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L 18121-63- EWT(I)/EWP(q)/F-WT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD/I MM7,=j 14R: AP3003897 VIOPIR81/63P005/007/1970 AUT-HOFS: Hosevich, A* Pastur, L, At 7TTLE: Relationship between the dislocation-theory of twins and the racroscopic theory of Lifshits SOURCE: Fi2ika tverdogo, tela,,V. 5, no, 79 1963P,1970-1978 TOPIC TAGS: dislocation theory, twin, macroscopic theory, UfshLts, thermod)martic equilibrium, mechanical equilibrium, phenomenological theory, tt-Inning angle, elastic stress, interaction ABSTRACT: The authors established a correspondence between the dialoc&+Aon theory of fine twins and the phenomenological theory proposed by I. M. Lifshits (ZETF, 18,1 11M, 1948). They hFive investigated the actual physical sense, the microscopic nature, of a number of parrmeters involved in the mrcroscopic theory. These param- eters are complex, involving, surface stresses acting on dis~qcationq, twinning angle, deformption ratio in trinned and untvinned crystals Ohnd related factors that do not permit easy plZrsica-l representation. The auTtors ve found t1m form of mechrnical equilibrium of twins In a crystal aorre3rtndirg to the thermodynamic equilibrium for a given external load. It is shown tbnt the stress of a twin in a Card 1/2 L 18121-63 ACCESSIM' NIR: R3003897 crystal, as corputed by Llfsblts,~ is comparable to that obtained in the dislocation model. "The nuthom thank; 1. M. LifsUts for Us advice and useful discussions. Orig. Prt. has: 5 figures and 31 forrulas. ASSOCTATIMT: none SUDIVITM: l1rMnr63 SUB CODE: PH Card 212 DATE ACOt 15Aug63 140 REF SOVI 010 ENCL: 00 OTEER: de-I 'k12L6)-63-_ EW(I)/EWP(q)/EW'P(~)/W(b)/BDS--.:.AFF-T 2 "JO JD/ ACCESSION Nft: AP3005329 01 1 Ca 21979227 Ye.1 Dzyuba, A. S.; Kosevichp A AUTHORS. Gepzin, Ya. TITLE: Healing of isolated voids ina crystalline body by uniform pressure SOURCEt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 8, 1963, 2219-2227 TOPIC TAGS: healing, void, crytital, pressure, kinetics, Na, Cl, creep, high temperature, elastic limit ABSTRACT-k Experimental studiett hive been made to trace the' of healing isolated"4oids in s1pZle cr a] _,L!Lt sk f NaCLjVhen the crystals are subjected to externally applied gas pressure und - &,-,Form compression. The observed kinetics are.explained by increased gas pressure in-the voids as.a consequence of decreased volume of the voids. Calculations have been made for the kinetics of healing isolated voids within the framework of "Odqvist's scheme" (F. Odqvist, Acts. Polytechnica, 2, 125, 1953). J~r comparing experimental and computed kinetic curves, the value of the elastic. limit in a single crystal of NaCl has been determined for the region of pre-fusion temperatures. The value obtained, Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AM1760 S1016116VO0610011022810235 Nateikj, '.V. AUTHORS: Kosoi~Lch Ap M 'D dis4ributed moving dislocation loops TXTLEt Elastic field',of continuously SOURCSt Fizika tierdogo fela, v. 6,, f~o6'-i.,,,i964$ 228-235 j d. TOPIC TAGS: elastic field islocaticir?) d~slp'cation loop2 moving dislocation loops, Durgers vector,, Green tensor,, fiel'& ABSTRAGT: The simalest and most froquentiy o'Vs'e'rved distribution of dislocations is that in which macroscopically smaU elements of the medium contain a great 'T number; of dislocation loops and-inwhich there is no full Burgers vector of all dislocations in the body. This latter is equivalent to the absenge of macroscopic plastic deformation of the body* In an a-pproximation, linear according to dislo- cation velocity, expressions have boon obtained tor the field of displacement and deformation created by a system of movint,, dislocation loops in an isotropic mediums The authors have investigated the elastic field in an infinite anisotropie medium at remote distances from the system of dislocation loops. They have found the asymptotic Green tensor of the d5rnamic equation of elastic theory for arbitrary Com 1/2 ;ACCBSMON Niti APL021760 ..~anisotropie media and have plotted ~n aCDUstical field of radiation for the dislocation system, "The authors taard~ it, lie Lifshits for useful discussions*" :Orig. art.-has: 34 formulas, A=IATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN UwSSR, Mzrtkov (raoical and Technical Institute AN UkrSM) suBmina: Wul63 DP.1!1-; ACQ: lVeb64 MCL 1 00: SO CODE: 11H NO Ri-.2 SOV.- OD4 GTM: 001' SID jklD - . . . . . . . . /601/0033 0041,*~_~ 560 34 'h AUMRSf*,. ri-A6*60ic W Obt -t'yb 7-i. 7_1 7F,7 Ot 0 C, I mniii r0 3e 8~, a -k6.J-_(KOSev ion p -.-a t, of t A* 'blowit bb,--lbo b i'edl -b h1mo ~,,'t b2tic it r c hn.-arbitrary -.-pwr an ass of CAM tbe-dymaildiepari sotropi ',!Pb it catiol n 41a.. ant]I ThAs'te.nsor in theA. lwzthow~-46rived,: fbi- :A&k KOSEVICH) A.M.; TANATAROV, L.V. Electron energy spe,~t~tum in a magnetic field Jri the plr.?36,-,,c~- of local linear perturballon. Fiz. tver. tola 6 no,111~.324213-3,34 N 164. ( ~ I j, T-,j, , L's 4 -_i ) 1,, inst.itut AN Uki-SSR, Mutrlkov. 1% KOSEVICH, A.M.~ TOATAROV, L.V, Changr,.g i*n rode during pulpiorphi,.- tranpformations. Fiz. melu. i metalloved. 10' nc,.4.48J~--486 0 16L. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Fiziko-tekInnicheskly AN UkrSSR. '~)/kU(b)/SWA(c)' IJF(C) JD/GG L 2447-66 EWM/EWU(M)/T/Wp(~ ACCESSION. NR: M1501U84 UIR/0386/65/001/005/0042/oo47 -1AUMOR.- Kosevich, Ao M., Yf ~ITITLEt Acowitic Oscillations snd~zpropagation of elastic vaves in a lattice vith -~.,henvy interstitial impuritiew- I'SOURCEt Zhurnal eksperlmentallnq~fii tekbnicheakoy fizikis Pis1ma v redaktaiyu#. 'Prilozheniye,*1v6 It no, 5 JL965, li~-47 TOPIC TAGSt crystal-imperfection,1crys ,tal lattice vibration, acoustic effect ABSTILACT The author. calls: att; t the . tact that the presence of interstitiftl~- 'in. -Jimpurities a crystal-' ia-ttict, R reases the number of degrees the freedom of the crystal, leads to apeculiii: variation of the lattice vibrations. The analyi. is confined to a simple~modelpf a lattice possessing only one vibrational mode#- ;Equations:are derived for the stati- i onary lattice vibrations in the harmonic approxi-io ~mstione The calculations shown:ttiWif thelfrequency of.' i the vikrat one falls in, the continuous-4pectrum band the vibr~4ti qrith the defect are one of the-cEystal-latticel ordinary acoustic vibrations. AbciV.e the resonance pointso the vibrations are such ! that the defects remain practicall,"r stationary during the course of the oscilla- itions of the main atoms of the -latkicee These vibrations are reminescent of opti- Card 1/2 "kc~. f.-khn! I u-nk U ~"O V KOSEVIC11% A.'V.; SILHP14DZE, 5.n an 21 (~ITRA 2.9:8) "-he ob Iv,011 i Tristitut AN "I'll., Tbl*ll sl L 42r;~ ~01~f ACC NRI AP6012493 SOUF102 COM. 1/66/008/0011/1,250/1259 AUTHORS: Kosevloh,, A .M.-; NatBJ.k, V. D. ORG, Pull icotechnical Institute AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicb&8kiy insfitut AN ;~KrSSRB; Physicotechnical Inotitute of Low TemqrAt~Tqp.~AN UkrSSR, Kharikov Fiz-Tk-o-tekh eskiy iri-E;TIT-U-t--nTz-ii-k-b-Timp-eratur ~~Ukit'~_RT TITLE: Deceleration of dislocations in a medium having dispers ion of the elastic moduli SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. It, 1966., 1250-1259 TOPIC TAGS: elastic modulus., ar 1 disi~cation phenomenon energy jrsta scattering, relaxation process, c7r~75`tal symmetry, acoustic damping ABSTRACT: In view of the lack oJ! a consistent theory of deceleration of dislocations, brought about by the discrete structure of the cryBtal in which the dislocation moves, the authors consider the deceleration of a moving linear dislocation in a continuous medium, resulting froin macro- scopic processes of dissipation of elastic energy. The method used is similar to the electrodynainic calculation of ionization losses of charge particles passing through a mediinn. The problem is solved in first ap- proximation for a linear dislocation moving with constant velocity in a medlum with arbitrary symmetryj 'this is followed by derivation.of a L 36390-66 EVFf(1)/EV1T(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI ACC NR: AP6014036 IJPfc) JD/GG SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66'050/004/0958/0970 AUTHOR: Kosevich, A. M.; Saralidze, Z. K.; Slezov, V. V. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, AN MrSSR (Fiziko-tekhiiicheskiy institut Akademii nauk-Ukrainskoy SSRF, -Institui:e of Physics, AN GruzSSR (Institut fiziki Gruzinskoy SSR); Kharkov State gni-,.,e~s7i:t-y--7,K-h-a-r-Tkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Diffusion and dislocation 14 echanism of crystal flow SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'no~ i tcoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966, 958-970 TOPIC TAGS: crystal dis ocation, atom, flow velocity, diffusion mechanism ABSTRACT: Diffusion mechanism has been analyzed for a crystal flow in which the sources and sinks of point defects (vacancies and interstitial atoms) are prismatic dislocation loops within the crystal grain. A unixial external load creates condi- tions leading to the appearance of diffusion flows which transport the substance from one dislocation loop to another. It was shown that the flows may produce a stationary state in the crystal which is characterized by a constant rate of plastic deformation. If the number of creatioit centers of the dislocation loops is not very large, the rate of flow of the material, should be proportional to the cross section area of the crystal grain and to thivolume density of the creation centers. Under certain conditions, the flow velocity increases linearly with the growth of the Card NRj AP6014036 / 11 , external load. Generally, the dependence of the flow velocity on the external load is determined by the nature of distrib~ition of the dislqaDion-formation centers. The authors thank I. M. Lifshits for wieful discussions of the work. Orig. art. has: 36 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] INT] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Sep65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002' Card a-Lsv a nonunnorm coeincient 01 thermal OXPELnsion are considered. It is assurned that the : Cnrd - ~ 1./2-- .. - - ----I -- UDC: 669.017:[539.37-Ri36 ACC NR: AP7002733 successive rapid heating and cooling of the specimen produces stresses in the metal. Two factors are taken int10 account: the hysteresiEi character of the equations of the phenomenolo- gical theory of plasticity and the relaxation ol elastic stresses. Owing to either of these.factors the shape of the specimen following the cyclia heating-cooling process differs from its original shape, i. e. residual deformations appear. It is shown that the pulsed heating of the rod at which the max-imum temperature suffices for the development of plastic deformation causes the rod to undergo irreversible plastic changes. rho residual deformations are proportional fri the change in temperature mid affected by the relmtionship between stresses and elasto-plasvc deformations. Orig. art. has: 36 formulas. SUB CODE: /j/ SUBM DATE: UMay6(V ORIG REF: 003 2/2 ACC NR-. AFT005'33~1 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 3~31/66/Go AUTHOR: Kosevich, A. M. SSR (Kbar'kovskiy fiziho- ORG: hhar"Kov physicolu-cchnical Instit,ate, All Ukr teklinicheskiy institut AN IJkrSSR) -IITIE: Dispersion law of the crystal-Lattice vibrations in the impurity band scu-AcE: .FiziRa tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 12j, 1966, 3535-35110 OpIC Tj%GS: c:T-ystal lattice vibration., cryntal impurity, impurity band, line broaden iing, ideal cry.,ftal; optic spectrun, AMSTRACT: Tnis is a continuation of earlier work (ZhETr, Pis'ma v redaktoiYu, v, 42, 1965) wberc acoustic oscillations ia. - a lattice with interstitial impurities vere analyzed. In the present article, the earlier results are used to study the concen- are located sufficiently tration broadenirg at the local impuri,.;y frequencies which close to the edge of the optical band of the spectrum of an ideal crystal. It is shown that under certain special conditions, connected with the character of the ir purity centers and with the singularities of the optical band, even a small conaentra-1, r a "rn= UY tion of Interstitial impurities leads to occurrence of a sufficiently b o d L,_ band of frequencies. The width of +,he impurity band can be comparable with the quency gap separating an isolated loca:: 'frequency from the edge of the optical band. The dispersion law for the impurity osCillations is derived. It is indicated that.the results apply also to electronic impur"."'V bands. -Lhe author thanks I. M. Lifshits for Card 1/2 ACC NR: API 005833 I' a discussion of 'the work. Orig. art. hILS' 1 figure and 15 formulas. SUB OODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27APr66/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 -4 j 1,f Category USSR/Solid State physics Structure of Reformb~e Waterials E-8 Abs Jour Ref Zhur -Fizika, No 1, 1950,No 131P i Author Startseir, V.I., Kosevich, V-W Title On the Elastic nning of MietaIs Orig Pub Dokl- AN SSSR, 1,955, 101, No 5, 861-864 Abstract A study is made of,the twinning of Bi, Zn end Sb by observing the cleavage plane of the crystal, in which the twins are seen without etching. The de- formationswere carfted at room temperaturL, by applying concentrated loaas as well its by flexare. It was established that there is no elastic twiiining in Bi and Zn; stable twin layers occur abruptly. A stage of "elastic un- twinning", namely an elastic change in the dimensions of the stible twin layer occuring when the load is increased or Lremoved, never prefiously observed: was seen in this ca9b; the-elastic-change in the width amounts to 0.1 of the total change.* Itwas established that-in Sb, which has a considerably higher malting temperature and a lower pla*ticity, the twinning process begins ~~rith the creation of an elastic'-twin., but differs fromIthe twinning process in ionic crystals. The process of transTormation of an elastic twin into a residual twin in Sb is continuous and gradual; the elastic share of the twin does not Card 1/2 STARTSW, V.I.; XOSWICH - .: Twin Interaction iA bibwUlh, zinc and antimony. Dokl. AN SSSR 104 no,:):412-414 S 133* WaA 9;2) 1.Miarikevskiy lustittit viekhanizateli sellskoge khozyaystva. Pred- stairleso akademikem V.6,,Xprdym*Y". (Crystallography) (Metallography) STARTS)KV, V.I.; KOSXVICH, V.K.; TOMENKO, Yki.S. laramining the Intersections of tvinned layers in calcite monoer7stals. Kristallografiia 1 no.4:425-428 156, (MIRA 10:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut mekhanizateii sellskogo khozMetva, Khar1kovskiy politekhnicheakly institut. (Calcite crystals) ,F STARTSIV, V.I.; KOSEVICH. V.M.; TOMMIKO, Yu.S. By-amining the intersections of twinned layers in monocrystals of anitmony, biamath and zinc. Kristallograftin 1 ni.4:k29-435 156. (MLRA 10:1) 3- 1. Kharlkovskiy institut mekhanizateii sel'skogo khozyaystva Khar'kovskiy politekhnielieskiy institut* (Antimony crystals) (Biismuth cristals) (Zinc crystals) -_ - _ _ rc)~Fylc Hj VO M 0 Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - MorliholOgY of Crystals. Crystallization E-7 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 21 1957 110 3897 Author :*Sta:rtsev,.V.I., I* Kosevich, Y.M. Inst *Khar1kov Institute of-me-mm-auon of Agriculture; **Hhar1kov Poly- technic Institute, USSR.. Title Concerning the Relief Produced by Twinning Layers on the Cleavage Planes of Bis=th, Antimony, and Zinc., Orig Pab Fdi,. metallov i metallovedeniye, 1956, 2, No 2, 320-327 Abstract The wedge-like twinning layer. :prod~~ces on the cleavage plane, upon its creation, a-relief that is chexacterized by the presence of a wide. distended zone. In zinc this zone is wider than twin by 5-10 times; it is easily detected. in a lig~ht-field microscope, so that it is clearly distinguishable from the remalaing portion of the crystal; x-ray photo- graphy shows a simple rotatiori*of the crystalline,lattice to occur in it; the angle of rotation,,- deteradmed by.'interferometric means, is 15-60 minutes. In bismuth and in antimon3~ the swelling is obb-erwid only in an interference microscope, since the transition from the fundamental crystal t6-the swelling is smooth in this case. In bismuth, furthermore, one Card --1/9 'Ll-r- I-irn J),, A ti on. 7 !I-r" 7-ov Inot L-c-n - TO KCEEVICHJ V.