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AUMOR, Petrov,-: Nd kor6tk6%i~..
Polyce- _izat on of
T r i -1soprene
wi~h~cata. s -ba tri&hLor4ooXide.
iy ts, sed on-van ;j=
Q ril iv~lr 'Lr--r---,r-vuznyy riauchno-isaledovatellskiv institut sinteti
cheskogo kauckuka.
-)r; P-1-it- -iz~tion ~f- Isopre
~OPT-n_j kataliz,3 imi (I r -n by
-vo Khimiya
Moscow, Izd 1, 4, i
TOPIC 7AGS: isoprene polymerization, kinetics, rubber, vanadiun trichloraoxide,
alLuninum trialky,
asimur: rqneticrs~of isoprene polymerization was studied in a benzene solvent at
200C and at an initial monomer concentration of 4.0 mollt. Two catalyst systems
Were Ii-qed, 1. RIJAI/VOCII. and 2. R2~AICIJVOC13. The ratio of tie individual cat;~- I,--
components was varied but them- coonce-in-tration- o
f VOCIS was equal-to 30.017 mal/k i77-7
in all experiments acnducted with cat'alyst based on R3A1 and wa; equal to 6.6085
mol/L in all experiments conducted with catalysts based on R2AI'.1, According to thd
'IR spectroscopic examination, polymers obtained with R3AI/VOCI,.l are structurally
identical to the natttral gutta-percha. Ratios Of R3AI/VOCI-4 smaller than I and gub-11
cari 1/2
110 FEF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003
L 60207-65~ EWT(m)/EPF(.a)/-T/M- P(J-1-
iACCESSI(Xi MR.- AT50, UMOOCF/6411100100010 /M6
PTHM; Korotkov & Ai -VasiL'yev,: A. A. -Prokof ev, V. Ds- 9- To
y Timofeyeva,. N
LE to rizaticm- Of- ne-with-.
TIT 1YMe -complex- catalyats, in various olvenis-
Vsesoyutnyy-nauchno-iseLtidovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka.
-'zatsiva izopr-ena kompleksnymi katalizatarami (Polvmeri:-ation of isoprene by
-:UrTF-;e;k catalysvs). Moacow, Izd-vo Khimiya, 1964, i3q-15u
TOPIC TAGS: isoprene polymerization, solvent, FTplex' ~atalys-':
!ABSTRACT: Polymerization of isoprene was stucUed at 200C in the following solvents!i
butare, pentane, hexane, . heptane-, -octane. isopentane, isooctana, and cjelohexane, Ft
- f~- I
Tfa~- de e
4,als~-L-atalyat. e icte ;qa.!
71 ve-r-s- i0a -.--an& 'the: -po1yner-mo1acUar-*we1-g--h t- w-, eit--monito'r e-d-- -a-s --a-
ing 2 hour polymerization experiments in various solvents. At 200C, the degree of
isoprene convemion and the average-~ molecular weight of'polymex, is deterviined by
the solubility and the rate of. dissolution of the product pol3pl-ier in the respective'l
solvent. In all solvents the rate of isoprene polymarization ncreases with tem-
perature . At given conditiors (constant temperature of polyme-.~ization), the degree 'I
i_ i
L 60207-65
!of conversion of isoprene invarioud.solvents; decreased in the follo"fing.sequencet
~Dentane, hexane, heptane.-isopentane, butane, octane, iscoctanc, and cyclohexanei
UD to a certain conversion level the average molecular weight (f polymer remains i
constant in all hydrocarbon solvents of normal structure and ir cyclohexane. At
.hiqher conversicn levels there is a decline in the poivuier aveiage molecular weight.,
The highest plateau of the average molecular weight was achievfd in n-heptane. The j
next was hexane followed by pentane. In the case of solvents #,ith an iso-structure,i
,the polyTr--r average molecular weight ccrntinual-Ly declines from the highest value at
Ithe beginning of polymerization.- This dec1ine'is greater in isooctane than in iso-
.penrane. 1sopentane solvent gives the highest initial value ol polymer molecular i
[weight among all solvents used in this study. Overall, normal pentane and hexane
iwerre best solvents from the point of view of conversion to polymer as well as poly- 11
imer molecular weight, Orig, arti has: 17 figures and I table,
`~,L 630389~65 _.-FC-4/Pr~4 __AZPL- JUIM-1
ACM-Sim, mu Ap"m-1'3059 t rR/OIW/65AOO7jW5/0&.3/0846
66.00,5.264--678. 01 t 53+676.744
MORS: Azimovp Z& A#.; Mitaengendler, So F,; Korot I A. A. .x
TITIZ; Oetalytie p313-~ierization::O_f tart. butyl methaerylate mai the atructuro or~
the rasultant polymars:
SOURGE: Vysekom0ldku1yarP.V'e- 'soy eidinenly'a t:'vc 7., no. ~51 1965i %3-846
A~Ionj-- Iin mat e
TOFTP TA Is: polymerio' red hacrylate- polyneria struattwe
ABSTRACT: The purUose of the Irrvestigittion vaa -to determine the ePfeat of chain
branching of the alkyl radi6allok the ester group in the allQrlmethacrylatea during
"tal- - t i CT-DITme;_i_?,ation on thd structure of the reg,,22ting r-:vTr. r. Polymeriza-
tion of tort. buty1mothacrylate, (A) was carried out under two coaditions leading
to the fornation of' igotactic and syndiat tactio. po.17mers, respectivelF. The experi-
Mental procedure ma that of Z, A. Azimov, A. A. Korotkov, and S. P. Mitsengendler
AIN SSSR seriya khimich#'I 1964, 55). The polymera obta -ned were character-
iLed ~n -Uorms of; optical anisotropy of solutionn , plhotoelasAc effect in filmsp
dielectric loss, dipole mments, and density. Polymarizatiou of A at -50C in
toluens in the preaence o'L buty2-lithium yields an isotactic pAymer, whereas
i Card 1/2
, --- --- _. , - I ~ ... ~ ~ - --- - - -I-.- - _- - . - . .
-, - - . ~ ~ -- 1 : ~ , - - . ; - I - , , , : . - - 0
. . . . . - .. . ~ I- I . p : ; . ~ I- I .~ I ~ . , I
Butyllithium-catalyzed polymerization of phenyl methacrylate.
