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GIXZDOVP 0.1e; KOSMACH, Xu*F* ~1. Calculation of a spherical s'.,.iell by analog computers with the aid of the electronic do-fice Iliterator." Mat. mod. i elek. tsepi no.1:64-72 163. (MIRA 16:11) - - I.- - . ~: ~ 1. 'XMMMO-% YV,j nVTVIYI A., vimond, 2. USSR (600) 4. Biochemistry 7. Abstracts. Milcrobiologlya 22, no. 1, 191553- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. I VODYANSKIY, B.A., inzheaer; KOSMACHXV, A.D., insheaer. ,. j", ~ . .- I - _- --- Rapid method of determining the heart treatment for reinforced concrete products based on -various cements. Biul,strei.tekh.13 n9.7:15-16 JI '56. (MLR& 9:9) 1.Zavad Ho.17 zhelesobetwan;rkh isdelir. (Reinforced concrete) KOSMACHEV, A.11. ; VEDYAYEV, I.P. Rare case of a congenital medial cleft of the nose. Stcoato- log-iia 42 no.4o.85-86 Jl-Ag'63 (MM 17:4) 1. Iz kliniki vosstanovitellitoy khirurgii ( zav. - kand. mod. nauk I.I.Antonov) SarELtovBkoE,,,o nauebno-issledovateltskogo 'M- stituta travmatologii i ortopedii ( dir. - dotsent Ya.N.Rodin). VOSKAGHEY, A.Ye. v %"W*ZmSm Tbermcphilic actinourcetes; a survey. Mikrobiologiia 32 no.6:730-739 N--D 153- - (HM 6:12) 1. Institut m1kroblologli Akaclimii nauk SWbR, Moscow. (Actinomyeates) 1 "W Acl;~-im-,rcct,--~,-, and ThmJr Antv~-oni.~54IJr, .L,)-t Or j'jC-,)jjOj0:r,r P~pa,j T "'I' Tj -1 1 Sj 5, J,-in ~75) 1. 1 - ~ -1 1 .- . 11,01COW, 3urv;-y of So Jr-iiiAfic *nd Tecbnlc~,l Disnr!rtrW-ns 1 (1'3) 50: 3un. jud 55 26-10-27/44 AUTHOR: Kosmaobev# A.Ye,, Candidate of Biological Sciences (Moscow) TITLE: A Conference on the Physiology and Biochemistry of Micro- Konferentsiya po fiziologii i biokhimii mikro- organisms organizmo v~ PERIODICALt Priroda, 1957, No 10, p 109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Institute of Microbiology of the AN USSR and the faculty of Soil Biology of the Moscow State University, in April 1957, in Moscowq held a conference on the physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms used in the industry. The most prominent microbiologists of the USSR as e.g., Academician V.V. Shapo- shnikov, Corresponding Member of the Academy A.A. Imshenetskiy, Professors M.N. Meysell and N.D. Yerusalimakiy participated with.lectures on biological topics. The conference was divided into four sectiond covoringi biochemistry, yeast organisms, bacterial fermentationp antibiotics. These sections dealt with direct application of the results of biochemical research in various branches of industry based on the use of micro- organisms. Duiing the conference, over 60 lectures were heard and discussed. It was pointed out that the main problem of Card 1/2 microbiology was to aebieve control over 'the metabolism of - '2,4'~ , - , , --., - '~ -,- - ~ - IN a a-'c * "Ut" '~~u~t (1954-1956) of th Rutgers University, Now Jeraay, 40~-405 My-Je 157. (VEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -4jI Mikrobiologiia. 2 (MIRA 0 4cHkv, "ryz: KOSMACREV, I.Ye. -, n; j,7'? ~~, 5,: ~- - - z, On the 100th anniverzary of Shlbasaburo Kitazatols birth (1856-1931) Mikrobiologiia,.26 no.3:405-40,S YT-Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) (SHIBASABURO KITAZATO, 1856-ig3i) KOSKACHEV, A.Ye. A now scientific research Inotitute. Mikrobiologlia, 26 no.3:406 My-Je '57. (MIRA 10:1D) (RIGA--CHEMISTRY, ORGANIG--SYNTHESIS) . I '. /ec 5 1, - ye;- KCSMCHEV, A.Ye. -, Nikolai Arleksandrovich Krasillitikov; on his 60th birthday. Mikro- biologiia 26 no.4:500-502 Jl-Ag; '57. (MIRA 10:12) (KRABILINIKOV, NIKOIAI ATUSANDROVICH, 1896- ) KOGM~GHEIV. A.Ye.; RUNOV, Ye.V. All-Union conference on the use of isotopes and radiations. Mikrobiologiia 26 no.4:506-509 Jl-Ag 157. ' (MIRA 10:12) (MOSCOW-IBOTMS-C(INGRESSNS) . I I '~ - 13 , -~: . / ', . k~l I . 5 '1 ~l I I k-, .; - -711 i I 1~ I I x KOSMACHEV, A.Ye. Conforonf,e on tho physiology cind biochemlotry of micro-organisma uaed in industries. Mikrobiologiia 26 no-5:619-622 S-0 '57. (MIU 10:12) (M IGRO-ORGAII ISMS-- INDUSTRIA L APPLICATIONS) KOSMACHEV, A.Ye., kand.biolog.nauk (Moskva) Conference on the physiology a-ad biochemiatr7 of micro-organisma. Priroda 46 no.10:109 0 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Micro-organismB--Industrial applications) 5-317/26-59-12-43/44 AUTHOR: Kosmachev, A.Ye. Cand!.date of Biolojical iciences (Moscow) TITLE; The 'Nutrition of 'Microorganisms (0 pitanii mikroorganizmov) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 12, j?p 127 - 128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aiithor replies to the question of a reader on cannibalism among microorganisms o:! the same species in the negative, but states that there :Is direct and indirect cannibalism among microorganisms of diverse species. Ile extends his answer by general remarks on the feeding habits of microor- ganisms. Card 1/1 KOSKACHNV, A.Yee* Defense of disBertationse Mikrobiologiia 27 no-3:39&399 W-Je '58 (MIRA 11:9) (MICROBIOLOGY) ---p�KAPlW&.,A*Te* Defense of dissertations. Plikrobiologiia 27 no.4:524-527 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) (MICROBIOLOGY) ,Q~XACHEV, JoYe. Defense of diesertationB. Mikrobiologiia 27 n0.5:661-663 B-0 '58 (BACTERIOlOGY) (MIRA 11:12) KOSKkcffmv, A-Ye. Defense of dissertations. H'Ikrobiologila 28 no.2:313-317 Mr-Ap '59- (MMA 12;5) (MICROBIOLOGY) KOSMACHICV, A.Ye. Defense of dissertations. Mikrobiologiia 28 no.4;630-638 JI-Ag 