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XOTS, A.Ya., inzh. , -1. Now standards for the lighting of electric power plants and possibilities ot achieve these standards. Svetotekhnika 5 no.6: 21-22 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) l.Teploelektroproy,ekt. (Electric power plants) (Electric lighting--Standards) KOTS, A-Ya., inzh. Comiants on G.R.Knorring's article. Svetotekhnika 5 no.7:27 ji 159. (141RA 12.-g) 1. Toploelsk-troproyelft. (Lighting) XOTS, Fluorescent lighting at therml electric power plants In the U.S.A. Energokhos. sa rub. no.5:28-29 s-o 16o. NMA 13:10) (United States-Zlectric power plants-Lighting) KOTS, A.Ta.,_.inzh. Lighting of the pavilion "Electrification of the U.S.S.R." at the Exhibition of the Accomplishments of the People's Economy. Svetotekhnika 6 no.2:2&-30 Ir '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. VBosoymny7 gosudaretvenny7 proyektnyy institut i'Teploelektro- pro.yekt." (Electric irdustries-Rrhibitions) (Moscow-ExhibitionB-Lighting) -YOTS, A.Ys., lazh. Illumination of distribution systems with a caPaciV Of 400 to .503 k7. Svetotakhnika 6 no.4:31 Ap 160. (MIU 13:6) 1. Vaesoyuzny7 goeudaretvenrqy proyektnyy institut *Teploelaktroproyekt.8 (Ilectric power distribution) (Lighting) KOTS, A.Ya., inah. uHandbook for designing electric lighting systems" by G.M. Knorring. Reviewed by A.IA.Kots. Svototekhn:Lka 7 no.3:28-29 Mr 161. . (~MU 14:8) (Electric lighting) (Knorring, G.M.) KOTS A Ya inzI1. Injuries connected with the use of lighting systems. Svatotekhnika 7 no.7:30 J1 161. WIRA 14:8) (Electric lighting) KOTIS, A. Ya., inzh. New data on the lighting of thermal electric power plants in the U.S.A. SvetotekJinika 7 no.8!30 Ag "01. (MIRA 14:7) (United Stat,-.~a-Electric power plants-Lighting) LINDORF, L.S.; FUFURD, P.U.; ULITSKIY, M.S.; USTROV, F.I.; ZEYLIDZOIT, Ye.D.; MIN, G.P.; KOTS A Ya - KHAVIN, N.Z.; MURAVLEVA, V.V.; LIBERMANq A.Ya.; WANOV; 13.14.IZVENIGORODSKIY~ I.S.; IVANM, V.S.; IOM, F.Ye.; BURLAKOV, B.M.; MIREWBURG, L.A.; FAYEMIAN, A.L.,, red.; BORUNOV, U.I.p tekhn. red. [Study manual on the technical operation of electric networks and power plants; electrical section of electric power plants and electric power distribution networka)Posobia dlia izuche- niia pravil tekhnicheekoi ekepluatateli clektrichookikh stantsii i setei; elektricheskaia chaut' elektrostantsii i olektricheakie seti. Moskvap Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 558 p9 (IMU 15-8) (Electric power plants-Handbooks, manuals., etc.) (Electric power distribution-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) KOTS. A. Ya. Undneacent lighting for the machine room of large electuric power plants. Enorgatik 10 no.7-.25-28 JI 162~ (MBA 15~7) (Fluorescent lighting) (Electric power plants) KOTS) A.Ya.,, inzh. Norms on electric lighting of the main sections of electric power plants. Svetotekhnika 8 no.7:21 JI 162. (MRA .15:6) 1. Vseso3raznyy gosudarstvannyy proyektnyy institut stroitellstva elektrostantsiy. (Electric power plants-Lighting) (Electric lighting-Standards) KOTS) A.Ya., inzh. Fluorescent lighting in eleftric power plants. Energetik 11 no-4:32-34 AD 103* (MIRA 1633) . (Pluoreocent lighting) (Ele6tric power plants-Lighting) KOT4, A.Ya.y inzh. - - i--_ - Classification of objects and spaces in electric power plants for the puFpooe of choosing explosion and fireproof electrical dilhipment. Elek. eta* 34 no.1:92-93 Ja 163. (HiRA 16:2) (F.leotric power plants--Wety measures) I ,I ; I KOTSt A. Ya... inzh. Concerning the scope of lighting angineerin designs. Sveto- tekhnikr. 9 no.2:24-25 F 163. WRA l6S4) 1. Vaesoy-ur-nyy gosudarstveaw proyektnyy institut stroitell- stva elektrostantsiy. (Electric lighting) KOTS, A.Ya.J. inzh. Lighting of boilers in electric power plants. Elek. sta. 34 no.7:77-79 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) LINDORF, L.A.; FUFURIII) Ii.P.; ULITSKrl, M.S.; P.I.; ZEYLIDZON,Ye.D.; MILTIi, KHAVD, N.Z.; IMURAVLEVA, N.V.; LIBERMAN, A.Ya.; BARANOV, B.M.; ZV121IGORODSKIY, I.S.; IVANO'll, V.S.- IOFFE F Ye. (deceased]; BUHLAKOV, B.M.; M11MBURG, L.A'. ideceased]; FAYERF.21., A.L., redo [Aid for studying engineering regulations governing the operation of electric power plants and networks] Posobie dlia izucheniia pravil tekhniclinskol ekspluntatsli elektri- choskikh stantsil i sotoi. Izd.2., poroorot.rennoo. No- skvaj Energiia, .1965. 551 P. (MIRA 18;6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.A.) Gosudarstvennyy proizvodstven- n~y komitet po energetike i elektrifikatsii. K~rz?j,~,Ya~, inzh~ Pow;or :11.17 ~ is nyst-am of t~j: ~iavjork of' a, thermal electric a .1 - , power. plant. Elek. sta. -16 nn~2i7~-76 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) --. KO TS , B-. E,. y _i nzh . ileterininat icn of the conrl.x ', iv-' ty of ~h , i - , s of Othe '- j e a ga p rc d , V vagnetic sysV3,mv. El-aktrotelchnika 31", iic.9:11.3-19 3 164, (Irl IRA 1 11 -, 11 ) SHMENKOV9 I.V.9 red.; ZVEREV, L,V,g red.; KOVALENKO, O*V,, red.; SOKOIDVp I.Yu.# rod.j, EYGELFZ, M.A.p red.; Prinyali uchastiye: BAS4MOV# V.A.$ red.; MINSWA, L.S., red.; KOI.Sj G.Asp red.; LEVIUSH p I.T. j red.,; MOKROUSOV, V. A. , red. ; Pdi6&-v--f--C- 9 red.; HOZHKOVAj Ye.V.-, SOMVIYEV, DX., red.; FEDOROV, P.N., red.; FINKU'SHTEYN9 I.D.; KHONINA, 0.1.# red.; GRISMIA, T.B., red. izd-va; GUROVA, O.A.v tekbn. red. IStu4ies on the dressing and industrial processing of minerals3 Issledovaniia po obogashchei2iiu i tekhnologii poleznykh iskopaevqkh. Moskvap Gos. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po geol, i okbrane nedrv 1961. 