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KOSSOVSKIY, G.N., inzhener; SPITKOVSKIT, Z.M., inshener.
Continuous production of chairs at the Bozhenko furniture plant.
DerA lasokhim.prom.3 no.1:21-24 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:2)
(Furniture Industry)
"Investigatiron of the
furniture industry." Min
EngineerinC AcadeiC~
of Candidate in 'clences).
problems of auto;rur ting !-.-iachineworkinE Gf varts in the
Eigher Eduimtion USISR. Leningrad br er of Lenin 'Forestr-j
Sc. 1-1. Eirov. Kiev, 1956. (Dissertation ~or the ~--.,-ree
Knizhnaya letopis'
No 34, 1956. Moscow.
Making decorative beechirood veneers. Der.prom. 5 no.1:8-10 Ja 156.
(MLR& 9:5)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-im3ledovatellskiy institut mekh=icheskoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(Veneers and veneering)
KOSSOVSKIY. G.N., inzhener.
Automatization of machining processen of furniture jarts. Der.prom.
6 no.1:12-15 Ja 157. (IQR& 10:2)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut meli-hanicheskoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(Woodworking nachinery) (Automatic control)
KOSSOVSKIY, Georgiy Nikolayevichp kand.tekhn.nan ; MAKOVSKIY, N.V., red.;
tbasigning and introducing automatic production lines in the
woodworking industry] Proaktirovenie i vnedrenie avtoma-
ticheakikh stanochnykh linii v derevoobrabatyvaiusheliai pro-
myshlonnoati. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1958. 67 ?- (MIRA 12:4)
(Woodwork) (Automatic control)
,.XOSSOVSKIY,-- G.H.,kand. tekhn. nauk; TEPIMENKO, Yu.I.
Food bin for feeding blanks to automatic production lines.
Dar. prom. 8 no.9:11 S 159. (MRA 12:12)
l.Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut mekhanichoskoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(yoodvorking mchinery)
- KOSSOVSKIX,--QaDx,:iy MoInvevicb-i kand.tekhn.nauk; PSMSUA, Aleksandr
Karpovich,.kand.tekhn.nauk; TIMOFZMV, V.A., red.; PROTINSKATA,
I.V., rod.izd-va; PARAMM, H,L.,
[Practice in the operation of automatic production lines in wood-
working] Opyt ekspluatatell avtomatichoskliffi linil, v derevoobrabotke.
Moskva, Goolesbumizdats 1960. 77 P.
(mIRA 14:1)
(Asaambly-line methods) (Woodworking industries)
KOSSOVSKIT, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk
Apnaratus for automatic a4justment of machines with single supports.
Der.mrom. 9 no.4:7-8 Ap '150. (MMA 13:9)
1. Ukrainskiy nailchno-issledovatellskiy institut mak-hanichookoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(Woodworking machinery) (lutomatic contro14
KOSSOVSKIY, Georgiy NikqLVevicb; UBICH-DEKANI, Feliks Tro.-I'imovich;
VMMMT-,Yu--.M-., rea-.-jMDOVA, Z.D., red.izd-va; PARAKHOA,
N.L., tekhn. red.
[Programmed control of the adjustment of wordworkingy machines and
automatic production lines] Programmoe upravlenio inastroikoi
derevoobrabatyvaiushchihh stankov i avtonaticheski3u-i linii. Mo-
skva Goslesbumizdat, 1~62. 78 p. WIRA 15:5)
Noodworking machinery) (Assembly-lino methods)
Automatic production line with programm control of machinery ad,,;;u5t-
ment developed by the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of
Mechanical Woodworking. De::-.Ilrom. 11 no.2:7-10 F '62.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issle-Jovatel'shiy institut mekhanichv:zkoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(Ukraine--Woodworking machinery)
Nikolayevich. kand. tekhn. nauk; STRIZHEVSKIY,
- - .--------.,--T-ekhnik; YEFIMENKO, Yuriy Ivanovich,
inzh.; SPYNU, G.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;
STEPANOVA, E.A., inzh., red. izd-va-, EEREZOVYY, V.N.,
takhn. red,
(The Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical
Woodworking automatic line no.3 with programmed control of
the setting of machines] Avtomaticheskaia liniia UkrNIIMOD-3,
s programmym upravleniera nastroikoi stankov. Kiev, Gos-
takhizdRt USSRp 1963. ZL P. (MIRA 16:91)
(Woodworking machirarr) (Automatic control)
[let- % h
, t. for
the su
4f I ves I b
! tis led 06dy 0 wo
utid 14 p Ic ''fiti IthIl. I
1.68 1 t
-v within the Above runimAhickto the lots while
can C jibi k
j id kit
VAYNS1=-Y14, O.Ya.
"Behaviour of Hydrogen in Steel Durirg its Production and Remlting,"
lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmaking, A.A. Baihov Institute of
1,L-tallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957
AUTHORS: Kossovsk-'y L.D. and J'alculeva, V.S., En-ineers
TITLE: Apparent "Overheating" '-n the irracture of Steel 20KI-21N4A
(Ijozbnyy "peregrev" v izlome stali 20Kh2h4A)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, nr 6., P'P 556 - 558 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The appearance of coarse grain fr-nctu--e in steels
20Kh-21-14A, 12Kh2B4A and 3?KhT,'3A durinS testinE of merchant
blooms of a cross-section 200 - 300 jam was initially ascribed
to overheating. Attempts to ij:iprov8 t1je Struc 8ure by decreasing
the heating temperature f:rom 1 220 to 1 190 C and by twice
or three times repeated normalisation and various homo;-enising
soakings at high 'lleriDerat-ares ivere unsuccessful. It Y~!as there-
fore decided to compare t.'11-Le indices of the quality of steel for
the last ferv years with rDsults of tests of hardeaed structure,
taking into considerction changes in the technoloCy of heatinc.-
and coolino of the metal in the reducing shop for this period.
The dependence of structure of hardened fracture on the velocity
of cooling of blooms - Table 1; the dependence of mechanical
properties of specimens on coolinp.. conditions of blooms -
Table 2. It was found that coarse grain fracture in hardened
fracture of steels investigated is not always caused by
overheating and can ap-ear also in the absence of high. heatin--
Uard 1/2
SCVY177 5~D E-26/33
L, - 'i
Apparent "Overheating" in the Rracture of 8 e; I EEL~iZA
of ingots before rollinE info blooms, duc to coolin,.~- of
blooms in air to 150 - 250 C before charGing thc-L,; iinto a
furnace for thermal treatment in order to prevent the for-
mation of flakes. By applying intermediate slow cooling in
pits of merchant square blooms ~200 - 300 inm) before their
thermal treatment (to prevent flake formation) defects due to
coarse grain structure decreased and wechanicLil properties
of steels 20Kh2N4A, l2Kh2N4A and 3?Kh113A i,.,e:r,e improved. It
is stated in the editorial note that the above phenomenon
is apparently caused by recrystallisation durizj~ annealinr, of
work-hardened (near to the critical value) steel. 71ork
hardening can be caused by considerable intcrnal stresses
appearing due to the transforinnation of' aust;nite intlo m-arten-
site during coolinC of blooms of larr-,e cross-scctions in air.
