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NOVALEV, S.A. Foreeneting geogr*hloal diBtribution of populntion in accordance with the development of economic regions. Nauch.dokl.v.Vs.ehko1y; geol.-geog.nauki no,1:114-120 158- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Moskovskiy universitet, geograficheskiy fakalltet, kafedra eko- nomicheakoy geografii SSSR. (Geography, Economic) KOVAIMI IlEconomic geograpIT of'Hung'ar7* by I.H.Kaerg,Diz. Reviewed by S. A. Kovalev. VeBt. Hoak.-un. Ser..biol. pochv.. gaol..gaog. 13 no. 1-23i-2233 '5,9. (H M- 11:7) (Hungary--Gnogrsip~q, Economic) (Haergoiz. I.M.), KOVALEV, S. A. Work of Belgian geographera on agricultural queations. VON geog. no.43:188-189 '58. (MIRA 12:5) (Belgium--Geograpby, 1conomic) (Belgium--Agriculture) KOVALEV, S.A. Geogm.phical atudy of rural aettlementa abroad. Yop.geog. no.44: 178-?00 '58 4nthropogeography) (MIRA 12:5) KOVALXV, deograpby.of popuiation in coliectea studies pabliBbed by acboole of bigber education in 194,9-1957. Nauch.dokl.vys ehkoly; gool.-geog. nauki no.1:229-237 '59. iMIRA VtO 1. HoakovsMy universitet. geografichookiy fakul'tet, Imfedra ekono- micbeekoy geografii. (Goography, Economic) Kov~um, S. A. Fundamental problema in the typology of population nettlarlent. no 45:8-22 159. NIRA 12:5) iCitlos and towns-Growth) SAUSHKIN, Tu~'Ga; KATASHNIKOVA, T.K.; STEPHOV, P.W.; KOVARV, S.A,; HIKOLISKIY, I.V.1 IEH=VA, V.P, Main economic regions of the U.S.S.R. Yop. geog., no,47:42-73 159- (MIRA 13:1) (Economic zoning) 30(13) SOV110-50-4-14129 Davidovich, V.G., Kovalev, S.A.,_ and Pokshis)-levskiy, V.V. TITLE: Basis of . CIdsaifying- USSR ffettlwei2ts (In Connedtion 'With the Parpdies of Econamte GeogI*#Y)- PF,RIODIC-,)I: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya Ceo-rafiches- kaya, 1959, Nr 4, pp 106-116 (USSR) ABSTILICT: The article is concerned with basis settlemehts (fortbe p=TdwaW to- their i*uncti ons (should they be looked upon as urbau places or purely rural settlements) and population density. The resent-day classification into sel'skiye poseleniya ral settlements), poselki Gorodskogo tipa (urban M places), and goroda (cities) is inadequate since it does not reflect the latest develoDments in the So- viet economic geography. The author proposes to cre- Card 1/3 ate an additional group - small, non-rural settle- SMI/10-59-4-14/29 Basis of, Classifying USSR Settlemeabs (In Connection *I:th the Purposes of-,Economic Geography) ments with 50-500 people and no more than 35 0% em- ployed in agriculture (Figure on p 111). Among other things, the article gives the following sta- tistical data: accordinG to the TsSU USSR, 57;6 of the Soviet population were employed in 1956 in industry and 43 % - in agriculture; in 1957, there were 78,900 kolkhozes and 5,80C sovkhozes in the USSR; at the be-inning of 1959, the number of Soviet cities with a population of more than 10,000 came to 1,188; their total amounted to ?9,700,000 or 3801'o of the Soviet population. The article also cites author O.A. Kon- stantinov and the following organizations: Komissiya geografii naseleniya i gorodov Moskovskogo filiala Geograficheskogo obshchestva (Committee on the Geo- graphy of Both Population and Cities of the Tdoscow Card 2/3 Branch of the Geographical Society); 'Tos-kovskiy XVIO-59-4-14/20~ Basis of Classifying UJSSR Settlements (In Connection vith the Parposes of'Econmic aeography) filial Geo~~raficheskogo obshchestva S-CSR (L';Osco"'! Braj2ch of the Geo-raphical Scciety US312). There U is 1 dia3ran and 15 references, 1 of which is French and 14 ~:~oviet. ASSO-/I ITIOP: 1) lJoskovs1c.iy inzhenerno-ekonomicheslciy institut (J."Oscow Institute of "Engineering -and 7,iconomics) 2') 7.loskovskiy igos. universitet im. V.1,',. Lor.,onosova (E'oscoyi State University imeni V.L. Lomonosov) 3) VsesoyuznyY inE;titut nauclino-'eklinicheskoy in- u formatsii AIT SSSR (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information,,AS USSR) Card 3/3 KOVALEV, S.A. Studying the geography of population at Moscow University. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5% geog. 16 no.6:9-17 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Kafedra ekonomicheskoy geografii SSSR Moskovskofro universiteta. (Population) -, I - DAVIDOVICH, V.G,;-XQVALM[v,-S.A.; MINTS, A.A.; NAZAREVSKIY., O.R.; Ponmmwsxiyo V.V.; POMUS, I.Yi.;RYAZANTSEV, S.F.; FREYKIN, V.G.; KHOREV, B.S. Nikolai Ivanovich Lialikov; obituray. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser,)geog no.lsl66-167 Ja-F 162. (MMA 15: (I&alikov,, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1900-1961) KOVAIZV, S.A. "Population of the U.S.S.R." by P.G. Podliachikh. Reviewed by S.A. Hovalev. Geog. v shkole 25 no.1:90-93 Ja-P 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Russia-Pop4ation) (Podliachikh, P.G.) XIVALEV, S.A. Types of settlements, regional oenters of the U.S.S.R. Vop. geog* no.56t54-72 162. (Cities and towns) OURA 15t7) KOVAIZV I S.A. Work of the First Interdepartmental Scientific Conference on the Geography of Population; -.7camary 30 to February 3, 1962. Vest. Yjosk,un.Ser-5: Geog. 17 no.3:67-69 My-Je 62. (MIPA 15:8) (Russia-Population~.-Congreases) KOVALEV.-,q-A- - Future geography of the rural distribrutim of population. Vope geog. no.57:89-120 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Villages) [Kovalev., S.A,]., a foldrajzi tudomanyok Inudidutusa -./ /, !~, I ( - Debate about Edit Petri's disvertation for candidacy entitled IlAgricultural geography of Borsod County." Foldrajzi 11 no.3:386- 393 162. j~PYALEV.,_S.A.p inzh., red.; IFTBIKA, G.A.., red.izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. (Plastic bottle syphono with outlets for wash stands; inter- Republic specifications (IIRTU 7-7-62)] Sifony butylochnye I %s vypuskom) iz plastmass dlia uqrvallnikov; mezhrespubli- kanskie tekluiichoslde usloviia WHTU 7-7-62) Moskva, Gosstroiizdat 1962. 7 p. iKMA 16:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyv komitet po delam stroitellstva. (Sanitation, Houseliold) DAVIDOVEI, V.G. (Davidovich, V.G.1; KOVALEV, S.A.,;, POKSISETSKI, V.V. [Pokshishevskiy, V.V.). Bases of clannificaticm-of populated in the U.S.S.R. Analele geol geogr 14 no.2-156-169 Ap-Je 160. KOVALEV,_$.A.,,inzh., red.; CHERNIN, L.A., inzb., red.; POGORELYY, P.P., inzh., red.; KLI[MOVAp G.D., red. [Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitel'Aye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt*I# Sec*G, ch#8#[Gas sup- ply; indoor installations. Materialsp equipment, fixtures, and parts] Gazosnabzhenie; vnutrennie ustroistva. Materialy) obo- rudovanie, armatura i detali. (SNiP I-G. 8-62). 1963. 16 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Chernin). 3. Institut Mosgazproyekt (for Fogorelyy). BYKOV, V.D., red.; ZVONKOVA, T.V., red.; GLADKOV, N.A., red.; KOVALEV, S,A., red.; KOSOV, B.F., red.; 14ARKOV, K.K., Fe-d-;'-ffA-M9iKOV, A.M., red.; SAUSHKIN, Yu.G., red.; SIMONOV, Yu.G., red.; KHRUSHCHEV, A'T., red.; BOKOVETSKIY, O.D.Y red.; KONOVALYUK; I.K., mladshiy red.; GOLITSYN, A.V., red.kart; KOSHELEVA, S.M., tekhn. red. [Soviet geography during the period of the building of communism) Sovetskaia geografiia v period stroitel'stva kommunizma. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 486 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Geography) KOVALEV, S.A., prof. M-Union forum of geographers. Pr1roda 53 no.5-113 164. (MIRA .17:5) 1. Moskavskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova. -KOVALEV, S.A, Electrical activity of single myocardial fibers. Trudy 1.1011-P. O'td. blol. 9~105-114 164. (MIRA IP,%!) 1. Mloskovskiy wAversitet. KOV-ALEV.-G.A.; CHAYLARYAN, L.Ml. Effect of some conditions of intracellular recorded potentials. 'h-udy MOIP. Otd. biol. le-i derivati-on on 91175-179 164. (MIRA the 18:1) 1, Institut biofiziki Ali SSSR, Moshm. BFRKINBLIT, M.B.; KOVALEV, S.A.; SMOLYANINOV, V.V.; CHAYLAKHYAN, L.M. Inlet resistance of syncytial structures. Biofizika 10 no.2009-316 ,65. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. BERKINBLITY M,,B.; S-40LYANINOV9 V.V.; CHAYLAKHYAN, L.M. Electric structure of the myocardial tissue. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 to.3s 741-744 Jl t65. (WRA 180) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fizilk-i AN SSSR. Submitted August 22, 1964. APO"HAVS-MY, Yu. I.; IREHRMBLIT, M.B.; KOVAIEV, S.A.; S,'4,0LYA!Tp:rjV j , - C H A'Yr L A K H Y ANT? .)le of den-vitt-s in the funAoning o' nerve cells. Dck'~ . 1' S SS R 163 no-4:994-9017 Ag 165. 1. instUu t bi ol ogl c hom-,IwIv IN ~~ I 'r-,-, A N ; L,,'IT,. :, jr-11 i. 1964. 4 f- JIM. BERY NUJT~ M.F,; KOWLRVJ L, SMOLYANINOV, V.,V., CHAYIAKHY~N, nei~smjnati,,n cf lAsIc ele~~trrir ~~hmra^ terl sties of thi mvIc-cardlum -~' t L I t% -h,~!- frog's vc-ntricl~, Bicf-',-ikn, 10 rjc-~~"--~861-867 1'.5~ 1 Clnaraz~l,risl~lcn cf Oi,:~ dizt-ibution of pc-tE:ntAal in sypc i tia 1 F~ t r-au ture ;, Tbid ~-' 881-985 (KIRA -~8:10) 1 ~ I 41!-tdtut fizi~:! Ali SPSR, Moskva. SAUSHKIN, Yu.G.; KOVALEV, S.A.; KOVALISKAYAY N.Y&., KORCVTTSYN, V.P.; .0 LAPPO., G.M. vadi-m Viachaslavovich Pokshishevskii, 190.5- ; on his 60th bir-Chday. Veat.Mosk.un,Scr.5.- Geog. 20 P0.4986-87 J'I-Ag '65. ~ 4 (Ml RA. 18:12) KOVALEV, 1c,.A. Problems in the "Constructive geography" of' settlementq in the collections published by the Publish .ng I , House of* the State Institute of City Planning. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser, 5: Geog. 20 no.1:88-91 Ja-F 165. (MTRA 16:3) MOBR-STIPANOVA, I.A.; -NOULEV. S.A.; NUIAYBY, B.S.; GRAYIAKHYAN, L.H. Polarization changes in the heart following vagal inhibition. Fiziol.zhur. 42 no.9:821-825 S 156,. (XLRA 9:11) 1. Slaktrofizi6logicheakeya laboratoriya ninichaskoy ordena Ianina boltnitsy im. S.P.Botkina. Moskva. (URVIS. VAGUS, physiology, off. of Inhib. on heart polarization (Rua)) (HEART, physiology, polarization after vague inhib. (Rue)) NOVAUVj, S,A,; GHWAKOVp L.I. Intracellular registradon of rest and action potentials of muscle fibers in various segmei,ts of the frog heart. Biofizika 6 no.6:672- 680 161. 1511) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakalitet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni, M.Lomonosova. (BFART) ARSHAVSKIY, YU-I.; BERKINBLIT, M.V.; KOVALEV, S.A. Periodic rhythm transformation in single nerve fibers. Biofizika 7 no-4:449-459 162. Offlu 15311) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moakvai Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Lenina. (NERVFS) (PERIODICITY) ARSHAVSKIry, yu.1- M -98 .!3 f~, ~,o f rhyChm In the nerve 4 fiber prcduced in-hOnlogrencitY ka n 5 - 619 -2 B! -f izi 7 (MIRA 17:8) -,171kl GELIFAINDP I.M.; CHAYIAKHYAN, L.M ,_~R Intracellullir sti=lation of different parts of a frog's heart. Dok-I.AN MR 148 no.0973-976 F 163. (MIRA 164) 1. Inatitut biologicheBkoy fiziki AN WSR. 2. Chlan-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). (Electrocardiography) (CaiA. T(3oh. 3c;., ) I'mozov, V. V. -10 1"Ol."ALEX, "A Stialy of,ileat Z.,,qharirgre duiin-r Bofluln- c,-,' r3 s i, r ~~, z; 111) ('5 a t --.-port --pres-2ntecl at sci. an.1 tech. ,,c:szion cli 1jeat, Z,.chani~e Sta-~o of ;L-tter (hy clonm. an HJgh Stcw-~l Cnild-i-timiL.. _lTIf-,l.-,j. A3 ~~3E~ cr-,! Thornial Eiigineorjm~, AS Uki~SSFQ Sep 57. Inst. Th.;=,,al. EnSineerinr..-, Acad. Sci. Lrk-,l,. SSR (F~-I_ nrrl :?LJ41~r_ Y- CQnt. Dciler T4,lrbille (I'-., lqlnchenko) moscnw C---,,-,t. 'Nvloine 1rist. STZRMAN. L.S.; MDROZOV, V.G.; KOVATAIV, S.A. Studying beat exchange to boil!ng water and ethyl alcohol in pipes. Inzh.-fi2.zhur. to.10:40-45 0 '59. (141RA 13: 2) 114, 1. Energeticheakiy inetitut im. G.M.Krzhizhanovskogo i TSentrallnyy kotloturbinny7 institut, Moelcovskoya otdeleniye. Moskva. (Heat--Transmission) PETURROV, B.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; EMEEV, S.A., inzh. Methods and some results of t~e critical load mea.-urerrent during the transition from film- to bubble boiling. Teploenerf,etika 9 no.5:65-70 MY '62, (MIRA 1~:4) 1. MoskovskV energeticheskiy institut. (Ebullition) ~th 166& with 'Oillng '. . i . :.. . . . - - . .. - . . - . . . -. . - . - - - .1 - . I . . I . :. I ARTAMONOVt K.I.; LEBEDEVp N.I.; YEPGALIY_EVj, E.Ye.; Ub.;XHKO, ;,.K.; YA08HIN9 M,V*; KAZAKOVp V.N.; DRYUIMIOV9 N.G.; NIEMITA, L.I.; KHVESYUK, F.I.; Prinimali uchaBtiye-. WiTUMp A.T.;-KOVALVip S.I.; R04'VXOV,, V.S.; MARCHM-10, B.P.; ""UDUVAt T.I.; 0RROVt-T-f._ff.