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The Systematology of the Spectra of Prompt CC)v
Neutrons of Fission
monotonously with the increase of the parameter Z 2/A of the
fis8ioning nucleus, i.e. the increase of the excitation
energy of the fiasioning nucleus with increasing Z 2/A manifests
itself not only by an increase of ;p-values, but also by an
increase of the hardness of the speu6rum of fission neutrons.
The variation of the hardness-parameter B in dependence on
excitation energy amounts to about 1 - 2 ' per I MeV.
2) In order to be able to describe neutron- and emission
from the fission fragments simultaneously, it is Cecessary
to know the distribution of the excitation energy of each
fission fragment.
The results obtained were discussed with A. I. Leypunskiy,
I. I. Bondareriko, and L. N. Usachev; V. P. Kharin assisted
in carrying out numerical computations. There are 2 figures,
1 table, and 20 references, 7 of which are 3oviet.
SUBMITTED: July 18, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: rovalev, V. P. 56-2-30/51
TITLE: The Measurement of the Neutron Spectra in the Fission of
U233, U235, P11 239 Within the Range of 50 - 7oo keV
(Izmereniye spektrov neytronov deleniYZI Ut:j), U2351 FU239
v oblasti 50 - 700 keV)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958,
Vol 34, 1Tr 2, Dn 501-5o2 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The spectra of these fission neutrons were measured by
means of a Wilson chamber filled with steam. As neutron
sources served samples of uranium-oso-ic-oxide and plutonium
dioxide produced in form of disks of a diameter of '00 mm
and a thickness of 2,5 mm, which had been irradiated with
a beam of thermal neutrons from a reactor. The methad of
mountin-c- and the construction of the Wiloon chamber are
shortly described. With every sample about traces of
recoil protons are obtarined. In the elaboration of the
results the distance travelled by the recoil protons was
measured with which the direction of the neutrons formed an
Card 1/3 angle of less than 150. The distribution of the recoil
The Measurement ?f the Neutron Spectra in the Fission of 56-2-30/51
233 235 23
U U Fu Within the Range of 50 - 700 )CeV
protons cominG to a standstill in the -as of the chamber on
the enert;y intervals is shown in a table. The lower limit
of the ener6y to be measured is 5o keV. In the tr-rnsition
froin the spectrum of the recoil protons to that of the
neutrons the dependence of the cross section of the
scatterin- of neutrons on protons on the enerGy as well as
another Geometric correction factor must be taken into
account. The spectra of the fission neutrons are shown in
a diagram. The spectra of the fission neutrons of U233.
U235, pu239 within the range of energy investigated her'e
coincide Avithin the limits of error (10 - 20,r'0) and are
satisfactorily approximated by the formu a of B. Watt (Phys.
Rev., Vol. 87, P. 1037 (1952) ) F(E) - e-E~Tsh(2 F~j-f/fl if
CO= 0,5 MeV and T - I MeV are inserted. The results of
earlier works are shortly referred to. The author also
determined the ratio between the number of recoil protons
within the interval 0,05 - 0,6 MeV and their number at
eneraies of more than 0,6 MeV. experimental values of
these ratios for TJ233, U235, puN resp. are 0,49�0,04;
0,53 � 0,04, 0,48 +- 0,04 resp. Thu,, the measurements of
Card 2/3 the spectra of the fission neutrons within the ranc~e of
The Measurement of the fleutron Spectra in the Fission of 56-2-30/51
U233, U235, PU 239 Within the Range of* 5o - 70o keV
small energies coincide with the results of a work by
V. P. Kovalev, et al. (ref. 4). This proves the final
conclusion that the spectra of the fission neutrons of
U233 , U235, U239 differ markedly within the range of high
energies. There is 1 figure, 1 table, and 4 references, 1 of
which is Slavic.
September 28, 1957
Library of Congress
1. Wilson chambers-Applications 2. Protons-Range-Measurement
3. Protons-Energy-Measurement
Card 3/3
AUTHORS; Kovalev, V.P., 'Stavinskiy, V.S. SOV/56-35-3-37/61
TITLE: On the Problem of the Calculation of the Spectra of Fission
Neutrons (K voprosu o raschete spektrov neytronov deltniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35,
Nr 3, pp 787 - 789 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper calculates the spectra of fission neutrons in
consideration of the energy dependence of the cross section of
the capture of neutrons by excited nuclei. For the estimat.on
of the energy dependence of 6'(E,E 0) the model of a complex
potential was used, which gives a satisfactory description of
the total cross section and the cros3 aection of the capture of
low-energy neutrons by atoms. For the purpose of estimating
15(E,E0) the model of the black nucleus can be used (Ref 6).When
calculating d(E,E 0) it is necessary to take also the steady
variation of the potential at the boundary into account. This
is possible by means of the ap roximated expression
Card 1/3 d(0- a,,(E)T d( E)/To(E). Here dtz) denotes the cross section to
On the Problem of the Calculation of the Spectra SOV/56-35-3-37/61
of Fission Neutrons
be calculated, V(F-) the cross section of the capture of neu-
trons by a "black" nucleus with a sharp variation of the poten-
tial at the boundary, T 0(F-) the penetrability of the neutron
wave for this potential , Td(E) the coefficient of penetrability
for a here given and constantly varying potential. A table con-
tains the valuea of the ratio T d(F-)/T0(E) and the quantity
d(E)F_1 12 which charaoterizes the deviation of the cross section
O(F-).from 1/rF- . The obtained energy dependence of the cross
section~of the inverse process, by the way, is up to an energy
of rvl MeV similEir to the function 1/-rF-. Basing upon the conations
mentioned, the apectra of the fission neutrons U 235 and Cf 252
were calculated. For U 235 the results of these calculations agree
well with experimental.results (Refs 8,11). The authors thank.
A.I. Leypunskiy for the interest he displayed in this work and
Card 2/3 for discussing results. They further express their gratitude to
On the Problem of the Calculation of the Spectra SOV/56-35-3-37/61
of Fission Neutrons
I.I. Bondarenko and L.N. Usachev for their critical remarks,
and V.P. Kharin for carrying out numerical computations.
There are 1 ta*ble and 12 references, 5 of-which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: May 10, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Bonch-Bruyevich~ A.M., and Kovalev V.P.
