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I K, I-, AT ROE HC- I IF NKO, I z V. - I NETS'Y"Y L.P., K.M. ff. fect of deviation fl'em strfcl"-L-,e' .7 'n AN SSS,R S00- K"', i- I kovs'riy PC, ll tlelrl-m I cha 3'q`-7 .1 p 1-m. V, 1 J-en5-na. S ubmj-, t te d Apri 1 -19 , 19 65 0 YEFF04OV, V. V. and KOSHKIN, K. T. Remontnyye Trebovaniya Konstruktsii Avtomob:Uya (Overhaul requirements according to design), 47 PP., 1951. KMITONOV, L.G., dotsent, Imndidat tekhnichaskikh nauk (reviewer); KOSHKDI, X.T.; YBGREMOV. V.V. (authors]. Wl,-ZO ,,- ~~A.24, *Repair reepiirements in the construction of automobiles." X.T.Koshkin, Y.V. Wremov. Reviewed by L.G.Kharitonov. Vest-mash. 33 no.11:105-106 N '53. (MM 6:12) (Automobiles--Repairing) I" KOSHKIN, K., kandidat tekhnicheskikh mauk. A Reconditioning parts is one of the basic resources in the automobile repair industry. Avt. tranap. 34 no.8:PO-23 Ag ,56. (MIaA 9:10) (Autotobilea-Repairing) XOPAKIN.A-cus-tantiA Timoveyevich; RUNTANTSEV, S.I., redaktor; XOGAN. Y.L., , , I ;-_,.,,,, a N - tekE ches ~ fedft af [Rauting used in repairing autombmobile partal.Karshrutnala takhao- loglia remonta detalel avtomobilia. Mozskva, Esuchno-tekba. lzd-vo avtotransp, lit-ry. 1957. 174 p. (KIJLA 10:7) (AutomobiTIO-VAt-atenance and repair) KOSHKIN, K.,, dotsent Selective assembling is the baais of high quality repair. Avt.- transp. 40 no.2:27-30 F '6,!. WfUt 15- 2) (Motor vehiclen-Maintenance and repair) KOSHKIN, K.T.; OISYNIK, L.K., red. (Technological bases for the organization of the repair of motor vehicles: dismairtling and washingp routing used in reconditioning parts, assembly by the selective part match- ing] Tekhnologicheskie osnovy organizatsii avtoremontnogo proizvodstva; razborochno-mooolinye raboty, marshrutnaia tekhnologiia vosstanovleniia detalei, sborka po metodu se- lektivnogo podbora. detalei. Moskva, Rosvuzizdat, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 17:4) V,2-110 ((00/) 10V-3, t3z,) Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, AUTHOR: Koshkin, L. I. 20370 S/058/61/000/0()3/010/027 AOO1/AOO1 Fizika, 1961, No. 3, PP. 300-301, f 3E181 TITLE: On the Problem of Frequency Dependence of Varikond Capacitance PERIODICAL: "Uch. zap. Kuybyshevsk. gos, ped. in-t% 1959, No. 29, pp. 103-112 TEXT: The author measured frequency dependences of varikond capacitances within the ruige 10 cps-9OMo in the weak field. The measurements at low frequen- cies were carried out by the method of imbalanced bridge, at high frequencies by means of Q-meters. At high frequencies, a capacitor whose capacitance (19-9 pico- farad) did not depend on frequency was coruiected in series with the varikond. It is asserted that the'measurements were rel.'Lable and the error did not exceed 8-10% At room temperature and liquid air temperature the capacitance of variko'nds decreases slightly with frequency within the range 10 cps-2Mc. Further on, from 15 to 25-30 Me, the capacitance of varikonds decreases by 15-20%, in the range of frequencies 30-80 Mc it grows by 20-70%, Eaid with the further growth of frequen- cies from 80 to 90 Me the capacitance drop.-i sharply. It is pointed out that these Card 1/2 20370 S/058/61/000/003/010/027 AOO1/AOOI On the Problem of Frequency Dependei)ce of Varikond Capacitance changes in varikond capacitance cannot be explained by errors alone. At tempera- tures above 2000C one batch of varikond specimens showed considerable reduction of capacitance with the growth of frequencies from 100 to 200 cps, which is explained by thermal ionic polarization. V. Petrov Translator's note: This is the full tramslation of the original Russian abstract. Lff Card 212 ec L - Zl178-66 EWT(1)/ETC(f)/EWG(m)/T IJP(c) AT ACC NR: AP6006834 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/0478/0483 AUTHOR: Koshkin, L. I.; Strygin, Yu. F. ORG: Pedagogical Institute im. V. V. Kuybyshev, Kuybyshev (Pedagogicheskiy institut) ;./, t*J-0f, TITLE: Thermoelectrically induced magnetlic anisotropy in polycrystalline ferrites SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. :?, 1966, 1178-483 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy, magnetic hysteresis, ferrite, thermoelectric phe- nomenon, polycrystal :ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of an electric field on the properties of iPerminvar ferrites with the structural foimula 4lNiO-3ZnO-ICOO-55Fe2O3 which have a ;slightly higher iron content than the stoichiometric composition. Specimens in the ,form of rings and plates were subjected to thermoelectric treatment by placing them !between the plates of a capacitor and heating at 200-2500C for about two hours. Me magnetic properties of the specimens (hysteresis, static and dynamic magnetic ;permeability, induction, coercive force, resonar-q absorption, etc.) were measured lin various directions before and after tri~atment. The hysteresis loop for treated Card 1/2 L 31178-66 i !ACC NR: AP6006834 ;;specimens shows pronounced asymmetry. The same order of asymmetry is observed with !respect to remanence. It is shown that hysteretic asymmetry may be compensated by 'a static magnetizing field. The intensity ~:,f this field may be increased to change I ithe sign of asymmetry. Hysteretic asymmetry disappears at temperatures of approxi- 'ble. Small spherical specimens Imately -1960C, although this phenomenon is :reversi !(1.6-2.4 mm in diameter) were tested for resonance anisotropy. Thermoelectrically treated specimens showed two axes of preferred magnetization oriented at right ;angles to one another. The unfavored axis -of magnetization is at an angle of the :order of 450 to the axes of preferred magnetization. The specimens also show an iaxis of intermediate magnetization which is sometimes unilateral. The curves .for anisotropy of the resonance field show pronounced asymmetry. The resonance aniso- 1tropy and hysteretic asyametry were found to be stable phenomena. Thermoelectri- 1cally induced magnetic anisotropy may be caused by ordered diffusion of electrically icharged magnetic moment carriers. It is also possible that induced anisotropy may !be due to redistribution of nonhomogeneities, directed asymmetry of octahedral ;sites or magnetic ordering in the magnetite phase. rurther research Is needed to iestablish the exact mechanism responsible for the experimentally observed phenomenaa ;'Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 'SUB CODE: 20/ Card 2/2 Z(~_ SUBM DATE: 02Nov64/ ORIG REF: OAJ OTH RM 006 L.: f KOSHKIIII) ~1. 2-27045 Vospit~vatt sovetsidkii iii,:heywrov na osnove Ti~,-redovoy tcwrll teklmologli, (S Primech. `4d.) Vestni'K vyssh. sli:.(oly, 1%"), ilo. 7. L~ S. 18-23 SO. I-ET-TIS' 1~')- 34 USSR/Pbys:fcs - Automatization of Pro- ~ May/Jun 51 duction "Conditions Governing the Realization of an Auto- matic System of Machines in the Production of Articles," L. N. Koshkin 11-511 "Avtomat i Telemekh" Vol XII, No 3 2APP 201-215 Classifies the technological processes in operating machines and establishes the conn ction among the various classes of processes and operating machines and among the various forms of machinization of production. Concludes that the forms of machiniza- 215T60, tion of Ub-MlUdes tiia~ the :fOrMS of ma-, chinization of production are connected with de- finite classes of technological processes and operat- ing machines. Submitted 13 Jul 50. 2i5T6o 1. KOSHKIN, L.N. 2. USsIR (600) 4. Found ng 7. Classification of technological processes and operating machines, Lit.proizv. no. 4, 1?53. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libmtry of Congress, AMIL -1953, Uncl. Z /V 25(1,5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2294 Moscow. Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy imeni F.E. Dzerzhinskogo Novoye v tekhnologii vysokoproizvoditellnoy listovoy shtampovki; sbornik trudov konferentsii (New Features in the Methods of High-productivity Sheet Metal Stamping; Collection of Confer- ence Transactions) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 228 p. 8,ooo copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i .nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR, Resp. Ed.: V.T. Meshcherin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Eds,: V.D. Golovlev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, and Ye.Ne Lanskoy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: G,N# Sokolev; Tech, Ed*: B*I* Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer* PURPOSE: This collection of papers is intended for engineers and technioians in sheet metal stamping. It may also be useful to Card 1A New Features (Cont.) students of vuzes and tekhnikums. SOV/22,04 COVERAGE: This collection deals with the design and features of some current problems in sheet metal stamping. Also discussed are processing methods still in the experimental stage. Several articles deal with the mechanization and automation of stamDin~z processes and describe recently developed methods, such a:. explosion forming, the use of automatic rotary transfer lines, and press blocking with the use of radioactive isotopes. No personalities are mentioned, ht~ferences follow several of' the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Meshcherin, V.T.,(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Stankoinstrumental ,nyy institut, Moskva (Moscow Machine Too! and Instrument Institute]. Basic Manufacturing Problems of the Neax Future 5 Card 2/9 New Features (Cont.) The author discusses labor productivity, shapes of woric- pieces, the materials iised, stamping operations and techni- que, production lines, working speed, and the correct meaning of basic operational time. Pikhtovnikov, R.V. [Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Khar,kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut(Khar1kov Aircraft Institute)]. Use of an Explosive Wave for Drawing and Forming Medium and Large Parts in Small-scale Production 22 The author discusaes experimental fabrication of shallow dish-type parts of an explosive wave caused by gunpowder, gasoline, or natural gas. Koshkin, LN... [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. New 'P-6-iffb-iiiiies in the Development of Sheet Metal Stamping in Connection With the Use of Automatic Rotary Transfer Machines Mechanical and hydraulic rotary described. The flexibility of facility of control, inclusion ment in the process, and smooth matic lines. Card 3/9 transfer machines are these machines allows of chemical and heat treat- transition into fully auLo- 31 New Features (Cont.) SOV/2294 Freydl1n, A.Ya. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Gorlkovskiy avtozavod (Gorlkiy Motor VehIcle Plant)]. Problem of increasing the Number of Strokes on Presses The influence of the speed of deformation on propertieL; of metals is mentioned,, and the effect of the wo.-I-king speed on the behavior of metals during cutting and forming operations is discussed. Information on the characteristics and design of different types of presses Is presented. Isachenkov, Ye.I., [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Bases for Selection of Lubricahts for High-productivity Sheet Metal Forming 67 The influence of friction forces on the course of the forming process Is explained. Distribution of stresses and its relation to lubrication is described. The use of hydrodynamic [wedge film] lubrication is discussed; formulas for forces and stresses in the drawing process are derived; and the effect of temperature increases on the visco3ity of lubricants is treated. Card 4/19 New Features (cont.) Gorbunov, M.N. (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Aviatsionno-tekhnologicheakiy institut, Moskva (MoScow Aviation Technology Institute)]. Significance of Local Heating of Blanks in Increasing the Productivity of Sheet Metal Stamping Distribution of stresses and temperatures during local heating in the deformed zone of tabular workpieces is anaiyzed. Formulas are presented. Solovtsov, S.S. (Engineer Zavod imeni SemashkoMoskva (Mosco-o, Plant imeni Semasho)]. Significance of Tubular Blanks and Local Preheating In Reducing Man-hours in Forming Operations -Advantages of using tubular blanks in making thin- walled shell-type parts by reducing and bulging ODerations are discussed. Local preheating for bulging is accomplished by heating the punch. Special features and the Effteiency of this method a-re also discussed. Mikhalenko, F.F., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, I 85 lo6 Card 5/9 New Features (cont.) S011/2204 Politekhnicheskly Institut, g. Gorlkiy (Gor'kiy Poly- technical Institute)]. Special Features of Blanking With an Increased Number of Strokes i'3' 1 The author describes research done on this Drocess in 'Uhe cold-stamping department of the "Trud" ~Iant and the laboratory of the Department of Mach1nory and Metal Forming, GPI imeni A.A. Zhdanov. A.A. Samoylov, depart- ment head, and N.S. Gilevich, process engineer, took part in the investigat.-*.ons made at the "Trud" Plant, and K.V. Semenov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, parti- ciDated in the work done at GPI. The article describes changes in punch and die dimensions and clearances in relation to changes in the number Ofstroke .s per minute and the number of parts cut out. Optimum clearances, minimur.i resistances, bunching forces and energy consunip- tion at various working speeds are discussed. Card 6/9 New Features (Cont.) SOV/2294 Artes, A.E. [Engineery Moscow Machine Tool and Instrument Institute]. Press Blocking With the Use of Radioactive 148 Isotopes 'rhe article presents information on the use of beta- radiation to stop presses in processes where two or more blanks are being fed, and on the principle of operation and the description of a beta-ray electronic relay. Suggestions for placing the emitter and receiver are given, and safety measures are discussed. Artem'yev, S.I. [Engineer, Go&Ly Motor Vehicle Plant]. New Features in the Automation of Sheet Metal Stamping at 160 the Go?kiy Motor Vehicle Plant The article discusses devices for automatic removal of formed parts from the press, devices for automatic feed- ing of sheet metal into the die, and devices for complete automation of the forming process. Card 7/9 New Features (Cont.) SOV/2294 Nikolayev, V.V., and R.V. Sorokin [Avtozavod imeni Likhacheva, Moskva (Moscow Motole"Velikele Plant imeni Likha- chev Experience of the Motor Vehicle Plant imeni Likhachev with High-productivity Progressive Die Sets 169 Compound, combination, and progressive die sets with rectilinear and circular feeding motion of blanks are described. Mechanization of feeding and removal of stamped parts and scrap are discussed. Filina, I.S. [Engineer, Zavod "Krasnaya Zarya," Leningrad (Leningrad "Red Sunrise" Plant)1. Transfer Machine for Mixing Contact Springs 199 Arrangement and operation of a universal transfer machine for making springs for flat relays is described. Reductionsin costs, time, and man-hours are srhown. Card 8/9 New Features (Cont.) JI-OW-9294 Konovalova, I.I. [Engineer, Zavod "Metalloizdeliye" Leningrad (Leningrad Metal Products Plant)]. Transfer Machi~es for Making Safety-razor Blades Fabricating processes and machinery for automatic lines are described, and information on tool life, heat treat- ment, grinding, and packing of blades is given. Lanskoy, Ye.N. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Moscow Machine Tool and Instrument Institute]. Selection of a Crank Press for Required Force and Work Parameters The author discusses flywheel effect, the meaning of nominal force (capacity), the magnitude of force at various angles of the crank, the work delivered by motor and flywheel,' and the work of deformation. Recommendations for selecting the proper pres:i for a given stamping operation are presented. AVAILABLE.: Library of Congress card 9/9 206 217 GO/air 10-21-59 V N 25(5) PHASE I BOOh EXPLOITATION MORCO Dom mauchno- takhni Cho skay propagandy imeni P.R. D.:;.hInskogo KOMPIekarAys avto=ati Z tolya I mokhnnizatolys v mashinostroyon 1; abornlk statey (01:rall Automatization and Moohanization in Fachine F'Larufacturirgj Collect-on of Articles) Moscow. fl- Kashgit, 1959- 312 P. 8,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencys Obahchastvo po resprontranonlym pollticheeklkh I nauchnykh zn-,,Iy RSFSR. Fd.t A.N. Malov. Camdidato of Technical Scloncesl Tech. 9d.2 B.I . Model's Managing Ed. for Literature on Metalworking and Toolmaking (K&shgIx)3 B.D. Ba7zol man o Engineer. PURPOSEs This collection of Lrtlc2os Is intended for engineering and technical personnel or plants monvractur!ng machlras and COVERAGE% This book acquaint@ industrial workers with devices " equipment necessary for the overall mechanization and auto matization of technological processes In sachino.macurao. bzlng. Individual articles deal with general problems of ugtomatizattlon and mechanization of processes In Preparatory, machine, and assembly shops. and with problems mrising from the Introduction or transfer 'lines. The book also Includes Th:d.equip:vent tested and used under actual examples or devices a plant conditions. ource of those data was the me mn Z-TZ._Z:' Z=1 Z1_t=___tt=__t!= Tf t "hnt.! !-t processes hold in 2937 by the Mookovskly Dom nauchnotokhmich- ewxy PrCP49stidy Iment F.E. Dze.-zhinsk 0 (Moscow House for ale tif*c and Technical Propaganda imeni F.E. Dz*rxhillskly). S n 0! No personalities are mentioned. Several of the articles a" fol lowed by references. Trub 1.k~m, L7~ idate of' Twchnlcal Sciancej7. Programmed Cc_,L d .t'. Or M. iffilcutting Machine -Tools 103 BOItUkh WL ffngltoor7. MOChAL21198tion and A,~tosaatjz&tIO. hjR_ .1j& Pr nIng Processes On Milling Machines 123 Lr-91-6. Mechanization am Auto,,titatim. or drindIng Machines I S-lf-r---tting of A.t..,Ic Metal- PjjLbqy_M_TA. I'E-gl--of. Aut..tiz&tlon Of Assembling pro- 171 COSSOS 132 Inatruagnt M&nUf&Otua 196 Lyudmirskly, D.r. 47-91 .. Z7. Automotio Lines for Production of Bearl4s -- of Rotary Lines LRot&ry Machin ~oohnlcal Sclonooj. Autonat .In 231 Bobroy. V.2. LE"Idato of Technical Sciono,27. Transfer 3ystomm of Automatic LIZes Malcv- A-X- ffandidate of*Tochnic&l Sci#nOOL7. Modern Do~lgn& 246 or Ragati- Loading Davi.o. 268 Bobr". ZEandldate of T:chnic&l SclencosT Automatla&tl. -d M0'hAnIz8tI0n of Chip 116 Oval On M4t&lcuttIZ9 Kochins,:061S206 Card 4/3 PHASE.1 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOVJ4896 Mookovskiy dom nauchno-takhnicheskoy propagandy Imenj 1. 1. Dzerz."nakogo Avtomatlche4d,ve r-otorn7y@ linil - aredst-eO konpleksnoy avtomatizzatal-I prairv0dacva. (Rotarir-Tran3 for -Ptach!ne Llnot-a Means or Full Automation of Production) Moncou, Maongiz, 1960. 221 p. 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: L. 1. Koshkina; Ed. of Publleh-r& House: 1. Vasil-yo,a; Tech. Zd.i 0, V. Smirnova; PanagIng Ed. for Literature on Met~ll.orklng and Mchine-Tool Yzklng: V. 1. 10.1tin, Fng*.near. PVR?OSR: The book is intended for technical personnel In the =achlr- ory Industry. COWMa3i This collection of articles explains the princlples of full 8UtO=&tI*" based on the US& Of rotary transfer r-AChln&z In VarlO~S Industries. The rotary opem-lonal transfer machines used ror blz!c processing are d1scuaged, and 4250 tho)speclal power equip-.ent and w-j.Ort*. for the" ambLoa. .4 (?.-doctLom li-.. go -ticood. Th." are so zaxo~- _"o hkla_j--X- Basic Proble=3 In the Pull AU' Cau&tIon or 3 M*dorLzqV_TA, Installation and WrrLIrg Principle Of 'Ro-f-orx for Inspection Operations 62 Rachkov, Yu. A. Rotors for Regular a.-A 'Hermetic' Costing 76 It-rov. r. Ya~ D03394 of Loose and Liquid Materials In 'rc~~y Tranardz r:scni- Ll~-;-= 85 Grinberg. 1. 1. Notors for AnsemblIng and Packing 94 Dustov, A. A. Rotors for Transfer and Feeding 108 PART 12. SPECIAL POW--9 FZUIPM'IT - DEVICES FOR ROTARY YH,ANSFB2 KL--HL.1 Lim Andrgygv, A. G. KOChAnIC11 Rotors 119 Khxglevx,,ciy,.V. V. Hydraulic Drives for Rotors 133 Bel A It. Electric Devices for Rotors Jused] for .1 11~~ 148 -Th pac on a;elng Operations - p.dotov N A High-proquanc7 Electric Equlp=ert for 162 -X;j~o~W-tUla'ad-1 for Beat Treatment ulpment for Rotors (Ouddl for ZsM.M%Shn~ol V 1( Zc -Thermochffml~&I-rrOcts"ng 177 PART III, SPECIAL ROTARY TRANSM KACHIKE LINES Sgoarjoy,V--P, Automated Xultlp-oduct Notary Transfer )c&-CjTn-e Line fZr Manuracturlng of Plastic Articles 185 Ch&g1h, V. P. Assembly Line for 38 = Pitch Boller 196 -C?MTrs-rvr-Combine% !OkoloV_ V S- AutozatIc Rot:q-Tranafer ?'zchln* Line for 209 tha-l%nueacture of Welding El c ro'des AVAILAB13i Library Of Congress (TJli8g.?1,6) VX/d-=/Os Card 4A 4/24/61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 8011/5291 Poveahchanlye po komplekanoy mckhanIzat-111 I avtoirztIzatril tekhao- logich"kikh protcaosov v maehlnostroyLnil. 2d, Ko5cow, 1956 Avtomatizatalya ma5hinostroltelinykit protsessov. t. III: Obr-abotka rezanlyem I obshchlye voproDy avtomatizatsli (Autortation of VzL- chino-BulldlnC Procconea. v. 3: Ketal Cutting and General Auto- mation Problems) Yo3cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 296 p. (Series: Ita2 Trudy, t. 3) 4,700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Altado.~ya nauk SSSR. In3titut mashinovedonlya. Komlsaiya pa tekhnologil m3ahlnostroycniya. Reap. Ed.: V. 1. Dikushln, Academician, Ed. of PubliahInZ House: V. A. Kotov, Tech. Ed. : 1. F. Kuz-aln. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is Intended for technical peroonnol concerned with the autor-ation. or tit* machine Industry. COVERAGE: This in Voluxce III of the transactions of the Second Conference on the Full Mechanization and Autp-natlon or Manufac- turing Processes in the Machine Industry, held September 25-29, 1956. The transactions have been Published in three volumes. Volume I deals with the hot presawor;rIng of metals, and volume Ir. with the actuation ang control or machinei. The present volume deals with the automation of metal machining and work- hardening, and with general problec:s encountered In autc=a- tion. The transactions on the automatlon of =etal-machininZ processes were published under the supervision of F. S. Dcm- yanok and A. H. Karatygin, and th.ce on the autoration of work hardenlne procesnoo, undo-. the nupervision or E. A. Satcl- and X. 0. Yakabaon. No personalities ara, mentioned. There are no references. Erpeher, Yu. B. On the Operation of the Tools in Automatic 32 Lyudmirnkly, D. 0. E~rpcrience of' the ZKB-6 [Special Design office No. 61 in Designing and Kasterln,~; Automatic Produc- tion-Linc Operations 43 Yegorov, B. V. Autonition of Universal Metal-OuttimE Fachln-.B ror Mass Production 53 Ncklyudov, G. 1. Automatic Machining or Parts Used In Watchmaking 62 Autot,nation at Fachine-Fluilding Procenzez (Cont.) SC,7/5291 Yakobson, M. 0. Automated Productlon of Ocar3 and Splined Shafts 66 XqW' I_n_ L. )I. Auto=tion or Manufacturing Processes based 1641 0otazy'rran3fer Machinea 82 Ryvkin, 0. M. Metal -Cuttln4,, Tools for Autcmito7l Production 9B Iterblaher, A. V. Autor3~tlon or M."uracturinS I'mcesnen at ttm I GPZ (Itt State Eirlnf; rlant) Sokolov. Yo, F. Experience in the Operation of Serinuto- matic Hidraulic Copylnj .11-chInan 124 Vacillyev, V. S. Automatic WlancinZ 1'~tchine:I 129 Kuritayna., A. 1). How Advanced Procozeea for the Kluz Pro- duction of 3-11ding BoarIqn,*,i 141 Ca rd It/ -f PP4= r IX= WZZ,TA71CS 30/018 1. p?lb-st=fsoi'T.' St to . t~ Y-_fAa',cr!nK P~cs.soq In the '~' a -4 fz~ Il-norly"Z, Tw: 563 V. %= -pl.. pr td Td.. 4~,2to'_'y 1F1koI.y-tz!: Loct., f jf)~.Sfw LA'.M'- = Xchica B!41111~g -4 :-t-t Cmot-c'.S1,c Cg- V. Nk~ kly, Z=e_z-rI Z.1. of Xgin-; I.;;. zd..8 D. L2'kid and I.T., 4~hs.