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SOV/48-22-8-19/20 Data Concerning Industrial Photoelectronic Multipliers for Scintillation Spectrometers with a sensitivity better than 20p A lm- multiplier sen- sitivity at 2400 V better than 10 A 1m-1 teroidal dynodes ofANg K alloy). An FEN with a bismuth-silver-cesium cathode was aescribed in reference 3. These multipliers give a good amplification. The amplitude resolution of 10 specimens of FEM with NaJ-(Tl)-arystal with a diameter of 20 mm and with C8137 was within the limits of 12 - 14%- There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 3 referenoeB which are So-Viet. Card 3/3 85863 S/04BJ59/023/012/006/009 Boo6jBo6o AU~HORS: Iferkovskiy, A. G., Breydo, I. Ya., Koroltkovat 0. S.-, Leytevzen, T., V, TITLE: Some Characteristics of New Photoelectronic Multipliers Y PERIODICAL: Izve3tiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Beriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 1517 - 1519 TEXT: Two new types of photoelectronic multipliers PY-35 (FEU-35) and ~)Y-29 (FEU-29), as applied to scintillation spectro6ters, were worked out by the authors. Full particulars are given of FEU-35, less of FEU-29. The cathode diameter of FEU-35 is 25 and 34 mm for 108 mm length. To improve electron-optical properties of the input a focusing cylinder (of. Fig.1) is applied. This cylinder permits better combination between the axial-symmetric inlet of the multiplier and the inevitably asymmet- rical first cascade of the multiplier system. The new inlet system secures a good energy resolution. As much as 600 FEU-35 devices were checked for amplitude resolution (Fig.2) and for the amount of the energetic noise equivalent (Fig.3j. Fig-4 illustrates the average Card 1/3 8 6 58~ Some Characteristics of New Photoelectronic S 048/59/023/012/0013/009 Multipliers Boo6/Bo6o amplification and the sensitivity of the multiplier as well as the de- pendence of the dark current on the supply voltage.'The linear depen- dence of the output signal amplitude on the y-quantum energy is secured up to amplitudes of the magnitude 10 v for 50 k92 and 10 pF. The sensi- tivity threshold is about (6-8)-1o-12 lm for a resonance amplifier band width of 20 cycles and for a resonance frequency of 80 cycles. The second multiplier (FEU-29) suitable for y-spectrometry has a cathode with the dimensions 38-48-190 mm. Its amplitude resolution is given with 7.5 - I(YI.. it exhibits an especially low noise level (1 - 2 kev) in the 50 iMP/sec level. To test the stability of the photoelectronic multipliers under work conditionmea special device was constructed, .1tting measurement of the change with time of the Cs 137 photopeak perms. level by means of a Nai(Tl)-crystal. This device consisting mainly of a one-channel analyzer is described. Fig. 5 presents the photo of one part 137 of the record chart of the photopeak amplitude stability of Ce for 4 FEU-29 multipliers. The horizontal multiplying factor was 0.4% of the pulse amplitude, the vertical one was 30 minutes. Displacement with Card 2/3 71494 4/s-o 9/109/60/005/010/017/031 2033/3415 AUTHORS: Breydo, I.Ya., Gla*61*v 'V.P., Glukhovskoy, B.M., Le;teyz*n, Korollkova, O.S. and L.Q. TITLE: Investigation of the Stability of Multi-Stage Photo- Electron Multipliers PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol-5, NO-10, pp.16 98-1702 TEXT: This paper was presonted'at the 9th All-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Moscow, October 1959. The stability,of the output signal from a photo-electron multiplier depends on a number of factorsi the voltage, the current, the time of operation*and so on. The purpose of this- article in to clarify the effects of these factors on multipliers with emitters of different materials. Since multipliers are widely used an scintillation counters, the multipliers were tested in a special set-up which approximated to oserational'conditions with crystals of NaJ(TI) irradiated by Cal 7 on the cathodes of the multipliers. Block diagrams of the test apparatus are given and the apparatus is described'. The output current, which depends not only on the amplitudi but also on the frequency of the Card 1A _z:- S/109/60/005/010/017/031 Investigation of the Stability ... 2033/3415 pulsess i.e. on the intensity of irradiation of the crystal by y-rays, was also monitored. The results show that there are two types of instabilitys 1) smooth change in the average value of the amplitude of the pulses over a period of time and 2) oscillation of the amplitude about a mean value, which shows as a scatter of the recorded points for a given curve. The deviation of the points is approximately 0,3 to 1% of the value of the output pulse. Early tests showed that the stability depended to a great extent on the previous history of the multiplier. The "settling-down" time in different for different specimens and'for the same specimen the settling-down time on the first day can be very much longer than on following days. This "training effect" made investigation of individual specimens impossible and statistical tests on a number of multipliers were necoaxaryo The results on 80 multipliers of the 403Y-35 (FRU-35) type with Sb-Cs cathodes and emitters are presented graphically by histograms of percentage change in pulse amplitude against numbers of multipliers for output currents of 0.1 to 2.5 microamps, 0,3 to 0.5 microamps and 0-55 to 6.0 microampo. The maxima of these distributions show Card 2/4 21594 5/109/60/005/010/017/031 investigation of the Stability 0.0 Z033/9415 greater percentage change for larger currents. The results for 60 antimony-cosium cathode and emitter multipliers were similar. It is concluded that during the first hours of operation the stability is directly related to the output current and reduction in the current density improves the stability. The absolute maxima of the changes in the output current of the multipliers did not exceed published figures for multipliers with Al-Mg, silver- magnesium and antimony-cesium emitters. The settling-down time was found to be proportional to the output current. Testar on multipliers 1#3W-24 (FZU-24) with aluminium-magnesium alloy emmiters showed'that they also have, appreciable settling-down time, but the output current has little effect on it, except that it is reduced with high currents. For example, a batch of multipliers with Al-Mg emitters and bismuth-silver-cosium cathodes had an' average settling-down time of 10 to 20 min, after's rest-poriod of 12 hours with output currents of 20 to 30 microamps. To clarify the effect of activation by cesium on the stability of alloy emitters, a multiplier with a thermo-cathode was prepared. The stability of the emitter was chocked directly in a vacuum with continuous pumping before and after cesiation. The relative Card 3/4 rN, R 21594 S/iog/60/005/010/017/031 Investigation of the Stability ... 