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BALARANOVS. V.I.; KOVALEVSKIY, A.L. . .. .... ~ ~ 7- .,:. - Uranium prospecting from airplanes in forest regions. Atom. energ. 15 n o-5:432-434 N 163. (MM 16:12) KOITALEVSKIY, A.L. Radium, absorption bi vp-rim.-In plart. lizv. o"'.) AN rz.-:. er. bi(I.-med.nauk nO--Lt43,-4:7 1~54 S S 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat. KOVALEVSKIY, A.L. Results of radiogeochemical studies of oil and gas deposits in the West Siberian Plain. Trudy SNIIGGB-!S no. 30:111-118 1 64 (MIRA 19:1) KOVAIEVSKIY, A.L. Some problems concerning the theory and practice of biogeochemical prospecting for deposits. Geol. i geofiz. no.6:68-77 163. (MIM 19: 3.) 1. Sibirskiy naucluio-issledovatellckiy institut geolot;II, geofiziki i minerallnogo syriya, Novosibirsk. Submitted July '49, 1961. AUTHOR Kovalevskiy, A.M. SOV/1 22-58-8-1/20 TITLE: A New Method for Increasing the Load OapaQity of Rolling Bearings and Reducing the Specific Allocation of Metal (Novyy sposob povysheniya rabotosposobnosti podshipnikov kacheniya i s-,.%,.zheniya udel'nogo raskhoda metalia) PERIODICAL: Vestnik mash-inostroyandya, 1958, Nr 8, pp 3 - 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of an extensive test programme carried out at the IGPZ (First National Bearing Fac_t~-,ry) in Moscow in conjunction with the TsNIITMASh (Central Research Institutes of Mechanical Engineering) and of ENIIPP (Bearing -Indt~;try), new proposals to increase the capacity of rolling bearings have been evolved by the author. The substance of the new method of increasing the load capE-city and/or -the ser- vice life of bearings. without increas4ng their size or weight consists of changing the curys~tiire surface in the loaded region. The curvature is so modified that the load is transmitted in a-desired manner through-all the rolling bodies situated in the zone of loading. The method is applicable only in bearings with a preferred direction of load (or where the angular r~,nge of the ~;hange-of load direction does not exceed 90 ),. Investigations have shown Cardl/4 that even the elimination of the radial clearance and the SOV/122-58-8-''_/29 A New Method for Increasing the Load Capacity of Rolling Bearings and Reducing the Specific Allocation of Metal shaping of the bearing housing in accordance with the deflected form of the outer .-ace neither produces the best load distribution nor allows the maximum load capacity. These are ensured only by ashie%,ing a law of load distri- bution by which: 1) the cen-~ral QDall or) roller carries a load equal to 3.58 timas the total load divided by the number of rollers in the bearing; 2) the other rollers earry a load equal to that on the ~,,entral roller times the square root of the cosi-ne of their positional angle. Increases in service 'Lives of rolling bearings claimed for bearing assemblies, designed and made to the new speoifisa4on, include ball bearings, whose service life is determined by the inner race. Thair service life increased by a factor of 1.55 and their static load capacity by a factor of 1.6. Spherical bearings, where the outer race is the weakest link, have a service life increase by a factor of 3 or more. Mu,-,h larger factors are obtained in bea-rings normally loaded mai-nly through a single roller. The equations of the requj.~2ed zhape are Card2/4 different for point ccnta--t and line contact- bearings. Both SOVI -'122-58-8--1/29 A New Method for Increasingthe Isiad .-capacity of Rolling Bearings and Reducing the bpecific Allocation of Metal equations have been derived by analysis. In practice, most of the improvement can be obtained simply by shifting the centre of the bearing support a certain distance and machining one side of the bore with a radius, which is smaller than the outside radius of the outer race. Working formulae for the proposed shift (Eq.(8)) and the proposed radius (9) have been given. A further refinement suggested is the finish lapping of the bore by means of a special roller bearing, without outer race. Laboratory experiments on 60 samples of bearings ha7e yielded inCreases of service life by factors between 1.5 and 2.7 and a typical increase of static load capacity from 25 tons to 43 tons. The scatter in service life tests has been reduced. it is claimed that, for the same overhaul periods, the bearings in railway axle boxes can be about I&d cheaper Gard3/4 SOV/122- 58-8- 1/20 A New Method for Increasing the Load Capacity of Rolling 'Bearings and Reducing the Specific Allocation of Metal when making use of the new form of bearing housing. Rolling-mill bearings in accordance with new systems are now being installed at the "Serp i Molot" Works in Moscow. There are 8 figures and 1 Soviet reference,, Gard 4/4 1. Roll~-,r I .. Mathemat~'cs -KOVALUSKIT, A.M., inxhoner. Preventing damage to rivets of massive cagos. Podsh1pnik no.5:1-6 My 153. (KLR,k 6:5 ) (Bearings (Machinery)) KOVALSVSKIT, A.M., inzhener. A mistake in the installation of roller bearings in railroad axle boxes. Podshipnik no-7:6-49 i1 153. (MLHA 6:80 (Roller bearings) (Car axles) KOVILEVSKIT, A.M., kand. takhn. nauk 7 Improving the performance of antifriction bearings and reducing the unit weight of metal used* Tests mash. 38 no. 8:3-9 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Beer inge(Machiner3r) ) KOVALEVSKIY, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk New system of operation and production planning. Vest. mashi'nostr. 43 no.22:67-75 D 163. (mi-RA 17-8) TSVVrKOV, V.P., starmbly propodavatel 'I XDV,6 KIT, A.N., starsbiy 1.11:.~.. ~Wp_ as , a .. .1; . '__~ ~_-. laborant; KRAVTSOVA, N.Y.