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K,UV.,',C r ;, A. 'the tIc,,ar-t,.,,bc ruoer T'C- lCjg 0q--A*lr,,-vr--l~-,cr, TA. 11, n-. IL, kor. 1957. SO: Vilnthly List of '.-~st "lurare:m A-cc~~ssians. Tj Tlly 19.1~7. ll,,Cl. e,OVAf,'1,3, hojan, rjipl. inz. (V'arLtor, '~6) Autcmatlc fira oxtinguishers. Automfitika 5 no.5.412-416 164. Cherd&a,Abst. mow. &W go- Nvil dwqjm),~, Vol. 49 110, 3 A4044 A lomple Mkrominometer 6 described which coushb es. Feb. 10, 11 6entially of 2 Mariatte bottles connected at tte.wwv necks Apparatusj, Plant Equi and by stopcocks and a capillazy tube. Both bottles and the PMG~, tube Owtain a l1quid, usually HgO. An er bubble t7 d,. t Uni OP;~rations, :We he Millary tube. When gas pressufe Is intio- &.ftd Into the air spam In one of tut bottles. movement of '-thi bubble nTresents * highly munifled measure of the P,.,, dig --ces dotm to 0.01 mm. can be rwph R. 57 &AA EVACIC, Jule - Thrombosis and embolism in gynecology and midwifery. Zdrav. vest., Ljubljana 24 no.?-8:267-269 1955. 1. Ginekolosko-porodniska klinika v Ljubljani-predstojnik profesor dr. Pavel Lunacek. (PULMOURY MMOLISM AND THRMOSIS, In gyn., mortal., thar. & results (S1)) VOVAK, Francl KOVAGIG,Julay RREN.. Ilarjeta; PESTEVSEX? Rihard; POIJAI-SEK,, Rado- STUDZIT,, Marija; SUNIK, Leo P How to improve the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri, Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.9073-782 S'63> 1. Ginekolooko-akuserska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Uni- verzitota u Ljubljani (upravnikl prof. dr. Franc Novak) i Chkoloski institut u Ljubljani (upravnik; prof, dr, Uo Savnik). VA L F 11 V,, Stefka; KOVAGIC, Jule Curr-prit application of cytolog it, the detection of Y I 00,11,13U3 . Zkirav. vestri . 3.1 no.1 Po 1 k 1. i n -1 k a v I, ubl j ar. I s~-. i I r a j VIA To c,,-, 1960) I 'Mir Given ilameD CvLntry. Yugoslavia Ac.idcmic De[;reea: not given Affiliation: not given oource: Zagreb, Farmaceutski Glasnik, No '4-5, April-MIAy 1961, pp 115-118. Da-,P-: IThe New American Pharmacopeia. 1960.0 y- CIC L~5 1 ""1 GRUNDEL, Frantisek; KOVAC1C, Ludomir, inz. . ~ - Piping from plastics. Tech praca 16 no-5037-339 My 164. 1. Head of the Technical Development Section of the Fatra Napajedla National Enterprise (for Grundel). 2. Dom techniky, Bratislava (for Kovacic). YOVI,CTC I'll. Use of Canad-*cn radiotelephone in tani. and armor nn4t'~. r. 21~1% 1 .. I CLASTF)y_ Bcorrad, Vol, 11, no. 4, Apr. 1956. SOURCE: Erst European Accessions List, (---'EAI,), Library of Con-.res7,, Vol. ~., no. 12, December 19% MATOVINDTIC, J.; JOYALIKIC, K.; KOVACIC. N. TetwW. ffm=op~ihijatrij& 2 no-3:121-132 1954. 1. Is Interna. klinike Medicinskog fakulteta, Zagreb. (TETART) VAI ~UMVIBDVIC, J., KOVACIC, V. Indocrina bone diseases. Acta chir.lugoal.2 no-1:13-28 1955- 1. Interna klinika Redicinakog fakultata u Zagrebu. (BONRSO die* caused by endocrine gland disord.,(Iiag. & ther.(Ser)) (MMCRINN DISMSS, compl. bone dis.,diag. & ther.(Ser)) JrDV,9C1r-j /V. HATOVIN)VIC, J.; KDVAGIC, N..- NDVAX. Z. Pathoplqsiological an4 clinical syndrome of bypoglycomis. Mauro- pqihiatrija 3 no-1:38-51 1955. 1. Is Interna i Neurolooko-pathijatrijoke klinike Redicinskog faktateta u Zagrebu. (HMM.YCINIA, review (Ser)) J, I., Dr.; MATOVIROVIC, T., doe., dr.; KOVACIC, N., dr.; BUZINA, R., dr. H,rpertbyroldism in the village Rude near Zagreb. Higijena, Beogr- 7 no.1-4:295,r3O6 1955. 1. Centralni hig1jenski savod, Zagreb: Interns klinika gedicinskog fakultata, Zagreb. (GOITER, epidesiol. endemic in Tugool., statist. (Ser)) PRIBEG, Z., Dr.; BAJZER, K., dr.; VEMVINOVIG, J., Doc., dr.; KOVAGIC, N., dr. Incidence of goiter among pchoolchlldren in Zagreb. Higijana, Beogr. 7 no.1-4:307-321 1955. 