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TRETIYAKOV, Vsevolod Ivanovich. Prinimali uchastiye: CIUFOROVA, I.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOVAL'-SKIY,_AjY-e., kand, khim, nauk; BARMOV, A.1 ., inzh.; MEYERSON, G.A., prof., doktor tekhn, naukp retsenzent; IVENSEN, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BABICH, N.M., inzh., retsenzent; OLIYJIOV, I.I., red.; HISIWUNA, K.D... red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. (ceramic-metal hard alloys; pkrsicochomical principles ofthoir production, properties and fields of use] Motallokeramiclieskie tverdye splavy; fiziko-khimicheskie osnovy proizvodstva., svoistva i oblasti primeneniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd- vo, lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 592 pa (MIRA 15:1) (Ceramic metals) NVALISHY, A.Ye.; PIVOVAROV, L.Kh. Deformational packing defects in the cobalt cementation rhase of solid compounds. KristallograMa 7 no.2:208-212 Mr--p '62. OIURA 15;4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tverdyk-h splavov, (Dislocations in crystals) Vrzheshch, Ye.Y;,,.. T T I oi pieparation oi sirip't--pims:, T~--'W -~at on period of decomposition. SO hac-insledovatel'skiy iii:ititut tv(~.--~zlykh F3n1a"'o-1 2~ ll"iUC Ud ov. Mo9cow, 1960. Tver(ivytt spl.,.tv-v, 7- aa investigation oi 'he, ~--ffect of Otu o, 0 "hz~ it of WC in Ta(.' on th(~ dur,-,-m of thf= llct7 of the phases after decompositio!i. It J 1111d N.M. Pavlushkin -R; I,!. on HE !t c) i t Y C i "I- -'vhich showed that the decur t: cak;ng down 0" tl~~ lu~ft And is accornpanieO by it b- a 1fl '3 C 'T,-I'~ 'IS were made of a mixturc of Ta ant'W (in ;~i-.5; ~ld IaTnp black which, in a firf~t ~;,,ere calcined ;e,'- 18 Ol 0 S e im, ~A- ter-,neraturcs il~ --kild above ih(,. !'Mpi.~rature produced e f, 1--~v and -.;l~ftcimcns were riot grrwi;(~ r'. ~j il Die:tails of the 1)i tliat all) lit tt the lo roasting lengt!ieris ti~o i7ic!O),~tion ppericlt;. Caro 000, ti !i U 6 1 t t" 'I. fig Ila, s j r -:x S "i 'A f' v a! il r n rL u. i n, lw~ k I i c ct o If k a 5; 1,i 4 17 11 Ct 11 i ol 1 u 11 t' Li 0 I't 0 v it c c) 1 ) !1 ili of r tif!s and illulcatlo t . z z l g lit 1-k I ill z All ':011;1'. arll, k1b."erved., l-'l"--I1lr11ni4 r FN ~T'~s (11 1 LLt 7" 01~-- ~IOTI ,c f)e Lll~.: r, I Z 1 f!. E~ c t it a I di v t r.,i: and nut t 'JII' it ppt.'~" 4 5 V 1 1 1.- U i a n s r t l. c diif- I -'t v I I t Is C- ! ing to 1, "v cl d e ~i wi L T-(-il. 1~.kttif:e jwrir'~hi v.-1 v uo( ill a af-'% 0 i g 1: i~-V'~ -.efe~' 3 Ru -,-it - ianguagc- Sti.rmril aivI A SS() it. r u' MNSEN, V*A.; A.Y s. Dependence of the electric resistance of a tungsten carbide-cobalt alloy on its structure. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no.5:793-794 My 162. (MRA 15:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tverdykh splavov. (Tungsten-Cobalt, alloys-Electric properties) /EWP(b )IEWP.( L 1071-66 DIM 1 77 ACCESSION NR: AM20314 hollp-LISKII, B. The working cli-so of China is buildint .; socialism. Sm. prol~soiuzy 3.7 no. 3:53-55 F 161. (IMU 14:2) (China-'-,' conmai c conditions) (Ruscia-Fo'. Oisgrn rolatione-China) KOVALISKII, B. S. Ras~~tjf-kfanovykh pod"emnykh kanatov. ('.?,!stn. Mlash., 1950, no. -', -,. 9-12) Calculation of crane lifting ropes. DLC- TNIj.Vh SO: Manufacturing and ~Iechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. 391. Koval'skil, F.S.. Them of multiple sinding of rope im The mi.,11 letwitll its ally lum I,( iti'litilt u it It 11 A raditIA r. Then-fort" the d(TIVAP.1 If W1011 'If Mell r (hl" Ill III-' Iq th,- turupol gr,-^I.-r r implo- thr dorm.,t- If Ow WdRI G-Itttid"k it% R CiVM litro. `Litth- itat-jxw- the tt.,11-ts of ik n-4hrient of tranavrTml A7 mn,l 1,-rjv~ -1;,, jI1lrKr*l Cfll Ildirill for the Amilal tell-iml in Ifir tilln fit the rt,lw I illo rMillA r dividni by lite lwra,illi ill Ill,- Atillwr u- 1114- ILWIve ellualilin Rit R ba-iol for th-awam'. A-11111 4 n jorimi n cerlikin I.&kA of ri-lilklicstiphip Itk-tmqi,n n%iA trmi,wti ,it I radin., %hich ho- thrj I)Ikinr iw,i a-tkiw th,- Iranw-A tirfurninlionn of the lope gre-ally 41-nA- J)tr a%jal tell.l."I I'l vael, turn of %iii-linc, Tlw trantIvem-d k1- 6,rtitvi,in 4 th, -p- at!-, h.-L% rn-At influenre on tht, 1,%. 0, rolcot, tl,,, dnmi. fit thit, v%nml&. like 11~. marf-of Ill,- r,pl,,- oil Ifir dnim, liv iAinc irato act"unt the uAvisvo-ral .1, I"fli'lli ..... .. r the roi-- :1-1 "t like drulti, iv M kr'!rIll, Anti. hy t-, i,.~ 11'. ... .1.4 ..... i- 137, kr/rm~ 1% ItA.1 %A 1, , I,iAi, 1w w w W-W-W a w W.W w W,W W. w:w v W, It oil W W,W w WIN W.W111-V 9 v w V 6 11I it it b id 1110411 a Mu MOM v 9 . , Iii -hP )1W 1`411115 61-1 AMP, .0 4i 81 , -941 am rhalk Immix-o" (in I(trwLioL DrAbi-If .164, Noul VtVR ' (N.8 177, 2, 2W 211, MAr. Iffil, "1 A110*0 11w4hir't 1411A off finvot offain hmid#."bla IM fbout. 6 1 1AMIP firt"Ifox of 1witove on t1mlle. lopindalkin. For inlid MM 00 0 . 1xwm of rectangular- rnm mertionIt, the r4ect of ittrain-ho"Iming 9 44 09 0 In shown to Ior, nlqmv6lph- a hen the Autir *one W trducvd in lew a** j than the nilddle third of the Iwarn depth, c64, : Grorml diffrie"HA equalivIn for Pbototw1wtir Im-ndinit ix ob- 7 ee 0 u lairted by hitendurinx a varitiltin Iwam mliffnetto. Nellecting r V ing in the ftw of AWI*w rA&xtic smes in the tw*nw, 60 above oqulinn is reduced to a nonlinear frFarth-order differential 0 91 1 equation whirh my Im s*W in the fom 0 an Infinite Imwei 0 Y . wrim CnrpiduWe Mww strairt-hardming So the mar of derp pladic wnmw, the ffmaral squtbon my he approximatM by a W~ fnwvth~r&rdWmFw W espatimm vrry similsr to the ~ cd J, 3 purr PIOLNIii- I*-IKIIRX. R. Brawler, U14A age 0 :P I At I L A ACTALLVP.GKAL tITIVATot CLASSIFICATION tz- 8 wee ICA, .... 0- all 3 1 ON 1: 0 11 00 At u 'a If (PAPIP cost MIT $111 $1 a fl! It 6 a let 0090:0000geoges 00*0 I I I of 0 x 1 1 Ir to I as A I is a nt so Go 0 0 0 i 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 09000 * *oil KOVALISKIY, B. S. USSR/Mathematics Oscillations I Jun 51 "Transverse Oscillations of a Load During Des- cent," B. S. Koval'skiy "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXVIII., No 4, pp 6h5-647 Considers small oscillations in load whose length of suspension varies with velocity v. Sets up differential egs of this motion, assuming resist-, ances to the motion in cables of the block are const. Bessel and hypergeometric solns result. Submitted 28 Mar 51 by Acad A. I. Nekrasov. 