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s/o58/62/000/008/051/134 Ao6i/Alol AUTHORS: Kosman, M. S., Pettsolld, E. G. TITLE: Electroluminescence of zinc oxide with bismuth oxide impurity PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 45, abstract BV321 ("Uch. zap. Leningr. gos..ped., in-ta im. A. I. Gertsena", 1961, v. 207, 51 - 63) TEXT: The electroluminescence of zinc oxide with bismuth oxide impurity was investigated by passing direct or alternating current through pressed sampIcs. Two emission bands with maxima at 5,700 an(I 6,200 X, related to two forms of lu- minescence centers at 0.08 and 0.2 ev depth, were established. The luminescence centers were formed by ions of the excess ,,inc. 1i is noted that the quantum yield in the samples increases with their dielectric constant. The appeararfce of luminescence is associated with thb accumulation of space charge in the crys- tal section near the electrode. There are 37 references. [Abstract*er's note: Complete translation] A. Burlakov Card 1/1 ROSMAN, H.S..; ALEKSANDROVA, M.S. uwfflm~j- I , 1. Some characteristics of the photoconductivity of zinc oxide in regions near to the electrode* Uch,zap.Pcd.inst,*ZO7t65-69 '61w (MIRA 16:5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Arw,-, - Gertsena. '(Zinc fxide)~ (Photoc'Aductivity) S/958/6P-/000/008/123/134 A160/A101 AIMORS: Kosman, M. S., Izyozchikov, IF. A. TITLE: The relation of the intrinsic photoeffect in PbO to the phenomena near the electrodes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika., no, 8, 1962, 40, abstract 8-3-79n ("Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. ih-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena", 1961, 207, 81 - 91) TM: Investigated were activated imd non-activated photoresistors ob- tained by pressing yellow lead oxide which-turned red~under~ pressure. The re- lation between the distribution of the potential and illumination was measured. The measurements were conducted in fields up to 200 v/cm with the help of plzobes, and in more intense fields - with a.strirq; electrometer. One part of the mea- surements was carried out in gasoline to aliminate the effect of humidity on the tonductivity. The relation between the potential jumps near the electrodes and the appli.ed voltage and illumination was determined by tests. The character of the polarization phenomena observed durir4: the closing of the electric circuit Card 1/2 s/o58/6Z/000/008/123/1311 The relation of the intrinsic photoeffect... A1601A101 or during a sudden reversal of the field was investigated. An investigation.of the volt-ampere characteristics revealed that,the Ohm's law becomes effective in weak fields only. The results obtained are explained as a result of storing space charges. There are 35 references. N. S. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 91 106 0 41?26 8/1'94/62/000/007/081/160 D295/D308 AUTHORS: Kosman, M.S., and Izvozchikovp V.A. TITLE: Coloring of lead oxide under illumination in an electric field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurn4l. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat no. 7, 1962f abstract 7-5-3 e (Uch. zap* Leningre goss ped. in-tat im. A.I.*Gerteena# 2079 1961p 93 - 103) ~-% 3V/cm tEXT: The coloringof PbO begins with field strengths of 10 near macro-defect8 and grain boundaries. Coloring is green or yel-.' low PbO and blue on Ted PbO. As the field strength increasest the area and intensity of coloring increase afid the color becomes grey's Coloring is affected by the field form but not by"the material- of the electrodes. In the presence of a monochromatic beam, coloring occurs on condition that the wavelength of the incident light cor- :~esponds to a region of high photo-senBitivity. Removal of moisture- at a residual pressure of -j10-3 mm Hg and at temperatures of 100.*' to 3000C resulted An increased ph.oto-sensitivity and reduced color- ing rate. Adsorbed moisture increases the susceptibility of PbO ib Card 1/2 i S/19 62/000/007/081/16G Coloring of lead o'x'ide under ... D295YD308 coloring. By depositing a drop of.-fl:207.on PbO blue coloring is obser- ved near the drop And red coloring unaer ito Coloring modifies'the optical properties of PbO. Annealing 6f colored PbO at a temperatu- re of 3000C removes coloring and the 8ptical properties are recove- red. The photoelectric properties'c~f PbO vary after coloring. The IV current decrease due to coloring bears a unipolar character. The temperature dependence of electric coriductivity also varies with coloring In an alternating field'no coloring is observed. 23 refe- rehees. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] -Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/009/069/069 o o A057/A1O1 AUTHORS: Kosman, M. S., Pettsolld, E. 0. on the possibility of production of symmetric zinc oxide varistors with bismuth oxide admixture PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizilia, no, 9, 1962, 25, abstract 9-4-49shch ("Uch. zap. Leningr. got. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Gertsena", 1961, v. 207, 191 - 197) TEXT: Investigating the Losev effect it was observed that ceramic samples (S) of zinc oxide with a bismuth oxide admixture havelproperties of a nonlinear symmetric resistance and are suitable for use at low currents and voltages. The technology of their production is simple and needs no cpmplicated equipment: the mechanical mixture is pressed at A pressure of 5-104 kg/M2 into discs oP 1.5 mm-thickness and 12 mm in diameter. The per cent content of the admixture Is determined by weight and varies from 0.5 to 60%. The electrical properties of the 3 depend on the temperature and duration of tho calcination of the mix- ture, thd cooling rate and content of admixture. S can be prepared with an Card 1/3 On the possibility of production of... S/058/6P-/000/009/069/069 A057/A1O1 electric conductance of 10-6 - 10-11 ohm-1-cm-1. Investigations of the elec- trical properties'were carried out at constant, alternating, and pulse voltages. The taken voltampere characteristics (V(,') show that the VC can be approximately described, in a sufficiently wide range of constant and alternating voltages, by log I, :[~" the equation I = AVof', where cG -log VI 'r2 is the coefficient of n6nlinearity; I = current; V = voltage. Measurements of the same samplein vacuum, air, and at.liquid air temperature showed changes of M from 5 to 4 and 4.4 respectively. At a pulse voltage a sharp increase of the current passing thro *ugh the S can be observed, which is related, apparently, with time factors of formation of space charges, effecting also a decrease of the current at an increase of the.duration of pulses (at constant pulse repetition.rate and voltage). The S has completely*: symmetric VC branches at alternating current. The increase in calcination tem- perature of the 3 with the same content-of admixture and cooling rate effects, as a rule, an Increase of the electric conductance. the latter was also ob- served at an increase of the cooling rate. The S with 5 - 15% admixture have the smallest electric conductance; thei CC-value depends upon the latter. An increase in the froquenoy of tlie altermating voltage effects tho devolopment of Card 2/3 'AUTHORSt 0896 S/181/62/004/009/036/045 B104/B186 Kosman, M. S., and Nesmolovaq L. L TITLEt Negative photoconductiv-.Lty of cuprous oxide near a point contact PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela,-v,, 4P no- 9r 1962p 2608 - 2610 TEXT: The processes taking place in cuprous oxides (7 - 103 ohm-cm) near the electrodes and-at a certain distance from them were studied separately. The experiments were ma.Ae at room temperature, in normal air humidity, with one point electrode, and-one plan6 electrode. The specimens were irradiated with pulses of white light. The current passing through them was kept constant. The changes iri the potential- ,distribution along the speoimon under the action of tho light pulses wore measured. The potential.dialribution (Fig. 1) is highly nonlinear and the Bign of photoconductivity changes along the specimen. In the region (ab) (Fig. 1) photoconductivity is negative and the relaxation time is in the range of 10-2 sec. A positive photooonductivity with a relaxation time Card 1/P 41768 62/000/008/038/100 D295YD308 AUTHOR: Kosmanp M.S., and Izvo-zchikov, V.A. TITLE: Connection of the internal photoelectric-effect in PbO with phenomena near the electrode PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelelctronikap no. 8, 1962, abstr4Ct 8-3-79 n (Uch. zap* Leningr gos. ped. in-ta, im. A.I. Gertsena, no. 207, 1961, 131-9i) I TVXT- The authors have investigated the activated and non-activated photL-resistances obtained by compacting yellow 'lead oxide which turned to red oxide under pressure. The dependence of the potential distribution on illuminance was met.,sured; the measurement was car- ried out by means of probe's in fieldB of up to 200 V/cm, and by ilk means of a string electrometer in more intense fields. A part of the measurements was carried out irt benzene in order to eliminate the influence of humidity on conducitivity. The dependence of poten- iial jumps near the electrode on the voltage applied and on illumi- nance was established. The nature of the polarization phenomenap ob- served when the eleotrio circuit ii; closed or when the field direc- Card 1/2 hig5o B/194/62/000/009/058/100 D295/D308 AUTHORS: Kosman, M. S. and Pe'4-tsolld, E. G. TITLE: On the possibility of'fabricating symmetrical varis- tors of zinc oxide with bismuth-oxide doping PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurn&l, Avtomatik& i radioelektronika, no. 9. 1962, 25, abstract 9-4-49 shch (Uch. zap. Le- ningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. 'A. I. Gertsena, no. 207, 19619 191-197) - I TEXT: It has been found, in invostigating'Losev's effect,. that ceranic samples of zinc oxide with bismuth-oxide doping have pro- perties of nonlinear symmetrical resistors and are suitable for use with small currents and voltages. The technology of their la- brication is simple and does.not require complicated apparatus: A: mechanical mixture is compacted under 5 x 104 kg/M2 pressure into discs of11.5 mm thickness and 12 mm diameter* The impurity percen- _~age is determined according to weight and varies from 0.5 to 60%. Card 1/ 4 S/194/62/000/009/058/100 On the possibility of ... D295/1)308 rature of samples with the same impurity content and coolin rate causes, as a rule, an increase of electrical conductivity. The lat- ler is also observed at an increase'of cooling rate. Sam les with t, p 5 - 15~o' impurity have the lowest electrical conductivityo( is-com- pletely determined by the latter. An increase of the frequency of ,the alternate voltage leads to the arising of a hysteresis loop, connected with an increase of r6actance owing to the self~capacit- .ance of the sample. The most probable.exprlanation of the properties .of nonlinear resistances is the hypothesis of the existence of thin barrier layers connected with the surface state of the sample, which is indicated by the modifications of the v.01tage-current character- istics in the presence of oxygen. ".:n this connection surface energy levels are formed on the surface of grE~ins7 of zinc oxide owing to the adsorption of oxygen, and occupied by conductivity electrons from the volume, thus modifying the electrical and optical proper- ties of the grains. Apparently surface barriers are the cause of the dymmetry of the current-voltage characteristics. Their influence is noticeable for a surface-to-volume ratio of 10-3 cm-' or more. C,Ird 3/4 S/194/62/000/009/058/1'00 On the possibility of ... D295/D308 Since, according to data from the literature, the electrical resis- tance of baked zinc oxide increaBe;a at the places of fusion of r,rains, where the cross-section is considerably smaller than the cross-section of the'-grainb themselves, then the surface-to-volume ratio is high and the surface state affects markedly the resistance of the sample. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 9,:42: KOSMAN, M.S.; RESIELOVA, L.I. Regative photoconductivity of copper oxide near a point contact. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.9--2608-2610 S 162. (MM 15:9) 1. Lsningradskiy gosudarstvermyy podagogicheskiy institut imeni A.I. Gertsena. (Copper oxide) (Photoconductivity) IZVCZGli'IKOVJI V.A.,- KOSNIN, M.S. Photoelectric mid optical proportion of latid oxide. Izv. wis. ucheb. zav.; fiz. ne.4:128-135 163. (I-IIIU, 16:9) 1. Leningradskiy pedagogiclieskiy institut imeni A.I.Gertsena. Lead oxide-Phateelectric properties) ead oxide-4ptical properties) R AC=ICN XR: AP4041142 8/0020/64/156/004/0778/0780 AUTHOR: Kosman, M. 8-; Sozina, A. N. Alikhanov, A. 1. TITIZ: Relaxation oscillations in dielectrics souRcE: AN sssR. i)oklaav*., v. 156,, no. 4,, 1964., 778-78o -TOPIC TAGS: dielectric relaxationoscillation.. resistance variatioay*volume chargei barium titanate ABSTRACT: The authors have found In a prev'4ous work (Fiz. tverd. tela 3, 2504., 1963-) that current oscillations are produced In silicon upon applicatioa of a sufficiently high voltage. They find now a similax phencmenoa in dielectrics such as polycrystall4ne barium titanate, and in many others. The oscillations are observed with an oscilloscope on a 1 = thick sample, with one flat and one ppinted electrode; the applied voltage is about 700 Y. The current pulses are not strictl~r periodical. Higher "frequency" corresponds to a loyer amplitude. The circuit resistance greatly Wluances the pattern. With 10" ohms,, the, the maximum in about 10 secv the decrease Is somewhat longer. It appears that while In the semiconductors the resistanco changes during the onoillations only in the i Card 1/2 IcassicK NR; Ap4o4u42 :1a,yer near the surface., in the dielectric tbe resistance of the whole specimen is ,periodica3ly abangingo Orig. art, has: 3 11gureso :ASSOCIATICN: Leningradskiy gosudarstvaiiy*y pedagogicbeekly Institut Ime 'A. 1. Gertseas (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute) sunamm: a3jan64 ENCLi 00 AUB CM: EM NO F" SOV: 003 OTM; 002 ;Card 2/2 IZVOZCHIKOV, V.A.; KOSMAN, M.S.; CHMiNYAVSKIY, K.A. -......... - ------ Photocurrent fluctuatiDns in FbO pbotoresistors. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no-5:1552-1556 My 165. (14IRIA 18s5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarst,.tennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Gertsena i Maromskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. G.A.; 1ZVOZCHIKOvX V.A.; KOSMAN, M.S., Prof., nauchnvy rukovo- -1 tol I rahoty Temperature dependence of the kinetics of photoconductivity in lead oxide. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:53-56 '64. (MIRA 18:3) IJP(c) JD ACCESSION:NRt, AMIM5" UPIOIB.1165100719051153211556 -Aq. Kosman :M so C K* A. AuTk6R j*ozchikqjj Va~ he'rnyaWrIB TITLE: Fluctuations of the Photocurr,entAn FbO,-,pbotorezisto= :SOURCE: Pizika:tverdogo~WA V6 7, 5,: ibC5 $ I~W-1556 %TOPIC'TAGS ~'.lead oxideP. jphotocurrervt,:- photoresistor, volt amyere charact risti6j_~' ABIMRACT The author6,observed ~ie-`6r6aadown current oscillations -on the super- near. section* of the Volt-ampere obaracteristic (E A. 104 -~/CM) of po2yerystalline . lead oxide. . They were able. to - obtain: fluctuatiens of the p1hotocurrent at, relative- ing o the ly.low voltage*(corTespond t tho start of the sublinear dependence of: cur- -102 -ren eld oxceeds 5 x YAM). These oscillations arise;' t on the voltage vhen the-fi hen the illumination- is turned,on ;m'd vanish, vhen it is turned off. If the volt-. age is increased, the oscillations - 'ei in also in-darkness if the circuit is closed,., but their amplitude.increases.mhen- 1,be turned cn. In the latter case c component of the therefore the. oscillations exist - on:~y - during the growth of the d pbotocurrent, and stop when a certain current is reached. The higher the photoelec,.. tric . sensitivIty of the maple +he: Lations ~t i easier it was to obtain stable oscit I-lower voltages. It is concluded thA the condition for the occurrence of oscil-la- cam 1/2 222k&7 F-WT(Q/EWT(m)/E:WP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) JD/AT ACC NR. AR6013676 ckMFCE CODE- MV0058/65/000/010/B077/W77 AUIMR: - Kosman, M. S.; IzmzchikaV, V. A. 6.2 TITLIE: Pre-breakdown oscillations of the dawk, current and light-induoed breakdmn and illatiais of photocurrent in lead oodde photoresistances fj V17 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 101-:629 REF. SOURCE: Sb. in-ta. L., 1965, w. inzh.