There are 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy metallurgicbeskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk
Metallurgical Planty,
1. Steel--Fracture 2. Steel--TemDerature factors 3. Steel
Card 2/2 -.-Heat treatment
S k' I-, n,
Z 32-1-35/55
AUTHORS: V n, V.N., Amosov, P.N., Kossovskiy, L.D.
TITLE- A Method of Determining the Wear of Rolling Shafts (Metod
opredeleniya. iznosa prokatnykh va-lkov).
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya. Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr i, pp. 88-89 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; In this paper a new method of determining the wear of grooves of
rolling shafts is recownended. For this purpose two works templates
were rivetted together in such a mariner that a distance of 6-8 mm
remained between them. On the surface of one of the templates
lines were drawn symmetrically and pamllel to the axis of the
template, after which t'.~ey both received a coating of paint. In
the inner diameter of the grooved part of the roll a layer of
"plastiline" was applied in such a manner that it filled the
grooved profile at one :part of the uhaft, so that it was located
3-4 mm higher. At this :point the aforementioned double template
was pressed in in the direction of the axis of the shaft. The
11plastiline" entered the space between the two templates. The
double template was the:.,i removed from the shaft and was filled
with "plastiline". The extend to which this filling protruded be-
Card 1/2 yond the edges of the templates determined the degree of wear of
A Method of Determining the Wear of Rolling Shafts 32-1-35/55
the grooved intemal diameter of the roll, which could then be
measured according to the photos taken of this protruding part or
immediately by means of the ocular micros cope 11 M bC -1 There
is I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinsk;Polyt~dchnic-Inatitute and Chelyabinsk Hetallilrgic Works
(Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy i~atitut i Chelyabinskiy
metallurgicheskiy zavod).
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Shafts-Test methods 2. Shafts-Test results
SOV/1 33~--59-2-15/2G-
AUTHORS: Kossovskiy, L.D., Kho:rosh, V.A. and Mukhina,., M.A.
TITLE: On the Nature of-Fissirres on Steel ll~hlMqT (Priroda
rvanin na stali lM8N')T)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 2.. pp 14?-148 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The occurance of defects on blooms of steel l1Uil8N9T in
the form of transverse fissures, eituated as a rule only
on one face near to the bottom part has been often
observed (fig.1). In view of the position of the defect,
it was thought that, the defect was caused by non-u-niform
heating of ingots in the soaking pit. To check on this
possibility, ingots from 16 heats were heated according
to three alternative heating practices: a) by the usual
ractice, i.e. turninE; the ingot 1800 1.5 hours before
he removal from the Eioaking pit; b) by heating the
ingots without turningand c) heating the ingots in
reversed position (heWl part down.). The subsequent
examin tion of blooms did not show any relationship between
the heating practice and the position of the defect.
Observations during rolling indicated that the defect
appears on the face most cooled with water used for
Card 1/34 cooling rolls. This was, confirmed by rolling a part of
ZIUV/133-59 -.2-15/26
On the Nature of Fissuihas on Steel l1QilBNqT
the ingots from the same heat with and without water
cooling of rolls. The defect appeared on all bloolas
rolled with water cooling. 111be following raechani5m of'
the formation of the d.efect is postulated: a) wat,,~r fr:)u
rolls falling on to the rolled surface coola only the
surface layer, reheating of which by the heat from the
lower situated layers is slow due to the low conductivity
of lhlilBNgT steel; b) the cooled layer becomes more rigid
than the rest, of -the metal and. is more. difficult to defor.-a
along the heigbt and this obtains a smaller elongation as
a result tensile stresses appear on this layer; c) 'a
decrease in plasi.--:icity of the cooled layer is particularly
characteri stir, for 1EIL18N9T steei, the plastirAty range
of which lies within 3.150-1.25OCC; d) under the influence
of tensile stresses the less plastic; and weakened by
skin holes (on the surface of an ingot) layer breaks
forming a row of transverse fissures, In order to prevent
the formation of the defect, rolling of steei -11Kh!8N9T on
Card 2/.3 the blooming mill should be carried olat without or with
~OV/-. -5 -2-15/ 26
On the Nature of Fissures on Steel. 11qi18NqT
only a small supply of water for cooling rolls. An
increase in the number of turnings helps to decrease the
number and the size of fissures on the surface of the
bloom. There are 2 fiaures.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinski-y bletallurgicheskiy Zavod (Chelyabinsk
Metallurgical ijorks)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Povolotskiy, D.Ya., Kossovskiy, L.D.
TITLE: The influence of welding off of flakes on the
mechanical properties of steel
PERIODICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1961, ND.6, Pp.129-133
TEXT: The possibility of welding off of flakes during subsequent
hot working of metal by pressure is well known and widely used in
works' practice, but the influence of this practice on the
mechanical properties of steel was not sufficiently investigated'.
For this reason the authors studied the influence of welding off
of flakes on the mechanical properties of steels 40XHMA
(4OKhNMA) and 40XVJ (4OKhN) which are particularly sensitive to the
formation of flakes. The procedure was as follows: after passing
tbrough the blooming mill, two blooms out of four (sample No.1) Were
cooled in air, while the other turo (sample No.2) were heat treated'
to prevent the formation of flakos. After 10 to 30 days,
templets were cut out from the blooms for the flake control and bhe
blooms were rolled into billets. Billets from sample No.1 were
cooled in air and from sample No.2 cooled slowly in pits to preven
Card 1/3
The influence of welding off ...
s/i 48/6i/ooo/oo6/O;VOl3
Avith a coefficient of elongation of 4.7 and more, flakes in the
metal were welded off. It is concluded that on rolling blooms
(245 x 245 - 262 x 262 mm) and billets (140 x 140 mm) that have been
affected by flakes into a rod of 52 to 6.1,; mm diameter, flakes are
welded off and do not appear again on cooling of the metal in air.