--M. and PAIAMIK. L. S. . . ~-. "The Investigations of Diffusi,is and Undiffuelve Transformat ions in Amprphous Antimony Fi2ma. report presented at the Conf. on Mechanical Propprties of Non-Metallic Solids. lenir ad.$ UBM, 19-26 may 1958. University, Polytechnical Inst., Xharlltov. SOV/70-3-6-9/25 AUTHORS: Palatnik7 L.S. and Ko-sevich,-V.M. TITIE.- An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin Films (Issle!dovaniye kristallizatsii surlmy v tonkikn plenkakh) Part I. The a- and 0-transformations (I. a- i P-prevrashcheniya) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 61 Pp ?09-?15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been earlier established that an amorphous phase occurs in thin films of antimony. Two transformations a- and 0- were distinguished when these layers crystal- lised. Here the crystallisation of amorphous layers of antimony, evaporated onto amorphous substrata (quartz or collodion) is examined. Observations were made of the electrical resistance and also metallographically and electronogra~hically. Films were condensed at 8 x 10-7 g/cm2sec. Initially, the Sb appears ches'tnut and then develops blue spots, the latter (as shown electronographically) being a crystalline phase. This is-the a-transition. A graph of the dependence of the time for full transition to the crystalline state on the thickness of the lkyer is given. h a is the thickness Cardl/4 less than which crystallisati6n does not occur and h I SOV/70-3-6-9/25 An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin Films Part 1. The a- and 0-transformations is the thickness for which crystallisation is complete in one minute. The tizo of condensation of the film t is given by t - dh/w 0-0?4 h secs (d is the density of 2 Sb and w = 8 x 10_~ g/cM see the rate of condensation). The rate of growth of crystalline spherulites in an amorphous layer as a function of its thickness was measured microscopically. The stability of the Sb as an amorphous thin film can be explained if it is regarded as a super-cooled liquid with a co-ordination number of 3. On the sudden cooling, a compression of the film arises but at a temperature below that of crystallisation, bonds with the substrate a:~e established and the substrate is compressed. The resulting tension std-Dilises the amorphous phase. This tension decreases in the Sb as the thickness increases. Amorp ous phases are known in other metals for layers of 30-50 ~ (00, V, Or Be) but here the thickness of a stable layer can be 270 k . Using diffraction methods, a diagram of the a- and 0- Card2/4 transformations has been established. There are three Sov/70-3-6-9/21 the CrystallisatiOn Of Antimony in Thin Films An investigation of ormatiOns part I. The a- and p-transf Sb up to about 250 2 thickneSs, then regions, amorphous I crystalline and then a region a reSiOn Of amorphous ff by the lines "end Of un of crystalliyAe Bb divided 0 ionfl. The latter r a-transfOrmatioe and 110-transformat tion rate w Of hickneBS Of 500 at a depOsi -4 S/cM 2sec- from a t2 t a rate of 10 "super- -? g/cM see to 1 500 a n of 10 pol5ition a phenomeno rmation stOPS For low rates Of de the a-transfo to 100-300 ccur where this can amount thickening- can 0 gnin; ly. and the 0- has not yet be ntaneous The 0--transformation takes place almost insta rmed by that the structures f0 X-ray diffraction shows The and a-transformations are identical- the 0- egarded as a diffusion separation cx-traXlBformat:LOXI can be r stalline Sb_ The ,phous Bb into "holes" and cry like the known of amol. is a definite step atiOn- Although 0-transfOrmatiOn itic transform dinatiOn number diffUBiOn-less martens us o-b the cO-Or diffusionless) in amorpho aterial it is 3- is 4 whereas in the (,rystalline M to the martensitic other resemblances and differences Oard3/4 transformation are discussed. SOV/70-3-6-9/25 An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin Films. Part I. The (X*- and P-transformations There are 5 figures and 13 references, 11 of whicL are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONS: Kharlkcvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, A.M. Gor1kogo (Kharlkov State Universtiy im.A.M. Gorlkiy) Politekhnicheskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina (PolyteahnO Institute imeni V. I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: January 14 1958 Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L.S. , Boyko, B.T., Kose-jiah, VX. 32-24-4-17/67 TITIX- On the Preparation Methoaics and the Calculation of Samples With Different Compositions (K metodike preparirovanlya i Mscheta dbraztsov peremennogo sostava) PFMODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, -1958, Vol. 24, Nr 4, PP- 422--424 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of the method worked out by S.A.VekshinskV(Ref 1), the following method was worked out for electronogrophic investi- gation. In pr4noiple it consists in the fact that on a horizontal plate (the collector), which is divided into three surface'.sections by means of two vertical plates, the metal vapors emerging from the test crucibles are collected. outside of the two separating plates the pure metal condensates, whereaz between them the alloy is separated. For the purpo3e of calculating the concentration of the alloy two methods can be applied: Firstly, the method of sym- metric lines, and, secondly, the method based upon the radius. For the control of the arrangement of the separating plates the photo- Card 1/2 metrization of the plates of the pure components may be used. On the Preparation Methodics and the Calculation of 32-24-4-17/67 Samples With Different Compositions Photometric ourves of copper and bismuth plates are given from 4tich the symmetry of distelbution may be seen. Two varieties of the method are mentioned; in one of them a horizontal plate col- lector of glass with three slots is used, the arrangement of which can be aisplaced in the vacuum, so that several expl~riments can be carried oui contirruor-sly. The composition of the alloy can be mod- ified by mod-ifying the heating of the cruoible. In the case of the seccrA vaxlity a glass plate vrith only one slot lia used, so that the pure metals and the alloy am deposited on one and the same strip. Inyeatigationz were carried o!Lt With simult-aneous and sue- cess,--e evaporation of copper and aluminum. The method described can be applied only if certain conditions are satisf ied, which is, however, not difficult at cer-tain empox-ation- and condensation conditions. The method can also be applied for three-component systems. There art) 4 figarest and 4 referen'~es, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovsk:iy politeklmicheakiy institut. im. V.I. Lenina (Khar'kov Poly-technic I-wti' oute imenni V.I. Lenin) 1. Alloys--Analysis 2. Metallic vapoi-s.--Condensation Card V2 3. Photometry--Appl-ications 4. Metals--Vaporization 32-24-6-31/44 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L. S., Fedoro-. G. V., Kne TITLE: On Methods of Measuring the Microhardness in Thin Layers (K metodike izmereniya mikrotverdosti v tonkikh sloyakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 6, PP 759 - 761 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Metallic layers of various thickness were investigated which had been evaporated on various bases in a vacuum. The thick- ness of the layers was measured by a microinterferometer according to Linnik, while the microhardness was determined by means of the apparatue RE!