3033/9415 changes in the secondary emission coefficient for thermo- activation and for cesiation, for one stage of a copper-beryllium alloy with 100,V and 0.3 mA output current are shown graphically. It in seen that the presence of cesium leads to an increase in both the nettling-down time and also in the magnitude of the change in the secondary emission coefficient. There are 7 figures and 2 reforenc*ms 1 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 21, 1959 Card 4/4 143Y till 11 J ~A y v I"r i"', IY f J yy T Ul' r 3T3- 1'~; KOROLINJVA, T. A. 23596. 0 BYSTRM KOLEBANIYaKh USILIVAYuShchlEh BESEDY BIBLIOGR: c. 307, S-- LETOPIS' NO. 31, 1949 I EUKTROENTs EFALOGRAMMAKh I NEKOTORYKh. USLOVIYaghs, M (PO EKSPERIM. BIOLOGII). T. I. TBILISI, 1949, C. 301-11-- LIVANOV, M.N.;XOJkOLIKOVA, T.A* -- -WROMI"Pl-, Effect of inadeqmate stimlation of the skin with inducing current on blooloatric cutaneous rhythm@ and on conditioned reflex activitys Zhe vysehei nerv. delat. Favloya 1 n0.3%132-346 Kno-June 1951- (CUL 23.-2) 1. Moscow. ri~ LITANOT, M.N.;KOROLIZOVA, T.A.;FRIMLI. O.K. AWMWMOI-W~i Is Blectrapb7stological examination of the higher nervous function. Zh. vysshet nery. doiat. Pavlova 1 no.4:521-538 July-Aux 1951. (CLKL 23:2) LITANOT. M.N.; XOROLIKOVA, T.Ae Bloctropbysiological stu4 on disorders of the hlgbor nervous function In rabbits. Ir. ls*solus. obah. f Isiol.. no. 1:31-16 195,2. (CLKL 24%1) 1. Daliv*rod 27 September 1950, Mucow. m n, KOROLIKOVA, T. A. KOROLIKOVA, T. A.: "The effect on the cerebral cortex of r;.bbits of rhythmic irritations of varying frequency". Moscow, 1955. Inst of Higher Nervous Activity, Acad Sci USSR. (Dissertations for the Degree of Cahdidate of Biological Science) SO: Krizbnaja letol2ig', No. 52, 24 December, 1955. Moscow. KCROLI MDVA. T.A. - Iffect of drug-induced sleep on one of the pathological forms of electrical activity In the cerebrum of rabbits. Trudy Inst.vys. nerv.delat. Ser.fisiol. 1:308-319 155. (KIRA 9:8) 1. Is laboratorit slaktrofistologit usloynykh reflaksov. saveduyushoMy K.N.Livanove (CIBURAL CCRTM) (BLACTROPHYSIOLOGY) (SL=F-THff4PjwTIC USA) ICROLIKOVA, T.A. Study-Ing the physiological mechanisms of the vormation of rhythms reflecting the respiration rate in the cerebral bioelectrical cur- rentso Trudy Inst.vys.nory.delat. Ser*fiziol. 2:181-282 '56. (MLFA 10:1) lo Iz laboratorit alektrofiziologii uslovnykh relfeksov. 'ifav. - M.N. ILvanov # (Y"CTROMSIOLOGY) (HNSPUUTION) 7A,- KOROLIKOVA, T. A. Blectrophysiological study of the effect of ionizing radiation on the functional state-of the cerebral cortex under norml and patho- logical conditions. Trmd~r Inst.vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 3: 121-135 139. (MM 12:3) 1. Iz laboratorii elektrofiziologii uslovnykh refleksov, sav. - M.N. Livanov. (RiLDUTION--PHYSIOWGICAL M7ECT) (CIRIML CORM ) KOROLIKOVA, T.A. Investigation of the significance of rhythmic processes in the cerebral cortex of rabbits following the extinction of conditioned reflexes. Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 5:21-32 060. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Laboratorii, elektrofiziologii uslovnykh refleksov, (zav. - M.N. Livanov) instituta vysshey nervnoy dayatellnosti. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) GLIVEMOp Ye.V.;,AP~OWKOVA, T-A-j KUZ14ETSOVA, G.D. Integral picture of the correlative relationahips between biopotentiale of the rabbit cerebral cortex. Fi2iol. Shur. 48 no.4084-388 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. From the Institute of Higher Nervous Aotivity and Neuropbysiology# U.S.S.R- Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Controlling Electronic Yfachines., Mosco'Ve (CEREBRAL CCRT&X) (EIaMCENCEPHUOGRAPHY) -P KOROLIKOVA, T.A. Standards of physiotherapeutic service for the urban popula- tion at the existing level of the general incidence of di- sease and hospitalization. Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 7 no,10:12-17 0163 (MIRA -16:11) 1. Iz otdela, organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (rukovoditell doktor med. nauk V.D. Bogatyrev) Moskovskogo nauchno-issle- dovateltskogo instituta gigiyeny imeni F.F. Erismana (dir.: A.P.Shitakova). GLIVENKC,'Ye.V.; KOROLIKOVA T.A.; KUZNETSOVA, G.D.; LUCHKOVA, T.I.; TRTIBNIK(YVAP Physiological evaluation of the averaging method for the derivation of biopotentials. FiZiOl. 2hur. 51 no.8s943-951 Ag 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut vysshey Idjol 1411nosti i neyrofiziologii AN SSSR I Inatitut elektronnykh upravlyayushchikh mashin, Moskva. R ~716 VASILIKOV, Igor' Afanaslyevich; XQ.~qLIKTLA, T.Ye., red.; GORINIA, V.A., tekhn. red. -r__ [With a motion-picture camera in the world of insects; scenario] S kinoapparatom v mire nasekomykh; stsenarii. Moskva, Iskusstvo, 1962. 133 P. (14IRA 15:12) (Notion pictures in science) '(Insects) Z KOROLIKpqk,~A,; KAYUSHEVA, I.V. Pulseless disease. Klin.-- d. 38 no. 2:141-142 F 1601, Pw (Am.taw.-DinnsEs) (MIRA 14:1) S/271/63/OW/003/021/049 Ao6o/A126 AUTHORS': Keropyan, K.K., Korol'kova, V.A. TITLE: On a method of electrical simulation of plane movable frames PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Av-tomatika,.telemekhanika I vychislitellnaya -eekhnika, no. 3, 1963, 6, abstract 3B32 (Tr. Rostovsk. inzh.