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L 01231-66 ACCESSION Ri APS022141 /V 3~ (E0 40. in the prj?duction ok", copper and ',e;rrr~Nhe 771. v), Cr2+/rr3+, Ti3+/TJ4+ powdered sil concentration-of.copper+was always constant (0*114 4). 'Pow-w, dered copper was produced:by. mixing' e'qual volumes of the above copper suifate~ s6iu- tion In the-presence-of HZS04---(100 g/l)-with+the appropriate redox systemd.~, -The rate of mixing and the temperature of the solutions was maintained constant.for ali experiments, The metal deposit was washed and stored in atetone for sedimentation analysis. :In an acetone medium the'small particles were not aggregating and the highly dispersed copper and silver deposits formed fine stable suspensions. The method for the 11 calculation ofthi.disti-lbution curves of powder9-accord1"^ ticle size was. described by Tdimm.:pa MO~~haakqya promysh at, 1~ No. 3,~ 1960. aim The maximum an the distribution c" copper ubere Cr - wasused as rMeftuat : , . _. ifor - corresponds 0. 322 is, for the -.-V '/V T system It is, 0. 408 A and for 70t/TPt to ttfiAT Elm -. 00 system It i8-...0.5 U. Fdrtha-iyiteM-w1th silver'powder Li,2+ produces, A" the distribution cuive at 0.33$'-tjq,~,.:The mean calculated radius for silver powder, reduced with'TI3+ Is 0.5 0 Andit Is'.1.16-1439 when re2+49 toed as.a. riedwtani*`-,,, Ida The sedimentation analysis data,are in good, agreement. with uicrophotography'at IGO magnificationd it 1s.-i:W8::c6n61uded that -the'dispersity of powde d metals: pro- re duced by chemical. reduction rauted to the potential of the, 3 telme rd 3 IMVA; I.H.; KOTOVSKIYO A.M. We are striving -for the bonorable title of enterprise of coziminlat labca-. Vest. aviazi 21 no.8:25 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1, IopolMayushchiy obyazannosti naeballnika Kiyevakogo Otdoleniya perevozki pochty (for Reva). 2. Prodoadatell mostnogo komiteta otdaleniya parevozki poobty (for Kotovskiy). (Telecommunication-Fauployees) SHAPOSHNIKOVA, Lyudmila Vasillyovna; YLMVSZU,__Gj_, otv. red.; LESNYKH, I.S., red.izd-va; MIKHLINA, L.T., tekhn. red. [Through southern India)Po IUzhnoi Indii. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi 1-it-ry, 1962. 247 p. (MIRA 16-2) (India--Social conditions) KOTOVMCIYO Grigoriy GrigorlyqVich; HELIMAN, S.Me, otv,red.; KMELISKATA. '"" ~~`-Z~,!).__,_ -x;&CJ~A-va; jdl~SIIATA, A.K. 0 (Agrarian reforms in India] Agrarnye reforrky v Indile Honkvop lzd-vo vostoclmoi lit-r7o 1959. 117 P. (KIRA 12:12) (India--Land teaure) BATAIDV., Anatoliy leonidovieb; GURVICH, Raisa Favlovna; KCTQY=T., G.G.~ otv. red.; GAMSM, O.M., red. izd-Ta; BERESIAVSKAYA, L.Sh., tekhn. red. (Can India feed itself?) Mozbet, Ii Indiia prokormit' sebia? Moskv,a., Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1961. 97 p. (MIRA 14:12) (India-Agriculture) KOTOVSKIYj G. G., 't-fficiency of agrarian reforms in less developed countries" report to be submitted for the United Naticas Cezifercnce on the Application of Science and Technology for the Berafit of the L,-n:;,3 Developed Arew - Clezeva.. ol%dtzerland, Wo rob 63. jqTOV3KIY,,.I...[Katouski, I.). kolkhoznik A rural librarian. Rab.i sial. 38 no.9%11 S 162. (MIRA 15-.9) (Krichev District-Rural libraries) KOTOVSKIY Vladimir Illich kand. tekhn. nauko inzh.-podpolkovnik; KONKINp P.I., polkovnikp red.; SLEFTSOVA, Ye.N.,, tekhn. red. [Stabilizers for tank armaments; principles of design and operation] Stabilizatory tankovogo vooruzheniia; printsipy ustroistva I. doistvii.a. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo 1-1-va oboro SSSRp 1961. 108 p. (MIM 15.21 (Tanks (Military scienco)) ~QTOVSM, Ia. M., inzh.,- DROZDOVO V. L, inzh.; MALYUTA; V. D. They write to us. TranSp. stroi. 13 no,4:76-77 Ap 16 . (mm 16:43 1. Dneprogiprotram (for Kftovskly). 