184T67 184T67 0*000*00*60 014:66"CS's-0 0 $its* Go* 4141 off Wme ov- 1 11 to It u 11 m It Is It is NIU13114MIAVAN 11 1.111 "S %U UNW41 1443 tsiall* A11- C. A L. I L A A -1- L -9 A.1-1, - , M W ul 2- A -.I 00 0 to, 09 9 410. Mmalskil, B. L. Smakm wIS Acxible walk (in to 2 Hadm), DmUaWAhJ.'Ncmk MS* (N.B.) Y7.6,161 A3, Apr, 1961. A tbroret" "yssiis by awmismat th"y of iska4ve of. Fill "All 10 1swuWaud toll OWISM so that v"firal n"111""Wilts td lsv%~Utt' Ate 9 pqKmlkmial to d6twKv hum that Purfam. 611111 18011SWIAl 170111- 211011,01 potm-1118 are L4)WDW Imm %Tflical by tlv~qy. A, --** Wall firktim and poWbk- Au 4-fftvt are istItIMvd, IA hich may be vk6k%diuS in tkqi and wmw bunketv. III view of uirmbracar CAI It throry. influence of firssural wish jixielity its to It Iside may 0 mot lw an miall m ubually aswunied. Tirralment iss do, nsuit v mwly routplete misd rixoms Imblica6m kouvita its teviewrr, UKmgh Pow privalt, brusti IsAve AurktNt out, Itut nut pubb.,livil, oitnitiamolutitmus. FormuW forAmlic usider lsmJ nit- IsmitirulAtly imistirtunt 1swtimlly, mince diffomm~ in Assise of lu"Il hjul uu- 41' 0 kwlesp bunkerts Mr. cunsmitleculd" am] aWmInts-sit., such ivi use Uwding dvvim, utuxt lot, III& to 1016W 11m, "'Sulting 111tivIIII4,1110 zoo sk S..SLA SITALLAsPOKAL LITI[RAT01 CtASSIFKAtION die 8 _-i As _T~ 6i- W -0Y, I u 0 goo 00 o e 0 o 0 a 0 a 0 0 1, Of 0 ~Oz. 006 0 0 00000:10000000004 0000'~060000000000004010001 1. KOVALSKIY, B. S. 2. USSR (600) 7. '3rri*1YDl(,-. of storm-Protectioll Equip-rent of OrInvu., Her.ild. of 17'-ichine Construction '~lg, 1, Jan -91, 9. Con-ril-ttion of Information of the USSR 1-4tchine and 11.1lachine `L'Ools lz-.-,~,astry Containo.0 in Sovint Public,,itions. -'0" 23~ KOVALISKIY, B.S.. professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk. ~- ' "~ - -I .. Calculating shock absorbers of cranes taking into account a flexible suspension of loads. Vest.mash.34 no.4:14-17 AP 054. MU 7:5) (Shock absorbers) KOVAL'SKIY B.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor.*wmwj~I --- Load loops for cranes. Vest. ma9h. 36 no.8:22-24 '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) SOV/124-58-10-11832 Translation f,-bm: Reierati'vnyy zhurnal, Mekharika, 1958, Nr 10, p 151 (USSR) AUTHOR- Ko,,,Psbiy_, B,S. TITLE- Detormation of Hoisting Cables Under Dynamic Loading (Dinami- cl-_es~:ve nagruzk;- i deformatsii pod'Iyemnvkh kanato%) PER'ODT-CAL.- V st, : Vopr, teorii i rascheta pod'Iyemro-transp. mashin. Moscow--- Ley.)* ~~.grad, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 157--168 ABSTRACT-, The foilowing conditions encountered in the operation oi hoisting equ:pment a2,-e studied: Rotation oi the noisting winch with a constant angular velocity or uniform angular acceleration; braking, and liit:ng of loads from the ground, The problem is solved by talOng into consideration the dissipative forces due to viscous friction, proportional to the time rate of elongation of the cable. The author does not employ any of the commonly accepted computa- tional methods based upon integration of differential equations. The solutions obtained are of an elementary , attire; the author justifies their employment by the fact that distances through which the loads must be lifted by means ot cranes are relatively small. Card 1/1 A. B. Margayevskiy 9Q&~III~y-II-S#,,-doktor tokfin. nauk, prof. Dynamic loads and deformations of hoisting ropes. [Izd.] LONITOMASH 43:157-168 157. (MIRA 11:6) (Hoisting machinery) KOULISKIT, B.S.0 doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MARIRCHEV, R.B., inzh. Banding strength of tube sheets in heat exchangers. Khim. mash. no.2:10-14 Mr-lp '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Heat exchangers-Testing) KOVALISKIY B's. of., doktor tekhnonauk - Device for lifting an 800-ton runner. Sbor. VNIIPTHASH no.24: 71-80 159. (MIRA 13-.11) (Hoisting machinery) AUTHOR: TITLE 7 87152! S1 14 A1611AG.'~`C` Kovallskly, B.S.; Professor, Do,--..t:or of Technic-al. Scien',"es -1 ,1 ~ -7~ !,z t~NA5~, Dhe Contact Theorem in Dqg-meev)-ak, Praciioe PERIODICAL:~ 1zv(,,stiya vysshikh uchebny~h za*vedenly No, 6, pp. 8! - 97 TEXT- The article presents the contents of' a repor-, read tO. a -xiferen-c- on the problems concerning the theory of e1a54-.jCjj.y and j:Cjn3l ;~4..I. n e.-.hanlc:~ or. ru . o ~ M _ January 9 - 13, 1957, at Kharlkovskly a-vtomobil 'no-doroz1viyy (Markn-,, Highway Institute). Tbe Present situation. con(~,ernlng Ca,~-.Gatlo,~s of stresses (in roller and ball bearings, gears., ranningr wheels., etc,.) is with reference to m~my works beginning with H. Hertz "of 1881) -07hGse formulas are being used. Tne case of pressure In contict area und&-rs,)rmrnP-.r1ca1 and nor-- symmetri,;al load and under tangential load is analyzed, a-rid objections are raiBed against the established calsulation pra~lce for cont-a~,.t 3trezqses. The author considers the formula for maxinnim normal stress as well as for tangential stresz under the contact spot utterly unjustified and S,aggests to ac-n-ept the ocstaedric hypothesis of plasticity for the basis and to operate with s~.rezses C'n The conta!--~ Card 1/2 871 52 S1.1 45/E0'/000/00 6/0 D 3/W7 The Contact Theorem in Engineering Prac-tl~.-~-, A 161 /A() 2- 6 point using the, formulae, d~ ~ = P"" V1 and to discontinue the prac".!.oe of using differeni. penius-,,.Ible f*or on , Z r, 4.. same material. The sug al of establlshf-d c--31.cul af ton rules would gested revis make it unnecessary to use separate. caloulatlons for roller and ball bearl.ng5, running wheels of machines, and gear transml~~sians. A ase of red1.j!7:ed Etre~eq on a contact area is calculated and m&)dimum conta?t :caress .1., deter-ro-ned for in-- .,q referen~.-esz 42 Sovlet~ 11 Gor.