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_6-66 Elm (i)/Eff (0) otPF WtVf A-"(+) &M )/m'P(Q/EVP(!~ L 1024 AP502# _U Ai'c 90 EWA(cy. jjp(c).., SOURCE COD9:" IJR/0020/f)litl657OD3/05241052.' MhHOR-- sponding mber.AN SSSR);.Klimenkov V. I rre me TI. X:. An x-ray investigation of radiation defects in bSgllium oxide 501TCE - SSSR. Doklady v. 165, no. .3,j965, 52h-525 Tm~'[C TA1GS:. beryllium. to-p--Jradi at ion defect, neutron irrndiation, LaUe pattern, x rity diffraction, crystal,ifiorganic" oxide, x ray investigation, crystal lattice, cry,4al anisotropy ABMt-jRACT:- Samples of sintered BeO were irradiated with an integrated flux of--- ~2 x!1021 fAst neutrons at a temperature less.~than 100C.~_ Asa- sult of irradiation L -7be size- of 'the j2~derlr thelisamples. dis,',htegrated, Int _.o pow er.- jarticles formed by Xrr8l~iation_ was found to be equal to, the. grain size of the unirradiated samples (-.161, 14. :Each powder-particlemas a monoIcrystal.X The diffraction lines of unirra& ateW, samples'showed-an undistorted structure. Irradiation resulted in broadening of tl~,~e diffraction linesand a decrease in'the line intennity. At all angles j~95. no diffraction peaks could be discerned from the background. The broadeninj of t Ie peaksIwas sharplv anisotropic. The width of the line (010) was practically ~unall~je,red, while the line (002) was broadened 3.5 times*. The degree of broadening of t1i 'e other lines depended on the angle b.etween,the diffraction and the base planes, Aniso.bropic broadening was'also observed in the.powder patterns, indicating that Cord V2 UDC: 539.268 L I(0*24j 66": W8. AC i 'S, AP502 aniii,otropy can probably be, attributed to internal distortions of the BeO lattice. The.1broadening of the,line (002) on.exposure to an'lintegrated flux of 2 x 1020,fast neu6ons/cW an greater was.very-complex. Simultaneously vitb an anisotropic broal~aening of the line the authors-reported an anisotropy in the increase of the lattIce con Istant exposed to i -rradiat Iion. The Laue pattern.of a. particle of powder (70 6o x loo P) formed by Irradiation showed two series of spots: the normal pat- tern~,:~and a series of broadened spots. The origin of the latter could.not be ade- quatitly explained. The were interpreted as indicating that irradi. atioil with nvt = 2~x 1020 fast-neutrons/CM2,produced single defects wh Iich upon furtIlier exposure formed clusters causing:the distortion of the crystal lattice of BeO. Orig. art. hasi 3 figures and 1 table. Eftm (1, 20/, SUBM DATE, PDE: .,o8Apr65/ oRiG mw, 001/ MH REF: 0091 ATD PRE;S&-: Cord it?/2 Kosmilov, Yu. .-.- The . cult ural-c'o'mkssion of Institution of bigher learDing~Sovs profsoluzy 4 no*12:50-52 3) '560' WaA io:l) 1. Predsedatell komiss'Li po kulsturno-massovor rabote profkoma Politekhnicheakogo inatituta Imeni A&A. Zhdanova. (Social group work) ICLEKHINA, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: DYUZHLVA, Yu-V., khimik; AGISHEVA, A.S... kbimik; KIMINA, V.P., khim:Lk; KOSENKOVA, A,,M.p Wmik Materials'for setting up a sanitary protective zone for Klin Thermometer Manufacturing Factory. Uch. zap. Mosk. nauch.-issl. inste san. i gig. no,6: 41-44 160* (MIRA 14:10) 1. Klinskaga sanitarnya epidemiologichaskaya stantallya (for Agisheva). 2. Moskovskaya oblas naya sanitarnaya epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya (for Kukaina, Kosenkova). 3. Moskoviakiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut sanitarii i gigiVeny imeni F.F.Brismana (for Dyuzhava). (KLIN-4M-POLLUTION) (M~URY-TOXICOLOGY) KOSr,14KOVA.t A. S. Kosenlcova, A. S. -- "Investigation of the Effect of Plastifiers on the Technological Properties of Crude Mixtures and the Physicomechanical Proper- ties of Vulcanizers Based on Divinyl-Styrol Ruboer.11 Min Higher Education U5SR. Moscow Inst of Fine Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov. Mos- cow, 1956. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in 1echnical Sciences). So: Knizlmaya Leton~sl -114 ,_ _ ) No. 11) 1956, PP 103 ACCESSION li: AP4617165 S/0138/64/000/002-/OOW0027 AUTHORS: Yurov3kiy, V. S.; Arkhipov, A. H.; Lepetov, V. A.; Kosonkova, A* S*; Novikov, V, I,j Tsy4buk, D, S. TITLE., Investigation of sealing errectivenest, of rubber metal seals SOURCEt Kauchuk i rezinap no, 2, 1964, 24-27 ,TOPIC TAGS: rubber metal seal, sealing, rubber hardness, sealing force, rubber SKS 30 ABSTRACT: The rubbor-motal sealine configuration shown in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure was inM3tigated, using rubber inserLs with different properties (TH-21 hardness 85-95, 75-85, and 55-65). It was found that the hardness of the rubber insert played the most important part in securing the sealing effectiveness. Experiments show6d that hardness was related to tho modulus'of elasticity E60 (after a 60-minute compression) by a single curve for all types of rubber used (E60 F . h]. W"; So = initial area), By pushing the metal ring into the rubber seal so he - I to a depth h and pressurizing the seal with air until it leaked, it was determined Card 113 ACCE-MI04 NR: AP4017165 that the following relation described the critical proasuret Jcr 14Q - nE.. Kd'P b, lcp,/cm2 'Pb (where Q = load on seal, for dcpv b, h0and r, see Fig. 1, K empirical constant which varied from 0.85 to 0.95, n = en. pirical constant -which varied from 2 to 2.5). This equation permits the calculation of the pressure at-which a seal will loak or, conversely, calculation of the sealing force Q rcquired to seal a joint at a certain pressure. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION; Nauchno-isoledovatollskiy institut rozinovoy proqr*shlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) SUBMITTEW 00 DATE ACQ: 23Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE; MT NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER., 000 Card - 2/3 AC(T.SS IM HR t AP4017165 tv ENCLOURZ; 01 'Fig. 1. Schematic of rubber-metal soul; 1- rubber-metal detail; 2-scat. Card YUROVSKIY, V.S.; ARKBIPOV, A.M., KOSEINKOVA, V.A., TSYBUK B.S. p I A'S.), LEPETOV, 9 Methodology of accelerating the determination of warranted storaSe life of metal-rubber valves. Kauch.i rez. 23 no.11: 10-1.3 N 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Nau,:hno-issiedovatellskiy institut rezinovoy prorkvshlonnosti. KOSEIMOVA, L.Bo.,.-zootekhnik '~ Our experience In year-round raising of chickens. Ptitaivodstvo 9 no.6:20-22 Je 159. (WRi 12i10) 1.Kolkhoz imeni Kirova, Staromlinovskogo rayona, Stalinskoy oblasti. (Poultry) KOSENKOVA, Ye.I., vrach I Analysis of the incidence of stillbirth for eight years according to data from Maternity Home No.5 in Gorkiy. Sbor. nauch. rab.Kaf. akush. i gin. CkII no.1:133-137 160. (MIR4 15:4) 1. RodilInyy dom No.5 g. GorIkogo, glavnyy vrach Shukin, N.M. (GORKIY--STILLBIRTH) SOMINA, Raiaa Fedorovna, naucbm" sotradnik; CHELPANOVA, 01'ga Mikhsy- lovaa, kand.geogr.nauk; SMOITA, Valeriya Takoilevnas kand.geogr. nauk Prinimali uchastiye: RUBI#MMMI, Te.S.. prof.; MOZDOV, O.A.: prof,, doktor geograf.nauk," red.; FM, Z.H.; PISMVA, G.