159- (MIRA 12;12) (MICROKOLOGY) - KOSM&CHEVI A' To-&- Significance of thermophilic properties in the classification of actinomycetes, MikrobiologlilL 28 no.6938-943 11-D 159, (MM 13 t4) (ACTMMYCIS) al and attitumoral activity in vitro' in soiAe thempphilic adtinomyebteo. Trudy Inoto =L=obdol. no.8039-344 ,60i (MIRA 3-4:1) 1. Moskavskiy gosiddarstvannyy aniversitet. (ACTINCHYCETALES) (ANT IB I OT ICSS KOSMACHEV, Aje., a Defense of disoertations, )Wcrobiologiia 30 no.2:377-378 Yw-A 161. (MIRA 14:6~ - (NITROSOHONAS) (ANTIBIOTICS) KOSMA,CHEV A.Ye- Prea~wvation of the viability. of themophilic Ac#nomycetaa during proldhged storage. Mikrobioltl~iia 29 no.2:287-288 W-4 160, f141RA 14: 7) 1. Biologo-pRahvennyy fakul'Ut Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta imeni M.V.Lemonosova. (ACTINMYGES) KOSMAGaV, A.Yo.; KONOVA2 I.V. Defense of dlesertations. Mikrotiologiia 30 no.6:.114-1-lwi 11-D 6.1. (KIRA 14:12) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--14IGROBICLOGY) S/220/62/031/001/002/003 1018/1218 Author: Kosmachev, A. E. Tide: STUDIES ON THERMOPHILIC MICROMONOSPORA AND THE BIOSYNTHESIS OF A T-12 ANTIBIOTIC UNDER CONDITIONS OF SURFACE AND SUBMERGED FERMENTATION Periodical: Afikrobiologiya, v. 3 1, no. 1. 1962, 66-71 Text: In a previous work (Kosmachev, Trudy hist. Mikrobiologii, 8, 339, 1960) is has been shown that some thermophilic actinomycetes possess not only antibacterial, but also an antitumor activity in vitro. Some pro- perties of crude T-12 antibiotic with antibacterial and antil:umor activity in vitro were described. The preient communication is concerned with a detailed description 01' the microorganism-T-12/3 strain of thermophilic micromonospora (related to Thermoactinomyces (Aficromonosrat thalpopilits), its selection, production of the T-I 2 antibiotic under conditions of surface and submergeJ fermentation at 50-60'C and short descriptic n of chemotherapeutic properties of the antibiotic. Growth in liquid and solid media of the following composition gave good yields of the antibiotic: starch, 20 g; ammonium sulfate, I g; potassium nitrate, I g, disodium phosphate, I g; magnesium sulfate, 0.5 g; FeS04, 0.001 g, cilcium carbonate, 4 g; 30% yeast autolysate. 15 mi -1 peptone, 0.5g; soy flour, 0.5 g; tap water, 1000 ml. (For solid media,agar, 20 g was added). Serni-industrial Card 1/2 STUDIES ON THERMOPHILIC.- S/220/62/031/001/002/CO3 1018/1218 fermentation was carried out in 45 liter fermentors. Good growth was obtained after 21-24 hours at 51 'C; 17,000 units of antibiotic per I ml of mycelial acetone extract were obtained. Purificition of thc atitibiolic~ Mycelium was extracted with acid acetone (pH 3.0), neutralized and the sediment discarde "I The acetone extract was evaporated to emulsion. The emulsion was saturated with NaCl. Oily precipitate forined. This was separated and dissolved in ethanol. Antibacterial spectrum: Afirrococcus aureus, Bacillus sublilis, Bac. nlyroides, Bac. nze-rentericus, Bac. anthracoides, Caryophanon lawn, Af ycobacterijun vadosum, Sarcina hilea, Bac. paracoli. Inhibition of dehydrogenase activity of Ehrlich ascites cells and lymplioma(Lio-1) cells was noted. The antibiotic was ineffecfive against: Bact. coli, Af~ phlei, Candida albicans and Sacch. cerevisiae. It was non-toxic to mice in a dose of 4000 units. There are 2 figures. Association: Institut Mikrobiologii. AN SSSR (Institute of Microbiology of Academy of Sciences of USSR) Submitted: June 15, 1961 Card 2/2 LOGIVOVA, L.G.; KOSMACH97,, A.Ye.; GOI:DVACHEVA, R.S.; SIMINA, L.M. A study of themophilic microflora of the Yangau-Tau in the Southern Urals. Mikrobiologi!La 31 no.6alO82-1086 W-D t62. (MMA 1633) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AV SSSR. (YA'NGAU-TATJ-40IL MIC RO-ORGANIM) (BACTMA, THMOPHILIG) KOSMACH7., A., Ye. ....- Thenaophilic actinomycetes In milk and dairy products. M-kro- biologiia 32 no.11136-14-2 ~6;; (MIRA 170) 1,. Institut mikrobiologii All SSSR. ACHEV,, A.Ye. [deceasedl, A new thermophilic Actino.Veete, Mdcropolyspora themovirida ri. sp. lldkrobiologiia 33 no.2::267-269 Mr-Ap 164. (MIIRIA 17;12) I. Institut mikrobiologii AN IIISSR. ~K~.MACMV,-.A.Ye. [deceased]'-, RHOKHLOVA, Yu.M.; KALMYKGVA, G.Ya.; PROMAKCA, I*M#,; SERGEYEVA, L.N,, Production and isolation of an antibiotic from the thermophilic Actinomyces T.!.12/.3. Mikrobiologiia 34 no.31437-441 Y4y-Je 165. (MIRA 181ll) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. MILEYKOVSKAYA, K.M., inzh.; KOSMACHI:V. G.S. Testing large wall panels made of cellular concrete. Prom. stroi. 40 no.303-35 162. 04IRA 15:3) (Air-entrained concrete-Testing) (Walls) 125M, PHAS9 I BOOK EKMOITATION sov/14o4 Levinson, Ye. M., B. G. Gutkin, A. P. Dyntchenko.. and Ye. I. Vladimirov Polucheniye polostey I. otverstii v metalle elektroiskrovym sposobom (Electrospark Method of Cutting Cavities and Holes InoMetals) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1952- 93 P. (Series: Bibliotechka elektroteklinolf)ga, No. 4) 6,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): Gusev, W N., Laureate of the Stalin Prize, Engineer; Ed.; (Thside bobk):~Popilov~:L.. Y;L..# Engineer; - 'Te6h. Ed.: Sokolova' -L. 'V: J~ Mawging Ed .,.for Liteistim oi,Nho'blne IMDAing Nafm6:Lo&- (Leningrid Division, Mashgiz): Nikitin, P. S., Engineer. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for t4tchnologists working in the field of electrical metalworking processes and for skil-led workers. COVERAGE: The booklet presents basic principles of the electrospark machining of holes and cavities in metals. Inforimftion on electrospark equipment is given and some examples of the applications of electrospark machining methods are presented., The following personalities were awarded Stalin prizes for their contributions to the development of elRctromachining methods; B. R. Lazarenko, N. I. Lazarenko, and V. N. Gusev. For the purpose of introducing and pro- moting electromachining methods,, the Leningrad branch of Mashgiz (State Scientific Card 113 Electrospark Method of Cutting Cavities (Cont.) SOV/1404 and Technical Pablishing House of Literiture on Machinery) on the recommend- ation. of the Comittee on electramachtaing of Lonitomash (Leningrad Branch of the Scientific, Engineering and Technical Society of Mechanical Engineers) under- took publication of the "Library for Elactrotechnologists" which includes the following booklets: 1. Gusev, V.N. Anodic-mechanical Machining of Yatals~-- 2. Levinson, Ye. M. Electrospark Machining of Metals. 3. PqTa ~hev G., P.-S. Yayzhanovskiy, and P.D. Klimchenkov. Anodic-mechanical Sharpening of Rqrd A12j)y Tools., 4. Levinqon,,_Ye.M., 11.0. Gatkin, A.P. D atchenko, and Ye. I. y Vladimirov. Electrospark Method of Catting Cavities and Holes in Metal 5- Chetyr4n., N.P. Anodic-mechanical cutting of Metals 6. Ivanov,_y.K. Anodic- mechanical Machining of Draw Plates and Dies 7. Nanj~. I., and I. G. Kos- machev. Anodic-mechanical Metal Finishing 8. Gutkin, B.G. and A. L. Vishnit- skiy. Controls forthe Operating Regime of Electroeiiii'and Anodic-mebanimif- Machine Tools 9. Alekseyev,.A.V., and L.Ya. Pbpilov. Electric Hardening of ToolB,-10. Bogorad,__ L.Ya. ElectrocbemG_:f_Y-b_ta1 Polishing: The booklet contains illustrations aRX diagrams. 7rebve are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Pard 2/~ Electrospark Method Of Cutting Cavities Introduction Ch. I. Equipment 1. Stationary machine tools 2- Portable machine tools 3- Machine tools for cutting small holes Ch. II. ElectrosPark Method Of Cutting Cavities and Holes 4. Basic characteristics of the process 5. Tool electrodes 6. Dielectric fluids 7. Fixtures and measuring tools 8- Examples of some operations AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SOV1404 GO/fal 5-14-59 - 9 20 35 64 72 78 79 87 Card 3/3 25(l) FfWE' I BOCK EXPLOITATION SOV/1482 KosmacheV., I.G.J. P.S. Kryzhanovakiy, and P.D. Klimchenkov Anodno-mekhanicheakoye zatacl#vaniye tverdosplavnogo instrmenta (Electrolytic Sharpening of Hard-alloy Tools) -Moscow, Mashgiz, 1952. 104 p. (Series: Bibliotechka elenrotekhnologa, VYP- 3) 10~000 copies printed; Ed. (Title page): V.N. Gusev, Engineer, Laureate of the Stalin Prize; Ed. (Inside book): V.I. Slonim~kly, Caiid.Ldate of Technical Sciences (Deceased); Tech. Ed.: L.V. Sokolova; Maimiging Ed. for Literature on Machine-tuilding Technology'(Leningrail Division, Mashgiz): P.S. Nikitin,',Engineer PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for teclmologists working in the field of applica- tion of electrical processes as well as J!or qualified workers. COVERAGE: Described are existing methods ol! sharpening hard-alloy tools, electro2yt~a sharpening of machine tools, fixtures, sharpening discs and methods of sharpening cutters and multiple cutting-edge iools. Examples are given of sharpening helical drills, milling cutters, countersinking,reaming and other tools. Card l/ 3 Electrolytic sharpening (Cont6) say/i482 The personalities mentioned in the foreword are the authors of other titles in this seri,es of publications on electro-machiniag methods. No bibliography is piven. TABLE OF CM;TMM.- Foreword 3 Ch. 1. General Information 1. Sharpening methods 5 2. Special features of the electrolytic method of sharpening. 8 Ch. 11. Equipment and Fixtu"s 3# Electrolytic sharpening machine tools. 4.' -ANZ-23 =".hine tool 5a. X-Imachine tool 16 6# 4352 machine tool 23 T- MML machine tool 26 8. Machine tool attachments 34 ch. in. methods of Tool Sharpening 9. Preparation of a tool 44 Card 2/3 KOSMACHEV, I.G.9 SHCHIGOIXT, A.V., kandlidat tekhnicheskM nauk, ''IfttWhUht; FdMITSKIT, L.M., )amdIdat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; SOKOLOVA, L.V., tekhni.cheekly redaktor [Automatic weld depoSition on a multiple-edged cutting tool] ' Avtomatichaskaia naplavka mnogol,ezvilnogo instrumenta. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tokhns izd-vo mashinostroit.1it-ry, 1952. 115 P. [Microfilm] (MLRA 7:10) (Cutting tools) (Iltictrie welding) KeI3 ~) ?CIL C- )) e 1// z - 6 . KOSOLAPOY.I.I.; V CHRV YISBNITSKIY,A.L.; PWIIoOY,L.Ta.. inshener, a retsonzeX.., S Y. I., [deceseed], kud' Idat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; DLUGW[!i.;iiiA.Ye.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Work with anodic-mechanical griniers) Rabota na anoclno-makhanicho- skikh zatochnykh stankikh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashino- stroitelinoi lit-ry, 1952. 172 p. [Microfilm] (MIRA 9:3) (Grinding and polishing) ro54MOHVI' t~&- BLYMV,RG, V.A., kandidat tekhatchaskilch nauk; KOSMACHOV, I.G., Inshener; RIFEROV. N.A., redaktor, kandidat takhnichaft"Wiv '-~6tsent. (Cutters for high-speed lathe wor1r) Restay dlia skorostnogo tochenii&. Pod red. M.A.Anserova. Moskva, Gos.nauohno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953. 