~-stroiU in-ta, 1961, no. 23, 49 - 70) TM: A new method is proposed for solving problems of electrical simula- tion of movable frames. The method is based on the application of well-known in their mechanics approximate methods of analysis for the preliminary determinati(n~ of the displacement of the frame nodes with the subsequent introduation of these nodes into the electrical simulation circuit in the form of emf imitating the angles of Intersection of the struts. The proposed methed is Illustrated by ex- amples of analysis of single-level plane multi-span frames with varied strut at- tachment; by the simulation of monotonic symmetrical multi-level, multi-span, i frames bearing a wind load, and-by the simulation of plane movable multi-level frames. Expressions are cited for estimating the errors in the values of the Card 1/2 S/271/63/000/003 /021/049 On a method of~ electrical simulation of plane .... Ao6o/A126 moments actinj:, at the ends of the-struts on aooount of errors in the determina- tion of angles. The experimental results are presented of a verification of the described method in the analysis of several plane movable frames taking horizon-7 tal loads, using the si mlator MCC -5 (04SS-5). There are figures and 6 ta- bles. 1. V. on [Abstracter s note: Complete translati Card 2A A4 11. T K07tCl I K97A, 1 5 662.5 T.,8i Elektrobezopasnostt na pronyshlenriylch predpriyatiyakh (~;afetr measures naustrL, I entarprl Tzd. 2. Voslcva, Clborongitr., 1 5 ait-, olectricit~ in 4 315 p. Illus., dia-rs., tablen. AB5205r6. 1. K011OLtKOVALk; V.I. 2. US3R (600) 4. Electric "ngineering - Safety Moasures 7. Wimarks to V.I. i(orollkovaials book "Safety riea3ures for electricity in industrial enterprises.", Eng. M.A. Savin. Prom.energ. 10 no. .4, 19153. 9. Manthl List of Russian Accessions,.Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. ICOROLIKOVA, V.I.; TIMOVEYEV, T.G., spetaredaktor; VRUMINA., A., re- SIMKINA, Te., takhnicheiskiy redaktor. [Practical manual for technical inspectors from trade-union-central committees] Pcsobie po prakticheskoi rabote tekhnicheakikh inspekto- rov TsK Profsoiuzov. Vol. 3. [Safety measures in the realm of electricity] Xektrobezopasnost'. (Moskva) Izd-vo VTsSPS Orofizdat, 1954. 179 P. (MLRA 8:1) (Electricity, Injuries from) (Electricity---Safety measures) KOROVIOU,- T-I- instanstions; instructional to EssfetY engineering in 0106t stj * elektroastanovk2kht uchebuys pisoardal fekhnike besoPIMO '(MIRA 10:9) GODOMMI1.124-vol 1956. 27 plates tablitay. N09k" , jon..8afety measures) (Illectric power distrilb'd RAKITIII, GA.; VLASOV, A.F.; GLAGOLIVA, T.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; ,XWCLIMNA T.I., kandidat tekhnichenkikh nauk; TO.J.; Irandidat tekhnichask1kh nauk; PROPWOM, A.?.; IRO- NUCHERIb ; Toys TSTANOV, LJr., professor; DUNWA, A.B., redaktor: KERWOFA, N.A., takhnichaskly radektor. [Labor rotection] Okhrana truds. lid. 2-os, isr. Moskva lid-vo VTsSPS KofizdAt, 1956. 278 p. (Km 9:5) I.Moscow. Mookovskaya vyeshaya shkola profdvithenlya. 2.dhlen-kar- respondent A"demli weditsinskikh nauk (for Zhotoranov). (TWWRIAL HYGIM) (INIKWRIAL SAMY) AMOLIKOVA.-Vera Ivenovna, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; PAZHITNOT. D.?., lalbener, retsenzent; SAVILOYST. T.M.. in2hener, reteenzeat; XONSTARTINOV, N.A., redaktor; MUMMA, F.G., isdatellskiy redaktor; GIADKIKH, N.L. tekhnicheskiy rodaktor [Safety measures in Industrial enterprises] Blektro-bazopasnost' as promyshlonnykh predpriiatiiakh. Izd. 3-e, dop. Moskva, Gos. 12d-vo obor. promyshl., 1956. 447 p. (MLRA 9:10) (Industrial safety) (Ilectric engineering--Safety measures) STROKTATNIKOV, I.A.; GRUDINSKIT, P.G.; PWROV. I.I.; KOROLIKOVA, V.I.; S]IRBINOVSKIT. G.V.; BOLISHAM, Ta.M.; LIVSHITS. D.A.; FAYXRKAN. A.L. NAYFILD. M.P.; ZHIVOV, M.S.; ONKIN. A.K. (Moskva) Candidate of engineering L. P. Podollskii. Blektricheetvo no.1:96 ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Podollskii, Lev Petrovich, 1867) SOV/105-5,r--10-22/25 Korollkova, V.I.t Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE; ?~i-~dical-tcchnical Confereywo on Protection From Electricity P3 1 *1 10 D I C.L L EL~htrichc:3tvo, 1"'71, Nr 10, p 8" ( us S ., J., I ADS T: A medical-tochnical conference -aill bo Reld this year. It will be attended by representatives from medicine and technology. The conference will deal with problems of protection from electricity and prophylaxis of oleo trotramiatism, and present a scientific foundation for the standards of protection from electricity. The study and Generalioation of experience collccted in electro- therapeutics nay be of special importance. Toots on nionkoys nust plair the decinive role. Investi,3atioiis of thooe problems aro to be !:lade a'- the SW-chumslkaya mediko-bioloCicheolk--ya- stantsiya AM-T, SSJS7.~', - 11 .0 (Sul-diumi ladical-bioloCical Station o-f the JU!S of the USS-11) to-r,other with the collaborators of the Academy vho are ,-reatly experienced in tests on moWceys. Card '1/11 GRIGORYAN, Grigoriy Makarovichp prof., doktor tekhn. YEGOIROV, Valerian Nilcolayevichp dots.# kand. takhn.nauk; KAIASIMIKOV, Konstantin Artamonovicb, inzb.-polk.; LIKOVA. Vera -kand. tekhn. nauk; POLOZKOV) L I PRO J=M& Vladimir Tikhonoviohj, dots.p kand. tekhn. nauk; SARKISOYANTS, Gayk Arkadlyevichg prof. Prinimal uchaBtiye) SMMOV, V.M., tuh.-podpolk.; KUSBEIEV., Vladimir Pavlovich, red.; ROMM, Miron Yakovlevich, red.; YEEMIOVA, T.D.,, ved. red.; KLLMIENOVA,, K.F,, ved. red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., (Fundamentals of safet, engineering and fire prevention in the petroleum and gas industries) Osnovy tekhniki bezopasnosti i protivopozharnoi tekbniki v neftianoi i gazovoi promyshlen- nosti- LBy] G.M.Grigorian i dr. Mosk7a, Cos. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1962. 