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KOTTOVALOV, L.A.; GLUVSF=N, I.V,, red.; KOVALEVSM, I.I.A., red. izd-va; ENIYEKOVA, G.M.p tekhn. red. [Business accounting is a means of mobilizing internal potentials] KhoziaistveraVi raschet - uslovie robilizatsi-i vnutrennikh rezervov. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 25 P. (MIRA 17:3) BOGAGMIVI A0169 tekhn. nauk; KOVALEVSKIY, H.P., inth,; HISHINA, A.S., inch. (g. Tuapoe). Organizing uninterrupted crossing at stations built according to a parallel system. Zhel. dor. transp. LM no.2:71-73 F '58. (Railrode-Traffic) (MIRA 11:3) MIRONOV, A.N., kand.takhn.nauk; KOVALEVSKIY. M.F., red.; GEWMAN, Mo.. red.; LABUS, G.I., tekhn. . - - --- n [Sausage casings) Kishechnoe syrle. Pod red. M.F.Kovalevskogo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tekhn.i ekon.lit-ry po voprosam zagotovok, 1950. 46 p. (MIRA 12:3) (sausage casings) 3BTsYA N.G.; 10VAMBUY. N.7. Presentation of material for laboratory diagnosis of intoxications in animals and fowl. Vaterinariia 31 no.12:48-50 D 154. . I (Mk 7!12) 1. Moskovskaya gore/Aiksys, vaterinarno-diagnostichaBkaya labo- ratof4ya gorystote-ela,Xosgorispolkoma.-- (VBMINARY IABORLTOMS) (POISONS) TJBSR / Virology. Hiw= and Animal Viruses. RabieG Virus. E -3 Abs Jour Ref 21= - Biol., No 18, 1958, No 812 80 _~t? F.; So=nova, Ye. V. Ai,thors 501Jmov; M. A.; YQ~n ~avsk~y, Inst Not given Title Antirabie Goj=-Globulin. Report II. Study of the Mf i- cacy of Antirabic Gw=,-G1obulizn in Experiments on i1ninals. Orig Pub Zh. mikrobiol., opidemiol. i J=iunobio~ogij, 1957, No. 9, 35-41. Abstract The gam-aa-globulin fraction of antirabic serLm with a hi6i antibody titer in experiments on vhite mice, guinea pip, Syrian hamsters, and dogs, had a definite midicinal-prophy-I lactic effect against street strain of rabies virus. The use of gamm-globulin :Ln combination with vaccimtion is recommen- ded in specific prophylaxis of individuals severely bitten on the upper portion of the body, Card 15 22 KOIIALE'VSKIY, !.I.. 2.;*RMNOW, V70,; ZASUKHIN, D,N.j SIR317r-.'UNOVA, Ye.A. and DUNAyi~ , Z.D. "Katerial oL the Study of Toxoplasmosis in the Do~m of ~"Osco'-P' Voprogy tok-soplamoga, report theses of a conference on toxoDlasmosis' Moscow, 3-5 April 1961, publ. by Inst -Roidemiolopv and Vicrollhiology im. IT. .1'. Gamaleya, Acad. ~'ed. Sci USSR, ~'oscow, 1961, 69D _n. *IN;i im Gaiialeya iOll' SSSH, Mloscow ACCESSION NR: AP4017039 S/0141/63/006/006/1195/1201 AUTHORS: Kovalevskiy, M.'M.; Roshall, A.'S. TITLE: Expansion of the noise-suppression band in a quadrupole-am- plifier by means of a system of uncoupled input resonators SOURCE: IVJZ. Radiofizika, v. 6, no. 6, 1963, 1195-1-101 TOPIC TAGS: quadrupole amplifier, noise suppression band, fast cyclotron wave, electron beam noise, amplifier input resonator ABSTRACT: As an aid in practical design, it is shown that the noise suppression band of the fast cyclotron wave of an electron beam can be appreciably broadened ih a quadrupole amplifier by placing addi- tional passive resonators in front of the input resonator. The para-. meters of each input-system resonator must be chosen such at to ~eliminate completely the noise at one optimally chosen frequency in the band. Calculations show that a system of three identical reso- nators broadens the noise suppression band by about 1.5 times com- pared with a single resonator. The use of three-unequal resonators Ccrd 1/2 r-,- L. 11 KOVALRVSKIY, H., inwhener; AVUSWO, Yu. ~l Automatization of skip hoisting. Mast.ugl. 2 no.10:9 0 '53. (MLRA 6;10) (Mine hoisting) LOO^' OOL A C/ ... W./o, BUSLIK, N.G.; [Factory testing of steam turbines and pumps]. Zavodskie ispytaniia parovykh turbin i naeosov. Sverdlovsk, 1954. 