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BONDARCHUX, V.G.-(continued) Card 3. 13. Direktor Ukrainakogo nauchno-iBOledovatelli3kogo inatituta ekonomiki i organizatsii Bellskogo khozyaystva, Chlen- korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystverbvkh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Romanenko). 14. Direktor fabriki 14o.1 (for Tallnova). 15, Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk USM (for Pidoplicbko). (Ukraine-Maps) (Ifoldavia-Maps) LOKSHINA~ R.D., kand. ekon. nauk"gRMjUp,-&.G.,-.kand. farm. nauk; KOROBOVA, Z.N.; UZDENIKOVp A.N,; MARTYNOVA,, M.P.; PANCHENKO, Ye.I. ANANIYEVA, A.r. Dewelopment of a methodological basis for the determination of medication requirements. Sbor. nauch. trud* TSANIr 4s20-30 163 (MIRA 17 0) 1. Obdel organizataii i ekonomiki aptechnogo del& (rukovoditell otdola - kand. farm. nauk A.M. Sidorkov) TSentrallnogo aptechno- go nauchno-isaledovatellskogo Instituta. XOROLEVA, M.G. From the history of the opening of pharnscles in Moscow. Apt.delo 3 no.21. 50-56 Mr-Ap 134. (MM 7t4) 1. Is Tgentrallnogo namobno-leeledovatellskogo aptechnago Institute Glavnogo aptechnogo upravlenlys, Ministeretva sdravookhranonlya 68SR. (Koscow-Dnestores) WM XOR013VA, M.G. History of phiormoles In Moscow* Apt. delo 3 no.6:37-39 N-D 154. (FffARKkCTg h1storyl (KLRA 8;2) In Russia) .'R KOROLEVA, M. 00 KOROLEVA, M. G.- "History of the Drug Stores of Moscow (uP to 1917). Min of Public Health USSR, Moscow Pharmaceutical Inst, Moscow, 1955 (Diasertations for Degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 26, June 1955., Moscow LQ v (1, TIVI - G KOROLAVA, M.G., kend.farmateevtichookikh nauk; WMANOV. Yu.P.. provizor Pharmey in the Germen Democratic Republic. Apt.delo 7 no.1:65-66 Ja-Y 058. (NDU 11:3) (GMW, BABY-PHgWACY) KMOLEVA, M.G., TANMONEN, R.N. Pharmacy in Ingland; a survey. Apt.delo 7 noe'5:89-93 S-0 '58 (GFIZAT 13RITAIN-PEARKAff) (MM 11:10) STETSIUK, A.M., WROLWA, M.G., KJTOMOVA, YE, K., SENOV, P.L. First Nationa Pharmaceutionl Conference in the Rumenina Pe*'186 Republic'. Apt,delo 7 no,6t7l-76 W-D 158 Wr-RA i1:12) (RUMANIA-PHARMACY) 11CROIN4. K!G.0 kand. farmateerticheskiy nauk; TARHONN, B.N., provisor Pharmacy In the U.SoAp; a brief survey. Apt.delo 8 no.1:86-92 Ja-F '59. (KIRA 12:2) l.-Is ?Sentrallnogo aptechnogo nauchno-looledovatellskoko instituta Kinisteretya sdrawookhraneniya SSSR- (UNrM STATBS--PHOJ(ACT) KOROLEVAt H.G.p kand. f"tsevticheakikh nauk I Moscow drugstores in the first half of the 19th cent=7. Apt. delo 9 no.?:77-79 MvTe 160. OdRA 14:3) (MaSGOW,XRUGSTO=) KOROLEVAP M.G.t kand.farmataevticheskikh nauk Moscow drugstores in the second half of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth, Apt, delo 9 no. W6.80 JI-Ag 160, (MIRA 13:8) 1. TSentrallnyy aptechnyy nauchno-itisledovatellskiy institut Hinisterotva zdravookhraneniya SWR. (MOSCOW-DRUGSTORES) MELINIGB-ENXO,, A.K,,-, fkf~~LEVA,, M.G.; KUZIMINAO A.A.; SHANINA, S.V. awic scientific problems in the field of pharmacy. Apt. deli. 11 no.50-9 3-0 162. (MIRA 17:5) SIDORKOVJ9A.M.; PARKHOMENKO, G.I.; KOROLEVA, M.G.; YARAVTSEVA, Ye.P. Review of T.I.ToPtsman's book "T*xtbook on the organization of pharmaceutical ser7ice.0 Apt. delo 12 no.5t86-87 S-0163 (MIRA 16t11) 1A GOLIKOVA, Z.F.; KOROLEVA, M.I. Evening dedicated to the chemists'of fraternal republics. (14UU 14:31) Khim. v shkole.A6 no.6:$p-83 N-D 161. 1. Pedagogichookiy institutp Saransk. (Chemiistry-Study and teaching) .115340 5/602/010/931 me 3/iii/63/06 ~B104 3186 ~1-76 0 hkins' A':*-V on toro'lave AunoM s' a 14641stanoe-in Iron am. an TITLEs gall OffOOVA" 0IQ 6`:,V,- 5 .so PERIODICALs -.:'2t 1909 453 -457 TZ1Tt-_,Tho '.GfreoV tud,the. .61,60tric, V romist"Ge''. a ~o thii- 6ojo~ositlon ot'*11.0~-t":ill6iA,';iio-litiitlntni-:I'60-2 --m. 25.50 y -by 11,010*40" -+i8oO, t Porature range# -and' tke - determinet. *Xperimouta y -to on results co"aired with 'thodkotical- predictions ..0,.- Luttlingerg. Phyme -2*V* 0 112, -195 1'9561: :14ttioger, Phys. Wev 0 9 95 s 1154t 1950- The teat - Were' Olates'.. *mmur tho,'o .019600' this. .01 ing S-54 arrilit "flout" Go tizabilitylu" assents through,thin was Aieptl. ustaut at 0., The. Main* in fields havip - tris the i -of' 6*0 'The test P14068 maxw g. a us .,tip -to. 2 5Q0. for-ten hou'rs' at SOOOC ind.cooled in- the furnace.b*for* ttatinge:.The meisurements showed that:~ the. relatioz0hip. obtained.,by Dkttinierp 2 a 'pat qky-holde when ImpyArWO09-but I 'also whon,'ths. variation ID' th*-'residual romAn'tanoo Wourailently UFO. Thers are -3. card 1/0 A., .4 4. 4 r ard'-2)-2 C ~ . . . . . . . . . . . KOROIEVA, M.I., assistent, - .- ------ Problem of the management of labor in untimely escape of the amniotic fluid. Mad. zh, Uzbek.,' 3:11-15 163 (MM 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i gi-nekologii ( zav. - doktor med, nauk N.T. Rayevskaya) Tashkentakogo gosudarstvennogo -instituta usovershenstvov,ani-ya vrachey. VOWSTNOVA, K.B.; PRVOBRAZHUMIT, N.A. [deceased]. Prinimli uchastiye: DRMVICH, M.D.; NOROUVA. M.K.; MIROPOLISKIT. Ya.A.. TZROYZM# I.A.. red.; YZDOTOTA,A.-T--.'-,-'-t-e'khn. red.; KOVALIKKO. V.L.. [Dictionary of Russian transcriptions of geographical names] Slovarl rusBkol transkriptail geografichaskikh namnii. Moskva, Goo.uchobno-ped gog.isd-vo H-va prosy. RSFSR. Pt.2. (Foreign geographical naLs] Geografichaskie nazvaniia na territorli sarabashnykh stran. 1959. 167 p. (KIU 12:5) (Geography-Dictionaries) KOROLEVA, t? -P Inotoreac-.ions of o-rcanomalta-,Mic con-o-ond's of -,ercu'-,-y in co-Lutions. VI. Rc.act-ions of' dir.-~essi"~.Irl Yll. A. 011, Z-o a d N. Ko-oleva (p.650) by G. A. Razuv- p SO: LQjjM,-0, of Goncral Choritst (Zliuriml Ob-shchei MhLmii) 1951, Volurle '11, 1,10- 7~j KOIRM Fazakh-l-tan Geolo Stratigra;Uc "Transitional" strata from. the Ordovician to t!ip- Gotblaridiar in nort'llern Kazakhstan. Dokl. AN 33311 8819 No. 6, 1953). 