@ a Z' Somm applications of differential filters in X-ray itructural analysis. Dop.ta pov.Llviv.un. no-3 pt.2:43-44 52. (MLRA 9:11) (X-ray crystallography) potil, 1,~v -:-Whic .0-... a,otht KOVAL7EVSKIY, k. 0. !zbrannye Raboty (selected works on Tfuman and Animal ParaEites), 676 p., Leningr~Ld, 1951- KOVAP_M!X-. iffid-iffiA oktor istoricheakikh nauk, professor; 3HRAMO, B.Ao# kandidat istoricheskikh nauk, dotaent, otvatstvenw redaktor; LIKANOVA, M.L. tekhnicheakiy redaktor [The book of Akhmed Ibn-Fadlan about his travels on the Volga in 921 and 922; articles, translations and commentaries] Knigs Akhmeda Ibn-Fadlana o ego puteshostvii no Vo1gu v 921-922 gg.; stat'i, perevocly t kommentarli. Kharikov. lid-vo Kharlkovakogo goo. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1956. 345 P4 (MIRA 10:2) (Ibn Fadlan. Ahmed, f1.922) (iolga Valley--Deacription and travel) KOVALEVSKIY, A.P., inzb. Auxillar7 equi ent. Blek.sta. 28 no.12:85 D '57. (M'IRA 12:3) rBoilera-Squipment and oupplies) W,TAIETISKIY, A.P., inzh. Repair of the heat balloons of controllers in thernal networks. Energetik 11 no.800 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) KOVALEVSKIY-, NprovIng the organization of laboratory and practical work in mechanics for the first course at the physicomthematical faculty of teachers' Institutes. Uoh. afAp, IAk. Un, no.1:167-185 157, (Mechaden-Siudy and teaching) (mm 11:3) (Teachers, Training of) AUTHOR: Kovalevskiy, A.F., Engineer 91-56-5-11/35 TITLE: Device for Stretching Brass Pipes (Prisposobleniye dlya protyazhki latunnykh trubok) PERIODICALt Energetik, 1958, Nr 5, P 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of a bridge crane is proposed to stretch brass pipes. The lifting cable of the crane, after being passed around a ring to allow horizontal stretching, is connected with the brass pipe. When the electric motor of the crane is switched on, the pipe is stretched. This device may be used for all pipe lengths, whereas the device publish- ed in Rat81onalizatorskiye Predlozheniya, Nr 94, 1956, is constructed only for pipes of a certain length. There is 1 figure. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Pipes - Stretching - Device A UTHOR: Kovalevskiy, A.P., Engineer SOV-91-58-10-14/35 TITLE: A Dev71os-7f_o`r-RvmvTtng the Covers of the Water-Chambers of Condensers (Ustroystvo dlya anyatiya kryshek vodyanykh ka- mer kondensatorov) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 10, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author says that at his station it is often necessary to resort to the mechanical cleaning of the pipes of the con- densers. Up until recently the removal of the condenser covers had required the use of an overhead crane in the ma- chine rooii. N.K. Stefanovich, foreman of a turbine works, has submitted a simDle device for this purpose (Figure 1), which dispenses witi the use of a crane'-driver. There is one diagram. 1. Steam condensers--Equipment .Card 1/1 KOVA.LEVSKIY, A. S. Kovalevskiy, A. S. "Experimental problems on mechanics for the first course physicomathematical faculty of a pedagogical institute.." Min Leningrad State Pedagogical Inst imeni A. 1. Gertsen. Chair te Leninarad, 1956 (Dissertation For the Degree of Candida . In Science). at the Education RSF1--R. of General Physics. PedaFogical Knizhnava letopisl No 34, 1956. Moscow. GOEMW, V.; KOVALEVSKIT, B. "What we saw in the U.S:A-. ud Canada" by V. Hatakevich. Reviewed by V, Gokhman, B. lovalevskil. Geog. v shkole 20 no.2:74-76 Mr-Ap 157. (W.RL 10:4) (United States--Agricnlture) (Hatskevich, V.) ,jO 5 PI , Bo3:J4-P-RA4-ovich(Kovaleva'lgri B.P. CHIc;IRIK, V.V. P (C'byhyryk, V.V.1# red.; KOPITKOVA, N.L(Kopytkova, N.K.]., tekhn. red. [Powerful Ueap,onAn the building of co=mni=; the consolida- tion of the alliance of the laboring class and the collective- farm peasantry in the period of the large-scaled bui2ding of Co=mnism1Mohutnia syla pobudovy komuniz=; zmitsennia soiuzu robitrqchobo, klasu i kolhospnobo selianstva v period razhor- nutoho kor=istychnoho budivaytatva. hylv., Derzhpolitvydav Mgtj 1962. 193 p. (MA 15:11) (Agicultural administration) (Collective fams) 6.62-1 -00 VDc 621-791.3 .385 2.2- -j- TARUMOY, Alekaey Nikolayevich, inzh.; KOYALWSKIY, Dorilnik Yonich. in2h.; BAZHMA, Filipp Vladimirovich, inzh.; LYMIIA.Lr.-.- red.; GCLIBZRG, T.M., takhn. red. [Preparing complete prestressed concrete trusses on the construction site] Izgotoylenie tsellnfth zhelezobetonrqkh predvaritallao napriethewykh form*aa stroitelluoi ploshchad- ke; opyt Glavmosoblatroia. Moskin, Oos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, arkhit.i stroit. materialam, 196o. 28 p. (mru 14:5) (Trusses) (Prestressed concrete) CHEWSHEY, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHAKHUNYANTS, G.M., prof.9 doktor t8khn.mauk;,KOVA.L _DV ,USXIY,. _,,_~nzh.; POTOTSKIY, G.I., inzh.; PROKCFIYNV. P.P., inzh.; GOLOVANOV, A.I., red.; KA4M)=,' ~LTe.# [PrograssiV6 technology of railroad track work] Foredo-vaia takhnologlia putevikh rabot. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhsl-dor.izd-vo, 1951. 106 p. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Glavn" inzhener Glavnogo upravleniya putevogo khozyaystva Hinisterstva putey soobshcherlya (for Chernyahav). (Railroads--Track) KOUIAVSKITt DoVes-insh, (Leningrad) RIPirective for straightening railroad track)in swelling sollW Reviewed by XV.-Novalovskil. Zhelo dor, transp, 41 5:95-96 NY 159. 1 (MIRA 12;7) (Rellroads-Track) KOVALEVSKIY, F., burilishchiki Rightful request of borers. Bmzop. triida v prom. I no.1:36 Ja 157. wak 10:4) 1. Shakhta "19ovo-KIyuchevskaya' Pyshminskogo riidoupravlaniya. (Borin- machinery) 0 KOVALEVSKIYP F.Ya., polkovnik; CHERNOV, P.I., podpolkovnik This practice is beneficial. Vest. protivovozd. obor. no.11% 72-73 N 161. (MIM 1611o) (Russia-Aray-Edwatio% Nonmilitary) BUTENIN~ N.V. j J5~~VALBVSKIYp G#G. Vibrations of a gyroscopic instrument dependent on dynamic unbalance. Vop. prikl. gir. no.2t25-07 16o. (MIRA 15s4) (C;yrosoopic inatiuments-Vibrations) KOVALEV31M, Cs. L. : KO-AU1711MY, G. T "Tnviatigatton of Arivi!3A.blo-pole iyncllronnum 711,-icatlon U,33:i. r1loscow Orier 11.