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KOVACS, Istian; TASUADI, Fmil; hT*, Janos Calling for the registration for the innovators' wid-inventors' show at the- 1962 Vation4l Agriculturld Exhibition. Ujit lap 14 no.3:8 F 16,2. 1. M'sZogazda.sagi as Erdeezeti Dolgowk Sukazervezetenek fotit- kara (for Kovacs)., 2. Orgzagos TalalraTlyi Ilivatal elroke, es "Ujitok Lapja" f013zerkoaxtoje (for, To snadi) 3. Fol.dmuvelesugy miniszterhelyatteii (for Kesoru), DOYAQ3.1-lstvzzL- Agricrulturei hao leoome part or moounsm. Hungarian TU no.6.-Il-13 A 161. 1. General, Secretary of the AgricUbwal W6rkers Union. I KOVACS, latyan -"Absorption spootra in the ultraviolet and visible region" edited by L.Lan4,,. Reviewed by Istvan Kovacs, Magy fiz folyoir 10 no.3:249-250 162. 1. "Magyar Fizil-ai Folyoirat* szer1ressto bisottasgi tagja. KOVACS, Istvan .Quadraogular-waTe generator for investirating basio phenomena of spark machinIng, Elektroteohnilca 55 no.8s363-366 Ag ,62. 1. KozpontiTialkai Kutato Intezet. I 'R, KOVACS, Istvan Direct-voltage generators of spark-machining installations. Blaktrotechnika .5-5 no./+:165-171 Ap 162. 1. Altale.nos Gaptervezo Iroda. KIMBs, GUyulav dr.1 KOVAC.3, Iotvaz--_ Observation emmaination of foreign cucumber varieties* Konzerv paprika no,5:10-171 S14 162. 1. Konzeri- es Paprikaipari Kutatointezet (for,Kilb). 2. Keaskemeti .Kozzerygyax (foil Kova'ce), NOVILOS., '.Tstyan Dieuelization in -the fle2d of navigallon in Hungaryo Kozleked knzl 11.8 no.50:913-M 16 D~162. XARPATKY, Laoz1o, dr.; KOVACS, Istvan,dr. w~ Unusual metatitasiti of bronchial cancer simuls ting gynecologic tumor. Kig7. onkol. 7 no,,103-35 Mr 163. 1. Baja Varoni Tanacs-V.B. Korhaza Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Wztaly. (NEOPLASM 103TASTASIS) (BRONCHIAL KZOPLASMS) (ENDOMETRIOSIS) (CARCINUI&I BRONCHIOLAR) (GYNECOLOGIC NEOPLASMS) floommun KOVACS. Istman a mesogauWagi tudounyok kawlidatusa %tize groving expoiAments, 1958-1960", edited by [Dr] Istvan Igo. . Reirieved by lutvan liZovacs. Magy tud 70 no.1:73-75 ja 163. 1. Magyar Tuilomwvon Akademla Mezogawlasagi'l&tato Intesets, 14ax-tonvasar, 't-adomamon fommkatarea, KOVACS,, Iritvan. Closing address delivered at the Conforence on Manufacturing *chinos for the Food Industry, Slelmi ipar 17 no.2:66. P 162. 1. Hiniezterhalyst-t-es., Koho- so Gopipari Miniszterium, 'Ist,van; BENKO, I aux K07ACSp . J, fleezurement of eneryy stored In :.-utfils by means of ruiabatic calorlmeter. Mut~y fiv, 12 rio.1;31-44 164. I. Chair of Experiwintal Physics, Lorw;d ll'(,tv-3s Unavvrslty, Budapest. L 1,565Nx---66 T, '5v I r- ACC)4-R, SOURCE CODE., HU Z165 WHo/64 C01 AINW33887 /09f 046 41 1"AUTHOR: Kovacs, Istvanne Q9:=I -- Z3 CIRG: Research Institute of th-3 Metallurgical Industry (Femipari Kutato Intezet) 'ITTU3: Lattice defects P fac-3-centered pure c ~dc metals SOURCE: Kohaszati lapok, v. 98, no. 10, 1965~ 460-465 TOPIC TAGS: plastic deformation, crystal lattice defect, tempering ABSTUCT: A method of dete~rmiiting the physical lattice defects of face-centered cubie pure metals is presented., The creation of defect concentrations by plastic deformation, by radiation treatment and by refrigeration is discussed. Also treated are the influence of tempering an the variation of' the physical properties of metals, and the explanation of m-3talloiwaphical phenomena by means of physical metallu-rgy. Or-ig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. [Based on author's Eng. abst.] Pas] SUB CODE: 13, 20 / SUBM DXTE: none / ORID W: 002 / OTH REF: 040 fV UDC: 620.18:548-31 R/oo4/6o/ooo ' /Oog/m/ool D2)+"-./'D306 AUTHORS: Mlarcus, Bruno; Clontea, Ion; Kovacs, IUli.U; Visolu, Violota; Diaconu., Luci~; and Soltuz. Constantin, Engineers (Bucharest) TITIE: Ceram.1c capa(.,itors for radio engineering PERIODICAL: Electrotehnica. no. 9, 1960, 321 - 327 TEXT: The article Presents some studies conducted by ICET on producing dielel-tric ceramic materials from domestic ra-vi mater- ~a-ls for P 100 and N -7.50 capacitors. The material for the P 100 capacitors was developed by ICET on the basis of steatite from the H-tinedoara region, For the N 750 capacitors, the ICET developed a material consisting of titanium dioxide,'zinc ox-- Ade and z~rconft'um o),:dde. The main components of this materia, 1, 3~alled 'IT;'.' 1111~ (N 750) are Ti02, ZnO, with additions of Zr02, 'Ll-)o 3 9and 81.02. The mairl properties vary as follows: tg8 : wit'h' an InCrease of T102 the losses drop to tg 5 --:~ 4-10-4; with an Increasi., of Ti02 the cc;nstant increases to above 80, in case Card l/.4 P,10014/60,1/000/009/00!.f'00! Ceramic ca-pacitors for... D21+1,/D306 of a TiO..~ content of over 801'-1. TK L : varies from +180 to a .--7*0. In-,F.L zone of to SO/o of TiO A7; temperatures above I 1060C tne c-rystallfirie prases are ~, and ZnO - TiO Re- 102 thE- U'1111)eratllre 0 800oC9 the latter enter -1~~ a solid cluoing I t lution vritn TtC)- o' - 2* The titanium dioxide was of foreign orJg- s in. The determination of dielectric loss,e carried out with 50 caraciturs Ln. dry and humid states is given in Pg. 9. 1. rrzibe-r of (;apar--.1tors 2 tangent of the loss angle 3. in dry --; 2. 51 OM C;tate tgS',,d . ~ X 161-1+ 4. after molstening t9(' ed :7 3,6 x -io-4. The loss values a-e included in a narrow range, the "Gauss be-1211 having a pointed shape. After having moistened the for 24 hr!) In distilled water the losses slightly Increased, the shape of th-~ curve, however, rema'I'ning the same. The loss values were maint-adned within the lAmits admitted by A.rite.~nati.ona'. standai,ds. The distributAcn of the values of the dieloctric lo.9ses wa~3 measured with a group of 40b capacitors, again resulting In a pointi~d c-urve. It is concluded ithat the rne-n,afa ctur.-L rig of' i3eramic capacitors from domestic raw materiais Card 21Lt R/oo4/6o/ooo/ooq/oo1/ooi Ceramic capacitors for... D244/D306 is in aCC03,dance with the need for a rapid development of.Ru- manian industry. The results obtained correspond to those of foreign products, proving the possibility of manuf6cturing- these capacitors in Rumania. There are 1.0-figures 4 tables and 5 refe3,ences: 4- Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-tioc. The reference to the English.-lafiguage publication reads as followst M.E. Levin::. Phase diagrams for ceramics, Ohio, 1956. ASSOCUTION: ICET SUBMITTED: April 8, 1960 Card .3/4 ALMASSY, Gyargy, dr.; BOROMISU, Gyula; FEIMMY, Jeno; HAAS, Andra.,; IIJIIASZ, Endre; KEII UR -Y, Ta#w;- IKOVACS. Iyan- Jozsef; LUIU"'S", Gyula, dr.; FETIK, Fererc; SZLAIIk-,-Ferenc; SZO.'-TATHY, hmil, dr.; TI?0AY, Yalman, dr. Lectures delivered at tile 3d International Measurement Conference. 14eres automat 12 no.9:270-292 164. W I. Editorial. board n~ember, Meres es Automatika" Uor jUmassy, 13oromisn, Juhasz, Kemeny, Luke-cs and Tarnay). KOVACS) J, Ghange in size of map papers P. 159, GEDDEZIA ES KARMGRAFIII. (Allami Foldmeresi es Tex~~cepewsetA Rivatal) Budapest. Volp 8,, No. 29 1956 SOURCE: East European Arcessions Ust (EEAL) Librar7 of Cot,gress., Vol. 5, 3o. 11, November 1956 HUNGARY Human and J!wnt mal PhYsiology. Action of T Physical Agepts. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-9.110' 140 9,- 1958, 41839. Author Inst Not Given., Title Wounds' Causcd-by'RedloactlAre Irradiation. Orig Pvib: Magyar allat orv..lapJa, 1956, 11, No 10-1;!, 370- 373. Abstract: No Abstract, Card 1/1 KOVACS, J. ; S7,124TPALY, T. --jr , ~fivr' Deterzination of the grade of desizing by means of a photometer. p. 404. MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari Muszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapeast, Hungary, Vol. '.*".0, no. 11/12., Dec. 1958. Monthly list of &at Baropean Accissions (PEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August. 1959. Uncla,, ROVACS, J.; RTKIS, L.; SZf:MITPALY~ T. The reanurament of wettability. 1),, 478. MrYAR TFUTIMIT"IMITNA. (Textilipitri Muszake es Tu~lowmvos Eg.,,v!ni-let) Nda~.,aat, Hungary. Vol. :-I, no. 12, Dec. 1~151). Monthly List of East European k1cessions. (ET!'AI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960, Uncl. KOVAC S-1J. The classification of movemints of solld boddes. Pt. 2. (Conclusion) P. 432. (STROMEMEKTROTEC'NICKY CASOPI3) (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 8, no. 6. 1957 Wi~ Monthly Index of East European Accession (EIRAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958 M~JW~J~m XOVAC$j J, "The classification of movements of solid bodies. (To be contd.)" p. 361 (S;trojnoelektrotei.,.hnicky Casopis) VoL 8, no. 5, 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia sot Moathly Index of Eant European Aacessiorta MY-01 LC. Vol. 7, no. April 1958 KOVACS9 J. Sandor "DokIsAy Akadumd! '-,:.e-iagogj:heak"lkh nauk RSF'jlt," no.3, 1962. Rovieved by Sandor J. Havw-n. Magy poisiihol ozemle 21 no.3: 4.911-.500 164, ROVACt J, 11 "Tampinr.- in tbe 0011SI'lliction of a D-, -rt Dam at Pelankall, P. 291. (TECRIUM,. IWCAI Vol. 61 to. 5, May 19541, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) SO: Yonthly List of Eas', E-t;ropean Accessions, (EFAL), IC) Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 19515, Urcl. NOVAC) J. "National Con,-ress o,.,1 11!ator Economy in 1954; Ilydrology and the Regulzition of Flow," P. 204. (TECIMICTA _'!ZAGfl, Vol. 6, No. 5, MaY 1954, Bratisla,,,a, Czechoslovilkin) SO: Yonthly List of Eust Eurorean Accessions, (IFAL), 10, Vol. 4, No. 1p Jan. 195~:, Uncl,, XOVAC) J. "Lowei, -ing, the Level 31' Underground I-later in the Brmm Coal Area of Southern Slovn1da", P. 38!~' (TECHIITCYA PRALCA, Vol. 6, No. 71) July 1~54, Bratislava, Czechosl-wakin SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions, (EFIL), LCI 1"o). 4, No. 1, Jsn. 1955, U-m-1. Kovac, J _ Measurement of isoll resistance to shear using a three-axle apparatus in our la'boratmrieri for soil mechanics. P. 59. INZENYRSKE STIAVBY. (Ministeretvo stavobnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4,, no. 2, Feb. 1956. Source: EM, LC Vol. 51 No. 10 Oc-.-. 1956 SZENTRU.Y, Tibornn; KOVACS Janos -,v --:I- Mercerization of' fabrics made of a mixture of cotton and viacose. Magy texti.1 13 r,,o.,-):195-197 My 161. 1. Textililari Eutato Intezet. RUSMAY, letvan, dr.; SIZENTFALYp Tiborno; LOUGS Janos Propertiee and ftnishing methods of m!,xture fabrics mde of cotton and viscose. Mag:r textil 13 no.6t221,;-229 Je 161. 1. Textiliparl. Katato Intezet, munkatareal. GECZY, I., dr.; BERMINYI, Testing the factor,i Magy textil 16 no.1 .; KOVACSP J. 1" nfluencing the pigment fixation. 462-465 0 164. KOVA .ES,,,Janos (Budapest) - I The second track of the Kisujszallas-Apafa railroad line. Vasut 15 no.2:3-4 F 16!:;. 1. Hungarian State Redlwiys. KOVACS, Janos Reviewing the 65-Year-old bridge shoes. Koh lap 97 no.7-.'3uppl: Ontode 15 no.7:162-163 Jl 164. 1. Ganz.-MAVAG. KOVACS IT I PECZELY 1). E,lectron microsc(:'P~.c examination of the effect of neutral red on the epithelial y.*ells of the samin;--.-L1 vesicle of the mouse. Acta biol. aced. stli. Hung. 16 no.3:275-283 166. f 4. 1. Instituto of Ge'!eral Zoology, Eot*~,os Lorand University, Budapest (Head- G.196dlinger). Submitted May 14, 1965. 1 7~ ROW-CS, J.; HAYIEK, Dir-bar-t ; j,4;~,,x,~~IF~f;Aml~r Effect of neutral mid on msmse rolln. bl,.~I. Acod. vol. Pung. 15 no.29191-201 164 .1. Depattament of Cimerall Zoology, 'Fotvos Iclrand Budapest (HeatU G.Mcilinger). -k .1 -1. Twenty free years in the cultural life of railroad workers. Vasut 15 no.3s.18-21' Mr 165. 1. Trade Union of R&ilroad Workers. I 0 XOVACS, Janos For the success of thoi railroad traffic in the winter. Kozleked kozl 21 no.204-36 10 Ja 165. 1. Ministry of Transportation and Postal Affairs, Budapest. Nw SZAEO, Margit; KOVACS, Janoane Corrosion of brass pipes of the sugtlr factory evaporator. Cukor 18 no.3:77-84 Mr 165. 1. Gentral ReseiLrcY Institite of Food IndusLry, Budapest. KOVACS, Janos Conference of socialist brigade leaders of the Budapest Railraod Directorate. Magy vasut El no. 11:2 4 Je 164. K( CS. Janos )VA Some experience vith the work of trade-union stewards in Budapest. Magy vasut, 7 no*12:2 17 Js 163* Al I'LOVAGS,, Jaws, azakt.axmw A ram collection of' carburetors, Auto motor 16 no.6.11 21 Nr 063, I* Munkaugyi Minijizterium 208-as Intezete. Comrade bb Party counts mi the dilipnes of railroaders* Amos Bmt7o's visit, to the Ferenevaros railroad station. Nagy vanut 7 no*220'. 16 IN 63. ROWS, Janos Polish senior championship for the "Skrydlata Polslatn cup. Repules 16 no.12:16 D 163. K,DlrACS,l Janos Disciplinary punifitiment or service intsrest? MaU vasut 7 no.23t 2 2 D 163. Cy-tophysiological sttdies on the Leydig cells of the mouse testis. Acta biol Hung 11 no.1:7-14 160. (EM 10:4) 1. Institute of Geneval. Zoology$ Notvos Lorand University of SciencesI Budapest (Femd; GeModlinger) (CELLS) (TESTICIS) JOVACS, Jarion Railroad timetable and return of locomotives. Vasut 12 no.22:1-2 D 162, I* 14AV Vezerigazratosag I/SA oaztaly helyattes vezetoje. 40!ACS., Amos , loom" tMONSIMMIRMW ,l QW.tural weeke of railroadmeni a mass novemento Manka 12 noo,g:Z? Ag $62, 1, lasutas Sukazerveset budapeati kulturalim bizotteagans Ve2;OtOJO. KPV,ACS Janoo Running passonfer traino as scheduled in the timetable. Vaffat 13 noo4i -2 Ap 163. Lo I/S A oaztaly heXirotten vezetojp. -. -- -7 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 ~r lip v i1v 0 1 4F0 i 0 o * 0 * 0 -0 #`w-w-w 0000,10 0040100 ~0*10**Oos logo 0*000,* 0 0 0 4 0 a I 1 4 1 d I I g; it 44 it I. if I- It 0, " A; ", , J, " v u U v X-A-J-j--AA. * CC IQ ti -40 16-1 ; -00 blot"AW"Ifilic 001turminaliatt Of I-Gliconl4c mrid i,illunftl C). lilcrier .1k,hulek mild )rud Risvt,,,,-,JJe, unpir, Im. t -4119r, -rj. 16, 331-N(1940).-- !.2 J -nine) er da~l, as Cont;Litt. I - .1taiw into a IM-cc. F 1( sit tug:. timiritic aritl anA dit. with W21tr (I Q Vni. Qfa)krIj Wee. jh-Avc O.A X. Kilt Aull Allis ~ !,It ve 10-1~ lit'l, A,ld I t1t,-j, %,( a 0.2117; ale. ~Atl. 