2. Starshiy inzhener proizvodstvehno-tekhnlche9kogo otdoleniya tresta Yugstroy- mekhmdzatsiya (for Malyuta). (Construction industry) KOTOVSKIY, Ye. F. "The Influence of Partial Removal and Chronic Irritation of the Cerebral Cortex on Process of Regeneration in the Livers of White Rats." Cand Mod Sci, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Instp 13 Dee 54. (VI-11 23 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (n) SO: Sum. No. 52-1, Z-Jid-35 KVI'OVSKIY. Ye.F. I ~ 11 I'll, X- I I nf llionco Of J)Urtial removal of the corebral cortex on the procout3mi of roparative regeneration ln the liver. Trudy 1- o, 1041 2:71-82 157. (14IBA 12: 10) ~CCMWBiUls CORE,.1,C) (LIVER) (1UMEMAITION (BIOLOGY)) P-,--%~ Influence of long-term stirmilation of the cerebral cortex on the procossee of reparative regeneration in the liver. Trudy 1-go 14111 2:83-90 157. (11M 12: 10) (CNIUMAL CORTXX) (LIVMO (RZGEMIUMON (3IOLOGY)) YELISEYEV, Vladimir Grigorlyovich, prof.; AFANASIYEV, Yuliy Ivanovichs kand. med.nauk; KPZW M., Yeyg,~n~i Fedorovich, kand. med. nauk; ROGOV, A.A., red.; SLITCHILOx K.K., -io-d-.- (Atlas of the microscopic structuro of tissues and organs; for practical lessons of students of histology] Atlas mikroskopiche- skogo stroeniia tkanei i organov; k prakticheskim zaniatiiam stu- dentov po gistologii. Moskva Medgiz, 1961. 199 p. (MIRA 14:12) IIIISTOLOGY) ACCESSION NR:' AT4042696 S/0000163/0001000/0303/0307 AUTHOR: Kotovsldys Ye, F, TITLE: Effect of accelerations on hepatic structure SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy I kosmichesk6y meditsine, 1963, Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina (Aviation and space medicineh materialy* konferentsil, Moscow, 1963, 303-307 TOPIC TAGS: acceleration effect, hepatic structure, transverse acceleration, hepatic injury, dog ABSTRACT: Dogs were exposed to transverse accelerations of 6 g for 3 minutes and 12 g for 1 minute, Histological examination of liver sections indicated the presence of two facets of hepatic injury: vascular injury and injury of the hepatic cells and bile ducts. The former was in the form ofa distention and a frequent rupture of the hepatic blood vessels, while the latter was characterized by hemorrhages, followed by necroses at the site of extrava- Card l/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4042696 sations, In addition,, a frequent expulsion of the nucleoli into the cytoplasm of the hepatic cells was observed, accompanied by an increase in liquid and pigment inclusions. The conclusion Is reached that the degree of hepatic injury is directly proportional to the magnitude of acceleration and the ex- posure time, ASSOCIA77ON: none SUBMITTED: 27Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS NO REF SOV: 000 Card 2/2 OTHER: 000 ACCESSION RR: AT4037700 S/2865/64/003/000/0297/0305 AUTHOR: Yelineyev, V. G.*, KOPOYOV, Yu. 14.~tovski~r, Ya. F. TIM,': Effect of a single exposure-to acceleration on the structure of the viscera in experimental animals SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdoleniye biologicheakikh nauk. Problemy* kosmicheakoy biologii* V. 3, 1964, 297-305 TOPIC TAGS: dog, acceleration, histology, hemorrhage, rupture ABSTRACT: Two groups of dogs were exposed to transverse accelerations of 8 g and 12 g for 3 min and 1 min, respectively. Selected animals were then killed after 1 hr, and after 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days. Sections of the viscera of the animals killed were stained with a variety of stains. The most striking, n ictological features observed in all organs were 1) increases in vascular permeability and 2) frequent ruptures. Those changes led to such obvious con- sequences as hemorrhages and inflammations* It in stressed, however, that all of the observed changes woro reversible, as evidenced by the perfectly normal histological'picture of the re-ining animals. ACCESSION NR: AT4o37goo"--~ ------ ASSOCIATION:: nofte SUBHITTED: 00 NO REF SOV., 002 ENCL: 00 miw: oo,4 PH LS SUB CODE FGTCW, N - Results of marking the pawn of Baltic salmon. p. 25- GOSPODAM RIBNA (Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa. VOL 7, no. 10, Oct. 1955. So. -ast European Accessions List. Vol. 5, no. 1. *Jan. 1956 KOTO'AICZ.. M. KOTO'.-.TCZ, M. A word conceming the use of pitwoode p. 19. Vol. 29, no. 12$ Dec, 1955 LAS POISKI AGRICULTURE Poland So: East European Accessionp Vol. 6. No. 5., MaY 1957 KOT-0114ICZ, M. Should we intro,~uce agai-n self-procured firewood? p. 9 IAS RUM. (Ministerstwo Leanictwa oraz Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnietwa i Drzevmictwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 32, no. 12J. June 1958. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. ~91!4CZ, Mieczvslaw, mgr inz. Development outlines of the machine construction industry in Poland. Przegl mech 23 no.9/10Q5~-260 25 My 163. 