Vysokom. soed. 7 no.8;1326-1331 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Institut vrysokomolekulyurnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
Synthesis of 2-tert-butyl-1,3-butadiene. Zhur. org. khim. 1
no.7:13.8C"1182 JI 165, (MIRA 18&11)
1. Institut vysoRomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Ali SSSR.
'L 26110--65 PC-4/r-r-4 IRM
ACCE-SSION MR: AP5002921 S/0138/6,,5/000/001/001-2/0014
AU74OR: Kova-lev, N. F., Korotkov e kh. V. N.
A. A.J-
=711TIP.. A method for prep
g rubb;3r based on SKI
.arin -3 which prevents the degrada-
tion of polymer chatna during rubber processing
SOURCE: K-auchuk- i rezina, no. 1, 1965, 12-14
TIOPIC TMIS: rubber production, polymer degradation, synthetic rubber, polyiso-
prene, ri-I-canizaticra, rubber mechanical property SKI-3 rubber
ABSTRACT: A method for preparing rubber mixes and vulcanizates from synthetic
polyisoprene SKI-5 ,rithout causing degradation or decreases in molecular weight
wqs developed. The cut sample (20-309) and a benzene -ins oluble activator were
Dlaced into a stainless steel ceil equipped vith a blade impeller (35-46 rpm),
evacun-.ed J-41 times and pttrged wIth argou, and mlxe(~ with rt.% benLene
distilled in an axgon atmosphere; vuleanizin4g agent, accelerator and plastici-
ze- wer-e added, the polymer was allowed to sweLl for 2-~ clays, mixed 20-30 minutes
1111,d d-z-'-ed under dec:,reased pressure witb purging by argcn. The molecular velght of
sa-m-p-es prepared by this method was virtually unchanged, whervaz that of mil-led
Card ./2
L 26110-65
n. Ap'--C42921-
sample., decreased markedly. A mixture of 100 g polymer, I g sulfur, o.6 g Altax,
3 g dipheriy1guanidine, 5 g zinc oxide and 1 g atearic acid v-,Llcanizzed in 15-30
M'---ites Itt 1.91C. The tensile strength of sTxecimpns vith high molecular welc.,ht
~nd an intrinsic viscosity lilgher thar, ', leccr-t3edl '-'-.arxed!,X when tih,-y
after pressing in the form instearl ~.')f beiij, pa~,sed ~-; tij-11es t~L~
-a mesh
--i zaiendi-r w1th a 0.7-0-75 qL
was used on specimens subjected to tes*,S, '07 t'~n5lle stren
~.orwatlon, vhile elasticity -was JeLeznriinef~ Drei~S'ng in t-P cold
Defore vu-Icaaization. "rig. art. ~~az: .' 7'*"--,L.--*~ ;idtL~' 1~ T'ab-'es.
Vsest,-yuznyy nauchno-issledo-vatells~dy institut rinteticheskogo kau-
'-ebedeva (All-Union Synthetic Rubber Scientifi, Research -Tnbtitute)
OUM.. 000
L. C ~,iel
XR., A 1150 1
1-422 004/082L/082.3
U TY,I )pr
5 P
S DiAlady, v. 162), no. 4. 19C,5, -~2~
-ion, -ifurninurn
I-A isoprelle polyrrierizat
lk'iclls3es the !"'i:- !'f ~hc.
tri Lhe
C C N RX: ~~---?CO0909 SOURCE CODZ: U,-' 013P, '5610oolrclilroo jGG0
AUTHOR: "o-valov, 141, F.; Korotkov, A. Patrovv Ge N.; Feykh, V. N.; Lisochkins,
G. F.; DIgina., L. V.; Ev~fif&fg';
0,M1 ,~!!-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber in. S. V. lobodeV,
I (Vsesoyu,-znyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut sintaticheskogo'
'TITITL. ?i-aparation and properties of butadiene-isoprene block polyMer&
5OURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 12, 19662 2-5
TOPIC T.""'~S: butadiene, isoprene, block copolymer, polymer physical property
A33TRkC--,' A me"hod was develoDed for Dreparing butadiene-isoprone*block polymers in
sufficient quantities to study their basic physicomechanica.1 properties. The blGck.
polyneriz--tion was carried out i n a 5 0 -,'b' e of
isopentane solution in the presenc L ah
organoiithi-wrc catalyst, and thu -dropertieS of the polym ers were. studied as functions.
of the 7,oncmier ratio and quantity of blocks in the polymer chain.-' From the standpoint
oz~ n4cros'ructure, Vha blocks of Dolyisoprene and polybutadiene-are.practically a~Ad-
gous to mixtures of isoprene-butadiene homonolymers obtained onthe brganolithium'CAt-
al~vst. 17ror. the standpoint of tho properties of the vulcanizates., the syntheaizid-'
i-block polymers practically do.not diffor from the properties of niechanical mixt:;Gs of
lChe 1hcmcopolymers.. and are 6nttzlely determined by the butadienea-to-isqprene ratio.
ACC. NR, AP7000969
rig. ae,;.'hasl 6'figures'and I table*
MB CODE., -4,11/ SUM -DAIE I 22Feb66/,' ORIG REF2 002
KO20--I,--t-mv, -:.
Korotkov, A. F. - "An experiaent on obt~oindng g. lwx-ge ~-~f 'AlItel r,.re b.-,~ the field-
husbwr I- - I ze. dy Z .7
bric,;-fte Of -,he "Socialism" k-olkhoz of the Grrna-H~.riysk Dokl -
Resp. ;grotelthm. konf-tsii Iariysk ASSR, 194P3, p. 11L-117
j 0 IV
SO; U-1,6'00, 10 July 5", (Lotopiz 'Zh7arnz-1 li*lkh :3t-te.-,, No. 6, 19"9).
ROZENTALO, 0.3.;_P~OV~F p retsenzent; -
TITELIBAUN, N.P.,.rotmenzent; TRUKHANOVA, A.N., red.;
[The theory of,statiaticel Teoriia statistiki. (By] O.E.
Gmabe I dr.*Pa red. I.G.Malogo. Moskva,, IskU38tVO, 1963.
398 P. - (Statletics) (MIRA 16:5)
IQBP=, Al#keandr Filipp2vich SPITSYNA, A., red.; SHLYK, M.j
tekhn. red.
(The pulse of our aityl-Pul's zhisni nashego 1proda. -Mo-
skva, Moak. raboohii, 1963. 109 P. (KIRA 160)
1. Nachallnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo statisticheskogo uprayleniya
(for Korotkov).
(Moscov-Sconomic conditions)
,-.b lucl;ti, bluzh&
SC StatcYo No. 21,
Role of the posterior spinal radices in innervation of the gastro-
intestinal system. Fisiol. sh, MR 39 no,.41443-450 JuIY-** 1953.
