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SOV/96-59--8-3/27 AUTHORS: Korovin, V.A., Savvatimskiy, A,I., Engineers TIME: Laboratory Flame-Photometer Type VTI-3 PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika 11959, Nr 8., pp 9-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Available methods of determinin the salt content (mostly in the form of sodium compoundsT in boiler water are neither quick nor reliable. Ionite methods take too long and con- ductivity results do not depend only on the salt content. The flame photometer offers considerable promise for this application and over the period 1957-59 the All-Union Thermo-Tpohnical Institute developed three suoh instruments, the last!;of which, type VTI-3 can determine C.001 mg/litre of sodium salts in water. The results are recorded on the chart of,an electronic potentiometer type =-09. The first two instruments developed were portable but type VTI-3 is.a laboratory instrument and can be used to deter- mine a a*ber of elements in solutions. The principle of operatio4 of the instrument is described. with reference to the dia&am. The principle is that the solution to be Card 1/3 measured is injected into a hydrogen-oxygen. flame. Light SOV/96-59-6-3/27 Laboratory Flame-Photometer Type VTI-3 from the flame falls on a monochromator ~vh!.r,,h passes light corresponding to the line or band of the elepient studied. The brightness of the light is measured by a suitable instruaent whose output signal is delivered to an electronio potentiometer. If the conditions are statidardised and made constant the potentiometer reading is pro-ortional to the P brightness of the line of the element being studied and, therefore, to its concentration in solution. The arrange- ments for maintaining constant conditions are described. Considerable interference is produced by dust, even when measuring concentrations of sodium of the order of 0.01 mg/litre. This factor is the main limitation to the sensitivity of the methode The steps thal were taken to prevent such contamination of the flame are briefly des- cribed. Tests' showed that the overall error in determining small concentrations of sodium in solution is not greater than 4. 0,0001 mg/litre. The method of us:,-,ng the instrument is de7scribed. A test can be made in 2 to 3 minutes, and this allows time for the construction of a simple calibra- Card 2/.3 tion graph. However, as this graph is usually a straight SOV/96-59-8-3/27 Laboratory Flame-Photometer Type VTI-3 line the determination may easily be simplified. When determining the sodium contents of 0.01 mg/litre and less, sodium transferred from the glass to the standard solu- tions and samples can cause errors, and it is preferable to use vessels made of polyethylene. Further work will be done to simplify the construction of the instrument, to increase its sensitivity and to develop automatic instru- ments. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (The All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) KOROVINP V.A&P inzh,; KOMAROVp N.F.0 inzh.; KOSTRIKINq Yu.M., kand.tekhn. Withdrawl of silicon compounds with moisture separated out by the low pressure stages of the VK-100-2 turbine, Tepoloenergetika 7 no. 12:38-43 11 1600' (MIRA 14:1) 1, Voemoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut, (Turbines) -(Feed water purification) 5 (2) 5/032/60/026/01/020/052 AUTHORS: Kostrikin, Yu. M.9 Korovin, V. A. BOIO/BI23 TITLE: On the Question of Volatility of Boric Acid PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya laboratoriya, 1960,-Vol 26p Nr Is, pp 60 - 61 (USSR) ABST11ACT: In connection with a paper of Sho K. Ashratova (Zavodakaya laboratoriyap 1960, Vol 26, Nr 1, PP 59-60) on the volatility of boric acid the data given by Ashratova were adequately checked. It proved to be superfluous to use a reflux condenser for determinations of boric acids, as was stated by Sh. K. Aohratova. Howoverg boric acid is volatile in water vapor, was ref erred to by P. Tohijewski (Ref I ).When boiling boric acid ' solution this volatility amounts only to 0.16 - O.WA rela- tivelyt and may be neglected under the given nnalysis condi- tions, The etatements by Ashratova and Tchi6eweki aro therefore not contradictory asp in the case of highly diluted boric acid aolutions, the volatility of boric acid in water vapor has t,) be considered at any rate. There is 1 reference, ASSOCIATION; Vaesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheakiy institut (All-Union Institute Card 1/1 of Heat Technology) MIMM W T1 Rio � '01,36 M MOO P MM M M RO - I-11 IKRUGLOV, G.A., inzh.; !2!2VIN, V.A.