unclas NOVATZTK, F. Spearheads' responsibility. P-355"- (Svet Motoru, Vol. 11, No. 12, June 19"7, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of 'East E'uropean Accessions (EEAL) IC. vol. 6, 1,110. 9, IcePt. 1957. Uncl. 22(3) CZECH/3-59-9-26/39 AUTHOR: Kovar"fk, M TITLE: Pi~dise to the Praha Parachutists (Pochvala patfif Pragsk~m paragutistitm) v PERIODICAL: Krfdla Vlasti, 1959, Nr 9, p 19, col 1 (CSR) ABSTRACT: Author congratulates Praha-City parachutists for organizing so-called "Defence Marches% The members of USSR, Poland and Bulgarian embassies took part in the "Defence March" organized in March 1959. Card 1/1 yovnuy, Five wasted years. p. 6 (Vynalezy a Normolisace, Ochronre Znamky, Chranene Vzor*;. VC1. 1, no. 2, Sept. 1957. Praha, Czeclicslovakia) Eonthly Index of East Europe2n Accessions (EE',AT) i1C. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 19~B KOVARIK' M. Professor Cermak's new high-speed combustion reactor. P. 13. (VYNALEZY A NORMALISACE, OCHRANNE ZNAMKY, CHRANNNE VZORY. Vol. 1, no. lp July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Tjncl. KOVARIK, M. Working methods used by improvers in the MS machine-tool factory in Celakovice. P. 17. (VYNALEZY A NOFMALISACE, OCHRANNE M',-KY, CHRANENE VZORY, Vol. 1, no. 1, July 1957,, Praha, Czechoslovakia.) SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. KOVARIK,H4 JIIKOVSKX,, R. Rapid factory analysis for control of high-pressure material without damaging models. P. 476. CHEMICKE ZVESTI. Bratislava. Vol. 90 no# 8. Cot. 1955. - SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), IL, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 2956 KOVARIK, Miloslav,, inz,, arch. -- -- Conclusions from the evaluation of designs of mass constructio2i of dwellings. Poz stavby 11 no.4:179-185 10. 1. Vyzkumny ustav vystavby a architektury., Praha. JOUNTRY Poland JA14LGORY 03. JOUR. RZXhim, j -0. 22 19309 ~io. Kovarik, M. and Moucka, M. Not given IT L..", The Detection and Determination of Thallium with Methyl Violet OR1q. PUB. : Ghem Analit, 3, No .7;-4, 615-618 (1958) AKTRACT : it has been established that m4l(3+) in tCl solu- tion gives a colored compound with Methyl Violet (1); the product can be readily extracted -~.ith benzine with the formation of a blue solution showing maximum light absorption at 610 m, k4-; the beer law holds for TI concentrations of 0-180 per 100 ml extract: the intensity Df the color of the extract attains a maximum value after 10 min and remains constant over a period of 2 hrs. On the basis of the above data, the authors have C. RD 1/3 D 213 30UNTRY Poland 0S. JOUR. RZXhim.. i~o. 22 1959, lio. WTHOR r IT L2-i, 78502 ORICI. PUB. .1 A MTRACT oil Tl, the sample of unknown solution treated as described above is further 'treated with an equal volume of (I : 1) HCl, 2 volumes of )O~a Sodium citrate solution, and 1 ml of 0.2% 1 solution, the resulting solution is shaken with 3 10-20 ml por- tions of benzene, diluted with benzene to 1-00 ml, and analyzed photometrically with a S-61 filter. Interference by fig, Au, and Sb iti eliminated by reduction with metallic copper. The presence of M004' -, W04 ' -, and VO, - does not interfere with the determination. CARD: 313 V. Luklyanov IIARIX. 7-1. Slectrum analysis supplementing nondestructive teatIng. I. r. 371 Ostrava, Czechoslovakia Republic (City) Vysola sl-illa I-anska. SBORMIK VITECKYU PRACI. Ostrava, Czechcslovakia, Vol. 4, no. /,, 1958 Mcnthly List of 'ast -Lurcreen Accessions (EF-AI), LV, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. KOV1i!-L:,K, 1,11.; JANOSIKO1,1" V.; JAh'OSIK, J. Spectrm analysis as the completion of the N. A. Tanajev method. In Geman. P - 399. C11,F--rLIA (Kon-isja AnalitycLna Polskie AkaCeraii Nauk i Naczelna Or~-anizacj& Techniczna) 1-larsmim. Poland. Vol. h, No. Y, 1~59- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEJ~I) LG19 Vol. 8J No. 8, Aupst 1959 Uncla. NAKTA U "ECLOSLU Clemical Technolo:z-v. Chemical Prolucts entl Their Pon,! ludiistry RZT.Clum.' NO. 23 19 8394 2 I T iT!j C) 'tm j Brmblik, -DrYiru"of llefit by Stiblimr-tion '.'o Stmli.