Longitudinal mechanical properties (0b, Cys'40, 6 and ak) Of
metal with welded off flakes do not diffor from those of metal
rolled from blooms and billets not affected by flakes. Metal with
welded off flakes can, however, have a somewhat lower impact strength
in transverse specimens (steel 40KhN) and a lower fatigue strength
(steels 4OKhN and'4OKhNMA). There are 2 figures, 2 tablen and
4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONS: Chelyabinskiy politekhuicheskiy institut
(Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute)
Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod
(Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works)
SUBMITTED: May 20, 196o
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Gol'dshteyn, Ya. Ye., Candidate of Teel-inical Sciences, Zelldovich,
V. I., Keys, 1:'. V., Kossovskiy, L, D., Vaynshteyn, 0. Ya., S-hmatho,
K. S., Engineers
TITLE: The effect of treating liquid chrome-nickel stool with cerium on its
PIM-IODICAL: Stal', no. 3, 19,52, 258 - 2--)1
TD'T; Tests .-.,ere carried out to study the effect of adding ferrocerium, to
chromo-nickel structural steel on -the flake formation and crystallization. The
tests were based on the chomii-al affinity of cerium to hydrogen, which increases
when the temperature is raised. As rare-earth metals mostly tend to adsorb hydro-
gen in the 200 - 6000C range, where the hydrogen separation from the metal is par-
an be used to reduce flaking. Four 40
ticularly intensive, this phenomenon c,
Ocl.tW) steel ingots of the same melt were tested: one, checking specimen, with-
out ferrocerium, the others containing C.1, 0.25 and 0.6% ferrocerium, respective-
ly. Lumps of ferrocerium, containing 940%rare-earth metal (primarily cerium)
were used. The ingots were top-cast and weighed 2.~S5 ton. Lateral macrotemplatez,
Card !/~
The effect of treating... S/133/62/000/003/0011/008
A0510, 127
cut from blooms rolled from the test ingots. (air-dr-led after roljj,,jj;, non-araic~1-tD
were analyzed after 1 and 6 i:ionths. Flal,~,s were not. found in templates from --too'
to i.:hich at least 0.6,rj' ferrocerium was added. The analysis also sholcd that the
effect of cerium (lanthanum, etc.) actuaLly does not manifest Itzelf in the ad-
sorption of hydrogen, but rather in bo ding it in the form of stable hydrides.
In steel, containinG as much as 3 S
.,.7 cm hydrogen/loo g, there was no flalr4nz, due
to 'the addition of 0.6% ferrocerium, i-.,hile flakes were found in steel containing
not more th-an 0.56 cr.3/100 G hydrogen, if not treated, i d L
-,,ith cerium. lien ferro-
cerium is added to the liquid steel in amounts above 0.25d", the pattern of den-
dritic crystallization changes and sulfur will be re-diotributed in the micro-
areas of the metal. High-zmelting cerium-sulfides pass from the interaxlal areas
into the dendritic !Ihen ferrocerium'is added in amounts of up to
dendritic crystallization disappears, and, under the effect of cerium, the steel
is cleaned from sulfur, antimony, stannurm, bis-ruth, lead, etc. 0.6,5' ferroceriuM
reduces the sulfur-content of the metal 5 times. Ho%-.,ever, .,,lien ferrocerium in
,added in the ingot mo-ld., the cerium, -sulfides (o;W-sulfides) cannot entirely be
removed into the slag and 'the feeding head. This reSLIltS in a nonhomo-oneity of
the boundary zone. The high- temperature cerium-sulfider, (oxy-zu11Jdes of In-
tricate composition) are forming already In the period prior to ci-jstallization
C ard 2,/3
The ef f cct of trcatl iij,
S/: 33/6 2/0 r()Ic 0
end are movea, to the insot surface during; the castinL. The liquation in tr1e
bounda,"~ :,,One can 'Lie prevented by smooth, rather siov: filling, of the ini;ot mnid'
from the bottom and by an increase of the head temperature. Cerium ct , nL;
steel .-:ith a liquation in the boundary zone shows a tendency to red shortness.
This can be reduced by adding ferrocerium in the ladle instead of in the ingot
mc,lcl, or by rotighing the ingot 'before rolling. The nddition of ferro eri"m in
amounts of at lcaOt 0.25~, prevents spotty liquation, 1;ccjuse a j;I-eater pavt- -,f
sulfur is bonded in the form of cevium-sulf ides with a high melting point. There
are 5 figures and 9 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 1 Tion-SOviet-bloc. The ref-
erence to the En8lish-language publicatIon reads as follovis: nilssel, Journ,11 of
4, 19511, 4--,B - 4112.
14etals, no. j
,ASSOCIATION: Chelyabin5kiy nauchno-isslt!dovatellsi~iYin~l;titut metallurgii
(Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of MctallurGy) and
Chelyabinskiy metallurgicht?skiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical
Card 3/3
GOLIDSHUEYN, Ya.Ye., kand.tekhn.nailk; ZELIDOVICII, V.I.., inzh.; IXYS, N.V.,
inzil.; KOU'SOVSKIY., L.D., iazh.; VAYNbHTLYN, O.Ya., -inzh.;
Effect of treating liquid i.,hromium-nickel steel by ceritim on
the characteristics of its crystallization. Stall 22 no.3.25&-
(NDUL 15:3)
2&1 Vb~ 162.
1. Chelyabinakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii
i Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod.
(Chromium-nickel steel-.14etallography) (Cerium)
High I cision X-ollingo NBtallurg 8 no,4:30-31 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Nachallnik prokatnoy laboratorii Chelyabinskogo metallurgicheskogo
zavoda. I
.(Rolling (Metalwqrk))
RUSAIIOV, I.I.; Prinlynali uchastiye: KOVTUNCYVICH, V.A.; KUKSHKINA, ILYe.;
Determining the optimal conditions for blooming mill operations. Stall
23 no-4--338-340 Ap.1 Y- (MIRA 16:4~
1, Chelyabinskiy motallur ichoskiy zavod.
*~Rolling mills)
K.0 s, S). 0
ivMORS1 Me'androv, L. V., Golovanenko, S. A., Bykov, A.' A., ItFfkgkov, A. P., J
Morotkavich, B. M., Borisov, A. N., Kossovskiy, L. D.. Gindin, A-Sh~'
....... ...
'1~6: Experimental rolling of bimatul sheets
PERIODICAL: Stal', no. k, 1963, 343 -'346
T=:, Tests were carri3d out at the Chelyabinakiy metallurgloheakiy zavod,
i(Chelyabinek Metallurgical Plant) with the participation of N. P. Shchukin, V. D.'
Nikitin, S.' A. ZUYeV, V. P. Hikitin, N. N. Danilovloh, N. V. ZerohLninov, V. V. 1!
