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KOSTROKIN, A.I.; APARSWA, X.J. *11~ ~ Amperomtric determinatlon of c&dalvm. Zav.l&b. 22 no.3:344-545 136. (OU 9:8) I* Usanakly 90GvA&r~tT*nW univeraltat lueni V.I. UIIY&nov&-Louln&. (CadNl=--An&lyBis) (Titration) Y Tk4 -4mve V44 "A 10 fA U-n. IOS4. Abitr NO 11054 -AnMl.n~IW .-I, is iW4 in th-- J,*,~.~n..iaL-n I snXj iltizwitib~A, W Fbi. Gu &Ad ?a, Tl~e normal ub&l tut. %ith a drappinq mc-r- ir', t- (6- Cu and Pb, 1.4;~ Acstxvt axid N&NO,, %rc uted. and tar za otily 'N'sNOL, The titraucin -f Pl~ kod Co may i:~ -Urled cut at PH 3-C, to , ., ~f,, f ?a at PH 4-2 ta 5-4~ To %oxiffutej chT --f ?~n KNOut a nf it:! 7"! ~i . ac-I M the wd~,cattd of utriung Ca 'to'.1e C 1) Knpxun ,., 10STROMIN, A. I.; MMMIKOV, G.Jr, Use Of ions Of Phthalic acid in studying complex lead. Uch. comPound3s of S&P' Naz- un- 117 no.9:207-208 '57. (MIn 1 :1) I.Xazanakly gosudaretv~nW universitst im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lonina. XRfedra analiticheskoy khimil. (Lead compounds) (Phthalic acid) .,etc KOSTROM1211 A.I.; FIZGONTOV, S.A. Coulometric titration of iron., antimonfp and tin by means of electrolytically generated permanganate ions. Zav.lab. 27 no-5:528-530 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kazanskiyjpsudarstvennyy universitet J*ni V. I. Ullyanova. (iron-Analysis) (Antimony-Analysis) (Tin-Analysis) --3/63 j 2- "3 029/004/002/010 zj a 976V Zh-'- 31 TITLE: Coulomb-meter-determination 0c small Al-quantities PERIODICAL: Zavodokaya laboratoriya-1 no- 4, 1963, 402 404 TEXT: Blectricallygener ated bromine io.uaed for the bromination reacts ion of a number'of organic compounds and for tM titration of some reducing agents. In their investigations, the authors used the bromination reaction of B-hydroxyquinoline for determining aluminum. The work was carried out on an instalUtion of which a description is given. This method is based on the formation of aluminum hydroxyqui6olate and the subsequent reaction of-the. oxide with the bromine to be generated. Thore are 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvanny universitet im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lenino. (Kazan' State University im. V.I. Ullyanov-Lenin) -~-Card AR6016965 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/65/000/024/GO30/GO311 ,UTHOR: Kostromin., A. I.; Kruglov,, A. I, ITLE: Coulomotrio determination of Iron and aluminum impurities in elonium /0 ,OURCE: Ref. zb. Khimiyap Abs. 24G219 SOURCEt Ucb. zap. Kazonsk. un-t,,v. 124, no. 3, 1965, 173-178 PIC TAGS: metal'pbemical analysis, amperometric titration ABSTRACT: In determining Pe and Al in So, Pe 2+ is determined by direct, coulometric titration (CT) with electrogenerated Br2 on a background of- 0.21-1 KBr + 0 1 N H2SOw. Al is precipitated with 8-bydroxyquinoline (IYY ~tbe precipiUte is di solved In acid and I is titrated with Br The OT end point is determined anparometrically with 2 Indicator elec~r*odes under 200 mv potential. Background impurities are pretitrated before the CT. In determining Fe in metallic Zn the sample is dissolved in HC1 (1:1), the solution is diluted to a determined volume, and an aliquot portion is titrated. In determining Fe in So, the sample (4 - 0.1 Y Fe) is dissolved in a quartz dish in 1 - 2 ml concentrated HNO and evaporated to dryness for 30-40 minutes on a molten KNO 3 (3330) bath. The residue is dissolved in 7 N H2SO V metallic zinc is added to the Card 1/2 ACC AR6016965 solution, and after its dissolution, the solution is diluted to a determined volume. In determining O.Ok - 0.14 ~r Al in Se the letter is, separated by sublimation as described above, the residue is dissolved in dilute H SO pH is adjusted to 9,55, impurities are extracted three times wi?b 1% solution of sodium dietbylditbiocarbaminate in CHC1 , Al is extracted with benzene as a complex with I. benzene is evaporatea, the residue is dissolved, and CT is'earried out, V. Mirkin. 2franslation of abstracf. SUB CODE: 07, 14 Cord 212-.Zc- L h6711-66 EXT (m) /94P /ETI IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR- AR6016964 SOURCE CODE: UR/OO8lA5/OOO/024/GO28/GO28 A. AUTHOR: Koetromin, A. I.j Anialmovef-LO C .6 TITLE: Coulometric determination of beryllium microimpurities in metallic gallium IL-1 SOURCE: Ref. zb. Kbimi-ya., Abs. 24G202 REF SOURCE% Uob. z~ape Kazansk. un-tA v. 124, no. 3, 1965, 179-188 TOPIC TAGS% metal Fbemical analysis, amperometric tit.rations organoberyllium compound ABSTRACT: A method Is suggested for determining microgram quantities 0; B~ by extracting a complex beryllium compound with acetylseetons M, ;. breaking down this complex In acid, and coulometric titration (CT) of V,'. vbiab was split off by the decomposition of the complex, with electrolytically generated Br The end point of the CT is determined otentiometrically by constaniocurrent, and biamperimetricall-yo rification of current efficiency for the Br generating reation yields;' P 100 + 0115%. Inert electrolyte for CT: 0.1 N KBr and 0.1 N H2SO The ~a sample is dissolved in concentrated HNO by beating on a sand batb, ~be solution is evaporated to 1 ml, 10 ml ~f 1 N solution of Complexon L 46711-66 ACC NR- AR601696k III is addeds PH is adjusted to 7-8 with 0.1 N NaOH solution, 1 ml I an4 1 - 2 drops 0.1 N NaOH (pH 7-8) are added, the complex is extracted witB, benzene or CC1 for 5 - 10 minutes, and an extract is washed 4 times with 0,1 N NaOH sol4tion and once with water* The washed extract is evaporated to dryness in a quartz dish, dissolved in 5 ml 7 N H2SO diluted to 100 ml with double distilled water and CT Is carried 030, In determining Be in an Al-based alloy the method differs in that the -V solution can be in H2304 or NaOH and extraction is condqqted in CC14 at4 PH 9 in the presence of excess Complexon III to bond Al-'~'. in I determining 0.1 - 0-3 W Be the mean square error Is +3%- V. Mirkin. ffranslation of abstrac!7. ,UB CODE: 07,, 1k P v Card 2/2 .