1. Technical Director, Association of the Vachine Uonstruction Industry, Waisaw. I - I Q-T! XVI I C~z I S - Limestones as a raw material in the industry of chemical synthesis. p. 240- Vol. 7., No. 9., Sept. 1954. I'larszawa, P61and Source: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1956. ri IR 44 7~, iX"; 2u 17z, io, :If -14 ISR. jai V-4 Z. V,- 47 -24N- -Y4; _-". ~ k:~ -z , V , F- , f'7" W1 k L " G POIAWD/Inorganic Chemistry - Complex Compounds. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - nimiya., No 11., 19581 35667 Author : Bretszmjder Stanislaw...Kxotowska Wilhem-ina Inst _T,7 -7, Title : Compounds of Trival:~ni :F~on'Sulk~te vith Sulfur Dioxide. Orig Pub Abstract Card I/P : Roczn. Chem- 1956, 30, No 3, 697-708 : The composition of kinetics of the reduction of complex - compounds FE2 (S04) vhich are formed in solutions vith pH -8-3 conta nin , and in solutions containing in addi- 2 1 g Sk tion the basic sulfates of Al (1) have been investigated. The existence of complexes with molar ratios Fe:SO4 equal to 2 and 3 has been established. The existence of coqple~- xes with Fe:S02 ratios equal to 1-5 and 6 is also possible. At a constant maintenance of Fe3 I-and S02 in the solution, the concentration of the complexes increases with the Eprowth of the I concentration. Since it has been already demonstrated before (Bretsznajder S.) Przem. Chem. 1936, P01,AND/Inor(7tnic Chenistry - Conplox Compounds. C. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyaj No 11,, 1958, 35667 201 253), that the hi:gher the I concentration in the solu- tion the larger the portion of F04-salt to be found in the form of basic sulfate, the authors assume that in the complexes in question SO is connected with the basic Fe sulfate. The complexes gecompose rather fast due to the Fe3+- Pe24 reduction. In the presence of I the decompo- sition proceeds as a reaction of the second order. In so- lutions not containing 1, the decomposition proceeds at a faster rate, and according to a reaction of-a fractional order. Card 2/2 BIMTSZRAJDER,, Staniolaw; KAWECKI, Wieslaw$ KOTOWSKA-RAABB, Wilhe2mina Simple apparatus for thermogravimetric analysio. Przem chem 40 no*8t443-"7 Ag 161. 1. Katedra Projektovania Technologicznego PolitechnIki Warazawakiej i Instytut Chemii Ogolnej, Warszawa* FOTO";SKI , J. Some ways of lowering consumption indexes of electric power. ?. 63 OllaiMMOSCI FM-KTROTIFCTU!ICZNF,) (Wztrsa,,-i, Foland) Vol. 17, no. 2, 1957 -30-. Eonthly Index of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958 JAGIELID, Wladyslaw;.KOTOIISKI.-Witold Need of collaboration in antialcoholic action between noninstitutional therapy and the iiAustrial health service. Praca zabezp SPOI 4 no-111 22-28 N 162* ,ii. KOTOWSKI., Witold Personal files in antialcoholic therapeutics. Praca zabezp spol 6 no.lz19-22 Ja'64. KOWdSKI Witold Principles concerning the sale of alooholic beverages under the statute an combating alcoholism. Praca sabazP spol 5[iee.4) no.604-60 Je 162e KOTOWSKI, Witold Mentally ill persons declared legally incapable on request of the social insurance authoriLies. Praca. zaWzj) spol 6 no.6:37-39 Je 164. KOTOWSKI. Wlodzimierz - -,-,; ... *----,--,---- Influence of the carbon dioxide content in synthesis gas on the activity of catalysts for methanol synthesis. Przem chem 1+1 no.10:592- 596 0 162, 1i, Zaklady Chemiczte,, Oswiecim. i KOTOWSKI, Wlodzimierz, mgr inz, Modification of the two-stage method of formamide production in combination with methanol synthesis. Chemik 15 no.6:200-203 Je t62. '3. 1. Zaklady Chemiczne, Oswiecim. inrol.-ISY'r, Wlodzimierz., mgr Inz.; 1.111.611, YazJ.,,.,iiorz, Ll,,gr jr,.z. New techniques in the tochnology olf oxouinthesIs by means of the calt mothod. Chemlk 15 no.10:363-36'/ 0 16:% ,,,14 ct c 1 r, . 1. Zaklady Clie:-ii-Iczrie, ():, SKRYABINA, A.A.; ~_qTCLHEKOVA, G.G. I i Yield of wild berries In varJou2 ror,,st typezi O'L Rote In'ch District, Kirov Provinces Ract.res. I no,3:!,23-4255 165. 041RA 18t1O) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnc,--i;3.-,ledovLtill~3li-y inot*'.~utu z1h1votunog-o syrtya i pushniny, Kirov. KOTI.I.-*X".~if 4.uhosp ~. roo; ilen.: an auton-atic oil sumplY mach-1-.1c. ':F~i 1;01' ID - 11 1 - 1 .1 -. 11 c,. 