-ilan, 5 volute Sears. There are 8 figures and I:'- - English and I Japaneae, ASSOCIATION-. Kharkovskoye 'yssheye aviatsic,.,i!-lo-i-ekILn.iclie--,kov,~- u,,hil.1shIche (Ehart kov Higher School of kriatlon Rnajijaering) SUBMITTED.~ J-Lily 21, 19'-9 Card 2.12 KOVALISKIY, B.S.. dokLor tekhn. nauk.?, PFRTiEV, L.P., kand. takhn. nauir Study of r-at flanges. nim. I neft. maf,-hinastr. no.A,-,20-22 D 164 (MIRA 1W) KOVALISKIY, B.'S. (Xhurtkcv);,:Pr,,DOTOV, V.P.. (Kharikov) Deiign of vafaVt membranes. Frikl. mek',I-i. 1 no.0.113-1-19 165. 1. Ukrainsk-ly nauchno-issladovatellskiy institat kh'A.micheakogo mashinostroyeniya. KOVALISKIY, B.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Losses in the blocks of rope polyspasts. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.10:34-37 0 165. (MIRA 18;11) KOVALISKIY,-.E,, aspirant Deformtions in the bite caused by the absence of milk molars and methods for prosthesis in children. Stomatologiia 38 no-5:53-55 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz kafedry chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii i stomatologii (zavedim- yushchly - prof. N.M. Mikhellekon) TSentrallnogo instituts, usover- shenatvovaniya. vrachey (direktor M.D. Kovrigina) i Tsentrallnogo instituts, travmatologii i ortopedii (direktor - prof. N.N. Priorov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - dotsent L.V. Illina~ Markosyan). (DENTITION) (MASTICATION) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) PI ,,JYJIIN, 1.17.; KSAAL'SKIY, E.V. Catalytic reforming of the I)hebelinka gas coritonsal'o. 1z,.r. Us. uchob. zav.; khim, i khim. tekh. 7 no.3:467-1171 16/,. I'l - 10) 1. ?,harlkoNrskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina, ka-Pedra mekhariicheskogo oborudovaniya khi-,nicbeskikh zavodov. A 82898 S/12u/6o/000/02/029/052 0 E032/E414 AUTHORS: Kovallski"G.A. and Kuchay, S.A'. TITLEt Investigation of Small-Scale Ion Pumps~ PERIODICALiPribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 196o, Nr 2, PP 110-115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An important problem in vacuum tochnology is the development of high-vacuum pumps, in which the extraction of gas from the working volume is not accompanied by the back migration into this volume of the working fluid of the pump. only one type of pump is known at present which satisfies this requirement. The pump is based on the removal of gas which is first ionized, with the aid of electric and magnetic fields. However, the ion pump described in the literature (Ref 1) has a length of about 4 ni and consumes 42 W, the pumping speed being approximately 5000 litres/sec. The problem therefore arises as to whether this particular design is the only possible one or whether other versions are possible, in particular those in which the energy consumption is lower and the linear dimensions are Card 1/3 smaller. A series of experiments was carried out by the 82898 S/12o/6o/ooo/02/029/052 E032/E414 Investigation of Small-Scale Ion Pumps authors in order to study the pumping action of' a gas- discharge with a relatively short column in a magnetic field. These experiments did not lead to the development of the working model but nevertheless the results obtained are of definite interest and are now reported. F_J*S 2 shows the pumping system employed. The experiments were carried out on two installations in which the high-vacuum part of the discharge column was 5 cm long (apparatus A) and 12 cm long (apparatus B). Both A and B had identical vacuum systems and differed only in the design of the cathode. In A the cathode was directly heated and was in the form of a flat spiral, while -in B the cathode was in the form of a rectangular plane surface, heated by electron bombardment. The cross-sections of the channels between the fore-vacuum and the high-vacuum regions were circular in A and rectangular in B. The discharge current was varied between 0 and 3A~ the voltage between 100 and 500 V and the magnets produced a field of 2500 Oe in A and 5000 Oe in B. k~/ Card 2/3 Pumping speeds between 14 and 46 litre/see were obtained 82898 S/120/60/000/02/029/052 E032/E4i4 Investigation of Small-Scale Ion Pumps for model B with fore-vacuum tc high-vacuum pressure ratio between 14.5 and 5.5 respectively. The pumping speed achieved with model A was 1.7 litre/sec with the fore-vacuum to high-vacuum pressure ratio of 3.5. it was found that the pumping characteristics are improved when the magnetic field is incr-eased. It -was also found that there is an optimum discharge current at constant voltage (Fig 7)- It was noted that an increase in the voltage across the discharge always improves the pumping characteristics. It is concluded that it is definitely possible to produce small-scale ion pumps working with a pressure drop of about 100. There are 7 figures and 1 English reference. SUBMITTED; February 26, 1959 A-t- Card 3/3 867h7 ec2jo ~69 j I) S/l2o/6o/ooo/()o6/022/045 '/ AV-2, 139z-) E032/E314 AUTHORSz and Rodin, A.M. TITLE: Separation of Isotopes of Inert Gases in an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator PERIODICALi Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No. 6, pp. 84 - 89 TEXTt Two methods of accumulation of gaseous elements after separation in an electromagnetic isotope separator are described. The first method is based on the embedding of ions in metallic targets and the second on pumping-off the required gas from a gas collector. The work was carried out bet-een 1952 &d 1955. Some preliminary results of this work were reported by Zolotarev et al (Ref. 6) during the Second Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The 0 experiments were carried out with an electromagnetic 180 separator, having a gap of 35 cm and a base (source to detector distance) of 1 m. A hot-cathode arc-type ion source was employed. The are chamber and the associated elements were kept at a high potential and the last electrode of the extracting system as well as the vacuum A:dhamber of the Card 1/4 86747 S/l2o/6o/ooo/oo6/022/o45 E032/E314 Separation of Isotopes of Inert Gases in