-; PECIMUN, S*N.; LUKIP., Ye.G; KHLUDKOV,, V.I. Shaft-furnace copper smelting with an oxygen--enriched blow. TSvet. met. 34 no.3:32-39 Mr 161o (.',aTU 14:3) 1. Irtyohskty polimetallicheskiy kombinat (for Artamonovy Lebedevq Yergaliyev, Lesechkoy Matveyevp Kovalevy Romanovq Marchenko, Zudovaq Omarov)* 2o Voesoyuznyy nauchnoissledovateliskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Yakushin, Kazakov,, Bryukhanov, Nikitina, Khvesyuk, PGchenkin, Lukin, Xhludkov). (copper-Yetallurgy) (oxygen-Industrial applications) YAKUSHIN, M.V.; BRYUKRANOV, N.G.; KkZkKOV,, V.N. ; ITIKITINAO L.I.; KHVESYUK, F.1,; PECHMINj S.H.; ARTAMONOV, K.I.; LEBEDEV, R.I.; MATV=, A.T.;,~OVALEV., SI, Converter treatment of complex metal mattes vith an oxygen em-iched blow. TSvet.met. 34 no.10:34-39 0 161. (MMA 14 -- 10) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsvetWM metallov (for Yakushin.. Bryukhanov,, Kazakov,, Nikitina., Khvesyuk, Pechenkin). 2. IrtyohBkiy polimetallicheskiy kodbinat (for Artamonov, Iabedev, MatveTev, Kovalev). Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) (Converters) V A L- CH \jj 62f-ll 1.4 Electrical Engineering Abst. 86~. Ne" princilik.,-, oll-Ou'd rad loll ne de!-ign of Sul Siatit) S. 1, K(lv,%i.l V, it. it. MAWAIHN' ANV Vol. 57 No. 675 K.'A. -14t- 1953, No.`~, 304. In Mar. 1954 Rieuian. Electrical Engineering The principal dcsigii of outdoor ~nbmrilions for 35, 110 and 220 kV has nat charij-,:A in the. USSR during the past 20 years. Now a numMr of impro% cnients havc 17cen made in ~c% cral 220 KV sAntations of the, Moscow ix)%%cr %upply syQcm such ns a different; arrangcmcnt of the busbats, central arrangement of the lOkV part and the control building. Savina in mc(al, stcel, concrete and czble duct len,,th has 6,!cn tabulated. Similar wensures for other %,j)l1ares and ruvit~ivin of cirvuil-breAer phxw (~,.irance are recommendcd. F. VUSILMANN IQ,VALEVS S.If - Damage produced by the corona discharge. TeIrb. mol. 24 no.12: 38 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Corona (Electricity)) I. j - . .4 6,~ i~', / "C ). ~. I/ / v (- - i, ALYAPIN, A.G.; KOVALIV. ~- - - Efficient organization of lubricating operations in industrial enterprises; suggested by A.G. Aliapin, S.I. Kovalev. Prom. energ. 12 no.12:18 D 157. (MIRA. 10.-12) (Lubricatiou and lubricants) KOVALEV, S. 1. 1. Krasnodarskiy Institil,v pishchevoy prorvshlenno3ti. (lieu t- -Tru nn-,31 a at on) DYUYSEKIN.. Ya.K.; ABDEYEV, M.A.; KOVAUIX, S.I.; LEBEDEV, IT.I. Effect of the addition o-f coke an the compositicn and yield of con- verter alags. Tnidy Alt. GHNII Ali ~~Sll 14-104-IN, tO3. (MIRA 16:9) (Nonferrous metals-Meta-liurgy) V tl (slag-Amlysis) MIGACH, V.D., iiazh.; KOVALEV, S.K., --'nzh.; RANASYUK, I.V,, iinzia,.; GERGE12, T.M., in?h.~ BOYKO, IrTfIr.- wa3.1 pinels of s' g perlite cement. St-ol.mat, 10 no.8~29- la A 30 Ag 164- (MIRA 17--*12.) C t) L V--- WjNTOV. L-Ye.; STEPANOV, G.N.; KOVAIXV, SX.; *BASKAKOV, II.Yo. Ty-pe V-12-2 high-.frequency telephone equipment. 7ent.svlazi 17 no.6:7-9 JO 157. 10: 8) 1.Glavnyy inzhoner Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro zavods. Ministerstva radiotelchnicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Iontov) 2.Nacihallnik laboratoril Hauchw-lasledo-vatel'skogo inatituts, Kinisterstva radlot&4h- nicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Ste-pano.0 3.11achallnik laboratorii zavoda Ifinisteratva radiotekWAchnakoy promyshlonnosti (.Per Kovalev) 4.Glavnvy konstrW:tor zavoda 1'inistc-stva radiotekhri,%eskoy promyshlennosti (for .3askalrov) (TeleDhone-AnparatuB and a-applies) f IONTOV, L.Ye.; STEPANOV, G.N.; KOVAIXV, S.M.; BASKAKOV, N.Ye. Type V-12-2 high-frequency telephone equipment. Vest.oviazi 17 no-8:3-7 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1.Glavnyy inzhener spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro zavoda Ministerstva radiotekhnicheskoy promyshlennosti (for lontov). 