131 p. (MIFLA 14M 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo geologii IL okbrW nedre 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelOskiy institut minerallnogo syriya kfor 4geles, Leviush) (ores) KOTS. G.A*j RAZUMNAYA, Ye.G.; ROZHKOV, V.D.; PAVLENKO, G.G.; STEPANENKOj, RCZHIKOVA, Ye.V., nauchnyy red.; ANTOKOLISKAYA, A.M... red. izd-va; BYXOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Methodical guide to the use of ore separation units for the mineralogical analysis of ores and rocks.] 14etodicheskoe rukovodstvo po primeneniiu malogabaritnykh ustanovok dlia mineralogicheskogo analiza rud I gornykh porod. Moskvaj Gosgeoltakhizdat, 1963. 110 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno- i.ssledovatellskii Institut minerallnogo syrlia. Trudy, no.10) (MIRA 17: 1) MALANIIN, M.I.; KOTS, G.A.; PODKOSOV, L.G.; ROZHKDV, V.D. Method 41or tho quick evaluation of tho ability of minerals to undergo dressing. Razved. i okh. nedr 30 no.10,19..23 0 164. (M!N~ 18:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet SSSR (for Falanlin). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrIya (for Kots, Podkosov, Rozhkov). 23 3 5 N T,li-ffenbshya nive raz~-.yerov dryenaztinoy prizrV plotiiv. `t;~Ilts;i, L91-9, 10 51 - ~2 E. Ell:ektratyekhnika. El-.,i Vtrif i katsiya So. U!topls N,). Ilt KOTS.9 1. D. 32453. Kotap I. D. Izmeneniye konstniktaii kupoloobraznogo perokrytiya baggernoy nasosnoy. Ilektr. stantsii.. 1949, No. 10, s. 47. SO- Letopis' Zhurnal'rWkh Statey 'ol. 44 L KOTS, I.D.,,, inzil.; 110GOVIN, N*A., inzh. ~ "-- Const2niction of a large steam power plant. Mek. sta. 29 no.Z:46-53 F 158. (KIWL 110) (Steam power plants) ZKOTS I R!~,inzh.; ROGOVIN, R.A.,insh. L;zAvav Practices in building large steam power plants. Fslek.sts.29 no-3:39-44 Ur 158. (MMA 11:5) (Steam power plants) (Building) MWE 1 1`001C EXP1,02PAT-Toil SOV12~62 Opyt strottellatva kraDnyldi teplnrylli elel-ftrostant-sly (F-q)4,r1.fnoe in Building Large ThermAl Electric Power Plants) Moscow) Gosoliergotzdat) 1959. 198 P. 3,000 copies printed. Rogovin, Tlaiu-a AlekaantlrovLch, and Isoak Davy-Jovi.r.11 K,-,t:t3 Ed.: I-I. Ugorats; Engineer; Tech. Ed.: 11. 1. Doranov. PURPOSE: The book to intended for engineera wid Lechniclar-, working In the design and construction of thenaal electric jxr,;er plants. COVERAGE; On the baula of e-q)erlence gained In the construction of Id large thermal electric paver plants in the Southern Power By-stem of Uic USSR the authors analyse the latest and most efficient methoas of conatraction of power -plants. The application of precast reinforced concrete and advanced equipmnt installation techniques are dincussed. PLU-tLeular attentiou is given to the construction ande4UI'p~ingof the powerhouse; the use of prtcast reinforced concrete and the so-calUed "industrial" mthod of construction for building auxiliary structures is also discussed. The boolk analyzes various constniction plane and presents recomikandations for the most economical Card 1/5 Experience in Building (Cont.) SOV1296,2 location of auxiliary Pjants. tion and equ Existing technological Procesces of constnic- ipment installation Of Power plants datiOnS for thei are discussed and reconwien- Plication of the' "PlOleMent are Presented. The atithors conaider that qp- se m Costs.? but also , thods of construction shoiLld not 0111Y aecrease prodtletion Cha-educe constru'"on tim 1~70111 the pro-66-nt 4 to 5 years to 2.5 to 3 Years. plters-1,2, and 5 were written .by 11. A. Ro&ovin; 3 and 4 by I. D. Kots. There are no references. and Chapters TABLE Op C0j,,MaS: Editor's Foreword Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Basic Characteristics of Equipiriont and FIMI Sheeta of Rjectr 5 POWL' r Plants ic Ch, 2. Organizational Setup of Construction 5 Ch, 3. General ConstnIctional Layr)ut Of Electric Po-wel, p].alltr 16 Card 2/5 1.8 Experience in Building (cont.) Bo*96a Ch. 5. Installation of Power Eqpjpment 3-12 1. 1arge-unit, method of installation 112 2. Erecting and atorage platforms 113 3. Basic erecting machinery 115 4. Welding the tubes of heating surfaces and high-pressure pipes 121 5. Basic features of erection of TP-230-2 boilers 128 6. Special features of erection of TP-23Q-B boilers 138 7. Special features of erection of TP-430 boiler 145 8. Special features of erection of BK-100-2 and BKT-100 steam turbines 153 9. Method of continuous erecting of power equipwnt 16l -0, Procedure for starting operations 164 Ch. 6. Ways of Further Reducing the Tim and Cost in the Construction of Thermal Electric Power Plants 1. General Information 166 2. Increasing the capacity of thermal electric power plants 167 3. Utilization of natural gas as fuel for power production 177 4. Construction of o4tdoor and semi-outdoor installations 3-79 5. Designing and building GRES at ultimate capacity 182 6. Duration of construction of thermal electric power rlants 183 Card 4/ 5 TJSL]1Rj,, 11~mWuo Abo.vich, )=d..tekhm.sauk, starshly samah"y motrudulk;. j38 Imask Davidovich, lazh.; 7RMS, ZaM* T*oTlevIph,, Iazh.; IM GCBYIFA, Llr,, Ivzh,', red. (BmIlt-up roof with slabs made of cellular concrete] Soymeshchessala krysha a panaliant Is ladhalstogo, bstova3 opyt treat& fDonbaamenergo- stroi, 0 9muchno-lealadovALtellskoge i'ditlWa, betonaL i shelexobstona I Itkoperimentallno-konstrWcterskogo blum AlmAenii otroltalletva I arkhitektvry SSM Kbokm, aos'izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. 1 stroit.material&ul 1961. 16 p. (MMA 14:11) 1. vauchno-IsoledOT41t9linkly Inatiqut betona I zhelexabetona, Akmdamli stroitelletva I arkhItaktury SSSR (for Tesler). 