'r IICJ JNHJ iIIII.All r A4 Quit' 1 14 a 0.1 os 11.111 N -4- .11 r I KIII(N tl~ i5 umdrit it) Ivulevc t1w t"t Ollh4. PAI'll Ve (if a 0.01 N KilrO, poln. rquAN ONIAZ nar. 1-awmb~- ariff. '111C IS 1111itAbir 1017 lbr ii1v'"AfRaIjon of 11111% plejurk. rollig. comictiwif milk, supt m-l vm--w Niti, I an i S. de F1101%. ld 60 -f; li-il 4 if: 0 It .J1 111 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 #1o v 0 0 0 0,000 A 0000 09 00 0,1100 0 0 St 0:0 lks 0 0 41 0000 0 OA 41 'o too 000 9 60900060ootiSlo : iollo 41100#* l 000 fee*** 1* 0 e 7 1 4 %. I I I -A IL-L-A A 1 11-11 - I v is u u u is 16 11 0 1 It 31 8 Do a 3 V 11 it. 1 A IL L a a L i L mil M J~ A - - - go A.D 01OPCOF'rs .of. 00 go a of be"Y*4 00 Ott. wovvd ibal an1hraws limicull 0 ati jamh wi! p lovithwis no Istawdysitt ciflu r i WOO sollk o404114141, s ee* if It IN JO A Is V is J. a it 0 4u m 0:1! , A) IOC- A.D.&? t O* - 00 .0411 -00 c of the Andis" 11it'; w1wim -00 . lits. twit vallott, -00 ,4t metwit"wilmll u ac in t1"'. ''Woo ' k 1 r ---- --- - ----- 110k. IL, 11, bis I is - Y.. is, i w it. v to -!t7 di 437 I i Sit Igo p 110 it It 4: 1 is is 0 Is n it Ow 11 1 va 00 0 0 0! 0 ew 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 aw 0 00 so go go 06 00 0 o * 0 00000 0 ~0041 00900 $0000 00t 1) 00 0 wit 0 $0600000000 0 v 0 a all J I Q 11 d it 16 'It a a 'J$ 1. AS. I I TIC 0 1* X, P uUmn boll Umv U41mauro OC 'A-L- , -AA.. " - 7 1~0 o 00 - 00., 2- 00.4 Plitysim1mWiral low 'is II the trawl" 41 varifte 4"6wk agivak. .44 00 Kii V. ~412 -00 Nodt"Ittyrii (hiWA420*1114 Pjft- JC40FIdill '% VKI14fl)---CxW1n wait f1cimi- PON the WUk "t C*Msl qt, trml. hom "W,4by"1pIj10,03NIiCIknt-thv 1.00 /~~',nk with ruritinuous milng untkl irmin ppid. to fum 44 &t. The origin of $-uro Caft'in pritplis'; thry do MA give 0 . riout Cape '00 00 ite 11mvideti. The ppt. was tuhhd~il with much 1% NACI mlixtilic tim )"(161ris the Ammint (if To 00 An. sin.1 deranird wifl. 6 1. distd, water 4 thries. After CA, .00 4 itminuentatim the ppt, wait centrif smicid and treated with tim virems out tit I- viiiNt'le f'" "'I.,ititiot orsvk*. f go SCH vimes As imuch MIA sic.. voilintrated and erritrifujitA je riully .00 111tAill, I%Dd (1111811Y fiRMd and W&Iktd WithW%WC., the" A00 ahs 4k. and *bts. ethe-. The product was trud. in a'Sathlet &pp. $ hirs. witit other, and dried in -~ -ry vurwd. llj~01. The cit-sirin ylivid irtivit 3 1. milk wet 108 go : to ibrep milk, TO J. for cost frift. 211.6 t. for himme =00 0o ' ' X. fog givit mj'jk end 20 C for an m4k, The W. vnines (disl &two in vint %. of the m itit. offid ad". VIIINS Of .06 1ji the stiaxptim cuirveii) were 4W, (claw), 3.01 S-be"). be 4r 3AQ Uam), 2.05 (botive) and 2,81;1 (am). IU a.. "4u" 000 Mb", 114.7", I-W.52% and MIA'; tyrooise 5,90, 6,39, 5-M a ad 4.Mrj'0; tryptophu it 1 :09 E Contents I.M. LAI, 1.39. 1.114 and OJIM P coatevitt 1) 84 0.80. 0,81. D.Q and 11.93%; S contents O.M. 0.73 .,00 00 %;-jW8g (not dtWi. In horta- MW 4011-milk C&SHUS). '000 5 diffcremvt~ in the jimpo"Ift at the Castim of C "4us lbe "auk of va"s 6taimic animalo we larr tomb to hM 1z_. z10 0 i too I& iFiv to 1.4 a it So D40 vVIVO a a 3 0 Is ose 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 o o 0 T! 6 iooei 0 0 0 0410 0 6 0 0 000 WOMEMI MINIMUM- - -W Wee a 0 0 0 0 #1 0 0 0 0 go 044 0900 Ou .to -00 00 by W111te ctn~j hod, "ith ratkit, "'iluted to WtdIc'.ejO%-'-j Ilay, VNIIIS. "(0tift" owvd 11111t OW hmY c0l"AtIm'd Rn't"O%"U"" "St WOU clif,"Itt" slut *0 itwimtubt4419 pn-xtlm 'A I-ba* 00. :f b.VIUA Pit to Iw I,' Int"JO04,41. cuummAll a, of" i. 00 0 -041111 0 00 6) loo 00 of 0 4 A 000 .0 a a A&A 00 goo goo goo woo t1wo tloo 9200 .00 .100 boo too- 40.1"T loo %.Sot n IRK I 19 im 0,0 ..-- -r-r- Alp In Is it 0 4-valp 004 644 '14 Its" A a ab a I d" TIM44 Pi 0 Ap 0 0 0 0:0 * 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 6.1111-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 SWAIMMUI fW IRM 41 & ,"at W Cattle killed by Wmak L*" Kov" (Univ, Ap. Sti.. Vd. P*mhr. Akdaprm, flu Fr A400'rojok Um* 4. 277-900#91.-Tbe twfat (;-d realle-ekHAM by Ca nrustv iutaxkiktku camlained 1.0-26.0 mg.AW., aheir V &DOW 1.0 As AiA Mrst btkm 3 mg.As. jiho~ cWtent Is 4 io Im ;tkoblc fat kwun consumption. Mrst witb Rh:cr An oisittat ims pmmswd to poovd, weal. the proatuct mttdned d-WIO.6 twS.A4. AkO. at a 10- Il%mwWwvcisnttmA. limbemixedfolvvilinsusts.up to 10%. 1 Istvin plaily 11 awlsOM UIRSERM m - KOVACS, J. KeriAnz, ?.; ISMMO L. "The Latest Hungarian Findings Relative to Increalling the FertJ21ty of Mangalica Sows th:rcrugh FeedAng" p. 5,41 (AffrodWomu, Vol. 5 No. 11, November, 1953, Bucbvest) East Europen Vol. 31 No4 3 1954 SO'. Monthly 4ist of 444k4M ce(Lasiond,, Library. of Congress, March AM, uncl. ..,_ A~_ _ - KOVI=3 J. Temperature and humidity conditions in open and closed pigpens during winter for farrow- ing swim. p. 21. (Magyar Mezofrazdasag, Vol. n, no. 3, Feb. 1956 I)hdapest) SO: .Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. KOVACS I J. KOVACS, J. How to increase the fecundity of sows. p. 19 Vol. 11,no. 8, Apr. 1956 MAGYAR. MEZOGAZDASAG AGRICUU41m Budapest, Hungary So: East European Accession, Vol. .6, No. 3, March 1957 KOVACS) J. kovacs, J. Results of breeding ., wl;:Lto neit pigs in 1.955 at Keszthely. p. 24 Vol. 11, No. 10, May 1956 FAGYPR MAGAZDASAG AGRI CULTUM. Budal.est, Ifungary SO: EAST BUROYEAN ACCESSIONS, 1101.. 6.. No. 3, Mareb Ic57 i1cV11.11S, J. KCIA'S, "'echnnization of falirs for hog breeding and feeding. 13. 20. I Dar- 'Ujh- -',:r 1. 21 Vcil. 11., no. 15/16, Aug. 1956 'l~kGYP!-.lll:EZOG;.ZDASAG AC; ICULIN.IRLS Zu; E'ast Zuropldll I.kccession, Vol. 6, :'.'0. 5, 1--a~' 1957 -- KOVACS, J,.; YCTIACS, G. Important game diseases in the, Tukk Mountains. p. 68. (A% Erdo, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb 10,57, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-EAL.) LC. Vol. 6, No. 8. Aug 1957. Uncl. KOVACS, J. Diurnal changes in the interstitial cblls of the twiticles of albino mice. In Er4,,Iish, p. 69 ACTA BIOLOGICA Budapest, Hungary Vol. 10, No. 1, 1959 Monthly List of East European Acces:iions (EEAI) IX, Vol. 9 No. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl. KOVACS) J. What veterinaxT hyviene expects from the ffinq-arjan pharmacent-;cal industxjr. P - 151. PIA(MO KPYINISO.Ai L,4FJA. (I-Vifyar Kemikusok Ej-,resitlete) Budapest, Hun j- a ry Vol. 14, no. 11, Apr. 195;9. Plonthl.- list of Eai:t Europimn Access--Ions (hl~;Jd), JTU, Vol. ~1, No. 9, August 1-959. Uncla . TUNGARY -lenz, UJAVGM~~,,y or Iletee-MIry )I-Alclne, Of gyszortaM. -;% K%'.)V, S, "Emo, Dr, pafes.'scr, Or 0,.4 Veterlraa-v soienc6s) with V.-itr! imiectIcIde Containing Tlriehlom-Dixathyll- C;xyethyl-Pho5pnonat,'i." ~rAl,-'atoxnroziok T-%P' Vol. I- No 12,L'4-,c 62, pp 444-446. .!'~Zstya t' [Authorli Em-1181'. summar-j modified" In Hungary tht*:. fly tion i becomtrig ztant to contact ~n.,,ecticidas on an insreas re,34 in The millhor his ort a domes-.1cally, prodoced insecti- cied'e o4~ ia new mol-.Cular A~Uaturc-., -non-s A ComIAPA-tIon o~ active sub.