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Cortisone cream in the treatment of erzema. Vast. dorm. i van. 34
no. 5:63-65 160. (MIRA 3.4;1)
-.- ...... - ..,. - 1--- , ... - ". .
Effect of vitamin B 2 on blood protein fractiona in 1upme erythro-
matosus. Vest.derm.1 van. 33 no.5:89 S-0 159. (MM 13:2)
1. Tz 'TIvovskogo oblastnogo vaudispansera.
M,gzx ERG, M.A., doktor mod. nauk;-XOVALISH IRA, T.G.; DOVZHANUIT, S.I.;
Zonal ultraviolet orythemotherapy in dermatology. 24
n0-1--134-135 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Iz Wrovskogo oblastnogo kothno-venerologicheekogo dispansera
(uauchnyy rukovoditell - doktor med.nauk M.A. Shteynberg, glovW
vrach T.G. Kovaliabina).
,-,K.OVALI.SHINA.,T. G. Cand. Media. Soi. (dise) "Materials for Patho-
genesis and Treatment of Chronic Red Lupus)" Kharlkov) 1961, 15
pp. (Kharikov Med. Inst.) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 285).
lb-Atedico-oosmetic eard-under dispensary conditions. Vest.
dox'm.i ven. no.809-40 161. (tam 15: 5)
1. 1z Llvovakogo bblastnogo kozbno-venerologicheskogo dispansera
(glavnyy vrach T.G& Kovalishina).
Egethodological report on the early diagnosis and treatment of
renal insufficiency in nephrosis and nephritie in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients] Hetodicheskoe pialmo po rannemn raspo-
znavaniiu i lechanilu pochechnoi, nedostatochnosti pri nefrozakh
I, nefritakh u bollnykh tuberkulezom lagkikh. L'vov, LIvovskii
nauchno-isal. in-t tubarku1028. 1956. 19 p. (MMA 13:2)
Clinical evaluation of Rehberg's creatinine test in pulmonary
tuberculosis. 20 no.9:80-84 8 '56. (MIRA 9:11)
1. Iz Vvovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta tuberkaleza
(dir. G.I.Chameris, nauchnyye rukovoditeli raboty - prof. I.T.
Stukalo i deystvitelInvy chlen '"kademii meditsinBkikh nauk SSSR
prof* Te oNsTareyev)
creatinine clearance test in pulm. tuberc.)
kidney creatinine clearance test)
USSrftunan and Animal Morphology. Excretory System. S
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69665.
Author "Q_11~11 ~D.M- Polusovskiy, V.F.
Title Clinical and Anatonical Peculiarities of Development
of Uremia and Renal Sclerosis in Patients with Pul-
monary Tuberculosis.
Orig Pub: Sov. meditsina, 1957,,No 6, 74-79.
Abstract: In 105 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis,
studies were made of kidney function. In 80
patients, functional disturbances of renal activity
were demonstrated, in 20 there was amyloid nephrosis,
nephritis in three, and vascular congestion of the
kidneys in two. Descriptions are given of the syn-
ptons of the pre-uremic condition and the differen-
tial diagnosis between disturbances of renal function
Card 1/3
USSR/Human and Animal Morphology. lDccretory Systen.
Abu Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 15, 1958, 69665-
in pulmonary tuberculosis and in incipient
tuberculosis of the kidneys. A parallelisn
is establishdd between the state of functional
activity of the kidneys and the development in
them of amyloidosis. It is shown that there is
no relationship between the form of tuberculosis
and the degree and rate of progress of urenia.
The possibility that the latter my cone on
prior to atrophy of the kidneys is discussed.
In the differential diagnosis of disorders of
functional activity of the kidneys and their
pathology in tubermlosis, decisive importance
attaches to the creatinine test of Reberg, as
well as to the properties of the blood plasm,
Card 2/3
USSR/Humn and Animal Morphology. Excretory System. S
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 15, 1958, 69665.
coUoidal-oaraotic pressure, and hydrophilia of
the tissues. -- G.I. Vavilin.
Card : 3/3
Kidney function in antibacterial therapy of pulmonary tuberculoois
[with oummaz7 lie French) * Probl.tub. 35 no.8:73-?8 157-
(HIRA 11:4)
1. Iz Livovskogo nauchno-iasledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza
(dir. G.I.Chemeris, nauchnye rukovoditeli raboty - prof. I.T.
Stukalo I deyetvi'uellnyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. Ye,M.Tareyev)
antibacterial ther., off. on kidney funct. (Rua))
(KIDIWS. effect of drugs on,
In pulm. tuberc. ther. (Rua))
YOVALTV M , C,-ctri "ed Ijci "Tita for the f,mrl,if rjal
su:llpl w the V i 1 i , i e.v v. L ni: ile n t s
LIVOv. I'D (Llv(lv --tote --c'd 'TO cr:,ies
M, 27-'-,~-, 117)
- 207 -
Some problems In the olinical aspeots, diagnooism and treatment
of renal Insufficiency It pulmonary tubaroulosis patients. Pat.,
klin.i terap,tub, no*8t263-266 158. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Is L'yovskago usuohno-iseledovatel'skogo inatituta tubarku-
K0VAL1V,,B.X.-- .
Renal insufficiency in cases of an-lold nephrosin In patients with
pulmonary tuberculosis*' Vrachodelo no.8:809-812 Ag 1,58 (MIRA 11:8)
1. LIvovskly nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut tuberkuleza
(nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. 1.T. Stukalo).
Mistakes in the diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitia. Vr'a0h.
delo noi4:94,97 AP 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Llvovskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut tuberkuleza i
meningit-noye otdeleniye (zav. - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
R.I.Kens), Vtoraya oblastnaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa - nauchnyy
rukovoditell roboty prof. I.T.'Stukalo.
KOVALIVt P.M.j kAnd.mod.hakik
Clinical hapects of amyloid dystrophy of the kidneys.
25 no.?:47-53 F 161. (MIR& 14-3)
1. Iz Ltvcrvokogo nauchno-isele-Jovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza
(direktor - G*I.Chemeria?)& -
Glinical,functional, and morphological characteristics of amyloid
nephrosis in tuberculosis. Sov. med. 25 no.8:20-28 A 61.
Ai~ -15:1)
1. Iz Livovskogo nauchno-issledovatel-takogo instituta tuberkuleza
(dir. - kandidat meditsinskilah nauk GO-1.0hameris, nauchnyye
rukovoditeli - prof. I.T. Stukalo i deystvitelinyy chlen AM SSSR
prof. Ye.M.Tareyev).
Case of complications from drug therapy. 25 no.5:147 YT '62.