1. Centralni higiJenaki savoe. Zagreb (for Prebeg and Bajzer) 2. Klinika za interne bo'A.4ati Hadicinakog fakultata, Zagreb (for Matovinovic and Kovacic). (GOITKR, epidemiol. endemic in Tugoel. In school child., statist. (Ser)) _;j OV -17 ZiWdtm* 4 *a4rd aw I _UAu - Sac Idig-l*&a., ISM 94 ftl---M - - - v VAN V, cbUi v ~Xcre wdMps I tag: d ACM - An b Q ua I to. Mfe6uu ikci~ Andro& etc ProwNy, b"ause of fts - C4 4t I --etcre d~riiq M6' t Cott twit, net a 7:4 KOVACICI N. Dr.; MMVIWVIC, J. dr; PIOSEWAK, M. Metabolism of water in byperthyroidism. Lijec.vJes. 77 no.)-4: 145-152 Mar-Apr '55. 1. Iz Interne klinike Hadicinskog fakultsta u Zagrebu. (HTP&UIHMDIDISH, metabolism in water. abnormal Robinson-Kopler-Power teat, pathogen (Ser)) (WAT-MR, Hetab. in byperthyroidism, abnormal Robinson-Kepler-Power test pathogen. (Ser)) KOVACIC, Nada Male pseudohermaphrodites and their treatment. Radovi med.fak., Zagreb 7 no.2:135-141 159. (HERMAPHRODITISM ther) KOVAGIC,Rada,_dr.; HIKMGIG#Vanja,~r. I Hype rparathyroidism without omneous changes. Lijec. vJert. 01 no-7-8:503-505 '59. 1. Iz Interne klinike Nedicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (PARATMOID GIAND d1s.) MIKULICIC, Vanja, Dr.; KOVACIC, Nada, Dr. Active insulocrias of the pancreas. Presentation of 5 patients. Lijec vJes 82 no.5:395-402 060. - 1. Iz Interne klinike Medicinakog Fakulteta u Zagrebu (ISLET CELL TUMOR case reports) KCVACIC Nada, Dr.; DROBNJAK, Predrag, Dr. Dysgenesis of the gonads: clinical and laborator7 considerations on 8 female patients. Lijec vjes 82 no.6:485-493 160. 1. Iz Interne i Ginekoloske klinike Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu (HYPOGONADISM case reports) (TURNER'S SYNDROME case reports) KOVACIC,-Stanka Oessous loealization of Beanier-Boack-Schauma= disease; ostitis tuberculooa multiplex eystoldes Jungling..Tuberkulona. Beogr. 5 no.5-6t466-47o Nov-Doe 53. 1. Ortopedska kliniks. Redicinskog fakultata u Zagrebu, (Pradstojn1k Prof. dr. 7 Grospic). Rad primljen 16.VII-1953- (TLt;WCUWSIS, OSri-MRTIGUIAEL *ootaitis tubarculosa multiplex cystoidea of flingers) (SARCOIDOSIS *osteltis tuborculosa =Itiplez cystoldes of fingers) KOVACICV, S. Angioneuromyoma; Mason's tumor; case reports. Act& chir.iugosl. 2 no.2-3:262-265 1955. 1. Ortopedska klinika Modicinakog fakultsta u Zagrebu (Prodstoj- nik: prof. dr Fordo Grospic) (GLOMANGIGMA, thigh, surg.,results (Ser)) (THIGH, neoplasms glomogngioma. surg. results (Ser)) Giant call tutor of the fourth cervical vertebra; case report. Acta chir. iugosl- 3 no.1:85-88 1956. 1. Ortopedska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, (Predst. prof. dr. Ferdo Grospic). (GIANT, CEU TUMORS, vertebra, cervical, fourth, case report. (Ser)) (SPINE, neoplasms, giant cell tumor of fourth cervical vertebra, case report. (Ser)) RUSZKOWSKI, I.; URBANKE. A.~; KOWACIC, Experimental research on regeneration of joint capsule of the hip in dogs. Acta tied. iugoal. 10 no,3:316-326 1956. 1. Ortopedska klinika Kedicinakog fakulteta i Zavod za patologiju i patolosku anatomiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (HIP, physiol. regen. of hip capaii1m in dog (Ser)) ~-_KOVACIC, S. Our experience with Grice's operation in correcting paralytic pea plano-valgus in children. Acta, chir.iugosl. 7(8) no.2:142-151 160. 1. Ortopedska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Z.-grebu (Predstounik Prof. dr. Ferdo Gospic) (FLATFOOT surg) (FOOT dis) GROSPIC, Ferdo, prof, dr; KOVAGIC$ Stanka, dr Orthopedic therapy and rehabilitation after poliov7elitis. Med.glasn. 14 no.3a:314-316 YT 160. 1. Ortopedska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Predstojnik: prof. dr F.Grospic) (POLIO?MITIS rehabil) KOVACIC,-Vital, ing. Phosphating aa preparation for lacquering. Automatika 2 no.1:45-47 Ap 161, (Phosphate coating) (Ldequer and lacquering) KOVAGIG, ~vonimir, ing. (Ljubljana). Evacuation problems of closed vessels and pipelines. Stroj vest 7 no.D21-24 Ja '61. (MAI 10:9) 1. Titovi zavodi LUostroj, Ljubljana. (Pipelines) NMEC, Pavel, clen koresp.; BETINAj Vladimir, prom.biol.1 KOVACICOVA, Ludmila,_Jnz. Study of antibiotics from mushrooms by means of chromatographic analysis. Biologia 16 nr,.5:375-381 161. 