-stxoit. TOPIC TAGS: photoresistance, lead oxide, ditAectric breakdown, oscillation ABMAM Periodic oscillations of the phot! were observed in Rolycrysta-11ine smples of PbO at constant illumination in a constant field E > 5 x 104 v/cm. The duration of the pulses was < 1.5 x 10-7 sec. The repetition fFequency was 5 - 2.5 x 102 sec-. It is proposed that the o==(mce of the oscillations is cmutected with a redistribution of the charge in the surface traps. At fields 103 -- 104 V/CM, light-induced breakdown is observed over the surface of the sanple. [Translation of abstract] SUB COM, 20 USqR / Microbiology. Himan and Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Jour: Rat Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5613. Author Rubinshteyn, I. S.; Vllenohik, Go Y.; Kosman- del', '.I. K Inst Title Laboratory Diagnosis of Diphtheria. Orig Pub: Zdravookhr. Belorussii, 1958, No 1, 53-54. Abstract: The diphtheria baoill-as has a characteristic appearance when examined under the phase-differen- comloroscope. Instead of phase-contrast illum- ination, which is not available in all labora- tories, the authors ,..,uggest the following meth- od: from a 24-48 hovx culture on Loffler's med- ium a drop is prepart-id in such a way that air bubbles appear under the cover glass. Bacterio- Card 1/2 US,R / Microbiology. Human ano. Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5613. Abstract: scopy is conducted using the oil immersion ob- Jective with closed-down diaphragm and lowered condenser. By this technique the diphtheria bacilli can usually be seen in the air bubbles without mixture with other organisms. The view is similar to the one observed in the phase-differenoe microsoope, differences in the refraction of light in the liquid and in air giving an effect similar to that w-bich appears in phase contrast. - M. A. Gruzman. Card 2/2 53 05~40 SO'1/120-59-3-121/1, 6 AUTHORS: Dmitriyev, A. B,,, Vorcib;yev, Id, G., Kosmarskaya, L,G, and Chipurenko,'Ii. I. TITI~0,: The Construction of Boron Ionization Chambers (Konstruktsiya. bornykh ionizatsionnykb kamer) PERIODICAL- Pribory 1 tekhnika E!ksperimenta.. 1951), Nr 3, PP 59-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT-- A description is givert of the following ionization chambers, all of which are designed to detect slow neutrons from the ionization due to the reaction B10 (n.,a)Li 7, the KN SEtries (f i Iled with BF ) , -the KNT series (solid boron and argon gas) aM the PMK series (compensated for the effect of the y-background') 1) The KN-50 chamber, Fig I shows a photograph of this chamber,, The electrodes consist of four coaxial tubes., 12, 22:~ 32 and 42' mm in diameter, made from nickel foil., 6.1 mjii thick,, and in electrical contact with each other, It is filled-with BF 3 gas at C-00 mm Hg, the working volume being 370 cm~, The gas is obtain-ad from the reaction Card 1/4 Ba(BF )4 --* 2BF 3 -+- BaF 2- 05441 SOV/120-59-3-12/46 The Construction of Boron Ionization Chambers Fig 3 gives the volt-ampere characteristics of the chamber when the latter was irradiated in the reactor cha.nnel The3saturation current at 500 V is 0.045 11LP~cm . 2) The KNT-52 chamber. This chamber is in the form of a two-electrode system placed in a hermetically sealed steel cylinder. The cylinder is filled with argon at a pressure of 6 atm. Each electrode (Fig 4) consists of 30 discs, 43 mm in diameter, placed parallel to each other. The discs have slots through which supports for electrodes of opposite sign can be inserted., The distance between the plates of opposite signs is 1.6 mm and the disc thickness is 0.4 mm, Boron is deposited on either side of each disc (except for the end di cs)7 the total area covered in this way bging 959 cm . The insulation of the terminals at 300 C is 10 Ohms. Amorphous boron is used, The argon gas is 0,001% pure. The electrical characteristics of the chamber were described by Dmitriyev (Ref 3),, The working voltage is 500 V and the working current 350 liamp, Card 2/4 The absolute sensitivity of the chamber was found to be 05h4l SOV/120-59-3-12/46 The Construction of Boron IoniztLtion Chambers as the working gas. The nitrogen enables the breakdown volta-e to be increa9ed to 2 kV. Tbe sensitivity of y-radlation is found to be 3.4 x 10 1-~ amp~r/hr, while th~ sensitivityto slow neutrons is 4 x 10- 4 amp/neutron/ cm see, Yu,, G. Nikolayev suggested the KNK-52 chamber, The K14IC-52 is very s!-milar to the KNK--53 except for the fact that the distribution of the boron and t~-e compensating cells if5 asymmetric so that the sensitivity of the electrode systein to y-radiation depends on the geometry of the radiation field, There are 7 figures ;-.-Lnd 3 Soviet references, SUBMITTED: April 4, 1958 Card 4/4 KOSMARSKAYA,-Je-,N, Reaction of brain nerve cells to prolonged stimuli increase from the peripheral receptors. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 53 no.6:88-91 Je 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Iz otdela r-azvitiya M02iga (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen AM SSSR prof. B.N.Klosovskiy) Instituta pediatrii (dir. - deystviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR O.D.SokoloN,EL-Ponomareva) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Fredstavelna deystvitelInym chlenom ANN SSSR O.D.Sokolovoy- Ponomarevoy. (BRAIN-INNERVATION) XOSMARS KAYA, Ye.. N. -, RA10SHOVA, Te. 9. Peculiarities of the medulla oblongata blood supply. Vopr. neirokhir. 15 no. 6:50-56 3ov-Dec. 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Candidate Biological Sciences Kosmarskaya. 2. Of the Div- ision for the Study of Brain Development (Head -- Prof. B. N. Klosovski7), Order of theited Banner of Labor Institute of Pediatrics (Director - Prof. G. N. Speranskiv, Active Member of the Academy of Medical 9ciences USSR. KLOSOVSKIY, B.N.;KOSMAMKATA, U.N. ~ -, ~ New method of production of itnemia of the medulla oblongata. Fixiol. zh. SSSR 38 no.3:356-361 May-June 1952. (GLML 23-.2) 1.,Diviaion for the Study of Brain Development of the Order of the Red Ban-nor of Labor Institutii,of Pediatrics, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. Moscow. 