[:"KOSTRDMIN, A.K., lush. Improvement of the vibration-type power control circuit, BlekA tepl.tlaga no-7:18-19 Jl 16o. WU 13:8) (Diesel locemotivee-Bleatric equipment) CI- KOSTROMINq A.M.9 inah. Transistorized contactless pover governor of the diesel locomotive diesel generator set* Trudy MIIT no.130:65-78 160. (NiRA 14:3) (Diesel locomotives) (Automatic control) s/1961,62/000/004/017/023 E194A155 AUTHORS: Rudaya, K.I., and TITLE: A semiconductor contactless power controller for a diesel-electric locomotive PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.4, 1962, 5, abstract 4 L19. (Elektr. i teplovozn. tyaga, no.8, 1961, 'to-41). TEXT: Regulators in the automatic power control systems-of diesel-electric locomotives have serious defects. The tachometer circuit of locomotive type T-)3 (TE3) assumes a considerable drop in the diesel engine speed, and has unstable characteristics because of unstable operation of the tachogenerator. The controller of diesel-electric locomotive type T-310 (TE10) uses a reliable sliding rheostat. Vibration regulators have moving electrical contacts. The diesel-electric locomotive laboratory of the MIIT has developed a contactless regulator based on semiconductors which is free from these defects. One of the principal circuit components is a semiconducting triodes connected in circuit with a common emitter to ensure maximum Card I/ A semiconductor contactless power ... s/196/62/000/004/017/023 E194/E.155 amplification of the current and power control signals. A circuit diagram for use with transistor type 114r (AG) and its static characteristic are given, and also the schematic diagram of a new regulator including the method of connecting it into the generator field circuit Fjr I of a diesel-electric locomotive (see circuit diagram). The triode tl is connected in circuit with a common emitter in the independent field winding circuit H-RH of the exciter B and acts as a variable resistance, the value of which depends on the signal A E at the output from the convertor un . This convertor has a solenoid-type armature with windings in transformer connection and is mechanically connected. to the shaft of the servo-motor of the regulator which runs at the diesel engine speed and it is supplied at a voltage U. A rectifier bridge B is connected between the convertor and the triode. Displacement of the shaft, and with it the armature, causes a corresponding voltage change 6E at the convertor output. This alters the control IS and commutator Ik currents of the tr1ode 11 , of the exciter and generator fie-Ids. As a result the generator output is made to correspond Card 2/1 A semiconductor contactless power ... s/196/62/000/004/017/023 E194/E155 with the diesel output at a given shaft speed. The interlocking BBI disconnects the controller on opening the contactor BB, if, for examplb, the locomotive wheels are slipping or if there in an earth fault in the power circuits. The resistance R3 ensures that all the accumulators are uniformly charged Moreover, the circuit contains further resistances Rl and R2. Operation of the controller is described in application to a diesel-electric I locomotive type TE3. The regulator was tested in the' institutelgi, laboratory on a diesel-generator set from this locomotive * -- The experimental data are 'used to construct curves of generator output, of current in the independent winding of the exciter and of triode commutator current as a function of the main ginerator current both with and without the regulator. The regulator in reliable in service and in notable for accurate control, simplicity of adjustment and cheapness. It can be installed on existing locomotive 's.withoutmany modifications. CAbstractor-p note: Complett translation.1 Card Vt. -2-, L KOSTROMIN, A.M., inzh. Studying the dynamics of the diesel-generator unit of a diesel locomotive, Trudy MIN no.141:157--176 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Diesel locomotive) (Antomatid--oontrol)- KOSTROMIN, A.M.0 inzb. .1 Control of the diesel-generator unit of a diesel locomotive4lp Trudy MIT no.24:177-188 161. - (MIRA 15:2) ,(Diesel locomotives) (Automatic control) .-RUDAYA, K.I., dotsent; KOSTROMIN, A.M., inzh.; LISITSYN., Te.Y.,, inzh. e~ Studying the performance of contactless regulators. Trudy MIIT no.1512135-152 162. (KMA 1W) (Diesel locomotives) (Electric controllers) RUDAYA, K.I.., dotsent; LISITSYN, Ye.I., inzh.; K(STRUI-11N, A.!-!,, J'nzh. Sy.4ten. for the additiom! reEtilation of the dia5el generator plant of diesel locomotives wiLh the u.;o of tim-deonductors, Trudy M111T no.169:106-3-14 '63. (Mildi 17:6) KOZLOY' V.A., inshener; K091ROKII, A,19., Inshener. ntrol Posts for roUing Uperience with designing WA srocting cO (an 9:8) sills. Stroi.PrON- -34 IkO#4-,18-22 AP 136. .11 .1 1. KYOvokoy~ Otdolealys Proustroypro"kta. (Balling sills) .4 SUVOROVP B.V.; RAFIKOVj, S.R.,- ZHUBANOV, B.A.; KOSTROMIN, A.S.; KUDINOVA, V.S.; KAGARLITSKIY, A.D.; KHMM, M.I. Catalytic synthesis of the dinitrile of terephthalic acid. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1837-1847 Ag 163. (MMA 16:11) A.D.; SUVOROVj, B.V.; RAFIKOV, S.R.; KOSTROKIN, A.S. KAGARLITSKIYI X talytic synthesis of benzonitrile by means of the o idatiVe Ca ammonolysis of aromatic compounds. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1848-1852 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) KOSTRO14III, A.1j.. KBINOVA, V.S.; RAMOV, S.R.; SUVOROVp B.V.; 11ORM, t NO. 20: Effect of Oxidation of organic CZO 1~ 13. Repor aromatic compounds t ZTc oxidation of water addition On ca Uzakh.SSR.Sor.khjm. no.2:56- in the gaseous phase. (MIRk 12:8) 61 159. (Aromatic compounds) (Oxidation) 0 ~5 CA. 41. 3 41 A 46 -v 3"A 1. a I r: .t. go k InI T,t fl.111,364 A A1-1 a .3 aZ- Al W S. %-a A3 1-0 o.3A A k 3 I A ON It o -14 A3 a ** l 84 -L dA l I a d pZ.- a r z a ... R . :2 '1 3 at a IF i I .. :. 5-. 107 .1 F "4 . b, 3k S % z ; 3 1 TMNB&UM, M.)L, kand.tekhn.naak; - KD-STROM111, A.Ye., inxb.; ROPAN71M. N.K., insb.; TAMOVSKIT. I.L~ ~iw ~~ Thermal conditions of the performance of bits of cutting machines and coal combinese Vestsmasb* 40 no*4:11-14 Ap 16o. OUU 13: 6) (Coal mining machinery) (Thermal i3travess) KOSTROKIN, 9. Stand for testing electric drills under load. Knet.ugi. 6 no.lo:14-15 0 57. (KIft 10:12) Weetric instrments--Testing) (Coal ulnas and mining-3quipment and supplies) KOSTROKIII, 1. Device for the distruation of misfired charges. Mast. ugle no.109 15 0 '59. (KIR& 13:3) (BlastlW-Safety measures) IFIOSTROM, 2 - P - IID~iliirq; CLometrically Correct Hexagonal Holes" St.-nki i Instru Mnt, 10, No. 3, 1930, Docent Report U-1505, 4 Oat 1951- KOSTROMIN., F. P. and BOLOTIN, KH. L. Kostruirovanie stanochnykh prisposoblenii, Pod red. A. 1. Kashirina. Izd. 2. Moskva, viashgiz, 1946. 278 p. DLC: Unclass. (Designing df machine-tool doviceB.) SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. BOLOTIN, n. L. end KOSTRU-11N, F. 11. Osnovy Konstruirovaniia Prisposoblenii (Machine Tool Detail Arrangements), 208 p., Mosco-W, 1951- KCS ~IAIO 11-1 ~t' F. P, Vorrichtunuen fur die Zerspanung; von Ch. L. Bolotin und P. KoFtrcmin. 