61 p. (Bibliotaka tokaris-noyatorap no95) (MLRA 7:4) (cutting tools) C #E -7 - 4 RO)WOVMY, V.P.. kandidat tokhnicheekikh niuk,, doteent; KALOV, A.N., IngrAidat tekhnichookikh nauk, doteent, rateenzent; KOSKAGHICT, I.G., Inzhener, redaktor; POLISIATA, B.G.. tekhnicheekly r6dikt6r (Reference book on cold stamping]'Spravochnik po kholodnoi shtampov- ke. rzd. 2-e dop. i parer. Moskva,, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. I sudostrolt. lit-ry, 1954. 494 p. 0MRA 7:10) (Metals--Cold working) eA&Gqorg1"yich;MZN1TSKff, L.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, or. - . SW7 redaktor; W, T.L... radaktor; SOKOLOYA, L.V., tokhnichsoki7 redak- tor. [Welding and beading In the production of cutting tools] Svarka I naplavka v proisvodetve reshushchNgo instruments. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1955. 181 P. (HLU 9:4) (Cutting tools) KOSMACHRY I.Q.- YRNELITANOVA,. Te.V., redaktor; SMIRNOV, P.S.. takhnicheskiy iwe 10 [Progressive method@ of sharpening and grinding Instramental Progressivnye metody satochki i dovaak-i instruments. Claningred] Lenizdat, 1957. 109-p. (HLRA 10:9) (Cutting tools--Maintenance and repair) 25(l) -: GV/2930 PHASE I BOOK MLOITATION Kosmacbev, Ivan Grigorlyevich, Engineer Av,tomatizatsiya naplavkI rezhushchikh instn=entov (Automatic Hard Facing of Metal-cutting Macb-i-Ine Tools) Moscow, Trudrezervizdat, 1958- UO P- (Series: Novaya tekhnika i perodovyye metody truda) 5,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: B.S. Korshunov., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: L.A. Serebrennikova; Tech. Ed.: M.N. Person. PURPOSE: Thii~~ booklet is intended for instructors and foremen in labor- reserve schoolri. COVERAGE: The book dpals vith a number of automatic methodB of hard facing machine tools. Ado scription is given of hard facing methods employed in several plants. The design of tool blocks to be hard faced with special alloys, heat treated, and machined is discussed. Special fluxes and pastes used for hard facing are also described. The manufacture and use of sin- tered wire electrodea in briefly treated. No personalities are mentioned. There are six references, all Soviet. Card 1/4, Automatic Hard Facing of Mel~-.-aj- cutting (coat.) TABLE OF CONTE1,1TS: Introduction Methods of Automating Hard Facing operations Method,s of hard facing cutting tools Schematics of automatized hard facing Automated bard facing v1tth flw!.es Automated lard facii4. %11,a _-sjnte:v-~ wij-6~7eiectrode - -1-q Designing Tool jijo.-~ 'qhape and size of to-11 Blocks Blocks for end tools Blocks for cylindrical toois Blocks for flat tools Electrodes, Fluxes, and Alloying Pastes Electrode wire Alloying fluxes Alloying pastes Sintered wire SOV/2930 3 5 5 7 10 14 16 16 19 22 26 28 28 29 34 38 Card 2/ 4 Automatic Hard Facing of Metal-cutting (Cont) ZOV/2930 Equiliment for Automatic Hard Facing 44 .ADS automatic machines 44 Twin-electrode autamatie.machinec- 53 in st~alaticas ana fixtures for hara facing 56 Fixtures for hard'facing 62 technological Aspects of Hard Facing 66 Selectionof regimes 66 Hard facingwith a flat 68 Preparation of tool blocks for hard facing with paste 76 Process of bard facing with paste 77 Heat Treatment and Machining of Hard-faced Tools 84 Annealing and machining 84 Hardening 86 Gas cyaniding 91 Qwkility control 94 Card 3/4 POPILOV, Lev Takovlevich, LIVINSON, Tevganly Maksimovich,; GUTKIN, B.G., kand. tekbn. nauko reteensent,;_WKACHEV._I.G.,~kzh., red.; I T- .~ f--I--.----'-..-- BORODULINA, I.A., red. tzd-va,; LM- IIA, T.L., red. tzd-va, [Electric metal-maebining processes; a survey of foreign technology] Elektricbeskie metcoly obrabotki metallov; obzor zarubezbnoi tekhaiki. Moskva, GDO. nauchno-takh. ird-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 143 P. (HIRA 11:11) (Electric cut-ting machinery) 25(7)' PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2093 Kosmachev Ivan Georgiyevich Tekhnologiya izgotovleniya bystrorezhlishchego instrumenta (Technology of Manufacturing High-speed Cuttinig Tools) (Leningrad) Lenizdat, 1958. 154 P. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye.V. Yemellyanova; Tech. Ed.: P.S. Smirnov. FURFOSE: This book Is Intended for engineers, technicians, and fore- men in the cutting-tool manufacturing industry. COVERAOE: This book reviews the progressiv4 experience of several Leningrad tool and machine-building plants which produce high-speed cutting tools with welded-on, brazt.-d, and inserted tips. Manufactur- ing methods, the process of making tool holders and tips, their assembly machining.and heat treatment are discussed in detail. The author also describes results of tests conducted to determine the life of tipped-tools, savings in high-speed steel resulting -from manufacture of tipped too]S, and the organization of tobl tip welding departments. No personalities are mentioned. There are 17 references, all Soviet. Card 1/4 Technology of Manufactoring (cont.) SOV/2093 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Manual Welding-on of Cutting-tool Tips 5 1. Electric'equipment for welding-on t?01 tips :-_5 2. Electrodes for manual weldIng-on 11 3. Constructions of blanks for manual welding-on 19 4. Manual welding-on 25 5. Heat treatment and machining oT tools with welded-on tips 31 Ch. II. Welding-on