2.Nachallnik laboratorii nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institute, Ministerstva radiotekhnicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Stepanov). 3,Nachallnik laboratorii zavoda Ministerstva radiotekhnicheakoy promrshlennosti (for Kovalev). 4.Glavnyy konstruktor zavoda Ministerstva radiotakhnichookoy promyshlennosti (for Baskakov) (Telephone--Equipment and supplies) IOb-TOV, L.Ye.; KOVALEV, S.M.; SMANOV, G.N.: BASMOV, N.Ye.,- PHMOVA. V. Ye. , I . .1 1. . [New 12-channal high-frequency telephone equipment using V-12-2 overhead communication lines] Novaia 12-kanallnais apparatura VGh telefonirovaniia po vozdushnym liniiam sviazi tipa V-12-2. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam Bviazi i radio, 1959. 140 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Electric lines--Overhead) (Telephone, Automatic) BORODUR, G.G.; STEPANOV, G.N.; DRIATSKIY, N.M.; IONTOV, L.Ye.: KO S.M.- BLOKHIN, A.B.; DVORTSOV, L.D.; LUGOVSKOT. N.Ye.; MIRKULOT, A.G.; SMIRNOV, B.P.; ROGINSKIY, E.M.; BALA4-ILYEVSKAYA, X.A.; IZRAILIT, S.G.; WWAT, M.B.-, ZARIN, S.A.i, FEDCROVSKAYA, L.H., red.; KARKOGH, K.G., [Multichannel apera~us for high-voltage telephony on overhead lines and cablesJ Mnogokanallnaia apparatura vysokochastotnogo tolefonirovaniia po vozdushaym i kabel'nym liniiam sviazi. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1959. 511 p. (MLUA 14a) (Telephone--Zquipment and supplies) IONTOV, L.Yeo; &YALEV. S,H~,- PUSTOVOYTENKO, O.D.; SHAMSHIN, VA; YARTSEV, G.Te.; IONTCYV, L.Ye., otv. red.; BOGAGHEVA, G.V.p red.; RORMVA,'S.F., tekhn. red. (24-Channel apparatus for multiplexing cable communication lines] 24-kanalInaia apparaturra uplotneniia kabelInykh linii; informatsionnyi sbornik. (By L.E.Iontov i dr.] Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 184 p. (Telephone) (MIRA 16:6) .EQ,VA JEY,.~~ Efficiency promoters of the A.A.Zhdanov Flant are striving for technical progress. Sudoetroenie 29 no.2t66-68 F 163. (KMA 16 s 2) (Sbipbuilding-Technological innovations) KOVALEV. S.N. Abrasive (iiqmond tools. MuMno3troltall no.A'O:6-7 0 164. (Mak 17:11) KOVALEV, S.NI.; T-I'RNIK, Ye.B.; GALITS2KIY, V.N.; KOOOSOV, 1"p. Makin- abragive diamond tools of synthetic diamonds. Mash inostrai tel I t-. A n0.10:7-9 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) L 40042-66 &IP'k '/EV,T (m~/EWP (e)/Eff (t )/ETI UP(c) IN H /D ---- --- ~ I- ---- / --.-alfk0l,;-60DL'.--~R~b22616610C)010011008110084- ACC NR% AP6017lo6 GO AUTHORS: Katrus, 0. A.; Kovalev, S. N.; Vonogradov, G. A.; Bernik, Ye. B. ORO; Institute for Problems of 1~~ er~ai s Bohavior,, AN UkrSSR (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR);, Ukr9inian Scientific Research Institute for Super-Hard Materials (Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut averkhtverdykh materialov) TITLE: Manufacture of a diamond tool by powder rolling SOURCE: Poroshkovaya, me~~aaj no. 1, 1966, 61-84 TOPIC TAGS: abrasive., diamond, powder metal compaction/, f., 1 7 1.1 ABSTRACT:.KA method for manufacturing a diamond abrasive tool by hot rolling diamond and bronze powders is described. The effect of rolling temperatures on the abrasive stability of the tool was investigated. Hot rolling at 730--750G increases the .stability of the tool by 4-5 times compared with the stability achieved by cold rolling* A photograph of the tool is presented. It is concluded that hot rolling diamond and metal powders offers good possibilities for the manufacture of diamond abrasive tools. Orig. art. has: 1 photograph. SUB CODE-03 ii/ Sam DATE: oijun65/ ORIG TWx 0051 OTH REF: 001 Card VIASOV p I.I., kand. istor. nauk, dots.; ABEYDULLIN, S.K., kando ist.rauk, dots. polkovnik;,KOVALE~V nd. ist.nauk., dots., polkovnik; SHAYDAYEV2 M.G.,-]Ce-m-d. ist.nauk., dots.., polkovnik,- SHCHEDRUNOV, V.P., kand. istnault, dots.; CHEBUSBVI I.V,, polkovnikp red.; KUZIMINp I.F.., tekbn. red, [Party and political work in the Soviet Armed Forces; a textbook for military schools) Partiino-politichaskaia rabota v Vooruzhennykh Si- lakh SSSR; uchebnoe posobie dlia voennykh uchilishch. Moskva., Voen. izd-vo M-va oborony SSSR, 1961. 