TITLE: Fluorometric M6asuremdnts on Low Modulatibn Light Stream
(0 fluorometricheskikh izmereniyakh na nizkoy modulyatsii
svetovogo potoka)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i teldinika eksperimenta., 19597 Nr 2, pp 1+9-52
ABSTRACT: This paper was read at the VI Conference on Luminescence,
Leningrad, Pebruary 1958. The phase-sensing device of
a low-frequency fluorometer is described; the instriament
is designed to measure fluorescence lifetimes in the 10-3
to 10-7 range by phase methods. The modulation method
is discussed as an aid to fluorometry. Several
fluorometers have been described for use in fluorescence
decay measuremonts (Refs 1-6). They all use the
principle of measuring the phase lag 0 between the
fluorescent signal and one of the harmonies (usually the
first) of the E)Xciting light; they work at high
frequencies (5-25 Mc/s) and measure decay times in the
range 10-7 to 10-10 see, (Ref 7). The method is of high
Card sensitivity eVEin if the modulator is inefficient~ because
1/6 phase-sensing devices have narrow pass-bands; weak
fluorescence can therefore be used. The same advantages
Fluorometric Meaourements on Low Modulation Light Stream
persist even when the decay times are longer, when the
brightness in fluorescence kinetics work may be too low
for study by other methods. Vie modulation frequency
must here be comparatively low. The reason is that the
relative error in the measured exponential decay time 'r
is.given bys
11-r -1 + 4 -,r2 2M -e 2
F ___ 2 & 'Po (1)
where 600 ls_~ the resolution of the phase detector; the
minimum 49761-C corresponds to -C = 1/2 1r. F MTo remove
the restriction to exponential decays we have to measure
the decay time for several values of FM I and to
compare the modulation depths of the exciting and
fluorescent radiations. The apparatus for the purpose
is called a low-frequency fluorometer. An intense
light source, amplitude-modulated, is required in order
to increase the sensitivity; the passband of the phase
Card meter must also be narrowed. We have'used a high-
2/6 pressure mercury arc (SVDSh--250) and have modulated the
current drawn by varying the shunt resistance (Fig 1).
Fluorometric Measurements on Low Modulation Light Stream
Fig 2 shows the frequency response of the lamp. The
modulation is effective up to about 20 kc/s, and so the
lamp can be used at widely spaced values of FM .
Hydrogen arcs can be modulated at frequencies up to
several Me/s. Direct modulation enables one to use
much more of the total light output than is possible with
mechanical, diffraction or other modulators. Fig 3
shows the block diagram of the symmetrical two-channel
phasemeter. A.null method is used; an appropriate
calibrated phase shift is introduced into the intermediate-
frequency (1 kc/s) system; the scatterer in the reference
channel is selected appropriately. The main indicator is
the phase detector, whose time-constant may be varied.
The gain and working frequency of the system are adjusted
automatically. The automatic gain control eliminates
amplitude-phase coupling in measurements on fluorescence
lifetime (Ref 8). The intermediate frequency is
stabilized in order that the calibrated phase shifter
Card shall work correctly, and to avoid phase errors arising
3/6 from frequency instability. The passband of the
intermediate-frequency system is made very narrow, which
Fluorometric Measurements on Lov Modulation Light Stream
is important in relation to the automatic gain control
system when the fluctuation noise level is high, e.g.
when the emission is weak. It can be,shown that a
passband of 30 cps, with AF~4/PM = 10-4 at FX = 15 kc/s,
corresponds to an instability in the phase reading in
the two-channel system (Ref 8) of about 10. The
automatic frequenc:y control system has an isolating
(reactive) tube and afrequency discriminator working at
the intermediate frequency; it reduces the instability
in the phase reading to 0.10. The phasemeter system is
designed to work over the range from 10 to 20 kc/s; the
range can be extended to 100 kels with a hydrogen lamp.
The overall sensitivity is limited by the residual phgse
instability of ahout 0.10. which corresponds to 3xlo-
see at Fm = 10 kc:/s. At'this frequency the error in the
exponential decay constgnt does not exceed 10% if V lies
in the range from 5x10-4 sec to 5x1O-7 see. These limits
vary with FM , as Eq (1) shows; they come closer
Card together if the noise level is high (i.e. if the emission
V6 is weak). The limits for nonexponential processes are,
of course, somewhat different. The resolving power is of
Fiuorometric Measuremonts on Lcrw'Modulation Light Stream
the same order as that found with high-frequency
fluorometers, (Ref 7). An increase in resolving power
is desirable, because it would enable us to study fast
decay processes with much higher light fluxes than are
possible in high-frequency fluorometers. A modulation
method of measuring phase shifts may be needed. In this
method one switches periodically from observing the
fluorescence to observing the scattered light; this
switching, is synchronized with the switching of a
calibrated phase shift in one channel. The principle
is illustrated by Fig 4. Here a single channel is used
at different times to record the two signals. The
output signal from the phase detector has the switching
frequency. The noise will not affect tho readings if
its duration is greater than the switching period.
Card 5/6 This is a complete translation apart from Figs 3 and 1+.
Fluorometric measurements on Low Modulation Light Stream
Figure captions are: Fig 1 modulator circuit for a
gas-discharge tube. 1) S5 Sh-250 mercury lamp)
2) WS valves (10 in parallel). Fig 2, modulation
response of the mercury lamp.
Card 6/6 There are L~ figures and 8 references, of which 5 are
Soviet, 2 English and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut
(State Optical Institute)
SUBMITTED: June 2, 1958
AUTHOR: ,Kovalev, V.P. SOV/109-- 4-3-33/38
TITLE: L-aboratory Equipment for the Simultaneous Measurement of
the Time ComDonents of the Electromagnetic Field of
Centimeta.'e 14a'ves (Laboratornaya ustanovka dlya
cdnovlemennogo izmereniya vremennykh komponent
elektromagnitnogo polya na santimetrovykh volnakh)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 4, Nr 3, 1959~
pp 545-5~-7 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In various problems of the electrodynamics it is necessary
to measure the spatial distribution of the modulus E and
the phase y of the electromagnetic field. Howevers in
certain cases it is more convenient to measure these
quantities indirectly by determining quantities E cos~p
and E sin V ; the quantities are referred to as the time
components of the electric field, or the real and the
imaginary components of the vector I . The author
devised. an equipment which is suitable for the measurement
of these field components, both quantities being registered
either by a recording instrument or by means of indicating
meters. The simultaneous measurement of the components
Card 1/3 was made possible by employing a ferrite phase shifter and
SOV/109- - -4-3-33/38
Laboratory Equipment for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Time
Components of the Electromagnetic Field of Centimetre Waves
an automatic switch which alternately switches the signals
applied to two synchronous detectors. The equipment is
illustrated in Fig 2. The energy from the investigated
field is fed to a probe and by means of a waveguide
section is led to a double-T bridge. The high frequency
signal in the waveguide section is modulated by an audio
frequency by means of a detector. One of the arms of the
T-bridge is supplied with a standard signal from a
klystron oscillator. The path of the standard signal is
furnished with.a reversible ferrite phase shifter which is
controlled by means of an external longitudinal magnetic
field. The two opposite arms of the bridge are furnished
with detectors. The signals of audio frequency which are
proportional to the real and the imaginary field
components are amplified by means of 4 iiarrow-band
amplifier and then separated by means of two electronic
switches; the two signals are registered by two
synchronous detectors which are terminated with appropri-
Card 2/3 ate indicators. The equipment was employed to determine
the field in a waveguide and the results obtained are
SOV1199-- -4-3-3-3/38
Laboratory Equipment for the Simultaneous measuremenf of the Time
Components of the Electromagnetic Field of Centimetre Waves
plotted in Fig 3; the dots in the figure correspond t',
the experimental data, while the solid curves were
evaluated theoretically. The author expresses his
gratitude to Prof. L.A. Zhekulin for a number of valuable
Card 3/3 remarks.