1. XLOSOVSKIY, B. N., NaMSHAYA, E. N. 2. USSR (6C0) 4. Meduila Oblongata 7. Regulation of the activity of the vascular motor center in the medulla oblongata. B. N. Klosovskiy, E. N. Kasmaksbaya. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 53, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified, KOSHARSKAYA, Ye. N. - - - " -~-- "- t * ~ ~- I ! ~ ~ i I I Problem of collateral coro'bral blood supply. Zh. navropat. psikhiat., Moskva 53 no.9:702-707 SePt 1953- (CLML 25:4) 1. Division for the Study :)f Brain Daysloi)ment of the Institute of Pediatrics, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. KLOSOVSKIY. Boris Nikudimovich, prol'assor, laureat Stalinskoy premii: KOOMBrAYA, U.N., redaktor; 411ASMVA. K.I., redaktor izdatel'- iiva';- YXVA P.G.. tekhnJ,.,heskiy, radaktor. EPVaical development of a chi1l's brain] Razvitie mozga rebenka. Moskva, Izd-vo '!ZnauI8,O 1954. 47 p. (Veesoiusnoe obahchestvo Po rasprostrananiiu politichaskikh t nauchnykh znanii, Ser- 3, no-33) (MLRA 7:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AHN SSU, (for Klosoveki7). (Brain) KOSMARSULYA, Te.N. Effect of extrauterine life on the formation of the structures of the cerebellar cortex In premature infants. Pediatriia no.4., 28-35 J1-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:12) 1. iz otdoloniya razvitiya mi.-aga (zav.-chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR -orof. B.H.Klosovskiy) I:ttstituta pediatrii AMU SSSR (dir. prof. O.D.Sokolova--Ponomare-ta) (GEMHLTAILR CORTSX, phyitiology in premature inf.) (I ITFANT, PREkUTURE, cerebellar cortex dtavelop. in) A S S KLOSOVSKIY, B.N.; KOSMARSKAYA. U.N. F""' - ~'; ~ ~ -1::7' -_'_ __ ...- "i7 Behavior of animals following total exclusion of visual, auditory, olfactory and veatil)ular receptors at an early age. Biul.ekap.biol. i mad. 41) no,9:3-6 S '55 (MLEA 8:12) 1. Is otdola izucheniya razvihiya motga (rakovoditall- chlea-korrespondent AMN SSSR -prof. B.N.Klosoyskiy) Institute. pediatrii (dir.-chlen-korrospondent ARK SSSR O.D.Sokolova-Ponomareva) AMN SSSR Moskva. (BYR, physiology. off. of excis. of visual. auditory, olfactory & vesti- bular receptors In puppies on behavior In dogs) (BARS. physiology. same) Osm~'LL' 'same) (VICS7IBULAR APPARATUS,pliysiology, same) KIA)SOVSKIY,.B.N.; KOSHARBUYA, Ya.N. Cerebral changes following total exclusion of vinual,auditory. vestibular. and olfactory receptors during early stages of development. Zhurevysenorvo deiate 6 no.3:1~'43-450 My-is 156. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Otdol razyitiya mosga Instituta padiatrii JAKH SSSR (BRAIN. physiology. off. of total excluision of auditory, olfactory, vestibular & visual. receptors (Run)) (UARING, physiology, off. of total exclrsion of auditory, olfactoz7, vestibular & visual. receptors on brain in animals (Rus)) (SKSLL, physiology some) (M~u IMBRIUM, physiology. same) (VISION, physiology, same) KLOSOVSKIY, B.11.,; KOSMARSKAYA, Ye.N. Method of total exclusion of vi.aual, auditory, vestibular, and olfactory receptors. Fiziol. zliur. 42 no.2:242-244 F 156. (HLRA 9:6) 1. Otdel razvitiya mozga Instiluta pediatrii AHN SSSR, Moskva. (VISICHI total exolunion of visual auditory, vestibular, & olfactory receptors in exper. animals (Rus)) (HEARING, same) (VICSTIBULAR APPMUTUS, isurgery, same) (MVES, OIYACTCRY, surgery, same) V KOBYARSKAYA, Ye.11. Effect of the conditions of intra-uteriae life on the development of the cortex of the visual analysor (area 17) in premature infants. Pediatriia no.11:27-33 N 157. (MIPA 11:2) 1. Is otdoleniya razvitiya mozga (rukovoditell - oblen-korrespondent MH SSSR prof. B.N.Klosovakiy) Institute pediatrii AHN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. prof. 0.D ~Sokolova-Ponoms revs) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (INFANTS (PREMATURE)) (OPTIC HEM) XOSKARSKAYA. Ye.N. (Moskva) Xffects of the postnatal life of a premature infant on the develo ment of the vascular network of the lateral ventricles of the brain rwith summary In Inglish, p.881. Arkh.pat. 19 no.4:32-35 t57- (MIRA 10:6) 1. Iz otdola razvitiya mozga (rukoyoditell-.chlon-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR prof. B.N.Klooovskiy) Instituta pediatrii Akademii medltsinski~h nauk SSSR (dir. - chlen-korr~spou- dent Akademii maditsinakikh nauk SSSR prof. O.D.Sokolova-Ponomareva). (BRAIN. blood supply off. of postnatal life of premature Inf. on develop. of vasc. network of lateral ventricles (Rus)) (INFAW, PREMATURE, phy8iol. off. 'of postnatal life on develop. of vasc. network of lateral ventricles of brain (Rus)) USSR/Human antLlnimal Physiologyo Thormororplation T-3 Abe Jour : flef Zhur - Biolt.. No 14, 1958, 11o 65070 Author : Kosmarskayn Ye#N* Purin V,11. Inst Title :The Change In the Temperciture of the Drain and the Dody During MedicaUy-lnduced Sleep Orig Pub :Fiziol. zh. SSSR,. 1957, 43,, No 1, YO-45 Abstract :One thermocouple was Imbeaee. into the brain substance of an unanesthetized cat throu[ji an orifice drilled in the skuU. A second thermocouple was placed on the surface of the brain or in the subaracbnoid. space. First a notation was made of the initial terqierature of the brain substance, cerebrospinal fluid and -body, and then a 3% solution of sodium amytal (60 mcXp) was injected suboutaneously, Two types of change in the temperature of the brain substance were notod during barbiturate sleep, with a step-wise rise or faU in the temperature of the brain substance, In both cases the fluctuations in the temperature of the brain Card 1/2 USSR/Human and An:ml Physiology - Nervous System. T-10 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32115 receptors in adult cats led to deep 1-arotid retardation broken only in the 1-2nd minute for L-ination and defeca- tion. Card 2/2 - 9~i - USFR/Human and Animal Physiolopy (Nomal