(-d vero flic lwoic eowii Liorts of mei!t dryint- by F-11blimr-tion. '-Inte r contAnt ir, c,be (leh.vdr~-tecl ~-er-f in cork -11 roq-o(--tively Fresl~ness of rlelhvt~rntefj vIls I-,y fln". cm-itc-nt; Ft-fler the resiorni-Jon of -roiz.t,ire NJ I I ,3 COnt(NIt. ill I,Nll' in. nork )6.9 nncl~j. Storapt, of ibe mePt I'P-umerltiyrep, of It, 20 mn(l 3713 for -it) dayS (lif! Tlot- RffO.Ct V~V Mil In Mild wl in meats nt -?00, :!r,(1 l8t.'!O mprp' at '170)- D. Ynl~esl!. 1-2 KQ_VARIK, MIlos A bouquet will not solve the problem. Siln doprava 13 no.~:l F 165. MITUrLk., Karel, inz.; KOITARIK, Milos, RNDr. Effect of the phosphorus trihydride content in acetylene on the phosphoration of welds, and its fast chemical detbrmination. Zvaranie 14 no.1:3-5 Ja 165. 1. Vitkovicke zelezarny Klementa Gottwalda, Ostrava-Vitkovice. I-$ ~Kovaairo Z, z 103titut* of orawl-tia chmIstrys "'Todualcal 4;ollop Or 'bw .Astr7 (Ta4ltut fw orgetaisobe i;hmle 7*ehnlaae HoohnobAs fur Mumlel,, Pft-gug - (for dil ~Va n-o& mt Usawavg& QMIWL ZAIL-VAIL- A;UAAW~- -~ffo-3;~Mffi 19fts po 1.5iAlfti ~54 Ow Mastlestion of the nyridloo scrlo*o -wrtu-s !~edtwzzon or quaterm" Salts of "no "ridina hommologues vrith scdi= tvorb~fdrLdoow KOVARM,-Rq4oX, inz. Prevent experience with the Soviet machipes for permanent way renewal. Zel dop tech 11 no.2238-39 163. 'k I KOVARIK.. S. Removal of cell debris, thrombocytes and dead cells from a spleen call suspension. Folia biol. (Praha) 9 no.,5:388-392 1634 1. Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (CYTOLOGY) (SPLEEN) (BLOOD PLATELETS) (CHRO14ATOGRAPHY) (TRYPAN BLUE) KOVARIK, V, Contribntion to the nonlinotir thoory of' Inyered plates. Bul Ac Pol Tech 12 no.,,):641-649 164. 1. Institute of Theoretical and Appli-d Mechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Sul:nitted June 17, 1964. 1 ACC N" AP7003778 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0090/66/000/006/0708/0758 I AUTHOR: Kovarik, Vaclav (Engineer; Candidate of sciences); Slapak, Pavel -- ate of (Engineer;`Candffi'-_W~f~nces; Docent) ORG: Building Institute CVUT, Prague TITLE: The stability of sandwich plates Part 2 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Acta technica, no. 6, 1966, 708-758 TOPIC TAGS: sandwich structure, sandwich plate, sandwich plate stability, incompressibility, transverse incompressibility, shear stress, material deformation, material stress ABSTRACT: Stability theories of sandwich plates with both light and rigid cores are given. In formulating the theories, linear geometrical and physical equations were employed. In chapter I the assumptions of transversal incompressibility, a certain distribution of transversal shear stresses, etc., lead to a certain form of the expressions for the components of displacement. Components of deforma- tion and of stress were also derived. Similarly to the classical theory of homo- geneous plates, the concepts of normal and shearing forces, of bending and twist- Card 12 -AdC NRI AP7003778 ing moments, are introduced. The formulation of the problem for a plate of general shape is given; the rectangular plate is considered, and results of a series of numerical examples are presented. A simple criterion for a plate of optimum structure is established. Chapter II is subdivided into two parts. In the first a more precise theory for rectangular plates with light cores and compara- tively thick outer layers is given. The second part contains a rather simple theory which holds true for the only plates with very thin facings. The results of numerical examples are arranged in tabular form. Orig. art. has: 14 figures 5 tables, and 167 forumlas. (Based on authors' abstract] (WA-521 (KS I SUB CODE: 13/SUBM DATE: 27Jul66/OR1G REF: 001/SOV REF: 001/ OTH REF: 005/ Card 2 / 2 L 45412-66 EWP(k)/EWP(w) IJP(c) EM I X~Ckl ~P6019818 (,4) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0090/66/000/001/0012/0059 AUTHOR; Koy Candidate of Sciences); Slapak, Pavel, .