-3. The latter had been equipped with two special devices by the mechanic V. V. Gordienko: an automatic load mechanism,, and a coordinate table which makes possible the observation of the exact position of the investigated point at the colleotor in polar coordinates. The apparatus was standardized by means of rock salt; the selection of the metals to be investigated was made in such a way that various combinations occurred: soft layer-hard basis, hard layer-soft basis. The results obtained are given Card 1/2 in a table. Prom the mode of operation mentioned may be On Methods of Measuring the MicrohardneBB in Thin Layers 32-24-6-31/44 seen that the metal layox was condensed on glaBB, that the structure was fine disperse and the surface completely planev Graphical representations with the corresponding explanations are given. From the results obtained may be seen that with soft layers on hard bases the value for n is lower than for hard layers on soft bases which must be taken into account in the determination of the microhaxdness of various coat- ings; besides it was observea that the value n is greater with small load. Therefore the microhardness can be determin.- ad at the samples obtained according to the method by S. A. Vekshinskiy (Ref 4); the thickness of the sample should be 10 p and the material of the bases should be harder than that to be investigated. There are 2 figures, 2 tablesy and 8 referenceaq 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin) 1. Metal film-s--Mechaj.-ical prope:!,ties 2. Metal f;.L-r-_q--Test matho4s 3. Metal films--P*sica! p_rop,~rties 4~ Card 2/2 AUTHORSt Palatnik, L. S., Kosevich, V. I.T. SOV/20-121-1-26/55 TITLEz The Investigation of the Diffusion-Like and Non-Diffusion-Like Transformation in Amorphous Antimony Films (Issledovaniye diffuzionnogo i bezdiffuzionnogo prevrashcheniy v amorfnykh plenkakh surlmy) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 1, Pp, 97-100 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the kinetics of the cx- and ~-transfor- mations in Sb films which at room temperature were condensed on amorphous (glass, collodion) and ciystalline supports (ion salts, metals) is investigated. By means of metallographic and electronographic methods and by the method of measuring the electric resistance the authors first constracted the dia- gram of the a-transformation in Sb-films which were condensed on glues or collodion. This diagram determines the duration of the transition of Sb-films from the amorphous state into the crystalline one as a function of jhe thickness of the film. in films of the thickness h< h -250 A the amorphous phase becomes a C d 1/ stable. In the case of h>h the crystallization proct.-eds the ar 3 a SOV/20-121-1-26/55 The Investigation of the Diffasion-Like and Non-Diffusion-Like Transformation in Amorphous Antimony Films faster the thicker the film is. Beginning with a certain thick- 0 ness h 1the duration of the transition of the amorphous sulfur. into the crystalline state becomes shorter than the condensa- tion time of the film. A possible explanation for the stabili- zation of the amorphous sulfur in thin films is given. In a- as well as in P-transformations one and the same crystal lattice of Sb with the same parameters is forming. But the mode of formation and the macro-structure of the crystalline antimony are qualitatively different in the case of a- and P-trans- formations. The a-transformation is a diffusion transformation with regard to its kinetic characteristics and to the struc- ture of the forming crystalline phase. The P-transformation to a certain denree resembles the known diffusionless martensite transformations. There is also sense in the expression I'dif- fusionless tzansformation of the lattice" in the case of amorphous antimony. References are made to some differences between the P-transformation in Sb and the usual martensite transformations. The identity of the chemical binding in the Card 2/3 material of the support and the new phase is the most important SOV/20-121-1-26/55 The Investi.-ation of the Diffusion-Like -and Non-Diffusion-Li'Ke Trans f oraiat ion in Amorphous Antimony Films factor in the influence of the cryz;t-al".ine supl)ort on the Growth of the forci~;n phase. The rei~t~.-iiblance of the crystal lattices plays a less essential role. There are 3 figures and 5 references, ahich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION- Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy aniversitet im. A. ~:. Gor1kogo (Kharlkov State University imcni A. M. Gor'kJ Ly) Politekhnicheakiy inatitut im. V. 1. Lenina (Polytechnical Institute im,eni V. I. Lenin) PRESENTED: April 9, 1958, by S. A Vekshinskiy, Ideffber, Academy cf Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: April 8, 1953 1. Antimony films-Transformations 2. Phase transitions 3. Sulfur-Crystallization 4. Crystals-Iattices Card 3/3 Ko J~V m 1, 3%10 or rmastable Crr*Ul Strwtlm *lob Uli Obtaimd At UO IntsmUOR AA Tda lbui Rim, Intamuwal vAm et owt%uqp%" IWOP", tl4r? no "9 SOV/70-4-1-7/26 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L. S. and Kosevich9- V. M. C - ti ` - - TITLE: Investigation of ~Ie~ r~s allization of Antimony in Thin Films (Issleclovaaiiye kristallizatsii sur2my v tonkikh plenkakh). II. The Influence of Various lVliyanlye razlichnykh podlozhek) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 42-46 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: Cardl/3 Double layer preparations, consisting of antimony and different metals and other layers. were studied by elec- ,Nre~-s could be tron dif f raction. It was found that ba;_p la - divided into three classes according to their influence on the crystallization of Sb namely; (a) on base layers of cry-talline Sb, Bi, Au and Ag direct sublimation of Sb to a crystallix-a phase took place; (b) On -1-ase layers of ionic salts, md.3a, kl, Be and Or an amorphous phase of Sb , is f ormed whLich, f or a f ilm thickne ss h'&,#-h ak is Stab -ped and lor h > h crys~ 2-1zes by he f orinagon and growth of spherulites; (c) on taLsr.-. 1%n~:_--3 of Fe. Sn, Pb, Cu and Mn simultaneous growth of spherulites ~nd formation of a finely dispersed SOV/70-4-1-?/26 Investigation of the Crystallization of Antimony in Thin Films II. The Influence of Various base layers crystalline phase of Sb without preferred orientation. All orystalline substrata lead to a decrease in the critical thickness of an amorphous layer of Sb by 30-50016. Those of group (b), besides this, decrease the the stability of amorphous Sb. Metallic films, not covered by oxide layers decrease the stability of t e amorphous phase of Sb most markedly. Substrata having non-metallic bonds or those covered by passivising layers behave towards the Sb as if amorpohous. Investigation of the orientation of textured 3b condensed on metal films shows that the orientational correspondence between crystallites of Sb and the metal is established indepen- dently of differences in the geometry of the crystal lattices,, The basic conditions affecting the orientational correspondence consists of the adjacent layers having the same (in this case, metallic) bond type. Moreover, there must be direct contact between the layers. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 7 Soviet references. Card2/.A SOV/70-4-1-?/26 Investigation of the Crystallization of Antimony in Thin Films II. The Influence of Various base,layers ASSOCIATION: Khar*kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gor1kogo (Kha:,*,kov Sta-',--,e University imeni A.M. Goir ' kiy) Khai~lko,iskiy p(:,litekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.1. Lenina (Kharlkov Polytechaical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) SUBMITTED,. April. 10, 1958 Card3/3 18 .7500.