(CM 25:1)
1 - Department of Hwean Anatasq and Department of Phrilology of Kazan'
SZate Medical Institute,
KOROTKOV, A. G., Doe of Mled Sel -- (diss) " Data on pavasympathotic innarva-
tion of the intestines." Kazan' 1957, 26 pp (Chair of !I-orimal/Anatomy
and Chair of Normal Physiol&gy, Kazan' State Medical Institute),
(KLJ9 31-57, 105)
USSR/Hutwn ahd Ahimal Morpholo67~ Nervous System. S-3
Peripheral Rorvbus System
-Abs Jourt Ref Zhur - Biol.,q No 19., 1958s, 88409
Author t Moshohorynkova, L* M#; Korotkov, A, G.
Inst i Uzan Medical Institute
Tible t On the Morpholof,,y of the Posterior Spinal Roots
Orig, Pubi Sb. nauchn. rabot, Kazansk, mde-int, 1957s vYPo,
4s 35-41
Abstract: In 20 oats and dogs,, 2-3 pairs of the postorior
spinal roots (PSR) wore suotionod proximally t1wouph
their ganglia., extra-' and intradurally., in the thora-
cic and lumbar areas. The antorior rootsP the PSR,
tho peripheral sympathetic trunk, the splanchnic
nerves and the solar plexus were irivestiCatod, follo-
ing the method. of Billshoveldy-Gross. It is the
O.Oinion of the authors that there are no para-
Card 1/2 sympathetic fibros in tho structure of MR., and
USSR/Human and Animal horpholoCy. Nervous System. Pori- S-3
pheral Nervous System
Abs Jours Pof Zhur - Mol.,, N16 19, 1958p 88414
Author i Korotkov,, L. G*
Inst Kazan Nedical Irstitute
Title i Exporimental ',,Iorphclo,-!iorl Data or, the Distribil-
tion of Norvour; Conductors of tbo Solar Ruxua
in the Ontstrio WvI1
Orig Pubt Sb. nauChn, raboto Kazahak, mde in-t. 1957j, ry,)a
4x 42-59
Lbstraott In 8 catel, tho right somiluntir ranClin (RSO) were re-
moved., and in 8- the loft. (LSG); in 3- the cranial
mesonteric ganLilion (CTIG); in 3- the subdiaphra,7ma-
tic cection of tM groat aplanchnic nerve (GS14); in
4- tho ganplia of the lumbar seEment of the sympa-
Card 13 thetic, trunk (GST) were rom&od; and in 15-- the wri-
'~p 0 / - A- I I V
USSR Human and Animal MorpholoSy Nervous System.
Abs Jour : Ref* Zhur, 6- Biol., No4 22, 19589 101481
Orig Pub
Card 1/3
: Meshcheryakov, A, M6 Xorotkov A, Go
: Kazan Medical Inetltu;G-~~~
: Experimental Morphological Materials Toward the
Study of the Sources of Innervation of the Duatue
Sb. nauchn. rabot, Kazanek. med. In-t,, 1957j, No.
4, 60-69
In 55 cats and dogs the hYpogastric and-pudendal
nerves were transected, along with the anterior
roots of*the saoral division of the spinal cord,
the ductus deferens (DD), and the internal sper-
matic artery. In addition, the ganglia of the
sacral division of the truncue sympathioun were
removed, ao,well as the pelvic plexus and the
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathologi- T
cal). Effect on Physical Factors. Ionizing Irradia-
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21) 19582 98042
Author : Murat, V. N.; Korotkov, A. G.; Sultanova-Valeyeva,
Kh. G.
Inst :Kazan Medical Institute
Title. :On Morphologic Changes in the Region of Peripheral
Nervous System in Experimental Acute Radiation
Sickness in Animals
Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. rabot Kazansk. med. in-t, 1957, vyp.'+,
Abstract: No abstract
Card 1/1
REVUTSKAYA,, F.S. (Stavropol' krayevoyo u1. Lenina., 278); KOROTKOV, A.G.
(Stavropol' krayevoy, ul. Zootekhnicheskaya, .18)--
"Organs of the mamnalian organism and th.eir J~mction* by L.P.
Astanin. Reviewed by P.S.Revutskaia, A.G.Korotkov. krkh.anat.
gist.i embr. 38 no.2tlO2-103,F 160. (MIRA 14:6)
Valakii Nikolaevich Murat; on his-60th birthday. Arkh.anat.gist.i
embro 39 no.,11.sl2g N 160. (MIPA 14:5)
KOROTKOV, A.G., prof.
Development of the neuroreceptor apparatus of the aortic
wall in phylogenesis. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. sod. inst.
12:122-123 163,
New dataw the innervation of the stomach bir vagus nerves,
IbIdesLU-125 - (KERA 170)
1. Kafedra anuronii cheloveka (zav, prof, A.G. Korotkov)
Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta.
KOROTKOV, A.~. (Stavropoll na Kavkaze, ulitsa Lenina, 237-A, kv-31)
"Bibliography of Soviet literature on human anatomy" by P.O.
Isaev. Reviewed by A.G. Korotkov. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr.
45 no.7:123-124 Je 163. (MIRA 17:4)
XOROT&W, A.G,, (.-Jizaul, Tatrars',~:Iv.L uL 13 kV ri,
1 .1 y . "I
of t~.e acrtic in the fn~g. brio t. g- ..
- . ana ; et~
i embr. 45 no.11:98-101 N 163. WIN 17:8)
1. Kafadra anatcnitl chphvs~a (,zav. - -.1r,:C. Xorctkcv)
Stavror-oltzkogo meditsinnicogo institutas.
Afferent innervation of the arterial wall and vegetative ganglia
of the mesentery of the small intestine, Nauche trudy Kaze goo,
med* inst, 14:209-211 164, (MIRA 18:9)
1, Kafedra anatomii cheloveka (zav, - prof, A.G,Korotkov)
Kazanskogo meditsinskogo institutao
' KOROTIOV, A.G., glavW metallurg.
- .. -V1 .
?asks In expanding the production line system in manufacturing
farm machinery -jel'khozmachins no-3:25-27 Mr '57. (KEaA 10:5)
4gricultural machinery Industry)
?asks In expanding the production of forging machines and presses.
Sallkhozmashina no.5:22-25 My 157. (MMA 10:5)
(Forging machinery)
KOROTKOV, A.G., inzhener.
'The founding Industr-Y nbrond. Sel'khozmnchina r-c-10:29-32 c '57.
