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-L.3250-34)6 -- -`--'-VT
ACC NRs AP6010736 Com. UR 6-1-42/-~766-97601/0-14[6457
AU7i1CR: Kovalev, I. S.
ORG., Iloilo
TITLE: Comparing various transmission lines by their transmitted-power capacities
SOURCE: I= . Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 143-145
TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, trnzismission line
ABSTRACT: Maximum p(n-rer-carrying capacity of these transmission lines of comparable
geometry at 6.46 Gc is estimated:
Rectangular waveguide 35 x 16 mm
10 o'j"
Symmetrical microstrip 40 and 11.5 mm wide
Asymmetrical microst"iP 40 and 11.5 mm wide
Coaxial line 10 and 4-35 mm radii 50~
Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and I table.
SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATEi 29jua62 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 002
l / I ,-, ;.. 11 UDC-. 621
1,01-1 'ILI I.S.P hund. tolkhn.na6- dot-,".ent
K Ev 7 y
.. U . I - h eb . -. a v
CalculLation of th- fl4i'ld of ! ormmetrinnal I . Z Ir I:,- v, . , , " 0 ;
oparg., 8 no.9-25-31 8 165. (,"IRA 18:10)
1., ,Lnsk,Ly rad! o-Leklinit, lie skj.y i nst! tut.
Vishnevskiy, Nikolay Yevgenlyevicth, Nikolay Pamenovich GiAhAn an
Ivan Sidorovich Ko, 1 V..
Apparatura vysokogo davleni-ya s germetiebeakim privodom (High-Pressure Ap-
paratus With an Airtight Drive) 2nd ed., rev. and eal. Moscow, Masligiz,
1960. 246 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed.
Reviewers; G. N. Dobrokhotov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
1. M. Stolyarov, Engineer; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Design and
Operation of Machines (Leningrad Department, Mashgiz): F. I. Fetisov)
Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: I. A. Borodulina; Tech. Ed.:
A. 1. Kontorovich.
PURPOSE: This book is. intendkd for engineers and technicians in machine and
instrument constr6ation, and in..establishments of the chemical and petro-
leun industries who are. engaged in the construction and use of high-pres-
sure apparatus.
K'T~E'R, Ye.V.,- V.F.~ -k0VA:x-%r,
~ I-
1(6111a'-Uity potentlaln of I.Yo au'Jogal-Ir, t'j-14r6t lathes. Star,. 1 ina~r,
36 no.5gIC-11 py 1450 ( I IT IV, A 18 15 )
IVANOV, A.A., nachalnik; -KOVALEV, I.T., zaveduyushchiy.
More attention to laborsaving in the industry. Poligr. proiz. 4:13 Ap
'53. (KLRA 6:6)
1. Pereplatnyy tsekh Tipografti No. 1, gorod Tyumen. 2. Tipografiya, go-
rocl Oboyan' Kurskoy oblasti. (P,-inting industry)
0 0
AUTIIORS; Voronov, N. M., Danilin7 A- S. and Kovalpv I T-
TITLE: Structure of alloys of thorium oxide with 2irconium
o -.x, i d e
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nietallurCii. Otroyeniye
splavov nekotorykli sisteti s uranom i toriyem. I-loscow,
Gosatomizdat, 1961, 457-466
TEXT: This investigation was motivated by the fact that the pub-
lished data on this system are far froin complete. The system was
in,,estigated by thermal, X-ray and dilatometric methods. The me!-,_
ing pol-nt of the alloys was determined on 8 - 10 mm3 specimens
prepared by briquetting of powder mixtures. The operations were
performed on an electrically heated tungsten wire in argon. The
temperature was determined by reference to melting points of kncwn
materials, the error not exceeding + 250C. The obtained date are
diametrically opposed to those previously published by Ruff et a!.
(Relf. I: Z. anorgan. und allgem. Chem., 180, 252 (1929)), Thus,
Card 1/ 2
S/64 0/6 1 /000/000/0-15 -5/0-1
Structure of alloys ... D205/D302
ac.-ording to Ref. I (Op~ cit.) the melting point incre-icles with
-'-he addition of thorium o.Kide to zirconiam o\id(,, whi-le -ic,~ord~nc-
to 'lie present work it first, decrease.-- from 2-)700o to 25
2~1~ moi,,'D thorium oxide and begins to increase only thereafter,
X-ray analysis with Fe-N&_ radiation, for alloys quenched from
?'550; 2000 and 19000C has shown that instead of a continuous ser.-
fes of solid solutions as stated in Ref. I (Op.cit.), a peritectic
mixture cf two solid solutions is formed. At the temperature of
the peritectic - 25500C - a cubic solid goluticii containing about
81 njo'-.% ZrO2is present, together with a tetragonal solid solu-
t~on, containing 10.5-,,.!~ ThOl -1 , -
CD ,. The cubic solid so'u'on decomposeo
mc-aicte.--toidal-17 at 19000 C. These and further transformations are
summaiLzed in a phase diagram. Additional dat,,i obtained by the
d,_'.,atometric muthed of investigation are also incorporated 'in the
diagram. The dilatometric method was applied in particular to r:~'u-
~idate the transformations caused by the polymorphism of the Zro, are 3 fiE.,,ures, 3 tables and 2 references: I Soviet-blc--
and I ncn-Soviet-bloc.