- 24.,,,loo 6 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L. S., Kosevich, V. M. TITLE; Study Of Antimony Cry:~tallizaticn Effect of Impurities PERIODICAL: Kris tal lograf iya, 19,--9, Val 1111, T cj ABSTRACT: Continuing the subJect Of' th(---Jr- 5t'.)CIleo (Abstract 71665, Kristallografiya aiJ,41101-s -, 4, j anixed W found that Al, Be, C11 ae amorphous films, sublimated upon stable. On the othei., hand, a(3mi-11:,-1,(-1 Bi, C~u) Sn speed Lip the crystallization, Thc- : 1 -)~C' -q-'diff-ac- tion photographs indicated that 10"., I-D., segregated in the fo-ra of cryptoc--,-,Ir--.~,-!..1.4:-:."-~ 1which probably envelop the -,~h- amorphous Sb, prevent diffuslion ard 1/3 and conoequently votard C r"', s lk'.al I~a foi,-, 4ri"". (-rains. On the othei, hand, A-, no ol-lides, bull instead c;o1-,'.d 7 metals are ""'Istable :1-11 Study of Antimony Crystal I izat'ion in Thin Films. III. Effect of Iinp~iritics ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: OVI"i, (D - of' SI) and the oxide of the s u 1) 1 i_ ina L ed metal The three- layer filpis may also emer,(~e after oublimation o-f A~rr' Au, Cu, Bi, Sn, but the 1~ntemuodiate layer is, in t-hil's. case, a crystalline solid solution. There are 4 1 table.: and 5 Soviet references. Kha.T`-.:.-- Polytechnic Institut inieni V. I, Lenin (Kharl- institut imen-1 V. I. LenJ--.)na) kovskiy politelchnicheskiy February 2",, 1959 .Card 3/3 24-7500 75998 SOV/70-11-5-20/,6 AUTHORS: V. I. TITLE: Study of the E,laatic Stages of Twinning in Metal:.--,-, PERIODICAL: Kristallograftya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5, PP 749-755 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Polysynthetic oil single bands of "twins," possibly form- ed due to glide and partially or completely vanishing after the crystals are veleaved of load, were found to develop as the result of plastic deformations In bismuth, antimony, tin, and zinc crystals. Platy crystal fragments, 4 x 3 x 1.2 mm, were bent by ~ device placed on the stage of a microscope MIM-b. Applying load P to the device they produced a "twin" band parallel t; (111) cleavage plane, or I'twin" bands, whose width, bl., was measured under microscope 7 with an accuracy of + 0 ''111. Then, taking the load off, the reduced vild'Eh, bol, was measured again. The Card 1/4 Study of the Elastic Stages of Twinning in 759918 Metal -,,-)-iocrystals $OV/70-11-5-2o/36 ",-Card 2/4 difference b1 - b01 ~ &l represents the width of the elastic part of the "twin" band. Applying loads P C, U 2 P3 ''" Oel 2. Sel 3 - were obtained. el proved to increase with the increasing P, until 8 max was reached, which then remained constant despite larger P applied in the course of further tests. Smax was proportional to the length of the "twin" band, k Max . For Instance in Bi: S max = (1.1 x 10-3~ max � 0 .05 X 10-3) PIMI. M-1 OthEr WX`dS max_,,,, C Is a constant fov a given orientation of max 'twin" bands in a given crystal. In the case of (11I) position of "twins," C is about 1.1 x 10--~' in bismuth, 1.37 x 10 in antimony, and 0.11 x 10 3 in zinc. Generally C is a function of the elastic limit. J Study of the Elastic Stages of Twinning in 75)()b , 0/-z6 SOVITO-4 Metal Monocr~:;tuals I Card 3/4 Since, however, cryotalui reol~3t the -0- !'1' C t re- arrangements necessary for the d1sLpj)c;jL,anCc 01' elastic "twins" after taking off the load, tlic oxperimental Smax ratio is always lower than that Calculated Y- max theoretically. The bending of a readily "twinned" crystal in the op 11 osite divectioti leads to a gradual disappearance of 11twin" bands. In the case of' reversed bending 6max II is larger than of the pre- ceeding direct bending. If the bending direction is reversed once more, Kax III> &Rax II > 8 max I* , This points to the increased resistivity of crystals after each elastic deformation. Having bent the crystals alternately in reversed directions, the resistivit ies could be increased to a stage at which the "twilill bands became completely elastic; i. e., they disaDpeared when a load was applied, and appeared again when 'the Card 4/4 - MOROZ, N.G.; BkSRMkKOV, V. 1. Effect of inclusions on the twinnin of zinc crystals. XrIBtallo- grafiia 5 n0-3:426-431 YV-Je 160. (MIRA. 13,8) 1. Kharlkovskiv politekhnicheakiy institut im. V.I.Imeniva. (Zinc crystals) s/o-o/6o/o o 5100 5/020/026/XX E13 A.160 AUTHOR: TITLE: The Exhibition of Dislocation Defects in".6timomy by the Method of Etching PERIODICAL: Kristallografiyaj 1960, Vol.5, No.5, pp-749-756 TEXT: The etch -)+.(SR-4) has been used for etching the 111 planes of single cry* antimony. It consists of HF - 4 parts, HN03 - 5 parts, acetic acid - 20 parts and Br2 - 3 parts. (The etching time was 30-90 see). It was shown that this etchant satisfied the basic demands of an etch for developing dislocations. Etch figures were developed on the faces of blocks, twin layers and slip lines, The structure of separate etch figures was studied and it was shown whioh dislocations they corresponded to. Elastically twinned layers were etched and the density of dislocations on their borders was estimated. It was shown that elastic and very thin stable dislocation layers do not leave behind any dislocation defects in the crystal which emerge on the 111. plane. After recurrent twinning the dislocation defects remain at the places where the twinned layers interseot Card 1/2 X, (/a Y3j // V~j 116 4~ AUTHOR; Kosevich, V.M. 878,38 S/07o/60/005/oo6/007/009 E193/E383 TITLE., on the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiyaj 1960, Voll 5, No. 6, 917 - 923 TEXT, In the present paper, its author makes an attempt to formulate a theoretical basis for the laws governing the growth of twins'i.n the presence of structural features which hinder th.Ls process. Starting from several assumptions regarding the magnitude and distribution of strain in the vicinity of a twinj he derives formula for the maximum defor- mation at the boundaries of a twin surmounting a microscopic barrier in the form of a rigid inclusion, which forms an arbitrary angle with the twinning planev and shows that the critical characteristic of such a barrier (inclusion) is not its absolute size, d , but a ratio d,11 ~ where d is the projection of the largest diameter of the inclusion Card 1/6 87806 S/07o/60/005/oo6/007/009 E193/E383 On the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) on a plane normal to the twinning plane and is the length of the twin, He then obtains a formula for the mean free length ~? , of the twinning plane in a crystal with the density of defects of the average size d. =10 and shows that the magnitude oi additional deformation e. , required if twinning is to occur in such a crytal, is given by c a2 ,4 = 1/2 S ii , where S is the specific crystallographic slip of atoms during twinning. Since C is proportional 2 to S , inclusions characterized by equal C arl will cause larger additional deformation in cubi.c crystals (for which s = 0.707) than in rhombohedral (S = 0,118-0.447) or hexagonal (S = 0.129-0.198) crystals, In crystals in Card 2/6 87&)8 S/07o/6o/oo5/oo6/007/009 E193fE383 On the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) which several twinning systems are possible (a-uranium, titanium, magnesium)-, a given set of defects may constittAtee a serious obstacle V~r, one system of twins and not for another, Thus, for instance, in the case of titaniiim S = 0.468 for the K 1 (11E4) plane and S = 1,914 for the K1(1123) plane. After discussing the effect of a barrier, situated on the surface of a crystal, on the growth of a twin, the author considers the interaction between tWiTIS and inclusions in a crystal in which deformation by slip and cleavage can take place, He derives formulae V for the magnitude of stresses at the twin boundary acting in the direction normal Ur and tangential (v. Yy xy to the cleavage plane, shows that if o* ar. YY k or and .k (where o-k and 't: IE are the critical