There are 3 figures and 3 English references.
SUBMITTED: Nov-ember 15, 1958
KOVAM~, V. P.,, BODNARENKOq. 1. 1.
wPqsical Masurements Utilizing Fission Neutrons from Converters.*
paper presented at the SM"ium of the International Atanic Rwrgy Agency on Pile
Neutron Research in Phyaioe,, Viennal 17-21 Oct 1960.
AUTHORSs Bonch-Bruyevich, A.M., X~pyzkl-qY,,-Y:u.P., Belyayev, L,M,D
and Belikova, G.S.
TITLEs Study of the kinetics of the sensitised luminescence
of certain additives in naphthalene crystals
PERIODICALa Optika i spektroskopiya, v.1l,no.5, 1961, 623-628
TEXT; Studies of photoluminescence of naphthalene crystals
were carried out using the following activating additives;
anthranilic acid (AK); 1.4-diphenylbutadiene-1.3 (M);
1.6--diphenylhexatraene-1.3,5 (DPH). The time of decay of the
activating additive was measured by means of phase fluoromater.
The crystal was excited within the absorption bands of
naphthalene skeleton (i~e. XB = 313 mP), and the activator at
XB = 365 W . In the case of AK molecule (which is similar to
naphthalene) a simple replacement in the lattice of the latter was
thought to be the most likely mechanism. DPB and DPH molecules,
although quite different from the naphthalene molecule, were
considered to be able to replace in the lattice two molecules of
Card 1/ 4
Study of the kinetics of the ... S/051/61/oll/005/oo8/ol.8
naphthalene each. The molecular concentration ratID of AK/NAPH
was 0.0002~ and DPB/NAPH = DPH/NAPH = 0.0003, so that the X--ray
measurements did not disclose any changes in the lattice
parameters. However, the changes in the luminescence properties
were indicative of a true solid solution. The specific times of
light persistence and the times of light persistence for low and
high concentrations of activators are given in Table 1. The
actual process of the energy migration in a crystal was expl,~Jned
as followss during the absorption of light in the lattice of a
molecular crystal, an exciton is formed which moves within the
regular field of the lattice with the characteristics of a
diffusion process. The exciton is locali5ed in the excited field
near the activator, part of its energy is scattered and finally
it is captured by the activator. Hence the total measured time
of the persistence of light consists of three stages; 1 .. tim-e.
of exciton diffusion3 2 - time of exciton's life in a ic-~alised
state; 3 - specific time of light persistence of the am:tivator.
Each of these times was evaluated. There are 4 figures, 3 tables
and 20 referencas,~ 8 Soviet.-blocj I translation into Russian from
Card 2/4
Study of the kinetics of the ... S/051/61/011/m/oo8/o18
non-Soviet-bloc publication, and 11 non-Soviet. The four most
recent English language references read as follows;
Ref.11: 1. Birks, Phys.Rev., v.94, 1567, 1954,.
Ref.14* S.C, Ganguly, N.K. Choudhury. Rev. Mod. Phys.~ V,31v 920;
Ref.15'. 0. Simpson. Proc.Roy.Soc., A238~ 402, 1957.
Ref.19t D.C. Northrop. 0. Simpson, Proc.Roy.Soc., A234, 136, 1956,
SUBMITTED: December 9, 196o
Card 3/4
Study of the kinetics of the ... S/051/61/011/005/oo8/ol8
Table 1
Activator Spec. time of light
persistence of the
activator (see) Time of persistence with
excitation through the lattive
Low concentr. higher concentr.
of activator of activator
AK 6.7 x 10-9 19 x 10-9 12.,6 x 10-9
DPB 1.5 x 10-9 16.2 x 10-9 13 x 10-9
DPH 4.6 x 10-9 19.5 X 10-9 6.9 x 1o-'9
Card 4/4
Correlation between the mean number and mean energy of prompt
fission neutrons and the properties of the fissionable nucleus.
Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 4.1 no-4:1304-1306 0 161. (MIRA 14:10)
(Nuclear fission)
Certain methods for shaping a plane electromagnetic wave undel, lab*.ra-
tory conditions. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.1:71-77 ja 162.
(Mifu~ 15;1)
(Electromagnetic waves)
' , 55
Alj-,~OV73.3: jt7ivinsl i
Y K 1
TITLE: Calculation of the fission threshold and the excitation
enerEy of fr6gments in the droplet nucle,.ir model taking
account of the '.iigner symmetry energy
PI.1'310!)!~AL: Zhurnal clsperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42,
no. 6, 1962, 1614 - 1617
TEXT: AccordinF to C. F. 1~'eizsdcker (Zs. Phys., 96, 431, 1935) and E. P.
iEner 'Ph-s. Jev., 51, 947, 1937)2 the tota--11~'coupljng enerF
k " - y of a nucleus
is Piven by (N - Z)I
E (N,Z,a) aA + pBS (o) A% + T -A - +bc (a) VIII +
+ PBs (a) (N - Z)I
A is the number of nucleons in the nucleus, Z the nuclear charge. The
constrints o4, 0 are determinod from experiments, and .ire equal for'
all nuclei. The energy chanEe with deformation of the nucleus is described
Card 1/2
Calculation of the fission ... MOWN
by the coefoficients B3(G-) , BC (jV - Z)3
Ef = PA% I Bs (a.p) - 11 + 6ZI 1Bc(O.,p)-11-r11'- A,12
~F- (2)
is obiained for the threshold,energy allowing for the surface term in the
sym:.~etry cnert,,y. Llkp is the nuclear deformation correaponding to a sadJle
point. Since values of B 8 and BC are known in publications only for
sym:.~etric decay the effect of the last term in (2) is studied here for the
case of symmetric fission only. It is *hown that the experimental correla-
tion of the cMracteristios of spontaneous fission with neutron excess in
the fissionable nucleus is obtained if the dependence of the ',','igner symmetry
energy on the nuclear deformation is considered in the mass formula. Ex-
perimental results and theory are in better aEreement when making this
consideration. There are 2 figures.
5UX';1TTED: January 11, 1962
C:~rd 2/2
DUNA, A.K., inzh.; MASHKOV, A.S., inzh.; KOVALEV, V.P., inzh.