-I-inzh. The 59-P instrument for determining the degree of machinability of materials. Priborostroenie no.6:25 Je 161. (MIRA 14-6) .(Testing machines) . KOROVIN,, V.A. Loss of frost resistance in apple trees due to the incompatibility of scion and graft-stock. Fiziol. rast. 8 no.43476-481 161. (MIla 14: 3-1) 1. Department of Fruit Growing of Michurin Institute., Michurinsk. (Apple) (Plants--Frost resistance) of~ MNIKINA~ N.N., kand, tekhns nauk; K07,LUV, Yu.V.p kand, tekhn. nauk; XOROVIN inzhe Effectiveness of washing and separating systems of drum boilers with 155 atm.rating. Teploonergetika 12 nod8i34-38 Ag 165, (MIRA 18:9) 1. Vessoyuznyy teplotekhnichesk-ty inatitut, KOROVIN,V.1., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk Forecast of the mean flowd mountain streams taking Into con- sideration the fall anow accumulation. Meteor. I gidrol. no-3: 52 Mr '53. (NLHA 8:9) 1. Usakhakly nauchno-Iseledovatel'skiy gidrometeorologicheakiy institut. Alma-Ata. (snow) (Stream measurements) WROV Ill, V. I. ------------ Forecasting spring floods In mountain stre"s while lacking snow surveys and high-mountain stations. Trudy UsNIGNI no.2:4-8 054. (am 9:110, (Precipitation (Notoorolo&7)) (Floods) WHOVINS V I ;:gulating role of Lake Baikal and the possibility of forecasting the flow and disebarp of the Angara River. IxY.Vese.geog.ob-va 86 no.6:551-354 N-ID 154. (MLRA 8:2) (Baikal, Iske) (Angara River) Pof forecastim:g water dlsc'hsrgoo 1z river outlets flowing from lakes. Trudy KasVIOU *9.5:16-~~q_ '55., -9:10) '(Stisaxt spasuremeats) KMOVIN, V.I. ,Forecasting the wateriness and descent of the szov cover in the upper reaches of the Ilsk River2asla. Trudy UsNIGNI se.5:26-3o 055. (11ok V&-Uey--Hydr*lsa) ~(Nuu - q: 10) UMVIN, V.I., budidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, Method. of forecasting the volvm of water In mountain stream of lazakhatan during the growing period. Vest. AN Eazakh.SM 32 no.l: 67-72 J& 155. (KM 8:4) (Zasakhatan-Snow) (Nissakhstan-Stream me"'urements) XX)ROVINO V.I. Certain methods of forecastirg the water volume of Xa2akhstan rivers and lake s. ftnidy rm. NINI no.90-11 157. (Him 11: 1) (Xasakhatan-Rivers) (lazakhstan-lakes) KOROVIN, V.I. 0 Determining basic factors and their Influence upon the runoff of mountain rivers. 'Trudly Sekt.geog.AN KAzakh.SSR no.4o.113-133 159. (MIDA 13:4) ..1 (Usakhstan--Rmnoff) I - KOROVIN, V.I. 444,42ing and forecasting the *now-line regime. Trudy UNWIGNI U0.11:62-85 059. seasonal (Trans-111 Ala-Tau--Snow ling) (MIRA 13:6) KOROVIN, V.I. < Formation and numerical fwacasting of runoff feeding the Ili River. Tru4y K&zN1GN1 noiI233-63 !59. (14IM 13:5) (111 TaIllw-Ruzart) m-- - - - --- - --- -- - -- - KOR0411-1~1~ Inflow of water In lakes of the Trans-Ill Ala-Tau and the possi. bility of Its numerical forecusting, 21=4 LoNIGNI no.22t 95-106 159. (NIM 13:5) (Tzans-Ill AU-Tau-Sydrography) kand.tekhn.nauk Valuable monograph (*Present-day glaciation of the Trans-111 Ala-Taullby N. N. Pallgov. Reviewed by T.J. Korovin). Test. AN Ias4ki&.SSR 1~ 6.1:106-]L08 J& 159. (MIRk 1211) '(Trins-111 Ala-Tau-Glaciers) (ftilgov, N.10: KGROVINS V.I.; BEYLIMON, MA; KAZANTSEVAl I.V.; UCHALOVp D.A,; G.A. Relation between water runoff,, atmospheric pressure, temperaturep and deficient humidity. Trudy Kaz.NIGMI no.16:20-24 161. (Mateorol,ogy) (Bugun Valley--Runoff OURA 15:5) Hydrometeorlogical analysis of the flow of rivers feeding the Aryal-Turkestan Canal. Trudy Kaz.NIGMI no.16:25-33 161 UM 3.5 8 5) (Aryst-Turkestan Canal-Hydrology) KOROVIN) V.I. Relation of river runoff to atmospheric processes. Trudy Ka%NIGK no.18:87-103 163. (MM 17:4) KOROVINY V.I. Hydrometeorological phenomena depending on solar activity, Trudy KazNIGMI no.2ls42-52 064. WIRA 170.1) KOROVINP Vol* ation of the dates of disintegration to the dates of formation of *now a~. Trudy lauNIOIC 4oo2ls97-" 16" (KEM 17&1L) KORDMI, V.I. CAJ;D PHISICONATIf SCI. Dissertation: "Invariants and Invariant Forms of a Complex of Straight Lines in a Projective Space." 10 December 49 Moscow City Pedagogical Inst imeni V.P. Potemkin. 80 Vecheryaya Nfoskva Surn 71 VV 7 rato 4~T it 4, Its form. 50 klidy- Akad Nduk (KS.) .10,153-755 (10 A 6 ile"s'er-b6d. b [h &a 711-mRAO of y, eed *tcsimal the An infinx ttlisplacement-of ihis'tetrahedron is given by dA(=weAj, where the w'sure lkaittnforms in termsof which adiobtains relative invariant forms f - 3~ - (,j +4,y),p The Vantity It-f'lo is an whim absolute invariant.- The main theotems of the paper are as follows. if a one-to-one reciprocal correspondence between the mys of two complexes -yu, -yc' can be established so that the complexes are protectively equivalent. If I,'-Pft there am five tIrpes of 6trespondences. which are enumerated in terms of the inflexional centen in the ray M. S. Knebeinan (Pullman, Wmh..). "athsjnatA.i~al Vol il j~o , 1L.