104-3-1044. States that no single unique stratigra~~hical scheme of the Silurian deposits of the North Caucasus has been accepted by all geologiz;ts. On the basis of ,mentioned data, concludes that It is necessary to consider the porphyrite layers, which include lime with faisna, to be the upper Caradocian, that is, to relate it definitely to the Ordovician, and not to the "Transitional" layer, which does not exist in Northern Kazalchstan. 256T72 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. I, M-POR T, NVM KORCIEVA, M. N. KOROIZVAt 1-1. N, -- "Paleontological Basis of the Stratirraphy of the C. Ordovici2n Period in Northern Kazakhstan accordingr to Trilobites." Min Higher Education USSR, Kazakh Mining-Metallurgical Inst, Inst of Geological 0 L. Sci, Acad Sci Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, 1955. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate in Geologicomineralogical Sciences) SO: Knjzbnaya Letopis. No. 39, 24 Sept 55 .4 15-1957-7-8951 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnall Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, pp 9-10' AUTHOR: Shlygin,le.-D., Koroleva, M.-N- TITLE: Ordovician Type Sections and Paleogeogaphy of the Stepnyak Region, Northern Kazakhstan (Tipy strati- graficheskikh razrezov i paleogeografiya ordovika Pristepnyakovskogo rayona Severnogo-Kazakhstana) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR, ser. geol., 1956, Nr 22, pp 82-91 ABSTRACT: Data are given on the stratigraphy of the Ordovician rocks which border the "Kokchetav block" on the east. Here Llandeilian rocks rest on the Precambrian meta- -morphic fornations and on-comparatively weakly neta- -morphosed, unfossiliferous deposits provisionally -referred to Proterozoic-Ordovician. They are pre- dominantly clastic and volcanic formations--silt- stones, tuff-sandstones, pebble conglomerates, tuffs, Card 1/3 and'porphyrites. Limestones occur in the upper part 15-1957-7-8951. Ordovician Type Sections and Paleogeography of the Stepnyak Region', Northern Kazakhstan- (Conti) of these deposits with Lonchodomas cf. rostratus (Sars.), L. latus sp. nov., L. karakanensis b.v Asavhus knyrkoi gFh---. On the soUthwest, aloYg-the Achaly and-RonuFF-M-ers, gra;tolites characteristic of the Llandeilian occur in rocks which, in the author's opinion are similar to those described above. Overlying rocks of the Caradocian are divided into 3 horizons--Zhulubayakiy, Lower Maylisorskiy, and Upper Maylisor- skiy. The Zhulubayskiy horizon is chiefly clastic rocks with thin layers of porphyrites and tuffs. Pseudoclimaeograptus scharenberxi (Lapw;) ts found in the clasc formations; this is peculiar to the upper part of the Llandeilian and the lower part of-the Caradocian. The Lower Maylisorskiy horizon consists of various predominantly basic porphyrites, alterna- ting with tuffs and individual layers of sedimentary rock. In this horizon are found Orthogravtus cf. pageanus (Lapw.), 01 Sp. , Trinodus labratua__v_a_r_.__Kir;cizica W-eF7,--Maenus Tonixua sp. nov cf. linnarssUni-Holm, Onchonotus koreischo sp. nov., Meto;olTchas anderkensis Web., and Sphaerexochus Card 2/3 AUTHOR: Koroleva, U.N. 11-56-5-11/16 TITLE: Remarks on the Article by V.V. Bronguleyev "Basic Features of the Formation and Development of che Middle-Paleozc1c Structural Deposits of Central Karataull (Nekotoryye zame-- chaniya k statlye V.V. Bronguleyeva "Osnovnyye cherty stroyeniya i razvitiya srednTleozoyskogo strukturnogo etazha Tsentrallnogo Karataull PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, Nr 5, pp 127-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This a critical review of the above mentioned article pub- lished by V.V. Bronguleyev in this periodical, Nr 2, 1957- AS30CIATION: Kazakhakiy gorno-metallurgicheBkiy institut, Alma-Ata (The Kazakh Mineral-Metallurgical Institute, Alma-Ata) SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEs 20 June 1957 Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Literature-Reiiew KOROLEVA, M. IT. Ordovician sediments in the Stepuyuk-Stalinskiy region in northern Kazakhstan. Sov.gool. 2 no.9:136-14i s `59- (KIRA 13:2) 1. Kazakhokiy gorno-mtallurgicheekiy institut. (Kazair-hatan-Geology, Stratigraphic) -.30) AUTHORs Koroleva, M. H. SOV/20-124-6-36/55 TITLE: New:Genera of Trilobites From the Middle and Upper Ordovician of Northern Kazakhstan (Novyye rody trilobitoy iz arednego i verkhnego ordovika Severnogo Kazakhetana) PERIODICAL-. Doklady Akademil' rauk SSSRp 1959, Vol 124, Nr 6, PP 1313-1316 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Interesting Ordovician material has been collected as a result of the geologic work of the Stepna-ya ekspeditsiya Ministeretva geologii i okhrany nedr (Steppes Expedition of the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources, Chief geologist, I. D. Rogozin) as well as through geologic mapping done in Northern Kazakhstan (Geologic group under Ye. D. Shlygin). From this mateTial the author describes a new subfamily A M P Y X I N E L L I N A E ( family RAPHIOPHORIDAE) and 3 new generaA C o 1 1 1 s gen.n. (Generotype Collis parvulus sp.n.) (Pigs 2 and 4b). This subfamily belongs to the family Trinuoleldae. Distxibutiont Anderkenskiy horizon, Tastyko3.1 sk-'!.Ye beds in the caradoc Stage. Ampyxinella gen. n. Card 1/2 (typical genus of the subfam--'ly AMPYXINELLINAD-) (pig 0. New Ge~-era of Trilobites Prim the SOV/20-124-6-30'/55 Middle and Upper Ordovician of Northern Kazakhstan Generotype Amp. rugosa (Kolova, 4936)(F."Lgs !a and 4a). DJA'.stributi.)n: Middle and Upper Ordbvician. 0 v a I o c a p h a I u 9 gen. n. (family CHEIRURIDAE Salter, subfamily DEIPHONAE Raymond~ 1913). Generotypes O'~. keller:L sp. u. (PI-ge 3a and 4b). Distributiont Lower Caradco. There are 4 figures and **2 references. 