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KAIRTASHOV, I.N.; IMOGILIITYY, N.I., dots., retsenzent; ANIKEYEV, V.N., dotiti.p retoonzont; KOTLYAROV, Yu.L., rod. [organizing the transition to new types of machines without stopping the output] Organizatsiia porckhoda na novye modell mashin bez prekrashchoniia vypuvka. Llvov, lzd-vo Llvov- skogo univ., 1965. 239 P. (MEU 18:10) nLIDMAN, A.Ie, GETSFILID, S.S., VDTLYAROV, Z.M. Doctor of Veiiicine Illia. Inumovich Alekenndrov; on his 6oth birthday. Vent,oto.-rin, 20 no.49117-118 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:7) (AIXKSANDROT, ILI IA IIAIDIOVICH,1897-) -71 rlKR:WOSUVSKIY, L.S.; DANCHICH, V.V.; AVDIYEIIKO. T.G.; ARKEUTGEL'SHY, A.F.; GAK, A.M.; YEPIPAIUSEV, Yu.P.; ZELINSKIY, V.M.; IVANOV, P.S.; ITASHCIWIKO, P.R.; KALININA, M.D.; KRAVCBEYiCO, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.V.; KlUJGLYAKOVAq M.D.; LEVIKOV, I.I.; LIBKIND, R.I.; NIKMTffA-,ff-.A-.,NAUWlTKO, V.P.; PRISBRAN, I.B.; PRISTAZHNIXOV, V.S.; FOBEDINSKAYA, L.P.; POKALYUKOV, S.N.; POPOV, A.A.; SOLOMTSEV, M.N.; TARASOV, I.V.; FILONENKO, A.S.; SHISHOV, Ye.L.; WRAYMAN, L.I.- YAKUS[UH, N.P.; ZVORYKINA, L.N., red. izd-va; LOMILIHA, L.H., [Horizontal mining in foreign countries] Provedenie gorizontallnykh vyrabotok za rubezhom. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1958. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kharkov. VseBoyuznyy nauchno-lai3ledovatellskiy Institut organizataii i mokhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitellstva. (Mining engineering) DUBIIIIH, R.N., lwnd.takhn.nauk; DMOSH =10, G.H., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOMTAROVA, A.V., inzh.; KRUGLTAKOVA, M.D.. inzh.; YCLOVIGH, CHMOVSKATA, T.P., red.izd-va; SMTAR, S.Ta., [Shaft sinking in the U.S.S.R. and in foreign countries] Opyt prokhodki stvolov ahakht v SSSR i zo rubezhom. Hosk7a, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 257 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kharkov. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isi3ledovatellskiy institut organizatsii i makhanizataii shakhtnogo Btroitellstva. (Shaft sinking) KOTLYAROVA, A.V. inzb. Investigating the possibilities of executing Invariance conditions for certain malticircuit systems of automatic control. Izv, V7S" uchebe zavo; gore zhur, noo8sl27-131 164 Nnu 1811) 1. Kharlkovskiy inatitut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, artomatiki i vychisliteltnoy tuekhniki. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatizataii i telemekhaniki, KO'ILYAP" equimemt. c 4 :r tu t -,h 9s PI 'nos, roye: Iv I, -1,~ ,iy tel Inoy -.e-anl BAKLTLOV, I.A.; KHIZHI95KIY, P.G.; SAKOVICH, O.Yu.; KOZLOVA, D.I.; KOTLYARGVy V.M.; KOTLYAROVAp G.A. Titration of the pathogen of literiosis on chick embryos and white mice. Veterinariia 42 no.IOP25-28 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy vlrusologii i mikrobiologii. MADIYEVSKAYA, R.G. (Madiievslka, R.H.]; KOTLYAROVA, G.O. [Kotliarova, H.O,] Rapid method of determining vitamin A. Khar.prom. no.l,-71-72 Ja-Mr 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. &Lyevskiy vitaminnyy zavod. (Vitamins -A) YOTILYAROVA, G.P.; IVAZNOVA~ YO.F. Deterraination of the hout.9 of di,onolution rf Yrl andi RWI in formic acid. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 38 nu..)~.1423-,!,26 F '~4- (1-URA 17:83) 2. Kharikovokly gosiHarstvennry A.M. Cnrlkogo. KOTLTAROVA, I.A.. uchiteltnitsa Athnistic education In clasae3 of human anzitom7 and ph7siol- og7. Biol.v shkole no.6:50-52 N-D '59. (MIRA 130) 1. Srednyaya shimla No.27 g.Chernovtsy USSR. (Physiolog7-Study and teacliirq,,) (Atheism--Stueq and teaching) --j, tk 6Q fA I,~:_ GORBUS4INA,. P,M.; !0T!14 OV4 " .4 Treatwnt of adamntinojza. . Stomatologlia 35 n0-5:33-34 00 '56 (HLRA 10: 4) 1. Is kafedry khtrurgichookoy stomatologii (eav.-prof. A.I. Tavdokimov) Nookovskogo maditainakogo stomatologichookogo inatittita (dir.,dotoont G.N. Saletakly) (JAWS--TUKORS) 7'-d I Q t, h K07LTAROVA,-Kh.S.4-red.. Prinimala uchastiye VERSHILOVA, P.A. (Brucellosis] Brutsellez. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1947. 231 P. (HIRA 13:4) (BRUC31LOSIS) KOTIYAPPIA, Kh S. 22688. KOTLYOOVA, Kh. S. Fatogenez brutselleznoy infektsii. flovosti meditsiny, vyp.13, 1949, S. 22-28 SOs MTOPISI No. 20, 1949 MDTLYARO'IA ; POLYAKOVA, A.M.; LUUSHOVA, L.V. Principles of selection of vaccinal strains of Brucella. Vest. AM SSSR 14 no.2:42-49 159. (KM 12:4) 1. Iz institute, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalel AMU SM (dir. - prof. S.H. Huromtsev) Hauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta Kavkaza i Zalmvkazlya (dir. V.H. Ter-Vartanov), Leningradskoigo Inatituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologil I gigiyeny Imeni Fastera (dir. H.Ym. Nikitin). (BRUCELIOSIS, immunol. vacc. strains , principles of selection (Rae)) ,VTLU=Ap MI.& PVSRTHIV~ D.A.; GOR5UTA., Ye.F.; SENA~ N.D.; G=01 17.V. Hpidmdalogical charactaristioa of poliomyelitis in k-nangrad during 1957. Trudy len.inat.epid.i mikrobiol. 179156-168 t58, (MIRA 16:2) 1. T~z teningradskogo inatituta epidemiologii, m1krobiologii i gigiyerny imeni 11antera (dir. M.Ya. Ilikithi). (LWLNM1AD-POLIdTMJTr3,-CASES, CUNICAL RMRTS, STATISTICS) KOTLYAROVA, Kh.S.; RODSHTEYN, O.A.; GURIYEVA, Ye.P. Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in various stages of tba epidemic curve. Zhur. mikrobiol., apid. i immun. 33 no-7: 23-28 j1 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz Leningradskogo instituta epidemiolcgii i mikrobiolce,,ii imani Pastera. KOTLYAROVA, Kh.S.; GURIYEVA, Ye.P. Girculation of the poliouVelitis pathogen and othbr cytopathogenic intestinal viruses; based on data from a survey of Leningrad children's collectives during the outbreak and decline of the poliomyelitis epidemic in 1956-1962. Trudy Len. inst. epid. J mikrobiol.. 26:28-45 164. (MIRA 18:12) USSR / Cultivated Plants. PotaLo. Vegetables. Mel,)ns. m-4 Abs Jour: Ref 2~hur-3ioi., 1958, No 16, 729'J2. Author KDtlyarova, L, Inst ~OE ~,,Ive~11.- T-.tle Square-F,jcket Netih,)d of Cultivatin!~, Potatoes. OrIg, Pub: S. kh. Sibiri, 1957, r:) 4, 47-50. Abstraot: At the Siberian ScIentifix-Hojearch Inatitute of A-alriculture the square-pocket iiiethod of cultiva- ting potatoes was studied In 1952-11~)511 witti a dis- tribution of 70 x 70 and UO x 6o cm and planting with one and two tubers. HiL,-Jiesst harvests of po- tato were obtained frorn one tuber plantinrr, the 60 x 6,k) cm square. A positive effect of oro,-anic-min- eral mixtures was obtained on the early maturing "Severyanin" variety; this was riot .)bserved -with the "Berl i1chinle n ' variety. -- V. 8. Sallnikov. Card 1/1 55 KOTLTAROVA, 'L.I. (Llvov) Cognition of an object in passive perception [vith summmr7 In English]. Vop. poikhol. 4 no.5:1P~-29 S-0 158. (HIRA 11-012) (Percoption) XOTLTAROVA, L. 1. Study of a class group and the working out of its psychological and pedagogical characteristics. Nauk. zap. Nauk.-doel. inst. psythol. llt273-276 159. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Pedagogicheekty Institut, L'vov. Mucational psychology) KOTLYAROVAj L.L_(Llvoi~) Educational work of teachers of psychology and pedagogy in colleges and universities. Vop.paikhol. 6 no.3:158--161 My-Te 60. (Educational ~.sychology) (MIRA 14:5) KOTLYAROVA-, L. L., Cand Agr Scl - (diss) "Effectiveness of gvewieg is-r- ad -k -F-zt-- 'k potatoes by the checkrow q%ethod the size of the wF square and the quantity of planted tubers." Omsk, 1958. 15 PP P a),-4~ I-J- 11A (Author'o Kt to Omsk Agr Inet im S. M. Kirov), 130 copies (KL, 15-58, 117) - '/~ -5- - KOTUAROVA, L. L., Cand Agr Sol -- '" cultivation of potatoes by the square-nest methodde-Dending upon the size of the square, quantity, and welrht of plant,_,d tubers." IMos, 1961. .j (Mos Order of Lenin Agri Acad Im K. A. Tl,ulryazev) (KL, 8-61, 254) - 369 - ---. -K.OTLYAROVA, L.Y. Individual peculiarities of the interaction of tho two signal eyst9ms In the process of the formation of motor skills. Hauke zap.Nauk.-dool.inst.psykhol. 10:194-232 159. (MIR& 13:5) (Kotor ability) KOTLTAROVA, I. V. Individual peculiarities in the interaction of the two signal systems In the process of forming motor habits. Hauk. tap. Nauk.-doel. im t. psykhole 11;190-193 0390 (MIRA 13:11) 1. Insiltut paikhologil, Kiyeme (Movement, ft"hology of) ~USSR / Cultivated ~Plants. Medicinal. -Essential Oil- - M-7 Bearing. Toxins. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6486 Author : Kotlyarova, M. V. Inst : S-u--k-hu-m--Iyl,p--,e,timerical Station of Essential Oil Crops Title ; Composition of Laree Flowered Jasmine Oil Obtained by the Method of Dynamic Sorption Orig Pub Tr. Sukhumsk. zonal'n. opytn. at. efiro- maslichn. kul'tur, 1-057, vyp 2, 115-130 Abstract Large flowered Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum L.), cultivated on the shores of the Mediterranean, was introduced in the USSR in 1928. Its aericultural engineering was developed at the Sukhumi Experimental Station of Essential Oil Crops. Industrial plantations Card 1/2 163 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 9-, 1959, No. 6486 of large flowered Jasmine were organized at the Khorshi Sov)-h0Z (Western Georgia). Oil from Jasmine flowers is characterized by Its wonderful aroma and by its fixing properties. KOTLYAHDVA...X.V.;, KAWSHINA, Ye.S.; PFMIDSKMA, K.G. Producing extraction oil from azalea flowers. Trudy VNIISOV no.4:175-177 '58. (MIRA 12:5) (Essences and essential oils) (Azalea) KCTILYAROVAI M. -7., CanO'datt) of TOCII So' (dins) -- %QrAarinii~3 oil -Orcra 'hi) blar,- u L I scins o" the common jusminic by tho method of dz.!IvtriIc ror-PI;ion". KnImcdar, IT.-);-'). 'I -~ 1:7 T)jj (Mill 1f1r,11or Edlic USEM, DusnOCar lust of Qi~- Food Ir,(Iust.L,,,-), Coples (KL, No 20, 1959, 112-) KOYLTAROVI, O.S. (Moscow). Conducting chemietr7 examinations in school. Khim. v shkole no.3:33-37 Je '53. (MIM 6:711 (Chemistry--Sxaminations, questions, etc. NOTTYAROVA, 0. S. 434o. KOTIFY-,*UtOVA, 0. S. I K,AFOSHIIJ, N. periodicbeBkoy nistemy. (Ucheb. (H-vo vyssh. Obrazovaniya USSR. Molotova. kafe(Lra khimii). 1.500 P. -lUementy-metally pobochnykh podgrupp posobiye). H. 1954. 48 a, s chort. 20 sm. Mosk. ordena Lanina enervot. in-t im. V. M. ek2. b9sp1.--(54-58Q18)p' 546.3 SO: Knizhnaya Letopsis, Vol. 1, 1955 YXGOMN, V.F.; KM - - . S. ~- SAVICH, T. Z. Results of chemistry emminations. Xhim.v shkole 11 no.5:77-79 &0 156. (KM 9: 11), (Chemistry-ftaminations, reations, etc.) S - KOTLTAIUVA, 0. (g. Moskva) Industrial experience for chemistry teachers. Khim. v shkols 13 no.6:77 N-D '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Chemistry--Study and teaching) KOTLYAROVA, O.S.,.matodist po, kbimlis, kand.pedagogicheskikh nauk Program is close to life apd practice. Xhim. v shkole 15 n6.2: 40-41 Mr4P 160 (MIRA 140) 1. 