3 Aufl. Berlin, Tecknik, 1953. 522 p. diagrs. Translaticn from the Russian: 110snovy kons- truoro,,aniya prisposobleniy", Moscow, 1951. "Literatur-und Cuellenanben": P. 08 14/5 662.3 .B68 1953 BOLOTIN, Khonon IAybovich, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, dotssnt;,,KOSLR".. fedor Prokoplyevich, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. dotsent; KUNIN. "P'.3I,:7,fn__z'R7n-d;rT ~re'ktor; SOKOLOTA. T.F. , tekhnicbeekiy redaktor; TIKHOHOV, A.Ya., takhniche9ki7 redaktor ("achine-tool attachemente; design and calculations] Stanochnye prisposoblenita; konstruirovanie i raschat. Izd. 4-ce. parer. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 315 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Machine tools--Attachments) BOIDTIN, Khonon Laybovicbi doteent, kand.takhn.nauk; jCq~TRMj..-Zedox- Prokoplyevich, dateento kand.tOkhn-nauk; MIN. P.Aep inshey red.; UTAHOVA, A.F., [Nachine-tool attachments; design and construction] Stanochnye prisposoblenilao, konstruirovanis I ranchet. Izd.4.. parer, Moskva, Gos.nsuohno-tekhn.I%d-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1959e 3" P. (Machine tools' Attachments) (MIRA 13:5) -q-, ABAOROY, Kikhail Nitrofenovich;__KOSTk 99LN,., F.P., kand.takhn.nauk, retsenzant; LESNICMMO, I.I., rad.iz "-a; CHWOVA. Z.I., (Recent machine-tool attachments] SQvremennys stanochays pri- sposobleniia. Moskva. Gos.nauchno!1ekhn.izd-vo mashinontroit. lit-ry, 196o. 326 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Machine tools--Attachments) XIJZNETSOV, Yuriy IvawvIch;KOSTRCHIN F.P . kande tekbn. naukj retsenzent; MOROZOVILP , .. inzh,p red.; 9UNOVA, G.V.p red, (Machine-tool attacbments with high-speed manual clamps] Stanochmye prisposobleniia. s bystrodeistvuiushebimi ruchnymi, zazhimami. Moskva,, Mashgiz,, 1961. 47 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Machine tcole-Attacbments) KMNIN, Zinoviy Abramoviah; KOSOVSKIYj Volya L'vovichj SOKOLOVAp V.YG-j inzh., ved. red.; i-KOSTROMIN &E,_~.takhn. nauk., red.; SOROKINAp T M.0 tie red. (High-productia& aki4jbmts for machining on lathee]Vysokoprois- voditelinyo prisposobleniia d1la tokarnykh robot. Mookvap Filial Voss. in-ta. nauohn. i tokhn. informataii, 1958. 51 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tokhaichookil, i proisvodstvonnyi opyt, Tema 10. No,M-58- 277/42) (Lathes-Attacbments) (MIRA, l6t2) VOLOSATOV, Viktor Alekseyevich; KOVALEV, A.M., inzh., ved. red.; KOSTROMINY F P kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; PONOMAREV, V.A.., t a ~ ~.'r- . ' ' ~*~ [Universal pneumatic attachments for turret and turning lathes] UniversalInye pnevmaticheakie prisposobleniia k revollvernym i tokarnym stankam. Moskva, Filial nauohn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 22 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhntcheskii i pro- izvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 1-0. No-M-58-145/26) (min 16:3) (Lathes-Attachments) f ALIKSANDROV, A., professor; KOSTROKIN G. profeBsorl ZHEVTTAK, n=L-m-U-- -WOWAmmm--7-mWW P., dotsent; Money circulation planning. Denei kred. 15 no,3:32-36 Hr 157. (HLRA 10:5) (B&W~v and banking) KOSTROMIN Geor y I anovich prof.; LARIONOV, K.A ., prof., otv. red.; WAOMW 1 6 wPvwMIwk5.izd-va; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red. -- -- . --, - 9 (National economic significance of financial planning] Narod- nokhozWotyennoe snachenie finansovogo planirovaniia. Mo- skva, Gosfinizdat, 1963. 94 P. (MIRA 16:9) (Finance) J./~JjTCj:CjV, K.A., 1)1.01'., .,tv. Georgiy, Ivanovich, prof.; red. [The national or-cinomic sigiificance of lfinunctil p' nril-rig] fiarodnokhozialstvennoe znachenia finEunsovogo planlrovwiiis. Mo--kv,q, Gorfirdzdat, 196). 9/. p. 17:8) L FCC (w)/BDS 1 -6 EW(d)/EWr(l)/ AFFTC4~ OWAV~0/00 AG NR AR3005390 6/VO15/VCj.5 -5 SOURCE: RZh. Matematikas Abse 6V56 - AUTHOR:. Kostromin,, G._ 'Yao TITM: On the time of emergence of a stray particle onto a boundary CITED SOURCE. Uche zape Kazanske urf t., v* 122, no, 4,.1962., 65-73 TOPIC TAGS: stray particle tUMLXTION: The following expression was obtained for the mathematical'expectation',' 71(p.,q)-of the number of steps required for the emergence of a stray particle from a1v point (p.,q) onto the boundary of a square: Al (P. 9) - )l-ln-l Ln q knp rp v IS n - Sin -n -1- Sln-L-n Sin t:-nX 2 In Cos kit sill ~a n=1) rn kit An sit, sin -~- sin" X sin 2 2n -2 X kn ~n -2 Card 1/2 L 19433-63 ACCESSION'la: AR3005390 where n - a/h_. a is the side of the square., h is the interval of the square gridj and the summation is carried out only over odd r and ko The author notes that this formula makes it possible to analyze from above and below the mathematical expect~- tion of the number of steps necessary for the emergence of a stray particle onto t the boundary of a region different from a square if this region is not too distendad. V.-Saullyev. 'CL: 00 DATE, ACQ: 24jul63 SUB CODE: MM.,FII Eh KOKRIM111,11.1 I L 1~ousing construction on Sakhalin. Zhil stroi. no.6:22-23 Je "l. If 0 I MUM 14:7) ( Is Glavnyy inzh. proyokta Saldialingiproproma. (Sal,halin-Apartment houses) --- - -- ------- -- - - --- - KOSTROMIN, Ivan h3dreyevicbx-SELEZNEV~ N.G.,, red.; PUL4Nj L.I., tekhn. t red* (Labor coats are being reduced] Zatraty truda anizhaiutsia' Tula Tullskoe knisbnoe isd-yo, 1960. n p. (MIRA 1,40.01 1, GlavrO7 agronom SasovA4 rayonnoy inspektsii po sellskomu. kho- gyayatvu Ryasanskoy oblasti (for Kostromin)o (Sugar beats) KOSTROMIN, 1.7o, plotnik. IC-- Tool for cutting tar paper and pergamom. N& strol. Hook. 1 no.3.' 23 W '58. (mm 11:8) 1. Trent Noestroy No.19. (Dailding-Tools and implewnts) KOSTROMIN, K. A., Cand Tech Sci -- "Low-pressure 4dams of the block type." Len, 1961. (Min of Hi6her and See Spec Ed P, RSFSR. Len Order of Lenin Forest/Eng Acad im S. M. Kirov) (KL, 8-61, 245) - 252 - YZ 41 7 jail 64D c RIO oi 3-2 All so 07 b u Id u %. 13 I I ! % i -~ N, I . I 1 1. 1 . 0 lid 'till C; I HIT PAY11MV, A.I.; KOSTROMIN, L.A. Apparatus for determining the velocity of fall of particles of finely dispersed materials, Say, IAb, 23 no,llol392-1393 157, (Kim 11:1) 1. Urallskly nauchno-Iseledovatellskiy khimicheakiy institnt. (Phrticles) (Photoelectric cells) KOSTRONIEN, N.I. SEE ILC DEMNSED ARCHMCTURE 1~ , -. -~ ",,/I,-.