222 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Gas industry-Fires and fire prevention) (Petroleum industry-Fires and fire prevewUm) Undustrw hygiene) KOROLIKOVA, Vez4-Ivanovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; KRYAZEVSKIY, B.A., -------------- IE-a-xZ tekhns nauk) dots., retsenzent; TUBYANSKAYAS F.G., red. izd-va; ORESHKINA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Safety measures in using electrical equipment in industrW enterprises] Elektrobezopasnost' na proryshlenrWkh pred- priiatilakh. 4.., dop. izd. Moskvap Oborongiz, 1962. 527 p. (KTRA 15:7) (Electric engineering-S&fety measures) 11 -3 T 2z IVASHKOVA, V.K., kand.takhn.nauk; Prini-Ii uchastiye: KOROLIKOVA, Ye.A.p starshiy inzh.; IEBEDEV, VA, laborant; SWIM., S.M., (Using electric models to s-tudy the Thermal propertiR.9 of the enclosing elements of buildings] Issledovanie teplo Itekhnicbes- kikh svoistv ograzhdaiushchikh kbnstruktaii zdanii metodom elektromodelirovaniia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. materialam, 1960. 135 p. (Akademiia stroitell- stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut stroitellnoi fiziki i o,rgrazhdaiushchikh konstruktaii. Nauchnoe soobahchenie, no.1) (MIRA 15:1) (Walls-Zlectromechanical alalogies) L61615-65 -AT5017499 AOCESSION Nit. 2 -28C. Tho.arctic summer har. a smooth temperature variatton which change by 5 S, only tenths of a degree during.the wtumest indatlis. -In,autunin there is a rapid decrease of air: temperature from month to month 2i)-25C in tvo 6r Oiree moriths. The entire Arctic is divided into five -regions-in which the beginning and end of the climatic seasons differs in time-. Atlantic, Siberian,, Pacific, Capadian-Greenland, and central Arctic bas-I . The specific character of the climatic sensons for each of these regions is described. The climatic seasons were defined as-follows- '-Western Atlantic: winter -. mid-November. to March; spring - April-May; summer _.iune-late August; auturnn - September -mid-Novem- ber. Westeru.partof Atlantic. December-March: spring -April- _Y ernb&: autumn ember. late May; summer - Jtin.e-mid Sept uAd-September-early Dec Siberian region: winter - Idue November-March; spring - April-May; summer - Junev September; autumn - October-late November. Pacific Ocean regiom Nvinter - early De- cember-March; spring - April-mid-Ifune; summer - mid-June-miet-September; autumu mid -Sept ember -ea rly December. . Central Arctic, western sector: winter - niid-Novem-'- ber-111arch; spring - ApiHl-rvlay; summer - June-August; autamn - September-mid-NGvem-1 ber. Central Arctic, eastern seotor: vftter - December-March; spring - April-May:,' stunmer - June4utplst;_ fluxtumil - Orig, ral., lias~ 6 figurea and Uible. SKOTHIEVA, K.K.; KOROLIKOVA. Ye.M., master Experience In achieving waste reduction. Tekst.prom. 19 no.4: 76-77 Ap, '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Smennyry Inshener Soenevsko7 otdelochno7 fabriki Iment Samoylova (for Skotnikova). Otdal takhnicheekogo kontrolya Soanevskoy otdelochnoy fabriki Imant Samoylova (for Karallkova). (Textile fabrics) (Clothing Industry) SOV/54-5B-3-8/19 AUTHORS: Marinin, V. A., Polyakova, L. V., Korollkova, Z. S. - ---------------- _~- --- --- TITLE: Electric Double Refraction of Polystyrene Solutions (Elektricheskoye dvoynoye lucheprelomleniye rastvorov polistirola) PERIODICAL: Veatnik Leningradekogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1950, Nr 3, pp 73-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper experimental data on the electric double refraction in polystyrene solutions are given. The solutions of 7 polystyrene fractions were investigated. Carbon tetra- chloride served as rlvent. As the experiments showed the dependence A = f (E ) remains linear in the domain of the concentrations used. The Kerr constant was computed for all measured polystyrene fractions according to the diagram A versus E2 (Table 1). For reasons of comparison the Kerr constant of styrene (Table 2) was ascertained too. The Kerr constant of the solutionj of various polystyrene fractions (molecular weight 4.0-10 500.106) is,evidently,within Card 1/3 the errors of observation, of similar magnitude as the Kerr N Electric. Double Refraction of Polystyrene Solutions SOV/54-56-3-8/19 constant of styrene. The behavior of the polystyrene solu- tions in a constant electric field is analogous to their be- havior in a magnetic field (Refs 2, 3). As a comparison the molecular Kerr constant of benzene was examined. Measuring m3ults of this constant in carbon tetrachloride at various concentrations are given in table 2. The quantities K 2 for styrene and benzene were determined from the diagram plot- ting K12 versus C 2* The coefficient of the angular de- pendence K12 - f (C2) permits to determine the quantity K 2 for infinite dissolution. The computation showed that the molecular Kerr constant of styrenes is by about two times higher than that of benzene. It was found that the Kerr constant of the polystyrene is independent of the molecular weight. Its sign is positive and in its magnitude it r3- sembles the Kerr constant of styrene. These facts prove the conclusions made by the authors (Refs 2, 3, 7). The authors exprees"their gratitude to V. N. Tsvetkov for his interest. Ther6 are 2 -4igures, 2 tables, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 ~V~7 KOROLM317, V. V. W6Lding tip for welding plastics. Kh1m. I neft. mashinostr. no.509-40 N 164 (WRA 1822) -Kf!qj,q_y,_8.A.; KUKOSH, V.I. Experience in using suturing apparatus in cheat surgery. Trudy NIIEXRI no.5:19-22 161. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurugii Gorlkovskogo meditainskogo instituta im. S.M.Kirova, (CHEST--SURGERY) (SUTURES) RL ... SIM11MI, G. L., DUWIIK, A. G., XMTSIMM, P. V., GRMjIGG, A. B. YOFfZq;, 1. A. _:- "The High Speed No Dead-TimB Frandng Camera 'A4s-1 - report prenented at the 6th Intl. Cong. of High-Speed Photography, The Hagm, 1T-22 Sep 162 KOROLOWA, S. Vitamin i1 as a drug inducing labor and IncreasiM labor pains. Przegl. lek., Krakow 8 no-7:199-201 1952. (GIKL 23:4) 1 Of the Obstetric-Gynecological Department (Read-Docent M. Seidler, M: D.) of the Holmital Imienia G. Naratowics. Krakow. KMOLOkFA, Stafania. 