14oskovskiy gorodskoy institut usov,srshenstvov'aniya uchiteley. (Chemistry-Study and 'teaching) 14ATVEYEV, A.A.,; IQTLYAROVA C.S.- IAVRENTIYEVA, A.V.; AVDYVIN, N.I.; " - I I M1ASITSKAYA-,71H-.j-'zDM-6CHEVA, M.A.; Quality of students' knowledge In chomistry.,Khim. v shkole 17 no.2s 91-94 Mr-Ap 162. (Chemistry--Study and teaching) (MIRA 15:3) GRABETSKIY, ~-A-; KOTLYAROVA, O.S.; SHAPOVALENKO, S.G. ;-1-11 1 1- I Content of &n elective course on chamttry. Khim. v ihkole 18 no.6:56- 60 N-D '63. NIRA 17:1) GRADOMKIrt A.A,j KOTMAROVAg OsS, --- - -- I'll.-,,-,. -l- -_ Spacita aaminar on the wthods of touching chomistrys Uohazap#IKIPI no.,2.25#250-255 064* (141P41 M12) KOTLYAROVA, It. 1. - - - - - - -SGudies 'on the -role of Individual fraction of immme antiplague aern in the prevention and treatment of platpie. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. I immun. 30 no.3:120-125 Kr '59. (KIRL 12:5) 1. Iz Hauchno-iseledovatel'okogo, institlita Kavkaza i Zakavko6z'- ya Hinisteretva zdravookhranoniya SSSR. (KAGUH, immmol. antisera , frev. & ther. role of individual fractiona Run)) KOTLYAROVAq R.I.; LEDOVSKAYA1. A.F. Studying the bactericidal effect of acetic acid on the plague, bacillus and Vibrio comma; author's abstract. Zhur, mikrobiol. epid. i immin.-31. no. 10:1M 0 t6O. (MM 13:12) 1. Iz nauchno-iseledov&teltakogo protivochumnogo instituta, kavkaza i ?AJmvkaz'ya Ministerstva zdravookhranoniya SSSR. (VIBRIO CONMA) (ACETIC ACID) (PASTEURELLA FEST~S) PLANKINA, Z.A.; NIKONOV, A.G.; SAYANOV, R.M.; XOTLYAROVA, R.I. Control of cholera in Afghanistan. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i immun. 32 no.12:20-24 D 161. NIRA 15:11) 1. Iz protivochumnykh uchrezhdeniy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (AFGHANISTAN-CHOLERA, ASIATIC-PREVENTIVE INOCUUTION) KOTLYAROVA, R.I.; IMOVSKAYA,-.A.P. Increasing the virulenceof Vibro cholerae by means of Waage in AMifhals,with lowered defense reactions. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid.i 1=nM. 32 no.2:'80-83,F -161. JMIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Nauchno-issledovatellskogo pyotivochumnogo instituta KavkELza i Zakavkazlya, Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (19IBRIO COMA) MAIMBA, Z.A.; NIKONOVI A.G.; SAJAMOV, R.M.;.,KEq~~OVA, R.I. Cholera control in Afghanistan. Cesk. epidem. 11 no.1:65-69 -Ta 162. 1. Laborator vysoce virulentnich infokci ministerstva zdravotnictvi SSSR. (CHOLFAU prev. & control) POKROVSKAYA, M.P.; KAGANGVA, L.S. (deceased]; VZOIXV, V.I. [deceased); KOCHERI)WI., O.H.; GRIBANGVA, K.V.;.~q11"LYARGVA, R.I.; GUTORCIVA.,, N.M. Anabiosis as a factor in preserving the useful properties of microorganisms for a prolonged period. Trudy IDD no.7.*70-95160 OUFA 16:8) (GRYPTOBIOSIS) (MICROOfr.&1IS1,Z-DRYDrG) ACCESSIONNII: AT4042425 S/0000/63/000/000/0071/0074 AUTHOR: Tevlina, A. S., Kotlyarova., S. V. , Losev, 1. P. TITLE: Homogeneous ion exchanp- membranes based on grafted polyethylene copolymers SOURCE: Respublikanstoye nauchnd-tekhnicheskoye soveshchaniye po ionnomu obmemu. Alma-Ata, 1962. Teoriya I praktika ionnogo obmena (Theory and practice of ion exchange); trudy* soveshchanlya. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN KazSSR, 1963, 71-74 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange resin, ion exchange membrane, polyethylene, grafted copolymer, polyethylene copolymer, polystyrene copolymer, divinylbenzene copolymer, polymer film, vinylphosphinic acid copolymer A13STRACT: A product wifh up to 75% polystyrene was obtained by the method of styrene- to-polyethylene copolymerization In the presence of peroxide or hydroperoxide initiators, used in the synthesis of homogeneous polyethylene mpmbranes. The three stages of the process - swelling of.the polyethylene in the styrene monomer, polymerization of the styrene in the film, and sWfurization - were investigated with respect to temperature and duration, and the physico-mechanical characteristics of the films were examiaed. To Card. 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4042425 enhance the mechanical properties and thermal resistance, 3% d1vinylbenzene was added to the reactants. By sulfurizing, phosphorylating or chloromethylating with subsequent sub- stitution of amino radicals In the grafted polyethylene film, cation and anion exchange membranes were prepared with good physical- chom ical properties, low electrical resistance and high selectivity. In separate studies, the feasibility of grafting polymerization of the di-/3 , N-chloroethyl. ester of vinylphosphinic acid to a polyethylene film (10 hrs. at 55C followed by saponiffication) was established. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tablep. ASSOCIATION: Moskovs1dy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva, (Moscow Institute of Chemistry and.Technology) SUBMITTED; 13Nov63 ENCL: '00 SUB CODE: OC NO REFSOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card: 2/2 A m Q OR ", R ... -:P 7 na R A goof 1 Own ~4 aimq .-449rIFIV UTHORL~,~~' 7 77 it F. M 5 POO -.0m, i~ -3, 17 .Fz~ ka R; aw 40 m -MRil Te~ --SOURC whid 61-0101 t NO ifti Ow. MAQ _q~ C-M, ~Moplc-.,Ta v MR, rco t IM m TM . =04. 