29.4 p. (MIRA 14-12) (Russia-Armed Forces-Political activity) GURIBA, Nikolay YemeVYanovich; LIMIIOZHSKIY, Grigoriy Pavlovich; SMMOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; KOVALEV,_TJlnofe Fil ZhTRAVLEV, S.P., otv. red.; GOLUBYATNIKOVA., G.S.., red. izd- va; LCV11LI14k, L.N.., tekbn. red. [Progressive operating practice in mining enterprisos] Pe- redovoi opyt raboty na garnorudnykh predpriiatiiakh. lAo- skva) Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo, lit-ry po gornomu delu., 1961. 278 p, (MMA 15-2) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron mines and mining) (Nikopoll region-Vanganese mines and mining) MOTYLEV, Yu.L.~ kend, tekhn. nauk; ZALESSKIY, Ye.P., prof.; KAINUZHNYY, I.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOV, A.A.j mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; POIETAIEV, AN., kand. khim. nauk; ABRUTSKAYA, Ye.G., m1ad. nauchnyy aotr. Prinimali uchastiye: BUTLITSKIY, Yu.V., m1ad. nauchnyy sotr.; FEDOSEYIEVA, T.I., m2ad. nauchnyy sotr.; BIRULI,A.K., prof., doktor tekhn. naukp retsenzent; ZMINSKIY, G.L.. inzh., retsenzent; KOY YT ALFL _,_Q.,.,_inzh.j retsenzent; BASIN,I/,.M.,inzh., re- tsenzent;-DSB-ERDEYEV, B.S., red.; DOVSKAYA, G,D., tekhn, red, (Stability of earth roadbed and road rmta in regions with arti- ficial irrigation] Ustoichivost' zemlianogo polotna i dorozhnykh odezlid v raionakh iskusstvenxiogo orosheniia. [By] IU.L.Motylev i dr. 1'.oskvag Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo Nl-va avtmouilInago LranspA shos. dorog b RSFSR3 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 15:2) Nzbelcistan-Road C'onstraction) Wzbekistan--Irrigation) KOVAM. V. Electron-tube voltmeter. Radio no.6:57-59 Je 154. (HLRA 7:7) (Voltmeter) ROVALET, V. c~ -," - ~!- .. 'Z~ ~ 1. Xnetructive seminar. Prof. -tekh.obr. 11 no.1:3 of cover 134. (MLRA 47:6) 1. PropodavatelO reaselannogo uchilashoha No.5 avyazi g. Livova. (Technical education) KOVALEV, V.; TISHCIM;XO, D. -*4 Herbicides from phenols of tars produced by the destructive ais- tillation of wood. Zhur.prikl.khimo 31 no.11:1708--l'?15 N '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1, Lesotekhnicheakayn akademiya imeni S.M. ICirovn. (Phenols) (Herbicides) (Wood distillation) KOVALXV, V., inzh. I-- ......... I Pneumatic installation for loading grain into railroad cars. MtOrr.-olnv.prom. 25 no.6:25-26 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Bobrovitakly kblaboprjyemnVy punkt Chernigovekoy oblasti. (Pneuratic-tube transportation) (Grain-handling machinery KOVAISV, V., izobrotatell (g.Leningrad) lkercises for inventora. Izobr.i rats. no.6:53 Je 160. (Moohanical engineering-Probleuis, exerciaos, etc.) OMIRA 14:2) J,CjV!-T;'-~Ijq V. ; 'f" fEstiiblishin,,, aork nomw in the salt industry. Sots. trud 6 1.1" r.o. 2:103-111 F I ZIA. . (IZU 14:2) , . (Ar'uonov:31---~Sait-ind,,stx7--Product.Lon stundards) .41, KOVALEV, V.; BOBB, A.; AV"IAYMIll, N.; PLRISTOV, Yu., red.; ~7 ~LEYNIKOV, A., red.; TUIRABAYLT, B., tekhn. red. [wages for automotive transportation workers in Kazakhstan) Oplata truda rabotnikov avtotransporta Kazakhstana. Alra-Ata, Kazgosizdat, 1963. 70 p. ("I TRA 17: 1) (Kazakhstan-l-lages--Transportatioii, Aatomotive) VIOLIN, N.; YANOVSKIY, I * KOVALEV,, V., inzh.; KARKACHEV, P.J. prepodavatell; POKROVSKIY,.r.-, s-Fa-rshiy inzh.; BANDOVAKIN, A. Prepare workers for the automation of industry. Radio no.l: 8 Ja -161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Nachalinik Shakhtinskogo radiokoba Dobrovollnogo obshchest- va sodeystviya armii., aviatsii i flotu (for Vikulin). 2. Pred- seZ[atell soveta, Shakhtinskogo radiokluba Dobrovollnogo obshches- tva sodaystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu (for Yanovskiy. 3. Chlen Shakhtinakogo radiokluba (for Kovalev). 4. Ilroyektnyy otdel TJpravleniya "Shakhtoopetsmontazh" kombinata "Rostovugol'O (for Pokrovskiy). 5. Sledarl po remontu vysokochastotnoy apparatury shakhty "Yuzhnaya-I" (for Bandovkizi). (Automatic control) KGVALEV) V. Skillful hands for everybody. Znc-n-si-la 37 no.7:56 JI 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Electrophysiology) KOVALEV, V. We are solving important problems. Prof.