*,11. Molotiw. (Dissertations of tb~~ paravoters of the ro,~J-r 0-4imt"3 rrvicjjjmj~vO. Morur)w, 1955. 1, 1 n Higher of Lenin Poi~er En,ineertrig. In3t ifr,~,ni t, for t1le of Canitiatp of Teclmdcal 30: Knl~~hn-3ya, letopis' No. 44, 29 October 1955. MOs cow'. TUYEZOV, I.K.; KOVALEVSKIY G.L. Geology of the agaond structural stage in the Ishim-Irtyah interfluve in the light of teophysical data, Geol. i geofiz. no.4:89,95 161. (MIRA -WO 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut geologii, geofiziki i minere6l'nogo syrlya, Novosibirsk. . . (Irtyah Valley;-Geology) . (Is4lm Valley6--Geology) KOVALEVSKIY, G.L. Development of dislocations and their role in the history of the development of local the West Siberian Plateau. Geol. i geofiz. no.10:65-79 165, 18: 12) 1. Novosibirskiy geofizicheskiy trest. Submitted February 16~ 1965. KOVALEVSKIY, G.L.; BENIKO, Ye.I. The technique of detecting zones marked by the tapering out of lower Mesozoic deposits as possible pAroleum and gas traps (exemplified by the Bol'sherechlye area in the West Siberian Low- land). Geol. i geofiz. no.9:22-29 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syr'yA, Novosibirsk. (Petroleum geology) (Bollsherechlye region--Seismic prospecting) KOVALFIVSKIY G.L. Methods of 6hifting.shot points for the study of faulting. Geol, i geofiz,'no.12%108-3-10 ~t64. (K M. 18:6) 1. Novoaibirakiy geofiziah6mkly trast. KOVALBV~LKIY or N JDyjLvich; FADDRYEV. Yu.11., red.; IVANOV, K.A;, red.; , 2�--dy-Ab ------'fiOFIM'OV-, A.V., tekhn.recl. [Ship theory] Teorna korablia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskol transport," 1956. 259 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Hulls (Naval architecture)) KOVALEVSKIY, G.T.,, red.; LANDIN, Ye.I., red.; OSADIKO, X.F., - re'T.-~--PAS11KEVIC11, OZ.,, red. [Labor incentives in a socialist society] Stimuliravanie truds. v sotsialisticheskom obshchestvo. Minsk, Izd-vo "Nauka i tekhnika." 1964- 190 P. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Akaderdya navuk BSSF~ Minsk, Instytut ekonomiki. KOVALEVSKIY G T otv. red.; MARTINNEVICH, F*Sop kand* geogr. nauk, KUZIMINA, N.G., red.; 130GOYAVLENSK.TY, G.P.,, red.; CHENTSOVA, V.A*v red. kart; VOGIVA, N.I.p tekhn. red. [The White Russian S.S.R.) Belorusskaia SSR. Moskvap Goo. izd- vo geogr. lit-ry, 1957, 486 P, (KIRA 15:2) 1. AkaderAya navuk BSSR. Instytut ekonomiki. 2. Zaveduyushchiy sektorom ekonomicheskoy geografii instituta ekonomiki Akademii nauk Belorussko SSR (for Martinkevich). TwMe Russia-Economic geograpby) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOTATION 262 Akademiya nauk BSSR. Institut ekonomiki. Telorusskaya SSR (The Belorussian SSR) Moskow, Geogrs~fgiz, 1957. 486 p- 5,OC)O copies printed. SPONSORING AGENCY: Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR. Institut ekonomiki. I RESP. EDS.: Kovalevskiy, G. T.,Martinkev-1ch, F. S.: Kuzlm-tna, N. G., Bogoyavlenskiy, 9. P.; Tech. Ed.: Nogina, N. I.; Map Ed.: Chentsova, V. A. PURPM: The book is intended for geography teachers and university students; it is also reco=ended to mployees of Soviet planning organizations. COURAGE: The book is divided into a general-description and a survey by oblasts. The first part gives the historical background, a geographic descrip- tion and an econcmic survey of ths republic; the second part deals with each'of the seven Belorussian oblastB. The author makes reference Card 116 The Belorussian SSR (Cont.) 262 to the destruction inflicted by World War II and he states that in 1940 Belorussia had a population of 9,,200,000 whereas today its population is only 8'OM'OW. LThe author does not account for the cession of the Bialystok tegimg. Flax is the main technical crop of Belorussia and the republic boasts of a well-developed linen ind6try. PotpLio cultivation and theIndustrial use of potat~esalong with-pig breeding follow in im- portance in the Belorussian national economy. The main manufacturing in- dustries are in orderof their importance by ruble value: the food- processing industries, light industries, the metalworking and machine- building industries,*iucluding motor vehicles. Four-fifths of Belorussian manufacturing is carried four original Soviet oblasts (Minskaya, Vitebskaya, Mogilevskaya, and Gmellskaya). Local -power stations are predominantly peat-lburaing stations and are supplied from numerous peat bogs.. Peat is'the oTay domestic fuel in addition to wood. Over 7,000,000 metric tons of peat were mined in 1955. Coal and oil are imported. The development of electric power facilities is treated to a considerable extent but capacities of the power plants are seldom mentioned. The peat- burning BelorusskayadIRES im. Stalina is the.largest of the plants. Considerable attention is paid to industrial enterprises of all-Union Card 2/6 The Belorussian SSR (Cont.) 262 significance, e.g.; the Minsk Tractor Plant and the Minsk Motortruck Works. The Motortruck Works is the only producer of 25-ton dump trucks for the Soviet market. The Tractor Works makes 11 percent of Soviet tractors including the Belarus' type, a vheel tractor. The machine-tool plants of Belorussia build one-twelth of all Soviet machiAe tools. Only the "Kirov" and "Voroanilov" plants at Minsk are specifically mentioned. There are altogether 6 machine- tool plants in operation and one more plant is under construction. Two other plants of all-Union importance we discussed, both of them in Minsk: a tractc,r plant and a motorcycle plant. The latter manufactures 10 percent of all Soviet motorcycles and 16 percent of all Soviet bicycles. Several plag4ts making electric equi]pment are also mentioned but.little information is given concerning equi3pment. Only seven photographs are related to Belorussian industries. these show:1) aninside view of a tractor-assembly shops 2) a 40-ton trailer built at the Minsk Motortruck Worksip 3) a general view of the Osipovichi ]jydroelectric Power Station., 4) the Rechitse, Furniture Coinbine in Gomel' skeya, Oblasts, 5) a Clinker kiln at the' Kriche* Cement Plant 6) an inside view of the Minsk Worsted Tektiles Combine, 7) inside view of the Vitebsk~Rug and Velvet Combine. There are 100 photographs, 30 maPs, 10 tables, and 200 Soviet references. Card 3/6 The Belorussian SSR (Co*nt.