(MIRA 15:8)
1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdeleniya Llvovskogo nauchno-issledovatell-
skogo instituta tuberkuleza na baze 2-y,oblastnoy klinicheskoy
tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy i Zolochevskogo,protivotuberkuleznogo
dispansera Llvovskoy oblasti.
ROVALlvf 1110,11101*-1.4b, N.;-1.
Dloo;J coagidation syat,em and clinical oC
complications in amylold nephro3is. Sov. med, 27 no.8,.21-23
Ag 164.
1. Llvovz;kiy
pr~rol~~Varllya krovi. Nwucllnyy%~ iukovotiltodi --tt-otv - doyot-vitt'I'lly.;
chic,zi AMU prol". ye.,",. Tfiruycv, prof. I.T, 'Itokmlo .1 dot!iew'.
S.M. Martynov).
Electronic absorption spectra of nitroso compainds of the pyrimidine
series. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.6t6O" 611 165. (MIRA 18,-f)
1. Llvovskly nauchvio-issledovatellskiy institut perellvaniya krovi.
POPILYUK, P.P., dotsent; KOVALIV, W.A.
Rare variant of orythema uodomum. Vrach.delo no.2tl87 7 160,
(MMA 13:6)
1. lafedra propedovtlohostoy terapil (zav. - doteent P.P. Popelyuk)
sanitarnogo I pediatricheakogo fakalltetov Llvovskogo meditsin-
skogo ibetituta.
NOVALIV.. Yu.~L, aspiTant
Effeot of hydrogen sulfide baths at, the health rdhort, of Ivubens
Telikiy on the dynamias of the elootrocardlogram in mitral valve
insuffieieney. Sauch.trudy Wvov,obl,terapqob-va noelzl47-152
161. 1 (MnA 160)
1. Kafedra propederticheskoy terapii pediatricheakogo i sanitarno-
giyenicheskogo fakulltetov Llvovskogo meditslusk-ogo inotituta
zav. kafedroy - doteent P.P. Popel~A).
A.G.-[Kovalev, A.G.].
Analysis of the personality of students by means of the
experimental method of educational psychology. Magy pszichol
szemle 19 nool:1-9 162.
1. Egy9tem, Leningrad.
I i J'~: cut. ~-11
C) t i I fC 9 .r 1',,; rP:-,ycrzolo~ at t-(i A. 1. 11!Crzen In-
jM7AI, I
stI.tute for Pedzij zml-.Ian~;tia~;e version and location not
"The Interdependence of Ilsycholo3ical rrocesses, and the State and
.),aj~t4eG of Personality"
B jjn')-,~ ar Pszichologia! Szemle, ',Iol 20, No 2~, i9ij3, p:) 1,31-194.
Abst-ract. [Aut?~or's sw-Irqary, abbreviated] It is not possible
to exa!.-iine psychoiogical processes isolated fro,,I the qualities of per-
so.mlity, The processes, "having a dynarnic character, produce the 70er-
sonality- Quality can manifest itself only in a process and can only
be classified on the basis of processes. The physical state is the in-
ter-,iediary piienomenon between the process and t1ne niality. !n the course
of activity the q:aalities are interlinked in a definite way. Com-ple,:
stract,ires, silichl ar, tciilperwiient, capacity, character, and tendencY. re-
mtlt frc;,m- thii, fact. i4an's psyclO.c constitution it; fori.-ied fraii ,:uch
ntructures. Fifteen reforencez to Russian publication!,.
KOVAL-TOV, N.; SMRCKA, Jaroslav, promavany ekonom (translator]
Problems of using mathematical methods and automatic computers -in
planning. Pod org 17 no-4:190-191 AP .163.
I .
GONIKMAN, losif Grigotlyevich; KOVALKIN , Ivan Dmitriyevich; GLADKOV,
V.A., red.; KASIYANOV, Jr-F.-'red-.; BARANOT-,-T-A--,-Te-khn. red.
[In the name of a lofty goal] Vo imia vysokoi tseli. )t1r_
mansk, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 33 P. (MIRA 16:5)
(Murmansk Province-Fisheries)
KOVALKIN, Ivan Diratriyevich
. o ~ I I ~
[Atorde ship 'ILenin" in the Arctic] Atomokhod "Lenin" V
Arktike. Dushanbe, Uchpedgiz, 1962. 113 p.
(MIRA 18:1)
2. USSR (600)
4. Science
7. Integral of Lebeg. Llvov, Knizhno-zhurnalinoo izd-vo, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March,1953.Unclassified.
AUTHORS: Vasillyev, A.P. and Koval 'NOWER? (MOSCOW)
TITLE: Armoured Insulation
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk,SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 16o-162 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In rotating electrical machines, particularly large turbo-
alternators, the insulating material is subject to
considerable mechanical stress. In such circumstances,
armoured insulation offers advantages: the insulating
layer- is covered on one or both sides with a sheet of
strong metal, thick enough to protect the insulation fvom
mechanical damage. The insulation may then be of the
minimum thickness required from considerations of electric
strength and its thermal conductivity is improved. More-
over, the construction permits the use of new kinds of
insulating material such as ceramics, which have a high
strength in compression and good thermal conductivity but
which could not be used hitherto because of their brittle-
ness* In selecting materials for armoured insulation the
coefficient of thermal expansion is important.
Cardl/3 Sections of armoured insulation with ceramic or semi-ceramic
Armoured Insulation 8194/E335
insulating materi Is are illustrated schematically in
Figure 1. They are -.(steel)-(vitreous enamel)-(steel);
(aluminium)-(oxide film)-(adhesive)-(oxide film)-(aluminium);
(steel)-(grains of A1.03 in varnish K-53)-(steel); and
a variaht of the latter with a different structure of the
insulating layer. The thermal conductivity of these
materials was about double that of ordinary laminated
insulation and as the insulation thickness may be reduced
the advantage is still greater.
The authors then discuss a wedgeless construction of
turbo-alternator rotor slot,insulation. A laboratory
model is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. A stress
of 1 600 kg/cm was applied to the insulation hydraulically
and it was heated electrically to a temperature above
200 0C and at the same time 580 V were applied. As the
wedgeless construction seems practicable only & low
excitation voltages, the test voltage appears adequate.
The insulation was constructed in accordance with the
Card2/3 bottom diagram of Figure 1 and withstood the above test
4-,OF 6, 9 t -3 7
S/02V60/000/02/00 5/031
AUTHOR: -Novallkov,, G.A. (Moscow)
TITLE: Steady Electromagnetic Processes in a Multi-phase
Non-sinusoidal Generator Loaded through an Uncontrolled
Semiconductor Rectifier
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhn-icheskikh
nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960,Nr 2, pp 31-37 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article relates to a multi-phase salient-pole
generator (it may have as many phases as armature slots)
with a uniform air-gap, concentrated field windings, and
a distributed compensation winding. Each armature phase
consists of diametrical span coils identically placed
with respect to the poles (see winding diagram of Fig 1).