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik; GALINA, K.B.; KOSMMOVA,-Z.D.; TIKRO- HIROVA, N.A.; FEDOOMA, G.N.. PMOVSKAYA, T.V., kand.geograf. nauk, red.; PISAREVSKAYA, V.D., red,; VOLKOV, 14J., tekhnred, [Air pressure, air temperature and atmospheric precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere] Davlenie vo2dukha, temporatura vozdukha i atmoafernye osadki severnogo polushariia. Pod red. O.A.Drozdove I T.V.Pokrovskol. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 473 p. of charial Atlas'kart, (MIRA 13:4) (MateoroloQr-Charts, diagrams, etc.) 6 ,1 L , Ft. I -unf- p oclesists of thf t'iam Soe:. -'Oj~ C)f - ()) 4 ,,,,W beetj,~rj ~)f (1,.e ~C i U -, . . - 11: c o d ( ~ " -, a ~ s " G . ;~ TnL I (~ W !2G:JL U jLl--~AX` ') Folana, Vol. 1-3~ :jal'- 1~5-i 1: " J Z~ ~ I -* -,. -t M b 0 : ',;crithly ---.n6cx of l,ur-o,.,-.ean "Iccessionr, 1) Vol- . t,, ',o. li, 1957 M U'.'~SR/Genoral 'iology. Genetics B :~,bs Jour .'LDf Zhur-Diol., No 13, 1958, 57190' Aut]..or Inst : Kishinev Univozsity Title : On the 2roblen of the Nature of Hoterosis of Interlincal -'!-.iize Hybrids Orig --,,ab: Uch. zap. Kishinavs1z. un-t, 1957, 23, -11-1,122 Abstract ; The aiit'horls idea on the n---ture of the hotero- sis of intorlineal maize hybrids named by him "Now Phyloonto.-onotic Hypothesis" is -;)resented. On the basis of t-Inis laypothosis "the soecificity of the different quality gai:ietes" of i'intsukht- lines" of maize dua to the phylogenetic de-,-)th in the differences of their so-ar7~te indicas and pro-)arties, and at the same tiT-,e to what is apparently a nonstability, diffusonos:, or non- C-ird 1/2 36 Card 2/2 GVNI, 'T. 0.; KOSM's M- L 2. ussR 600 4. Popovs 11. Go 7. I'Treatiiie on vegetation and flora of the Carpathian Mountains." M. Go POPOvv Reviewed by F. 0. Gryn' j M. I. X036ts' -, BOt- zhur, 8, No. 1, 1951. 9. Monthly, List of Russian Accessions,, Library of Congressp 4pril 1953,, Uncl. KOSITS m ir Suz of trees of the Lvov Province in the Mcrainian S.S.R. Bot.zhar. 119 a. 10 no.4:75-85 '53- (XLBA 6;12) 1. Inatitut botealki Akademij nauk Mcrainalkoi MR, viddil goobotaulki. Ovov Novince-Trees) (Trees--lwov Province) KOSETS Ti-mber) line, scrubs and forests of creeping trees at high altitudes in the Soviet Carpathians, Bot, zhur, 47 no.7;957- 969 11 162. (I-MIA 15:9) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrS9R., Yd7ev# (Carpathian Mountains-Tiriber line) SgV, ~:K .0 ..h4ps Dim., inzh. I Work methods at the MP "Stratein", Sofia. Durvomebel prom, 5 no.lt25-28 Ja-F 162. KOSEVY K., inzh. Nomogram for constructing extornal characteriatica of carbiretor engines. Mashinostoone 12 no.8:34-36 Ag 163. KOSEV, Khems D., inzh. High frequency banding of wood parts. Ratsionalizatsiia 11 no.8:15-17 163.. 1. Durzhavno industrialno predpriiatie "Stratsin". ('Wood) K I OSEVY, MI.,, inzh. Liquid springs. Mashinost-eoene 13 no.12:39-40 D '64. liwdw- KOSEV, Dimitur, akad. .-7-_ 1 Fainii Khilendaraki; his spooh and ideology* Spisanie BAN 7 000-17 162. 1, Chlen na Redaktsionnata koleglia, "Spisanie na Bulgarskata akmdemiia na ~Wakitem. 7-4. ~7. MS IMIX -NM Q~R R"KhIm p 110 4~ j~T-'- -;R o s ev ;\Or~ r Vt. .11" Uwi; I The Dete-riliAaLiort Of 133rite :~,ue'AL)' B,) 1 -a r in nStandard -C"'- Y, f" fgja'~ _4 In4v.-,iriya MOsuria), 31, lic) 9 It !a-s beet., thal, L.Ie procediire )2re- E-a t Ir, 0 f t lie F_- I. 10-/o C I b;iri te (refluXillL, CDt oj_v~'. -AZ; P..irt 0~ -"Le 2 a 44 -. t h c 1), 3. r I' z er o r, e n ts n a d-'-c3*r'IVed .~'thke in the an;~Ijsis ic. T'he author t~e detbrmiriatioa of total Ba cuntent in tne by the fut,:-on mothad, anti t~e BEOSQ, by reflilyinn a 0.7 3,n samale w4th;50 :-,I 1~ u Tia r la ABS. JOUR. RZKhIm*j 110o 5 1M.* NO# 17536 AUTUOR MIC)" PUB, I ADSTMA CT j fiCI, for 30 rain, followed by iyeighili-g of tne un- dissolved residue. N. Turkevicb CAPD t 2112 DOBREV. D.,, KOSEV, R.; BOGDANOV, P.; PIRUOVA. B BOGDANOV, P.; DOBRW)D.; tt"MZ.; (Kosev, R.); PTRYOVA, B. [Pir-'Liora,B). A method of measuring the blood pressure of man in a va'Wn en- vironment. Doklady BAN 17 no.103-95 1614 1. Chair of Anatomy and Physiology at the "Georgi Dimitrov' H-,ghe:7 Institute of Physical Culture Sofia. Sutmitted by Aza- demiclan D.Orakborats, D.] (deceasedl.- .KOSEV,, Raobo.,,d-r Alcoholism. Biol i khim 7 no. 1. 9-16 164. ~, .1 h.~- - ~% KOSEVS S.; M6ADFN(JV, V.; C9OWs 1. , Precast elements for earthquake-resistant apartment houses in Bulgaria. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no-81381-383 Ag 161,* (MM 14.8) (Bulgaria-Earthquakes and building) (Bulgaria-Preoast concrete coAstruction) __~OSEV, Simeon, tnah. Nomenalatixt-a of prepared ferroconerete elements for tha 2-63 large-paneled houses. Stroitelstvo.11 no. 3t9-12 My-je 164. , I KOSHA 11. Research on latolin from the Stakhonov (Fozhidaraki) raine and f-,ray form Pleven. P. 19 LEKA PROMISMYNOST. (11,1.inistersixo na lekata khranitelnata promishlenost) Sofiia. Vol. 5, No. h, 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (M.L) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, 11o. 11, November of 1956 hoamch, A. iv~. Dissertal,don: "Theory of Magnatic 3usceptibility of Thin Layers of It-letalo at Low Temperatures." Cand Phys-Ylath Sci, Kharlkov .3tate U, Khar"lecov, 1954, ;ieferatvnyj- Zhurnal-Khimiya, I~Ioscow, NO 7, Apr 54. SO: SUE 284, 26 Nlov 1954 T 11,711 3M; 9 798 lho.mgnatic hOU at low vuw*ptjb;L2:t- aWa` bn - o ik t aopw~aeroa a this effect on A extetAdd urp-a iii - - Aha tax MUAVAtical thvatntnt it Ua-,~ ruaivs. of tbo, -orbit of the t~e order of t'hx effact a-3panas an the 61 V'r -+vh6, cntarv -tl' - I' the diwntdons clamease the 4IM40iona., he 'Damp aa ..vA9*tio momont -'(jd) - & rA on the va2w of the j6n-' th&- thinansims. For vorv- Mal fielft - gii bd:l~ dd*rAc .5. .16) -na~: of on H dinappeaz W Tranalatibn (1!~)5 -04 -ROSEVIC 7 -Autb .or a i lifshitsS, I.A. 'and. Kosevich, 'A,* M.: -t On the theory of -the,de- Bias Van Alphen effect for particles with 'Title arbitra law of-oispersion r7 Perlobea v -DoU.. AN- SSSR 96 IN.- .963 Jiind- 1954-, 7-,- -7 Astr act d field at Th iusdeptibility upon-the e periodical open ence~o v4 C-S rat-ii s- (the iie it, ph :effect) is observed-fora. low tenpe re aas.--van Al en large, number, of metals Th itati;ve theory of this phenomenon e.nuant eat d e-tic law of dispersion,which ~ was,developed.for:al ro~ gas with qua r is ~ d: only at t o~bottom-of.:an e orgy level zone. The article analyzes goo h n conditions. -.under 'which th6 quadratic dispertion mentioned above is 'good arid. it comes, to-Lthe~- conclusion- that such anaesumption is without. a resonable-bais.-,Four referencos4, Institution Aca'd. of'Sc. Ukr-SS%i:.~4ysico-!-TOchn. Institute PresenW by kjademicianj Li: D. IAndauj, March 15j 1954 LIFSHITS, I.M.: KOSEVICH, A.M. Oscillations In the thermodynamic values for a degenerated Fermi- gas at low temperatures. 