1. Katedra tecbnicke4 mikrobiologle Slovenskej vyaokej skoly tech- nickeJ v Bratislave (for Nemec and Betina) 2.Biologicky ustav SlovenskeJ akademie ved, Boleraz (for Kovacicova) (MUSHROODIS) (CHROMATOGRAPHY) RATOVINIVIC, J.i K~VACI~. .,, ~!,~ PROS EWAK, M. Btiology. pathophysiology and treatment of by-perthyraosis. Acts, chir. iugool. 3 no.2:105-126 1956. 1. Interna klinika Medicinakog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (HYPFMT,ff ROIDISM (Ser)) c :CULTIVATFD PLAMTS.C'!-%N',MF.PAC1AL B(;!i r i n J7 . joux. q .F.EF Z~;UR.'BIOL.,2l,l9'-:l-,r4c)-96059 ovacik. Int r; (7: ~tn Lr!i t i n n V. t hot! !~r r Sur f imv3 v B1 o snoms orig. Polnohos fjod!trs tit) 1,, 5, 987-997 19~,? , , ;,bst~---cb 3unf1o',.Ycj--,, dux~n~-, 0 ~ful'ant stago's of n~ nbadcjet pemer to nrevent! thz foa%.%ntior of p;-)II.On ill tllv~ It is hnit w?-v',n thi,,~, op~!---t-2Csr. 1!3 p ;-:~'tx'med dircing the time ,;h,,,n nli,~j flowiir oh-ulf-tm frnri tho bulbous shap-,, to 'tlsi-ttu ct 'UNj - butul .-3hrdIng unrlier and later t1jan 4vhese si;apes did not pim:lucu positive rusults. Sha(jin~ ,-ms aooompiinhad uith paoV p A.,es of b1mok. pnpor , pasto)(11 on, linor or gutizt3. Tho exwninntion c~' 1-hi2, lh.:., ir.Plorenoen- ces had to b:s do'lle in the evor-'i or in the morning 2 Card 1/1 KOVACII~~, Ail',TA "Heterosis in sunflowers." VFLTNIIK. Praha) Czechoslovakiai Vol. 5, No. 7/8, 1958. Konthly List of ai-st European jkccessi,ns (EFII), D', Vol- 8, "0- 9) Septerber 1959- Unclassified# KOVACI~,~t~n, inz.,- WLI&M, Jan, inz, Influence of different age of the stigma on artificial wheat fertilization. Rostlin vyroba 9 no.2:1(Y7--U8 F 163. 1. Ustredni. vyzkumny ustav rostlinne vyroby, oddeleni genetiky a alechteni, jluz~n6. KOVACIK, Anton, inz. OSc. Effoct o'k' the -jprnying with Iii nnd P11 vitninLns on tho pollination of wheat. Ront vyroba 10 no, 7i743-750 JI 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, Ruzyne. HANITICHO K., inzh.; DYCKA, J., inz.; KOVACIK, A., doc. Inz. Mc. Experiments with the new spring oil plant Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst.) in Czechoslovakia. Rost vyroba 10 no.11:1087-1094 N 164. 1. Higher School of Agriculture, Prague (for Hannich and Dycka). 2. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, Ruzyne (for Kovacik). KOVACIK,_:Anton, doe. inz. Wo. Results of the activity and presen'L tasks of the Department of Genetics and Breeding affiliated with the Central Research Institute of Plant Production in Pra~ue-Ruzyne. Vest ust zemedel 1? no.2:96-100 165, 1. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, Prague- Ruzyne. XOVACTK, F. Tasks of power engineers In Slovakia. p. 147 TFCHNTCKA PRACA. Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7P No. 4, 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI), LO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. Tatta -Oit~ mt of, liot tak 00= : thin V~W ter smmfe with. KOVACIK, i Selective setting of safety devices in very high voltage power systems. Energetica Cz 13 no.8:1+21-423 Ag 163. 1. Oblastny energeticky dispecinIk pre Slovensko, Zilina. NOVA(M. Jarculnv, Now t7res of tires for off-the.-rcad vehicles. AutcmcbIl rz 9 no.2,15-19 F 165. KOVACH, J., inz. Propo ties of the new types of tires for cro3s-country vehicles. Pt.2. Automobil Cz 9 no.3:5-8 Mr 165. The ar-a of Turc-anike Teplice; '!rtrn,)vica i3nd ValICY. ii. 51. -1, V (Poverancitvo dopravy. "dati1telst'vo pre ccstovn- ruch) Bvati:31av . NO. 21 Feb. Y)55- Fa5t Europcan Acces Anns Lis Vol. no. /~twchywl/tl Jan; KOVACIK, M. Fractures of the calcaneum & their treatment. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.8: 563-567 Aug 57. 1. Chirurgicka klinllm IY UK v Koniciach, prednosta prof. Jan Knazovicky. Traumatologicke oddelenie KUNZ7Kosice, prednosta Jan Bauer. (CAICANEM, fract. ther. (Cz)) KOMAL,F.; KOSIK,H.; KOTIACIKV. Rreparation of reed chemical cellulose through acid and alkaline processes. Cel hirtie 12 no.5/6:165-168 My-J063- 1. Membru, corespondent al Aeadaniei Slovace de Stiinte (for Kozmal). 