-, ~ak KMOVIN- -t--. Can Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (0-0111-'- )Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56, v. 1) Beat. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR Moscow, 1956,-237 PP. Koyantsov, N. I. (Moscow) Ruled-geometric Analog of ~hree- orthogonal Systems of Surfaces. 153-155 Mention is made of Vasillyev, A. M. There are 3 references, 2 of which are English, and 1 is USSR. Korovin, V. I. (Moscow). Thrice Conjugated Systems of -SUr~`s. 3.55 Kotov, I. I. (Moscow). On Completeness of Plotting Ruled Surfaces and Surfaces With Circular Generators. 155 Kruchkovich, G. I. (Moscow). on motion In Riemann Spaces. 155-157 Liber, A. Ye. (Saratov). On the Geometry of ,#t,-Surfaces in Affine and Projective Spaces. 157-158 Card 50/130 ig L lo314_67 9~T(m)ftWPj(k)/EWP(Q/ETI IJP(c) JD/jG/jH ACC NR:' (A, N SOURCE CODE: UR/0276MI6061611160161r*6 AUTHORS: Lovtsovp D. P.; Krushenkol G. G.; Korovinp V. I. TITLE: Vacuum degasaingof alloy AL8U ISOURCE: Raft zA. Tekhnhogiya, mashinostroyeniyag Abe. 11G129 REF SOURCE: BI, Litlye i obrabotka splavov chern. i tsvetn. met. Krasnoyarekv- 1965, 103-108 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, vacuum degassing/ ALBU aluminum alloy 14/ ABSTRACT: The effects of holding the molten alloy under a vacuum on the chemical' composition and mechanical properties of the ingots were investigated. It was found that vacuum degassing should be performed at about 70OC- If vacuum d gass at a higher temperature is essential, a corresponding charge of magnesilli?, leberyliiummuut be anticipated. With increasing vacuum degassing temperaturej the tensile strength of cast apooimens increases while the elongation cliangee insig- nificantly, After heat treatment, the tensile strength decreases while the elongation increases ehoxPlve 4 illustrationee InTranalation or abstriLOIV -7- SO CODE 1 13 11 UDC: 621* .1 745-(Z9*715 SOMIOKHIN~ I.A.; KOROVKIN, V.K.; PANCIWIMY-1, G.H.; BAKH"IfEll JSKT, Isotopic effects in the dissociation of ce-bon dioxide in a s1lert electric discharge'. Zhur.fiz.kh1m. 38 no.8:2072-2070' ~Ag ,64. (MIRA 1 1) 1. Moskovskiy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova, Khimicheskiy fak7A'tet*~~ - KOROVIN. ~, F,4 1. ~ Selection of a method for regulating the output of gas compressor statiow . Prom.energ. 20 no.12:13-16 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) - - - - - --- -- -- -- -- KOROVIN.-Y !~!~ i11 ' ~. It . i'~ Self-starting and startiig of AFZ-1+500-1500 electric motors withI- shortened rotors, Gaz. Prom. 7 no.2:40-44 162. (MIRA l7s6) 71 I KCROVIN, V.M.; LIKHTENSHTEYN, Ye.I.; SEDYKH, A.M. System for packing NZL 280-11-1 pressure pipes without drop re~gulators. Gia.prom. 6 no.709-43 161. (MIRA 17:2) KOROVISO V.K. Autowatic control of the start-up of stand-by units in a compressor station vith electric drive. Gas. delo no.3s42-45 163. (M4 17:8) 1. Luganskoys rayonnoye upravleniye magistralIzifth gazoprovodow. 14 ~180. I P6002355- SOME CODE: UR/9207/65/000/006/0033/0040 AUTHOR: Korovin. V. "oseow) ORG% none TITLE: Poss ible simplffications of equations W a two-temperature parqg~y~nize~dlas~A_ SOURCE: Zhurnal prildadnoy mekhaniki I tekhnicheskoy fizild, no. 6, 1965, 33-40 TOPIC TAGS: ionized plasmai plasma temperatuie, multicomponent plasma .,Ad~-[udl --ABSv fin-j-ekti_g~atlons: -of the 'behh~lor ~ -of- Jo- a-gasin- e .gnetic fields frequent use' is. made df the equations of the conservation of mass.. ,momentum, and energy,-',equatlons of state, Bfibavell equations, and Ohm's law which yields a relation between the electric field and the current in the plasma. In a homogeneous and Isotropic medium this relation reduces to a simple proportionality between current density and electric field strength, but In the general case this relation is more complex.,' In this work the author simplifies the equations for a two-temperature plasma containing electrons, singly charged Ions, and neutral atoms. The. effect of viscosity and thermal forces Is taken into account. Tfte collisions of particles are considered to be elastic and it Is assumed that T > T where T = Tj = T,. The author changes from equations of motion for each of the e - components to the equation of motionfor the mixture and two diffusion equations. The depen- dence of the posidble forms of difthsion equations on the concentration of the medium and the Card 2 MIN VAUMOY, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; PROTANSKIY, V.V.) retsenzent; SHEMID-1, A.S.v retsenzent; KOROVIN V*11 , red.; SVETLAYEVA, A.S.j red. izd- va; SHIBXGVAJ, R.Y tekhn. ed. (Forest exploitation] Losoekspluatateiia. 