-tekh. obr. 19 no.9: 28-29 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Nachalinik otdela tekhnioheskoy ucheby Dnepropetrovskogo shinnogo savodae (Dnepropetrovsk-Evening and continuation schools) KOVALEV , V., ImFrove, the praot#e of reviewing norms in the salt industry. Sots,trud, 8 no*3:100-102 Mr 163, . (MIRA 1613) (Artemovsk-Salt industry-Production standards) KOVAUV, V. Puzzle as a diversion. Znan.-sila 37 no.8t46 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Mathematical recreations) KOVALEV, V. Improve bank control methods. Den. i kred. 21 no.12:40-41 D 163, (MIRA 17.1) 1. Nacballnik otdela kreditovaniya promyshlonnosti Yuzhno- Kaz4khatanskoy krayevoy kontory Gosbanka. KOVALF V, V. -., Schools of communist labor. llrof.-tekh. obr. 2-1 no-10:30 0 164. (%-IMA 17: 11) 1. Nachallnik ot-liela teklmicheskogo obucheniya Dnepropetrovskogo shinnogo zavoda. YOVALEV V., zasl-uzhe-ririy-y latz~h-P-.'spytatell SS-SP.; F., ---..nzb. :Z-~~ Piloting a beavy r~irplbina. Prv. i Kosm. 1,7 no.1.2".39-1+5 D 164 (MIRA l8ul') ACCESSION NR: AP4045321 S/0209/64/000/006/0076/0084 AUTHOR: Kovaley.-ya- (Meritorious test.pilot SSSR; lbro of-the Soviet Uaion)j Sklyanskiy,'Fe, JEngineer) TITLE: Longitudinal stability and controllability In the transonic region SOURCE: Avlatslya I kosmonavtlka, no-. 6, 1964, 76-84 TOPIC TAGS: sound barrier, transonic speed, wing shape, aircraft stability, aircraft longitud'Inal stability, aircraft controllability, jet aircraft, transon-ic flight ABSTRACT: The authors present a very broad-based discussion and analysis of the problem of impaired aircraft stability and controllability at speeds near the speed of sound. A brief historical outline is presented of the study of the so- called "sound bar'rier4l as it applies to jet aircraft and the problems associated with it. Some interesting (I..d are given on the establishment of the maximum permissible.M number for early Soviel-military jet aircraft (M er - 0.8 for the MIG-9, for example). Attention Is called to the tendency of &C aircraft to go into a dive at subsonic speeds if the permissible M number Is exceeded, with pull- out or recovery possible only at very reduced altitudes. Experiments are dis- cussed which tend to Indicate that after the aircraft has achleved-a certain M Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4045321 number and when zones in which the speed of the flow reaches that of sound appear on those sections of Its surfaces having the least local air speed (the upper wing surface, for example), there is an abrupt change In the character of the pressure distribution on these surfaces. The concept of the critical M number Is discussed and defined as that number at which the first local sonic flow speeds occur. The relationship between M and M Is studied and it Is noted that, whille modern per jet aircraft are also subject tochmitations in terms of their.Mdch number, such limitations are due to entirely different considerations than In the past (engine operating conditions, loss of stability, aerodynamic heating, etc). For these aircraft M > M . The authors dote that a change In the pressurv distribution er over the wping sur?9ce leads to a backward displacement of the point of application of the lifting force Increment as the angle of attack changes. The implications of this phenomenon are analyzed In detail. Elevator efficiency In the light of these considerations is analyzed from the point of view of design and the overall empennage structure. An explanation is presented for the fact, noted above, that an aircraft, after being pulled into a dive at a great altitude, will abruptly and unexpectedly pull out of the dive by Itself when It has reached a lcrqer altitude. The entire range of problems relating to acceleration and deceleration at near sonic speeds, the transition from supersonic to subsonic air speeds and vice versa and pilot error In the position of the control stick under these