an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator separator and the detector were earthed. Ion optics of the bicylindrical type was used so that ion lines of any required height could be obtained. The source was supplied with gas through a regulated leak. Ion currents up to some tens of mA could be obtained. In the first method, the ions were embedded in nickel targets and the isotopic composition of the embedded material was investigated mass-spectrometrically by heating the target to 1 000 OC in 'a separate vacuum installation and collecting the emitted gas. Most of the experiments were carried out with neon and 2rgon as the working gases. At low current densities (0.1 PA/cm ) the amount of embedded gas Increas-ts linearly with time. At greater current densities a saturatMi state is reached after which the amount of embedded gas ceases-to increase. The amount of gas which can be taken up by a nickel target under the saturation conditions is a roughly linear function of the ion energy (other things being equal) at least in the energy range 10 - 30 keV. Experimental evidence suggests that the ions Card 2/4 86747 s/lzo/60/ooo/oo6/022/o45 E032/E314 Separation of Isotopes of Inert Gases in an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator are embedded in the metal all the time but as the amount of embedded gas is increased the amount of gas re-emitted into the vacuum under the action of ion bombardment is also increased. In order to avoid periodic target changes, a special receiver was constructed in which the ion beams are received on a nickel ribbon which can be displaced by rotating two drums on which it is wound. By using the entire length of the ribbon enrichment factors exceeding 500 could be obtained. In addition to the method described above, inert-gas isotopes were also separated by pumping-off from receivers in which they were accumulated. This method has the advantage that no upper limit is imposed on the ion current entering the receivers. In these experiments the ion source had to be modified by inclusion of a reflecting cathode. The emitting cathode was set up close to the, output slit of the source, whose dimensions were 100 x 1.5 mm . The accelerating electrode was placed at a distance of 3 mm from it. The measured utilisation factor for argon and crypton Card 3/4 86747 s/12o/60/ooo/oo6/022/045 E032/E314 Separation of Isotopes of Inert Gases in an Electromagnetic Isotope Separator in the separator was found to be 10 and 17%, respectively, while for neon it was found to be 7%. TP input sli s of the receivers had an -area of 1.25 cm (25 x 5 mm ). Optimum results were obtained with current densities of 2-3 A/cm2 and minimum possible pressures in the ion source. This refers to pure gases. For neon-air mixtures, the optimum current was greater by a factor of 2 - 2.5. The ions were received on graphite collectors. Neutralised atoms were pumped-off by an oil-diffusion pump. The results obtained indicate that the pumping method has definite advantages over the embedding method in the case of isotopes having an abundance greater than 1%. On the other hand, the other method is more useful in the case of low-abundance isotopes. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 6 references: 3 English and 3 Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 3, 1959 Card 4/4 SPIRINA, A.A.; KAZAKEVIGH, N.B.; KNIT, H.I.; SVETOVIDOVA, V.M.; MIT, V.S.; ARONOV, M.S.; BORISKINA, K.I.; PMHIN, G.H.; B3WZZROVA, K.A.; KURPOV, S.P.; KqLA;~I.SKIY, G.N.; RYBKINA, L.G., BALYBZRDINA, L.D.; -uY~ULLINA, G.G.; DEMIKHOVSK I. Annotations of articles which reached the editorial office. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid,i immun. no.2:88-89 7 '53. (MLR& 6:5) 1. Kurskiy inatitut epidemiologii i mLkrobiologii(for Spirina, Kazakevich and Xmit). 2. Tambovskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Sve- tovidova). 3. Kafedra mikrobiologii Odesekogo meditsinakogo institute (for Khait). 4. Kafedra mikrobiologii i operativnoy khirurgii Kuybyshmkoao mpditsinskogo institute (for Aronov, and Boriskina), 5. Vsesoyuznyy nauch- no-lasledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsev-ticheskiy institut (for Pershin and Belozei,ova). 6.-Kafedra mikrobiologii Tomskogo meditsinskogo institute i- meni V.M. Molotova (for Karpov). 7. Tomskiy institut epidemiologii i mi- krobiologii (for Karpov). ,.~ Krasnodarskiy institut eDidemiologil I m1kro- biologii imeni Savehenko (for Kovallskiy and Rybkin). 9. Kafedra infek- tsionnykh bolezney Sverdlovskogo meditain-skogo institute (for Balyberdina). 10. Kazanskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Akhmadullina). 11. Kafedra mikrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo meditainskogo institute (for Demikhovskiy). (Bacteria, Puthogenic) (Antibiotics) (Phagodytosis) HIROSHNIKOVA-RMOUNDT, M.A.; PZRVUSH1N. B.P., professor. nauclinyy rukovaditell, KOVALISKIY. G.H., dotsent, direktor. Increasing the virulence of the smallpox vaccine virus by the selection method (jUithor'B abstract). Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immn. no.7:77-78 Jl '53. (MI-RA 6:9) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni I.G.Saveheako. (Viruses) (Smallpox) VARPOLOWIVA, A.A.; KOVALISNIT, G.N.. direktor. Preparation and application of anti-leptoopirosiB vaccine. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i imm. no.8:47-49 Ag 153. (MINA 6:11) 1. Moskovskly institut im. I.I.Machnikova (for Sokolov). 2. Krasnodarskiy institut im. Savchanko (for loval'skiy). (Vaccination) Kuvw~SK%Y. VARFOLOMEMA, A.A.; KOVALISKIY, G N. Plea for more extensive application of achievements in the field pf control of leptoopirosis; results of the All-Union Scientific ancl Practical conference on Problems of leptoopiroses. 