Shturts, V. A. Ustimenko, V. V. Silantlyev, to establish the toohno-logy of bi-
:metal sheet production. Symmetric (4-layer, 150 - 220 mm thick) & asummetrical-,
:(3-layer, 135 mm thick) shoots were produoel. The nickel coating was applied in
isome tests by the'standard electrolytic metwd, in some tests, howbver, a now
*process was employed with a special apparatis, inyolving the meltl:ng of a 1.5-sm
'diameter nickel wire,'whioh was thereupon applied to the shoat surface by pul- i
verization. Prior to this the aurfac* to bo coated was. shoUblastod. A 600 z
x 1,750. shoot could be coated bv Wa prt,asse with a 40 ~4 thick nickel layer
Card 1A
Experimental rolling or bimetal sheets
in 20 minutes. The now method proved more e%dvuntagaous than the conventional
one: it required less time and no pickling. The pulverizing apparatus is sImpla,
inexpensive and easily adjustable to automation. After coating the bimetal
sheets were welded air-tight on the perimeter und the end surfaces. The rolling
tests were made on a 2,300-mm stand at Chelyahlnak by the standard method. The
welding seams prevented warping and lamination of the bimetal sheets. The ugnr,- I
ness and the strength of the seams depended on the surface quality of the stain-
less and carbon steels composing the sheet and on the assembly and welding of the
sheet layers. The deformation of the various :Layers in rolling was not uniform.
This deviation in deformation was charaoterized by an experimental coefficient
that in case of 4 - 20 mm thick sheets depended In the first place on the metal
grade of the,ooating layer, but was Independent. of the total reduction in the
investigated range of deformations. For shesto of fto30n/St-3v + MIS HIOT/
i XhIWOT grades the average ooeffi4oient value ties 0o94'- 0.96, for sheets of~
St-36i + IX 13/M13 steel gradses :2.03 - I.O.S. There arv 4 figures and I table.
ASSOCIATIONs T&MMM, CbelyabInsid )MIN (Chelyabinsk NIM, MM)
CW-d 2/t
Evaluation of' the mAgnitude of :residual stresoes in surface
layers of a back-up i,oll. Zav. lab. 29 no.9:1128-1129 163.
(KRA 17:1)
1. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
.tociza-M.,i ;,m: AAolq482
AUTI-1025: Kallner, V. D.; Kossovskiy, L. D.; Bernshteyn, M.
TITLE: Thermomechanical treatment of 55KhGR steel springs
SOUME: Stall, no* 3s 1964s 269-270
TOPIC TAGS: steels 55MGR steels spring bands thermal treatment of steel, mechan-
ical treatment of steel, rolling 55KhGR steel., hardening, corpressed air hardening,
water hardening, tempering, 300-2.rolling mi.,a
ABSTRACT: A series of experiments was perfo:-,med in Chelyabinskiy meta2lureich6skiy
zavcd (Che2pb-insk Metallurgical Plant) on the different thermal and mechanical
treatments of steel spring bands. The samles were made of 55KhG& steel, were 7.5
x 63 mm in size., and theirchemic&1 composition was:
F-C -?4ff S1'- if- * -'-P "- Cr Ni CU R
iO.59 1.06 0.27 0.014 0.021 1.13 0,10 0.15 0,002i,
After hot rolling at 930-9500 in the 300-2 mLll) the somples were hardened in a
jet of compressed air or in water. Their 1w.-dness was 57-58 ard 60-61 Rc. They
showed no usual cracking after water hardeni;-ig (d-oe to an increase of their
Card 1/2
residual plasticity). They were tempered at :240-2650. It was established that a
combined thermal and mechanical processing resulted in a good combination of high
strength and the desired plasticity;. The assemblies Eor thermomechanical treatment
of steel spring bands are not complicated., can be instraled in any plant, and may
be used in mass production operations. The strength and plasticity values of the
55XhGR sprin- bands obtained in a continuous rolling mM were much higher than
those obtained in the laboratory. The hardening effeat of the thermomechanical
treatment produced lasting results. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 2 figures.
SUBIUTTEDi 00 DATE ACQ:1 2714ar&14 MXCL: 00
.SUB CODE: 11 NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000
Card V2
TI.V. , '. J j-~ ; i W ~! -i'! .-~ c - 1~; ~ ~: , . ..
I.CS.'S, I I - . .1. 1 -
.. ; !, 1. - 1-1. 2 1 1 -
1 -. 1, :,-. . " (~ C.:[. 11 j 1, 1".7- . ~~ ! ') ( !- , , . -: , , - ~. - :.,.I
I - ~;- ... I ) " ~' ! I I - -.
- - .,; C_ i 11""", -.:" -: I - ~
~-j.1~ . ;;--% , 3 1 - . \ I -- - .--" i
3 t~
AUTHOR: Kossovskiy, M. 4-11-5/34
TITLE: The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Kurskaya Magnitnaya)
PERIODICAL: Znaniye - Sila, 1957, # 11, p 5-9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article contains the story of the discovery of huge
layers of iron ore in the Xurskaya oblast', known as the
"Kursk Magnetic Anomaly". The first one to note that the mag-
netic needle is giving pecullar indications at some places in the
Rurskaya oblast' wa *a the ac-ademician Inokhodtaev in 1784. How-
ever, it was not until 1923, when near Shchigrov the first
pieces of iron ore were extracted and thus proved that the
reason for the Kursk Magnetic Anomalies is extremely rich
layers of iron ore, It is the richest iron ore field in the
world. The geologist M.I. Kalganov has ascertained that the
total deposits of iron ore on the Kursk field amount to 9,000
billion tons of which not-less than 15 billion are the so-
called rich iron ore. In addition other important minerals,
such as phosphorites, bauxite, graphite, vanadium, mineral paints,
etc. were found in this arca. The surface of the Kursk Anomaly
covers 120,000 sq km. Detniled geological prospecting has been
carried out only on a few nections, but none of them can be
Card 1/2 considered as having been completely prospected. The first
The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
to be exploited will be thoj5e near the village Lebedi
(Belgorodskaya oblast'). The mine at Lebedi, which is being
built on the right bank of the river Oskolets, will be the
largest construction of the sixth 5-Year Plan, and already in
1960 it will yield 1,500,000 tons of ore.
The deposits at Lebedi can be exploited by strip mining. The
next to work 'on will be the. deposits at Mikhaylovskoye (or
Mikhaylovo), 90 km off Kursk. This mine and the one at Lebedi
will produce together 10 million tons of rich ore annually.
Others to be exploited Wil:L be Yuzhno-Korobkovskiy Mine with
2.2 million tons of ore annually to start with, and the Yakov-
levskoye mine on the Belgo:rod-Oboyan field which will produce
annually 15 million tons of first class ore. The huge deposits
at Gostishchevo in,the center of the same field, discovered in
1955, apparently exceed twice those of Yakovlevskoye.