2. Rachallnik otdala otroitelluykh konstruktaly Ikeperinentallao-konstruktorskogo byuro Akademil stroltellstT& I arkhItaktury SSSR (for Prames), 3. Gl&vnYY inch. treat& "Donbas a anergostroy* (for rateL (Roofing, Concrete) (Lightweight concrete) KOTS, !~D., in%h. Ifigh-speed induatrial, conatruction of large thermal electric power plants. Energ. stroi. no.38i22-25 164. (MIRA 17"10) 1. Treat "Donbassenergostroy." KOTS, 1. 1. Data for tha study of mercurial taxicodermia. Yest.ven.i dern. ao.2:54-55 mr-jp 1530 (MA 6:5) 0, 1. Ilinika koshn7kh i vanerichookikh boleznay Chkaloviltogo madItsinskego inatituta. (Hercury-Toxicology) iw'.73' 1. 1. BAXSEIT.B.P.; KOTS, I.I. Radiation injury during treatment of Wda diseases, Test. Yen. I dorm. no.3:53 My-J& '54. (MM 7:8) 1. Is kliniki koshuykh bolesney Chkalovskogo maditsinskogo, Instituta. (SKIN-DIUASES) (X-RAT--THMUFMIC USX) Kars, Jan, MUDr (Brno, Lipova 31) Treatment of cancer of the vulva with ionizing radiations. Cesk. onkol. 2 no.2-3:190-199 1955. 1. Onkologicky ustav v Brno, (VULVA, neoplasms. ther.. ionisirp radiattons) (RADIOTHHRAPf. in various diseases, cancer of vulva, ionizing radiations) GINZBURG, TS.Ge; KOTS. L.I. Heat release during hardoning of cement mortars and concretes. Sbor. trud. LIIM ne.192:117-136 162. (MRA 16:9) .KOTS, L. I. Fdmg casing devised by the Loaningrad Railroad Engineers InstAtute for testibg,concrets for permeability* Sbor. trud. LIIZHT ne.192t-' 113,116 1~2. (MIRA 160) VOZNESEITSKIY, A N', profi) VOLI.FKOVICH, M.I., prof.; GESHELIN, A.I., prof.ldeceased ; GORDYSIEVSKIY, T.I., prof.; YEWOLAYEV, V.G., prof.; ZARITSKIY, L.A., prof.; KOTS,_L.Ya..,-prof.; LIKHACIEV, A.G., zasl. deyatell nauk i~' prof.; PROSKUlffAKOV, SHULIGA, A.O., prof.; NEYMAII, L.V., prof., red.; SHCHERBATOV, I.I., prof., red. doma; TIKEWIROVA, G.I., red.; PREOBRAZHENSKIY, Yu.B., red.; CHIULKOV, I.F., (Multivolume manual on otorhinolaryngology] Mnogotomnoe ruko- vodstvo po otorinolaringologii. Otv. red. A.G.Likhachev. Mo- skva, Medgiz. Vol-4. [Diseases of the upper respiratory tract] Zabolevaniia verkhnikh dykhatellrorkh putei. Red. toma L.V.Ileiman. i I.I.Shcherbatov. 1963. 518 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent M21 SSSR (for Likhachev). EPSHTEYN, Ya.A.. WTS. L.Ta., prof,,rad. Diatribution of electrolyton In the living organiss. Trudy Stal. med.insts 22 157 (MMA 11:8) (BLECTROLYTES) (PHYSIOLOGICAL CIMISTRY) "T 1'. N is' ~q. (110SCOW) "The HindLing of Objects by Primates in the Light of Anthropor-c-ne-sis" Soviet paper presented at the l5th JntL. Congress of ZooloCy, London, 16-23 Ja 58 r) KOTS, Na e h a.1(ikojayevna (Ladygina) . ..- #-g-d - (Development of the psyche In the process of the evolution of organisms] Razvitie paikhiki v proteesse evoliutaii organizmov. Moskva, Sovetskais nauka. 1958. 237 P. (MM 13:3) (Evolution) KOTSV-.S. L. At-the DneproFetrousk-Mining-lns*4,itute-in Artem.Sergsyev.frol: -April..1939 ;to.-April 1947, the following dissertations were defended in connection with attaining the scholarly degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (specializing in mininj engineering: S. L. IQI_s on 27 September 1939 defended his dissertRtion on the subject "The electrical calculation of the contact network for underground electric-locomotive hauling using normal-frequency single-phase current". The official opponents of this dissertation were Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor F. F. Pirotskiy and Candidate of Technical Sciences Docent S. A. Volotkovskly. A critical survey was given of the methods and formulas pr-esented for calculatin.c. the full resistance of the contact network. An exrerimental check was made of the results obtained with these formulas on an experimental sector. A promising method of calcula- ting the contact network under mining conditions was Fresented. SO: Elektrichestvo Z Electricity-/, No. 10, October]~47. Moscow. KRYUGER, P.K.; XAZAKOV, V.11.; GrJ.'0i1ANSKIY, V.S.; FEMOV, NMOZBENKO, I.A.; PSMIKAN, Tu.S.; DANILOY, V.I., lnzh., red*; XHITROY, P.A., [Repairing electric equipment and cab sections of diesel locomotives) Remont elaktrooborudovanlia i ekipazhnoi chasti teplovozov. Moskva. Gosotransp.zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1955. 150 p. (min ii-.6) (Diesel locomotivea--Vaintenance and repair) PAVLOV# K*F*; RCHMOV9 P,CI*, prof.1 NOSKOV, A,A,j NUROCHMA# M.L# red.1 .. KOTS# V.A,,, red.; MUNK# YeYa,p tekhn, redo (Examples amd problems for a towse on the processes and equip- ,ment of chemical technology) Primm i zadachi po kursu protses- ..oov i apparatov.kbimicbeekoi tokbnologiis Izd*5,t ispr. Pod ob- .ahchei red. P.G.Roman ova. Leningradp Cos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ryt 1961o 573 pe (MIRA .1418) (Chemistryt Technioal) ZDANOVSIUY, A.B.; SOLOVIYEVAp Ye.F.; EZROKIII~ L.L.; LYMOVSKAYA, Ye.l.; VYAZOVOVA, V.V., red.; M1511A, A.D., red.;_KOTS, A., JL_ red.; LEV124, S.S.,, tekhn. red.; ERUKH, Ye.Ya., tekhn, red. [1.1,anual of experimental data on the solubility of salt syetems) Spravochnik eksperimentallnykh dannykh po rastvorimosti aole-_ vykh sistem. Leningrad, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo khim. lit-ry. Vol.3. (Two-component systems; elements of the I group And their compoundsj Dvukhkomponentnye sistemy; elementy I gruppy i ikh soedineniia. Sost. A.B.Zdanovskii i dr. Pod red. V.V. Viazovova, A.D.Pelloha, 1961. 2224 p. (MIRA 15:3) Is Leningrad. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut galurgii. (Saito) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Solubility) ZDANSKIY, A.B.; SOLOVIYEVA, Ye.F.; EZROKHI, L.L.; LYAKHOVSKAYA, Ye.l. Prinimall uchasti-ye: SHITIKOVA, V.S.; BELIDY, M.P.; ROMNOVAI V.A.; PEWSH, A.D... red.; KOTS V A rdd.; LEVDI, S.S., tekhn. red.; EIUIKH, Ye.7a.p tek=. red. (Handbook of experimental data on tho solubility of salt systems] Spravochnik eksperimontallnykh dannykh po rastvori- mosti solevykh sistem. Leningrad, Goskhimizdat. Vol.4.[Two- component systems; elements of the Und group and their compounds] DvukhkompctLentTWe-sisteqr; elementy II gruppy i ikh soedineniia. Sost.-A.B.Zdangkil i dr. Pod red. A.D.Pollnha, 1963. 2231-2878 p. (MM 17:2) 1. Leningrad. Ysesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut galurgii. 2. Fiziko-khimicheskaya laboratoriya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta galurgii (for Shitikova, Belldy, Romanova). PAVLOV, K.F.; ROMAMOV, P.G.; POSK01,7, A.A.; KljLiOCFKINA, M.I., red.; KGTS, V.A.# red. .......I.. I- [Examples and problems for the course on tho processes and apparatus of chemical technology] Prlvner.~ i zadachi po kursu protsessov i apparatov khimicheskoi tekhnologii. Izd.6., perer. i dop. Moskva, Khimiia, 1964. 633 1,. (MI,1% 17: 10) 1. Chlen-korrespor)6ent fill SSSR (for Rovinkrv) NIKOLISM, B.P., glav. red.; GRIGOROV, O.N., doktor khim. nauk, red.; PORAY-KOSFITT.S. H.A.,doharcUrft. p.G. red.; iRIBRIKIISBERG, li.A.; kand. khim. nauk.. red.; RABINOVICH, V.A., kand. khim. nauk, red.; RACHINSKIY, F.Yu., kand. khim. nauk, red.; ZAYDELI, A.N., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; ZASLAVSKIY, A.I., kand.khim. nauk, red.; MORACIIEVSKIY, Yu.V., prof., red.; CRIVA, Z.I., red.; KOTS' V A red.; TOMARCHENKO, S.L., red. ~~A~ (Chemist's handbook] Spravochnik khimika. ~., izd., perer. i dop. Mosk%ra, Khimiia. Vol.4. 1965. 919 P. (MI RA 19 - 1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Nikollskiy, Romankov). Acc NR, AR6035269 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/009/GO03/GO03 AUTHOR: Kots, V. G. TITLE : Geological and geophysical characteristics of regional faults in Eastern Turkm enta SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 9G8 REF SOURCE: Sb. Tekton. Turkmenit i sopredilln. territorty. M., Nauka, 1966, 164-169 TOPIC TAGS: geology, geologic survey, faults, faulting, seismic exploration, gravimetric survey /Turkm enia, Karakum ABSTRACT: Submeridional, northwestern, and sublatitudinal faults have been identified on the basis of data obtained in gravimetric, seismic exploration, drilling and geological surveys. Together with faults extending linearly ia!ong the periphery of the Central Kara-Kum arch, a regional circumferential fault was also identified. By period'of active manifestation the faults may be divided into two types, faults which had developed actively during the Hercyntan geosynclinal UDC: 550. 311(575. 4) AR6035269 and alpine platform stages, and faults which had developed only during the Alpine platform stage. According to the degree of the effect of the faults on the forma- tion of the tectonic structure of this region, the faults are divided into the seamed and "paragradaf '. Th e* first, which mainly extend sublatitudinally affected the development only of the platform mantle and to a small extent that of the basement. The second, basically submeridional in direction, are characterized by consider- able vertical displacements in basement blocks. A. Nurbayev. (Translation of abstract) (8p] SUB CODE: 08/ 2/2 AYZBFRG, R.Ye.; KOKORINA, L.K.; KOTS, V.G. Buried extension of the meganticline in the southwestern Gissar Range. Sov. geol. 7 no.11:114-117 N 164. (141RA 18:2) 1. Yugo-vostochnaya Karakumskaya geologicheakaya ekspeditsiya. K01'6y V.G.; TYPLIT-SKlY, V.A. New data on the tectonics of eastern Turkmenia. geol. 40 no.4s26-31 Jl-Ag 165. Biul. MOIP. Otd. (MIRA 180) NOTSO V.G,j TEPLITSM, V.A. Tectonic regionalization of eastern Turkmenia, based on geo- pbysical data. Geol. nefti i gaze, 7 no.500-15 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Amu-Marlinskaya goofizicheakaya ekopeditoiya. (Turkmaniatan-Goology, Structural) KOTS, V.G. Deep-seated structure of the eastern Unguz Kara Kum in the light of the most recent geological and geophysical data. Geol.. nefti i gaza 6 no.lls22-17 N 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Amu-Darlinskays. geofizicheskaya ek.-peditsiya No.4. BELISKIY, Vladimir Leonidovich;IVLASCV, IvanTetrovich; ZAYTSEV, Valentin Nikolayevich; KAN, Save1jy Nakhimovictf.,dokt.tekhn.nauk,prof.; KA00ZHITSKIY, Vladimir Pavlovich; Kolkjeni=im M~ar~ ~LIPOVSKIY, David Yevseyevich; BONIN, A.R., d6ktor tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; SOKOLOV, A.I., inzh., red.; KIMMIN, G.M., tekhn. red. [Design of aircraft] Konstruktsiia letatelinykh apparatov. [By] V.L.Bel'skiy i dr. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 708 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Aircraft) AM4007943 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Bal's%ziy, Vladimir Leonidovich; Vlasov, Ivan Petrovich; Zaycsev, Valoatin Nikolayevich-, Kan, Saveliy 'Nak1hinovich (Doctor of Technical 1;C'.*cn.cQ:;, Professor); Karnoz1hits1kiy, Vlidimir Pavlovich; Kots, Ven-'amin 'Markovich; I:~po`v`skiy-,,--David Aircraft design (Konstrzuktsi.ya lacatel'nykh apparacov) Moscow, 3~jorongiz, 1963. 703 p. illus biblio. Err-ata slip inserted. 6200 copies printed. -.C?T-C TAGS: aircraft construction,--aircraft strength, aircraft. daziZn, aircraft rigidity, aircraft hydraulics, aircraft; pneurirtics, aircraft servo , aircraft service life, acroclasticity, acrodynamic beating PU7??OSE AND COVERAGE: The book is'intended' for aeronautical engineer,~; cor.cer-ned with a irca f t design and-manufacture. It may also be useful to students of technical schools'of.higher education. The principles of aircraft construction and strength are discussed.; The principlas of arrangenent are examined.and design methods for strangt*,. ar.d rigidity are Zivan. External design loads are analyzedand other A-4 007943 anc:*h lico -5 0 D .2... 