- 1, 1, ,.:r : t - -- . I I I I TEFIMOV. Te.S.; KOSTROKIN, N.O. j -- Skilful organization of painting vork. Stroi. pred. neft.prom. 2 no.1:23-24 Ja 157, WaA 10:3) (Painting, Industrial) KOSTROMIN. P.1. Thoracoscopy as an early diagnostic method in artificial pneuxothorax therapy. Prob.tuberk., Moskva no.2:66-67 Mr-AP '50: (CLKL 19:3) 1. Of the lung Surgical Clinto (Head - Candidate Medical Sciences P.I.Irostromin), Ukrainian Scientific-Research Taberculosis Institute (Director -- A.S.Namolat; Scientific Director -- Prof. N.S.Korosovskiy). GUBANOV, A.G., doteent; KO3TROHIN,,-.P.I-V, kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, zaveduyu- shchiy; XAMOIAT, Novocaine block in intrathoracia surgery.' Probl.tub. ao-3:70-73 Yq-Je 153 (HLEA 6:7) 1. Khirurgicheskoya otdolenive Ukrainskogs nauchno-issledovatel'skogo tuberkuleznogo instituta, Kiyev (for Oubanoy and Kostromin). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy tuberkuleznly institut. Kiyev (for 14amolat). (Chest--Surgery) (Novocaine) XOSTROKJN,..,;E~etr. Innokent 'yevich; LWINA9 M. . redo; POTREBICH, K., (Along taigs of the Koritime Territory] Po tosshnOmm Primorliu. Vladivostok, Primorskoe knishn0a izd-vo, 1958. 114 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Karitime Territory-Description and travel) _,pc)lkovnik; ABUSHM -MSTROXI1jm,.,�-? s, NIGH, H. , Polkovn,,Lk;SHUL&nV, A. , polkov- nik; RYABOVO H., podpolkovnik "Individual evaluation1l; discussion of the articie published in No* 4. Voenevest. 43 no.7:71-74 J1 163. (MRA 16:11) KOSTROMIN, S.A. L.S.Berg and the problem of loess origin. Izv. Kir. fil. Geog. ob-va SSSR no.4s45-48 163. (FJRA 1602) SOKOLOV, I., podpolkovnik; KOSTROMIN. V., kapitan I Constructing shallow water bridges on trestle bents. Voen.-insh. zhur. 102 no.6:20-22 Je '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Military bridges) KOSTRCHIN, ViG.; FEDOSOV, V.A.; BRODSKIY, I.$. Model workshop, Mashinostroitall no.8:30--32 Ag 165. (MIRA 18i11) KOSTROMPT, V.S., kund.tekhn.rauk, dots. prcblem In the thecry of 81asticity of aillootropic bodies. Sbor.trud.VISI no.4:59-62 '58. (MDU 12:8) (Elasticity) XOSTROMM, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots. Dynamics of loads acting on engineering structures. Sbor. trud.VISI no.4:3-18-126 158. (HM& 12:8) (Dynamics) KLEYN, Georgiy Konst.Prt4.-nVIch, prof., doktor tekhn. nduk, profo) REKACH, Vladimir ftrmancrvich,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ROZENBLAT.-G~M-a Isaakowtap kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SKIRNOV, A.F., prof... doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KOSrROMIN,,_Y, j_,prof., retsenzent; LIVRI, Ya.B., dots., retsenzent; OSELEDIKO, A.I.p dots., retsenzent; BARCIEFIIKOV, A.G., dots.2 retsenzent; BYCHKOV, D.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KOROTKOVA, A.V., red. (manual for conducting lessons in a special course in structural mechanics) Rukovodstvo k provedeniiu zaniatii po spetsiallnomu kursu stroltollnoi mekhaniki. Moskva, Vys- shaia shkola, 1964. 295 p. (MIRA 180) - T. SHKLIN. M.N.; Dongh distrIbitor for swinging tray proofers. Xhleb. i kond. prom. I (K= lotO i.* Idilab"o-za'vo'd-'&v'to*m&'t jawnt I.S. Ehrushchava Moskovskogo Corodskogo treata. Glavnogo upravlonlya khIsbopsksmoy prowTahl*nnosti RSM* (Bakers and bakeries-Iquipment and supplies) KMIMOV, F.K.; KOMMIN. Ys.P.; VOLKOV, M.Y.; KRTUXOV, A.M.; SIABANOT, T.D. Preparation of concrete mix in a mixing and crushing machine. Rats. i isobr.predl. v stroi. no. 75:3-4 053. (KLBA 7:7) (Concrete) yus a - UZI A U Am 32 V 1h IN Z. A 2, !mp 04 tsi - will t al IOSTROMINA, A.P. Iffect of stimulation of the machnniooreceptore of the gastro- intestinal tract on conditioned and unconditioned salivation in dogs. Report Iffect of stimulation of machanicoreceptore of the ileocecal region on conditioned salivation responses [with summary in Engliih], Fiziol,zhur, [Ukil. 4 no.42-502-509 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut fisiologii im. ABEA Bogomolltea AN USSR, laboratoriya vysshey nerynoy dayatellnosti i nervuoy trofiki; (MFSTMS-rNMVATION) (SALIVART GLANDS) KOSTROMINA, A.P. Effect of stimulating gnstrointestinal m9chano-receptors ou conditioned and unconditioned reflex.ealivation in dogs. Report No.2: Effect of stimulating rectal mechanoreceptors on conditioned reflex salivation. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukrl 5 no.2:163-171 Mr-Ap 159 (NM 12:7) 1. Klyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko, kafedra fiziologii zhivotzqkh i cheloreka i Institut fiziologii Lm. A.A. Bogo- mol'ton AN USSR, laboratoriya vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti i nervnoy trofiki. (CONDITIONAD RASPON33) (RWTUM--1W.,RV&TION) (SALIVARY GLUMB) KOSTROWNLO L.P. Effect prodileed by sti'milating machanoreceptors of the gestrointee- tinal tract on conditioned and unconditioned reflex sa3ivation-in dogs. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 6 no.6t738-744 N-D 160. (KM 34i1) .1, laboratory of Higher Nervous Activity and Tro#iio Functions of the A.A.Bogomojetz Institute of Physiology of ~he Acadaq of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. (INTESTIMS-INNEWATION) (SALIVA) (FaFTJnrv-q) sign M canoe of the functional state of the cerebral cortex in the interaction of exteroceptive conditioned and interoceptive uncomAitioned reflexes from the intestines. Fiziol. thur. [Ukr.] 8 no.3:327-331 My-Jo 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra fizicIogii shivotnykh i cheloveks. Kiyevskogo universiteta imo T.G. Shavchemko, i Laboratoriya fiziologii vyde.litelInykh funktsiy Instituts, fisiologii ibk.,A.A. Bogomolltsa AN UMO Kiyev, (GERFM&L (CMITEOM RESPOWS) (REGTUM-INMVATION) KOROSTELEV, V.Ye.; KOVALEVA, N.I ; PROXHOROVA, L.N.; FATKOVSKAYA, Ye.K.; CHERNYSHEVA, N.I.; MAT'VEiiVA, V.H.; KOSTROMINA, 1.11.- SEEMINA, N.A.; TELESHEVSKAYA, E.A. Stud.v of the reaction-producing qualities of the chemically, associated vaccine of the Gamaleia Institute of Epidemiology and Yderobiology aRainst typhoid fever, parathyphoid fever, and tetanus., Zhur. o1krobioLepidA i&=. 