There are 6 figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Kossovskiy, 11. 30V-4-58-9-15/34
TITLE: Created by Magma (Rozhdennyye magmoy)
PERIODICAL: Znaniye-sila, 1958t Nr 9v pp 16-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The following Soviet goc,logists have investigated the ori-
gin of oresp and have found valuable regularities regarding
their formation: Academician Anatoliy Georgiyevich Betekh-
tin; Academician Aleksandr Nikolayevich Zavaritskiy (deceas-
ed); Academician Dmitriy Sergeyevich Kerzhinskiy; and Corre8pond-
ing Member of AkademJ.ya nauk SSSR (USSR Academy of Scien-
ces) viktor Arsenlyevich Nikolayev. The work of these Soviet
geologists has lead to new and efficient geophysical ore
prospecting methods using magnitometers, electric prospect-
ing, seismometers, radiometers etc. There are 6 illustra-
1. Scientific personnel--USSR 2. Geology
Card 1/1
Titnnium. Znnn.alla 33 -no.2:7-1() F 158. (MIU 11:4)
KALGANOV. Mikhail Ivanovich. goolog, laureat Leninskoy premli;
X"S SKIY,.-.XDUey AbrM2v!ch, zhurnalist; LYUBIMOV. IOMS ,red.;
L _.
KONOVALTUK, I.I., mladehly red,,; VILINUATA, R.N..
[Kursk Magnetic Anomaly] Xuralmia. magnitnaia anomaliia. Koskva,
Goa.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 70 p. (MIRA 13:7)
(Nursk Magnetic Anomaly)
--fe-ETE. -re d.
[A master in science] Khoziain v nauke. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znania,"
1960. 30 p. (Voesoiuznoe obah.chestvo po ras-prostraneniiu politi-
chep,,kikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.g. Fizika i khimiia, no.6).
(MMA 13:3)
(Gubkin. Ivan Mikballovich, 1871-1939)
KOSSOVSIaY, Mois vich; RYSKU, S.Ya.., red.; SJOLYLiOV, V.T.j,
.; PERSON, M.N.J. tekhn. red.; TOKER, A.M.,
(Titanium] Titan. Moskva, Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Prof-
tekhizdat, 1961, 49 po (Titanium) (MIRA 15:2)
ACC NR: AP7004649 (A)
SOURCE; CODE: UR/0432/66/000/001/0009/0013
AUTHOR: Koasovskiy, V. G.; Guk, K. N.; Sadovekiye L. V.; Novikova. A. T.
ORG: none
TITLE: Unit for controlling operations in a special-purpose control digital
SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatailra'upravieniya, no. 1, 1966, 9-13
,TOPIC TAGS: control computer, digital computer, computer research
!ABSTRACT: A list of instructions to be realized by the -computer serves as initial
data for designing the control unit. The latter comprises. (a) clock-pulae unit,
(b) micro-operation control circuit, and (c) operation decoder. The clock-pulse
unit produces pulses and sequentially distributes them among its trunks. The
control circuit handles microprograms consisting of 38 micro operations (a 10-
Card 1/2
ACC NR. AP7004649
UDC,,, 681.142.63
cycle microprogram table is shown). Ferrite-core circuits are used throughout.
The control unit operates on a two-cycle principle (a read cycle for one group of
cores serves simultaneously as'a preparatory cycle for another group) - The
micro-op6ration control circuit comprises 5 core groups. The operation decoder
is built on a two-step principle; firat-step cores perform logical multiplication of
the firat three variables X, X2 X. of the operation code; s.econd-atep cores,
multiplication of the remaining two variables X4 X.. The clock frequency can go
as high',as 30 kc; pulse height, 0.4 amp;. pulse duration*, 8 tA sec. The above
control unit exhibited reliable operation in conjunction with a laboratory model of a
small-eize control digital computer. 0'rig. art.. has: I figure and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 09 VSUBM DATE: none / ORIG Wt 002
Xard Z/2
~L 2533 EWW/Ea(h),
ACCESS31ON NR: AP5023284 UR/0302/65/000/003/0066/0067
AUTWRi KossovokLI, V. G.; Guk~ K. No 37
TITIX: Adevice for visual displSt.of n"liers binary decimal pulse code
SOURCE,., Avtomatika i~ priborostroyeniye, filci., 3, 1965, 66-67
TOPIC TAGS: digital decoderi,numeral didpl' ferrite, pulse coding, thyratron
ABSTRACT: The authors describe a low-cost.device.for visual display of numerals
which uses cold-cathode tbyratrone-and K-212 ferrites (4 x2.5 xl.5 mm) for effi-
cient operation In a wide temperature range:. The device consists of a magnetic de-
coder which uses ten ferrites with rectanplar hysteresis loop, ten pulse-to-poten-
tial voltage converters based o.n.cold-catbade thyratronsi circuits which generate
positive pulses for quenching the converterthyratrons, and a set of digital Ind -
cator lamps. A schematic diagram of the device is given along with some of the rJ
important p4rameters. A pulse is fed tothe decoder which resets all ferrites to
the initUl-state (magnetized "downward"), Another pulse is then fed to the grid
Of the thyratron In a relaxation circuit,, and the positive pulse generated by this
card 1/2
C SF M AP50 23284
circuit:quenches the thyratrons in the voltage converters. The binary decimal
pulse code Input reverses magnetization "Upward" in nine of the decoder ferritess
Positive pulses appear in the windings of these ferrites Igniting the respective
thyratrons. Thevoltages generated acrosstbe cathode resistors of the thyratrons
reduce the voltages across nine of the cathodes in the set of digital indicator
lamps to a level below the Ignition voltagoll 9* that all the plate current is fed
through the cat,'~*de connected to the unignited thyratron, lighting up the digit cor-
responding to this thyraironi ' Cq>erational Atests have shown the device to be reli-
able and stable. OrIg. &rt. hat: 1: figum i [14)
Cwd 212-
KOSSOVSKIY, Ye.O., promyshlenno-sanitarn37- vrach
Measures for improving the sanitaxy conditions in grinding
iron pyrite at the M.V.Frunze Sulfuric Acid Plant in Baku.
Gig. i san. 28 no.lz7'1-79 Ja'63. - WMA 16:7)
1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologichookoy stantsii Shaumyanovskogo
rayona, BAku.
KOSSOVSKIY, Ye.O., promyshlonno-sanitaimyy vach
Sanitary measures,in the proceasing of ok=brin clays. Gig.i san.
25 no.8&68-.71 Ag 1160. (MIRA 13:11)
1. 1z Shaumyanovskoy rayonnoy -ianitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantsii
A'caso of congenital taxoplassomia. Pediat. Pal 36 no.1:79-87 161.
1. Z Oddzialu Dzieciecago Contr. Szpitala Elin. MSW v Warazavis
Ordynater: Prof. dr nod. T. Chrapowicki z Zakaladu Radielogii
Centr. Sspitia Klin. MSW v Waromwi* Kier*vraik: pref. dr med.
T. Trtstrzewinski i a Oddzialu Olmlistyesnego Contr. Sr-pitala
MSW v Warazawie Ordynater: dr mail. S. Festing.