51 co-st u c ton o. ai 1.-n e so c' a ? ze . zrc ON.-min-2d T'l-ic pneumatic an,.`. 1"ydraullic aircraft systems as well ..Ydraulic servos arc; described. Considerable attention is paid :o :*.-,.c of acroclasticizy, service life, and acrodyna-mic 'neat- ap The factual and numerical data and the schematic diagrams of a'--craft arc taken from non-Sovict sources. The authors thank K. A. I-J, * ns'ldn sk y.1 o r. writing -a.r t i c I a .3 o f - Ch. 2 and N-. ,q .',Ili tro- fanov who particpated in selection of material for some chapters. Special appreciation is e%pressed to A. M. Okulov for illustrating e boax a nd to Doctors of Technical Sciences A. R. Bonin and L. P. Ninokurov and Candidates of Technical Sciences 11. G.' Savusya, L. A. Kolesnikov, A. A. Yarkho and,,V. P. Rusanov for their valuable suggestions during the review and revision of the manuscript. T .,%BLZ OF CONTENTS (Abridged]; Foreword -- 3 Introduction Card 2 1,6- KALINICiTPVA. prof#p KC-T.'-#TA*T*q prcfor~:ds - - -.. 1-:1urrical complication ~i amblaBle 3 Xhirurgichaski-9 amebir,7a. Stalinsbad. 1957. 221 p. (StAlInabad, GopuC-,nratvew)71 meditsinakii inatitlat. TrtuLv, vol.20) '%HIRA 11:8) (AMERIASIS) "-OF - ~ - in'.. ibntbiotics combined with vaccine for treating brucallosis. 21 Supplement:18 '57- (MIRA 11:2) l.' In Tashlinskoy sellskcq rayonnoy bollnitsy Chkolovskoy oblesti. (BRUCNLLOSIS) (ANTIBIOrICS) (VAGGIMS) KOTS, Th. I. Case of generalized osteoporools in thy-rotoide (Basedowle) goiter. Probl,eudok.i gorm. 5 no-5:109-110 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Is kafedry ob9hcbe7 khirnrgii (zav. - prof. A.S. AlItsbult) Oronburgskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinakogo inetitmta (dir. - prof. LV. Sidorenkov), (HYPIMTMIDISK compl.) (OSTEOPOROSIS compl.) KOTS,, Ta,T. Urinary excretion of 17-katonteroids in cardiac inoufficim". Terap.arkh. 32 no.lOs6l-64 t6O. (Km 14:1) lo Iz goopitaltnoy terapn,~icheskoy kliniki (zav. - of. R.G, -Nezhobovskiy) Orenburgskogo meditsinskogo instituta rkonsult- ' tant - chlen-korrespondent M SWR T.G. Baranov). (HEMT PAM=) (STEROIDS) ~-Jmp Ya.;# Method in Torn's test and the direct counting of 4osinophiles. Lab. delo 7 no.2sF2-24.F 1611. ~. (MIFA 1411) 1. Kafedra-goapital"noy terapii (zav. - prof, R.G.Mezhebovskiy) Orenburgskogo meditsinskpgo instituta. (EOSINOFHILES) (MEDICAL TESTS) KOTS -)[& I Case of hormone therapy of adrenal gland coma. no-3:52-53 My-Je 162. (AURA 15:9) 1. GospitalInaya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav. - prof. R.G. Mezhebovskiy) Orenburgskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ADRENAL GLANDS--DISEASES) (COMA) (HORMNE THERAPY) KOTS, Ya.I. - Vladimir Ivanovich Dal'; on the 160th anniversary of his birth. Vest.khir. no.6:128-131 162* (KMA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.S. Mikhaylov) i gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. R.G. Mexho- bovskiy) Orenburgskogo meditsimakogo instituta. (DAL',, MUI14IR IVANOVICII.. 1801-1872) E07S, YA. L., FFDF PA ib/hg T86 U38R/Kedicine - Otorhtnolaryngologr,, Jul/Aug 48' History Medicine - History "History of the N7elopment of Otorhinolaryngology In Tadzhik SSRp* Prof Ya. L. Kota, Hon Worker of Sol, Tadzhlk SM, 31 pp "Test Oto-Riao-laringol" No 4 Describes development of otorhinolaryngology tn Tadzhik SSR from 1929. 1w 14/49786 KOTS, YA. L. 37670 klinika porazhenly slukhovogo organa pri nalyarii vestnik otorinolaringologii 1949 No. 6. s. 15-25.--bibliogr: s. 25 SO. Latopis' ZhurnallvWkh Statey, Vol. 47, 1949 KOTS, Ta.L. Occurrence of leeches in the upper respiratory tract and esophagus and methods of extraction. Vest. otorinolar. 13 no-3:19-24 11a7-June 1951- (CLML 20111) 1. Professor and. Honored Worker in Science Tadzhik SSR. 2. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the Bar, Throat, wA Rose, Stalinabad Medical Institute. KOTS. Ya.L., prof., zaaluzhennyv dayatell nanki Tadzhikako7 SSR: POPMU. ya-P., dots. (Stalinabad) ,y in Tajik-iotan. Vent.otorin. 20 History of otorhinolaryngolop no.2:10?-108 14r-Ap '58. (MIRA 12:11) (OTOIARYNGOLOGY, hint in Ruenia (Run); KOTS, Ya.L., prof., zaslixzhonW deyatell nanki 1--.1-- ~ I Present status of the problem of the prophylaxis and treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis. Zclrav.Tadzh. 6 no.3:7-13 My-Je '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Zavedixyushchiy kafedroy bolezney ukha. gorla i nosa Stalinabadskogo medinstituta im. Abnali ibni Sino. (TONSILS-DISHASAS) KOTS -jqj~, . prof e . zasluzhennyy dayatel nauki; KAL I SlITEYN, L. I. , kwd. med.muk; MEDUIKp G.L.0 dotsent. Use of mezaton in otorhinolaryngological practice. Zhur. U.Sh .0 nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.4.59-60 J:L-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:6; 1. Iz kafedry Wl~zney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zasluzh-nnyy deyatell nauki prof. Ya.L.Kots) i kafedry rarmakologii (zav. - dotsent G.L.14ednik) Stalinbads'kogo meditsinskogo instituta imoni,Avitsenny. I (ETHANOL) (OTOLAPYNGOLOGY) -.KOTS, Ya.L., zaaluzhennyy doyatell nauki prof. (Kislovodsk) "Diumsoo of tho oar, throat, nnd noso" by Reviewed by IA.L.Kots. Felld. I akush, 26 (OTOLARYIIGOLOGY) (LIKHACHLV, A.G.) A.G.Likhachov (prof.). no.7;61-63 Jl 161. (IMIRA 14-:7) -j'. (Fc. - -,a) V.S.; ivene~!