All the phases are connected in star, and the rectifiers
are connected either in star with the neutral brought out
or in a bridge circuit, The generator may be used as a
contactless exciter for an alternator, particularly as a
low-voltage source such as was built in the Electro-
Card Mechanics Laboratory of the Power Institute, Academy of
Sciences, USSR, It may have many other applications)
especially where it is necessary to economise materials
6"64 (0q (r
Steady Electromagnetic Processes in a Multi-phase Non-sinusoidal
Generator Loaded through an Uncontrolled Semiconductor Rectifier
and weight in the d.c. source whilst providing a smooth
output. In order to make practical. use of the generator
it is necessary to be able to calculate its external and
regulation characteristics. As the machine has many
phases and the phase e.m.f.'s are not sinusoida17 the
usual methods of calculation cannot be used. Relatively
Simple expressions may be obtained if the number of
phases is assumed to tend to infinity, but this does not
solve the problems associated with a finite number of
Phases, such as current and voltage pulsation and the
stray losses that these set up. The problem is then
considered of finding relationships between mean input and
output magnitudes. It should be noted that when the
armature winding has a fractional number of turns per
Phase) as in the lowest diagram of Fig 11 it is necessary
to allow for the effect of annular armature reaction.
Card For the purposes of calculation the equivalent circuit of
2/~ the generator is that shown in Fig 2; the phases are
star-connected and each has its output rectifier. In
66"9 Gq637
Steady Electromagnetic Process as in a Multi-phase Non-sinusoidal
Generator Loaded through an Uncontrolled Semiconductor Rectifier
this circuit the compensating winding is independently
supplied. It is shown below that this winding may be
used effectively for regulating purposes. The real
machine is then considered to be replaced by an ideal
equivalent machine with the following features: the field
winding is concentrated and the compensation winding is
uniformly distributed over the pole are; the radial
magnetic field exists only in the air gap under the pole
and not in the space between the poles (see Fig 3,
curve 1); the core is of infinite permeability and
ideally laminated; the armature winding is distributed in
a thin layer at the periphery; the currents at points a
pole pitch apart are equal and opposite; the volt-ampere
characteristic of the valve is a broken line as shown in
Fig 4; and the number of phases tends to infinity,
The necessary equations are then formulated and Eq (19) is
derived for the external characteristics. This is a
Card transcendental equation and may be used for calculations
3/L~ by employing either a semi-graphical method or the method
of successive approximations, Design features of the
KOVALIKOV, G.A, (Moskva)
Concerning the parameters of a turbogenerator having a sp,-cial
excitation winding. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh. nau~. Energ, I
avtom. no.1:70-78 Ja-F 062. (MIRA 15:3)
Sixtieth anniversary of the birth of A.I. Moskvitin. Elektrichestvo
no.4-.94 Ap 162. - 0-9RA 15:5)
(Moskvitin.. Anatolii Ivanovichj, 1902-)
NESM40Y, B.V., kand.lakusstvoved.nauk; KOSHELSY, A.Ye., arkhitektor;
ASMOVA, T.Ye., arkhitektor; , V.H., arkhitektor;
VOSHCHANOVA, G.K., arkhitektor; GORNNOVA, V.A., arkhitektor;
KOVAT-11COV- V (1- . arkhitaktor; RAM"OV, Yu.S., arkhitektor;
YAVOROV:SKAYA, M.N., arkhitaktor; OCRY2KO, P.V., arkhitektor;
TIKHOHOVA. N.V.. arkhitektor; MANANNIKOVA, L.V., arkhitektor;
GRADOV, G.A., red.; PAVLENKO, M.Y., red.
[Yurniture and equipment for public buildings; catalog based
on materials from the 11hibition of Furniture and Equipment
for Public Buildings, 1959-19603 Mebell i oborudovanie dlia
obahchestvannykh zdanii; katalog sostavlen po materialam
vyatavki mebeli i oborudovaniia dlia obahchestvennvkh zdanii,
1959-1960 gg. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.
stroit.mterialam, 1960. 186 plates. (MIRA 14:2)
1. Akodemiya stroitel'stva I arkhitaktury SSSR, Inctitut
obBhchestvannykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy. 2. Chlen-korres-Dondent
Almdemii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gradov)
(Furniture-Catalogs) (Public buildingo-Equipment an; supplies)
--*,- -~. school children and corrections of its deviations by means
of therareutic, exercise. Pediatriia, Moskva no.5:25-31 Sept-Oot 1953.
(GIML 25 -5)
1. Oandidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Department of Physical Bduca-
tion and Medical Physical Culture of Kharikov Medical Institute (Di-
rector -- Docent L F. Xononenko).
School hygiene In the Czechoslovak republic. Gig. I san. 21 no.11:
45-48 N '56. (KIRA 10:2)
1e Is kafedry shkollnoy gigiyany Khartkovskogo meditsinskogo institute.
In schools in Czech.)
hyg4eue in Czech)
t""e '-fistul-C of
~-ci-.crt at the 13t)l All-lin-irill
Dynamics of the physical development of school children in Kharkov for
20 years. Gig. i san. 26 no.10:31-34 0 161. (MIRA 15:5)
1. 1z kafedry gigiyony detey i podrostkov KharlkoVskogo medituinukogo
ERTSEY, '~saba dr.; KOVALKOVITS, Istvanp dr.
H6mia obturatoria. Mag7. sebesz. 17 n0-1:37-40 F164,
1. Hevesmerpi Tanacs Korliazu, Eger. I - IL sz. Sebesseti
tOVALKOVITS, Istvan, dr.; VALYI, Sandor,, dr.
Bilateral central hip dislocation in electric shock therapy. irre
hatil. 103 no.12:562-563 25 Mr 162.
1. Haves megyei Tanacs Korhaz Eger, Baloseti-sebeezeti Osztaly.
(HIP fract & dialoc)
ilt'~~':U-z7 mA rx4l[b-Im- ftnetarim. twsoc-intrd j~th anrotrlo.-
np!~nrr)-Z fluld diaobarCa,?ogrxvs on-mlo 59 vo# 2s4&-48
(foomwi allbscarco# Bala, dre) on Dal". oteebouseti i0batal-
Valylip Smdorp dr,) Imalmmye.
66 -
AUTHORS: Gubenko, A.
F. V.
TITLE: Reinforcine
PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye
BI 01 /Bi 86
B., Kovallkuk, L. M., Paturoyev, V. V., Rassp
of asbestos cement by elass-reir.foreed polyester
mas.,jy, no. 2, 1963, 37-41
T 1,Y T :Based on lNestern experience, three-layerc?d asbestos-cement (AC)
boards are intended for the cladding of biiildinga in the Soviet Union.