(TOXOPLA,Q,MOSIS in inf & child)
AUTHORS: Pi6ro, Jan, Appelt, Kazim..orz, K~Ag
TITLE-. StoraGe battery filling compound particularly suitable for
acid batteries
PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal. ' Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 345, abstract
22'A'173 (Pol. pat. 44621, June 20, 1961)
TENT: An addition a.ent is svUE;ested to improve the plasticity and ad~,eaive
properties of filling com7,ounds for acid. storaGe batteries. This is the
asphalt wh'ich is obtained as a by-producit from,the selective refinement of
oils adhere orranic solvents are used. It contains 50-601~% aromatic hydro-
carbons. The resulting composition is not.sub'jaot to Cracking in the
te~-oeraturc ran-e from -45 to 600C. [Abstracter's note: Complate
Card 1/1
Investigation of the viscosity of the universal lubricating oil for axles under
conditions of below-freezing temperaturcis. P. 377.
(i)RmGU1) Koujola. Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1956, Warszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec- 1957.
Faraffins and their manufacturing processes. p. 182
Vol. 11,, no. 8. August 1956
Source: Mont~y List of East European Accessions (EEAQ~ IC., Vol. 5., no:, 2,,
Feb. 1956
Asphalt dusts in concrete blocks for telephone cables *(15.236.
(TELE-RADIO. Vol. 2, No. 5, May 1957, Warszawa, Polan
SO: Monthly List of East -6wopean Accessionzi (EEAL) LG. Vol. 6, No. 12) Dec. 1957.
Un c1.
KOSSOWICZ, Ludw1k, mgr.inz,
Asphalt for the production of tarboard. Przeg] tech 81 no.5:17-
19 F 160.
KOSSOWICZ, Ludwik, mgr inz,
Achievements of the Polish petroleum industry in the prcduc-L~011
of asphaltoc, Nafta, Pol 19 no.3:'72-77 Mr 163,
1. Zjenoczenie Przemysly Rafineri:L Naftyp Warszewa,
KOSSOWICZ, ludwik.. mgr inz.
Research on the produetiori of road itsphalt from Romashkino
petroleum. Techn drog prace 4t9-21161.
KAFCIA, Tadeusz, dyr. mgr.; KOSSOWIGZ, Indirik., mgr. inz.
Twenty years of the petroleum refliting industry in the Polish
People's Republice, Nafta 20 no.9s2'16--243 S164
1. Association of Petroleum Refining Industry, Krakow.
Significance of rhinitis in the appearance of infantile diarrheas.
Pediat. -oolska 34 no.6:799-804 June 59.
1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznoj -A. M. w Warnanwie Kierownik: prof.
dr mad. R. 13aranski 1 2 Oddz. Laryngologlaznego II Kliniki Pedia-
tryC2nej A. M. w W-wia Kierownik Oadzialu: doe. dr med. J. Dnnielawicz.
(DIARRHY-A, in inf. & child) (JUInTITIS, in inf. & child)
Clinical forms of allergic diseases in pediatric otolaryngology.
Otolaryng. pol. 17 no-4944-5-446: 163.
1. Z Odftialu Otolaryngologii DzieoJ.eaej AM (kierownikt doe* J.Danialeviez) i z Praeowni, Analityamej Zeepolu
Klinik Dzieoiecyrah AM v'Warssawie (I:iorowniki dr, mod. He
On diagnostic difficulties In acuto dyspnsas in infants and '
small children. Podiat.polsks 35 110-3:301-307 Mr '60.
1.-Z Oddzialu laryngologii Dziocieoej II Klinikii Chorob Diiect
A.M. w Warazawie, Klorownik Kliniki: prof. dr mod. M. Michilowics,
KiorownAk OdAzialu., doe. dr mod. J. 'Danielowicz.
(DYSPRU diag. )
( - - - - - -------- -)
Some observations on diagnostic probleria in fibrous dysplavia of
the bone. Otolar polska 15 no.1:87-93 161.
1. Z Oddzialu IAryagologicznego przy Il Klinice Pediatrycznej AM w
Warazavie Kierownik: doe, dr med. J. Dunielewicz.
Use of cellophane in the treatment of cicatrica.1 stenoses of the
respiratory and digestive passages. Cesk. otolaryng. 11 no.6:364-365
D t62.
Peritonsillar dbscesses in infants. Otolaryng. pol. 16 no-3035-
539 '62.
1. Z Oddzialu Iaryngologicznego II ICLiniki Podiatry zncj AM w Warezawie
Kierownik Oddzialu: doe. dr mod. J, Danielewicz i z Odd2ialu laryngologicz-
nego Miejskiego Szpitala Dzieciecego na Saskiej Kepie Ordynator Oddzialu:
lek. M. Goralowna.
Use of a auction device for the remo*val of bronchial spherical foreign
bodies in infants. Otolaryng. pol. 16 no.3:561-562 162.
1. Z Oddzialu Laryngologicznego II Kliniki Pediatryc2oej AM w
Waruzavie Kierownik: doc. dr med. J. Danialewicz.
Stereochemical problema in the synthesis of some 294-diffubfitittrted
chinoline compounds. Bul chim PAN 8 nc.8;419-422 160.
(EKAI 10:9/10)
1. KELtedra Chemdi Organicznej, Universytet Jagiellonski, Krakowi
Laboratorium Nr. 6. Iniotytut Syntezy Organicznej, PAN. Presented by
T. Urbanski.
(Stersochemistry) (Qu~oline)
Stereo c-bemicallr~~~4n,Uwzyntheviv ofiome 2,4-distibstituted
quinoline compounds. II. Bul chim PAN 9 no./+:217-218 161.
1. Natedra Chemii Organicznej, Unlwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow
Pracownia Nr. 6. Zaklad Synthezy Organicznej PAN. Presented by
T. Urbanski.
(Stereochemistry) (Quinoline compounds)
Value of Lainpan's test in the diaEnosio of chronic py-~~-Lcnephritis.
Pol. arch. mad. wewnet. 35 no.6:793-795 165.
1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wninetrznych AM w Wanizewia (Kierowrnik:
prof. dr. mad. T. Oriwa'Ei)
HAGER-MALECKA, Bozena; KOSS94SKI, Andrzej _
Drug-resistance of bacilli in tuberculosis in children. Gruzlica 29
no.22:1017-1023 D '61.
1. Z Kliniki Chorob Dziecl SlasIdej MI w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr
mad. A. Chwalibogowski.
CHWALIDOGOWSKI., Artur; KRAUZEp Mieczyslaw; AndrzEg .
Pyothorax and pyopneumothorax in children in the antibiotic
era. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 noatl559-1.562 1-4 0163.
1. Z Kliniki Chorob Dzieci Sl. AM.; kierownik: prof.
Artur Chwalibogowski),
Attempted dateiL:Lnatim of the nature of "adrei:alin ox5dass" ir
the blood serwi. Ahn. Ihiiv. lAiblin sact. I') 19V,894.95 164.