2. Politehnica slovacao Fratislava (for Kosik, Kovacik-). K,OZMAL, Frantisek, prof., inz.; KOSIKI Martin, Inz.; KOVACIK, Vladimir, inz. Properties of chemical pulp prepared by acid-alkaline cooking of reed. Fapir a celulosa 18 no.1:1-3 Ja 163. 1. Chemicka fakulta, Slovenska vysoka skola technicka, Braitislava. 2. Clen korespondent Slovenskej akademie vied (for Kozmal). CERITNIKA, J.; ILLUCKOVA, I.; Technicka 5polupraca: HOVATVIA, NOVAKOVA, A.; ADAMCOVA, A.; KOVACIIKOVA Long-term studies of dyiiam1cs of sensitivtty t.o standard ',,I_Iberculin in babies and infants vaccinated In -the neonatal uerlcd with a Czechoslovak BCG vaccine (controlled longiNdIral study). Dratisl. lek. listy 45 no.2:65-77 31 Jl 165. 1. Vysk-u=y ustav epidemiologle a m1kroblologie v Bratialave (riaditel doe. 1.',UDr. J. Karolcek) a Obvodni witav riar-.Aniho zdrav4- v Trencine (rJadital 14JDr. L. Bic,_8k). I KOV.OVA, J, New rlass!f-j'!-,-itlon of on welcilng,. 1.1 no.s: A064 GAIJtTIK, Antonin; SMEKAL, Frantisek; KOVACOVA, Olga Indirect polarographic determination of calcium in chrome leather. Kozarstvi 14 no. 2: 49-50 F 164. 1. Oblastni laborator, Svit, n.p., Otrokovice. KOVAC, L.; KOVACOVA, Vlasta Notes on the relationship between the permeability and viability of yeast cells. Folia microbiol. 7 no.4:257-258 162. 1. Departments of Biochemistry and Genetics, Komonsky Univorsity, Bratislava. (YEASTS - physiology) (PERMABILITY) JtI',,*rTKOVA, V XOV~?~ -~,"VA-FM "I "!"ontritnition to tht- stuly of abortive !mbryom In pf~t~cbea." BIOUCTA, Br&~Aslava, Czecho3lovfiMa, '101. 33, no. 11, 195-^ Monthly 't3t of Ebst 'Europe Ac--,--s3ions (EEAI), LCI 'Vol. 8, No. ',, Sept 559 Uncles KOVACSP see allo EXAM KOVAC')',A.; RATIU,O. Historical development and transfomation of phytocenoses. Analele biol 16 no-1:75-84 Ja-F 162 -r- OVACS, A., Conf.; HDRVATH, A., Conf., HDDT, E., dr.; KKREM, dr.; B., 4r.; BARAZS, M., dr. Diagnostic value of electropboretic methods in endocarditia. Mad. int., Bucur. 8 no-3:452-459 July 56. (ENDOCARDITIS, diagnosis electrophoresia, method & diag. value) (ELECTROPHORESIS diag. value in endocarditis) WMIJUVChomical Tuchnology. Chemical Pa~oducts H and Their Applic~itions, Dyaing and Cho- mic,al Troatmont of Tcjxtilo Ylatari~,Is. Abs Jour : R,~f 2-hur-Khimlya, No 6t 19597 21895 Author :Roman, V., Vegh, St., Musca, In., Kovacs, A., CapotF"7 Ch. ---------- Inst :- Titl(;, :Continuous BlQachin- of Cotton Fabricsi 0 Orig Pub :II-a Consf. tohn.-stiint. a ind, usoare Textile [Buouresti], IXIT, 19579 268-27~ Abstract :A continuous mothod for b1caching cotton fabrics was dovoloped by th~: authors, The process consists of the following opera- tions: impregnating of the matk3rial with an alkalina solution, st,'.,aming, washing Card 1/3 RMG.1111,,/Chomical Technology. Chemical Products a and Their Appl icat ions. Dyoin,-- and Cho- Q mical Treatment of Toxtile 111atcrials. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 1959, 21695 with hot and cold water, troatment with a MOM solution (for 20-30 ininutos at pH 10 and tomperaturu 200), washing with cold water, trGatiment with an alkali so- lution, washing with hot and cold water, NaOC1 bleaching, washing with cold water, bleaching with H 80 , and washing with cold water, Long use in tndustry of a blea"ching setup which wurks by this mothod shoviod good results accordinc to indicators of tho qua- lity of bloaching of fabrics mechanical vta- bility, average degree of poiymerization of cellulose, and its hydrophylic nature. Advan- Card 2/3 Kovill.cs I? A. ; ITEEIGK-ES 1 11% ; Fr-,SZT , T. ; GERGYAY, 2r. Research on experimental encephalopathles. Pt.11. Comunicarilo AR 13 no-5:463-468 My 163. 1. Comunicare prozentata de academician D. i-liskolezy. KOVACS -Wara-- Brightness decomposing circuits for television receivers* Radiotachnika 13 no-4:142-144 AP 163. KOVACS, Al4dar 4 1 Shopping and catering UV& network of qwelling units, Magy 6p 'Paz ~10 no.10:437-438 161.