2hur. mikrobiol. epid. i immuna no.12:110-112 3) 154. (KMA 8:2) (LM"MPIROSIS, prevention ana control, in Russia, eonf.) KOVALISKIY, G, N. and BARFAIA)MMA, A. A. "Concerning the Article by P. F. Khoruzbenkol 'The Epidemiology of Swamp Fever~"' by A. A. Barfalomeyeva and G. N. Kovallskiy, V Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 27, No 9, Sep 56, pp 106-107 This review says that the article by Khoruzhenko which deals largely vith the question of revising the role of mouselike rodents in the gene- sis of "epidemic foci of swamp fever" does not present enough data to justify a change in existing theories concerning the endemic nature of this disease, Conflicting and inconsistent statements by Kboruzhenko regarding the commonly held opinion that these rodents play a leading role as reservoirs of leptospirosis in nature are criticized. The authors take issue with Khoruzhenk-ols pronouncement thatcattle are the primary reservoir of swamp fever in the Ukraine, and cite references from Zhurnal Miki-obiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, other jour- nals, and collected works which also treat this subject. They also object to Khoruzhenkols presentation of widely known facts as "new." It is stated that his observations on the incidence of infectious jaundice among cattle give him no basis for discounting the role of mouse like rodents as "in- significant." Khoruzhenkols attempt to establish an inverse relationship between the abundance and fullness of water reservoirs and the incidence of this disease is disputed. The authors feel that other epidemiological faictors existing in a given locality must be taken into account. They object to Khoruzhenkols emphasis on timely recognition of lepto- spirosis among agricultural animals; he mentions the necessity of inforl".- Ing veterinarians of cases of diseasc among. humans, but neglects the re- sponsibility of veterinary workers to carry out antiepidemic measures. He does not touch on the necessity for systematic prophylaxis by veteri,- aray organizations as the most effective means of controlling leptaspirosis among humans and animals. After recommending several measures for reducing the incidence of leptospirosis among humans, they reiterate the conclusion that Khoruzhenko's article does not present adequate grounds for revising existing opinions concerning the epizootological and epidemiological role of mouselike're- dents. It is the reviewers' opinion that premature revision of these facts could have an unfavorable effect on antiepidemic work. S-U)Y\ I ROULISKlY, G.N., dots.; GORDIYFIIKO, A.N., prof. I - ~ Z; I.G.Snvchanko, an outstanding pnthologints Pnd microbiologint. Vrneh.delo no.2:209 F 158. (MlItA 11:3) 1. Krnanodarskiy i Rostovskiy meditsinakle instituty (SOCIDIM0, ITAN GRIGORIEVICH, 1862-lql2) ACC NRi A116026392- SOURM 'COM"" Ult/6~99/6'61006/60'fiOO8*OZ666W- AUTHOR: Koval'skiys G. S. (Candidate of medical sciences) ORG: Vepartment of Infectious Diseases/head-docent S. Ye. Shapiro/ Khabarov Medical Institute (Kafedra infektBionnykh bolezney Miabarovskogo meditsinbkogo instituta) TITLE: Clinical and prophylactic aspects of acute cardiovascular insufficiency in hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis SOURCE: Sovetskaya meditsina, no. 7, 1966, 80-84 TOPIC TAGS: human ailment, Omsk fever, cardiovascular insufficiency; complex therapy, adrenal gland, shock, 4~~ therapeutics,~ ('1hV010VW5C'(-'AfiX- %5'0?-F-rn~ ABSTRACT,., Cardiovascula-r insufficiency (shock) appeared in ten Omsk fever patients on the fourth to tenth day after appearance of symptoms. It was characterized by dyspnea, cyanosi-- of the extremities, occasional cold sweat, alteration of heart sounds, frequent irregularity or disappearance of pulse, drop in arterial pressure, or severe hypotension. Complex therapy consisted of plasma, concentrated glucose, sodium chloride, ascorbic acid, and various stimulant solutions,.as well no corticosteroid' Card 1/2 UDC: 616.61- F- KOVALISKIY9 G.S, PasBive hyperpolarization of skeletal musclos following tranoection and functional block of the nerve. Fiziol.zhur. 46 no.6t683-689 Je 16o. (MIRA 330) 1. From the Chair of phys-iol(gy, Medical Institute, Khabarovsk. (MUSCIM.-IM,TRVATION) ;I I .;i P10TROVI04i, A.K., kand. med. nauk; KOVALISKIT, B.S., kand. med. nauk (Khabarovsk) Clinical aspects of influenza in Khabarmk, Klin, med, 41 no.7:117-120 J1163 (MIRA 16:12:) 1. 1z kafedry infektsionnykh bolemiey( zav. - dotsent S.Ye. Shapiro) Khabarov4ogo meditsinskogo instituta. KOVALtSKIYj G,S, Atony (passive hyperpolarization) of visual centers in the frog. Fiziol. zhur, SSSR 46 no. 9:1120-1125 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1~ From the Physiology Chair of Medical Institute* Khabarovsk. (EYE-INNERVATION) (FUCTROPHYSIOLOGY) KOVAL'SKIY, G. S., Cand Med Sci -- "Polai,ization changes in A-4 denervated structures." Mos, 1961. (Inst of Normal and Patholc I I Physiology)Acad Med Sci USSR) (KL, 8-61, 261) - 470 - MOVALfSKIY, 1. A. IlThe Early Diagnosis of Ilotkin's Disease ZInfectious Hepatiti2s-d Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 10, October 1961 ALISOV, P.A., profor general-mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; STARSHOV, P.D., kand. mad. nauk,,podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby;_NP' _fAL-1 qj~~Y,, T mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby Treatment of Infectious hepatitis with transfusions of fibrinolytic and preserved blood plasma. Voen.-med.zhur. no.11:17-20 'U. (MA 18:5) KOVALISKIY, I.A. Early diagnosis of infectious hepatitis. Vcen.-med.zhur. no,,10:89 0 f61. (MDA 15t5) (IWATITIS, INFECTIOUS) 1011ALISKIV I C' -- L u 1'. co ad oil to 4 AI 6, 1qJ to 11 !" 13 All 0 iS/0119/64/0001005/0029/0030 ACCESSION NR; AP4038889 AUTHOR: Kovallskiy, 1. L. TITLE: New mass spectrometer for solid-state substances SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 5, 1964, 29-30 TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, =99'spectrometer, spectrometry, mass opectrometry, solid subsiance maEii spectrometer ABSTRACT: Anew spectrometer (U.S. Patent no. 2970215, 1961, clanto 250.41.9) is briefly deucribed; it is intended for determining the structure of an inorganic chernical substance by dissolving a small specimen of it In a great quantity of a known inorganic solid-state substance (metal or metalloid). The particles ernitted by the disoolved specimen with a kinetic energy of I -Z ey are aent, via an ionizing zone where their energy Is raised to 50-1,000 ev, to the analyzing zone. All parts pertaining to the spectrometer zones are located in a 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4038889 glass or metal envelope (sketch supplied) which consists of a cylinder,6a base, and a lid. Examples of using the mass spectrometer for analyzing 10- concen- trationa of Mg or Pb are given. For detailo, see the above U.S. Patent. Orig. art. has: I figure ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ATD PRESSi 3079 ENGL: 00 iSUB CODE: Opt 83 NO REF SOV6. 