2h9 problem of prolonged prognancy in obstetrics. Gin. polska 28 no.2:189-196 Nar-Apr 1956. 1. V.Oddsialu Ginskologicsno-Poloaniesego Sspitala in. G.Iara- towicza v Krakovie. Klerownik: prof. dr. N.Seldler. Krakdw. Kielecka 27. (PBBMWCY prolonged (Pol)) KOROLISKAYA, G. A.9 CAND AGR SC,Iq "PECULIARITIES OF THE PROCESS OF TILLERING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SHOOTS IN WINTER WHEAT AND WINTER RYEYIN CONNECTION WITH THE FORMATION OF THE HARVEST." KHARfKOVj 1961. (MIN OF AOR UKSSR. KHARlKOV ORDER OF LABOR RED BANNER AoR INST IMENI V. V. DOKUCHAYEV)- (KL-DV9 11-619 225). -213- KOROLYFOV, A-M- Vyazkosty nekotor-jkh metallov 1 splavov v svyazi s ikh fizicheskimi svoystvamA... report submitted for the 5th Physical Chemical Conference on Steel Production. MOSCOW ~O JUN 109 Korolyu4, A. F. 1111ouroT-sycholon,ical. dist wbanen in into-,:icution In- tetraet'--I !;--ad, Tnidy KWrb-~shavsk. r,,0,,;. M~A' in-ta, Vol. 1, 101~!~p P. 95-104 SO: U-2"81, Leflo ris Mromalln-71rh Statcy, No. 1, 10,49. t.w ~n AUTHORS: Galkinp A. A.,j~ Korol~mk 56--34--4,-49/60 TITLE: The Dispersion of Bound Velocity in Metals in a Magnetic Field (Dispersiya skorosti zvuka 7 metallakh v magnitnom pole) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimontallnoy i teoretichookoy fiziki, 1958, Vol- 34, Nr 4, PP- 1o25 - 1o26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dispersion of sound velocity in hard metals predicted by R. A. Alpher and R. I. Rubin (Ref 1) has hitherto not been observed, apparently because of the smallness of the effect. The present report describes experiments conneeted with the discovery of this phenomenon. An apparatus was developed and built for the investigation of slight varia- tions of the sound vibrations which, in the case of favorable condit'ons. takes it possible to measure relative deviations of about '10- from sound velocity. The principle of the measurements is based on the comparison and the measuring of the phase difference of the vibrations passing through the sample to be investigated. The block scheme of the measuring apparatus is shown by a diagram. The high frequency voltage Card 1/3 originating from a generator (stabilized by means of quartz) 56-34-4-49/6o The Dispersion of Sound Velocity in Metals in a Magnetic Field ia transferred to the radiating quartz which on one side wao stuck on to the cylindrical aample, The receiving quartz is then stuck on to the second front face of the samplev and the voltage produced by it is then transferred to a phase- meter. At the same time a voltage is directly transferred to the phasemeter from the radiating crystal. For the investi- gation of the ultrasonic vibrations quartz plates (x.--seotion) of a diameter of lo mm were used. Cylindrical rods of a length of 2o cm and a thickness of 14 cm served as samples. A diagram shows the results of these experiments, which were carried out at room temperature in a field vertical to the axis of the sample. The experimental points fit well on the theoretically calculated straight lines. Sound velocity thus in--,reases proportionally to H in the magnetic field and the intensity of the effeot corresponds to the predictions of theory. It is interesting to learn that in bismuth no dis- persion of the sound velocity was observed at room temperature. Finallyv the authors thanked Professor A. I. Akhiyezer and S. V. Peletminakiy2 who had directed their attention to the discussed phenomenon. There are 2 figures and 2 references, Card 2/3 1 of which is Soviet. The Dispersion Of Sound 56,-34--4-49/6o Velocity in Aletals in a Magnetic Field ASSOCIATION: Inatitut radiQfiz-Lk! i elektroniki Aka&---emii nauk Ukrainakcy SSR SU]3,'AITTL?D (Institute of RadiOPhYsics and Electro.ic. AS Ukrainian SsR) JanuarY 14, 1958 Sound--Pefraction 2. Mata*1s__.Ac'ou3tic properties Card 3/3 240), 240) AUTHORS: Galking A. A., 1rorolyuk, A. P, SOV/56-36-4-52/70 TITLE: Anisotropy of the Absorption of Ultrauonics in Metals in the Magnetic Pield (Anizotropiya po.-loshcheniya ulltrazvuka v metallakh v magnitnom pole ) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, TTr 49 PP 1307-1309 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has already been shown that for longitudinal sound the absorption coefficient in tin depends on the ma~,-netic field in ouch a manner, that if the latter is vertical to the wave vector, a weakly marked maximum of absorption occurs in certain fields; a similar phenomenon is observed in poly- crystalline copper and in indium. In the present "Letter to the Editor" experiments are discussed in which the influence exercised by the magnetic f5eld on the absorption of ultrasonics at low temperatures in polycrystalline samples of very pure metals was investigated. Tin with a rosidual resistance 1 1.6.10-5 and zinc with R 4.2/R300 ~ 2.10-4 was investigated. The samples had a diameter of 12 and a length of 12 and 15 mm Card 1/3 respectively. The absorption coefficients were determined by Anisotropy of the Absorption of Ultrasonics in sov/r-6-36--4-52/70 Metals in the Magnetic Field means of the well-known pulse method at frequencies of 17.,'A,. 23-3~ 51, and 70 megacycles, Figure 1 shows the results obtained by measurements r;arried out at 4.20 K with a magnetic field that was vertical to the wave vector. The curves plotted at higher frequencies show already two maxima, Thusj zinc at 70 megacycles showed a minimum at about 500 Oe, the first maximum at about 800, and a second flat maximum at about 2,000 Oe. If the magnetic field rotates in a plane that is vertical to the SaMDle axis, the curves are found to va-ry essentially-, The absorption of the maxima and their amount varies~ in the case of certain directions these maxima vanish~ and in certain cases the maxima exist only within range of the angles of 15-200. Figures 2 and 3 show such diat;rams at 70 megacycles. Here the absorption coefficient for ultra- sonics shows a tendency of assuming a saturation value at 5,ooo-6,ooo Oe. This limiting value depends on the orienta- tion of the sample in the field. The diagrams for the limiting value in the case of stron.