246 p. (MLRA 8:3D) BUSLIKe NoGa; WnVA IN K.; YANOMMO, V.F.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rJ_senzeni;'BUTAkOV, S.Ye., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor , DUGMl NeAes tekbutcheakiy redaktor. [Factory testing of steam turbines and pumps] Zavodskie ispytanlia parovykh turbiu i nasosov. Moskva, Gos, nauchno-tekhn, lzd-vo mashinostroit. i sudoetroit. lit-x7, 1954. 259 p. [Microfilm] (Steam turbines--Testing) (MM 8:4) (Pumping machincry-Te sting) XOVAL-AVSKIT, 14. M. KOVALVSKIT, M.M; AVLLSMKO, YU.S. Distance control of auxiliary opgrations in hoisting ddpe in the mines of the Stalinugoll Combine. Ugoll 29 n0-7:40-42 J1 154. (MLRA 7:7) 1. Kombinat Stallnugoll. (Mine hoisting) (Remote control) . ? 4! AVLU=O, ftriy Georglyovich; KO V_AMSKIY ikhe. I Mikhaylovich; WA- GOVSKIY,Te.S.. rodaktor;-WITOV-, 4Ve-%swtV- redaktor [Automatic and remote control of stationary machinery In mines] Avtomatizateiia i digtantsionAoe upravlents, obAkhtnymi statsionar- nymi ustanovkaml. Moskva, Ugletekbisdat, 1955. 182 p. (MLHA 9:3) (Remote control) (Automatic control) (Mining machinery) ~~~jikbaii xii!i4 10&h; KIRILLOv, I.I., doktor tokhaicheakikh nauk, *"ff a IY, G.K., inzinener, retseazent; BIUMAH, r Off"WM B.L., Inzhensr, redaktor; DUGINA, N.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Steam turbines; a popular scientific sketch] Parovye turbiny; aauchno-populiamyi ochark. Moskva, Goo. nouchno-tekhn. izd2--vo mashinostroit. lit-r7, 1956. 102 D. (MLRA 10,.Z) (Steam turbines) KOVALEVSKIT, M.N., insh. Intermediate superheating of steam. llnergomashinoatroenie 4 no.901-33 6 15P. - (MIRA 11:11) (Steam, Superheated) AIVWEEK09 Yuriy Georgiyevich;jOVALZVSKIYj Mikhail Mikhaylovich; CHUMACHENKOO T,v red,;;~S~HAFET~Aov to-kh-red-.- [Automatic control of mine systems] Avtomatizateiia shakhtnykh ustanovok, U42,pidop, i perer. Kievt Goo.izd-vo tekbnolit-17 'USSR, 1960 458 P-~ (K= Us 6) iCoal mines and mining-Equipment and jupplies) .(Automatic control) KOVALEVSKIY, Mikhail Mikh V.F., kand. tekhn. iv YANCHENKO, Io3dah; 'retsenzenij DUGINA, N.A., tektm. r". -- (Qualitative evaluation of steam turbine design] Kachestven- naia. otsenka ionstruktaii parovykh turbin. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 288 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Steam turbines-Design and construction) KOVALEVSKIY, M.M.; ROSHALI, A.S. Widening the noise suppression band in a quadrupole amplifier by means of a system of detached resonators at the input. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; radiofiz. '6 no.6;1195-1201 163. (MIRA 17W 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. K,OVIA.,Lr,,V�-K-I..Y.-.-..M..M., Inzh.; PROSKURYAKOV, G.V., inzh.; REVZIN, B.S., inzh.; GRECBUKRINY Ye.m., inzh.; SOROKIN, C.N., kand. t--Yhri. nauk; TYRYSHKIN, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk Results of the heat tests of the GT-6-750-TKZ gas turbine operating on liquid fuel. Energomashinostronnie 11 no.4: 1-5 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) -EMIALEVSK17, inzh.; REVZ111, B.S., inzli,; CzORSIIYCr,,.,-,, V.I-,., inzh.; V.A., inzh, Tho GT-6-750 TIC gas turbino system. Energomashl-nostroonie 11, no.71: 8-121 Jl 165. OWIRA 18-7) inzh.; MV-LIN, B.S., Inzh.; KUROS11, V.D., -Inzh.; wil,511KOV, MI., inzh.; YAKIINI,"', V.A., inzh. Experimental operation of the GT-6-750 gas turbine on a factory test stand. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.11-4G-44 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) Oso.*O~ V .. . ., ~ -11 ,Wp*Ws to~ ~- UK$ IM -Origing tost fturoiva& a -clue lor possme, Uprcv*-~ --'o-rig ."5 -figures 9 fo arA no -.REr4.1 001 Y.t --,,L- 24855-61 CC: NRa-, No' FPF P601227-) 20 KOVAISVSKIY. X.0., kusuets; GCRILOV, B.S., molotoboyets. 1. ..' Equipment for making hoisting buckets. [Suggested by X.O.Kovalovskii and B.S.Gorelov] Rats.1 izobr.predl~v stroi. no.146:26-2? '56. O= 10: 2) 1. Voronezhokiy kirpichnyy zavod. (Hoisting machinery) I t- &- v -5 ! r", -, " A". 1~1. Nvo~~ A , - :, - ", KOVALEVSKIY,N.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Processing pelts vith the use of malt sprouts. Leg.prom. 15 no.6:13-15 Je '55. (MISA 8:8) (Furs) n~.- C-A; Rolling of Pipe with Pe I-ucj-i,- Re uction n '~hc 'lheory of the TechnoloLzr o~' Th,'~,: --r o c e F, 5n Ferrous Metallurgy UF-.ER. All-UnlLon Fci pc ijist I'l Dnepropetrovsk, 1955 Mssert--tion for thn De-,r~!e of Candidate ir. 7echricall Scienccs.) c F,O: Letop-Is', ll.o. 9, -,956 MOVALEVSKIY, N.G., kand.tekbn.nauk; OMIO' P.I.; OSADA, Ya.Ye. New method of cold drawing of pipes under recurrent reduction con- ditions. Biul.nauch.-tekb.inform.VNITI no.4/5;?6-81 158. (MIRA 15:1) (Drawing (Metalwork)) S1 1 _~ 7/6 P_/0 0 0/0 0 7/0 2 8/0 7 2 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Kojp~~~N. ~G., Chuyko, P. I., Arkhangel'skiy, A. M., B-adokov, G. M., Borodkin, A. 1. TITLE: Tests of cold drawing-thin-wall stainless steel pipes on a short mandrel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 7, 1962, 34, abstract 7D201. (In collection: "Proiz-vo trub". Khar'kov, Metallurgizdat, no. 6, 1962 90 - 93) TEXT: The investigations have proved the possibility of cold drawing thin-wall stainless steel pipes on a short mandrel with the.coefficient of elon- gation 0f'1.35 - 1.49. These results are secured by the application of oxalate coating as a technological lubricant in combination with a double lubrication (5% ordinary soap solution plus a fifty-fifty mixture of castor oil and tale) and using a hard-alloy tool. N.'Yudina [Abstract~rls note: Complete translation] Card 1/1' ACCESS1014 NR: .AIR4041592 S/0137/64/000/005/DO37 '/D037 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metjllurgiya, Abs.-* 5D220 AUTHOR: Kovalevskly, 14,. G.; Yushkevich, ?. M.; Shepetovskiy, A. Ya. ,TITLE: Cold processing Ard heat treatment of pipes of steel SN2 (EI904) CITED SOURCE: Sb. Proiz-vo trub. Vy,)p. 10. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 50-57 TOPIC TAGS.- cold processing, heat treatment, steel pipe/SN2 stee-A TRANSLATION: Investigation was conducted on billet shells with dimensions 41 by 3.5 by (1100 - 1200) nim, obtained by hot pressing of steel of grade SN2 (0.05-0.06% C, 0. 28-0.3176 Mn, 0.4276 Si, 7.9-8.116 Ni, 16-16.176 Cr, 1.06-1.127o Al, traces of Ti). Results of mechanical tests of steel samples SN2 after '. normalization, the course and technological parameters cold rolling and drawing of steel pipes SN2*are listed. It was determined that cold rolling and drawing of steel pipes' SN2 can be carried out norxnaUy ~with deformations close to Pard 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4041592 deformations allowed during rolling and drawing of steel IKhlBN10T. Heat treat- ment of steel SN2 should be conducted at 1100" and holding for 5 minutes.with cooling in air. In process of cold rolling and drawing of pipes of steel SN2 martensite of deformation will be formed, -which strengthens metal in addition to strengthening caused by -curshing' of substructure of austenitic matrix, SUB CODE: MM ENCU 00 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AW41539 S/Ol37/64/OOO/OO4/DO44/D044 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abe. 4D259 AUTHOR: Yushkevich, P. M.; Kovalevskiy, N. G.