33 no.5:121-122 14y 162, (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz Instituta. epidemiolgoii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR. (VACCINES) (TYPPOID FEVER) (PARATYPHOID FEVER) (TETANUS) PERVOVA, A.K.; KOSTRWNA, K.N. Method for the preparation of transverse sections of the pelvis for the calculation of the distribution of radiation energy im the femqle pelvis in radiotherapy of uterine cervix cancer. Med. rad. 9 n0-3:19-24 Mr 164. (MIRA 17t12) 1. Kafedra klinicbeskoy radiologii (zav. - prof. A.V.Kazlova) TSentrall- nogo Instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i radiologichaskoye otdole- niye (zav. A.K.Pervova) Gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay No.40. YAKUBOVA, A.I.; KOSTROMINA, M.M. - --- ... ... - -- Treating seeds of Patrinia internedia Room. et,Schult. with trace elements before . Trudy TSSBS no,4155-59 160, (MIRA 1514) (Patrinlow)ing(Plants, Effect of trace elements on) _7 USSR/Che.,~,-stry --orga-do che__m_i&*_ir7__. Card 1/1 Pub. 116 - 15/24 Authors I Sadrnov-Zamkov, I.N. and Kostromina, N. A. Title .1 The reaction of sulfuryl chloride with dimethyl acetylene PsriOdic4l I Ukr. khim. z.hur..21/2, 233-239, 1955 AbstraOt I The'nornal addition and -by-products formed during the reaction of dimethyl acetylene 12 -moles) with sulfury! chloride (1 mole) are described. The effect of the physico-chemical conditi6no and various additions on the re- action process and yield of dichlorotetramethyleyelo butene is analyzed, Experimental data are presented on the induction period of the ros'ction,, effect of radical inhibitors and lightingw as well as on the radical chain mechanima of the reaction, Six references: 4 USSR, 1 USA and 1 German (1912-1952), Table, Institution Acad. of Sc., Ukr.,SMj Inst. of Organ,. Chem. Submitted December 14, 1954 FIALKOV, Ta.A.; KW'MKO. A.A.; KOSTROKINA, N.A. Physicochemical study of the system: phosphorus'pentachloride -- tetramethylammonlux chloride in acatonitrile solution. Ukr. khim.shur. 21 no.5:556-560 1~5. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USQ. (Phosphorus chlorides) (Ammonium compounds. Substituted) SMIRMT-ZAREDV, I'V'; JrOSTBWIVA, X-A.; PLsjoDVj-rjNA , G.A. Rodu clbg c0avoraless of 3o4-dichloro-1,2,3&4-tetrametbylcyclobuteng Ukr- khim-shur. ?2 no.1:67-69 '56. (NUIA 9:6) I-lustitut organtchogkoy khlmdi AN USSSR. (Crclobuteme) c, A AUTHORS: song and Kostromina, W.A. 570 TIME: I. Polarographic Investigation of Rare-Earth El'ements and. Their Systems with Certain Complex-Forming Substances. (I'. Polyaro- raficheskie Issledovaniya Soley Redkozemell4ftU Elementov i ikb g istem s Nekotorymi Kompleksoobrazovatelyami). "'i , Ne'd an'i'e-h-eskoz Khim,il'".(Jouinal PERIODICAL: of Inorganic Chemistry, VO'T.'.L.Lt A0,Zj Pp*J4~F-J)4. kU.b. -R-)" 1q5_7 ABSTRACT: There are considerable ambiguities in the results of polaro- grAphic studies of rare-earth elements with the exception of RU:' The aim of the present work was to see whether the method waL applicable to complex-formation investigations for these elements. A visual polarographic set-up was used. Solution of the chlorides of La, Ndt Ce and Sm and Nd sulphate in aqueous solutions without a background and on a tetramethylammonium- iodide background were used: no reaction between these salts and the inert electrolyte was observed. A clear wave, corres- ponding to reduction according to M3+ + e -> 92+ was found for the solutions studied, but there were no signs of one corres- ponding to reduction to the metallic state. Proportionality between the wave height and the rare-earth ion concentration in the solution was observed. On adding complex-forming sub- stances (citrate and tartrates) to Nd or Ce salts the wave of the simple cation disappears without the appearance of the complex-ion wave. Card 1/2 570 I. Polarographic Investigation of Rare-Earth Elements and Their Systems withCertain Complex-Forming Substances. (Cont.) There are 13 references, 2 of them Rassiazi. There are 6 figures and 1 table'. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.1C., Complex-Compound Laboratory. Received 1 Novemberg 1956. Card 2/2 AUTMRS- Xikkubson,, S.I., Kott-caultua, N.A. SOV/ 78-3--7-38/44 TITLE-. The Electric Cond-~ac i7solution-it of Chlorides aDA Sulfates of Lanilzrum and Cerium With Fgrdrochlorio Acid and SuliNnic Araid (Eleki,-oprovodnostl r&Btvorov kh1oridov i sull fatov lmtam i t3erlya s solyanoy i 3emoy kislotami) FERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khJLmii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 7, PP 1688-1693 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The elec-hio oonduotiiitr of the isomolar solutions of the Jyat*ma CeC13-BGl-H -HCl-H2o, Ce2(SO4)3'*H2SOI.- 2-0- LaC13 ~00 and Lag so,+) 3-"2So4-'H29 w-aa Irzfestigated with the result that coVlex ocapounds were found to exist in the solutions in which the ratio meUl salt i acid residue is i :- 1. The following com- plex ions p.-obab3y e~dst in thd molution: U01 axWE~(SO ) ?I-. It is probable that beaides complexes witli a ~,&-tio of I ~ also other canplax iona owur in the aolutiona. In order to explain the imfluenoe exercis.-I 1~y tha sol-eant upon. the forming of am- plexea Jm the above mentioned ayatems the determination of the Carid 1/2 spevlfio elootrio conductivity of CeC13-11C1 in etbyl alcohol The Blectrio Conduviiii-ty of tha Solutions of Chlorides 307/78-3-7-34144 and Sulfates of Lanthav~= and Cerium With Wroohloric Acid and Sulfuric Acid were in-TestigatO. Tha m&rIam do~rlation of eleotrio oondnotii- ity at 2.500 b found with a mtIo of CeCl 3"Hol v, 3 $ 2- It m&y be aetn that the molution oontains several kinds of oomplex tons whinh are in a stage of equilibrium. There &x" 6 figuroac, I tabl.3 ana 16 raferfto"p 6 of which are Soviet. StMMI=: JUIT 26, 1957 1. Complex compounds-E-lectrical properties 2. Complex compounds --Analysis 3. Complex ions--TheorY 4. Complex ions--Properties Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Kostromina He A-1 Yakubson, S. I. SOV/78-3-11-14/23 TITLE: II. Polarographic Investigation of the Salts of the Rare Earths and Their Systems With Some Complexes (II. Polyaro- graficheskiye issledovaniya soley redkozemellnykh elementov i ikh sistem s nekotorymi kompleksoobrazovatelyami.