2. dop. i parer. izd. Mo- skva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 410 p, WMA 15:7) (Lumberi*) .KMOVIN, V.P., slesar'. Wooden roll$. Ifitshinostroitely uo.8:24 Ag 160* (MIRA 131-9) (Nachine-shop practice) I I s . . I KOROVIN, V. S., dots., kanii. tskNu. naak. r Securing steady wollk flow In repairing marine mechanisms and machines. Trudy L331 no&22:306-317 '58~ (14IRA 11:12) 4%ekka '' phently Institut imeni &Wbysheva. 1. DsA'nevostoeWi67 po; - I tenawe and rfpsir) HIM MR&NO ,XO&QVIX,_V_4,r4rand. t ekhn. nauk Be lentific technological conference on potentialities for the growth of,labor productivity in shipbu'Llding and marine engineering. Sudostroenis 26 no-10:83 0160. (KIU 13:10) (Shipbuilding-Cesmasse) (Yarim 7777M 1. KOROVINY V. T. 2. USSR (600) 4. Metal Castings 7. Apt)aratus for cleaning castings by shot peening. Lit. proiz. no. 10 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russiane Accessions, Library of Congress, FehMl= 1953. Unclassified. KDROVIN, V.T. Multiple-line vertima conveyer dryer for cores. Lit,proisve no.gas D134. (Mm 822) (Drying apparatus) (Patternmalcing) Modernization of the hydmuUc chuck for turret Utbeffi. Ylashinostroanis no.1110-5-106 14-7 161, (KM 16s7) (Chucko) KOROVM2 V.T. Ybdernizatiom of the rod grippLng dtiri-*6 of the 1M2 auto- II mat-'~c laths. Stan. i !nstr. 35 no.6&L"., ze 164 (HIRL 17t8) JOROVIN V To DUNRMAK, N.G.; TAI!AMNKOP I ^ __, -2=1_1 --- 1-1-4 ~16 j - __. Modernizing tk* stop unit of the automatic four-spindle machine manufactured by Hasse Wrede Company, Stan.i instr. 34 no.4s 34-35 Ap 163. WRA 16:3) (Machine tools-) 11 1~1 P x 4.-i---L.~.~ ~-i ~9Y- -1 Modernization of the clamping mochaniom of an autowtic turret latbe,. Mashinostroitell no.6.,17 Je 064s (MIRA 3-70) KOROVIN V T Modernisation of the oil supply,unit for a rotating hydraulic 6yunder. StanJ instr. 34 no.706-37 Jl 163. (miRA 16:9) (Oil bydraulic machinery) KOROVI~, V.T. Modernization of the hydraulic chuck of turret lathes. Mashinostroitall no.9t2l S 164. (MM 17t1O) KOROVD, V.V. Inventory portable equipuent for assembling metal stwoorts. Ratso I I isdbr, prodl. v strol. no.150:" 156. (NLU 10:5) (NUatric lhes--Poles) KOROVIN Y.V, Rquipsent for restoring thread on foundation bolts. Rate. t oxobr. prodl. v strol. no.150:10 156. (KU?A 10:5) ($crow (mtting) AMESSION XR: AP4034808 9/0293/"/002/002/034210 -the., licattenatLonat Astronautics Federation V TITLE:, -Pavia ftlwoss.lof. SOURCi: NossicksAiyeAssledoweLi4si 0-'2,: VA. 1. 1%4' 342-VA TOPIC TAGS:- astuosou 0 intonational. conforess dywuaidsi j4estLal ail 4, astro Imachanics, artificial sarth satellital, gravfty-fiold, cosmic ra4liqitlou, space - f lisht, high-energy proton, welSbtleashess, blood,;cftculation, spaceshIpt bioastronautice _ 'ABM ogre -4 ACT: The Fourteenth Co ss of the International Astronautics Federation !was he Paris during the period from September 25 to October 2, 1963.-The ;;Soviet delegation was headed by Academician L. 1. Sedov, Vice.-President of the tIAP. Other members of tbe~delegation included Yu. A. GaBarin, N. P. xamanizi, :G. N. Duboshin,,,V. V.' Antipov and V. A. Sary*chav. The congress was attended by 700 persons repiesenting more than 40 countries. Yu. A. Gagarin presented one of ~tha reports. Academiciin L.*.X..Sedov was.elected one of the vice-presidents: The !following are the 22 reports presented by Soviet scientists: 1. G. N. Dubosbin D. Ye. Okhotsimskiy Certain Problems in Astrodynaisics and Celestial Card - 1/ 3. ACCESSION NR: AP4034t6i Mechanics; 2. V. V. Beletskiy and V. A. Sary*chev Problems in the Motion of Artificial Earth Satellit a Relative to a Center of.Mass; 3. Yu. V. Batrakov Use of Resonance Satellit:z for Determination of the Constants of the Earth's Gravitional Field; 4. Ye. P. Aksenov - Motion of an Artificial Satellite in thi- i '71Earth's Gravitational Field; 5. F. L. Chernous'ko ---'Investigation of the Motion of a Satellite Relative to a Center Using Averaging Methods; 6. G. Ye. Kuzmak and i V. A. Yaroshevskiy -- Application of Asymptotic Methods to Certain Problems of the Dynamics o~ Spacecraft During Entry Into the Atmosphere; 7. N. Ya..Bagayeva and N..N. Moiseyev - A New Method of Solution of Problems in the Theory of Optimum Flights; 8. V. N. Lebedev -- Certain Problems in the Theory of Optimum Flights; 9. A. I. Kur'yanov, V.X. Isayev and V. V. Soanin - Application of the Maximum :1 Principle in Problems of Rocket Dynamics; 10. G. L. Grodzovskiy and A. L. eat-Transfer Elements of Power Apparatus Cooled by Stasenko -- The Form of H Radiation, Part III. Form of a Flexible Filament in a Field of Centrifugal Kati( i Forces; 11. G. L. Grodzovskiy, Yu. 1. Ivanov and V. V. Tokarev )n ofa Variable Mass With Constant.an4 Decreasing Expenditures of Power in a Gravitational Field. Part 111.; 12. V. i. Antipov, P. P. S&ksonov and V. 1. Yazdovskiy Invastigation of the Biological Effect of Cosmic Radiation During Space Flight, 13. Yu M. Voly*nkin, P. P.