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S/169/62/000/009/045/120 Problem of the vertical D226/D307 micropegmatitic dolerites-at the center, with the composition's preservation vertically. Proceeding from the magnetic field's 8truc-* ture, -) generations of traps can be distinguished in the Yershovs- kiy area: 1) a normally magnetized thick sill, exposed in the Anga- ra near the Yershovskiye Rapids; 2) reversely magnetized 100 - 500 m thick dolerite dikes cutting the sill; and 3) the last magmatic injections, squeezed out from deep in.the magma chamber along the channels and fissures of the previously intruded and still not quite cold dolerite dikes. The data obtained show that time differentia- ted vertical trap inclusions, whose last injections-may have com- mercial accumulations of ilmenite, should be expected in the south of the Siberian Platform, in areas where there are linearly' oriented aerial magnetic anomalies with a variable sign, Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-,7 Card 2/2 X-~"' 1/y /"-- -,. / '(~ /- /~- DOVGOPOLO V.I., inr.C;',KOVA LEVI CH, V.K.; LORENTSO, D.N., inth.; DUGINA, N.A., takhn.rak~0----**"'~l'~"-'-'-~---'-''- [Ural railroad car builders] Urallskii vagonostrottelinyi. Xookva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinontroit. lit-ry, 1957. 85 p. (Nizhniy Tagil-Railroade-Cars) (MIRA 11:5) AGEYEVA, A.P.; AKSENOVA-CHERKASOVA, A.S., aspiranka; VELIKANOV9 L.N., bibliotekar'; GAVVA, F.M.; GIRENKO, P.D., Geroy Sots. truda; GUBANOV, M.M., pensioner; GUSIKOVA, T.K., nauchnyy sotr.; DAVYDOV, A.G., prepodavatell; DANILEVSKIY, V.V., prof., dvazhdy laureat Stalinskoy premii; DOVGOPOL, V.I., laureat Stalinskoy premii; YELOKHIN, M.F.; YERMAKOV, A.D.; IVANOV, V.G., prepoda- vatell; KOVALEVICH, V. .; KOVALEVSKAYA, Ye.S., zhurnalistka; PANKRATOV, A.G.; POPOVA, F.M.; URYASHOV, A.V.; FEDORIN, I.M., kand. ist. nauk; FILIPPOV, F.R.; CHUMAKOV, N.P.; SHEPTAYEV, K.T., zhurnalist; VASIKOVSKIY, O.A., kand. ist. nauk., retsenzent; KULAGINA, G.A., kand. ist. nauk, retsenzent; CORCHAKOVSKIY, P.L., prof., doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; BAKHMUTOVA, V., red.; SAKNYNI, Yu.,, tekhn. red. [Nizhniy Tagil)Nishnii Tagil. Sverdlovsk,, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 294 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey (for Ageyeva, Guslkova). 2. Zaveduyushchly gorodskim otdelom narodnogo zdravookhraneniya, Nizhniy Tagil (for Velikanov). 3. Zaveduyuohohiy rodakim sell- skokhozyaystvennym otdalom goroda Nizhniy Tagil Ffor Gavv,&). 4. Nachaltnik upravleniya stroitel'stvom Sverdlovskogo sovnar- khoza (for Girenko). 5. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Ukr. SSR, Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (for D&nilevskiy). (Continuid on next card) KOVAUVICHV V.K. ....- [~%'i.zhniy Tagil] Nizhnii Tagil. Soutavitel' V.K.Kovalovich. Izd.2., i5pr. , perer. I dop. Sverdlovsk, Sredne- Urallskoe knizhnoe Izd-v6, 1964. 298 p. illus. (MIM 19-1) 1, 1-- 4; ( M - .r ... - A, M, - YL).D. ; Kf V'-Tl:,.V-rG-H, V.N. ; TETIRAS: , 1.11 .; - I , -~! :-., ., .., , . I - ;.) 4 5.1 1 N c ! I ~,' el* A T"T U. " ~ .0 .-1 . Allto=t--d V-cl i noft. 0130r. m-,05-24-26, j t,J5. (NIIIA 18:6) . :-v- " ~ ~ . r I v I e -,I " -U A , 11 Do! iriane f (, I " I Ina. I ~ 0 . 1. 6 00 1. . SYU?Itlp G.K.p dotsentl_ KOV.UEVIGII,, In2h. I ;. o ". Road plantic cmumtes bwied on polywr bindora* Avt.dor*i dor.utrois nools345-Wi t65* OupAisin) KOVAISVSnYA, A.A. Hygienic conditions in the principal shops of a metn1viorking plant and their effect on the incidence of disepse with tomporary disability. Gig. i can. 23 noo8t73 Ag '58 (MIRA 11.9) I&' In knfedry gigiyany truda Tomskogo maditsinqk-ogo Institlita.' (WrALWRGICAL PLANTS-HYGINNIC ASPECTS) BONDARI, T.A.; BAKANOV, IT.A., ape tared. ;I kOVALLPVSKAYA, A.I.. red.; YAROV, E.H., takhn. red. [Technical improvements at thelloevyanakiy Starch and Molasses Plant] Tekhnicheskie usoiershenstvovantia na Rosvianskom krakhmalo- patochnom zavoda. Moskva' FinbehepromiEdat, 1956. 19 p. (Obmen peredovym tek-haicheakim ;pytom). (MIRA 11:10) (Starch industrv--Equinment and supplies) (Molasses) HEDIKO, D.I.; IIDLDAVSKIY, P.Yd.: BEBENSHTSYN, A.F., speturna. ; KOVALSVSXffA. A.1. red.- KISITTA, Ye.I.; [Progressive practices of the Martynov Alcohol P14nt] Peredovoi opyt Martynovskogo spirtovogo zavoda. Moskva, Fishebepromizdat, 1956. 47 P. (MIR& 11:12) (Martynov--Distilling industries) ---------- --- var-ie--- ties are accepted as standard: Urozhynyi) Kokh, Komso- molka, Lui Gotlye) Geroinya Manshuk, Seyanets Tupolevoy, Ryubetsall. Card 1/1 ASHKINUZI, g.K., rukovoditell brigady; BIMNSHTEYN, A.F.; KUZNETBOV, N.M.; RABINOVICH, B.D.; CHATSKIT, P.A.; SIDORENKO, D.P.; KOVAMBILATA, _A.I.-.-rad,;- YAROV, R.M.,, [.Continuous thermal processing of starchy raw materials] Nepre- ryvnaia teplovaia obrabotka krakhmalistogo syrlia. Moskva, Piahohe- promizdat, 1957. 59 P. (MIU 12:4) 1. Kiyevskiy filial Yeenoyuznogo nouchno-issladovatel'Bkogo insti- tuta spirtovoy promyshlonnooti (for Ashkinuti). (Distilling industries) BEGUNOVA, Roza Davidovna-, ZAKHARINA, 011ga Solomonovna; ZARIJBIN, Vasiliy Andreyevich; PAVLOV-LIRISHIN, Sergey Ivenovich; CHALMIKO, Dmitriy Kalinovich; FSDOROVICH, Aleksandr Georgiyavich; GHRASIMOV, M.A., retsenzent; BUTAMOVA, Ye.M., spetered.; red.; GOTLIB, E.M.. (Technology and chemical control of grope, fruit, and berry wines] Takhnologiia i t0dinokhimichaskii kontroll vinogradnykh i plodovo- iagodnykh vin. Mookya, Pishchepromisdat, 1959. 