(MLRA 10:9)
Kr~ 0 V ,61
I ~12
m-mmost sells 19
KOROTKOV, A.G., inzh.
- Mold and core mking MchineB. Trakt. i sellkhozn%sh. no.1:45-48
Ja 158. - (MIRA 11:4)
.1"Ing machines)
~': ~,*,-~~Ii5~--4%%e'-'-,.-.I
Now wubstituto for ethyl ailicate. Trakt.1 9el'khozm9b. no.6:
417-48 ja '59, (MIRk 12-.9)
(silicat on) (7oundry machinery aiid supplien)
Technology of radial forging in the manufacture of graduated shafts
and axles. Trakt. i sel'khozmash. 31 no.12:29-31 D '61.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Nauchno-losledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i
sellskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya.
Control of the mechanical properties of gray pig iron by a method
which involves mixing with liquid steel. Trakt. i selkhozmash.
32 no-3:39-40 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:2)
(Cast iron--Metallurgy)
Pzoduc.,ing mdldq from .9and-clay mixtures by the h:Loj pressure
meLhod. Trakt. -- sel^-Lhozmaah. 31 no.l:L.;)9..4'A'+ N 261.
Naicb-n:).-I.,3s'Ledovate-k.'3k'-y institut tekh-nclogii I trak.Urnogo
-~)!"okoklioz7ayetvenrif, imashinostroyuniya.
(Sand Foundry)
% j
, -'s
KOROTKOV, A,..Gsp inzh,t XUZNETSOV, A.A... inzh.
Us-Ing casting#-from light nonferrous alloys. Trakt. i
sellkhosmash.,-33 noolO:/+i-4,3 0.163. (MM 17:1)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellokiy insti~ut tekhnologii traktor-
nogo i sellokokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya.
Fatigue strength of the cast crankshafts of the SIM-14 diesel engines.
Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.7135-36 Jl 165. (MIRA 18t7)
1. Nauchno-issledovateltskly institut tekhnologii traktornogo i selt-
skokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Drevetnyak, Korotkov).
2. Zavod "Serp I molot" (for Toropov).
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 147 (USSR)
%. -I..
AUTHORk~ orotkov, A. L , Korotkova, L. Yu.
~Co ~ dive EvalKuation of the Calculation of the Nonuniform Motion
of Ground Water Over a Plane Sloping Impervious Foundation Layer
According to the Methods of N. N. Pavlovskiy, G. N. Kamenskiy, and
Chzhan Chzhun-in!. (Sravnitel'naya otsenka rascheta neravnomer-
nogo dviz'heniya gruntovykh vod pri ploskom naklonnorn vodoupore
po metodam N. N. Pavlovskogo, G. N. Kamenskogo i Chzhan Chzhun-
PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot stud. Leningr. gorn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 2, pp 13-20
ABSTRACT: A comparative evaluation of the three calculation methods relative
to the nonuniform motion of ground water over a plane sloping imper-
vious foundation layer. The problem is treated as 1i p~
provided the foundation soil is uniform. A comparLson is made of the
computations of the reduced flow rate according to the formula of
N. N. Pavlovskiy and the simpler formula of Chzhan Chzhun-in!
(Zap. Leningr. gorn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 32, Nr 2; RZhMekh, 1957,
Card 1/z Nr 3, abstract 3280) for the following numerical values:
SOV/1 Z4-58-1 I -I Z893
Comparative Evaluation of the.Calculation, of- the Nonuniform Motion (cont.
i I = 1, 10, 30 m; hi = 5 and 10 m; 1 m < h2 < 35 m, where i is the slope of the
impervious foundation, I is the length of the segment under investigation, and
h, and h2 are the thicknesses of the flow in the initial and terminal sections. In
the 30 examples examined (for segments of declining and rising free seepage sur-
face and for the case of a rising slope of the impervious foundation), which com-
prise the more typical actually possible cases, the divergence of the results con-
stitutes less than 30/6; only for i I = 30 m does it attain 5~6. It is demonstrated
that the inconsistencies between the results obtained by the methods of N. N.
Pavlovskiy and Chzhan Chzhun-in' would remain of the same -magnitude for any
ground-water flow with the same permeability coefficients, the same flow thick-
nesses, and the same values of the product i I (the elevation of the high point ofthe
impervious'foun*fttion above its low poind A methodical refinement of the con-
struction of the line of seepage according to the Chzhan Chzhun-inl method is
proposed. An analysis is performed of the relative differences of the results
obtained by means of the approximate formula of G. N. Kamenskiy and the formula
of Chzhan Chzhun-in' , on the basis whereof the limits of applicability of the
G. N. Kamenskiy formula are then established.
P. F. Fill chakov
Card 2/?.
IS 0 0 5 D237/D303
AUTHORS: Aduahking V*V.0 and Korotkovp A#I* (Moscow)
TITLE: Parameters of a blast wave near the charge, during
a detonation in air
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fizikip
no. 5, 19610 119 - 123
TEXT: The aim of this experiment was to measure the following pa-
rameters of a blast waves frontal pressure-Alo impulse I, time of
duration T and length /A of compression phasev at the distance
higher than 5r, (r0 initial radius of the charge). The measure-
ments were taken of p = f(t) at the given distance, using piezo-
electric pressure gauges and oscillographic recording. The impulse
I 6p(t) dt (3)
Card 113
312 C~ G~
Parameters of a blast wave near D237/D303
was found by measuring the area of the oscillogram, -under the trace
and the results tabulated* At the distance of 13 to 15 r., a maxi-
mum was observed for the impulse which is not accounted for in Me
A. Badovskiyls (Ref. 1: Sb. Fizika vzryvag publ. AN SSSRO 1952g no.
1) empirical formula
a213 C 213 C1/6R1/2
p = 0 . 85 2-'! + 3 o 09 q - - _V I = 20 0 T+ = 1. 2
where 20is in kg of explosiveg R 'an meterep p in kg/cm . I in kg
s e c/m ,T+ in m/sec. 4 p was found to agree with (1) for the dis-
tances,tWond 18-20 r 00 At lower distances the deviation was signi-
ficanto T+ was found to agree with (1) at distancee over 1.3 m and
in the region of 11-13 rog iT diminishes by 3.5 times. In the 11-7
r0 region, T +_ remains practically constant. Hence the authors de-
fine two regions, first where the dist-ance -11-13 r 0 p and-note that (1) is true only in
tke second case. The role played by the air is noted and finally
+17e wavelength of.the blast wave is discussed. and the methods used
for its.4termination. The results are presented graphically. There
are 7 figures and g,references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Sof4iet-bloo
The referenOes to the Engliph-language publications read as follows
H.L. Brode, Blast wave from-a spherical chargeo The physics of
fluids. March,-Ap:ril, 1959, vg 2,,no. 2; H. Jones, and A.R. Millert
The*detonation of solid explosives* Prop. Roy. Soc., 1948, ve 104t
pp. 480. '. I
SUBMITTED: June.12, 1961
Card 3/3
ADUSHKIN, V.V. (Moskva); KOROTKOV,-.~.I. (Moskva)
Paramatere of a shook wave forming near an explosiw charge
detonatod in the air. MF no.5sll"123 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Shock wave;)=
Brackish springs in the Ravan' Valley of Lenlngmd Province.