- Saksonov, V. V. Antipov and 1. A..Savenko -'Problems 2/3 ;Car-4 ..2AIC4 .ACCF.SSION NR: AP4034808 :!in RadLation Safety DurLng Space fligbts; 14. Ya. H. Voly*ukin, P. P. Saksonov, ~~V. V. Aptipov, V. N. Dobcov and K. D. NLkLtLn -- Ensuring Radiatioit Safety Duringi :the Flights of the Soviet Cosmonauts Yu. A. Cagarin,'G. S. Titov, A. G. Nikolayev :and P. R. Popovich; IS, P. P. Saksonov, V. V. Aftiipov, V. S. Shashkov, 9f. L. ..~azgovorov, G. F. Kuria and V. S'. Mdrozov.-- Data on the Biological Effect of High-i Energy Protons; 16. R. K. Sayevskiy and 0. G. Gaianko -- Certain Problems in the .:Physiology of Blood CirculatiowDuring Weightlessaass;,17. V. 1. Krasovskiy ilCorpuseles in the qppec Atmospbere;'18. K. 1. Gringauts B. ff. Goroshankin, U..K iShy,utte and G. L. Gdalevich -- Certain Experiments Aboard the Satellite "Zomos-2,1; j19. Ye. A. KorovLn -- factors Hindering the Development of Space Law; 204 P. 1. Lukin -- An Internet. tlriaw HZhukov -- Freedom of Space and Its Limits; 21. ~~on ItForm of Regulation of Space; 22. E. G. Vasilevskaya -- Assistanc4s. and Rescue of 11 Crews of Spacdships Which Have Experienced Damage. The article also lists the ititles of 61 reports presented by non-Soviet specialists. HASSOCIATION: None 'SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AOQ: 20Kay" EXCL: 00 :SUB CO OTHER: 000 DE: SV, PH NO REF SOV: 000 P r KAPNATSKIY, Yuriy Ivanovich; KOROVIN, Yevgeniy Akimovich; ROZANOV, B.V.~ doktor tekhn. naukP'retsenzent"' (Pumped-storage electric power plants; their construction and design] Naeosno-akkumullatornye stantsii; konBtruktsila i raschet. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 243 P. (MIRA 19:1) I ': ... . - .. 1; 1 --- - .~--AFWWMAW= KOROVDij, YevgeAly A F KOROVIN Y Space lav, AvA koom.,45.noolO:16-20 162. (MIRA 15: 10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR,, predoedatell komisoii po pravovym voprosam mezhplanetnogo prostranotft AN'SSSR. . . (space. lav) KOROVIN, Ye.A. Horizontal three-plunger pump with a drivn without reducing gearo. Biul,tokh..,ekon.inform*Gosonaucho-ioel.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.704-36 063. (Pumping machinery) (MRA 16:8), KOROVIN., Te. P. I Me Gems Scallgeria D. S. (UWmllUerae) and Its Phylogeny: An Experlwnt in Applying Ecology to the Phylogery of SwAll Taxonomic Groupsm" T"hkents 1928 KOROVINq Ye. P- "The Flora of Central Asia and Southern Kazakstan,," Moscov-Tasbkont, 1934 KOROM, I-:vgenii Petrovich, KOROVIN, Evgenii Petrovich, Ristitellnost' Srednei Azii i lUzhnago Kazakhstana; s pred. B.A. Kellera. Moskva, Ob"edinenie gos. izd., 1934. 479 p. Bibliography: p. 447-452. DA DLC*. Unclass. SO: LC, Soviet rleography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified. KOWVIN., Ye. P. "Illustrated Monograph of the Genus Ferula,,11 Moscow.. 1947 I KGROVIIN Ye. F., -Profeasor- Corresponding.,mem.ber of,the. Uzbok-Anadeiq of .1plaiences Lecture on "Concerning 11emorrhagiparous Pevere.11 Tashkent, Uzbekskaya SSR Soviet Source: 'N: Pravda Vostoka 27 June 1947 Tashkent Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on.file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 34771 KOROVIN., Ye. P. "Spring Regeneration and Secondary Blooming of Central Asiatic Walnuts,,O Botm. Zhur., 33, No-3, 1948 Inst. of Biol. and Zool., Uzbek AS, Tashkent F- ISO, Jk "On the Biological Complexity or the Soil-Vegetation 00-ver in the Arid Zone," Ye. P. Xbrovin, S. A. shuyalov, 16, pp Wullet Moak Obehoh.lepyt Fri, Otdal Mold" Lni, No 1. -Uperimsate and studies conducted in vater abed dio- triot located 44-20to 45-20 latitudes, east of Mniruk meteorological station. Presents data on findamental pbiyaioal~geograpbioal processes of Ust' - plateau) relatiowih1p, of ass6ciation'Inaide, of ~.