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AP6031065 Fig-I 1..~ The dependence of the efficiency, on, to. V6 J,for u 270 Weoc Re 3.7 x 105. For most of the stage-versioup the tests were repeated at u -*270 m/sec, The tepperatures were measured at t6 Anlet and outlet of the stage and the static pressures, at the hub.and the easing'. The velocity distribuiion in th radial direction of the flow passage In front of and behind the rotorvas also deter- mined. F~r.tbe each version of the-stage the.characteristics were plotted and the regime of.the maximum efficienct n was determined. For this regime the diffusivity factor.# - (W_ ff x-W2)/Wl van determined; here, WI(V2) ate the relative velocities at the inlit (outlet) of. the rotor cascade. Axi approxinsts formula for determining the efficiency of a-stage of an axi al-fl~w.dow~ressor with a.rough..approximation of the air compressibility is proposedt.. i&'1 + X, where q' is the efficiency 1. 1 1 -.-1 . . . . 0 44 0 1- F ACC-NRI -AP6031065 of the stage. when A# 0 and K to a paramiter depending on the-blade geomet r an d flow-characteristics., Re teat rdsults (with added characteristics of six other coupressor.stagei~.#re'plottw in a diagram In which the solid curve corresponds to* J. the equation I +1.43K+ 2.l6'K2(mFI&JD. 7doequadonis recommendedfo estimating the ef tect of a decrease In the . axial f low velocity an the eff Iciency'af. axial compressor.. OrISS art. has t * 3, figures. and I formula. IVA-761 SUB CDDB:13,20/ SUiM DAM 2UuI65/ 0110- UFt 003/ SHCHERBANI, Alekeandr Nazarovich [Shcherban', O.N.1, akademik; SiMS, I.T., akademik, glavnyy red.; KOVALEVSKIY, V V red. [Prospects of the development of atomic power] Perspektyvy rozvytku atoi!moi anargetyky. KYiv, 1959. 49 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poBhyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh zuan' URSR. Ser.5, no.9). (MIRA 12:9) 1. lkademiya nauk USSR (for Shcherban', Shvets). (Atomic power) Z- -, % V HALICHEMO, Boris Fedorovich (Malychonko, B.F.3; KATKOVSKIT, K.T. (Haticovalkyi, K.I.I. kand.khim.nnuk, lavnyy red.; KOVALEVSKIT, V.V. Clovalevalkyi, V.V. , red. [Synthetic fibers] Khimichni volokna. Kylv, 1959. 43 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnvkh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainalkoi RSR. Sar.5. no.22). (HIIU 13:2) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) LOGTINOT, Nikolay Tasillyevich,[Lohvynov, H.Y.1, kand.istor.nauk; GOROTMIIT, F.Ta. (Horovalkyi, F.IA.], kand.istor.nauk, glavnyy red.; KOTALEYSKIT V.T. (Kovalevalkyi. V.T.I, red. [Possibility and reality] Hozhlyvist' i diieniat'. Kyiv, 1960. 39 P. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh znan' Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.1, no.31). (HIRA 14:3) (Russia--Bconomic conditions) Z/019/62/019/003/002/006 D006/DIOZ AUTHOR: Koval'skiy, V.Ya. TITLE; On the optimum spectral characteristics of radiation sensors PERIODICAL: Prehled technickt a hospodarM literatury, Energetika a elektro- technika, v. 19, no. 3, 1962, 101, abstract # E 62-1349. Svetotekhnika, 7, no. 10, 1961, 24-27 TEXT: This is a concise paper on the selection of the optimum spectral- sensitivity characteristic of a photoelectric or radioelectric sensor with respect to the spectral range of a radiation source, or of a group of similar sources. A numerical physical analysis) the influence on the measuring accu- racy., and an example are given. The original article contains 5 figures Ad 3 references. CAbstracterts note: Complete translationj .,'Card 1/1 KOVALEVSKTY Ye,D, -j : 1 -.- 1 ...... ~, - , I- --~, Detemining the moduluL; of general deformation. of a sandv soil aubjected,to vibration* Trudy LIEI no.57:102-111 165. (MIRA 18:8) ,KOVALEVSKIY Ye I (Moskva); MAYCHUK, Yu. F. (Moskva) Elimination o'L' trachoma in TaJikistan ia a matter for all medicnI workers in the Republic. Zdrav. Tadzh. 9 no.2:3-5 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:7) (TAJIKISTfiJ,1-COHJ1fl4CTIVITIS, GRAIMUR) 31L e u-', DO pp KOVALBVSKIT, Te. I. Novocaine in glaucoma. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.3t42-44 Hr 16o. (HIM 1315) 1. 14fedrs. glaznykh bole2ney (SaveduyushoMy - professor S.M. Khayuttu) Throslavokogo maditainskogo instituta. (GLAUCOMA) (NOVOCAM) '~,IKOVALEOtY,, Ye.I. (Moskva) Our tas4 in diptheria and poliomyelitis control. Sav. zdrav. 19 no.11:45,4 160. (MBA 13:11) eDIPHTHERIA) (POLIOMYELITIS) --KOVALEVSKIY Ye I. Study of the comparative action of novocaine oi the eye in patients with glaucoma and in experiment involving various methods of administration. Sov. med. 24 no. 7:104-110 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz kliniki glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. S.M. Khayutin) Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (GLAUCOMA) (NOVOCAINE) KURASHOV, Sorgey Vladimirovicbi KOVAlZVSM 'le.l. naucbmyy red, ; STAROSTMIKOVA9 M.M.p red@ isd-va; fiWOVA, A.S., tektm, red* (Guarding public health] Okbrans mdorovlia haroda. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Znania)" 1961. 46 p. (Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranoniiu politichapkikh i nauchmykh znanii. Ser.8. Biologiia i meditsina, no.16) (KERA 14:9) 1. Ministr zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for KurashQv). (PUBLIC HEALTH) V.S., dolctor med.nauk; APYALE U I., RUTRTYEVA, B& _IQ__ _- Changes in the eye in neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease). Vest.oft. no.6:53-58 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. TSontrallnyy institut usovershonstvovaniya vrachoy (Moskva). (NEUROFIBRCHATOSIS) (EYE-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) SAFONOV, A.G... kand. mod. nauk; Wvak~SKIY-' Ye.11.9 kand. med. nauk Ways and means for iie complete eradication cf trachoma in the U.S.S.R. Vest, oft. 76 no.510-7 S-0 163. WIRA 17-g 1) 1. Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniya SSSR i kafedra glaz,-Wkh bolezney II Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni Pirogova. '~j / . ` KAZANSKIT, V.I., profess -11~~Y, D.. assistant; MAX&ROVA, K.A., vrach Ton years of experience In surgery of esophageal ani cardiol cancer. Xhirurgiia 32 no.11:25-33 N 1,56, (HLRA 10:3) 1. 1z kafedry khirurgii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvoveniya vrachey (dir. V.P.1ebeaeva) no baze TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bolluitsy Kinisterstva putey moobehchaniya (nach. V.N.Zakharchenko) (ESOPHAqUS. neoplasms Burg*) (STOMACH NZOPIASMS, surgo, cordial) KOVALFV.':3)KIY , Ye . 0 . Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Radical trans-pleural operations in cancer of the esophagus and huart. Front materials of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Railways for 15 years." Moecow, 1961. 15 pp; (Ministry of Public Health RSFSR, Moscow Med Stomqtolo~-,ical Inst); 250 copie3; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 259) KOVALEVSKIY, Ye.o. --- .... ... .1-1- .. Comparative data on the importance of indivIdual symptoms in the diagnosis of cancer of the esophagus and the cardia. Trudy TSIU 62:196-203 163. (MIRA 180) 1. 111 kafedra khirurgii (zav. prof. V.I.Kazansldy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovarshenstvovaniya vrachey. TSFASMANI A.Z. (Moskva, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya 23, kv. 5); DIBIZHEVA, G.V.; KOVALEV- ~51_yj ~Ye-~- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of occult blood loss in gastric cancer by means of radioactive chromium. Vop. onk. 10 no. 4:14-18 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Iz IV kafedry terapii (zav. kafedroy - chlen - korrespondent AMN, SSSR prof. P.1. Yegorov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovani- ya vrachey i II Khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - dotsent V.I. Yani- shevskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen M~M SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin. KOVAT-TW73'HY, Ye. T. Y,-,. 'T. 'IT-lvc,,,UJ7,Auloll of 11010 !,)Or-'nc- j~l CU~-4,,- the collcction SO; l!--*-",8)io, 12 Feb. ~13, (Lcto;,~,O Zrhlarn~d 111"''l-.11 I,',OVAtEVSI'U.Y, Le. ?* "Investi,,:'ation of Drilling Blast Holes with I'lectric Hund D-ills." Thesis for der-roe of Cand. Technical Sci. aab 7 Apr 49, Moscow Eizziin- Tnst jx,.cni 1. "1. Stalin, u Sunmary 82, 1S Dec 52, Disgortationg n-egented for Doprecs, In Science and Enrineorim in floscow in 191,09. _!;~,om Vechernygya Mos , Jan-Dec 10,49. .JOYALlIVSKIY. Ye.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. ~ - wq*.Pw Introdacing progressive technology in the Kuznetsk Basin mines. Mekh. tru(L rab. 11 ito.2:21-23 7 157. (XLRA 10:3) 1. Kemspovskiy gornyy institut. (Iluznetsk Basin-Coal mining machinery) KOTALEVSKIT, Ya.F.; PETROV, A.Z.;- WMMNKO, V.P.,; SHORMHOVA, .--- -..- --''- -Ii&;vfj; ILIINSIAYA, G.M., tokhn.rad,; POLILUYIV, VJ8,, [K-57 and EJ-57 coal cutter-loader] Ugol'nye kombainy K-57 i KU-57. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu. 196o. 70 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Coal mining machinery) KOVALEVSKIT, To.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Temporary timbering and devices used in longwalls with weak roofs, Bezop,truda in 16o. (Mine timbering) cutter-loader mined v prom. 4 no.1:7-9 04IRA 13:5) --=~ - - I MPort Pm**ntmd at tb* Ist All-UnlOn C-6fase of Theumticsl ond Appiled 1kchanIcs M---. 27 JO- - 3 Fab '60. 31- 1 Ca tzw mLum at me dynevas b&U-P". M. ~Uaas at .I" ageaeatfr, 316 pratLellavv). puta. Lth 37. Zee-) I cm th . ..... t"1 .21-Iti at 31t. (Mar), .. trat_ 0, Me "t-au- ..7 :;!Vuk Mwk~)t An anxat4 ~Stlffaum at 39. b~ 246 4"Phref. SM:9. the stakZ21ty or ,atatrual~ Plata.. a. P..m c W I lb. ft." at pl-aucarr. tt. c ~. at I-LU, "-U- at ~... 