Izv.vys.uoheb.zav.; geol. i razv. 6 no.11211/,-1111 N 163.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut im. G.V.Plekh&ncva.
Some characteristics of the chmical oomposition of surface
waters in the lowland of-the '711ment lake region# Izvo vyse
ucheb. zav.; geol. i ra2m. 6 no.12:105-1-16 D 163 (MIRA 18:2)
1. Leningradskiy gomyy institut. im. G.V.Plekhanova.
BELYAM, A.F. (Moskva); Ko,~
(Moskva); SULIMGVjp A.A. (Mosk7a)
Effect of pressure on disturbances of the combustion stability
of porous explosives. PMTF no.5-.117-120 S-0 163. (MM 16:U)
1. Institut Iddmicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR,
Burning velocity of some explosives and considerably
Increased pressures. Zhur.fiz.Wm. 37 .n0-1:150-156 J& 163.
(MIRA 17:3)
1. Institut khiydcheskoy fiziki M SSSR.
KORDTKOV .,.A..1..
PA, i96T89
Accelerated table shifting for the 742 mortleing machine. Inform.
takh. sbor.w.i:15-27 154* (KLU 9-- 7)
lJovo-Krauitorskly wohinostroltellayy savod Imeni Stalina. g.
Blektrostall. (machine tools)
0 -R0 Tffo V)
UM/Hiscellaneous Foundry processes
COrd 1/1 1 Pub. 61 1/23
Authors s Korotkov, A. 1.
Title. I The Technology of casting in jacket-type split moulds
ftriodical t Lit. proizv- 4, 1-3, JulY 1954
Abstract I Casting in jacket-type split moulds is considered one of the progress-
ive foundry processes. The numerous advantages of split mould casting,,
in comparison with the ordinary casting in raw sand forms, are listed.
The requirement for moulding and core materials for such type casting
is reduced by 80%. Split mould casting offers the possibility of cast-
ing thin-walled ob4cats, considerable reduction in machine weight and
metal economy. Graphs; drawings; illustration.
.11 !nI . .:7. , I...---- ..- -
UROTKOV, A.I., Inshenor.
,- ~
Automatisation of casting in shell molds In the UnIted States and
In Xnalund. Lit.prolsv. no-1:13-16 Ja 056. (KM q:0
(Unite& St&tes--Sholl molding (lounding)) (Great BrItalu-Shell
molding (74undlng))
WHOM A J-1.1,jashenere
Now foundry for shell molding. Ap 156.
(Shell molding (O*unding)) (KM 9:7)
rapN~115WOCL for.~ ~tl
pDandin C=?~
twading ~m~rAnrt:s
made with miden lution m. I ucts & a 1, tc ft y ri,, , t E ii ly h-u N,
'IvrivedfTIml the u-o c,~l T,~~
37 , 1"TU40m
C(,E,Ivn jj M"'Ir 4
H Cl (sp, gr 1 1 ~' ) :~ pw
plimols 114 mriti-I'l I!
aud Illso, ('p. it I S;
,ozmw, .I., ifts"Guer 0. Lit. prolzT. 0.2-.4-5
7 n
WANNL-:"",- - , vid-i ;. reparstlas Of a plate& Sold sixtu'r (NM jo-.4)
v 157. ..ul. (yousaing)) Mal- rawAry)
---XOROTKOV. A.1.: PRWMAZEINNSKIY. Tu.A., vypusk; BAKAX331, P.I.v
red.; GRAKOVA, Te.D.,
(Technology of casting In shell molds; a guide) Tekhnologiis
litlis v obolochkovye formy; rukovodiashchie materialy. Moskva.
Otdel takhn.propagmudy. 1958. 62 p.
(MIRA 13:12)
1. Moscow. lauchno-lealedovatellekly institut takhnologii avto-
mobillnoy pronyshlonnosti.
(Shell molding (Founding))
AUTHOR: Korotkov, A.I. S-OV-128-58-10-9/19
TITLE! Automatic Equipment for Casting in Shell Molds (Avtoma-
ticheskoye oborudovaniye dlya lit'ya v obolochkovyye formy)
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, 1Tr 10, '-pp 18 - 22 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: NIITAvtoprom (NIITAvtoprom), and its branch in Minsk,
have studied shell-mold casting in the machine building
industry and c&me to the conclusion that its effectiveness
depends largely on special equipment and the level of me-
chanization and automation of the casting process. Among
the equipment suggested, is a mixer for the preparation
of the sand-resin mixture (fig. 1), an automatic machine
for the manufacture of shell half molds (fig. 2), a machine
for the manufacture of shell cores (fig . 3), a high-fre-
quency press for cementing the shell half molds together
(fig. 5), a device for pushing out the castings (fig. 7)
and a setup for the regeneration of the quartz sand (fig.
8). The devices are described in detail and performance
data is given. In the development of the technological
process of the high-frequency prein being used in the
Ywi,vevskiy mototsikletnyy zavod (Kiyevllotorcycle Plant) as-
Card 112 sistance was rendered by the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy in-
SMf P.P.; GIAGOLEVAj, L.A.; INITI, N.P.p prof., doktar tgkbn. nauk;
S.L.9 inzh.9 red.j SOKOWVAi T.F.9 tekhn, red.
(Steel casting; foWilrymento handbook] Stallnoo litle; spravoobnik
dlia masterov litblitogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Goo. nauclmo--tekhn. izd-
vo mashinostroit. lit-ryi, 1961, 887 p (KIPA 149 8)
IWRQTXDI,_A-I.S, inah.; POLEVAYA, A.M., inzh.; SHUENHU, TA-1-p kand-
teklin. nauko retsenzent; OZEROV, V.A.0 kand. tekhn.naUk, Pod.;
OSIPOVA, L.A.p red. Isd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red.