000- Card Z/2 ---- - ------ OTHER: 001 IlAutomatic ',ontrol and of Iroco":-,~s at 11"ressin- and 301d- T,'Iytractirw l-'actories." 01) o - 3, A vt.-,mLt L, at A i a -i kortr~lll -ro v A;ch--nlj i I lr-m et- 1. t A Z-,tion anLl control the in cro &ndl hy;',ro--mCt-,,'L un.- 7 "..,2tL I il I I-C, 1.,7- List of Pvs 6 NIc-, 5, ,wt-unt KOV-kLISKD[,, I. L. Kovallskiy2 I. L. and Nevskiy,, B. V.,, "Theoretical Principles of ReLulation I in their book, Av-Laaatizatsiya i kontroll protsessov v obogashchenii i gridrometallurgii Z-Automatization and Control of Processes in Enrich- ment and in Hydro-nietallurgy; Moscow,, 14etallurgizday, 1953, Pages 139-163; 16 figures. KOVAL'SKIY, Ionif L'vovich; TRDITSKIY, A.Y., redaktor; MKUKINA. Ye.T. '!_1 M r=ait_~o_r!;Vv, SHTWN~ Te.B.. telchnicheskly redaktor [The electrical equipment of ore-dressing plants; textbook for mochanicalachools and coiirses]-Fl.ektrooborudovanie obogatitell- nykh fabrik; uchebn1k dlia shkoli lairsov nasterov. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi netallurgii 1955, 295 P. (MLRA 8:11) (Ore dreaning) (Electric engineering) . KOVAL I SK IY, 1. L. , inzh. Slide rule for determining parameters of welding in an atmosphere of intert gases. Svar.proizv. no~6:42-43 Ag 16o. I MRA 13: 7) (Welding) (Slide rule) ~-.-KDVAB ISKIYP L L.J. inzh. Automatic control in ore-dressing plants. Mckh. i av-tom. proizv. 15 no.6152-56 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (ore dressing) (Automation) KOVALISKIY, I.L. inzh.-elektrik ------ - Automatic control of the transportation system in an ore- dressing plant (from "Efigineering and Mining Journal," no.6, 1961). Gor.zhur. no.lt75-76 Ja t63. (KRA 16:1) (Montana-Ore handling) (Automatic control) KOIJALSKIY, I.L. A now mass spectrometer for solids. Ratsionalizatsiia 14 no.9s18-19 164. KOVI'Llsm, 1.1,0, J,nzb. tic trarisducer. Priborostreenie no.3s29-30 New electrOPneum (MIRA 1814) mr 165. Card 1/2 UDC i 534-8t62-734 z z 7' ' Fig# 1. Ultrasound device for water disinfection 1. Tubular projector; 2* spherical concentrator, SUB CODEt 13 06 13UBM DATE: ' OhMay65 KOVALISKIYVI.L., inzh. Through the pages of foreign magazines. TSement 30 no-3:22-23 14Y-Je 164. (YJRA 17:11) ASHKINAZI.A.Te.,KOLVALISKlY. X.V,j VULIMLIT. G.L., red.; KODKIRD, I.I., red.; LARIOTIOV G.T9.;-Te-RHH-.rbd. [Liquid-:ooled turbogenerators] Turbogeneratory s zhidkostnym okhlazbdeniem. Ffoskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 10 p. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Goeudaretvannyy treat po organivetsii i retsionalizataii elektrostantsiyZ Moskva. (Turbogenerntors--Cooling) LZBEMV, H.V., inzh. [deceased]; KOVALISKIY, K.V., red.; SHNKYIMOV, S.A., red.izd-va; VOIM~Oi-,-S-.-V.-,-t-e-ka-.-red. [Galculating the power factor of industrial electric installations] Opredelenie koeffitsienta moshchnosti promyghlennykh elektro- ustanovok. Noskva, Izd-vo X-va komm.khoz. R23R. 1958. 69 p, (Electric power) (MIRK 12:3) PET IKO, Nikolay Ivanovich; KOVALIMY, K.V.,, red.; KOROGODIN, A.S., red.lad-va; NAZAROVA, A.S., te~.reT.---'- (Relay protection and automatic control for municipal electric networks and power plants] Releinais zeshchita i avtomatika na gorodakikh elektrostantBiiakh I satiakh. Moskva. Izd-vo M-va komrmn.khoz.RSFSR, 1960. 184 p. OGRA 13:9) (Electric power distribution) (Electric power production) KOVALISKI I vich; TAYTS, A.A., red.; KOMDNOV, A.S., red. izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A.,--tekhn. red. [Calculation of windings in transformer repair and rewinding operations]Raschet transformatorn~'M obmotok pri remontakh i peremotkakh. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun,,khoz.RSFSR, 1962. 48 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric transformers-Maintenance and repair) L.B.- Hydrop-3ological conditions governing the formation of subsuriace flow in the rivers of the Karelia-Kole regAon. Vest. flosk. u-n. Ser. 4- Geol 18 no.5:64-69 S-0163. (MIRA l7j2) 1. Kafed-_u gAdrogeologii Moskovskogo universiteta. KOVALISXIY, L.I. Possible influence of the filling of resorvoirs on the salinity of the soils in the loft bank of the forest-steppe of the Ukraine, Pochvovedenie no.2:2.1-31 F '64. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Ukrainskaya sel.skok-tiozyayst-vewmya.iakademiya. 86"' It' ran r ro a.2i`l', 54 t--. . favora.ble,.re7, ey,--,. T~ 00 i . ring* advice regar ing heir 6ffe d 11g.0 ution' .......... ~ubidi t6d ........ AUTHOR: Koval I skiy,__L,-I..,-- (Kiyev) 26-58-6-47/56 TITLL: A Book on Photographing Nottire (Knign o fotografirovanii prirody) PF!1,1QDICAL: Priroda, 1958,,,Nr 6, p 120-121 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a critical review of the book "Photographing Nature" by V.A, Smorodin, published by "Iskusstvo" in 1957. Card 1/1 1. Books-Review -1 Q KOVALISKIYt L.I.1, sasistent Ground and river wqters of thp Trubesh Basin. Nauch. trudy UASHN 10:273-281 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Trube2h Valley.-Hydrology) KOVALISKIY, L.I. [Koval'siskyi, L.I.], assistent Recent erosion processes in northwestern Podolia. Hauk pratei IJASHN 17 no.12:147-155 160. (miRA 16:7) (Podolia.