--, Shepetovskiys A. Ya. TITLE: Phase hardening of stainless stell Eigo4 (lKhl5N9Yu) during cold drawing and rolling CITED SOURCE: Sb. Proiz-vo trub. Vy*p. 11. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 100-103 TOPIC TAGS: Phase hardening, cold draiing, cold rolling, stainless steel/ B1904 steel TRANSLATION: For study of hardening of steel E1904 from a forged rod there was pre- pared shells of dimension 27 x 2.5 x 300 millimeters with turned external and reamed internal surfaces.. Shells were rolled on a laboratory two-high mill 200 in roilers with variable section of stream (principle of pilger rolling) on a conical'. !,mandrel. The initial bil.let in experiments of drawing was a pipe of dimension x 1.25 millimeters,, obtained from a shell by cold rolling. AU sheUs and pipe before cold defcFu rmalization at 11000 with holding *ion wer-i subjected to no. Gard 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4o41539 :.,for 10 minutes.' After'normalIzation these''s'hells were subjected to etching in a solution of hydrofluoric acid; then before cold rolling their surface was coated with oxalate.1 In process of investigation they studied influence of' degree of cold deformation by rolling and drawing (from 5 to 70%) on mechanical properties of pipes, where it was, planned to conduct deformation of pipes by mandrel-less drawing within 5-40%, and cold rolling-within 30-70%. During drawing tihe following degrees of deformation were obtained: 5,, 101 15p 20, 30 and 37%, durind rolling-,,, 132, 40, 43, 45, 58, 52, 58 and 68%. With increase of degree of deformation of ,,rolling'>30-40% there is observed gradual increase of Ob; with deformation of 68% it attains 145-152 kilograms per square millimeter. a# -here remAins, approxi- i mately on the same level (125-130 kilograms per square millimeter)p and 6 decreases from 13 to 5%. Increase of degree of hardening of the metal after I tempering and deformation is more than 10%, caused by the fact that steel B1904 consists mainly of unstable martensite of deformation, which during, tempering endures precipitation har: -dening. This is confirmed by decrease of period of the cr7stal lattice of martensite during tempering up to 500* from 2.864 to 2.855 A. Temper-Ing of cold-rolled pipes at 400* leads also,to insi&Tdficant change of mechanical pTc!perties._ 4_kn ~hie case increases 10 kg/m2, LS-] b.T 3-4%; and Card 2/3 Card 3/3 IL- KOVIII-11"VSKU ~, N.G. ~ imn,% toldul. YTJ-'7' 1"'1:1XI:~ I',~karld~ ti-,,;Ihn~ Iau'k: -1~1 ll%,.IY, A.Ya.. iii%h. Gold working and heat tureat,111-ri't, of SN2(":.A-19C)4' -Tecl i.i'L.e. Froizv. trub nu.10.5C-57 163. (I'T!iA a steel ~ rocl vas- inserted the t.w Aon6j 11in- f the: tub wwwer~'Idl o 0 r edt:; which.:-vas - "nod -akdi;.,U-U SOY-3-58-9-34/36 AUTHOR: Kovalevskiy, N.I. , Docent,, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEi Bibliography (Bibliografiya). To the Correspondence Student - Training Literature of High Quality (Zaochnikam - dobroka- chestvennuyu. uchebnuyu literaturu) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 9, pp 90-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a review of a course of lectures on the "Re- sistance of Materials" composed by Docent S.P. Budarin, and published by the Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy lesotekhnicheskiy in- stitut (All-Union Forest-Engineering Correspondence Institute). There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/1 .0'04592 Card'. 