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VOPOVI1T4TN.qXTY- M- V- "Plane contact problem of thermoelasticity during quasi-stationary heat genera- tion on the contact surfaces." report submitted for inclusion in proceedings, Intl Lubrication Conf, Washington, D.C. 13-16 oct 64. NORMEL, P.91 and K.V. CHBMHKVA. Ekspertiontallnoe Insledovanle napravIla-lushchikh apparatov,, eosdalushchlM zakruchennyi potok. Moskva,, 1939. 52 p., illus., tables. diagre, (TSAGI,, Trudy, no. 405) Title tr.-. Zzperiamontal investigation of directing devices for creation or spiral air flow. QA9U-N65 no. 405 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library or Congress, 1955 Rm fuFAaMM~l. IlQ--M?-W-.vrffallvmamvt~ K0 ~-ITTN-KO, G. ~!. Surgical Treatment of Caverns By Pheir Opening in the "ase of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 1954. .- VOrENNO-H&DITSINSKIY ZHUNAL (MILITARY !,SDICAL JoUaNAL), go 3, 1955. P. 96 KOROVJINK09G.I. Result of activities of rural public health stations in the control of tuberoulosis. Probl.tub. no.2:12-16 Kr-Ap.154. (=A 7:5) 1. Glevnyy vrach protivotuberkalesnogo dispansera (Nizhnyaya Syro- vatka Sumskoy oblasti. USSR) (TIJBIMOULOSIS, prevention. and control, (RURAL CONDITIONS, *Russia, rural dispensary serv.) *fmberc, control in Russia) KOVALI, V.G.; TOMASHEVICH, G.S.; KOROVENKOVA, A.I.; AREFIYEVA, L.M. Correcting the norms for alcohol losses during the aging of liqueurs. Trudy Ukr.NIISP no.8:132-136 163. (MIRA 1713) IAUM, A. P.; KOROV3NKOTA. V., red.; KOKHRINA. N., tekhn. red. [Business coriespondene-e-Ifor collsotive farms] DeloprolsvodAvo v kolkhose. Izd,2. Ilbakmg Gos. lzd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1952"103 P. . (Cowwrelal correspondence) (KUL ligg) KOROTETSKAYA, N. N. I 3335e. Mvasosal'naya Produktivnogtl Livenskoy I XUrDnoy Beloy Poroo Sviney. Sov. Zootekhniya, 1949, No. 6, c. 42-49. 50. Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh St-ritey, Val. 45, Moskva, 1949 ----------- Swine Bacon and lard productivity in a crossbreed of the Livenskii and Heavy White swine. Sots. zhiv. 14 no. 4, 1952. 9. MO thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1951, Uncl. 2 KOROVIC"!~ A..,,_, Exbibition in China. Log. prom. 17 no.1:52-53 J& '57. (NLRk 10:2) (China--fthlbitiont) (Russia--Economic conditions) KOROVICHEV,, V,D. Automatic draw-in chuck. Mashinostroitell no.1:30 -Ta 162. (MMA, 15: 1) (Chucks) A. T. A. T.- "I"unnation of bhe I-look blvition of tho )jutwdir7 w"Ympathotle. Trunk and of the Ilervous Plexus of the Vertebral Artery in the Embr-joFenesis of Humans." Minsk State Yled Inst, 'elinsk, 1955 (Dissertations for Degree of Candidate of Medical ScLences) SO: Knizimaya Letopis' No. 26, June 1955, Moscow XMOVIICDV, A.T. .0 -am"M 33trueZr"e'l- tructure of the cervical part of the sympathetic trunk and the nOrwO PlG=B Of.the vertebral artery in human embryogenests- VOP~Morfe' perif. nerv- siat~ uo;3235-55 156 (KIRA 1;912) M TOUS STB M , SYMPATHETIC) NORYMOGY, WW i KOROVI o0 kand. mod. muk Innervation of the vertebral artery in man. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no-3: 48-50 Mr 159. (KLU 12:7) 1. Kafedra anatomil cheloveka Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (%ave&Wwhchiy kafedroy - chlen-korrespondent AN 3M D.K. Golub) (TI-IMNAL AMW-IIMUTICK) LOBKOPP.I.,- KOROVIKOV, A.T. Method for photography of large histc'.ogical objects.. Folia moroiol''.~21 no -1:321-127 :162. 1. Kafedra anatomii cheloveka Minskogo Keditsinskogo Instituta. zav. akademik AN-BSSR, prof. D.M. Golub. LUKASHRV, K01.; KOROVIKOV, V.I.. redaktor; ROZIN, K.S,, redaktor; GUNK, D.A.. tekhnichs~kl'y" T�r. [Bourgeois peaudoncientific geography In the service of reaction] Burshuatnela 1zhensuchnaia.geograflia na slushbe reaktoli. Noskva. Gm Izd-vo geogr. lit-r7, 1953. 111 p. WRA 7:7) (Geography) ,I- MOROVIKOV, V. t I I- .-- , , ~ 1 A brilliant towrrow for eastern Siberia* Mwe nat. n0-1:4-8 J& ' 159. N (NIU. 11-.22) . (Siberia, lastern-Conditions.- AUTHOR: 'TITLE: Participation of Soientista in Fulfilliag th-ir. De,'--isions of the XXI Congress of the CPSS stiye ucherothvvypolnenii resheniy XXI s"yezda K'FS '~Ucha. r SOV/89-?-1-17/26 PURIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol T, Nr 1, p 76 (USSR) ABSTRACT; From March 26-28, 1958 the annual general meeting of scientists of the AS USSR was held at the House of Scientiatz in Mc3cow. Vice- president of the AS USSR, A. V. Topchiyev~ gave a xeport on the activities of the past year and on the tasks to be fulfilled in the future. President of the AS, A. N. Neemeyanov spoke about Soviet research wark carried out in the cosmos by means of rodKets and artificial sputniks. More than 20 persona took part- ir, the general debate, Uontrolled thermonuclear reaction and the investigation of elementary particles were described as the most urgent problems of modern science. The Physico-mathematical Department was* and still is the largest department of the AS. In the course of the last 3 years, 11 new institute$, 5 of which in Siberia alone, begar. to operate. Academician M, A. Lavrentlyev stressed-the fact that at present, completion of the building. of the Institcat yadernoy fiziki Card 1/2 (Inatituto of Nuclear Phyaics) is being accelerated. Cc=espmdJhgMwbw_ Participation of Scientists