460 p. (HIU 13:3 j (Wine and wine making) ITHRUaALIMOCIT, N.D., prof., red.; KOTALEYWTA, A.I., red.; SOKCLOTA, I.A., [Continuous formentation and raising of micro-organisms; materials of the conference hold by tho Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Scienceif 6i the U.S.S.R.] Hepreryvnoe broshenie i vyraBhohivanie mikroorganismov; materialy aoveshchaniia, pro- vedeunogo Inatitutom mikrobiologii AN SSSR. Pod red. W.D.Ieruse- limokogo. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1960. 127 P. WRA 14:1) 1. Soveshchanlye po nepreryvnomu brosheniyu i vyraahchivaniyu - mikroorganizmov. 1938. (Industrial microbiology--Congresses) BALANTER, Illya Isaakovich; BERLIN. Rafail Izrailevich; IL'YASI]EVSKAYA, Genrietta Isaakovna; ROVALEVSKAYA, A.L., red.; SATAROVA,,A.M., tekhn. red. (Technological planning of broworiesandsoft-drink plants]Te- kbnologicheskoe proektirovanie pivovarenzWkh zavodov i tsekbov bezalkogollnykh napitkov. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 243 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Brewing industry) (Soft drinks-Equipment and supplies) ZARUBINI, Vasiliy Andreyovich; NOGILYANSKIY~ IT.K.p doktor tokhn. nm1k, ratuenzant; SHASHILOVA, V.P., inzh., retsenzont; K IOVAIXVSKkYA I.- SOKOIDVA., I.A.., tekhn. red. [Making of fruit and berry wine o) Proi zvodgtvo plodovo- iagodrWkh vin. Moskva, Pishcliepromizdat, 10,62. 105 p (MIRA 1;: 11) (Fruit wines) KOVALEVSKAYA, A.I., red.j XOVALEVSKAYA,A.I.,red.; KISINA,Ye.I., [Air conditioning In the food Industry] Konditsionirovanie vozdukha v pishchevoi promysblennosti. MoakVaq Pishcheprom- izdat, 1963. 457 p. (MRA 16:7) (Food industry,--Air conditioning) VESELOV, Ivan Yakovlevich, prof.; CHUMASOVA, Mariya Alekseyevna, inzh.; OSTAFETS, N.A., retsenzent; ASLANOV, A.Ye., retsenzent; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.I., red.; KISINA, Ye.i., tekhn. red. [Beer technology] Teklinologiia piva. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva., Pishchepromizdat, 1963. 450 P, (MIRA 17:1) MOROZOV, Illya Sergeyevich; RZHEKIIIII, V.P.~ rctn~mzolty- i 0 .F.~ npets. red.; HOVAUV,EAIJ!. red. I [Corn oil] Kukuruznoe maslo. Noskva, Izd-vo "Pi-shchevada promyshlennostl," 10,64. 93 P. (MIU 17!5) GOLANT, Boris Yakovlevich; KOVALIEVSHYA, A.I.p red. [Em-Ichment of food Products with proteinn of vegetable origin with a high content of amino acids] Obogashchenie pishchevu,kh produktov proteinami rastitellnogo proiskho- zhdeniia o vysokim soderzhanierr. nezamenimykh aminokis?, '. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pishchevaia promyshlennost'," 1964. 1/6 P. (MIRA 17:6) GBZBURG, Abram Solomonovich.. prof.; MIKHEYEVA, Natallya Semenovna; BABIYEV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; SYROYEDOV, Viktor ludovich; GRACHEV, Yuriy Pavlovich; ZHURAVLEV, Vyacheslav Fedorovich; DASI]EVSKIY, V.I.; FEDOROV, N.Ye., prof*, retsenzent; MEGIN) P.V., dots., retsenzent; GORBATOV, A.V., dots., ret,.Bnzent-, ROGOV, I.A.., dots., retsenzent; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.I.. red. (Processes and apparatus of the food industry; practical laboratory work) Protsessy i Fipparaty pishchevykh proiz- vodstv; laboratornyi praktikiix.[Byl A.S.Ginzburg i dr. Moskva, Pishchevaia promyshlen~ostl, 1964. 270 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy prornyshlennosti, kafedra protsessov i apparatov (for Fedorov, Rogov, Gorbatov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy takhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Seregin). BURSIAN, Vladimir Houlanov.-k-lij kand. teklm. naukp A.A., kand, teklm. nauk, retsenzent; KOULEVS-1,CA, A.I., red. [Pnematic conveying in the enterpriser, of tho food- industry] Pnevii:aticheskil trtinspart na prodpri-Lati1a]-1h pishchevoi prix-.-yshlenno5ti. I:,,d.2.p Ispr. i dop. Mc skvap Finhohe-aila prowl shlennost? , 1961". 274 1). (MIRA 13:2), TREGUBOV, Niko!a-~ Nikolayevicb; JJ'ya T.-atikovich; borJ,,3 Kc.,nqtant,nr;v-Jch; Gh"A~~NOV) I'likhail Milbailovichl lCqAVCffLNI'(,, InA., re-tvenz,::nt; M.Ye., inzli.j, retsenzent; SINELINIKOV, I.D., spets. red.; KOVALINSKAYA, A.I., red. [Dasign and plarning of the enterprises of the starch and molasses industry) Ilroektirovanle predpriiatii krakEmalc-pa-tochnoi promyshlernosti. Moskva, Fisbcha- vaia promysblennost', 1964. 314 p. WIRA 180.) BEZZUBOV$ Aleksety Dmitriyevich; GARLINSKAYA, Yavgeniya Illicl=,, FRIDMANO Viktor Mironovich; KOINOVALOV, Ye.G., profs) Dpats, red.; KOVALEVSWA~ A.Lp red, [Ultrasonics and its use in the food industry] Ultrazwk i ego primenenle v pishchevol promyshlonnosti. lzd.2., dop, i parer, Moskyap Pishchevaim prou7shlennost', 1964. 195 P. (MIRA 18:3) STEPANOV-, Ivan kleksandrovlch; GALAM, SJIVOP~ Ya.:,,'., spets. red.; KOVALEVSRAIJA. A.I., [Continuous Lines fcr bottllll-ng and Z,:~.aling 1-1quid foods and beverages] (0 .1 - A - toohr.VTe ilkiiporki pishchevykh h t -~te- -cskva . Fl~h-:,,'-vala 3965~ 316 P. SHULIMAN, M.S.; KOVAIZVSKAYA, A.I., red.; KISINA, Ye.I., (Mechanical formation of starch sizes] Mekhanicheskaia kleipterizatsiia krakhmala. Moskvao Pishchepromi-zdat, 1961. 148 P. (Moscow. TSentralinyi nauchno-issledovatePskii insti- tut spirtovoi i likarovodochnoi promyshlonnosti.,.Trudy, no.10) (MIRA 14:7) (Starch) OLIDEKOP, Yu,A.; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.M.; SHKLYAR, S.A. Thermal reactions of carbon tetrachloride and bromotrichloro- methane with organic acids. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.9-1540-1544 s l65. (MIRA IS-.12) 1. Institut fiziko-organicheakoy khimii AN Belorusskoy SSR i Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat Imeni V.I. Lenina. Submitted November 23P 1964# KOVATXYSKAYA, A.N.; KOHMMYA, 1.S.; SRMRYAKOV, V.A., direktor. Effectiveness of vaceinotherapy of bacterial dysentery in children. Vop.pediat. 