2 2 I tivi "myl HFL VW L J949b--bo PJVf/GD/JWD/1KE/GS 7 'AT6004592 SOUR,CE CODE: UR/UUUU 6510007000/017310177 '~'AUTHOR: Kovalevskiy. N.- Finya.gin A. P.. ORW. none TITLE': Ionization method for-determining the flane speed in a tube with one open end SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut goryuchikh iskupayezykh. Novyye metody szhiganiya topliv, I vorprosy teorii goreniya (New methods In the combustion of fuels and problems in the theory-jof combustion). Moscow, lad-vo Nauka, 1965, 173-177 TOPIC TAGS: flame, combustion, burning velocity, flame speed ABSTRACT: An ionization method of 'measuring the flame speed in homogenous gas mix- tures contained in a tubd with one open end has been-ge-v-ero-ped. The measuring instru- ment consists of a vertical plastic tube, 68 am in diameter and 780 mm long, contain- Ing 4 pairs of electrodes. One pair, mounted at the tube end, is used for ignition, and-'the other three pairs, located at different points along the tube, serve to pick up7th6 electrical signal generated by the Ionization of the gas causedby the pas- sage of'the flame front The three etectrodes are connected via an amplifier to the oscillators of an 2 o c 110 ra h-NU The method permits measurement of flame speeds with an accuracy of 0.98-1.18Z. This method is superior to the optical and pn,eumati methods in that it can be used for flames of low luminosity and over a vide range of flAme speeds. It also uses low voltages on the electrodes as compared to other cleL- ITT L 39496-66 ACC Nb A16004592 trical. Aethoda so that the 'possible effects of the electrical field on the fla=L, speed are eliminated. Orig.''art., hasi TfIgures and I table. SUB"CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE:-~.MepO/ ORIG-REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: ~wd 2/2/~ -'v STAIMOV, S.S.; KOVALEVSKIY- Ni.kolay Vasillyevich (Dar medicinal plants] Nashi. lakarstvennyo rasteniia. 2-oe, ispr. i dop. [Gor'kii] GorIkovskoe obl. gos. Izd-vo, 1952- 242 P- (MLRA 9:11) (BOTANY, K&DICAL) STANKOV, S.S.; XOVALTMIY, N.V. [authors]; KAI IMIXOV, V.P. [reviewer]. Review of S.S.St-ankov's and H.V.Xovalevskii's book 'Our medicinal plants." Reviewed by V.P.Kaluehnikov. Apt.delo no.4:62-65 Jl-Ag '53. MEAL 6:8) (Botany. Medical) (Stankov, Sergei Sergee'vich, 1892- ) Movalevskii, N.V.) BAYEV, A.A., inzh.; 4KOVALEVSKIY, O.M., inzh. Moving span structures on floating supports. Trayinp stroi. 14 no.10:16-19 0 164. iMIRA 18:3) BANDAU."TOV, S.M.; B,)RI,17,YAK, I.I.A.; KOVAIEVSKIY O.P.- HIKIT11", I.F. Upper Ordovician and Lo,,-r Silurian sediments in the Akdombak Mountain region of the Chingiztau (central Kazakhstan). Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. 22 no.1:35-44 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. institut geologicheskikh nauk im. K.I. Satpayeva, g. Alma-Ata, i Vsesoyuznw natichno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, g. Leningrad. KOVALEVSKIY, 0. P. "Silerian tabulates and heliolithids of central Kazakhstan and their stratigraphic significance." All-Union Sci Res Geological Inst (VSEGE-I). Leningrad., 1956. (DISSERTATION For the Degree of Candidate in GEOLOGICOMINMIOGICAL SCIENCE.) Knizhnaya letopist No 33, 1956, -lqoscow KOVALIVSKIT, O.P. Age of Silurian carbonate formations in central Kazakhstan. Sov. geol. 2 no-3:143-150 Mr '59- 04IRA 12:6) 1. Vnesoyu2W nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut (VS'BGEI). (Kazakhstan--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Garbonates (Mineralogy)) KOVAI-EVSKIY, O.P. Age of upper Ordovician limestones of Akdombak Mountain (Chingis- Tau). Inform.sbor.VSEGEI no.42:53-59 161. (YdRA 15-1) (Chingis-Tau--Limestone) BORISYAK, M.A.