in Fulfilling the SOT/89-7-1-17 Deci0ions of the XXI Congress of the CPSS of the AS USSRv ~B. P. Konstantinov gave a detailed account of the work carried out at the Fiziko-t9khni-.heekiy instilti;t (Phyeico-tecLAcal Institutelq the oldest Goviet center of nuclear science. At this institute. investigations of thermonuclear processen as well as of atomic nuclei are being carried out with particular thoroughness. A number of dovf~ies, auch as a high-pre3ision-p-spectrometer, are being newly built. Tha conference accepted the new statutes of the AS USSR, which were issued especially with a view cf intensifying the collective carrying out of 'all tar~~a iio:~. In rarticularx, all scientific work of the AS is to be better organized and coordinated, and the available means and laboratories are to be utilized and employed more advantageously. Card 2/2 KOROVIN, A., nauchr47 ootradnik; KULIK, G.. nauchWy sotrudnik Monetary wages Instead of psyment in kind. Nauka, I pared.op. v sellkhoz, 9 n0.1:21-24 J& 159. (MIU 13:3) 1. Sibirskly fIlIal Tessoyuxnogo muchno-looledovatel'skogo inati- tuts ekonoulki sellskogo khosyaystva. (Collective farra-Income distribution) XULIK, G.; KOROVIN, A. Monetary payment of wages on Siberian coUective farms. Sots. trud 5 n0.9:28-34 5 1600' (MIRA 13:10) (Siberia, Weitern-CoUsetive farms-Income distribution) -1 KOROVIN, A. A. USSR/Hedicine - Cancer Feb 1948 Medicine - Blood, Platelets "Morphological Changes of Blood Platelets,in Cancer,'; T. V. Kenigson, A. A. Korovin Preliminary Therapeutic Clinic, First Leningrad Med Inst imeni Academician Pavlov, 51 pp "Klin Medits" Vol XXU~ No 2 During cancer many of the blood platelets can be mistaken for old cells. Dimensions of platelets at a maximum. Changes in blood platelets similar to those observed after splenectomy, however, the changes are more severe in cancer. In post-gastrotomy cases following removal of cancerous ulcers, the blood platelets grow in size and show greater spacing between one another. Director of Preliminary Therapeutic Clinic: Prof M. D. Tushinskiy, Active Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR PA47T62 KOROVI1,11 A.A DOCENT PA 31/49T5 S! ...!'Objective~Method, for, Determilning theNutritional :-'1iatas In MAn'" Docent A. A. Korovin, Propaedeatic .Therapeutics Clinic, First.Lieningrad Med Inst iieni Aced 1.'P., Pavlov~ fith Evacuation Hoop,," 4 pp Med" Vol XXVIJ No 8-, ~-Common method of diagnosing nutritional condition by~external*appearanceo'is subjective and liable t6error. Weight Indexes-also are-inaocurate kinoe they.take aocount-of bones and go leg. 8 0 fatts %.Or In 9 thicknes. awsts, ar n or reep- ) A. A.) "The Influence of Intranasal and Intravenous Inject,-ons of Novocaine on the Course or experimental Influenza Infections." Problema Grippa i Ostrp'-Eh Katarrov Verkhnikh Dykhatelliiykh Futey) Moscow, 1952, pp 46-47- -KoXav / IOROVIN, A.A.: NOVOSILOVA, A.I.; XWOROVICH, R.A. GlInical and laboratory characteristics of influensal pneumonia. Trudy ANK SSSR 28;139-197 28:189-197 153. (MMI 7:8) 1. Is Otdola viramologii Instituta spidesiologil in. Pastem i propedovticheskoy torspevtlchsskoy kliniki I Laningradekogo seditainskogo Instituts, In. I.P.Pavlova. (DIFLUMAV inflummal Pneumonia) (PIE (MIA Influens:1 pA*=OnIa) ONOVIAI) A. A, XOROVIN, A.Aj MUMMA, I.P. Specific serologteal prevention of Influenzae Trudy ANK SSSR 28: 226-230 153. (KLRA 7:8) 1. Is propedoytichookoy torapsytIchaskor kliniki I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo Instituta to. akadj IsPaPaylova I otdola viruslologit Institute. spidesiologil i m1krobiologii In. Pastem (WLUNZA, prevention and control, serm) Dom Sums, anti- Infl"ama) USSR/Viroloay - Human and Animal Viruses. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 1, 1959, 586 Author : Koravin, A.A. Inst Title : Appearance of Hemorrhagic Diathesis in MaliLjpant Grippe. Orig Pub : Tr. Kishinevsk. Med. in-ta, 1957, 6, 65-71 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 14 EMOVIN, A.A. Hematological changes in animal after infection witb epidemic influenza virus [with summRry-dn English]. Biul.eksp. biol. i mod. 45 no.4:60-66 Ap 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Is otdela virusologii (zav. - chlen-korresDonde-at AKS SSSR. A.A Smorodintsev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy_meditaiyq AM SSSR i is kAfedry propedevticheskoy terapii.(sav. - doteent A.A@ Korovin) Kishinevskogo meditainskogo inatituta. Predstavlene daystvitollnym chlenom ANN SUR S.V. Anichkovym. (11MUTERU. experimental hem9tol. changes in exper. beeet. (Run)) (BLOOD, picture in exper. influenza virus infect. (Rua)) XCROVIN, A.A.; BALAxaNICHETAn T., red.; KANMIBAUN, K., takhn.zvd* (Differential diagnosis of influenza) Differentsiallasia, diagaostiks grippe. Kishinev, Gos.ild-vo 'Kartia Noldovenissime 1959. 135 P. (KIRA 14:1) (nywmu) KOROVIN, A.A. Characteristics of the changes In wound areas and at the site Of former inJurT in secondary vitamin 0 deficiency. Zdravookhr&- nenie 2 no,6:28-32 IF-D 159, (MIRA 13:6) " Is kafedry PrOPOdGvtIch9OkOY teT&Pii (sav. - doteent A.A. lorovin) Xjsbjn*rsjWgO neditninakogo instituta. (WOODS AND INJURIM) (DIFICUMOT DISUSIS) SMORODI14TSEV, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich- NOROVIN Aleksandr Anato2lyevich; FRIDW, E.A., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z-. te;~~Zre~d.