4 of which are Savlie-+. ASSOCIATION-0 Karakhskiy gorrt(.,-,oift~a'.1urgi!,,h'eskiy inatitut g. Alma-Ata 'Kazakh Mibing and Metallurgical Institute, City of Alma-Ata) PRESENTED., -TulY 18, 1958, by D. V. Naldivk-'nq Academician SUBMITTEDs inly 16., Ca:rd 2,2 KOROLEVA, M.N. Now Middle Ordovic an trilobites Shumardia. of the Northern Caucasus. Paleont. zhur. no. 101-75 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Kazakhakiy nauchno-imeledovateltakiy institut, minerallnogo syr,ya. CHISTOSERDOV, B.P.; ZENINSKIY, A.M.; KOROLEVA, M.P.; NURMUKHAMEMVA~ LZIN Methodology for deterrdning labor produativity In the petroleum industry. Kh1m. i tekh, topl. i manal 10 no.1004-38 0 165. (MIRA 18,10) 1. Baahkirakiy nauchno-lasladovatellakly institut po pererabatke nafti. ZENIIIISKIYI A.M.; KOROLEIIAj M.P.; MOLOCHNIKOV, I.M.; HWHEIA., R.V. Uz.A.In$ t!te- t~~ z!- rvfirper~?~,-t e. U--t, ,)-f -94.t~A%rlA. ill:~ SAS!~LC-* V-1 I- ~1-4 --l , -~4 ~ .:~, ~~ -'. ~ I --77.-.-",~ -il-, I'. .. -.. . z : ~ ~ 1 ..4 -- ACC NR, AP6032447 3/0344/034 SOURCE ddts UP 0~/66/063/00 i AUTHOR: Koroleva, M. Ya.; Dabinin, V. G. none TITLE: Infrared spectroscopic study of orthophosphoric triamide and products of its thormal degradation SOURCE; Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopiip v. 59 no, 3p 1966t ~44-348 TOPIC TAGS: thermal decomposition, infrared spectrum, inorganic amide ABSTRXT 1. Qrthophosphoric triamide OP(NH?)) (in the form of a susponsion in vaseline oil) was heat-treated in dry temperatures of 50, 1009 150,p 200, 250, 300v 4001, 5GO, 600, 700 and 800-C for 2 hr, and IR spectra of the thermal decompoce&ion products (TDP) wore taken. The various absorption bands obtained aro interpreted structurally. The spectra show.that a polycondenzation of NNH-P takes place slowly up to 1000C, forming a polymer of the stru ature I NH ~H ~H O-P-NH-P-0 O=P-NH-P-0 I I 4H NI H NH NH of * I 0."-P1.0 -NH-P I A., . I . ~H NH H NH nsation PrOcOOds with further TUP (400-MOC) show that the polyconds a space network inWhi0h The spectra of The Volymer structure then becomes of NR3. _ It is concluded that the the splitting off C to three phosphorus at=s- f 0?(NH2)3 have various each nitrogen atom is lu*6a the thermal degradation a polymerized products'resulting from S.. Authors thank V. V. Marionov for 7rees Of polyme zation and various structure Mpplying ri on. arA also Ye. G . pagodilova f or kirAlY dog his interest and useful disaussi orig. art. basl I figure &ad I.tabl*. the preparation&* 003V am WWI 015 SUB rOjX& 07/ SUBK DAUS 13,11103/ -,,KOROLRVA, N. Groat impression. Promskoope 14 no*600-31 Ag 160. (KINA 1318) 1. UcbezWy askretarl Nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta kbudozbeetyennoy pronVablenuosti. (Moscow--Art industries-Bxhibitions) KOROMITAI 1%; POPOW., 0". kand.isJ,-usstvovedeniyr- ------------- AIR.rrdi Wiat hampera progreas in art crafts. Ilest. pron. i lkhud.promys. 2 no,9:31-33 81161. WITZ!" 1/,: 11) 1, Uchenyy I Ymciii-.,,.-:Isi3ledovateltslcogo ihstituta Idiudozhes-tvenno,; .' ,,4ahlornosti (for Koroleva). 2. Zaveduyushchly 'Laboratoriyey I!auclino--losledovttell:ilroeo instituta hhudozhestvennoy promyshlenroati (for Popova). (Art Jnduatylon) 71 KOROLEVA N. The Japanese people st4wd in admiration. Mbat.prom.i khud. promyo. 3 no.1:34-~5 A 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl Nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta khudozhestvennoy promphlennosti. (nRA 151) ~(Art Industgies-Exhibitions) (Japan-Commerce-Russia) (Russia-Commerce-Japan) JOROuffA, N. ~,,Qzni--4~-,~--,- How we lower operating expenses. Zhil.-kon.khos. 5 no.8:3-5 155. (MM 9:3) 1. Inshener domaupravlonlya Io.83L Daershinskoge rayona, Koskvy. (Nescow-Apartment hansom-Ahnagamut) Central control of slevatom Zhil.-kom.kboz. 6 no.1:22-23 '56. (KLBA 9:5) 1. Inzhener domoupravloniya No. 81 Dzezhinskogo rayona Moskvy. (Rievators) KOROLEVA2 11., starshiy nauchnyy sotryfinik- Our i'plk art and the clothing industry. 14st.prom. i a- 4 no.3: 19-21 Yx 163. (MUM 16-41 1. Nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut khmdozhestvennoy promyshlonnosti. (Clothing industry) (Folk art) VISHBIJCSSKIY, A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KOROLEVAL N.1 inzhe Continuots-production-lins for potato processine. Obahchestv. pit. no.4333,33 Ap 163. (kRA l6t 6) (Restaurants,, lunchroom, etc.-Squipuent and supplies) 1-0 r~M , I T, I,1. Ill - ,:1 ~ I. .. .. I "The Possibi!Atv of Afferent Tnfluences From the Surfaces and Organs of the :~erj.toncal Cavity Actinc, on the Secretoi-y Function of the Stomach." Cand Ved Sci, Ivanov Ye~lical Inst, T anovo, 19 4. MhBiol, No 3, Feb '~5) 1 -V .5 so: Sun- No. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Tligher FrIticational Institutions (14) MRDLWA, N. Seasickness. Hauka I zh1xn' 23 no.6:63 Js 156. (xLRA 9:9) (Seasickness) ~BSR -1-lumn ara Anip-a.L rapioiQgj, ~FFVI:-LULLI aL. Digestion. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, io. 6o436 Author : Koroleva, N. A. inst Tv-wTo-vo MUFainve titute Title Changes in Gastric Secretion with Experimental Peri- tonitis Orig Pub Sb. nauchn. tr. Ivanovsk. mod. in-ta, 1957, VYP- 12, 132-135 Abstract An experimental aseptic peritonitis produced by injection of I ml. of 5% solution of AgN03 Into the abdominal region caused phace changes in gastric necretion In dogs. The secretion became normal after 11 months. Changes in secretion were correlated with the fluctuations in leukocytosts. Card 1/1 79 S/191/M/40/006/004/005 B101/B215 AUTHORS: Lapshin, V. V., Sinyukhina, A. A., Koroleva, N. A._ TITLE: Determination of the casting properties of thermoplastic materials in die casting PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1961, 29-33 TEXT: The conditions of the flow of polymers in die casting differ con- < siderably from those under which viscosity is studied, since (a) the flow in die casting changes in time, and (b) the temperature of the mold is lower than that of the polymer. This is the subject of the present paper which deals with the casting properties under conditions similar to those of die casting. A mold with a semicircular channel and a radius of 2.5 mm