-, F.OVALEVSKIY, O.P.; NIKOLAYEVA, T.V. Stratigraphy of the Silurian in Chingiz-Tau. no.~2:61-69 161. Stratigraphic) Inform.sbor.VSEGEI (MIRA 15-1) (Chingiz-Tau--GeoluU, the 'U"hinF,,izt,Rj. T-rudy Vsr~'rF,- 47 64. (mlRA ].,q;7) KOVAlEVSKIY, P., inzh.; MLPLIX-PARSADANOVA, A., irtzh. Large.blocks in the German Democratic Republic. Zhil. strol, no*5-.31-32 '599 '(MIRA 12:8) (Germany, Nast-Concrete blocke) . N KOVALIVSKIT, P.-,,in%h,, Production of Urge brick blocks in the piblic. Na stroi.Rook. 2 no.8:31-32 Ag (Germany, East--Buildi4g ., blocks) German Democratic Re- 159, (KIRL 12.12) KOVAIEVSKIYP P.Jf inzh.; PODKOLZINP P., kandetekhn.nauk Preostwe gauge, Sov,ohaUt. D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Pressure gauges) NOVAIEVSKIY, P., nauchnyy sotrudnik Vibration moldlug of large brick.articles. Sell.stroi, no,1.1214 N i62. (MIRA 15t12) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organizateii, mekhanizatsij i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (trick wal1s) (Vibrators) UTENKOV, V.F.t kand.tokhn.nauk [deceased]; BOGATYREV, Iolop kand.tokhn, nauk; DOD3Nj V*Z&I. inzhe; GORD.LYMKO, W.A., inzh.; I-WIM9 V*9qv Jrizh.; BEREZOVSK37, B.I.0 inzh.; kOYAI~~~inzh.; ROGOVSKIYj L.V.# inzh.; SHABALINA, T.I.; P=GVAj V.V,j red,izd-val- ABUMOVAq V.M.p [Temporary instructions for carrying out building and assembly operations in the Far North and in permafrost regions) Vremeurgre ukazaniia po proizvodstva stroitellno-montazhrqkh rabot v usloviiakh Krainego Severs. i raionov rasprostrananiia mnogoletnei merzlotv. VU- 2-60. Hoskvaj,.Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit-. materialmo,1960. 59 P. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury S&141. Institut organi- zatoiip melchanizataii i tekhnicheakoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Russia, 17orthern-BuIlding-Cold weather conditions) KOVALEVSKIY, P.I. Lining abaft mouths with tubings. Ugoll Ul-r- 33-35 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Glavryy inzh. 7- o stroitallnogo prokbodelieBkogo upravleniya. &aft sinking) UTENKOV9.V.F.s kand.tekhn.nauk; BOGATYREV2 I.I.; GORDITENKO, N.A., mauchnyy sotr., inzh.; VLASOVA., M.A., nauchMy sotr., inzh.; KOVALEVSK3:7,_F-I,4 naucbnyy sotr., inzh.; MUKHA, V.I., JiEldc-briyj sotr.y inzh.; BM-PZOVSKIY, B.I.p nauchrqy aotr.~ lnzh,; Prinimal uchastlye FODDZOVAXAp N.R,j tekhnik; V.Ya.p red. izd-va; MUMEVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Handbook on winter construction work] Spravochnoe posobie po stroitellnym rabotam v zimee vremia. Moskva, Gosstroi- !zdat, 1961. 213 p. (MIRA 15:7) Is Alcademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury M. Institut or- ganizatsii, mekhanizatsU i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitell- stvu. (Building--Cold weather conditions) KOVALEVSKIYP P.I... inzh. Thermal cutting of reinforced concrete with circular friction saws. Mekh. strol. 