21 no.4:17-16 JI-Ag '53. (KLFA 6:10) 1 1. Tadahikokiy inatitut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (Dysentery) (Vaccination) K.OVAIEVSKAYA, A. No FD 12 9 USSR/Medicine - Dysentery Card 1/1 Author : Kovalg'vskaya, A. N. Title : Experimental treatment of children who excrete dysentery bacteria ucing Chernokhvostov's alcohol dysentery vaccine Periodical : Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 4, 36-39, Apr 1954 Abstract : The results of treating 60 children, who were living in a children's hove and were known to be suffering from chronic dysentery, with C12ernokh-,ro- stov's alcohol dysentery vaccine, the effects of giardiasis on this treatment, and the ability of the vaccine to stop the elimination of bac- teria are reported. The number and types of dysentery strains examined during the period of treatment and subsequent observation are also discussed. No references are cited. Institution : Tadzhik Institute Of Epidemiology, 141 crobiology, and Hygiene (Director - L. S. Koretskaya) Submitted : April 18, 1953 KOVAIRVSKAU, A.N. Observations on the process of excretion of ShiCells. dysenteriae in a closed Institution. Shar. a1krobiol., epidem. I 4yaman. 27 no.3*-13-19 Nr' 56,. (KLU 9--7) 1. Is Tafthikekogo instituts, spideniologli. mWobiologii I giglysmy. (DMMNMY , BACIIJARY7 In infant and child. duration of bact. carriage & claself. of excreted strains (RUB)) Y,OV A I, ~.TYAY A, A. N., (~am I .",ed ,ci dii5s) 11 Ubservat I nns of tile Drocess of -sepmmtTmu of dyseritery bacilli ills titution. it of rhildren in a e~f~~ c6dId enls,, Krasnrdar, "Soviet Kuban", 19~?E, 16 pp (~,in Of Healtri R.JFJR. Kuban' Otate ;,.ed inst im Red Arr..-Iy) 200 co! ics (KL, 23-58, 111-2) - 135 - COTJIIIII-T~l USSR CATEGOIrl Mi crobiology ABS. JOUI-... Ref ",hux-Biologiyul, No..4, 1959, ITO. .14848 AUTIFIOR Koretskayu, L.0j. ; Knviil INST. 'IITLE Scmietliing New in the --,ti.olo,-,,7 of kCUte Tntesti- nal Disorder. OITIG. PJE', 1958, No.2, 10-13 ABSTMOT No abstract CATM: 1/1 XORETSKAYA, Food toxinfection caused by Berotype o26:.B6 of Escherichia coli; nuthorls Abstrnet. Zhiir.mikrobiol.epid. i Immun. 29 no.4:58 Ao 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Stalinnbadekogo instituta e,)idemiologii i gigiyeq. (ESCROICHIA COLI. infections, 026:B6 causing food-Dois. (Rus) (FOOD POISONING, case reports, B. coli 026:B6 (Rue) KOVALICVSUU, A.M. Draluation of a method for the acceleration of bacteriological diagnosis of dysentery by means of agar treated with glycerines Lab.delo 5 no.6:40 W--D 159. (NIRA 13:3) (DYSWrXRY-:BAGTXRIG"IY) (AGAR) KOUTSKAYA,, L.S.; KOVALEVSKAYAP A,N*; LEVINA, G.7e.; LITVINEIqKO, R-M. E the 9 KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L. Selee-t-lo`n~oFSI'higslla dysenterias strains for vaccines and simple metho& of their preservation. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid. i immwa. no-7: 19-24 J1 '55. (MIRA 8:9) 1. Is Moskovskogo instituts opidemiologii, likrobiologil i gigiyazq dir. M.G. Kasbtanova, nauehW rukovoditell--prof. V. A. Cherno- khvostov) (SHIGELIA, dysenteriae, for vaccines, selection of strains & pro- serv.) (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, dysenter7 vaccine, selection of straino of Shigella for vaccines & preservation) K,DvRLEVSKAY~, I.L. USSR/Medicine Immunology Card 1/1 Pub. 148-2/24 FD-3306 Author Kovelevskaya, I. L. Title On the agar method of infecting animals in studying the immunogenicity of vaccines Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. 10, 12-18 Oct 1955 Abstract In experiments with Flexner dysentery and typhoid microorganisms, it was determined that these microorganisms multiplied for extended pe- riods of time when injected intraperitoneally into white mice in a 0.4 percent misture of semiliquid agar. The agar did not suppress the elaboration of antibodies. Much smaller doses of microorganisms can be used if an agar mixture is employed rather than an alcohol solution. The results of the experiments are presented on 4 charts and 1 table. No references are cited. Institution : Moscow Ins -titute of Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Hygiene (Director- M. G. Keshtanove; Scientific Director - Prof. V. A. Chernokhvostov) Submitted : April 8, 1955 Ue t 7 , t A 'C-SSR / Microb ology icrobes Pathogenic to HLunans r, -4 and Animals Abs Jour: 'Referat. Zh. Biol., No. -1, 1958, 743 Author : Kovalevskaya, I.L., Morozova, E.S. Title : Experimental Study of New Techniques In Preparing Alcoholic Vaccines Against lnt=.~stinal Infections. Communication 1. The Study of Alcoholic Vaccines from Flexner and Sonne Broth Cultures. Orig Pub: Materialy po obmenu opytom. G. upr. in-tov vaktsin I syvorotok M-va zdravookhr. SSSR, 1956, 2/52, 13l-i44 Abstract: No abstract. C ard 1/1 USSR/Microbioloa - Microorganisms PathoL;cnic to Hil ns and F-4 Animls. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol... No 10, 1958, 43294 Author Morozova, E.S., Kovalevsknya -I.L. Inst Title Pai Experimental Study of a Now Technique in Preparing ILIcoholie Vaccines for Intestinal Infections. Report 2. A Study of Alcoholic Vaccines from Broth Cultures of Typhoid Fever and Paratyphus Microorganisms. Orig Pub Materialy po, obnenu opyton Glo upr. in-tov vaktsin in syvo- rotok M-va Zdravookhr. SSSR., 1956, 2-52, 1-45-1-55. Abstract Part 1-- see Hsf Zhur Biol., 1958, 743. Card 1/1 KOVALEVSKAYA v I.L.- --------- Ten years of experience with the alcoholic dysentery vaccine. Zhur. mikrobiole epid. 1 iumun. 