1. Katedra I 2hklad Patologii Ogo1na,J i DovwJadcza3raJ, Wya!Bl
Lakanki AM v Lublinie (Kierowniki prof. dr. itned. Jarc)slnw
ZARERA, Jerzy, KOSSMISKI, And-r--e'
Acc,~.dentAl pr.!, in chlldren In the light of clin-'eal
material In Zabrze. Pedlat. Pol. T) no.6:737--741 J,., 164.
1. Z Klln4ki Chorob Dziecl Slaskiej Akademi! Medycznej w
Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr me3. A. Chwalibogowski (deceaBedj).
Dz%igi Plywajace; Budowa i Eksploatgcja. (noating Cranes; Construction and Use).
by: B. KOSSMSKI and Z. PUHACZEWSKI. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Kommikacyjne, 1955.
xOna-Mij B.
KOSS(14SKI, B. Vibrators,, modern equipment for driving piles into the
ground. P. 418. GOSPODARKA WODNA. Warszawa,, Poland. Vol- 15, No. 10., Oct- 1955
jOURCE: East European Accessicno List (EEAL) LC Vol* 5j NU. 6. June 1956
KM301,13KI, Bohdan, inz.
...... ~
New vibration machini.-s for earth compacLing. InZ SLLvbv ' no.6-
Suppl: Mechanizace no.6;01-95 lu"f 163.
1 . Vadouci konstrakcniho a vyzkwTjieYLo oftboru Sdruzeni vodi(.h staveb,
KMOWSKII Bohdan, mgr inz.
Vibration hammers and compacLors. PrzEigl mech 23 no.9/3.0:
275-277 25 14Y '64,
1. Chief Engineer, Assceiation of Enterprises for the Repair of
Construction Machines and Equipment, No. 3, Gdansk.
KCSSCWSKI, Bobdan, inz.
fl~-w vibr:~stroke pfle drivors in Fcland,, Inz stavby- 11 nc.,.7.,.
Supp'1:14.~clmnlzace no.T:102-104 163,,
a.. Vedoucl konstrakeniho a vyzkurmeho odboru Sdruzanl vodnich
ataveb, Gdansk.
KOSSOWSKI, LeszjDk;,--$ZYMANSKI, Ryozard
Value of Sternheimer-Malbin, cells In pyelonephritis. Pol. tyg. lek.
17 no.7:258-261 12 F 162.
1. Z Kliniki Nefrologicznej AM we Wroclawiu; kierownik: prof. dr
Z. Wiktor I z III Katedr7 Chorob 'Ylewnetrznych AM we Wroclaw1u; kierownik
prof. dr R. Szczeklik.
"A Review of Forging Machinery Against the Background of the Actual Needs
of Industry", p. 60, (NECHANIK, Vol. 27, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Warszawa,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC~ Vol. 4, No. 5,
May 1955, Uncl.
Interrelation between yields of lucerne seed, periods of seeding,
and mechanical pollination. Rocz nauk roln rosl 80 no.2:349-366
959, (EEAI 9:11)
1. Instytut Uprawy, Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, Pulawy.
Remarks on the influence of autumn drought on the formation bf
yields of winter crops. Postepy nauk roln 7 no.2:25-53 Mr /Ap 160.
(EEAI 9:10)
1. Instytut Uprawy, Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, Pulawy.
(Poland--Crop yields)
r form of varebrospinal moning:itip. Wlad. lek. 18 nosM
., Z,63-.U,87 15 S 165.
1, Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Szpitalft Miejskiego im. N. Cybul-
skiego w Bielsku-B:Lalej (Ordynaton: lek. med. 0. Kossowski).
KOSSOVSKI, Stanislaw
Air embolism in acute chronic otitis media. Otolar. polska 8
no-3:235-240 1954.
1. Z Kliniki Laryngologicinej Akedemil Medycznej we Wroclaw1u.
Kierownik: prof. dr W.Jankowski.
(OTITIS MRDIA, in infant ani child.
with air embolism)
air. in otitig media In inf.)
KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw
!;71 1 '-
Iffect of inflamatory states of the ear, nose, and throat on
prothrombin level in the blood. Przogl. lek. 10 no-3:91-95 Mr 154.
1. Z Kliniki Oto-larMologiesnej kademii "asnej we Wroclawiu.
Kierownik: Prof. dr T.Ealevski. 2. Z Zakladu Patologii i Ogolnej
i Doeviadczalnej Akademii Medvcznej we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: Prof.
dr H.'Kowarpiyk.
(PROTHROMBIN, determination,
*in otorhinolaryngol, dis.)
*otorhinolorMol. die., prothro*JA level im)
KOSSOW SH Stanislaw (Wroclaw)
Iffect of inflwn tory states of the ear, nose, and throat on
prothrombin level in the blood. :Przsgl. lek. 10 no.4:138-143
AP '54.
(PROTHROMBIN, determination,
*in otorhinolaryngol. die.)
*otorbinolarmol. die., prothrombin level in)
KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw (Wroclaw)
Effect of inflammatory states of tho ear, nose and throat on
prothrombin level in the blood. Praegl. lek. 10 n0.5:159-168
my '54.
*otorhinolarMol, dis.0 pmthrombin level in)
(PROTHROMBINt determination
*in otorhinolaryngol. die::)
XQ 'SQ if
Dihydrostreptomycin and dihydrontreptomycin-penicillin
therapy of ozena. Areb. immun. ter,, dosw. 3:239-247 1955.
1. Instytut Immunologii I Terapij Dl)awiadczalnej PAN we
Wroclawiu (Dyraktor* prof. dr. L. Hire%feld) Dzial Baktariologii
i Antybintykow (Kierownik; doc. dr. A. Bekierkunst) Klinika
Otolaryngologiczna Akademli MSdyC2noj we Wroclawiu (Kisrownik:
prof. dr. W. Jankowski)
dihydrostreptomycin alone & with penicillin (Pol))
01HYDROSTMMMYCIN, tberapeu*lwic use,
rbinits, atrophic, alone & with penicillin (Pol))
(PENICILL114-therapeutic use,
rhinitis, atrophic, with d'Lhydrostreptomycin (Pol))
EXCERPTA V;EDICA SEC ii . Vol. io/~ Jan.
15-r-y-ng5l-, A. M.; Stpit. NISW, Wroclaw. *Leczente ozeny skojarzonym dzia-
- lantem siarczanu streptomycyny i sulfonamidaml. Q n t r e a t m e n t 0 f
oinena by joint action of streptomycin sulphate and
sulphonamides PROBL.LEK. 1956, 311 (69-1-%) rubles I
Streptornycin sulphate and sulphonamides -were applied by the author in cases of
ozaena. In 24 cases a positive clinical result and in 27 cases a negative bacterio-
logical result was obtained. The dosage of streptomycin sulphate and sulphona-
mides was based on determinations of sensitivity of the capsulated bacteria to the
joint action of the d1rugs mentioned. Encouraging rtsults ire obtained.