-otance, 3urface matprial and attraa- gavE i-mriod-Ilate good effeots and itn ret~idual -activity tive --ult-s-zance v 1. lp-~tpd 1-6 wee*,s. C-n recortly whitemmthad surfaces the compound is inactivatee . The death of the fl-l-es is catised b,-.r e:~sl c,.'(,:3is 'r.~y orgar.ic e5ter 04' phosrhoAkc acid. th '171. KOVACS jeno 0ph-bhajmo3_Ogic,;Lj asjyrj(~,ts Of infectious diseases Of dnimal origin, Szomeszet 99 .,.,Io. 13 Mr t63 1- 13udaPesti HlsiPar-i AUatorvos Ellenorzo Szolgal t. (Igazgato: Mehas Gyorgy di% fopLi'Latorvos) a (OPHTHALMOLOGY) (BRUCELLoSIS) (LEPTOSPIROSIS) (LISTERIA IWECTIONS) (TOXOPLASmo~,-.JS' CICIJLAR) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS) (FOUJ-AND-MOUTH DESEASE) (AlfIAN LEUKOSIS) (Z00yj0SF ,S) (PLEAMNEUMONIA-LI'a 0RGAqM)., KOVAC3, dv.p VOZ~1.0 f~-VIA I.Uti)rV~),l ( ~ ; ,IA~; -(. t; I , Jerio, dj-. ; -'f 11 -'r ~ .1 '. -, -.3 " r- 2 dri., Liz doktr.)ra (L.'.ftp33t) NoLoating, datiy c,at-tin ugaInnt Streptiloco~N,ug 11"Stit1jiq. '.'agy &l.U!L'-arv lap 1!i no.5.,! 09-ZI 0 My 164 A.. 11100, SUtto knival 11-iospital, Svikimrd (far Nagyar-1). A(~YA C S IJenoj, f(mernok I Specialization of J'oresters in the service of technical development. Erdo 13 no.9:402-406 S 1~4. 1. Western Bukk State Forestry, Eger. SZABO, Pal Zoltan; JONAS, 11ara, dr.; VARLDI,, Clyorgy; BIRO, Antal; UPOR, Snare; RLDO, Aladar; CZ1RJAK, lime;- KO-VACS, Jeno; VALKO., Rhdre, dr,f IDOM, Ivan; FODOR, Gyor&;-am=.v Egor; KALMAFv Pal; DAVYlp Dexas; GYM:Cffp Karo3,v; OVARI,, Antal; PHILIP, Miklos; XkKAIj, lasilo; JOO,. Osakarne; SZITASv Lajos.o RRUMY11, Miksa; KOLTA, Janos. Fomation of' an uniform country orgardmation for the Fedwa- tion of Tealmical a:md Scientifie Associations. Pecsi muss szeml 8 no.A,x119-23 - O-W63. 1. 'Pecsi Massaki. S-anle* foswrkessLoje (for Fodor). 2. OPecsi Wasaki Smemlem szerkesato.11n (for Hellenyi, Kolta and Cometakir), ADAMKO, Jozaef; KOVAGS, Jeip, fomernok.- V. SZABO Ferene A well develcped tochnology repires Et new management in the forpt districts, Exdo 12 no-5:199-203 My 963. 1. Vyugatbu-Ul Alliud Erdoga-Aasag igazgatoja, Eger. (for Adamk-o). 2. Nyuggatbukki AUixmi Erdogazdasag erdeszetvezetoje, Eger(fOr Ve Szabo) 3. Ryugatbuk~i Allimi Erdogazdasag, Eger. (for K-,vacs). MOM KVIAGS Jerionaitranslatorli An exhibition on nuclear fission in tho United States; Geneva3, 194.8. Atom taj 2 no.2,4/k-~48/*A Ap 159. BICKERTON, R.J.; JM;S, J.D.; KOVACS, Jenone [translator] I Direct conversion of thermonaclear eneirgy-to electrical power. Atom taj 2. nq'62:83,-96 Ap 159. GITOKOS3, 1mrej KOVACO)p JoIanj KARVAZY., Dezoo lvv~ A-, J. likv method for planning the costs of iiachine building. Mao W op ipar 12 no-9t4'5-430 163. Kd HUNGARY/Mcmical Teclinology Chemical Products and Their 11-13 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. Abs Jour : Ref 'alur ... Mimiya, No 8., 19513, 25986 Author : Kbva~!s Jwixet', Naray-Szabo Istvan, Novak Andras Inst : Title : Production of Acid-Resistant Concrete by Means of a Gas Treatmento Orig Pub : Maaar Epitoipar, 1957, 6, No 3-4) 139-142c Abstract : Description of a mcthod of treatment- of concrete articles with SiF unLIer pressure, to Increase the resistance of such artt:,-les to the action of acids and salts. Card 1/1 KOVACS, JVz-stf Concrete ocratizIng in Hit-igary. p. 259. STAVIVO. (Mirdsterstvo stavebi,iietvi) Praha) Czochoslovakia. Vol. '37, no. 8, Aug. 1959- Morithly list of Fast European Accessions (=), IA:!, Vol. 8, no. 10, fDct. 1959. Uncl. - P~IkACS J-mgAf 1~ Conference on 1?10VAIIIJ-~) Jozv "Kin-3matika. Bratislava, Wdavatell stvo Slovenskaj vysokaj skily technickej, 1951. 135 P. (Kinematics; a te:db~oll:)" SO: East European, L. ("'. Vol. 2, Yo. 12, Dec. 1053 301 jj~ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. I K 0 V A. 1 a' ~' -, I YO; ~' EF Teoreticka kinamalu-ika. Schvalene ako pomo:-,na kniha pre vysoke skoly. t%Vyd-' 1.) Bratislava, Slovenske vydavatelstwo technickaj literatury, 1955: 1-243 P. (The:)rvti:*::al kinematics; approved as a nanualfor schools of hig'aer educati:)n. DO, ed. bibl., diagrs.,, index) SOUROM East European Acces3ions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, September 1956 'HUkGARY Farm AnImalst General Prokem.. Abs Jour Rof Zhur -, BtillOgiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7283 Author Kn1lal, LuSZ10; Muhlrad, Andras; Zoldy, Miklos; Koy .I..-Joszef; Bernus, Janos Inst No t g ii7en- Title The Amarican Artichoke (Molianthus tuberosus L.) ns a Feeding Agent. 3. The Effect of the Carbohydrates of Artichoke Tubers on the in vitro Function of Intestinal Microorganisms Orig Pub : Allattonyosztos, 195~, 6, No 2, 169-176 Abstract : As a result of biochemical investigations in which the mot-hod of an "artificial rumon" was npplied, the authors ostablishod that the carbohydrates of the American artichoke (inu- lin and fructose) influence the vital acti- vity of the microorganisms of the rutuen more Card 112 716NGARY Farm Ar-imals. General Problems. Abs Jour IROf Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7283 favorably, roprosent more abundant sources for Mergy in the synthesis of carbamide Zuros7and decomposition of cellulose than carbFhYdrates which arc p:(,odominnnt in pota- toes or in forage foods (otarch, glucose). B. A. Kanzyuba Card 2/12 XOTAGSO Jazisef, dr. JANCSO, fremos; M_AC~, me-f 1,19chanization and assembly line system in the fur industry. Bor Cipo 12 no.5/6:169-172 0 162. (MM 15:8) 1. Pannonia Szormkikemsito es KonfeRzionalo Vallalat,, 2. nBor- es Cipotechnika"..ozelAeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Janeso). 'EVACS. Totmf Snow barrivides along the tracko, Vhgy Va3ut 7 no.4.-3 18 ~' J63. Our woman delegatm, haa done an excenont job; the portrait of a delegate to the Party Congress. M&,~w vasut 7 no.2t5 17 J& 163. KOVACS. Jozsef - - First laxper~enceu of! the reorganization in the Small Motor imd Ma-.-hine Factory. Munka 13 no.6:22-23 Je 163. 1."Nepszabadsag" mwikatarsa. KOVAGS, Jozoef Lot us increilSe thS level of the special mechanical trades. Migy op ipar 12 no-.4t145-147 163. 1. Orszagos 1.6pitoipari Igazgatosag ve!ietoje. KOVACS, Jqzsef, (Bucl4pest); RARTHAZI, Istvan, uzemvezeto (Gyongyos) Motorists' lottera. Auto motor 16 no.,14:5 21 Jl 163. KOVACS t Jozsef protection of reinforced concrete basins by SiF4 gas treatment. I&gy 9p ipar 12 no'.5.-219-220 163. 11OUGS.0, JOF#pr,, , [~.5, . ---l Operation of No*520 locomotives. Magy vanut 7 no.12-.1 17 Je 163. 1 KOVACS, iozaef What is new in NyirmgylUz'kl l4g7,,vasut 7 no-13:6 2 i1 163. 0 0 a "--- M.Fwaill AvaUblimy of adrith for 11:10 SP,6116 w I-m"'WA%Niod Unly. pirclid. train V In 74", yield. it,. txi-7*. qm till 110"Pry). Acs ( . ; NYTAO 31014410'rArdAm Chm, (Vit %r':-Yf10nI V, AI", .14witV141.11101tvi I-xitlilm. 1. IM-14003)..