10: 27 51 0 KOTNAUEER, Lubos., inz. First underground railway in the Netherlands, Siln doprava 13 no.2!1,--)-ll F 165. SOI-YOM,J.; KOTRAp Susanna; SALAMCII,,A.; STURCZIJ, A study cn the role of the renin-angiotensin system in the control of aldosterane secretion. Acta physiol. acad-sci. Hung. 24 no.3t293-296 ?646 1. Department of Physiologyj Medical Universityp Budapest. HUNGARY SOLYOM, Janos, KOTRA, Zsuzsa, SALAMON, Akos, STURCZ, Jozsef, UJJ, Miklos; Medical UniversfEy` o~-Va~pest, Physiological Institute (Budapesti Orvos- tudomanyi Egyetem, Elettaril Intezi;t). "Investigation of the RelAtion Between the Reanin-Angiotensin System and Aldo5terone Secretion." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV, No 4, Aug 1963, pages 431-434. Abstract: [Authors' German suimary] In the course of the investigations, rats have been bled from the adrenal vein by the authors. The aldosterone produced by the hemorrhage was determined by a paper chromatograp1hic method. Ligature of the hilus of the kidneys, that Is, exclusion of the rennin-angio- tensin system, did not influence the increased aldosterone production re- sultin.,- from the hemorrhage. It is concluded that the increase of the aldo- sterone production is J-mdependent of the rennin-angiotensin system. 2 Hungarian, 14 Western references. SOLYOM, Janos; ~~TA, Zsuz-Pa; SAIAMON, Akos; STURCZ, Jozsef; UJJ, Miklos Studies on the relationship between the renin-angiotensin system and aldosterons excretion, Kiserl, oryostud, 15 no,4: 431-434 Ag 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete. ALDOSTEEROITE) (RENIN) (ANGIOTF21SIN) ~ADRENAL CORTEX) (IEMECTONY) (BLOOD) (WIRCRATOGRAPIff ) SOLYOM, Janos, KOTRA, Zsuzsa; SALMON, Akos; STURM, Jozaef. Study of the role of the renin-angiotensin system in the re- gulation of aldosterone production. Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.l: 96-100 tW649 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete. told CIVIM ;%~ej V%;Ma3t Iarsaw Ledical School (A;:), Warsed (see attached) 'Jarsmw, p,jintrin ?ni5i-,k, no 8, Aug 60, pp 912-915. ":,i Unusual Caue, (Lymphowcena) of Pna=othorax and Fna=o- .-CdI33t.,nv.,4 in a 4 Year old child." Co-watharst MAD, r*57A, Barbara Tadeuss -_~qTRAS, Jan, inz. Calculation of the block surface by the reduction method. Geol pruzkum 5 no.9:281-282 3 163. 1. Geologicky prieskun, n.p., Zilina, zavod v Spisskej Novej Vai. car?uks, R.L. KOM IS 6 ~- Nev apparatus for collecting air samples. Ked.prom. 11 no.709 JI 157- (KLRA 10:8) 1, Mediko-instrumentaltnyy ordens lenina zavod *Krasnogvardeyetal (AIR--ARALYSIS) KOTRAS, R,L*,. - New apparatus for artificial respiration. Ked.prom. 13 no.12-.49-- ' 51 D 159. (MIRA 13t4) 1. Mediko-inatrumental'W zavod "Krasnogvardeyets.0 (RESPIRATORS) - KOTRAS, R.L. Now apparattis for gas anesthesia. Red. prom. 14 no.8:46-47 Ag 160. 1. Modiko-instrumentallnyy savod "Krasnopardeyets". (KIRA 1338) (AMTHESIOLOGY-APPAUTUS AND INSTRUKENTS) AOTW~J~4~t Modernization of apparatus for the treatment of bones. Ywd. prom SSSR 14 no.12s5j D 160. (MIRA 13:12i 1. Mediko-instrimenta$'W zavod "Kraanogvardeyets'-. (SURGIGAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) KOTRAS , R. L. Apparatus 293 for artificial respiration during inhalation anewthesia. Med.prom. 15 no.5:52-54 MY 161. . (MMA 14:6) 1. Mediko-instrumentalln~y zavod nKrasnogvardeyets". (RESPIRATORS) (ANESTHESIOLOGY-SQUIPHENT AND SUPPLIES) KOT AS, H. L. New aproxatua for the half-open respiration system, types 188 and 193. Mad. prom. 16 no.302-55 Mr 062. (PJPA 15:5) 1. 14ediko-instrumentaltny7 zavod "Krasnogvardoyets" . (RMFIRATORS) VOLIPERT, Ye.I.;.KOTRAS...R.L. New anesthesia apparatus. Vest. khir. 92 no.1:70-72 Ja 164. (MRA 17:11) 1. Iz ordens. Lenina zavola "Krasnogvardeyets" (dir. - A.A. Menshutin, glavnyy inzhener - V,M,, "uzankov)o PERELIHM, A.S.; GUREVICII, I.Ya.L_!~~-L.. I- NA-31-1 anesthetic apparatus. Ilov. mod. tekh. no.3;3-9 165. (14IRA 19 . 1) VOLtPERT, Ye.l.; GUREVICH, I.Ya.;.KOTRAS, R*L. Volumetric aneathasiac res-pirator RON-1. fl(>v, mod. tokh. noJ: 65-71 165. (MIRA 19:1) /rc 1/1 1 /-- VAVRDA, Jaroslav; SKROVIIIA, Branislav; KOTRBA, Frantisek Autogenous cnrtilage in transplantation for DIastic surgery of joints. Acts chir. orthop. trailm. cech. 25 no-3:165-175 Pay 58. 1. Yatedra ortopedie Vojenske Ickarske akadpmie J. A-v. Parkyne v Rradel Kralove, prednostn -prof. MUDr. Jaro,41nv Vnvrda.' (JOINTS, surg. nlantic ourg.., with sutoganous cartilape transpl. (Oz)) (CARTIIAG3, traia-.