Antibiotic therapy of ozena; case reports and review of foreign
literature. Otolar. polska 10 No.:L:45-49 1956.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryugologicznej A.M. we Wroclawiu Kierownik:
prof. dr. W. Jankowski.
antibiotics (Pol))
(AUTIBIOTICS. therapeuticuse,
rhinitis, atrophic (Pol))
1EXCERPTA MICA See 11 Vol 9/11 O-B-1- ~Ov 56
2116.. KOSSOWSKI.3. AGOPSOWICZ G. and 110CHBERGER B. Klin. Otola-
ryngol., Wroctaw. v 0 etiologii I zachowawczym leezeniu ozeny. Aetio-
logy and conservative treatment of ozacna POL. TYG. LEK.
1956, 11/16 (708-712)
The authors discuss the aetiopathogenctic factors of ozaena, its characteristic
morbid symptoms and most common theories. They describe in their paper vari-
ous methods of conservative treatment of ozaena based and depending to a large
extent on the theories accepted by their authors. They mention, among others,
recent trials of treatment with cortisone, ACT11 and vit. E. *Me authors empha.
size the great significance of Introducing antibiotics into the treatment of ozaena.
They describe their personal experience in treating It with antibiotica.
KO,3304;K1, Stnnislaw; Leon
rPT)euticai management n s-nastic & paretic al3honia. C.1to-lar.
11 no.1:10~5-111 1957.
1. Z Kliniki Oto-Iaryngo lop it, znej A. M. we Wroalawiu. Kierovnik: prof.
dr. W. JaTflrowski i z Pbradni. FonAntrycznej przy G.WP. 3. P. we
WroalAviu Kierownik: lek mgr L. flandzel.
(SPP,O,-,-H DISOUTE, ther.
aphonia, -Oaretic & snastic, Andic.
KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw-; ALBM, Zygmmt
So-called granulom gangraoneacena. Polakie tygod. lek. 14 no.l:
21-25 5 Jan 59.
1. (Z Kliniki Oto-L-Lryngologiczaa A.M. we Wroclawiu: kierownik;
nrof. dr Wiktor Jankowski i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologictnej A. M.
we Wroclamiu; kierownik:prof. dr Zyguunt Albert). Adres: Wroclaw:
Klinika OtolarMologioma A.M.
(FACE, die.
midline facial granulomatouB ulceration (Pol))
(GRAIMWMA, case report:3
The problem of tinnitus in the light of audiologic tests and treatment
with ataractics. Arch. immun. ter. dosw. 9 no.4:63i-650 161.
1. Otolaryrgologic Clinic~ School of Medicine, Wroclaw; Department of
Pharmacology, Institute of Immunology and Ziperimental Therapy, Polish
Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw.
KoMolmaKiq Stanislaw; WAWRYKDWICZo Tadeuss; KANIDWH19 I)RdeUsz
Rare foms of fibrous dogeneration of the bone in the area of the
frontal sinus. Otolar polska 15 no.2tI59-166 161c
1. Z Kliniki L&Mgologicznaj A.M. 'we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof,
dr mad, W. Jankowski Z Kliniki Padiologicznej A.M. we Wroclawiu
Kleromniks doo. dr nod. Zb. Xubi*klewicz
(OSTEITIS FIEM e&M reports)
Role of Feldmann's test in diseases of the auditory organ in clinical
conditions. Otolar polska 15 no.3:277-280 161.
1. A 11iniki Otolaryngologicznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr
mad. W. Jankowski.
KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw; REGZEK, Halina; KUSTRZYCKA, Helena
Stewartts tumors in the oral cavity. Otolar polsks, 15 no.3:327-331
1. Z Kliniki Iaryngologicznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr
W. Jankowski.
(MOUTH neoplasms)
Use of tranquilizing agents in labyrinthine and extralabyrinthine
diseases. Otolaryn,-. Pol. 16 no.1:105-117 162.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A14 we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof.
dr med. W. Jankowski Z Zakladu Farmakolo-ii AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik:
prof. dr, med. J. Hano.
(TIMITUS ther)
Research on the ototoxic influence of streptomycin and clihydrostreptom7cin
studied by means of cochlear miorophonics. Otolaryng. po;. 16 no.4%573-
580 162.
1, Z KlWkI Otolaryngologioznej VI we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr
W. Jankowski Z Zakladu FarmakologV16 AM we.Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof.
dr J. Hano.
ME SOWS GI=ANO'd9,KI,, Jemy; ZIEMSKIy Zbigniew
Studies an the toxic effect of kainamycin and neomycin on
Cortils organ -in experimntal animals. Otolaryng. pol. 17
no.l-.15-.20 ',63.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologianej AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik:
prof. dr W. Jankowski Z Zakladu Farmakologii AM we Wroclawiu
Kierounik: prof. dr J. Hano.
Audiologic tests in Meniere's disease with the use of atarac-
tics. Otolaryng. Fol. 17 no.3:241-246 t63.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej AM we Wroclawiu. (kierovrl ik:
prof.dr. W.Jankovski) i z Zakladu Famakologii AM we Wroc-
lawiu (kierowniki-prof.dr. J.Hano).
-.'KOSSQWSKI-Y Stanislaw; AGOPSOWICZ, Grzegorz; CMIEWSKA., Jadviga
Use of a polyester fabric in Eyries' operation. Otolaryn.g. Pol.
18 no.2:309-311 164.
1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawiu
(Kierownik: Prof. dr. W. Jankowski).
- KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw; GIELDANOWSKI' Jerzy; HEMSKI, Zbigniew
Experimental studies on the ototoxicity of certain antibiotics.
Arch. immun. ther. exp. 12 no.3:402--406 164.
1. The Otolaryngological Clinic, School of Medicine, Wroclaw;
Department of Niarmacology, School cf Medicine, Wroclaw.
KOSSOWSKI. -Stanislaw; DUHLAKOIIA, Irena,- AGOR50111CZ5, Grze---z, MLPMZ.-
13AB(.ZY3ZvYTI, Jadwaga; KUSTRZYCK.A, Helena; PUMO-HESSM.,
Anna; GY16JU-11113KA, JadwIga; IVIAR, Zofla
Clinical., bacteriological and ser:)logica-1. studies on chronic
atrophic fetid na3opharyngitiz. Jkrch. imm. ther. exp. 12
no.4.,483-490 164
Clinical, bacteriologica]. und serAogical studies on chronic
atrophic nonfetid nasopharyngitis and laryngitls. Jbid.t
1. DeparLment of Bacterioiciry, Im3tituLe of LrImmiology and
Exper4 mtal Therapy, Polish Acad,,-my of Sciences, Wroclaw;
Tne Uryngological Clinic, Schoul of Vedicine, Wroclaw,
and Department of MAcroblology,, S:hool of Medicine, Vroclaw.