and Patholouical) T The Effect of Physical Factors. Ionizing Irradiation Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27198 la-Laina quadriGemina to anterior and posterior tubers was noted. With one and the same dose, the disturbance of B development was stroa(~or the earlier was D irradia- ted. B of baby rat, irradiated on the day of birth and which survived for tmo weeks, approximately corresponded to B of normal, 6-da:l-old baby rat; the B of baby rat ir- radiated on the day of birth with the dose of 500 r on 33rd day correspoude(I to B of 7-9-day-old baby rat. Card KOSMARSKAYA. Ye. N. (Moskva, Novo-Kutnetskaya, d,20 kv.16) Development of nrea 17 of the carebrnl cortex in humnns during the second half of intrauterine life [with summnry in English]. Arkh.annt.gist. i embr. 35 no,2*030-38 Mr-Ap 158 (HIFLA 11:5) 1. Otdel rezvitiya mozga (rukovod. - chl.-korr. AMN SSSR prof. B.N. Klosobakiy) Instituta pedietrii J41K SSSR. (CLTOML CORTEX. anatomy & histology area 17 develcfp. during second hslf of fetni life (Rua)) XOSMARSKAYA, Ye.N.; BARASHNEY. Yu.1. Zffect of a single roentgen irradiation on the growth of the cerebral capillaries [with summary in Inglish]. Med.rad. 4 no.1:35-41 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz otdela razvitiya mozi;a (zav.* - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. B.N. Klosovskly) Institute pedintrii AMN SSSR. (BRAIN, blood stq)ply, capillaries, eff. 9f x-rays on postnatal develop. (Rag)) (RCMMEN RAYS, off ects, on brain capillaries postnatal develop. (Rus)) XWSOVSKIY, B.H.; XOSIURUAYA, Ye.N. Changes in the nerve cells of the vasocapillary network in the brain of dogs deprived of vision, hearing, small and vestibular stimulation in the early stag)s of development. Arkh.anat.gist. i enbr. 37 no.8:12-23 Ag 159. (HIR& 12: 11) 1. Otdel razvit a moziga (zav. - chlen-korreepondent ME SSSR iy prof.B.N.Klooovsk Inatituta padiatrii AHN SSSR (Moskva, Uatinskiy proyezd, d.1/2, Inetitut pediatrit AMN SSSR, otdel razvitiya mozga). (BRAIN blood. eupp (ONSATION ;;Vsjoi~ KOSMARSUYA. Ye.N.; BARAMMY, Tu.1. %~ -.. .... Development of the brain In a.-nimals irradiated with roentget rays at various stages of extrauterina life. Pediatriia 37 no.11:33-37 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. 1z laboratorii laucheniya xavvitiya mozga (zaveduyushchiy - chlen- korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. B.N. Xlosovskly) Institute, pediatrii AMN SSSR (direktor - chlen-korreeliondent ANN SSSR prof. 0.D. Sokolova- P6nomareva) jBRAI1W raAi.tion effects) KLOSOVSH=, B.N. (Moskva, BegavAya ul., :L.1, kv..jq)j_KOmkRSKAYA, Ye.N. (Moskva, Havokuznttskaya ul., 20, kv.16) i "DeveloFment of the central nemous system," edited by S.A.Sark--sov and N.S.Preobrazhenskaia. Revietwed by.B.N.Klosovskii, E.N.Kosmarskaia. Arkh.anat,gist.i embr. 39 no.11:116-3-19 N 160. (MIRk 14:5) NERVOUS SYSTEM) (SmISOV, S.A.) (PREOBRAZHEIZK&IA, N.S.) KOLOSOVSKIYp Boris Nikodimovich; NOSW�?qir~f Yelena Nikolayevna; CHEFlIUKH, A.M.p red.; ZUYEVA# N.K.j tekhn. [Active and soatoianie : 410 P.- inhibited state of the brain] Deiatellnoe i tormoznoe iozga. Moskva,, Goo. iwl-vo, mod, lit-ry Medgiz, 1961. (MIRA i4:8) (BRAN) KOSvIARSXAYA- Yo.N. SMoskva, Novo-Kuzn9tskayt~j.u.I., 20. kv.16) Effect of vestibular stimulation on mitotic cell division in external granular layer of the cerebellar coi:tex in kittens and puTpien. Arkh~ anat. gist, i embr, 41 no,,71/4-53 JL ;61, (~ 'RA 15-2) 1. Otdeleniye raz-vitiya mozga (zav.. - chlen-korrespondent AWI js6li prof. B~N.Klosovskiy) Instituta ped!' 'atrii AM SSSR~ OEM BELLIM) (KAID'OKIIIESIS) (VESTIBULAR APPARLTUS) BWTM L 22279-66 ACC NR; AR6005189 SOURCE CODR: UR/0053/65/000/009/GO19/0013 AUTHORS: Kosmarskiy, L.', A Shkollikikova, Z. I. /R .-i TITLE; On the formation of breakdowiti In vacuum SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. qG1471 REP.- SOURCE: Sb. Froboy dielektrikoir I poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 82 86 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown vacuum, electric discharge, i ionized plasma, glow discharge TRANSLATION: Results-,are presented 6f high speed photography of Ilight phenomena accompanying the fortlation and flow of current during!, -~,Pbreakdown of plane-parallel vacuum mlillimeter-size gaps. The break- j .'-do-wh occurs in two Btages.:~ During-tile initial stage conditions are produced for the. passage of large cui,irent (electron-ion exchange setsl~ in).- This stage Is cbdracterlzed~by.strong fluctuations of the Card 1/2 Z M L 29553-66 EWTM/9WP(e)/EWT(z)/ETCM/T DS/WH ACC NR. AR6004652 SOURCE CODE: UR/O AUTHOR: jqsmar~skiy, L. A.% Shkolinikova, Z.. I. TITLE: Problem of radiation during a breakdown in vacuum SOURCE: Ref. z.h. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. IOA184 OOO/O1O/AO26/AO26 REF SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 86-90 TOPIC TAGS: electric breakdown, vacuum breakdown ABSTRACT: An analysis of spectrograms of an aperiodic,controlled breakdown of millimeter vacuum gaps at 10-6 torr and an examination of microphotographs of the electrodesl~;volved Dermit-toconclude that the anode-material vapor is necessary for the'breakg~ffi=current fl The discharge spectra were investigated by an ISP-28 with quarteoptics. Electrode pairs made from Fe, Mo, Ta, Ni, Cu were investigated. The 5-re-a"Mown conditions: anode voltage, 4.5 kv; anode-cathode distance, 2 mm. The discharge was fired by means of an axiliary electrode. Microphotographs of the working areas of the anode and cathode are shown. It is found that the discharge temperature is proportional to the variation of current (voltage). The current density of one cathode spot, in the vacuum breakdown, reveals