Thf?se fibur-Claso. filled larijinnted plantJr panolD are to be used as ceiling
antl floor panelv, partition wallo etc. Att-emptsweri, mrtde to eliminate the
brittleness and hyeroseopicity of AC. Sprajin.;, with perchlorovinyl
Compositions or polyethylene proved inefficient. Lxperiments were Plade
with Cjass-reinforoed. plastics. Cut Claus rove and elass canvas were used
as Ljassy fillers, and ITH-1 (Pli-l'), 7H-3 (1T-3), or ITH-4 (F11-4) PolY-
ostev maleinate resins as b.-inders ~-~,ith addition of an accolerat'or, an
initiator, and mineral dyes, and filled ,-iitli 75 parto by weight of quartz
saild 01, 50 pbiv of kaolin. Hore 1han 75~'o parts by weight of filler
Card 1/3
HeinfurcinG of asbestos ... BIOI/B186
inhibited the f;lass canvas impregnation. AC coatines were applied either
by spraying the short-out glass rove and the polyester resin with curing
agent on the board (obtaining a uniform coat only with 1.5-2.0 mm thickness),
or by gluing the glass canvas onto AC where the thickness could be
reduced to 0-5 'nin- Results; For uncovered AC: impact atren6th (i.e.,
kG.CM/CM2), 2-2.5; bending strength (b.s., kg/cm2), 200; tensile strength
(t.s., I-C,/CM2), 100; for AC coated with :BB (VV) Glass canvas, layer
thickness 0.8-0.9 min. the data were (calculated per mm layer): i-s- 7-5;
b.s. 330; t-s- 176;' using XXK-1 (KhZhK-1) glass canvas, thickness
1-4-1.5 mm, per mm layer: I.e. 6.0; b.s. 435; t.s. 300; for AC sprayed
with glass-reinforced plastic, thickness 2.5-3.0 mm, per mm layer:
'~;S. 5-0; b.s. 2651 t-8- 150- Water absorption within 10 days fell from
4 me/CM2 for uncoated AC to 10 mg/CM2 for coated one; water permeability
fell from about 200 mm3/CM2 /cm to about 2 mja3 /CM2/cm. Accelerated aging
in 30 cYcles, each consisting of 18 lira moistening by 16-180C water,
freezing at -20 + 50C, 15 hra thawing at +16 to +180C, and hrs drying
at +800C gave a -satisfactory shear stress of about 15 ke/CJ. Spraying
with glass-reinforced plastic gave satisfactory heat insulation. AC
coated with glass-reinforced plastic in fireproof and cheaper than glass-
r a rd 2
2- - -
Temperature conditions of a porous plfttti with a volumatrio heat
emission during an PPfu9ion cooling. ~zv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
av. tekh. 8 no.lr87-4k 165, (MIRA 180)
/.1-0111,91-611c,90 r7,
HUNGARY/Racliophysics Distribution of Phao Waves 1-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizikaj, No 2., 19581 No 4183
Inst Not Given
Title Propagation of Radio Waves in the Three-Meter Band
Orig Pub Ptadiotechnika,, 1957, 7., No 5.- 147-148
Abstract Popular article.
Card 1/1
KovalocZY2 Gy.
Television broadcasting in comwn channels. P.156
MAGYAR HIRADASTFLIWKA. (Hiradastechnikal Tudomanyos Egyesulet)
Budapest, Hungary. Vol.10, no*4., August 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC,, VoI98, notn
November 1959
KOVALOV, F.F. (Leningrad); UGN, Yu.I. (Leningrad)
Characteristics of hindered torsion of thin-waLled bare closed
cross section. Inzh.mbor. 24:87-96 156. (MLHA 10:5)
(Elastic rods and wiree)
KOVAILCZY, Gyorgy; VAGO, Jeno j
The Szentes television transmitter. 11ir f-echn 11 no.3:91-96Je 1,60.
1. Magyar Post&. f
L h r~3-37-66 Ell "Tr d ) /E 1.11 plip(-C) .1
ACC NRt AR6016604 'iOURCE CODE: UR/OW/65/000/012/BO41/BO41
A7JTHORt Koval' ov, B.' A. 16 r.? 3
TITLEt Singular points of a system of equations
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 12B213
REF SOURCEt Nauk. zap. Odealk. politekhn. in-t. v- 52j 19631 9-13
TOPIC TAGS: differential equation system, nonlinear differential equation
ABSTRACT: The author considers the system of equations
dx dif
- :;
P (if, Y). di
where the functions P(x,y) and Q(x,y) satiefy, in a neighborhood of the origin, the
Cauchy-Riemmm conditionet OP aQ OP N (2)
as a result of which system (1) can be written as:
Wt (2); a'- ;T ry. rZZT.-jY "X, ri~'kx'
The following theorems are proved: Suppose the point z a is a simple zero of the
function f(z) and suppose R.,8T(-Z)-P+10'- For p t 0, or 0 the point z - a is a focus
for system (1); for p j 0, cr - o this Ipoint is a node; for p - 0, a / 0 it is a
center. If the point z = a is a multiple zero of f(z), then it is a closed node
(multipole) for system (1). 1. Kukleo ZTranslation of abstrac-17
Card 1/1 SUB CODEs 12 UDC: 517-917
ISTATKOV St inzh... kandidat, na tekhn. nauld ; TISA, Ishtv.
. tTis;e, inzh.p k"idat na takhn, rAuki (Ungariia);
KWAL'OV9 I- LKovalevv I,]v inah. (SSSR)
Methods for modeling and computing elastic metallic shields
in the ore and mineral mine pits. Min delo 17 no.1-1:23-28 ~62.
1. Minno-geolozhki institut (for Istatkov).
KULVGHUK, F.I.; NZHENKO, L., redaktor; VUYEX, y
[New methods of organising masonry] Novi metody orhanizatell
muliaralkykh robit. J~yiv, Dersh.vyd-vo tekhnichnol lit-ry URM,
1954. 75 P. [Microfilm] (MM 8:2)
KOVI,L.OV, .-*,. F.
"Study of Troubleso;-,.e Torsion of Thin-~ialled Rods of Short Cross Section."
Cand. Tech Sci, Leningrad Folytechnic Inst, Lenin;-rad, 1954. (RZW-.ekh, Apr 55) .
SO: Sum. "o. 704, 2 'iov 55 - Survey of -"cientific and Technical Dissertations
Defended at USc~t Higher fducational Institfitions (16).
KGVA10v, X.F.