was used. The channel had the shape of the Archimedean spiral. Besides, the mold had channels for cooling cr heating, And also openings for thermo- couples and thermometers. The length of the cast spiral attained in die casting was measured for various polymers. The experiments were conducted by an SM-50 (BI-50) casting machine. The followin experimental series were conducted: (1) constant pressure (1200 kg /a mf), duration of casting: Card 1/4 S/ 22739 191/61/600/006/004/005 Determination of the casting B101/13215 90 see; temperature of the mold: 250C; varied temperature of the cylinder of the casting machine; (2) constant temperature of the cylinder, duration of casting- 90 see- tem erature of the mold: 250C; pressure varied between 600 and 15*00 kg/cm ; M constant pressure (1200 kg /CM2); duration of casting: 90 see; constant temperature of the cylinder; varied temperature of the mold. The mean values of Figs. 2,3 were obtained under the experimen- tal conditions of (1). In the case of block polystyrene, the length of the spiral increased as pressure and temperature of the cylinder increased, but did not depend on the mold temperature. Addition o~ calcium stearate to styrene acrylonitrile copolymer yielded longer spirals. In the case of polyethylene, the length of the spiral and the dependence on the cylinder temperature decreased as the molecular weight increased whereas it increased with an increase in the temperature of the mold and in pressure. The re- sults could easily be reproduced. Testing requires little material since the weight of one spiral is approximately 13 g. There are 9 figures, 3 tables, and 4 non-Soviet-bloc references, Card 2/4 LAPSHINI, V.V.; $DMKHINA9 A.A.; KOROLKVAq N.A. Shrinkage of low-pressure polyethylene during compression molding. Plast.massy no.2:27-30 62. (MIRL.15s2) (Polyethylene) (Plastics--Molding) s/191/63/000/001/007/017 B101/B166 AUTHORS" hin, v. V., Koroleva, N. A. Lapu TITLE% Strength of amorphous polymers produced by pressure canting PERIODICAL: Plastic he6kiye massy, no. 1.t 1963;.26-31 TEXT; The effect of orientation on the strength:of polymers was studied in pressure casting of blades. Specimens of 3 mm thickness were made from"'~ mass polystyrene (I), emulsion polystyrene (II), impact-resistant poly- styrene CHIF(SNP), ITKHA-10 (PKND-10) a 'polystyrene containing nitrile rubber, CHAK-15 (SNAK-15) copolymer, ~MMA-TT(Pwu-Pfl polymethyl methacrylate, MCH(MSN) copolymer, and styrene acrylonitrile copolymer (III). Pouring into the mold was performbd: (A) at the end of the long specimen axis; (B) in the specimen center, perpendicular to the axis; (C) at both'ends of the axisl and (D) in two places, side by side, in the center. Results: (1) Pouring at the end of the axis reduced the tensile strength of all specimens and the shrinkage with increasing temperature of casting (160_2600C). (2) For I, the tensile'strength was temperature- dependent in the direction of orientation, dropping from about 510 m8/cm 2 Card 113 Strength of amorphoua polvmers. S/191,63/000/001/007/017 iB101 B186 at 1900C to about 420 ke/cm 2 at 2500 C. The tensile strength perpendicul ar to the orientation was lower (about 240 kg/cm2),,..And independent of the casting temperature. (3) 'Uhen the pouring was'done in two places on the.. specimens, a seam, formed within the specimen. In case C for I, the tensile- strength of the seam r03e from about 200 k-/cm2 2 at 1900C to ab6ut 350 ke/cm at 22700C, while in case D the corresponding values were 300 and 275 kG'cm _ 'KV D (4) Y -10 behaved like 1. (5) SHP showed lo'aer differences between the tensile strength in the direction of orientation and perpendicular to it;- the tensile strength of seam C was greater than that of D. (6' For SNAK-15, III, and P12dA_PTj the difference between the tensile streneth in the direction of orientation and perpendicular to it was great, but decreased with increasing temperature, while the tensile strength perpendiculElr to the orientation Increased. (7) Except for SNAK-15, all amorphous poli, amers showed a constant ratio between perpen- dicular and parailel tensile strength. This ratio was 0-47-0-50, and reached 0.58-0.59 p~t higher temperatures, except for II. For PKND-10 the r atio was 0-73-0-78-. Thus, the anisotropy falls with rising temperature. (8) The tensile strength of the seam is higher than the perpendicular, tensile strength- The weakest point Of a casting is the direction,perpen"! diCUlar to the orientation. To reduce anisotropy, casting must be Card 2/3 EtcGou'llu"g.-may, YL'*Kol KMOLWAS-RaA. Anallyals of the htntoloalml sumatume of tho mewlaftatmi am ow of'.4moarifts CmIM tc the pmm at artagm (prelosebal 'pr otqp)o TruV Oa%u labs 33o6Om63 #65 fMiA 1912) XOROMA, N.D., Insheneri UUMA, B.Te., kwsdid&t takhnicheskM nauk. Possibilities for reducing breakabe at flax-spinning factories. Taket.prom. 13 no.12:30-32 D 155. MBA 9:3) (Flax) (spinning) LAZAREVA, S.Ye.; KOROLEVA, N.D.; KIRILIOV, L.11.; FRIDLYAND, G.I.; SHAPIRO, FUH, Yu.Yu.; MEMR, N.A. Spinning of chemically treated (boiled and bleached) roving.. Taket. prom. i9 n0-7:42-45 J1 159. (MIRA 12:1D (Textile finishing) -N; FiT LAZAREVA, S.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk;. I' LEVA ~NJDI... mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; DOKINA, Ye. KER P.A.; KIRILLOV, L.K.; Prininali uchastlye. NA! Ye GOROKHOVSKAYA,, R.N.; ZMAMENSKAYA, Ye.S. Advantages of flax roving boiling. Nauch.issl.trudy TSNIILV 12s46-71 159. (MIRA 15:8) (Flax) (Spinning) r,1V LAZAREVA, S.Ye., nauchnyy sotrudnik, doktor tekhn.nauk; KOROLEVA, N.D.,, nauchnTj sotrudnik, inzh. Possibility of increasing the utilization of flax fibers by boiling the roving* Tekst,prom, 24 no.1:47-50 Ja '64- (MIRA 17:3) 1. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut promyshlennosti lubyanykh volokon. S/0203/64/004/b/0333/0341 ACCESSION NRt AP4031638 11ovikovILP r M. S., AUTHORss BobM s Korolov&j, g. F jo disturbamos' according to PermMent gemsowt iTITLE I properties of the 60W ery low Kp with v on days I no* 2s 19&9 333-341 nosdyas v. 4s isc=E: GsovaPstizm i &WO cular stream.. poUr cops winds geomagnet:Lc disturbances GOrP" TopIC TAGS: 3016r Marinet 2s Kp re the hourly mplitudes of t'30 11 :ABSTRACT: initial data for this Study WO ories on the northern and ong-at of magnetic disturbances recorded at observatLgaetic activitye The .comp caps during days of very low planetary W southern polar 57 to D4cember 1962:.. Days of lOW activity .investigated intarvalwas from July 15 icp did not exceed 2* Yare considered to be those in vhich Kp and the daily total e due to tba' abown that the disturbances war :and 10, respectively. The authors have iav"ti- f the disturbances indicated that for the period solar wind. An analysis o h respect to time. It represeutsd &a .gated the solar wind Was P8rMA0=t wit Card 1/2 ACCES01ON NR: AP4031638 approximately radial streaza of corpuscles, tho intensity of which depended only faintly (or not at all) on the phase of the solar cycle. The sources of the solar wind were found to be distributed ratlier evenly along solar lines of longitude. No active centers of development were detected. In evaluating data from Mariner 2# ,the authors conclude that the corpuscular radiation that affected the instruments of this satellite were not due to the solar wind., as indicated by C. W. Snyder AN. Neugebauer (Interplanetary so3ar-wind experiment. Space Research IV.SyMposif, COS?AR. Warsaw, 1963), but was due to floccular corpuscular stream . "The authors .express their thanks to E. R. MIzatell for valuable counsel and discussions of the results of the work," Orig, art* kw: 5 figures and 1 table, ISSOCIATIONs Astronomicheakly sovet AN SSSR (Astronomical Council AN SSSR). SUB=ED: 30SOP63 DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 INdL: 00 wb CODE: AAs ES NO REV SOV: 006 'OTM: 010 Card 2/2 K~)VLCII I-T. !I.; r'O'-;0T.-:`VA, It. T. P Butyl Acetate "'reparation of butyl acetate from acetic acid obtained from pyroligneous powder Zhur. prikl. khim. 25p no. 4, April 1952 Monthl- Ust of Russian Accestions, Library of Congress, August 1952. UNCLASSIFID. --- ---- --- [-7 B. T. R- 73113* No. 5 1 W, ~Pa fwl~ Y V. N. Ko - n alit., Vol. 3 93 , 11, - 068. May 1954 Dest w1vent is ajuature of M% etbvl alcohol, G5% benzene, rest Products Wood and Fo 10'.. tar oils, and 20% solvent produ~u. Wood can he trans- formed into liquid and gasseDus product., by thermal action. Tables. 4 ref. J4,7A. '0:9S elg'5-4 V'Thermal solutionIng of wand, IV. N' koettv wid*N: V 1"rwly bal, Khp, - i, Md. Mad. Nauk . 7.- N. P., lbal. Filial 195S, No. U, 51-.S; cf. CA. 40, W--d- Th"mai, "'hitioning 0 -v~-Vxj Itaill ti) itr C01111110" ltmli- ifit'~ ga'iemm arld liflithl pitithl'Ai: it ii prefelably Carritit ont inall util-Oave f.r 34 lim at 300' -ind under 140 atm. jim"alre Willi Salute tu SpIvent f1tio if i:5, the latter C(1115jAitiq of EtOlf 35, hemeni:35, cTr n1ir 111, and di:-"IvedT I~rt-lurt~ I'llc yi'eltl nf tatry primilli6q (1) mty r"Ol )7~1113) "ii v of the arg. 111it"'I (if %vi~ tlik 'Ir ~Intaill fiWilt wt. of PIC110163 and 44 , atut- 4 A2.63,e It% 1, it, at proit- 3 tic Is. Whriidkig.1,02%01 it is pitch nit tip to 2170 1410. The yield of w1atile acith e-ak-d. ng OAc miclies 7.7.3- 81ty,10j"o e;ilcd. mi Imum-dry evagr"n ;4,d, which Is 2.5 010:4 more 11111111 In Item rVictive distit, fil W~?'Xt' -(11 li' A KOZLOY, V-11.; KOROLSVA, N.L; MMSKIY, G.P. [deceased]; ANDRONIKOV, N.V. Production of butyl acetate from acetic acid made from wood powder. Sbor.rab.I&b.le*okhim. no.2:65-69 '58. (KIRK 12:8) (Acetic acid) (Butyl alcohol) (Calciin acetate) KOZLOV, V.11.; KOROLICVA. N.1. t--------- Manufacture of construction alabaster from wastes of the production of acetic acid. Sbor.rab.Imab.lesokhtm. no.2: 70-73 '58. (MIRA 12:8) (Calcium acetate) (Alabaster) KOZW7, Yormation of the min products of wood pyrolyttis. Trudy rnot.khim. UFAN SSSR no.5:37-48 159. (HIM 13:6) (Wood-Chemistry) KOZhOW, W.11. [Kozlov, V.N.1 ; KOROL&A, N.I. (Korolevat W.I.] On the formation mechanism of basic products of the thermal decomposition of wood. Wiad chem 14 no.5:295-309 My 160. 1. Pracownicy naukowi Uralskiej Filii Akademii Hauk ZSSR w Swierdlowsku. KOZLOVO V.N.1 ~~VA~~.; POPOVA, G.I. Chemical composition of the vood of coniferous and deciduous species. Trudy Inst.khiz.UFAN SM no.6:3-9 161. (KMA l6s2) (Wood-Chemistry) KOZLOV, V.N.; KDROLEVA, N.I.; POPOVA, G.I.; TOKAREVA, G.A. Tield of liquid products in wood pyrolysis, Trudy Inst.khim, UFAN.SSSR no.6sl7.22 161. (MIM 16:2) (Wood distillation) wi~ ~q Mg KOROLEVA, 11. 1. "Vematodes, Which Injure Winter Twheat in ghe Northern Part of Orlov Oblast.." in Collected Tilorks on Nematodes of Aqricultural Crops. State Publishing House of Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz Literature, Moscow, 1939, pp. 149-154- 464-35 K63 SO: Sire Si-90-53 15 Dec. 1953 KCq) - % , . T i -.-.;L. V:~ ) . - . KOROLT'V I , 1% L, A I., and VOIN, I. I. "Achievements in Protection of Fruit and Berry CroLs form Pests and Diseases," Sad i Ogorod no. 12, 1947) pr,,30-34. 80- Sal 3 SO: Sire Si-90-53 15 Dec. 1953 KOROLHA, U. 1. KOROUVA, N. I. and VAFIN, I. I. "Estinating the Extent of Infestation by Pests and Diseases in Orchards (-for Spraying by Airplane)";,',Sad i Ogorod, no. 4, 1948, pp. 14-16 80 Sal 3 SO: Sire Si-90-53 15 D-c- 1953 xonom' A, W. T. Apple - Diseases and Pests How to protect orchards from lesser apple worms. Sad i og., No. 8, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 195X. Unclassified. - - 2 STAPANOV, Pavel Alekseyevich; FAVLOVA, N.M. I ~O~ROIJVA~11. I~,-*SBRGEYBY, V.L. or. redaktor; PAYLOYA, N.M., tokhnicheski7 re or; A.I., tekhnichookly redaktor (The collective farm orchard] Rolkhoznyi sad. Izd. 4-oe. ispr. i dop. Xoskva, Gos. Izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 268 p. (MI1RA 9:12) (Collective farms) (Fruit culture) Yoroleva, I !. "Fundamentals of the treatment of rbeimativ, Jn' (,-'i cin in r,, Hdren '"r 5 J. C. lxur;'y Krynsk. mcd. in-ta in. Stalina, Vol. xil~ 191,8) P. 237-95 SO: ~J-3850, 16- June 53, (LctopSis 'Zhurnal lnyl~h Statc-, 5, 19h9) Koroleva, N. I. I'On the clinical manifestations o" inarticulatc fo=-- of rheumtic infpcM~nn in c1nilerenj, Trudy Krymsk. mecl- in-ta im. "Aalina, Jol. XI!, 1948, p. 297-301 SO: U-3850$ l' June 53, (Letopsis 'Mirnal fny1ch, Statey, ',!o. Qf XCHOLE VA, 11. 