Sfrengthened suspepdo'd scaffolding with mechanized hoisting,
FIkom. stroi. 40 noL12:37-39 162. (MIRA 15:12)
Genesis of magnetite mineralization in granites of the Tigirek massif
in the Altai. Geol.i geofiz. no.2%66~76 962. (MMA 1514)
- 1, Institut Seologii i geofiziki Sibirokogo otdeleniya AN SSSRI
(Altai ~buntains-Hagnetite)
Temperature effect on the kinetics of the sensitized
luminescence of certain impurities in naphi6alene, crystalso
opt. i apektr. 12- -no.1-143-344 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Naphthalene crystals)
V. P.
Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Geologo-Hineralogical
Sciences at the Joint Academic Council on Geologo-Aineralogical, Geophysical,
and Geographical Sciences; Siberian Branch -
"Genetic Relationships of Metallic Mineralization with tile Pigirekskiy
Granite Pluton (In the Altray) and the Place of boron Concentrations in
This I-Iine--alization.11
Vestnilk Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963~ PP 119-145
,Paralysis and paresis in tuberculous spondylitis. Probl. tub. 42
no.11:72-73 1646 (MIRA 18:8)
1. Sanatoriy "Yuzhnyy" (glavnyy vrach V.S.Kovalov)t Chernomorka -
ma~- `
Aii-tightening welded joints izL-thin-wal3.ed-cas-t.-iron-parts
(MM 16t12)
--I..-TSentral!nyya-eksperimntal-lxWya-.svamahnM..masterakiye ~~
Voesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo instituta avtogennoy
obrabotki metallov.
KOVALEV, V.S., gornyy inzh.
Using rocket she]-Is to eliminate ore hang-ups (frma data in foreign
literature). Gor. 2hur. no.7:75 J-1 162. (MIRA 15:7)
(Minl~ng engineering-Equipment apd supplies)
Flcw diagrams of the development of cil pools in the layers
A and A of the Kuleshovskoye field. Trudy Giprovostoknefti
n~.5:152A166 162. (MM 16:8)
(Kuybyshev Province-Oil Reservoir engineering)
Determining the conformance factor of a nonuniform layer.
Nefteprom. delo no.12:17-21 163. (KRA 17:4)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyaktirovaniyu i isaledovatellskim
rabotam neftedobyvayushchey pramyshlonnosti vostochnykh rayonov
4', MW
--:.Conditions goveming the development of' the Kuleshovka oll
field. Gaol. nefti I gaza 7 no.M26-34 0 163.
(MIR-A 17:10)
1. C-osildarstvannyy institut po proyektirovaniyu i issiedove-tell-
skim rabotam neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti vostochnykh
rayonov strany I, Krybyahevneftt.
KOVA ILV V ~:-'01'101' , fl. -F.
to -atl o~i t !;ot tv ~X :L bod 'Cl I
t o p0 rwo"I 11 ty , 1 10 v ~':3 -L :-a or,
in calcullatin,, ttie a-vl oil prod-unilor, Of
bedo. Na:Ll--h.-teRn-. p., dil... xlEf*t-i nC'.25:F)--
riefty-ar-ol fro-yshler oc'
Introducing a semiautomatic six-spindle transfer machine.
Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.naucii.-issl.inst.naiich.i tekh.
infor-m. 18 no.11:33-34 N 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
--- .... .. -, --
Structure of the erosion surface of Paleogene deposits in the
southeastern part-of the Aral Sea region. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR. 21
no.8:35-37 164. (Mj_qA 19:1)
1. Institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii Gosudarstven-
nogo geologichaskogo komiteta SSSR. Submitted Jan. 10, 1964.
V,V,,,)mndidat tekhnichaskikh uAuk, dotsent; MISUDVICH, I.M.,
Changes in the temperature of the metal of locomotive boilers
in the process of cooling. Timidy RIIZHT no-17:46-53 153-
(MM 9:6)
(Locomotive boilers)
Disorders of cortical neurodynamics in Koreakoff's syndrome;
preliminary report. Zhur.nevr. i psikh.55 no.10:~65-769 '55.
(MLRA 8:11)
1. Kafedry paikhiatrit II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute,
iment I.V.Stalina (sav.-prof. O.V.Kervikov)
cerebral cortex, neurodynamic aspects)
(CEMRAL,GORTFZ. invarious diseases,
Korsakoff"s synd.,neurodynamic changes)
KOVAix-72 V. V.
Y,.OV;LL7LV IV. V. : "The clinica, aspects and neurodynamics of Korsakov's
sindrone." Second 1-loscow State Medical Inst imeni 1. V. Stalin.
l'oscow, 1956. ( Dissertation for the Degree of Candidatc in
1-'~edical Science. )
Knizlma3m lctop-*Ls', i.'o. 31, 1956. 1-:oscow.
.-- .
Certain clinical aspects of Koreekoff's syndrome of varying etiology
[with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. 57 no-3:376-381 157.
NLRA io.6)
1. Kafedra polkhiatrii (zav. - prof. O.V.Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo
maditsinakogo instituta Iment I.Y.Stalina.
Koreakoff's synd. of various atiol., clin. aspects (RUB))
EXCERPTA '2DICA See 3 '101 14/4 Endoerliolonr Apr 60
701. MECHANISM OF ACTION OF INSULIN (Russian text) - K o v a I e b V. V.
- ZDRAVOOKHR. BELOR. 1958, 4/11 (13-16) Tables I '
Insulin coma can be produced more smoothly and with less insulin even In insulin-
, inistant cases when the insulin is injected Et. c. in symmetrical portions of the
body (arms, back, chest, abdomen, anterior surface of the hip). The effect of
Insulin depends less on the amount used than on the method of administ ration.
Leicester - San Francisco, Calif. (111, 6*)
Neuropsychic disorders in patients with congenital cardiac defects.
Zhur.nevr. I pqikh. 59 no.8t986-993 159. (MIRA 12t12)
1. rafedra psikhiatril (sav. - prof. 0.V. Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo
meditsinako o iustituta imeni NoIs Pirogova,
(MMAL DI SORDIRS at io 1. )
Effect of the surgical treatment of congenital heart defects on
the neuropsychiatric status of the patient. 24 no.12;
68-74 D 160. (MIRA, 140)
1. Iz kafedr~r paikbiatrii (zav. - prof. O.V.Kerbikov) II Moskov6kogo
meditsinskogo ~nstitut4i imeni N.I,Pirogova.
~M~~V ~-~SXAXAq A.Ye.
Effective method for lowering the resistance to insulin in psychic
patients. Zhur.nevrA poikh. 60 no.9:n98-1203 160. (MIRA 34:1)
1. Kafedra. psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. O.V.Kerbikav) II Moskovskogo
meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogava i Moskovskaya gorodslaw
psikhonevrologicheekaya bbllnitsa No.8 imeni Solovlyeva (glavnyy
vrach V.D. Denisov). I
Results with isoprine diisopropylputrescine) in neuropaye.hiatric
diseasaa. Farza.i toks. 24 no.1:57-61 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - chlen-koirespondent AWN SSSR prof.
O.V.'Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.
KOV-kuv, V. V.
Mental disorders following surgical treatment of acquired defects
of the heart. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 61 no.3:420-425 161..