-. PW=, rt.-I book is izta~dvd fc- technical -1 A-ion'Irla r.-nowl 1. -him wO InaU-amat imd-mstriax &r4 fm- st~actm " tta:r~m af =1-10 cf CCTMAZZ;aa~ra book dso.'s with w~. tz% tts,-y -4 pr.-t!co in thm ~!-tzrlcir proc, as of tha mck.17 -I- tmasat- aned Inclu4ts "4-1=2 Lmads for;mant. ;hquical vatm~ of tbo ;r-vss*A ar.1 th4ir foat- aml ;ozalMlItIom ars -nxidv~l, par"..liar id gi"m to ~. and pz~-s.imm; cochtnl.g, .1-tr!c ssachie, 2, 14 ;reclsi cast--C, precision .1- The back p.;.rs at th. Card 1/11 on 4m~--sd -sz:1%jrv and 7.~t-sr-t YAAcfac- prco.,..g,- h.14 1- 1958. -h. t'- b..c rv~i-d I- It- of ~acmt d~.'c;,=amta iz Its t!*Id. A cina;tar is davoted t~ it.. -t-t.- ggsd "chalm%Ico of the todcata7. -scvlat and pm=' gmesa or Lt. 014ptn. TAMX. Cy ecs=731 rr..ord I.-,.d_ti_ JL.S. Ga~.ilaw, Doctor or Tach.-I-1 Sct-14--, Pmfsss.r, ?AaT.I. 'IMM A:rD PRACnC1 rJ PAS"AC7-Mr Cr ~,,Z3 A_ND L,14-% __=T of ch. 1. Toss n~lts -,ywicatiom or no Building [T.3. DmwrmrA, Dcct~r of 7~11c-1-1' Pr;l .... r] 13 prekLms ocomoctod vI th the tyT.!.f!cAt1-n 13 2. Basle principlas of' classifizatiOm Of Part$ and 4-Pi-fics"on cf `~'xir I -eacturize IL car,, 2111 Present State (Cont.) SOV/4718 5. AutomatLc feeding and transfer devices 306 6. Automatic [production] lines [consisting of] unit-head machine tools 307 7. Fully automatic production 315 8. Automatic lot-nroduction linea 322 9. The future development of automation 375 Ch. XI II. The Problems of Full Automation in the Machine and Instrument Industries in Connection With the Increase of Operating Effici- ency [G.A. ShauWanj Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor] 377 1. Analysis of labor productivity 377 2. The principle of productivity and problems of full automation 379 3. Manufacturing process - the basis for planning of production means 395 4. Machining regimes 386 5~ The principles of unitizing 387 6. Prospects for the development of full automation of production processes 390 Ch. XIV. Rotary-T e Transfer Machines[L.N. Koshkin, Candidate of Technical SciencesF 393 1. The properties of rotary-type transfer machines and the field of their application 394 2. The construction of rotary-type transfer machines for specific manu- Card 8/11 S/118/60/000/010/001/008 A1611AO26 AUTHOR: Koshkin, L. N., Candidate.of Technical Sciences TITLE: Rotary Automated Production Lines and Th6ir Applications PERIODICAL- Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1960, No. 10, pp. 1-6 TEXT: Subject "rotary lines", or rotary transfer machines, are being used in the USSR for various cold-stamping operations, local or full heat treatment of parts, degreasing, varnishing, coating, as well as for auxiliary machining opera- tions like deburring or trimming. They are coming into more extensive use - in foundries for dosing and pouring liquid metal and for trimming castings; in the manufacture of plastics (pelletizing, heating of pellets, etc.). In some economic areas, as of the Moscow and Odessa sovnarkhozes, production processes are being analyzed to decide what machine parts are suitable for machining in rotary lines, i. e. for what series parts It would be feasible to design special lines. The article presents a general review of existing rotary line designs and their pre- sent and possible future applications in view of the importance of the "rotary line" machines for automation. The lines are of two types - really "rotary" with the working tools and drives placed on rotating drums (Fig. 1), or flexible-chain Card 1/5 S/118/60/000/010/001/008 Rotary Automated Production Lines and Their Applications A161/Ao26 conveyers (Fig. 25). If a part is produced in too small numbers to fully occupy a line, the mdchines in this line mAy be fitted with different tools for machin- ing parts of different shape or dimensions. Transfering elements between tj1e working rotors being moved by single drive may leave the form of rotors or endless chains. Rotors with mechanical drive are used for light-pressure operations; for heavy-pressure and assembly operations the rotors are provided with hydraulic for combined hydro-mechanical) drives. There are 10 figures. FiSure 1: Mechanical one-sided rotor. E., (I - rotor shaft; 2 --~drum; 3 U U slipper; 4 - slide roller; 5 stationary curve; 6 tool block;- 7 - punch; 8 die; 9 recep- EE tion disc) 2 Q 1-1 MONA I L~a M, X. 18 C6 M1 U Card 2/5 Rotary Automated Production Lines and 71heir Applications A161/A026 Figure 2: Chain type machine. (I tool block; 2 - stationary curve) ea ttemofi Uhl: mqueNTS: :Ktx KYNBAS. Card 3/~ S11181601000101010011008 Rotary Automated Production Lines and Their Applications A161/AO26 Figure 6: A transferring rotor varying the transfer motion speed. (I - a working rotor with'small pitch; II - a working rotor with large pitch; 1 -slipper; 2 - station, ary curve; 3 - workpiece; 4 tie rod holding the stationary curve; h - small pitch; H large pitch) Ca~d 4/5 PHt (3) Cxema TPARMPTHM PDTOPA, MeHmomero cxopocrj. S11 18/60,1000/01000 Rotary Automated Production Lines and Their Applications A1611A026 Figure 7: A two-sided mechanical rotor. (1 - shaft; 2 - drum; 3 slipper; 4 - roller; 5 punch; 6 - stationary durve; 7 - block housing; 8 - die; 9 - block holder; 10 - drive gear) Figure 8: A two-sided hydraulic rotor.- (I - distributing box; 2 - cylinder block; 3 - pistoni 4, - tie rod; 5 - shaft; 6 - tool block; 7 - block holder; -8 - drive gear. Card 5/5 E; 0 :66 0 .>~O t XOSHKIN, L. Lines leading into tomorrow. Izobr.i rats. no.10:&Il 0160. (MIPA 13:10) I 1. Nachallnik i glavu" konstruktor TSentral'togo konstruktorskogo byuro Gosudarstvennogo komi-beta Soveta Ministrov SSSR. (Mich,inary, Automatic) l r " , 0 IN, I -, : A R j r , -,,3 s 4:1 1 TI 'I ,* R-I . w 6~A d 0 -td ;R 10 0 1 a -d P. I h uj 8 .8 1 F v a Auto--ation of Cold N-,tall ~tarapins Production =/5580 Darnlitcyn, D. Yo. AuVrittion of Dtrtr~plng in Prooo Shops (From the Practice at GAZ (Corlk.4y Autozbbile Plant)) 5 Razanovskil, V.P. Automation of Stampln,3 Processea at Leningrad Plants 27 LaTjin, P.N. M:chanization and Automation of Stamping Ojerationa (Frw 40 Xosbizin, L.N. Automatic Rotary Tranafer.-Ilachino Linea 48 Kravcbf,;i*o, D.G. Autoration of St-~Zplxzj Propnos (From the Practice of th-2 Barunal'ald 'navecl in-khanicheakildt prescov (Barnaul Meehan- iCal FtC66CO FlaMt~ 71 Demidcn-L,o, Ye. 1. Investigatimg tit, Ope.,ati. of Ato-mati. Stamping Production Lines for Relay SprinGa 85 Zlotnikov, S.L. So=- Pmblems of Aut(rmtion Im Staiaping Production 98 Shofman, L.A. The Present State of St=ping'Production and Autici- -pated'Problemn 101 KOSHKINJ, L., kandidat tekhn.naukp laxtreat Stalinskoy premii Over-an automation of production and automatic rotary lines. UTO 2 no.5:29-32 my 160, (MU 14:5) (Automation) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5771 Koshkin, Lev Nikolayevich Avtomaticheskiye rotornyye linii(Rotary Transfer-machine Lines) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znanlye," 1960. 44 p. (Series; Vaesoyuznoye obshchest,vo po rasprostraneniya,politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya IV, 1961: Nauka i.tekhnika, no. 9) 42,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: V.F. Preys; Ed.: T.F.. Islankina; Tech. Ed.: Ye.V. Savchenko. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for engineers, technicians, and skilled workers; it may also be useful to students In mechanical- engineering institutes and tekhnikums. COVERAGE: Fundamental problems encountered in the development of rotary transfer-machine lines are discussed along with the prin- ciples and characteristic fedtures of the operation of rotors for processing and transferring products. Attention is given Card 1/3 Rotary Transfer-Machine Lines SOV/5771 to the construction of the basic types of rotors with meohani- cal and hydraulic actuation and to rotors for heat and chemical treatment. No personalities are mentioned. There are 7 refer- ences, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: General Arrangement of Machining Rotors and Their Basic Charaj?teristics 4 Ch&racteristics of Rotary Transfer Machines and Funda- mental Problems in Developing Automatic Lines 8 Fields for the Most Advantageous Application of Rota3.-,,,- Transfer Machines and Lines 11 Fundamental Types of Machining Rotors 14 Roto~rs with mechanical actuation of the tools 14 Card 2/3 KOSHKIN., L.N._,, inzh. Using transfer machines in assembly 4nes. Vest.mash. 42 no.3:63-.68 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Assembly%-line methods) KOSHKIN.. L.N., kand.tekhn.nauk Extend the we of transfer machines for assembling operations : Mashinostroitell no-3.-,20-22 Mr 162. (MIRA 15.3) (Assembly-line methods) KOSHK1N- L.N-, inzh. Transfer-machine lines and the outlook for their development. Vf~vt.y%--Ashinostr. /j2 no.6:47-50 -Te 162. (KIRA 15:61' (Machine tools) (Automation) KOSHKIN., L.N.,; PMS,, V.F.; ROMANOVSKIY, V.P... kand.tekhn.nauk-, red.; KUREPBA, G.N., red.izd-va,; BARDINA, A.A.., [Automatic transfer-machine! lines rotorrWe linii v shtampovochnom red. V.P.Romanovskogo. Moskva., shtampovshchika., no.2) (Machinery,, Automatic) for stamping] Avtomaticheskie proizvodstva. Pod obshchei Mashgiz.. 1962. 48 p. (Bibliotechka (YLIRA 16: 1) (Forging) laureat, Gouudarstvennoy premii, kand. tekhn. nauk; BEREMNOYJuily Mikolayevich, inzh.; FEDCHENKO, V., red.; NYRKOVA, N., tekhn. red. (Whirling motion creates riachines]Vikhrl rozhdaet mashiny. Mo- skva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1962. 78 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Machiner7, Automatic) KOSHKIN, L.N., kand.tekhn.neuk Introduce transfer-machine lines more widely. Mekh.i avtom. proizv. 16 no.11:34-1+0 N ~62- (MIRA 15:12) (Automation) (Maqhine tools) KOSHKIN, L.P., doktor tekhn. nauk; KAUFMAN, L.M., prof., doktor teMn. nauk, retsenzent; KALGV, A.N., prof., red. [Overall automation of indastrial production based on transfer-machine lines] Kompleksnaia avtomatizataiia proizvodstva na baze rotorrWkh linii. Moskva, Mashino- stroeniet 1965. 277 p. (MIIU 18 -. 8) KOSHKINp L.V.; MWSABEKOV, Yu.S. Oharacteristic featuree of the conjugation of the electron pair of nitrogen. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.12:4030-4032 D '63. (MIRA 17:3) KOSHKIN, L.V,.; MUSABEKOV, Yu.S. Development of the science of biradicals. Khim. i khim. tekh. 1:263-282 162. (MIRA 17:2) MUSABEKOV, Yu.S.; KOSHKIN, L.V. Origin and development. of the theory of radicals, TrLdy inst. ist.est.i tokh., 35:245-292 161. Oulu. 1/,: 9) (Radicals (Chemistry)) KOSHKINj, L.V.; MUSABEKOV, Yu.S. Evolution of the methods for studying free organic radicaloo Trudy tekh. 39tl4l-175 162. (MIRA IW) (ftaicals (chemistry)) "~". 04#44 As k wv-"d msdW for dt&tmWq U 0 smop" 4w W&M. -M, L. 00 (in 0 13-14; ill Fnmcb. 14).-M 0 for IS. oxySta consumption a 8i nMWtS. JW- MAMUIY tOMI 00 b the 1dkW69 PmWurt: Th W" Mk-0 tity t h l j . o e a 6 ways t to 0.3-0.5 ms. G. The oWic " wiks Irma buret. O.&LOCC. at a t1rue.tonvolcm 400 la " m&mw the CsOms of oxalic acid *a 1.0-3.0 cc. The drin. sbould be piade un 4 both. C 000 000 ell Vf f st A S 4 1 L A OCTALCAOMKAL LIMATWE CLASUPSCATIO. AV 10 Is ipK I, is it cc 000 e10 0 q 0 0 4 ej 0 0 0 q * 4 fee** 0 0 1011MUMAUV x r, it d; JA 41 4'. 4 -60, I Can. 0 "21" .60 n U . M. 4. 9-13 rent standkil potatik water 00 rMat% Wrle initud qun- exceu equiv, dways added nsend-point. dearaved to tmAing water 0 0 S. .14tarkto 0 4:00 goo, ties tLa n i vat e 0 0~6 00010 e 00090 0 0 a 0 oil to too So m Sol A L Z.-L-J A I L L a 14 1' Q It I A I a 40 a m a SuperchiprWallocin find mommoonifflifou. A C.. Whom alld 11. 1. 00 N.;Ilw I'kk. IS, Nk'. Nil, .1r,-trom, thr almitlotwil oof imill ih- go I bill at lallut vmsctm k'Ki't 1'. "1". I fir "'llitumpfum .4 CI its tho, I.,. 00 sim Al-pium -A C) k PhIM 00 J ! rvrn whroi CI iq pirwrif in lAigr 4,f oviatri thim loori'mir, 'm go am"I"Itilklmn lovilix fff, Allul tilt, v%mott lif Cl Ila- 14.1-11 cliflimill"t. 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a is It If a If if a a if a as a or* AoUji. I ki 16m. I Nil. Iti-ol - -00 ftillo". zoo wift i" mily ze 0 I VIO A S a - S L a -(f-LLVo`(,K-L 1.11for.lViot CLAISWICATIO& I I go A, v Apt em o I v - Iw of it V 0 K 1, ofa If I ti 0 0 0 0 0 0 4; "0 It, 0" t.0., o' of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *TOO 9 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 KOSHI-.IN, 111. L. 37518. Koshkin, M. L. nekotcvyye itogi i perspektivy primeneniya ulltrafiolatovoy radiatsii-dlya obluchenita poneshcheniy. v sb'. xlI vsesoyuz. s"yezd gigiyen--stov. epidemiologov, mikrobiologov i infektsionistov. T'. 1. M., 1949, s 114-18 SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey Vol. 37, 1949 CV USSR/Medicine - Ultraviolet Rays Jan/Feb~ 50 R Radiation Effects 10 rl - -4 "Exposure of aScarlet Fever Ward to Ultraviolet Radiation," Prof M. L. Koshkin, Docent, F. M. Moselevskiy, R. I. Eru, Chair of Gen Hygiene, Chair of Children's Infections, Kbar1kov Med Inst "Pediatriya" No 1, PP 30-38 Tests effect of subject radiation on bacterial con- tamination of the air and various objects in a , scarlet fever ward and effect of radiation on pati- ents. Finds radiation reduces number of bacteria., especially streptococci. Observes no harmful results, 16 AT12 USSR/Medicine - Ultraviolet Rays Jan/Feb 50 (Contd) in patients of subject ward. Definite complications is apparent. Includes five tables. Chief Chair of Gen-Hygiene: Prof M. L. Koshkin- Chief, Chair of Childrenfa Infections: Docent A. 1. Fevzner. i63T 12 NOSIMN, H.L., professor; GIL', S.A., dotsent; IMINA, A.G., kandidat Modminskikh nauk Gate6rrh of the upper reapiratery tract in premature infants in wards irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Pediatrila no.10-15 Ja-F 055. (WMA 8:5) 1. It kafedry obehahey gigiyeiq Kharlkovskago maditainakogo insti- tuta (dir. doteent I.F.Kononetdco) i otdola fitiologii rebenka Ukrainskogo inatituta okhrarq materinstva i mla4onchastva imeni H.K.Krupskoy (dir.'kandiaat moditsinskikh nauk A.I.Iornikova). (IMSPIRATORY MOT, *9,)ases, in premature inf.-, ptev. by ultraviolet irradiation of tents) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS, prev. of rasp. tract die. in premature inf., irradiation of tents) KO~H KIN) AID P - 3665 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 11119 Authors Koshkin, M. L., Pi,of., Karut, T. A., Kand. Med. Sci., uyva, S. U., Assistant Title Acid-resisting saprophytes as a test for the sensitivity 'L of tuberculosis bacilli to ultraviolet radiation Periodical : Gig. i. san., 11, 44-46, N 1955 Abstract : Describes experimonts with various saprophyte cultures as substitutes for tuberculosis bacilli. Mercury uviol lamps, mass-produced in the USSR and very efficient for the disinfection of the air and different objects, were used in these tests with beat results. 