-A chmp miltim fm 'n. 1 28A 1 lie,, 'L C, Syc;~Iurtkm uf 3.4-diethoky-1-povii-y1bir"reow L"ing 1l- (1-twi, frimil VII ~wjlh 1-(iCil it. OIjj&itj the Oftfruir (1) as the ba*k sultatlegi wra wxqhl. , Tlor be,, Wt-bilmide, tit. 23U* (dirtimispn.). whkh .^, fillrr"I "If I jwwv'.urIi friffind vms treating i u4tier 1wasure with Koji avid SilkallmRsedl. fine nmil". lit. wl,"* pQ-, c,". its Rfoll .v Tilroll. thus Waining a inim. of inctioux - blued y1feld nif free base plus IIC1 all). I.(3.4-11irth. iumftecouil still Inethoxyiml hatilieltij, Two Milt. In us. rhenyl) - 2 - (3,4 - dietionlyhristamid,i) - I - j,r,,jmt),4 , I . Al. We. "a- lir4tt4i Willi Flut'll chm %if ruffed, IJOCY04 &rill IN 1) 1wrl'at , ItIvill V 11% ml.KP, fl1w sit i I ~ IWAIP'l. w1, fit the Illewit,'t ni Ill. t%1.,Ji. k~60 . 9*11:141~ mail 1411 AN 1411r. r1hylialrd rlinis )fJ1111114111r, Cl. 10." 114.111 VIII, V-014-wi'll filmn 041 't Ilk m".vilvilm-ne (11). lit. No, Iv M% yi.-Id. The following I . lit. 214-10 five I-n- m. W-M oil .3 wc.m 111141 Outlined: wd. phenvIller. dalitir'sitt (111), lit. 124A.,5.8 is r I )"'str frolla V In full rr"J. lie ne"lli:5. Im cafril. 4m file mull, lif tile It UMA; 14.4"kheth"Ayphel 1 6. 1- frail Sib -3 jj~ :-ldt w1m,"Ill acetate (IV). e,,,JjfIe_ 1'41 se lw-141114. lit. It (14tiallivil froin 11). Innit 213 IA' (Jr. *it -a IN1,41d. lit Nil- yield hatin M. .3.4-11ft-thimr-1-0-nittv- me'liall yicl,f* the firc see pfrl.l. frtmu IV, laftc P11,una lit fine all. Will'. t- no-dile$ or Wily thitt shirets mvxwdinx it, the ale. m1t,111 Propanal. 81""t. front V. while MNI&14, lit. 1, of od:vcnt. tit. 60.5% n.7 -die( ll.xvi-quiw~ 4011W-1-ProttionN IV). inqW. Imn IV in G.J.11 yield, lint-110 (M tit. 221..5*, fire t-Aw tit. 111- 12'. 0111te, cirplidg, Ill. 2 - 0,41 &nji;~1vullyl awtafr-licl, jr,ni Y. it%. 14j". 14,44- PF(Imit W., frfun X, in, ilkc 11'. 1.(:t,4 11sir nrtJlo~, in, f"'m Tv in 80% Yield. tn. 1116.5, (Itq ale. ran. Sives a 17-18,; 11C1 Milt in. *.N)I-'-'*. :j,4.DietIm%vJ1ltvnvI~ 0 Z Ot*t Mar With FeCl. saln-): 1-0.4-ifitthm 0 oyl).2. acetic -W (XI), prerml. by di%tiff. it~ Kiev utom a b.V&OLIIWDDIWOPYIW[Att-)ICI.PrePd,tmmw.,.*m"138.3- V-13111. hIMSCRIal ciptitig, lit. ~C*. 3.4-11irchiiir.. be 0-ItAllyl chillwit w&, a ~vlh,w 3.4-Ilieth.1%vivilt-71 Jul ~ 11tvin 4 In A117v yjirkl~ its. thinirldr, a while er"t, ma-, wai ptrIki Ill 114 vi,- 4'~~ 7*N bY It"14114 %I Willi.M K'[,. U L "I -h I 41MG47 0-1 3, 1 m 'ji-C time it it al U S% 0 0 0 It 0 00400 .10 0 40 or 0 00, 00.1 410111011 11 .00 00 00 00 00411 too 0 41 011111ALLIASCAL LITI,PATM CLASIWKAION 0 0 0 0 1111 000 00 T ilk4itilaw", come 01 k1o 0 bmilbiolltito AV. - v ikil" + 11) The Scries of -C) 1; Cl 1) -CII(OA001. A 00 Druclim, jusef Kovics, ani Kalloinis Kwilm (Unly. 1 rM ~ -CH(NO)CI1(NO0Me + Ct)o--Cli- thrnNa tinti iu ti l lee 10-170M).-Pleiffer, Sorinf, 1 em c t . NOO)Mt+tltctro y Hgeitlorch. will School) (C.A. M. 2WI:7. by In- 0JJ)C1I(NJIAc)Me (111) + ifil. JlMs - -ClImIlli- nd doing IV Olf N -00 T(qvint many steps. conveft-1 betasifill will lie ! E B - . A a II(N1Ij)Me + RTOCI + *to ithal they con4dered to be 3-ormily J. &O be ring by 1:relating IV with POC4. As the Itrolucts .0111, (1, R -- R' - Met. R, - 2.4. a IIO(MoOW). awl 2.3,4410(bUG),QIlt. rc*.). They bus obtained were not ident kW with ttkw ItOl" 114 441ilt t atut houltax,11in, 1'.. U., and S. concluded that Ill-- rinx I** aftrinflledi (0 lw'Ym the &ILOWUM011 tkK* cornpols which doutte halt litlim plam sit the "-. not the LI-C "torn of IV. lee gttvv mAttrAilloic aclel, 4.5 1.2.(Meo)'"il(collill (ill it therefore Itented deldraltic t.0 check the Structuiv kW , , wish XhInO,, by synthe%kins the Corresponding eilim the direclionot ring do-ure of all the tiloquinullair% whkh .00 (11' - WcO),10411, and OJc0),QIls) from ROWO) had been I It it , libovT o4vibud. esinvially A-28up 509 o(C.A. 35, W139 hall 1xi'lled -1 200 CHOU that tile dirvition (A ring chisurt in the Invi- of tile iml- it 10 Me T 0 : quinni, . mquircti verificathill. It vm~ ftr%t .1 to tile rm, vmn 1 It undmi= toilet. the influence of The ether srout,- ot it 6N ing. (;to &",I k,0) (it, the divertioto of the ring flo-ture, It X ~ awl the 1,34inethyli"uhlolim, (I. R' - MCI, with goill R'm' - Nit, Me M. Et. Hit (VI), NIC. Fit (VII). Nit. or 00 PhOll (VIII),and PhOll. I'licill UZI. AH oll .1tich Were 1 FMIUY oblatin"t twat tile acetylafflim's of tylse In. Werr see investipted. Slam so am genetmally related (W btl1m) it was mccommory to det. the structure of only I oll tbet's (V). This tons acemplittlord by exhaustive nitsbylatim see 32. 30W9. which colit"a in mabiw3logr Ow Aft dmde and VMroo. o"tion of the end degriodatlit, Product '11100 thmaith the fullovoing "m of reactions nee Its a b U 9 A, 10 al Im, In ~11 or a` ; tit '5' ol'yAjill $Now 0 a we 0 4t to 0 o ft 0 opt : to 4i 0,0 W_ -, 0 0.6 1111 0 I 000.6 - - - - a goo 0 000 0 0 F 0 O C.C11-cme it -c-cII,-CI1hfc AfefXXII.C.C11-cife *9 0 O I cv) jCMr.,Nhfr$0,mv lot ClIMAJIMrSObir 00 0 O -C.C11,-ClIal Koll -cclitclikle (11) no 00 00 0 -occii.mimeNMe.SO.Me (MV) (lull) n 00 0 (x ) 00 00 0 00 Nfncl, -CCAII 0 00 ~ -CIC11:011 00 Me- SIIcPq4 was Inalle to tict. tt~ poi it at which the flu 6 when debencYlatrit to I (R - R* 09 00 In I opens to irive X1 or XU, "Which Is lintuaterial for deig. ethylated wills RIoSO,, Pvc a Prooluct Mentical with VIL 00 00 clic structure of V. Tbe M-free ii Proodoct XV ob- prorpol. froin itorugrnal III ether through IIJ (R, W ~ Me, Y througle converied b F from Eft or K f Kide t d b l IX l l i i 00 00 . . imi rea een ut m o a ous evo m, t). lained. with cop y y ' . ith th id j l t V I 1 i ent - 1 nto ca W a t W23 1 (it - R - 161c, it ) XIV vilb Koil. Was all 1y not , 00 00 .1 (.1 it catopborlike odor. perme- obtained Imom iworugertill Me ether thrimugh 111 (it.. Ali all"t c4ollem I'd. 1 4411hC11 04- d f 3 I b i 1 0 00 rown . 1a ne , n CA. ". 11C.11 ). IX, (o , Steil 'with Crystals; the olly post *94 vcry vasilY $0 %%At h III (it - R' - I1hCII l td If ns much WI th IM ClIXIMI h so , . . roug part iryj o r e K tm4d lictr. ether while t l ' ' 1 00 - Met which ith - If, R debentylai to I (R - R p, ether in utedles, 11cim cryilfi& W-5 g. from 4 a V1 Identical%ith that : 111' titration villith Ur took up 7 hle ielded V and with MO 50 XIV 00 . t . o , , y ), M. 1. XM at - VO by ring clo~urc. 1,3. omly inbout I triol. Br, Indicad Lig, as diill C.'eir analysis also. obtained fmin III (R - R' 00 00 . flint 113,01ortire not XV. Been use of lack ;-'-sufficient mate- (XVI) C15 g- * 1 1 00 oo -1 cc. W, andied. and the train 26.5 Itr. V in 3X) Ce. wann betizene with FOLI, thim (Tylit. Product wai, "of lartbrit-4 =-3* (dr%roullm.); Ill odu El cents i-~ JY a few of the $0 im"dim Inion HIOII-AcOllt ti d ) ll d 00 09 . a . , on pr . egra cmdr co y ' -'Ano' ""!at foylk' la". "tied with ii ,an c, ' Uds 0 ' , In. 2784 CT . ..1. In dil. NmOI I and 11,So., ,j,tj6i jvl iti Icatilim. The forriation of 12, 1". jace,~-whornw, M. ' 1-9- YkM bl'hYdio timatin 2 4 M i 00 . g s is 250 cc. alclehyde. Tots. 0. type m iam. of .1vol 1. 