circumstances Is Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o45321 analyzed in great detail in the light'of the load ("G"-forces) spread for wings having various configurations. The authors note, in this connection, that the phenomenon of this overload spread during deceleration in the transonic region has 'been of greater danger in the past than that of being pulled into a dive. This was' particularly true at the time the first supersonic aircraft made their appearance ,and was due to the absence of wf-.Ii conceived piloting techniques, as a result of which the load spread might easily exceed the permissible limit and ~ lead to .structural failures. Some examples Illustrating this point are given (liquid-fuel Bell X-1, Republic F-84 Thunderstreak, and others). The use of swept-back and thin, triangular wing and empennage configurations for the purpose of reducing' the In- tensity of the critical wave condition and sharp Increase of resistance at tran- sonic speeds is discussed at considerable length. A diagrammatic analysis Is given of the velocity vector of the air flow incident to the swept-back wing and It Is .demonstrated that the gradual expansion of the supersonic alr-f 'low zone on the swept-back wing gives rise*to a smoother backward displacement of the focal point .of the aircraft, thus reducing the Intensity with which it tends to be pulled into ,zl dive when accelerating and the load spread when braking In the nearsonic region. The article concludes with a series of practical Instructions to pilots dealing ~wlth flying techniques In the light of certain of the considerations on longitudinal stability and controllability developed In the paper. OrIg. art, has: 13 figures, Card 3/4 ,ACCESSION'NR.- AP4045321 oand I formula. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 000 !NO REF SOV! 000 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE: AC c.,d 4/4 ACCESSION NR: APW45259 S/0209/64/000/008/0063/0067 AUTHOR: JKova V.,(Meritorious t6st pilot SSSR, Hera of the Soviet Union)j Sklyanskiyp k-f-egffigineer) TITLE: Recovery of a heavy high-speed aircraft from a dive SOURCEi Avlatslya I kosmonavtlka, no. 8, 1964, 63-67 TOPIC TAGS: dive, high speed aircraft, jet plane, dive recovery, horizontal flight, Mach number, banking force, flying ABSTRACT: The authors discpss the vatiot.; factors and power and flight parameters Influencing the horizontal flight of heavy high-speed aircraft, as they reveal themselves in a' tendency of the aircraft to dive. The various forces and moments brought to bear on the surfaces of the plane under such circumstances are discuss-, ed and analyzed from the two-fold point of view of theory and pilot response. Special attention is given to problems dealing with critical Mach number, banking and G-forces. Many of the different parameters affecting the moment of fall-off on the wing and entrance into or recovery from the dive are presented in the form of graphs, on the basis of which the authors attempt to develop a number of useful. suggestions for piloting. The nature of this article Is such-that It will be readily understandable and useful only to those familiar with the piloting and theory of modern, heavy, high-speed jet aircraft#, has: 5 figures@ 1 Card 112 ACCESSION NR; AP4 045 259 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC NO REF SOV! .000 OTHER: 000. Card 2/2 ~KQVALEV-y V., zasluzhcnnrj letchik-ispytatell SSSH, Goroy Sovetskogo Soyuxa; 0 SKLYA14SKIY , F. , inzh. Piloting a heavy airplane during the takeoff. Av. i kosm. 47 no.11; 50-59 N 164. (MIrdt 17: 11) 1. . . , . I .1. - - . . I . -~ 11 . . I ~ rill VASIL' YEVPP.j__~q~ALEV V - TFMNT'rLV, V. . -- ... ~,. !s*,_ The first outer-space'expedition; medical and biological studies. Av. i kosm. 47 no.6%22-26 Je 165. (141RA 18: 5) ,polkovnik, voyenll~7 letchik 1.ervogo Iawtf;:--,a Experience of outstznding !row, meratre--rs ir, puL L-ito practive. Av. i 1, N 165, (I-alu 18:30) I.o.9m, 4S no,112*43-4171 j KOVALEV, V., podpolkovnik An air pilot loses his qualification. Av. i rI-lo--.,,. no.1:67-69 Ja 166. O."InA. 19--l)