-' KOVACS, Andras, adjunktus Flora and Nuna of the Crimean State Nature Conservation Area. Elovilag 6 no-40-8 Tl-kg 161. KOVACS Andras jsagiro ft~~ -- 2 Technical leadership and the activity of trade unions at tho Lon,., Machine Factory. Munka 11 no.3:11 Mr t6l. (Hungary-Machinery industry) (Hungary--Trade unions) KOVACS., AndraB.. ujsagiro Technical experts in the socialist brigades. ~imka 11 no.3:20-21 Mr 161, (Hungary-Technology) (Hungary--Socialist competition) MJkROS, Tiberiu; KOVACS, Andrei; MODI, Eugen; WAR, Ladislau Changes in the protein fractions of the blood consequent upon partial decortication and Injury of nerv structures in the brain stem. Rumanian 11 Rev. no.lsl82-185 Ja-14r 161. - 1. The Chair of Human Anatomy and Surgical Medicine (Head of the team; Assist. Prof. Tiberiu Maros) and the Chair of Biological Chemistry (Head of the team: Assist, Prof. Andrei Kovacs) of the Modicopharmacoutical Institute, Tg. Mures). (BRAIN STE4 physiology) (BLOOD PROTKNS) KOVACS, Attila, okleveles gepesmirnok Free fluid effect and the stability of ships. Jamu mezo gep 10 no.6:235-240 Je 763. 1. Magyar Hajo- es Darugyar Angyalfoldi Gyaregisege. KOVACS., Attila -T-he io~ AT 602 and 603 television receivers. (To be . contd.)- Radiotechnika 10 no.1:15-18. Ja 160. KOVACS) Alexandru, muzeograf (Sf. Gheorghe) The Reci Mestecanis and its voptation ( the Sfintu Gheorghe District, Brasov region). Natura Biologie 15 no.4:71-76 Jl- Ag 163. KOVACS, Antal Parakeet. Elovilag 4 no.3:34-38 JI-S 159. Agapornis personata in the Budapest Zoological Garden. 38 K074CS, A. ..................... The lumbo-inguinal roentgenogram as a control of the result of opera- tion 4fter lumbosacral protrusion. Acts. med. hung. 2 no.3-4:427-430 195-1. (CLML 23:2) 1. Of the Radiological and of the Orthopedic Department of the Janos Hospital, Budapest. FODOR, I.; KOVACS, A. -1 Interpretation of the double contour of the left cardiac shadow in mitral stanosis. Kagy.radiol. 3 no.1:29-36 1951. (CUML 20:5) .10 Second Internal Clinic (Read Physician-Dr.Professor Imrs Fodor) Janos 'Hospital and the Roentgenological Institute (Head Pbysician--Dr. Professor Akos Kovacs). zeq Juno 56 --PTA, ~ YhDI _14-vol,1016 R~ ti 0AP .ODY 1. and KOVACS A -Spi al R ntge - Augenabt., hauptist:ldt. Johann t , 0 rl~ ;,bt., Spital des 15e-ste r Wo-mitats rates, Budapest. *Ron t genbehand lung von Gliomaugen. Radiotherapy in cases of glioma KLIN.?6tF3L.AUGEN- 119ILK. 1953, 122/1 (43-51) rables I Illus. 5 bo~ of 18 months. a retinal glioma of the second eye consisting of several nodules was destroyed by X-ray treatment according to Reese (fractional protract- d 3pplication of 2 x 7800 r. from the temporal and nasal region). The first irra- i diationB were given in a plaster-of- paris cover especially designed for thepurpose. w-A later irradiations were given under anaesthesia. The smaller neoplastic no- dujg~ disappeared; the larger node flattened and calcified. Raduot BODROGI, Gy.; KOVACS, A.1 on the reduction of the wave volumes of t4 venous pulse curve. Acta med. adad. sci. hung. 19 no.2-109-11r,''63. 11-1 1. Herzfursorgestelle fur Jugendliche (Vorstand: Dr. Gy. Bodrogi), Budapest. (PU1,SE) (PLETHYSMOGYRAPHY) KOVACS, A. Gynaecologico-obstatrical aspects of renal diseases. Acts, Med. acad. sci, Hung. 19.'SUPPI2103-107 163- 1. Department of Obstetrics and versity, Budapest. (ECWIPSIA) (KIDNEY (PREGNANCY TOXEMIAS) Gy-naecology, Medical Uni- DISEASES) (GymmoLoGY) KOUCS, A. to iu4tm reswanos of valow wftest vAtichei, A. Knvacj (N4ktnvfcnjteks,*IJ-%2. 1, 179-1,RS).-S-Arctiou of fr-Atailt iixylctics. ' for c-swq~-bmdinR. shoutil tic inade -.%ftvr otmerviDg rt-vilts of attificill Infectityn %vith'ds'3^i-j= occurrIn in the Country converint, -Wircul as on tha basis of d&ta in literature. A. 5rORr!Lj, KOVACS ) A. Role of cuticular excretion in the capacity of resistance of species of sugar beet to Cercospora. P. 159. NZIEMNYE1, Biidapest. Vol 8, no. 1/2, 1955. Report on the work of the aulx.