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreward General Survey Territory and Geographical Situation Natural Conditions and Resources Topography Minerals f , Clim e Rivers and lakes soil Flora F Develolment of the National Econowy ~62 3 5 5 7 8 14 26 24 29 31 39 44 Card 4/6 The Belorussian SSR (Cont.) Population and Culture Economic Conditions Industries Agriculture and animn-1 husbandr7 Tran portation Regional f3urvey The O'blasts of Belorusaia; I11terior EconomictInits Minskaya, Oblast, Mogil#vskaya Oblast Vitebskaya Oblast Molodechnenskaya Oblast 262 71 99 106 144 188 201 201 204 268 3o6 339 C ard 5/6 The Belorussian SSR (Coat.) Grcdnenskaya Oblast Ganel'skaya Oblast Brestskays, Oblast Bibliography AVAILABM: Library of congress GC/gmp May 26,1958 262 367 400 437 48o card 6/6 UPTEV, I.D.; TERYAYEVA, A.P.; SAPILIRIKOV, N.G.; CHEMSOV, R.Ye. [deceased]; SEPP, Ya.P.; SUVOROVA, L.I.; ZASLAVSKAYA, T.I.; GREKOVA, A.I.; TONKOVICH, V.S.; IBRAGIMOV, A.I.; KOTfYUBA, T.Ya.; KUFff1XV, WA.; K.Ov? 9(,,_G.T.; KAJX'YNSH,A.A. [Kalnins, A.]; SIDOROVAI M.I.; MALISHAUSKAS, V.I. (Malisauskas,V.1; PASECHNIK, P.P.; BUGARLATICH, V.S.; EMNAUKHOVA, Ye.l.; ARETI)XV, T.I.; KAZAAOV, I.G.; CUMOVSKIY, I.A.; S;MN, S.I., red.; LINKUNA, N.I., red.; TSITKO, I.A., red.; VOLIWVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Material incentives for devoloping the collf.-ctive farm produc- tion] Materiallnoe stimulirovanie razvitiia kolkhoznogo pro- izvodstva. Moakvaj Izd-vo All SSSR, 1963. 326 p. (YURA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Institut eko- nomiki Pli SSSR (for Laptev, Teryayeva, Suvoroval Zaslavskaya, Sidorova, Karnaukhova). 3. Sredneaziatskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- vernitet (for Sapillnikov). 4. Komi filial AP SSSR (for Chentsov). 5- Institut ekonomiki 21 Batonskoy SSR (for SePP). 6 Bacl*irskiy filial All SSSR (for Grekova). 7. Institut ekonomiki AN Belo- russkoy SSR (for Torkovich, Hovalevskiy). 8. InAitut el-onomiki AN Uzbekskoy SER (for Ibragimov), (Continued on next card) LAPTUP I.D.- (continued). Card 2. 9, Institut ekonordki M Ukr,SSR (for Kotsyuba, Pasechnik). 10. Belorusskiy institut ekonomiki i organizatsii sellsko- khozyaystvennogo proizvodstva (for Bugarevich). 11. Vsesoyuz- nyy institut sakharnoy svekly (for Areflyov). 12. Institut ekonom:U,,i Ah' Kirgizskoy SSR (for Kazakov). 13. Rabotnik TSent- rallnogo Iomiteta Komm-unisticheskoy partii 111oldavskoy S&II (for Gu- movskiy).14.:myIbyshevA-iy planovyy institut (for Kurylev). (Collective farms-Income distribation) MATUSEVICH, M.G., kand. ekon. nauk; MILOVANOVy V.A.., kand. ist. nauk; NIKITINp G.A., kand. geogr. nauk; GURVICH, G.Ts. kand. ekon.nauk; GOLUBEV, B.P.,, naucbn. sotr.; KRUTILINA, T.N., nauchn. sotr.; MIKHNEVICH, LA, na- uchn. sotr.; GIORGIDZE, Z.I., kand. ekon. nauk; RAVUN, I.I., kand. ekon. nauk; OKUNI, M., kand. ekon.nauk; kqy~A~ SM i ~ Q.T. , kand. ekonom.* nauk; PIROMOV,; P.A. I daktor ekonom. naukj nauchrOT red.; IZOMMKO,-I., red. is1dw-*Aj- ATLAS, A.,'Uldm. red.. [Economy of White Russia during the period of imperialism, 1900 - 1917] Ekonoifiika Belorussii v epokbu imperiali=a, 1900-1917. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR~ 1963. 420 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSRj Minskj Instytut ekonomiki. 2. institut ekonomiki AN BSSR (for all except Leonenko, Atlas). NOVALMM, G. V. Reduced renal blood flow In acute fatal blood loss in an experiment. Exper.khir.i anest. no.6:39-1+6 f61. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz otdela.eksperimentalinoy biologii I patologii (zav. - prof. I.K.Yesipova) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (dir. - prof. Ye*N. Meshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya Pli SSSR, (KIDNEYS-BLOOD SUPPLY) (MIORWGB) KOVALWESKIYI Gov. Expert determinations of intravital decapitation in railroad and other accidents; experimental study. Sud.-med.ekspert. 5 no.4: 6-13 O-D 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) 1. Laboratoriya patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G.TSellarius) Institut4 eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (RAIMOADS--AGCIDENTS) (MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) Ki Y's G.V. Functional and morphological characteristics of the vascular system of the kidneys; experimental morphological study, Urologiia no.1&12-19163.. (MM 16:7) 11. 1z Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (direk- t6r - px.?C. Ye*N91taha1Wkkjiauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. I.K. Yeiipova) Sibirskogo otdeleftLya AN SSSR. (KIDNEYS-BLOW SUPPLY) QIRCULATION, DISORDERS OF) KOVALEVSKIY~ G.V. (Novosibirsk) Shunting of the renal circulation in hemorrhage an experimen- tal study, Arkh. pat. no.2t24-33 163 fMIRA 16:1-1) 1. 1z laboratorii patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G. TSellarius) Instituta eksperimentaltnoy biologii i meditsiny (dir. - prof. Ye.N.Mashalkin,, nauchn7y rukovoditell - prof. I.K.Yesipova) Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. KOVALLVSKIY, G.V. (Novosibirsk) , Reconstruction of the hepatic vessels in sc2erosis caused by parasitic cholangitis in animals. ArIch. pit. 25 no.9:34-42 163. (1,111VI 17: 10) 1. Iz laboratorii patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G. TSellarius) InstiWta 6ksperimentaltnoy biologii i ineditsiny (dir. - prof. Ye.N. Meshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. KOVALEVSKII. G.V. , (Novosibirsk) Ruictional morphology of the arteries; experimental study. Arkh. pat. 25 no.11:37-43 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Iz laboratorii patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu,G. TSellarious) Instituta eksperimentallr-oy biologii i meditsiny (dir. - prof. Ye.11. Meshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (nauchnvy rukovoditell - prof. I.K.Yesipova). GG.V. (Novosibirsk) Nature of hydrople changes in liver cells in acute hemorrhage. Arkh. pat. 26 no,41241-3,11 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. 