-)I. autogenous, in plastic surg. of jointio (Cz)) CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chewical H Products and Their Applications. Pesticides. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhux-Khimiya, No 6, 19599 20657 Author : Neuwirth, F., Kotrba, I. Inst : Title ; Dimefox - a Phospho-organic Insecticide of Systemic Effect. Orig Pub : Chmeiarstvi, 1958, 31, No 69 91-95; No 7, 106 Abstract : A review is presented, Card : 1/1 4040004 4 1 - F 1 9 4 11 U U It IS Is U, 4 . a 8 a IS m a v a Is W.t. b..Wk lCktl 0. Lk M AbOWPdom rtm. "mortme 4XV ]AN NOTIONA. I ), Ck" MW 4. :MAM FuslishXIW ).: cf, A 25, 3OU -- Ck-u6r%ll;j0RWff~xn Imah fWavairt d CWtak vitsia I. (likked In July. 110 1) Imm the F1011-FtiOnt. and Pad" whbPrtrakumethrr hasberadwirr, lOhAve2ch~"- JSUC 01011111"iCIR hStAth I* the UNM-VWtt.- the 11116113 b4VA Si 32N% Sht MC at VW 1'. "1, 1. In g"..t ilk She kmuk as lwq%md by laorl"m fiv rkutoxis 0: 1 v 'j. 0, isw). Rjoll iss ww" as Slor Rw est. Im"A ("M ffirsh fbibm" %%tpwo thtw charactedmic atm*jv4 Ion himis Its aw of to rak-J. m the In-A Hven amts, nwb as (1.1-(X13 g. al fifth lWavairt noy be rtAy dwirctr4 erwtrt=. ady. No &bKwvtka buid at dSOD-MM A. U. ethits as dakwd by Arap (C. A. nj ,as a M42). 77w by 9vw by extiL with &be. EtOll dow dimtoclis dp. 0 * i omptioubaa&,t"POVMMCkItSCItriKk!OddtYkftphy%W.CZPCS. JAaOSLAVKV?M 0400000i 0 0 44 0 d N ;4p 0 ~J! W S L A atIALLURGIC&L LiTtIRATUAll CLASSWICA11100 tic., .0. an. AD go dK a., M a, it P, is 114t its scaft walwan lIZ4 AN is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 *00 -00 0 .00 -00 .00 400 204 400 0 tr its 0 M--.. . . . . . . . . . fftf I; . -AL - . It Ij u 14 Iw iG It 14 111 a n a a 34 M 2 AS a it M u it a a 1; Is AL a- I- f a v - - - - . f Water hemlock (Ckvta~-vitoft L.). UL Phytiaink41're"tkas oaa ff%&A- Z (I W j f r ); c . C. A, IAR(ISLAV KV4!XNA All, 00 00 9; 00 09 j ** 00 &0 S1 lii;;ie 0 44 44 66 40 4% 0: A$ a. I I A 4141TALLURGICAL U72RATUAt CL*sSWKAM% 9.2 ...... 141413 -11 GUM oil&-a I Ot III It I goingga-r ---. 9 w p CF If INK Ka Its Rita awitaft 9A 3 1 1 0 *:* * 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JL.&-" 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 twee coo MOS, coo coo 60* tee 0 "so woo use feel 1 0 0 6 0 0: -If 6 0 jo 0 *60 0 0 Jm:. a A- I --fly In M-04*10, ! so dp*a "TWO dogmPtselflan of mangenic *$*age of col"Im adds" Gad "Irlho thpff"All 00 dd in IS* - a " at muce #$o cuboasto Aad ISSUMMS 4ac4wv"tlw ;-so 00 so .. #A&U Cf. chl'"llwk. C. .4. Is. 19, "s. twenlic 10PIT Ile 9 .00 1 ],&#,Qav C"tmk. 14J. I W Plaill, M m.,IS 00 0 so .3 Zo 0 00 Of 00 400 06 a*0 so .04 06 -40 "40 ll~ IN o0 t tv 10 to 0 0 190* 191, 4u "Ma Ital"14 A got 9 41 J, 0 0 0 0 0 0,08 00 01 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 YOTM,%'t J. -.1 G X*ffbi, I- I Labrintok M Wco i fvd(fMktlvnfMi 140. le: SNTL. P.M. 1132 pp. W1. 11,60. RevltwM In Chem. Lij 481 47 - 9&M.- I- .--- -- --- . ~ M i KOTRBA, Jaroslav Clips fraa plastics for plane and bridge conduits. P6z stavby 12 no.10;439 164. 1. Fatra,llapajedla. L Nouttu..(W. NOW& ke ductrui bkkddd 6ftmwd wow Ond Wd madav4 (TUbtia UtUd). (A method of ittermining the biological eflectivenevit of trratutents against bunt (ri4dia fril~c*).l - OcAr. Roo., 23. 4. pp. 340-M. 3 figs., IM [Russian and Eng6h summaries.] A delteript ion is given of a laboratory method developed in Czechoslovakia for testing the eflicatry of fungkidell tipinst wheat hunt (Tilldk frifiri) ( F, ntries; R.J.M.. 17, P. MI 1. no WAte" to W- tested 1, an4l 5 nig.) were PIAMI in Petri dished, 5 nil. spom x"fension lidded. ami tho 4lishm kept in a WrigerMor at IO'C. for six daym. T'he ftillowing moteriads prevertril grriffinatitm at o-11 mg.: gerillisan, cerrmn. xvTna 3. flow, tritimn. and agnislin WN, agninal allowed olvA. xional genii ifust ~ '11. ble fit figh-Wra &Ino g*,m 90 to IM IVr refit, 1.1111t nil ill firm tests, CZEGROSLOVAKLI/Gencral and Specialized Zoology - Insects. P Harraful insicts and AccirA.'s. Chemical I'loans in the Control of Harmful Insects and Acarids Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, lg'jg., 25402 Author "'Ictwirth, F., Kctrba, L. Inst Title Ehosphorous Orgnnic Insecticide "Diinefcx" Orig Pub Chm-larstvi, 1958, 31, No 7, 1o6 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 4 j,RASKOVAP M.; ]3URES, 1j.; HOSKOVA, M. i KOTRBA V - THOROVA, J.; NRKLAS, L. :.,~_&A% Effect of Czechoslovakian-made toothpaste containing sodium fluoride. Cesk. stomat. 