1 reference. Institution : Chair of General Hygiene, Khartkov Medical Institute and Ukrainian Institute of Vaccines and Serums im. I. I. Mechnikov. Submitted : Ap 24, 1954 KOSHKW, M_.L prof.; SEMni - ". - . N. IDLINA, A.G., nauk; DUDCHENKO, I.I. NAturnl ultrnviolet rndihi;ion Inside buildirip ~q nnd the dlainfectnnt effect of daylight. VrAcli.delo no.1:69-72 in 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Xnfedra obshchey gigiyeiny Khnrlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. CAIR--PURIFICATION) (ULTRAVloinT RAys) NOTACHINED, N.P.i-KOSHKIN-L M.L., prof.; SIIWILINIMV, R.D., prof. (Rharlkov) With the aid of rharkov medical circles. Vrneh.delo no.1:1241-1242 D 158. (MMA 12:3) I* Chlen-korreaDondent ON SSSR (for Novachenko) MRADM-MICINE-MIODICALS) KOSHKIN, X*L9, prof. IDLINA, A.Ge,, ROTTMAN, T.A., KHODOVA, R.Z. DTDCIIMO. I. I. Effect of BUF-15 lamps on children of kindergarten age [with summary InSuglish). PediAtrits 36 no.6;67-73 Je '58 (KIRA 11:6) 1. Iz kafedry obsh6hey gigiyeny Kharlkovskogo meditsinakogo inotituta i Kharlkovskogo oblastnogo domn rebenka No.l. (UIRRAVIOLET RAYS. eff. indirect. on bhild develop. (Rua)) (ANTISEPTSIS AND ASEPSIS, ultraviolet irradiation in prev. of aerogenic infect. in schools (Rua)) (AIR, microbiology. ultraviolet prev. of aerogenic infect. in schools (Rua)) KQS~YIN, M. L., VELIFOVA, V. K., hOSTOVA, R. S. "Irrad-ication of Quarters idth Natural and Artificial Ultraviolet Radiation as a Method of Preventing Aerogenic Imfections." report subymtted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epideralologist3 and Infectialstsg 1959. KOSHK , prof.; DUDCHENKO, I.I, 00000- Bactericidal efNat of ultraviolet rays. Vrach.delo no.5:507-509 my 6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra boshchey gigiyeny (zav. - prof. M.L.Koshkin) Kharlkovskogo neditsinskogo instituta. (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS_-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) s/196/61/000/009/019/052 E194/E155 AUTHORS: -Koshkin, M.L., Finkelishteyn, V.Ye., and -W- udc enko, 1o19 D TITLE#. Reflection of ultraviolet radiation from screens with coloured limewash PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnall Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.9, 1961, 21, abstract 9V 192. (Sb. nauchn. rabot Kharikovsk. med. in-ta i N.-i in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok (formerly Tr. Khar1kovsk med. in-ta), no.53, ig6o, 183-187) TEXT: The use of ultraviolet irradiation of premises to disinfect the air and contentis is becoming more extenaively used as a prophylactic measure. For indirect ultraviolet irradiation of rooms, which is the usual method, the lamp is installed 1.8 - 2.0 metres above the floor. An aluminium reflector directs the ultraviolet radiation upwards so that the upper part of the room is irradiated directly and the lower part only receives radiation reflected from the malls and ceilings. With this method irradiation can be carried out with people present because the Card 1/2 Reflection of ultraviolet radiation... S/196/61/000/009/019/052 E194/EI55 dispersed flux of radiation reflected from the walls and ceilings is much less than the direct radiation and causes no Pathological effects, even after many hours, irradiation per day. To attain a better bactericidal effect it is desirable to irradiate the upper zones by the most intensive possible flux of ultraviolet irradiation. According to instructions of the Sektsiya Po ulftravioletOvOmu:Lzlucheniyu (Ultraviolet Irradiation Section) of the Institut biofj.zlki AN SSSR (Biophysics Institute AS USSR) the radiation level in zones where people are present should not exceed 0.5 microwatts/cm2 and the daily dose should not be more than 24o microwatts.min/cm2. [Abstractorts note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 39529 S/240/62/000/003/002/003 1015/1215 AUTHOR: Koshkin, M. L. Professor TITLE: Studies on the effect of small doses of ultra-violet rays upon the protect ive-ad apt ive functions of the organism PERIODICAL: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 3, 1962, 70-76 TEXT: The author reports his studies on the effect of UV rays on the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, the stimulation of which is one of the main factors determining the increased immunity of organinsms following UV irradiation, especially in small doses. The author describes in vitro experiments on the phagocytic activity of leukocytes from irradiated animals in Staplij,fococcus aureus cultures. This activity was greater following small doses than after large doses, although larger doses of UV also brought about an increase in phagocytosis as compared with the non-irradiated controls. Tac author concluded from another series of experiments that small UV doses stimulate the adrcno-sympathetic system thus explaining the great variety of effects shown by UV-rays. The author assumes that small dos.-s of UV-rays serve as a trigger mechanism on the complex, adreno-sympathetic system. He proposed to apply small doses of UV-rays in pediatrics for mass-prophvlaxis and concludes that the role of the pituitary-adienocortical system in the effect of UV, stressed by Selye, deserves serious attention and extensive studies, There are 3 tabIcs. Card 1/2 Studies on the effect of.. S/240/62/000/003/002/003 1015/1215 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshc'ey gigiyeny K-har'kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (Chair of General Hygiene, Institute of Medicine, Khar'kov) SUBMI77ED: July 1, 1961 Card 2/2 KOS N L. prof.; GILIMAN, B. I.; DUDA, M. N.; DUDCHENKO, 1. 1.; HKTZ'VrAh1i9EVA, L. I.; SLjLSWHO'7A1, K. V. Preventive irradiation of preschool and younger sohool-age children with small (non-erythematic) doses of ultraviolet irradiation. Vrach. delo no.6:127-1%! Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kafedra obshchey gig!6'yeny (zav. - prof. M. L. Koshkin) Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-THERAPEUTIC USE) (SCHODL HYGIENE) LEVIN, Mark Kironcvich, prof.; ZADOROZHNYY, B.A.., dotsent, red,; BELOUSOV, V.A., prof., red.; BONARIUS, N.N., prof., red.; VOROBIYEV, F.P., assistent., red.; GRISHCHENKO, I.I., pror., red*; DEREACH, V.S., prof., red.; KORSUNI, A.Ya., dotsent, red.; XK4~TN, M.L., prof., red..; KUDINTSEV, V.I., dotsent, red.; PIKIN) K.I., prof., red.1 PRIKHODIKOVA, Ye.K., prof., red.; POPOVP I.D., dotsent, red.; SOLOV11MV,,M.N., prof., red.; SHTEYNBERG, S.Ya., prof.,, red.; KHARCHENKOp N.S., prof., red. [Repeated surgery in stomach diseases following operations] Povtornys operatsii pri !&abolevaniiakh operirovannogo zheludka. Khartkov, Izd-vo Kharlko,7skogo gos.univ.., 1961. 177 Pe (Rharkov. Medycbnyi, institut. Trudy, vol.58). (MIRA 16:2) (STOMACH--SURGERY) KOSHKIN, Moisey Llvovich, prof.; GAbOVIGH, H.D.fllabovych, R.D.], . -- red. [Arkadii Ivanovych lAk,Dbii, outstanding Soviet Hygienist] Arkadii Ivanbvych lAkobii - vydatnyi vitchymianyi higdenist. Kyiv, Z(Iorovlia, 10,65. 31 P. (MIRA 18:9) KOSXMI MoSev prof; Revision of existing standards of artificial illumination. Gig. i san. 23 no*8t53--54 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Iz lbarlkovskogo meditsinskogo inatitutao- (ILWKINATION, . standards (Rue)) GOLOVKIN, N,., prof.1 KOSHKIN., Nq BATURINA, L. Studying the conditiorw of food product storage in a chamber with dynamic insulation. Hias.ind.SSSR 33 no.2:/+7-51 162. (MIRA 15:5) le Leningradakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Golovkin, Koshkin). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut nWasnoy promyshlennosti (for Baturina). (Leningrad-Cold storage warehouses) (Food-Frouervation) 1. 11. A. 2. ~VP ~600) 4. Baraba Steppe - Reclamation of Land 7. Carry out directives of the 19th Party Congress on draining and reclaiming swamps in Baraba. Korm. baza 3. no, 11. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, __FobM&rv .1953. Unclassified U s SR Soi I COO 10! -KOs hk! n T i slu-z 0 V ion ~irifqenl LA L fo-C thu- ReCI&WAA40r; t' 1"-' 13 te of I ~'UINI. in .6c, -aj"'tract NAZAWV, G. I KOSIMIN, K.Ytq . lnzh. Automatic control in grain drying. Makh.i alek.F,,otR.sel'kboz. 16 no.5: 19-42 158. (14IRA 11:11) 1. Moskovakiy institut nekhanizatali ! elektrifikateii se!'E;kogo khozyaystva. 