1xv. AN SSSR.Ser.fis.19 no.4:395-403 JI-Ag 155- (MLRA 9:1) (Low temperature research) (Blectrons) USSR/Physics Magnetic susceptibility FD-3243 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 2/44 Author Lifshits, I. M.; Nosevich, A. M. Title Theory of magnetic susceptibility of metals at low temperatures Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dec 1955, 730-742 Abstract Studied are the magnetic properties of electrons in a metal in the case of an arbitrary law of dispersion. The authors find the energy levels of a quasiparticle with arbitrary law of dispersion in a mag- netic field and calculate the magnetic moment of the gas of such quasiparticles taking into account spin paramagnetism. It is shown that the periods and amplitudes of oscillations are determined by the shape of the Fermi boundary surface. Knowledge of these quan- tities permit one to reproduce the shape of the Fermi surface and the values of the velocities on it. Eight references. Institution Physicotechnical Institute, Acader4 of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR Submitted JulY 17, 1954 USSR/Physics Magnetism FD-3244 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 3/44 Author Kosevich, A. M.; Lifshitsj I. M. Title The De Haas-Van Alphvexk effect in thin layers of metals Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dec 1955, 743-74-1 Abstract Considered are the magnetic properties of electrons in thin metal layers in the case of an arbitrary law of dispersion. The authors determine the energy levels of quasiparticle with arbitrary law of dispersion in a magnetic field in the presence of a perpendiciDe potential field. They calculate the oscillating part of the mag- netic moment of the gas of such quasiparticles, and utilize the gen- eral formulas for an investigation of the De Haas-Van Alphven effect in thin layers of metals. It is shown that the periods and ampli- tudes of oscillations are determined by the shape of the Fermi bound- ary surface and depend essentially upon the ratio of the thickness of the layer and the "radius of the classical orbit" of the quasi- particle. Two references. Institution Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR Submitted July 19, 1954 I. M., and POGORELOV, A. V. (Whar1kov) :KOSEVICH A. M., UFSHITS flThe Energy s,Dectrum of Electrons in Hatels and the De-Ilaaa-van Alphen Effect," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 &Y 56. KOSEVICH, A.M. -awoftl, I'" ,-awa, Quasi-eisissic quantisation in the magnetic field. Ukr. fiz. sbur. 1. no-3:261-264 J1-5 156. (MLRA, 9:12) 1. Chernivetolkiy derzbavniy universitst, (Magnetic fields) (Qaantum theory) KOSEVICH, A.M. Oscillations of magnetic magnitudes of degenerated electron gases in a parabolic potential well. Ukr. fiz, zhure 1 no*4: 339-346 O-D 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Chernivetslkiy der2hunivarsitat. (Electrons) (Metals at low temperatures) AUTHOR: Koself 56-3-27/59 TITLE: Haas-van Alphen Effect in a Varying Magnetic Field. (Eff,ekt de Gaaza - van AlIfena v peremennom magnitnom pole) 'PERIODICAL: Zharaal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, V01- 33, Nr 3, PP- 735-745 [NUSSR) ABSTRACT. Following problems are theoretically studied and solved for low temleratures; 1) Oscillation of the magnetic moment of a metal assay in an bmpulse field (quantitative treatment) 2) ~Ihe case t(( R. The oscillation part of the magnetic moment of a plane metal assay. 3) The caseP 3rR. A cylindrical gas a in impulse field: a) impulses of long duration: 1 /2 b) short impulses:11R>- In the first chapter there is explained that the oscillation properties of the magnetic moment of a metal assay in an impulse field depend to a great extent on the proportions 'between the perietration of the magnetic field into the assay and the size of thei assay itself. In the chapters 2 and 3 the formulae for the osoillating part of the magnetic moment are derived under different Card 1/2 conditions. There are I figure and 2 Slavic references. The de; Haas van Alphen Effect in a ~'qrying Magnetic Field. 56-3-27/59 ASSOCIATION: Cher.,-0 A&A t' I Vt8*Y-! -16f1Uh1Wsifii*-* (Chernovitakiy gosudarstvennvy universitet) SU13MITTED: March 16, 1957- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 C/ CARD 2/2 On the Theory of the SEUBMXOV-DE HW-Effect. ap 56-7-14/66 A 6 . The contribution of each zone is connected with & Mz only at a corresponding electron group. Also some remarks are made concerning the amplitudes of the oscillations A,, ap . The asymptotics of the oscillations of the conductivity in strong magnetic fields. In this case amplitudes can be developed asymptotically in a power series. The asympr~otic is here written down also for' the special case,that FERMI'S boundary surface disintegrates into some cle3ed surfaces. The oscillations of the resistance: When experiments.are ce2tried out, not the tensor of the electrical conductivity 6c'13 but the tensor-o'f the specific resistance is measured. Thereiore the oscillatory share of IR CIA has to be determined. The connection between CrCIO and RaO is given here. The expression for A Q N3 contains classical values and oscil- latory shares. In conclusion the oscillations for some concrete cases are computed (one zone of conductivity and two zones with N+ = N-). (No illustrations) ASSOCIATION: Physical-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. (Fiziko-tekhnJcheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SM.) SlOaTTED: 22-11-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. -u~ V I A - 4Y, PAIATNIN, L. S. ). KOSWICHj A. M. University Polytechnical Institu-'%-,e, Kharkov, "The X Investigation of Diffusive and Undiffusive Transformation of Amorpho-qs A ti-mony Films." M paper submi ed at Program of the Conference on the Non-Metallic Solids of Mechanical Properties~ieningrad Ma, 0 y 19 - 26, 1958 'AUTHOR: Kosevich, A. M. SOV/56-35-1-34/59 TITLE: On the Influence of Deformation on Oscillation Effects in Metals at Low Temperatures (0 vliyanii deformatsiy na ostsillyatsionnyye effekty v metallakh pri niz'--ikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. 'eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 35, Nr 1, pp. 249-253 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of recent years a number of experimental papers has been published which deal with the influence exercised by elastic deformation in metals on certain physical phenomena which are connected with the character of the energy spectrum of the conductive electrons (Refs 1 - 4). Proceeding from the semiphenomenological calculation of the influence exercised by an elastic deformation upon the electron spectrum, the present paper investigates several effects ocr-=ing in the de- formation of metals. Investigations are based on the assump- tion that the influence exercised by elastic deformation upon dispersion can be taken into account in form of a small ad- mixture to the electron energy in the undeformed metal Card 1/3 (of. Akhtyezer et al., Ref 5); On the Influence of Deformation on Oscillation 30V/56-35-1-34/59 Effects in Metals at Low Temperatures 041 -* d. -'P+ LY- P1 U (P) = ~o(p) gik ik and F-OL(P denote the energy of the electrons of Here (p the o&-the group in the deformed and undeformed metal respectively, u. ik denotes the tensor of deformation and g ik(p characterizes the given groups of the tensor function of the quasimomentum p. In the following the