31 no. 4:107-223 Ap 60. ~MMA 13:10) 1, Iz Moskovskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (DYSEITTERY) C~ERNOKWOSTOVA,, Ye.V.; NIKITINA, V.D.; KOVALEVSKAYA, LL.; KHOLGHEV, N.V. Properdin system and its role in infection and inounity. Part, 3: Modified serological metbod for properdin titration. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i i=m. 31 no.11:53-58 N 160. (MIRA-14:6) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta epideiaiolgoii., mikrobiologii i gigiyeny; (PROPERDIN) KGVALEVSKAYA, I.L. -; MOROZOVA, Ye.S. Dry vaccines from the microbes of dysentery., typhoid fever and paratyphoid B. Trudy IEM no.7:110-221160. (baRA,16:8) (VACCINES) (SALMONELLA) (SHIGELIA) BLANKOV, B.I.; KOVALF.VSKAYA, I.L.; SHCHEGLOVA, Ye.S. Lyopbilization of alcohol dysenteric and typho-paratyphoid *q4ms. Trudy IEM 40-71M-135160. (MIRA 16-.8) 1: .~ (VAG 0 DM ) (1,YOPHMIZkTION) KOVAIEVSRI~ , ~I.L.; KURNOSM, N.A.; SHGHEGWVA, Ye.S.; SJUPOVA, Ye.P. Immunological changes in children vaccinatod with a dry alcoholic typhoid-paratyphoid B divaccine. Zhur, mikrobiol.1, opid. i immn. 33 no.L46-50 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiYany. (VACCINES) (TYPHOID FEWER-PITEWENTIVE ITIOCUIATION) (FAATYPHOID 111SY ) KOVALEVSKAYA I.L,- EPSHTEYI,~-LITVAKP R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-HAVIKOVICH, Ye.M.; N.A.; SHCHEGLOVA, Ye.S.; FEDINAND, Ya.M.; 191011K, S.R.; MAMILINOVSKIY, L.P.; PETROVA, S.S.; GOLUBOVA, YeJo.; GONCIIAROVA, Z.I.) SAIMAMEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA., V.P.; Prinimall uchastiye: MEDYUKRA, G.A.; OSOKINA, L.A.; RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSEVA, 0.1.,- DEDUSENhO. A.1.; KOVALEVA, F.S.; KARASIIEVICII, V.P.; 1-HEBOTAREVICH, N.D.; CHIGIRI, T.R.; ShULtSMA, S.D.; KECHETZHIYEV, B.A.; DEMINA, A.S.; ZUS;14PJI, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.I.; SYSOYEVA, Z.A.; ZINOVIYEVA) I.S.; FAL~CHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFELEVA., R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LYANTSMATI, S. G, Reactivity and imirunological and epidemiological effectiveness of alcoholic typhoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:72-77 Jl 262. (14IRA 17: 1) 1. Iz Mloskovskogo, Rostovskogo, Omskogo institutov epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii, Stavropol'skogo instituta vaktain i syvorotok i Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemiolo-ii i mikrobiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropol2skiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok (for Sysoyeva). 4. Kuybyshevski7 institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Zinovoyeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno--epidemiolo- gicheskaya stantalya (for Lyantsman). FEMINANDI,Ya.M.; MARWLB*,, LoA.; BRAYNINA, R.A.; DMITRIYEVA- RAVIKOVICH, KOVALMKAY#j I.L.; MYASNENKO, A.M.; IVPIIOVA, L.M.; T -Z,-CY.~;-~'MARISOVA, A.P.; KOVALEVA, N. S. Methodology of studying the epidemiological effectiveness of intestinal vaccines. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immin. 33 no.lltlT-22 N 162. (MIRA 17.- 1) 1. Iz Rostovskogo i Mbskovskogo institutov epidemiologii Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya RSFSR i Moskovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-apidemiologichaskoy stantsii. BRAYNINA, R.A.; MARGULIS, L.A.; KOVALMKAYA I.L.; MITEREVA, V.G.; FERDINAND, Ya.M.; PUTRIN N.G.; PAVLENKO--T.-P.-;~UHKINA, V.A.; UDAVICHOKO, V.Ya.; $ P KOBYZEVA, O.V. Epidemiologicaleffectiveness of dried alcoholic divaccine, enriched and nonenriched with Vi-antigens in school-age children and of Vi- antigens in pr-eschool-age children in a typhoid fever out1break. Zhur. mikrobiol.,epid.i immn. 40 no.12:18-22 D 163. (MIRA 17t:L2) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. FERDINAND, Ya.M..(Rostov-na-Donu); Prinimali uchastiye: MARISOVAp A.P.; BRAYNINA, R.A.; MARGULIS, L.A. t WASNENKO, A.M.; 1~~_,-,TELESHEVMYA E.A.1 SG*LEVAp S.V.; KALININA, K.L, I P P XdVALEVA, N.S.; IVANOVA, M.~.fARENDER, B.A.; KUCFERENKO, R.A.; MANATSKOVA, K.S.; OIZYNIKOVA, L.T,; KIBARDINA,,Yu.A.; GRIGORIYEVA., K.S.; SEMENIKHINA, L.G.; CHERNYKH E.I.; DOROFEYEVA, V.M.,- SHEVCHENKO, Ye.N.-, ABRAMOVA, O.K.; SKULISKAYA, S.D.; PETROVA, Z.Iq MAKHLINOVSKIY, L.I.; KUZIMINA, A.I.; ALITMANY R.Sh.;- MARDERER, R.G,; YENGALYCHEVSKAYA, L.N.; CHIRKOVA, M..N.; TERESHCHENKO, N.I.; SHELKOVNIKOVA, M.A.; PROKOPENKO, V.V.; BEKLE~tSHEVk.. Ye.%.; BARANOVA, T9V* J, Effectiveness of specific prophylaxis with alcohol divaccine against typhoid and paratyphoid B fever in school-age children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 41 no.lr23-27 Ja 164. (MIRA 18:2) BRLYNIKA, R.A.; KAMMLIS, L.A.; KOVALEVSKAYA.. I.Lw; CRERNYSHEVA, N.AO; PUTRIN, N.G. Specific prevention ef typhoid fever in ateas vith increased morbidity. Zhur. mikrobiol.j, epid. i immun. 42 no.7,.65-68 .Tl 165- (MIRA 18.1-1) 1. Moskovokiy- Instil-ut epidevialogii. i mikrobiologil i Ministerstvo Wravookhrananiya Kabardino-Balkarokoy ASSR. KOVALEVSKffA, I.Ya. ""00 ogy of flowering and fruiting of tomatoes under conditions prevailing in the soutb. Uch.zap.KHGU 46;121-133 '53- (WRA 11:11) 1. Xafeara darvinizma i genetiki Kharlkovokogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.' (Tomatoes) (Fertilization of plants) (Crops and climate) KALININ, A.; KOVALEVSKAYA, L. Rotation of Crops Adopting grass and field crop rotation. Kolk, proizv.t 12, No. 1, 1952. Y;onthl-- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. KDVALEVSKATA, L.A. ~ , Power dynamics of a moving fish. Trudy HGI 7:161-165 156. (F5.ohes) (Fluid mechanics) (KI.RA 9: 9) SOV/124-58-1-1237 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 154 (USSR) AUTHORS: Edell, Yu. U. , Kovalevskaya, M. A,- T IT LE: Vibration Tests of a Pelton-wheel Runner (Vibratsionnyye ispytaniya rabochego kolesa kovshevoy turbiny) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Gidroturbostroyeniye. Nr 4. Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 254-258 ABSTRACT: Natural vibrations of a bucket were generated by means of the impact of a 1-kg hammer upon one of the longitudinal ribs on the back side of the bucket in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the runner. From the r6sum6 Card 1/1 ARONSON, A.Ya., kand. tekhn. naukl KOVALMD, V.A., Inzh.; MMI-111,1SMAYA, Study of the vibration of the runner of a of Uhn I 'Brat,.3k Ilydroo3ectric Power Stqtion. [Trudyl LIC lic.1r)! 161-168 164. (147iifi 1802) -KOVAIZfSKAYA, M.F. (Kovalevslka,, M.F.) I....I Foliar feeding of annual flowering plants. Visnyk Bote sada AN URSR no. 2:66-70 160. (MIRA 14,4) (Floriculture) ,-.--KOVALEVSKAYA, M.F. [Kovalevalka, M.F.] Investigating cultivation practices for preventing the premature wilting of gladioluses. Trudy Bot. oada AN URSR 7:53-58 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Gladiolus) EDVALEVSKAYA, M.M.; KULIMAN, R.K.; BABE=, M-S- Methods for determining yields Df products from the carbonisation of coal. Koks i khim. no.1:43-46 161s.. WFA 14:1) 1. Stalinskiy kokookhimicheskiy zavod. (Goke industry-By-products) MMOSHNICHENKO A.M.; S11TROMBEW3, B.I.; KRIVOKUIV, Yu.G.j SHINKAREVA, T.V.; DRUY., &N.; DVUZHILINAYA., N.M.; GUTMAN,, L.M.; KULIM&N., R.K.; KOVALEVSKAY-A., *04. Coking oZ a charge contain 40% gas coals and blast-furnace smelting with coke obtainedby thisi,meth6d. Koks i khim. no.2-20-24 163, (MLRA 16:2) 1. Llkrqknskiy uglakidmicheakiy institut (for Fdroahnichenko, Shtromberg, KrivokoAl., Shinkareva, Druy), 2. Donetakiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ugolinyy institat.(for DvuzhilInaya). 3. Donetskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Gutnian, Kullman, Kovalevskay4). (Coke-) (Metallurgical furnaces) KUZ TNENKOV, A.R.; Kff-AjZVSU7A,-A.M. Work of the Central Coal and Coke Laboratory iii the Donetsk Coke and Coal Chemicals Plant purfor-nied durl nC IcII(Q. ~ok,3 i khim. no. 10:58 162. (miRA 16:9) 1. Donetskiy koIsokhin'Lchx,,M~r zavod. industry) Country : USSR M Cate6ory: Cultivated Plants. Fodders. Abs Jour: RZhr-iol., No 11, 1958, No 48995 Author : Ruchunov, P.V.; NOvalevsLaya, N.I. Inst :Ukrainian Inst. 6-f--Pla-R-raltivfttl~mi, Selection and Genetics. Title :Sudan Grass and Sorahun-Sudan Grass Hybrid With Ii-rigation Orig Pub: Nauka i peredov. OpYt v s. kh., 1957, No 7, 34 Abstract: Ukrainian institute of Plant Growing, &Acction and of Genet-.Ics tried Sudan gmss and Soromn-Sudan Grass hybrid 110. 5 in 1955 and in 1956 near Mierson. Hybrid Nc. 5 was obtained by crossing Sud-ni gmes No. 876 with su&r-r sorghum Ranniy yantar'. In both Card 1/2 M-91 years 3 novincs and afteninth wei-c secured each year. The averap yield of the green bul% of Sudan grass for two years with 3 nowiiic;o a year was 746 cwt/ha. The averange hay yield was 172 cwt/ha. The average yield of hybrid 110. 5 - 810 awt/ha. of L;rcon bull: or 3.95 cwt/ha. of hay. -- N.1. Popova Card 2/2 USSR / General BioloLW. Genetics. Plant Cranctics. B-3 Abs Jour Mf Zhur - Biol., 14o 14, 1958, Ilo 61944 Authors Kuchunov, P. Vi; Kovalevskaya, 11. 1. Inst University of Title Directed R:nising of Spring Wheat Itbrides Orig Pub V. sb.: Vopr. ractodiki solektsii pshenitsy i kW,,urusy, Kharlkov. Un-t, 1957, 63-71 Abstract Experinents were carried out on raising hybrides of hard- chall~:d and bearded wheat in rich and poor conditions. As rl wheat was raised in rich conditions, traits of hard-shol- led whc:at (wider, unbending ears) were prodominctnt, whorolos whea it was raised in poor conditions, bearded wheat charac- toristics prevailed (narrow, hre-n1aable ears). In F2, libora- tien of parent varieties was c1ccrly noticeable. Here, 78.4 percent of nuw wheat balongcd to the hard-ahellad wheat variety type, if conditions we-ra favorable. Yet, if raisinr, Cord 1/2 KLYCffoMDV, P.P.: IGYALEVSKATA, N.I. [Kovalevalka, N.I.]; SOLOMAM, M.N. [Solomokbe, M-.M-.T-- Works on the selection of sorghum and Sudan grass hybrids. Trudy Innt. gen. i sol..AN URSR 5:3-10 158 (MIRA l1-.9) (Sorghum) (Sudan.grass) KOVAIZVSKATA, R.I., zas3.yzhennyY vrach Takutskoy ASSR. Treating pneumonia in hypotrophic children no illuntrnted by material from the pediatric section of n republic hospital in 19570' Vop,"okh. mat. i det- 3 no.6:66-69 IT-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Is Takutskoy reepublikangkoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach G,A,' Bezhaev). (PNEUMONIA) - T ~77c', ri in n-: f, 4- -un 77 a 1, 'l,r! T" re c 4n 71 USSR / Farra Animals. Wild Animals. Q-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No ~0., 1958., No 45270 Author 40Q~~~~ Inst Not given Title The Effect of Different Diets on the Development of The Growing Blue Foxes. Orig Pub Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo., 1957, No. 2, 30-34. Abstract It was found-that the reduction of meat and fish feeds to 48% of the total caloricity of the rations, i.e. by 20% in relation to the accepted standards., if the meat and fish components of the rations were predominantly fresh., was not impairing the fur quality of Arctic foxes. The reduction of the total caloric value of the rations by 20%, as corip- ared with the accepted standards, was inhibiting the growth of whelps and had an adverse effect on the quality of their furs. The increase of the caloricity of the ration at the Card 1/2 38 USSR/Farm Animals - Fur ;mindls Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 11c) 15, 1953, 69392 Author Kovalevskaya, NX. Inst Scientific Reseatch Ingtitute of AGriculture of the Extrei,.ie North Title Feeding of Arctic Foxes with Jerked Sen! Flesh Orig Pub Byul. nauchno-tekhn. infori:i. N.