~~ [Influenza]Gripp. Leningrad,, Medgiz,, 1961. 371 p. (KMA 15:12) (DWWENZA) ANTONOV, I.A., kand.takhn.nauk; ANTOSHIS, Te.V., insh.; ASINOVSKAYA, G.A., insh.; VASILITIT, X.T., kand.tekhn.nauk: OUZOT, S.G., Insh.:'DZYK3, V.r., insh.; ZAYTMA,.T.P., inzh.; UZMKOV, P.P., lnzh.; KARAN, TU.B.; inzh.; X014MOTt P.S., kand.takhn.nauk; KORO~J~-~"Jnzh.; EMMMVSKIY, AX, insh.; rJMMTSOVA, Ts.I,:-TG'xh.-, K-A*TVNM,N.N.. tekfinik; MCROZOV, MJ9., insh.;. KNEMOT, Tu. I., insh.; JWRATV V.P., kaud.tekhn.nauk; NINBM, A.K., kand.tekhu.nauk; sirmcaXsh., insh.; STRIZMMKIY, I.I., kand.khim.nauk; TISHMITSI=, D.I., inSh.; KHROKOVA, TO.S., Insh.; TSBUMMI, A.I., lush.; SHASHKOT, A.I.. kand. tekhn.nauk, dote.;. SHBIMHNIX, M.N.,-Anxh.; SHUMOM, 'D.Ta., insh'.-, MLISON, A.M., insh.; VOLMIN, V.A., red.; UTAROVA. A.P,, (Haebinea and apparatuses designed by the All-Union Institute of Autogenous Working of Metals] Kashiny i apparty konstruktaii VNIIAvtogen. Koskva, 4os.n&uchno-tekhn.i%d-vo mashincetroitalluoi lit-rY, 1957. 173 p. (Moscow. Vessolusnyi nauchno-iseledovateliskii inatitut avtogeunoi obrabotki metallov, no.9) (Gas welding and cutting-lqcLipuent and supplies) ik Lik C, k/V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4243 Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut avtogennoy obrabotki metallov Plamennaya poverkhnostnaya zakalka (Flame Hardening) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 110 P. (Series: Spravochn Aterialy ,je m po gazoplamennoy obrabotke metallov., vyp,7 Errata slip inserted. 5,000 Copies printed. Compiler: A. 1. Korovin Engineer; Ed.: I. A. Antonov, CandidatF-oi_~~;'W~Nl Sciences; Tech. Ed.i A.,F. Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S. Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in welding departments, technicians,, foremenjand setup men. It may be usefu2 to operators working in the flame- hardening process and also to designers of flame-hardening equipment. COVERAGE: A brief description of Soviet apparatus used in the flame hardening of metals Is given. Basic information CaW=E~W- Flame Hardening SOV/4243 on.methods and regimes of the process is presented and means for inspecting the process are described. Safety rules are also inbluded. -This booklet is based on pub- lished literature, experience gained at various in- dustrial plants and scientific research Institutes, as well as on the work of VNIZAVTOOEN. No petsona2itles are mentioned. There are 20 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. General Information on Flame Hardening 5 1. Essentials of the flame%hardening process 5 2. Flamethardening methods 6 3. Fields of application of flame hardening 9 Ch. II. Materials Used In Flame Hardening 11 1. Iron-carbide alloys 11 2: oxygen and combustible gases 11 3. Coolan ts 16 KE21LN"Ir; SOMMOT, A.N., . red.; SCIBOMA. G.M., red.Isd-va; MUNOTA, G.T., Memo process of surface hardening] Gaxoplamennaia poverkhnostnals, zakalka. Pod red. A.N.Shashkove. Kookwa, Goo.nauchno-tokhr.isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 2960. 79 p. (Bibliotechka avtogenshchika,, (KIRA 140) (Flam hardening) YEGOROV I A.A.. kand. fmkbn. naukj-AOROVIN. A,-1 zh.; FILIRPOVICH, F.I., ,-- ~,_in red.j VINTORCYVA, Z.N.j tokbn, redo (Flame surface hardening in the machinery industry) Plamennaia. po- verkbnootnaia zakalka v mashinostroanii; obzor otechestyernol i za- rubezhnoi tek-Wiri. Moskva, TS~ntrs in-t nauchno-tekhn. Wormataii m"hinostroerdia.. 1961. 104 pe (Hmk 14: 10) (Surface hardening) (Macbiner7 industry) KOROVIN, A.I.; DROZDOV, S.N.; NOVITSKAYA, Yu.Ye.; KOMULAYNENj A.A.; KURETS,, V.L ------------ Iffect of frosts on the yield apps physiological processes in spring wheat. Dokl. AN SWR 136 no.4:979-981 F '61. (MIRA U.-Cl.) 1. Inotitut biologli Karellskogo, filiala Akademii ifauk SSSR. Predetay2eno.akademikom A. L, Kurvanovymd (Wheat) Mantes, Effect of temperature on) KOROVIN., A.I.; SYCH&VAp Z.F.; BYSTROVA, Z.A. Effect of Boil temperature on phoop4orus assimiliation by Pl=to, Dokl* AN SSSR no* 2:45&461 14r 161, (MIM 14: 1) 1. Institut biologii Karellskogo filisla AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikm AsL. Kursanovna. (PLARS-ASSDULATION) (P~ANTSI EFFECT OF SOIL THWERATURE ON) (PHOSPHORVS) KOROVIN, A. I. Cand Biolog Sci Diasertation: "Influence of Fertilizers, Vernalization of Seeds and Other Factors on the Length of Vegetation Period Under the Conditions of the Northern Ural Area." 7/12/50 Moscow Oblast' Pedagogical Inst Vecheryaya Moskva SUM 71 KOROVINO A. I. 6770. Korovin,, A. I. Za vysokiye urozhai na severe Iz Rabot Solikam, a.-kh. opyt. stanthii. Molotov, Kn. izd., 1954. 28 s. s. ill. 20 sm. 5.000 ekz. 35 k.--(55-2175) p 631 (47-17) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 A USSR/Cultivdted Plants - drai'.Is. Abs Joiir : Ref Zhur Biol., No 16, 1958, 82290 Abstract : Experime*.