of Multiedge Tool Tips 37 6. Equipment for automatic welding-on 39 7. Fluxes, alloy pastes3and elect:rode wire 51 8. Design and manufacture of blanks 62 9. Method of welding-on 71 10. Process of welding-on using alloy paste 84 Ch. III. Manufacture of Tools With P:7ess-fitted Inserts 93 11. Survey of tools with press-fit",ed inserts 93 12. Design and fabrication of tool body and inserts 96 Card 2/4 Tec'hnology of Manufacturing(Cont,) SOV/2093 13. Process of manufacturing side milling cutters 90 to 200 mi. in diameter 101 14. Tool manufacture by the twisting method 107 Ch. IV. Manufacture of Tools With Mechanically Fastened Blades 112 1.5. Designs of tools with mechanically fastened blades 113 16. Manufacture of milling-cutter blades and hole tooth sections 117 174 Manufacture of insert hob outtims 120 Ch. V. Brazed-tip Tools 124 18. Brazing materials 125 19. Makibg holderso tipes and pine 127 20. Assembly of tool before brazinig 129 21. Heat treatment and brazing with GFK"[brazing material] 130 22. Manufacture of brazed-tip toolis by the VNII (All-Union Instrument Scientific Research Institute) method 133 Ch. VI. Technical and Economic Indiceis 137 23. Life of a multiedge tool with welded-on tips 137 24. Life of cutters with welded-on tips 143 Card 3/4 POPILOV, L.Ya., ,KOSMAGHW, I.G., red.; IIORSHCHEYSXATA, S.L. red.; RODCHMO, N. I. , t [Electric and ultrasonic methodc of processing materials]. Mektricheskie i ulltrn2vukovye metody obrabotki mnteriqlov.[Leningrnd] Lgnizdat 1958. 193 P. (MMA 11:95 (Electric matnl outtiN;) (Ultrnsonic waves-Industrial Rpplientions) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3647 Kosmachev, I.G. Osnovy instrumentallnogo proizvodstva (fundamentals of Toolmakibg), [Leningrad3 LenJ.zdat, 1959. 359 P. (Series: V pomoshch' molodym rabochim) 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye.V. Yemellyanova; Tech. Ed.i P.S. Smirnov. PURPOSE- This textbook is intended for Junior workers in the toolmaking industry. It may also be useful to students speoializing in toolmaking in secondary technical schools;and schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: '.The book deals with modern methods of toolmaking. Designs of cutting tools, selection of tool materials, minufacture Of tipped tools, and heat treatment and inspection of tools are discussed. No personalities are men- tioned. There are 21 references, all Soviet. Gazd KOSMAGWr. I.G.z BORSHCMSKAYA, S.I., red.;POL'SKAYA, R.G., tekhn. red. - -- [Innovations In the manufacturo of matel-outting tools] No- vae v instrumantallnom proizvodstvD. LeningraA, Ienizdat, 1960. 210 p. (HULA 14:5) (Metal-cutting tools--Technological innovations) DIM, Tevi,*aniy Nikolayevich; KOSKACEST. -I.G., red.; BORSHCHEVSKAYA, S.I., red..; ONOSHKO, N.G.'s [Design and construction of press molds for plastics) lonstruiro- vanie pressform, dlia plasticheskikh materialov. Pod red. I.G. Koemachava, Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1960. 331 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Plastics--Holding) KOSMACITEV,, Ivan Georgiyevich; POPIWV, L.Ya.9 red.; NIKOIAYEVA,, I.D.0 - - - ------- - [Anode and tool machining of metals] Obrabotka matallov anodno- makhanichoskLm sposobom. Pod obsbehei red. L.IA.Popilova. Mo- skvaq Gos. nauchno-teMn's izd-vo ma4hinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 82 p. (Bibliotechlat elektrotekbnologa L ul'trazvukovikap no.3) (Electric metal cutting) (KMA 1418) KOSMACHEV,--I orgjyfn:inh;-XRSHCBEVSHAYA, S.I., red.; PIWMOVA., V.A... teldm. re a0 [Electrolytical3y assisted machining] Rabota na anodno- mekhanicheskikh stknkakh. Leningrad., Ioanizdatj, 1961. ~61 po (MIRA 15;6) (Electric metal cutting) KURCHENKO, Vladimir Ivanovich, red.; GRIGOWYEVA, I.S., red.izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Use of electric spark machining in the manufacture of retalworking toolsjPrimenenie i!lektroerozionnoi obrabotki v instrumentallnom proizvodstvi). Leningrad, 1962. 17 p. Lenirgrad, 1962. (Leningradsk:Li dom nauchno-telchnichesk-oi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Yekhanicheskaia obraboths. metallov, no.18) (19RA 15:11) (Metalworking machinery) (Electric metal-cutting) KOSMICIEV, Ivan Georgiyevlch; YEMEL'YANOVA, Ye.V., red.; FR[Jt-%IN, P.S., _.:I ~' _- e . r6d. - 1- ~_ (Handbook for metal-cutting toolmakers] Spravochnaia kniga instrumental'shchika. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1963. 358 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Metal-cutting tools) DYKOV, A.T.; YASINSKIY, G.I.; MURASHKIN, L.S... doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; WWAC _ -, dots., red.; KUREPINA, G.N., red. izd-va,- SHGiMININA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Advanced metal-cutting tools in the machinery industry] Progressivnyi rezhushchii instrument v mashinostroenii. Ylo- skva, Mashgiz, 1963. 153 P. (MIRA 17:1) 'Ift KIZELISHTEYN, Vladimir Yakovlevich; KOSMAC,-E-V, I.G., retsenzent; T SVERD.LOL M.B., retsenzent; STEPANOV, Ye.V,, nauebno red.; SMIRNOV, Yu.I., red. [Chemical and mechanical methods of metal treatment] Khimiko- mekhanicheakaia obrabotka metallov. Leningrad, "Sudostroenie," 1964. 139 P. (MIRA 17:4) KOSMACHEV,,,,_I..G.; DETYATKOVSK17, B.L., inzh.,, retsenzent [Pocket handbook for a technologist and metal-cutting tool maker] Karmannyl spravochnik tekhnologa-instrumentallshchika. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 323 P. (MIRA 17:4) ,, Ye~ V, . LEV , V ~ S. " KO IF ACHIEN I. ri. '. 6"1". , , LEVINISM,' z . I. [riclo-ric-t Lippi-rk equApment] ob-)i-adri-va- rde. Moskvap Ylashinostroenle, 1~-65. 295 p. (MRA SEREBIIENITSKIY, Pavel Pavlovich; MatACIM I G, retsenzent; SMYRIKOV, L.Z... ret.senze-ur,-;"YT7=, Ye.V., red. [Computer-command, stretching, and: control. and measuring- devices] Schetno-komandrye, natiazhMe i kontrollnOw- izweritellnye ustroistva. Leningrad, Lenizdatr 1965. 184 P. (MIRA 16:7) KM:ACHEV, I.G.J~ dots.,. red.; YEYEL yAll'OlIA, Ye.V., red. [Diazond toois'used In the machiiiery industry) Almaznye instrumenty v mashinostroenii. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 10/65. 261 P. (KIRA MB) N9KLqMY,_~vpp_g,~-or&iyevich, Prinimal uchastiya VAYNTPLAUB, D.A., kand --tea, "'i . ;..... ftA7ZLI H, Ya.B., nauchn. red.; * i ' s MAKSIMOVA, Yu.M., red. [FLndamentals of fitting in tod. production) Osnovy sle- sarnogo dela v instrumentallnom proizvodstve. Moekva, Vysshaia shkolap 1965. 287 p. (MIRA 18:12) HIKOLIN, A.V.; BnOV, A.P., kapitan-nasts-mikj VAUMOV, I.S., )mpitan- nastavnik; kepitan-nastavnik; SAMTOV, V.F., kapitan-nasl5ivnik; SHKOM, Xj.g impitan-nastavnik; BEKKAN, A.A.. kapitan; DRUZHIHIN, A.Y., Impitan; IYAHINA, B.F., kapitan; POLT, TATW, L.As, kspitan; VISHCHILOY, K.A.; YMODTSEY, F.K.; SHOLDT- M. A.Ye.; VARRMCHAGIN, Ya.A.; :MTYRIN, N.A.; SAYOSTIN, N.D,; FILYASOV. K.A.; GOLOV1=IK, M.P.; IVAHOV, A.I.; FILTASOT, K.A., vypnek; ALENSETEV, V.I.. rsd.izd-va; TERVIAKOVA, T.T.., [Rules of navigation on R.S.F.S.H. inland waterways] Fravila plavaniia po vnutrennim vodnym putiam RSPSR. Vvedeny v doistvis a 1 marts 1959 g, prikaxom ministra rachnogo flota no.28 ot 11 fevralia 1959 g. Moskva, Izd-vo %chnoi transport,N 1959. 124 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1917- U.S.F.S.R.) Hinisterstvo rechnogo flota. 2. Glav- nyy revizor po bezopasnosti sudoithod8tva (for Nikolin). 3. Nachall- niki basoeynovykh sudokhodnykh inepektsiy (for Veshchilov, Vykbodt-sev, Smoldyrev). 4. Rabotniki Upravleniya glavnogo revizora pa bazopas- nosti sudokhodatya (for Vereshchogin, Sutyrin, Savostin, Filyasov). 5. G1aYnoye:uprAvleniye vodnykh jutey i gidrotekhnicheskikh soorm- zheniy (for Golovusbkin). (Inland navigation-Lawc and regulations) .0. KOSMACHEY, I.K.. kapitan-nastavnik Navigation on the section from Rybnaya Sloboda to Lobach Mountain. Rech. transp. 18 no.3:49-50 Mr '59- (MIR& 12:4) (Volga River-Navigatiort) -KOSKACHXV K.P. . Small motmde. Priroda 42 no.11:111-11.12 N '53. (MI-RA 6:11) 1. MoskovskV goeudaretvanMy univeraltet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Physical geography) KOSUCHEV, K. P. "Geography of the Agriculture of the Region Between the Rivers Lena and Amga (Yaku'tskaya ASSR).fl Cand Geog'Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni Lomonosov, Moscow, 1954. (KL, No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Instiutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KOSMACHEY, K.P.. on the economics of the agriculture of Yakutial Haterialy po ekonomike sel'skogo khoziaistva Ukutii. Hoskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1957. 166 p. (min 13:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. lAkutskiy filial, Yakutsk. (Yakatia--Agriculture--Statiaties) KOSMACHEV, KOP Diamonds of Takutla. Geol;.v shkole 20 no.4.61-63 JI-Ag '5?. (MLRA 10:7) (Yakutia-Diamond mines and mining) KOSMACHXV, K.P. Rural settling of the Lena,-AWa mesopotamia. Top. geog. no.41: 193-205 '57. (MIRA 10-.12) (Lena Valley--Agriculture) (Awga Talley-Agriculture) VOROBIYICV, V.V.. KOSMACERV, I-P- --lie First conference of geogritp -re of SIberia and the Far last. 17.v.Sib.otd.AN SSSR nool:147-148 16D, (MIRA 13:7) (Ge ograpbW.-Congreas on) I C %'PSMACIIEVP K,F. I - --I The Yakut Economic Administra-wive Regionj branch structure and proopecto for the development. Trudy Voot,-Sib, fil, Ali 66SH nQ.32:48-60 160. (Yakutia-Econovic geography) (Kw 1414) -a-7 BANDIVAN., M.K.; BUTANTUTEV, B.R.; POMUS, M.L.; RADNAYEV, G.Sh.; GOLOVKIN, D.A.; GRIGORIYEVA, A.A.; KROTOV, V.A.; DONCHENKO, K.Ta.; KORZRUTEV, S.S.; SHATSILO, Ye.S.; KOSMACHEV KIP.; NAUMOV, G.V.; LIKHANOV., B.N.; PETUKHOV, -- 'R&K .,- A.A.; Sit-lANOVSKIT, G.M.; V. 6 -;T fO'V A.V.; NEDESHEVO I f SHAKHUNOVA, P.A.; SHOTSKIT, V.P.; YEROFEYEV, I.A., red.; POLOZHENTSEVA, T.S,, mladshiy red.; GOLITSTH, A.B., red. kart; VILENSKAYA, E-N-, tekhn. red. [Ea5tern Siberia; economic geograghy] VoqtochnaWa Sibirl; ekonomiko-geograficheskaia kharaktaristika. Moskva, Geog- rafizdat, 1963. 885 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Siberia, Easterm--Economic geography) ACCESSION hR: AR4008225 S/6169/63/000/011/BO41/BO41 SOURCE: RZh. Geoflzika, Abe. 11B263 AUTHOR Kosmachev, K. P.; Volothina, V. V.; Smirnovap G. V. TITLE: The problem of estimating freezes (using East Siberia as an example) CITED SOURCE: Tr.' Zabaykallsk. kompleken. n.