(MIRA 14:7)
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. O.V.Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo
meditsinsko o instituta imeni. N.I.Pirogova.
Dynamics of states of intellectual insufficiency in children
with congenital heart defects in relation to their surgical
treatment. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 61 no.7:1o36-1o41 161. (MRA 15..6)
1. Kafedra, psikhiatrii (zav,, - prof. O.V. Kerbikov) Il Moskovskogo
meditsinskogo instituta. imeni N.I. Pirdgova.
KOVALEV, B. Ordynka, d. 52, kv. 2)
- -- ----- --.-
Psychiatric aspect of surgery in acquired defects of the heart.
Grad. khir. 4 n,3.1:18-24 A-F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Iz kafedry psikhiatrii (zav. - oblen korrespondent AMN SSSR,
Prof. 0. V. Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo
institute imeni N. I. Pirogova.
Treatment with shock doses of insulin in combination With hexonium
in schizophrenia. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 62 noL'4-601-604 162.
ME RA 15. 5)
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. M.Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo
moditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova i Moskmrskaya gorodskaya
paikhonevrologichtskaya bollnitsa No.8 imeni Solovlyeva (gjRvnyy
vrach V.D.Denisov).
Dynamics of the mental condition of patients following clinical
death of short duration. Vest.AMN SSSR 17 no.7:17-22 162.
(MIRA 15-.10)
1. 11 Moskovskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni N.I.Pirogova.
Emotional disorders in patients with acquired heart defects in
connection with their surgical treatment. Zhur.nerv.i psikh. 62
no.6:910-915 162. (MIRA 1511l)
1. Kafedra. psikhiatrii II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta
imeni Pirogova (zav. - prof. O.V.Kerbikov).
ACCESSION NR: AP4041350 S/0248/64/000/006/0063,10069
AUTHOR: Ba.dalyan, L. 0.; Kovalev, V. V.
,TITLE: Neuropsychic alterations during hypoxic conditions associated
with surgical treatment of heart failure
!SOUFCE: AMN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 6, 1964, 63-69
TOPIC TAGS: heart failure, hypoxia, heart surgery, psychosis, brain
:ABSTRACT: Features specific to neuropsychic disturbances that ap-
peared in 138 patients (from 4 to 50 years of age) operated on for
.acquired or congenital heart failures are described. Thest disorders
developed in connection with hypoxia caused by acute circulatory and
respiratory surgery during in operation on the heart or soon t1rere-
after. Patients with favorable surgical outcomed were examined prior
to discharge from the hospital, then for periods varying from 6 months
~to 2 years following discbarge. Neurological, psychopathological,
.and clinico-psychological investigations were conducted. These
Card 113
investigations made it possible to isolate three degrees of brain
.hypoxia appearing as a result of acute circulatory and respiratory
.insufficiency following heart surgery. The first degree is charac-
:terized by moderately marked and fully reversible neuropsychic dis-
~orders in the form of an asteno-adynamic condition attended by
,stupor, episodes of hypnagogic delirium, and also by temporary neuro-
.logic disturbances. In the second degree, the neurological and psychic.
:disturbances are more pronounced and persistent and are not always
~amenable to complete regression. As a rule, clear-cut pathological
:reflexes become noticeable. Acute psychoses with various syndromes
iof troubled consciousness occur frequently. The t 'hird degree of
hypoxia is manifested either by a comatose or a profound
;soporific state with pronounced neurologic disorders. Its prognosis
'is unfavorable and this condition generally precedes the onset of
.clinical death. This data may be used both for prevention and treat-
:ment of the above disorders and also for eyaluat-ing their prognosis.
ASSOCIATION: 11 Moskovskiy mti'dTts.ine1riy institut im. N. I. Pi-kogova
(Second Moscow Medical Institute):--.N
Lqclr-~-. 3 L3
ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 007 OTHERs .007
A , h.,
, s p A
tat's 1 I.C4 T
- of pwnMa' n
om the periodl7al I t3rif.)Matior I - Z' bY0h ~ .9 trJ T no.2).
Zhur. nevr. 1 ps!M. 64 no.6--939-9-U, 164. 17j12)
Neurosislike disorders in children and adolascents with congenital
vitium cordis. Zhur. nevr. i pBikh. 64 n0.7:1074-1079 164-
(MI,RA 17:12)
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. 0.V. Kerbik6v)
II Moskovskogo maditsinskogo instituta im. N.1. Pirogova.
Neuropsychic disorders in atr!oventricuiar block and Morgagni-
Adams-Stokes syndrome.. Zhur, nevr. i. psikh. 65 no.3;394-
401 165. (MIRA 18t4)
1~ Kafedra psikhlatriA (zaveduyushchly - prof. O.V. Kerbikov)
11 Moskovakogo meditsinakogo instituta im. Pirogova.
KOVALEV, V.V. (Moskva)
Reurosis-like diRorders in connection with surgical treatment of ratient-9
with acquired heart defects,, Zhur,, nevr. i pikh. 65 no-5042-746 165,
(MIRA 180)
!W ~--APWD774 ~CODE-_
-A", N PR UP 0293/66/0041001/0151/0155
M-.:PG_V.', Ko"Le, --X IV t yev, V..),V. Zido_.ov, Ye. A
XhIeVnikov.: -.04. F.
ORG:~ none
'dical examinations of odkhod-l,crew
.~~:TITLE- Results,of
SOURCE: K6smicheskiye issledovaniya, n.- 4 no 1, 19.66, 151-155
TOPIC TAGS:-- cosmonaut, physiological eh ge ardiovascular system, enzyme-
At~ C.
encephalogram muscular I A teit=M~
tonus, e,u ocy
e an pos igh~ examinations of the Voskhod-1 Cos
-ABSTRACT:. R sults of preflight d-- tfl
nauts were compared.and physiological shifts were noted. The physiological profile
:of-e-ach-cosmonaut was de.terinined"from backkround--~ata compiled fo -r two w eeks before,-
_thejllghte Examination of the c -0 t, 7 ft r pre flight training showed increased..
mo'nau 9. a e
resistance. to-., flight. f actors 4n. allrof -them eciall Komarov.. By comparison,,
okt'istov Awd Yegorov . showed _1~a i6adaptabi Ility- especially in the cardiovascular.
system., .In the week preceding ,-,the- flight,'-Xoma,rov and Feokti.stov were,aomewhat,re
:servedA he cosmodrome empbasized:the.ner.-~~
n.behavior. Prelaunch tests~-conducted at t
d iio Ust f: amind-
vous an emo na ate:o -The four-day postflight medical,exatflind-
i* TO ensure u iformity, all postflight tests-..1-
tion:begafi 15,minutes afterJand ng n
1/2 ~UDC: 629.198.61.