-OGNiplax, nalt st'ate:-.0,1-limt .000pler'w OcaneotI66 8011 and bqwO#;Y or 076110 obww". )"I'vzj;;K KOROVIN, Ye P. 30232 i C~erasimoy, M. V Zadachi Otdyela tropiebyeskoy flory, 4kl~et~enl glave v botli. sll~ap vyp, 3., 1949o s. 6-15. SO: LEETOPIS 1 110. -3h7- L~j TUYCHlYEV, M.T.; KOROVIN, E.Po,, doyetvitellnyy chlen. -------- Vegetative propagation of the walnut in Central Asia. Dokl.AN Us.3SR no,4: 19-21 149. JNM 6:5) I.Institut botaniki, i soologli AN Uz.SSR (for Tuychiyev), 2.Akademiya Nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for lorovin). (Soviet Central Asia--Walnut) NIKOLYM, I.?,; IOROVIN, A-.P-.,-T~0-sWtieIJnyY chrena Iffect of the root system of cotton on protozoa in soil. no.4:22-24 049. Dokl.AN Tz.SSI (VIU 05) l..Institut botaniki I soologil AN Us,331 (for Nikolyuk), 2..Akadesirs Nank Usbekskoy 3SR (for Xbrovin). (Cotton) (Soil microorganism ) , 1 - .., , -.,:.- ~.. . ~,~ yzrmwk~~ --NOSZNKO,-N.K.-;-KOROVIN&-Z.P.#-da"tyltal-Inyy --- chlem.- - -- -- -- - -- -- Bee varieties in Uzbekistan. Dokl.AN Uz.SSR no.4:25-28 149. (HLRA 6:5) 1. Institut botaniki I soologii AN Us.SSII (for Nos*nko), 2. Akademiya Sauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Korovin). (Usbekistan-Beem) V MURATBNKOV, Ta.M.; KOROVIN, SePol deyatvitelluyv chlen, Tick fauna In the Khay"t distriot of the Uz.5.5,R, 29-31 '49. Dokl.AX Uz.50 no.4; MM 6:5 ) 1,lustitnt botaniki i scologil AN Us.SSR (for Maratbekov). 2., Akadenlys. Nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for ftr6vin). (Khavast district--Ticks) BOGD&NOV, O.P.; KOROVIN, To.P. .Changes in the water snake (Natrix tessellata Lour.) at different age stages. Dokl.AN Us.SSR no.8:38-42 149. (Mu 6:5) l..Institut botaulki i soologit AN Uz.SSR (for Bogdanov)* 2. AkaAemiya lank Usbekskoy SSR (for lorOTin). (Water snake) MMLYUK,t V. F.1 KOROVIN, Too Pa (daystvitellr47 chlen) OCamos of Antagonlatic Action of Cult of Inftworiams from the GenvA Calpoda,v an Fvmgm VarticilUm DahUe Ileb.j, the Prodacer of the Cott= WUtg" Dokl. AN UWMq No.129 pp. 34-36s 1949 (KM 6s5) 3. Lotitaft BotmW md SmU&s AS MW (for Mikolyuk) 2., AcadnV of ScUnme ON= (for Korovis) GOIM19, P,N,,, professor, doktor blologichookikh nmuk; ZAREM", ?OZ., professor, rodaktor; JECIROWIN, To. P., professor, redaktor. [New ~ov7e-vidj Vibow Szoisti v*Ivjl950.45-p.(IAhv versiteta- no.14, ftelogIchem noiD (KraA 9:2) -4 1 nauft i (Bowlet Central Asia-Pungi) GRANITOV, I.I.; ZAZHIDUF, T.19., prefesser, doktor, rodaktor; POPOV, V.I., professor, dektor, rodaktor; RMMOVSKIY, V.I., rodaktor; DUDCW. I.K.. rodaktor; T A tor, K mwj_ , rodakt*r; TSURWASS., I.R., redsk- - , N.L., r-edakt*r; RAY1OFA. I..A., professor, dektor, rodakter; M~OF. T.T., deteent, r*dsktor; TOSKODMIKOF, N.A.. do- toost; BOKDAMSKIT. L.. deteent. rodaktor. [Togetattes sop of southwestern 'I Msyl-Kum; detailed umpping of desert vogetatiou) Karta rastitellmosti Ingesspodufth Ksyl-1vjwv; UsUent, IsdAredusasketsksgo Cos. univ.1950.84 p..(Ta~hk*%t.Ustvsrs1t~t..Trmu Srodmeastateksgo gesudarstvousege univereltsta., no.19.Biologicbeekle saukl, ne.81 (MM 9S2) l.Deystvitellzyy chlta AN UsSSR (for Rouamovskly. Dod*ikov, Kervivia). 2.Chles-kerrespeadent M.Ui= (for TSukeMalk. Korshonevokly) (Irysyl-lum-Phytogeography) (Zysylkhn--Demort flora) BEDRINTSBY, K.N., kand.ekonom.nauk; KORZEEMSKIT, N.L., doktor geograf. mgm ;.kQRO'rIN, Te.P., doktor biolog.nauk; SMALOT, S.A., 1-nd. goologo-minaral*;nAtilf TAKHONTOT, Y.T.. prof.; BIWZHU, A.G.;' GJWKUZIN, S.Kh.;, PALIKIN.B.A,; KLIYNINBIRG, Me,; IMNOMY, M.D.; DOROSMff. N.L. sladshly nauohnyy notradnik; SCHASTANT, N.V.; TSAPUZO. N.G. TRY , Awlhe . red.; SO~MNOW, P.P. , takhn. redo (MIRA 13M [Usbakistan; economlo-geographical features] Uzbekistan; skonomiko- geografich*sksia kharaktarintika. Tashkent. 1950. 302 p. 1. Akedenlya nauk Usbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut skonomiki. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN Usbakskoy SSEL (for lorshonevskiy). 3. Bey- stvitallnyy chlen AN Usbakskoy SSR (for Korovin). 4. Institut eko- nomiki AN Usbekskoy SW (for Doroshey). (Uzbekistan-Sconomic conditions) .. '- .. . ~- . I - ~ ~ . , ~~J- ~-p - -WAG gj=ax*,Aw -- -- Kam 0 1 Mw!"m larly ripening of cotton. Trudy SAGU no.18:29-70 15o. OPA 9:5) (cotton) KOROVIN, Ye. P. Botany Gerera: Ferula, Oedibasis, Korovinia. Flora SSSR 17) 1951. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June SOMNUFA, M,M a,[ deceased]; PYATAYWA, A.D.; ZAKHOW, T.Z., redaktor-; KOW19, YO.P., redaktor. [Ariatids as a soureo of fiber and Its m1tivation] Bolin kak istookulk fibz7 I wo4anle *go v killturu* -Tashkent -Isdi3redneaslatakago goo.~, univ. 1952. 45 pe(Taskent. UnIvereltst. T;Z l1refteaslatskago goeu- darstvennogo univiraitotai-no,26,* Blologicheekle naukl, no.11) (KLU 91-2) UDqystvItel,zWy chlen AN ~k= Qor Zakhtdow. Korovin) 17- CHIKOBAVA-1 A. S., - PMTa'Vt- V. IT., KORCMIT, U.. -F. Research Results of the 10th session of the Council for Coordination. Vest. AN SSSR, 22, No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -195j, Uncl. 2 GUSHCHIN, P.O.; URYMSAKOV, T.A.. professor, glavnyy redaktor; -QUIMIL Ye.P.. professor, otvatotv~mVy redaktor. [Biology of Albagil K b1ologil lantaka. Tashkent, Isd-vo SAM, 1953. 