Card 3/6 S/07o/60/005/oo6/007/069 E193/E383 On the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) values of the normal and tangential components of the applied stress), fully elastic twins with occluded barriers can exist in the crystal, and derives formulae for the critical dimensions (a ri and ~) of barriers and twins which can interact in this manner, When the process of sur- mounting a barrier brings about the onset of stresses such that cr _N 011. and ~T" the results of the YY k XY interaction between the twins and the barriers appear on the mode of deformation of the crystal, If the crystal can deform by cleavage only (as, for instance, in the case of calcite or sodium nitrate), the interaction between a twin and a barrier is bound to result in the formation of acrack in both the twin ind the crystal, If, in addition to twinning and cleavage, deformation by slip can take place, then the effect of the irtLei-avtion between twins and barrier will depend Card 4/6 87808 S/07o/60/005/oo6/007/009 E193/E383 On the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) on the Ir- /(Y' ratio. Finally, the author discusses k k the conditions under which plastic bending of the twin boundaries can occur, To this end, he considers a wedge- like twin in a plane perpendicular to the twinning plane Ki and to the direction of atomic slip, and shows that when the angle a formed by the twin boundaries exceeds a certainwitical value ak 9 the twin begins to deform plastically. He showss also, that the higher the magnitude o f ~Y_ the larger is the size (d- k ~ ,) of the barrier which can be surmounted by a tvrin without plastic deformation of the twin boundaries. In conclusion, the author states that the analytical treatment he has employed in the present paper is sufficient only for quantitative evaluation of the Card 5/6 8-808 1 s/07060/005/oo6/007/009 ];;193/E383 On the Interaction Between Twins and Barriers (Hindering Their Growth) problem under consideration. A more rigorous analysis, based on the concepts of the theory of dislocations. will be presented shortly. Acknowledgments are made to V.I. Startsev and V,I,, Bashmakov for their valuable comments And advice. There are 4 figures and 17 references- 12 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Khar,kov Pol-vtech-nical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) ~A:GMITTLD. February 8, 1960 VX/ Card 6/6 6 3'c' /,P. 9.9.. 0 0 S/126/60/009/02/022/033 flll/~3~5 AUTHORS: KosevIch, V*,M. andt Bashma-ov, .- TITLE: I-nv-e-sf1-ga-t-1o-ff-'of 1~w~innin lof Metallic Crystals Using a Concentrated Loaj- PERIODICAL: Fizilca metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 288 - 293 (USSR) ABSTRACT: f'ardl/2 A concontrated loaid was used to give a quantitative estimate of twinning in monocrystals of bismuth, antimony, and b�simuth-based alloys. The loadIng used was a microhardness tester PMT-3 with a diamond pyramid.. The type of impression obtained is shown in Figure 1. It is shown that the length of the twinned band (1) and the diagonal of the impression (d) are related by the equation t =. a + ad (Figure 2b, 4). The coefficient a can be used as a quantitative estimate of the intensity of twinning of a givon crystal. With homogeneous bismuth- antimony alloys, the value of a markedly increases with increase in antimony content. The increase is similar to that for microhardness. Figure 5 shows cx (continuous line) and hardness (dotted line) against antimony content. In alloys containiLng over 1% Sb twinning begins with the SOLDATOV,, V.P.:j Prinimali uchastiye: MOROZp N.G., KOSEVICH V.M atudent; KRIVKO, A.P., studento Experimental etching ol' zinc single crystals. Kristallograftia 6 no.3:439-442 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy politokhnichaskiy inatitut imeni M. Laning- 1',Zizc crystals) KOSEVICH, V.14. Etching Frooves on face (III) of antimony single crystals. KriistaUografiia 6 no.3:475-1,76 My-je 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina. (Antimony crystals) (Etching) - KOSEVIM V M - BASHKAKOVO 7j. Studying the relaxation of tvinned single crystals. Fiz. met. i metAlloved, 31 no, 1:100-107 A 161. (MIR& i4-:2) 1e Kharlkovskiy politAhniohaskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina. (MAal arystals) S/126/61/011/002/Oo8/025 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L.S., I M. and Tyrina, L.V. TITLE. Electron Diffraction Studies of the Metastable Phases in Au-Sb, In-Sb, In-Bi and In-Bi-Sb Alloys PERIODICAL3 Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.2, pp.229-23!i TEXT. Thin lavers of the alloys, prepared by simultaneous condensation of the components at 400C,were Investigated. A new phase was detected in the gold-antimony system (Fig,l and table 1). It is cubic and its parameter changes fron, 5,89 to 6.,08 9 at 63 to 76 wt.% antimony. It is proposed that the new phase is the compound AuSb3, It was observed in films 200 to 700 1 thick but not in a fi.1m 10 microns thick investigated by X-ray analysis. In the indium-antimony samples, a cub.-Le and a -,ietastable hexagonal form of InSb were observed, Antimony in the amorphous state was also observed, In the indium-bismuth system, a new phase was found between the two stable compounds InBi and In2Bi. The data for the new phase are given in Fig.2 and table it B12 and was found in all filins up to 7 corresponded to In3 . 00 thick. It was stable up to 90'C where it dizsoc~iated into InBi Card 1/5 s/126/61/011/002/oo8/025 Electron Diffraction E021/E435 and liquid, The ternary antimony-indium-bismuth syntem was al So studied. The stab Bi~) and the hexagonal form of Insb "'ty of InY - was the some in the ternary system as in the binary t-ystems. Antimony in the ternary system could exist either in the amorphous or in the crystalline state. An intreaae in indium content tended to form amorphous antimony, The authors canEo-ructed a topological structure diagram for the ternary system-, no ternary compounds were observed, There are 3 figures. 3 twEr-.1es and 12 references~ 8 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, ASSOCIATIONS4 Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. A.M,,GW'kogo (Kharlkov State University itneni AJ1.GWkiy) Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. im. V.I.Lenina (Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I.Lenin) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1960 Card 2/5 Electron Diffraction ... S/126/61/0.1-1/002/008/025. E021/E435 Table 1. Interplanar distance d and intensity I of reflections from Au-Sb alloys Card 3/5. Me)KnAOCKOCTHUC pAccToami d m mHTememniom I orpaxemmfi cnimison Au - Sb. Isv I)J;)( 65% C YPOW 76% C3?PbMbI 10 HIIAeKc b, a d. A d. o. A 200 220 2,96 09 2 5,93 91 5 i.04 15 i 6.08 6 08 0q. CIIJ11,11 CRY 0 222 . 71 1 . 92 5 , 1 76 , G 09 q. iOAA~J VNI C UU4 , 1.48 . . 5.93 . 1.52 . 6.10 peA C-,a6. WaAK 024 1.32 5.92 1,36 6 09 CpeAH I 224 1.21 5.91 1.24 .,6:07 CpCAII CpeAliHe SHSM 5.92 6.08 Pk RA 4E v S/126/61/011/m/ootl/cp.5 Electron Diffraction ... E021/E435 Table Experimental values 'of d and calculated value;,j f a and c for the metastable compoun~d In 3Bi2 T a 6.q ii u ii 9xtn ePHMCHTajthmwe 3ma,teHH%t d (mextmamocrtfux paccrosimmA) H:PaCCqHTA1H1b1e nO 11HM 3HMItHR naPAMCTPOe a u c PCWCTI(Of MetACTA6114biforo COCAIMeMIR 1nB1, d. A hki 4,32 C-1 a C O 002 102 11,93 11 so 6.64 83 8 4,05 n o , . 3,82 42 3 CpeAHIME C e R 210 300 11.66 11 87 8,42 39 8 . 2,84 A p _f VM CH.Ahttlygo C, 212 . 11,66 . 8.44 2.54 Cna6.We-A 113 11.65 8,46 2.48 Cim bH $-r Vtoi a 203 11.66 8.54 2.18 CAO. Wr. A 004 11.6 8.72 2.10 CPCAH. MCD UM 104 11.67 8.57 cpwue 311a4efilln MF-A N 11,71 8.53 Card.4/5 Electron Diffracti S/l26/61/oll/oo2/oO8/02t,, 021/E435 400 N I. aieKTPOuorpamma-:"-' Psic. 2. aneKTPoHorpnmmn MeTaCTA611AWIM COCAH tie- weTZICUUribuoro COCA11- iiiin AuSb,. 