[Casting in shell molds] Litle v obolochkovYs forsy. Moskva#
1963. 299 P. ~ (Shell mold1mg (Founding)) (MIRA 16:7)
Korotkov, A. 1. , and A. M. Polevaya.
Litlye v obolochkovyye formy (Shell-Mold Casting) Moscow, Mashgiz,- 1963.
299 P. (Series: Inzhenernyye monografii po liteynomu proizvodstvu)
4300 copies printed.
Reviewers: A V. Baranov and Ya. 1. Shklennik, Candidate of Technical Sciencea;
Ed. : V. A. Ozerov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House:
L. A. Osipova; Tech. Ed. : V. D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. for Literature on
Hot-Working of Metals: L. A. Osipov, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book- is intended for engineering personnel of foundry. It may
also be useful to students of machine -building schools of higher technical
COVERAGE: The book describes the process of shell-mold casting and special
features of making shell molds with thermosetting resins as bonding material.
Card 1/9
Koro-11kov, A. I., and A. M. Polevaya.
Litlye v obolochkovyye.forzfiy (Shell-Mold.Casting) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1963.
299 p. (Series: Irtzhenernyye monografii po liteynomu proizvodstvu)
4300 copies printed.
Reviewers: A V. Baranov and Ya. I. Shklennik,' Candidate of Technical Sciences-,
Ed. - V. - A. Ozerov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. . of Publishing House:
L. A. Osipova; tech. Ed.: V. D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. for Literature on."
Hot-Working of Metals: L. A. Osipov', Engineer,
PURPOSE: This book- is intended for engineering personnel of i~undry. It may
'also be useful to students ne-builaini schools of hi'
1, of ~nachi gl~er technical
.COVERAGE: The book des~ribe~s the process of shell-mold I'A5ting and special
features of making shell'mol7ds with therryse'tting resins ~s bonding material.
Card 1/9
Shell-Mold Calsting SOV16513
Problems of mechanization and automation of technological processes, orga-
nization of shops specializing in shell-mold casting, economic aspects of pro-
duction, and safety precautions in connection with the use of thermosetting
i~esins are alsb discussed.' The-bo-bk I.s -#Ve fir-6t So'Viet attletnpt to summarize
and systematize results of extensive work in research and~id e sign by th e
authors and by other research workers on the subject of shell-mold casting.
No personalities are mentioned. There are 77 references: 67 Soviet, 9
English, and I German.
ACCESSION NR: AP4019516 S/0076/64/038/002/0331/0333
AUTHORS: Sulimov,,A.A. (Moscow); Korotkov, A.-I-.
TITLE: Effect of high temperature gaseous phase on the combustion
rate of nitroglycerine powder
SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 38, no., 2, 1964, 331-333
TOPIC TAGS: nitroglycerine powder, powder combustion rate., nitro-
glycerine, high temperature gaseous phase, pyroxylin
ABSTAACT: The question of how the gaseous phase of burning powder
inflIences the combustion rate-is yet unclear. Therefore, -he
authors undertook testsl burning two thin rectangular plate-s of
nitro:glycerine powder or of pyroxylin separated by a gap of 1 x 10
rwn and sandwiched between two plexiglass plates. The two plates
were placed in a bomb with nitrogen and ignited with black powder.
Burning was recorded on a movie fiLra. I-. was found that when -Lhie
gap was small (it"i width-less than twice the'distance from the
surface to the maximum temperature zone) there was a dec~-,;~.;fn- --ate
of burning as compared to the normal rate-which is by the
Card' 1/2
O~ddatlon-reductlou potential. of sodium in preservation of
spermtosoa and witallty or progozW. Zh. oboh. biol., *)skwa
13 no.2:122-lig Mar-Apr 1952. (CUM 22:2)
1. Of the All-Union Scientific-Researeh Institute of AwLT&I
Husbandry, Department or the Bioloar of Raproductione
LIBEDWA, V.A. .)laborant; SOXIDWTSKATA. I.I., doktor blologichook1kh
profeemor; DRDZDDVA, L.P., kandidat biologichtskilch nauk;
HNA. N. G.. kaudidat blologlebaskikh nauk; JRXM - A. is
imudldat biologlehesklkh sauk; WSINDY. Tu.L.. iootekhtdki
Importance of antiblotles.'sulfs drugs and vitsmin~ in
preserving @@non. Isv. TSKhA no.2:193-w214 '56. (NLRi 9:12)
(Semen) 4atiblotics) (VitaminO
03R / Gonoral Biolo,~yj h1dividu.,11 Dcvc;lop.,n---,n'U, B
Abs Jour :R-Z~f LIur - B101., ,L,To 10~0 1950, go 0-5573
Authors :Sokodovskaya, 1. 1.; Drozdova, L. P.; GTolyshova,
.~. G.; lorQtkov. A.,.I ; Acticsiijov, '--ru. V.;
Lc;b~;dcva, V. A.
inst :All-Union Acadc:my of 3cIcncc;s Lacni V. I. L--nin
Title Li1provomont of .--Iodiuul for Sporm o1' iaria Aniidaia.
OriS Pub DoIcl. VASIC,11-IL, 1956, Njo- 7, 17-24
Abstract Additio-a to for spcrra of 200-1,000 units
of potassiua sUt of ponicillin, 200 units
stronto;.i.rcin-clilorido, I mS whit, stn.-Ptocido,
and coa-bination of th,~so substanecs oi.,, 2.5;2p 31y-
ccrin to 1 ml of bull's or ra4's aDcrn i-ahibits
.,rowth of saprophyto "icro-l-lora, uI1110 't
tho kT 1 1.
tho na-,,o tizo prosorviix,, sporn -,.;obility and
their i:1pr.D3nalu-ion capacity wa-~n s"-,Mplos aro
Card 1/2
USSR/Farm Animls - Cattle. 01-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol-, No 7.- 1958., X96-j
Titlc The Fartilizntion of Cows at Different Degrees of the
Dilution of $ewns
(Oplodotvorynymiost' korov pri raznM ot%oayW&
raibavienlya spermv).
Orig Pub : Sate. tvarinmtotvo., 19571 No 3) 4"z-46
Abstrncl : The omen of the froshly Obtained ejaculum was dilutorl
2y 41F 8., 16.. and so forth., up to 1,%.i, timee by t7h -,
glucose-yDlk-citrated diluent; it vas stored at a tem-
perature of OOC and sent to the kol&oze-; at a distam-e-
of 30-170 km. The insanination of cows vas effected
by semn diluted up to 64 times and stored for not wre
than 3 days. At such degreas of dilution, the percenta-
go or conceytion variod only sligitlY (from 70 to 75%);
Card 1/2
Role of the discharge of artesian waters in the formation of the
flow of ions from a large area. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.6:1344-1346
je 163. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut im. Plekhanova. Predstavleno
akademikom N.M.Strhkhovym.