231)-'t'). jilicnored that sing d free ak wi h 0-1 9. of 22% 11, cbwcvw ( l d 0 00 &0 preye ucc it, IM to) co'"Mil. fit type 1. irlitspective O~Abe nature of R 11 20 cc. ;ic l Itiol W. Ill evM case Investi;mArd. Tli~tcvnrtlc Few"- 2 111111,0111. H was absorbed In it Not, lain. filter. n oJID ; i 00 : %111, obtained TX was plioviJ m foilkw Olip toortiorcru V frind i~ cryst s a 1 with Ift-Oll; treated with. " 2%1) ~'C dov 30 A F h M I y Z 00 00 . o . er V. , e et front i-vicitgrual . , It puri tL in 107o NA011 ui(h M,-,SO.. it 011) and l 06 Sam V. 1whited as the IICI salt. needles fr oni mcoll-Etto 6 . 0 0 Ill 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Oso 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 w 0 0. 9~ 0 1L 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 EP, 0 0 o4 0 0 0 00 0 000400009&00000009009o 0. 6 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 40 0 a 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 11 1.1 1 'y. 4 it V a it A 9 a a I I bit 3W LV~ Of M)% ale. kVdfU#Cll$tt't( 1116ith 0.4 R. I'1 11 flank up 2 snobs. 11 In 2 hr%.. artil tvapti. on glihm. o to A Oil, ooccings AW Poo Xave a yellowish all yielding (rmz IMA 4. 44 1.00 7.44drAydroderiva. of XVI. front alm ,RIWI 1, tist 176-9'; 18 g. of this in 40 cc. water with 35 cr. ts(ai% it. 21117-1o" (decompria.). SW III Vt it )*kw YJ Kol I I:ave an oil which was shaken out poistionwittar with (KCI salt, an. 2W-8' f-viss alic..iftilli NfOITIII. front IA- Iwataw. the brasserie est. dried with Xava,50,. heated (1,3 and EtaiSO, - she water bath with 15 cc. 161oSo.. cooled. and air. IfflCriles from sq. ak., chassaing till 1114MUte Prison at IOU' "I- on I which was repeatedly "'a"b"'I 00 V'11 was ablopepal. Irwin brausessol cioult-irl front lite Wy w Irt arthavall. 10 g. of which, in IW t:c. ~itlvevr. added to 90 s. ith tH.hcr anti treuted a little vactiour. whereupon olls,3 It CrYS14. givilic 0 C. (+5 It. ns(war frosts the another -00 NaNCh untler 40 cc. wal ter. layetted , treated drolawlse in liqu~. Iter I ddas. cJ ether) of thit. oyurse oll 4 hirs. with 60 cc. of 2D'k awl the rar- 1 -90 tultir4 product thoroull'I'Ay"washid vith water. sk.. and X, 113, 2:X)* (froin H cibef. and driard at FM 3 toup. #avt 14 1. of the Piessilp- tabs. McOll-lisfeCo). When 6 S. X was heated on the .00 tiiittoi0r. In. 110' (datcompri.).altiarr ibbilliff with",Uchslc. water Imath With 60% Koji anti the MI which AArPd. on 040 cooliall was taken UP In ether, these was obtained 3.6 g. 3 tind wastaing repeatedly with artists; 24.5 g. of the crude , If file open-chain hati, (Xi or X11) vas a r1lick rolojr&% oil =00 ;Arodiiarf sus;pended In 75 cc. of AcqO ms treated with a fevir 'A iroirt of claimed. 11I.SAX. and afteir If had dissolivi.A. with hich I-AgrFlY "IMMID-31 4r in CIlChj pirriale. C,11.%.0., How sic"I" froall water, ral. 14h ; 110 1,1ji. .1h,, M&Wou% evolution of Ict"S irimn-4, the istallu. Wag ariessar- r1r,"t, s,le-ther. us. M"" (deconslust.). 'rhe baw (3.4 coo mirr-i with touch water utsill I Isle rattvs, of Ar.0 had 11"it destroyed, and livit yellosta, Ayr. 1. product W315 IbM- S-) in 13 CC. WAY41. tWnyx,11r, heiated 0.5 hr. Ci, the water Oughly wallacdamith watt-il,dried, ars-lerystd. front MeOll bath vith b cc. M"50, and. after cooling. treated with roe vatrarvaid, ji,eirs-1 20 S. I IN) l.k. atm. ether, yielded 4.5 It. of the trosimpli. XM or 0 0 After trMilnent with ell -(J-WdhAry- litto Of 0 4tr ocirlak, priqns front Meoll. XIV. livirtsivaccallic licirdles lass"I Mcoll- . . 900 In A5 ", 2N) g. of Nis wwx M!uVA Clectrolyticially via. 1111-2111. sifter drying im I%lc#l liver pA. 14-Di- I C.A. 37, WsOl) (rathillyte. 75 ire. gl" AcOll + 150 pale grecidsh yrlhlw, 90 AT. We. + 93 cc. sic. )I'M (100:56 by voll.); evapd. is memo. trt-AlAnd wilb arle"t of toned. INA'Cl), coo Pf)-, 16S0.; Ilg cathcde; pertadvised Ph it soln., nit The %olid pro,luct wa%hM with water. dried. anti rath,3dic c.d.. 0.07 amp./sq. clatt . Istrup cur. crotd, roin bla-011-M)Ft. giviiis 14 S. I-l(J-Plamtkoxy-4. =00 S Mat U-Ml. 2 little% the c listed ) ill;; t"si th a, 1. (111), Illrettle.. 11. NO* 6q. asolls. of 40 X. cryaltd. N;Ac. Wrivivid 1 108-0 2; ji. Ad thIA in 25 %v. 1,4urne talile to IIOCI. 4f (C..-I, j2, 34ta:1.), gristly IN-11t,it mill. vii!ih 1.1 tv. KWI,. I cooling 1 3 S. oI the 110 1.111, nmll~. Irwil atc- ylvilled tal lot tL ArOlIt. an. 200', of VII. C. A R t-I., fill 111JAIJ) an 11.1 All a- -ew -0 T -WN-0- 11-.V as - to It of It 0 4 9 0 00,010 0 00 01; 000 elibooesoo 0 111111,411 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:9994 0 0 0 ~p kjp~~* a a so 0 0 -0- a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 10 0 0 a Now 110, f five 0 p 1.8 Is 101 11 fit U U x Is V x Is a 41 42 41 A, M j it L-je_~_L X-1_ a IJALIJA *I 44b I'lloctst9l AND PROP141.91 1.01. 00 Welpliatson of the Com Ili" _~F_Lo'ft-q 66 wiit~ 12i, -S.- MeSO,)' -in. 07-0' friorn ate.-ether; /to alt. Vk It It 10 le. 1*1 Mide lkb1MbCd 2 Is!"UWC410011. INquitsollatri%g4mro. H. 13.11ruck. 00 ji. lit Me o:. U)" eillis off, it., P"TAM. slid 14):.Lanna NAXY (Unly. Sweled. trials. If in J() br%., givii&x 45.3 it. of the 1.1,3,440trabyttle *00 Magary ". 778, 7 ti)- 14,~ 1964): 4f. C.A. 40, 6W. rlimpd, acettips from ah-.~ther. m. 1421" (titmulm.); so -In Slact I It Was shown that the its4res 11ol. coutlensa- 40 g. c4 this fit, 70 tv. *Atilt WAIVf. %NVIIVt't(0d With IMS tv. :41 It tion of 1-(3.4AIWkoxyi)henjl).2.oxetlunldal-propanob of 1091,, KOJI into the fttv quateatiaty haw, %hakvit out is (I. RAV ii. hie. Rt. of FhCI It. R' - M-11 always Kill" Wi is Wo cc. 11KIllent. dtled with NatNA, C-441 lic-ACM U.S ip (11)t regia"lless hr. on the wiktor IsAlh %vi(h 4(1 kV. Nicol, gave 4ti.1 C. sea of the nature of R atilt R '. 14 haq beets foind that this is y,? -Jimdhyl I -btoisyl -6,7 - moqk*qedivgy- 1,2,3,44eitra- ivir cif 1 -(3, #-tace hylenedlossypheltyl J-2-jilmlyhem. twimaq Imm abo. ale.-ether. M. thus cwhrassall #.he stnicturs: (11. l7ii-m- 21 of thi., 0myrttetl into the free splairrastry by freatment Wish Lhimcshistsid. KOJI, thril **-I It + A' - C)IM, R' - I'hC)I,) Pre"losimliP. assitned bow (W 00 ( CA - 30, 5MI(P) to the rontle:ssation prodart (111). The rrfiuxed 4 hri,.. exta. with elher. evapd. to drysir-m. Anil =00 'truct.,c ill 11, was ~N 00,3 1 , j&jbJijjjA by Disillsill Ive drsgrallation distd., yie)&d to hydrst-tic skcid (IVI of the 14-InT dU.4 (V) oblikinerd diosysifilbilmr IVII), vvilonl4i vi,"lus till, 1). 439 0 Ill!" by exhitullive 1"Clitylatitia t'll 111. (4,5 S. (drid jjpjf0j#. C~11.0 . %1" lic"ll", m. 1119, 7 zoo fruits 3)g. Ill in 3(Klcc. benzette hessleil I 1jr, in, tile water ().I jI.o1whiclin dra - ')Kof , Coo CHOU o.1 V KMWO., Kiviag a di,iiiict t4wof Hill) : M g. else % crude %I set Wit 11. V I I i I 150 ve. I mitir tic. allowed to Nt an it I hr. roe RO';~ -C11? I will% Ilk) cc, acetone Still I 8 sic it CJ( With 10 ". NI-ch;04, tht'i treat " a 1 .50 cc. anhyd. ether (incilkielki littisitilty). atilt allowcd i4$ stand3days, gave 9.1 K. Of VII--Vel-';0-- M 2 -3% 8 9. Nil RM oc/ of which. 