22 p.-(Tashkiit.' %iversitleb. Trudy Sr*dn"zI&tsio6 Cosu- darstyennogo universitsta, no.44. Biologicheskie ~amki. no. 26) (MM 9:12) 1'. Deystwitollayy cblen Akadexii nauk Usbekokoy M (for Sarymea- kov and Iwavin). (Alha#) VDOVTSOYA. Ye.A...kandidat 0imicheskikh nauk; TSUKICRVANIK. I.P., professor. otvetstyeaW radektorl SARYNSAKOV, T.A.. glevnyy redaktor; RTZHOV. 6.N., professor-doictor. samostitell glevnogo redaktors; ROKAMOVSKIT, V.I., redaktor;-A .radektor; KASSON, M.Te.. redaktorl KORMAWSKIT, 9-1~1--reWPRI POPOV,--V.I., prof essor-doktor. redak- tor; MIROSHKINA. N.N., profissor, redaktor; STOLYAROT. D.D.. dotsent, redaktor; BOJWMVSKff. G.i., dotsent, redaktor; KHASMOVATIV, I.N., dotsent, redaktorl QMTSM. L.T., dotBent. redaktor [Radical and ionic abWlation of aromatic compounds] Madikallmyt I ionn,ri mokhaniany reaktaii alkilirovanits arovaticheskikh soedons- nit. Broven, Isd-ve Brevenskogo universiteta. 1953. 92 p. (Tashkent. Univerattet. Trudy Srodwasintakogo gosudaretvannogo universitets. no.43- Khtnichaskis neuki, no.6) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademil nauk UzSSR (for Sarymsekov. Rowney- skly, Korovin). 2. Beystwitelinyy chlen Akedenii nauk Turks. SSR (for Masson). 3o Chlea-korrespondent Akadeali nauk UzSSR (for TBukervanik. Korzhonevskiy). (Arotwtic compotinds) (Alkylation) KO-10VIN, Yc. P. Botany - Ecology Interaction of plant associations and environmental conditions. I. A. Titov. Reviewed by Ye. P. Korovin. Sov. kniga No. 2, 1953. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. KOROV IN T *Geobotany.0 B.A.Bykov. Reviewed by Zv.lorovin. Bot.shur, 39 no.5: 778-~83 3-0 154. (MLBA 7:11) 1. Bridneasiatekly Gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Lenina (Tasbkent) (fttogoography) (Bftov, B.A.) GUSUCILIN, P.O.-,. XOROVINO ZO.P., professor, otystetvannyy radaktor. w"aboamp. [Biology of Alhftil DiologII& UntWm (Alhagi). Tashkent, Ind-vo S Er"neaslatekop gasouniv, 1953. 113 p. (T"hkentsUalveraltes. Trady Sr"neaslatakop gosudaretvamcgo unIversitsta, no*76. DID- logicheakis nauki, no.21) (MM 9:12) I (Al hkd ) ~QROVI-N, IC-I' BORISOVA, A.G.; BOCHANTSIV, Y.P.; BUTKOV, A.Ya., doteent; VASILIKOVSKAYA, A.?.; VVIDENSKIY, A.Z., dotsent; GOLODKOVSKIY. V.L.; OONCFAROV. N.Y. [decOaged); DROBOV. V.?., professor; KCROTKOVA. fe.Te.; KOSTINA. K.Y.; K=iASHIV, S.N.Ideisesed]; WHIP. K.K.., LIPCHMKIT.I.A.; HIROMOT, B.A. [decoaged];.PAZIT, V.K.; PVLARKOVA, A.I.; !20TOPOPOV, .G.F.-I SUMVICH. G.IP. [deceased] -,,,MIALIZOVA, K.P.; ZJWUHUK. . S. To KOROV% T44P.., professor, glavW redaktor,;,%hKIROV'.xk.Z.' professor, recmF%or; SuNuanis, A.Ya, redaktor isdatelletva- [The glora of Uzbekistan) flora Uzbekistam. Glay. red., I.P.Rorovine Tashkent, Izd-vo Akedemii nauk UzSSR. Vo1*3. 1955. 82~ p. (KIRA 9:10) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AN UsSSR (for Korovin) (Usbekistan-Botany) KALITSIT, A.M.;. ALIXOT, ?.A,,, redaktor_; YZRIDMKO, Y.Ya,, redaktor; 7AKIM, K.Z,, akodealk6 redakt9r; XAWH, S.S.~ akademik, redaktor; X011DYIN, . skedemik. redaktor; KUMUNIDWOOT, K.V., akedemik, Ae"XMW. mW1 , K.1.9 skedsalk, redaktor; AYZOOTv*;.N.0 redaktor; UDYWY, S.S.j redaktor; UZINUTBV, Te.Kh., doktor m9l1mkokhozyaystv~nnykh nadk redaktor; MILI&S, Z.A., redaktor isdatellotys; BABAKHANOVA, A.G.: t,khi,.h,skiy redaktor [The cotton plantl Wopchatnik., Tashkent, Izd-vo Akadeeti nsuk Usbekskoi SGR. [Introductory volum : The cotton plant and the use of it~-fiber] V"denie: Xhlopchotnik t ispollsovanis volckm 1956. 128 p. (KIRA 10:3) 1. Tashimut. Yeasoyasnyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut khlopko- vodstva. 2. Chlen-korrempondnet Akedemil nauk UzSSR (for Alimov. Teramenka, Nml'tm~v,-Ssdyk~v..Kmnm'h). 3. Teemoyusnaya Aksdemiya sel'skokhosymystvennyk.h nauk in'. Zdna (for Ramash). 4. Chlen- korsexpondent, YeasoymmoyAkadenii sel'nkokh~zyaystvsnnYkh nauk In. lanina (for Ryshov) (Cotton) RIBAKOV, A.A.; KOROVIN, Yevgeniv Petrovich, 1891- redaktor [Biological principle" in the cultivation Of fruits and berries] Biologicheekle o9novy kZtury plodovolagodnvkh rastenij. Tashkent Akademila nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1956-415 P. (XMA 10: 5) (Frult culture) (Berries) Guiding characterization 0 izatsii cbAynogo, rasteniYa (Osnovnyye napravleniya akkllmt kharakteriatika meat v Sredney Azii i oriyentirovochnaYa yego VOXMOZbnoy kulltury.) Ioris Pub: ~01. botan. SSA14 AN--SSM, 19156.. 