0 WC -Will RAW A ry', Of.-, WWI' row Wl Poo -0 It. gr- M21 12 ~,XWM J. gs, M tk,~J, 'K Yi Kgi.i ACCESSION NR: AP4042193 S/0190/64/006/007/1327/1329 AUTHOR: Tevlina, A. S., Kotlyarova, S. V., Agapova, E. P. TIT LE: Phosphorylation oF&"_g"r.-_L"f'tcd copolymer of Polypropylene and polystyrene SOURCE- Vy*sokomolckulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 1327-1329 TOPIC TAGS: grafting. grafted copolymer, ion exchange membrane, phosphorylation, polystyrene, polypropylene, polypropylene polystyrene copolymer, polymer film, polymer electrical property, phosphorus trichloride ABSTRACT: Preliminary studies showed that ion-exchange membranes can be obtained by grafting polystyrene on polypropylene and the subsequent phosphorylation of the polystyrene side-chains. The mechanism of grafted copolym erization was then studied in the presence of initiators such as benzoyl peroxide in order to establish the optimal reaction conditions for obtaining a more uniform distribution of grafted polystyrene chains in the film. Grating was carried out at the site of tertiary carbon atoms. The best polymer for grafting was found to be pol)propylene, with an initial film thickness of 90-9,~u, specific gravity = 0. 90, 3. 1, tensile strength 350 kg/cm2, elongation at break 390%, and melting point 164-168C.. 1/2 ACCESSION mi: AP4042193 I The reaction conditions are described. Tabulated data conccrning the correlation between the degree of phosphorylation and the reaction time show that the beat results were obtained by phosphorylation with PC13 and AIC13 for 12 hours at 65C. The clectrochdmical i properties of the ion-exchange membranes formed were improved by oxidation of the PliosPbdnOus acid groups to phosphinic acid groups. Ion-exchange films subjected to oxidation had not al resistance. The best electrochemical only a higher acid number but also a lower electric properties were shown by membranes containing 5% phosphorus- Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 1 chemical equation. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiykhimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. D. I. Mendeloyova (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology) ENCL: 00 SUBMITTED: 10Sop63 SUB CODE: OC NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 --2/2- Cord,_ GU'St"ROV, MI.; V(Jll';Kl.:,:SFlP);,JY, D.V.; E.A.,- -IMITRIYEVA, G.V.; R.Ye.; KOTLYAROVA,_jY,.; SVn,, Ye.B.) red. I f [Chelyabinsk cluctrometallurgy workers are striving for technical progress] Cheliabinskie elekti-or.etallurgi v borlbe ze. tekhnicheskii progress. Cheliabinsk, Cheli-abin- Aoc knizhnoo izd-vo, 1963. 94 P. 17: C-) GOVERDOVSKAYA, A.Ya.; BAYMLJRATOIIA, G.G.j KOTLYARSKAYA A Z. - Course of pneumonia in children under one year of a e. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.309-42 162. OKRA 15:12) 1. 1z kafedry detskikh bolezney fakullteta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (zav. - dotsent A.Ya.Goverdovskaya) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (PNEUMNIA) KOTLYARSKAYA, Ye.l.; ROGANOVAY K.G. - -1 --- - - z~orologic diagnosis of pregnancy. Akush. i gin. no.l:lP-2J,. 165. (MUIA 18: 10) 1. E-ndArinologicheakaya laboratorlya (zav. G.V. Tniyevtseva) Nauchno-issledovate'Llskogo instituta ukusherstva i gilnekologii (dir, prof. O.V. Makeyeva) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Mo.Ava. GOIOVINKIff, V.; GKILOVSKOT, D.; KOTLTARSKIT, 1. Convoy6ro must have a full load! Prom.koop. 14 no-3:27-28 YX 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Rukovoditell sektora. remonta Hauchno-issledovatellskogo tokhnokhimicheskogo instituta (for Golovkin); 2, Starshiye inzhenery sektora remonta Nauchno-irasleiovatellckogo tekhnokiiimicheakogo instituta (for Gnilovskoy, Kotlyarokiy). (Shoo industry) KOLYSHKINP O.M.; KDTLYARSKIY, A,I~; MELINIKOV, S.S.; MOREV, A.I. Two-spindle boring worm-conveyor unit for mochanical coal extraction. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-isal. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no.2:7-9 164. (11111A 17t6) -KOTLYAF,SKI.Y, A.M., kand. tekhn.nauk; KOVAUW, II.F., kand.tjekhn.rquk; SUMIN, I.F., kand.tolkhn.nali~; BASHKOV, A.I., kand.tekhn.nadk; S7TTLICHTfY, P.L., inzh. Using , pnetunatic power in coal mines. Ugolt 39 no. 1:29-31 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-3) 1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-is:dedovatellqki.~ inititut po bezopagnosti rabot v j~ornoy promyshlpnnosti (for Kotlyarskly, Fovalev, Sumin). 2. Dongiprouglemash (for Bashkov, 3votlichnyy). KOTLY.A.R.SK.IY,,A.M.x kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVALEV, P.F.j, kand,tekhn.nauk; SU141N, I.F,.. kand.tekhn.nauk; BASHKOV., A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; SVETLIGH- IMS P.Li. inzh. Using pneumatic power in coal mines. Ugoll 39 no.1:29-31 Ja '64. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Makeyevskly nauchno-isoledovatol'skiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (for Kotlyarskiy, Kovalev, Sumin). 2. Dongiprouglemash (for Bashkov, Svetlichnyf). KOTLYARMY, A.M. - - ' Fafety in mine work. BezoD-.truda v prom, 3 uo.8:5-7 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Zamestitell direktora Nakeyevskogo nauclino-issladovatellskogo Instituta, (Mining e^agineoring-Safety measures) Ko?jZMSXU,v A.14,; SMnMsKiy., red.izd-va; SABITOV,. A.,, L.K., (Research work of the Makeyevka Scientific Research Institute for Mize Safety.. 