KOROTKOV, A.I., kand. biolog. nauk; MDSKOVOY, V.I., zaBluzhenny-f zootekhnik
---l-.--- -Mbldivskoy SSR
Green forage for winter rations. Veterinariia 41 no.2t82
F 164, (MIRA 17:12)
1. Moldavskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut shivotnoyodetya I
veterinaril. (for Korotkov).
Determining the static levql from the yield of free-flo-wing wells,
Razved. i okh. nedr 30 no.12:49--50 D '64, (MIRA 18:4)
1, Leningradskiy gornyy institut.
KOR0117KOVS Afle, aspirant
Now data on the chemiml amposition of ground -z?t-an~i ir the
Chudo" region. Izve vys. uoheb. zav.; geol. 4- ra?.v. 6 no.5:
109-111 My 165, (,vFRA 18:10)
1. Lstdngradskiy gornyy Institut -Imeni Pleklmnom
AUTHOR: Korotkov, A.Y. SOV-113-58-9-8/19
TITLE: of the Thermal State of Cylinder Heads and
Pistons of Automobile Carburetor Enaines (Issledovaniye tep-
lovogo sostoyaniya golovok tsilindrov i porshney avtomobill-
nykh karbyuratornykh dvigateley)
PERIODICAL: Avtomobilfnaya promyBhlennost', 1958, Nr 9, pp 19-23 WSR)
ABSTRACT: The heat exchange processes in internal combustion engines
are important for theory, design and exploitation, since 50
to 602o' of the heat generated at fuel combustion takes part
in the heat exchange. But these processes are not suffi-
ciently co.nsidered in engine design and construction. In
order to clarify the character and degree of the influence
of diverse exploitation factors and dimensions of the cylin-
der on the thermal state of its parts, experimental investiga-
tions of the thermal state of pistons and cylinder heads of
3 engines of diverse dimensions were made. The test en-
gines ZIL-121, GAZ-51 and MZMA-401 had the same compression
degree of 6.1. The aluminum cylinder head of the GAZ-51
engine was exchanged for a cast-iron one so that the 3 en-
gines would be uniform. Uniformity of testing and measuring
Card 1/3 equipment was provided. The basic design data of the com-
An Investigation of the Thermal State of Cylinder Heads and Pistons of
Automobile Carburetor Engines
bustion charibers of the engines is tabulated (Table 1). The
mean temperature in each engine was measured at four points
of the piston and the cylinder head (Figure 1). The fixing
depth of the thermocouples in the parts from their surfaces
on the side of the combustion chamber was 1-5 mm with the
ZIL-121, 1.2 mm with the GAZ-51 and 1 mm with the MZMA-401-
The influence of the thermal inertia of the parts was ex-
cluded by.measuring only after a continuous thermal value of
5 minutes. The temperature was determined by the zero
method; in the cylinder heads by aid of an ordinary potentio-
meter, in the pistons by thermocouples with periodical
switching-in. The results are represented in Figures 3-9-
The character of the temperature exchange, depending on the
coefficient of excess air, is the same for all 3 engines.
Evaluation of cooling water influence, inertia of parts at
changed engine operation and diverse dimensions is presented
Card 2/3 by formulae.
Increasing the stability of arches and walls of large-capacity
steel-smelting electric furnaces at the "Dneprospeteatal" Plant,
Stall 23 no.3:222-224 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Zavod "Dneprospetastall", Zaporoahskiy zavod ogneuporov i
Proyektnyy institut i inspektaiya po sluzhbe i kachestva
(Electric furnaces--Design and construction)
Mpprozhlye-Iron and steel plants)
ABRV.OVP S.A., inzh.; ALIFANOV, I.N., Inzh.; KARPOV, A.F., inzh.;
NIKONOV, G.V., inzh.; REPIN, M.I., inzh.;
A.S.1 Inzh., retsenzent; KISELEVA, N.P., inzh., red.;
USENKOJ, L.A., tekhn. red.
[11D45 diesel locomotive] Teployoznyi dizelf 1ID45. Moskva,
Transzholdorizdat, 1963. 95 P. (MIRA 16:7)
(Diesel locomotives)
S/19 61/000/010/056/082
AUTHORS: Anokhin, B.G., Glebov, G.Ts.,, Korotkov, A.S. a-ad
Skorik, K.I.
TITLE: Technology for preparing p-n alloy junctions and a
study of their properties
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 10, 1961, 14, abstract 10 D87 (V sb. Poluprovod-
nik pribory i ikh primeneniye, no, 6, M., Sov. rad-
io, 1960, 143-153)
TEXT: The technology of making n-p-n structures by the
alloy method is described, by virtue of which exact specific resist-
ivities can be obtained for the emitter, collector and base-regions
and simplified control of the thickness of the base layer. Transis-
tors prepared in this way exhibit good reproducibility of electrical
characteristics and work-in a frequency range of several mc/s. The
use of alloying in conjunction with melt-back enables one to make
Card 1/2
3 836
S/194 61/000/010/056/082
Technology for preparing p-n alloy... D239 D301
p+ -n-n+ and n+ -p-p+ structures. An arrangement is described for
pulling germanium monocrystal in the specified way, with p-n junc-
tions the methods reduce to the gro~-m-junction method. A study is
made of the electrical parameters of structures of p+ -n-n+ and
n+ _P_p+ which are indispensable for preparing high sensitivity
devices with carrier-injection in the space-charge region. The dis-
tribution of impurities in the intermediate layer is evaluated by
curves of junction-capacity against potential. Evaluation of the
width of the intermediate layer and the distribution of electric
field in the neighborhood of the locking layer of a p-n junction is
made by potential distribution curves. The specific resistivity of
the germanium in this layer lies in the range 5 to 20-30
The width of this layer is about 20-40 microns. FAbstracter's
note: Complete translation 7
Card 2/2
1044, 114*~ B102/B138
AUTHORS: Nedvedev, M. A., Anokhin, B. G., Skvortsovt I. M.9
Korotkov, A. S., and ]Wyakinenkova, E. V.