43. aaa, af Nwl-t. rb-olesa =.. %b. -b,:;,MB, (KXt A"U-U. at j"mi- L. ta= Malt- .1 DO-doett- at ~-. A W- ,n _ (%ov), -0.111) We L-3 r- Mae, at bl~aaea I'Mad -77' W ttaa.. SRO je~~ IJ.-ftvlm cleee-J. at a. ~= p.V.U. at JUM. Ub, I rwd-tu at Lb. is.- klea. M. ..I.=- at or-". -1-M TWA.U- .1,,l . "Outted -W-U -j1.j;=Apk*oqos CA the squiLtbrion savatLeets of M"k " VIA... gre, -L:;- "Pd t=ku. tlafttw P tow W"P at Lea, mad rfaaaa OGI" .9- Peat) W 16. 16 P. 7.1--tk (Me- A. Xh. -am (Mla"). Me. pl- nee, -4-&-, bt...w t-d-ou- r-ta, - - 0(*Y--), xlaaaaer- -4 le.u. al."leael aeatte, Peet *r bu.. dur-t Cle Me .. It"- at 'Lee" pp. a. t,. T , a. A. MLL-klbh (~I-O- 0. V_ J,=U. va"t"to in q-l-lsa~erl* allcryeta~ ad". 60. 1 Tfttgrtft A ~tlstleel -m-d .LNijty me-Y at eieu-. 1. 1 1--tan, cnaa~--D-), A. a. I (a- we); 'is Uo.. . L- e,t. anowaar r be".. reeeed-ttoes at ska $-,at .vLasarLr4 mear, at *UsU- b- 63. A- -2- IL-t- Th- 1-- at "t-U- at S.... I.- at -u- at I- .A ac ft-g-u. ti- "..4 A eathO4 ft sbulauw Wrlwlal .tre.. axwS Lt. lea-l f-tl-. %a Ma U-" at tbe, at- =.C.ti- .9 .1au.-Pte-0. t. "J&,aaetrlftl deraa,aau~ of N VMAROVICH., M.P., doktor tekhn.nauk; KOVALEVSKIY, Ye.P., inzh. Testing.the elastic parameters of peat briquets by the pulse ultrasonic method. Torf. prom. .39 no.8sl4-16 162. (MIRA 16%1) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanoy institut. (Peat) (Briquets (Fuel)) (Ultrasonic testing) ,~Itudying the elaotic proportic-in of peat ~y t!le paj,-e niet",,jod. Trudy Hal. Lcrf. "j. (,*'IT.'A 17:12) KOVALEIISK!Y, Ye.P., kand-takhi.nauk --- -~ Operation of large-capacity dump trucks at strip mines of the Krasnoyansk Council of National EconoW. Gor.zhur. no.1:28-30 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kraonoyarokiy Institut tsvotriykh motallov im. KalInIna. KOVALSVSKIY, yo,,,B,.; HORGULIS, Yu. B.;. ARDELI, V.K.: SHATIWV. A.I., inzhener, PaTABOUZOU-4; PSYSIKOV, A.T.. ka-adidat tekhnjchealg0#ln&uk, redaktor; M&TVMVA, Y~.$., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Small and medium power diasalal Dizellnye uatanovki maloi isradnei masbinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 414 ps (MLRA 10.-4) (Dies.el engines) NOVAL97SKIT, Tu. S. - -Z - ~~ - - Effect of the age of formations on their potentiality. Neft.khoz- 33 no.6:61-63 Je, 155, (MIM 8:8) (Petroleum geology) XALIVKIN, V.D.; ROZANOV, L.H.; FOTIADI, X.E,; TEGOROV, S.P.; TEDGURAZOV, I.I.; KO Y S KOZACHMO, A.A.; KOIIDRATOYEVA, M.G.; XTJZIIETSOV, G.A.; EJLIXO F.S.: LOBOV, V.A.; SOFRONITSKIT, P.A.; TATARINOV, A.G.; FRITUIA, Yuriy-Aleksandrovich, rodaktor; DAYEW, G.A*, veduahchiy redaktor; GETRIAD'YEVA, I.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor. [Volga-Ural oil-bearing region: Tectonics) Volgo-Urallskaia me neftanonnaia oblant'. leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tak-hn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 312 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoi=nyl neftianoi nauchuo-iseledovatel'skit geologo-razvodochnyi institut. Trudy, no.100) [Microfilm] (MLRA 10:4) (Volga Valley-Petroleum geolog-Y)_ (Ural Mountain Region--Patroleum geology) AID P - 2719 Subject USSR/mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 16/27 Author Kovalevskiy, Yu. S. Title Influence of the age of rock structures on thier potential Periodical Neft. khoz. v. 33, #6, 61-63, Je 1955 Abstract The author analyses the Volga right bank region of the Saratov Section and finds that the older rock structurehave greater prospects of oil and gas deposits. Institution : None Submitted : No date F A CC NR: AT 6031460-"- 96 AUTHOR: Korenberg, E. I.; Kovalevskiy, Yu. V.; Suvorova, L. G. ORG: Institute of Epidemiology and MicrobioloU .~m. N. ir..j1a"naleva, A~N, SSSR, AM SSSR) TITLE: Large-scale mapping in the study of the role of birds in natural tick- borne ence halitis foci SOURCE: Konforentoiya po matodam madiko-goografichaskikh issledovaniy. Moscow I 1965. 'Metody mediko-geograficheskikh issledovaniy (Methods of medicogeographicli research); materialy konferentsli. Moscow, 1965, 187-196 TOPIC TAGS: medical geography, epidemiology, bird study, disease vector, encephalitis '014940alr &'040r - Pk) Pfj ~s 17-6 /9 PPIA) C fri i) 't ABSTR&CT:; Simultaneous surveys of bird and tir~c populations were made and correlated with forest types over a large area in the Kirov Oblast. In heavily forested areas, the number of ticks per bird was greater than in lightly forested areas or in places where the trees had recentl been cut. Immunity studies were also Card 1/2 ACC NRs AT6031460 conducted and the results plotted. The nymph-co-adult.distribu- tion among the ticks was also studied. The'advantages and dis- advantages of standard field methods were discussed. [WA-56;*-CBE No-.-"1.2]---- SUB CODE:O~ SUBM DATE; 17Sep65/ ORIG REF: Oil/ ACC NRi AT6031460 AUTHOR: Korenberg, E. I.;-Kovalevskiy, Yu. V.; Suvoiova, L. G. _; ............... 