-i. in-ta. Sib. otd. AN SSSR. Ser. Ekon. i 8cogr., vy*p. 1, 1963, 103-113 TOPIC TAGS: microclimstology, East Siberian freezing period, freezing period estiwtiot, East Siberia microdimatology TRANSLATION: The microclimatic conditions in tb6lregions of 2aitern Siberia give rise to considerable differendes,:in the duration 6f the frostless period over very limited areas. The duration of the frostless period may be 4o-45 days longer or shorter in a given area than in an adjacent area. The authors point out the need for a more detailed spatial consideration of the arrival of autumn frosts; this will increase the effectiveness of agriculture in Eastern Siberia. In this Card 1/2 ACCESSION M: AR4oo8225 connection the autbors discuss the problems of insurance payments on frost- d"ged crops. Bibliography with 18-titles. N. Davy,*dov. DATE ACQ: OqDec63 SUB CODE- AS ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 TARASOV., Georgiy Llvovic'; -KOSMIAGHEV, K.P., st. nauchn. sotr., kand. geogr. nauk, ra~&iii6nt;' FENBOV, V.G., nauchr, sotr., retsenzent; KONSHINA, V.A., red. (Eastern Siberia] Vostuchnaia Sibirl. Moskva, Prosve- shchenie, 1964. 231 P. (HIRA 18:2) 1. lnstitut geografil Sibiri i Da:il*qego Vostolca Sllbly-llaoi~(! otdelaniya AN SSSR (for Kosrachev). 2. Institut rec'f7r'All AN S3SR (for PetWchov). KORZHUrEVp IEGOROV, O.V.; NAUMOV, S.N.; ZOL'NIKOV',"V.G.'- KARAVAYEV, M.11.1, KJACHU11111, S.P.1 U.; Prinimali u-:tbris`ZJye* KORONKEVICII, N.I.; KOS4ACHEVI - W-'fAK*'O":N'-O-V',-r.'V.; GERASIMOV, I.P., akademik, red.,-- PREOBRAMESNIM, V.S.: red.; RIKHT'Elt, G.D., red.; ABRAIIIOV, L.S. red.; MIAND, D.L.p red.1 MIER, S.Yu., red.; ZONN, S.V., red.; DZERDZEYEVSKIY. B.L., red., KOMAH, I.V,. red.; LAVRENKO, Ye.M., red.; LEONVYEV. B.F.. red..,. LETMOV, P.A., red.; LIVOVIGH, M.I., red.; MESHCHERYWV, ~-.,.A., red.; MINTS, A.A., red.; MURZAYEVI E.M., red.r NASIMOVICH, A.A.,, red.; POKSHISHEVSKIY, M., red.p POMUS., M., red.,, ROZOV, N.N... red.; SOGHAVA, V.B., red.; FORMOZOV, A.N.. red., IANSHIN, A.L., red. [Yakutia] Ikkutiia. Moskva.. Nauka, .196r'. 464 F. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SS-cR. Inst-i'Aut, geografii. 2. Institut geogra- fii AN SSSR (for Korzhuyev,. Vitv--',tskiy). 3, Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR (for Yagorov). 4. Moskovskiy ., - - oblastnoy pedagoginheskLy insti'-ut lip. L.K.Krupskoy (for Naumov). 5. Pochvemiyy muzey AN SSSR (for Zcl'nA-kov). 6. *Moskovskiy go- sudarstvennyy universitetz, in. M.V.IcmDnosova (for Karavayev). 7. Proizvodst-ienxq-j nau~,!L-io.-i-s.,31edc,vatsllsld,.f institut stroitell- stva Gosstro-ya SSSR (fcr Kaofrarin). 8. Institut geografii Sibiri i Dallnego Vostoka S'-birskogo otuleleniya AN SSSR (for Kosmachev). KOSMACTIM11, K.P.. Principal production types of agriculture and settlement in the Yakut A.S.S.R. and Chita Province. Sap. Zabaik. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no. 24:99-109 164 (KIM 19:1) 4CMS1CW NR- AP4028964 8/0057/64/034/ID04/0737/0744 'AIMIORt Zashkvara, V.V.; Kosmaohov, O.S.. .;TITIZ% Application in mass spectroscopy of a magnetic analyzer With'two-fold focus,,! ',Ing of the ion beam 1SOMM Lhurnal tokhnichealtoy tizihi, v.34, no.4, 1964, 737-744 !'TOPIC TAGS: electron optics, mass spectrometry, magnetic analyzer, double focusing magnetic analyzer, magnetic analyzer aberration 'ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors discuss the second order electron-optical pro-: ,porties ol a mngnatic analyzer consisting of a suctor of a nonuniform axially BYM- ,metric field of the type proposed by N.Svartholm and H.Siegbalins(Arkiv Mnt.Astr.Fyss ~MA,No.21,1946). lqioir purpose is to find suitable configurations for mass.spectro-, :metry applications, in 'which the ion source would be outside the field and the sec ',tor angle would,bo loss than W2_. The differential oquations for the trajectories are solved by a perturbation method in which occond order terms in the deviations of, :the orbit from the central circular orbit are inoluded, and t1io three second order iangular aberrations are calculated* In this calculation the effect of the fringe Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4028964 -field on the beam as it enters and leaves the vector is neglected. It is found that the second order aberrations can be made to vanish for sector angles W2-/Z. Two :solutions are possible for the sector angle TV2_12. In one solution the ratios of the ;object and image distances to the radius of the central orbit are r212 and 2/2-, res- pectively; in the other solution these ratios are reversed. Field conf igurations are examined for which the image disiance is zero, ioe., for which the image is formed at the boundary of the sector. Such a configuration would have the advantage of av- oiding the defocusing effect of the fringe field as the beam leaves the sector, al- though fringe effects would still be entrance. No configuration of this type is possible for which all throe second order aberrations vanish. Configurations are tabulated for which selected second order aberrations vanish, and suitable con- figurations are found for which the sector angle Is between 1400 x v7 and 1600 X r2.: ,; 31 formulas, 2 tigures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kharilcovskiy politekhnicheskiy inslitut imani M.Lonina (Kharlkov Po- lytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED% 22 JanG3 DATE ACQ! 2BApz64 sxm. ..ob :SUB CODH:.FH NR REP SOVt 002 OTBRi 002 !Card 2A EWT~ AT 63/106T 110216-66 -Ewr(l)- ACC NRt AP5M8471 -.9DURGS COM, U1V026Q651000T020100WWW- qq !1 1 -5'~-- AUTHDRSt Zaahkvara, V. V. j Korsunsi~,. M. I'* jXoMM4"P 00 Be ORDS Doi-is TITLE-. Analyzer of-charged particles by their kinetic energies. Class 21j, No. SWROEs Byalleten'. izobreten~y i tov arnykh znakov g no. 20t i965p 44 TOPIC TAGSt Earticle detectorp particle physics, kinetic energy ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate esents an analyzer of.charged particles by pr their kineticenergies. The analyzer contains two electrodes and a receiver (see Fig, 1). To increase the sensitivity# the. electrodes have the form of two coaxial cyliMers. The outer cylinder,a arr Us a of the awe sign as the charge of the particles, The internal cylinder has Uo annular allts located between the source of-the partiales.and.the receiver. The aource and the receiver., in turnj, Card 1L2 M& a 621,384.83 STRONGIN, S.G., inzhener; KOSMLCHEV, S.Ye.. inzhener. ""W-W-Mmmm Precast reinforced concrete bunkers for electric power stations. Stroi.prom. 34 no-3:31-33 my 156. ()WA 9-8) (Precast concrete) (Hoppers) BDGOX,YUBSKIY,'N.; BORISOV, S.; GRIGORIYEV, N.; GUSAROV, M.; GUSEV, L.; ZHMV, S.; ZHBTVIN,- U.; ZAIDGIff. S.; ZOI&OV, G.; IlMEXTSEV. ff.; KLMOTIYEVA, A.; KOMAROV, A.; EDSXACHU V.; UPTXV, V.; 10MONOSOV, V.; i~ MIKHAYWV, A.6, NOVIMDV, I.; IWM4T ' ~; T' 'iXOPOTICH, P.; ROMANOV, I.; RUBiINSKAYA R.; SVIRIDDV, G.; SOTNIKOV, G.; SU3BOTIN, A.; TUMMV, I.; GHESNONDV, ;.; CHICHKIN, K.; CHIKHANOV, 1. Grigorti Markelovich-Illin; an obituary-. Metallurg (Illin, Grigorii Markolovich, 1894-1958) no-10:36 0 158. (Mia 11:10) KO5TC)GL()Iy),%:,, R MjMACHEV, V.; PICOGRITY li-A- ka.nd. tektin. naUp [Playzt2s second youth]. Vtoraia molodost' zavoda. Now- sibdrskt NovosibJrskoe knizfmoe izd-,vo., 1962. 66 P. KCYIY.I,, V,-G. [Hosmaebovi? V.11.) Char:-cl.sristia6 cf minc,7al formation during the dlagene-31s rf the flysch aedlmenLs of the Taur-lan for-m-ation in the Cri%r~-a, Dop. AN URSR no.10F13151-1354 164. Will" 1. Kharlkovakly poudarstmennyy uniltersitet. Fredstpvle,),- akadamiRom AN UkrFMI 0,,S,, Vyalorym. IA)GVIMKO, N.V.; KARPOVA, G.V.; XOSMACHqj, V!,-q..,- Genesis of ~:arbonates in bert genouat flysch layers. Izv& vyse ucheb. zav :.; geol, i razv. 6 no.4:77-87 Ap 163. (MDU 16W 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. A&M. GorIkogo. (carbonates) (Flysch-Analysis) LOGVINENKOY N.V. [Lohvynenkb,, M.V.1; KARPOVA, G.V. [Karpova, H.V.1; 0 KCSMACHEV, V.G. [Kosmachcrv, V.H.1; SHAPOSHNIKOV, D.F. ~ [ShaposbAyk6,i,- t.P.] Facies of the Taurean terrigenous I'Iysh formation of the 'Crimea. Dop. -AN URSR no.10:1342-131,5 162. (MIRA 18-.4) 1. Kharlkovskly gosuclarstvennyy universitet. _~~,V.G. [Kaumchav., V.H.1; LAGUTIN,, A.A. (Lahutin., A.A.] Distribdtion of organic carbon in the Middle and Upper Jurassic terrigenous sediments in the northwestern margin of the Ddwts-Basin and the western part of the Dnieper- Donets Lowland. Dop. AN URSR no-3:t372-375 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvanny3r Wkiversitet. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR O.S. Vyalov-pk. LOGVINDNKO, N.V.;. KOaUtCHEV, V.G. Redistributionof some minor elements during diagenesis of deposits of the Tauric series in the Crimea. Dokl. All SSSR 115 no.2:430-433 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut mineralogii,ipokhimii i kri8tallokbimii redkikh ele- mentov AN SSSR i 1-16skovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom D,I.$hcberbakovym. (Scandium) (Wolframite group) LOGVINENK09 N.V.; KARPOVA, The system of isomorphous substitutions In carbonates of the calcite group of sedimentar7 origin. Dokl.Ml SSSR 138 no.1:188-191 My- Je 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy unive!rsitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom N.V.Belovym. (Isomorphism) (Calcite) KARPOVA, G.V. [Karpova, H.V.); KOSMACHEV, V.G. (Kosmachov, V.H.) Carbonate concretions in the Middle Jurassic marine sediments of the northwestern margin of the Donets Banin. Dop. AN TJRSR no.9tl244-1247 162. (MIRA 1814) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. KOSMACHEV) V. G. Rediatribution of elements during the diagenesis of middle Jurassic clayey deposit& in northwestern outskirts of the Donets Basin. Dokl. All SSSR 13q no.1:195-1911, J1 '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kliart_vcvskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet im. A.Mo' Gorikogo. Predstavleno akademikom N.1'% Strakhov.,nn. (Donets Basin-Gebchemistry) LOGVINEKKO., N.V.; FARFOVAp G.V.; SHAPOSHNIIMVp D.P.; KOS14ACHEVP V.G. I Stages of mineral formation in deposits of the Taurian series of the Crimea. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.4:92-2-925 F 162. (KIRA 15:2) AeM.Gortkogo. 1. EharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Crimea-Petrology) LOWINMIKO, 1--likolay Vasillyevich, prof.; KARPOVA, Galim Vasil 'yevna, kand. geol.-mine nauk; SUPOSMITIKOV, Dmitriy Prokoflyevich) Prinima.U uchastiye: LEBEDINSKIY, V.I., kand. geol.-mine. naiLk starshiy naucluWy sotr.,- BELIK; P.G.p dots.; AMACHEV,AL.G.4. student; R1241ZOVj I*N., dots.; ALYABIYFV,, N.Z., red.; AIEKSAIMROVA~ G.P., tekbn. red. (Lithology and genesis of the Taurian formation in the Crimea] Litologiia i genezis tavricheskoi formateii Kryma. Pod red. 110 NN.Lopinenko i I.P.Remizova. Kharlkov, Izd-vo Ehartkovsk univ., 1961. 400 p. (MIRA 15: or 1. Kafedra petrografii Kharlkovskogo gosudarstver:nogo univer- oiteta (for Loprinenko, Karpova, Belik). 2. GeologicheskV, fakulltet Kharlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Kosmachev ). 3. Institut minerallnykh ressursov Akademii nauk Ukzainskoy :SM (for Lebadinskiy). (Crizea-Petrology)