65 no.6t433-436 N 165. 1. Vyzku=y ustav stomatologicky v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Kostlan). K GT " -, BA 7 I.T. ; , 11 1 ~ 6;.ib" K Otl A , ' I. ; 14 1 i KA S , L . Study of meth(,A3 for the di~ tion of an,-41 of it,~; relationships. Cesk. stomat. 66 na.l:~)9-611 Ja I 1. 1~-zkumny ustav stomatologicky v Fraze (reditel prolf. dr. J. Koatlan). ----- --- ------ Nil IMR, MR- "WX d' Oro .'~MMN MA JAW__ QL%x 'If JIRKA, J. Teccimicka spoluprace: HORAL'IKOVA, D.;. KULRBATA,!-!.~, On administratiGn of Psychotoa in chronle reard ~Ielwy. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.3;71-75 2'2 Ja 165 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevr,-;ho v Praze.-Yrci ~-~Aitell -- prof. dr. J. Brod. Dr3c.). FEITCL, Vladimir; GANZ, Vilem,- CORT, Josef H.; JIRKA, Jiri; technicka spoluprace HORACKOVE, D.; HRABETOVE, J.; I.- KOTRBATE, M.; VAITICKOVE, V. Modification of the renal fraction of the minute voluime in hQmorrhagic hypotension in the dog. Gas. lek. cesk. 101 no.34:1025-1027 24 Ag 162. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze, reditel doe. dr. J. Brod, DrSc. (BLOOD VOLUME) (KIDNEYS) (HYPOTENSION) (HEMORRHAGE) I KOTRBATY, Frantisek Increase of the servico life of austenitic manganese steel castings by detonation wave. Slevarenstvi 10 no.11%476-478 N 162. KOTRBATY, M. Experiences with suspended radiant panel heating. p 288. ZDRAVOTNI TECHNIKA A TLDUCHOTECHNIKA. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spolecnost pro zdravotni techniku a vzduchotechniku) Praha, Cochoslovakia., Vol 2, no. 6, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accession (EMI), LC. Vol. 9. no. 2, Feb. 1960, Uncl. ~-ma4 :'TtRIODIC, ~7-7. -4/6 . . . I : ~. - . z -P. 01 ME rpz Tor-W NT~M ji~vl olar "FIN zi lor Cox wo Af~ -0- OW ""'k, iw' ISO* XV5 REINIS, Stanislav;~-X .DLRBOyA,,-Zden&- Change of wei'ght of some organs after removing the neopallium in the rat. Acta univ..carol. [mad.] no.8:925-929 161. 1. Ustav patologicke fysiologie lekarsko fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem, v Pi'MIA, prednosta doc. MUDr. J. Myslivecek. (CEREBRAL CORTEX physiol) (BODY WEIGHIT physiol) MYSLIVECEK, J,,,! KOTRBOVA, Z.; REINIS, S.; ROKYTA, R.; SOBOTKA, P.; ZAHLAVA, J. Effect of exclusion of the cerebral cortex on somatic and vegetative functions of the organism in early postnatal period. Acta univ. carol. (Med] Suppl. 15:55-61 161. 1. Ustav pro patologickou, fyoiologii lekarske University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni, prednosta J. Myslivocak. (CEREBRAL CORTEX physiol) (AUTONOMIC NEHVOUS SYSTEM physiol) MYSLIVECEK, J.; K)TRBOVA, Z.; REINIS) S.; ROKYTA, R.; SOBOTKAI P.; ZAHLAVA, J. Effect of exclusion of the cerebral cortex on a=-atic and vegetative functions of the organism in early postnatal period. Acts. univ. carol. (Med] Suppl. 15:55-61 161. 1. Ustav pro patologickou, fysiologii lekarske University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzai, prednosta J. Mysliveeek. (CEREBRAL CORTEX physiol) (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTE24 physiol) JCOTRC, Josef Raising the qualification of workers, a condition for development and improvement of services. Prace mzda 10 no.11:507-512 11 162. 1. Narodni vybor hlavniho mesta Prahy. Kort~covfl' V. MIKUIZCrLT, Z.; KOTRCOVA. V WMANOW *naleptin a Hn test. Ceek.derm. 29 no.1:40-45 Feb 55. 1, Z kozniho odd, OUNZ v Xolinem# predn, prim. HUDr %.Klkalec)W. (SYKPATEOKD(STICS syuephrine skin test in exam. of autonomic aervous 97stem) (AUTWOMIC WWOUS SYSTEM, pbysiolog3r exam., symphrine skin test) KOTRBKHOV, P.F. [Urov disease] Urovskaia bolazal (rashina-Beks.). Leningrad, Medgiz, 1953. 82 P. (MLRA 7:7) (ARTHRITIS MIFORMS) Kb*PFk11QVA q.7. TIMOV, A.B.;SUMSnYA, Ye.Ye;KOTAMOVA, A.1..;YUR'YJTA.1.;SAVWKH, Horlsontal percolation pormite an Increase In alcohol production, Gidrolis. I loookbin.prou,8 uo*5:3-4 1550 (KMA 9:1) lwArkhaugel'skiy g1droUzWy samod (for Yershav. Sharevskaya, Xcp~- trekhava, Yurlyev, Savluykh). 2.Vsaeoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatell- sk$y institut gidrolisnoy issullfitno-spirtovoy prooWshlarnosti (for Grinubteyn)-.