C :AP6007746:
d sts)_vere~:-c-bhdiucted-b ifte. saw people
o(.Iiaclu ing laboratery te who- haA peif6rii6d..'the
_preflight:thecks. ClinicaI_ inviitlgation'-biek4n -_'~Ix~ hours after landin
rate ed'-re- an-Ancrease in:the number of
viode d ase_ in ~wor]kiA9i,:apIWtyx,
and a length ng of pir,66 4~r f rma, ~ce. of 'psy, ologic I tests
eni tent. ing per oi a
ed intensifi"ili- t- d i asses in the cerebral
'End6phalogram&show- owo .:ratar at on
cortek~ Slight var.,at ons, n digestive.~'efizyme-act vity were also-observed in ~e
coamona.uts, a ter._,the-flight-z~~Ah. a~dtivity. of ~ wqla se,'enterokinase,.alkaline
phosphatase, and ~irypdin Incre854do,' The 161164ing:shif to.were noted in,comoonauts
~Ammediately-after the flight: -.'siighlt~! the Romberg positionj tremor of
fingers, tendency o persp, Fe,-*mo era.te'd e in vau' cle tone"- quieke ing
increased. e eer ase a
and decrease-lin.,~b o to increased.diastol epressure.
pressur due
-and - Z 'fo in,
diidre~wed_-2 6:~~ for',: X,_6_emrov:,, '4%. f~Fe fov~ 3-9 r:Te
addition- wode-r- 4te- ~~iiis .. in - veiiboilc 4ere'noted: increased energy con-.;-.
it- resti~j,: iiierease-.4n.-blo, 6d-,-ureik and~-cholesterol-.: -and. increased.
lg`dnious ,~onpcrn 'M~Vr neo'..:%,Some,'decr6ase' in' the p agoc:3
f h itii`a~tiii
ents IC6 i t
of leuk6tyte. I b9erved.':':,-The:: anges,noted were attribut'& to Ia 6 an
a was a so 0 e
St iivIunciio - I -with ,in
ress. yyere~of:4,stric__ as nature'and-usually disappeared
several Aji ~ attii~ the flight -Iiidividual,~ chaiacteristics and differencesift pre.
4light keparation were ref itc~t,4 in, the,-v,arying 'character. of these physiological,
shif ts.
KOVALEV, V.V., inzh.
Heat transfer and humidity characteristics of exterior brick guard
walls. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.10:83-91 0 163.
1 * (MIRA 16:12)
1. Belorusskly politekhnicheskiy insfitut. Prodstavleno kafedroy
teplogazosnabzheniya i ventilyntsii.
ACCESSION NR: AR4028408 S/0~115/63/000/011/VOOVV004
SOURCE: Referativny*y zburnal. Elektronik i yeye primeneniyes
Svodny*y tom, Abs. 11V21
',"AUTHORS& Kovalov,.V~.,-,,.,V.Z,'.Zakbarov, V. L.
TITLEt Electronic instrument for the measurement of air humidity
CITED SOURCEt Sb. Xssled. v obl. teploobmena i derodinamiki poto-
kov. Minsk, X-vo.vy*ssh., sredn. spets. i prof. obrazovaniya-
1963, 18-26
TOPIC TAGS: -humidity measurement, air bumidity measurements. elec-
tronic humidity measurements hygroscope, air moisture meter, humid- i
ity monitor
TRANSLATION: -The.pickup,of- ed made
the instrument is a paralielepip
Of purified,oflextraneoue admixtures* dried, and im-
Coid -1/2
KOVALEV$ V.V.0 inzh; IIEUSIKHIN, I,Ya.p kando telft. nauk-; LAIRIONOV, B.A.,
Effect of the natur of moisture distribution on the maganitude
of general thermal heat transmiesion resistancee IZVO 17S6
ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.6tll3-115 Je t64 (MIRA 17 tS)
1. Delorusakly politeklmicbeskiy bist-."Vi-A. Predstuavlena kafedroy
teplogazoanabzheniya i ventil~mtsii.
MARKOVICH B.N., kand. tekhn. na-ak; !ZYUMTSEV, A.14., inzb.;_~qVA
y I.E.L II.V. y
MELnufacturing panels on punching presses. [Nauch. trudy]
ENIKMASha 11i14-49 165. (MIRA M-6)
Card 1/1
AID P - 4707
USSR/Aeronautics Aircraft (Tu-104)
Pub. 58 - 2/14
Kovalev, V., Test-pilot 1/c
I Tested the Tu-104
Kryl. rod., 6, 2-4, Je 1956
A narrative or the author's experiences during the
World War II and as a test pilot of the jet Tu-104.
Photo of the author. The article contains some data
purported to stress the suitability of the Tu-104 as
air liner.
Institution None
Submitted No date
AUTHOR: Kovalev, V.V., Capt. 8&12-2/29
TITLE: The Task is carried out by a Pilot First Class (Zadaniye
vypolnyayet letchik pervogo klassa)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1957, Nr 12, pp. 10-15 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the problem of training bomber
crews for air battles with enemy fighters. The author
states that the bombers must avoid air battles with
enemy fighters in order to carry out more successfully
their main task, that is bombing attacks against
predetermined targets. Nevertheless, the training of
personnel for air battles is considered an important
element In the combat training of bomber crews. The
author then gives two examples. First, the pilots had
to decide what to do when a bomber flying at an altitude
of 400 m above the cloud deck, is approached by two enemy
fighters detected at a distance of 2 - 3 km from the
bomber. The remaining distance to the predetermined
Card 1/2 target was 15 min. flying time. Several solutions are
'The Task Is carried out by a Pilot First Class
suggested, Second, the pilots were alerted and called to
the command post. There they were briefed on the situa-
tion as follows: In the area of N... railroad station
some launching sites for guided ground-to-air missiles
were located. The sites were heavily protected with AAA.
After he had received scanty information, the subunit
commander ordered a bomber crew to photograph the launch-
Ing site area. This was carried out under adverse
weather conditions from a low altitude by using the oblique
aerial photography method while the aircraft is banking.
When attacked by an enemy fighter, the pilot skillfully
maneuvered the bomber away from the fighter. The photo-
graphs taken helped the subunit to bomb accurately the
launching sites. The article two photos. One
photo shows Lt Col S.A. Nosov, who it is said, is skill-
ful in training and educating his subordinates. The second
photo shows Captain V. F. Kuchin, who is considered to be
a master Of air battles and sniping.
AVAILABLE. Library of Congress
Card 2/2
KOITAISV, V.V., kapitan
- - I --A-flyer of the first class carries out an assigrment. Vest.
Vozd. Fl,, 40 no,12:10-16 D 157. (MIM 14:12)
(Air warfare)
KOVAIXV, V.V.. mayor
Our commander sail: "Bomb from the clouds like Major WnbovO.