&rih. Vaclav Engineer; (Engineers ~andi~date of ciene-es) 51 ORG: Building Research Institute, Technical University, Prag2e TITLE: Cylindrical bending of sandwich plates (Finite-deflectio'n theory) 11966, 12-59 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska, akademie ved. Acta technica, no. 1, TOPIC TAGS: sandwich plate, sandwich plate bending, rigid core plate, light core plate, cylindrical bending ABSTRACT: The paper considers the bending of an infinite s trip supported along two opposite edges, with x, = const, and carrying a.lbadwhich doles not depend on th6 variable x2. Under these conditions the problem becomes one-dimensional. Thei influence of the variation of some parameters of the plate on the quality of the results is shown. The first chapter of the paper deals with a plate with a rigid core in which both the shearing and normal stresses are taken into 'account. Thp 112 T, 446i5_6 EWP(w)/EWP(k) IJP(c) EM -A& kR'%---AT60'33130 SOURCE CODE: HU/2504/66/053/03-/0343/0357. AUTHOR: Dundrova, V. (Pt-ague); Kovarik, V. (Prague); Slapak, P.--Shlapak, P. (Prague) ORG. none TITLE. Non-linear bending theory for sandwich plates. Part 1. The sandwich plate with very thin external layers SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, V. 53, no- 3-4, 1966* 343-35 TOP7;C TAGS: thin plate, approximation method ABSTRACT: The theory for bending of rectangular sandwich plates with isotropic core and very thin transversely isotropic external layers was developed from Lameian equations solved by a stepwise approxi- mation method. Non-linear conditions existed only in some boundary condi- .tions and the principal equations were all linear. The application of the theory was illustrated with a numerical example. The intermediate and finali terms were interpreted in terms of actual physical factors. 7hirty-two equations were presented to characterize the relations involved. Orig. art. has:"3 figures, 32 .formulas and 1 tIable. (Orig. art. in German) [JPRS: 36,6451 SUB CODE: 13o 12 / SUBM DATE. 01JU164 C.,d 1/1 ACC NR A P6036348 sou RCE CODE: CZ/0090/66/000/005/0589/0630 AUTHOR: Slapak, Pavel (Docent; Engineer; Candidate of sciences);,Kqvarik, Vaclav (Engineer; Candidate of sciences) ORG: Czechoslovak College of Technology, Prague-Dejvice (Tschechische Technische Hochschule) TITLE: On the stability of sandwich plates. Part. 1. Cylindrical buckling of sandwich plates SOURCE: CSAV. Acta technica, no. 5, 1966, 589-630 TOPIC TAGS: sandwich structure, structure stability, buckling, eigenvalue, potential energy, stability loss, wrinkling ABSTRACT: The present paper consists of three chapters concerning basic types of one-dimensional stability problems of sandwich plates: buckling (total loss of stability) and wrinkling (loss of stability of the outer layers only). Chapter I deals with the buckling of sandwich plates with rigid cores. In the core, which is assume( to be transversally incompressible,. both the shearing and the normal stresses are Card 1/2 NR. - AP6036348 taken into account. Expressions are obtained for eigenvalues of simply supported plates and built-in plates. In addition, expressions for eigenvalues of simply supported plates derived from the potential energy are given. Because of the non- linear dependence of the normal stresses on the variable x3 the two expressions do not coincide. However, the difference seems to be of no practical importance. 11 concerns the buckling of a sandwich plate with a light core. The outer layers are assumed to be thin enough to correspond to the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. The formulation of the problem is made partly from the minimum condition of the potential energy and partly from the conditions of equilibrium of an element of the plate. the first formulations laed to a fundamental equation of higher order than the second one. Boundary conditions are defined for simply supported and clamped plates. The solution gives practically identical results for both formulations. Chapter III deals with the wrinkling of outer layers. The linear geometrical and pfiysical equations of the theory of elasticity'are employed in formulating the problem. The conditions of equilibrium are written for a deformed element of an outer layer. Boundary conditions are defined for simply supported plates. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables, and 5 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) [KS] SUB CODE: 13/SUBM DATE: 1OApr66/ ORIG REF: 006/SOV RBF: 005/ OTH REF: 024/ 2/2 DUBDROVA, Vera, inz., CSc.; ROVARIK, Vaclav, inz., Mo.; SLAPAK, Pavel, inz., Me. Some problems of the theory of sandwich plates. Stav cas 11 no.5.-313-331 163, - 1. Ustav teoreticke a aplikovane mechaniky.. Caskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha. KOVAkIK, Vaclav., inz. CSc. Fi-nite deflections of sandwich pIntes. P-,tav cas 13 no.2*65-28 265- 1. Instituta of Tbecratic and Applied Mechanics of the Czechoolovak Academy of Sciences,, Prague. 'Submitted December 28, 1961. D If NJDROVAI , v--r6 '. irz, C'so . ; 1, oil hR I Y , Vanlav, inz. CL,c,, - Sj ~ pAK, ppvpl , ~li doc. ir,.,, " p L,:, C . Ir '6~OT- L I h Y Of Sf'Pdw-,:t plato bendinE. Pt.'2. ~c) j,., r, r; o,, 9 , r, 8 ru 164.. tv (,a 12 DUNDROVA, Vera, inz. CSc.; KOVARIK, Vaclav, Inz. C8c,j SLAPAK, Pavel, inz. C90. kF`Plication of new theories of sandwich plate bending, Stav r cas 11, no.10:622-640 164. 1. InstitAe of Building of the Czech Higher School of Technology, Prague. Submitted February 1, 1964. KOVARIK, R. Investigating certain causes of the derailment of railroad cars. P. 135 (Zeleznicni Technika) Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JA14- 1956 I KGVARfK St. 3090. 1~9,VWK St. Histol.-embryol. Inst. Plzefi. *Artefakty p-ri provAddni Feulgenovy reakce na ganglI6iyWUMW&.-I&teTa-cts in stainin ganglion cells by Feulgen's method dESKOSLOUNSd MORPOLOGIE 1953,. 31/3 (202-2071nius. 3 Muhlmann's assertion that the tigroid sub-st;nce of nerve cells is Foulgen-positive is based on an error; it is not the tigroid but the pigment granules that give a positive Feulgen reaction. Frankenberger - Prague (1, 5) SO: Excerpta Modica, Section V, Vol. 7 No. 9 i'OVARli'll 3. Ori~-ination of cellular nodols fro.-~-; autoly-tic ce-71Z. p. 214 (Ceskoslovenska 3iologie) Irol 05, no. 3, June 1057. "'Ll-ha, czec'loslova~-,n IZ, 11 1 i -L- SO: '.Iorlthly -Index of East European Acccssions (=Al) 1Z, Vol. 7, 110. 1, ',.in KOVARIK, S. Adhesion of reticulocytes to glaaa and paraffin oil. Foila Biol, 8 no.2:115-118 162. 1. Institute of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzen. (ERYTHROCYTES) KOVARIK, V. , G. Se. Some notes on the solution of skew orthotropic plates. Acta techn H=g 35/36:585-609 161 1. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. kalm 1XOd4- 4 . SAML, 01I.Dr.Doc4 KOH(XJT. J1,Dr.g KWBOVA, L., Dr.; KOVARIKOVA._!UDr. Nwarohumoral effects on gastric secretion. Gas. lek. cesk. 44 no.12: 293-294 18 Mar 55. 1. Z 1. interni kliniky K.U., preduosta prof. Dr.Notousek (STOMACH,'.pbyololog7 gastric secretion, neurobnmoral off. on) (GASTRIC JUICE secretion, nourohumoral off. on) EDYARIKOVA, A.; CAPSK, R. Effect of bacterial toxins on adenosintriphosphatase activity. Cesk. fysiol. 7 no.3:275-276 may 58. 1. Farmakologicka laborator CSAV, Praha. (BACTERIA, toxins, eff. on ATFase metab. (Gz)) (ADMLPYROPHOSPHATASN, metab., eff. of bact. toxins Oz)) KOVARIKOVA, A. of cardiotonic and cardiotoxic effects of lanatos ide D. Cesk. fysiol. 7 no.5:49.3-494 Sept 58. Vyzlumny ustav lecivych As~i*lin, Praha. (DIGITALIS, effects, lanatonide D. tonic & tox. eff. (Cs)) KOVARIKOVA, Al. Comparison of lanatoside A. B, C, D on the heart-lung preparation in cats. Ceak.fyslol. 9 no-3:293-294 My 160. 1. Vyskumny ustav lecivych rostlin, Praba. (DIGITALIS pharmacol) KOVARIKOVA Alena-L.; STORK, Alo-is Pharmacology and clinical use of lanatoside D. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.2l.' 653-657 26 My 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav prioridnich leciv, I intexmi klinika lekarske fakulty KU., Praha. (DIGITALIS)