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2506-2511 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The formation process of complex salts of the rare earths in aqueous solutions is investigated by means of polarographic methods, above all of the not especially stable complex salts. An ytterbium chloride solution with 0,1 N-tetramethyl ammonium iodide was investJgated polarographically. The half wave potential does not change with an increase in concentration from 1 to 4 mmol/l. Two stages occur at concentrations of I - 2 Mmol/l. Salts of cerium and lanthanum in aqueous solutions were investigated and it was found that the half wave potential is displaced towards the negative values with an increase in acidity of the solution. A polarogram was plotted for the Card 1/3 system LaCl 3-HCl-H20. A half wave potential of -1,79V occurs sov/78-3-11-14/23 II. Polarographic Investigation of the Salts of the Rare Earths and Their .Systems With Some Complexes in a neutral solution of lanthanum chloride. Similar investi- gations were also carried out with the system CeCl 3_HCl_H 20. The polarograms with solutions of lanthanum sulfate and cerium sulfate were plotted as well; the results show that the half wave potential is displaced towards the negative values. The half wave potentials of the solutlons investigated are given in table 3. The data and polarograms show that a displacement of the half wave potential towards the negative values occurs with all salts investigated. If an acid is added, this fact is explained by the formaticn of complexes between the salts of the rare earths and the corresponding acids. Polarographic investigations were also carried out with the system ytterbium chloride and the salts of organic acids, above all of lactate, glyconate, citrate, and tartrate. In the case of an eqluimolar ratio of the components in the solution the wave of the ytterbium ion vanishes and the wave of the complex ion occurs. Cation complexes with the general formula [YbAL n, (1, - lactate-, glyconate-, citrate-, and tartrate anion) are lormed at these Card 2/3 concentrations. If an excess.of complex formers is added, the SOV/78-3-11-14/23 II. Polarographic Investigation of the Salts of the Rare Earths and'Their Systems With Some Complexes wave is displaced towards the negative values. Por trivalent ytterbium with lactate- and glyconate ion a complex is formed in the case of a great excess of complex formers, which has the general formula A 6;lnr.' Bivalent ytterbium with.equal m- anions forms the com lex r,,Yb I I A41 p There are 5 figures,.4 tables, and 4 references, 2 cf which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: October.2, 1957 Card 3/3 5(2) SOV/78-4-7-9/44 AUTHORS: Fialkov, Yao A. (Deceased), Kostrominas Ii. A. TITLE: Complex Compounds of Lanthanum, Vjjth Gluconia Acid (Komplekarvye soyedineniya lantans. a glyukonovoy kislotoy ) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, PP 1507-1516 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gluconic acid CH 2(CHOH)4 COOH forms stable complexes with the bi- and trivalent ions of numerous metals. In the present paper,the complex formation Ir. the system LaCl 3 - HGH 4 -H 20 is investigated in dependence on the pH value on the ratio of the components and on the concentration (HGH 4 ' gluconio acid, 114are the hydrogens of the oxy groups). The investication was carried out by measuring the electric conductivity, by potentio- metrical determination of the pH value, ion transmineion, determination of optical rotation, and by producing the pre- parations in pure condition. The occurrenGe of complex formation and the qualitative stability of complexes in media with dif- ferent pH values was tested by means of suitable precipitants. Card 1/4 Electric conductivity and pH were measured in the system Complex Compounds of Lanthanum With Gluconic Acid SOV/78-4-7-9/44 LaCI 3 -NaGH 4 -R20 in the case of a constant LaCl 3- content and an increasing addition of sodium gluconate. Measuring results are shown by figure 1. As may be seen from figure 2, the constant pH value is attained in potentiometric titration only after 30 minutes. This may be explained by the fact that the r-- and d-lactones are forced open only after some time by the addition of alkali* Figure 3 shows the potentiometric titration curves for LaCl and for mixtures of LaCl with RGH 3 3 4 in the ratios of I ; 0-5, 1 : 2 and 1 : 3. The first potential Jump corresponds to the neutralization of the hydrogen of the carboxyl group. The following slow increase of the pH value is explained by the titration of the hydrogen of the oxy groups, which is split off in complex formation. On the basis of potentiometric measurements the following complexes are assumed- During the mixing of LaCl 3 with HGH4 a cation is formed with the separation of carboxyl hydrogen: La(GH 4)2+ (1); after the addition of an equivalent Na0H, the hydrogen of the a-OH-group Card 2/4 is split off: LaGH + III); after a further addition, the 3 % 1 Complex-_Compounds of Lanthanum With Gluconic Acid SOY/78-4-7-9/44 neutral complex LaGH 20 (111) is formed with a splitting-off of the hydrogen of the a-OH-group. The ranges within which the complexes II and III exist overlap. With pH >10 splitting off of the hydrogen of the a-OH-group may occur with the formation of the complex anion LaGH- (IV). Measurements of electric conductivity confiTm (Fig 5) the potentiometrically found con- nections as well as the qualitative tests of the ion transition at pH-values corresponding to the forming of complexes I - IV. In the polarometrio investigation the angle of rotation of d(-)-gluconic acid was measured alone as well as mixed with LaCl3 within the pH-range of 1-5-12*~ (Figs 6,J). The measure- ments confirm the existence of the complexes mentioned. At pH - 12.3 the anion complex IV goes over into a complex con- taining more than one addend of gluconic acid per one molecule of LaCl 3* Table I gives the complex compounds formed and the data of their analysis, Formulas are given for the structure of the complexes in the case of different pH values. There are Card 3/4 8 figures, I table, and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviets Complex Compounds of Lanthanum With Gluconic Aoid SOV/78-4-7-9/44 ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 20g 1958 Card 4/4 '-nZ :1, - , r , --- , I . - . ... I I - 4 s) C'~. z. .' - - - v. - , C-- nd 'jin em s -~ i - ( U~ - 1, ~ &F--'it-- F, ~)- t?~a rare-i~arth IIti, .--Laconic Kiev, 1960, 15 Pp, 150 cop. (Kiev State U in T. 0. Shevchanko) (KL, 45-609 122) 57...t9j 0 0 68312 _5-W SOV/78-5-1-17/45 AUTHOR:. KostrominaLI&AL~ TITLE: Complex Compounds of Cerium, Neodymium, and Samarium With Gluconic Acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neoTganioheakoy khimii, 19609 Vol 5, Nr 19 PP 95 - 101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In reference 1, the author reported on complex compounds of lanthanum with gluconio acidg and here continues his investi- gations on other rare earths by the same method. The electrical conductivity was measured on system* of chlorides of Cog Nd, and'Sag and gluconie acid. in water (Fig 1), the solutions were titrated potentiometrically (Pigs 2-5) and oonductometrically .