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DIBAX, O.;BROZMAN, B.;KOTULUK, T.;NLUG, R. Relation of vitamin C to certain PhYsiological functions in conditions of lowered atmospheric pressure. Ceak. fysiol. 9 no-1:7-8 Ja 60, 1. Pyziologicke oddelenis Ustavm pre vyskum vyzivy luda. Py- ziologicky ustav Lek. fak. UK., Bratislava. (VIUMIN 0 pharmacol.) (CARBOHYDRATAS metab.) (AUTHROGYTZ COM) (ANaXIA exper. ) KOTULIAK, V,;BROZMLN, B,;DIMK, 0. Effect of low atmospheric pressures applied by means of a conditioned and unconditioned methods on certain blood indices in guinea pigs. Cesk. fysiol. 9 no.1:28-30 Ja 60. 1. Fyziologicke oddelenie Ustavu pre vyskum vyzivy ludu. I~ziologicky ustav TAk. fak. U1, Bratislava. (ATMOSPMIG PRESSME) (BIWD GEUS) ~Rn= GONDITIONID) del ~,~ -rov 41 ~Ufi MR DIBAK, 0.,- 13ROZMI, B.; KOI~ ~Y-~ ~Y; KORTUS, J.; NEMEC, R.; Technicka spolu- praca SrUSTOVA, D.; OHOBOTOVA, M. Conditioned reflex changes io the glycide metabolism in IWWtension of short duration. Bratiol. lek. listy 42 no.10:594-602 162. 1. Z fyziologicksho oddelenia Ustavu pre vyskum vyzivy ludu v Bratislave, r1aditel Mr. A. Backo, C. Sc., a z Fyziologickeho ustavu Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, veducl clen koresp. Slovensky akademie vied J. Antal, Dr.Sc. (REFLEX CONDITIONED) (CARBOHYDRATES metab) (ATKOSPHERIC PRESSURE) DIBAK, 0.; BUCKO, A.; KORTUSp J.; KOTULIAK, V.,- toolmicka spolupraqQ: SPUSTOVA, D.; CIIOBOTOVA,-~~., Protectivo diets and metabolism of somo olomonts in subjects exposod to fluorihe ions. Bratial. Lek. ListY 43 no.2:77-88 162. 1. Z Ustavu pro vyukum vyzivy Iludu v Bratislave, riaditell MuDr. A. Bucko., 0. Sc. (FLUORINE toxicol) (ALUMMI-I metab) (CALGIM4 metab) (PHOSPHORUS metab) (DIETS) DIBAK, 0.; KOTULIAK, V.; LICKOI T.; NUEC, R. Vitamin C andits effect on the carbohydrate matabolism following injury. Bratisl. Lek, Li3ty /12 no.12:722-727 162. 1. Z Ustavu pro vyokum vyzivv lludu v Bratiqlavoriadiatel'MUlk A.Bucko, C. Su., a z II. ohirurgickej kliniky Lek. fak. UnIv. Komens&oho v Bratislave, veduci akademik K. Siska. (VITAMI-N C pharmacol) (CARBOHYDR&TES matab) (WOUNDS MD INJURIES exper) ._ -V,; Technicka spolupraca: KORTUS, Jo; DIBAKO 0.; 19-W K2 . _A SPUSTOVA, D.; CHOBOTOVA, M.; BABUSIX, I. Effect of various nutritional factors and fluorine ions an aluminum retention in bony tissue of rats. Cask. gastroent. vyz. 17 no-4t2O2-212 Ja 1t3- 1. Fyziologicke oddelenie Ustavu pre vyskum vyzivy ludu v Bratislave, riaditel ITJDr. A. Buckol, ese. (DIET) (BONE AND BONES) (ALUMINUM) (FLUORINE) (VITAMIN D) BRILTRAY K(MIL"AF, V. Condit.-Im, ed rt3f'le-x actlrr-a7-~'~Dn of a7i.,2-,~-,r;7~r";I~,:~.~~,I"7 chw,,gos In blood sugar. Era t isi. 1.1'. . I., ~, i.:,r Ur,! vtz - ;7 CIS!' A,,iT::.'!, ra"i) a U lidu -.- Rrr--tl sl av-- e1 KORTUS,J.; DIBAK,O.;- ~OTULIA& V. Technicka spolupraca: MUDSICA, M.; BABUSIK,I. I.. Calcium and phosphorus metabolism In fluoridated rats un,'er the influence of large doses of vitamins and calcium. Cook. hyg. 10 no.1:1-9 F 165 1. Fyziologicke oddelenie Ustavu pro vyskum vyzIvy ludu, Bratislaw . DIBAN, 0.; Gfi.U,;SMANII, F.; KOTIUL-LAK-, V. ",'Peet of the fluorine ion on various indexes of carboh-rdrate y metabolism in a chronic experiment. Bratiol. lek. listy 45 no*2:84-96 31 JI 165. 1. Fyziolcgicke oddelonio Uotavu pro vysk-um vy-ziv-y ludu v bratislave (riadilel doc. MJDr. A. Bucko, CSC.). DIB..'.K2 0.; GROS&'Ll""N', F.; KOTULIAK, V. nm~3 ~`fe- k, -- -,t of the fluorine ion on 'he raetabolism of the ble acid under chronic-, experimental candIti-ons. ffi-atisl. eRs 11sty 45 zio.9.*534-546 15 112,165. 