11. Chlon-kcirrespondent Vassoyuznoy Akadenii sel'sko- k*hnzyaystvannylr,h nauk iment V.I. Lenina (for Nazarov), (Grain, Drying) (Automatic control) BORODIN, I.?., kand.telthn.nauk; XO&U .,IIJ,JLYe., Inzb. Now electric oquipowit for agriculture. Mekh.j alak..ooto.soll- khoz. 17 no.5:53-~55 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Blectric apparatus and appliances) KOSHKri, K. Ye., Cand Tf:ch Sci (diss) -- " Flectrow itomat ion of the techrological process of grain drying". Mosco-ii, 1960. 22 pp (Min Ag-ric USSR, Moscow Inst of Mechanization and Electrification of Agric), 150 copies (KL, No 10, 1960, 131) ZHURAVLEV) P.N.; KOSHKIN, K.Ye. Faactrid'-po-we-r-in--a'g-z,'I-c-u-lture. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.8:63-66 161 . (mrRA 14:8) (Ruxal eleotrification) 112-57-8-16149 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 13 (USSR) AUTHOR: Koshkin, L. I. TITLE: The Second Temperature :NAaximurn of Permittivity of Barium Titanate (Vtoroy temperaturnyy maksinium dielektricheskoy pronitsayemosti titanata bariya) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Leningr. goo. ped. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute), 1955, Nr 103, pp Z95-303 ABSTRACT: The effect of tempera1ure on DC capacitance and permittivity has been determined by means of a. ballistic galvanometer with charging times of 0. 8, 2. 5, and 8 seconds; ~he galvanometer owing period was 14.9 seconds. Samples were prepared from: (1) BaTi03 with 2. 57a excess of TiOZ; (2) 0.95 BaT'03 - 0.05 PbT'03; (3) 0.9 BdT103 - 0.1 S2T'03' Measurements have been made at field strenfths of 0. 36-0.42 kv/cm. If charging is made through a resistance of about 10 ohmii at a temperature of about 2000,'i. e. , above the Curie point, the second maxinium of F. appears; its value may go as high as 28, 000 (f or BaTi03) with a charging time of 2. 5 seconds, or over 36, 000 with Card 1 /Z 112-57-8-16149 The Second Temperature Maximum of Permittivity of Barium Titanate a charging time of 8 seconds. The second maximum does not appear if charg- ing is made directly from the source, without additional resistance. In addi- tion, with the temperature above the Curie point, a steady-state direct current observable on the galvanometer appears in the discharge circuit. The author believes that the second maximum. is due to a special mechanism of polariza- tion, which differs from the mechanism effective below the Curie point. Bibliography: Six items. D. M. K. Card 212 112-1-127 On the Pulse-Ballistic Method of Analyzing Dielectrics (Cont.) with a ballistic galvanometer. The connections diagram permits measuring capacitance with the ballistic method at various voltages and various values of V - Checking with air, mica and ceramic capacitors~proved that the measured.and the rated capacitances 00incicie with an accuracy up to 10% at the time V =lo-70ec . Applying this syt I it is difficult to obtain a time T' greater than 10-rsec. ITsing the described method the author found that bariun titanate possesses at least 3 mechanisms of. olarization: the-first is characterized by a time of 10.9 Bee., the second by a time of 10-'t see., and the third by a time of the order of a few seconds. Biblio- graphy: 4 titles. D. M. K. Card 2/2 USSR/Soil Science. Tillage - Land Reclarmtion. Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 6, 1958, 24B14. Author Koshkin, N.A ; Starodubets, A.V. Inst Title Experinent on Ploughing Virgin Land Long-Fallow and with Ploughs With Helical Mold-Doards. Crig Pub: Diul. nauchno-issled. i opytn. rabot. Ubinsk. opytn. molior. st., 19'7, No 2, 59-61. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 1, Ti" AI KOSHKIN, N.I.; jjozDm , v.F.; l'OPCHIYEV, A.V., akademik. Investigation of the absorption of ultrasound in a series of saturated hydro- carbons. using the impulse method. DokI.AI4 WSR 92 no.4:793-796 0 '53- (MLRA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (fDr Topchiyev). 2. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogi- cheakiy Institut (for Koshkin and Nozdrev). (Ultrasonic waves) (Hydrocarbons) m physics -14 Authors Yakovlbi - F- K06hk title Use- of th im e pu se IN . -in benz ene-,an&--scxne' iq solidification. poizitd: Periodical s -AN SSR 96 Ed ~:.:Xbstract ~4 Report, describ68 " in of measuring he. derivatives. This:- iii: jng the kbs6rpiidi e"i tained',through measull -and:'bril chlorobenzene . are included* S ix r , A Institution i Vie Moscow ~Rq6ional::)~ -:Presented by I Academician V._'V.~. Sh'~*. edagogical Ieykinj-. -institute March 22, 1954 KOSMIN.'N. L, NO--D:ZEV, V. F., 30ROLN, V. D., YAKO7L:,-V, -V. F. and SlimxEwic-H, M. G. "Impulse Method of Fixed Distances, Its Fhysical Basis and Practical Application". Abstracted for inclusion in the Sec,ond International Gongres5 on Acoustics, Cambridge, Mass., 17-24, Jun 1956 Moscow State University USSR/Acoustics - Ultrasonics, J-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika.. No 12,, 1956., 35575 Author: Koshkin: N. I., Nozdrev, V. F., Sobolev, V. D., ShLrkavlich, M. G., Ynoviev, V* F* Institution: None Title: The Fixed-Distance Ptilae Procedure, Its Physical Foundations,, and Practical Application Original Periodical: Akust. zh., 1956, 2,Wo 2, 161-166 Abstract: A substantiation is gLven for a newly developed procedure for pulse measurementB of*absorption of ultrasonic waves. Unlike the present videly-used procedure, in which it is necessary to move the radiator and the reflector relative to each other, the radiator and reflector remain statLonary in this method. 111B cir:,immstance not only simplifies to a considerable extent the construction ot the measuring chamber and accelerates the measurement process: but leads also to a more succesaful utilizaticm of the pulse method in the Card 1/2 Card 2/2'-' kudy :of ~~'ultra -souni a s s f k n-b ia -absoipU6 tra-~l M!klhky onei.- AWI: the 44 --Wdfbi fi* 17*6~'Up'_t ~C onit, i by'm~ans -, of a51peci sli6h. at -frequen'i S., c e 14A tableo,-Fi4e -US,%,-'r! a h.OSP j ~/) /V I - ~40i~ytov) I. (I.) .W KOSMN) N. I., UITOVININ, V. S., NOZDr%EV, V. F. nnd STAROSTINA, 0. "Absorption of Sound in Acetates." report presented at the 6th Sci. C'Jnference on the Application of Ultrasound in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Fob 1958, organized by Mn. of Education RSFW and Moscow Oblast Pedagogic Inst. im N . K. Krupalmya. % Ir 'k C-~V~ L-lv" 1/1"' 1-, OVI M. A. and KCSHW, N. 1. "Absorption of Sound in tha Region of T~ransitlon from Liquid to CrystalB." report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the Investleation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education RSM and Moscow Oblast Pedagogic B-4t. im. N. K. Rrupskaya. r\05ffl~ /IV: U F. an3 GO?0j:i!'t)V A. "Stildy of P'iYzir,,-C!l-.inical Proparti-es of al. syst~~-riq by li 1'L.-,- a rp-.,ni c 1:41 S paper presented at 4th All-Union Cca. on Accimtlco, Mosccrw, 26) I-lay -,,0 Jun 53. NOORIV, V.F.; YAKOVLVV, V.I.; KOSHKIN, N.I.; GORBUNOVO H.A, RW4W ~ ...- - Certain new possibilit!tes for using ultrasonic pulses for investl- gating substances. Izv,, vys. ucheb. zav,,, radiotekh, n0,1:3-5-42 '58, (HIRL 33:.-4) 1. Rekamendovana, kefedmy obahchey fiziki MoskDvskogo oblastnogo pedagogicheakogo instii.