Card 2,12
S-' .2.;2,20 DCO-05/D302
AUTHORS: Voronov, N. 1.1. , Voytelchova, E. A. and Kovalev, 1. T.
TITLE: Phase diagram of the system uranium dioxide-sirconium
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inotitut metallurgii. Stroyeniye
splavov nekotorykh sistem s uranom i toriyem. Moscow,
Gouatomizdat, 1961, 467-481
TEXT: This phase diagram which is of interest as pertaining to
a prospective high-temperature material for heat-evolving elements
was investigated earlier by Lambertson and Mueller (Ref, 1: J.
~mer. Ceram. Soc., 36, 11, 365, 1953). However, the published data
are incomplete, and the methods of investigation and prepqration.
of the samples were not sufficiently precise. In this investiga-
tion, an attempt was made to use the data published in Ref. 1 as
a guide; however, after the first experiments, large discrepan-
cies were established. The discrepancies led to a complete re-
checking of the phase diagram. Uranium dioxide and zirconium oxide
Card 03,
S//640/6 1 /000/0-DO/03-4/0'.5 5
Phase dia-rai,,i of ... D-205 'D302
incorporating not more than 0.1c,'D impurities %,,,ere employed. The al-
loys were prepared by smelting in an electric arc furnace. in ar-
gon, of briquetted oxide mixtures. Homogeneity was ensured by
multiple resmeltiiig. The X-ray analysis (Fe radiation) was, the
principal method of investigation and its findings wrere confdrmed
in some instances by nicrostructural analysis. The thermal treat-
ment was performed on a tungsten-wire heater on samples having a
volume less than 50 mm3. Temperature T!easurements were made by re-
ference to melting points of 3(nown materials, the error not ex- + 250C. Alloys hardened from 2000, 1900, 1800, 1700, 1650,
1 509 1500 and 14000C were investigated, The data are slo~~.rn on a
phase diagram U02 - Zr02. UO 2 forms a continuous series of solid
solutions with ZrO 2' which have the fluorite structure of U02 up
to 51.3 mol-j'. of Zr02' Beyond this point the structure passes in-~c
a tetragonal one which is that of the hig-h-temperature modifi~_--ation
of ZrO 2* Down to 16750C these solid solutions do not change. Be-
gInning frDm 167500 and below (de.)ending on the concentration) ihe
Card 2/3
Phase diagram of D205/D302
solid solutaons in the 13.5 - 86.0 mol.~a Zr02 range decompose into
two solid eolutions, one based on UO Containing 13,'~~', "7 1'0., ; The
se:ond based on. ZrO 2 containing at least 14.0cu UO 2 at IAO'C. The
Z_~O -based solid solutions undero-o trai.~~fcrriations -t + em n e i-a -, ue
Cell TC!14, Of
from 1040 C for pure Zr02 down to 1400C at ZrO 2 L
There are 6 figures. 2 tables and 5 references: 1 Soviet-b-loc and
4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language pubi.41-
~.ations read as follows: W. A. Lambertson and M. Ii. Mueller, J),
Amer, Ceram. So--., 36, 11, 365 R953); P. Duwrer and P. Odel,
, J.
Amer. Ceram. Soc. ` 33, 9, 247, 1950); R. Geller and P, Yfivorsky,
Ceram. Abstr.., 24, 10, 191, (i945).
Card 3/3
A-0 V4 Z- 5: 7-
voromov, N., DAN ILIN, A., ~2-v~u,
*Investigation on evaporation velocity of sample rittal oxides heated
by electric current."
Report submitted but not presented at the 1AU Syrposium on the Thermodynamics
of nuclear materials.
Vienna, Austria, 21-26 My 1962
22(l) SOV/3-59-3-19/48
AUTHORS: KovalUv, I.V.t and Fomichev, A.G.