an arc~type discharge; the density is about 105 amp/cm2. Four figures. Bibliography of 11 titles. N. 0. [Translation of abstract] SUB SOV/120-58-5-13/32 AUTIHO~~"Jr":Brish, A.A., Dmitriyev, A.B., Xosmar-s~ L N. Sachkov, Yu.N., Sbitnev, Ye.A., Khoyfets, A.B., Ts-17- ~S-i~s ~ilil S.S.1 and EyS, L.S. TITLE: A Vacuum SDark Switch (Vakuwanyye iskrovTje rele) PILKODIJ'AL: Pribory i teldmika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 51 pp 5-51-58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The device consists of an evacuated glass envelope which contains 3 electrodes (see the general diagram of FiG.1). The principal discharge ga-D comprises a complex cathode consistin- of two electrodes which form an auxiliary dis- charge gap. Tide two cathode electrodes are separated by means of a fine mica platei when a triggering pulse is applied, a discharge is formed on the surface of the mica. Fig.2 shows 6 alternative solutions of the electrode sy-stems of vacuum spark switches. Fi 3 shows photographs of actual switches (tubes 4, 5, 6 and 75*and photographs of 3 thyra- trons (tubes 1, 2 and 3) for the purpose of~comparison. The basic parameter of a switch is its anode voltage V. 9 its operat.*M6 current I and its trigGering breakdown voltage V-If The anode operatin- voltages up to 20 k.V could be 0 Q Card 1/3 obtained with a discharge Cap of 1 rma. The values of the ..D'OV/120-58-5-13/32 A Vacuum S,.jark Switch d4_sc_'-arU--e current are dotermined primarily by the ext,,rnal parameters of the circuit in which the switch is employed. The currents can be very hiS)h since the tube is "extinC,-,uished" at a current of about 2u A. The enerj~y required for the initiation of the main-gap breakdox-m is very small. Thus the switch cau be triggered by the energy stored in a caDacitance of about 5 At, but the triggering voltage should be at least 1500 V. The switch is subject to some time dela,ys. The overail delay is T = t 1 + t2 + t3 ) where t is t.'Le time between the commencement of the trisgerin- 1 0 1-) pulse and the inception of -the trig-er gap discharge; t,) is the time la.- between the commencement of the auxiliary dischar-e and the inception of the main-a-P discharge, and C, t, is Ghe forma uive time of the main gap discharge. These L?nie delays are iLlustrated graphically in Fig.4. In actual 0 tubes the formative ti-mes of the main dischar-e were of the 0 ordar of 0.03 -ps. The electrical characteristics of a sparh (',ard 2/3 SOV/120-58-5-13/32 A Vacu-Lm Spark Switch mdtch z3Lre affected by the number of switchings perfoTmed. This is illustrated in Fi-.ll,, which shows the ignition 0 volta-e of the auxiliary Cap cis a function of the number of C~ switchings V it is seen that the volta-e decreases with U N The paper contains 11 figures and no references. SUBMITTED: November 15, 195?. Card 3/3 EWT(1)/EV1T(m) ETC(f)ZEV1G(m)A DS ACC NRs AR6004651 SOURCE CODE: UR/.QR75/65/OOO/P1O/AO25/AC125 Aumoitt Kosmarskiyo L. N.; Shkollnikovaj.Ze 1* TITLE: Fornation of breakdm In vacuum SOURM Ref. sh. Elektronika 1, yeye.primenw,"Xiye, Abs.10A180 REF SOURCE@- Sb. Proboy dielektrikov A. polujy,~ovodnlkov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 82-86 TOPIC TAGOt vacuum breakdown voltag elootric breakdoirm , alectrovacuum, electric ilischarge,electric current, cathodolluminei3cence,'ele-ctrode. ABSTRACT: The results are presented of high speed-photographing the luminous phenomena that accompany,the formation of.and.:.current.1-flow in the breakdown of flat-parallel millimeter.gaps In vacuum. The formation of:such a vacuum breakdawr~-has two stages. --Ing a avy Murrent (electron-ion -In the initial stage, conditions are createil for pass ~~e exchange). This stage is characterized by wide current variations and by intermittent cathode luxdnescence. The second stage of a*monotonous current buildup is character- ized by propagation of anode desorbed gas and vapor.-The rate of motion of this substance determines t~e-rate of current.bw1ldup. Two near-electrodelregions, in the' inter6lectrode space,are occupied with the~ionized electrode vapor;ithe vacuum gap. ains a dark plasma. The completebreakd,*n formation takes place when the anode. cont Mterial occupies the entire dincharge ftbliography of I title. gap Tanslation of abstract]. N. 0. ET SUB CQDEj 09 UDC. 537.929 Cardl I I XADLUBOWSKI, R.; KOSMATKA, S. Activity of liver succinic d6hydrogenase in experimental poisoning with aniline, p-aminophenol, :p-phenyldiamine and chlorodinitrobencene. Acta physiol.polon. 11 no-5/61:752-753 160. 1. Z Katedry Biolourii i Paras;rtologii Kierownik: doc.dr R.Xadlubovalri. (ANILINE COMPOUNDS I;oxicol) (PRENOLS to icol) (NITUDENZENES toxi(tol) (MEHYDROGENASES metiib) (LIVER metab) Lekarskiej A.M. w Lodzi KADWBOWSKI,R.,' KOS14ATXA,S. On the effect of antbelmintic IMs on succinic dehydrogenase in Ascaris lumbricoides L. Acts nhysiol.polon. 11 no.5/6: 753-754 160. 1. Z Katedry Biologii i Parasyl;ologii Lekarskiej A.M.v Loaxi Kierovulk; doc.dr R.Ksd]Lubovekl'.. (UMDROGERASES mets:10 (AIRTHELMINPICS pbarmi.col) (ASCARIS metab) KADLUBOWSKI, R.; KOSMATKA, S.; CHYZINSEA, U. The effect of anthelninties on muccinic dehydrogenase activit7 of Fasciola hepatica L. in vitro. Wadomosci parazyt. 