-As were conducted at the Solikamskaya Experi- mental Station on spring wheat Dianaat, winter wheat Ullyanovskaya and rye Vyatka. Temperatures lowered to 6-70 vere created in the root zone by means of a co;iti- "Yaous cooling of the vessels by cold rrauiinL spring water in a special therrao-vegetatiou booth. Winter Card 1/3 Author : "orovin A.I., Korovina., Z.I,,, Vatsuro, L.D., Vosheva, Z.A. Illst : N.A. ~hksimov Academy Title : The Influence of Soil TenperatLxe on the Processes of Development and the Dynamics of Crop Pormation. I Orig Pab : V sb.:.Pamyati akadi N.A. Maksimovd, M., AN SSSR) USSR/Cultivated Piants - Graits. Abs joLx RQf Zhur Biel., No 18, 1958, 82290 M c-Itures pass well throug[i the vernalizatio~, stage in sprinS plalitijig if the cooled zone embraces liot oilly the roots b,-.t also the poijItS of Stell, growth. The con- ti!2110us cooling of the roots starting with the gerbdlla- tion phase leads to a great retardatioa in the prissil-Ig of the spring wheat through the light stage (the dcxatioa of the phase, - the third leaf - shooting, is aimost dou.- bled). The retardatioa in the development in the presen- ce of lowered temperat,,xes of the litAritioilal elements in the preseace of lowered temperatires of the autritio- nal elemeiits in the soil is explaiiied by slower rptake and by the effect of the continv=6 cooling of the root system. The nodal roots are more sensitive to.:.Iowered temparat,~res than the embryo roots. They grow slower, thickeii, branch olit weakly, aiid aremrraaged alnost hori- zoiitally. The content of ash elements and of N also iii- creased with cooling as did thessugar coutent, especially Card 2/3 24 - Ll roots. hid Mlfi~Md the i'.,creaaed deuend for fer- tilizer6 41 tile no-'+t, I the oVion" N-A 4.?.- __ . AUTHOR: Korovint A# 1. 20-6-42/%8- TITLE., On the Influence Exerted by Low Soil Temperatures Upon the Efficiency of Certain Kinds and Doses of Mineral Fertilizers(O vliyanii ponizhennoy temperatury pochvy na effektivnost' nekotorykh form i doz mineralhVkh udobreniy). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 6, pp. 1202-1205 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Short summers with a general lack of heat, lower soil temperatures, especially at the beginning and towards the end of the time of vegehation, are peculiarities of the north. In the course of his studies on the in- fluenoe of such soil tenperatures on the crop of cereal, the author determined a distinct dependence of the effeotiveneso of some kinds and doses of fertilizer on the soil temperabire. The tests were performed in KamIlya endS612mak in greenhouses. The low soil temperatures (6-70C) were created by flowing spring-water into -which the flower pots were placed. At first the author observed a prolongation of the CARD 1/.5 On the Influence Exerted by Low Soil Temperatures 2D-041/M i Upon the Efficiency of Certain Kinds and Doses of Mineral Fertilizers vegetation period as well as a deorease in the crop of wheat, barley and oats due to lower soil temperatures which prevailed occasionally or during the entire vegetation period. The share of grain is reduced in favor of the share of roots. Field tests yield the same results: in years with cool summers the crop markedly decreases (several years test). This influence manifesto itself qccording to the kinds and doesesof fertilizer applied. At lower soil temperatures plants thrive better on ammonia-nitrogen, at higher temperatures on nitrate- nitrogen. Without a cooling of the soil-the crop in 1955 was equal on both kinds of nitrogen. The advantage of ammonia manifesto itself especially distinctly in the period of the reed-formation of the cereal on cooled soil. Later on the inflaence is weakened, where- as the effectiveness of the nitrate fertilizer in- creases. The structure of the vegetation period is also influenced by this: on cooled soil the time from seed to the formation of earn on ammonium is shortened, CARD 2A whereas on nitrate-nitrogen this holds for the time On the Influence Exerted by Low Soil Temperatures 2o-6-41/48 Upon the Efficiency of Certain Kinds and Doses of Mineral Fertilizers from the formation buds to ripeness. Differences up to one week occur. The unequal influence of the two N-forms at different periods of the plant-ontogenesis, according to temporatureq upon the adaptation of the plants is apparently due to the fact that at the beginning of their lives they assimilate ammoniumIN better (since these N-forms are in spring prevalent in the soil) and then, in the course of time, gradually go over to nitrate forms. The cooling of soil in- tensifies these peculiarity. Starting from this, the author added nitrogen to the soil in two portions: one half in the form of ammonium before sowing, -the other half as top-dreasing in the form of nitrate after the seed had come forth. This brought about good results three years in a row. The results obtained by Dadykin (1952) according to which nitrogen is worst assimilated from cool soil were completely confirmed. This holds true for phosphorus, too. The doubling of the N-doses at a soil temperature of 6-70C acts negatively. CARD 3/5 On the Influence Exerted by Low Soil Temperatures 2o-641/W Upon the Efficiency of Certain Kinds and Doesea of Mineral Fertilizers The increase in the dose of phosphorus is not only of advantage in the assimilation of phosphorus 'Itself, but also in that of 11 and K. At ioil temperatures above OOC the best results were attained with A combination of N: P: K - 1 : 3 : 1,5. This relation is called 11northern" by the author. The stronger the negative influences of the north manifest themselves, the better is the effectiveness of this ratio of fertilizdr: It increase with a decrease in soil temperatura, in- versely. In all teati made by the author the vegetation, period was shortened by 5-10 dfiys and the portion of rye in the crop increased. The action of the mineral fertilizer (especially of the "northern" dose) inten- sified, when it was brought together with stable manure. The action of stable manure alone in, at low soil temperatures, almost equal to zero. When the "northern" dose is brought in under two forms of N and separately, CARD 4/5 On the Influence Exerted by Low Soil Temperatures 20-6-41/48 Upon the Efficiency of Certain Kinds and Doses of Mineral Fertilizers its effectiveness increases. Of special importance is the shortening of the vegetation period which was attained. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Biology of the Karelian Branch AN USSR. (Institut biologii Karel'skogo filiala Akademij nauk Sssn) PRESENTED: By A. L. Kureanov, Academician j, APril 29, 1957 SUBMITTED: December 10, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CARD 5/5 KOROVIN, A.I.; KDRDVINA, Z.I. -"'? Effect of low temperatures of the W1. and Its moisture during different periods of ontogenesis on plant growth and development. 12V. Ur. I Koll. fil. AN SSSR no.2:108-116 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Institut biologli Urel'skogo filial& AN SSSR. (Soil temperature) (Soil moisture) (Grain) KOROVIN, A.I. In the daily growth of plants In the North, Izv.Xar.i Kol.fIl.AW SSSR ne.5;84-88 158- (MM 12:9) 1. Institut b1ologli Karel'skago.filiala AN SSSR. (Russia. Nortborn--Orowtb(Plants)) UssR/Piant Myaiolo~x Heat Cycles AY-Ds Jour Ref Zhur Biol'o; 96 21, 1958, 95666 Author Koraen', ASIO Inat ' ( iti'a KL%4,# . 6J M S Uss Title 4110- Ayor Study of t io Influence of DecreaAd Soil Temperature on Plants, Orig Pub Viziol'. rasiteni ~t 1�56 5t,Na 1.- 88. 91 Abstract Sprina later 6ius -1-60' was used to- chill containers with plants; it was,'convoyed by-pipes into wooden thick- walled~ vats*.,.,.- The -containers standing in the vats were nbze. O:c bAvdniz-e'd-''iron different. taippera- tiiros. (plus 60 and- hidi6r) by. mans. of varying the. rate of Movownt o.fthe-iiat6i.i~:the- pipes@ To tudy the ~abi- lityI'of'tIie::plant6 to assimilate elcuents of mineral nu- trition a'6 do'cieased temperatures, container-riders.warc... used wliich-c6niist'.of.two*containers which connect in the upper part; one haIX of -the container,, which site, pa the Card 1/3 19 WSR/Plant Mys i olor.7 j Heat Cycle. Abs Jour Rof Zhur Mal,, Ito 21, 1958, 95666 made of sheet iron. Throudi the reservoirs alonc, the pipes, cold outside air vas passed at various rates which allowed rkaintenance of the temperature from millus 30 to plus 20a, Tile work was done at the Karel'skiy A.-f-fiIiate, AS USM9 -- L,Ya. Palozova Card 3/3 k~ Al - 20 KOROVIN, A. I., Doc Biol Sci __ (aiss) "Influence of lowered tempera- _tu_r_e__O_f__s_o1=s on plants under the condition of Siberia." Moscow-Petro- zavodsk, 1959. 40 pp; (Inst of Plant Physiology im K. A. Timiryazev and the Inst of Biology of the Karellskiy Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR); 170 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of te.,.rt (12 en- , tries); (KL, 29-60$ 124) KOROVIN' A.I. Results of ecological and physiological studies and some objectives In experimental and praotical agronomy for the North. Izv.Kar. I Kol.' fil. AN SSSR no.2:79-84 159. (MIRA 32:11) 1. Institnt biologli larellikogo filiala AN SSSR. (Russia, NDrthern-Agriculture) SHAKHOV, A.A.; STAMM, S.A.; XOROVIN, A.I. hological characteristics of light assimilation by plants in the North. Izv.Kar.i loll.fil.Aff SSSR no.4:54-67 059. (KRA 13:5) 1. Institut fisiologii rasteniy AN SSSR i. Inatitut bi.ologii Karel'skogo filiala All SSSR. (Plants, Iffect of light on) (Plants, Iffect of temperature on) KOROVIN, A.I.; KURIUS, V.K. Improving the method for producing different soil temperatures for plant research. Isv*Kar.i Koll.fil.AN SSSR no.4:82-85 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Inotitut biologli, Karel'skogo filiala AN SSSR. (Soil temperature) (Botanical research) KOROVIN, A.I.,- KOROVINA. 2.1. Iffeat of low soil temperatures on growth, development and crop yields of cereal plants under conditions prevailing in northern regions [with summary In InglishJ. Bote shur, 4-4 noJMI-296 Nr '59. (KIRA 12s?) 1,1hrelfekly filial Al 8381, Institut biologii, Petrosavodck. (Orain) (Soil temperature) KOROV.TN9-AoI*-- Some results of wo'rk in the sector of plant physiology and ecology and problems in thr future develo'#Nkt of physiological remearch in Karelia. ~Trudy Kar.,fil. AN SSSR ono.280-17 160. (MIML 14: 9) (KAPJMZA--PLM:P watz'I") KOROVIN, A.I.; IVINA, I.V.; TSYBA, M.M. Growth of roots-in depth and intensity of tillering In plants of the north. Trudy Kar. fil. AN SSSR no-28:108-112 16o. (MIRA 14:9) .(Karelia--Growth (Plants)) KGROVIN Arkadiv Iyanffkb, doktor biolog.i3auk-, DADTKIK T P d or 1 0 to w biolog.nauk, nauchnyy red.; SHIMWAR# D.I., red.; POZMft'SKATA, K.K.. [Soil taxperature and Plants In the North] Temperatura Poohyy i rastenie na Severe. Fetrosayodsk, Goe.izd-ve rarel'skol A,,SSR# 1961. 