TITLE: The Vuz - an Active Participant in Propagating Scien-
tific Atheism (Vuz,- aktivnyy uchastnik propagandy
nauchnogo ateizma')
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 3, pp 45-47 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors emphasize the significance of furnishing
future school teachers with scientific-atheistic
knowledge, stating that at the Pskov Pedagogical In-
stitute, atheistic propaganda was unsatisfactorily
organized until recently. They describe how the sub-
ject is being dealt with now, in the course on the
History of the CPSU. Great attention to questions
of atheistic education is also given by the Chair of
History which organized a 50-hour course of lectures
on the history of religion and atheism. The instruct-
ors in botany, geology, chemistry and zoology are co-
operating fully. Geology instructor A.I. Ivanov is
Card 1/2 quoted as an example. The institute staff also
Poslevoennoe razvitie zheleznodorozhnogo trasporta. "'oskva, Transz-
heldorizdat, 1946.
Title translated: Postwa't development of tailroad. transportation.
Zheleznodorozbnyi transport v novoi Stalinskoi piatiletke. Moskva,
Gosudarstvennoe transportnoe zbeleznodorozhnoe izdatellstvo, 1946.
Title translated: Railroad transportation in the new Stalin five yeat
XOVAT-y 7LAT,.IIrj?f77!T.
Developrent of Soviet railway transport) by the People's Commissar of 11~ailways in
the U.S.S.R. (PLilway Fa7ette, Aug, 23, 1946, v. 85, p. 2211).
DL(7: TF1. R5
SO: loviet TransDortation and Comminications, A F3iblioFraphy, Ijibrar~,, of ConFress
Reference Depar-tihont~ Washinrton, 19.152, Unclassified.
KOV tTll,~Tl~ Ivan V-1PAInArovich
Y,OVAT.-Vj Tvn-n Illn,limirovich. sovotsldi zhcle2no~ioro,--hnyi tr-in-sport. 1917-1947.
flloshva , TrnS7hCYcrizdnt, ZT94J7 109 P. DIZ: T-785,K67
7 1
SO: TTI, Soviet GeorTnphy, Part 1, 1951; Uncl.
KovkLEV, I.V,
Most important prerequisite for setting higher standards in railroad
operations. Zhels dore traneps noo3:3-15 147.' (MIR) 13:9) '
I.Ministr putey soobehoheniya SSSR.
-11 .. .. ... -- I ~- .
For faster hnulage, and the reatoration and development of railrcad
tranaport. Zhel.dor.transp. no.8:3-12 Ag,4?. (MLRA 8:12)
1. Ministr putey soobahcheniya SSSR
Ckmeral 4602.03.00 Doc 1w
*Book Shelf" 1 P
*Zb-d Transport" No 12
Summaries and Informatim. on number of pages anci
givs*n'for folloving bo6lm published by Tram-
'sheldorizdat In,194T: "Soviet ]R&ilroad . Transport,
3.911 -.1947, " by"Ll. V. . KbvmlyeM;, "Tramport6t ion of
210134Y Perishible P"Ight,w b~_-~'S. F. J&t&jW6V-an&
Df . "P. Potapav; "Loomotives Ea'and..1b," b*IN. G.
14141i1n; "Opep;aticnal-statistloal Acco=tIng at ai
1, Petrokanskly and,'-,b.' V. Vqasnikava;
.*Nw Technolog7 In Installing Ccumni Ims and
IC 13G54
G(meral 4602.0100 (CmtcL)bDsc 1947
Light SignaJOL (STsB)"; "Steel-Cmerete Which Has Been
Previously under Tension," P. K=ovk:in.
LC 13G%
Railway transport for the coal industry in the sixth five-year plan.
Makh.trud.rab. 10 no.12:16-17 D 156. (KLRA10:5)
I.Zamestitell ministra ugollnoy promyshlennosti SSSR.
KOVALEY, I.V., inzh.
Limit reoistance of foundationa bounded by a Blope. Sbor. trudo
LIIZHT no.225slO(>-3.22 164. (MIRA, IM)
"An Investigation of the Mectric Drive of Piston Hay-straw
dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical 3ciences
(awarded by the Timtryazev Agricultural AcadeaW, 1962)
(Izvesti,ya Timirynevskoy Seliskokhozyaystvannoy Akademii,, Moscow, No,' 2.,
1963, pp 232-236)
Cand. Med Sci - (diss) "Comparative study of the resorptive effect
of mesocaine (trimecaine) and xyloc8ine." Moscow, 1961. 13 pp;
(Academy of Medical Sciences USSR); 250 copies; price not given;
(KL, 5-61 sup, 203)
Problem of the effect of mesocaine and xylocaine on the central
nervous system. Farm. i t~kg. 23 no. 5:385-390 S-0 160.