1"Iril ill 15d) Cv. ill &M Koff until the viefutoul 9 f evolution of V%tv, sub~idel (105 inin.). yieldcd 4.5 a. 8*0 R. crude (3.3 r.. recryod.) 2-praipexjd-4,5-mdky1emsedi(rry- 400 (a) slithesse (?) (Y). twivus with violet thioresicence trusts Jig- miss. -- 135 --,*. 111.114cSO, is alsildegraded by K%Ino. 1111* 1.) IV. alnug ivills 14011. Rupiorr of the ring of lite quis- fer"ar,.? Cyrfln- Imse (VD prithably occurs, between C atoin --I milad the N, Am very sistall asom of K1,1100. split fill A &CTALLURSKAL UttNAT40119 1.61SVICATM 11111 from (W (4)CIMI base (10111) even Its the cow. 1y stem $1. 31 V. Ito", 00"IFIT seli*3 -MA, azw-ral 431111 ox a.. M N U S 0 to is: "I I ais a It 6 1 W 14 9 a a 3 1 V it a a x is ag it a pro i Ve 0 a .7 ism 0 090 006000 *1 61 - A see 9 9 0 00 4 0 0 00 0 see*** 0 4 Go#* got 04) 00 00 0 000000 a 0.000000 96 *111* 0 0 0 **--a _000011::10-19 the tilrurture t4 11 mumins in dirmhu it abwrbs;ol)Y 2 mmis n! [it in CIICI, In the colt] aud fit tim there is a IN,%- sibilily ilim 1111. 44C. chains have forined a ring C. AR. 94P 00 00 00 SO Ise 00 of 4110, 60, 0 Sib* 9 So 0 ooowoo Wo 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 111, 9 0 0410 a 0 a 6 Tie moibilNivit. toxidance of fillphatic nitroso Cm mw Acid Imit. ovfrd. Ckf-n~ 0 JOS. AtCIM1-%0CII(%0,),Mr WIM Brucktier and Krindt. C.A. 30. ,WKV) in 10,211. X,6114)..(d 50nd. glacial AcOll wasadded 15 Mi. IfNCh (d. 1.422) and the I miuccil clectrolytk-Ally 'At 0 C.d. 4 0.07 RIIIII./ul. cm.: the 111teml catholvil. viel,10i 2 Is'./ prl stelo, ("). ca. 145 7 0116ilmf by ,I ArCII- (OA%1)1.'11:~'411(lill.).\Ie.IICI Jill) 'Alth III W.61o. sluall.61 clectr6lyfi, rolitsetkni of I (At - 3.4-CIf%;JtCoIIjI KA%V lite cormIllomling 11. in. ideconipts,). al~ Witaitivi tram I It :',,4-CHAC,;If. analog of 111. 'rhe a.4-(mWoy. C#tfo &n%J IS of lU giv" the ctirmpoodhill H, in. 161 -:." dem pn-). I 3.4-Djefharyphe")4) ap6dox of 11. Irtmu (A," m. 140-2* ~dmvtuptij. 1:1 relemth." Istvin FiIIAIv CA ti,st stdill -10 \0 tin. 11tabothat 101.1%sind I the COUW mixt., washed unitil Mortals Ith HtOAc, and vitc. UUM-dr6l of ifflo, love 310 a, (44,t%) ralinalle" banjo. senlroul rwidenuflull Intoluct full). ul. 241' (devoinpis. (VII brigmt at =Mt*), after esy-tg. train I 1OAc and vacuum. 10 brs. at llX1*. Cooeig. 016tUrste from the re. f(Alowing Irvidrittv indicatra W has lk mixt.. slesm-diRtu the viscow 0,46at to 1.171,110.9 . ttVlei, Z the presence and hication of the double pall 17 it - 9 colirs. I he tensainhill a q. sah. to 6116 mt hand not, Ill the eflOother git"le WAA not estailaWled. VI CtWins. the cn-wls 1,t with 2W MI, "i ~.(4 1.) oil vitrulsill diltil. RAVC 3A 11. 'Aly d6tilLate flusu 1160. atull drying it% twfoce Am6rd t32 11. (16.6%) IV hkh 1. m.p. (Afitts, remsta. from StOM and tilitts (1.1al ~4etd of corldru%&-m proxhicts 61%). Assuming 1&) vid mixed m.p. 544% crystd.. and thisis, U. m. rinfo-cu addiv. to trississ.fl, 4 ottreo"sers. i.e. S racemic misuidaf. 21-2', distd. with steam. VI(Ig.IwW pairs IV and VI beins zerhilrarily chisser members of each), it. 1. teJ 0.2.3 hr. mt 230-A* autil JlgS "ution M #A, floe "to* ekid. with hot MOAc, and the clan- No (cholessal) vulu. coucd. Ill 3 ad. and coullsid. save. after 1:140,ke, Most ic 44hydride. ytlww ~ (gresinist, fillorescenct in %Wn.). in. 214-17'. Identical with thit pftw. "Airs, fit., C.A. 39, I=W), The vp^ringl.v MA (1: 10A) Ill 1104 11,01, CIMAT. airAllitil Vill W X.I. pfrixi. Ily Ikkwkt. VIAltkin~vNith Ititul-NA? IV) 144 )11. 414"Jillis the Coulml Inkt. wilts 2 X IICI, Atut washing list crystals with Ill) sill. kc-tiold Ill(), chAnge,l mostly to the readily $0f. IV oil r:y"", (rol" 1110, C"lly Xse sen. again as a trilijabdie (3 It. I lis"One And I C11 Mt gmir), wbkh on vacuum-4r, ng at 1000 Istrulld. anhyd. W1 , in. 21m3, tilecouip".). Vill rvverIC4 to V1. \ Co m.P-. thimi HSOA6 sold valued w.p. 241 * (decoallin.), ass 7 boliling ON 4 Parts Acs(li asid ditz, the cooled suln. with FG0. VI (0.9 a.). buikd 10 suits. In 21 wt. 5 N N&0111. 'be mist. siridifird with 10 nsl , 10 N IICI chiritkA ( fur -0. slut Coiled. OUTv is rillst., (6 it.) a( till And Wfrinn whk*h 21,1411.1usillng 111C.1 call] the 1114ur 1". ():1 'it) IV, Ills I a ~ vu; riKAISIA 14MIUMI !1.* 6, Colaigirlis pris"s. grodAwrissr. Which drivit as allave to anhyd, IV- fmw Al~o evm alter !048 Whim, 11ONOR kH IV la (4 Coolf,jrwAlts), m M-41% Tk no I km 2110-11'(dwmp".) C. UUC Tout) (_0211"my Iram k,01 1 1 N(Z "aff""" in Vul W=; 3.6 9, V, -it 0 vxf. vitistv ty miluirlir 11tirmi,jos Cwtah with 1111. 1 y~ Wd. atillint, arml 'frijahkill 1 Iftol IWAc, m Ifivu VIII (Iwr 141 lpisM 11) and AlliliAlf- IV (1.11.) omi 0A a, 60 1'. t'll. ilikl, o0joilol cultulm 1*0111sts irl tb* "jokopynolis- &imiw* AMP. (1111), Im. IN)' &iii*" VFpmj. Init" 1190 find HOO ~mv (Kill Ph 11144 V toom OC _W (RIB) VrAM0111~11yiJ14 ski 1(111'. "Isk.1% vvutd not Im listal"I dwidir at it 110"4? 44-61 bill. m Imams it.1 1. 6% M ml, 411 Uttlill *011 UllaNt 6% 1410. 01ty" tiw 41.116 fitte. cklm irm twed" II'mu %)Wit, no. WS -40), ( tectft ). An o -it 2 a. II.NOII in, 'a' .. MS. tit 2 1!. IV is, bed . mrim hath) I hr.. gAvr, tpn mir"It~rinjl the ift-fybut. (Innis 11.0) twWtu-S. a Ar1r4hrJ,ak WhWh, on vismuln. thybill 10 hit. at 1,30* its m-rilts. I".11 Mcoll. fivitt"I an Rohyti. jilidiiiv .1-ij (XIV). m. 21M It' ((Iectwsipn~). bavitill dw cuipickW ItIOSIMIA. C'1111ONO., vol a regular simbrue. With t"Ibia Ac.0 XIV save urutut eniark- primns, CnIlirNOt. m. 2711 2' (diwonspso.). prolmably the mirlWitkilmismit, W VrIl. The nitil frawn RIV. itormited wills M.VC 4). Sittir a "Awl no 666,184, Oww. Cill tiON08. its - 274 P I With Cl ION# and XIV 8,1vt mlinkiiii I1rj%ItWtS, Ill. :Kill N' Aild 105', nmp.. 6*h of Whirlo cm. tahm', uum N thatt q6t. (or % rtgular cmcr. Ultrawkilet WWI aft given Im IV. VII, and III In aq. atitts. sod (at and the letu-Nic "ter of Yll in ClIC4 loin. 3a, JU, " the tetra-hit qtcr of XII m*km ketone Impals that Are 01WAV-1 ill IV And Vil. Ifulislorrm ApIdicstion nj the dient mynthesis to tromatic lystems, V. 1111114!w1 I- 1111C.111' Kflil. IAP,u 4. tit thr ORM tx.,ibillly d Ap. Ol ..Tunj I,, ..11111IMlift'll. Fptj. -11filill"I Ill 14136I)IC AS a ".011. d .11, 1". 1~ (1 1-1 .1 d'"Ild Wild tit a 111,1110. iti"ll if allethole 11-0- Oto lit-1clo. JOV ;118,1 I'It'l'i'l-Alli 1 36, tit e(lill.1 lit. lfk' W.1, [,.r %%.., ~Ilaw!med the fal-4.1 I'll-lig" timl, lortm-Od OLIC .-Illrgufatl~l Jbil" it ill 41111Y lilt ;IIIIIII off PlININIt., 111110,11-A III,, It, 1, liquiliv: MCO 1 Oc ~Al Al, -04f f tit. jrill4orill,itinn 'n rat-vt i%,-I% It it I it, vid'I it I ..s. ~Ilrrra~l to W" -11,11 "Hild casil". 1.- -1.1, Ill I'llf, f""n. 'ill, 242'. Alst .11~ %rr Ii.tM agai.l't Ill.- 1-11-dity the Structural Ily ")" vind .