Approximate solution of a problem for constrained torsion of
thin-walled rods with closed rectangular sections. Trudy LPI
no.197:23-30 158. (MIRA 13:3)
Mastic rods and wires)
AUTHORS: Yaps I.$ Kovalovq K.__Foo Vyak:bAn, L. V., SOV/32-25-6-46/53
Favlov, P'# A., yflin,-V.- Ya.
TrM: Device for Testing Simultaneous Extension and Torsion (Ustanovka
dlya ispy-taniy na odnovremennoye rastyazheniye i-krucheniye)
FEUODICAL; Zavodskay& Laboratbriya, 1959P Vol 25, Nr 6, PP 756-757 033R)
ABSTRACTt A device was constructed which permits a simultaneous extension
(with a load of up to 125 t) and torsion (with a torsional moment up
to 700D kgm) (Pig) for the testing of axial-mo'dols of hydroturbines
with respect to construction variants designed by the I-eningradskiy
met&Ilicheskiy zavod (Leningrad Metal Works) for the
Kuybyshevskaya i Bratskaya GES (Kuybyshev and BreAE& Hydroeleatrio
Power Plants). The arrangement is in prinoiple' a hydraulic press with
a system for the extension of the sample between the piston and the
upper traverse. Torsion is carried out with hydraulic jacks up to an
angle of 90 may, however, go still further. Since in C0an-Q2t-'0U rLt'~I
simultaneZs extension and torsion higher friction is o&uaed load is
measured with a special dynamometer; -the deformation measurdments by
the dynamometer may be made according to various principles (Ref 1).
Card 1/2 There are 2 figures and I Soviet reference.
Device for Testing Simultaneous Extension and Torsion SOV32-25-6-46/53
ASSOMATIONt Lianingradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina
Leningrad r-olytechnio Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin)
Card 2/2
Device with thread-suspended mirrors for measuring transverse deforma-
tiohs. Zav.lab. 27 no.n:341~-1414 161. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina.
(Testing machinery) (Deformwt4ons (Ifechanics))
hUTHORS~ Yagn, Yu. I., Myakirin, L. V,, and Kovalov, K. F,
TITLE: An instrument for measuring transverse otrain by meons, of
wire-suspended mirrors
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laborator-iya, v. 27, 110, 11, V161, 11115 - 1414
TEXT: The authors point out the shortcomings of a device for determining
reduction of area in the plastic range in tensile-tested material. This
device had been developed by N,. N. Aistov (Eksperimentalnoye opredeleniye
otnoshenlya otnositel'nykh poperechnykh k otnositellnykh prodolInym
deformatsiyam v plasticheskoy zone (Experimental determination of the rela-
tive transveise-to-longitudinal strain ratio in the plastic region),
Nauehnyye Trudy Leningradakogo inzhenerno-stroitellnogo instituta, no. 13
(1952)), The authors of the present paper sug6est the arrangement shown in
Fig~ 2, In this, two mirrors (1) and (2) are attached to rods (3) and (4)
which are suspended on capron wires, The levers (7) and (8) are supported
on hinge (0) andare depressed edge-on to the specimen (5) by means o~_rubber
band (6),. The whole arrangement is suspended on cord (10), Any slight
Card 14
An instrument for measuring.... B104A158
change in the diameter of the specimen In transmitted to The mirrors by the
lever system. The wei ghti (9 ) attachad to the mi rrors are imme.r-,-Ld i n 0i )
in order to avoid rotation or oscillation of the mirrors, This instrument,
which proved good in practice, was found to ~ijjve a 12,~00
factor In indicating rocording the chnngo in d1amoter, Its tyre~it
is that its component parts cannot suffer deformation,, Thereare 2 firur~:.q
and 4 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskly politekhnicheskiy institut im, M. I. Kalinina
(Leningrad Polytechnic institute imeni M.. 1,
Fig~ 2~. Schematic representation of the suggestc~d dev.1,-e
Card 211
S/19 62/008/001/0010/005
2(607 D299YD302
AUTHORg Kovallov, K. V. (Kharkiv)
TITLE,. Simulation of the lines of stresses in a reinforc-DI.g
ring of a cylindrical shell of circular profile
PER.IODICALg Prykladna mekhanika, v. 8, no. 1, 1962, 12-18
TEXT: A method is proposed for determining the stresses in a re-
inforcing ring by means of the lines of stress, obtained experi-
menta.12y by J. E. Bagg's method. In simulating the lines of stress,
it becomes possible to directly measure the bending on the model.
The equations for the lines of stress and the similarity criteria
are set up. The apparatus used for the simulation was based on the
micrometer-screw principle. The displacements in the direction of
the lines of stress were measured by a microscope with resolving
power 1.0 or 2.5/a. The tests were conducted on a special setup,
developed in the Laboratory for Mechanical Tests of Materials of
the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. This setup is shown in a figu---re,
The shell model was made of celluloid; its thickness = 0.13 mm,
Ca.rd 1/3
Simulation. of the lines D299/D302
E = 45,000 - 52,000 kg/cm 2 (Poisson's ratio) = 0.35 - 0.38; the
radius of the middle surface R = 50.07 mm; the total length of the
shell was 550 mm. The ring was made of celluloid, too; its thick-
ness = 2 mm; E = 25,000 -- 279000 kg/CM2;,U = 0.36 - 0.38. With the
aoBumptions made, the shell can be considered as practically in-
finitely long, and the ring as very rigid. A table lists the va-
lues of the dimensionless coefficient K M of the ordinates of the
I'minea of stress of the bending moment, obtained by the above me-
thod. Por comparison, theoretical values of these coefficients
(obtained in the references) are also listed in the tablea The dif-
ference between theoretical and experimental values was about 3%
(with the exception of the smallestordinate). The experimentally
obtained lines of stress are shown in a figure. Another figure
shows the changes in the bending moment under the radial and tan-
gential stresses, as a function of the length of the shell. A ring
in the shape of a horseshoe (of variable cross-section) was also
investigated, and the lines of stress of the bending moment ob-
tained. If a notch is made in a shell with a horseshoe reinforcing
Card 2./3
Soviet Purbim- Construction at ZI -"-'W SLatc (by Koval.yov,
Chiu.f >C Hydroturbir,~: Stalin 1-1--tal el-%nt, L~-nilqrmo,
, 4 - ?It -1
Y,~t~fllorkbnov . Lisis Io 'Idz~,f ~esigrv!r).
Soviet 3)0-urca! PrLv-Aa, 2.
,urrant Idgest 0' the Soviet re-,ss (-Un
CIA Librai-!), Vol L4, '~o. 7 P. 27
JRP~I.OV, M.M., red.; BAGIZR, V.T. (Bahler, V.T.1, red.,
jBilohai, V.M.1, rod.-, NIETTLIN, S.R., red.-, SAGAT-DAK. Tu.I.