20 no;-4~9-10 Ap 163. WRA 16:3) (Reinforced concrete) (Circular saws) PODKOLZINJ, P.S.;.KOIrALEVSM,, P.I. Working practice of the IWdraulic section of *Zimogorlye" Mine No.63 of the OIAninugollm Trust. Nauoh. trudy KHGI 1IM-80 162. (MIRA 16:11) KOVALEVSKIY, Pavel.Ippolitovichp inzh.; PITSKELI, Lev Naumovich, kand. tekhn.nault; KISELEV, Petr Mikhaylovich, rd. nauc)in. sotr., inzh.; SIUMDER, le.B., red. [Vibrocompaction of brick blocks for industrial installations; practices of the laboratory for vinter oprations of the &-i- enr,ific Research Institute of Organization, Mecbanization. ard Technical Aid for Constructipnj Section of Large-Block Construction of the Scientific Researc!h Institute for Construe- tion and of the "Teplomontazh" Trust] Vibrouplotnenie kirpich- nykh blokov dlia promyshlennykh sooruzhenii; iz opyta labora- torii zim-nikh rabot NIIOMTP, sektora. krupnoblochnykh konstinak-l'-, tsii N11 po stroitel'stvu. i tresta "Teplomontazh.11 Moskva.. Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 42 P. (MI11 17:6) 1. Akadeitiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Naue-Inic- issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, me'llhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pov-.~oshchi stroitellst-vu. 2. Laboratoriya zim- nikh rabot Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta. organizatsij.~ mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu AkaAemii stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kovalevskiy). .1. Ruko- voditell sektora krupnoblochnykh kwwUaktaiy Nauchno-issledc- vate"Llskogo instituta pa, i arkhitektury SSSR (faf -Pitakell). 4. Sektor krupnoblochnY1,11 konstruktsiy Nauchno-issledovatellrkogo instituta po stroitel'- stvu Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSH (for Kiselev). 1. KOVALBVSKIY. P. M., Prof. 2. SSSR (600) 4. Firogov, Nikolai Ivanovich. 1810-1881 7. N. I. Pirogov in the northern Caucasus. Xhirurgla No. 10, 1952 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. 10VALIAMUT.-k-A.-, prof essor Aaeletant leXalsohnikov, Pirogov's closest cowork*r. Test.khir. 77 no.11:40-42 N $56. (HLRA 10:1) 1. Is gospitalluoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (say. - prof. P.M. loyalevekly) Stayropollakago maditsinakogo Inatituta. (BIOGRAPHUS lalashnikay. L) KOVALNVSXIY P 14.9prof. (Stavropol' (krayevoy), ul. Pushkina, d. 27, kv. 7). Draining the mediastinum througb the esophageal opening in the diaphrapp. in acute penteroinferior mediastinitiB. Vest.khir. 81 no.11:84-89 N '513. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iz gospital'noy kh*~rirgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. P.M. Kovalevskiy) Stavropoliskogo meditsinskogo institmta. (KZDIASTINUM--DISFASES) (DRAINkGR, SURGICLL) '. KOVALMKIY, P.M., prof. The 18th Inter-national Congress of Surgeons in Mmich. Sov. med. 24 no. 5:145-147 My 160. kMIRA 13:10) (SIMERT-CONGUSSES) KOVALEVSKIY, P.M. An unpublished letter of N.I.Pirogav. Vest.Khir. 84 no.6:129-d3O Je 160. (MIRA 13: 12) (SURGERY) (FIROGOV, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH 1810-1881) KOVALEVSKU., T.M,, prof.; FUTYATIN, V.M., doteent; SKALINA, Zvh~p T,A., vrach Ye.P., dotaent; Late results of surgical treatment of-,chronic coronary insufficiency by bilateral ligation of internal thoracic arteries. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:223-224 163. (MIRA 17-9 1. K&fedra gospitalllo"y WrargId (zav. prof. P.M. Kovalevskiy~, kafedra gospitallnoy'terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko) Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute. i kabinet funktsionallnoy diagnustiki Stavropol'skoy krayevoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy (zav. Wach T.A. Zubarev). /~( II"j z E & S4~z- )..,/ /-? /I;- , KO-VAISVSKIY, P.N.; CHUNIKHIN, I.I. Replacing thyratrons. Stan.i instr. 29 no.1:26-27 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Thyratrons) f~o V, d(" t- V,~ /