- wfxkrrs (C.A 1,3, ~_jrJW). The initi.41 IfIrchatil.l1i ill thr ifielle S)ntb4r;.H,. trail-forill-iflott 'if IVF,.Ile ih.riv~ I, Illicitly miskad Culidylk bnbepmtk mv,lbr I multbt4mb tbi pnW 0 sonottom Aw L !;4)ffk*kdsd to 6.3 g. Ar is I ft sastwk. U. V. *rJW#As I -Wt In dw to Ik 4-Dr do*. (TV) d W. smedles. 0. 2 -a' (ahw .00 ps-ft. &an MeOR md tM gi StO&J. , AdIft 3buLelMols. d brim dry MMOII tool s. I isibud. H. mpg. sftw the or OOkr Amppmed (Wm" 1=3orkwStilsibe venewmam WWII 12mulso.buillms tht rmkW 01V "Y"s a few main. OM 10) Md. PW via COW.. *A Stew bow. to 90 Ind. go p" I'l 1. 144-61. Tm4t- W'Ith'&)s' ShLIG Was Crotals from Dropwise addj3. of 345 S. a g. YJ cbl-- 01, stirrim the mixt. 4 bra., and =.i, 16 bm. - give POIMPMX IISJWPOIO (11), bsa 180-5' (Mg. Still). "Uh m. 2ff-S' (diatiow. m. 224-5'). tcc= C1 The j~ peatim from this expt. (W.8 S.) was reduird W" 91011-HCI, g!vW D 44Ho-l.2.3.4,4r1raky4r*- bm~* 189-W'. which. sapond., Re. fIVS. Ilia 21K)ce. Atoll sit AP in the Mwmv of PtOR 1A bra. #IV" Ispiram, M. 2W-I* (ji-Af dais., jx,tpd. with Ac#O-Cje"N 12 hra. at 20'. m. W-3% sublimmiag at 160' ia a hi 4A-Mctbykw- ,fh vacuum). pbermatimew M R - k - M (47.3 g.) with 30 X. CHIXIMN gives tbt dinftrik (X, K - R' - ClIv- CjI#CNj vrb Is, mpmd., gives the dimr6mrylic 4vid (L K -,- R' - CIW114C(hif); The latter, with SOCIs sives the acid CUM& (11) M R - R' ClINCHICOCII.. i Nebo, NNLU %RO (ilk) Dropwi* wMa. W 75 6. SOC4 to 47 X1 In 210 tv, ON aNd inbriol do Ollit. 72 hn. u1 Al give kru.? 71 - W"11M-j~Afj1 - ortakyji'd mAl-AloPkim " I , "tals from AcOlft-liVoin, M.W-P ~ug a mist. (pri-W. lit the order given) of S. sum%lomsetid Za filings# 7.4 m. 11,0. 17.3 cc. concil, - MCI, 10 cc, PUU. 2 dtops AcOll 1, and I f;,M (or 11) 24 bra. with 3 sUm. of 5 cc. coacd- HCI a r irAch 6 br%. s Ox (ZOV calorkso oil with Lhiish 1V,b#-*140*. Attempts III b htat-- ties I c. Will I S. Pd-chamal lit 6) cc. abs. lifeC98 tn. A 3"' or 3.4 1. with 0.9 g. pard. S 3 hirs. at 2ID-2V In saftlit vacuum foilled. Attmptstodrhyd t IX irith chlaraW or by hitting 2.75 j. with 1.0 9. 12 b". - at ZW-W' &W failed (cf. v. Braun and Rath, C.A. 22, 2749). F. E. Dratins saw with niv. IUtted. Jfiung,)~ CAWNf. rMI&M C1 3.1. I 111 II-CUDICIIHIM, (1) with Nid h jjjjdkj. K"Ping 3.4 9. 1 (R - Me) in 15 cc. NfesCO with 3 it. -NA) if) -10 e4 - MrrCO 24 bri. at roont Imp., dcaillwizin 9 Ar inixt. ilith Nallst'N' dilg. it with 11.0, and eiltif. with cillf" give OA g. dii~.Cttgrn.t di-Nie ether (EI) (U4. R ?110. needl.m. in. WIAOIP. TrtatinS 8 1, 3.1. RO 'CII'NIr b OR OR (m) (111) in :N cc. CIICI, Willi s" 2 x 11; lit 4- sm, I (it - ul) (IV), PtAte'. of. I Ill*. IV 4n.1 'Nal give 3,64tethoryindax (V) Ilia. It - I'll. it. IN'. Nutc. I "n. of I S. III in 5 cc. ether Willi IlCI Awl L.vpoij th, joijit. overnight give V. Keeping V in aip,. cthrr with ctress of fir imnight giv,-s dirip.. C.1inflfir. lotill needles:fit. 114' Tir.itmil 4.3 c. I ~R - PhC1I-- (VI) 2 dayA swith %'a[ in Mr,C0 give, UA a. ILA (R - phelf?) IVIJ), needles, al. 114-16'. In aine caws 3.1. Onicilsom:41I.ClUCHNIC. nmjlc~. M. 70-1 '. i, ol'. tained. wilts fir it Kive,; VI. to, I:W. flydrornAll'"I of 0.08 g. VU In 541 cc. FILL111 with 11.1-chArc" 13 snin Sim k*oxyix44,t (11a, It - If), netAles. in. 1011'. Broininj - Win (A VII tgivrs it mono-fir drrjr_ C.ji4olfifir. in. 141' Refluilinx 3 'brs. 4.5 Cr. 14011 I'Diag. OA 4, N.4 *11h 3.3 Cr. PhCII'cI jivr' 5 9. 3.4-P-iCllO(IY)IC.1l.Cil.-CII.Ite (Vill). king 11,41 needles, M. 75*, d0oramide (IX). tn. Ill*. Treating IX with Nat 111ye-i Vill, in. 75*. TreAting 3.4-3,101fillt. CIIrO)C4If.'c IIII(CIIIII.Me (X I Willi NAJ givri juiruffesup) Iwiltylellict'lu. "A'.which Willi Ilr;Ax-iin Slvr% X. o1. I "I", give allethole, ol, M llr;iulj% The ww&;gim 'at fiddect. (;Yom Flruckl Ifuhn (""iv.. %Ivd. IfURST, ?at 50. 73- 4 t, t1:4 .)).-Furtbre stUdirs wcft nwile to supi,or! the stfucturr s) lx"Kwd (C.A. 43, [tit the hii-adduct (1) U'41= .0 limpime as ot-114YA41 Ill I lie 41ructsur III WW slotbi AtOlf and Ibc Isroducis wen, nirthylitled, V46"ll 4ximplic. Ischiding di-lifir filltiarAll! 411.1 fis'l. fw:l by I - 7 - itmethnitv - 1 .2,1,4 - lei raby,firo .1 2 - tidphl holvo- 41i llsboxyffii aml (11) wet* illetillfirif in the noml. oblabiesi. Tj.r hillsiduiotl 4*1 both tx"Isfult. 1, ed4ily hv Ole r-.nmsrd alturfurAl funtudil but title by that W I-T. .%,tther suptimmil is ofirml by the favi jh4t thr stilmdtitir 4 Ildki not rtact whh smick- iwW iodow.fri.1c at .4 1' (the crillp bit whirls 16 Itlent"I I Ind oidy at 1N1* and is ptldurt. tit. "P. asilimst 21V Ile lite oricinni 1. 1.1 vAo FoWr =4 @him@ am 0"V!4M-,J&' "-p p"til'. -04, 44 do "T110 p1wral 1wee-Nivre to jm~. 1'g.b-k'ft Whh %* -I W&I 10 FOOM: I* dibr*j""j;!: All IN sh. NfA*O a," hem at rom It IN 1 2 Is I the lain. dild, with watir WW the Iodine &LZI cia N4".q% 0t, NO,& A, ts;;;~ haeop"01 Me riblit I R~ wd* 141,141ned In 0.4-g, yivii, treali 11.4-Mroikii.cRow.umm, Is MI. .01. utin 'I S. Nei in au "j. 61" *10ij.,obvwUngthe 161"CO. ketPhir 24 hrp, at pwin "her. -hing will lil"NiOdift.takinsuptkeollyrVif :31n I Water. drying. and rft-,Y,tg," "M- I43,4-I:4rjIwj VVM 10P. was f"Optainva In if nYl)-l 2-dRwmw4wopj,,. M. .0. *M by Oddi, of 6.2 g-hr l,~, 11) al. dry cfjci. to A W, ;~4-4Itl)hC.Ij.CH:CjIMt fl) p 9D 0, tie Otch &1 -014, Iterins'and M. gott (trogn EtOH). *At 0~ (U) was 4t- 2 ~. with 11011 1 Yield (33-3NP. g. I ad. c1bef. wernow-I Of ramom di%tu., and flantli. it= MtOlf- The Drdefly...m. 114', tnul. %t. 4TI A. oil was obtained b 7 Ith excess Ili O%rerllight. V1- kft*t an RUD u4n. of 11 vr nmic3,4-(Phi:'.IivOhC4ll,Cii'-CIIMC j)43,4-dibtaY19'LT- phtuyl).2.metliyl.3-ethyl-b,fAibtntYlQxYlndani, m. 114- JAI (fnttn HAIII), inana-lir deriv.. ni. 141% and diamarvine It-(2 4 bWmnl.* w. fill-O' (fr(nnAIeOlI), were also pmpd. 3- lkwy y-4-c thozy- I -prolnoy lbrutc tie. rn. 75', ob- lox tained In 6.011, yield b adding to 0.6 11. Na In 26 trd. abs. KtOll 4.6 x, 3.4-II(VIRLO)WIsC11:0114c and 3.3 ral MOW. m".1alas 3 Ism. and recrylig, flows StOll. 10: 809% and I". were also lwcpd. It was tbu shown Iiiat the dibromidus of 3tt-dibensylaxy-, 3,4.dkdmny-. 2.41A. trivixtboxy-. itud iorned dIS11trit CON"16. 19 Well &S the Bf-flft MUDGINViC 0100pas. Tb* dibrow"fo d styrew. stilbrue. donsanyl ak.. PbCH:. clicu'Ohle.'suetbaie. boostrale. iloatilieffid bonal 011w. and cianavoic acid, b"ever, yieldt?d only-,r4mur =as*- wark camwAs, LAW" rls* KAJUN, 1.1 XOVACS, B.; NOTAAM, J.; SURDAHNIA1. M.; VATDJ,, P. "im vzd~ ~M"-' Invest1gatlon on the Isolation. Identification w4. chemical determina, tion of an orgaW.sim-formed and hitherto unknown wttihistaminic substance, Magy. belorv. Aroft, 4 noA150-1$5 19~51. (CIXL 21:4) 1. Institute of ?Nu-nmology (Director-Prof. Dr. Miklos Jancso) and Institute of Patholoj,.v (Director-Prof. Dr. Ietvan XRrady) of Szeged Meellcal Unive-!----31ty axA- the Institute of Organic- Chem!~q try (Director- -Ptof. Dr. Gyozo 13mckner)-of-Bya-F&A aUnVer'sity.