11C1111H Jn,B1,. Electron diffraction Fig.2. Electron diffraction pattern of the metastable pattern of the metastable compound compound AuSb3 In B12 3 Card 5/5, 23810 S/02 61/138/001/014/023 t-) //4 0/ B104~BB201 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L. S., Levohenko, A. A., and Kosevich, V. M. TITLE: Formation of dislocations in the electrical erosion of single crystals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v, 138, no. 1, 1961, 96-99 TEXT: The authors have examined the distribution of dislocations produced by spark discharges on bismuth, antimony, and zinc single crystals. For bismuth and antimony the experiments were performed on the (111) cleavage planes, and for zinc on the (0001) plane. Thu following etching agents were used: for bismuth 20 % of HNO 3 in CH3COOH, for zinc 7 % of HC1 in CH3COOK, and for antimony, CP-4 (SR-4)- Prior to the experiments, the specimens were examined for dislocations, whereupon.those sections of the planes concerned that contained the least dislocations were once subjected to a spark discharge. The sections were then photographed (Fig. 1a) and etched again (Fig. 1b). Besides anode and cathode holes, it vas thus possible to establish a major number of etching figures giving evidence of Card 116 23810 S/02 61/138/001/014/023 Formation of dislocations in the... B104%201 an intensive formation of novel dislocations. The density distributions of dislocations are graphically represented in Fig. 2 for anode holes. As may be seen, the large dislocation densities ( >10 6cm-2) do not reach to a depth beyond 25 A. In the range of 25 -100 ji the densities amount 6 _ -2 are rapidly reduced to to about 1-10 5-105 cm , and at greater depths L normal density. Fig. 3 presents a zone,diagram cl the density distribution, conetrubted on the basis of the abovementioned results. The density distribution of dislocations around cathode holes differs considerably, in bismuth and antimony, from that in case of anode holes. Here, ine etch patterns form an inner dark ring'-shaped zone, and an outer brighter one (Fig. 4a). One may see-from greater magnifications that those of the inner dark zone are deep, sharp etch patterns, while those of the outer zone have a flat and smooth character. The new dislocations on the zinc specimens fill a hexagonal plane both in caae of anode and cathode holes (Fig. 4b). Dislocations in these experiments are the result of the following physical processes: 1) The surface meete an air shook wave arising in the discharge space. 2) Crystal undergoes a melting anO solidification process. 3) A field of thermal stresses is formcd. The air shook wave merely leads to a formation of dislocations on the aipeoimen surfa.oe. Melting of the crystal Card 2/6 S/18IJ62/004/009/031/045 B102/B166 AUTHORS: Pastur, L. A.$ Fellilmang E. P.# Kosevioht.*A.,M., and Kosevioh. V. M. TITLE: Rectilinear dislocstion in the plane of discontinuity of elastic constants i-n an unbounded anisotropic medium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tella, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 2585 - 2592 TEXT: Calculations of the stress and displacement field of a die-location line are based on a model which assumes an isotropic medium, as investigated by A. K. Head (Proc. Phys. Soo., B66, 793, 1953)i- The, dislocation line is assumed as running parallel (11z), to the planp of discontinuity (xOz) of the elastic constants and situated near this plane, with the Burgers vector oxiented in an arbitrary direction. he dislocations are in the upper seinispace (y >0 , and the dislocation line is assumed to out the xOy plane at the point ~O,y 0) where the stress tensor or0 is-acting. In this model, the stress tensor and displacement veotor ik aro 'given by d* Y > 0 (i,. k.= 1, 2o 3), Card 1/5 P-a < 0 S/161/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in... B102/B186 and UOj -4- us Al > 0 U4 - (1=1 2, 3), cfq and uO are assumed to be 'known; they are defined by ik ik O-r (10) 3 -U0 Pd.M'.jdj In (z. (A. N. Stroh, Phil. Mag., 31 625, 1958)- In this case, the complex representation rTj=2Pe fj~. (z.); (6) 3 A=M ipt.4144J. Card 2/5 cftr~l 3/5 S/181/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in... B102/B186 3 it W A P=J 3 Re -V I (Z-0- zoxi 2- TA -J~'J Re 2r. z Re 12 2-,. f-,AM:J,'J-Aw-) (ZF - Zr is finally obtained fro m these relations. In (13), is a conjugate complex to the d eterminant a , and .6 (1 ) are obtained f rom L~ by pa + + aubatitxiting the 3)tb column by the fia and pia columnf constructed in the eatne manner as for A pot. The formulas obtained are used to Card 4/5 S11811621004100910311045 Rectilinear dislocation in ... BIO.2/B186 calculate stresses in the symmetry plane of a twin crystal and the stresses of a dislocation on an otherwise stress-free surface of an anisotropic oemispace. A general'formula is d.erived for the force on a dislocation in a plane of discontinuity. This formula becomes transformed into Head's. formula if the Poiaeon ratio is equal in the two semispaces. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy po:Litekhnicheakiy ins titut im. V. I. Lenina, (Kharlkov Polytechnic Indtitute imeni V. I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1962 (initially) May 25s,19627 (after revision) Card 5/5 S/07o/62/007/001/009/022 E021/E435 AUTHOR: Kosevich. V~Mo TITLE- The formation of dislocations during the cleaving of a bismuth crystal along a cleavage plane PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v,7, no.1, 1962, 97-102 TEXT., The distribution of dislocations arising in a 5 x 10 x 10mm 99-995% pure bismuth crystal. when it is cracked along the (111) cleavage plane was investigated-by the method of preferential etching. The crystal was cleaved with a steel wedge either by a single blow or by a slowly-increasing loaC On the (111) plane of the cleaved bismuth there were the usual structure of a brittle fracture-fine steps, slip lines and twinned regions. In addition there was observed a characteristic relief in the form of waves~ The waves had no definite crystallographic orientation but were always perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the crack, They were on both cleavage surfaces. Metallographic study showed that the waves were of several types. The main type had sharp peaks showing up as thin lines. Sometimes the peaks were as wide a's 5011. Measurements with a microinterferometer showed that the Card 1/2 KOSEVICH.. VA Formation of. dislocations in bis=uth crystals split along the joint plane. Kriatallografiia 7 no.1:97-102 Ja-r 162. 15-2), 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina. 11 (Dislocations in crystals) .. (Bismuth) PASTUR, L.A.; FELIDMAN, E.P.; KOSEVICH, A.M.; KOSEVI H, V.M. Et-aight-line dislocation near the plane of discontiniLity of the elastic constants in an infinite and anisotropic medium. Elz. tver. tela 4 no.9:2585-2591 S 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Rharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenim . (Dislocations in crystals) ACCESSION NR: AT4012869 S/3060/63/000/000/0104/0112 AUTHOR: Palatnik, L S. -, Levchenko, A. A.; Kosevich, V. M. TITLE: A study of defects in the Mstal structure of pure metals caused by a spark discharge SOURCE: AN SSSR. Tgentr. n. 4. lab. clektr. obrabotki metallovb Elektroiskrovaya obrabotka metallov. Moscow, 1963, 104-112 TOPIC TAGS: crystal structure defect, spark discharge, dislocation density, lattice vacancy, lattice packing, metal crystal structure, electron hole, electrical erosion, bismuth monocrystal, antimony monocrystal, tin monocrystal, gold polycrystal, ~ilver.polycrystal, copper polycryetal il ABSTRACT: Rapid heating and coolting of the electrode due to a spark discharge produce a number of defects in the crystal structure of the metal. These are of interest in the study of mechwifisms of electrical erosion. In the present paper, the dislocation effects in monocrystals of bismuth, antimo,ay, and tin were studied by selective depth etching and