39-90 - Abstract: valuable observationg~have been mule in the biology of tea plants while studying their acclimatization in Central Asia. The Caucasian tea shrub requires considerable warmth. During cultivation in the mountainous environ- ment of Central Asia, it tolerated an overall temperature Card 1/3 spring '-wesio-fadta edtab-rfiE -theteeC- Pl=t's significant frost resistance and photoperiodic neutrality. The Central Asian COMUtions require water- ing for the sowing of tea, even in the mountainous 2V_ gions. Tests of,soils from new rayons bave conclusive- 1Y demonstrated a ebalcophobic reaction in the tea shrub - Annual Plants died when grown in soils contain- ing an excess of lime. The inconsistent biological. Card 2/3 COUNT.ZY CAT.~;GOPY No. 8721~r'_ 4LBS. JOUR. : RzBiol., No. 195 AUTH02 ; Korovin, Yi~~.P.; I ~xl ST. M-ain M-Aar;!Ll -arden, T H L-'-~ Roi-sults and Pro"L".1~-;cts Cd i4,jrk on- of Te-a 111-nts in t'!:e lu-zbek ~:jo`:'Jk ORIG. HIS. IT. G1. botan. sur~l-, A13S TRA 0 T of the rf-;Ults of experii-c-nts 0,aring I 5L by the PY-L, L and dcrr 1,::~ !is t c. 7,'6'r. R - R - 61' b.- - -f ~-f- Ac--cit~r-,,y of Ljct-nct~s in pur. 03~-_ of tl-c- .%Ifrk -f ftE of '--e,!:, to t1'e content of c~rb-natec 5 0 r :.. o un t a J- r, d i s t r i c t s o f U z *f-,-- 'k - i-a n1 ri t 1. e of Llihari, in th~~ vallev of -.Ire--s of 11-in'd in i.luntlntgs werc- est~-t,J&hed yk- -,q L lev~~t ion of the ~s -13(-','j n- "Ove e 1 sc;-11 is soddy, clayey brmm-e-t-rt.1,16 CARD: /3 ,4.a! c A . Z )clences U-"".')R Country USSR CATMORY lgrLi* No. 11 21~2 A33. JOIJR~q 6: RZIBiP11. -7 AUTHOR' INST LE, TIT ORIG. PUB. A53TRACT In -IcA52 -twD exrerir:nent plots were. estabIislE-d one In the ,'Ingren1valley, near t4h-e village of K'- cn Tjot tom lland tha-t is.'nct flooded. in tl.,.e. spring at an c-le-tation. of 1000-n Fabove. sea level, on sandy, cur .bonate- fr;-,e, :!'.,eadow soil (PH (.8);,the second at Yertash, on t!,e rigl:t bank of the spane river,. at an elcvat ion cf 15U0' ri rentlr, -~b~;ve level, -n a.norther, scdcly, brown-earth (PH 6,S). Planting Uliil cLore uslnl~, cf a:Caucasiar. variety of Chinese tea of diffrz-rent z-r- prz)d,,i--t ion: on the first plot t-iere planted C E~ ":, - , I r cm -Cs f.,-cm Gecrgia, on the secorCL and third, seeds -C IL~.A.ercvskiy I Rayon of Krusnodarskly Kray. The soil was wor"ed to a %,epth of 20-25 cm, and an a-kp-!.!-caticn of CARD: r2/3 NOROVIN To p Ood "-BotazW,l Pt.l,.br R.T.W41asov. lavlow*d by B.P.Xorovin. Bot. shur. 41 no,5:721-722- Ur- 156. MRA lo: 7) I. Sr"nessistakly goondantTSUM univeraltat im. VlRdistra III tcha Lenim, Tashkest. (Sotaw4--Morpholoa) (Kul'ttasov, N.V.) i KOROT IN, YO.P. ,A saw Tertiary reprosestat ** of the family Nbesscose In Central Asia. B*t.shur.41 se.6i.836-e35 Jo '56. (MM 9.610) I.Pr*dzeastatskly gesudarstyeasyy universitst, Tashkent. (Soviet Central Asl&-~-ftlsobotany) (Bbony) KOROVIN, Te.p. Results obtained and further tasks in studying the flora and vegetation of Uzbekistan. Izv. AN Ux. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.4: 21-Z6 157. (MIRA 11:9) (Uzbekistan-Botanical research) re) vi KOROVIN, GZRASIMOV. M.V. (Moskva). "Introduetion of plants into arctic regions; ecologico-geograpblcal analysing by I.A.Awrorin. Reviewed by I.P.lDrovin and X.T.Gerselmov. Bot.shur. 42 no-10:1519-1523 0 '57. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Bredneasiatekly goeudaretTennyy uniTersitet im. V.I.Leuina, Tasbkont. (Russia, Torthern-Plant introduction) (Avrorin, IF.A.) KOROVIN Ye P., red.; SERYY, Ya.M., kand.istorich.nauk, red.; SHISHKIN, V.A., tnd.istorich.naukp red.; TROITSKIY, N.N.j red.; FINKHASOV, YEL.P,t IN.A.Severtsov; collected documentary materials] N.A.Severteov; sbornik dokumentov. Tashkent, Cos. izd-vo UzSSR, 1958. 251 p. (Russkie uchenye-issledovateli Srednei Azii.. vol.2). (KRA 16:8) 1. DaystTitelfnyy chlen AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Korovin). :- (Severtsov, Nikolai Alekseevich' 18Z7-18,85) (Soviet Central Asia-Scientific expeditions) KOROVIN. Ye.p.. red.; SIMM ta.K., kandoistor.nauk, red.; SHISHEN , IXA-D'kand.istor.nauk, red.; TWITSKIT, N.M., red.; FTHMA Ov. Ta.P.9takha.rade (Russian scientists and explorers of Central Asia] Hassle uchanyo-ionledovatell Srednel Asli. Tasbkont, Gos.isd-vo USSM. Vol.2. (N.Ae-Severtsov;-collection.of documlints] N.A.Seve'rtsov; ,sbornik dokumintov. Pod red. I.P.Korovina, IA.K.Serogo. V.A. Shishkina.. 19~8. 285 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Uzbek S.S.R. Arkfiivnyy otdol. 2. Boyetvitellnyy chlen AwAamli nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for-lorovin)&' (ISever,teov Nikolai Alekseevich. 1827-1880 (Turkestan--Scientific expeditions)