[Sahaidak, Iu.Ij, red.; SHCHEPILKIN, G.I. (Shchepilkin, H.I.],
red.; WMA, S., red.; KOBA, M.. red.: KADASHEVICH, 0.,
(Second on the Dnieper; accounts by builders of the Kakhovka
Hydroelectric Power Station] Druha na Dnipri; rozpovidl
budivnykiv Kakhovelkoi GES. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry
URSR, 1958. 181 p. (MMA 13:2)
(Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station)
ALM NK 6028714 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/008/0917/0918
AUTHOR: Bohdanovych, A. S.; lv4henko, M. A. Kovallov, V. X.; Syj~or
Yurachkivslkyy, P. 0.; B /V A
ORG: Kiev Polytechnical Institute (KyyivBlkyy politekhnichnyy instytut)
TITLE: Dislocatio d V-centers in KCI crystals
SOURCE: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 917-918
TOPIC TAGS: potassium chloride, crystal lattice dislocation, x-ray coloring, color center,
crystal absorption spectrum
ABSTRACT: This article endeavors to explain the role of dislocations in creating V-centers
in KCI crystals subjected to x-rays at room temperatures. Four crystals of "pure" M
grown from a melt by the Kyropoulos method (two each witli dislocation density of 5.106 and
5.104 cm-2) were colored by x-rays at room temperature and their absorption spectra were
then photospectrometrically measured. Comparison of graphs plotted from the results of
"hard" and "soft" coloring showed that (1), other coloring conditions being equal, the crystals
with more dislocations chiefly formed V3-centers (218 nV), while those with fewer disloca-
tions gave only V2-centers (230 mv), and (2) the spectral makeup of V-absorption does not
Card 1
ACC NR% AP6028714
depend on "hardness" of crystal coloration, not only reftiting the view that "hard" and "soft"
X-raYs Create V3- and V2-centers, respectively, but also suggesting that V3-centers are de-
fects formed either hi or near the dislocations themselves, while V2-centers form in the lat-
tice far from them and require lattice vacancies. Further studies showed that the preceding
assumption is true and that the V2- to V3-center ratio is stipulated by dislocation density and
the number of "frozerVI thermal vacancies in the crystal. In conclusion the authors thank
Prof. M. P. Kalabukhoy for interest in the work and useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 2
figures 1. (261
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05Mar66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 007 / ATD PRESS:
ALROFTEVA, V.A., dote.; KORCHAGIN. L.V., dote.; rMTOSOVA, P.V., dots.;
KOVAWVA, A.7., assiatent; KARASIK, Ye.l., inzh.
Clarification of suspensions by the coagulation method. Ugoll
Ukr. 4 no.1:11-13 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut.
(Coal preparation--Equipment and supplies)
KOVALIOVA, A.G. [Kovallova A.F.1, kand. khim. nauk; MANIKOVSKAYA, N.K.
N.K.J.. kLnd. khim. nauk
Separation of synthetic fatty acids from oxidized paraffin.
Khim. prom. (Ulcr.] no,3:20 R-S 164.
OMIRA 17:12)
ACCESSION N.R: AR4028324 S/0299/64/000/005/RO16/RO17
SOURCE: Referativny'*ry zhurnal. Bioloqiya, Abs. 3RIOZ
AUTHOR: Khanokh, M. A.; Pinayev, G. P.L_Lqv~tQy
TITLE: (3P102) The effect of low temperatures (cryolysis) and ultrasound on
'solutions of actomyosin
CITED SOURCE: Sb. rabot. In-t tsitol. AN SSSR, no. 4, 1963, 6-13
TOPIC TAGS: actomyosin, freezing, ultrasound, cryolysis, actomyosin denaturation
JABSTRACT:' Deep freezing of actomyosin solution's (-78C) caused denaturation depen-i
dent on the duration of exposure to the frozen state. The intrinsic viscosity
increased from 0.6-0.7 to 2.0. On continued cryolysis (45, 70, 94 hours),the vis-
cosity showed no further change. Although deep freezing caused marked fluctuations'
in the ATPase activity of actomyosin, the activity was still maintained after pro-
longed freezing,, indicating that the active center of actomyosin is stable to low
temperatures- Low temp"eratures failed to increase the number of titratable SH
igroups significantly. Ultrasonic treatment (300 cPs) produced a decrease In'the
lintrinsic viscosity, an irreversible decreaselin ATPase activity, and a decrease
...[in the content of SH groups. M. Kalamkarova
I Lj__D_X[~ ACQj_ '2)'Ap r64 __._'S68. COD.E.. _.LS1_____..E,NCL:_~_~Q_!
VINAROV,, LV. [Vynarovp I.V.]; KOVALIOVA,, Ye.I. [Kovallova, IE.I.]
Using the iodine method for the preparation of compact hafnium.
Khim. prom. [Ukr,l no.3-.46--48 Jl--S 163. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy klilmii AN UkrSSR,
laboratorii v Odesse.
`harova, an4 Yak;Tnov, P.
ll~liu rroblem of caolitcholir in ro-n ro'Ang. " If, syfn!~Os ilim:
-'iok'-ii7Ayn knil 't. rastepjy, -,rol. ljTTT,
P. 51'-3-60,5 - 600-n5
I C'
h 1.1, te:
U` iti,ril 10'13, (1.~-Uopjs I M,urnal I r_'r
KOVALKOVITS, Istvan,,dr.j FRE,Y,, :ozsef, dr.
Multiple fractures in marble bone disease. Om. hatil. 106
no.3/4tl475-1477 1-Ag'65,
Is Hever, megyei Tanace Korhazao Ege-r# BaleBeti-sebssrj7~et ea-
Rontgen Osztaly.
V ANA DZ lN'S, Z.; BALTIGIS, P., r-jjc, ~ -K I I ~ C F , M. , I K f, ~ , -,, Il- ~') !.. S ,V, , r ~ d . ,
MAWLEVICA, -',, red.~ -- ., J'i., rej-~
latv],a -! iaJxr~ju jwvj,.jIq,, ,*,~.V,~,U;":~~,,i lelt-I ll~.
Liesma, -1965. 1 v. MJRA
- . ;D. _LQh.
Kovalovsky D. Ve-etative proparEtior. of c-v,.,r,,rF-er, oaks; a !'C,')Or:,
u I . I
Vol. 10, no. 2, 19~5 AHOLO'a'LA Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly List of East hurope-an Accessions, (F,'~AL), LC, ~Iol. 5, L'o. 2
Febmary., 1956
BADO, Zolttui,, ifj.,chl.; -LQUL0=K-Y-,Letjos)-ch'.