190 P. (MM 15:2 (Plants, Iffect of @oil temperature on) KOROVINVA.I.; HARSKAYA# T.A. Effect of soil temperature on the respiration and the activity of oxidative root enzymes of cold-resistant-and thermophilic plants. Fiziol.rast. 9 no.4:415-418 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. BiolIogy Institute, Karelian Affiliate of U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Petrosavodek. (ROOTS (BOTANY)) - (PLANTS, EFFECT OF SOIL TEMPERATURE ON) ,(PLANTS-RESPIRkTION) ASINOVSKAYA, Gnesya Abramovna; ZELIKOVSKAYAI, Nat&liya Mikhayloma; KQYD-Vj11,-Andr*y-U&nov:ich; KRAVETSKIY, G.A.; HMOVSKIY, I.A.; OFITSEROV, D.M.;.TESMENITSKIY9 D.I.; FISHKIS~ M.M.; SHAPIRO, I.S.; GLTZMANENKO, D.L.) kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KLINDVICH, Yu.G., red.; DORODNOVAp-L.A.7-tekhn. red. [Flame metalworking processeelGazoplamennaia obrabotka metal- lov. (By] G.A.Asinovskaia i dr. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 556 P. (NIRA 16:3) (Gas welding and cutting) (Flame hardening) (Metal spraying) KOROVIN, M. --d-, ~, - - - F.,- .- , Effect of soil 'temperature on the yield and physiological proceseps of plants in the North. Trudy Lab. evol. i ekol. fiz. no.4:112-136 162. . (MIRA 18:3) KCROVIN, A.I.; SYCHEVA, Z.F.; BYSTROVA, Z.A. Wfect of soil temperature on the content of various forme of phosphorus in plantso Fiziole rast6 10 noo2-.137-141 Mr-Ap 16.). WRA 16:5) 1. Vostochno-gibirokiy biologicheakiy institut Siberskogo otdeleniya AN SWR, Irkatsk. (Plants,, Effect of soil temperature on) (Planto,j Effect of Phosphorus on) KOROVINP A.I., doktor biolog.nauk,- KHABARDIN, M.I. Unusual productivity of wheat-rye hybrids. Priroda 53 no. Us U1-122 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vo~Whno-Sibirskiy biologic'heakiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AK SSSR,Irkutsk. ARTYUKHOVSKAYA, S.A.; TESMENITSKIY, D.I.; ASINOVSKAYA, G.A.; DOYKO, M.I.; KOLTUNOV, P.S.; NEKRASOV, Yu.L.; KOROVIN A I NEGHAYEV V.D.; NINBURG, A.K.; SHASHKOV, A.N.; EDELISON, A.M.; ANTONOV, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. (Using acetylene substitute gases for flame metalworking.) Primenenie gazov-zamnitelei.atsetilena pri gazoplamennoi obrabotke metallov. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, l964. 150p. (Moscow. Vaesoiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatellskii institut avto- gennoi obrabotke metallov. Spravochnye materialy po gazopla- mennoi obrabotke metallov, no.23). (MIRA 17-9) A.I., inzh. Calculation of the thermal cycle of flame surface hardening. Trudy VNIIAvtogqn no.ns38-66 164. (MMA 182:3) KIIIROV219 AI VOROB YFVV V A KI-TITS9 V 1~er=U-vegetattve chamber:3 vith the regulation of soil and air tsmperature for experimento with plwnt3. Iz,:..SO AN SSSR no.12t Ser. biol.--med. rm&- noJiI41-1410 164. (MM 18i!6) 1. Voatachno--Slbirm~,Iy- biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdalenlya AN SSSR~ Irkutsk. KOROVIN, A.T.; DULIBINSKAYA, D.A. Effect of so4l. moisture and luv temperature at the beginning of' vegetation cn.nitrogen and phosphorus absorption by spring wheat. Izv. SO All SSSR no.4 Ser. blol.-med.nauk no.1:53-58 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vostoch-n-Sibirskiy biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdelanlya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. KOROVIN, A.I. Role of soil temperature In mineral nutrition of plants and in the effectiveness,of fertilization. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.8. Ser. biol.-med. nauk no.2:81-.89 165, (141RA 18:9) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo-otdelaniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. KOROVIN, A.I., inzh. Heating and quenching of the metal during flame surface hardening. Trudy VNJUVTOGEMASH no.12:101-121 165. (MIRA 18:11) T, IJORM 'Y "trp 'I - I getatiorl ,r'ec~. 'crw temperatures at the begJrming c,.,f vai on nit-vogen f:Lxa-r,'Lcn by forag6 beane in relativn to the anncjLn*~. cf nitrorren ferttli-?zer. Fiziolorwit. 1*41 no.6:1081-IG86 11-D Vo3to,-hnr,--Flb-Lrs~dY b*Lo','O9-Jcf--eskiy' institilt ctdeleniya AN SSER, irlimtsk. Submi'tted Auguet, 25, 1-964- KOROV12T, A.I.; VOROB'YHV,, V.A. --------- - I Effeot of low soil temperature at the beginning of vegetation on the growth of leguminous plants and the formation of tubers on their roots. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.8 Ser. biol-med. np,,', n,2z 29-32 164 (miRA 18si) 1.,Tootochno-Sibirokiy biologicheekiy inatitut Sibirskogo otde- leniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. KOROVIN, A.Mv PnewoencephalograPhic observations in epilepsy which followed closed trauma of the brain. Vop. psikh i nevr. no-3:204-210 158. (kM 12:3) I, Iz kafedry nervrWkh bolezney Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena leninm akademii im. S.K. lirova. (BRAIN-40UNM AXID MMIM) (IPILIM) - NNOWHLIOGRAPHY) KOWMP Aom. Confir-ences of the JP&mdtr on Ne"Ou - DUO&BOs of the am. lirov, of Midicim in 1950. Sbor. trud. Lou, nauGhn- (MBA 33's 12) obLba nevro I Ps n0.6026-!328 159. KOROVIV, A.M.,, (laningrad) Use of new preparatiori,, chloracon, in epilepsy, Klin.mede no*3: 136-138 162. (MM 15'413) 1. 1% kafedry nervniy bolemay (nach. - prof. S.I. Karchikyan) Voyenno-moditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (EPILEPSY) (AMCONVUISANTS) IVANOV, F.I.; PEYMER, I.A.; KOROVIN, A.M. Analysis of the pathophyaialogical mechaniBms of hallucinations occuring with closed eyes in encephalitis. Vop.psikh.i nevr. no.7:367-373 '61. (MIRA 15.