(MIJ1A 13:12)
1., Kafedra farnakologii (zav. prof. V.V. Vasillyeva) If,
Moskovskogo gosudarstvennoga meditsinskogo instituta imeni
N.I. Pirogova.,
AUTHORSi Basov, A.M.v and Kovalavv I.Ye.
TITLE& Electromagnetic transient processes in induction
drives with variable load
PERIODICAL% Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika,
no.10, 1961, 9-10, abstract IOK 68. (Mekhaniz. i
elektrifik. sots. s. kht9no.2, 1961, 48-50)
TEXTs The article analyses the need to allow for the
influence of the electromagnetic transient process during
alteration of the load on an induction motor. Here allowance is
made not only for the load frequency, but for the flywheel mass
of the drive and the amplitude of the variable component of the
load torque. To calculate transient conditions the actual drive
is replaced by an equivalent circuit. Calculated curves are given
that characterise the degree of change in the variable component
of torque as a function of the load frequency. The curves apply
to drives with various ratios of mechanical to electromagnetic
time-constant, both with and without allowance for the electro-
magnetic transient process. It is observed that when the ratio
Card 1/2
Electromagnetic transient processes... s/.196/6-1/000/010/025/037
of electromagnetic to mechanical time-constants is about 0,2-0.1,
the effect of the electromagnetic transient process is negligible
at load fluctuations below 20 sk (slip frequency); and if there
are large flywheel masses it is negligible whatever the frequency
of fluctuation. When the time-constants mentioned above have a
certain limiting ratioD the static mechanical characteristics of
an induction motor can be used to derive its transient performance
under load fluctuations of any frequenty.
4 literature references,
LAbstractor's notet Complete translation-I
Card 2/2
BASOV, Ane,,o1iy Mkhaylovich.. kand.tooklin.nauk, dotsent; ~9VAIZV, Ivan
Yegorolrichj, aspirant
Starting conditions of electric motcws d"ng machinery
with crank gear mechanisms. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; sloktromakh.
3 no.9;U2-1.17 160. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Kafedra primenaniya elektrichestva v sellskom khozyaystve
chelyabinskogo instituta. makhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo
khozyaystva. -
(Electric driving)
BABICHEV, V.A., dote.; PYKHTINA,A.A., dots.;.j0VALEV, I.Ye.,
assistent; LAKIN, K.M... assiatent; TOLVINSKAYA, L.S.J.
assistent; SAPEZRINSKAYA, N.V., assistent; SERGEYEV,
P.V.,- assistent- VASIL'YEVA, V.V., doktor mod. nauk,,
prof., red.; VISHNEVETSKAYA, L.B., tekhn. red.
[Laboratory manual in pbarmacology and general pre-
scription writing) Rakovodstvo k prakticheakAn zania-
tiiam po farmakologii i obahchei retsepture.ii-Moskva
1962. 79 p. (MIRA 16:4~
1. Moscow. Vtoroy Moskovskiy meditsinskiy institut.
Effect of trimecaine and xylocaine on the brain. Farm. i toks.
27 no.1:3-7 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Vasillyeva) II Moskov-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova.
Adequate law. Sov.shakht. 10 no.7:21 J1 161. (MIIA 14:8)
1. Sekretarl Rayonnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskay part-ii
Savetskogo Soymaj nacballnik rayonnogo shtaba druzhimrAkm
(Social P". ~lems)
KOVAIMV, K.A., inzhener.
Optimal parameters of the high-frequency transformer for
the MGZ--108 installation. Vest.olektroprom. 27 no.6:70-72
Je 156. WaA io:8)
(Illectric traneformers)
(Furnaces, Heat-treating)
Rxperimental and practical work in interpreting aerial color
photographs. Geod. i kart. no. 1104-35 N 160. (MXRA 13:12)
(Photographic interpretation)
I-J.. .;
[Technical production cards on growing flowering Plant'-s
outdoors anL UrAer glass] Proizvodstvenno-tekhnologicbec~ie
karty po vyrashchivaniiu tovetochnykh rasteriii otkrytogo
i zakrytogo grunts. Moskvap StroAzdat. Pt.l. 1965. 167, 1).
(mm ig: 6)
j,'l 7
Metamorphism, CX trie
northeascern pari, of tht.,
21-3b 164.
jj i _,f
Age of complex wtal mineralization in the Salair ore field.
Geol. rud. mesluorozh. 6 no.5194--97 S-0 164. (KRA M-12)
1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
i, 1