-Erosion) 25(2) AUTHORt Koval I skiy,,L,-10'~` SOV/1 31-59-6-4/15 TITLEs Calculation of the Press SM-143 (K raschetu presse, SM-143) PERIODICALs Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 6, pp 255-257 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author examines the mechanism of the press SM-143 and states that its crank and lever mechanism oontains a kinetic uncertainty. The movement of both of its dies is determined by the properties of the press materials and by the weight of the press mechanism. Furthermore the author examines the movement speed of the dies. Figure 1 shows the kinetic diagram of the operating mechanism of the press SM-143, and figure 2 gives the diagram of the movement of the joints connected with the dies. From the speed plan of the joints connected with the dies shown in figure 3, the joint speeds or the pressing power can be computed. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Vaesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (All-Union Institute of Refractories) Card 1/1 ,_ KOVAL I SKM-A-lL-- Causes of the breaking of arms of the SM-143 Prose, Ogneupory 25 no.6:251-255 160. (HIM 13: 8) 1. Vaesoyuzny7 institut ogneu orev. (Power presse 3 S/135/62/000/009/004/00111 A006/A101 AUTTIOR:~- Koval'skiy, L. S., Engineer TITLE: 6cientific-TecNiical Conference on diffusion welding in a vacuun PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1962, 42 - 4', TEYT: The second scientific-technical Conference on diffusion weldirig In a vacuum of metals. alloys, and non-metallic materials was held in Moscow on Miay 2,", - P6, 1r)62. The following reports viere delivered, N. F. Kazakov, Candidate of TechnicalL Sciences: Diffusion welding in a vacuum-existing state and outlooks; Physical bases of diffusion i..,elding in a vacuum of metals, alloys and non-.metaillc materials '; V. D. Taran Doctor of Technical Sciences: Diffusion welding in a vacu- uln of low-alloy steels: S. Ye. Ushakova,Engincer: Investigating diffusion welding of 2 X0 (2nl'~,) martensite steel, - A. I. Safonov, Candidate of Technical Sciences , Kvasnitskiy, V. F., Engineer: Diffusion welding in a vacuum of austenite steels: I. P. Iudin, Engineer: Using diffusion the Gorkiy eccnomical district; I. V. A'fanaslyev, A. F. Khudyshev and E. S. Karakozov, Engineers.: Production of vacuum-,t.ight joints by diffusion welding in a vacuum of parts and units for elec- tric vacuum devices; V. V. Gorbanskiy, Candidate of Technichal Sciences: Equipment Card 1/2 S/I'i5/62/000/009/U~ 41G., Scientific-Technical Conference on... A006/Aloi and techniques of diffusion welding in a vacuum of dissimilar metals; A. V. Y'Xi- voshey,.Engineer: On the control of welded joints produced by diffusion welding: Alekseyev, I. D., Engineer: Design principles and outlooks of development for dIf- fusion welding equipinent. The Conference noted the present use of diffusior, wel& ing for the production of disilicide-inolybdenum heating rods operating at 1,70C 0C and steel-castiron sections for braking devices; 122 combinations'of materials, including cerinets, mineral ceramics, and refractory materials can be welded by t. this method. Centralized production of diffusion-welding equipment is imperaltive Card 2/2 AUTHOR: TITLE: PIMIODICAL: S/125/62/000~009/008/OOB Aoo6A'O1 Koval'skiy, L. S. The Second Scientific -Technical Conference on diffusion welding in a vacuum of metals, alloys and non-metallic materials Avtomaticheskaya avarka, rio. 9, 1962, 93 94 TEXT: The Second Conference on diffusion welding was held in Moscow on May 24 - 26. It was opened by M. P. Ivanov, Deputy Chief of Mosoblosovnarkhoz. The following reports were delivered: N. F. Kazakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor: the use of diffusion welding in a' vacu 'um and its further outlooks; V. D. Taran, Doctor of Technical Sciences: the use of diffusion welding in a vacuum for main pipelines; V. Z. Vysotskiy, I. P. Iudin, S. Ye. Ushakova: diffusion welding in enterprises of the Gorkiy economical region; Engineer V. F. Kvasnitskiy; the pos 'sibility of using vacuum diffusion welding for heat-resistant materials; Engineers V. N. Moiseyev, 0. 0. Smirnov: welding cermet brake disks; Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1. 1. Metelkin: vacuum diffusion welding of non-metalfized'mineral ceramics with metals; Engineers A. F. Khudyshev, 1. V. Card 1/2 KOVALISKIY., L.S. Second Scientific Technological Conference on Diffusion Welding in Vacuum of Metals, Alloys, and Nonmetallic Materials. Avtom. ever. 15 no.9s93-94 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Welding-Oongresses) I KOVALtSKIY, L.S., inzh Conference on w'e'I.ding in vacu=. Svar. proizv. no.9:42-43 6 162. (MM 15t22) (Welding) (Vacuum technology) KOVALISKIY, L.V.; SAKHNOVSKIY, M.YU. Error in measuring spatial illuminance using a spherical radiation detector. Svetotekhnika 10 no.3,.20..23 Mr '64- (MIRA 1?:3) 1. Chernovitsk-4y gosudarstvennv3r universitet. KOVALISKIY, L.V. (Kovallslkyi, L.V.); POLYANSKIY, V.K. [Polianslkyi, V.K.] Polarizing effect of spectral instruments. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 10 no.!: 95-98 Ja 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. VEDENKIN, D.P., inzh., red.; ZASILAVSKIY, Ye.l., inzh., red.; KOVA,LISKIY, L.Ya., inzh.# red.; VOYTOVA, V.P., inzh,, mK; SRITIMOV, S.N.p inzh., red.; NEUDAKIN, K.A., red. [Price list for the assembly of equipment] TSenn--k na montazh oborudovaniia. Moskva) Stroiizdat. No.11. 1965. 104 P. (1-1111A 18:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvenn~y komitet po de- lam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Vedenkin). 3. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki stroitell- stva Gosstroya SSSR (for Zaslavskiyj Kovallskiy, Voytova). 4. Proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro No.12 Clavmontazhav-to- matiki (for Neudakin). 5. Vsesoyuznyy bank finansirovaniya kapitallpykh vlozheniy SSSR (for Shelikhov). KOVALSKIY, M. Tzbrannye Paboty T)o Astronomill (Selected Works on Aotronimy) 2G6 p. 1.")0 SO: Four Continent Book List, April 1954 MUMMY, Maryan Allbertovich 3cience Selected studies on astornomy Moskva, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-taorut. ltt-ry, 19151. Monthl-- List of Russian Accessions, Ubrary of Congress, August 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. VIKTOIIOV, I.I.; LEBEDEV, V.A., inzli.; KOVAL ISK14-X.B-; AIIEKSEIMEV, j.F.: M114KINP V.R.; SHISHEELIN, K.A. Stabilization of loose soils of embankment foundations by constructing sand drains. Transp.stroi. 