-8) (ENCEPHALITIS) (HALLUCINATIONS AND ILLUSIONS) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) KERMVA, Yelena SargeyevnaLKOROVIN A S.,, red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. (Closed intestinal injuries) Zakrytye povrezhdeniia kishok. Leningrad, Medgis, 1963. 126 P. (MIRA 16:5) (INTF,STINES-WOURS AND INJURES) .KMVKIN, AlekeAndr-s j~jph; CHMOV, V.P., Uzh.-polkovnik argey red.; SRIBNIS, N.V., tekhn. red. [Infrared teohnoloul Infrakrasnaia tekhnika. Moskva, Voenimdat,, 1903. 71 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Infrared *ys--YAlitary applications) KOROVKIN, AlekBandr Ser eyevich; FAYHBOYM, I.B... red. - - [Infrared techniques and space) Infrakrasnaia tekhnika J I I Koemos, Moskvap Imd-vo "Zwmie,," 1964. 39 p. (No-voe v .I zhiznip nauke, tekhnike. IX Seriiat Fizikap matematike, -I astronomiiat no-4) (KRA 1724) TALIMAN, lzraill Moie9yevicJ4,Pmf-; red.; SAFRONOVA, ,I RD I.M., tekhn. 2v&p IMMIi,-G.A., tek1n. red. - [Surgery of the gallbladder apd bile ducts) Khirargiia zhelch- nogo pusyria i shelchnykh protokov. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 431 P. (MIRA 16:4) (BILE DUCTS-,-SURGERY) (OM MADDER-SURGERY) DELYAYEV, A.P., red.; BESSOLITSYV, Ye.P., red.; BLIMIKOV, I.I., red.; DZINKAS, Yu.K., red.; ZRARKOV, MI.A., red.; QRQV_11~,, A.Y,, red.; KURIYANOV, F.K., red.; MMELIEM, M.M.., red.; NALETOV, P.I., red.; RYABENKO, V.Ye*, red.; SAVIVSKIY, K.A., red.; SELM, A.I., red.; SEXENYUK, V.D., red.p TIR-11OLISKY, L.M., red.; TIKHONOV, V.L., red.; '"HOMIUK, P.I., red.; T01-2LOVSKAYA, M.V., red.; FOMIP, N.I.., red.BEIVAN) Yu*Kvy vedo red, (Recent data on the geology, petroleum potentials, and mineral resources of Irkutsk Province] 11ovye damye po geologii, neftenosnosti i poleznym iskopaemym Irkutskol oblasti. Moskva~ Nedra, 1964. 278 p. (MIRA 17-8) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr. Irkutskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. - - .. - ZaM I -1-1--,- I- WKM~~~' -J~VR-CIVLNP B. A*----,-. Viruses Chemistry as a weapon against virus diseases of tobacco. Tabak 13 no. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List Rf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June N EMOVIN, B.I., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk. Principal woo. to isprove the quality of hydraulic machinery wA reduce votal conmation In their design. Trudy TIGN no.17:156-171 Oa&i 9:3) (Hydraulic wachlaW) Call Nr: AF 1129927 AUTHOR: Table of Contents TITLE: New Processes in Hydraulic Machine Building (Novoye v g1dromashinostroyepil) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye nauchho-t~khnicheskoye Izdatellstvo mashinostroitellnoy literatury, Mo~cow., 1956,*66 pp., 1600 copies. (TEMY'VION, Nr XX) ORIG. AGENCY: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut ~ gidromaishinostroyenlya I EDITORS: Liferenko, N.N., Candidate of Technical Sclences; Editor-in-Chief: Pokrovskiy,, N.V., Engineer; Technical EditorefMatveyeva, Ye.N. and Uvarova, A.F.; Corrector,," Semenova, 0.1. Card 1/6 Call Nr: AF 1129927 New Processes in Hydraulic Machine Building (Cont.) PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for engineers, technicians, Innovators.In hydraulic machine production methods and-allied Zields. COVERAGE: This material deals with the work carried out by the technological department of the VIOM (All-UnIon-Inititute of Hydromachinery) on Improvements In the ticbnology of hydrau3.16-iiaichlnery.--'Caatlng of hydraulic machine parts ,by the inveoftent-prodess (lost wax) and methods--of .tasting'in shell molds-are discussed and"Illustrated. Processes of cast1bg machine parts from*high-strength magn*s1qm;-c6nt&tn1ftg.7.cJ0t Iron are demonstrbLted and explained. Methods on gaging vines of axial-flow hydraulic machinery are Illustrated and tables of standirdiztd-quialty requirements for machines are included. .'The collection contains Russian contribUtions. Mo personalities are given. There are T bibliographic references, all of which are Slavic. Card 2/6 Call Nr: AF 1129927 New Processes in Hydraulic Machine Building (cont.) Table of Contents: 1. Vasina, Z.M., Eng. Experiment In the Manufacture of Impellers for Centrifugal Pumps Made Fr~m Chrome Steel 1 X13, -- by the Investment Casting (Lost Wax) Method. 3-10 No personalities mentioned. No references. 2. Radin, I.A., Engineer. The Manufacture of Impellers for Centrifugal Pumps by Canting In Shell Molds. 11-2:2 No personalities mentioned. No references. Card 3/6 Call Nr: AF 1129927 New Processes in Hydraulic Machine Building (Cont.) 3. Pomerahtsev L"M.,, RngIneer. Measuting Device for Checking ~Zes of Hydraulic Propeller Turbines-and Pattern Pumps. 23-40 No personalities mentioned. No references. Card 4/6 Call Nr: AF 1129927 New Processes In Hydraulic Machine Building (Cont.) 4. Fokin, G.F., Eng. Canting Hydraulic Machine Parts from High-strength Magneslum-containing Cast Irons -41-49 Personalities mentioned include: Bazhenova, V.V., and Yavorinskly,, L.M. There are T bibliographic references, all of which are Slavic. card 5/6 New Processes In Hydraulic Machine Building Call Nr: AF 1129927 (Cont.) 5* Candidate of Technical Sciences. Standardlzatiovi Y R21driments for the Manufacture of Propeller Pumps and an I and Medium Hydraulic Turbines. 