1. Koroleva, N. 1. - 'Question of the clWcal aspect of rheumatic pleurisies in childrensO Voprony pediatrii i okhrarw mater- instva i detstva,, 1949, Issue 1j, p* 24-28 - B ibliog: 19 item SOt U-3566, 15 'March 53, (letopis #Zhurnal Irwkh Statey, No. 14, 1949). MKMAs Me 1.1, ILI" 33v P. let UUMW$ 1. V. Treatment of rhumtim In ahMm with aqw~ md eatmat. low. pedist. Ih3j, 1950. P. I" ie Of the Deputa" of fttbop4d&Uff (Head-4)Vof. so V. K*2pikw) wd of the Deputw* of ChildmIs Diseases of the Thezspmtic ftmdty (3md-,Pftf, P. I. 1111nddy)$ Cdman State Medima Institute ImrA I. Ve Stalin. MAM 191, 50 NOT-9 1950 KOHOUVA. N.I.;BOYARIMOVA, N.Ye. Clinical value of hydrophil test in rheumatism in children. Yopr. pedist. 20 no.6:42-47 Nov-Doe 1952. (CIML 23:4) 1. Docent for Koroleva; Assistant for Boyarinova. 2. Of the Department and Clinic for Children's Diseases of the Therapeutic Faculty of the Crimean State Kedical Institute imeni I. V. Stalin (Head -- Prof, P. 1. Illinskly) and of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics (Read Docent N. I. Koroleva). 777 Disoertation; "Data on the Clinical Cour--e and Treatment of Rdiem, atism in the 'Children of the Crimea." Dr Med Sci, Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, Moscor, 21 Jun 54. (Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, Moscoir, 15 Jun 54) SO:- SW 318., 23 Dee 1954 Q~. IL'INSKIY. F.I., Professor; KOROLEVA, N.I., dotsent. Organization, method, clinical data, Indications and contra- indications of mud treatment in Saki in certain diseases in children. Preliminary report. Pediatriia no.1:65-70 Ja-F 154. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Iz kafedry i kliniki detakikh bolazney lechebnogo fakul'tets. Krymskogo meditainakogo Instituta im. I.V.Stalina. (Saki--Earth, Medical and surgical uses of) (Earth, Medical and surgical uses of--Saki) (Children--Diseases) UM KOHOUTA. Nataliya Ivanovna. chr onic intI61~0-d-ous -,i ia-rthritis of unexplainedatiolo In ohildren and its sanatorium and health resort treatmentf Khronicheakie Infektalonnye pollartrity navylannannoi stiologil u detei i Ikh sanatorno4mrortaos lechenie. No*va, Medgis. 1958. 135 p. (MIRA 13:2) (MMI is) S/ j 204/62/002/006/007/012 E075/E192 AUTHORS: Lulova, N.I., Tarasovt Aelet Kt1z'mJnai A-V6* and Koroleva, N.M. :0. TITLE: Chromatographic- analysis of jpst;rous streams on the;,~ ethylene plant kRIODICALt Neftekhimiya, V.2, no.69 1962, 835-891 TEXTt Analyses of liquified games and methane and ithyleno determination in the light hydrocarbon distillate', and determine- tion of C2 hydrocarbons and propane in propane-propylens firaot ions". were carried out using the reverse flow method in a modified chromatograph X n A-2 (KhPA-2). For the liquiCied gas - I*o to 6%;,; - 20 to 401 awer* (C3 C4 (;5 b"t result obtained on silica gel MCM (MSM) treated Wit)i 1#5 wt.% soda aild"t .; brick treated with 2o wt.0 IMi glycerine, or on Inza % propylene glycol. For the light condensate sil ICA gel ACK (ASK) treate'd with 0.59' soda and 2% glycerol was foui4f.o be the most satisfadi-a' 10 %. -, -~ tory column. It separated adequately athylene and ethane, the fuel analysis time being 4 -.4-5 mi-11- 'file beat columri for th*ol*~~,~,*"'.,~.*,"~'-,~'.~" isii CH4 in the propano-propylene fraction was determination of Card 1/2 TIT. wt~ -ff W, ~A PROKOPCHUK, B.I., aspirant; KOSTRYUKOV, M.S.; KOROLEVA, N.M. Preservation of pyrope depending on the conditions governing the transportation of loose sediments. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 7 no-5:58-63 MY 164. (KIRA 18:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyv aerogeologicheskiy trest. W, SEDOV, K.P%.p kand.meditainskildi nauk,--- KOROLEU,-&R..~ s is tent Training of students in health education. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 4 no.9s25-28 S 160, (KMA 13:9) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - kandidat meditsinakikh nauk K.R. Sedov) Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instituta (Oir. - prof. A.I. Nikitin). (MEDICINE-4TUDY AND TEACHING) limporumce of substitution in cinnabar fom-mian ~~il -11 Ele,-4 -, U,bir Z,211ta 1153, ,,Iu. J. 101 - k. T: i"t" , YA Fm 1955, Ab-tr. No. MCKII-Sampic r4 thin-!ayer lirric-sum- L5 crushed rnd sepd. hIEC, flint-like Cry,it. quartz, white primatic quartz, barite. fluorile, laf-Ke cryst white quartz, cifkriaWir, anti fine-cfyst, 'rite tizat;, p,trt of tile CL-IiiaNit, has bovi frxiucd by rq,Lm-,,ent in thia pIT- ViouSly ddpc.-,IiIed ininerkis b, t1it! quitrt? tmjse, tile cajcftc, and sometitnes by fillitig cavities. Such a view ilms not contzradict the cx6ting ideas about the typcs d trassfer and the chern. conditions (or pptg. tho lig from hydrattitrm-M solits. TIe replacement rtaction, cu the a3sumptiou that gZ-.'inlKritts as double aidgde of Na, is rerm%ented by: CaCO, 4- SiO- + !'WatSX6 + 3CO, + MtO -- 21(gS + TT.F~ LrZHISOO, + 2NaI(CO7.- + NlaSiO, The HS c-MM. is deperdent on the COt couen.,-JIMVRF-~Lsc of the CCh lowcis the mnen~ of XatS aud Incrm-m IU9. which itids the ppta, of UK, N Vgueff KOROLEVAO N.N- Telluride-blemutite from a quartz vein in the Altyn- Topkan region. Uzb. geol. zhur. 8 no.6:79-82 164. (~UA 18 -. 1.1) 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii i minerallnogo syrtya, Tashkent. YERZHANOV, M.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; KOROLMIA, 14.11., red. (Studies on rock mechanics) Isaledovaniia po mekhanike gorrWkh porod. Alma-Ata, Naukaj 1965. 