Mucoviscidosis concordtant with pnomatosis cystoides intentinalis.
Orv. hetil. 103 no.1,0:1899-1902 7 0 162.
1. Szentesi Mogyei Korhaz, Cseeseino-os Gyermekosztaly, Prosectura.
. ti~ - 'w - I -- - -
Toohni,:7al turi-iis in t,iie o
-- .. F oill- o:,;." -() 1,.0.,);6
11 F t 6,5- t - I I I . - . l
Language.and life. Elet tud 18 no.16:506 21 Ap 163.
Einosegi kiszereles; an analysis. p. 166
Vol. 115, no. 3, Mer. 1.956
TE.;d--LSZ!~T L3 T"~RsijD;dX-1.
Budapest, Huig;-:ry
Source: -&--st Eurojean Accession List. Library of Congress
Vol. 5, "o.8, lug-ust. 1956
Variation of plant resistance to salinity in ontogeneEiF. p. L5
AMALELE POMINO-SOVI --,TICE. SERIA BTOLrCIF (Adaremila Perublicii PDrulare
Romine. institutal de Studii Romino-Sovietic)
Bucurel-ti, Itumania
Vol. 131 r.O. 2, April/Junc 1959
Monthly list of East European Accession Index (E.'--AT) LC Vol. 8, No. 11
N~vember 1959
"Problem of Seasonal Variability of Barometric Coefficient of the Hard
Component of Cosmic Rays." P. 85
with Krasillnikov) D. D., and Nikol'Bkly, S. I., "Preliminary Results in
Determining the Barometric and Temperature Effects of Extensive Torrential Raisn
Near the Sea Level." p. 88
in book Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Pays, Moscow, Izd-vo Ali SSSR, 1958, 168p.
(Trudy, aeriya fizicheskaya, vyp. 2)
(Te U I F- A N "~ -s- s P_ F, -z-,
gis issue contains articles on experimental methods in the continuous registration
of cosmic rays, the inveRtigation of meteorological effects of the different coMDonentO
of cosmic rays, and the connection between variations in cosmic ray intensity and
solar and megnetic activity.
Characteristics of the strains of hemolytic streptococci isolated from pa-
tient8 with angina and from healthy carriers. Zhur.mWrobiol.epid.i Jimmin.
no.2:26-28 F 153- (MLRA 6:5)
1. Krasnodarskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni professora
I.G. Savchenko. (Throat--Diseases) (Scarlatina) (Streptococcua)
At times, when infrection with scarlet fever occurd, angina, patients
and healthy persons carnr hemolytic streptococci of types cOrrespondincy to
those which are prevalent among scarlet fever patients. Angina patient-z
and healthy persons mR.--- be carriers and transmAtters of scarlet fever.
3ffect of iruluetrial and domestic sewap
.,e on the sanitary condition
of the Kuban River in the vicinity of Krasnodar. Gig.i Ban. 24
no.8:68-71 Ag '59. (MIH& 12: 11)
1. Iz kafedry komTmmallnoy glgiyeny I Hookovskogo ordena Lenlna
moditainakogo instituta imeni. I.M.Sechenova i iz Krasnodarzkoy
krayevoy BanAtarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii.
L 08748-67 VT(l) JK
--ACC NR9 A?6034528 CE CO-DE U-R
AUTHOR: Koval'oka)ra, A. I.; Skrypnik, M. I.
ORG: Krasnodar ._Kegiqpa Sanitary-Epidemiological Station (Krasnodar
skaya krayevaya sanitarno-epidemiologichookaya TCY~Zs--i-y-a-T-
TITLE- Experimental use of the Vi hemagglutination reaction as a
method of identifying typhoid(carriers
SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 10,
1966, 141-142
TOPIC TAGS% - typhoid fever, diagnostic medicine, diag-
nostic method, Vi hemagglutination reaction, typhoid carrier, carrie.r
state . lWrecrlve- 0.1.5PlSe ) j)1,7e,95e 00AJ-rR01-
ABSTRACT: The Vi hemagglutination reaction was found effective in the
diagnonia of typhoid carriers, Twelve hundred and thirty persons were
examined and titers from known carriers were compared with those from
carriers identified in the survey. Of the persons tested, 4.3% were
identified as carriers. (W.A. 50)
SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DAM 17Jan66
Card 1/1 bo
UDCz 616.927-008,97-077o34
AID P - 3443
Subject USSR/Zlectricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 10/32
Authors : Kalitvyanskiy, V..J., Kand. of Tech. Sci., A- ~V.
Kovallskaya, Kand. of Tech. Sci.
Title : Useful service life types of electric
machinery insulation
Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 10, 4o-44, 0 1955
Abstract : The authors describe the results of tests for de-
termining the useful service life of organic silicon
and cellulose triacetate (pellicular) insulation of
electrical machinery. This insulation was subjected
to a complex action of increased heating, high
moisture, electric field, and mechanical stresses.
The correctness of the method used was confirmed In
tests of motors with Class A insulation. A formula
expressing the useful service life of these kinds of
insulation was found. The extrapolation of
AUTHORS: Savellyev V.P. and Kovallskgya A.V. (Candidates of
Technical BciencesY~j- ~anezrukov F.V. (Engineer).
TITLE: Lightning Arresters of High Rupturing-Capacity (Trubehaty--e-
razryadniki s povyshennoy otklyuchayushchey sposobnost~puj
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennostiq1959,Nr ljpp 23~27 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Two types of lightning arrester are now made by Soviet
industry; type RTF is of bAkelised fibre and type RTV of
vinyl-plastic. They are made for voltages of 3 - 110 kV;
for the higher voltages the current interrupted must not
exceed 10 kA. It is very difficult to develop 31~ and
110-kV lightning arresters for larger currents. Tests
on arresters type RTV in which vinyl-plastic is used as
gas-generating and insulating material show that the
mechanical strength of the arresters is fully exploited.