50-67 No personalities mentiored. No references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 616 KOROVIN B.I., dotsent, kW.t*khn.mok Designix6- thin-walled welded reduction gears. Izv.vyo.ucheb. say.; moblnostro A04:69-75 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Hookovskoye vyoohsra takhnlchookoye uchilighche Iment (aearing) S/145/60/000/008/014/014/XX D211/D304 AUTHOR: Korovin. 13-1.t Candidate of Technical Sciences. Docent TITLE: Design of thin-walled drums of belt conveyors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikn uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroye-;.- niyep no. 8. 1960t 139 - 147 TEXT: The'author considers the possibility of reducing the wall thickness of drums (e.g* by replacing cast iron by steel)v analyze the stability of the drum and the possibility of use of hollow shaftep and compares several constructions of1hin-walled welded drums with the usual cast iron types Costs of production are di 1110 cussed. There are 10 figurest 1 table and 2 Soviet-bloc referenc ASSOCIATION: MVTU im. NOE. Baumana (NVTU ims NOE. Bauman) SUBMITTEDt March 23P 1960 25, Card 1/1 KOROVIN B.I kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Selectin g optimum operating conditions for machines securing an efficient use of metals in their structures. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no-7:101-112 61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovs,koye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uebilishche imeni Baumanae (Machinery.-Design and construction) BELYAYEV, V.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BOGATYREV, I.S., dots., kand. takhn. nauk.- BULANZEE$ A.V,, dots.; VYBORNOVf P.V... at. prepod.; GADOLIN, V,Lo,, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; G0114ANp E.I I at, prepod.; DROZDOV, N.A.# dots., kand, tekhn. nauk; ZAYTSEVA1 L.L. inzh.; IVANCV,, V.N.., dots., kand, tekbn. nauk; QMV-IK436J-mq dots,, kand. tekhn, nauki LUKIN, V.I., dots,.,. karld. tekbn..nauk; MORE., I.S., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; OGRINGEUK$ I.A.9 inzh.; PAIDCHKINA, N.V.3, iuzh.; POLYAKOV, D.G.p dots.; PARGINp D.P., kand. tekbn. nauk; RASPOPOV, A.G.p at, prepoaq RESEMVS D.N., prof.# doktor tekbn. naukj STOLBIN, G.B.,-dots.,'kand. tekhn."nauk., retsenzent; KMPEROVICHj, N.S... inzh.., red.; WIRNOVA$ G.V.p tekbn. red.; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhri. red. [machine parts; atlasof designs] Detali mashin; atlas kon- struktsii. Moskva., Mashgiz, 1962. 346p. (MIRA 15:3) 11 Kafedra "Deta.31 mashin't Moskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha im, Baum= (for all except Stolbin$ Kasperovicb,, Smirnova,, Uvarova). (Machinery-Design) MR IT_ irg or,Arkutsk - DFAI-I . -1 )* I .. 1 1 Self work. Grashd. &w.- 14 so.304 (K LVA I Ot 6 ) (IrkiLtsk-Aaronautles. qommrclal) * Evgenii Petrovich Koroving 1891-196,39 an obJtuary. Uzb. biol. zbur. 8 no.208-79 164. OCRA 17s9) f SHKVARKINAs T-.I.; KaROVIN, F.N.; AUERMAN., L.Ya.; ZHIGUNOVA., V.V. More accurate specification and development of the methods for testing the baking properties of flour, Trudy TSNIIKHP no*8:121- 123 160, (MM 15:8) (Flour-Testing)- XOROVIN.9 F.K. Flour assortment and quality and its testing methods;. review of foreign journals published in 1958. Trudy TSNIIW no*M2.~- 127 160. (MM 15;8) (Flour) BELYAM , V.N., dots., kand. takhn.nBak; BOGATYREV, I.S., kand. tekbn. nauk; BUIANZHE, A.V.,, dots.; VYBORNOV., F.V.., st. prepod.; GADOLTN, V.L.p dots.,, kand. tekbn. nauk; GOFMAN, E.I., dots.; DROZDOV, N.A., dots., kand. tekhn.tauk; ZLYTSEVI., L.Lp inzh.-, IVANOV, V.N.j dots., kand. tekbn. nauk; KORIVIN, B.Iep dots.p kand. tekhn. nauk; LUKIN, V.I., dots., kand. tokbn.-nc-u-F;- MORIN~ I.S.y dots.p kand. tekhn. nauk; OCRINCMJK, I.A., inzh.; PALOCHKINA, N.V. inzh - POLYAKOV9 D.G., dots.;' PARGIN, D.P., kand. tekhn.naukfdece;;e'd3- RASPOPOV, A.G... st. prepod.; RESHETOV, D.N., prof., doktor tekbn. nsuk; EASPEROVICH, N.S., inzh., red.; TIKUNOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Machine parts; atlas of designs] Detali mashin; atlas kon- struktsii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963.363 p. (NIRA 16:12) 1. Kollektiv kafedry "Detali mashin" Moskovskogo vysshego. tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha im. Baumana (for all except Kasperovich, Tikhanov). (Machinery-Design and construction) NIKOLAYBY, B.M.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N..Wmdemikredaktor; STSrN,- A.N.; TIMOV, V.D.; PWRISHCMUA, P.A.; LITTINOV, N.Y., kandidut meditsinskikh nauk: BRIVIYANINSON, Ye.S., redaktor; ROTEROL', R.P., takhnicheekly redaktor. [Use of DDT and benzene hexachloride in the controlling carriers of contagious diseases] Primenenie DDT i. gsksairchlorana dlit% bor'by 9 perenoechikmi infektsionzWkh boleznei. B.N. Pavlovskogo, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.meditainskikh nauk,SSSR, 1952. 41 p. (v. p'omosbcbl meditsinskim rabotnikam velikikh strook kommuntzma, no.7) [Microfilml (111MA 8: 9) 1. DaystvitellzW chlen ARN SSSA kfor Sysin and Timakov) 2. Chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Petrishchava). (DDT(Insecticide)) (Benzene hexachloride) (Insects an carriers of disease)