144 p. WIRA 19: 1) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. PALIGOV, Nikolay lfikitich,_~_.KGROLNVA. N.H., red.; KOROTOVSKIY, M.P., red.; ALMOVA, P.F., telrhn. red. [Present-day glaciation in the Trans-11 Ala-Tau] Sovremennoe oledenente v Zailiiskom Alatau. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Xazakhakoi SSR, 1958. 312 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Trans-Il Ala-Tau--Glacters) L' 2 KOROT,F,VA N,N :,i~ .........4......... Distribution of silver and bismuth in the galenites of the Altyn-Topkan regioni Geokhimiia no.6s758-762 Je 165. (WRA 180) KOROLEVA,N.N. Mineralogical composition of paramagnetic complexes and the distribution of impurity elements in them in a complex metal deposit of the Kara- Mazar Mountains. Uch.zap. SAIGIMS& no.10-.48-54 163. (MA 17t2) BELOVy Aleksandr Ivanovicb; TIMOFEYEV, P.G., kand. ekon. nauk, otv. red., 'YEMOLAYE;V, L.A.y kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, P otv- red-; red. [Mathematical and economic calculations in agriculture] Matematiko-ekonomicheskie raschety v sellskom kho- zialstve. Alma-Ata, Nauka,, 1965. 201 p. (MIRA 18;7) BOCHKAREV, V.P., kand. geol.-miner. nauk; NIKITINA, L.G., kand. geol.-miner. nau ; SHAPIRO, S.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk; EYDINGVA, N.M.., st. inzh.; GOLOBORODIKO, G.L.,' inzh.; PERLIK, G.P., inzh.; BMIDALETOV, S.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk; VLADIMIROV, N.M., kand. geol-miner, nauk; SADYKOV, A.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk; MALYSHEV, Ye.G., ml. nauchn. sotr.; BFIIKALIYEV, N.A., st. inzh.*, EYDIDIOV, Yu.I., st. inzh.; MUKRAMEDZHANOV, S.M., kand. geol.-miner. nauk; ISABAYEV, T.T., st. inzh.; MOTU, Yu.A., inzh.; KOLOTILIN, N.F.p kand. geol.- miner. nauk; IAPIDUS, Zh.D.t inzh.; SROYMANOVA, M.M., Inzh.; YP.RFVCJa'v rt.q., inzh.; BAFPrT--1-MkRfl1 A.V.j, kwido.--miner. n&uk%~[deceased)j--NjXW V .A J4Vj-B.F.# st. -inzh.; -SATPAYEV, L.I., akadw&ikjr,)g1&v,v,. red, (deceased]; tMWYETj%-GiTS., otv. red.; DMITROVSM, V.I.,-red.; SEMOV, I.S., red.; BRAILOVSKAYA, M.Ya,p red.; red. (Irtysh-Karaganda Canal; engineering geological conditions] Karal Irtysh - Karaganda; inzhenerno-geologicheskie usloviia. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1965. 169 P. (MIRA 18:5) XORYATOV, A.M.; RMZOTA, L.I.;,KORDISTA, M.P. Basic long-range forecast of the summer low-water regime in rivers of the foreat-stoppe zone; based on the study of rivers in the Volga and Don basins. Trudy GGI no.75:63-93 ~60- (MIRA 13:6) (Volga TalleV-Pirdrolog) (Don Valley-Hydroloff; KOROLEEVA, Nntallyn Pavlovna Nthologicol Changes of Adrenalin in Conneetion with Hypertonical Diseases Dissertation for candidate of a i'lledical Science degree. Chah, of Pathological Anatomy head, Prof. A.M. Antonov), Saraltov Madical Institute, 1953- NOROLAVA, N.P.; KURWAN. A.0. Kedical and sanlta:7 services for workm of Industrial plants. Saw. adrar. 13 no.4:12-26 ji-Ag 1-9A. (mm 719) 1. Is otdola neditsinskoge obmIushivantra promwehlonnykh raboahikh (naeh. N.P. -! _Kqnj"a) Kinisteretva, ziravookhranentya SSSR. (INMOTRIA MIMI KOIROLEVA, 11-1. P. and l0b%SYMI , A it. G. Die medizinisch-sanitfirILrBetreuung der Produktionsarbeiter Zt. F. Medizin, No 34, p 1144, 1956 HESHCHERSUU, K.A.; BORMINA, G.P.; KORDLEVA, N.P.; LITVAK, 1F.I.; OSTROTSICAU, L.A. Effect of 0-altomterol on the Qourse of experimentally Induced atherosclerosis In rats and rabbits. 1krnJ toks. 22 no.5:434- 440 S-0 159. (MIRA, 13:3) 1. Ufedra farmakolog1l, bifthiall, patanatomil I fakulltatakoy terapil DWoveshchenekogo seditsinakogo Instituta, (STIROLS pharmcol.) (APMXRIOSCLMSIS exper.) i'UP NESHCHERSKAYA, K.A.; KOHOLEVA, N.P.; BORODINA, G.P. Influence of lignoceryl &1cohol on the course of experimental atherosclerosis in rats. farm. i tokk,- 24 no-5:583-586 S-0 161. (14IM 14: 10) 1. Kafedry famakologii, pathologicheskoy anatomii i biologichoskoy khimii Blagoveshchemkogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (LIGNOSERYL ALCOHOL) L 28215-66 EWT(m)ZEV~Pft)/ETI~ -IJP( SOURCE CODE: UR/013" 6/000/002/0094/0085 'ACC NR- AP6019107 I . S 6/6 toUTHOR- Koroleva, 11-P.; Spasskiy, A.G.; Fomin, B.A. ORG: TITLE: Determining compositiop and crystallization temperature of the ternary oldtoctic in the system galliuAliridiurkin ~SOUR : Tsvetnyye metally, no.-T,-196-67945 TOPIG TAGS: metal crystallization~ thermal analysis, melting point, gallium alloy$ indium alloyl tin alloy ABSTiiACT: The composition of the ternary outectio (67% Gat 20.5% In and 12.5%: sn) was determined by means of holding the liquid alloy close to the outectic composition at the crystallization temperature of the ternary outootio with subsequent removal of the excocs components by filtration, By thermal analysis, molting point of the ternary outootio was found to be + 10.61C. Accuracy of measuroment during differential recording depends on an. accurately Beleoted cooling rate of the alloy. Cooling of*the outectio alloy in the study of supercooling was done without crystaInycloation atthe rate of 2.2 dog/min. The anoy (67% Gat 20-3% Int .2.5% Sn) ocoled to -16.OPC can exist in the supercooled state more than 6 hours# Alloys, differing in composition from the eoteotio composition, am remaU in the liquid sUts only several minutes #Aring supercooling. Orig. art. has;j1 figure. /_jPW SUB COM Up 20/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG REFs 001/ (YTH REF- 003 Car 1A - rip- UDC: 669.8711872l6t62 10.18 ACC NR, AT6034482 CA) SOURCE CODE; UR/oooo/66/ooo/000/0157/0161] N. F.; Marunova, K. V&; Pavlova, Ye. 