(Fig 6)9 the ion transport was investigated and the change of the optical rotation angle of gluconic acid after addition of NdC13 was measurod (Pigs 79&).. The s*parated complex compounds of Nd were.analyzed and their molecular electrical conductivity as well as their molecular weight were determined (Table). The author reaches the conclusion that Ce, Nd, and Sm behave with Card 0 gluconic Acid in much the same manner as La. In a component 682-12 Complex Compounds of Ceriumq Neodymiumq and Samarium SOV/78-5-1-17 45 With Gluconic Acid ratio 1 : I they form the equimoleoular gluconate complexes# which are transformed from cations to anions with rising pff after the following scheme: rXeGH 412.+ []XeCH3]+ ----> [XeCHj 0 [XeGH] - Ne - Ce, Ndv ~*'Ouoonio acid). With increasing concentration of SM9 WN gluconic acidg complexes are formed in acid and weakly acid medium, which contain up to 6 acid molecules: IXOGH 41 2+ ----> [Xe(GH4)2]+ --~ Xe(GH4)3 ___~ LNe(GH4)6] 3- Structure formulas are suggested for the complexes of the com- position i : I and I : 2. The pH value in which the complex formation occurs, drops from the lanthanust coapounde to the samarium compounds in the order La - Ce - Rd - am in conse- quence of rising stability of the complex compounds. The ana- lysem shorn in the table concerning the neodymium complexes de- viate partially from the composition calculated after the for- mulas, an the regions of formation of the individual complexes Card 2/3 68112 Complex Compounds of Ceriumg Neodymiumv and Samarium SOV/78 5-1-17 45 1 With Gluconic Acid reach into one another. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and I Soviet reference. SUMUTTED: July 209 1958 Card 3/3 S/ ~A /01,/60/026/001/001/021 BOO:I/BO54 AUTHOR. Kostromina, N..~- 41 TITLE: Complex Compounds of Gadolinium, Yttr-~vm, ani Ytterbium With Gluconic Acid PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No i~, pp. 3-9 TEXT: The author reports on studies of the gluconates of -adolinium, yt-trium, and ytterbium by potentiometric and conductometri-- methods, and or respective analyses. Investigation methods and prod,-ction of gluconi-z acid and metal chlorides (MC1 3) had been described eai--,iF,,r (Ref. 1). Pc~tentiometric and conductometric titration was :ondi:cted at an MCI 3 concentration of 0.005 moles/l, and a NaOH concentration of 0.! moles/I. Fig,~ I shows the potentiometric titration curves for gluconic a--id (HGH 4 MCI and an equimolar mixture of MCI- and FG11,. The pot,2ntial J'u;-,p or. 3) addition of 0.6-0.7 equivalents of Na011 --I~ U~, f Card 1/5 Complex Compounds of Gadolinium, Yttrium, and S/07 '5/6-10/026/00: //QO t /02 Ytterbium With Gluconic Acid Hoo"'/B05'; 3"t. -Id ti the hydrogen of the carboxyl group: M + HGli' a of the second and third equivalent of NaOH, hyd-roxyl ions are '4--c-a-Tia anf! complex formation sets in, Conductometric titration confirmed f potentiometric results: a) decrease in conductivity cn addition of 6hc- , cns first NaOH equivalent by neutralization of the carboxyl gi~,up; b) tang value of conductivity between --0,7-3.0 NaOll equivalen-ws dut, to the of hydroxyl ions and formation of an electroneutral compiex, On addition of the fourth NaOH equivalent, conductivity increases due tc formation of an anion complex. The conductometric data did, however, not riveal according to what equations the complex formation proceeds. Pov--intiometric and conductometric titration at a ratio of MCI 3 : HGH 4 =1 ! 2 --esulted in a formation of complexes with the component ratio 1:2 By analysis Df the isolated yttrium complexes, the following compoundz were found: Formula pH of preci- MCI 3 HGH4 molecular conductivIty c-f P. pitation 0.001 mole aolution, ohm- cm*- [Y(GH -2 '0 4)] C12 [Y(GH 4)21 Cl -2 3 Card 2/5 Complex Compounds of Gadolinium, Yttrium, and 8/073./60/026/001/001j021 Ytterbium With Gluconic Acid B004/BO54 Formula pH of preci- MCI3 :HGH4 molecular conductivity of a pitation 0.001 mole solution, [Y(GH,) 2)Cl -4 1:1, 1:2 138 YGH2 -3 1 Na (GH 3 )21 -12 1 : 3 127 Y(GH 4)3 ~4 1 : 4 103-7 Na 3[Y(GH4)61 4 1 : 20 450 3+ Therefrom, the following reactions were derived: M + 2HGH 4T_11T(GH 4)21+ + 2H' (6); [M(GH )(GH + OH_V_ (8). A comparison of 4 3)10 'x[M(GH3)21 + H20 optical rotation with the potentiometric titration curve for an equimolar mixture of HGE 4 and YCl 3 (Fig. 5) showed that on addition of the second and third NaOH equivalent a ring is formed, with the hydrogen of the alcoyd groups being separated. A measurement of optical rotation with more than two NaOH equivalents is rendered difficult by turbidity of the solution Card 3/5 Complex Compounds of Gadolinium, Yttrium, and S/073/60/026/001/001/021 Ytterbium With Gluconic Acid ~BO04/ 054 due to precipitation of the neutral MGH 2 complex, Structural formulas are )2+ 0 suggested for the complexes M(GH , MGHO' [M(GH [M(GH )(GH3)] , a.- 4 2 4 2T' 4 [M(GH3)21 -, This study was conducted on a suggestion by Ya, A. Fialkov, Corresponding Member AS UkrSSR. There are 5 figures, I table, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 Legend to Fig. 1: Potentiometric titration curves for the gluconic acid of GdCl3 : 1, YCI3: 2, YbCl3: 3, and for equimolar mixtures of gluconic acid with GdCl 3: 11, YCI3: 21, and YbCl 3: 31 200C Legend to Fig. 5: Dependence of the optical rotation a of an equimol-ar Card 4/5 Complex COmPounds of Gadolinium, Ytterbi Yttrlu m d um With Glucdnic Acid t an S10731601026loollOO11021 13004/B054 mi xture of RGH4 with YCI on the am 3 potentiometric titration (pH) f ount of NaOH added: curve 1; curve of o an equimola r mixture of HGH with YC1 k 3 2. 