~onunittee on re8iottince. p. 172. KOZIEMENYE-1, Budapost. Vol 8, no. 1/2, 1955. SOURCE: 7-7-AL Vol 5, no. 7, July 1956. 7' j J ' kdWk OWL- A. - ' :L t~ kUh a-res 4 t m tim RaLa. *(kde&, ftour- -arl'oW bect-IcAv er; ~ug e$ ' - -1 - ` 40atow v fdmw mterw -.but- m6tatim Ok gmwfh~ ting- ja ter- 7 ~ ilhOAPM ectgut 4,6imi;d b3i the h p4 coRit ' - - , * a in' " - thin kk i 7 . m v ft -red s W vadium. t MY creneft"am, 1~d WaUx extracts,tobtained by - of 1u te4 at Imlh ~W of t the diffiren vaiigO4 . ge"afnation of the awes - Aftoxvisfi P. & Ajtvp. d'j C HUNGUY/Plant riscages. rijeases of Cuj~ivatea Pianto 0-3 Abs Jour il.or.' Zhui! - Diol.,No 10, 1993, No 411480 Author Inst Academy of Sciences, Hungary Title Virus Yellous of SuGar andFora,.0 Beets in 111-ingnry Orig, Pub Acta aL~L,on. Acad. *cl. hua,-,a_-., 1956, 6, NO 3-4, 05`--,)~36 Abstract Sugar beet yellows were noted in Hungary in 1952. It was established in tests to changc theleaf stmo coadition by means of ilifiltrationo of Juice, alcohol, benzene and xylol that the rate of infiltration was lower in the leaves of sick: plants than in those of healthy ones. The difference in infiltration between healthy and ini~ectcd leaves lessened as one -~,ent from the old to young leavus. The contaminated pl-Ints c::hibited less resistance to cercosnora infection. An immmiz- iar, scrum was obtained which was used in the precipitation reaction. The de5ired results were riot obtained. A cormcc- tion beti.-een yellows infection in bc(.,t sowinr.,s and their dis- tance from the seed plots -eras established. -- G.M. Razvyazkina Card KOUCS. A. KOVACSI A., lector; PALL, Et'., asist. Botanic-il Garden of Nikita., U. S. S. R. Natura Biologie 13 no.6:9-13 N-D 161. 1. Universitati " V. BabeEPsi "Dolyai," Cluj. MINT, Andor; YMCSA-njp~j_ Use of roentgen irradiation for producing mutants in corn. Biol kozl 10 no.1:13-16 162. 1. Agrartudomanyi Egyetem Yezogazdasagtudomanyi Kar Naveny nemesitestani, Tanszek. -J~ KOVACS, A. Soviet research methods on vegetation in permaneAt field stations. Analele biol 16 no.6:%,-Ill N-D 162. y KCV,T-~, Intal, tigyaterni adjunk-tui I . . - --l Plant Im~rr-,70:-,ent Find chttrac~,r-,rlsl.~cn, T~, r.% 'r-, I J; k r, z I 4 no.7~324-326 J1 '60. .j, Tike mckagdam at andaittobjIsils and demeltization, S. KariIT. A,Suv4". aul G. P04 (Univ.. Step'l, 111111g.). Afgh. i0ot'". *tOwx&Jywwi# 83. 2w-tv (1145M.-In the ikvtm~iti~d anistut the crl6 jqxlum- QA antiMitAmine sulAtaom mistiu. which blocks the action of addcd histanxine on "ted orpus and nmy pre- V"t the relcAse of h6tamine fmn cells. Resistlu is ab. sent (mn I he blood of asthnuatics and prcsr-nt in the blood of iksen,itiml htdIvidtu6. M. L C. l1embeim Ch AmovostUbmi". 4- Atri. khwv mie 14, M mr.W- A I%vwvtful tat v mt1histottilift6c was pgvw hy Imctku-Atkxs W ms tst. u# oak CAN with Ills sertate. it was lestedad cukwode.. NI. 11. C. D. I/ ~v 11-51 A. - L~tm U, VapiA (UU I Uns.). ATCA. ipults. Pkamo-kiy mamle a. livW. blood, And un' vitfil mi antihistamine aml*tancr. the atut. of "ILkh L~ SO- crr.LW'I W histamint-tscatt4l wtimuls, which ~q nut 44fiva.. aliu,-. uorwUemlitic. uor it ketoatmid. M. L. C. it. PETRI, G.;GSIPA11. J.;KOVAGS, A.;BEMIK, M, Data on the pathology of pyogenic inflammation. I. The role of hista- mine in pyogenic inflammation and the effect of antihistaminics on its course. Acts, med. hung- 3 no-3:347-368 1952. (CLKL 23:4) 1. Of the First Department of Surgery and of the Institute of Phrrmacology of Szeged University. PZTRI, G.;CSIPAK, &T.;KOVACS, A.;BZMIX, M. ftwuw ~--4AM- Data on the pathology of pyogenic inflammation. Il. The effect of the antihistamine substance of the leukocytas. on pyogonic inflammation. Acta med. hung. 3 no-3061-368 1952. (CLIG 23:4) 1. Of the First Department of Surgery and of the Institute of Pharmacology of Szeged University. 2. 