'Laboratoriya patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G.TSellarius) In- stituLa eksperimentallnoy biqlogii i meditsiny (dlr. - prof. Ye.N. Meshalkin, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof, I.K.Yesipova) Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. SUP14) V.V.; YOI.AYEV, V.A.; KOVALEVSKIY, G.V. Experimental reprodliction of some clinicomorphological. manifesta- tions of systemic hipus erythematosus; preliminary report. Sov. vied. 27 no.2:42-49 F 164. (ANIRA 17: 10) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (zav. - prof. Ye.N. Heshalkin) i laboratoriya patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G. TSel2arius) Instituta ekspe- rimental.'noy biologii i modit3iny (IM14) Sibirskogro otdoleniya AN SSSR i kELfedra gospitallnoy terapii (ZaV. - DrOf. A.A. Nvd.n) Novo- sibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta. KOVAIEVSYJY, G.V. (Novosibirsk) Morphology of early reactUve changri in rats following intro- duction of a mycobuterial stimulant. Arkbe pat. 27 no.4257- 65 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Laboratoriya, patomorfologii (zav. - dotsent Yu.G.TSellarius) otdela eksperimentallnoy b1ologii i patologii Instituta tsitologii i genetiki (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR D.K.Belyayev) Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, KOVALEVSKIL_1.11. Immmomorphologic-al changes in Wte i-ats following the Intrcduction 0 cX a mycobactarial adjivant. Zhur. milu-cliol., ripid. i ~rumun. 4-1 no.8:117-123 Ag 165. (IMMA 18;?) 1. Institut tsitologil i genctiki Sibl.--,~,'Kogo otdeluniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. AFONIN, Z.M., JnzYj ; BEYMISKIY, B.V., inzb.i BELAN, F.N., inzh.; WHYANSKlY, Yu.V., ke-nd. tekhri. iilzh. KOVALEVSKIY G V kand. tekhn. naW-. MAGULk, V.E.y kand. teffii.- nauk, retsenzent; DRUZI, B.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KIIIAGIAN, V.D., kand. teklm. nauk, retsenzent; DOROGOSTAYSXIY, D.V., doktor tekhri. zinuk-, red. Nheory and construction of nhips3 Tooriia i ustmistvo sudov. lloskva.. Transport, 1965. 371 p. (1,11R-A .18:9) Afonin, Z H. (Engineer); Bekenskiy, B. V. (Engineer)- Belan F. N. (Engineer); Goryanski YU V. ndidate of Technical Sci rigorlyev, Y (Ca enc e a ifG_ A. N. (Engineer); V_L_LU_-V 4- 'j. V Kovalevsk:Lz,. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) Theory and equipment of-ships (Teoriya i. ustroyetvo tudov) Moscow, Izd~vo "Transport*,, 65. 0371 P. illus.~, biblio. Errata slip inserted. 8,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: shipbuildii)g engineerinff, marine engineering, ship component, ship* navigation, marine englit~e,-hydrod amica PURPOSE AND COVFRAGE: This book studies the problems of the theory of nh1ps (statics and dynamics) and gives a basic survey of ship engines, construction aryl the stabi- lity of a ship's hull, structures and-systems, This manual is recomended for atu- dents in ship navigation departments of the higher engineering marine schools and al- so can be used by students in other departments of the sane schools. This book vould be useful for students and engineers in the Navy.. .j TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged)l Pref ace-3 Introduction--4 Ch. I. Bouyancy of ships-9 Ch. II. Initial stability of ships -.-29 ACC NRi Al-15028932 Ch. III. Stability at great angles of inclination-61 Ch. IV. Nonsinkability of ships-81 Ch. V. Principle data from bydromechanice-88 Ch. VI. Resistance of water to movement of the ship-100 Ch. VII. Propeller blades--128 Ch. VIII. Ship navigation-160 Ch. IX. Roll of a ship-174A Ch. X. Present architectural and construction types of shipeaft'198 Ch. XL Durability of ships-212 Ch. XII. Construction of the hull of a ehip--~W Ch. XIII. Ship structures--VO Ch. XIV. Ship systems-332 Bibliography-367 SUB COMI 23/ SUEH DAM 04Jun65/ MM FOW-8 CD5 KOVAIEVSKIY, G. V. KOVALEVSKIY, G. V. --Iflk Now Method of Planninf- and Buildinp Senkov System Dams from Prefabricated Ferroconerate.11 Min of Merchant Marine LISSR, LeninCrad Highor School of Marine Engineerinj: imeni Admiral Makarov, leningrad'I- 1956 (Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.) K14IZHNAY 111TOPIS No 41, October 1956 KOVALEVSKIY, G. V., Voc Tech',,Sci - (dies) "A now method of designing and -bu~i~Q the foundations of dams of the Senkov system and other hydraulic Constructions trtx vprefabricatea reinforced concrete.* Lent 1~F~j 36 pp with drawings (Min of Marine Fleet USSR, Len Higher Engineering -kavlzib School im Admiral Makarov), 150 -opies (KL, 18-58, 981 -44- IMTN, V.P., doktor tekhii.nauk, prof.; IMLIGOVA, M.A., kand.takhn.nauk; G 1, % V., kand.takhn.nauk; HASTAGIN, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; vM &nd.tekhn.nauk; RYABOV, L.I., kand.takhn.nauk; SIVXRS, N.L., kand.tokhn.Dauk; SOXOWVA, A.S., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; TAIJBIN, G.O., kand.tekhn.nauk; KONTOROVICH, B.M., inzh. "Designing ships' hulls" by A.A. Pravdin. Reviewed by V.P. Belkin and others. Sudostroenle 24 no.8:78-79 Ag '58. (MIRA IWO) (Hulle(Haval architecture)) PIROGOV. Nikolay Dmitriyovich; KOVAAIV�~~r, ;vanovich; BILINSKIY. M.Tap, redaktor; KUZIMIN, D.G.. takhnicheakiy redakt,br ' [Masonry and bricklaying] Namennye i pachuye raboty. Moskva, Vses. uchebuo-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrozervizdat, 1956. 