-ats - (Ultrasonics) (Liquids) SOV/124-59-9-984o Translation from: Referativrkfy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, p 38 (USSR) AUTHORS: QUI=ov- M.A. TITLE: A Method Worked out for Measuring the Absorption of Supersonic Wayeg in the Liquid-Elolid Transition Range A PERIODICAL: V sb.: Primeneniye ul.ltraakust. k issled. veshchestva. Pr 6, Moscow, 1958, pp 199 - 208 ABSTRACT: The authors desoribe different variants of the pulse method for 6 studying the supersortic absorption (frequency of the order of 10 cps) by liquids at tomperatures being close to the crystallization temperature. The conditions, which must be fulfilled for applying the pulse method to investigating the properties of matter within the transition range between liquid and solid crystalline 5tate, are formulated: 1) application of a solid acoustic delay line; 2) using two quartz converters for reducing the acoustic range; 3) operation within millimeter distances. A glassy measuring chamber is described, which provides for the following propertiest Card 1/2 a) uniformity of the crystallization process over the entire volume 7B SOV/124-59-9-98W A Method Worked out for Measuring the~Absorption of Supersonic Waves in the Liquid-Solid Transition Range of the chamber; b) possibility of a direct observation of the course of a process; c) exclusion of possible chemical interactions between the'in- vestigated liquid and the chamber uralls. The authors recommend to record two series of measurements with different distances between the radiating and receiving quartzes. It is nece!ssary to record also the initial value of the sounding pulse equal for the, two measurement series. The measure- ments must be carried out at temperatures different from the crystallization temperature by 1 - 1.50C. The resu-Its from measuring the sound absorption coefficient of benzol at a frequency of 6.35 Me within the temperature range from 4 to 80C are presented graphically. Bibl. 12 titles. B.B. Kudryavtsev Card 2/2 5 (2,4 'iUTIT OR S: Gorbunov, 11. A Kochkin, 11. 1. SOV/153-5B-4-8/22 TITL.E Measurenont of the Absorption of Ultra-Sonic Waves in OrL--anic Liquids in the Tran 0 i 4- -* on 'one, LJIqu-*d-Cry,,',-l (Iznereniye poc;l0shcheniya ulltr-,zvul-ovyl-h voln v or,~;Lnic,-eskikh zhidkootyakh v oblasti perekhoda zhidkostl- I.-istall) P., PEPIODICAL: Izvestiya vysohikh uchobnykh zR.,edeniy. Knimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1101,18111~r 4, DI) 49 - 54 (USSI) AESTPACT: The study of the properties of natter in tile transition zone, liquid-crystal, is of particular importance tod~-.y, especially in con-,nection with the artificial Orowth of crystals for various indiistrial purposes, as v.,ell Lis for the prodretion of pure su'Ustances. A survey of lit.crature ir, ~-iv~n 1-11c;4"s 1-10, 14-16). The prDblem mentionod in t,-,O. title as far as the authors knov., not investi,-ated. T,,.e authors used the i.-ipulse -method for measurements in t'~-ie Card 1/3 tr~-tnsition zone. The main problen was tr) dot--r:-.i,,,e Meamirepient of thie Absorption of Ultra-Sonic VL;ves, in S07/1 '~ z-~,',~-4-8/22 Organic Liquida in thr, Tr,,.nsition Zone, Liqu,-*d-Cr,-:.!-,L,--.1 ,whetfier the impulse .,;ould penetrate the, medium in the transition zone with low sound int-ens-ities: if not, the natural process of crystallization would be distiirbed. (Refs 3,11). Evertiv-.11,;, the auzthoro succeEded in constructing t-~ he clhanbcr out- lined in fie-ure 1, Tlie conctruction Rnd l'u-,ctionine of Lhis chambc.r are de~3cribod. TL,,,-,ts c!-rriod Dilt with benzene (consolidntion point +50) and its- derivatives of' various kinds: o-xylene, chlorobenzen-e, berlf~yl alcohol, and carbon tetrachloride. T,,-e latter served for =-parisons since its molecular stril.cture differs considerably from that of benze!;e and its derivatives. ghe authors refrain from entering into a theoretical discussion of the general proble:n of transition between 1--,-)uids ,nd solids and co-fine themselves to a discussion of Vie results of measurements of the absorption in ben7ene and 1,;c--yl alcohol. It follows frcm the results obt,--i-ed t.`at: 1) th-ere Card 2/3 coexist in thp- transition zone 2 mod-ification.; which Measurement of the Absorption of Ultra-Sonic Waves in SOV/153-50-4-10/22 Org,inio LiquLdo in the Transition Zone, Liquid-Crystal are in static equilibrium; this fact also seems to determine the presence of an absorption maximum, its position and width. b) The transition does not tak,e place at a certz-in temperature, but within a ran.-e of temperature determined by the L'r,ictural properties of the rubstance. There are 3 figures and 16 refevences, 1". :?;,, -Mich are ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy oblLIStn0y Peda6o6ic!ico):iy in_,7titut (!~')rcovr Oblwt PedaE;ogicaal In.,,titnte)Ka-LedTa obohchey fiziki I ~Chair of General Phy-ics) SUMLITTED: October 12, 1957 Card 3/3 fit'! INg ell [Ilia jai vg 8! IRL u9 i TL asi ZA1IVCHIY, V.N.; KOSHKIN, N.I.1 RO.ZDJW, V.F. New possibilities of the pulse method of two fixed distances. Akust.7Jmr. 5 no*4:/+93-495 159o (MM 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni N.K. Kmpokoy, (Ultrasonic waves) 4 , . KOSRIN Lay-IvAnkv~oh,- SHIIKBVICH, Mikhail Grigorlyevich; &AXHAROY, ~ ~11~ D.I., red.; VARPAKHOVSKIT, F.L., red.; MURASHOVA, II.Ya., [Handbook on elementary physics] Spravochnik po elementarnoi fizike. Pod red. D.I.Sakharova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1960. 208 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Physics) 41 ~ I ---o I - -9 , ig 41; J~k W'I M AA lull 0 .114 lip VIV V Jill 4j, z Fall 194111 Sol full pa L;/V_-) 5/62/U00/U02/022/b53 A058/A101 AU'MORS: Kosbkin, N. I., Obraztsov., V. I., Yakovlev, V. F. TITLE: Flow method for the ultranonic clearing of microwircs PERIODICAL: Referativnyj zhurnal, Fiz`ka, no. 2, 1962, 44, abstract 2G3'~6 (V sb. "Primeneniye ul'traakuzt. k issied. ve~h&ostva", v. 14, Moscow, 1961, 21-31) TEXT: There was developed an experimental setup for the ultrasonic cleanIng of moving microwire. The setup enaable:i one to carry out cleaning at wire speeds of motion up to 25-30 m/min. Ultrasonic cleaning improves the insulating quality of microwave enamel several times over. It was established that ~.ndcr tne con- ditions of the problem that is set (the degree of contamination of the -..;ire), it is possible to use as the working liquid any organic solvent that more or lest; satisfactorily dissolves fats of vegetable origin. It is held that in some ca,~es cleaning can be carried out in ordinary tap water. Cleaning in water gives good results especially in those cases when the'degree of fat contanination is low. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 4 S~ AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 3762 0 S/194/62 (0 /004/0066/105 D295/D308 Koshkin, N."I., Obraztsov, V. I. and Yakovlev, V. F. Production-line ultrasonic bleaning of microwire Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatilca i radioelektronika, no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-5-39zh (V sb. Primeneniye ull- traakust. k issled. veshchestva. no. 14, M., 1961, 21-31) .TEXT:' A method has been developed and an experimental apparatus desianed for the ultrasonic cleaning of microwire from films and minute solid particles before coating with enamel. An analysis of' cleaning conditions has enabled the required ultrasonic frequency to be determined: 700 - 1000 kc/s. Cleaning is carried out in or- ganic solvents with the wire con-'Cinuously stretched along the axis of cylindrical radiators of bar:Lum titanate. Using a 1.5 kW gene- rator, cleaning is carried-out at a rate of 25-- 30 m/.min. Ult_"a- sonic cleaning improves by seve:ral times the insulation proper- -ties of the enamel. Wire, slightly contaminated witlft grease can be Card 1/2 S/194/62,/000/004/060'/105 Production-line ultrasonic ... D295/D308 cleaned in tap-water. 1161ho consta,uction of thc- ex)erim,~ntal appa- ratus and t.,ie generator are bri~ifly described. Diagrams of the operating chamber and the generc-,tors are given. 5 figures. Z-Ab- stracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2