3xperimental leucocytosia produced by subcutaneous injection of formaline. Antibiftmins setion of leucocyte suspensions A Kmic-s 111111K - '1"h '0' f'Pol MNWAI) Ph"t p4wt, Injected intrap"IfearAlly 111to guille'l pigi. Ims '111 .mlihmamine action. The anlihiiiamatir ;krtlvily r4 frut- ,vyte %uspensitmo on the i%oUttd intntine 4 guinea pilp mtw$wan to tw twopor6onal to the nn, n( eminophili. M L. C Url"I I I I t KOVACS -A., KOVACS T. G. AND KOVACS -JIJ'-;ASZ E. Hyg. Inst., Pharm. Insb., lk-!ed. Univ., Szeged. *Her~-,allung olnes bei adrenalektomiertem Ratten Fosinopenie verursnchenden Stoffes aus der Leber. Praparation from liver of a substance causino, eosinopenia In adrenalectini.zed rats ACTA. MYSIOL. ACAD. SCI~~,I~T. 11ung. (Budapest) 1954, 51suppl. (90-91) SO: T-.XC-rRPTA IMEDICA, Sect'on IT Vol. 7 No. 11. Cham--,es in redox ;-otential of surf;,.ce culturp.- o-f, streT~A,or,,,,ces j,riEel;E orCecteci 5y in!',.,cUons. In (AICTA ':iuncan.-.% Vol. ~, 1~!o. 1/2, Pllli. Vol . NO. ,~rthly LiLt or Past Ei!ropean Ya.-",., 1mcl . Arl 7 o blood tow hiv" "Pamm-LaUmcF, acu VT&Y- 41 ai" Z 77. 777- EXCERP 71 -9/8 ft31010gT,6tL'. kvg56 ?~. 36e.2 Vol 3761. KOVACS A., SZABADI L.. SZERDAHELY1 M., KOVACS K. and KOVACS J. Ph_a_r_m__ako_F. Inst. und 1. med. KIM., Univ. Szeged, organ.-chem. Inst.. Univ. Budapest. *Erztelung einea Dauerschutzes gegen HIstamin durch VerabreichunggereinigterExtrakteausPflanzentumoren. Production of lasting resistance to histamine by Injection of purl. fied plant tumour extracts ARCH. INT. PHARMACODYN. 1955, 103/1 (27-33) Graphs I Tables I Several groups of guinea-pigs - the histamine (1) sensitivity of which had been de. termined by exposure to I aerosol - were treated for different periods with whole plant tumour extract. Animals which received treatment with the whole extract every 2nd day for 2-4 weeks did not show any sign of I intoxication after exposure of 10 min. or more to I uerosol. In investigations carried out 3 months later the same resistance was observed. Formaldehyde treatment had no appreciable effect on I sensitivity. Sziligyi - Debrecen (31.16) 32720 H/008/62/000//001/001/002 b B122/BI02 AUTHOR: Kov'cs, Graduated Mechanical Engineer a _A&gg tan,_ TITLE: Most frequent failures of turbine blading PERIODICAL: Ener.-ia e's Atomtechnika, no. 1, 1962, 4 - 9 TEXT: This is the sumup of experience gathered by the Materials Testing Laboratory of the EROKAR since 1957. Failures are classified and dealt with in 4 groups: i. FatiiTue failures are, as a rule, caused by the resonant type of vibrations. Such failures most frequently occur at the upper plane of the blade root - the critical section of the fixed-in girder. Another cause of fatigue failure is the accumulation of stresses, such as occur at the holes drilled for binding wires in reaction blading. A similar Dhenomenon is found in imDulse turbine blading, where damping vires are soldered to the blades without careful control of the blade temperature during the soldering process to prevent hardening when the blades cool down. II. Failures due to incorrect design, construction, or careless assembly of blading are manifold. Such causes are: careless riveting (overriveting) of the vibration-damper shrouding on impulse Card 1/3 32720 i[/008/62/000/001/001/002 Most frequent failures of ... B122/13102 turbine wheels, wrong matching of blade roots with locking pieces in between, heat treatment of the leading edge of blades that lead to accumulation of stresses, which promotes fatigue failure. III, Failures caused by defects of the blade metal: Hungarian Standard Specifications are particular about chemical composition and physical tests as well ao on slagginess and metallographic structure, but the ,,hoice of alloys offered to turbine designers is narrow and antiquated Hungarian and 4P loreign manufacturers of blading material have difficulties in COMDlyine, v,ith the YERNKONTORET scale of slagginess, Micropraphs for ro,.-4s of slag stretched out in the rolling or drawing process of profiles, inhomogeneous structuresi (ferritic bands in martenaite), cracks produced during upsetting the blade roots due to brittle metal are prpsen?