4 7 7 5 '40 Cl V 0 95 to Val- w 2,5 40 Af~j Card 5/5 87472 S/073/60/026/003/005/011/xx B023/BO60 AUTHOR: Kos Iromina_,_N. A. TITLE: Competitive Stability of the Gluconate Complexes of Rare Earths PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 299-304 TEXT: The author calculated the instability constants of the cation com- plexesX22+ for La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Y, and Yb on the basis of data con- 4 oerning the potentiometrio titration. The constants are near or equal to (1.5-2.6)-10-3 for all rare earths investigated (Table 1). The author fur- ther calculated the equilibrium constants of complexes MGH4' for La, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Y. The equilibrium constants are equal to (0.5 3-3)-10- 4. The durability of the complexes increases inconsiderably from La to Sm and drops from Sm to Y. Ytterbium does not give rise to complexes of this type. The author finally calculated equilibrium constants of complexes XGH0 for La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Y, and Tb (Table 2). The constants vary from 2 Card 1/3 87472 Competitive Stability of the Gluconate Complexes S/073j6O/O26/003/Oo5/biyxx of Rare Earths B023/BO60 0.5-10- 11 for lanthanum to 0.89010- 8 for ytterbium. The durability of the complexes rises 1600 times in the series La 6 Yb. Table 1 shows the amount of equivalents of added alkali per mole of metal, pH of the solutions, and the instability constants calculated, Table 3 shows the equilibrium con- stants of reaction M3+ - GH- T-b-MGH+ + H+ (7). Fig. P. 303 illustrates 4 3 the distribution of La and Rd between the complexes MGH+ (---) and MGHO (-x-) 3 2 as a function of the pR of the solution. It may be seen therefrom that for pH 6.8 there is 80~ lanthanum in form of cations, and 90% neodymium is bound to an electrically neutral complex. This distribution is very favor- able'for the decomposition of the complex at the cationite with gluoonio acid. In the author's opinion, the decomposition ought to be best in the range of formation of electrically neutral complexes. There are I figure, 3 tables, and 5 referencest 3 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut obehchey i neorganichaskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 Card 2/3 KOSTROMIDIA., _v.A,.. ~ - 41701codleldcal analysis of systems of certain rare-earth elements with gluconic acid in aqueous solutions. Dop. All URSR no -9:1182-1186 .161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khimii All USSR. Predstvaleno akademikom AN USSR A.K.Babko. (Rare earth metals) (Gluconic acid) 1 13361-63 AGOESSION NRt AT30023M "A.,928/6WOW/003/0118/0=5 AUTHD R: Rantramina, N. A.. TITM CqmRbx agnm 411 Mft--Gath GlarqAte with gluconic acid, SOURCEt AN UkrM., Inaknut rAhslOng2i ta pporhe gabno2l khtmige Raboty-pa A ihimli RAtvarov I 1wmp1ek=y1ft ayedinafty, no* 3, 1962. Shimiya. raotvarov redkozemllaykh elamntov, 118-1M ;TOPIC TADSt gluaonate, glueonid *01d, rare-earth gluconate, abolate, To, or,, Sba iAB&l The rare-earth mstaLle form et large variety of complexes with gluconio ! acid, as seen from the figure In the enclosures MFA represents gluconic acidt GH4 is the single-ohargad glueonle acid radical and the H are the hydrogen Ion 'of the alcohol groups* The large number of gluconate raqtcala (up to 6) can boo :.attached to VA rere earth mstala because in the acid range cbelates. are not :forzod; tba wmber of singla-charged,ligends which combines with the metal is determined by the charge and radius of tho metal. The complexes formod- in the acid range (metal to carboxylia oxygen bond) am lass stable then cholate complexes tormed in neutral and alkaline solutions, bones in the latter range the equilibrium' ,shifts toward chelato formation and the number of 11gands in the complexes is L 13361-63 ----------- - ACCESSION Ms AT3003396 leareaaed,to It since %boil each 11gand caeupiea several coordination places@ Divar talent Metal complexes would have faver,ligands than the rare-earth metal complexes ,because of lesser aharga of the matall and trivalent metals whose ions have in- complete Oft, Or) or IS eleatron'(3b) enter shells form CbOlat83 iU naid aolutionsi so tbey too would not combine with more then 2 gluconate radicals# Orig. art* I has: 4 tables# 9. f Igures, 7 formulas- and IS equations. !ASSOOIMON'. Ones SMaTMD.- '00 -DAM Acqj 2WayG3 0 SUB COLE: Off, RL go W Sov: 009 OTIMR: 032 A Card_ t 13362-63 E41~q)/E~T(z)/ElDff-~- AFFTC/kCDAM-3 RM/JD/JG A1.1"U.SSION VR: AT3002327 3/nzs/OP/000/003/0136/0147 AUTHOR; lostromina,-No A6 TITLE: Separation of_ram.-~asrth elements by i2nnoxchange chromatogruht thod SOURCE: AN U1(rRSR* - D18t7tUt mhallnoyi ta neorhanichnoyi khimlyi. Raboty po k h imii rastvorov i kvmp1eYAnyk1% soyedinenly, now 3, 1962. Khimiya rastvorov rodkozeme 3. lnyklx elementoi, ~ 136-447 T TOPIC TAGS rw"arth element Ion exabange#. chromatography, Lat Iij, EDTAv resin, Fe, Cu, 4%yacid, ";* Ion AB=WT: The ability-to so parate vare-earth elements is chronatographl I da 17- explained by the decrease In adsorption of-rare-earth element ions on the cationite and by a simultaneous increase in complex formation in the series from La to Lue The complex formation appears the more determining, but for- good separation. there should be, competition for the ram-earth element by both the complexing aluent and the ion exchange, resin Thus in d rare earth element - oluent, system where highly stable compless re formed (e.g* with EDTA), %h-3 ram earth element separation is poor r5KISRsaaleas of the sharp in- ,crease in the constants In tharare-earth element seriese Eluent pH and 1/2 Card L 13362-63 ACCESSION UR: AT3002327 concentration largely determine composition and structure of the complex forzad~' these factors and the changing stability of a complex in the rare earth element aeri6a musz be Mown to select moot favorable separation conditions (ftere complexes of different, composition are formad)* nare very stable complexes are formado separation my be Improyed by use of Itretentive" ions (resin in the Fo or Ou form) which belp, form lose stable cozplexas (eog..cationic or electric- ally noutral ram earth elamenta-=A complexes) providing for better competition: for rare earth element Ion between resin and complete Bast rothod of separating large amounts of rare earth alement requires selection of a "retentiva* ion to be used with eluents normally,forming ver stable complexes, with the stability constant increasing rapidly in the rdre earth element series,. These conclusions i were drawn from a study of date on the separation of rare-earth elemanta with oxyacid3 (citrice lactic, glycolia, Alpha-oxylsolbut7ria and tartaric) and with aminoacids (hydrazinodiaosties aminoseetic, nitrilotrincetic, o-oarbozyanilino- diacetic and FJYZA.),, and the formation of the various resultant complaxes* Orig* art, hast 5 equations. ASSOCIATIONt none SUMTTEDs 00 DATE ACQt 25M&763 EMCL- 00 SUB CCDEs CHP NS NO RE17 SOVt 015 OTHER: 055 .-Card.2/2 KOSTROMINAS H*A* Complex formation of 2jwtba= vith gluconic acid by the ion exchange Metho0i Zhur;neorg.OU6 7 4o~7:1559~-156~ JI 162. (MIRA 16-3)~ (Nanthanum compounds) (Gluconic acid) (Ion exchange) NO