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`~Ipil KORSHUNOV, B.G.; DROBOT, D.V.; BUKHTIYAROV, V.V.; SHE7TSOVA,, Z.N. Interaction of oazarium (III)chloride with the chlorides of sodium,, potassium, robidium, and cesium. M=. neorg. khiz. 9 no.6tl427-1430 Je 96-3 (MIRA 17kg) 1. Moskovskiy institut tankoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosava. ACCESSION NR: AP4009357 S/0078/64/009/001/0222/0223 ..AUTHORS: Korshunov, B. G.; Drobot, D. V. ',,TITLE: Fusibility curves for the YCI NaCl and YCI KC1 systems, 3- 3- ~SOURCE: Zhurnal noorganichaskoy khimii,.v. 91 no. 1, 1964, 222-223 TOPIC TAGS: yttrium chloride containing system, yttrium chl6ride- 'Podium chloride, yttrium chloride-potassium chloride, rare earth ;'recovery, fusibility curve, sodium yttrium chlorine6 p Na JKY tranhtion, eutectics 3YC16, 3 C1101 K3YCl6, polymorphic A 4BSTRACT: The subject systems were studied for the first time to explain the nature of the reaction of the components on crystalliz- ~ng from malts obtained by treating rare earth raw materials with ,Ohlorides. Atmospheric moisture was exclu,-ed from the systems. rom the fusibility curves it is seen that in the YCl -NaCl system 3 ne chemical compound NalYC16 is formed (this forms a eutectic ith YC11,.melting 3600)'* In the KC1 system, two compounds are ~jformed: KT3C1 and K YC16. The latter undergoes polymorphic transition at'9400; fogs eutectic with KC1 welting at 67501 and a Card ACCESSION NR:.AP4009357 eutectic with KY C110 malting at 4300. Orig. art. has: 2 Tables and 2 Figures. 3 ASSOCIAXON: Mo3kovskiy in3titUt tonkoy khi-,nicheskoy tekhnologii im. M. V.. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) SUBMITTEDt' 18APr63 DATE ACQ; 07Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: CH9 PH NR REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 001 Card SAFONOV, V.V.; KORSHUNOV, B.G.; SHEVTSOVA, Z.11.; BAKHM, S.I. Interaction of tantalum trichloride with fused alkall metal chlorides. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 9 no.7sl687- 1691 J1 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Moskovskiy institut, tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni, Lomonosova. KORSENOV, B.-.; U WMLENKOP D.A. Chlcrinat,io,l of lisetal oxijp-s III fuscd salt_ f- khlm. 37 no.o/:1941-1946 S 164. _. Zhur, p0r,,'TiRkAI.17:J0) /6-WITm TV.:,b 4 I tj~ ACCESSION NR: AP5005017 S/Oo7s.16:~Iqjn'C~:2/0562/0,E64 AUV-HOR~.-Drolicit,~~:~D.~-~V-.--;-~Anikina--Gw-Pi:.-;--7Dur-inina. L. V. ..e 3-CaC1 sy tem TITLE: Phase diagram of the YC1 SOURCE: Zhurnalneorganicheskoykhiln,"i, v. 10, no. 2, 1965, 562-564 TOPIC TAGS: yttrium chloride, cesium chloride, phase diaa-am. cesi,im Yttri- urn sub 3, chlorine sub 10, hexachloro yttriun~j complex y( ABSTRACT: A phase diagram wa5 const:,.cted for tht~ YCI -CS(7-i --Ystem (fig. 1) 3 Two compounds were formed: CsYXII(), melting congruentlN at 640C, with 406C, d~'~ 005 001 ) -11, Lransition -it r, a C S 3Y C! 15, 3 0 C p-)1vi-norphic trans;tinn at -15 - 0 Ool m witf g /CM ~Jlat vttr4um formed the YCI m !hf- mrit. Drig. 6 f;gurc- -zmd I table AS"-OCIATION: Mosk-,vskiv institut tonkov khirnic1i(-.-,!kOv I.ekillinlocrii im. M. V. Lomonosova Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Techn2limr ,C.rd Tgp(b) AUMOR: (;..;-,Shevt6ov&, Z. 11 Shad4~ova~ L.G Safonav V.-V.;-Korshj~jo~ TITTZ: Reaction of tantalum- tetrdehloride with sodium and potassiun chlori(.es 27 SOU 669-67 Zhurnal neorganicheskay kh1m1i,-v. 1.0, no. 3, 1965 1 6mp6, 8;odi= !TOPIC TAM ~ potass Iium. c und., an Uat compound tantal= tetrachloride,.. ichloride, potassium chloride,, high' purity metal production, niobium teteachloride eutectic, complex ion, melt The ~ reaction of-tant --tetrachloride vith sodium and potassium chlo--~ AM[BACT: alum. 1 rides in melts has been studiect-be'eause the production of hiGh purity metalE by subha"cle methods is assuming increasing importance. A thernal analysis of the a".teras has been made ancl fusibil-ity diagrams constructed. The T,-014-NaGl Eystem I is of the eAectic type and the eutectic contains 55 mol-% YN-Cl find melts Et 270C.~ The ecraponents of the TaC14-03- system form a K2TaC'6 compound that melts al 7320- 7he eute:!-~Ac formed by K2TaC16 aLd Krl melts at 59CC wrld cortains 75 maol-~'t fr-l' wiiile the elatectic formed by WaC16 arid TaC14 melts at 215C and contains Ebout i 51 Mol.% TaC'JL' Unlike TaC14, the K~Ta~016 compound is optically- isotropic and har. card ASSOMMON: bfoskovskiy.-.ii~sti.tut~~tonk)y khlmicheskoy takimologii im. M.7. lworio-. sova (mosaw Tmstitate of Fine.-Ch4mical Teohnology) SUBMITTED: IOJ'un64 00 Fa " Tj: stm ODDE: IC 140 ETF GOV; OC4 cmmR.- oo6 L2 'E L 3187--66, f.WT(im)/EPF(c)/._ Ijp C) PF ACCIMM R3 /Ib 6 7 -vlwy - si: Ap5oo8484 AUMDR: Sevor4v, v rorshmw. B.G. .7 saftus cklorlds - potasslum chloride oyaten u: The tantalous chlorIft Tn 1965o 672-670 =OWN: Zhvwnal neorganicbeekoV MIMI, Y. 10,9 no 5 ch1wift, tauttalm chlorlftp tentalm isubchlorlde, melt, fusIblUty d1apans, tantalun pnduation., tantalum AFAMPAM: TWL,) atuly WMAcarried c4it for the pmrlme ot obtalaIng data am the electrolysis or tauji&j9hubehlorldes In allcall-metal cW=Ide mtl, Immxch as Iti, Is a prodAlog pathod for the V%vdwtIon of hl&-pzlty tantalm. A thetwimittic analpla show tbat: 1) the a a In the SWI-MI systw fozU solid ollstIcne!' with a win" = at 50 mol.% Wt=IM6518 Cs 2) the TILC13- W1 zystem Is a :Utectu contaln1ag 55 jwl.* SAM and MAtirx at ~220 Cj 3) the c=Wowd 34wl~ i's fox=ed In the TaC13.-Wl systes; 4) the euiectAc forwd by K,,MWIS and wi coiit4us 68 sol.0 W1 *ht melts at 520 CS 5) t1a euteafte forsid by r2M, and IWI cwtalm about 50 s01.%, MI mot malts st. 230 C; and 6) the r2~ compb=d vndA3&;; Po4r- Card 01- L 3187-66 ULUM ACMS:EOIF NE: AP5008484 morrhic tmaeformatlom at 963 0. Data an five internal sections In tlui wl, IM1 ternary system are incorporated in the fusibinty diagram (mg. i or the En- Closure). The experimental reavIts ehow that crystalUzatien nelds (solld solutll# of NeCI andIEL,, and W wm present om the Uquildus surfatm tbAt thO K2T6C Is # 9 point to is euitectIc 6ontaInIng -T 2014 T&C-13, 10 aol.$ W19 and 62.3 mol.$ 21, melting at 516 c,, and correspondtig to a four-pbAse equillbrium JUi tAe K2~wlql NaC1-KCI sysi~em; that the K2TdCIv . compounI is of low theroodyw3de stability In- I A OSMUCU as ita Cv"t4lusettom flild occupies little space in fte phaRe dIdgm; ad that pdverined. saaWles differ In color vith rhase, ewyosition so that TeCI _94M.- site mixttwes am dark- blav. 0;1;* green# `4 Ml-501-r9&C15 m"t"e's arc. figmes A.SSOCIATMNI." toubW kidatches -:In* ova vas xisimmd*~~ ftw CbMAGa TAMOnos cow Molody PISS", Bid: - I am 11:311 0 if no MW Mvi. VUI ZA D 2/0 L 3187-66 fd f -F Mm. m fe 'v do m cl ct Pwibillty durve of the TaClyflaCl- Buo MI SySte324 164. temperatuaii- for,ms v(ere detdrmi frop- culated -.for..p~~rstalli~a -3, c 14 omp , -x where~- R is ra Liquidus, curves melt-~l For--al-L the- investigated- spitems. Al atth:e the most piobable. igment, is ENCLOSURE 0.1 IWO I'v xt Val Art X+Xrd fed go. j4d - o I cict .~ e Ole zal 4X JVKZG US E, S 3 r iv vwl ~ or jv a - C01 KCI ffoL, Pig 1 Phase &Lakrtam of th*e ."'adcl 3- -IlaCl system. Fig. 2. Phase diagram of the: avatem. J- Card AM: ----- ----- DROBOT, D.V.; PETROV, K.I.; BUKHTTYAROV, V.V.; RUBTSOV, M.V. Syater SmGlj - NaGl - KC1. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.7: 1675-A80 Ji 165. (MIRA 18-.8) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy kh'.r-.icheakoy tekhnologii Imeni M.V. Lomonosova. I KORSHUNOV, B.G.; DROBOT, D.V.; SHEVTSOVA, ZA By.-tem YC1 - NaCl - KC1. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no,&1901-1905 Ag ,65. 3 (MIRA i9ti) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologli imeni M.V.Lomonosova. Submittv-4 July 1, 1963. ---- - ------- L 10440--66 rnmA, I/FQ1P(ti/FWP(b1 VP Ic I -in/.Tr, -KC-C-NR- AP600-OiN - ~OURC'E' CODE:* 1~11/008/65/010/009/2120/2123 AUTHOR: Korshunov, B. G. .- Drobot D V.: Durinina, L. V. ORG-. Moscow Institute of Fine Chen-deal Technologyjlq, M. V. Lomollosov (Moskovokly Institut kh~imicheskoy tekhnologii) TITLE: Reaction of lanthanum chloride with samarium (114 chloride and yttritun chloride SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khtmit, v. 10, no. 9, 1965, 2120-2123 TOPIC TAGS: lanthanum compound, samartum compound, yttrium compound , thermal analysis, solid solution, crystal structure, chloride ABSTRACT: Thermal analysis was used to study the interaction In the LaCl~-SmCl. and LaCl --YC1. sjstems. In the LaCl. -SmCl. system, the components form a continuous series 3 of solid solutlDns (Rozeboom type IQ,' The maximum on the liquidus carve corresponds to a content of 88 inole % LaCl. and a temperature of 860C. The LzC13-YC13 systx.,m is of eutectic type. The euf;ecUc point corresponds to 25 mole % LaC1, and 650C. It is shoNm that the solidusl lin6'of the la('Ia-SmCI3 system can be obtained by calculation. The pDints of the calculated and experimental maxima are in satisfactory mutual agreement. The eutectic system LaCla -YC13 was, r-4 1/2 UDC: 541.123+546.6541131+546.11591131+546.6411131' OV 8 G kand. tekhn. nauk; STEFAMUK, S.L., kand, naL~k Chlorine metallurgy. Priroda 54 no.6:63-66 J& 165. (MiRA 18.6) 1. Moskovskly institut tonkoy kbimichaskay tekhnolog.'AL Im. M.V. Lomonosova (for Korshunov). 2. Institut obshchey i neorganichE- okoy khimii im. N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR, Mosk-va (for Stefanyuk). DROBOT, D.V.; -~9_4_�WNOV,,_ DURININA, L,.V. Equilibrium of reactions between lanthanum and preseodymium chlorides and oxygeh.... Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.12: 2189-2196 D 165s'" (Mn?A M12) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkey himicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova. Submitted June 7, 1965. ACC Wo a SOURCE CODE t it 0-2f AUT~ORL_XMshunoy.. B.,G.; Hiihamkin, A. A. 0.1 ........ . . ORG: 14oocov Institutg of FIR2 ChemiraLl Technglostv im. M. V. Lownosov (Pbskovskly institut tonkoy khimicheakoy teMmologii) TITLE., Preparation of fused chlorides containing rare earth elements SOURCE: AN SSSR. adeleniye obahchey i tekhnicheakoy khimii. Iseledove-niya V oblasti khimii i tekhnologii minerallnykh soley i dkieloy (Studies in the.field of chemi-stry.and technol9gy of mineral salts and oxides). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 19659 ~12-313 TOPIC TAG84 rare earth, rare earth compound, rare earth chloride, double chloride qdrate, dehydration, fused salt electrolyte APFMCT: A process has been developed for the direct preparation of the fused chWorides K3MG16 uhere H ia a rare. earth 'element, for the electrochemic I'vin"i'ag of in4ividual rare earth elements. Prior art included an illo-glial and teclinically diAficult step-preparation of individual anhydrous rare earth element chloride. The newly developed process-conaisted of dehydrating doubla chloride 3KC1*MC13.nHZO vhich was obtained by diesolVing a rare earth or rare earth hydroxide in HClj and *adding KC1 in the amount required to form K HC1 . Dehydrated chloride vas melted under conditions excluding oxygen acces 3 Kse4 salt contained 52.5-;--55.5 wt% at The - . 1'. ~- !. ' . , AV-, ~' ~ . :, , . . . Card 2/2 W N . I ~, .. ". ~ ~., , . . 0. 1 1 L , -- - . . . 0 1 .L 4n58-m w(a)/rwvf( )/EW_P(tj/9M IJP.(4 RM WWIJDIJGIGD ~ , 16.4= 1!4&-. - .: ,, , - - 00'001000, AT60ZWJW (Al,' soaamcmgs W Z. N. sm No V* fandsm in wits bontatmim rav OWW- MINE=. TIMU,: Sow aspediv-4ti, OWN somEts mui~m Kier* 1%3. MINUS sour Awa Tmac TAriss nn earm e2omtlp &2k~u ABSTRACT$ An attowt V" rAft to UWM* tb*"- poiA disp~ of blmw s"taw fawd bqr ram r*IAI= to tbo deareaft In lorde radlu frm 5ilillik~.Ul lutoum)ltv change in lr~~ InIr c A" "__ 87 r* I cm Irs Ow=3-ftQ# =3"m is ~jI - 9 _. due the IWAU h 83 It fts im t14 the &M%~ &ffe" eampim fag%Mnm momotodoolU In a* IdArmAsmildth alhou i, olc,662-67 ACC NR, AP6019050 SOURCE CODEZ UlVO078/66/011/002/01.11/0414 AUTHOR:- Korshunov, Be Go,-Drobot, D. V.; G-Alchcnko, 1, Yo.; Shovtnova, Z. Re ORG: ~bscaa Institute of Fino Chemical Technology ime Me V. IDmonosoy (YDskovskiy institut toDnkoy khimichaskoy tekhnologii-) TITLE: Interaction of fused holmium'and erbium chlorides with fused potassium chloride SOURCEs Zhurnal noorganicheakoy khimilp ve, llp no* 2v 1966j 411-414 TOPIC TAGS: thermal analysis, holmium compound# erbium compound, potassium chloride ABSMICT; A thermal analysis has been conducted of the HoCl -KC1 and ErCl 3-01 syst-ans, which had not boon investigated boforos The chemical analysis of chloridod xLqed was 61.14% Ho439.19% G1 for 110013 and 60.95% Er+.39.12% Cl for ErCl ag-ainst calculated values of 60.85% Ho+39.15% Cl and 61.03% Er+38.97%Cl, respoc?,Pvoly. The time-temperature curves were recorded with the aid of a Kurnakov pyromoter. The salts wero fused in quartz-raass Stepanov vessels. The liquidus curves of tho systems ware calculated as proposed by Pe Ehrlich, 0. Kaupa., and K. Blankenstein ~Z. anorg. allgen. Chem., 299, 213, 1959),, and Re Vo Chernov (Ukr. khim. zhurn. 27, 34, 1961)e The resulti of the thermal analysis are given in Tables 1 and 2, and Figurer, 1 a and be CciApounds which were formed in the giyan systems vers identified byk-ray phase analysis in a 1b L 08662-67 ACC NRt AP6019050 F-b 1-9 % Idi qui Primar-y F -b'()% '*qul 131 tic C HoC13 d dus,, so phaso I HDG11 K HO transfomation _t ~ ^"3HoQ6 ~00 0 718 ITOCI 05:0 697 lind, 660 00,0- 6G7 1103 555 65,0 636 IIOC13 552 80.0 ~-560 110CIS + HHOICIF -560 75,0 W 10102CIT 560 '70,0 575 1102cil 560 66, G6 687 H1102CII - 65,0 569. K1102CII 454 -Il 395 '60.0 5,r )o 101020 I 454 55,0 52G 10103CIT 1. 455 397 4031 50.0., - XII(hcj, . 453 -"--460 . 395 i 45,0 454 . c 10102CII + 1(311() 14 ... . 4 . . . 395- :40.0 . 628 1(flo'cl, + K'noo, . 45 ..- . - f '4 ,35 0 , 7,10 KI(o2Cii + H311oC14 457 400 1 ~A,3:33 -760 K1103CIr + K311()CII 453-, 4034 :30.0 BDO rHOICIr + X3110CIS . 456 400 0 25.0 816 1(1102c" + K3110c's .... . 7 40 , 1 :20.0 704 - KIIo:Cjj + H3114iL.1, - 662 404 ,15,0 725 Kjjo,Cj, + X311VU. 664 398 10.0 . 664 K311001, + KCI I w 0 6 400 6,0 750 ' 6 Table le Results of the thorma anQ7518 of the Ho C13-ga -67 ACC NRI AI'60,19050 Tnuip,w-ituro, C ")14"1 Liqui-' I-rim:iry -1116 '1 -EuL --UL'61 ~jo lyAo r, 110 uj r OU U dull phaso toct KEr CI 4 K ErCIO transformation 3 10 ~ci KJ& 6 K~~' of Y'3F'rC'6 10(1.0 - 76-1 )-rrIj 95.0 702 Fr(I 3 85,0 617 W;13 492 80.0 621, I-,rClj 490 575 X,03 48G 70.0 11.10 400 416 66. 06 5 14 416 65.0 49(). (.,().o 485 HErsClIt 416 !-,5. 0 .472 ' XEr3CI,e . .416 50,0 416 -f- IUras KEraClic t 416 45 0 - 1(3rrClo 7 .4 16 3-10 40:0 60G 1(31~"rC'6 t 416 340 35 0 7 17 '416 340 33:33*** 743 1(.,I'rCl. 416-- 340 30.0 762 KsErCIS ' 416 :343, 25.0 780 K3ErCIs 343i 20.0 740 ' KErcI4 642~ '337; 15,0 642 . X&ErCls CZ. rj42 :3404 100 683 XCI o ; 640 5 0 , 728 ", l -KCI '6421 00 i74 KCA ... .. I'M Table 29 Results of the thermal analysis of ErGl3-XQ system L o8662-67 ACC NRI AM19050 ter Im JW w nw. W 4 mom . w JW *WNS"Ol m Z; AV Nckwa % . . . i . m . ft O Jw6p 3 , ON4 I = n M use. . o me 411 pif J40., zzz 12- KCI,WA Figure lo Phase di&gr*m BOG13; b Cord A 07 ACC NRs AF6019050 0 YLC1 C1 3 F-rC13 3HO C16 I A X3ErGl6 "3y"6 qgd,~ 40 im IOq com;ound3 and their chlorides Figgtwa 2. Roantgmogm of YC16 1, 08662-67 ACC NRg AP6019050 Table 3i, Relative densities of compounds in RU 3-KC1 systems (R a Ha, Er) System Compound ~Io r HOC13-KC1 M02C17 light yellow 34,614 HoC16 white with yellow bus 29749 ErC13-KC1 t 301io reddish-violet 3.677 X3FZrC'6 reddish-violet 2.768 R.K.D. 57.3-mm diameter camera with nickel filter and copper radiation* The results of the analysis confirmed the formation of new phases in the RC1 3-KC1 systems CR - Ho,&), Roentgenograms for K3RC16 (R - Hol, Ert Y) compounds In Figure 2 give evidence of their isomorphism. The authors attribute the isostructural properties of these compounds to the isomorphism of the original chlorides and yttrium. The effea.ts observed in the ErCl -K01 syztem at 376C could not be explained, Dons~~ies of all low-temperature modi J'?ions (Table 3) woo fica re determined using CG14 with dZd a 1.5828 g/cM3. Orige Ma-to hast 2 fig.and 4 tables. SUB CODEs 07/ SUBM DATEs O5Feb65/ ORIG RUt 004/ OTH REF: 002 a IF W 0 0. IV 0 AD 9 1; M a k It a a 91 WAt -p- L L. A 141, ..9- !T- 1"PP-POPPV - ~ !- -%0C got$$ AM6 000004fift -01, 00 Is its S:, Kbr~ rrim!"tim -40 1946. ". 11/12. If) to 211~~ tv 4) i,s I-at Its 11W t4nlrw 14 04 JW.4111,lilms. -00 Ilw hum-a myop wohru dw err ~JsjlprA v,fsmi 111JUM 11 W Itall'I.-firli Isom maski 111F.-I-1111 Wil"14 IrIAS J~l sipp. 00 sun"S.1 fat reduclum thew IIAM4. M. lh~xh Not 00 nos see -gee 00 woo 1*0 slow 00.111T age madk MW AV -0 it- 4 3 0 iv to a it Wilull man Imll 000000000 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 4p 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4-WO-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 40 0 a 0 0 KORSmOvq Bog.o i wim, r.p. wHandbook'of Instructions an tin Crgatift of Nww for llw,.* pmw Cowm*tlm In the Proftetlou'at Oxypu" (Ramadpahemye ukasmiya po. , udslnYkh reakhodow elektroenergli na proizvodstva kislorou), ~,qnbtry of Suctrio Stations USSR, Gosenergonedsor. Go"n*rgoiW&t, 1 7 pp-)Ifq-7 Abrazi-main zatochka i icvalka 41-verdo-spla-rozo va, Ea~;hgiz, 1`50. 95 p. illus. Abrasive sharpening -and finishing of a hard-allo-Y tool. DI,C: TLJ12"M. 1:7 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Lil-rary of Congress, 1953. KORSHUNOV,- B-.--S. and KARATYGIN, k. M. Xhialk6-mekhanichaskli sposob obrabotki tyerdykh splavov. (vestv. Mash., 1950, Noe 3.29 p. -40-34) DLCs TX4-V4 (Choulcomehanical treatwnt of hard alloys.) SO: ~Ianufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Ilbrary of Congress, 1953. 1. KCRS=OV, B. S. 2. USSR (6oo) 7. Results of the work of Sharpenin-,, and Finishing a Tool Equipped with Hard Alloy, Instrument High-Sneed Cutting of Metals - Bit Used, 1951 9. Commilation of Information of the USSR Rachine and Machi,-,e Tools Induntry Coniptined in Soviet Publications. 4~ 1. KARATYGIN, A. M., KORSWNOV. B. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Metal Cutting 7. Sharpening and polishing cutters coated with a mineral-coramic film. Vast =Lnh No 11 1952. 8 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-nr 11 -1953, Uncl. KORSMOV-B, - -- - - - - - - Grinding and Polishing Grinding hard-alloyed instruments with grinding wheels made of black silicon carbide. Stan. i instr., 23, no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List 2.f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November _iq5i, Uncl. 2 KARATYGIN, A. M. Docent, K~M__T "OV B. S. GRINDING AND PUTSHINO Gringing a cast cutting tool. Vest. mash. 32 nt. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, OCtOber -1951, Uncl. 2 KARATYGIN, A.M., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk; KOBSMOV, B.S., kandidat tekhni- chemkift nauk. QM64~-- Zopping of hard-alloy tools with the DI now abrasive. Testemeb- 33 n0-11: no N 153. (NLVA 6:12) (Grinding and polishing) 1 13. S. KARA YGIN, A.M., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, dotment; KOHERMY B.S.# inshoner, retse:4111;31 W, kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; FUNIN, Yu.L z 12 0 I;T- 19' ZU3UNOVSKIY, M.K.. Inshoner, retsensent; ZATULOYMY, D.I., kan- didat tekhalcheskikh amuk, rodaktor. [Sharpening and lapping cutting tools] Zatochka I d6vodka reshn- shchego instrumenta. Moskva. Goo. nanchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashino- stroitellnoi i sudoetroitallaot literatury, 1954. 206 p.(NLRL 717) (Cutting tools) Us""R/Miscell.aneous InduArial Processes Card 1/1 Author : Korshunov, B. S. Title : 1~rofiling, grinding and lappina of a shared hard-alloy tool Periodical Stan. i Instr., No. 5, 20 22, Nlay 1954 Ab9tract Five basic requirements for the profiling, grinding and lappingof~%haped hard-alloy tools. The abrasive rrofiling method is considered best, but very exy)ensive and the least oroductive. The anode-mechanical methA has some economical advantages but warrantzno profile accuracy. The author recommends a combination cf both technololaical methcds and offers proof of suitability of such a combination. Tables,, drawrin-'F.. Institution Submitted UM/mIscellaneous - Cutting tool5, Card'. Aut-hors I Korsh.unov, B- and O-eir_osytm, L. N. L Title I Grinding of a hard-alloy, Periodical. Stan. i Instr., Ed. 6, 23 25, June 1954 Abatract Invastigations were conducted to determine wthods of grinding and sharpening hard-alloy .cutting tools (made of T15K6p T30K4, and T6oK6 steel) with composition grinding wheels. Tables and graphs specifying individual grinding operations, and listing different work speeds, typed of abrasive grains, and feeds, are presented. KORSHUNOV, B.S., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. * --Xllve-IIIAN~ Now equipment for sharpening the knives of hay mowers. Sellkhos- mashina n0-9:30-33 2 '54. (ML" 7:9) (Mowing sachines) - KCRSMOT, B.S. Profiling, grinding and lopping of a hard-alloy forming tool. Stan. I instr. 23 no.5:20-22 Ky 134. (KLR& 7-6) (Machine tools) KCRSHUNOV B.S. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk The quality of surfaces finished by various methods. [Izd.] LONITOMSH no.34:195-2o4 l54. (NLRA 8:10) (Surfaces (Technology)) KCMZHT-?~'T, B.S. KUI)RYAVTSBV. Ivan Yesillyevich. doktor takhnic.'wakikh asuk; BOWUNOT, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, inshener; ZAININ, Mikhail Favlovich; UDALITSOV. A.N.. glavnyy radektor; MAWY, kendidat takhnichookikh nauk, reclaktor; nv kandidat takhnicheakikh nouk, redaktor; GRISHIN, VA., inshener, redaktor [Strengthening filets of large shafts by, surface peening. Now. construction of ring electrodes of electromachining tools. Tibratlon equipment for electric spark machining for hardening and metal costing] Uprochnenle geltelat krupnykh valov poverkh- nostDys naklepon. Noysia konstraktotis kolltsevogo elektrods alaktroarosionnogc stanke. Tibratsionnals ustanoyke dlis elektro- arotionnogo uprochneniis i pokr7tits metalloy. MOBIva, 1956. 11 p. (Peredovoi proisvodstvanno-takhnichaskii opyt. Ber.8, Nekheniche- skoe uprochnente detalet t metody elektricheskoi obrabotki metallov. No-T-56-252/6) (KIBA 10:9) 1. Moscow. Institut tokhniko-okonomicheakoy informstaii (Metal cutting. Blectric) La PRI'M -R.Awfm kandidst takhnicheakikh nauk-, LY-MINKATA, O.-W 9 ANOYM. P.D., tokhnicheekly radaktor 0~ (Grinding and finishing of cutting tools] Zatochke t doyodko reshushchago instruments. Mosleys, Too@. uchobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervtzdat. 1956. 126 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Cutting tools) KORSHMV. B.S., kandidat tekhatcheskikh nauke .' " ; iw' Grinding bard alloys by current-eonducting abrasives. Vest, mash. 36 no.6:39-0 Je '56. (wm q.- lo ) (Grinding and Polishing) 599 now The Effect of the Grit Size and Hardness of Grinding Theels on the Surface Finish and Crack Formation in the Grinding of Car- bides. (Vliyaniye Zernistosti I T7erdasti ShlifovalInykh Krugov Na Chistotu Poverkbnosti I Treshchinoobrazovauiye Pri Obrabotke Trerdykh Splavov). ICAL: 11 Sjt~ii J'~ Insit'r-ument" (Machine Tools and Cutting Tools,, No'.3, 1-957# PP:M- 4. tu.ZAOB~J. CT: The surface rougbness in microns is plotted against thegrinding speedt the hardness of the abrasive and its grit number. A numerical table gives the depth of cracks formed. The surface finish is determined in the first place by the abrasive grit'. The hardness of the abrasive mainly determines the formation of cracks" Soft wheels should be used for ordinary work and bard wheelsofor profile work ,. There are 4 graphs and 2 tables. KDRSMOT. B.S. Modern toohniqueg in lapping cuttirIg to. alioYs and m Ins 18 equipped with hard ral-cOramic bits. Trudy 38m. Po kach. povqrkh. no,3.1223-.235 157. (XIBA JOVII) (Guttivg tOOls)- (Grinding and Polishing) AUTHDR:- JWLjWAVpB.S- PA - 362o TITIM The Grinding of Hard A.1loys by the Application of Double Cooling. (Shlifovanie twerdykh splavoy a primenenbso dvoynogo oku"hdaniya, Russian) PERIODICAL Stanki i Instrument, 1957, Vol 28, Nr 6, pp 27-28 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTWT: Two parallel prowess* take place during the grinding of hesd alloyss the wahs-Acal sepsamidon of the hwd allay particles by grinding off the ocbalt binding, the stripping off and partly shearing off of oa*i4s oores and the prooess of caddation of the binding uA the alloy calbides by the high teeperature fo=dzg In the grinding zonA. Besides, Cracks and rents are apt to fora on the hard alloy surfaou during grinding. Cooling is one of the means by which gxindimg is rendered more easily and w1doh also lWrores its quality. Gard 1/2 ASSOCIATIM PRIBIX20 BrI SUWTM: AVAIWIX: At present not ady various Coolants with different feed velocities, but also various different mthods are being ejWloyeds external Cooling, or & ombination of external and internal Cooling (thmugh the pores of the grinding disk), in which case intezmal. Cooling serves as a sort of lubrioations Grinding disks with bakelite and oerwdo binding we" used in tests. PA - 3620 The Grinding of Hard Alloys by the Application of Double Cooling. Spindle oil ma used for internal oooling, and a 3 - 5% upeous solution of sodium nitrate was used for external cool-b-Z. The in- ternal Cooling s stem and wirperimental. results are shown. (4 Illustrations Not given Library of Congms Card 2/2 _2 r 'VAC43mNped etc Vetuilcal gm-4 mechazical mediod for Pbrad --tro, ' ' i V., I!, I It 1: IL~j-rlik wit"] appit-t ull'I'l In , fle- x! w~-3 th~ ~u 1j= qUallty. F10-11% 1-tcr --d 10 It, grt;lter feed I 3exesse the mte of the met I removai, hu et f", tomer should not he higbel, than 1.2~1.5 m./m. to prevent CXCI!53ive Vlashing. A.c. has tio effect. Cat_, KOSKACHW, Ivan Grigorlyevich. lnzh.;.,XCRSMOT B.S., kand.takhn. nauk. nauebAyy red.; SAMMMIKOVA, L:,4., red,,; FMCN, NeNe., [Antavatic hard facing of metal-cattlug tools by weld deposition) kwtomtisatella naplavkl rembushch1kh Instru- usntov. Moskva, Tmemmehabno-pedagog.isd-vo Trudroservlsdat, 1958. 108 p. (Novala takhniks I peredovp metody trade). (NIU 12:6) (M!otal-cuttlng tools) (Hard facing) KORSHUNOV, B~S., kand. takhne nauk Grindability of rapid and alley tool stools. Trakt. i wellkhosmsh. no.4:38-41 Ap 159. - . (MIRA 120) (Tool steel) KORSMOV. B.S.,.inzh. -- -,-- Absorption of voisture by thermal insalaters at low temperatures. Kioler*d 12 n@.1:19-22 59. (KIRA 12:6) (Insulation iftat))' (Absorption) KORSHUNOV, B.S., kAnd.tokhn.nauk 6UAtIng tool equipped with cornet, Trakt.i ael'Idiosmash. no.1:40-43 A 160. (NIRk 13:4) (Notal-cutting tools) ~ wz~ KORSHUNOV. B.S.. kand.takho.nauk Grinding and lapping hard alloy cutting tools with diamond grind- iag wheels. Awt.pron. no.6--36-41 Je 160. (KM 13:8) (Grinding and polishing) Pianonds, Industrial) KAPJkTYGIN,. A.M.,, kand.tekhn.riauk, dotsent; KORSHUPOV, B.S., kand.tekhn. nauk Using diamonds in grinding and lapping hard-alloy parts. Vest. mash. 41 no.3.1-.0-63 N 161. NIRA 14:11) (Grinding and Polishing) .. (Diamonds, Industrial) I--- NwjU KAUTYGINP A.M.j, kand.tekhn.nauk; KQRSHULiOVj B.S. kand.tekhn.nauk Diamond machining of cutting tools equIpped ~fith hard alloys. hinostr. 42 nc.llt47-49 N 162. (14MA 15:1-1) (Metal-cutting tools) (Grinding and polishing) KORSHUNOV, B. S., kand, takhn. nauk C, The 3B72MB surface grindine machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infom. Goo.nauch.-isol,inst.nauch. i tekh.Worm. no.10'14-45 '62. (MIRA 15zlO) (Grinding machines) KARATYGIF.t A.M., kand. tekhn."nauk; KOR51-'MIOV.,'~.S., kand. ., MUWV, Te.B.1, pro , doktor tekhr.. tekhn. nauk- nauk, retsenzent; ZAVOZIV, L.F., inzh., red.; IVANOVA, N.A., red.izdva; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. [Grinding and lapping metal-cutting tools] Zatochk& i dovodka rezhushchego instrumenta. Izd.2.p perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 19631. 270 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Metal-cutting tools) (Grinding and polishing) KO&SHUNOV, B.S.f kand.tekbn.naux School for diamond machining at the &h1bition -f the Achievements of the National Economy. Mashinastroltell no.1:43 Ja 165~ (MIRA 18:3) KORSHUNOW P. D, 0 -.An~h- --- I ---- Couposite reinforced concrete roofs In industrial construction. Fromeetroi,i insh.soor. 4 no.l.-28-31 JA-F 162. 0,0A 15:8) (Roofing, Concrete) (Industrial buildings) KORSHUNOV~L_U,O Inah.; AKATOV, G., inah. Testing part of a composite roof. Promq atroi. I insh. moor. 5 no.2:20-24 mr-Ap 163. (Roofing,, Concreto-Testing) (MIRA 164) BOV/97-58-12-3/13 AUTHORS: Yarin, V.N., Member of ASiA Ukrainian 58R, Professor; Rivkin, S.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; and rshunov Per*yaslavtsev, N.A. and Kiailiyer, M.I., ngin*ers. TITLE: Use of Precast Large-Block Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Columns of the Main Building of Simferopol' GRES (Opyt primeneniya abornykh krupnoblochnykh zhelezobetonnykh fundamentov od 1 . kolonny glavnogo korpusa Sixforopollskoy WES PERIODICAL; Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Nr.12, pp.449-453 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Engineers N.A. Pereyaslaytoev and J.I* Kisiller, of theXilmv Dzwwh of Teploelektropro-yekt, designed a new type of precast large'-block reinforced concrete foundation aa illuatrated in Fig.l. These now foundation slabs were tested by the UyG.V,j%t=aAv=3 Engineering Institute .(Kiyovskiy)inzhenerno-stroltellayy institut),KLyaw Branch of Tep.Loelektroproyekt and by Yuzhenergostroy (Engineers I.F. Pishohik, -Yu,A. Vollters Card 1/3 and S.K. Frahiyalgovskly). The foundation blocks were Gig M=MMM30~1 SUV/97-58-12-3/13 'Use of Precast Large-Block Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Columns of the Main Building of Sinferopoll: GRES. designed to carry 500 t positioned centrallys they measure 5.2.x 3.5 z and weigh 15.7 t. The weight of the saddle in 10o6 t. Concrete of mark 300 was uied, with reinforcement from hot rolled steel of standard profile mark 25G2S. Fig.2 illustrates the points which were taken into account in testing, The foundations were tested b~,a load gradually Increasing by 0*5-1 kg,/cm2, up to the brokking limit. Table 1 given values obtained during testibgs Fig. 3 Illustrates the character of cracks which appeared., and Fig.4 shows the deformation of the foundation slab. Fig., 5 illustrates the method =which the calculation of-the foundation is based: formula for the bending moment of the loaded foundation is presented and explained. The calculation of the foundation for shear stresses is carried out according to NiTU 123-55. The following recommendations are given for the construction of precast foundations: the concrete should not be of lower mark than 200; to save steel the size of the saddle should be bigger; account should be takon Card 2/3 of the shear stressesand the necessity for stirrupa and 30V/97-58-12-3/1~ Use of Precast Large-Llock Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Columns Of the Main Build:Lng of Simferopol' GRES. bends obviatedi the recess in the foundation housing the beam should have *allis not less than 300 mm thick; the reinforcement of the slab should be carried through the whole of its length, as should also the reinforcement of the saddle. The results of the above tests were taken into account in designing the precast large-blook reinforced concrete construction under the columns of the Simferopol' GRES (see Fig.6). Assembly was carried out by the- DonbasBenergostroy of the Ministry of Building of the Ukrainian 38R (Miniaterstvo stroitellstva USSR). The foundations were produced by the "Stroydetall" factory. Assembly was carried out by cranes BK-403 and BE-4050 of 40 t capacity. Assembly of 70 foundation slabs with a total volum of 1066 m3 of reinforced concrete was carried out in 15 days. Table 2 gives values Indicating labour Card 3/3 requirements. There are 6 figures and 2 tables. LIBERMAN. A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; KORSHUNOV, D.A., inzh. Selecting types of panels for cellingn of induntrial buildings. Prom.strot. 38 no.1:20-22 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Hauchno-iseledovatelleMy Institut strolt9lInfth konstruktaly Akademii stroitel'stva I arkhItektury USSR. (Concrete slabs) (Ceilings) RIVKJJ1, Solomon Abramovich; KOASHUEOV) Dmitr~y__Akd~-qyevich; FRLI,KELI, 'TlaF--f i 0 j re Mariya Matveyevna; SH 1p . a.; LEUS11CM0, N.L., tekhn. red. (Precast reinforced concrete foundations for frame buildings) Sbornye zhelezobetonrqe fundamenty karkasnykh zdanii; raschet i konstruirovanie. Kiev,, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR9 1962. 135 P. (Concrete footings) (MIRA 15:4) LIMMN, A.D.0 kand.tokhn.nauk; KORSHUNOV9 D.A., inzh* campositq roofs for industrial buildings. Bet. i zhel,-bet. 8 no.7:289-294 JI 162o (KMA 15:7) (Roofing,, Concrete) (Industrial buildings) KORSHUNOV, D.A., in.7,h. Determining the control breaking load for precast reinforced concrete Vroducts. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.12&557-559 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Precast concrete-Testing) LIBERMAN, Allfred Davidovich;.KORSHUNOV ggtrJg AnArAgivichp RUBACH, oil ga rLLUmJM11-j MiTIWTY-, Igor' AIWIMevich; KIYANICHMOY N.S., red.; LEUSHCHENKO, N.A., tekhn. red. [Large reinforced concrete structures in industrial construction] Krapnoraimernyo zholezobotonnye konstruktsii v promyshlennom stroitellstve; ix opyta stroitellstva me- khanosborochnogo korpusa savoda atankov-avtomatov im, Gor1kogo v Kieve. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i. arkhit. USSR, 1963. 49 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Precast concrete construction) KORSHUNOV, D.A., inzh.; KOZLOV, V.Sh., inzh. Standard elemento for precast monolithic short ohelIva Stroi, konatr. no,2:5-14 165o (MIRA 1802) 1. Nauchno-isdledovatellakiy institut stroitelinykh konstruktsiy SSSRP Kiyev (for Korshunov). 2. Kiyevskiy Gosudaretvannyy proyektnyy institut ro obehahestroitellnomu i sanit&rno- tekhnicheskomu proyektirovaniyu promyshlennykh predpriyatly Goustroya BSSR (for Kozlov). KOZLOV, V.Sh., inzh.; SAMOLETOV, M.V., inzh.; KHARITONOV, I.G., inzh,; !~O~ff NO ,,Aand. tekbn. nauk J,_I).A Standardization of open gantry cranes. Prom. strol. 42 no.6: 20-23 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut po obahchestroi- tellnomu i sanitarno-tekhnicheskomu proyektirovaniyy promyshlennykv, predpriyatiy Gosstroya SSSR (for all except Korsbunov). 2. Nauchn&- issledovateliskiy institut stroltellnykh konstruktsiy Gosstroya SSSR (for Korshunov). KORSHUNOV, D. V. 556 Opyt mokhanizatall I slaktritikatell trudqywkiklh'p~Ots9ssov na shivotnoyodaheskikh fermakh kolkhosa imeni suardlova, Aramialskogo rayow Sverdlovskoy o blaari. TM.), 1954. go. 20 am. (H-vo selliskogo Khozyaystva SSSR. K-Yo sovkhosca.SSSR. Vaesoyuz. nauch. lnzh-tekhn. O-vo ongrgetikov. KNOW.- tekhn. soveshchaniye po sekhanizatsil i elektrifikataii trLdoyeskM- protsessaw shivotnowodstva). 1.000 ekz. Bespl.-4/."154-546417, p 636.0025 (47-81n) SO: Ldshnaya Letopis,, Vol. 1. 1955 KORSHUNOV, G. I%- - I Technological planning and the protection of labor. Sotv.trud no.6:60-62 Je 157. (KIRA 10:7) (Industrial safety) KORSHMOV, G., kand.takhn.nauk (Sverdlovsk); SOBOLIT, P., inzh. (Sverdlovsk) Technology Is improving but air pollution does not decrease. Okh. truda I sots.strakh. no.1:39-40 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:5) (Induatrial hygiene) ,G-3--.7- ;-. G. ~'. T A. D. 114-ch!-nization of k-idraulic enC-,i-n;ecr'rg in ceclarati~:,-,. -V-~~ p - I "Os~ Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 10,50. 333 p. (Uchebnik~- J- i;chebnye posobila dlia sellskokhozi-iistvei-inykh tekhnikumov) (51-3800/~) TC145.Plc'6 (Cortinued on next'. card ) I-KORSKUNOVA-- G. S. 7554-57 KORSHMVA G. S.8 A. I., IXWNITSA NA 35 KOYEK (S POLIELDUOY NA 75 POSM009T v MM). X., IZD*VU G fMZDRAVA,, 1954. 48160 SK. (M-VO ZDRLVOOUR4KMIYA MS. VSESOM. GOS. IN-T PO PROYEKTIROVANIYU )MUr SAM. I LMZBNO-PRWILAKT. SOORUZHENIY "GIPROZDRAV". TIPOVOY PROYEKT. NO. 2-05-15.) 500 EKZ- (250). B. TS. SVETOGR. IZD. 614.2n: 692 SO: KNIZHNAYA LF,?OPIS--Vol. 7, 1955 M~ lir. HI( JH-VOLTAGE PULSE GENERATOR IN THE NANOSECOND RANGE (USSR) ~q Wyev,'G. A., 0. A.. Meayats, and QC..~~ Pribory i tekhnika k Perimenta, no. 2,.Mar-Apr 1963, 98rl0l.- S/120/63/000/002/023/041 A recently developed spark-g-ap pulse generator is described which was. de- si g1ned to deliver cle4n high-voltage pulses of the order of a nanosecond in duration. The discharge electrodes and pulse-forming capacitance were enclosed in a chamber which could be pressurized up to.severa.1 atmospheres; the electrodes were 1.4-cm spheres of stainless s1eel. c,`app.e:d~ with mcilybdenum. _ The distance.between them was adjustable. The charge cir- cuitry was conventional, but care was taken to o timize output pulse shape, p inciuding the use of a ceramic discharge capacitor and parallelled output cAb~les of 75-ohm- impedance each. The effective inductance of the latter Card 1/2 L 1732 -MiT(1)/RtqAS(w)-2 AFFTCAWSM -Pab-4 S/0120/63/00 4/0115/0117 ACCESSION NR: AP3004902 0/00 AUTHOR; Menyatas 0. A.; Kornhu ov, G4 So TITLE: investigating the operation of a 3-electrade spark gap with nanosecond stability of dis.charg f-SOURCE: Pribory*i-tbkhnikii--iDks--p-a-r-i~ne-atao no. 4, 1963. 115-117 TOPIC TAGS: spark gap. 3-electrode spark gap ABSTRACT: Some theoretica1 considerations are, set forth and experiments are briefly described with a whose third electrode Is ubad as a peakini; awl pre-ionizing device. Breakdown time vs. spark-gap length ciaracteristics were experimentally investigated at 14 and 30 kv. The beat resultslwere obtaimed witl 14 kv and 0. 1 mm third-electrode gap, error of operating tim t was t! nano-~ second. Orig. art. has: 3 hgures and 5 formulas. 7 )24 Ccrd lo V.OHOB'YXVj G.Aj GOLyWKIYV A.I.) KORSJWNOVI G.S. Oscillographic recording of the front of a high-voltage nano- second pUse, Prib. i tekh. ekap. 8 n0-51216-217 S-0 163. (MIRA 16t12) 1. Toiiaiy politekhnichaskiy institut, ion Acassicu rim AMW49, /0109/64/009/065/OW2/OWT AUMOR: Mesyatsp 0. Aq Usoto Yus Pe; Korshmov TITIE: Investigation or.the spark lag in Irradiated gays for use In nanosecond., pulse work i SCURCE: Radlotekhnika I tlektronika,, ye~- 9,, no. 5; 1964,, 882-Wr TOPIC TAGS: spark gap, spark lag# Irradiated spark gap, julse work, nanosecond pulse work ABSTRACT: Re C* Fletcher's Investigations (Phys. Rev., 1949,.76, lo, 15ol) were continued with a view tatard using the results in nanosecond pulse work; From a ourge.generator with a sealed'Sap K (see Fig 1 of the Encloomle), pulses were applied to an auxiliary 0*5-m gap G vhooe spark irradiated the main gap G. 'The latter was.either of an open-tjlpe cr a quartz-vindow sealed type (at 360 tor4 A.poeitive 15-ky peak was umed In all. the experiments* The irradiation time van varied by altering the length of the. 0. supply cable. The effect of Ahe Inten- 64 ad t1w of irradiaticu an the 10-9-sec-front-"e I" was stvAiede Also., "ty Card -1/3 KORSMTNDV, I., gvardii mayor. r-- or". Packing lov-power radio Mr '53 * (ftalo. Military) transmitters. Voen.evias. 11 no.3:39-W (KM 813) (Radio stations) VINNICHENKO, Nikolay Gavrilovich; VLASOVA, Yevgeniya Nikolayevna; KORSHUNOV, Ivan AlQjcseyevich; SHCHERBAKOV, P.D., retsenzent; -t9L1CHM-)-V-.d-.,retaenzeng; KRISHTALI, L.I., red.; V00BIYEVA) L.V., tekbn. red. [Economic potentials of a locomotive depot; practice of the Tula Locomotive Depot, Moscow Railroad] Ekonomicheskie rezervy lokomotiv- nogo depci ormt lokomotivnogo depo Tula Moskovskoi dorogi. Moskva, Transzheldorisdat, 1962. 54 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Moscow Province-Railroads--Management) R.V.; BATALOV, A.P.; GLAZOV, V.M.; 11', q~W, prof.; KUTSEPRI; V.F.-, IJOVOTOROV, II.F.; ORLOVA, A.A.; PWROV, A.M.; SITAFIYEVI A.I. (Problems in i-adiochemistry]Sbornik zadach po radiokhimii. [By) R.V.Amenitskaia i dr. Pod red. I.A.Korshunova.. Gor'kii, Gorlkovskil gos. univ. im. I.I.Lobachevskogo, 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 15--.11) 1. Prepodavateli khimicheskogo fakullteta Gorlkovskogo gosudar- stvennogo universiteta im. II.I.Iobachevskogo (for all) (Radiochoralstry) seessesseefoo, 044~ 0 (v 0 i 04 9 w It 9 4 (b 1. f[VTf_v_.W1k_r a Po I III a 00 4 Mil 0, smasist ma retwiffigs WAKE 001 % 00 :.maw_ own wommommomp Now ok *owes* a 9 0 41 9 0 a "of do* -100 INIALLUftKA& Ll"RAIM CLANMIM -ILA 119M Ida* MAN, GOT all 1111.31 IN a" III 'u AT "D m J, 9 2 111 4 2 owe : 0 o 0 00 0_0*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000*01000*00000 we -A* 0 Joel 2601 0 o 0 0 0 0 - ~lt a 8 a 0 A m 1 it AA 011 Ot 0 U1 XXVISPOOla it 44 00 ~ , t. 0 mwd" Mix COW In OW n" 40 im s *0 f v 0 o P. 1. A. KwdWw. J. Ckw. IW- (AftwilwO 12. JMj:==Tv-Tw-nmw their rv*61&wc to silark dur. -00 f a t 1-15 X 26 mm. in size we staket! in * ZI&Tt 3-3 h i h f 150 i -00 00& .4 IJID- -M rs- tc ur . to St n P we then lwdkl"l all :1111, AM' la ddvr The W .001 II h . y i il l f t i tlif e amm vo st e r~wstj% s. amm Arla e OW S n wrto -00 00 00 fackst to" amms" treatelf With littoced ad. slixtA.'d may dai tw used. ix behrlite Wquers itch im mki 00 , , p 11. M. Lek-toter 004 age 00.7 I 00 goo 00 1 goo see .11 049 off--- lb uAV go Lola; j V -9 A I F I --V-lr 0 0 a to of 4 2 a If 2 9 a a is a 'L '1 1' A i a ad a a9 :,AO : 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 ~ 0 * "0 0 0 0 0 : : 0: I Oo 0004)0000000000000! 0000000 04400040 4 see soo woo goo ' *fly IF f7flfzj!& a k A I kj:t~b OWN WIS A40 POMNIX6 ft"I p * 1 a ap IC ' A. F. UPwith- swat WIN" a amudioglg&. -00 *d mw 1. ALBO&Mw. J. pop, chm, (U. S. S. A.) -00 i"%MY. MW- Abapaw (M Makh & AMaYs) , 2 VA Zawe nmw* ma-a i. &Wawd 11 -, Mw% Mh M df"". n. Mahmads - - froombloopmw 04 w 0 " ad./ad. St W. The a in iwm~ vio, 2 (SmoodOW) how 9046% C4 1 -m damw a ima SAAW am ew./mm. st 0 of C. L. H. W, 00& Ass-I&A dn&"Ass" U"Mvm CUNPXNM sea Us seen O"afty 11109 ip fo il di it A i d i it is 41 4ij& I Inot to 4me Olliffavaq 30V * 0 41 00000 w Iff wtwll&-q~~ . . . . . . a 0 0 0 0 0 9 w ; r*- 00000000*00*000000000 -.00000*41000 0 1 4 of 4 a a :PO y I I I I I f I I any OOA 1 .0-9 too so"" 40 10 *A 00 PNC fus AND Pld"$Fiat *044 -00 00_ 04S :4 a 74 00 000 66 it , 0 d -00 060 u Ili. nowl-11,A.41pollsomor. J.Phr- S ?= 000 004 004("Mh MaL Abossola, Ca & - , I -00 off n awkshimork Metwol 1 -TIM wakw -TV MO. The Illook all 100001illl d OWINO ftWA W.711% woo 'Poo go 61040by dm�O a wo WN a IOD cd.INW. " ' ' * OOND - OW call.1mul. at 25% of moo of lip l T far vallul *A With dal!!w!"tad Inxn exist 004 $aye in Has" see L. D. 0*0 me* moo 1 0 - moo ,6 0 900 400 400 see A 5 S. 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Oil PO mmI Im o0s Oftx- 4w InRlim ' ' 4T 19 a IM/le 00 00' au t-Wivealm 000 in Pw" PM "Or a am p ~ Pv""" - J p - . 0 S&M 00 0 MOJL 1 C - -11 m a fox 0 my wa ~rl p on OID *0 .a " var"I ON pa ft~ 0 W~ 1 00 000 p" % AP 0410 Is 0 W" 94L ,on Is am , m N s WA pox 0 E too V an 1 I cm p ay i XON2 wp~ p on ~11MIPMI I r 4*0 pa 4m pw 1 see, low so- of Of x"m $611411059 day OVIONSId TWO ON IRV r - r 00 o Vol . . . . . . 0,04 0 0 a 0 0 -AL Ak ft -.& - 010 AL 000*00000 0* a* * 0* 0010601000000900 **so** 8090000000*60090 * *I* *ON* go 00 0 0 1***** o:1::::: A~wt VMS! I ~b f I FI! - TI ? 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A. -41 tell Mthments H F . , was S AS L A AWTALL~AL 4 MINAITINIM "AMOS"T" --------- 1k son" "go INIV am itAild iiii ail 0::*0*0*0000009 74400000000000 0 a q 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 r4ol Aso* 000 49* 1100 loop. of~kft- :0090 000*00160*0006*00 990990690000409900 *all I I a F I 1 4 if li 11 w if $4 -A 11. 't-4 A L.I.- . so 0p Awl Gout4$ 00 Al r-Aamm Aw .rt-v 00 Ar 00.4 got 00 a 00 a 0 of 00 0-00 0 0 0 o If It to Idid I'lu 149141; too ; i 0 -0: -0 000 hwmatim a 00 A. F. KAM'S"XNXI WW 1. Ai,Kowmvpw (.1. *:a FbY4- CUM, It".. ItW, 13. -406-red dindkv for sive. is -48,754):LXV 0 J. J. D. AS 41 Illiuma -to a-- cat loll ;, ; i I; i i i ; i 0000000 00 Geseer! *::::::1000000000000000000-o 0900:06 0 0000000 0000000000*60000000 .00 -04 -00 -00 .00 400 '900 woo 04 so t 0,0 v ;p Q a to WE AN* ORMS1114 Jv*f- I-As ago 41 #MGM" d akmkww wA"O. & S. 13."(040"0 -- 'hwAm.--J. PAP. Cb-M. (U. . 21AII +313 go F-H.R. ~, 00 AID-11.4 MULL~" Lft"Alm CLANMTIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 A 0-0 0 0.0 N 0 5 AN 0 3 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 ~00 ago .49 Joe lase 4* 0 too 400 boo Lp 0 We AM-M-A A a A a a a a & 9 u a a v a WUNWALMANDUAMEM WIMIR 0 '#of . - I -00 000 usomminam at se boom d meow d v u(* 004 lug 1, GM. Cam. (U. S. 5 k W sea Oa a 2 MM a Wall ~4i= 8 OW b" AM;M M . . e Wes of 11% w" Obw 6 0 4 w6k P1 win W&4 ' ; V . 11111eld OM o ( ) d 8 am Pb WO do WAN, kyw p v b d d Pb ( S m ) 00 w n a a ww e o we o 4 Vote ps an MIA. sad tbef 00i d o n Ow. ~ +4 wis. MW the off-. 098 a Was IA-IA% of the total rim In 0 o kc 1 maw do MUMM an VMS 6M dw bomb - b lees r Get MA bip dow9dw in mumdard I wk. T 004 004 MMSFA M pwi lm" owe Owmad With C& to est. S. t l W w d w" Rod o l ab i O s we% wim us a s m O . go I t amm of UK amt. Mwe~ y tn goo 6613 good atcheaft; UsdertlomcowlitimmoPbandlinsuffides ;l: W cosid be dod. kwu dw amt he dtV as won called. by differiewe of HA #=,=d ee I . Md A by dM 4W, Of RJR dW WFAbld fCddW 81ICf goe Mg and MW& Inw pndwu www brink silloys goo * kGWd ITIM. 0110101 - In ~ 0".. ' Allof do hkb (eve. of dw SOSO seats. of wm Wd. as tM cidd pou of the bomb as an bw 1w M sod dark bgulm for Calw* - woo Smill). The av. th wahma " a ItiM, FW - me (lPbI. + e - Iftill 81 Is . - s A.Mm. 1 vdmtbc thm see we$ of Pb UW fin Mf rewts whh wM calrd. It lit in Mft~w do as * see Will Pb md do d= ti (M the Pb + ad a + Uft a SnU& at 26' am -4175 itaw No* W.K.Hwen QSGW All A J d lir- R :0- -0-0 0 WGIA . W a v 0 W 11"M 9 W W WIWI, too -00 .00 0*9 - f 0081 I I VAJ a=. Octi - m P ft a ovab, s I As - A" In 4be promm so'& -INO & w ff 06.4 . 000 0o- 6040 fee &so goo P" goo s ee L441' #)W4 P~O cow v I m s MTALL~fA_UM&"M CLOWWAIM .0 oil, , ; ; ; j a s a ad 0 a 0 1 w 0 1 a 4 3 0 v IL is. if p !Zee 'D