~o. IV. Natural ?jear of turbine blading is increased by erosion caused by moist steam in the low-pressure section of turbines, Surface treatment, is the proper remedy against this. For the time being, heat treatment is being applied, but its proper control and detailed technology still calls for research work, The Laboratory (see Association) will cor.'.inu,~ examination, control and imp~-ovement of turbine bladintr There are 28 figures. Card 2/3 3 2 7 2,'-' 11/008/6-2/000/001/001/002 ~,ojt frequent failures of ... B122/B102 11 / I ASSOCIATION; EROKAR Anyagvl7sgalo Laborato'riuma (Enterprise for Powpr Station Maintenance, Mater3.als TestinC Laboratory) Card 3/3 ACC NRiAT6023529 gy;-Hefflar, Jozsof-neffler, Y.; Kovacs$- ta-INovach, A.; :53 AUZIOR: Adam, Gyor A&o Ila , AlOw---Nad", A,; Szigyt-J. AFmos--t-sigeti, A# I!. L30,11 ORG: Institute of Physiology. I-Mical Univers Qg Buda2gsj Budaposti Orvostudo- nanyi EgVetem, Elettani Intezet) TITLE: Electrographic test for the discrimination of intestinal stimali SOURCE: Aoadania aciontiarum hungaricao, Acta plWalologica, v. 27, no. 2, 1965, 145-147 TOPIC TAGS: digestive system, nervous s3rsteri, reflex activity, dog ABSTrMCT: It has been demonstrated. on dogs with a Thirf-Vella 'Evi.9tula. and Implanted chronic cortic-al electrodes Viat the higher nervous centers are capable of dis- crimination b~tw6en affereiit i4ulses coming from two points of the in- testine provided that they are more than 5 cm apart'.. 7he capacity of ,visceral differentiation was demonstrated by the recording of habituation to the cortical electric arousal evoked by stimulation of a receptor area.. and , ,its effect on the impulses arriving from an adjacent receptor area. Origs arts has: 2 fiilies'.- COrig. art. in Znr,.7 fJ_PAJS SUB CODZs 06 / SUM DATFi 18Feb64 / SOV PuM. 001 I.S DESZOY L.; KOVACS, Agnes Surface relation of the canumbre to the umbre, in the grour.3 of sunspots. Riul. astr Gz 16 no.2:76-78 165. 1. Hallophysical Obsertatory of the Hungarian Acad6my cf Sciences, Debrecen, Submitted July 6, 1964. J QV MrGAW DA. ' GUATH, Olga-MACS and W=, Ala 14, Gyorgy, 11MYEL Eva D A dar, of the Institute for bTo-logy-ii-t-tao Trc-Ucai uaiveraity (Orvos- tudcmsnyl Egyate= Ejettami Intozote) in Budapest. "Ca.rotid Afforeatiation and Rig!ier Nervous kctivity" Budapest, Acta Phys ica, Academiae Scientiarum L'ungariew, Vol 23, No 4 lo~ 2, 196~, -pp. 143-15939 Abstract: Jaglish article; authors' Ragliab su=zryl The ch-anzas in Ze-rebral activity in response to the mecha.-nical rtimulatioa of the carotid sinus were studied in cats and doG3. in acute and chronic ex- poriments. Stretching the 6-all of the simus rez.1t.d in charactor-1,stic changes in the cortical electrical activity and strychnine potoatials; the stimulant action was not exerted through the sinus nerve. The ac- tivation of carotid orl&in presented itself in the form of a typical arousal reaction; it =y be the starting signal of a coaditio -/.-- floxe Eighteen reforoaces, Including 5 Huagarisnp 4 Ge==~ 1 Run- siam, and Western. L2 J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADA1,1, G.; HARM, Eva; DONATH, Olga; KOVACS, Agota; NAGY, A. Carotid afferentation and higher nervous activity. 1. Activation of higher nervgu.B centres by-B-ax~-ctfd iLfferentation. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung-. 23 no.2:143-153 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University Budapest. (CAROTID SINUS) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (ELECTBOPHYSIOLOGY) (STRYCHIFINE) (REFLEX, CONDITIONED) (ELECTROEN.CEPHALOGRAPHY) KOVACS, A. I More preciae x-ray visualization of the cervical spine. Magy. rp4ioj., 5 no.1:1-16 Feb 1953. (CIML 24:3) 1. Doctor. 2. Roentgen Department of Rokus Post County Council Hospital (Director and Head Physician -- Dr. Henrik Hollan; Departmental Head Physician - Prof. Dr. Akou Kovacs).