-- CA 27 n!..I.,: A~ 1-6 JI-Au 17 ordenrL T-rildr-'Vot'o Xras'no~.~' Mid histitut n-yrol.1"ll-n-I NX.EkirJonl-o AK; SSSR i I - I !.,. ':.' . ~ .. . Institut bio-fin-kj- AI: KOTS, Ya. If. 7_ .M/C ~ handetryi .-_Carboa Dioxide Jun 40i chemistry - Gases .~"Xnstrumeat for Rapid. Detection of C02 in Air," 14. G. Gurevich, Ya. M.:Kotey Inst of Geol Sci,. WCOA Sci USSRJ, 2-pp Mavod Lab" Vol IV, No 6 Describes the apparatus., based on the principle -of absorption of.CO2 by asbestos treated with soda. -Claims it is capable of defecting C02 Concentrations u lov as 2 10-3P and can be used in all c*as'q's.vhere CO~ is not in the presence' ~.Of other gases. vhich. can be absorbed by ~~Aestos.. treated Idih-dods.- 58/4Ml 58/49T21 AUTHORS ZarinG'rl,iy , V . AKoto IN TITLE: Electrochemical ClLr~actcl-~,n-~_- Ion-~~xchange Diaphragms (Elektrok-himicheskaya kharakteristika ionoob,-.ienrykh =e=bran) PERIODICAL: %hiniaheskaya Promyshleni,ont, 1958, Nr 2, PP, 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: NIIP1ZMhP produced the diaphragn, models for the described investigations accordinG to otable technology. Already 1. 1. Zhukov and others (Ref. 1) used electrochemically active diaphragms for electric dialysis and they also investiga- ted them in detail. In connection with the theory of elec. trio dialysis, in which the changes of electrolytes in the dialyzer chamber are determined by the rumber of passing cations nc and anions na9 the Dresent work used the analy- tical method for the determinations of nc + and n Cl- in a M-solution. In order to be able to measure the passage number a glass apparatus was used which has a silver grid anode and a silver Grid cathode coated electrolytically with silver chloride. The diaphra.-a is mounted between Card 1/3 two U-shaped glass of then being connected with ZE'lectrocheraical Characteristics of Ion-Exchanoe 64-58-2-11/16 Dianhra-ms the cathode space and the other with the anode space. The investigated system was- Ag / O.Oln M / diaphragm / (),01 n KCI / Ag In the investigations a current of I milliamperes was applied for 30 minutes and after this an hydrogen coulomb meter according to Barret (Ref. 12) was connected. After electrolysis the KCI-solution of each segment of the appa- ratus was titrated with 0.01 n A6NO -solution. The - 3 passaae numbers were calculated according bo a given farmula, The specific electric conductivity of the ion exchange dia= phragrM was determined in a glass apparatus consisting of two chambers in between which the diaphragm is mounted as separating wall, being platinum electrode, on both sides (in each chamber). First the apparatus is filled with a 0.1 N KC1-aolution and the resistance is measured; then the diaphragm is put in and -,-,ith the same solution the summary resistance is measured. For measuring the resistan= Card 2/3 ce an apparatus was used which was designed by the GYeOlOil Electrochemical Characteristics of Ion-Exchange 6Z-513-2-11/16 Diaphraems of the AS USSR together ,7ith the Llectric Bulb Factory of the Order of Lenin in Voscow. The specific electric conductivity of the diaphragm vas calculated from the measurements according to a formula, and the results for the various cationito and anionite types of diao phraGms are mentioned in a table. From thio table can be seen that the diaphragms elaborated by the '11HPIE. have a low.-Ohmic, resistance. They are recommended for use in high- voltage electric dialyses (2ooo V) as they possess also a great resistance to temperature. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 14 references, 7 of which are Soviet. 1,SSUCIATION: Institut geokhirdi i analitichekoy khimii imeni. V. I. Vernadskogo All SSSR i Iralachno-issledovatel'skiy institut plastmass LahP SSSR (Institute for Geochemiatry and Ana. lytical Che,;iistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy AS USSR and tho Scientific iesearch Institute for Plastics !,'1111P SSSR) Br i:: AVAILA U Library of Cont,ress 1. Diaphragms (Mechanics)--Electrical properties Card 3/3 2. Diaphragms (Mechanics)--Chemical properties 3. Electrolytes--Per- formance 4. Ion exchange ZARINSKIY, V.Ap; XOTS. Yu.14. Electroehemical characteristice of ion exchwigo membranes. Kh1m. prom. no.2*0-115-116 Mr 158. (MIRA 11t5) 10 Institut geokhinii i analitloheakoy khimil imeni TI. Ternadakogo AN SSSR i 9muohno-lealedovatellakiy Inatitut plastmase Hinisterstya khimicheakoy pronphlennosti SSS. (11setrodialysi,a) (Ion exchange) FARM', T.S., prof.;, KOTS, Ta.K. Apparatus for determining the too@ balance of antagonistic muscles of the trunk* Ortop,trava.l protes. 20 no-11:72-74 IT 159. (MMA 13 14) 1. Iz ITauchno-issledavatellskogo institute. fizicheskogo voapitaniya i sbkolinoy giglyarq Almdeati pedagogicheakikh nauk RSF3R (direktor - chlen-korrespondent Akademli podagogichoskikh nauk RSFSR A.A. Harkoe- yan). (MUSCLES phrotol.) KOTS, Ya. M. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Balance of tonus at rest of the mu.%cle- antagonists of the torso (in children and in adults)." Moscow, 1961. 17 PP; (Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Inst of Normal and Pathological Physiology); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 203) KOTS, YA.M.; ZARIMKIY, V.A. C-- ____: ------- Potentials of some cation-exchange membranes* M=,fiz,,kh'm* 35 no,6:M9-2220 4le- 161, .