TITLE: PecuUaxities in the grcwth, twinning and structure of
germanium dendrites and abnormal impurity segregation in
the process of dendritic crystallization
PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 1, 1962, 36 - 43
TEXT: The optimum conditions for growing long dendritic germanium
crystals were studied. The twin structure of real dendrites was deter-
mined and complete agreement was found between the twin structure of needs
and of crystals grown from them. Impurity segregation coefficients and
the distribution of impurities were measured. The dendrites were grown by
the Czochralski method (rate of linear growth 10 - 15 cm/min) and were
150 - 300 thick, 1.5 - 3 an wide and 400 mm long. They were produced
with varyipng impurity concentrations, surface perfection and thickness.
They could be divided into 4 groups according to twinning propertiess
(1) Homogeneous twin structure right aoross; (2) homogeneous twin struc-
ture, but only in the middle of the dendrite; (3) cross-sectional twin
Card 1/3
Pecubsrities in the growth... B102/B138
structure but becoming simplified toward the edges; (4) cross-sectional
twin structure which becomes more complex toward the edges; up to 32 twins
were observed at the edges. Sillig's proposition (Act& Metall., 5, No. 1,
1957) that twinning maybe caused by impurities was not confirmed:
impurity concentrations of up to 1020CM-3 caused no additional twinning
effects. However, a higher impurity has an unfavorable influence on the
quality of the dendrites. The segregation coefficients were measured for
In, Ga, Sb, and B in dependence on their concentration in liquid phase.
In each case 5 - 7 measurements wore made in the following ranges of con-
centrations: In:2-10 14 4.10 19 ca-3, Gatl-1014 _ 6-1o 18 em-3, Sb:6_i013
- 2-10 20 cm-3, B:1.1014 4-10 19 cc-3. In, Ga, and Bb show anomalously high
segregation coefficients (K off >1) at concentrations of 1014CM-3, which
fall smoothly with increasing conaentration. At 10 18 - 10 20 Koff of Go
coincides with the equilibrium values K Of B reaches 0-5 at 10 14
- 1015CO-3 and drops to 0.03 at 4'10 1; ca- The cross distribution of
impurities was determined from the potential distribution, measured by
Card 2/3
Peculiarities in the growth... B102/B138
means of probes. The impurities were found to be nonuniformly distributed;
e. g. for In the concentration ratio ccentr.: cedgec91:10. There are
7 figtixes and 7 non-Soviet references. The four most recent references
to English-language publications read as followst A. Bennet, R. Longini.
Phys. Rev. 116, Ho. 1, 1959; D. R. Hamilton, R. G. Seideristicker. J.
Appl. Phys. ~1, Wo- 7, 1960; R. S. Wagner. Acts, Metall.,'j; No. 1, 1960;
J. W. Faust, H. F. John. J. Blectrochem. Soc. 107, No. 6 960.
SU13MITTEDs July 6, 1961
Card 3/3
3~.characteriatlcs of the growth of germanium dendrites,
their twin structwov and the anomalous segregation of
impurities in dendritic crystallization, Fiz. tver. tela
4 no.1:36-43 J& 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Germanium crystals)
Indifference is a dangerous enemy. Radio no-4:14 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Pre~vedatell komiteta Voesoyuznogo dobrovollnogo obshchestva
armii, aviatsii i flota SSSR Eksperimentallnogo nauchno-issledo-
vatellskogo instituta metallorezhushchikh stankov i ordena Lenina
zavoda "Stankokonstruktsiya".
Answers to readers' questlom. Stroitell no.?:28 JI 158.
(MIRA U:9)
l.ftehallnik otdel& strottellstva i stroymaterialov Kotidtots po
delam izobrateniy I otkr7tly pri Soyste Ministrov SSSR,.
KOROTKOV, B.A., inzh.; RUDOY, Ya.L.., inzh.
Ce-trifuged reinforced concrete supports. Strois truboprove 6 no,06:
25-26 is 161, (MIFA 14:7)
1. Trest BM21n0provodstroy,:g.-Chleyabinsli.-
(Petroleum-.Vipe I-tnes)
(Reinforced concrete)
NOROTEOV, B.A., infi.; RUDOYj Ya.P., jnzh.
Economic efficiency of combining insulation and laying operations.
Stroi. truboprov. 6 no.9:22 S '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Trest Benzinoprovodstroy, g. Chelyabinsk.
(Gas, Natural--Pipe2ines)
KOROTKOV.. B.A.,- inzh.
...- In the name of a communist tomorrow. Stroi.truboprov. 6
no*10;7 0 161* (MIRA 14:10)
1. Trest Benzinoprovodstroy, Chelyabinsk.
KOROTKOV., B.A., inzh.
Prepare in good time for winter work. Stroi.truboprov. 7
no.9:18 5 162, (1-URA 15:11)
1, Trest Benzinoprovodstroy, Chelyabinsk.
(Pipelines.-Cold weather conditions)
, B.A.; STA'
Building water pipelines in the Virgin Territory. Stroi. tr:ib.
9 no.7:3-4 Jl 164. WIRA 17:11)
1. Trest Benzinoprovodstroy, Chelyabinsk.
Solving the problem of seepage in the case of a "pure ch&nnel'
(with ra,-7ing typos of bottom above and below the structure). Isv.
Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.2:33-45 '59. (JIM 12: 7)
1. Novosibirskly inatitut inzhonerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
(Soil percolation) (Dame)
KOROTROV, B. I., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Evaluation of the role of
horizontal means of filtration in designing the underground contours
of dams built on uneroded foundations." Leningrad, 1060. 14 pp; (Min-
istry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leningrad
Inst im M. I. Kalinin); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 52-60, 120)
-KOROTKOV, B.I., inzh.
Approximate calculation of filtration in the foundation of
pressure hydraulic structdres under the conditions of en
underground profile as represented by the system of "clean"
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-XDRMXOT. B.L., Inshener; GORODITSKIT. Tu.B., inshener.
Slabs used for paying highways. Isobr. v SSU 2 no.6-.11-12 A 157.
(hyesmats) (MaIL lots)
KoROTKOV, B.L., inzh.
V's method for making wood material$
1,1[6 Prokhorov and N.Ge Romano no.9:20-22 S 157. (MBA 3.0:10)
and. products. Izobro v SUR 2
(Wood waste) (PAPOrboard)
---- - - --I- --P17 -
~~. L~ ) -') 6 1 K 0 L '. t,3, i, -
11CROTKOV L.j inzh.; GOROIBTSKIT, Tu.B., inzh.
0!5~0 - -
Automatic auction dredging machines. Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.10:15-16
0 '57 (MIRA 10: U)
(Dredging machinery)