-, fields describe the anisotropy of electric conductivity in the magnetic field, There arc 3 Card 2/3 figures and 6 reforoncon, I of which is Soviot. Anisotropy of the Absorption of Ultrasonics in SOV/56-36-3-52/70 Metals in the Magnetic Field ASSOICIATION: Institut radiofiziki i clektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciencesi 19krainskaya SSR)~ Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1958 Card 3/3 24 (1) AUTHORS: Bezuglyy, P.-A., Galkin, A. A. BOV/56-36-6-61/66 Korolyuk, 1. P. TITLE: The Anisotropy of the Absorption Coefficients of Ultrasonics in Superconductors (Anizotropiya koeffitmiyentov pogloshohoniya ulltrazvuka v averkhprovodnikakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959 Vol 36, Nr 6, PP 1951 - 1952 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By the investigation of the absorption of ultrasonics in super- conductors it in possible to determine the size of the energy alit at T a 0 an well an the dependence of the alit width (Ed on temperature. The experiments carried out in this connection are in agreement with theory. By means of experiments also the influence exercised by the isotope composition and the homo- geneous lattice deformation,upon T k and on the width of the alit was investigated. It may be imagined that lattice aniso- tropy leads to more visible results than isotopic composition. In the present "Letter to the Editor" experimental results con- cerning the absorption of ultrasonics (frequency 70 kilocycles) Card 1/2 in superconductive and normal media are published. (Determine- K, The Anisotropy of the Absorption Coefficients of SOV156-36-6-61166 Ultrasonics in Superconductors tion of the absorption coefficient in the C2- and C4-ax's of a spherical tin sample). The results, which were dealt with b the method developed by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer (Ref Z are shown in a table. It was found that the temperature de- pendence of the ratio of the absorption coefficient a $/an is different in the two directions. The case of sound propagation along the C -axis agrees better with the isotropic theory of 4 superconductivity. There are I table and 4 references, I of which is Soviet. A330CIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: Card 2,2 April 7, 1959 24 (1) AUTHORS: Galkin, A. A., Xqr,.~k ~A-~ BOV/56-37-1-53/64 TITLE: Oscillation of the Sound Absorption Coefficient in Lead at Low Temperatures (Ostoillyatsii koeffitsiyenta pogloshcheniya zvuka v clove pri nizkikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental 'no i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 1, PP 310 - 312 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: It has already been shown (Refs 1-3) that the absorption coef- ficient of ultrasonics in metal does not change monotonely with the m W etic field, but that it has a special anisotropy. The authors of the present "Letter to the Editor" investigate the latter at an ultrasonic frequency of 70 megacycles and give a report on the results obtained. Investigations were carried out in a spherical monocrystalline lead sample Of 15 mm diameter. Planes were out off from the sphere, to which the ultrasonic sources were applied. The perpendicular lines of theme planes were parallel to the axon of 2. and 4- order. Absorption was in- vestigated for longitudinal sound, the wave vector k of which was parallel to the axis of 2. or 4. order. The sample was ro- Card 1/3 tated in the magnetic field-1, with the-z_7ector remaining per- 5 Oscillation of the Bound Absorption Coefficient in SOV/56-37-1-53/64 Lead at Low Temperatures pendicular to -9. Figure I shows the course of th amplitude in dependence on the field strength (45 - 1000 Oe) :t T w 4.2'0K, for sound propagation along the axis of second order; i was parallel to the axis of 4. order. The curve has a manifold of marked maxima and minima (of V. Gurevich, Ref 4)- Prom the os- cillation periods the magnitude of the limiting momentum of the electron was estimated at P - 5-10-20 9.em/sec. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the projection of the limiting momentum of the electrons on to the plane (001) as a function of the angle between the axes of 2. and 4. order$ developed according to os- cillation periods. Figure 3 shows several results of measure- ments of the absorption coefficient in dependence on the mag- netic field voltage and the angle of rotation f in the (001)- plane. Figure 4 shows the angular dependence of the absorption coefficient at H - 7.103 Oa and with rotation of the field in the (001)-plane. The investigation of sound absorption in a Itl V'shows that the curve a(H) has singular points. Ac- field H Card 2/3 cording to the theory by V. Gur3vich, the magnetic field in Oscillation of the Sound Absorption Coefficient in SOV/56-37-1-53/64 Lead at Low Temperatures these points satisfies the condition Hi - oonst/n, where n is an integer number. There are 4 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki kkademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1959 Card 3/3 86749 S/l2o/6o/ooo/oo6/025/045 9041/9521 AUTIORS: A.A. and.- roly". A.P.