7 no.2:351-353 161o 1. Katedra Biologii i Farasytologii Lekarskiej Akademii Medyeznej, Lodz. (SUCCINIC DEMROGENASS pharmacol) (FASCIOLA HEPATICA pharman-ol) (ANTHELMINTICS pharmacol) /-,: 'I- - - K /.,-; 7 /,- 7 -0 ~ ~7-- /:7- GURVICH, P.M., Inzhener; KOSMITOV, 7 Narrow-gauge railroad ties of presti-essed concrete. Torf.prom. 34 no.5:12-14 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proytiktirovaniyu vavodov torTy'anoy promyshlennosti. (Prestressed concrete) (Railvoads--Ties, Concrete) ,KQ9MTOV; L.9 prok.9 saslusbennyy deyatell iskusstv RSFSR. "Techniques and art of photography." by F. Dykop E.Iofis. Reviewed by L.Kosmato#. Sov. fo-to 21 no.2:39 F 161. (MIM 34:2) (Photography) (Dykog F.) (Ions, Ye) LYUBIMOV, Ye.l.; XOSHATOT, N.V. I-1- -- --- %- ~. Preserving the emulsion layer oj! films. Patent U.S.S.R. 77,395, D3c. 31, 1949. (CA 47 no.19:9834 153) ~ I TOKMV, r.V., ixobretatell, Gerojr Sotaialintichookogo Truda; SHIRNOV, I.V., lzobratatell Y oblacti stroym.terialov; PMOVSKIY, G.I., professor, doktor takhnicheektkh nauk; Sumoys LF~, novator stroitel'noy in- dustril; GHIKIRIV, N.S., novator; KOTOVA& S*A.s novator, brigadir pryadillshchita: LDGIN. R.L. isobretatell, lnzhener; SLIVOCHKIN, F.P., ratsionalizator; MMULOV9 I.A., izobretatel , konstruktor dvigateley; KO,SWOV 'N V., lzobretatel' v oblasti kino; MIN TSEVICH, Yu,B,, izo- brerareTtl.,'o Ml~ kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHCHADILOV, V.I., ratsiona- lizator-naladchik. "Inventor" has a pround ring to it! Tekh. mol. 25 no-3:1-3 Mr 157. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Deputat Verkhovnogq Soveta SSSR (for Shirkov). 2. Nachallnik teekha. zavoda imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Chikirev). 3. Fabrika imeni Kalinina. (for Kotova). 4. Termitnostrelochnyy zavod (for Login). 5. Za- vod "Kauchuk" (for Slivochkin). (Inventions) KOSMA"vY, A.S. AeroT)hn,-.v simulating acute abdomen; abstract. A.S. Kosmatyi. Ehirurgiia 34 no. I?gO~ 'n 158. .- . (MM 12: 1 ) I , , ... -, - "' it Iz Airurgicl~~skogo otclelaniya Intinakoy gerodskoy bollnitay. QaROPHAGY) KOSMATTY, A.S. Unta, Komi ASSR, u1. Sotsialistichaskaya, d.10, kv.5) 1-1- 111 ~ .." . ,...I Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities by A.N. Khrustalev's method. Nov.khir,arkh. no.5:105-106 S-0 159. (MIRA 13-3) 1. Khirurgicheakoye otdoloniye Intinskoy gorodskoy bolluitsy Komi ASSR; (MREIdTIES, LOWM--DISEASIS) (VARIX) 0 * 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 a 6 Os of 0 so 0060*00000*00*6*000 0511 8 4 5 1 1 0 11 " ti " It it III I a L IL -.2 a a 0 :0 00 go I flr~ 00 so so so .3 00 too*#**:: 110141 walk ProdoWein of ammonium mugs" trnm Rom c-tailkins Owls. V. 0. lgtwktlv Anil Ii. S70 Ifew. 1451- CAM- t4ftlift. .14ad. Sci. 4, ill.1-11U tKC).-The miul uwd contained -.,7,p% Cott, -1~"idlnj to 00% y of The ~qltitvlunl qVillp. (In 'It frOctio" C*RN + - Cxf'O~ A- (N11,),!;k% i, 40% rimf4mling 14) maii. w1r. iif 1 Witha urlr (N11.),C()s. the traction I. w4lie"111plor 1113 1111, I tie cown. oblawril tsX, Inal-hr.nji the reaction w" 14.3% COUIP10C Wki the cmicn.31.1%. Gypsuin-conig. inails arc R fedSiblt 111OUITE' fw syl;akferfiliwi. 11. H. Rathruann so a 00 #06000;0 -00 -00 o: -00 .00 x9o =00 use IF coo age: 00 AGO b zoo tift 0 us 0 Eta.$ 60.1", 1,1114#0 Wit OXV Olt filiflaft NIL611 Go a-, M U - 0 &1 to a PA A I a III a 0 1 1 w so 0 ; if x W" n so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 Op 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 00900009Q60090*4000600000600000 0*006*190 0 0 0 0 *000 00 so* so 0000 0 *0 0 .0000 000000 ifflooge f : S A , I I . . I ;4 : I I - i!, 1. 1 1~ : ,x : f '; Is U A o 00000 to o e *0 0 W 0 WW 00 P n A, f, il :1 Ek k m b S: go 0 A : 0 L' Allsorptiazi of maiplim fin soill. Is. S-K if. U " V 0 A~- zo (homm-w Vy"Y Rab'd VI I S :0 I.9J7,1939,176-9; Killim. Referat. Zkur. 1940. No. 8,44~ The soib were laid, with Ca. Four g. of air-dry $lsil W.FS 00 covered with various canon. at 116inW..511,0 sails. and 00 the pit value was set at 3.0. After equil. %as teavlseq in the sys(ititi, ball "tt.-m4l, the siuspeniklit was filtried and first runtrut (4 Sill drill. 'file illomisird aduquitill (d hill is r1plaillrd fly (1) thr op. fjthavkw of SO, - Umm (fir Mn*), m4n.l. which is admirlied directly oll the 4ry-l' 0 0 0: littlict Milt facilitates the displacement of the cliti4ins 00 '3~ froul the "i-colloillml complex) and tile m-pn. of Nits fir%l ill tile fUFln lit Mu(011), Still later 9% M110, Still (2) thr so- chou. mulction of SO.- - with tile mobile forms of RIO,. producing insol. sulfates of Fe and At. Ilse incrra~lad- x)rptian 6 caused also by the formation of chrm. conijxf, of Mu-type humates or by other itmot. compics, otiz. W. R. lietin j 41* 0 z A 0 1 t &IIALiII&CICAL 1.111`01001 CLAWFICAMN t F-- Ir 0 ~n Av, to a it %q P11111 lit it f a of 0 * 0 0 ;2 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~01440` 0 0 & 0 04 0 0 0 0 Of 00 0 0 0 * 0 of -00 0 0 0 0 Ive 0 Vo 0 00 Poo 0 00 It z-1 t$ 4 0 Iro 0 -n- too - 41"') 0 1 1. 64 i Ili I I "a' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 61 4i o go 0 oo 0 0 0 00 so 00 0 Y\ C),Z, IN) i) r I ~ L; -, . VLASM, P.A.; KOSMATIT, B.S.; EUROVITSIXiL. Z.H. Application of radioactive tracers in improring the system of plant nutrition conditions. Visnyk AN URM 25 n0-11143-53 N '54, (HLU 8:2) (Plants-Nutrition)(RadioactiTs tracers) 'KO 777 i~Atiiiei4dlffem t forms -of pbmUtes n plant C 'E utri Hem: F ; k nd Z U Vla A S K tyl . . . o wa ., syu ,. . , a , K.11movitskaya (Inst. Plant and Agrochem-. -Atad. Sd. lar, SAR Kiev). -1 .1wel, paskoil, Abdo 2i 3341-7(190).~-.Uxpts~ Ailb N-P-X plwnt.dlet contS. P fil bwphatc~~_C:x -p~bosphate, 'or Ca orthop6s- SUMP pbate were p:rf ormed un sugar bmtjwMat, and clover. Sugar bed Aand claver utilize-the P content of superphos-. hate most Intensely Ift i' TUT-rd k13 lwvjl' tbVb*bte t'bap'JcasL'Fh, regaidlirs of its searce, ps I iomuztd more in Ot consUtutional pmtlwilmn in pro- m tdfi resmes (stomp Orotdris). . In su , bcct W i th 16 J l I la i i i l f= - we uts ( n t a -Vegetat ay: p ve = ' n-4 -l I i Additi l 1 i P h t c&bp -P n o UCO9 KW 0 nbtg, a tap ~ g y t, O At tbb agethe roots Show a ionsiderable c