(Distillation) (Alcohol) VODOLAZOVA. L.Kh.: SHIJMVSKATA, Te.To.: KOTREKHDVA, A.I. Experience in the operation of a fermenting section. Gidroliz. i leankhim. prom. 11 no-5:22-24 '58. (MIM 11:9) 1. Arkhangellskiy gidrnllznyy zavod. (Hydrolysis) VODOLAZOVA, L.Kh.; KO.TREKHOVA,, A.I. Use of continuous neutralization in alcohol manufacture. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 15 no.7:15-17 162. . (MM .16:8) 1. Severkx-j nauabno-issledovatellskiy institut prom7shlennosti (for Vodolazova). 2. Arkhangel'skiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Kotrekhova). (Hydrolysis) FACCESSION Mt AP4032569 S/0190/64/006/00410691/06% AUTHORst Andrianovs K. A.1 Kotralevs Go vo TITLEi Catalytic polymerization of trimotlWltripher7loyclotriailazane SOURCEt Vy*aokomalek, soyedin., vo 6# noo 4s, 1964P 691-694 TOPIG TAGS: orCanosilicon coma ounds silizanos, allqlarylsilassno, cyclooilazane Polymerization., chain polymers, chain block cyclic structures, potassium hydroxide catalysis., benzene liberation LBSTRACT: In an earlier publication br Ke A. Andrianov and Ge Ya., Runba (Vyosokomolek. soyed.s, hil 1060j, 1962) it was shmin that (in the presence of alkaline catalysts) dimethyloyclos3lasanes., unlike dimethyleyclosiloxano3j, undereo Polynerization with the formation of polymers having a cyclic atructure of the Chain block molecule* In the present investioation 10 e of trimathylbriphanyl- cyclotrisilazano (TTCTSA) were heated at 160-M in the presence of 1% KOH. This resulted in the liberation of benzene starting at 18W and increasing with timej, according to a polyrarization reaotion of the typet JACCEMON NRs AP4032569 CIHS Clio Sl-NH CH41 R- \ot KOH NH V \SI~NH cjl~ -C-14' cu. in this way 1.95 gof benzene were obtained from 10 g of TTGTSA within a 5-hour polymerization period at 20W, Analysis of the obtained polymers revealed an =Creased silicon content and a lowered amount of carbon at hioier temperatures and extended reaction time, The structure of the polymers at the earlier stages of the reaction was found to be linear and to consist of cyclic units presented in the formula., 'whereas in an advanced stage of polymerization there seemed to have occurred a branching of the moleculese An investigation of the tharmomachan- Card 2/~ J ACCESSION NRs APhO32569 ical properties of the polymers. revealed a behavior typical of a nonstructurated ipolymer (without a region of high elastic state)a Orige arbo hast 3 tables I land 2 charts, ASSOGMIONs Institut elementoorganichaskikh soyedimniv AN SM (In#tiWte of Organoelemental Coqmnds AN WSR) SUMMED t 28Apz-63 DATE AOQs nMaa SOL 1 00 SUB CODE i GCt M NO REF SOV~I. 001 OT. t 000 ca,d 313- L 31890-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T WW/RM ACC NRa AP6012528 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/003/047Y2 g,475 o j IAUTHOR: Andrianov, K. A. Kotrelev, G. V. -------------- !ORG: Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds. Academy of Sciences S9SR-(1 stitut I ielementamoorganicheskikh dayedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR) "Ld aryltrichlorosilanes ;TITLE: Ammonolysis f alkyltrichlorosilanes I iSOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichaskaya, no. 3, 1966, 472-475 TOPIC TAGS: ammonolysis, silane, organic chemistry, alkyltrichlorosilane, aryltrich rosilane, polymer, IR spectrum ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to determine the possibility and direction of ammonolysis of alkyl- and aryltrichlorosilanes. The ammonolysis of methyl-, ethyl- and phenyltrichlorosilanes by gaseous ammonia in a solvent medium was investigated. Experiments have shown that instead of the expected branched and crosslinked ammonoly- sis products, polymer compounds soluble in benzene are produced. Experimental data shaw that ammonolysis of ethyltrichlorosilane leads to the formation of low molecular cyclic products and cyclic polymers.1 While ammonolysis of methyltrichlorosilane is similar, branching and structuring o~ the reactioi. products takes place. Both soluble and insoluble products are formed. The elemental analyses and IR spectra show that the crystalline aubstance produced here is an analog of the cyclic compound produced in th( Card 1/2 UDC: 546.287 t 542,952 L 31890-66 ACC NRa AP6012528 12 ~alnm.onolysis of ethyltrichlorosilane. The ammonolysis of phenyltrichlorosilane does not produce a crystalline compound, but the produced polymers are highly soluble in benzene. Infrared s2ectra show the presence of Si-NH-Si bonds and Si-O-Si bonds at 1910 cm-1 and 1030 cm respectively. This indicates that the elementary #nk of the iproduced polymer is (C6H5)3Si3(NH)400.5- Study of the thermal properties1lof po~yphe silazanesishowed that they have a very high vitrification temperature in the neighE~ ihood o 5000C. The article gives experimental details on ammonolysis of the above s lanes. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 230ct63/ GTH REF: 004 L 1~ Card 2/2 '(yf:'; --T T !I FI-II.-rcoal-ittion urotxi of orgarocyclooilazanes. 87-7- ~ '79 ~,oYuOLrinzily AN SSSR. (MIRA 180) ANDRIANOV, G.V.; KOTOVY V.M. ...... -- . -'.. - -- - 0 - I- . 1: Aninonolycls of higher alVitrichlorcsilanes. 'h? 35 ric.12:2176-2180 D 165. ( ". ~l 1 ~4 , 1 ) 1. Submitted December 3, 196z.. ATAULIN, V.V.; VLASOVA, R.N.; DAVTDOVA, Te.A.; DANILHNKO, I.S.; DZIOV, V.A.; DUBROVIN, A.P.; TEPANOVA. L.V., KAM11KO, L.V.; KLNPIKOV, L.N.; KOTHELEV,-.S.V.; LUKITANOV. N.I.: MELINIKOV, N.V., prof., obshcbiy r-e-C.; MKRTTCE1AN. A.A.; NKHTINOV, A.M.; POGOSTANTS, V.K.-, SRKIZ, M.D.; SKOBLD, G.I.; SIDBODCHIKOV, P.I.; SMIRNOV, V.M.; SUSHCHSHKO. A.A.; SOKOLOVSKIY, M.M.; TRETIYAKOV, K.M.; FISH, Te.A.; TSOT, A.G.; TSTPKIN, V.S.; CMMDVSKOT, P.A.; CHIZHIKOV, V.I.; ZHUKOV, V.Y.. red.izd-va; KORDVIUIK'OVA. Z.L.,; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L., [Prospects for the open-pit mining of coal in the U.S.S.R.; studies ard analysis of mining and geological conditions and technical and economic indices for open-pit mining of coal deposits] Perepektivy otkrytoi dobychi uglia. v SSSR; Issledovanie i analiz gornogteologi- cheskikh uslovii i tekhniko-ekonomichesklkb pokazatelel otkrytoi rarrabotki ugollnykh mestorozhdenii. Pod obahchei red. N.V.Mel'- nikova. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 553 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Vaesoyuzrqy tsentrallnyy goqudarstvennyy proyektnyy insfitut "Teentrogiprosbakht." 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Mell- nikov). (Coal mines and mining) TSOY, A.G., gornyy inzh.; -W KOTRELEV, S.Y., gorny7 Inzh. Methods of planning*the economic aspects of open pit coal mining. UP,011 33 no.11:23-21F N 158. (MIRA 11-11) (Coal mines and mining--Costs) (Strip mining) VOLKOV, G.M.,, kand.ekonom.nauki KOTREIZVI S.V.j, inzh, Some problems in improving the economic aspects of planning coal cuts. Shakht. stroi- 4'no. 5:5-8 My 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR (for Volkov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy tsentralInyy proyektnyy institut po proyektirovaniyu shakhtnogo stroitel'stva, kamennougolinoy promyshlennosti (for Kotrelev). (Coal mines and TnInin -Costs) SKOBLO, G.I.2 gornyy inzh.; KOTREUV, S.V., gornyy inzh. Operating conditions of licavy stripping quilnent. U901' 39 n0.2; 25-27 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. loesoyuznyj tsentrallnyy gosudar3tveraW, , institut po proyekti- rovaniyu i tekhniko-ekonomicheskim obosnovaniyam razvitiya ugoll- noy promyslalennosti. ind ca ,_OVA. IAIJ( 7,- No- -4 t of (j%. tip -1.43Wj d~ O.WaS. at i" d an Of Zen- -ftc 13% W- ---f4tSmolAr Was ~s U, pd. tht fa( ilveO) (di ak, ,I 0. ,13W otha AMI: -.42W, jZ14 for-120 Wic. it AUTHORS: Corina, A. A., KarEin, V. A., Kozlov, P. M., 54-8-2/19 Kotrelen,--V-~--- TITLE: Production of Goods From Fluoroplast-4 (Pererabotka ftoroplasta-4 v izdeliya). Investigation of the Preforming Process (Issledovaniye protsessa tabletirovaniya). PERIODICAL: Khimicheekaya Promyshlonnoott, 1957, Nr 6, PP- 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations concerning the detection of processes for the production of goods from fluoroplast-4 were started in 1949. Foreign references (references 3-6) and the original variants of the laboratories of L. V. Chereshkevich (NIIPP) and of L. F. Vereshchagin (IOKh AK) were at the disposal of the NIIPM where they were produced. The production method was divided into the following 4 stages: 1) preparation of the,pulyerulent fluoroplast-4 for preforming: a) thermal treatment of the powder, b) aeration of the powder. 2~ Preforming 3 Caking together 4 Cooling of the finished product. In the investigation of Card 1/3 the production method the papers of P. P. Balandin