influence exercised by elastic deformation upon the properties of the electron gas in the metal is investigated and it is shown that, if electro: groups with essentially different electron numbers are Dresen in the metal, the de Haas - van AlPhen(de Gaaz - van AlIfen) effect is very sensitive with respect to metal deformations The fluctuations of the thermodynamical quantities of the metal, which are caused in a constant magnetic field by modifications of external pressure, are finally discussed. Th author thanks I.M. Lifshits for his advicd-and ~J-scussions, and B.I. Verkin and I.M. Dmitrenko for discussing the results Card 2/3 obtained. On the Influence of Deformation on Oscillaticn. SOV/56-35-1-341/59 Effects in IMetals at Low Temperatures There are 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainakoy SSR (Physico-Technical Institute ;AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 26, 1959 Card 5/3 240) SOV/56-35-5-26/061 A'THOR: Kosevich, A. M. TITLEt The Alphen Effect in Pulsed Magnetic Fieldi., (ilffekt de Gauza - van t~llfena v impul'snykh magnitnykh polyakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 3-5, Nr 3, PP 738-741 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In a previous paper (Ref 1) the author already spoke about in- v,.-stigat ions carried out of the de 11aas - van Alphen (de Gaaz - van AlIfen) effect in alowly varying inagnetic fields and in- vestigated the question as to when it is possible to proceed from formulae for the quantization of the motion of electrons; together with Lifshits (Ref 2) the magnetic moment of the elec- tron gas in homogeneous magnetic fields was calculated. In the present paper the author investigates the quantization equa- tiono in an inhomogeneous magnetic field the gradient of which is vertical to the direction of the field, as well as the part played by the inhomogeneity of the field when the de Haas - van Alphen effect is dealt with by means of the impulse method. The author bases an the assumption that for particles with the Card 1/3 ) applies in t.~ie charge e any law of dispersion E = E(p ? p t P x z y SOV/56-55-3-26/6! The De Ifaas Van k1phen Effect in Pulsed Magnetic Fields 7 s~-field, that grad 11 coincides with the y-axis, and that for the impulse components it holds that H(y)dy, PX . p and P p for the function y I y Yo(px) e yo\p~ 'i(y)dy; for quantization (I(px it applies that p x= tile operator relation H(~), P 9P ppy , ~j [PY c I x ZI i if; used, where y = y(p 'P with the condition for quasi- x x classical ouantization: f [PY /H (Y )] dPx = (n+t)eb/e; (04t(1 In the second part of the paper the author, without any ex- plicit mathematical deliberations, investigates the question to what extent the de Haas - van Alphen effect can be used in a pulsed magnetic field for the investigation of the Fermi slArface of the electron gas in a metal. In conclusion, he thanks I. M. Lifshits and M. Ya. Azbell for discussions. There Card 2/5 are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SOVI/56-35-3-26/67, The De Haas - Van Alphen Effect in Pulsed Magnetic Fields ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy (Physiico-Technical Institute,AS Ukrainskaya SSR) I SUBMITTED; April 7, 1956 Card 313 sov/i26-8-2-15/26 AUTHORS: Kosevich, A*M- and Tanatarov, L.V. TITLE: Deformation of a Flat Specimen of a Solid in Phase Transformation PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 251; - 267 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently, several experimental researches have appeared devoted to the change in shape of solid specimens in allotiropic transformation. The multiplicity of factors controlling the effects has made theoretical treatment difficult. The present authors attempt to evaluate the defor-mation of a flat solid specimen on the basis of a purely macroscopic examination of mechanical stresses and deformations due to changes in the specific volume. They formulte conditions in terms of an isotropic solid. 1,ayer, assuming temperature stresses are comparatively insignificant, Figure 1 showing the arrangemeat of the phaso boundaries. The boundary conditions are determined and general equations deduced. Deformation and dis- Cardl/2 placements are analysed on the basis of the equations SOV/126-8-2-13/26 Deformation of a Flat Specimen of a Solid in Phase Transformations deduced. The authors next consider residual deformations and stresses in the specimens; Figure 2 shows the relation of the stress and deformation in the new phase. After it discussion of residual deformations and stresses in the reverse phase transformation, the authors go on to exeunine phase transformations with large specific- value changes. Figure .9 shows the relation of stress on deformation. There are 4 fiZuk-es and 4 Sovlet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico-technical Institute-of the Ac.Se., Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: June 25, 1958 Card 2/2 2 t (0) The 0. the phy.1.4 or L.V T..poraluroa (5-,* Yaosojruznoyo notenichsalya p0 fLaike allklkh ,-Far. sur) PZRIODICALs Copo"I flSt.h.skikb vauk, 1)59. Val 61, Nr' 4, PP 743-750 (7232) AISTMACTs Ibis Conference took Place Iran October 27 to Itov&Ab.r I at M1.11 11 ... org"I.04 by the Dtd.l.oly. ob.sklk,b n:uk Akadeall 3331f (Dq.rt... t of phisla.- we %b .-% aI ftlec..# of *he AO.I..y Of U358). the Aked ..iya mock Cru.inskay SZE (&..deny of Science., ThilLa.kly goeudarg vo nyy unt- Itz I 1 1. Stal billet I%.%. Cal,-l . .1 Stalls). ,: ; The C-ar,er-wo ... te..d.d bV &be.% 500 ope.1.11.14 fr.. ThlIlot. X*.caw, 21, Ikov, Xiy.,,, -4 *Use attics as .-It as by . r=mb.r Of young China.. v athe USSR. Lbout 50 lectur*s otr. :rking J &I pre::a! , I r ad h 41-Ld.d O..21AC to r...-.h jjjj~~~ L...... namv. CrA-r.1ty Zh" Ikov 4 %he% the cost imp im ecnmgctlQn with the gslv: "Cc tj Fr par, of mats 1. payed by the cOncrutf no a a a fom Of the Farel strf.c. of 11.k. eki, sp,k. b,', e carrisS out t_,F or" or jVS iA1.vti1;-1*d Ih* "Y - lb. zoC--' of tpersturts ?f lu Cu rb. % to.tina) of St. To- or., Val t I ` t.. 122irl) Ifirstle.t.4 tb- Flo-RZRMS Z of Chrolon And &.,d found that the S=4 I pr ::lot noo hr,ju. Crops ith field str..g%h -itheut A%-- : :r ; ' taied 6 saturation -.,us. !~. -5r-. -ed 11 0. or., (Ith?711 ~ .T d .% tlC~A.d %no ci-14-- in 9-I ,,, d t ". ._;I. 1. be.,. , t.%. at them act found that if .. :: t1111 C - I"-- 1ld lA di.oppe"s. To. Y. Goyd.kol p) .i do.- . : , (I? in the Cc=** of She discussion 1h I I cold in the 04.0 of V-27 p.r. 03.P1.2 I the It-- th. Rini... is explained by the plastic dofor-- !4mraraluzes. Yo. Azbol' u %left of the aa;,I* at hall a . or (Zh"l) Cava a report of hi k in is., the quaclove, sboory of U. resistance Of metal ir. my* rA%UZ`-.. I-, T- T PA-O' 'Onos-, - all, field % loa % ased ..C.~k ( XhPT 1) ok.bout a %h4orsticAl tnvgs : allilon of sho larjueno* oxtrciteC by forces the skis Offset in various -34~ajar.. 1. 1. V-rk -d Al*ko.adrq~ (rh?Tt) -;-k- -tout -0 n-1 f Of thin -ir-1 --d- fr-- htCht"_,ur " ; ; l neth Of SIA, lodium-and computed %he free , path at 4.2'K It, the- a .-I- as a=QuMUAJ to /; to 2/3 am. ;X, 41 (=V) and be 1. Verkin ..4 1. V. 1!mitr.nk0 - 4 zz - - , be - -, S1iC.1 d (thr?l) lnv * up-. 1 .;. ,v.; .. r -j ; ,, to pro@ r. 000 t=o.;h.ras ba~ :. 1 *I caa 6/11 . behavior of "Sale 4* 20- 4n4 InvestIrAt-d : 0 I %., U.C..tic susceptibility sh quantux oacillati8n. nf : . . -.xX1b.rc.n &.4 A. U. I -a- bi mth at 1.6 - 4.2 X. a Y . : Z) ezve a tb for- : . co,:,Ldorabls & r0 lstivgly .selld*formation. a..-- 1 Means eye. 90.11 tell.. rf*cts 1. mat.1s. It. Rg..U. . l (ryp) delivered - r-port k f ,Sano be g&,Tj.d Out of tb* aal.otropy of the .:. :44ples of the actif.rrome suen.- I . fin. theory dove ad dyn;lLc&l lop by Dz h k I's CO-:: _ Allkh"D (lYP Pak b. .Uro at 2. A ) s h 4SLa he azrlod out of the 0.7n.ti. ;x JO&I Invot&it, &ad p.C0, at lot swa;.rkt~ls. F. L. VAC0 (,*"a 3 tb !ur:,Of -. 4 b ... d u .th d the W Ic U t , c n , , . " a p .P40, p laaloshinakiy's theory. . -nRl". he.* Mure vas real by A. S. ti. rg;ort.4 a= zs&o.r.- seats aazrj.d out by him (in -a XPP) Of the &-'no- 0 -conocrys he east forromagn, tic C0304 ropy I C"d 7/11 ;6k) 2poko about his 0 A.TO Go (In AN SSSR, Sver4io T : Is ILI th 11 fog J- I )l t; L, a Is 11 a 3p Js A -3 S/181/60/002/012/004/0'~B B006/BO63 AUTEORS: Kosevich, A. M. and Tanatarov, L. V. TITLE: Production of Cavities in Solids by Local Melting PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 3012-.30!6 TEXT: The process of local melting, i.e., the local evolution of heat in a solid has been studied, and the plastic deformation due to different specific volumes of the liquid and E-olid phases of the substance has been theoretically analirzed. The body used for the purpose had a liquid-phase with a greater spe(,ific volume than that of the solid phase,, The relative increase of the linear dimensions ;, 0 was very large compared to the deformation e s on the elastic boundary of the material near the melting Point:E 0>> es (in general, &o/e,1V10 - 10 2) . The pressure of liquid- 15 1 , where a is the phase melting is 6;iven by pm. = 2 11j1 + in/a/r )3 radius of the zone of plastic deformation, and (a/r M) 3 to /es, For Card 1/3 Production of Cavitit.:~s in Solids by B/18 60/002/012/004/018 Local Melting Boo6yBo63 L. O/e3-102f PM is approximatelY 36s; the compression of the liquid is 3kpm.j3kds" 3es (k - compression coefficient). This pressure CaUSea a plastic deformation of the solid. The liquid fills up the "excess" volume (41E r3), from which the solid phaae was displaced during the melting 0 m process, on account of the increase of the specific volume. When the liquid solidifies, -the radius r of the liquid phase decreases, and part of the "excess" volume (_ r2(rm-r )& ) beoomes free. The high absolute M a 0 negative pressures that accompany this process lead to the formailon of cavities. If the pressure has the absolute value p and a is the coefficiEnt of surface tension of the liquid, then the radius Q of the cavity is -a/p. This negative pressure may be proportional to cr so that Q-(x/(l -6 _ -9; s s holds. Hence, Q is 10 10 c:m tcrusual solids. An estimate of the least amount of heat Q riaquired for the formation of a cavity gives Q- zTo V; a is the specific heatj T is the melting temperature; and V-Q 3/kp-a3A64 (V-10-16- -12 0 -6 _ 10-2 . . 3 10 cm). Thus, one obtains Q -10' 1, M, Lifshits Card 2/3 01. 24 AUTHORS: 27947 3/185/60/005/004/006/021 D274/D306 TITLE: Koselrych, A.M., Andryeyev, V.V. and Tanatarov, L.V. Inelastic deformation and residual strains of a flat solid layer under polymorphic transformation PERIODICAL: Ukr&7inslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 4, 1960, 479_485 TEXT- An infinite isotropic layer is considered which has two phases (I and II) with different physical properties (in particular,X xqith different specific volumes, whereby 6V/V = 36o). If the sur- face temperature of the phase-I layer reaches the value of poly- morphic-transformation temperature (transition from solid phase I to solid phase 11) or exceeds it, then the phase-II layer is formed. Assuming that at the phase boundary the infinitely thin, defonned, phase-I layer passes into phase-II which remains attached to the phase-I layer, then, owing to the different specific volumes of the phases, a stress-strain state of the specimen as a whole arrises; Card 1/6 27947 * S/185/60/005/004/006/021 Inelastic deformation... D274/D306 this state changes with time in accordance with phase-boundary dis- placements. The case is investigated when the relative change in volume of the body due to phase transformation exceeds the deforma- tions corresponding to the elastic-limits of the phases. Such a problem is encountered in considering mechanical processes in solids which take place at cyclical temperature regimes, the surface tem- perature passing repeatedly through the polymorphic-transformation point. The problem was dealt with, where the observed effect was entirely due'to plastic deformations, while neglecting relaxation stresses, by two of the authors (Ref. 2: A.M. Kosevych L.V. Tana- tarov, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 8, 225, 19595. In the present article, the relaxation processes are taken into account. The hysteresis character of the plastic deformations, as well as the relaxation stresses, lead to residual strains in the specimen (after it passed into the new phase). These residual strains cause irreversible changes in shape of the specimen. The principal ass- umptions and equations are similar (in the present article) with those of Ref. 2 (Op. cit), but the~results differ substantially, Card 2/6 2794?, 61185 60/005/004/006/021 Inelastic deformation... D274 306 since the relaxation stresses involve the dependence of the resid- ual strains on the rate of motion of the boundary phases, i.e. on the heating and coo-ling, temperatures. Two cases are considered: a) the relaxation time -V is large as compared to the phase transi- tion time T; b) 'r is smaller than 2T. Case a) A system of differ- ential equations is set up for the stress tensor a. These equa- ti'ons are solved by the method of successive approximations, after expanding iu terms of the small parameter Tft. The residual strain is given, in the first approximation, by r u,' (T) e'-(r) q (t) C"(1) dl, (12) where 0 (ED UO (1) q X. W (CO - UO (it)) (-0 - uO (11) dl (Z0 - UO dt C ard 3/6 27947 S/1.85/60/005/004/006/021 Inelastic deformation... D274/D306 u being the strain tensor, ~ being related to plastic deformations; for the residual strain, inequality 0 < t421(7') < 2(,0) ( T) er(r). (14) a T h*olds, where F(T)-'L if 6o^/ es (e. being the strain at the elastic limit). From these formulas it follows that the relaxation can only increase the residual strain duri-ag one-directional phase- transitions, that the residual strain depends on the velocity of the boundary -hases and on T, and that in a cyclical process I -~, II -, I the residual strain depends in magnitude as well as in sigiL, on the heating and cooling temperatures. Case b) By assuming f_o>> es, the calculations are considerably simplified. For '(/- 2T, the deformation of the specimen is given by U2 (f)~-:,+e, I+ -exp I- X" (19) Card 4A 27947 S/185/60/005/004/006/021 Inelastic deformation... D274/D306 (Z) + exp + X, (Z) - X0 (1) dz - -(')S[eXP(1- Z -X, T h h 0 dz t(ly exp + XO(Z) - X0 (19) h 0 k for t T, ___ thi_s equation yzi6lds an expression for the residual strain after a I -!~. II transition. f,or T 4 2T, the same conclu- sions apply to the residual strains as in case a). For r T2 (TI being the "standstill" c' time in the I -~ 11 transition, a-ad T2 - that of the II + I transi-. tion), then the total residual strain is positive, i.e. the size of the layer increases. For Tj < T2 (under fast heating and slow cooling), the size of the layer decreases. Iliese qualitative re- sults are in agreement with experimental results Olcf. 4: 6.Y. Kovtun, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 8, 941, 1959). There are 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 5/6 27947 3/185/60/005/00/t/006/021 Inelastic deformation ... D274/D306 ASSOCIXTION: Fizyl,.o-tel;hnichnyy instytut '~W 1LJ1:;.A1. Uhysico-tcch- nical Institute ivi UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: December 23, 1959 Card 6/6 KOSWICH, A.M.; ARWYNT, T.T. quantum analog of the collision integral for electrons in magnetic and electric fields. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 15 no.3:882-888 Mr 160. OWU 13: 7) 1. Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut Akademi'L naak Ukrainskoy SSR. (Alectrons) (Collisions(Naclear physics)) 6 3/040/ 012~?005/006/028 0 0 C111/C222 AUTHORS: ~osevich, A.M,,,,,, and Tanatarov, L~V. (Kharlkov) TITLEt Plastical Deformation and Irreversible Changes in a Solid Body for a Local Melt. Punctiform Heat Source PERIODICAL; Prikladnaya matematika i mekbanika, 1960, Vol.24, No-5. pp. 843-851 TEXTi A local melt means the melting of a small spot of a solid body which appears if in a small spot of the body a certain quantity of heat becomes free veiry quidkly. The authors consider the plastical deformation caused by the difference of the specific volumes of the solid and the fluid state of aggregation. It is shown that during the hardening of the melted spot in the fluid there may appear a very high negative pressure which may involve a rupture of the fluid and finally an appearance of c&vities in the hardened body. Here it is assumed that the heat beoomes free instantaneously, that the body initially was isotropic, that the apecific volume of tho fluid state of aggregation is greater than that of the solid one, that the relative enlargement Eo of the linear neasures during the Lqlting is greater than the deformation on the boundary of elasticity so that around the melted Card 1/2 83770 S/056/60/039/003/026/045 J6. Al/0 B006/BO63 .2 t/, _'2 /.2 0 AUTHORS: Andreyev, V. ., Kosevich, A. M. TITLE: Quantum Oscillations of the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivit of an Electron Gas n a Magnetic Pield,\ Tx i V PERIODICAL':, Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), PP. 741-745 TEXT: At low temperatures, the thermal conductivity of metals in a mag- netic field shows a special feature that is similar to the Shubnikov - de Haas effect. The electronic part of the thermal conductivity of metals is held responsible for the oscillations of thermal conductivity ob- served in the magnetic fieldi a theoretical investigation of the quantlim oscillations of this electronic part was the aim of the authors. The present paper describes a study of quantum corrections to the classical coefficient of thermal conductivity (%hich is a smooth function of the magnetic field) within the framework of the free conduction electron gas model. The thermal distribution of this electron gas is supposed to have a slight, constant gradient (grad T) perpendicular to the outer homogeneous Card 1/3 83770 Quantum Oscillations of the Coefficient of S/05 60/039/003/026/045 Thermal Conductivity of an Electron Gas in a BoZW63 Magnetic Field R-field. The electron density is assumed to be so high that g = kT,(,< and -h6i > 1 is assumed to hold. The two conditions and oT > ,>1 are easily satisfied at the same time for metals at low temperatures. The quantities 1/63T and +t6j/f are the small parameters which are expanded in a power series. The state of the electron gas found when considering the scattering of electrons by impurities is described by the statistical single-particle paraneter Q (of. previous paper by the authors, Ref- 3)- The method described here for expanding the kinetic coefficients in a power series of the small parameters permits studying the thermal con- ductivity of an electron gas following an arbitrary dispersion law. For reasons of simplicity, however, an isotropic quadratic diSDersion law is assumed here. It is found that the oscillating part of the coefficient Card 2/3 83770 Quantum Oscillations of the Coefficient of 5/056/60/039/003/026/045 Thermal Conductivity of an Electron Gas in a Boo6/'Bo63 11agnetic Field of thermal conductivity x may be expressed in a simple manner by the os- cillations of the specific electrical conductivity a. Then, one obtains: 2 2' JE2H2 8 (6 It 3 2 a where ~ (0) in the classical chamical aH2 7 o(O) _,_2 0 0) ~ a9 -~.o a ~o zero potential. H v 6it - 'J'j a It and A 0 LO holl 2o that one aH f _0 fo 7Q _N _63 obtains Lithio-Au/0 0. At moderately low temperatures P), .1,411 Auht = 3(Ao/(So ) holds. The authors thank I. M. Lifshits and I. Ya. Azbell for discussions. V. G. Skobov is mentioned. There are 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCL"TION: Fiziko.-tekhnicheakiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSTZ (Inatil;ute of Physics and Technolo..,~y of the Academy of Sciences Ukraij!.skaya SSR) SUB' MITTED April :1, 1960 Card 3/3 //..2 AUTHORS: TITLEs 31249 3/207/61/000/005/008/015 D237/D303 Kosevich, A.M.t and Tanatarovp L.V. (Kharlkov) Plastic deformation and irreversible changes in a solid at local melting. Thread-shaped source of heat PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekticheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 1;36-Lp 61 - 66 TEXT: This is a contInuation of the atthorst former work (Ref. 1: PNII. vol. WV. no. 5) which dealt with .a point heat source. Here, * solid isotropic, in compressible, infinite circular cylinder (of * radius R) is consideredt along whose axis an amount of heat is momentarily Apittedp sufficient to melt the immediate surroundings. Deformation of the solid on melting is considered first. Stress (0'-;k) and strain (Uik) tensors are used to arrive at the formula for the intenaity of deformation which is , = V-2 2 , 2 2 -V L U2 2 4 qj _V~T I/ ( F_ - el) (e _' a ) - Ed + E (r /r) 3 r r z 3 0 0 Card 1/2 31249 S120 61/000/005/008/015 Plastic dAformation and D237YD303 and the pressure in the liquid phase is found to be p = I Cs fl + in (L0)3 (1.12) 2 05 analogical to (1.14) in Ref. 1 (Op.-At.). Deformation of the solid on solidification of t'he liquid phase is discussed and equations of stat-e during freezing are given as well as formulae for the pressure with various 'boundary conditionsp and the conclusion of Ref , 1. (Op. cito ) is conf irmed the:t solidif i4tation results in numeri- oally large negative p:~essure in the liquid, with subsequent forma- tion of cavities. Some minimal values necessary for the cavitation to beging are given. L,M. lifshits is mentioned for his fruitful -bloc references. 'Asoussions,, There are 4 Soviet SUBMITTED: May 719 1960 Card 2/2 S/20 000/005/009/015 D237YA3 AUTHORS., Andreyevp V.V.# Kosevichp A.M.9 and Tanatarov, L.V# (Khartkov) TITLE% Deformation of a rod of circular crosS-Bection in pbate transition PERIODICAL~ Zhurnal prikladnoy haniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, A 59 1961t 67 - 79~ TEM An incompressible cylindrical solid is considered and the phase transition is solid 1 -4 solid 2, their specific volumes dif- fering from each other.The auV_orB show that the equations descri- bing the deformation of the cylinder are formally identical to those derived fjr the case of flat plate in (Ref. 1: Fizika metal- lov i metallovedenlyep 1959t 89 po 255). If the surface temperatu- re of the cylinder is equal or higher than the traneition tempera- ture, the boundary moves inwards and can be represented by a cy- lindrical surface. The velocity of the boundary is assr-med to be known and meshanical stresses and strains are considered. The func- Card 1/2 S/207/61/000/005/009/015 Deformation of a rod of circular ... D237/D303 iion v(r) = u(2) where u represents the element of strain tensor zz ik is shown to describe final deformationsp and it is pointed out thal if mechanical properties of two phases differjS from each other, there is a residual deformation after the full cycle 1 --+ 2 --+ 1. There are 3 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: December 289 1960 Card -9/2 XOSEVICHY A.M.; PASTUR, L.A. Dislocation pattern of a twin. Fiz.tver.tela 3 no.4:1290-12V Ap 161. (MM 14:4) 1. Fiziko-tek]2nicheskiy institut AN USSR i Khartkovskiy politekh- nicheskiy institut. (Dislocations in crystals) ROSEVICHI_A.M.; PASTUR, L.A* A Shape of a thLn twin situated at an angle to the surface. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no.6:1871-1875 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR i Kbar'kovskiy politekhnichenkiy institut, Kharlkw. (Crystal lattices) 178'.1/61/003/011/003/056 /9 s-q) B 102/13138 AUTHOR: Kosevich. A. M. TITLE: Dislocation theory of hysteresis effects during tivinning and shearing iii an unbounded medium PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 11, 1961, 3263 - 3271 TEXT:- The author considers the,hysteresis effects which occur during twinning and shear formation in an infinite crystal. The crystal is assumed to be exposed to an external stress which changes infinitely slowly but monotonically with time. A very simple isotropic model with equilibrium dislocation distribution is chosen. First the two-dimensional problem of twin formation under the action of an external monotonically growing stress in consi&red. The trace-of the axis of the dislocation source coincides 'with the beginning of the planes of Cartesian coordinates xoy , x coincides with -the trace of the twinning plane. The dislocation b )d t density 9 along x is deTined by f(x) + S'(x); x = a and i - x Card 1XL a 3o7- S/1'8-Ll/61/003/011/003/056 Dislocation theory of hysteresis ... B102/B138 x = b are the ends of the twin, f(x) is the force acting on the disloca- tions due to the external load and S(x) is the decelerating force which consists of two different components: a frictIon component, S(X) . -S 01 and a surface-tension component, S,(x) = P(b - x)j P(x) decreases mono- tonically with increasing argument-from So to zero in the small interval 0 0 < X~ F-. SO is the value Of Sn -at the twin ends, (_ a small distance from n these ends, Then the force acting 6n a single dislocation at point x, due to all the other dislocations along the twin, is givdn by ~X) S0 + S4(x) - f(X). if Symmetric s1tress is assumed a X which vanishes together with Ixi , (f (x) = f (-x)). The ends of the twin will be at equal dis IL-,ances from the source (x = + a) and the dislocation density along a free twin is found to be a I M (o (4) P W Va X R -a Card 2//,q ,-,;/]~~1/61/003/011/003/056 Dislocation theory of hysteresis ... ~102/IB138 the central thickness of the twin is given by 1, - d (x) dx, d be ing the distance between the atomic planes in the y direotion. F(a)=30-4-1(a), (7) W dx S.. (x) dx F(a) = -1 f. vW3 --x2 1(0)=SO.., 11(0:i=0, 11(a)0), and the dislocation line is assumed to out the xOy plane at the Point (0,.Vo ) where thz stress tensor Cr 0 ie-acting, In this model, the stress tensor and displacement vector ik are given by 'Y>0 (I k=1, 2, 3)0 dk Card 1/+5 0 3/161/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in... B102/B186 and 0 Y>O Y < 0 1, 2, 3), (2) OP and u0 are assumed to be known; they are defined by ik ik 2 Re SOX I ,~Oa = -r- I 3 Ub- 2RO Pi.Mjdj In (z, WIG YJ (A. N~ Stroh, Phil. .Mag., 3, 625, 1958). In 'this case,'the complex representation Ti=2R(, fi.O. (z.); (6) 3 U8=2Rc Yj P4.1% (~J, Card 2/5 S/181/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in ... B102/BI86 ia used, villere z(X = X + PCY; IICXP fial and pix are complex numbers,. unambiguously connected iiith the elastic constants; (Da(z a) are certain lunctions of a complex variable; (11 ) in a matr'ix inverse to (f ), the I aj ja d, are real numbers uniquely deterbinable by *the*elaetic constants and the j + Burgern vector and by z OCC Payo -;i (X, 0) 0) -0) (5) e (X,, 0;. py-esents the problem in nuoh a way that thIe .. piane'-. otfdiscontinuity becomes the interface of two anisotropio media of different elastic constantet and Cnr,l 3/5 S/181/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in... B102/B186 2% 4j ft. A;-J J Re q 2- A f*"5M;J'O~"P- A 7 UJ=1 Re 'V it 2r 1, "~~ a - t Re + (Zi A~ is finally obtained from these relations. In (13)y is a conjugate Oamplex to the determinant 41, and,60) are obtained from A- by + + subatitutine the (p A- 3)th column by the f and column, constructed in the same manner as for Afla, The formulas obtained are used to Card 4/5 j S/181/62/004/009/031/045 Rectilinear dislocation in... B102/B186. calculate stresses in the symmetry plane of a twin crystal and the stresses of a dislocation on an otherwise stress-free surface of an anisotropic semispa6e. A general'formula is derived for the force acting on'a dislocation ina plane of discont~n.uity. This formula becomes transformed into Bead's formula i1 the Poisson ratio is equal in the two semispaces. ASSOCIATIOTI: Kharlkovskiy-politekhnicheskiy.in8titut im. V. I. Lenina (Khartkov Polytechnio Ingtitute imeni. V. 1. Lenin) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1962 (initially) May M.1962 (after revision) Card 5/5 M006 S/056/62/042/001/024/048 0 B104/B102 AUTHOR: Kooevic -hl_A! M. TITLE: DefoTmation fie].d in an isotropic, elastic medium with moving dislocat-.,.ons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eks;'~riraentallnoy i tooretichookoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 1, 1962, 152-162 TEXT: The differential equations proposed by E. F. Hollfinder (Czech. J. Phys. B10, 409, 1960; L1_0, 479, 1960; L1_0, 551t 1960) are based on wrong premises, the difference bet-neen.,the velocities of 'layleigh surface waves and shear waves in a solid is neglected, and quantities of no physical sie,ilficance are assumed. -~ In the-preaent~paper, a system of equatlons is derived for the- deformation field. of moving dislocations, the Bargers vector density of dislocations and their flux being regarded as tile sources of, the'fields of the dislocation tensor field and of the vector of medium displacement. The system in solved by the introduction of auxiliary quantities (potential fields). The field of elastic deformation t6nsors and the field of displacement velocity vectors of the medium elemcnts can Card 1/3 3hOO6 S/056/62/042/001/024/048 Deformation field in an... B104/B102 be determined in a general form if the Wirgera veotor density of dialoca- tions and their flux are known as functions of coordinates and time. Then, one obtains P at PVh (Uth + "At) + Mukh, (21). eumvitt"A Da, V'V't ==~ (OUiAlat) - Ilk, Based on it, the deformation fiald is examined at large distances from a system of moving dislocations. The inbensity of elastic waves produced by Vr such a system is comDuted. vi io the velooity of the medium elementsp uik are the e1ements of !he tensor cif'elastic distortion, X and g are the Lam6 constants, and Dik is the Bttrgers vector density. I.-M. Lifshits and V. L. Indenbom are thanked for discussions. There are 13 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English -language. publications read as follows: P. R. Nabarro. Adv. Phys., .It 269, 1952 ; J.~ D. Eshelby. Solid State Phys., 2., 79, 1956; B. A. Bilby. Progr. Solid. Mech., 329, v9k; J. D. Eshelby. Phys. Rev., 20, 248, 1953. Cartl 2/3 3hOO6 S/056/62/042/001/024/048 Deformation field in an ... B100102 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Acadlemy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBT.';ITTED: June 14, 1961 V-41 Card 3/3 . I j 6,' 37495 5/056 1 043/002/038/0,33 -7 B125;/B102 AUTHORs Kosevich, A. V. TITLEs Equation of motion of a dislocation. PERiODICALs Zhurnal eksperimintallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikig Y...43'0' fipQ-2q(8)'! 1964, 637 - 648 TSXTs The shift of the dislocation line is assumed not be connected with a shift of mass and no additional volume forces of any kind are to act. The equation ofmotion of the diolooationt a ilk ITIC.F kp bp U.0 (21)0 resulting from the Lagrangian L = ~Xd.Q. 51, pV) - 01all, + j1k'P1A* (12) for the field of elastic stresives and dislocations, is similar in form to the equation of the dislocation in equilibrium. It relatee'the motion of the dislocation loop and the solf-consistent field.of the dislocation thereby produced to the externtil fields. In the approximation used here, (21) does not contain any forcoe determining the effect of the rate of Card 1/3 S/056/62/043/002/030/653 Equation of motion of a dislooation B125/BI02 shift of the elastic medium on the dislocation motion. ja isotropic media, the stress tensor a ik 2c1 6ik 6ik ~,e 11 with F-11 (nD) njJjknh + 4-Wif (I - T') -ri ~ J11 dl (29) -jif -0 17 . N 'n RT R R follow from Hooke's law in linear approximation wit'h reapedt to the velocity of the dislocations. When,determining the effective mass of the dialocation,*the self-acting forces of the dislocation and the singularitY, of its self-consistent field iihould be eliminated from (21). The field -i- Ae AS e (I + U in (21) consists of the external field ~ and of the self- As consistent field CT of disloon~ion stresses, made up of the quasi-static field and of the stress proportional to the acceleration of the disloca- tions. Only that component ol! the dislocation velocity normal to the diS - location line contributes to the stress, Considering the motion of.the dislocation loop as a whole, pblr. r VIA Wik -,rTh) (I + 74 sin' 0) + Iklt (PtI46) - In -" 144 Card 2/3 5/056j62/043/002/038/053 Equation of motion of a dielooation B125/BI02 . is obtained for the total mass of the straight-line dislocation. The possible motion of the elements of the dielooation loop oan be investigated separately from the dislocation loop as a whole. ASSObIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicotechnical. Inetitute of tho ioademy of Soienoes of the Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED& March 8# 1962 Card 3/3 5/056/62/043/003/049/063 B108/B102 AWHORS: Andreyev, V.,V., Kosevich, A. M. --- - -------------- TITLLs On the quantum theory of the normal skin effect in a magnetic field at low temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, Y. 43, no. 3(g), 1962, 1o6o - 1o67 TEXTs An electron gas in a strong uniform magnetic field under conditioni of normal skin effect (weak variable electric field) is-considered. The eleotr6n mean free tme -r0is assumed to be greater than the time of revol tion on an orbit in the magnetic fields S~-r >>I. Since quasi- 0 class cal approximation is used, this assumption is implicit in the condi- tion where is the Fermi boundary-energy. The quantum kinetic equation, neglecting electron-electron interaction, has the form 416t = (ilhj, ([p, X1 + N Sp. [G., U.11. (4) Card 1/3 5/056/62/045/003/049/o63 On the quantum thbory of the ... B108/B102 where N is the number of impurities per unit volume, U is the interaction potential of an eleotron ~With a point impurity, G is a binary correlative o~;rator. Theu;u~script a refers to the a-th impurity. Eq. (4) is 1 earized by 'i ~g the substitutions Q - f(E) + Q, and G - Go + G1. The quantum lcin~ticlequation for the correction Q, to the equilibrium density matrix is t4en i(opi - (ilk) lp,. Pj + Do (p~) = (VA) If, 9fIl - eED, (10, Do (p) (!A) N Sp. [Go.. U.]. eED, (fi (ilh) N Sp,, IG,~, U. 1.- (12). Eq. (11) is solved for squar-a-law isotropic dispersion of the electrons and scattering from point im~purities. Conductivity in this case-can be found from j i . OSPV iQ1 , (5 illEk' Por the case of an arbitrary dispersion law and a si~all potential of the impurities, Eq. (11) is solved by means Cf'p --'~ uibation theory. The electrical conductivity tensor is split into a '-l:' i4ll ~Part and a part oubject to quantum oacillation, depending on the e`l~-Vit'-on effective mass. Consequently, additional.information on Card 21,11, S/056/62/043/003/049/063 to '~`..qua'nt'um theory of the... B108/B102 n the the eloctron effective mass can be gathered by studying the frequency dependdnce of the conductivity oscillations. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicoteohnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) ~VBMITTEDt April 20, 1962 Card 3/5 ! KOSEVICH, A. M. ffEquations of Motioi',iof Continuously Distributed Dislocations.n report submitted for the Conference on Solid State Theory-, held In Moscow, December 2-12,, 1963,, sporsored by the Soviet AcadeM of Sciences. KOSEVICH, A.M. (Kharlkov); PASTUR, L.A. (Kharlkov) Twins in equilibri-am near the plane surface of an isotropic medium. PMTF no.50742 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:.U) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichesk-iy institut nizhnikh temperatur AN SSSR.