1959-19601 Nauabno-issledovatellskie raboty MakVII za 1959-1960 gg. Moskm, Gosgortekhizdat,, 1961 223 P. iMIM 150) 1. Makeyovka. Naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopaanosti rabot v gornoy prorWahlennosti. (Wmb engineering-Safety wasures) KOTLI~A~--,,-A.jj., kand.tekhn.nauk Further improvement of safety engineering in mines of the Donets Basin. 13ozop.truda v prom. 5 no.100-4 0 161. (MMA 34:10) 1. Zamestitell direktora Makeyevskogo nauchno-isaledavateliskogo instituta, po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyehlennosti po nauchnoy chasti. (Donets Basin--Coal mines and miniz3g--%Wety measures) KOTLYARSKIY A.M.; KOVALE1, P.F. - -- W-M-3 Thirty-five years of work at the Makeyevka Scientific Research Institute for Hine Safety on the safe.use of electric power in coal mines. Trudy MakNII 122 Vop. 90r. elektrCmekh. no.42 3-3-1 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Electricity in mining-Safety measures) XDPLYARSKIY B 1, inshener, Improve the utilization of read nachint,17 station'3 in the Ukraine. Avt.der.19 ne.8:9 Ag 156. (MM 9:10) (Ukralne-Road machinery) KMMU'll APAN-181"all 6h; PIYARSKIT, Tikhon Ivanovich; KAUCHITS, Te.T., redaktor: fJALIKOVA.--I(.V., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Organization of work of road machinary units) Grganizatsita rabot mashinodoroshnogo otriada. Hoskva. Hauchno-tekhn. izd-wo avtotranap. lit-ry, 1957. 111 P- (KLRA 10:9) ARoad construction) KOTLYA-RSKIY. D.- I "Why Readings of the Radio Altimeter RV-2 are Distroted in Cer- tain Cases," by D. Kotlyar6kiy, Senior Engineer, Complex Trans- port Expedition of tI_e_Ac__a_d-eI!Y of Sciences USSR, Grazhdanska3~a Aviatsiya No 4, Apr 56, PP 34-35 Explanation of the phenomenon of the discrepancy between radio alti- meter readings and actual altitudesy is given in answer to an inquiry by Pilot P. Revelyuk of Krasnoyarsk, who, while engaged in low altitude (4o m) aerogeophysical surveys of the region, observed sharp drops in altimeter readings (from 40m to 28-30m) at the instant of change of terrain from dense woods to a lake surfacep and reverse readings when bacrktracking on the saw course. SUM. 1287 KSANMFUID, Ya.F.- KOTL .,'ARSKIY D.I.-- IGITATOV, V.A.; ALKINA, Z.Kh.; Inzh.; SMIRNOV, Yu.A.i inz .; NA, T.I., inzh.; IGNAT-OVA, N.T., Inzh; KIRSANOV, A.I., elaktromekhanik; MOIDDTSOV, N.A., inzh.; G.V. .Discu*sion of two articles "Stamping apparatus for signaling, central control and bolck systems." and "Periods for testing rela7s use& in signaling, central control and block systems." Avtom., telem. i sviazi no.~2:35-36 D 157. (MIRA 10;12) l.Nachallnik Adzhikabul3skoy distantsii signalizatali i avyazi Azer- baydzhanakoy dorogi (for Ksantopulo). Z.Starf3hiy elaktromekhanik Moskovskoy distantsil signalizataii i svyazi Oktvabrlskoy dorogi. (for Kotlyarskiy). 3.Ayapuzskayadistantsiya signalizataii I sv7azi Turke- stano-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Alkina. SmIrnov, K-Linitsyna, Ignatova). 4.Zaveduyushchi7 postom dispetcherskay tsentralizataii Ayaguzzkoy distantsii signalizateli i evyazi Turkestano-Sibirsko7 dorogi (for Ignatov). 5.Krasnolimanskaya distantsiya signalizataii i evyazi Donetskoy dorogi (for Xirsanov). 6.Moskovokaya distantsi7a signall- zatsii i svyazi GortkovBKoy dorogi (for Molodtsov). ?.Zameatitell nachallnika sluzhby signalizatsit i evyazi Orenburgsko7 dorogi (for RodIko). (Railroada--Signaling) KOTLYA.RSKIY. D.I. Control and testing center. Avtom., telem.I. sviaz 2 no.4:40 AP 158. (14IRA 12:12) 1. Starsbly elektromekbanik Moskovekoy distantsii signalizataii avyazi Oktyabrlskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Safety twasuren) (Railroade--Electric equipment) KOTLTARSKIT, D.I. , starshiy alaktromakhanik " in AN-6 fuse links. Avtom., telem. i evlazl 2 no.10:37-38 0 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1,Moskovskaya diotantlya s!gnalizateli i svMi Oktyabrlekor dorogi. (Zlectr a fu as) KOTLTARSKIT, D.I.,starshiy elaktromakhanik Improve the decoder'constructione Avtom.telem. i eviat' 3 no.1:31 Ja.59. (MIR& 12:1) I# Hoskovalmya diatantuiya eignAlizataii i svyazi Oktyabrlskov dorogi iRailroads-Signaling-Jquipment and supplies) KOTLYARSKIT, D.I. Device for the adjustment of relay contacts. Avtom., telem. i eviaz' 3 no-7:24-2.5 J1 159- (MIR& 12:12) 1. Starably elektromeklianik kontrollao-iopytatollnogo punkta Oktyabrlskoy dorogi. (Electric relays) ANDONOYET, T.L.;'RAUM, V.A.; RAURGARTAN, H.K.; BM""IN, V.D.; BIRYUKO?, I.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.K.; BLCKHIN, S.I.; BOROVOT, G.A.: BULW, M.Z.; BURAKOT, N.A.; VERTSATUR, B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VORMAN, B.A.; VOSILCHININ, A.?.; GALAKTIONOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. nmk; GIVIKIN, Te.M,; GILIDMOLAT, Ta.D., 'cand. tekhn, nauk; GINZBURG, M.H,; GIMOV, P.S.; GODIS, X.O.; GaftCHHV, V.X.; GRZHIB, B.V.; GHWULOV, L.F., kand. a.-kh. nauk; GRCDMSKAYA, I.Ta.; DANILOV. A.G.; DHITRITSV, I.G.; DRITEYMNO, Tu.D.; DOBRMHOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, H.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZASSVICH. D.K.; ZINARN, Te.V.