295 p. (HLRA 9:12) (Masonry) '(BrickUying) S01pusay, I.D.; BLOXHIN, P.N.; GELIBERG, L.A.; ZHDANOV, P.M.; IVASHCEMKO, I.P.; LEVINA, G.P.; NAUMOYA. N.A.; SMIRNOV, N.S.; ARONOVA, R.I.; NIKCLAYEV, N.A.; SEXREWSISt A*Ap- KOVALXV�kqjj1OjAL-,LOAC0V' P.V.; SLADKOV, S.P.; DZIGAN, A.V.; Prialmall uchastiye: ARGANSKIT, A.S.; ASMUS. Te.N.; BEZRALOVA, Te.M.; BOGATYKH, Ya.D.; 'Bulm GOLIDING, NOX.; MOMMA , I.P.-, MOSKALIff, S.A.: RABINOVICH, S.G.; ROGOVSKIY, L.V.; KHOKHLOVA, L.P.; SHISTOPAL, N.M.. RUB-ANENKO. B.R.. glavnyy red.-, GALKIN, Ta,.G.. samest.glavacgo red.; SAPRYKIN, V.A., red.; SHC OV, V.M., red.; NOVITCHKgKO, K.M., nauchmyy red.; VILKOY, G.N.,inzh., red.izd-va; TTAPKIN. B.G., red. izd-va; RLIKINA. E.M., [Building your own homal Spravochnik individuallnogo sastroishchika. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1958. 442 p. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiya stroital'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR, (Building) KOVALE118M, I.I. SEMENOV, L.A.,, doXtor tekhnichookikh nouk; lq'~AWKIY, i.I., -redaktor; OMYSUVA.Ye.A., takhaichookiy rode [Thermal stability and furnace hosting' of-ao6rtment housewand public buildings] Toploustoichivost' i pechnoe otoplenis zhilykh i. obahchestvennykh 2asnii. mosk-m, Iza-vo m-vs stroitalletva predpriiatii mashinostroeniia, 1950. 262 P. (KLRA 10:~) (Heating) KOVALEVSKIY, I., inzh. Aeating and cooking stoves with fireboxeB of a special type. Sell.stroi. 9 no-1:23-24 Ja-F '54. (MIRA 13:2) (Stoves, Barthenware) hz'VN.1~ Vvl" LIVCHiK. Iosif Pedorovich; nauchVy redaktor; SERIBREN- NIKOVA, L.A., redaktor; BARABOVA. N.N., tekhnichaskiy re&aktor [Steam-heating for small buildings] Vodianoe otop-lenie nebollshikh zdanii. Moskva. Voes.uchebno-padagog. izd-yo Tradrazervizdat, 1957. 115 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Steam--Heating) I.I.: ".1aster Tech Sci (diss) -- "fhe developnitant of tha dasign and the testin- of a rational heating-welding furnace "'or kolkhoz an' vil- 0 - lap construction". 'Noscow, 1959. 24 pp (Acad Construction andl Architecture Sci 'Res Inst of Sanitary E.nsinearin.") 150 copies (YL, No 18, 1959, 124) KOVALSVSKIY, Ivanjyanov~q~, kand.tokhn.nank; KWSTOV, S.Ys., nauchnyy .-radj; WiROVA, I.$., red.; TOXER, A.M., [Oven work] Fachnoe delo. Izd.3., perar. i dop. Moak-va, Vass. uchobno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftakhizdat, 1960. 157 P. (ovens) (MIRA 13:7) Oll KOVAIEVSKIYt I.L kand. tekhn. rauk; prinyali uchastiye: MERINOV, N.A.,, --'-inzh.; IBM, V.B 9 inzh.; SWINAp R.Vt tekhnik; LERNER, B.N., kand. tekhn. nauk: FRAVOVEROVt K.N.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; SOSFIR, p Yu.P.p kand. takhn* nauk-p red.; NINMAa j DaKey red. izd-va; OSENKO, L.M., [Album of heating fuftaces and stoves] Allbom otopitellrqkh i by- tovykh pachei. Moskvaq Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam. Pt.1, [Heating furnaces] Pechi otopitelltya. 1961. 85 p. (MMA 14:6) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut po stroitellstvuf Robtat-on-Don. 2. Laboratori-ya otopitellnykh pechey i ochagov nauchno-issledovatellakogo instituta sanitar- noy tekhniki Aka4emii stroilalletva i arkbitektury SSSR (for Merinov, Levin, Senina).'3. Laboratoriya otopleniya i venti- Iyataii Instituta po stroitellstvu Akademii stroitellstix i arkhitektury WSR (Roatov~-na-Donu) (for Kovalevskiy). 4. Aka- demiya kommunalln6to khozyaystva RSFSR imeni K.D.Pamfilova (for Lerner, Pravoverov)- (Furnacesp Heating) S/115/61/000/001/003/607 B129/B201 AUTHORS: Gordov., A. H .,, Izrailov, Kovalevskiv. V. A.,, .; __ fi~_ 1!)~ V. Ye a d ardt., N. N. K.S., Kandyba, V. V., Kirenkov, Kapina, E. A., Kinkellshteyns TITLE: PERIODICAL: ComDrehensive metrological studies for developing methods and apparatiis for exact measurements of high temperatures Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, no. L. 1961, 22-25 TEXT: The ever-increasing demands made b.,,- industry on the accuracy and range of measurements of high temperatures make it necessary to reorganize the entire metrological SY�tem in the field of measurements of high tempera- tures and the development of new standard and model devices on the basis of the latest achievements in the construction of precision instruments. In this connection, the VNIIM imeni, D. 1. Mendeleyeva and 191MIP developed a program for the perfoy-iince of comprehensive metrological studies for the establishment of new stangards and high precision master instruments for tem- peratures of un to 10,000 C. This metrological research work was completed in 1960. The studies wei-e made in four fundamental directions: thermometi,7 Card 1/2 s/115/6l/6oo/6o1/bo3/007 Comprehensive metrological ... B129/B2 01 of gases, thermoelectric pyrometry, optical visual qrometry) objective pyrometny (photoelectric and radiation pyrometry). ew temperature scales in the field of high temperatures were established on the basis of new methods of objective spectropyrometry. The optical pyrometers used for measuring high temperatures are not sufficiently accurate. Thus,, the admis- sib18 error in measurement of the optical pyrometersCAIMPOPPIR) is up to + 15 G at ljOOOOC, and in lo 100 at 2.,OOOOC. It is evident that this is insufficient for many purpose;and for scientific research work. In con- nection with the above problem, i.e., direct temperature measurement of high accuracy, the optical precision pyrometers 30D -51 (EOP-51) and Ofl -48 (0P-4 8) spectropyrometers of the types WO -57 (IXP-57) and CF1K (SPK), and new optical devices of the typeYPn(URP) were developed and introduced. The interna- tional temperature scale was used with maximum accuracy for the new instru- ments at the VsesoyuzrD-y nauchno-issledovtel'skly institut metrologii im. 0. 1. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Vietrology imeni D. I. Yendeleyev) and at the institutes of the lonitet standartov, mer i izmeriteltrykh priborov (Committee on Standards, "'easures, and Measuring Instruments). The new pyrometers are widely used for scientific research -viork. There are 59 references: 49 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet- bloc. Card 2/2 !QYAI,&YS=,I.I.P-kand. takhn. nauk; YEWAKOV, Yu.M., ; MERINO, N.A.; 2ROLOVA~ V.A.; CHIZHIKOVA, L.I.; NINEWAGI, D.K.,, red. izd-va; SHERSTWk. )I.V.,, -tekhn. red. [Album of heatihg furnaces and stoves]Allbom atopitelln7kh i by- tovykh pechei. Moakva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2, (Stoves for heating and cooking]Pechi otopitellno-varochnye. 1962. 88 p. I (NIRA 16:1) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut.-,po stroitel'styu, Rostov-on-Don. 2. Rukovoditell laboratorii oto- pleniya i v6W41-yatsii Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta po btroitel'stvu p Rostov-ozi-Don (for.Kovalevskiy). 3. Nauchno- issledovatel"Skly inatitut sanitarnoy tekhniki Akademii sti~oitell- at;04 i arkhitektury SSSR (for Yermakov, Merinov, Frolova, Chizbikova). (Stoves) (Furnaces, Heating) ~QVALEVSKIY,..Iyan,Ivanovi,ch,-,,kand. tekhn.nauk; Prinimal uchastiye SOSYIIN,Yu.P., kand. tekhn. rauk; MAKSIMOVA, Yu.M., red.; Z_.. BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [StOve work] Pechnye raboty. Izd.4., perer. i dop. Mo- skva, Proftekhizdat- 1963. 237 p. (MIRA 16'-.7) (stoves) KALINYUK, V.V., 'Lnzh., red.; MERINOV, N.A., irizh., red.; KOVALEVSKIY. I.I. inzh. , red. [construction specifications and regulations] Stroitellnye normy i pravila. Moskva, Goastroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.G. ch.11. [Heating furnaces, smoke and ventilating ducts of apartment houses and public buildings; regulations for production and acceptance of work] Otopitellirje pechi, dymovye i ventilia- tsionnye kanaly zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanii; pravila proizvodstva i priemki. rabot (SNiP III-G. 11-62) 1963. ll p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Kalinyuk). 3. Mezhduve- domstvennaya komissiya po peresmotru Stroitellnykh norm i pra- vil (for Merinov). 4. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po stroitel'stvu Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR v go- rode Rostove-na-Donu (for Kovalevskiy). S/.20-V61/001/005/021/028 A006/AlOl AUTHORS - Kovalevskiy-,__;,__K,, Mikerina, 11. V., Novysti, V. V., Gorodnicheva, 0. P. TITLE- Investigating -stray cDrrents from electrified railroads azd the nature of their attenuation in the Sou"h-Vral region PERTODICAL: Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 1, no. 5, 1961, 8'25 - 829 TEXT: The authors present results obtained from measuring stray currents alo.w_ a double-tracR electrified railroad, which Is power supplied with MOD v constant voltage. The measurements were carried out in the Sou-~h-Ural region, using mirror galvanometers (M-25/6) (pliotorecording); a portable ~~YPeH-373-2 (N-373-2) device (visible recording) and electroprospecting field oscillograph 3no-5 (EPO-5) (photorecording). Signals from 0.001 to 100 v could oe recDrded. Tne stray-eurren~s measured show a Iyulse nature; the duration of iast-s from several seconds up to 20 minutes. Pulses wish awplitudez, of 0.~; vlkm are prevailing and such with maximum amplitudes as hical as 4 - 6 v/km occur. A dependenc-~~ is shown between s"ray currents and the magnitude of the specific re- sistance of rocks. A-,. a distance of 10 - 15 Im frorn the railroad, sha!-1) atl~eril)a- Carxft 1/2' S1220316 1/00 1/005/0221 /028 1nvesi-Igating stray currents from ... AOO61AIOI tion of strav currents was observed. UP to 30 h-m distance stray currents Vre'rail, fl.~T~ther-on telluric currents are predominant; the former appeal, as pillse noises, The noises were traced up to 60 km. No observations were made a" larger dist&nces. 'I'here are 5', ~ablas, 2 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc re-ferences, ASSOCIATION; Irnstit-at' zemnogo magnetizma, Jonozfery I raspros-,.raneniya ra-diolioln, AN 35513 of Terrestrial Magnet-Ism, Ionosphere and Pr-or'a.-a- t-i3r, of Radiowaves, AS USSR) 8,Llavu, 711111 -july 24. 1961 C ard 212) KOVALEEVSKIY, I.V.-, MIKEMA, N.V.; NY,'YSH, V.V.; GORODNICHEVA, O.P. Study of vagrant currents from an electrified railroad and the nature of their attenuation in the Southern Ural area. Geomag. i aer. I no.5:825-829 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery 4- rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR, (Electric currents, Vagrant) (Ural Mountain region-F-13ctric railroads) ZHULINP I.A.; KOVAU-,MIY I.V. Ring currenty geomagnetic disturbances, and radiation belts. Gcoma i aer, 2 no.5:1018-1020 S-0 162. WIIV~ 15; 10) ~;Iagnetic stonns) (Van Allen radiationbelts) (Auxoras) KOVAIEVSKIY, K.L. Significance of breast feeding and the donorship of' mi)k in laboratory animals. Lab. delo no. 11s697 1614. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Inatitut gonetiki AN SSSR, Moskva. KOVALEVSKIY, K. L. Agriculture & Plant L, Animal Industry. Experimental animal husbandry; a practical manual on breeding, maintenance, and utilization of experimental animals. Moskva. Akademiia meditainskikh nauk SSSR, 1951. Month]. List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congresst' April 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. BUROT. A.D.; KOVALICVSIIY, K.L. "laboratory animals.' (professor] P.P.Sakharov, [professor] Yetel- kin, A.I., GUDKOTA, Te.1, Reviewed by X.L.Kovalovskii and A.D.Burov. 2hur.zikrobial.epid.i Immm. no.12-.73-77 D 153. (MLRA 7:1) (laboratory animmls) (Bakharov, P.P.) (Metalking A.I.) I 7vich- ISTELKIN, A.I.,, prof., red.; 1.11 tnINMaIr. YU.I.., 'rdr.-",P~KOVSKATA, N.I., "Lab [Raising laboratory animal oratornoe shivotnovodstvo. Pod red. A.1. Hetalkina I perev. i dop. Moak-va IGoo. izd-vo mod. lit-ry, 195;.~ ;2~ P. 