Vest.Vczd.Fl. no.1:46-50 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:8)
(Bombing, Aerial)
SOKOWV, V.D., podpolkovnik; KOTALBV, V.V., mayor
The squadron flies at night. Yest.Vozd.Fl, no-7:
38-43 Jl 160. (KM 13:7)
KOVALEV, V.V.mayor
Each error must be eliminated in time, Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.12:44~45
ID 160. (Airplanes-Landing) (MIRA 14:5)
SIIANTIYEV, A.P., polkovnik; ZELENOV, P.T., polkovniki LEBEDEVY P.N.J?
mayor; KOVAIEV, V.V., mayor
Flights are the main concern of the staff. Vest.Vozd.Fl.
no.2:26-40 F 161, (MIRA 14:7)
(Russia-Air force)
VOSKOBDYNIKt V., podpolkovnik, voyennyy letchik pervogo klassa; KOVALEV, V.,
First steps of an instructor. AvA kosm. 44 no.3:44-49 16Z.
- (MIRA 150)
(Flight training)
-,, zasluzhormyy letchik-ispytatoll SSSR, Geroy bovetAogo
2� A-,, - - 1~ 1. 0
F-ilo,ling in recovering ixt high inoldowt). Av. i kosm. 1~7 no.7-
67-74 J 1 164. IIIL~ 17:7)
A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; F%1111, V.S.; FOMR4, A.G.; KHLEOIKOV, G.F.;
GAZEN-KO, O.G., SISAZYANj N.M., akademik, red.
(Second group space flight and some results of the Soviet
astronauts' flights on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of
medical and biological research conducted durJng the second
group space flight] Vtoroi gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet i neko-
torye itogi poletov sovetskikh kosmonavtov na korabliakh
"Vostok"; nauchrWe rezulltaty -,nedikobiologicheskikh issledovanii,
provedennykh vo vremia vtorogo gruppovago kosmicheskogo poleta.
Yioskva, Nauka, 1965. 277 p. (YIRA 18:6)
IDI&LEvr--vladim;Lz-~ovi~ev~c~1. PRIKHODIKO, S., red.; NAGIBIN, P.,
tekhn. red.
(Manual on the problems of
t*nsportation] Spravoohnik
platy na avtotransporte.' Alma-Ata,
1962. 328 p.
(Transportation, Autpmot.ive-Handbooks,
labor and wages in automotive
po voproVam truda i zarabotnoi
Kgzakbqkoe gos. izd-vo,
(MIRA 16:5)
m4nuals, etc.)
KOVALEV, V. Ye., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Herbicides derived from
phenols gotten from resins in the pyrolysis of wood." Leningrad,
1960. 14 pp with graphs; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special-
ist Education USSR, Leningrad Order of Lenin Forestry Engineering
Academy im S. M. Kirov); 200 copies; free; (KL, 25-60, 132)
Preparation of new herbicides. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 14
no.6:30-31 '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Lesoteldmicho4aya akademi-ya imeni S.M. Kirova.
Field experiments with LTA herbicides. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.
prom. 14 no.6:31-32 161. (MIRP 14;9)
1. Zernogradakayu gosudarstvennaya selektsionnaya stantsiya, (for
Makarova). 2. Lesotekhniclieskaya akademiya imeni S.I.I. M3~bva
(for Kovalev),
Mrofessor Georgii Mikhailovich Kaialov, 1905- ; on his 60th
birthday and the 37th anniversary of his theoretical. and educa-
tional work. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elaktromekh. 8 no.10:1181-
1182 165. (MIRA 18:11)
Sixa.pllfiod method for dot-ermining the activo sub~,taiir.-e in the
- 0
vein,hnie'al preparaLiono ol:Abe 2,,4-D and 2,/,,5-T ,,tc-r3. Zashch.
r~;;A~ ot wed. i bol. 6 no-5:32-33 My 161. (MlIP-1 15-.6)
AUTHOR: I-vilov-Karnaukhov B. N.; Bogush, A.@ G.; Gikis, A. F.1 Drozdov,.
I . 8 - - - A. -D-tj
MAlov, D.-Ij.; Sineltni 8 ftq 9 4
... 09v _Tqq, M.; Brusentsov, L. V.; Deni ovV. Ao A.; all Y
Polyakoy,_,k~ A.; Cherny4ys14y2_f. I.; Parok,.V~t~.; Gordejqyj.-Y!~,I-;_.K47,h-dans A. E.;
Kurennyy, Potapenko, V..Ya.
ORG: none
TITLE: Professor G. M. Kayalov on the occasion of his 60th birthd' and 37 f
ay years 0
pedagogical activities
SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh 'zavedeniy. Elektromekhanika, no. 10, 1965#
TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel$ academic personnel
ABSTRACT: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of RIIZhT
,CRostovskly Institut Inzhenerov zheleznodorczhnogo transportal
Rostov Institute of Railroad-Engineerr,7. Georgiy Mikhaylovich
IZAYALOV was born on 26 Sept e-mb-e-r--6U--V-e&ra ago. He began hie
working career as a standby eleotrioal conetruotion worker at the
Novorosslyek oement fabtory, In 1929 he graduated from the
Novooherkeask Polyteehiloal Institute, and between 1928 and 1947
worked In the desIgnb* sootion of-the-Makt-rPprom" trust. Sub-
Card 1/2
L 23216-66
F_AcC~R, AP6013582
sequently. he joined the Rostov department of the GPI rGosudarstvenniY
proyektnyy Institut; State Designing Institutm7 "Tyazhpromelelctro-
proyelct" where he advanced from a technician of the designing de-
partment to Its chief engineer. From 1933 to 1962 he was docent of
the department of electrification of Industrial enterprises of the
NPI ZNovocherkasskly politekhnicheskly inst1tut Imeni Sergo
ordzhonikidze- Novocherkassk Polltachnle Institute Im. Sergo
Ordzhonlkidz;.~; he taught as professor until 1965 and presently Is
a professor 'of the RINK. He p~ublished more than 70 scientific
works, Including studies of flywheel-containIng electric motors,
investigations of electrical loads of Industrial enterprises,
analyses of basic features of real load graphs, (including their
probabilistic modeling), proposals for peak load calculation methods
(based on the theory of mass servicing) and developments of method&-,
for the calculatlon of extremal loads of heavy 6onsumers, for the
study of random graphs of reaetilve loads, for the evaluation of .
electr1o load fluctuations. and the like. G. X. KAYALOV was also
active In the Party, professional, and scientific organizations.
He Is a holder of the "For Outstanding Work.During the Great
Patriotio War of 1941-1945 gg.11 medal and the "Badge of Honor"
decoration. Orig.,ar4.-. has, 1 figure. '[JPRS)
SUB CODE: Oqp 05 / SUBM DATE: none
COM 2/2
Making soils water-resistant for waterproofing *rposes. Izvjy U;,,.,SSR
no.lltl9-23 156. NIRA 14:5)
(Soil stabilization) (Waterproofing)
KOVALEV., YA.A. -o~- ,
Formation of Solonetz soils due to irrigation with mineralized
waters. Mat. po proizv. oil. Uzb. no.15:137-146 160,
(MIRA 14:8)
1. Institut pochvovedeni AN Uzbekskoy SSR.
(Solonetz soilsr(Irrigation)
10(2); 28(l); 296) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1603
Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana
Nekotoryye voprosy mekhaniki; abornik statey (some Problems
in Mechanics. Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz,
1958. 197 pl. (Series: Its [Trudy) vyp. 88) Number of
copies printed not give7n-.