1. F.,,,--iclogicke oddelenir Ustavu pro ,ry,,ikwn ,-y?-,'%-y ludu v ffi-atiolava (riaditel: dcc. MIUDr. A. Ducko, CSc.). DIBAK, doxago arid i" 3, k no.3:469-478 31 Q I ai L I J; KOTULIAK,~ V. --av.-art7vmt FGIA '.notitutc: for .-ttrltlwn-~a ~0 tU v U r~ v all) I aa:; i; U. )ricks in I~f~e cf!" 2a7 Vol. 10 1954 Vol. lJ 6 SZTAFROWSKI, Pawel; KOTULSKI, Boleslaw Studies on the electrochemical oxidation of cyanides in sawages. Przem chem 39 no.6:339-341 Ja 16(j. 1. Zaklad Naukowo Badawazy.Zakladow Chemienycho Oswiecim KOTULSKI, Bol6slav Purification of phenol 8ewage in the Oswiecim Chemical Works. Przam chem 39 no.9:562-565 S '66. 1. Zaklady Chemlczna, Oswiecim KOTULSKI . Boleslaw ; SZRAFROWSKI , Pavel Intensified purifioution of nekal sewage on ipent acetylene, Unc. Przom chem 40 no.,8:467-469 Ag 161. 1. Zaklad llaukowo-Badaw2y Zakladow Chemicznych Osuiscim KOTUIISKII 130leSIAW Effluents from synthetic rubber manufacture,, Przom chem 40 no.9: 537-541 S '61. 1. Zaklady Chemiesne, Oswiecim. KOTULSKI, Bolealaw; SACIIJDAK, Jadwiga Studies on the determination of the effectiveness of spraying effluents in the heavy chemical synthesis Irdustriesp Przem chem 41 ro.2:95-97 F 162. 1. Zaklad Faukovo-Badawczy, Zaklady Chemiczne, Oswiecim KOTULSKI.,_Boj9aj&w_,,_mgr,; SZTAFROWSKI, Pawel, mgr. Inz. Research on the removal of anion-active detergents from sewage with the use of lime. Gaz woda tech sanit 36 no.5:192-195 Yor 162. 1. Zaklad Naukovo-Badawczy,, Zaklady Chemiczne, Oswiec!m. KCTUISKLI Bcleirlaw, mgr. Degree of water polluti&a in the Vistula River in the town of 0,~ieoim during the years of 1948,1958. Gosp wodna. 22 no.82350, 2~1 t62. 1. Zaklad Ilaukowc,--Badawczy, Zaklady Cheaiczne~ Oswiecim. KOTULSKI, Boledlaw A conference on savage management in the Chemical Works in Oswiecim. Prxem chem 41 no.7:402-403 J1 162. KOTULSKI, Bolealaw, mgr Scientific-technological conference on the purification of savages in the Osviecimvqhemical Works. Chemik 15 no.7/8:286-287 Ji-Ag 162. SZCZYGIEL, Pawel, inz.1 GODZIK, Stefan, drj WTULSIKI. ---- - , , '~- ~' 1"- 1, -- Experiments in planting ash dimping grounds of power and beating stations. Goop pa3tv 11 no.7:261-263 Jl 163. 1. Zaklady Chemiesne, Oswiecim. I I J ~' GODZIK, Stefan, dr; KOTU LSK 1. -.Bol.e slaw, mgr; SZGZYGIET.,Pawel, inz. Studies on the purification of the sewagen of the Chemical Works in Oswiecim by using the sewage pond method. Gaz woda. techn sanit 37 no.1:19-24 Ja 163. 1. Chemical Works, Oswiecim. KOTIULSKI, Boleslaw, mgr; SZTAFROWSKI, Pawel, mgr inz. Purification of separated st-wages of the individual divisions in the Oswiecim Chemical Works. Pt. 1. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.8t261-264 Ag '63. 1. Chemical Works, Oswiecim. Boicalaw.. mf,,r-, MMOW-SUP Pavel, mj7r in,.. Purification of separated ef ages of the Jndiv'-duj4l in the Osviecim Glhc;~rrdcal 14oiks. Pr.. 2. Gaz wodp, tc-hn runil. 37 no.9:290-292 S 163. 1. Chemical Works., Oswiecm. GODZIK, Stefan, dr; KOTULSKI, Boleslaw, mgr Studies on the determination of toxicity of the sewage from the production of polyvinyl chloride. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.11052-354 N 163. 1. Chemical Works, Oswiecim. 60 0 00, 0000 *0 00 00044 MTM 000000000*000:00;0 Awiff #1`1149600*0004006 Go, 11 14 11 16 file !R"It abn it 17 X )9 v 11 v D if Is m v m )w 4: 4) 46 it as ,at* too -00 -so If J'ame 111, 1,1,1 "'W ilttIj gk I"j4hAlle 00 111441MA InacticAliv 111-4 travvIvI to the. Upper tu.1ill they Invalflel"I't ""~I and onwe-iyely see cludy tile hwAtum A'A 0i Ix"its. Igo* !zoo "Go 11 JUG* GO f 4L LIT(641%pitt (1,4161101