'f. (MIRA 11:12) (Laboratory animaiO KOVALBVSKIT, X.L. sft~"5~ Study of a new infectious disease affecting the golden hamster (CricettLe auratus). Trudy Inst. gen. no. 27:370-371 s6o. (M MA 13 -.12 ) (Proteus) (Heastere-Diseases and posts) KOVALEVSKIYj K.L. Green feed plan in the feeding of laboratory aninals. Lab. delo 1 no.12:50 D 161. OURA 14:11) (LaoRAToRy ANimz-FEEDiNG AND FErm) ACCESSION NRs AT4002876 -.S./2670763/000030/0315/0320 AUTHORs koValevskiy, K. L. - ----------------- ---------- - I'TITL~1, Autoinfection (intiitinal) in tion sickness and its revention In.white rats of the Wistar a ith -ip S 01U R~,F. 11 A'N SSS'R. I no t;i tU t genatiki. Trudy*,' no-,' 0 1963, 315-320 !-TOPIC TAGS:t autoinfect.ion, intestinal hutoinfectidn, x irradiation, radVation. sickness., B-It'eterium 'acidophil' um -Staphylococcus albus, Stap'hylococcuo 'citreiu's, hyperemia,*cardiac'enl-ar~ge .ment, hyper,cardin, hemorrhage, cardiac hypertrophy ABSTRACT: Two groups of non-inbred whit' e~Wistar rats were given'orally acidophilpus milk with lactose ten days~.before and.kdaily after x- irradiation. ' The animals of group~I (6-Vieks old)'ieceived 8 ml acidophilous milk with 0.3 g lac.tose;":th8be.'of group 11 (12 weeks old) .1 received 10 ml acidophilous milk with 0:~5'_p Aactod ,e The corresponding;i controls'(6 and 12 weeks old) received drdinary,milk with 0.3 and 0.5 g iact*ose, respectively. Otherwise, the die*t was-the same for the test *~Card 1/2_ AdCESSION'NR*.. AT4002876 .rats and f 0'-r ~the- 'controls. The rats w e r'e s.u,bj'e'cted.. t o x-irradiation wi th ~700 ie at 316 r/mi'n (180 kV; 15 mamp;. filter O-.~-5~ mm Cu and 1 mm Al.; focal length, '40 cm) By the #ftdr'ekp'q*sure, 'the follovi- 4 6& data had be.en obtainedt group I Ayerage weLght,, 119#7 gi mor- tality, 221Z; controls -'108.2 g and .44t, raspee.ttvaty'j group 11 average weighti. 205.6 g; mortality, 26%-;, con-tro'la 1'92.6 g and 4.2%01 respectively., 'The data obtained.indicate.that-t .hi'.*daily administra- tion of acidophiloud milk with prevented t-he occurrence of diarrhe'a in irradiated rats, which'wes manifestpd in increased weight and decre~ssed mortality. No patholopical'-changes in the i ne-1, - .testine were observed. Orig. art. has:,..- 1 table. an d 1 figure. ASSOCIATION:, none' SU.BMI.TTED: 00 DATE ACQ: -17Ja.n64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: AH NO REP SOV- -.011 OTHER: 007 64/OW/005/0058/oc)62 AccEssim NH: AP4038944 0241/ AUZHOR: Kovalevskiyp K. TITLE: Radiosensitivity of mice after splenectomy and the use of spleen tissue homogenate in chronic radiation sickaecs SOURCE: Meditsinskaya radiologiya.. no. 5p 1964., 5M2 TOPIC TAGS: radiosensitivity, radiation aickness, chronic radiation aiclmeasp splenectomy., spleen homogenate) hemorrhagic syndrome, leWwpenia, radiation kck- ness mortality ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted on white mice which were splenectomized at the age of 1-month. After another month 96 were subjected to a total x-ray dose of 600 r. Non-splenectomized irradiated animals served as controls* Leukopeniat appearing on the 4th day, was more pronounced (leukocyte decrease from 9800 to 800 as against 9200 to 2500 for controls),p with increased mortality@ Mortality was 89 - 2.688 as against 85 - 4.220 for controls* Autopsy revealed presence.of the hemorrhagic syndrome (subcutaneous tissue and inner organs) while controls showed mainly hyperemia, or edema. In a second test series Mmogenate frcm freab spleen Card 3.12 ..ACCESSICN NR: AP4038944 Itissue of 4-7 day-old mice was administered once intraabdomina.11Y 1 1j hours after irradiation to 48 mice. Radiation sickness in these mice appeared later thlin. in controls,, they survived longer and the survival rate was higher. The mortality .was 37 - 6.073 as against 44 - 3-960 for controls. The administered spleen how- ~geaate prevented hemorrhages in the inner organs. Orig. art. h": I table. i,ASSOCLA=ON: AIleripologicheskays, laboratoriya Nauahno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta .ukha, gorla i non& .. . . . .. A (Allergy Iaboratory of the Scientific Research Inazitute of Earo Throat and Nose) SUBMTTM; 15Apr63 DATs Acq; o9jun64 ZNCL: 00 SUB CODE: IS NO FW SOV: 002 OTMR: 010 Card 2/2 KOVAIZVSKIYP K.L.; KIKTENKO, V.S. Reviews, criticism and bibliography. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 41 no.3:148-150 Mr 164. (MIR)k 1711l) KIM, M.-11,; KOVALEVSKIY, L.V.9 MARKIN, Kl. y Tntensification of the process of clns3iflcatlon. Khim. Prom. 41 no.2:42-46 F 165. (MIRA 18-4) 1. Permskiy nauc',Inc).--i-ssledoval,,e"tskl,y i.igollnyv institi,, I -3--:~z".,"Kov skly kal"yziyy kombinat. KOVALEVSKIY, M. (Riga) L relief of surface geologic formations occurring in their place of origin. Vestis Latv A no.11:123-128 159. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskay SSR, Institut geologii i poleznykh iskopaerg'Kh. (Latvia--Geology) INDAN, A. (Indans, Aji KOVALEVSKIY, M First enlarged plenum of the interdepartmental geomorphological commission. Vestis Latv ak no.6:203-204 160. (EFAI 10:9) (Russia-Geomorphology) INDPIISP V,-,-, KOVALUSKIY, M. Coriference on the problems of the neotectonic movement in the Baltio States. Vestis Latv ak no.8:185-186 160. (RUI 10: 9) (Geology) PERVIJSHINP Sergey Alekseyevich; KOVALEV.,SKIX,,.,~~A~j,_red.izd-va, MIKHAYLOVAJO V.V.p tekhn. red. (Main potentials of developing nonferrous meta-UurU] Osnovrqe rezervy razvitiia tsvetnoi metallurgii. Mo- skva,, Metallurgizdatp 1963. 219 p. (MIRA 17:2) KAZEYEV., Vladimir Mikhaylovich; LICMW, Boris Yevseyevir-h; BEREZIN, M.M., red.; KOVALEVSM , M.A., red.izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. (Accounting in nonferrous metallurgy using a uniform journal-voucher accounting system] Bukhgalterskii uchet s prineneniem edinoi zhurnallno-ordenoi formy schetovodstva v tsvetnoi metallurgii. Moskvap Metallurgizdat~ 1963. 339 P. (MIRA 17-2)