- ZIMASKOV, S.V.; ZUBRIK, K.Mq KARANOV, I.F.; KHYAW, S.N.; KOLMAYBV, N.M.; -XOMWWSKIY, V*T.; KOSMO, V.P.; KORINISTOV, D.Y.; KOSTROV, I.N.; YNLMUMIY D.M.; I.. KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KMX=OV. A.Ya.; LWARIKOV, N. LIKHACHEV, V.P.; IWAMOY, P.I.; MATSMICH, K.F.; MELIHIC 0, K.I.; KEWLIVIGH, I.R.; KIKRAYLOV, A.V., lmnd. tekhn, nauk; MUSIUVA, R.N.; NATANSON, A..V.; NIKITIN, H.V.; OVES, I.S.; OGULINIK, d.R.,- OSIPOV, A.D.; OSM, N.A*; PETROV, V.I.; P3HYSHKIN, G.A., prof.; PIYANKOVA, Ye.V.; RAPOPORT. Ya.D.; IM43ZOV, N.P.; RWJJTOV, M.P., kand. biol. nauk; ROCB3GOV, A.G.; ZJBIHCHIK, A.M.; RYBCHUSKIY, V.S.; =HIKOV, A.V.; SEMENTSOV, V.A.; SIDMO, P.M.; SINYAVSKAYA, V.T.; SITAROVA, M.N.; SOSHOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY. TO.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [deceased]; SUDZILOVSKIY, A.O.; SYRTSOWA, Te.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIPPSKIY, V.P.; KHALTURIN, A.D.; TSISHNSKIY, P.M.; CHRWASOV, K.I.; CE3MIYSH37, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SHNSTOPAL, A.O.; SICAMM, P.A.; SHISMO, G.A.; SHCHMINA, I.N.; ENGEL', F.F.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; YAKUBO7, P.A., ARKHAllGXL' SKIT, (Continued on next card) ANDONIYHV, V.L.... r.7,:o d) 2. Ye.A., re- senzont, rqoA.; AMITIR.1131, A.11., FAYLTdoy' Yu.S., retGOrt-tirt, raCl.; BARAEINOY, V.A., reE.; BATWM, F.D., retsenzeut, red..; BOB-01DRY, P.V., lmnt. wmak, re-jlieuzf-:-.t. red.; VALUTMIY, LL, b-zilld. retoonzent, rad.; GRIGOILIUV, Y.R., Vamma. itv~jlc re-*;vwi=n--t,,-., rwl.-, GUBIII. H.F., roteement, rod.: OUDAM, UMMOLOV, A.I., kaud. teldin. uwak, II.F., :~e-*.-!-,a-1-3--Y-' red . ; KRITSKIY, S.H., dol.-to:- roe.; ll:KM, V.V., :.-titsewent., -ea.; W.111, V.7., TJJSKIII. ?.-D-, retsencen', WRIROSOr, L-Kh., D.M., -.-ateanzert, I-El'TildiLl, red.; OB~OY, S.S., PETRAS, P.Y., ratuenzent, red.; POLYAKOV, L.M.. relluonlLs-nt, MfYARTS-V, A.M., rot-sauzent, red. RYABOHIKOV, Yo.l., STASIMCT, N-0-r-, ratar'-n- zent, red.; TAKAMYBT, F.Y., re(..; TiakNOVSKIY, G.V., IZM 1, R E , prof., dolector takhii. T I zent, rod.-, FEDOROV, Ye.M., x-a'.,3,jnzxj-,at,. v~)d.; SIMTUKOV, M.N., retsenzent, red.; SHYAKOV, M.I., ZHUK, S.Yh. [decoa3ed]. alm4emik, red.; ITJ,',SO, G.A., lc~a:d. tekhn. nwwk, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., rod.; VOLK07, L.I., GRISHIN, M.M., rod.; ZHIMIN. V.D., prof., toldin. noxt;z, -ml.; KOSTROT, I.N.. red.; LMUCIW, V.P., rad.; HO~MAr, V.H., Imud. Wear- umk, red.; MMi&YWV, A.V., Irand. tuldin. mmlc, rod.; FETRO, G.D., reet.; RAZO, N.V., red.; SCBOLEV, V.P., md.; FaINGER, D.P., YRRYGOFal, Ou llox~ Mll!fl) ANDONOYNT, V.L.... (continued) Gard 3. Ye.F., red.; TSYPIAKOV, V.D. [deceased], red.; KCMLINOV. P.N., tekhn. red.; GIEKIN, Ye.M., tekhn. red.; KACHHROVSKIY, N.V., tekhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical accou'ut of the construction of the V.I. Ienin. Volga-Don Navigation Canal, the TSimlyansk 1~rdroelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; tokhnicheskil otchet o stroitell- atve Volgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kanala imeni V.I. Lenina. TSim- lianekogo gidrouzla i orositellnykh sooruzhenii, 1949-1952; V Piati tomakh. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Obahchee opisanie eooruzhenii. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhilk. Red. tome, M.M. Grighin. 1957. 319 P. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specialized operations in hydraulic engineering] orgs.- nizatsiia stroitellstva, Spetsiallnyo eidrotsldinicheskie raboty. (Cont Unued on ne.,t card) AMNIYAV, V.L.... (continued) Card 4. Glav. red. S.Ik Zhuk. Red. toma I.N. Kostrov. 1958. 319 P. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Russia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) )dnisterstvo elektrootantsii. BY'xro takhnicheakogo otcheta o atroitellAve Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Deystvitellw chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Canal-Hydraulic engineering) SOLOVIYEV, L; TSEKHAEOVSHY, A. (Timiryazevo, Tomakoy obl.); LATROV, D.; SIROTYUKOV, V.; KOSTYUKOV, V.,;-!:GTLYAM!-'IY, F. (Chelyabinsk); PARUILUYAN, V. (Chelyabinsk, RYABSKIY, N.; PUSHKIN, D., instruktor; SUASTIN, V. (Allmotlyevsk) Reader's letters. NTO 3 no.9:56-59 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Uchenyy seki-etarl dorozhnogo pravleniya Tashkentskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Solovlycv). 2. Uchenyy sekretarl podsekttsA tekhniki bozopasnosti Moskovskogo obla3tnogo pravleniya Nauchno- teklinichoskogo obahchestva stroitellnoy industrii (for Lavrov). 3. Chlony Nauchno-tekhaicheskogo obahchestva NovochorkaBskogo elektrovozostroiteltnogo zavoda-ifor Sirotyukov, Kcstyukov). 4. Predsedatell soveta Ilauchno-tekhnichaskogo obshchostva upravleniya legkoy i pishchevoy promyohlonnosti sovnarkhoz-ap g. Karaganda (for Shiler). 5. Chlen prezidiuma Moskovskogo Uorodskogo pravloniya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva neft- yanoy i gazovoy promyshlemiouti (for Ryabokiy), 6, TSentrallnoye pravleniye Nauchno-tekhnichoskogo ob3hchostva mukomollnoy i krupyanoy promyshlemosti i elevatornogo khozyaystva, g. Gomell (for Pushkin). -.4 (Research, Industrial) MARTYNFDTKC, I.A., inzh.; 14ILYAY-EV, I.S., inzh.; TUGAEV, T.S., inzh.; KCrTLYARSKIY,--I.A., inzh.; M(PZV, A.B., inzh.; MrUDRYAS, V.A., inzh.; SUDOPUTOV, A.P., prof.; IVANOV, K.