- TITLgt InstrAmeat...for .3t4dying. Ultrasonic Absorption by Metals at Low Temperatures .PZRIODICALt Pr:Lbor-y-i-.tokhnika-eksporimenta,-.1.960, No.6, PP-99-103 TZXTa 'The greatest Interest lies in the &Wsprption by magnetic materials under conditions where the mean free path of a conduction electron is significantly greater than the wavelength of the sound in the material', while the Larmor radius of the jolectron is comoarable with the latter. The absorption coefficient varies periodically with magnetic field strength and the period is a measure of the electron impulse at the Feral. surface. The present article describes a method of recording automatically the propagated signal strength as a function of magnetic field in a series of monocrystals. Fig.1 shows the block diagram of the experimental arrangement. A pulse generator .260 (261) drives simultaneously a modulator and a delay circuit. The modulator switches a high- frequency generator connected by coaxial cable to the transmitting crystal a. The crystal can be watched to the generator by varying Card 1/4 86749 sA2o/6o/ooo/oo6/025/045 zo4l/9521 Instrument for Studyi=&_UUxaso"c~, Ab4wrptlow -by Metals at Low .Temperatures the cable length. The' receiving c'fkfiital b in similarly joined to the receiver whose output is gated in the pulse selector drive by another generator 261 from the delay circuit. The selector output is peak detected, the selection of the appropriate pulse being made by varying the delay. The detected output goes to a recorder )r1n -og UPP-09) which is a two-dimensional self-balancing potentiometer plotter. The field strength in measured by a'germanium Hall-effect pick-off. Fig.2 to the circuit of the modulator and high-frequency generator. The latter oscillates between 50'and 250 Mc/s. The receiver is in two parts. The high-frequency part in an ordinary television receiver front--end working over the bands 50-100 and 160-230 Mc/s. Other frequencies are covered by heterodyning. The intermediate frequency amplifier circuit in in Fig.4. The crtre frequency in 32 Mc/s, the bandwidth 3 Mc/s, amplification 10 sensitivity between 5 and 10 microvolts. Fig.4 in the delay circuit providing delays between 0 and 250 microseca. Fig-5 is the pulse-selecting gate. Fig.6 is a cross-section through the Card 2/4 86749 S/l2o/6o/ooo/oo6/O25/O45 E041/E521 Metals at Low Temperatures.. crystal. Fig,'7 shows how the sample is mounted. The sample may be rotated in the field. The magnet current is controlled from 0 to 8 amperes by the circuit of Fig.8. Fig.9 is an example of. a record taken on a monocrystal of tin. The 'Bound frequency was 220 Mc/s, parallel to the (101) axis. !The H-vector lay in a perpendicular .plane and made an angle of-about the (100) axis. The two .curves each took 3-4 minutes in recording. Manual methods would have taken 15-20'times as long. The overall error in measuring either coordinate---does-.not. -exceed a -few. percent. There are 9.figures and.8-r..eferences:.4 Soviet and 4-non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut radiofiziki J. elektroniki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Radiophyiics and Electronics, AS, UkrSSR) 'SUBMITTED: October 13, 1959 :Card 3/4 850575 d'84,00 (32,01, /Ofy/ 2#0o) VA00 S/05 60/038/006/017/049/XX B006YB070 AUTHORS: Galkin, A., A,, Korolyuk, A. P, - 4~~ TITLE: Absorption of Ultras~cnics ~in ~Inc' ~ Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1688 -- 1694 TEXT: The oscillation of the ultrasonic absorption coefficient a with a change in the magnetic field has been studied several times in the past; the theory of this effect is due to V.. L. Gurevich. Also two of the earlier papers of the present authors (Refs. 1, 2) were concerned with problems of the same nature. Now, the behavior of a in a strong magnetic field is studied for the case when 1)X) r mean free path of the electrons; r-cp/eH is the Larmor radius; ultrasonic wavelength). The behavior of a Is essentially related to the asymptotic behavior of the electrical conductivity tensor, A theoretical study of this was made by Gurevich and E, A, Kaner (Refs. 9, 8) who showed that data on the topology of the Fermi surface Card 1/5 856 7 5 Absorption of Ultrasonics in Zinc S/056/60/038/006/017/049/XX at Low Temperatures B006/BO70 can be obtained by studying the anisotropy of a in a magnetic field, The experiments described here were carried out on single crystals of zinc by the method of Obreimov-Shubnikov. The metal was 99.9996% pure, and had a resistivity ratio R 4,.2/R 300~ 2,10-4., The techniques of preparing the specimens, of producing the ultrasonic waves (60, '00; 180, and 220 Me/sec), and of the measurement are described in the introduction, The periods of oscillation of a were measured for different orientations of-A which could be rotated in a plane perpendicular tot Fig. 1 shows one of these oscillation curves at 220 Mc/sec.. Fig., 2 shows the number of oscillations as a function of 1/H for different directions ofO in the (10fO) plane, In Fig, 3, a, b, and c show the angular dependence of the extreme direters of the Fermi surface (perpen-dicular to -A) on rotation of and the planes (1120), (0001)i and (10fO), respectively. Fig, 4 shows the de endence of the difference of a-values with and without a field (7000 M on the direction of It, a: k 11 F~0011 ; b: k 11 [10 ~0] ; c: k 11111 ~0] . T= 4, 20K; 60 Mc/s ec, According to the theory'(Ref'. 6), a change'in the diameter of the electron orbit in relation to ~k corresponds to each oscillation of a Card 2/5 Absorption of Ultrasonics in Zinc at Low Temperatures 65675 S/056/60/038/006/017/049/XX B006/BO70 in the magnetic field.. The relation 1--r-N(n+~) holds for the mean free path of electrons in a weak field., Another possibility of determining 1 is to measure the component of the electron momentum perpendicular to I and ft (P,.), and the minimum field in which oscillations appear (PL/r max- eH min /c),, The following path lengths were determined by these methods: direction Path length [mm] Temperature according to the according to FOKJ number of oscillations pi ~00011 0.5 o.6 1-65 ri 0 i0l 0,22 0.2 4~2 [11 ng 0,,27 0.24 1,65 Thus, the electron path length alsr shows anisotropy, The results are discussed in the conclusion. The values obtained for the extreme diameters of the Fermi surface show that the law of dispersion of Card 3/5 -n' M 85675 Absorption of Ultrasonics in Zinc at Low Temperatures S/05 60/038/006/017/049/XX B006YB070 electron energy deviates largely from the quadratic form It- is con- cluded from the anisotropy of a in a strong field that the Fermi surface of zinc is an open surface of the sixth order in the direction of the symmetry axis. E, A. Kaner and M. I.' Kaganov are thanked for discussions,and V.. I, Bogatov for supplying l1quid helium., There are 4 figures, I table, and 11 references: 7 Soviet 3 US. and I British ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED January 10, !960 Card 4/5 82594 '1) 9 00 S/056/60/039/01/01/029 ".5-4 0 0 B006/BO7O AUTHORS: Bezuglyy, P. A., Galkin, A. A., Korolyuk, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy Gap in superconducting Tin PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 1 (7), pp. 7-12 TEXT: The authors investigated the temperature dependence of the ultrasonic absorption coefficient in different directions of single crystals of superconducting tin. They describe the methods of investi- gation and present the results. The method of energy gap investigation is based on the determination of the difference between the curves ces/,xn - f(T) when the ultrasonics is propagated along a binary (C2) and a tetragonal crystal axis. From this difference the anisotropy of the energy gap may be determined. aL. and oen are the electronic ultrasonic absorption coefficients in the superconducting and the normal state respectively. They are related to the width 2 6 0 of the energy gap by Card 1/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy S/05 60/039/01/01/029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006YB070 the relation ae Van =2/(e Eo/kT + 1). To investigate the influence of the lattice anisotropy on the energy spectrum of electrons in a semiconduc- tor, the temperature dependence and absorption coefficients of longi- tudinal supersonics was investigated by means of an apparatus described here in detail. Fig. I shows a block diagram of the measuring device. The generator works at 70 Me/see, the quartz emitter receiv9s 2500-3000 pulses per second for a duration of (1 1-1-5)-10- sec. A small sphere of single crystals of tin was used as a sample. It had a diameter of 13-15 mm, and on it, cut surfaces of 5-6 mm diameter perpendicular to the crystallographic axes were produced by electrocorrosion. Onto these surfaces quartz emitters and receivers were cemented in vacuum and on them small plates of brass of 5-6 mm diameter and a thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm. For very pure crystals of tin the condition that the mean free path of the electrons be large in comparison to the ultrasonic wavelength was very well fulfilled at helium temperature. The temperature dependence of ultrasonic absorption coefficients was measured simultane- ously in two different directions at temperatures down to 10K. Fig. 2 shows the Dewar for helium in which the measurements were carried out. VY Card 2/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy S/056/60/039/01/01/029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006/BO70 The temperature of the sample was determined from the saturation vapor pressure of helium. The results are shown in diagrams. Fig. 3 shows lxs/c~n between 10 and 40K taken along two mutually perpendicular C2 axes. The measured values (full and empty circles) all lie on one line which shows that the physical properties are the same in the two directions. Fig. 4 shows the same for C. and C 4 axes. Here the anisotropy of the energy gap is clearly seen. ieasurements made on two samples gave uniform results. For the absolute value of the electronic part of the ultrasonic absorption coefficients in the normal state in the neighborhood of T.9 the following results are obtainedt(Xn - (47.6 + 0.2) decibel/cm -(C.), and c(n - (21-4 1 0.2) decibel/am -(C 4)- Fig- 5 shows log(ce./M.) - f (Tc/T) From the slope of the straight line portion of the curve, the energy gap width at absolute zero may be determined to be (3-5 � 0.2)kT a for the C2-axis and (3.1 + 0.1) kT. for the C 4-axis. Besides the anisotropy in the temperature dependence of the absorption coefficients, an anisotropy Card 3/4 82594 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Energy S/05 60/039/01/01/029 Gap in Superconducting Tin B006YB070 of the transition temperat-are To is also established. For the C2-axia TC lies about 0-0040K higher than for the C -axis. The authors thank A. I. Berdovski and E. I. Ponomarenko fir cooperation in the measurements and V. L. Karpachevskiy and B. 1. Aleksandrov for help in the preparation of the sample. There are 5 figures and 13 references: 5 Soviet, 6 American, I British, and I Dutch. ASSOCIATIONi Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (P!Msicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrainB-kava SSR) SUBMITTED: January 12, 1960 Card 4/4 88423 S/056/60/039/006/007/063 ,Z4-.7700 Boo6/BO56 AUTHORS: Galkin, A. A., Kaner, E. A., Korolyuk, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of Ultrasonic Absorption by Metals in a Magnetic Field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1517-1528 TEXT: The characteristics of ultrasonic absorption in metals at low tem- peratures under conditions at which the mean free path 1 of the electrons is very large with respect to the acoustic wavelength I have already re- peatedly been investigated both theoretically and experimentally, above all the periodic change in the ultrasonic absorption coefficient a as a furio. tion of H-1. The first theoretical calculations are by Fermi and V. L. Gurevich. In the present Daper, the theoretical and experimental results are given, and compared for tin and indium. First, the magnetoacoustic resonance and the oscillation of a arf investigated for a strong magnetic field, as well as the conditions wave vector) and Xtt,2nr tl. Card 1/3 Wt "l 0-. 88423 Investigation of Ultrasonic Absorption by S/056/60/039/006/007/063 Metals in a Magnetic Field B006/BO56 For tin- and indium crystals typical oscillation diagrams are shown and ,liscussed. Two different types of oscillations are said to occur in tin: Anharmonic resonance oscillations and sinusoidal oscillations. Those of the first kind are ascribed to the existence of an open Fermi surface; the period of the open surface, calculated on the basis of oscillation periods, is in agreement with crystallographic data. A study was made of the anisotropy of ultrasonic absorption in a strong magnetic field and when the condition r