0R9: Institute*of Epidemiology and Microbiology im. N. F. Gamaleya, AM SSSR, Moscow (Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. ANN SSSR) TITLE: Large-scale.mapping in the study of the role of birds in natural tick- borne etc'ephalitis. foci SOURCE: Konferentsiya po metodam mOdiko-geograficheskikh issledovaniy. Moscow, 1965. Metody mediko-geograficheskikh issleAovaniy (M ethods of medicogeographical research); materialy konferentsii. Moscow, 1965, 187-196 TOPIC TAGS: medical geography, epidemiology, bird study, disease vector, encephalitis 01040(.9-1r 06040,6y 9 #9AJ)fnAi- P41)Pfi-S17_e i ABSTRACT: I-Simultaneou's surveys of bird and tick populations were made and correlated with forest types over a large area in the Kirov oblast. In heavily forested areas, the number of ticks per bird was greater than in lightly forested areas or in places where the*trees had recently been cut. Imuaity 'studies were also SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0187/0196 Card 1/2 conducted and the resat's p''lotted.' *Th'e nym'ph-toadult. distribu- tion among the iicks was also studied. The'advantages and dis- advantages of standard field methods were discusbed. SUB CODE04,0J/1 SUBM DATE. 17Sep65/ ORIG REF: 011/ KORENBERG, E.I.; PCHELKINA, A.A.; KOVA.LEIISKIY., Yu.V.; SUVOROVA, L.G. -------- Characteristica of immunogenesis in totraonid birds in a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no.6-711-717 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Otdol boletney a prirodnoy ochagovostlyu Institu*ta ep.Ldemio- logii i mikrobiologii imeni Gai.,ialei AM SSSR, Moskva. KORENBERGP, S-I.; KOVALETSEly, YUoV,; KUZNSTSOV. V.I. Iarge-scale map &--au-lhg tif tba distribution of tetraonid birds,. Ornitologiia no,71.371-379 465o (MIRA 1&10) KORFNBERG, E.I.; SUVOROVA, L.G.;,-KOVPJXVSKIY, Yu.V.; TUI-'lKOVA, N.V. Birds as tick hosts in European southern taiga forests. Biul. 1401P. Otd. biol. 69 no.5:16-29 S-0 164. (I-ITRA 17:1a) POLAND / Chemical Technology. Drugs. Vitamins. Antibiotics. H Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1958, 74939. ."Uthor Inst Not given. Title The Manufacture of Crude Filicin on a Small Tech- nical Scale. Orig Pub; Biul. Panstw. inst. nauk leczn. surow. Roal. Poznaniu, 195.6, 2, No. 4: 202-207. Abstract: To obtain filicin (1) on a small scale, a modified method is used for the conversion of fluoroglucide compounds of I Jnto soluble magnesium salts by the action of M90. liThe salts obtained are then washed with water. The crude I is precipitated from the Card 1/2 7 KOVALGIN, Y.M. wgwmo; 9 VOW-11-1151k-1-11-~-~ 6. tlv tow remarks on D.N. Uznadze's theory of re~Ainess (Oustanovkaw).Vop. psikhol.2 no.5:125-132 S-0 156. (VIRA 10:1) lo Institut filooofii i prava Akademii nauk RSSR, Minsk. (Psycholoff) KOVAWIN, V.M.; KAXLYUX, A.S., dotse, redo; MANINA, L., red.izd-va; AIYKSANDROVICH, Kh., [Dialectical materialiam on the laws of science] Dialekticheskii materialim o zakonakh nauki. Minsk, Izd-vo Aked. nauk BSSR, 1958- 188 P. (MIRA 11:5) (Dialectical materialism) (Boience) KOVALGIN, V.M. [Kavalhin, V.M.j Origination of seneations. Vestmi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no. 416o-65 160,' (senses and sensation) (MIRA 14:1) KOVALGIN, V.M. [Kavalhin, V.H.] I Objectivity of sensory perception. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser.hrar,.nav. no.3:28-37 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Perception) KOVALGIN, Vadim Kikhay1ovich; KESAREVA, Ye.P., prof.p red.;BEREZKIN,Yu., --.- . I a I -WPJWQV9Hv- I. p tekhn. red. [Reflex theory of sensations] Reflektornaia teoriia oshchu- shchenii. Minsk, Izd-vo "Nauka i tekhnika," 1963. 409 p. (MIRA 17:3) KOV.r,~-IC, Jozar, -Iiz. Bending of c2amps. .'it,roj vyr .12 nn-8.-584-585 64. 1. Zavody pn=.y-,;Iove autorrLatlzacie National i-riterprise, zavod Dulda., Presov. AMIN&* K&Si;,_ KOVALIGHIV, F.F. Mifusion of water into the dry layers of gelatin. Sbor, at, L17KO no.24:127-133 157. (MM 110) (Diffusion) (Gelatin) ANALINAO K.,S.; KOVALICMff, F.P.; KOVALICIOV. 0.P. - Diffusion of water solutions intotbe dry layers of gelatin. Sbor. at. LITMO no.24tl34-139 157. (K= 110) (Diffusion) (Gelatin) AMINA, X.SI.; KOVAIICHXF, F,F,.; KOVALICMW. 0.7. Diffusion of. water solzA-~ i be dry layers of gelatin. Sbor. at. LITMO no. 24:134-139 157, (mm 11:5) (Diffusion) (Oelatin) SHISHKIN, N.I.; KOVILICHEV,_O F. , Vitrification of liquids and polymers under pressure. Part 6: Tempepature dependence of the voluma of condensed glass. , Fiz. tver. tale, 2 no.2:358-360 F 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Fiziko-tekbnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Glass mamifacture-Chemistry) S/262/62/000/017/002/003 .1 .LO07/'I207 AUTHOR: Kovaliewic- Andr7ey TITLE: Oper-tinli ol' air-intake diffuser under varying flij;ht con6itiolls. PERIODI0,11: Pw,L,O~r'LivnYY "barial, otdelln:yy vypiask. 