The results given in Fig 1 show that the dynamic strength
of these tubes increases with wall thickness only up to
about 8 to 10 mm. The upper limit of current canno4- be
increased much by increasing the tube diameter becaust~
this also increases greatly the lower limit of current at
which the arrester will operate. Vinyl-plastic tubes
Card 1/4 now being delivered are very variable in strength,,
Investigations have Ehown that the best way of increasing
Lightning Arresters of High Rupturing-Capacity
the rupturing-capaoity ofthe arresters is to rein.'ore.9
the thin vinyl-plastio. tube with insulating covers of
high mechanical and electrical properties. Glass r-loths
impregnated Tespectively with epoxy resin grade E ... 37 and
with epoxy-phenol, iesin have. tegn t-"rJed for this
Table 1 gives the me~-.hanic.,al and elec--,trical propE~rties
of each combination, Epoxy -r-esln was found better than
epoxy.-phenol resin for uF-e with glass cloth.. Different
methods of applying the relnforc-ement to the vinyl-plastie
tube are desc.,ribE.I. The ~~-oaffi,,4ents of expansion of
vinyl plastic and the epoxy Tesiin binders are differcin~l
and so there is a risk of the tube bec:oming separated fi3m
its reinf o reement, which could impair the effect of the
reinforcement. This probUm was solved by traating the
surface of the vinyl plastic tu'~Ce. The reinforoing layer
of glass-textolite on the -,,,inyl plastie; tube is gT-ound.
and polished. The new 110-kV lightning arresters witil-
improved rupturing-capacity are sim-ilar in const"ruction
to arresters type RTV. A dimensioned sectional dz-awlug
Card 2/4 ?f the arrester is given in Fig 2, and the constiuc-tion
is described.,,, Experimental ligbtning arresteTS are
Lightning Arresters of High Rupturing-Capacity
tested according to the requirements of the International
Electro-Technical Commission (Committee of Technical
Experts, Nr 37). This test procedure differs in many
ways from that usually adopted in the USSR, and the
differences are briefly explained. The I.E.C. method is
the more severe. Characteristics of the arrester obtained
during tests at 100 kV in accordance with the I.E.C.
requirements are given in Table 2. During the tests the
experimental samples interrupted are currents UD to 28 -
30 KA in a single half-cycle. After interrupting current
of the order of 28 - 30 KA five times, the arc suppression
channel increased from 16 to 25 mm ana the arrester could
then no longer interrupt currents below 15 KA. In order
to obtain a wider range of current interruption and to
ensure the interruption of currents of 'Less than 10 KAI
the range of 110-kV arresters type RTV had to have the
Card 3/4
Lightning Arresters of High Rupturing-Capacity
upper limit of rupturing-current
Better are-suppression materials
of high gas-generating properties
There are 2 figures~ 2 tablas, no
SUBMITTED: May 26, 1958
limited to 220 kA.
than vinyl plastic
are still required.
literature references,,
Card 4/4
KOVALISKAYA, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Epoxide filling compounds. Yest.olektroprom. 31 no.2:1-6
F 160. - (MIRA 13:6)
(Blectric insulators 6nd insulation)
MVALISKAYA A V kand.tekbn.nauk,- GONCHAPMKOp Yu.V*,, ims6
Increase of the resistance of apox-yphenol glass plastics to
sliding surface discharges* Vest.elektroprom. 33 no.121.,20-M
D 162, (MM 15,12)
(CxLass reinforced plastics-Electric properties)
KOVALISKAYA, A.V.- kand.tekhn.nauk
Effect of ultraviolet rays and moisture on epoxide insulation. Vest.
elektroprom. 34 no-5:3-9 My 163. (MRA 16:5)
(Electric insulators and insulation) (Epoxy compounds)
A.!.; SillEGUBUN, V.V.;
inventions, Energ. i elc-r-Itrotekli. Prom. lio.4-39 CI-D '64.
(1-11RA 18:3)
KOVALISMA, G.G. (Kovallsfka.. H.H.]
Segmental innervation of the perioisteum of ribs. Dop. AN URSR no.2:
249-252 162. (MMA l5t2)
1. Belotserkovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. Predstavleno
akademikom AN USSR V.G.Kastyanenko [Kaslianenko, V.H.1-
KHUDOBINA, L.N.; Prinimall uchastlyes LEBEDEVA, T.N.; BOBROVNIK, I.I.;
Recording reflected transverse and transformed waves. Trudy Inst.
geol. i geofiz. Sib. otd.AN SSSR no.16:140-171 162. (MIRA 16:9)
(Seismic prospecting)
- - '--- ---I
Glycol ethers and thl-ir derivatives. Part 80: Synthesis of
alkoxymethyl ethers of 1.3-dichloro-2-propanol. Zhur. ob.
khim. 34 no.9:2868-2873 s 164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut nefi,ekhimicheskikh protsessov AH AzerSSR.
GOSSEj N.P,) inzn,-, KISLUKHIN, S.V., inzh.; VIKOL'SKIYj G.A., inzh.;
POPOV, G.S., inzb.; SHAKHOVTSW, V.I., nauchnyy red.; VAGNER) A&A.p
red.; ROOVA, A.P., red.; XOYALj5YAYA,-1~F,, tekbn. red.; VDIOGRADOV,
Ye.A.,, tekhn. red.; ILIYUS104KOVA, T.P.,, takhn. red.
(Electric equipment and devices of motor vehicles; catalog and
reference book] Avtotraktornoe claktro-oborudovanie i pribory; katalog-
spravochnik. Moskva, TSentr,in-t nauchno.-takhn.informatsii mashino-
stroeniia. Pt.l. 1961. 371 p. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstve=07 komitat po koordinatsii
nauchno-iseledovatells ci robot. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellski7
eksperimentallrU institut avtotraktornogo elektrooborudovanlya i
priborov (for Goose, Kialukhin, Nikoltskiyp Popov). 3. Direktor Va-
uchno-issledovat,el'skogo eksperimentallnogo instituta avtotraktornogo
fy ya i priborov (for Shakhov-tsev
Q1% or vehicles-Electric equipment)
STR&KHOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; GISIN, I.B., kand. aelikhoz. nauk;
red.; ZORINA, G.V., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red.
[Modern equipment for making creamery butter]Sovremennoe obo-
rudovanie dlia proizvodstva slivochnogo masla. Moskva, TSentr.
in-t nauchno-tekhn. informataii mashinostriaenia, 1962. 55 p.
(MIRA 16:4)
(Food machinery-Design and construction)
(Creameries-Equipment and supplies)
R.I., nauchnyy zed.; BOBAKOV, A.N., red.; I.F.,
tekhn. red.
[structural dimensional dia&ams for looms.] Konstruktivnye
razmernye riady tkatskikh stankov. Moskva, 1963. 106 p.
(Moscow. TSentrallnyi institut nauchno- tekhniche9koi infor-
matsii po avtomatizateii i mshinostroeniiu. Seriia. III:
Novye mashiny, oborudovanie i sredstva avtomatizatsi-i, no.67).
(MIRA 16:12)
GLmiting slag zones of copper refining furnaceo. Ogneupory 23
no-7:316-319 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Gintsvetmet.
(Copper--Heat treatment)
(.Furnaces--Maintenance ancl repair)
Repair of hot furnaces bv guniting and introducing the methag
to copper refining furnaces. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintevetmeta
no.19:493-503 162. (MIRA 16:7)
(Metallurgical furnaces-Maintenance and repair)