microphotography, while the Inerease in lattice vacancies and the lattice packing defects in polycrystals of gold, silvar, and copper were studied by means of X-ray Card ACCESSION NR: AT4012869 techniques. In the dislocation study, the crystal surface was initially etched, then sub- jected to a spark discharge, and theri etched again at selective depths to expose lkyers of various dislocation densities. The resulting dislocation density curves for bismuth (anode trace) are shown in Mg. I and the corresponding density depth profile is shown in Fig. 2 of the Enclosure. The cathode trace density distribution is shown In Fig. 3 of the Enclosure. Three distinct physical mechanisms present in the electric spark discharge explain the shape of the above density curves. The air shook wave contributes heavily to the creation of dislocations in thin surface layers 'and is' pronounced in the cathWe trace (segment nl1p in Fig. 3). The point hardening due to local crystal melting is prominent in the rnode trace (segment abc in Curve I of Fig. 1) at the surlace. The impulse field of thermal potential is by far the largesk contributor to the dislocation effect in volume (segment k1m in Fig. 3, segment db1l of curve I and curves M - VH in Fig. 1) and is more pronounced in the anode trace. Thit, is explained by the fact that the time duration -of the thermal potential wave in the anode is much longer, due to local melting. The 'packing and vacancy defects were investigated using 9.99% pure polycrystallinc copper, silver, and gold. The changes in lattice parameters after the spark discharge were ob- served by comparing Wtial and final X-ray spectra using cobalt radiation with the following standardst silver for gold and copper and iron for silavar. 7ho Una (420) was used for calculations. 7be decrease in the lattice parameter IV after spark discharge Card 2A ACCESSION NR: AT4012869 was found to be related to the vacancy concentration, C, by the formula: a C 100% 3 a 0. 44a It was found that thq parameter "a!' decreases due to 'a spark discharge effect. This decrease was found to be different for different lines, as shown in Fig. 4 of the Enclosure, from which the W- stence of packing defects in the crystal lattice is evident, since the distances between atoms in various lines can either increase or decrease (decrease for line 331). Tbe-concentration of this defect was calculated to be of the order of 1%. The parameter "all tends to return to its initial value, the return rate being faster when a high-temperature annealing process is used (6 minutes at 300C which fully corresponds to the annealing time for hardened vacancies). The packing defects having higher thermal stability require higher annealing temperatures for a = a42 - to chleve its normal 0 1 value (600C for 20 min.). Such unusually high concentrations vacancies (0. 29%to 0. 40%) have not previously been observed and are attributed to rapid heating and cooling of metal when subjected to a spark discharge.- Origi art. has: 8 figures, I table and I formula. Cord KOSEVICH V.M. I I.- -___A__L_!.~~ X-ray study of single crystal easy cleavage planes, Fiz.met.i netalloved, 15 no,3027-133 My 163. (MM 164) 1. ID-tarlkovskiy politeklmicheskiy inatitut imeni V.I.Lenina. (X-ray crystallography) (Cryot4l lattices) PAIATNIK, L.S.;..KOSBVICH,, V.M.; MCBKAIEV, V.M. Growing single crystal layers on bismuth by the vacuum con- densation method. Fiz. met. i metaIloved. 16 no.3:403-408 S 163. (MIFA 16:11) 1. KharIkovskiy politekluiieheskiy institut imeni V.I.Leninn. FALATNIH, L.S.; XOSEVICH, V.M.; YDSKALEV, V.M. Investigating the structure of polycryBtallihe and monocr Otalline antimony condensates. Piz'. i6t. i metallo7ed, 16 no.5.723~'130 N 163, (RM 17t2) 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhtdcheskiy institut Im. V.I.Lenina..-`,-~~ KOSEVICH, V.M.; VMELYANSKIY,, Yu.S. Using the etch method to study the physical nature of surfaces in brittle failure. Sbor.trud. UNIDI no.11:309- 314 165. (MIRA 18:1.1) L 06437-67 &IT(m)/wp(t) ETI Ii lLc)_ _q;~ 1 ACC NPt 066~6114 SOURCE tdD8_i__ UR/619f/6616681008/24W/2486~, AUTHORS AKosevichy V. M.; Palatnik, L. S.; Mskaaev, V. M.. I ORGI Kharkov Pol)!technio Institute im. V. 1. Lenin (Kharlkovskiy politekhnichaskiy institut-7- 11 ystals TITLES Distribution of growth miorost-aps on faces of NaC1 er SOURCES Fizilca tverdogo tela# v. 8, no). 8, 1966, 2484-21486 TOPIC TAGS: sodium chloride, single crystal growtio, ,OSTRACT: The d ribution of microstops on (001) faces of NaCl crystals was studied on single-prystalkyers grown by vacuitr conden tion on NaCl single crystals. The ~7 S ke, W, _trat _ 'Fas varied between 150 and 4501C. temperature Ts of the single-crystal qi _ Growth microsteps of uninolecular height were reovaaled with an electron microscope by using decoration with gold particles. The maximun area of a smooth surface (free of microsteps) Sm was used for a!descrintion- of the distribution of the microsteps. 'In exDerimental de-oandence of Sm on T. ~ox- a condensation rate w = 30 A/see was deter- mined, and S. was evaluated theoretically. The experimental data show that the grout of NaCl crystals in the 150-4500C range is controlled primarily by processes of sur- face migration of molecules. The remaining quantitative c1haracteristics of the dis- tribution of microsteps are directly related to Smi thus, the mean distance between the microstops 0 .3 Tg;a', and the area of the growth n4crof igure 15 Sm - The L o6437-67 ACC NR, AP60~,6714 - 0 ~ critical condition determining the size of a growth microfigure is that the free area between the microstops be close to Sm. Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 2 formulas. - SUB CODE: ZO/ Sm DATEs nFeW/ ORIG PZF-. 002/ OTH REF: 002 2/2 -W-.- 1. O~~ NO ACC NR- AP6027786 13OURCE COUDE: U11/0 I-26/66 /0122/001/0058/0065 7 AUTHOR: Palatni1c, L. S.; 1(osoVich, V. M.; Antonova,-V.. A-; AFM ip v,2, ORG: Miarlkov Polytecluiic Institute im. V. 1. Lenin (Khar1kovsldy politalchnichoskiy institut) TITLE; Phase composition of cobalt condensates during the initial stage of their formation SOURCE: Fizilm metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 1, 1966, 58-65 i TOPIC TAGS: phase composition, cobalt, metal vapor deposition, cr tal structure STRACT: The published data on the phmse composition of Co films obtained by vacuum condensation are highly contradictory; this is apparently associated witli the non-aniformity I of experimental conditions. Accordingly, the authors performed a systematic investigation of the phase composition of these films as a function of the chief parameters determining the manner ofgrowt1i of the condensates: 1) substrate temperature T.; 2) condensation rate w; 3) degree of vacuum; 4) effective film thielmess h. 99.98% pure Co was condensed on carbon substrates in a vaccuum, of 10-4-10-5 nim. Hg at w = 1-500 AA/rnin and Ts = 20 - 450*C. The resulting Co thin films (h = 1-70 X) were subjected to electron-diffraction analysis. Findings: the following phase transitionsAre observed with inorekse in'h at T. = 20-300*C:. quasimorphia Cord UDC: 639.23-539.27-669.25 L 09009-67 ACC NR, AP6027786 h phase - CoO - coo - Co [hexagonal variety of Co]. 'Bio vacuum heating of oxide-containing condensed Co films, at -3000C, leads to tho reduction of CoO'NviUi tawisition to Coo [cubic variety of Co]; this reduction is accompwkied by recrystallization. The phase composition of 0 specinieng 30-100 AthickI obtained for tha T. gradient and w= 180 ~ /min undergoes an abrupt chan-o Nvlicn the substrate temperature is -350*C. Below this temperature C 0 oh is the predo- minant phase, while above this temperatuxe Coc predominates. When w= 180 1 no oxide formation could be detected by electron-diffraction analysis, regardless of Tse Thus it may be concluded that the processes of the formation and reduction of oxides are an essential factor only Nvhen w < 150 A /min at T.