42. Silovyye u5tr,.nov)ii, no. 17, 1962, 32, abstrnct 4217220 ("Techn. lotnic-a", no. 5, 1960., 135-140; no. 6, 165-169, t_1;olishj TEXT: Froceedin- from the theory of ix flat gs-stream, a theoretical analy3l- is -,iven of operttion of a subsonic .1-nd a double-shock supersonic diffuser. Cases of nonste?-.dy operation Card 1/2 S/2o'-2/162/000/017,1'002/003 1007/1207 Operation of air intake... of the'diffus,--r Pre &tudied P.nO its characteristics as a component element of pulse (duc'~) jet en,.-,~nes -tre plotted. There mre 20 diagr.--ms and 15 references, ~-Ilbstracterls note: Complete tr,~.nslationj Card 2/2 GLADYSHEVSKIY, Ye.I.; KUZIMA, Yu.B.; KOVAIIX, D.A. Phase equilibria and crystalline structures of compounds in the systems Re - Fa(Co, R) - Si . Zhur. neorg. kh#. 9 n0-3:665-670 Mr 164. (MMA 17:3) 1. Livovskiy ordena Lanina gosudarstvennyy universitet iih. 1. Frarko. ACCESSION NR: AP4019490 S/0078/64/009/003/0665/0670 AUTHORS: Glady*shevskiy, Ye. I.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Kovalik. D.A. TITLE: Phase equilibria and crystal s oture of the compounds In the Re-Fe(Co, M)-31 systems SOURCE: Zhurnal neorg. khimii, v. 9, no. 3, 1964,665-670 TOPIC TAGS: rhenium iron silicon system, rhenium cobalt silicon system, rhenium nickel silicon system, phase equilibrium, crystal structure, ternary Intermetallio compound, x ray analysis, micro- structure, Re3 Fe 21 W6 F6 70' gamma phasephase, Re6Fe6S" Re6005-7 Si 1.3, ABSTRACT: Preliminary phLse analyses of the alloys of the ternary systems Re-Fe-Si, Re-Oo-Si and Re-NI-SI were undertaken to verify that Pe, Oo and Ni form ternary intermetallio compounds In ternary systems with Re and SI. The phase equilibria at 8000 were studied In these systems; Isothermal seotions were constructed from x-ray and microst.ructure data (figs. 1, 2 and 3), A new Intermetallio compound of the beta-manganese structure type (gamma' pbase a = 6.43 t 0.02.4 is formed In the Re-Fe system near R03Fe2. The existence of ternary Card .1/5 _g~COESSXON ITR: A24019490 *Ii~termediate compounds.of the W-Pe type atx~oture (,u-phase) was established In Re-Fe-Sl and Ro-60-zi. R06PO SI (a - 4.67 t O-Olk; 0 = 25.69 � o.o5A; 0/9,i= 5.50) existb iu equMbriu-m with Fe sip+* PeSi and Re 5S' oRe6005 SI (a = 4.-633 � 0.002A; c = 25-914 - 0.005A; o/a = 9:5 7) 1-9 iX elq'hLibrium with 002Sil OoSi and Re $I... Compounds of the 'We' type struoture are absent In the.-Re-NI-91 system. Orig, art, his: I table and 3,figuree.. ASSOCIATIM Llvovskiy ordens, Lonina gosudarstvonwy universitet IM. 1. Pranko (LVov State University) SUBMITTED:-OBJan63 DLTE ACQ:.3lW64 1NOL: 03 SUB OODE:-04, ML REP SOV: 013'. NR OTHER: 007 Card 2/,5 ACO NR: AP4019490 ENOL: 01 Figure 1 IsOtherMal section of part of the ternary gyg%em Re-pe-SI at 8000 Card: 3/5 A00 NR: AP4019490 c0 Isothermal soot lligure 2 Card: 4/5 Ion ko'f the Re-00-SI BYstem at 80oo ZHOZ: 62 ACO XRt A24019490 ENOL;, 03 U13% Ki ju Al Figure 3 Isothermal notion of part of the ternary system, Re-N'L-Si at 8000 Card: 5/5 KOVALIK' 1. T Ukrainian Tonguage - Inflection The word "treba" in Ukrainian dialects and literary speech. Nauk.zap. Lviv. un. 7 no. 3, 1948. Monthl- Listof Russian Accessions - Library of Congress, August 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. VORONOV, F.D., prof.; DIYAKONOV, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk; DIKSHTEYN, Ye.l.,-inzh.; TRIFONOV, A.G., inzh.; LORMAN, V.V., inzh.; KAZAKOV, A.I., inzh., KOVALIK, I.S., tekhnik. , - ~ -A- Technological characteristica'of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical hearth furnace operations usl-ng compressed air in the fuel 6pray. Stall 23 no.12:1088-1091 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Magnitogorskiy gorno- metallurgicheskiy inatitut, l.l*i-'lA.Yj*T'!.'~ F.71.-, XUrYIN"T, F,'VA"rf. V.G. ~I,y of a Sirp wl.'.h an add-;Monal. w-~ndlng. Trudy Ural. po:Li.,.(Zch. -Innt. nn. 138:50-54 f 6~, 1~)A) If XOT'Mll, D. T. si Tovelin, D. T. - of -.,orj,- for fre-~t '~., -- 71. .- SO: U--`:00, 10 j,'lly (LutoAc 'Z-IuLru;~l stirtc-r p, . I ; 1. - , ZIMA,I.M.j_~~ALIT, D.T., red.; POLISKAYA, R.G.j, tekhn. red. .IMAChan4zation of sy3.viculture] MOkhanizatsiia lesokhoziaistven- mykh rabot. 2,p perer. i dop. izd. Moskvap Goslesbumizdat, 2950. 398 Pa (MIRA 14:10Y (Forests and forestry-Equipment and suppliegs) VOYEVW1 D. ~. ~ kdiAIY~, b. ~. Afforestation Small book with great deficiencies. ("Ways to improve operation of shelterbelt-statim machinery.") Les i SteP' 4t No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. -10j, Uncl. VCIIYEIVOD-A~ D, ~.~ D'. T-. Tractors Smallbook with great deficiencies. (Ways to improve operation of shelterbelt-station machinery." Reviewed by S. Brodskiy). Les i step' 4, No. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,-Jllne 1952- to, Uncl. XOVAtIN',- D-.