15 no.10:37-39 0 165. (MIRA 18~12) 2. Rukolroditell laboratorii Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovutelt- skoRo instituta transportnogo stroitellstva Ministerstva transportnogo stroitel'stva (for Viktorov). 2. Gldvnyy inzh. tresta Kandalakshtransstroy (for Kovallskiy). 3. Gl--vnyy inzh. proyekta Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo Froyektno-izyskate-11- skogo instituta Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po transportnomu stroitellstvu SSSR (for Minkin). KOVALISKIYO Me Establish a standard plan for filtration beds. Sakh.prom. 27 no.10:20-21 '53. (MLRA 6: 11 ) 1. Sakhatroy. (Sugar inda-Ttry) XOVALISKIY, R.I., inzhener. Serlous.ahortcominge of a manual on earthwork: "Carrying out 6art-hwork operations." Reviewed by H.I.Kovallskii. Makh.trud. rab.8 no.1:46-47 JA-F '54. (MLRA 7:2) (~;arthwork) KOVALISKIY. M.1. [Kovallstkyi, MYUSHINA, L.P. [iliushyna, L.P.] Improved manufacture of food products from skim milk. Khar. prom. no.-2.-68-71 Ap-je 165. 18:5) KOVALISKIY, M.I. From the experience gained in the putting into operation of the Bratushany Sugar Factory. Sakh. prom. 37 no.3-45-49 Yx 163. (MIRA 16-.4) 1. Gosudarstvannyy institut po proyektirovaniyu novogo strvitellstva i rekonstruktaii predprivatiy sakharnoy promyshlennosti. (Bratushany-Sugar factories) KOVALISKIT.M.I. '41,~&,- , -- Plaza and con"truotion. Sakh.prom. 29 no-3:23-25 155. (MLRA 8:?) 1. Stroitallno-montazhnoye upravlentye no.1 (Building) (SugAr industry) KDVALISKIY, M.1, 1 10 I'll, 1~1 Experience gained from thp.c7natruction of the Gindeah sugar factory. Sakh.prom-30 no-5;36-40---%*,79'56. (MI2A 9:9) (Moldavian S.S.R.--Sugar industry) ZHIDELEV, Mikhail Aleksandrovichs, starshiy nauohW sotr.; BELIBURT, B.Ye.; FROTMVSKIY,-G.A.; FIGANOV, I.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: KOVALS-K-I-Y, M.!--.-, S~IIIRSKIY, I.G.; GTICM40V, M.V.; TSIKALOV, f.A., red.; POLUKAROVA, Ye.K., tekhn, red. (Secondary school production training in mechanical engineering] Proizvodstvennoe obuchenie v srednei shkole po irashinostroitell- rWm professiiam; metodichekoe posobie dlia prepodavatelei i in- struktorov proizvodstvennogo obucheniia. Pod red. M.A.Zhideleva. Moskva, Izd-vo AFN RSFSR, 1962. 141 p. (~aRA 15:12) (Technical education) KOVALISKIY, M.L. Anzb., Investigating closed planetary fricticin speed variators. Vest. mashinoatr. 42 no.11:22-27 N 162. (RIMt 15;11) (Gearing) xOVI.T,'sy:ry, m. 1,!. SuCnr Mirlustry 'Experience in -ut'Aling the Kshenski Sugar F.rctory into opera+ion. Sakh. prom. 20' No. 9,1952 0 - Mlonthl- of Rlissian Access~on$, Librnry of Conpivss, Deceriber 1952- UNICLASSIFIED. REUTSKIY, V.iu. (Reutalkyi, V.IU.I: (Kiyev); KOVALISKIY, M.V. [Kovallatkyi, M.V.] (Kiyev) Reversible commutator using transistors and ferrites. AvtomatykEL no. 1:75-77 160. (141RA 14;5) (Electric switchgear) S/102/60/000/002/008/008/XX D251/D304 AUTHORS: K-Qvallslkyy, M.V., Krementulo, Yu. V., Reutslkyy, V. Yu., and SM Nov, ~.O. TITLE: A system of digital programming control of a milling machine with power step motors PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 2, 1960, 81-83 TEXT: The article describes a bi-coordinate system of digital pro- gramming control for power step motors which was constructed in the Instytut elektrotekhniky AN URSR (Electrotechnical Institute of the AS UkrSSR). Details of the motor are given by B.O. Sihov (Ref. 1: Avtomatyka, no. 1, 1959). The program was written on punched type and is read off by a transmitter which works in syn- chronism with a linear interuolator. In the program are indicated the sign and quantity of the displacement with respect to the co- ordinates. The working of the system is possible both as an inter- polator and as an intermediate memory. The programming scheme is constructed in the form of two separate blocs. In the first bloc Card 1/2 V42.'-3 K /Y 3?0)5 3/102/60/)00/005/005/008 D251/D305 AUTHORS: Kovalslkyy, M. V. and Reutslkyy, V. Yu., (Kiyev) TITLE. On the question of recording and reproducing a bipo- lar digit-pulae signal on one track of a magnetic tape PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 5, 1960, 56-59 TEXT: A method of recording and reading digital impulses is given, in which errors in the first run-through are eliminated. A standard universal magnetic head was used (frequency 30 - 40 kcs). For a rectilinear impulse, approximate the formula f max 3-5/ 1 is de- rived, where f max is the maximum frequency. Hence in the case un- der discussion, the optimum length of the impulses is found to be 20 - 40 mcsecs. A schematic diagram is given in Fig. 2 and more de- tailed working diagrams are also given. An apparatus on these lines was set up in the Laboratoriya avtomatychnoho rehulyuvannya Insty- tutu elektrotekhniky AN URSR (Laboratory of Automatic Control of Card 1/XR, I v,-? Z. S/102/6-2/000/001/007/007 D201/D302 AUTHORS: Reuts1kyy, V.Yu. and Sihov, B.O. (Kiyev) TITLE: Reversible ring commutators PUZIODICAL: Avtomatykaj no. 1, 1962, 74-78 TBX"r: The authors describe 1hyratron and transistor reversible ring con- mixtatorst whose operation has been experimentally checked. Two circuits using thyratrons axe described. The first circuit has, in the grids of the voltage amplifier thyratrons, transformers with two input and one output winding connected to the grid circuit. The voltage drop fromrDn-conduct- ing thyratrons is applied in sequence to all input windings through ne- gatively biased diodes, the opposite end of windings being coniiected to either of two lines with program pulses depending on the direction of ro- tation of the motor. Hence only one diode, connected to the negaUve pulse line, conducts, the resulting pulse'at the corresponding transfor- mer winding firin"g the thyratron. The transistorized version of this com- mutator is similar in operation,except that the diode bias voltage is Card 1/2