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; IGNATIYEV, A.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; KCLYSHKIN, O.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; YEREMMO, Ye.I., inzh. Industrial testing of the auger drilling of coal with double i,plndl, auger-drilling machines. Ugoll 40 no.1:32-37 Ja 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Kombinat Ukrzapadugoll (for Martynenko, Milyayev, Tugayev3. 2. Gorlovskiy mashinostroitellnvy zavod im. S.M.Kirova (for Kotlyarskiy, Morev, Mudryak). 3. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo (for Sudoplatov, Ivanov, Ignatlyev, Kolyshkin, Mellnikov, Yeremenko). VASIMIKO, Stepan Ivanovich; HEZHaOT. Tasjjjy Afanaglyevibh; PMIRAWT~-- Igor' Abramovich;_ASTANHOV, A.Y.,; SEdMTJ&, S.Ya., --tiial'.-r-ed, - -- [*Kirovets* catter-loader.for coal mining) Ugollnyi kombain "Kiroyets." Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. 1958. 52 P. (MIRA 12:7) (Coal mining machinery) I NOTLTARSKIT, I*A4; TZRMOTp A.A. . ~ - -ZI, -,- ~ . 11-1,~c!-"?~e 71aah floods in the lishchay and Shinchay Rivers. Keteor.i g1drol. no.8:39-40 Ag 156. (WaA 9:11) (Kishchay River-Iloods) (Shinchay River-Yloods) ZAMANOV, Kh.D.; IDTLMkRSKIY, I.A. Lake Geygell in the Shamkhor Basin. Dokl.kN Azerb.SSR 15 no.2tl49-154 '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Institut geografii AN AzerSSR. (Gaygel', Lake--Hydrolog3r) KOTLYARSKIY, L.B.; ZELENAYA, A.V.; KISHINEVSKAYA, Z.M.; ZELENYY, A.G. Application of ultrasonic waves in the manufacture of paint materials. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5:51-57 163. MRA 16:11) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut soveta, narodnogo khozyaystva Moldavskoy SSR i lakokrasochnyy zavod "Krasnaya zvezda". KOTLYARSKIY L B.. SHKOLINIK, i.9. L-::~ Piezomodulus measurement by the falling ball method. Akust. zbur. 9 no.2:238-239 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy tekhnologicbeskiy institut, Kishinev. (Piezoelectricity-Measurement) -KOTLYAPSKIY, L.D., FRIMUN2 V.M. %I Emulsification by an acoustic hydrodynamic radiator. Koll.zhu--, 26 no.6&686-691 II-D 164 (MIM 18:1) 1. Tsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i konstruktorskly in- stitut khimicheakogo mashinostroyeniya, Moskva. KOTLYAPSKlY, L.B.; TIOVITSK.'Y. B.G., FRIDHAN, V.14. Cav~f-atl~:n pheromerm due to the w~t!.ori oLO an acoustic hydrodynami-t evLJ.r*er-. Akust,. zhur. 9 nc).4~11`4-440 163a (14IRA 17:3) 1 r, - .. Vsesoyu7,ri,,Pj Piuchno-.,'~edovatells'-iy -' konstrukt,orsk`y insti.. vi-l- knimicheikogo malisi-ostroyeniva, ~"Oskva. KOTLYAUI~ I I --- - --m- T, !~. _ B...(Kishhev); FRIDMAN, V. 14. (Kishinev' Erosion effect caused by stalling cavitation and acoustic oscillationsin the liquid. Izzv. All SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no.3:162-.165 My-Je 164. (MIRA 17.-7) KOTLYAMKIY L.B..insht Usingultrasonic techniques Indyeing1mit goods. Legeprom. 18 no,11:31-33 N 158, (14IRA 11: 12) (Dyee and dyeing-Knit goods) (Ultrasonic waves~--Industrtal applications) DIVINA M. 11. inzh. Appllcati,n of vonic and ultrasonic vibrations in Xnit goods and - textile industries. Tekst.prom. 22 no-4:55-58 Ap 162 ORIFU 15:6) 1. Direktor Proyektno-1rcnstruktorskogo tcklinologicheskago instituta (PKTI) Moldavskogo qovnarkgoza (for Domin). 2. Proyektno- konstruktorskiy tekhnologicheakiy -institut Moldayskogo sovnarkhoza (for KotlyarskiV.). (Dyep and dyeing-Apparatus) (Ultrasonic waves-.Industrial applicaticn3) KCTLY.asKly, "". (Fil'st. it.) AID - F- 42 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Ca r.d 1/1 Authors : Yerokhin, A., Lt. Col., and Kotlyarskiy, M., First Lt. Title : Execution of the Calculation of Instrument Landing by the "Large Box" Method (Four turn method) Per'iodical : Vest. vozd. flota 3, 28 - 36, March 1954 Abstract The author defines the "Large Box" as a figure flown in order to reach exactly the calculated point of the beg-inning of the fourth turn before an instrument landing. An example of an incorrectly executed "Large Box" is given, and then the method of the correct execution is explained in detail. Six diagrams, two tables. Institution : None Submitted : No date ((,.x Ig KOTLYAIISKIY, May Talking an a man with men. Kryl.rod. 14 no.7:15-17 J1 163. (Lenlnf Vladimir 11lich, 1870-1924) (mtA 1619) KOTLYARSMY, May -.'I,-., - A live converBation with others. Kryl.rod. 14 no.9:5-7 S 163, (MA 16 -.9) (Lenin,,, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924) KOTLYARSKIT, May Ynkovlovich: IVANOV, Tu., red.; GOLUBKOVA, G.,, (Gors Vysokayal Gora Vysokaia. Hoi3kva, Izd-vo TsK VLKSK wmolodaia p,vardiia,' 1959. 