-i. in-t s. kh. Krayn. Severa, 1957, 110 3, 12-14 Abstract The feeding of fresh seal flesh to carnivoro-cis fur anin,als in the Extreme North is possible but during a short period. It is therefore recorm-.iended to feed it in a Jerked firm. Card 1/1 of -------- ----- ----- 1411 of I 5,1 1 1 1. .1 11 .1 1 1 "! U 0 411~441 disto we A!Ols - 06 Os a it v a is 4 v a 0 a 41 a a a *0 -4ba-bAum" of utwus as the stnittwo "I = fwMallea of suspla" W ad N, P, K~=- p R ) 6OF1 6 a (U . . . . -A ouvesubuti of red earth was deranicti and cvs;xf. to a shmpy comdativacy an the veto folk and thied at fimm, tcstW. Arhrr grindisig ddWte p(ttkism wvtv 00i in water and The thbotrapic ptopnt" detd. With &0-114% of suspendni material ltelfing took place. An inctrase in acidity imizowd the ompistitak of the 04Dj ~uslwnqum, A trinp. inctcsw watt ON" cutultu ive to cu- 00 00 1 00 mr~ 10 - I L A UTALLlISSICAL LOORATUOR (LAIMPICAMN -k0 09 00 -00 -00 -00 8#0 see age go* 000 Ire -Soo 1100 we* fee i0 u a At me III; IM a 0 9 1 IF 0 9 a a 11 1 1 OT"011 0 'Or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4110, o 0 0 41 : : : 6 : : 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 *:::::10*0 0*0000 ***too.* eled so 00.0 a 0000000 00 004 0 000 004 of 00 so ;!-00 .00 .60 a** .-Coo .46 410 0 QOO do* #00 No* too 400 Col-, 40%, -16(116M -GIj FIA =I b Wmmd bY NBCI > jn"XBr~ JU app--- d ab-1, at vatlabk smekMed by N&CI br N&9Rww> NoW wA by I/sMgCIs c# Adlp'm wt t)b > MCI, 71* im LA NETALLWCAL L"INATIM CLASSOXATOP I is 004 :0*0: 000000~:4*1:::.00..0040000*roooooooo*oo00000 UPI - Noon oo L I v w 0 14 a 1 -3 41 a 3 1 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U0 0 too f 4, IIIIIIA11114 011 it 4. P u is It If III V 4( lu t 66 A, I A-1 A L A- P--- 9 x 1-1- i cze 00 -00 Tho Influtuce of gma "d an thO Ph*cmb0m(c&l PIGP' .00 or"** of chipip"Ist 846nettic WUS 1" ~ i Ilia II. Pixidofy it,. S. .4. R.) im. Nil Wlr. 00 XM.-Thr exchangrable CA, Nig at,d N;i in ~nk vkht0i 0 ."Ir in eta" for IV". if 1"-'.3 and 4 Y11. ate IVIXIrtril I 'nit, eff"t If thr W.1 on thriscregAO"ll i.M., given. 0 j . J 00 Zia 0 d: Z. it' %I V1 A roe: it m #4 111 a It lil IT it It 0 00 0 : :10 0 I% ,.Ant %vw o la La : : : 0 s 9~ KOVALEVSKAYA,-N. P. Novalevskaya, N. P. - "Peat and peat-manure mixtures and their intrcduction into the soil," In symposium: Torf v nar. khoz-ve Belorus. SSR, Minsk, 1948, p. 174-95 So: U-3566, 15 !'larch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, INo. 1-3, 1949) KOVALEVSKAYA,, N.P. Plowing. 7emledelfe 26 no.8:36-37 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Glavnyy agronc,-m Pavlovskogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniva, Krasnodarskogo kraim. KOVAL"I'VSKAYA, N. S. "An Investigation of the. Calorific Properties of Aqueous Salt Solutions." Cand Tech Sci, 1,10scow Order of Leenin Power EnFineering Inst imeni V. '-'. Molotov, 24 L~-c 54. Mr, 11F Dfl~c 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at US--~! Iligher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KOVALEVSKAYAl N. V. ... I -- -- -- -'- ~ - - - -- I - ~ Haterial.9 on the embryon-le and postembryonic daveloment of flying fishes of the gorms &.0coetus (Pisces, TEx0coatidae). Trudy Inst. okea-i. '73.-204-223 264. (Y-IRA 17.6) US, kx-iL~~ KOVALISKAYA, Hatallyn Yakovlevna; GADZHI-:1,ADE, Abduragim Hamediyaevich; MMOLIN.Ya.A,.. redaktor; KOSHELEYA,S.M. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Baku; a sketch of its economy and geography] Baku; ekonomiko- geograficheskii ocherk. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1955- 76 P. (MLRA 9..l) (Baku) KOVALVSKATA, P.Ta. , ~ ", ,2,10". 11~ problem of "absorbing" vegetative bybridization of annual seed '0~ plants. Ucbo.W,,KHGU 46J512f~, 1 53* (KIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra darvitiftma i genetiki KharIkovskogo gosudarztvennogo universiteta. (GraftiDg) (Nigbtahads) SOV/79-29-2-7/71 AUTHORS: Temnikova, T. 1-,.~ovalevs Sklyarova, V. V. ~AAyAj_R. Matveyenkova, N. I, , TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Cyclic Acetals of Oxy.-carbonyl Compounds (Issledovaniye v oblasti tsiklicheskikh atsetaley oksikarbonillnykh soyedineniy). IX. Ethyl Lactolides and Di- ethyl Ketals of Ethyl-benzoyl Carbinol and Propyl-benzoyl Carbinol (M Etillaktolidy i dietilketali etilbenzoilkarbinola i propilbenzoilkarbinola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 2, PP 381-386 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigation been hitherto Temniko-~r and present paper of the secondary benzoyl carbinol the reaction sion of sodium curred: of ethyl lactolides of the a-keto alcohols has very scarce, Following up earlier papers by collaborators, as well as of other chemists, the describes the synthesis of two new ethyl lactolides aliphatic-aromatic a-keto alcohols, ethyl- and propyl-benzoyl carbinol, On carrying out in the usual way, i.e. by the action of a suspen- ethylate in absolute ether, resinification oc- Card 1/3 SOV/79-29-2-7/71 Inveatigation in the Field of Cyclic Acetals of Oxy-earbonyl Compounds. IX.. Ethyl Lactolides and Diethyl Ketals of Ethyl-benzoyl Carb.4nol and Propyl- benzoyl Carbinol C H,;ONa 1-101-1 C H C--CHBz--R 2 C 11,; - . C&A-R, wbere R=C H 6 5-11 6 3 1 2 5 0 6c 2H5 (n) or 'U.3H7 Both ethyl. lactolides (yield 10-15~) are very unstable and im- mediately yield ethyl-benzoy'L carbinol with water in an alkaline medium, On the action of sodium ethylate upon the same bromo- ketcnes in absolute alcohol,Te5inification is insign'.1ficant; still, only with a-bromo-butyl-phenyl ketone the separation of the corresponding lactolide (II,R=C 3H7) was successful, On stand- ing, however, either diethyl ketals of the correspond,_ng a--keto alcohols (III) or further transformation products are formed, Thus, on the action of sodium ethylate on a-bromo-propyl-Dhenyl ketone not diethyl ketal is formed but a lactolide of ethyl- benzoyl carbinol (IV,R-C2H 5). Diethyl ketals (III,R=C2H5 oil Card 2,13 n.