Ed. (Title page): V.I. Feodoslyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor; Ed. (Inside book), A.S. Ginevskiy, Candidate of
Technical Sciences; Ed@ of F~blishing House: L. Ye Serebrennik;
Tech. Ed.: L*A. Garnukhina; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya,
PURPOSE: This collection is intended for scientific workers,
Aspirants and students of advanced courses who are interested
in problems of aero- and gas dynamics and in the theory of
directional control of aircraft.
COVERAGE: The collection contains reports on various problems
in applied mechanics. A large portion of the articles is
Card 1/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/1603
devoted to aerodynamic and gas dynamic investigations. In
the first article of the collection, the author, Professor
K.P. Stanyukovich, considers the laws of motion of a gas-drop-
let medium- in particular, the laws of motion of a mechanical
mixture of a liquid and a gas with liberation of energy. His
conclusions are applicable to the investigation of the motion
of a burning fluid jet. The two reports by N.F. Krasnov
deal with the aerodynamics of bodies of revolution. In the
first, he develops briefly the method of characteristics as
applied to the calculation of nonsymmetrical flow about bodies
of revolution. In his second report, which treats the base
drag of bodies of revolution moving at both subsonic and
supersonic speeds, he presents an approximate formula derived
for the calculation of the base-drag coefficient in the case
of turbulent flow about a body at supersonic speed. V. F.
Mikhaylina presents in her report the approximate formulas
she obtained for determining the distance between an isolated
compression shook and the vertex of a blunt-nosed body of
arbitrary form in supersonic flow, and also for determining
the velocity and pressure near the critical point. Professor
Panichkin presents in his report the partial and general so-
lutions of the differential equation used in the investigation
Card 2/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) sov/1603
of the flow about bodies of revolution at high subsonic
speeds. Kovalev's article is concerned with the investi"
gation of the damping moment associated with the banking of
an aerodynamic surface in a supersonic gas flow. He proposes
a method for calculating an arbitrary damping moment for
wings of rectangular, triangular, and trapezoidal forms.
Yesiyev's article is concerned with the damping moment pro-
duced by the gas flow from a jet engine nozzle opposing the
rotation of the vehicle (if the axis of rotation is not
parallel to the nozzle axis). Pobedonostsev and Stanyuklovich
investigate in their article the problem of optimum ratios
of the stages of a multistage rocket. In another report,
Stanyukovich generalizes Tsiolkovskiy's ratio in the re-
lativistic sense. The last three articles of the collection
are devoted to problems of directional control of aircraft
and the theory of automatic control. Shumilov investigates
an unsealed control mechanism with cam transmission. Samoylov
considers another variety of a control mechanism based on the
use of a so-called stream tube. In the last report,
Card 3/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/1603
Mim4lavlev investigates the motion characteristics of one
of the automatic control systems uaed, especially in air-
craft and in ship's steering gears.
Preface 3
Stanyukovich, K.P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical
Sciencesi, Professor. Some Problems of the Aerodynamics
of a Fluid Jet in Free Flight 5
1. Motion of a jet in a vacuum 5
2. Some remarks on the motion of a jet in a re-
sisting medium 12
3. Basic laws of motion of a gas in the presence
of internal energy sources 21
4. Basic laws of motion of a mechanical mixture
of a liquid and a gas 35
5. Basic laws of motion of a mechanical mixture
of a liquid and a gas with liberation of energy 47
Card 4/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/1603
Krasnov, N.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. On the
Method of Characteristics and Its Aplication to
the Calculation of the Pressure Distribution About Pointed
Bodies of Revolution Moving at Supersonic Speed at an
Angle of Attack 55
1. Accepted symbols 55
2. Characteristic equation 56
3. Conditions of conformity 60
4. Calculation of the flow about a body of
revolution at an,angle of attack 67
Mikhaylina, V.F., Engineer. A HLunt-nosed Body of
Revolution With an Arbitrary Generatrix in Supersonic
Flow 76
1. Determination of the distance between the
compression shook and the body in a flow 76
2. Velocity and pressure distribution along the
surface of the body of revolution near the
critical point 90
Card 5/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/1603
Krasnov, N.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent.
On the Problem of Base Drag of Bodies of Revolution 95
1. Accepted symbols 95
2. Base drag at subsonic speeds 96
3. Base drag at supersonic speeds 97
Panichkin, I.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor. Solution of a Differential Equation With
Partial Derivatives 103
Kovalev, Ya. G., Candidate of Physical and Mathe-
-ffatV AT-3n'e=s, Docent. Damping Moment in Roll
of a Wing Area in a Supersonic Gas Flow 1o8
1. Statement of the problem 108
2. Distribution of the pressure differences
along a triangular wing which performs
rolling motion log
3s Damping moment in roll of a triangular wing 114
4. Damping moment in roll of a rectangular wing 116
5. Damping moment in roll of a triangular and
trapezoidal wing in inverse flow 119
Card 6/8
Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV11603
Yesiyev, M.K., Engineer, On the Problem of Determining
the Gas Dynamic Damping Moment 121
1. Description of the test setup 123
2. Sequence of the test procedure 135
Pobedonostsev, Yu. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
and K. P. Stanyukovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathe-
matical Sciences, Professor. On the Calculation of the
Optimum Ratio of the Stages of a Multistage Rocket 144
Stanyukovich, K.Ps, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical
Sciences, Professor. Relativistic Generalization of
Tsiollkovskiyls Formula 156
Shumilov, I.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Un-
sealed Pneumatic Control Mechanism With Cam Distri-
bution 162
1. Basic system of differential equations 162
2. Initial conditions 165
Card 7/8
Coefficient of rainwater runoff and Its variation in central
Chernozem provinces. Trady VGU 42 no.4:37-38 155. (KM 11:6)
(Central Black E%rth region--Ibinoff)
. K C, Vl-. I -.,.: _k" Ya K 11-orld. nall'-
....... I- -. .-.., - - - I- . -
CalcualLion (-j f the t u - , , : a i ~ y :-~ i, L; -.,a I 11, 1 ,r ( ~ r E, a rl 1. f-,!~.p)ra ry
ill the Colitral Ghernozam provinces. i
gidro.l. F I
--1, lt~:,,
1. Vorcne7'-,,:-.l-.jy
oxbow lakes in bottom lands of the Don Valley. Trudy
VGU 42 no,4,39-4.L 155. (MIRA 1W)
(Don Valley-Iakes)
MILIKOV,F.N., professor; KOVALKV.Ya.K., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk
Heavy shower and its consequences. Prirods 44 no.10:107 0'55.
(MLRA 8:12)
1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Rain and rainfall)