(NM 14:7) 1, Akademiya nauk SSM, lwtitUt geokhimij i angliti(heskoy kh4mij. (ion exchange) (~'Iwanes (Chemistry)) KOTSt M.; ZARINSKIY, V.A. Diffusion through ion-exchange membranes and their electro- chemical characteristics. Zhur. f1s. khim. 35 no-5tl~93-1104 vq 161. (MI]RA 16 t 7) 1. Iastitut geokhimii i analiticheakoy kbiTnii imeni VernadBkogo AN SSSR. (Diffilsion) (Ion exchange resins-Electric properties) GELIFAND, I.M.; GURFRIKELI, V.S.; KOTS, Ja.M.; TSETLIT, M.L.; SHIK P 14. L. Synchronization of mctor units and its model representation. Biofizika 8 no.4,475-487 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. GFL F A I J'D oUiLy I ~ I KI.,i, , L V ,"DT-S _ja Stady .,1' 12, L GURFINKEL I. Viktor Semenovich; XOT;~) Yakov Mikhaylovicb; SHIK, Mark Llvovi 'VA-. Y~7-.A---J-- ~ .'-- T.S., red. I ch; KOLPAKO , ., re .9 (Regulation of human posture) Regulintaiia pozy chelovoka. MoskvaY Nauka, 1965. 255 p. (FIRA 18:6) .1 . I.. z - : ~ % I . I . . I - - - - - .. " - . - - - . . . - I . . ~ : - .. I . GURFINKELI, V-S-) WDEL'j, E.I';, SHIK, MA. Meebaniom of the origination of tremor in parkinsonlem. Zhur. nevr,, i psikh. 65 no.5:645-651 165. (MIRA 18SO 1, Institut biologichaskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut neyrokhirargii im. Burdenko AMN SSSR, Moskva. GURFINKELO, V.S.j KOIS, Ya.M.; KRINSKIY, V.I.; SHIR, M.L. Method of evaluating the state of the inhibittor, --'n human spinal cord. Biul.eksp.biol. I med. 59 no.5-11~-Ie, 165. (MAIRA 18,11) 1. TeoreticheGkiy otdtil (zav. - (,hlfjn-korreqPcsk!,onL AN SSSR I.M.Cellfand) Inatituta Mologlcheskc-, fi-lki (,Krektor .. chlen-korrefipondent AN SSSR G.M.FranU AN SS,"!R, Mcskva. ~ubmittrzd December 12, 1963o -7 ,_ c. USSR Gonorl-1 Biolo3y. Ganctica. D I'Ibs jour Rc;f Z-hur - Biol., No. 19.. 10~58, No 85639 T it I':. -'T -taithar Z. 11, a 3 a -no t O'dossa Univ. T it 1 c inbrod Corn in Trect-.-icnt of by ""olution of Salts. OrIG Pub ; '~Tc~,ucllm. ozhoSodnik, Odlosak. un-t, 1956, 0d'.;Sqa9 1957, 285-287 ~'Ibstract : 17c nbstr~,.ct Givon. Carcl I /I 30 IVDTS, Z.P.. kand.eelI9kokhozyay9tvennykh nauk Studying the biology of flowering and fertilization in ambar7 hemp. Pratei Od. un. Ser.biol.nauk no.8(vOI-147):95-99 157- (KIU 12 -.4) (AmbaI7 hemp) (Fertilization Of PlantB) lj:~SR L CULT IVATEP PLANTS. CC,,'.xNlC`CJ REF Ko t 3 olrlv th, 131-11w-r 01' FlON32col-Icu vnd l7ortili-M z CIL t I o n n ~j pi b ci 'i"Llrip f OcIt- t:-Ik I'll- c,, blol. n. 1957 11,7 Fo . 8 ?5 - 9 9 'On 0~,su-Vat-,'.,,nn ari:! desoribedi , which -'951,-lcj55 on rhL! hemp! plar~in is at tile. the -,~epxlrt- m o nt (I ile rid n --and Ch, J .-n tht,~ 1'-21, 5-1 '116 nnd ~11-173 camlbc iaalp varj,-,,zcs t uhc I V. 7~ b 111 1 t v o, 1-,..! 13 1; dl~ `rt--z'--A t:!~es of 'he I)f the r:tte o f of the 'n Ij --7n TU'rj.--s "in st3cd bud focu-nd-ultion of c,~J'-:. 711W P01-1.1no,"on of rhe younf - fjojjer,; . i oc~ uired r,'.,ee dfiys be f ore floreacence i.e. Zj i r CULT WAT ED PLANTS. COMMERCIAL 1HU"i uAll, 1, v~ 0! the openinc, th tj bY 7 -!s sho,.m rl,f,-Uth,j-,,j 171, t2 t - n the ..r I,t J T, . 1) ~;rj t 1011 J, 11 Pos- 1 b.1 b~! rc,,rf) tj, 011 -Qtli!)V Ch.,~ blosz3cms and -1.3 the stigma ~. uuV t !0 t~i . , nu ribj,,~ of . d the pod a i r r! r ti 13LARKOVSKArA, T.P. [Blankovalka, T.P.], student biolog. fakul'tata; NOTS, Z.F., nauchM7 rukovoditall, starshiy propodavatell Effect on yield of supplementary pollination of corn witb pollen from another variety. Pratsi Od.un, Zbir.stud.rob. 149 no.5:193-196 159. (MRA 13:4) 1. Odaeakiy gosudarstvewW univeraitet. (Corn(Maize)) KATTKM, K.I.; WHIMIKOV, Pji., redaktorl BRMWOVA, L.G., riodaktor; KOM-SAMM, IT~oG*, redait"or; YROWY, P.. takhnicheekly redAktoro [Water cycle of time arborescent plants in the mountainous part of Talikietan.] Voduyl reshim nakotorykh dreveayWM rasteniy gornogo Tadshikistana. Stallitabad. Ind-" Akadamit nauk Tadshikskoy SSR, 1953, 81 P. (Akademila. nauk ftdshiksioi SSR. Stalinabad. Trudr, no, 10) (7aJikiatan--PlaAts--TranspiratiotLO (Fruit trees) (KM -gt]Lb) Olut trees) KOTSAGA, I.N. (Kuyby.9hov); AFG-NIGMUrf, U."., (Kuybyshev); KOWIVI, U.I., Efficient routin.g of car 1-4-16 Mr 165. 1. Nachallnik slitzhby dv-;--hc-nLya K,,.)tsaga). SAVCHMOT, A.F., dote,kand.okonanauk; KOTSAN, B.. insh.-ekonomist Present-day trends In the development of the chemical industry and chemical science In Ozechoolova)da. Trudy LINI no.20:92-105 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Czechoslovakia-Chemical industries) Ozechoslovakia--Chemistry) KHRISTIN, L. I., Prof.; KOTSAN, M. K,, klinicheskiy ordinator Study on the etiology and pathogenesis of lupus arythematosus. Vest. dem. i ven. 34 no.1:13-17 A 160. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Imfedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney Stanislavskogo meditainskogo instituta. ('.UPUS) S11 3 t/62/000/04/101/201 A0521AI01 AUTHOR: Kotsan'da, S._., TITLE: On the microstructure of fatigue fracture of carbon structural steel samples PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 4, 1962, 32, abstract 41185 ("Ustalostn. prochnost' mater. I elem? Mater. konf. v Varshave 12-14 maya 1960 g. Varshava, 1961, 57-61) TE,W: The microstructure of fractures of annealed carbon steel samples with 0 3N C was studied after their failure at a circular bending under a stress g/mm2. exceeding 6_1 by I - 2 k The investigation was carried out by means of the electronic microscope using 2-step Cr-shaded colloid-carbon Imprints and one-step carbon replicas. The kinds of fractures to be found are described: fractures of a "river-patternt' type, "tongues", fractures with microsteps and steps, fractures with traces of plastic deformation, fractures with the blocking of cracks and a transition of fractures over the grain and block boundaries. The part played by dislocations in the formation and development of different types of fractures Is pointed out. There are 21 references. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] A. Nikonov Card 1/1 1. KOTSAIMIp 14 A6j E-110o 2. U SM (600) 4. Lumbering 7. Rational system for lumbering. Mekh. trud. rab, 6 no, 9, 152, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. KOTSANDI I inzhener; IXVIp S.S., kardidat tekhnichoskikh nauk, vauchnyy "aWnre'Ator.; BIGAK, B.A., redjjktor izdatoilatva; B(ROMV. II.r., tekhnichookly rodaktor [Making welded reinforcemento with suspended welding apparatus] ligotovlenie avarnoi armatury podvoonymi manhinnmi. Moskva. Goo. tzd--yo lit-r7 po otroit. i arkhitokturo, 1956. 37 P. (MLRA 10:2) (Welding) (Heinforcod concrete) /) I ~_~R #,J-~ . inshener. Kovable machines in welding reinforced construction elements. Stroitoll 2 no.8:20 Ag 156. (KM 9:12) (Electric welding) KOTSARDI, I.A., inzhener; MAMONTOV, I.I., inzhener; SRTBNIK, D.A., inzhener. New machine for welding reinforcing fabrica. Nov.tekh.i pered.op.v stroi. vol.19:18-21 Ag 157. (MIRA 10-10) (Electric welding) (Reinforced concrete) KAZARINOV2 V.M., kand, tekhn. nauk; IZHEVSKE(, K.K., inzh.; FOUT, inzho; ANUCHKINA, N#Ftp inzh,; L.G., inzli.; 42Z�M_ POLYAKOV, V.I.,,kand. tekhn. nauk; GLAZUNOV, V.11.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; PAVMA, Ye.N., inzh.; POLOSIN, M.D., inzh.; KR%',OSIiCH, I.L., inzh., nauchn. red.; SHERSTNEVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Manual on the-mechanization of small-scale operations car- ried out on building sites reinote froin major construction points] Spravochnoe posobie po mekhanizatsii melkikh ras- sredotochennykh stroitelInykh rabot. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 415 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. C. Fi T4 0 SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICAL USSR PHYSICS KOCANOVp 11,S. A Resonance Phenomenon Small Losses. Radiotechnika 1 11, Issued: 8 / 19-57 CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1.362 in Two Coupled Sections of a Line with fase. 7, 6o-62 (1956) reviewed: 10 / 1950' Also one, two, or three resonance ueotions of it line can bu-, connected fourpole- like, or. which occasion the transmission band of such a system can be made very small, which is of great practical importance,. Here.a system consisting of two coupled fourRole-likL sections of a line is in- vestigated. A line of the length 2 1 with low looses is investigated In the mid- dle of which a resistance is connected between the two conductors. Thus, %'his line maX be considered as a coupled system with the coupling resistance r. To the input terminals of this line a sinueoidal voltage of a generator with the electro- motoric force E and with the interior raoistano" R tm oonnuotod. and the otitput torminnln of tho 1kno Photild bo lot% opofl~ Tho vc,00io betwLIP-1.1 tho Volta'6e at tilt' open output terminals and the emf of the gerierettor for the frequency borderinZ upon the first resonance frequency f of the section with the length 1 - is to be determined. Here it is true 0that A 0 - 3-10 8/foo Of r The transfer oquatione for such a case are givonj from them the, ratikl betweell the voltage t2 and the omf of the generator can be determined, It is transformed in consideration of the small lo3ses of the line and is specialized for the fre- KOTSAR'p G#F. Using clay minerals to characterize the clays of cover rocks in the northwestern NikopolO manganese deposit. Sbor.trud.Inst.gor. dela AN URSO --j.802-~8 161. - (MMA 15-.2) Ouxopo--I' r,,glon(Dnepropetrovsk Province) -Clay--,knalysis) 81534 SOV/137-59-5-11224 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1959, Nr 5, p 247 (USSR) AUTHORS,, Tarnov~skiy, I.Ya., Smirnov, V.K., Kotsavl, S.L., Bedin, N.A,, Belyakov, V.I. T-1=-: Rolling of Track Links for Tractors PERIODICAL; Tekhn. ekon. byul, Sovnarkhoz Chelyab. ekon, adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 7, pp 43 - 45 ABSTRAM. Information Is given on technical possibilities and economical effectiveness of changing the manufacture of track links for S-80 tractors from stamping to longitudinal periodic rolling. Experimental rolling of links on a scale of 1 . 2, 1 t 3, 1 ; 4, was carried out on a ChTZ test mill with rollers of 470 mm in diameter and on a UPI laboratory mill with rollers of 200 mm in diameter. Technical Specifications were developed for the design of a rolling mill and Lhe principal scheme 'of thei technological prooess was set-up for the production of links on a continuous automatic line. The rolling mill has rollers of 1,100 mm in dia- Card 1/2 meter, revolving at a speed of 10 or 15 revolutions ver minute, 81534 Rolling of TrwiK Links for IrEowi,L SOV/137-59-5-11224 driven from a motor of 500 kw power. Blanks of shaped rolled miF~tal having a simple cross-sectional shape, are heated to 1,2200 - 1,2100C in an induction furnace, One blank Is heated within 24 sec. The mill Ic Pquipp~-d with a special device to supply the blank to the rollers at a given mciment. Alter- nating rolling of left-hand and right-hand links on the same rollers is possible. After rol'Ling the strips are transported to two lines of automatzid presses where cutting, piercing, trimming and straightening of the links is performed. Then the links are fed to the semi-automatic line for mechanical and thermal treatment. 77he described continuous line will raise the effloien- cy by a factor of 8 - 10 as compared to stamping on air-steam hammers. The annual economy of metal will amount to --- 5000 tons; it will amount to more than 8 million rubles with respect to the saving in metal, Power consumption and wages, A.G. Card .::"/2