~ i-' Forestry Engineering Development of mechanization in forestry,, Les. khoz- 5 No- 3(42)o 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions., Library of Congress, July 1952, Unclassified. ZHUKOV. Anatoliy Borlsovich; TSEPLTAYEv, VasilAy Petrovich; ALOWJR--D. redaktor; SHAKHOVA, I.I., redaktor izdatel'stva; KO 404" tekhaicheskiy redaktor izszmoh~'- . [The Yourth World Forestry Congress and the forestry of India] IT Mirovoi lesuoi kougress i lesnoe khoziatstvo Indii. Moskva, Gosles- bumizdat, 1956. 117 P. (MIRA 9:10) (Dehra Dun, India-Forests and forestry-Gongresses) (India-Yoreste and forestry) KOVAL IN, D.T. Tasks in the regeneration, utilication, and conservation of forests of the U.S.S.R. Okhr. prir. i zapov. delo v SSSR no.1:9-24 '56.(MLU 9:11) 1 1. 41avnoye upraylenlye lesnogo khozyaystva i polezashchitnogo leso- razvedeniya Ministerstva sellskogo khosyzystva SSSR i Komisslya po olchrane prirody Akademii naul- SSSR. (7orests and :brestry) XOVALI~~ ------ "Forestry in some West European and Mediterranean countries. Tr. from the Russian. (To be contd.)" P. 141 (Les) Vol. 12, no. 3, Mar. 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 KOVALIN.,,,Pmi,~-riy,,,Tp:ren~,lypvich; NOSOV, A.V., red.; SYNTLAYNA, A.S., - - - , I _Y61 red.izd-va; RMMM'- "._ta., [Over-all mechanization of operations in forestry; technology ond machinery] Komplekenaia makhanizataiia lesokhoziaistvannogo proizvodetva; tokhaologiia proizvodstva i sistema manhin. Moskva, Goolosbumisdat, 1958. 1222 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Forests and forestry--Equipment and supplies) BOVIN, A.I., obfjhchiy red,; TSULYAYRY, V.P., obahchiy red.; KOVALIN, D.T., obahchly red. I--- [Forestry in the U.s.s.R., 1917-19571 Lesnoe khozinistvo SM, 1917-1957. Moskva, Goalesbumizdat, 1958. 274 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R,) Glavnoye upravleniye lesnogo khozynystva i polazashchitnogo lesorazvodeniya. (Foreets and forestry) KOVALIN, Dmitriy Terentlyevich (Forestry in the U.S.S.R. from 1939 to 19651 Leanoe khoziaistvo SSSR v 1959-1965 gg, Koakva, Oooleabumizdat, 1959. 61 p. (MIRA 13.5) (Forests and forestry) DEKATOV9 Nikolay Yevgenlyev~chp prof.; KOVALINq D#T* 9 red.; AMWRIK9 Z,G., red,izd-Ta; FAFMINAP NA.1 takhn.rede [Measures for forest regeneration in mechanized logging] Mero- priiatila po vozobnovleniiu lesa pri makhanizirovanxwkh leso- zagotofxakh. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 277 p. (MIRA 34:6) (Reforestation) ANTSYSHKINt S.P.; BOBYISVp G.V. ; GORYACHEVp 1.V.; ISAOMKOt Kh.M.;cX6VALIN9 -2.T.L'UVRENTIY3Vp V.A.; LITVINCFVj I*V,.; M=, A.F.; PISIMENNYY, N.R.; REBROVA, G.I.; L;;i~FV, P.A.; SDBINOVp A.M.j FEDO- ROV, P.F.; FILINOVt N.P.; KELWSOV, N.N.; KAZAKOVA, Ye.D., red.; BALLOD., A.I., takhn. red. (Reference book for foresters] Spravochnik lesnichego. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo sellkhoz. Ut-ryp 1961. 894 p. (MIRA 14%?) (Forests and forestry) BASOV, Gennadiy Fedorovich, doktor tekhn. nauk [deceased]; GRISHCHEIIKO, Mikhail Nikolayevich, doktor geol.-miner. nauk; KOVALIN, D.T., red.; SVETLAMA, A.S., red. izd-va; KARLOVA, G-J;.',-'t~ ted. [Hydrological role of forest shelterbelts; based on the data of a study made in the Kamonnaya Steppe] Gidrologicheskaia roll lesnykh polos; po dannyin issledovanii, provedennylch v Kamennoi stepi. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 199 p. (RIRA 17:2) red. Illechanizati.un 11, 7'-" lekhanizatn-iin AstvenrkyMn rabot. 17(1.,) d, pc~ vo "Lestinia 4t j,7:8) TSEPLYAYEV, VasilJy Petrovich; KOVALIN,,__D.T... red. [Foreat econonV of the U.S.S.R.; principal result.9 Gf foreBtry work] Lesnoe klioziaistvo SSSR; osnovnye itogi lasokhoziaietvennoi deiatellnosti. Moskva, Lesnaia prorqshlennast', 1965. 407 p. (MIRA 19:1) CC 16_- "O_'00- _370'5~2_1 A NR% AP6021221i~ SOURCE C(DE_:_UF,.'/O 15; 6/00 /005/ 091 14 jTiro,~ -. Klinaov, V. V.; Kovalin, Ya. V. AT ORG none TITLE: 261oasuring maximum induction of hysteresis loop of ferrito corec, b,. oscillographic method SOURCE. lzmeritelinaya tokhnika, no. 5, 19066, 93-94 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic induction, magnetic hysteresis, hysteresis loop ABSTRACT: A measuring outfit based on the T. H. Bonn ot al. method of "Subtraction of ideal loop" (Electronics Engg, no. 3, 1958) is briefly described. Operating at 50 cps, the outfit comprises (see figure) an oscillograph, an ideal-loop unit, and a full- wave rectifier. With switches in position'1, Jmductance is measured; in position 2, the f TL-- ~,,, oscillograph shows the hysteresis loop of the test core. The reported error of the outfit is IV 6--yo. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. T SUB COVE: 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF% 001 UDC: 621.317.351:621.317. ACC NRi AT6022244 _ZW SOURCE CODE: UR/0000166/000/000/0023/0027 AUTHOR, Klimov, V. V.; Kovalin, Ya. V.; ORG: Sverdlovsk Department of the Mathematical Institute AN SSSR (Sverdlovskoye otdeleniye matemeticheskogo instituta AN SSSR) TITLE: Electronic counterd using tunnel diodes and transistors SOURCE: Vaesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya elektronno-vychislitel'noy tekhniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 23-27 TOPIC TAGS: pulse counter, tunnel diode, ~ ILI W cllzk 1 ABSTRACT: Two counter circuits -- an accumulator and a ring counter: are shown are described. Although they both utilize tunnel diodes, the counting frequency of both is 300 kc. In the first counter (see Fig. 1), trigger flip-flops are formed by low frequency transistors P14 and tunnel diodes with peak current equal to 2.4 ma. For reliable operation, the triggering pulses must be narrow and for this reason the RC differentiator circuits are used for intersrage coupling. The second circuit (see Fig. 2) is a ring counter. It consists of tunnel diode flip-flope with transistor amplifiers. Fener diodes are used to prevent transistor saturation. T e h. y increase the flip-flop sensitivity threshold and speed up the flip-flop reset actiop. Two outputs from the ring counter are available: voltage level output from the ACC NR. AT6022244 71~ "Al C, ~1 ~ S "~ e A 4 j f j # 4 j q R j Rs - ------------------- C Fige- 1, Accumulatox circuit ~4* Rfj 'r Card mf'Lf~" Fig, 2.. Ring counter. Rj ~fR3 J7 .44 14 f 3T!6 Ra Ff I- ACC NR; Ar6o2mo_- Sour.'CE CODE: ui(/ol-2o/66/000/00-~/oog~/oer-,, J'AUTHOR: Klinnov, V. 'Kov~__,.-Ln, Ya. V. ORG: Sverdi-ov-sk of The Mlathematical Institute,AN' 33 SR (Sverd1ov.-!-.c-.:!e otexeleniye inotituta AN SSSR) TITLE; Electronic counters Using tunnel diodes cind tranzistors SOURCE: . Pribory itekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 95-97 IOPIC TAGS. pulse counter, tunnel dladc T ABSTRACT: Two counter circuits-an accva-.,ula~Lor Lnd a ring counter-whose diagrams re described. Although they both utilize tunnel diodes, the un g are shown*a co tin frequency of both is 300 kc. in the first counter (Fifr. 11, trigger flip-flops are formed by low frequency transistors P14 and tunnel diodes with peak current equal Iwo Fig. 1. Accu=ul"-tor circuit, out InputF j IDUt _; 911- R., 4, T Card 1/2 urdc. 621.~7~4-32:621-38') F-ACC tQ---AP6COO6~ 2.4 ma. For reliabIQ ojpQrco~ion, the "O"r ,h-1'!; are -or 17ne Second reason the !:,C ~-fferentiator c2--.--ui'us - L -~ 11 c4rcuit (Fie,. 2 ) 4 S a ring counter. T4 wJth transistor tz-,pliffiers. Zener diodes are used to provent -~,,,,anoi~;-uor saturation. They Resetl~ CI Fig. 2. Ring counter Set'q T, T, I /-- 0 inva utpu. 'a- RZ 9,, OR,, ------------------------------------------- 'tilri-.y thres"nold and up re-oct, actlon. -crease the flip-flo-) se.-,s-- U. T~wo outputs from ring counter are I c vc I 27~1v,:1 frcm tnc: aiodes, w-.4 c .unr. 7:)u Is e o-ut-~,.zt,z P 10, d, P'~ 0 diodes with a peal: tra-Isist-ors. 3 jLur --s SUB CODE: 091 SM-Y DATE: 06;4,~:~y ;,/ Op~:G 1R-17F: ('--:7 00l/ iTD PlIZE-S-06a.53- V.1,t,- K-1-i'll .. 1~ ,, , k, V_' - '. a J , I ., ... ". t I _- _- 1-0 1 DOVAcol fc.f. 3oop ratiozI. l7m. LiAh. 1-10.909-41 s 165, (-',IRA 18:10) ~ _.I ~CF ;~Z - ' "1 '-4,1 AT6029232 knolwn voltages becomes equal to the instantaneous value of the reference voltage, a signal from the appropriate comparator triggers one of the FF 1 flip flops. The out- put pulse from FF 1 sets the corresponding FF 2 flip flop, resets tile FF 3, and enters the shift register REG. FF 3 turns off the gate G, thus fixing the instantaneous counter contents. FF 2 generates a pulse which identifies the counter contents with the corresponding input signal (Al, A2...An). Timing pulses from the digital computer are fed into input IN 1 of the shift register and used to advance its contents. As soon as the counter information is transferred into the computer, gate G is opened through FF 3 by the shift-register REG and the process continues until the next Volt- ge eve coincidence occurs in one of the input comparators. When the counter is completely filled, an impulse from it resets all flip flops FF 1 into their initial state. Tunnel diodes are used in the voltage comparators COM 1 through COM n, as co- incidence sensing elements. The comparator circuit and an explanation of its opera- tion are included. The circuit is conventional. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 4 formu- las. CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 12reb66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REr: ool (-Ord 2/2 ANIKINA, N.S.; KUZUB, V.S.; Prinimala uchastiyeKOVALINSKAYA, Ye.K. Determination of iron, ninkel, chromium in concentrated nitric acid by the oscillographic polarography method. Zhur. anal.khim. 18 no.12;1502-1503 D 163, (MIRA 17:4) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti, Severodonetsk. KOVALINSKY, P. Castin H andbook; a review, p. 69. KOHASZATI LAPOI. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet). Budapest. Vol 11, no. 3, Mar 1956. SOURCE: EEAL, Vol 5, nol 7, July 1956. KOROBANOV, L.A... inzh.; KOVALINSKI V.V.J. inzh.; SHUR, M.D., inzh. ~ Organizing the work of welding 12.5-m. rails in strings. Transp. 0 stroi. 13 no.6:6-8 Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Railroads-Rails) (Welding) NOVALIT"SKIYj YA. L I--- --- Eksploatatsiia transportnylch ustroistv khimicheskikh rredpri-iatii. Moskvaj Gos. nauchn. -tekhn. izd-vo k1him. lit-ry, 1M. 66 p. illus. Operation of conveyers in chemical industries. DLO: TJ1350- K67 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. .,,_KOVALINWTI, TiL., starshiy prepodavatel' `--11~-,----,,,--_-I.,' '--- ------ Measuring resistance by means of a voltmeter and an ammeter. Politakh.obuch. no.12:74-75 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Kafeara, matematiki Stalinakogo gosudarstyennogo pedrAgogichs- skogo inatituta. (Electric resistance) KOVALINSKIY, Ya.Ya. (Staliro) Graphic method for calculating trigonometric quantities. Mat. v shkole no.4:63-69 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Trigonometry--Problemo, exercises, etc.) EXCERPTA 1101GA Sec.4 Vol.U/4 llod.lacrob. etc. Apri158 883. CONCERNING THE METHOD OF STUDY OF THE FREQUENCY OF TRANSFORMATION OF ACUTE DYSENTERY INTO CHRONIC (Russian text) - K o v a I i o v a E. P. - ZH. MIXROBIOL. 3957, 5 (50-53) The dia-gffo-sis of chronic dysentery must be based on bacteriological, clinical, and epidemiological methods. Clinical examination alone is insufficient. The bac- teriological method for the diagnosis of chronic dysentery gives only limited re- sults. Epidemiological investigations are extremely valuable. In order to ma-he a correct diagnosis of chronic dysentery, the epidemiological observation must be prolonged as only thus can a correct idea of the situation In the focus be gained. KOVALIS, B.I AchMotomy in spaotio paralysio in an experiment, Ortop travml i protez. 23 no,5t66-69 My 162, ~MIIM 15,11) lo Iz kmfedry ortopedii i protezirovaniya (zav. - zasluzhenuyy deyatell neuki prof. M.1. Xualik) i kafedry obahchey patologii (zav. - dotsent P.A. Shtakellbarg) laningradskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (rektor - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev). (PARALYSIS, SPASTIC) (TEMOTOW) IVASHCHENKO A PAVLENKO, G.[Pavlenko, H.],- SQ_YAL=, [Kovalyshy-n, t.); PALIVODA, S.[Palyvoda, S.], red.; NEDOVIZ9 S,, tekhn. red. [New look of Western Ukrainian villages)Selo miniale svoie oblichchia. L'viy, Knyzhkovo-zhumallno vyd-vo, 1960. 66 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Sekretarl Peremishlyanskogo rayonnogo komiteta Kommunisti- cheskoy partii Ukrainy (for Ivashchenko). 2. Predsedatell ispolnitellnogo komiteta Sambimk(igo rayonnogo Soveta,deputa- tov t~udyashchikhsya (for Pavlenko). 3. Predsedatell ispolni- tellnogo komiteta Rodatitskqgo sellskogo Soveta Gorodetskogo rayona (for KovfLlishin). (Ukraine, Western-Rural conditions) KOVALISHIN M. : Master Med Sci (diss) -- "The nipnificance of inm4arCitrial injection of penicillin on the treatment of hematogenic osteoillyelitis". L'vov, 1957. 13 pp (L'vov State Med Inst), 220 copies (YL, No 7, 1959, 129) KOVALISITIN, M.N. Complications following injection of a 10 noIntion of calr-lum chloride, Vracb.delo no.9t981 6 157. (MLRAIO:g) 1. Klinika fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zav. - Drof. X-A-Sakfelld) Staniplavskogo meditsinskoEo instituta (CALCITMI CYLORIDE) (IWIXTIONS, INTRAVENOUS) ---XODjj4HIN,-JLX-vAS tan islav (obl.) ul. Xpernika, d.12, kv, 5) Intra-arterial infusions of penicillin and navocaine in treating hematogenous osteomyelitio, Hovskhir.arkh. no-lt47-50 Ja--F 158 1. Kafedra fakulltetakey khirurgii (zav. - Prof. 3.A. Sakfelld) Stanialnvokogo meditsinalcogo instituta, (PENICILLIN) (NOVOCAM) (OSTROMYELITIS) KOVALISHIN, M.N. (Stanislav) Concentration of penicillin in the blood and bone marrow in rabbits and the effect of the mode of administration. Eksper. Ichir. 4 no.4:57-58 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) (PENICILLIN metab) (BONS 14AMOW metab) KOVALISHIP, M.-N., assistent (Stanislav, ul. Chapayeva, d.38, kv.3) Infected multiple congenital cysts of the mesentery of the waall intestine. Yest.khir. no.5tl4l-W 161# (KMA 15 --1) 1. 1z fakulltetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.A. Sakfelld) Stanislavskogo meditsinsko o instituta. (MMEInRy-TUMORS) fCYSTS) KOVALISHIN, V. P. Revival of the fauna in the Mbrezhany Forest Working Circle. Prirbda 51 no*1223.18 D 162o (MIRA 1502) 1, BDrezhanskoye lesnoye khozyaystvo., Temopollskaya obl. (Berezhany region-Wildlifev Conservation of) KOVALISHINA. I.V.; POTAPOV., V.P. Multiplicative structure of analytic real i-expanding matrix functions. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. liz.-mat. nauk 18 no.6:3-10 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti.