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26296 3/190/61/0j3/008/009/015 B11O/B216 AUTHORS: Korshak V. V., Krongauz, Ye. S., Gribkova, P. N., Basnev, - i - ~.~ _' ~.- , , ~' TITLE: Study in the field of coordination-chtin polymers. V. Synthesis of metal-containing polymers of bis-/I-diketones PERIODICAL& Vyaokomo1eku1yartyye soyedineniya, v. ~, nu. 8, 1961, #203-1209 T.EXT: In previous papers (Ref. 1 % Vysokomolek. sojed. , 1, 1764, 1959; lic-i. 21 ibid. 2, 662, 190,0) the authors had shown that c-covdination-chain -I,oljmeru viere formed by interLetioil of bis-~-di:ze tones 4nd acet!.;t_-s (or bcetyl acutonates) of bivalent metals. Bis-fi-diketones of the following st.-,.ct_,.re wurt? studied: CH COCH CO-Y-COCH COCH vher,~ Y 3 2 2 Ci -CH _117~\, -H 2 of these were unsoluble and hau decompoaiticn temperatures of uetvii~eii ;eUO anA 43uc'(;- It was the aim of tht; Ire eat work. t-o produce Card 1 26296 6/190/61/003/008/009/019 Study in the field of coordination-... B110/B218 polymers with flexible chains, ihich containad -(CH 2)n- or LO (CH 2)2]n 0- groups between the benzene nuclei. For this purpose, three aromatic bis *diicet ones were synthesized: 4,41-bio~ac-~;toacetjl) diphenyl ethane Mi 4,41-bis(acet,acetyl) ethylene diphenji ether (II); and 4,41-bis- kacetcacetyl) diphezVl dietIVlene glycol ether (111). 3yntheais was made according to the au,.hor's certifLate of the USA, nu. 1206488, 1959, by acetoacetylating the aromatic z:ompounds by means of acetanhydride in the presence of BF 3. As compared to Claisente condensation, the reaction V~ is one-staged and results in a high yield. To prevent formation of intermediates, a large excess of acetanhydride is necessary, molar ratio 1 : 20 - 30. 1 (melting point 147 - 1480C) was obtained in a yield of 0 10~ referred to liphenyl ethane. The reaction temperature was 40 - 50 C. The infrared spectrum confirmed the structure of p-substituted bi s-fl- diketone of' diphenyl ethane (for keto-enols, characteristic absorption 1 at 1600 cm- ,for 1,4-substituted benzene nuclei, characteristic absorption at 845, and 790 cm- 1). As a by-product (10~), diphenyl ethane- Card 2/P~, 26296 S11901611003100810091019 Study in the field of coordination-... B11O/B218 ,I-diketone (melting point 81-5 - 82-50C) was,obtained. II (melting point 16.9 - 1700C) was obtained in optimum yield (16%) at -100C. The ethylene diphenyl ether, brought into reaction with acetanhyaride, was synthesized in the autoolave (1500C# 50 atm) by roaotion with natrium phenolate and 1,2-aichloro ethane. III (melting point 125.5 - 1260C, yield 7-9%) was obtained at a reaction temperature of from -5 to +50C. Diethylene glycol diphenyl ether was SylLthesized as initial compound by reaction of Na phenolate with fl,At-dichloro diethyl ether (2000C, 50 atm). Since the compounds had not yet been described, the authors synthesized I also by Claisen condensation and found it to be identical with the compound obtained by direct acetoacetylation. Compounds II and III could not be produced according to Claisen. By reacting I, II, and III with acetates of bivalent metals, the authors obtained the compounds given in the Table. In this, they made the following observations: The solubility of the polymer depends on the ionic radius of the metal which forms the polymer chain. It was found that introduction of the groups -CH 2CH 2-; Card 3/8/V 5/19 M003100810091019 ~2 B, Study in the field of coordination-... B110 B218 -OCH2CH20-, and -OCH2CH2OCH2CH20 between the benzene nuclei resulted in coordination-chain polymerization.-The molecular weights, determined ebullioscopically, were at about 2000 - 3000. The films produced at 200 - 3000C and 50 atm were brittle.' The thermomechanical curves and the X-ray picture of the beryllium compounds of II confirmed the crystal structure of the polymers. There*&re 3 figures, I table, and 6 references, 5 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganich6skikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTEDs October 18, 1960 Card 41_0~ 27570 I'S") 2. 22,09 2409 S11901611003100910051016 B11O/B1O1 AUTHORS: Korshakt.V. V.p Sosin, 3. L., Alekseyeva, V. P. TITLE: Synthesis of new types of linear polymers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 1332-1340 TEXT: The first two authors showed in previous paDers (Ref. 1: Dokl. AN SSSR., 121, 299, 1958; Ref. 2: Vysokomolek. soyed., 1, 938, 1959) that when treating peroxides (PO) of compounds such as p-diis-opropyl benzene (DIPB), diisopropyl ferrocene, p-dichloro benzene, etc., linear polymers are formed, and, particularly in the case -of DIPBq non-fusible and insoluble polymers with cross-linked trimer structure. Polyrecombinatioi-i of diphenyl methane (DPIJ) , 'phenyl acetic acid methyl ester, benzyl benzoate, etc., was studied in the present work. 71hen treating these compounds with tort-butyl peroxide (TBPO) (molar ratio of TBPO to initial compound >> 1-2) at 2001C., linear polymers were obtained. Diphenyl methane (DPJJ) gave a linear polymer, an amorphous , yellowish powder which dissolved in benzene (melting point 200-2200C) with'a molecular weight Card 1/7 27570 S/190/61/003/009/005/016 Synthesis of new types, ... B110IB101 (m) Of 10,000-900,000, depending on the molar ratio. -3 0.326 2.18-10 M The following reactions take place: (CH 3)3 COOC(C11 3)3 2 CH 3 3CO'(R'); (CH 3)3 CO' (CH 3)2C0 + CHj(1?-). The radicals reAct with the~h, ydrocarbor~q: 2 (Call,), dil tic (("115)'C[1 Wflla)-!~ (CS C (Callsh lite ((1411021111'- He (Callsh MCB110-l" - - -If M. The resultant polydiphenyl methYlene.(PDPM) (I) does not decompo!ie to free radicals in the presence of diphenyl picryl hydrazine, and is stable to oxidants ('R'03) 1since the structure of ,tetraphenyl ethane (TPI-!,) which is probably formed initially does not permit the formation of stable radicals. Rearrangements might take-place-accordingto G - C - Card 2/7- 2 57 8/196/61/003/0Q9/005/016 Synthesis'. of~new types B1 I QJBI 01 a d n -0~ , HG (C,Ho) HC (C,Hs), CH (C4Hj)I ., HC (CtHa)oC (C11s) (CjHs)% " (CaHs), C-= CHI + (CjH&)j CH2; C (CsH,)s;-~ CHI C (CdHs)t- CHI - -The reppating'r t'in'I and. uni II-. is E in III C H jVh.en 14 12 1310 , compiring tfie'IR 'spectra of the polymers, from DPM, TPE, tetraphenyl ethylene, an& 1,0 -diphenyl-ethylene, the. absorption maximum characteristic 'of - IA a found to be abseni.i -substituted.benzene (833-840 om- W 8, n PDPM.1 1 ' . structure Il is therefore no sible.. -also excluded t pce e maxi mum 060 "6ML,~) ch.aiiacteriet.i'c of the C H -C-CH configura.tion was. 6, 5, 2 ll ig thus confi - 4, The i d*.PDPM struPture' :absent as well. Th according,Lto rMe - . dependence of'theyield on the molar,oratio of PO'to hydroca rbon:indicated. for' the an almost complete oonsumptioln.of. the first peroxide mole. L, dimer"ization(A). of the TPB(-9C~Vyield). - At a ratio o f .,2,-. I.the polymer yield W is.0onstant-(50%)- LThis accounts for the Card 31T 2757Q %3/1 90V611003100910051P1 6 Synthesis of new: types.~.. B110/B101 change in viscosity. ed (meltin' In A, TPE is f orme 9-point.209-2110C, e. higher than the reaction tempeia~tii~6) and viscosity considerably -decreases since Ahe -low.,molecular -polyne increases. In,B, however it. re melt already at C .'The read .tion of TPE'which is first 180-1900 is then retarded by the Yormation:.Of high-*Moleoul a (melting ar polymer 0 point 200 C). The visoosity'will'~be t r reduced,toward the end of tion'by adding a DPM-PO mixture'- to. ~FM; '.th'e'yield increasee. PeroAde 413,~~ aamixture of' > 2 moles/mo,le of aphically results in. a steep ascent. DPM g; 0 of the molecular weight which!aaymptotically approaches the ordinat4,- -the Assuming that*ihe'rohain growi by doubling (dimer tetramer, octamer), V, follow~fig holds: N ix -2 2/n, wher6*N' number of free radicals/iole8l .1 _ R n - polymerization coefficient. _A. mo'le'of free radicale is formed on . deloomposition,of TBPO. Maximum,M is-thus obtained for-a PO consumption of!, Y-1 2 moles/mole of hydrocarbon. 0.68 mole tert-butoxyl radicals result' from I mole P0,(in the form of tort-butyl alcohol). 1.32 mole of radicals' i decomposes to -give 1.32.mole acetone and o.66 mole methane, as' follows..-. 4U,! 0 0. 190-2000C CO 0 CH') C04 OHS, and (B) (CH ) C 0,(CH (A),(CH 3)3C - jA0 0 0 3 2 3 3 3)2 . * CH _0_C_(qH Acoording to Yu. A. Aleksandrova, Huan YU-1i,. A., P.. ) 3 3 3 Card _4/ T_______ ....... . 27:570 6 91190161100310091005101 Synthesis of new types B11O B101 T Fravednikov, S.. S. Medvedev"(Dokl. AN SSSRI 123, 1029 f 1956) -no methyl radicaleare formed in (BI which'takes place at higher temperatures. Isobutylene oxide reEults on initiation of. the peroxide decomposition. Thli~~t 4'iv authors separated the fraction (51-5300); ieobUtyl-methyl ether and T. a01. isobutylene oxide. In the same way, they obtained polymers which dis vea When using ditolyl methane instead of DPMj' a in benzene. C~olymer 0 8_~ A'F insoluble in benzene and p-croool (melting point 186-2400 witi; cr a 9- linked structure is obtained in addition to linear polymers (meltin point - 150-1 800C, molecular ~weight - 2500). The elemental-organic 1 mers obtained from diisopropyl. ferrocene, ferrocene, and triphenyl-tki'4~ 0 y P N-igopropyl borazol (TPNI) by means of polyrecombination showed IR.'.- absorption maxima at 820# 1000, and lioO cm-1 , and, accordingly). struct~vbli- T 1~4 FO C118h I-D ID X ji~ -red powders soluble in be ne (soften M 1000-7000i they are dark nze i... 0 t ^-300 The electron paramagnetic resonance signal (line wi poin Card 5/7 27 '70 S/1,90/61/003/009/005/016 Synthesis of new types B1 I O/B1 01 120 oej 200C) confirmed them existence of unpaired electrons (concentrat 21 10 /g polymer). Treatment of TPNI with TBPO yielded only a soluble',* low-molecular polymer.. Polyrecombination gives also.polymers with aromatic rings in side ana principal'o'hains.' A soluble copolymer was obtained by treating a mixture of DPM (0.1 mole) and DIFB (0-1 mole) with- insol4ble polymer. 2 0.25,mole TBPOI DIPB alone gave a near* 6-aichlor6.- .p-xylene gives a chlorinated analog of.poly-p-xylene soluble in benzene ..-Cl-in ortho-position to the CH3 groups blocks them and prevents their. participation in the formation of linear chains. Polyrecombination thus:,:. i-;-;, YNQ 'results in carbon chain polymers with aromatic rings in the principal -made chain, whose production is difficult. Gas chromatography of DPM was on the X -2 (Kh-2) apparatus. There are 4 :figures j 1 table, and 18 ref ences: 6 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows; Ref 7: G. A. Russel J. Amer. Chem. Soc-, 78Y 1047) 1956; Ref. 9: J. k Brook, Trans; Faraday-,,. Soc., 51, 327, 1957; Ref. 10: K. M. Johnston, G...'L Willia,s,,Chem. 'and Cbem. Ins. 1958', No, 111 328. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soy'edineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) Card 6/7. 2700 S/190/61/003/009/015/016 C) & B124/B101 AUTHORSs TITLEs Korshak, V. V., Sosin, S. L., Chou Jun-p'ei Production of polymers by thermal dehydropolymerization of hydrocarbons PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 1427 TEXT: Heat-treated hydrocarbons are cracked and dehydrogenated, and yield, besides low-molecular decomposition products, resins which are low-molecullar condensation products with a complex structure which greatly differs from that of the initial products. Such resins are formed both by gaseous-phase pyrolysis and liquid-phase cracking. High-molecular polymers cannot form under these conditions due to the inevitable decom- position in the high-temperature zone. High polymers may be also obtained, however, when the hydrocarbons are thermally dehydrogenated under con- ditions preventing thermal degradation of the polymer. The method devel- oped by the authors is based on the liquid-phaBe dehydropolymerization in a flow of 0nitrogen on a platinum or tungsten coil electrically heated to 650 - 700 C and immersed in the liquid hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbon Card 1/3 2-7 S/19 ~1101003100910151016 6 Production of polymers ... B124/BIO1 is dehydrogenated on the coil, and simultaneously forms polymer products which are immediately carried along from the heated surface by the liquid hydrocarbon. The condensation products obtained are led from the high- teniperature zone to a heated container where the drops of the condensation .products are collected, and the unreacted hydrocarbon is distilled off and recycled to the reactor (see Fig.). A number of alkyl and hydroaromatic hydrocarbons was treated in this way. Tetralin is converted to naphthalene described, whereas polymers are recovered from p-xylene, -cumene, ethyl benzene, and p-diisopropyl benzenel the molecular weight of thelpo i~41''oVta'ined from p-diisopropyl benzene is about 10,000. The yield in polymer is 10 - 15% related to the hydrocarbon used, and 70 - 80% related to the reacted hydrocarbon. There is 1 figure. ibstracter's note: Essentially complete translation SUBMITTEDt January 12, 1961 Card 2/3 283.76 I S-0 B11901611003101010041019 B130/B11O AUTHORSs Korshak, V. V., Krongauz, Ye.,S.9 Sheina, V. Ye. TITLEt Studies in the field of coordination polymers. VI. Synthesis of coordination polymers of some bis-((-diketones) PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyaq v- 3, no. 10, 1961, 1456-1461 TEXTs The authors synthesized aliphatic bis-(P-diketones): 191,292- tetraacetyl ethane (I), adipyl- (II), and sebacyl diacetophenone (III), and prepared and studied their metal polymers. They prepared I from a suspension of 0.5-mole Na-acetyl acetonate in ether by adding a solution of 0.5-mole iodine in ether at room temperature under vigorous stirring. The melting point was 185-1860C, the yield 27-30%. 11 and III were prepared according to V. V. Korshak at al. (Vysokomolek. soyed., 1, 1764~ 1959). The melting point of III was 108-109.5 00 (Yield 20-22%). The metal polymers of the bis-(P-diketones) produced were prepared by 3-hr heating in a vacuum of 2-4 mm H9 of their equimolecular mixture with the Card- 11," f8176 S/190/61/003/010/004/M Studies in the field of coordination ... B130/B11O respective Me-acetyl acetonate at 150-21000 until no acetyl acetone was set free. To 'remove the remaining aaetyl aoetonef the resulting product was treated with hot water, boiled in alcohol, washed with ether, and dried to oonstant weight. The copper derivatives were obtained by reaction of the diketones with copper acetate in an alcohol solution. It was found that I with Be-, Ri-9 Go-, and Zn-acetyl acetonates formed nonfusible powders which were unsoluble in ordinary organic solvents and had a high decomposition temperature. I formed no coordination compounds with Mn and Cd. The chemical analysis showed that the composition of the resulting metal compounds corresponded to the theoretical values. Also the metallic deriatives of II and III constituted colored powders. The Be-derivatives of 1119 and the Be-, Zn-, and Cd-derivatives of III are soluble in ohloroform2 tetrachloro ethane, dioxane, bromo benzene, and dimethyl formamide, the Ni- and Co-derivatives only in dimethyl formamide and dioxane. The peculiarities of these compounds are explained according to Hammond, Borduin, and Guter (see below). In the interaction between tetraacetyl ethane and the metal ions, a coordination binding of the metal takes place between the keto groups of adjacent molecules of the 0 ard 2/4~ 2 J 2 8176 B/igOY61/003/019/004/019 Studies in the field of coordination B130/B11O binding agent (Fig.,l). In II, and particularly in III, the formati.on of closed, monomeric complexes is probable-because of the presence of a flexible methylene chain (Fig. 2). rhere are 2 figures, .4 tables, and 6 referencesi 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. 'The four refer enbbs to English- lanLuage publications read'as f9llowst R. G. Charles, Organic Syntheses, ,a,61, 19591 G. S. Hammond, W. G. Borduin, G. A. Guter, J. Amex. Chem. SOC. , 11 , 4682 f 1959; G. A. Guter, G. S. Hammond, J.- Amer6' thein. Boo. 81',- 4686, 1959; G. T-.' Bullen, Acta crystallogr.,12, 703, 1559.. AS�O-CIATION:, Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy' AN' S~SR' (Inditute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: October 25f 1960 Fig. 1. Model of a I 1 2, 2-tet-~aacetylene ethane complex with metalt' carbon, o --hydrogen, - 0-- oxyGen metal. Fig. 2. Model of a sebacyl diacetophenone complex with-metal. Designations as in Fig. 1. Card 31V 28177 S/19 61/003/010/005/'019 5ASSO B1 30YB1 10 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Mozgova, K. K., Shkolina, M. A. TITLE: Synthesis of graft copolymers. VII PERIODICALt Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. io, 1961, 1462-1467 TEXT: The authors describe the possibility of producing graft copolymers from polyamide and polyester films and vinyl monomers without the use of ozone, Films of mixed polyamide r-669 (G-669) stored for different periods of time were used for the investigation. The monomer uued was styrene. Tests showed that a freshly prepared polyamide grafted only 2-31o polystyrene, a one-year old up to 9%, and a 6-year old 30-60%. In the 6-year old polyamide, active centers formed by the action of atmospheric oxygen and moisture. The effect of atmospheric oxygen and air was studied at various temperatures. It was shown that a sample grafting no more than 2-5% polystyrene, grafted 20% after thermal treatment in air 0 at about 80 C. In thermal treatment of caprone films, grafting was also Card 1/3 28177 S/190/61/003/010/005/019 Synthesis of graft copolymers. VII B130/B110 increased but not to such an extent as in the treatment of 0-669, Lavsan films heated in nitrogen showed better grafting than those not heatedl but did not attain such a degree as when heated in an air flow. The tests also showed that the heating did not only activate the polymers 'but also improve their mechanical properties. The breaking elongation of Lavsan films heated at 80 OC increased bY 48-8%, that of caprone films by 176~. No positive results have been obtained yet when trying to find free radicals by an epr spectrum. Infrared and ultraviolet spectra showed no considerable change due to thermal treatment of caprone. The ultraviolet spectrum of heated Lavsan suggested a formation of groups containing 00. r-ray patterns showed higher orderliness of the molecular chain of heated samples, The breaking elongation of samples was tested at the VMIS, the infrared and ultraviolet speotra were taken at I. V. Obreimov's laboratory) the X-ray pictures at A. 1. Kitayguiudskiy's laboratory. A. V. Zasechkina and A. I. Volkova assisted in experiments. There are 2 figures, 8 tables, and 6 Soviet references. Card 2/3 28177 8/190/61/003/010/005/019 Synthesis of graft copolymers. VII B130/B110 ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSH (Institute of Elemental Organic Compo=ds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1960 28180 Zq 05 113/190/61/003/010/009/019 B120110 AUTHORSi Korshakq V. V., Vinogradova, S. V., Morozova, D. T. TITLEs Study of coordination polymers. VII. Coordination Polymers based on quinizarin and 4,41-bis.-(acetoacetyl) dipheRyl ether PERIODICAL3 Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 107 1961, 1300 -- 1508 TEXTi The authors synthesized the homogeneous coordination polymers of quinizarin (I) with Mg, Ca, and Be. the coordination polymers of (I) with two different metals and,finally, the coordination polymers on the basis of (I) and 4941-bis-(acetoacetyl)biphenyl ether (II) with Zn, Cu, htn. Ni, Co, Mg, Ca, Cd, and Be, and studied their properties. The results obtained with homogeneous coordination polymers and mixed coordination copolymers are given in Tables 1 4. The studied polymers were homogeneous, solid. powder-like substances of intense color, practically insoluble in chloro- form, dichloro ethane, tetrachloro ethane. a mixture of tetrachloro ethane and phenol, chloro benzene.. methanol, dimethyl formamide, ditolyl methane, dioxaneg tetrahydrofuran, methyl-ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, and cresol 111, VA Card I/* 28180 S/190/61/003/010/009/019 Study of coordination... B120110 except for the coordination polymers of beryllium, which were rather easily soluble in chloroform, cresol. and dimethyl formamide. The molecu- lar weights of polymers of I with Be varied from 1700 - 1800 and from 3500 - 3600. As proved thermomechanically mixed coordination polymers of I with Zn and Cd or Zn and Cu are more stable than the resRective homo- polymers. This is reverse with Be polymers. Heat deformat Ion of all com- pounds was found between 200 - 4500C (no chemical decomposition)4 As proved by X-ray tests most of them consist of crystalline and amorphous phases together. The synthesis was carried out by heating the ligands solved in dimethyl formamide in N 2 current at 1200C, addition of the metal compound solved in dimethyl formamide at 1000C, and I hr heating at 1200C, 1 hr at 120 - 140OCi 4 hr at 1400C. The authors thank the collabo:rators cf the laboratories of INEOS AN SSSR under supervision of G. L. Slanimskiy, A. I. Kitaygorodskiy, and N. E. Gellman. Ye. S. Krongauz and V. Ye. Sheina (Ref. 39' Vysokomolek. soyed. 2, 662, 1960) are mentioned. There j~re 4 figures, 4 tables, and 5 Sovijt references. ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR Card 24 '~/ (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds .AS USSR) 29 1 ~33 S/19 6 003/011/002/016 B124 B 101 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Slinkin, A. A., Vinogradova, S, V,, _!~a~cffn sera, M TITLB: Study in the field of coordination chain polymers. VIII. Coordination polymers based on bis-(8-hydroxy- quinolyl)methane, quinizarin, and 4,41-bis-)aceto- acetyl)phenyl ether PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 11, 1961, 1624-1632 TEXT: The synthesis of mixed coordination polymers of bis-(8-hydi,,,oxy- quinolyl)methane (I) and quinizarin (II), (I) and 4,41-bis_(aceto- acetyl)phenyl ether (III) with various metals is described, and the magnetic properties of some coordination polymers of (11), (1), and (III) are studied. Compositions, structures, and properties of the synthesized coordination polymers are given. X-ray data indicate that the homogeneous coordination polymers exhibit a more or less ordered structure. The solubilities of the homogeneous and the mixed coordinaticn Card 1/2 27733 003/011/002/016 Study in the field of... B120101 polymers in organic solvents are extremely low; only the mixed cQordina- tion polymers of (1) and (III) with Ou are soluble in Qreeol. ThQ temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (x) as well as the magnetic moment and the Weiss constant calculated from the magnetic susceptibility are given for a number of coordination polymers on the basis of (II), (I)q and (III). Conclusions as to the configurations of Co. bin, and Ni in the polymers were drawn from the magnetic properties- The authors thank the staff of the Laboratories of INOES AN SSSR under the guidance of A. 1. Kitaygorodskiy and N. E. Gellman~ There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo, The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: 1). F. Craig, A. Maccoll, R. S. Nyholm, L, E, Orgel, L. E, Sutton, J. Chem. Soc, 1954, 332, 354. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds, AS USSR). Institut organicheskoy khimii im.N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D_ Zelinskiy, AS USSR) SUBMITTED- November 16, 1960 Card 2/2 29734 S/19 61/003/011/003/016 B124YB101 AUTHORS: -,,Korshak, -. V., Fedorova, L. S., Kolesnikov, G. S. TITLE: Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls. XI. Chemical properties of poly(halophenylene )ethyls PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 11 , 1961,1644-1649 TEXT: The degradation of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl effected by phenyl fluoride, as well as the aspects of hydrogenation and of substituting a hydroxyl and an amino'group, respectively, for the halide atom in poly(halophenylene)ethyl were studied in this paper. The effect of the phenyl fluoride concentration on the degradation of poly(fluoro- phenylene)ethyl (I) ha's been investigated using a weight ratio of AM 3 to ~I) equal to 1:4, constant temperature (1000C) and reaction time 4 hr), while the phenyl-fluoride - I ratio was varied. The molecular weight of the initial (I) was 3810; results are presented in Table 1. Data obtained for a phenyl-fluoride - I weight ratio of 5:1, at constant temperature (1000C) and reaction time (4 hr), and varied AM I r 3 Card 1/0 29734 S11901611003101110031016 Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls... B124/B101 are given in Table 2 and,finally, results obtained with a constant phenyl- fluoride - I weight ratio of 5:1, constant AM 3 concentration of 2.5 per cent by weight of the polymer, constant temperature (1000C) and varied reaction time are presented in Table 3. From these results, it can be concluded that phenyl fluoride effects degradation of the polymer, and that the intensity of this degradation is influenced by the ratio of the initial substances, catalyst concentration, and the time of the degrada- tion process. Hence, it follows that phenyl fluoride acts both as a component of chain formation and as a degradation agent in polycondensation with dichloroethane. From the fact that no hydrolysis occurs when poly(chlorophenylene)ethyl is heated to 3000C with water in a ratio of 1:10 in the digester, the conclusion may be drawn that the mobility of the chlorine atom in (II) is very low. When (II) is heated with aqueous KOH, hydroxyl groups are substituted for chlorine, and linear molecules formed are cross-linked by oxygen bridges; the properties of the products depend on the amount of reacted KOH. Neither degradation of (II) nor substitution of an amino group for chlorine has been effected by aqueous ammonia solutions. Poly(cyclohexylene)ethyl Card 2/0 1 29734 S/190/61/003/011/003/016 Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls ... B124/B101 /-2r\ - CH CH _]X W 2 2 1 forms when (II) is hydrogenated in benzene in the presence of Haney's nickel catalyst which is not accompanied by degradation. There are 3 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 1, 1960 Table 1. Degradation of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl by phenyl fluoride. Legend: (I) Weight ratio of phenyl fluoride to poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl; (11) obtained, % of the initial substances; (III) of low-molecular reaction products; (IV) of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl; (V) molecular weight of the polymer. Card 310 29734 S/190/61/003/011/003/016 Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls ... B120101 Table 2. Degradation of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl by phenyl fluoride. Legend: (I) Weight ratio of aluminum chloride to poly (flu orophenyl ene) ethyl; (II) yield, % of the initial substances; (III) of low-molecular reaction products; (IV) of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl; (V) molecular weight of the polymer. d Table 3. Degradation of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl by phenyl fluorit! (molecular weight of the initial polymer; 3250). Legend- (1) Reac I on time, hr; (II) obtained, ~ of the initial substances; (III) of low- molecular reaction products; (IV) of poly(fluorophenylene)ethyl; molecular weight of the polymer. Card 4/j 29735 S/190/61/003/011/004/016 2109 B120101 AUTHORS: zms-~~ , Fedorova, L. S., Kolesnikov, G. S. TITLE: Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls. XII. Polycondensation of 1,2-dichloroethane with phenyl bromide PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V. 3, no. 11, 1961, 1650-1654 TEXT: Polyoondensatee of 1,2-dichloroethane with phenyl bromide were prepared in the presence of AIC13 using the same method as that described by the authors in Refs. I (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n., 1955, 359) and 2 (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n., 1958, 53) except that dibromodiphenyl ethane and diphenyl ethane were distilled off in vacuo after driving off the solvent and after conclusion of the reaction. The molecular weight of the polymer obtained man determined viscosimetrically, and the constant K m in the Staudinger equation was assumed to be equal to 1.8-10-4. With decreasing phenyl bromide excess in the reaction mixture, both the molecular weight and the yield of polycondensation products are increased; maximum values are obtained with a phenyl bromide - dichloroethane ratio Chrd 1/# --Z. S/1 92~97??15/003/011/004/oi 6 Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls... B120101 of 0.95. When phenyl bromide - dichloroethane ratios of 1.2 and less are used, three-dimensional products are formed. The bromine content was 28.7 % in soluble poly(bromophenylene)ethyl and 21.5 % in the three- dimensional polycondeneation product, while the theoretical bromine content is 43-7 %. This circumstance is attributed to the fact that migration of bromine takes place during polycondensation which leads to the formation of an inhomogeneous, halogen-substituted polymer. The yields of polymers (Fig. 1) and the molecular weights (Fig. 2) of the polycondeneates of dichloroethane with phenyl chloride, fluoride, and bromide, respectively, decrease in the order: phenyl fluoride> phenyl chloride >phenyl bromide which is due to the fact that Bteric hindrance increases with the size of the halogen substituent. Optimum catalyst concentration of 8 mole% with respect to maximum molecular weight of poly(bromophenylene)ethyl was established (Table 2). The low-molecular reaction products were rectified to yield two fractions, one of which was identified to be dibromodiphenyl ethane and the other to be diphenyl ethane. It was shown by structural analysis by means of destructive oxidation with chromosulfuric acid that, due to partial conversion of the phenyl bromide to benzene which takes part in polycondensation, a copolymer forms in the course of the relative Card 2/f ':,-, 29735 S11901611003101110041016 Synthesis of polyarylenealkyls... B120101 polycondensation. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 6 rdferences: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 1, 1960 Fig. 1. Influence of the phenyl halide - dichloroethane ratio on the yield of polymer and low-molecular fractions: (1), (2), (3) yield of polymer; (1a), (2a), (3a) yield of low-molecular products; (1), (1a)phenyl fluoride; (2), (2a) phenyl chloride; (3), (3a) phenyl bromide. Legend: (A) Yield, ~-; (B) phenyl halide dichloroethane ratio. Fig; 2, Influence of the phenyl halide dichlorcethane ratio on the molecular weight nf the polymer. (1) benzene; (2) phenyl fluoride; (3) phenyl chloridei (4) phenyl bromide. Legend: (A) Molecular weight; (B) phenyl halide - dichloroethiin(, ratio Card 29736 S/190/61/003/011/005/016 2705 B120101 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Mozgova, K. K., Shkolina, M. A. TITLE: Synthesis of graft copolymers. VIII PERIODICAL: Vyeokomolakulyarnyye soyedineniya,v-3,no.11,1961, 1655-1660 TEXT: Results obtained when styrene is grafted to heat-activated caprone fiber are given in this paper. The effect of the time of thermal treatment of the fiber on the yield of grafted polystyrene is studied at temperatures ranging from 80 to 1500C in a nitrogen stream and in air (Fig. 1). Up to 20 min from the beginning I active centers of copolymerization of the fib with styrene are formed at 800C in nitrogen, with no further oxidation O;r the fiber occurring on heating. When kept at a constant temperature of 800C in air, two maxima appear, the first of which is due to the presence of active centers prior to heat treatment, and the second to the secondary formation of active groups by oxidation. From data given in Fig. 1 it can be further concluded that the yield of grafted polystyrene increases Aith the time of copolymerization, and that the formation of active centers in the fiber is accelerated by a temperature rise. Maximum yield of graft Card 1/0"-? Synthesis of graft copolymers. VIII 2M6 S/190/61/003/011/005/016 B124/B1O1 copolymer is obtained when the fiber is kept at 1100C in a thermostat for 3 min, with true temperature in the thermostat and, thus, also of the sample being about 900C. From measured viscosity values of the graft copolymers, optimum results were obtained under the same conditions as mentioned (Table 1). A polystyrene layer can be grafted to the caprone fiber with yields up to 30 7o and a molecular weight up to 60,000-80,000 (Table 2). It is shown that the described grafting takes place essentially on the surface of the polymer. A. P. Zasechkina and A. I. Volkova took part in experimental work. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows; A. J. Goldberg, W. P. Hohenstein, H. Mark, J. Polymer Sci., 29 503, 1947. ASSOCIATION- Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBIMITTED: December 7, 1960 Card 2/#" /012/00~/619 0 61/003 3 P9 101 B110 B 1 YB AUTHORSs Koinhak, V.' V. Rogozhinj S.,V., Volkovj V. I j~':V InvestigationsAn the,field of coordination polymers. NIM TITLE: on the basis of -dihydroxydi-~ Polymers ..aromatic, o,ol carboxylic aoids, and bivalent metals PERIODICAL i Vysokomolekulyarnyye:soyedineniyat vo 31 no. 12, 196111-- 1808 1615) TEXT: The deal with.the synthesis of high-molecular,compounds i, which metal atoms are.'combined,with-the-organic pa'rt'of the,*maer6moleou by means of coordination.b fid-. . The, present investigation describes.the, interaction of acetyl acetonates acetates, and chlorides of Cu, Zn,-Ni Cc# Cd, and Be with 2,5-dihydroxy terephthalic acid (I) and 410 4 1 -dihydroX a triphenyl methane-3.,31-dicar-boxylic acid (II), also their dimethyl eater -(III) sn'd dimethoxy, derivativlbs (IV)-0 In.:the reaction of I with acetyl Znt.Ni or Cui dimethyl.formamidet acetyl acetone was f reed:p' aoetonates of and polymers containing metal were formed,.for which 'the structural formulas Card 1/ 4 SAM _0761/003/012/005/012 Investigations in the -f i eld )I/B1 10 '0 oil it C-0 0' Ate" ot 0" ?0--L -0. 7 ~O_C. '-O=C are suggested. The,with,Zrt"d4~~o'm-p"'oses :at 359*C the -polymer vi.#h~ Cu at 2530C. The reaction:of,II with Zn, or Cu compounds.jacetyla66tonates and acetates) in:methyl formamid,%' (some tests also in methanol or water) resulted in unsoluble, nonfusible substances which decomposed above 35000- 1I was obtained by condensation of salicylid.: acid with benzaldehyde in acid medium at,850.C- In order-to study the role of carbonyl and hydroxyl oxygen, III and IV.were.synthesized. III.was obtained by esterification of II by means of methanol in, th6 pieibnce of H 60"-~_ -IV_ by treating the, 2 41 disodium salt of. II with dim-6thyl sulfate.'~ - since III and o -IV*melted with- out decompositiont polymerization could also be achieved in 'the'. melt by means of these substances. Reaction.of III with Co, Ni Cu* and 1 M_ Zi co pounds resulted in unsolubliet nonfusible substances for which formula Card 21 4~ 0 911 S 196/6.1/003/012/005/012 Investigations in the field... B1O1/B11O is suggested. The compounds'.obt.ained from aqueous solution deviated in their composition from the theoretical composition, probably due to'Water dontent. The oonsiderable.ino'rease-in volume of the Be and Zn, compounds above 20000 is ascribed to continuation. of the incomplete chemical reaotion.~ at, elevated temperature. In the eaters of aromatic o-hydroxy acidsp: .carbonyl oxygen of the carboxyl group effects the formation of the coordi- nation bond In o-methoxy acid, the oxygen of the methoxy group has an effect. Al olymers were colored powders. The polymera obtained from the melt had a composition which came nearest to theory. There are 1 figure, 6 tables, and 15 references a 9 Soviet 'and 6 non-Soviet. The four most recent referenceg to En,-".ish-language publications read as- followas S. Xanda, Y. Saitop Bull.~Chem. Soc. Japan, 30, 192, 1957; H. Klng, L. Alexander, G. Summer, Acts. crystallogr., 11, 41, 1958; R. G. Charlest M. A. Pawlikowskil J. Phys. Chem., L, 440, 1958; J. Wilkins, E. Wittbecker, US Patent 2659711, 1953- ASSOCTATIONs Inatitut elementoorganicheskikh eoyedineniy AN.SSSR (institute'of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUB4ITTEDz January 6, 1561 Card 4/4 KORSHAKI V.V.; VINOGRADOUI S.V. Polyarylatea, Uvp. khIm. 30 no, 4s422-461 Ap 161. Offlu 14:4) 1. Inatitut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Eatera) (Polymers) 1- 0 7 AUTHORSt TITLEs 10 4 1) 114 9 20638 3/0201''61/136/0061/014/0-:1 B! 03)!B203 Kcrshak, V. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Kasatochil-ii.Xl, -Sladkov, A. M., Kudryavtaev, Yu, P., and Usei,bayev* K~ Synthesis and properties of polyacetylene PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRj v,, 136, no. 6, 1961~ 1342-1344 TEXT: The authors produced polyacetylene (FA) and studied its chemical structure and physical properties. They assumed that PA formed Jn the oxidation of bis-acetylene acetylenidee of the type HC'==C - (02 )n ---C which are said to be among the polymeric products not yet at-udled, They had already ouggested a formation meahan4sm of PA in Ref, .3. In the pre8ent investigation, they produced the required acetylenide by passing a-etylene through the ammoniacal solution of a salt of- bivalent copper. '",;,baequently, the acetylenide was oxidized by an aquoou3 solution of potassium ferri- cyanide at boiling temperature, The authors assumed that the reriulting black powder (containing 98~~ of C) was a mixture of' polymer homologe of polyacetylene. On the basin of the tomparature-depend6ra weight lougas Card 1/5 S/020/~1/136/0006/014/024 Synthesis and properties of ... B1031/B203 (Fig. 1) and the electron paramagnetic resonance, they conclude that this product is a polymer with Qumulene structure, probably PA showed high heat resistance, being transformed into graphite only at 23000C. Below 23000C, the carbon in PA remains in the form of P013,acetylene. Graphite is also formed by long boiling of annealed Pit samples in con- centrated HCI. The authors point to the readiness of transformat-on of carbon atom chains of PA into graphite monolayers, and the corresj,-.ond:irg transformation of valence forms under the aotion of HCI. The electric resistivity p measured by the zero method on an MTS(MTV) bridge d:i,cpped with rising tempera-ture. This is explained by the concentration of crystall- line copper due to thermal dissociation and the separation of terminal copper atoms from PA., p continued dropping at higher temperaturea when copper had.already evaporated and no graphite was formed., This indi.,lated an extension of PA chains during the pyrogeneDic synthegis which -,ocl~ place due to thermal dissociation and copper separation, as well as sub6e4u'int recombination of the resulting free polymeric radicals. The enifa was measured by the compensation method on a MT13 (PPTV) high-resistance potentiometer. On the basis of the values obtained for P and a, -the authorizi C.ard 2/5 ho [20 .20638 S/020J61/136/00(5/014/024 ~"Synthesisand properties B103/B203 -conclude that the PA.sample Investigated is an n-type semi conduo to'r.~ 'The .40 9pper-atome imbedded in the molecular carbon chain with polyalltine struc.' ture play the role of the electron donor. This is confirmed by thefact Ithat the a of PA samples which,were produced with the use of stronger, 1copper-free oxidizers (nitrate iong H202) is equal to zero. The change of 0 the sign of a (near zero at 1300 and 15000C + above 1500 UP to 23100 C corresponds to the transition of the PA sampYe to a p-type semiconductor. The authors think that this is coupled with the thermal dissociation and the separation of copper- and hydrogen atoms from the carbon chain# and is certainly connected with the acceptor properties of the terminal C atoms. There are 3 figures, 1 tablep and 3 referenoesu 1 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATIONt Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk S~SR (Institute of Mineral Fuels of tbeAoademy 'of Sciences USSR). Inatitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk. SSSR (Instituteof Elemental-organio Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) 'Card 3/5 30 15.5114 a'4L AUTHORS: 22,05 S/02YAM7/006/013/020 B1 03 "217 Neamevanovi As If., Academician,_KqZ&hAk_L_V. V.,Corresponding Member AS USSR, Volevodakiy, V. V., Corresponding Member ." AS USSR, Kochetkovat N. S.9 Sosin, S. L., Materikova- B.. B., Bolotnikovat T. K.f Chibrikin, V. M.,-and Bazhin, N. M.- TITLE: Synthesis and some optical-magnetic properties of poly- ferrocenes PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 6, 1961, 1370-1373 .TEXT: The authors studied the magnetic .properties of ferrocene derivv,tivest.7~ ".1) of the polyferrocenylenes (Table-1, nos. 1-6), 2) the polydiisopropyl- ferrocene (Table 11 nos- 7-8), -3) the polymethano- and 4) the polyethano- polyferrorlenes (Table 1, no s* 9-1.3). They were synthetized by: 1) Poly- recombination., To 1). and 2). 1 qiole ferrocene (Or Of its diisopropyl. homolog) was treAted with I mole tertiary butyl peroxide in nitrogen atmosphere at 2000C.1 1) and 2) are assumed to be formed as follows: the Butoxyl and methyl radicals formed during peroxide decomposition separate the hydrogen.from ferrocene (or the a-hydrogen). The radicals thus formed -Card I Synthesis and some S102~0'Rl" P/437/006/013/D20 Z B103 B217 recombine and form linear 1) or 2), easily soluble in benzene. An in- soluble polymer (Table 1, nos- 5-6) with a two- or tridimensional network structure is formed simultaneously. The conversion of ferrocene to high- molecular products amounted to 25~S. Nos. 1-3 have a softening temperature of 290-3000C and are a dark-red powder, whereas nos- 5-6 had their softening temperature at about 4000C and were light-yellow. B) Polyalkylenation of ferrocene by methylene chloride and 1,2-dichloroethane in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride solution in 50 ml of di- halogen alkane was added gradually to 40 gferrocene dissolved in 250 m2 dry dihalogen alkane. The mixture was stirred for 6 hr at the boiling tempera- ture of the solvent. The next day, 10 g aluminum chloride in 25 ml dihalo- gen alkane were added and treated for 6 hr as above. The mixture was decomposed by ice.and HC1 and treated with sodium sulfite. The obtained 3) and 4) were well soluble in be nzene, differed, however, by their solubility in ether. Table 1 shows the molecular weights, the always equal g-factor and the magnetic characteristics of all substances produced. The decolliposi- tion temperature of 9-13 was 115-120OC-. All substances are amorphous powde'rs, nos. 9 and 10 light-yellow, no. 11 grey-brown. Nos. 10 and 11 are of a chemical composition similar to that of no. 9 (pentaethanodifferrcicene). Card 2/6 23854 S/02 61/137/006/013/020 Synthesis and some B103YB217 They consist possibly of 2 and 4 molecules similar to the latter, connected by ethane bridges, 4-5 methylenes in the molecule of nos. 12 and 13 belong to 2 ferrocene radicals. They do not contain halogen. The infrared spectra of nos. 9-13 have frequencies within the range 1000-1100 cm-1. To I). Derivatives 1) having a n-conjugation between the ferrocene links give a signal the electron paramagnetic resonance (e-p-r), similarly to the poly- aromatic hydrocarbons, This cannot be explained by the presence of a corresponding quantity of the oxidized form of the ferricinium'cation. Table 1 shows that also polymers in which the-ferroceiLe 1 'inks are sepaxated by the --CH2--GH27 group give an a. p. r. signal. It is known that the delocalization of the unpaired'electrono between the two phenyl rings'is not: prevented by this group. In the.substances described here, which give an e-. p. r. signal, this signal is the smaller, the smaller the number of .-ferrocene links is. This signal Vanishes in 2). Polymers with a low molecular weight give no. e.'p., r. signal 'in the solution (benzene), but in solid state. This is explained'by the fact that the intramolecular interactions cause in solid state a conjugation of the adjacent polymer molecules. This Causes for its part an e. p. r. signal. kll polymers Card 31.6,-" 2- S/020/61/1~37/006/013/020 Synthesis and some B103/B21,7 giving.this signal show a single,symmetrioal-line of-the e. p.r. of the Lorenz type.. Thell).obtained from the reaction A yields a wide e. p. r., line of 1,26-160 oersteds., ite.width.bding dependent on the polymer structure. This line becomes broader on reducing the measuring temperature. Its width is ch'anged mos.t considerably in low-molecular polymers~. The authors believe the nature,of the measured signals to be unclarified,,they cannot maintain that the number N of the unpaired electrons per.1 member, deter- mined by a comparison with the standard, corresponds to their actual number. N may, however, be a certain characteristic of the magnetic properties of the system,~,,.(nos. 2-4).- N reaches an-anomalous size in the insoluble - !j?Tolymer no. 5- This is assumed to be:connected with & collective effect.of .the.ferromagnetic type. The ultraviolet (UV-) spectra of 1),dissolved. in n-octane, which g~~q. an e' r.. signal in solid state, differ from the ultraviolet spectra~of such that give no signal in solid state% In the the UV-spectrum.agrees completely with that of ferrocene dis- solved in CCl* It was proved for these spectra (Ref- 7) that the oharile 4 + transfer takes,place here under formation-of an ion pair Per CCl_. On the -4 contrary, tae UV-spectrum of such 1) that give no e. p. r. signal is similar Card 4/9-j5' -AAN, ---------- 25 I S/020/61 138 006/015/013 B103/B215 AUTHORS: Jorshak, V. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR, and Vinogradovi-I-S. V. TITLE: Some laws of the polycoordination reaction PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 138, no. 6, 1961,1353-1356 TEXT: The authors determined the conditions for the synthesis of coordina~ tion polymers with a molecular weight of more than 100,000. The tetra- ketone 4,41-bis-(acetoacetyl)-phenyl ether (BAPE) was used as initial ligand, since solubility of the final product is of great advantage for the examination. The authors allowed BAPE to react with beryllium- and ..zinc acetoacetonatee and also with zinc acetate. Polycoordination in some respects reminds of polycondensation. In both cases, the polymer is synthesized due to the interaction between two types of reactive groups where, besides the growth of polymer chains, low-molecular products are separated: in the former oase water, alcohol, etc., in the latter case acetylacetone, acetic acid, etc. The authors had already found poly- condensation to be a balanced process. If the low-molecular product is Card 1/4 25 5339 S/020/61/138/006/015/01,51 Some laws of the polycoordination reaction B103/B215 removed from the reaction sphere, the equilibrium may shift and thus increase the polymer yield by favoring the formation of polymer molecules. The authors found that polycoordination like polycondensation is a reversible prooese, and that coordination polymers are completely destroyed by the low-moleouLar reaction product. TLey also proved that; coordination polymers react with chemically similar substances. The low-molecular product should therefore be completely removed from the reaction sphere. The reaction was conducted (a) in a solution, (b) in a melt. Ad (a): BAPE and zinc acetate dissolved in dimethyl formamide viere subjected to polycoordination in nitrogen flow at 120 and 1400C. In bath cases, the polymer yield was 84-87 % after 5 hr. The intrinsic viscosity of the polymer in cresolic solution was 0.06-0.09 and remained constant durin,cy a reaction time of 0.5-11 hr. In their attempts to increase the viscosity by higher reaction temperatures (dissolution in dinyl at 2200C for 5 hr), the authors obtained a polymer poorly soluble in cresol. Therefore they continued -their experiments with beryllium polymers (instead of zinc) in dinyl at 200-2400C. Thus, they found that polymers of higher viscosity are formed in solutions of higher concentration (0.74 to 2.00 mole/1). Distillation of acetylacetone also favors the increase in Card 2/4 Sonic laws of the polyaoordination reaction 25339 3/020/61/138/006/015/0-19 B103/B215 molecular weight. The quantitative ratio of the initial products also has a great effect upon viscosity. A polymer of the highest molecular weight forms at an equimolar ratio of the two components. A 0.2 mole excess of one component reduces the viscosity almost to 1~4- If the excess' is higher, viscouity is no longer affected. Ad (b : In the melt, BAPE and beryllium form a polymer with a viscosity of 0.06 already within the first hour at 2000C. It remains constant during 5 hr of reaction. At 26000, viscosity is doubled and increases atthis temperature as the time of reaction increases. In vacuo (1-2 mm Hg), the maximum increase in viscosity is reached in the second stage of reaction. Thus, the allthDre obtained a viscosity of 0.44 of the coordination polymers by conducting the reaction first in nitrogen flow for 5 hr at 20000, then in vacuo for another 5 hr at 2600C. When using 6 g of BAPE instead of 0.5 g, a viscosity of 0.48 was obtained in vacuo at a reaction time of 14 hr and 2600C. The fractionation of this polymer from chloroform with n-hexane yielded three fractions; (1) 27.3 % (molecular weight: 12600), (11) 26.2 ~~, and (111) 44-5 %~ with a viscosity in chloroform of 1.2, 0.5, and 0.32, respectively. The authors explain the increase of the molecular weight by the above equilibrium character of the process. The removal of Card 3/4 B1Q 3A! qj, AUTHbR-S'-:4`: A k6~shiak, V V.,,Corres ond g MepibpTi, k p V n 0 7Tamb e..: TITLE a.Pol*e:e Zation of. ox st u qy~"oge;iquq.. -gapoiilicofi~. 0 a OMP d VERIODI BASH 4,_ CAL: a 6 Ic", ~141- Ak d TEXT' a ~Naq d1ken3d -iilaine-~ erivativ4 genous~ atu( ie(I.::, Thee', gee i~_Iis~dicai_,;ii~ii' * r zoisobutyrodini't~iie'-"- th iifo (2)._ t . I . , , .. . _ j.~ at zio= 1 -.prea__.e'u;e p iia' ~enzo~l p roxide (b)' P1 , , . e - a with,.Pt/d.O~ -6 4Lt~%J, .0 B.; --:It was found thaV. cyano-Up propoxy alke4l~ eflatt.4.44kivitt ly!46rize.. at -compaiatiVely' low, tempera urea* t -.u.-Abovle',,;t2o .0.~Ih'46.~-,oompounas frequenti -'decomp'Ose;P y .- al at'80'?G.;' For tinderlthe cbridi ti6nio -'o6l'6il'ed polymers vere'obtained -,the,,,.'.r' ei V, t.46y'-,_ier'e' bi*o*n_.~ Some.of the experiments ended. up 'a'nd',*.`charring:,of., the Pr6ducisl.. .1lost of the 'rod~i 1-~ - -1 -2~ 6tw,'4r~,,,s1'fghtl,y-solubl no The authors also, p 3tudy of the polymerization ... 71n (1) or. There are I table and 9 references: 7 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as'fo'llows: J. C. Williams, R. A' Pike 'F. Fekete, Ind. and Eng. Chem. , ~Ll-, 939 (1959); R. M. Savagey Rubber Age, a, 975 (1959). ASSOdIATION: Institut elem*entoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic,Compounds of the Academy of Soiences USSR).Institut organicheskoy khimii im. If. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of S/020/611141/003/009/021 -~31 03/B1 01" RO R' OCHCH,CN F 11f.ptcl. H -1L-0-11 H + M CH - CHt - S1 - CH, - CH Ckt, &HJC%C~ Pf/c 3 R, OCHICHICN _OL~,._CH%'_CH.,CH. MiCHPis (3) ~CHICHsCN Orfanic.Chemiltry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Card 310-3 Sc ence USSR ANDRIANOV, Kuzlma Andrianovich; KORSHAK, V Vp otv red ZHDANOVI A.A., red.; BALLOV., A.I.P teKhn. DOiOKKil, I.N., tekhn. red. (Polymers with inorganic main chains of molecules)Polimary 9 neorganicheskimi glavnymi tsepiami molekul. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 326 po (MIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Korshak). (Silicon organic compounds) (Polymers) (Organometallic compounds) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16119 Korshak,' Vasilly Vladimirovich.. and Tailyana Mikhaylovna Frunze Sinteticheskiye geterotdepnyye poliamidy (Synthetic Hetero- Chain,.Polyamided). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SS'SR, 1962. 523 P. .Rrrata slip inserted. 5000 copies printed. Sponsgring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elementoor- ganicheskikh soyedinaniya ResP6 Ed.s S. R. Rafikov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Bds.; V. M. Zhulin and I. P. Iooskutova; Tech. Ed.: S. 0, Tikhomirova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for scientific research workers, students and teachers at schools of higher technical educationp and technicians In the synthetic fiber, paint, plastics, and other industries which produce or utilize polyamides. COVERAGEs The monograph gives a comprehensive simmary of the literature through 1959, and a selection of the more interesting materials published in 1960, on the chemistry and physics of heterd-chain polyamides. Types of polyamides, polymerization, the mechanics of polycondensation, and the chemical and physical Card 1/5 Synthetic Hetero-Chain Polyamides SOV16119 properties and the production of polyamides are discussed. References are given following each chapter (Cho. VII and VIII each have a bibliography of over 700 items). -Altogether -..about 4'00 Soviet and 1500 non-Soviet authors are cited. No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged]: Foreword 3 Ch. I* Introduction 5 History of the discovery of the individual types of polyaqides 5 Classification of polyamides 7 References 12 Ch. II. Production of Polyamides by Polycondensation 13 Types of polyamide-forming reactions 14 Struct~ure and polyamide-forming capacity of ~nonomers 16 Reference data (tables) 24 References 70 Card 2/5 I Synthetic Hetero-Chain Polyamides SOV16119 Ch. III, Polycondennation Mechanism " 78 78 Polycondensation and its types 80 Equilibrium polyeondeneation Polycondensation at-the phase boundary 127 147 References Produetion of Polyamides by Polymerization Ch. 3: 153 Types ar polymeritation reactions 153 Hydrolytic polymerization 155 18o Catalytic polymerization of cyclic lactams 188 Deoarboxylation polymerization Copolymerization of polyinocyanates with polyhydric alaO)11D18 of polyamines 193 Copolymerization of 2,2-bis-5(4.4)-oxazolones with diamines or glycols 207 208 Polymerization of isoeyanates Polymerizatiou of unsaturated amides 210 References 211 Card 3/5 Synthetic Hetero.Chaln.Polyamides 16119 MDV/ Oh.,Vj--Produation7of- . Mx~d--:Polyamides 217 Equilibrium reactions 217 Wone4uilibrium reactions 24o Graf t~ 4iopolymers 94 N Block copolymers 2 R6ferenoes 255 Ch. VI. Chend-3al Propertie-s of Hetero-Chain Polyamides ~260 ~Cleavage of the amide bond '261 hydrogen radicals Amide 268 - gradatlop' 'and itruotuire formation De 272 , Other polyamide reaotions 292 ~Abs6rption-of Viriouwsubhtanees by polyamides 294 Referenees 298 Ch, VII. Phyilcal.Preperties bf Polyamides 308 References 391 dird 4/5 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6034 Konferentsiya po khimii i primeneniyu fosfororganicheskikh soyedineniy. 2d, Kazan', 1959, Ehimiya i primeneniye fosfororganicheskikh soyedineniy; trudy (Chemistry and Use of Organophosphorus Compounds; Conference Transactions) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 630 p. Errata slip inserted. 2800 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Kazanskiy filial. Resp. Ed. : A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academician; Ed. of Publishing House: L- S. Povarov; Tech. Ed.: S. G.,Tikhomirova. PURPOSE: This collection of conference transactions is intended for chemists, process engineers, physiologists, pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians, and agricultural scientists. COVERAGE: The transactions include the full texts of most of the scientific papers presented at the Second Conference on the Chemistry and Use of Card 1/14 Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (Cont.) SOV/6034 Organophosphorus Compounds held at Kazan' from 2 Nov through I Dec.,1959. The material is divided into three sections: Chemistry, containing 67 arti-. cles; Physiological Activity of Organophosphorus Compounds, containing 26 articles; and Plant Protection, containind,12 articles. The reports reflect the strong interest of Soviet scientists in the chemistry and application of organophosphorus compounds. References accompany individual reports. Short summaries of some of the listed reports have been made and are given, below. TABLE OF CONTENTS, [Abridged]: Introduction (Academician A. Ye. Arbuzov) 3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHEMISTRY SECTION Gefter, Ye. 1, [N11 plastmass (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics, Moscow]. Some Prospects for the Industrial Use of Organophosphorus Compounds 46 Card 2/14 Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (Cont.) SOV/6034 triorganosilanols (113SiOH) with acids of phosphorus under condi-_ tions of azeotropic distillation of water in the presence of inert solvents. Another is based on the interaction of triorganosilanes with orthophosphoric and m ethylphos phonic acids in the presence of active colloidal nickel. Korshak. V. V., I. A. Gribova, and M. A. Andreyeva [Institut ele- mentoorganicheskikh soyedineniy (Institute of Organoelemental Com- pounds, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow)]. Study of Phosphorus- Containing Compounds 242 The polycondensation of dichlorides of phosphonic acids with diols has been studied by following the interaction of methylphosphonic dichloride with hydroquinone in a nitrobenzene solution at a tempera- ture of 140 to 170*C. The properties of polyesters of phosphonic acid have also been studied. Card 4/14 Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (Cont.) SOV16034 -Korshak,_ V. V., T. M. Frunze, V. V, Kurashev, and I, V. Kozlov [Institute of Organoelemental Compounds]. Synthesis of Some Phos- phorus- Containing Dicarboxylic Acids and Derivation of Polyamides Based on Such Acids 247 Phosphorus -containing dicarboxylic acids have been obtained by synthesis and used for the preparation of polyamides. The effect of the phosphorus and the structure of the acids on the properties of the polyamides has beenstudied. Kolesnikov, G. S., Ye. F. Rodionova, and L_ S. Fedorova [Institute of Organoelemental Compounds]. Synthesis, Polymerization, and Co- polymerization of Esters of Vinylphosphonic Acid 255 The authors obtained esters of vinylphosphonic acid and demonstrated th'at these esters are capable of entering the polymerization and co- polymerization reaction with other monomers. Polymers and co- polymers of the dichloride and esters of vinylphosphonic acid have been synthesized and their properties determined. Card 5/14 Chemistry and the Use of Organophosphorus (Cont.) SOV/6034 Andreyeva, M. A., I. A. Gribova, M. 1. Kabachnik, G. S. Kolesnikov, -_V, V, Korsb,-&, T. Ya. Medv,-d', Yu. M. Polikarpov, Ye. F. Ro&6nova, and I- S. Fedorova [Institute of Organoelemental Compounds]. Some Methods of Synthesis of New Organophosphorus Monomers and Polymers 263 This study attempts to develop new methods of synthesis of organo- phosphorus monomers and polymers for obtaining high-moiecular fireproof materials. The authors synthesized vinyl compounds of pentavalent phosphorus and studied their properties, as well as those of the polymers obtained. Moshkin, P. A., Ye. I- Gefter, and I. K. Rubtsova [Scientific Research Institute of Plastics). StuJy of the Synthesis and Uses of Some Organ o- phosphorus Compounds in the Plastics Industry 279 Industrial methods for the preparation of esters of phosphoric acid and for testing qualities of these acids as plasticizers have been de- veloped, along with methods for obtaining phosphorus -containing rhonomers for use in polymerization, copolymerization, and poly- condensation reactions. Polyesters based on dichlorides of Card 6 /14 A 32358 S/191/62/000/001/002/006 B1451B110 AUTHORS: Akutin, M. S., Vinogradovat S. V.9 Rodivilovav L. A., Valetskiy, P. M., Lebedeva, A. S., Salazkin, S. N. TITLE: Polyarylates - new thermoetable polymers PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1962, 9-13 TEXT: A survey of the properties of polyarylates is given. They are best synthetized from bifunctional phenols and dicarboxylic acid chlorides. Some of the synthetized polyarylates and their softening temperatures are given in Table 1. The great number of rings in the polymer ensure high resistance to most organic solvents as well as to gasolines and oils. At room temperature, the polyarylate WA (ID) is stable against H 202' dilute and concentrated caustic soda solutions, acetic acid, formic acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid. The effect of dilute and concentrated ammonia solutions considerably reduces the molecular weight of ID. Polyarylates on the basis of phenolphthalein are readily soluble in a number of solvents which facilitates the production of foils. At the NIIPM it was Card I ~Yj 32358 S/19 62/000/001/002.,/006 Polyarylates - new thermostable ... B145YB110 established that the polyarylates TA (TD) and ID withstand high tempera- tures. Decomposition increases with rising temperature, at first slowly and then sharply at about 4000C. The oxidation of ID sets in at 2500C and proceeds slowly. Measurement of breakdown voltage, temperature dependence of tan 6, dielectric constant, and volume resistivity for some polyarylates prove that they are better dielectrics than polyethylene terephthalate, polycarbonate, etc. Polyarylates have good mechanical properties at various temperatures. Working processes are being elaborated at present. Specimens of mixed polyarylates were obtained by pressure casting, the tensile strength of which reached 850 kp/CM2. Specimens sprayed on metal showed an adhesion to metal of 75 to 150 kp/CM2. Work is also in progress on polyarylates with double bonds and free functional groups. They might be used as a basic material for the production of varnishes, glues, glass-reinforced plastics, and foam plastics. Thigre are 5 figures, 6 tables, and 5 Soviet references. Table 1. Softening temperature of polyarylatee of different structures, Legend: (1) polyarylate; (2) structure of the chain link; (3) softening temperature in OC; (4) TD; (5) ID; (6 TG; (7) IG; (8) TR; (9) IR; ('10) TF; (11) IF; (12)-(14) ITD; (15) IDR; (16~ TDR; (17) IFDj \18) IAD; * the Card 2x~ 32358 s/iqi/62/000/001/002,(Oo6 Polyarylates - new thermostable ... B1451B110 molecular ratio of the initial dicarboxylic acid chlorides related to 1 mole of diol is given in parentheses; * * the molecular ratio of the initial diols related to 1 mole of dicarboxylic acid chloride is given in parentheses. Card 3113 34946 s/191/62/000/003/004/0-10 B101/W47 P/ 0 AUTHORS: Kamenskiy, I. V., Sanin, I. K., Xorshak. V. V. TITLE: Polymers based on silicon-containing, furan compounds. Synthesis of esters of furfuryl alcohol and ortho-silicic acid PERIODICAL; Plasticheakir massy, no. 3, 1962, 8-12 TEXT: (1) The synthesis of tetrafurfuryl oxysilane (I) in the presence of' KOH by alcoholysis of tetraethoxy silane (TES) with furfuryl alcohol is described. To avoid resinification, the alcohol is first only mixed with half the TES, after evaporation of Mj,' of the theoretical C 2 H5OH amount with the next quarter, and after evaporation of 3% C2 H5OR with the rest. it. H OH at 115-140 0 C. The reaction is continued until evaporation of 750 C2 5 .0 The yield is 60-620i'o, the substance consists OA. jellowi3h crystals, m.p. 38-390C, b.p. 204-2060C (4 mm, Hg), d40 1.231, n 0 1-5025. A by-product is the hitherto unknown ethoxy trifurfuryl oxysilane, a yellowish liquid, b.p. Card 1/4 S/191/62/000/003/004/010 Polymers based on silicon- B101/B147 152-1540C (1 mm Hg), d 20 1.1400, n 20 1-4890- (2) Synthesis of I by 4 D esterification of SiCl 4 with furfuryl alcohol. SiCl 4 is added dropwise to alcohol dissolved in benzene, excess pyridine is admixed as HC1 acceptor. Pyridine hydrochloride was separated (a) by washine, dehydration of the benzene layer by CaC12, distillation of I in vacuo, or (b~ with higher yields (94~j/4), by filterine off the pyridine hydrochloride. (3) Synthesis. of tetrahydrofurfuryl orthosilicate (II) by alcoholysis of TES with tetra- hydrofurfuryl alcohol in the presence of lead monoxide at 120-1.450C for 4 hrs. The product (75',/, yield) was a heavy, colorless liquid, b.p. 215-2160c (1-5 mm 11g), d 20 1.1399, n 20 1.4680. (4) Synthesis of II by 4 D esterification of SiCl 4, ratio S'Cl4 : tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol pyridine = 1.1 : 4 : 4.8, 4 hrs at 100C, 80~f, yield referred to alcohol. (5) Synthesis of ethyl furfuryl oxysilanes by alcoholysis, similar to i:1), of ethyl triethoxy silane or diethyl diethoxy silane with furfuryl alcohol during 5 hrs. The product was ethyl trifurfuryl ethoxy silane (54.5,c4), bp. 159-5-1600C (1 mm 11g), d 20 1-1743, n 20 1-4988; and diethyl difurfuryl Card 2/4 S/191/62/000/003/004/01,D Polymers based on silicon B101/B147 0 20 20 oxysilane (48~'O), b.p. 138-139 C (3 Mm He), d4 1.0835, nD 1.4845. (6) Synthesis of alkyl(aryl)furfuryl oxysilanes by esterification of methy4 ethyl, or phenyl trichloro silane, dimethyl, diethyl dichloro silane, or trimethyl chloro silane with furfuryl alcohol, similar to (1). Products obtained: methyl trifurfuryl oxysilane (9(Yi,), b.p. 157-1580C (1 mm Hg), d20 1.1601, n20 1.4992; dimethyl difurfuryl oxysilane, b.p. 102-103 4 D 20 (1 mm Hg), d20 1.1021, n 1-4809; trimethyl furfuryl oxysilane (69%.), 1 4 D 20 20 b.p. 39-0-39-50C 0 mm HO) ' d4 0.9519, nD 1.4449; ethyl trifurfuryl oxysilane (91%), b.p. 159-5-1600C, d 20 1-1743, n20 1.4988; diethyl 4 D 20 20 difurfuryl oxysilane (6911'.), b.p. 138-1390C (3 mm Hg), d 4 1.0835, nD 1.4615; and phenyl trifurfuryl oxysilane (5%"), b.p. 199-5-2000C , d20 1.2040, 20 4 nD 1-5358- (7) Esterification of methyl chlorosilanes with tetrahydro- furfuryl alcohol produced (in 88-90% yields): methyl-tri-(tltrahydro- furfuryl)-oxysilane, b.p. 179-1810C (2 mm. He), d20 1.1068, n 0 1-4648; 4 D Card 3/4 5/191 /62/000/003/004/010 Polymers based on silicon ... B101/B147 dimethyl'-di-(tetrahydrofurfuryl)-oxysilane, b.p. 123-1250C (1 mm HU), d20 1-0324, n20 1.4505; and trimethyl-(tetrahydrofurfuryl)-oxysilane, b.:,). 4 0 D. 20 - 20 172-173 C (76o mm Hg), d4 0*9214, nD 1-4271. The infrared spectra of -the compounds are shown. Papers by Yu. X. Yurlyev (ZhOKhj ~_8, 3 (1950) and A. L. Mdzhoyan (DAN ArmSSRj 27P 305 (1958)) are mentioned. There are 7 figures, I table, and 25 references: 8 Soviet and 17 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: (1~55); K. 0. Wilks H. Olson, Ind. Eno. Chem., AZ, 1411 J. Am. Chem. Soc., J2, 1208 (1950); US Patent 2601497 (1952); US Patent 2569455t C. A., 46, 3084 (1952). SUBMITTED: October 19, 1960 Card 4/4 Of-LI S/062/62/000/004/012/013 B110/B101 AUTHORSs Ko.rshakv V. Vep Sladkov, A. Me, and Luneval Le Ke TITLEt Synthesis of elemental organic polymers with acetylene bonds in their chain PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSRe Izvestiyao Otdeleniye khimioheskikh naukp no- 49 1962, 728 TEXT: New polymers were obtained by polyoondeneation of halides of element41:.:'.,' 21 with Na acetylenides of bis-acetylenes in polar organic compounds, RMeCl solvents (tetrahydrofurany dimethyl etherp diethylene glycol, ethyl etherp~, etc.). The acetylenide was obtained from finely distributed sodium or sodium amide and bis-aoetylene in the solvent. Elemental organic compounds On the same solvent were added at room temperature, heated to 6o-iooOct filtered offp and the polymer was separated from the filtrate. Thuov the...- .1 acetylenide was obtained from p-di-ethinyl benzene and sodium. After th _2~ addi-tion of dimeth~rll dichloro silane, the substance was boiled for 7 hr: -yellow polymer not melting at cooled, and diluted with water* A light Card 1/2 Ti p 1"I U S/062/62/000/0 04/012/013 Synthesis of elemental organic.... B110/B101 3000C and slightly darkening at 2400C (C 66-45P H - 7-74, Si 20.92%) 1 40~ precipitated. The infrared spectra showed C~^ (2250 cm- ) and Bi-CH stretching vibrat 1 3 ions (1250 cm- ). The range of elastic deformation W thermodynamically determined at 150-3000c. Similarlyp an acetylenide W"L!, obtained from phenyl acetylene and sodium;, Addition of dimethyl dichloro silane at room temperature and subsequent boiling for 4 hrs yielded 4 5 di-p-phenyl ethinyl dimethyl ailane (be pt 180-1650C at 4 mm Hg). in an i:' i analogous manner, polymers can also be obtained from other compounds of elements Of Group IV. The resulting-Monomers Were used for producing Polymers and Copolymers. ASSOCIATIONs Institut eleme'ntoorganioheskikh aoyedinaniy Akadexii nauk SSSR (Institute Of Elemental Organic Gompounds-of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs December 25, 1961 --Card KORSHAK, V-V ; K%RROVA~ L.I.; SIDOROV, T.A. Infrared spectra of organic~complexee of beryllium. Izv. AN SSSIR., Otd.khim.nauk n0.5:813-815 147 062. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AR SSSR. (Beryllium*organic compounds-Spectra) KORSHAKY V.V.; KROMAUZO Ye.S.; BERLIN., A.M. Organophosphorus polywro with F - N bonds. Izv.AN SWR.Otd. kbim.nauk no.8:W2-3la6 Ag 162. (MA 15%8) 1. Institut elewntoorganicheokikh ooyedineniy AN &WR. I (Phosphorus organic compounds) (-%lymers) s/o62/62/000/008/009/016,f BIOI/B180 AUTHORS: Korshak V V Vinogradovat S. V.? Salazkin, S. N.t and Sidorov, T. A. TITLE: Production of polyaryls based on phenol phthalein by inter- phase polycondensation PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk'SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 8, 1962, 106-1423 TEXT: This is the 47th report on heterochain polyesters. -Interphase pol condensation of phenol p '(P) with*chlorides of dicarboxyli a ids hthalein a c yielded-polymers of low intrinsic viscosity Reacting P with isophthalic acid in this way in p-xylol solution,*at initial reactant concentrations of 0.1 mole/l, with 29 NaOH per M phenol phthalein, resulted in [1j4C0.23 (in tricresol) and yields of up to 80. Higher alkaline concentrations reduced both [q] and yield. Nor did an emulsifier,--" (Nekal) or catalyst (triethylbenzyl ammoniumchloride) cause an appreciable increase in E,%]. Polycondensates from P and terephthallio acid (T), and mixed polycondensates from Pt 4-41-dihydroxydipheilylpropane Oard 1/ 3 S/062/62/odq/608/009/616. Production of polyaryls based ... B101/B180 Dian) and I or T all had a lo' [,q] (0.26-0-32) was.1.ower still 0.12-0.16) when the d:iohlorid:s of I and T were IoNally or partially. ~ replaced by fumaryl dichloride, due to the slight hydrolysis caused by the latter. These results are attributed to the slow rate of the tautomeric transformation of P. In alkaline solution it is assumed that there is equilibrium between the quinoid and the lactone forms. The chloride of the dicarboxylic acid only reacts with the lactone. Since transition from quinoid to lactone occurs 9lowly,-hydrolY818 of the acid chloride sets in, and the molecular weight remains low. This is supported by the absence of a band characterizing the quinoid structure at 1680 am-1 in the IR spectra of the polycondeneates. The 1300 cm-1 band, attributed by S. Lo Elisabeth to the quinoid form (Industr. and Engng, Chem.9 52, 319 (1960)), was ascribed to the residue of I, since it was also obser7ed in the polycondeneate of Dian and Is The doublet 1710-1760 cm-' is attributed to the different bonds of the carbonyl groups (ester and laotone bonds), Thekd 6ke 0 tidukdo AM 4 thbl~~, ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorginicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii naule- SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organio Compounds of the Aoiadeqr of Sciences USSR) Card 213 Production of polyaryls based as, SUBMITTED: February 11, 1962 Card 3/3 ~ S10621621000100810111016 B117/B180 AUTHORS: Korshak V V Kudryavtsev, R. V.p Sergeyev, V* A*9 and I s ra ron' ~.' 4 TITLE: Investigation of hydrolytic polymerization mechanism of E-caprolactam in the presence of-water,contAining a heavy F oxygen isotope PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakilth naukt no. 8# 19629 1468-1470 18 TEXT: In this investigation the water contained 6% 0 F--oaprolactam and the labeled water, in a 1:1-5 ratio, were heated'for 6 bra at 9000C The molecular weight of the resulting poly-E-capioamide was relatively 18 low, and its 0 content the same as with an exchange reaction. From this-- it is concluded that the monomer links on to the end groups of the growing polymer chain during the reaction. When the polymer was heated for 3 brs at 2500C in argon, the viscosity of the Solution was found to be higher than that of the initial-polymer, (from Nj - 1.76), tr 0-38 to Card -1 A- S/062/62/000/008/011/016 Investigation of hydrolytic B117[B180 as also the molecular weight. In the final stage of the reaction, if all the water can be removed, polycondensation of the macromolecule will occur due to the reaction between amino and carboxyl end-groups. The course of the hydrolytic polymerization of &-caprolactam ddscribed above confirms earlier predictions (V. V. korshak and T. M. Prunze, Izv. AN SSSR. Otd, khim. n- 1955P 376). There is I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of sciences USSR).. SUBMITTED: January 31, 1*962- Card 2/2 ~CRSHAKp V.V.1 ROGOZHIN, S,V.; VINOGRADOV, M.G. FIrthalocyanins po2y=ra of diphthalyl ketone. Izv.AN WSR.Otd.khim.. nai& no.S-.3.473--2475 Ag 162, OMA 15:8) 1. institut slamentoorganichookikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Ketone-Y (Phthalocyanine) ~0730 510621621000100910071009 B119/B186 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V.,_Krongauz, Yee Set and Gr~bkova, P. N. TITLE: Production of a polymer by polyrecombination from diphenyl benzyl phosphine oxide. PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khinicheskikh nauk, 'no. 9) 1962, .1638 1644 TEXT: (C H P(O)CH C was polyrecombined by heating to 210 2120C in 6 5 2 2 05 a current of N2 and in the presenc6'of Vertiary butyl peroxide. The time of reaction (3 - 11 hrs) and the perogide c .onteht (I r 4 moles' per I molt, of diphenyl benzyl phosphine oxide'(D)) were varied. . A polymer with -polecular weight between 33,000 and 35,000 was obtained. The melting e- the specific viscosity a Point wa-s 320 - 3300C, of 0-5 ~a solution in croaol< 0.1. The maximum polymer yield was gel ~4 referred to the amount of D use(L. Nothing certain could be learned as to the dependence of the yield on the mixing ratio,D: peroxide.or as to the time of reaction, or rate.of-paroxide admixture. The'highly ramified polymer molecules are assumed to form according to the following reaction schemes Card 1/3 13/062/62/000/009/007/009 Production.of a polymer by,. B119/B186 CH 3\, CH 3 OR 3\ CH -C-0-0 -C-CH CH to,-W) 0 H CH 3 3 3 CH3\ CH C-0- 3 : y CH13. +(OR COH , v 33 0 . CH 3\ CH C-0- CH +(CH.) C-ito .3 Y2_1 3 C d / H + CH' -4 H-C-CH ar 2 3 7 S/191/62/000/011/oo6/oig B101/B186 AUTHORS: Akutin, M. S.,,.Korshak, V. V., Rodivilova, I. A., Vinogradova, S. V., Budnitskiy, Yu. M., Valetskiy, P. M., Lebedeva,.A. S. TITLE: New data on processing and properties of polyarylates PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy .,no. 11, 19.62, 20-26 TEXT: This paper deals with experiments for determining the optimum processing conditions of polyarylates from isophthalic acid and diane (ID), terephthalic acid and diane (TD), and the mixed'polymer ITD (ratio iso- to terephthalic acid 1:1). Preliminary experiments showed that the interfacial polycondensation in more concentrated solutions than hitherto usual gave polymers with low molecular weight: thus 13.5~* by weight of diane in NaOH solution + 15-20% by weight of isophthalic dichloride in methylene chloride yielded a polymer with MVI -18,000. A better result was obtained for ITD in the presence of 1% trieihyl benzyl ammonium chloride as cataliat: the reduced viscosity in tricresol was 0-53- InJection- molded products were made from ID, TD, and ITD, and tested. Results: Card 1/3. s/191162/000/011/oo6/oig New data on processing and ... B101[B186 (1) At 280-360'OC, ID and TD can be processed only in inert gas atmosphere since thermal destruction occurs if air is present. ITD can still be - processed at these temperatures in the presence of air. (2) The strength of products depends on the molecular weight (or on the reduced viscosity). Adequate tensile strength (- 400 kg/Om 2) is attained above Ired 0 1.0. Products with a tensile strength of 850-900 kg1cm 2 were obtained from ITD with '~Lred ' 1.9-2.0. (4) The tensile strength drops from 820 kg/cm2 at 2800C to 480 kg/cm 2 at 340 0C- (5) The effect of the molding time becomes manifest the tensile strength dropping from 850 kg/CM2 after 10 min to 300 kg/cm2 after 30 min molding time (6) A change in molding pressure has no effect on the tensile strengtL (7) Increasing the temperature of the mold from a0 to 1600C increases the tensile streneth from 650 to 820 kg/cm2, but a further increase (to 2000C) reduces the tensile strength. (8) A study of the chemical stability of injection-molded specimens and films showed: good stability to mineral and organic acids, oxidants, and dilute alkalis; poor stability to concentrated alkalis, particularly ammonia; swelling in some solvents, injection-molded specimens being more stable than films. The chemical stability of polyarylates resembles that of polycarbonates, and is inferior to that of polyethylene terephthalate Card 2/3 S/I 9y62/000/011/006/01 9 New data on processing and ... B101 B1 86 only as regards the swelling in some organic solvents. There are 6 figures and 6 tables. Card 3/3 42649 B/062/62/000/011/012/021 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Korshak,,V. V., Frunze,-T. M., and Kozlov, L. V. TITLEt Heterachain polyamides. Communication 32. Interfacial forma. tion of mixed polyamides-from mixtures of various diamines FERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikw nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2o62 - 2o69 TEXT: The rules governing the interfacial polycondensation of adipyl chloride (AC) with a mixture of ethylene diamine (1) and m-phenylene diamine (II), or I and hexamethylene diamine (III), were studied. Poly- amides were also synthesized from sebacyl.chloiide-(SC) and a mixture of III and piperazine (IV). The polycondensation-was carried out at rooin temperature; the chloride was dissolved in*benzene, the.diamines in aqueous alkali. The molar ratio of the diamines was vatied.between Osl and 1s0. The relative reaction rate of II and III was determined by acylating their -mixture with benzoyl chloride. The nitrogen content of the reaction prod- uct and its IR spectrum proved that,.hexamethylene amine was formed and that the reaction rate of III was consequently much higher Card 1/3 -W/062/62/000/011/012/021 Heterochain*polyamides ... B100144 than that of II. In the polycondensation of AC with diamines the following were-determineds the initial ratio K of the diaminesq-the-ratio K 2 of the diamines in the copolymer, and a K2/Kj. The following values were foundt K1 . 1/13: K2 . I/II K1. I/III K2 M I/III 4 0.54 0.14 ,4 - 2.03 0.51 1.50 0.41 0*27 1.50 o.613 0.41 1.00 0-15 0.15 1.00 0.32 0o48 o.67 0018 0.27 0.67 0.32 0.48 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.075 0.30 amean 0 0,17 Oe.41 The polymers had a higher content of Il or III, respectively, than would correspond to the initial ratio. After prolonged polycondensation of AC with I and II, the I content in t *he polymer increased owing to exhaustion of the diamine mixture with respect to II, which had the principal share in the early reaction stage. The system of SC behaved similarly with III and IV. These results are explained by the different rates of diffusion of Card 2/3 S106 62/000/011/012/921 Heterochain polyamides*** B101YB144 the diamines into'the organic phase., It is (in M/cm 2. mi.n) 3.9-10-7 for 1, 6-07-10-5 for II, and 1.07-10-5 for III. The dissociation constants area 8.5.10-5, 6.0-10"10, and 5- 1-10-4, respectively. In the polymer, the con- tent of radicals of the diamine primarily depends on the rate of diffusion. The reactivity is of secondary importance and has a compensating effect on the polymer composition if the slowly diffusing diamine has a higher re&6- tion rate (dissociation constant). There are-3 figures and 5-tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of-Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of~ Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 9, 1962 Card 3/3 3/19c) 93404/001/004/020 B101/B110 AUTHORSt Korshak, V. V., Rogozhinq S. V., Volkov, V. I. TITLE. Studies of coordination polymers. IX. Metal-containing polymers based on aliphatic dicarboxylic, a, a'-dihydroxydi- carboxylic, and a, m'Ldialkoxydicarboxylic acids PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 1, 1962, 20-24 TEXTt Synthesis and properties of polymers containing Zn, Cu, Cd, Co, or Ni on the basis of W, W 1-hexadecanedicarboxylic acid (I), terephthalic acid (II , a, at-dihydroxysebacie acid (III), and a, a'-dimethoxysebacie acid (IV~ are described. III was synthesized from m, at-dibromosebacie acid by saponification with 5~ KOH solutionp production of Cu salt with CUSO 4, and formation of the free acid by precipitating Cu with H2S. Dimethyl eater of IV was obtained from a, (xl-dibromosebacie acid by sodium methylate (n 20 - 1.4425; boilinf; point=128-1300C/1-2 mm Hg). Dipotassium D salts of I,II,TII,dr IV were reacted with the chlorides or acetates of the Card 1/4 3230 S11901621004100110041020 Studies of coordination ... B101/B110 metals in an aqueous or aqueous-alcoholic medium. Linear structure is assumed due to the thermal behavior and insolubility of the powdery pre- cipitates obtained. The following data are listed: (A) Polymers from I, structure 0 0141(0016 -In; copper compound light blue, crystalline, melting point 223 - 2250C (in capillary), maximum deformation (1) max ) at 2010C; Cd compound crystallineg whitet melting point 211 - 213 Oct Dmax ~ 175 0C; Zn compound crystalline, white, melting point 242 - 24 0C, Dmax 221 0C; (B) the Cu compound with II is light blue, crystalline, melting point 3000C (with decomposition), D max ' 335 OC; (C) the composi- tion of polymers of III differed with the conditions of synthesis. It is assumed that complexes with groups of adjacent chains or with molecules of the solvent are formed as a consequence of the incompletely occupied coordination sphere of the metal ion. Cd compound white, melting point 280-2900C (decomposition), Dmax m 2920C; Zn compound white, melting Card 2/4 3?343 S/190/62/004/001/004/020 Studies of coordination B101/t110 point 330 - 350 OC (decomposition), Dmax ' 3270c; Ga compound light blue, melting point 3300C (decomposition), Dmax - 341 0C; Co compound red-violet,, meltinp Zn compound white, melting point g point 25'oCj 'max ~ 3510C; 0 280 C, Dmax ~ 3270c; Ni compound green, melting point 300 C (decomDosi- tion), D m 365 OC; M the Co compound with IV is light violet, max melting point 300 OC (decomponition)p Dmax ' 2430C! Zn compound light yellow, melting point 140 - 2200C, ])max m' 1570C. The low stability of the compound with IV is explained by the fact that substitution of CH 3 for the hydrogen of hydroxyl groups prevents the formation of-H bonds - X-ray patterns of Zn polymers showed a decreasing crystallinity in the series I,~III> IV (the latter polymer being amorphous). There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 4 referencess I Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two xeferences to English-language publications read as follows: R. Martin, 11. Watermanng J9 Chem, Soc., 2545, 1957; Ch. K. Ingold, J. Chem. Card 3/4 Studies of coordination..., 2343 S/19 62/004)0017004/020 B101YB110 Soc., 11r), 964, 1921- ASSOCTATION: IngtiLut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBII,' ITT ED tJanuary 18, 1961 Card 4/4 D 'S?&/62/OO4/0O1/OO9/O2O B101/B110 AUTHORS: Korshakq V. V., Gribova, I. A., Andreyeva, M. A., Popova, TITLE: Polymers containing phosphorus. XXVII. Heterochained polyesters of vinyl phosphinic acid with some dihydroxy compounds PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyal Va 4, no. 1, 1962, 58-63 TEXT: The authors report on the properties of eaters of diethylene glycol (I) and 4,41-dihydroxy-2,2-diphonyl propane (II) with mixtures of vinyl and methyl phosphinic acids. The syntheses of these eaters have already been described (Vysokomolek. soyed., K, 427, 1960; Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. khim. n., 1958, 880). Eaters with I are colorless, viscous liquids. Their freezing point drops from -390C (100% CH 3POC1 2) to -510C with 100% CH2-CHPOC12 in the initial mi.xture. Eaters with II are transparent, britle solids soluble in dichloro ethane, chloroform, and tricresol, insoluble in ether, benzene, and dioxane. Their softening points drop from 55-560C to Card 1/2 32 47 8/190 2/004/001/009/020 Polymers containing phosphorus. B101 B110 41-420C (- 100% vinyl phosphinic acid) as the content of vinyl phosphinio acid increases. Struoturization of the eater of I (in sealed ampule, N2 atmosphere, at 600C for 15 hreq or in an open teat tube and in C2H4Cl2 solution) by benzoyl peroxide, text-butyl peroxide, azoisobutyric dinitrile, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, or cumene hydroperoxide, only occurred with a vinyl phosphinic acid content ;~t 40% (gelatinous substances, softening Points; 150-2000C the latter value with 100% CH 2 CHFO-). Eaters with 11 could not be structurized under the experimental conditions, applied. Them are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniye AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS -%J--SBR) January 26, 1961 Card 2/2 33375 S/190/62/004/002/004/021 B110/B101 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Zamyatina, V. A., Ma Jui-janp Oganesyan, R.M. I-- TITLEi Polyesters and polymeric salts of boric and 1,4-phenylene diboric acids PERIODICALi Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V. 4, no. 2, 1962, 188-191 TEXT: V. A. Zamyatina and N. I. Bekaaova (Usp. khimii, LO, 48, 1961) described the synthesis of highly thermostable polyesters of boric and substituted boric acids. In the present study, the polyesters of boric acid and 1,4-phenylene diborid acid (I) with pentaerythrite (II), the Zn- and Sn-organic salts of pentaerythrite 'hydroxydiboric acid (III) and I were synthesized, and their properties compared. Polypentaerythrite pheny- -dibora H m--N B /OCH2 > C < OR 2 JOR lene-1,4 tel > Be ~O 00192 CH 2 60" H 0 is unmeltable and resistant to heat and hydrolysis. For producing a linear Card 1/3 SY375 19y62/004/002/004/021 Polyesters and polymeric salts ... B110 B101 polyester, boric acid was condensed with pentaerythrite equimolecalarly for 10 hr at 1-0 - 1800C in N2 flow. The polymeric salts of III had linear structure. The molecular weight of unsoluble polymers hydrolyzing in aqueous alkali could not be determined. The Zn salt of III contains more organic and fewer mineral fractions than had been calculated, Folyconden... sation of I with II yielded a polyester of calculated composizion which was, however, not linear and unsoluble. Anhydride was formed during the , synthesis of polymeric salt of I from metal acetates, and some tributyl borate was separated out during that of Zn salt. Polyesters and salts resemble each other in mechanical and thermomechanical respect, and in ou-'er appearance. The brittle white polyesters malt at >300'C. The polyester of 1 does not hydrolyze in the cold, that of boric acid does. The yellow brittle Sn-organic salts hydrolyze in the cold, and have low softening temperatures. The white ZinseltsexeMahl hydrolyze well, and melt at>5()Ooc- There are I figure, 2 tables, and 2 references: I Soviet and t non-So-Tiet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as followss W. R. Bamfordq S. Fordham. High Temperature Resistance and Thermal Degradation of Polymers, Symposium, Sept. 1960, London, p. 127. Card 2/3 Polyesters and polymeric salts ... 33375 S/19 621004100210041021 BliOX101 ASSOCIATION: Institut.element6organicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 2, 1961 Card 3/3 33376 S09~0*0.21994/002/005/00 BI 0 .31Q.1 AUTHOld: to ak, T, To v v lj~ Ma Jui-jan Zaiqatinaj V. A. TITLEt P.1y nhydrides iDfAr4-ph9njy1ene diborio-aoid PERIODICALi Vyiok6iolskulyarriyye'soyedineniyat V* 4j no. 2p 1962t .195- TEXT Aacordin to B. M. MikhayloV* and P. M. Aronovich obshch. khimii (zh 9 ZIP 3124;*'1959), enters of subi3tituted.borio aoids mayexchange the alkoxy group f6i,t'heamino group of aromatio smines, and dispropmti6nate to organor7: b6ron diaminess OC4111 RIB RIB 30000, those from monoamines are linear'. those from diamines are steric and unsoluble, and hydrolyze in boiling water. During poly- condensation of tetraethoxy-1,4-phenylene diborate with anhydrous hydrazinq NH3 and a volatile boron compound are probably separated. There are 1 figureq 1 tablej and 3 referencess 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: D. R. Nielsen, W. E. McEwen, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 12, 3081, 1957- ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 2, 1961 Card 3/3 Vz P-1130 puU j4snpul -lie j;a UVIU140,eq Iq *f) :BMOTTOJ 813 Pvea SUOTq'7oTjqnd 92un2uvT -qsTT2uR O!~ GOOUGJaJaa OaJR4 aqI "~GT~kOG-UOU ( PUV 48T-A 0S ~ :sq0uqjGjGa 9 puv 'ajqe4 L Isoanj?Tj V eau ojoqL -ouoTj-e.?TqGOAUT 0TdO0GOX400dG Pup /,'VX-y IOJ '9T3fGA8XUMnT40 'V 'M OZ Ov TTOm su 'Gae%IOjk-O0 Pup .%SpOXOR9Vj-PX 'I -V 04 Onp Oag S:qUUqj, 'POUOTqUDW ST AONTJVZI *H *S * 0 000V 4u s9ziuoqauo pup 'MOTJ OU SmOqs sxawgTod asOq4 SO UOT~OVXJ 9TqnjOSUT t710Tj, SO V:910W Zj'g q~TA PaUT134qo siauig at(I Tod aq4 So qsOtjj worj ~ fTTVT4UV4sqns paaajjTp Inq 'TV0T4U9pT 4SOM173 0.19A TOTI So . ~/,qTom 9~-z 114TM (q) moaj pup (v) moaj pauTv4qo sjemgTod 0TqnTOs-9uazuaq So SaAano j9OTU'Gt[08MOWIaq4 OtIl -snoq(Lxomv 49omTs s'am x9mgTod alqnTO9 Gq~ 9TTqJ,% 'pajapao .9-[aood s-am ~ TDTJ, SO eouasead eqj. uT pau-tvqqo J91rXTOd ajqnjOSUT 9T44 4uT41 sTsRjpu-e Sva-v -r~ punoj svm II 'UO-EIUZT-T-mfTOd 0TUOT UT aamXTOd ajqnTOsuT OtP RuTU13C T UT aIpdTOT4jvd rjqv7 ww~ead qoTqm So spuoq alqnop Bq4 'PaA.19SUOO Suraz u~jnj aq4 pup pean;dna ST CInOJ9 IRUOJOJdOST Gq4 SO puoq aTqnoD aiqj. ;V'4~ sMOT49 x9mCTod So 4,aiq4 RZT& va4oads uot4d~osqe HI aOmOuOm DIU, SO uOsTJvdwOD -sPUnOdwO0 T4uTA BuTPuOdf3aaaOO SO JOTA-ellaq OR4 01 42OTsuv uT s7sXTuIvO uOT JO 80uOsOad 9qI uT OuOlqdOT144 TguadoadoqT tv LIT/oL LEE ~Z0/L00/C00/l;,00/zq/06L/s -0Tj0X0O2G4aq SO UOT4VZTa9WCjOj .Pomaoj ST aeoRlod 9jqnjOGuT SO vea ,Ow gazTjaju~Tod uvi4q. XTTP -aqmRjod ajqnTOs Pup (~ 09) jqIjOsuT ~ ZC))Iy So gouagoad 9q; u1 .04 H t, V,910m ZL*~ So "Oulsead elq4 ul 0 9 0 SO 8anjxTM V 8=03 4T TOTI So sc)OZL- 4-0 apTaOT140 auat-lsq!~am TA JO asmcl od v GwaOJ So PIOTS 17 460-0 j4TsOos jo aouesead qq4 UT t, 1884nuTul Maj )009L O,~ qrpqxOuT ea-njeiadm;D4 uT -EDTJ, JO q.~DTO'u WZ k . ap-ErtoaTotr) ~, "L *jleti J~q qtI919JA Jplnoaloz" aq; peonpea ' V .(LZ JuerorjJeOD uOE!~pzraaw.Cjod 10~ZZ 110'181-1 ga uOT~V4TaT0qadqx 181jv "q0 ',,-M'ZjOd Rjapmod a UT palIns, p'. ouagaid So PTOT -am qnOOaT-& v '616,~T eo UOT 30 a 0009 pup DOCZ IT? Pamaoj xnsoead (13) BuTsn (q) Pu'e 49JOIVT~TUT 4noqlTr aq4 UT Dxnssead jo U01413Zra"Iclod alqtTj Kq p9IIB-?T4saAUT BUM upanj jRuadojdOsT-Z TOMO:jOGRA :rjv0j(j0Iv-cI 940S 8RRuav4TWIa ou lukruDUTP uvanj Isuadoados-I-E *II -spunodmoo IfuOdo'zios, OTTO,~00194ett So uoi4rzTJOw~JOCT !,qrlllijj )fgqgao- 'VAO:5jVR-[Ocj 'AONT'14Pd'tlr *A 0 vvtu OLLq TS65 8/19 62/004/003/002/023 B1 10YB144 AUTHORS: K Vinogradova, S. V., Salazkin, S. N. TITLE: Heterochain polyesters. XXXIII. Polyarylates on phenolphthalein base PERIODICAL: Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniya, v- 4, no. 3, 1,0062,339-344 TEXT: HomoCeneous and mixed polyarylates (I) on phenolphthale-in base were synthesized, ~Lnd the effect of the initial compound 3tructure on their properties was examined. The authors hoped to obtain a polymer which would be well soluble by virtue of the large phenolphthalein side groups and which would have a sufficiently high softening temperature owing to the polar group in the side group. The lactone group was to be modified to reactive carboxyl and hydroxyl groups as follows: -0 C 00=0 C-e--\~00 .00 CRC0-' 0 into 01 e Y1\ /\OH COOH 0. lk~o CI-10 The decrease in packing density raises the solubility of ! on DhenolphUnleia base as compared with I on "dian" base. I on zhenolphthalein tase and isophthalic acid base dissolves in methylene ckoride, chloroform, tetra- chloro ethane, tetrahydrofuran, cyclohexanone. The partial substitution of phenolphthalein for bivalent phenols raises solubility. Films obtained from 5 ~t solutions of I with phenolphihalein and terephthalic acid retain Card 2/3 S/190/62/004/003/002/02~ Heterochain polyesters... B110/B144 50 % of their strength at 1800C. Amorphous structure of most of I on phenolphthalein base was established by X-ray structural analysis. Thanks are due to the teams of laboratoriya fiziki polimerov (Laboratory of Pol~mar Physics) and laboratoriya rentgenostrukturnogo analiza (Laboratory of X-ray Structural Analysis) for thermodynamic and X-ray analyses. There are 3 tables and 17 references: 13 Soviet and 4 non- Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: A. Conix, Industr. and Engng. Chem., ~1, 147, 1959; V1. M. Eareckson, J. Polymer Sci., AO, 399, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Institut element oorgani che sk ikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1961 Card 3/3, AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 34983 S/190/62/004/003/003/023 B110/B144 Korshak, V. V., Vinogradovaj S. V., Iskenderov, M. A. Heterochain polyesters. XXXIV. Polyesters of aromatic dioxy condensed-ring compounds Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 3, 1962, 345-350 TEXT: Polyarylates were obtained on the base of isomeric diols of the naphthalene, anthra,:ene, and phenanthrene series using .interface poly- concentration. The 'effect of the feeding rate of initial compound solu- tions, of their concentration and ratio, and of the reaction lemperature on yield and molecular weight of polyarylates of 1,6-dio'xy naphthalene M and dicarboxylic acide (adipic (II), sebacic, and isouhthalic (III) acid) was investigated. Best results were achieved by the addition of acid chloride solution to an aqueous alkali solution of I for 11-14 min. The highest polymer yield and viscosity were obtained at 0.10 N concentration of the initial solutions. 200C was ideal for the interface condensation of 1,6-dioxy naphthalene with II, III, and sebacia acid. If one of the phases is aqueous, various competing reactions may, in polyesterification, Card 1/3 S/190/62/004/003/003/023 Heterochain polyesters... B110/B144 take place at the interface. Some of them produce a polyesterl while others,prevent it from forming as, e.g., chain rupture due to hydrolysis o1. the acid chloride groups and of the initial dicarboxylic acid chloride: 1. ...-OC,,ti,OOCRCOCI+HO....-OCIOHOOCRCOOH+HCI 2. C10MCOCI + 2H20 - HOOCRCOOH + 2HC1 3. CIOCRCOCI + HO C10CRC00H + HC1 0GRC00Ct0H$0Na + C10CRC00H ... 0CRG00CjoH&00CRC00H + NaCl The decrease in viscosity and yield of the polyarylates of I with an increase of the reaction temperature from 20 to 400C is effected by the increase of the rate of these reactions in the polycondensation process at higher temperatures, while the decrease in viscosity and yield at low temperatures is effected by a drop iii thd ixate of:the polymer- forming reaction. Yield and viscosity of polyarylatea depend on the different hydrolyzing capacities of the acid chlorides.. A.0.2-mole excess of dicarboxylic acid chloride,required as compensation for the acid chloride lost through hydrolysis, provided maximum viscosity (0.22 in polyarylates of III, and 0.16 in those of II) and yield (84 % in III and 35 % in II). Excess Of Card 2/3 Heterochain polyesters... S/19 62/004/003/003/023 Bi 10Y13144 1 or of acid chloride (> 0.2 mole) leads to chain rupture by the formation of phenolate or acid chloride groups at the chain terminals. The best NaOH amount is 0.1 mole excess in III and 0.2 mole excess in 11. The amount of reactive phenolate of I drops with NaOH deficiency, as I does not react. spontaneously. NaOff excess causes the initial acid chloride and the polymer chain to hydrolyze. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 16 rc,~ferencea; 10 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. 'The two references to English-language publications read as follows: A. Conix, Industr. and Engng. Chem.,.~1, 147, 1959; 1. A. Ambler, I. T. Seanlan, Industr. and Engng. Chem., jj, 417, 1927. ASSOCIATION; Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AIN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 9, 1961 Card 3/3