'I. AUTHOR: PikunOv, X- .2~rn ORG. T=-: Growing single crystals of rhenium by zone melting with an electron beam SOURCE; Rost i nesovershenstva metallicheskikh kristallov (Growth and defects of metal crystals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1966, 157-163 TOPIC TAGS: rhonium, metal zone refining, single crystal growth, x ray diffraction study, crystal impurity ABSTRACT; The authors studiod the effect of composition of the starting material, and of the speed and number of passes on the quality and purity of single crystals of T-henium. obtained by zone melting with an electron beam. The total amount of impurities (some 26 elements),,originally about 2 x lo;2%, was reduced after three or four passes to about 3 x 10"3%, the limit of detectability. The atmosphere (vacuum or hydrogen) had little affect on purification. Surprisingly, no direct connection was found between the degree of purification and the vapor pressure of the impurities. For ins.~Ance,-iron and molybdenum were removed at about the same rate, although their vapor pressures, at the temperature of rhenlum melting, differ by a factor of 1000. After-two'or three passes, the rhenium rods became single crystals. 7heir i\CC NRI nicrostructure and preferential direction of growth was investigated by electropolishing and subsequent x ray diffraction. Zlo miorohardnoso In different planes was also investigated* Orig, art. has; 5 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODEA1113/ SUBM DATEs 22jun66/ ' ORIG REFs oo2/ oTH 1w, oo7 TERLO, G.Ya.; BASOVA, L.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: MANTO, Ye.B.;12E.V~IEVA ~4. Polyurethan coating based on hydroxyl-containing linear high polymers. Lakokras.mat.i ikh brim. no.1:8-11 162. (PURA 15:4) (Protectivecoatings (Urethans) (Polymers) DOVNAR-ZAPOLISII~YA, Nadeshda Karicianovna-, XOROUVA, Nadethda Sergeyevna; KULAYEVA, Lyadmila Iosifovna-, LUPANDINA.-ail-g-a-gir-ge-.v-,e,-"v,n-a-;----- NBMILOVA. Tatlyana Konstantinovna [deceased]; OSTROVSKAYA, Allas, Tullyevua. dotsent. red.; GOMMYEVA. L.N.. red.; YBRKAKOV. K.S., [German-Russian mechanical and mathematical dictionary) Nametsko- rusakii mekhaniko-matesatichaskii slovar'. Pod red. W.A.0strovakoi. Koskva, Izd-vo Mook.univ.. 1960. 236 p. (KIU 13:9) . (German lansuage--Dictionaries-Ruaf;ian) (Kathematica-Diationaries) (Nechanico-Dictionaries) 1. R 0 LE. VA V 8, 1 N A , V 2. USSR (600) 4. School Bygiene 7. Photarium in vocational schools.s Sov. '11-'~ed., 16, I-lo-11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febrilgr"t-1953. Unclassified. - - -.____- __ -.17 - 1-1 --- -_ -- :,- , ~ ;_- -. -- 1. -~ . 7'. ~ -~~ - - - - __ ____ --- __ - ____ - ___ ____ __ - __ - KOROLEVA, N.S., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Isolation and Dreservation of the properties of biologically active acidophilic bacteria." Mos- cow, 1960. 17 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Educ- ation RSFSR, Moscow Technological Inst of Meat and Dairy Industries); 120 copies; price not given; (KL, 26-60, 133) - -_m PAVLOVSKAYAj A.A.; --KOROLV.V-A,A-3-- Interaction of stimulation and inhibition processes. Report No. 1: Interaction of stimulation and inhibition processes in the successive use of stimuli directed toward one and the same or to different analyzers. Trudy Inst. vyo. nerv. deiat. Ser. fiziol. 5:78-89 160. ~(MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Laboratorii vysshey nervnoy deyatelinosti zhivotrqkh (zav. - A.A. Pavlovskaya) institute. vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti. (REFLEXES) (LIGHT-PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SOUND-PHISIOLOGICAL EFFECT) KOROLF.VA,-,., N. S Malignant degeneration of a preaternal esophagus 25 yearo'after its formation from a akin graft* Tent.khir. no*4:3.11 161* (KMA 1484) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy klinicbeskoy bollnitsy im. N.A. Swwbko Kinisteretya putey soobohcheniya (nach. - A.A. Potoubeyenko, nauchn.rukovod. - prof. V.R. Draytser). (ESOPHAGUS) KOROLEVA, N.S. Heat-reoiatant lactic acid baotllus in the cause of eace"Bive acidity in diiry products. Mikroblologiia.30,no.2:328-334 Mr-Ap 161.' (MIRA 14:6) 1~ Moskovskiy*molochnyy kombinat. (LACTIC ACID BACTERIA) (DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY) KOROLEVA N.S."Wo. Xhimrglia no.9:90-97 062. (MIR& 15:10) 1. Iz Tsemt441!nW.:OUicheskoj* bollnitay Ministerstya putey .^-.jmjW'%';L.Semshko (nach. A.A.Potj~"ako, agobohchmt nairlW. I -, v~4uzhe deyatell n4od.deystviteltnyy chlen AM SSSR i"f.~Iex.=Sv (IRONCHI-TMIDRS) r-D ~NA -r BOGDANOV, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, prof.; KOROIEVA, A.I., retsenzent; BAKAREVA,_A.I., retsenzent; TKALI, T.K., retsenzent; SUIYA, V.A., retsenzent: KOHOIZVA N 'S., retsenzent; CHERKASOVA, M.P., red.; ZARSHCHIiOVAf LNNi~.. ~te red. [Microbiology of milk and milk productslliikrobiologiia moloka i molochrjykh produktov. 4 izd., perer. i dop. Moskva, Pishche- promizdat, 1962. 307 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Prepodavateli KharIkovskogo tekhnikuma molochnoy proryshlen- nosti (for Koroleva, Bakareva, Tkall., Suima). 2. Starshiy mikro- biolog Moskovskogo molochnogo kombinata (for Korolevap*.N.S.). (Dairy bacteriology) SKORODUM3VA, Aleksandra Mikhaylovna; KOROLEVA N S*, kand. biol. nauk, retsenzent; KULESHOVA,-~V ~.,';e~nzent; NOZDRINA, V.A., red.; SOKOIDVA,I.A., tekhn. red. (Practical manual on the technical microbiology of milk and milk products]Praktichookoe rukov6dstvo po t*khnI&~skoi aikro- biologii'moloka i molochnykh produktov. 3. lid,, Perm I'dop. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1963. (MIPA 16:3) 1. Starshiy mikrobiolog Moskovskogo molochnogo zavoda No.1 (for Kulaphova). *UX-MICHOBIOIDGIO ILlmh.~rod.; TS1RELISON, N.B., doktor z~,All,-ho-nauk, khn.. nau~-, nauchn. rea. ; -;IT-, * . , ,,,I I ti:'l- !`I! WE'liKO , irl-11 Ylauchn. red- -,e). L,Adwv,. auk, nauchn. refl.; ',~'N lkrlrv~. 6if)J.. valik" red., BOGAT."'h, L.M.) red. [Transactions of the 16th international --a-*--,: -an-ro-E;j korgrossa yo iwluollnwr~il (W.J*.. ~0'1 t"I-d. o prediol. V.V.Ecj:Aygova. -cj,--kva, 1963. 4-34 Fj- 1. TnO-r-pational Dairv Uoivve3n. 16th, Con-,'.iihap'en. 2. Predsedatell Natsionallnogo komiteta SSSR po molocbnwh- aclu (for fiostygov). 'Zk-.