-C3 H7) are obtained at low temperature only. In analytically SOY/79-29-2-7/71 Investigation in the Field of Cyclic Acetala of Oxy-oarbonyl Compounds. IX. Ethyl. Lactolides and Diethyl Ketals of Ethyl-benzoyl Carbinol and Propyl- benzoyl Carbinol pure state only diethyl ketal of ethyl-benzoyl carbinol was ob- tained, which is lik 'ewise very unstable, Ethyl lactolides are much more unstable than methyl lactolides of the same keto alcohols. On the action of ZnCl 2 on the ethyl lactolide of propyl-benzoyl carbinol, a dimerization takeo place in the cyclodiethyl dilactolide. There are 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: December 31, 1958 Card 3/3 167 1? PC 67919 SOV/20-129-5-29/64 AUTHORS: Tinyakova, Ye. I., Dolg2plosk, B. A., Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Zhuravleva, T. G., Kovalevskaya, N., Kuren'gina, T. N. TITLE: PolymerizationA of Dienes Cobalt Oxides and Diethyl the Structure of Polymers and Olefins Under the Action of Aluminum Halides, and a Study of PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 5, pp 1068 - 1070 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The authors supply data concerning the polymerization of dieneat butadienelisoprene lpentadiene-1-3, and 2-.~-di- methyl butadiene-1-3, as well as olefinB: a-butene;jsjyj~ene and a-methyl styrene in the presence of cobalt oxides (C020 3-C03041 Ref 6), and diethyl aluminum chloride or d~.- ethyl aluminum bromide. The catalyst contained either 71-73% or 6.7% of Co. The latter content refers to cobalt oxide on aluminosilicate. Polymerization was carried out between 0 and 4'O0 in different ratios between cobalt oxide and di- Card 1/4 ethyl aluminum halide (concentration 0-5-2-5 of weight per 67919 Polymerization of Dienes and Olefins Under the SOV/20-129-5-2Q,/64 Action of Cobalt Oxides and Diethyl Aluminum Halides, and a Study of the structure of Polymers cent referred to the monomer). Oxygen and humidity were kept off. In the polymers produced the content of 1-2-, 3-4- and 1-4-cis- and trans-members was determined by IR- spectroscopic measurement (spectra 'Waken by N. V. Mikhaylo- va). The unsaturation was determined on the basis of the reaction with iodine chloride (Ref 7). The vitrification temperature was determined according to A. 1. Marey (Ref 8). Table 1 gives the results along with the molecular weight. Under mentioned conditions butadiene is rapidly polymerized already at 00. Cobalt oxide on aluminosilicate retards poly- merization to some extent. The polymers obtained exhibit a degree of unsaturation which is 97.5-99% of theory. This points to the absence of secondary reactions with the double bonds of the polymer. Butadiene polymers have a fairly regular microstructure. On cobalt oxide without carrier the amount of the 1-2-members was 5-8%, the total amount of the 1-4-members was 95-92%, with the most part being Card 2/4 in the 1-4-cia-position. By the use of cobalt oxide on 67919 Polymerization of Dienee and Olefins Under the SOV/20-129-5-29/64 Action of Cobalt Oxides and.Diethyl Aluminum Halides, and a Study of the Structure of Polymers aluminosilicate, the amount of the 1-2-members in the chain rises. Due to the high content of 1-4-members this polybuts- diene has a low vitrification temperature (down to -1150)- Isoprene is polymerized more slowly and at higher temperatures (at about 400) as compared to butadiene. Here too, the process runs more slowly with the use of aluminosilicate as carrier. It may be observed from table 1 that both the microstructure of polyisoprene and the vitrification.'temper- ature are not changed appreciably by the concentration of the aluminum-organic compound nor by the ratio between co- balt oxide and aluminum diethyl halide. Fairly larae amounts (17-18%) of isopropenyl side-groups increase the vitrifica- tion temperature of the polymer considerably. The total con- tent of 1-4-members is about 80%1 their major part is in the trans-position. A further strong retardation of poly'meri- zation takes place in the transition to higher dienes. a- butene is not quickly polyEterized at room temperature and does form no more than a caoutchouo-like substance, Neither styrene Card 3/4 nor a-methyl styrene are polymerized by the procedure de- 67919 Polymerization of Dienes and Olefins Under the SOV/20-1'29-5-29/64 Iction of Cobalt Oxides and Diethyl Aluminum Halidesp and a Study of the Structure of Polymers scribed. Finally the authors state that no gaseous hydro- carbon products are formed in the interaction between co- balt oxides and an aluminum-organic compound at 0 to 800. There are 1 table and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. 41 ASSOCIATION: Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 5, 1959 Card 4/4 68164 AUTHORS: Tinyakova, Ye. I., DRLE2plosk3__B~ A, SOV/20-1 29-6-301169 Corresponding Me;ber, AS USSR, Kovalevskaya, R. N., Zhuravleva, T. G, TITLE: Polymerizationland Copolymerization of Dienes and Olefines on a Chromium Oxide Catalyst PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1059, Vol 129, Nr 6, pp !306 - 11308 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors Tinyakova and Dolgoplnsk) proved in a previous paper (Ref 1~ that polymerization of butadiene and iso-orenn on a chromium oxide catalyst yields crystalline polymers contain- ing only 1 - 4 links in trans position in the chain, Polymers of pentadiene-1 - 3'lof a-butene, as well as a copolymer of dienes and olefines which are formed by polymerization on the above catalyst are described in the paper under reviews Polymeri- zation and copolymerization were carried out under conditions equal to those of the previous experiments (Ref 1), Contrary .o butadiene7and.isoprene,,/Pen'tadiene-1 - 3 yields an' amorphous ~-o-lymei, soluble in benzene, specific weight = M01, Its vit-ri- Card 113 fication temperature is -600, its unsaturatien 0.7cp' of the 68164 Polymerization and Copolymerization of Dienes and SOV/20-129-6-3o/69 Olefines on a Chromium Oxide Catalyst theoretical value. Fragments connected in position 3-4 are miss- ing in its ohain. Most of the 1 - 4 links are deposited in a trans position. On a chromium oxide catalyst, a-butene yields a crystalline fibrous polymer partially soluble in hot toluene and boiling diethyl ether (about 30'1'fo); its specific weight is 0.96. Figure I shows the dispersion curves of X-rays on poly-a- butene between 20 and 1500. A distinct maximum proves the crye- talline structure of the polymer. A. N~ Andreyeva carried out the radioscopic investigation by means of thTX-~i_iy apparatus Of type URS-50. The crystals melt at about 1400- Modification I 1~1 exists up to 400, modification II between 60 and 1400. Both modifications exist at about 500, In the case of natural rubber and gutta-percha, the vitrification temperature of polymers with cis and trans configurations of the links is practically equal (-710)- Vitrification at -1100 was to be expected ia the case of transpolybutadiene. Table I shows that the polymer loses its exystallizing power due to copolymerization of butadiene or iso- prene with other compounds. The polymer becomes highly elastic. These transformations are due to the destruction of the trans-1 -4 Card 2/3 structure. Amorphous elastic products are formed by copolymeriza- MVALr-,VSKAYA, R, N., KURENGM, T. X., T114YAKOVA, E. I., DOLOOPLOSK, B. A. ami ZMMVLL,'VA,. T.- G. OSSR) Si-atez tsis- i trans-polimerov dienov aad okisnymi katalizatorami i Izuchenie ikh struktury i svoisty The synthesis of cis- and trans-diene polymers on oxide catalysts and a study of their structure and properties IUPAC S 1:13-20 report presented at the Intl. Sym;~osium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Moscow, 14-18 june 6o. E~ A THORS: TI LE: PE.,IODlCAL: S/190/62/004/009/006/014 B101/B144 Kovalevskaya, R.N., Tinyakova, Ye. I., Dolgoplosk, B. A. A study of heterogeneous catalytic systems on the basis of cobalt oxi.des or salts and organoaluminum compounds Vysokoinolekulyarnyye soyodineniya, v.*4, no. 9,'1962, 1338-1344 TEXT: An examination of the polymerization of butadiene or is oprene by catalytic systems consisting, on the one hand, of CoCl 2' CoBr 2' COSOV C04 pn the,other hand, of AI(C 2H5)2C1 or Al(C 2 H5)3 in benzene showed the folloring results: ( 1) The reaction takes place at room temperature. Polybu,tadiene contains up to 90',"0', and polyisoprene up to 65 - 7* cis-1 4 bond Is.' (2) Redox reactions do not occur between (C 2 H5)2 AM on the one hand and CoCl 2' Coo' C03 04 on the other hand. The amount of (C 2 El 5)2 AlCl in the mixture does not change, and gaseous compounds do not form between 20 and 600C. The complex which initiates the catalysis has the,composition COC1 24AlR 2Hal or CoO*.AlR 2Hal. (3) The system (C 2H 5)3 Al + CoO is inactive. Card 1/2 S11901621004100910061014 ,A study of heterogeneous catalytic.... B101/B144 iTh6 system (C 2H5)3Al +cocl2 io active only in so far as diethyl aluminum chloride is'formed. Without monomers, the reacti 'on followed the equation 2Al(Q if ) + COC1 -2Al(C H H nC H where m + n - 2. 12 5 3 2 2 5)2C' 4 Cc + MC2 6 + 2 4' Since' the amount of resulting hydrocarbons is not affected by the solvents gasoiir~;e, cumene, and a-methyl styrene, the reaction of (C H )'Al with 2 5 3 COU12 loco not pass through radical processes. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIA,TION: Institut vysokomolekdlyarnykh ooyedineniy AN SSSR (In8titute o*~High-molecular Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTEDs May 22, 1961 Card 2/2 KOVALEVSKAYA R.N.;- TINMOVA, Ye.l.; DOLGOPLCSX, B.A. Study of heterogeneous catalyst systems based on cobalt oxides and salts., and organoglilminum compounds. Vysokom. soed. 4 no.9:1338-1344 S 162. (MIRA 15'.11) 1. 'Institut vysokomolekuly"nykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. .1 (Polymerization) (Cobalt catalysts) (Aluminum organic compounds) TF T..% - MN!K(7V., FOIVALEVSKAYA, R.N. inte-ectior of metallic derivatives of compounds having a lab.tle hydroger. atom with ~;(- oxyhalidns. Part 7,, Re!-,ction of d-lIpheny.- Iscatonl-rile with 1-broma-2.3~epo~~Y-3-me,.-Ivlbutane and Pplbrrmc.hydrin. Zhur. ob,, khAm. '35 no,r,.798-800 ~~ 165. (WIRA 18;6) TDINIKOVA, T.I.; KOVALMKAYA, R.N. Reaption of 6c-bromodeozybenzoin with Na-cyanoacetic and Na- mothyloyanoacetic esterp, Zhur,org,kbim, 1 no.3:612 Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy univerisitet.