103 P. (HIRA 12:11) (Nizhniy-Tagil--Description) pTLTZ.R,;..I,T&.,j UGOLIKOV, A.O.; XRASMOSHLYK, M.G. Operation of the Zhirnovsk CompresBor Station. Gaz. prow. 4 n0-3:47-48 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Zhirnovsk-Gas, Natural-Pipelinee) I (compressore) SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - INT AUTHOR KOTLYPIN E. , MOROZOV,V.U. S-A. TITLE -iiF_ff_sU_1ation of the Upper Limit of the Cross Section of the Radiation Capture 7of Neutrons with the Resonance Energy (275 keV) by the Isotope Li . PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad*Haukq111, faso.2, 331-333 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 The authors used the continuous registration of P-decay acts of Li 8 when irra- diating lithium with neutrons. On this occasion the moment& caused by the a-particles of 6 Be deca are separated from momgnta caused by the products of the reaction of Ll (notj He The %-decay of the Be even occurs in the ground state within ^-,10-16 see, so that, from the experimental point 8of view# this process may be considered as simultaneous with the P-decay of Li . The measuring device coneisted of two gas counters. The inner counter (of usual construction) oper- ates as a proportionality counter, its walls are covered with a thin layer of lithium fluoride with a content of natural igotopes. The exterior counter registers the electrons of the P-deoay of Li and operates as a GEIGER counterl its construction is illustrated by a drawing. On these conditions the effiaialloy of 6 the reg. stration of the P-decay of U8 (with respect to the registration of Li (n,t)He ) depends only on the absolute efficiency of the counting of the electrons of the P-decay of Li a by the exterior counter. The efficiency of the exterior counter attains 50 T 10%. Thus, the number of P-decay acts of INSTITUTION: K .7 f C AEG. j0l';_J~. 1-V 1463 - T. 'M k, 7~1 5, 7 k L Z 1 ;, 10 T,V 011, r c c, ri:,-, n t_~ n r,,i~ C 0; ri d' Ent to c ",I*, t' ii e n ! d I ,,. t r Z FIVOVARDV, L.R. - KOTLYUBA . V, G, ;- 'JUL:F,, L.N~ .1, Effoct of warming peat in a pile on its fertilizing propertioe. Torr. prom. 38 no.8z2(> 29 161. (IAIRA 14-1-2) 1. Dnepro trovskiy a6l'skakhozyay9trannyy inctitut. rPeat indust:ry) A.- -1 - . ~~~ :,'L.111, E. G., ELIKIIN, 11,1. L. Lambliasis of the Appendix. vOyi~N,oio-LErsil~3HY ZZU'RoAL( ~ULIiIAHY ~-KD..CU JCU,,:.z,L), '~o 12, p-6- BORCHERT, Fritz, inz.(Berlin); KOTNAUER,Lubos, in-jCompiler) Y4chardzed washing of steam locomotive underframes. Zel dop tech 12 no.12:3)1-332 164- XOTMX, J. I I Mastograph7 and its diagnostic application. Zdmv.vost., Ljubljana 24 no-3:77-84 1955. 1. 1z rentgenskego oddelka Univ. Kirurgicne Klinike v Skopju - Predstojaik Prof. Dr. Dim Jiisbaetc. (BRIAST, radiograpI7, diag. value) Kuni.Ir', milivoj, dipl. el. inz. Research Laboratory or the Elektrokovina, works. Automatika 5 no.1:23-26 164* 1. Elektrokovina Worksq Maribor. YUGOSLWY.P./Chenical Tceinoio, i. Ccram-cs- C;.'I. ~.;ndinL i,". -ci al.s. AO ass. r Concrebe. Jour: Rof !.'0 10, 1959, 35664. La j3okszczanL-,, S. H., Ko-n1k, S., LJ-i)d~,ncr, 11-1., Ozim, V ., Soil1w.1waid, S. S 10 v 0 C, 10:. 1 ---, Ca-1. 'J' o c - Q ~ y 3-~: Yugoslav Com,.dmi Prodlac~f.on- Orig Pub: Vestink So1v Kom. Drus,;va, 4, No 1-2, S5-63 (1,057) Gn Sloveac wi"u-, an En,-Ii-s' bs,-ract: Gcolol-,Ical and c'~crtcai prospoc'CiiiL; has led '~-o ,~':c discovery of a dc-,osit of banuxiLcs su-Cablc for L.ic prcducLion of con.--idu;-.1. 1, ca~ C si to G 11CAT furn."S":, G 'dl of Y S. it , u6o .!.c.V--. r~om- sives demnd. - Fnai a 3v~xpzry by L:ic au,*k-Ors. Ca, d KMIIITLMY~ G*. P, MM/Petroilem rodustry jai 48 Transformers *Kobile Substation for Servicing Drilling Crevsy" 0. P. Wotnitskiy, EnergaMoptazhlieft, 244- PP *Energet Byul" No 7 Sketches and describes mobile transformer aseembLy, Veight 3,730 kgy cost 31,900 rubles. 4M 10/49T98 USSR/Engineering - Power Supplies Sep 49 Equipment "Electric-Power Supply to Petroleum Enterprises With Large Block-Unit Construction of Derricksy" G. P. Kotnitskiy, 4 pp "4nerget Byul" No 9 Examines problems of supplying electricity to cu oil enterprises with view to further improvement. r-4 Concludes that large block construction is best method for electrical equipment and for derricks. Recommends use of YaZhNu-16 high-voltage units. Portable substations and distribution installations AW 152T9 uSsR/Engineering - Power Supplies Sep 49 (Contd) should be standardized and produced by large electromechanical plants. Includes sketch. ACV 152T9 >4 VSSR/tngineering - Svitchgear Doc 49 Electric Power '!Efficient Dismountable Type Metallic Cubicles for Six-Kilovolt Distribution Instal-lations and Substations of Petroleum Enterprises," G. P. Kotnitskiy, 4 pp "Energet Byul" No 12 At present there is no single type of metallic cubicle for substations which will satisfy all requirements. Some types previously described fs~e FDD Per Abs 1/499~37. Describes other types successfully used in Groznyy. Concludes 4M 153T57 USSR/Engineering - Sw-itchgear De c 49 (Contd) that universal type should be designed and produced at special plants. Includes five sketches. 4.ND 153T57 V V ~E- _~i DIITA, Stanislaw; JAGMIN-KOPCZYNSKA, '6a; KOTNCWSKA-RAPACKA, Wieslawa; KOSZANSKA, Janina Surgery in a case of teratoma of the larynx in a 41-day-old infant. Otolar.polska 13 no-3/4:624-629 159. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A.M. v Lodzi. Kierownik: doc.dr mod. K. Sroczynski. Konsultant Laryngolog: doc.dr mod. S. Kmita. (TERATOID TUMORS in inf.& child) (LARYlix neopl.) KOTNOWSKA-RAPACKA,, W.; SROCZYNSKII K.; WOJACZYNSKA-SZADO'dSKA, A. HistopathologIcal, changes in vascular walls and perivascular tissues in ttbbits during starvation. Fediat. poll. 36 no.8:809-819 161. ;11. Z I Zliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w med F. Redlich Kierownik Kliniki: Zakladu Anatomii ~atologicznej AM med. A. Pruszezynaki. (BLOOD VESSELS patho:L) Locizi Kierownik Katedra: Prof. dr doe. & med. K.Sroczynski i z w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr (STARVATION 6xper)