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SOV/2-5-50-7-21/53 Pro or Con? (A Letter to the Editor) this publication with anti-clerical footnotes and an appendix to give it an atheistic touch. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo o raspos'.raneniyu politiches- kikh i nauchnykh znaniy ~All-Union Society for Dis- semination of Political and Scientific Kno-aledGe) Card 2/2 L 00163-66 EPF(c)/&1P(j)/&-1T(M)/T APL Wllr&11-~,rvl ACCESSION NR: AP30255 Bu/oon/65/018/ 10124 P62/0123 'd AUTTIOR: Hihailov, 14o; Boudevska, H.; Korolev, Go; Zhiltsova, L* TITLE% Polinwrizaticaln ntics in blocks of Po2yestermathacrylates based on terephthalLic, and fi -2, 5-dicarboxylic acid 'Irska akademiya na naukite# Doklady, v. 18, no. 2, 1965, 121-124 SOURCE: Bul I TOPIC TAGS: methaer7lato plastic, polyester plastic, carboxyliv acid, polyrariza- tion, polymerization kinetics ABSTRACT:. G. V. Korolev at al. (see, 0.~7*f Spy 4, 1962,11o 11, 1663) have discovorod a number o t avis 6f 6tdrio tolymerizotion 0iila invastiptinf, the polyeatermethscrylates NPEM) synthesized by them by means of the thermometric'mathed. A fUrthl3r development of notions about tho relation betwoon the strticturo of the f-rolymarizinF nolyfunctional olipoesters and their mronaivenoss and proportinal makes it nocenIsary to studv the cht)rnotor of steric nolymorization with now PEM typos and other oligomers. In this,connoction the authors investigated ':the Polymerization kinetics of PE14 of torephthalic and furane-2,5-dicarboxyli*: i,acid (14. Hihallovp H, Boudavoka, Cc -bul'o.'scis, 13, 110 Cara l/2 Cara 30V/L-J-5')-5-3O/32 1__ I AUTHORS;Ko-rolev G A and Kocharov, G. Ye. TITLE: Thin Lar-e Area a-Active Sources (Tonkiye a-A-ktivnyye 0 istochniki bol'shoy ploshchadi) Yr Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, 5, P 10 -109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A new raethod is described for the -ore-Daration of thin -f~lane a-active sources of large area and good homogeneity. r3 The sources are prepared by electron deposition of the a-active subs~Lances on aluminium-coated zapon films. Pe total thicimess of the films is less than 50 IL- per cia The method is simple and does not require any special apparatus. There is 1 figure and 3 referencos, 2 of which are En-lish and 1 French. U ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Ali SSSR (Physico-Tezhnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 25, 1957. Card 1/1 SOV/48-22-7-13/26 AUTHORS: Komar, A. P., Korolev, G. A., Kocharo7, G. Ye. TITLE: Inveptif~ation of the Lower Excited Th 23o Levels by Means of (:(- eKCoincidences (rzucheniye nizhnik~ vozbttzhdemiykh urovney Th 230 putom (1-e K_ Aovpadeniy) P'-IRIODICAL: Izvestiya Akudemii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 7, Pi). 824-826 (USSIR) ABSTRACT: Anapparatus for recording the kr-e X coincidences was built by the authors. Tt consists of a pulse ionization chamber into which a proportional counter for recording the conver- sion electrons is placed. 'Nith this equipment the a-spectrum of U234 was examined with respect to coincidences with the conversion electrons. The anDaratus is described. Suppression of noise from random a-ct coincidences is provided for in the radio unit. During 24 hours the instability of thevhole radio unit was less than 0,2 1 wne exufted, there were W no main groups of (x-particles of TI and U in the a-si7ec- 2.W M trum ?f 11 1he CtI group corresponas to tne transition to Card 1/3 the 2 1 V 0_' the daughter nucleus. From an Pnalysis of 3OV/46-22-7-13/26 , 230 L e Coincidences J,evels by Means 04' cc- K e Lower T~*Ixcitea Th investigation of*'-t,h c.urve obtained, the intensity Of the transition to the t~e level can be determined. It is(0,35 + 0,15 1(the intensi- 4 group being considered as T-no-wn). The lovel ty of the a its also from the generalized energy is 00 keV, as resu it can b~ assumed that the+53 keV I-quanta nuclear model, 11t,. p to the ground+level, to the transition from t corresponi d to one from the 4 to while thosk- hayijIg 118 keV correspon . ground level the 2+ level. The transition from the 4 to the not impossible- has not been observed until now although it is onversion co-' with the use of the theoretical values of the c for the K and L shells (Refs 10, 11), and of the efficient values for the ratio N. IN 2,5, the experimental ;53 Y-118 be dcte-,m4_n,d- the transition to the 4 "a- intensity Of cides with the experimental value of 0935 Its value COill of B. chagov and S. N. The authors ackno-mledge the advice A. DO Nikolayev, There are 3 figrures and 11 references, a of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 23o SOV/48-22-7-13/26 InVeStigation of the Lower Excited Th Levels bY Means of a-e Coincidences ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSBR K (Physics and Engineering Institute,AS USSR) Card 3/3 jrC-.:w.Lr, A, Korolev, G, A,, sov/c.16-34-5-54/61 Kocharov3 234 (0 nizhnikh vO%- Inferior Excited (Rotation-)Levels of Th 234) TITLE: buzlidennykh (rotatsionnykh) urovnyakh Th y fiziki, 1950, ksperimentallnoy i teoretic'nesko PERIODICAL* Shurnal e11r.5, pp Vol, 34, - 1345 - 1346 (USSR ABSTRACT: By means of an ionisation chamber with a ';'Xii (Ref 1) the - hors investi-ate,1 the energry spectrum of the a-particles from aut U iven in a figure. In 238, The opectritm obtained this way is 9 this figure a. denotes the main group of the a-particles from U with an energy of 4,182 MeV. According to the opinion of 238 1 the authors the group a2 corresponds with the transition to the second level of T11234~ The intensity of this transition is 0,25 + 0,1c,'16. The level is located at-,j 160 KeV, The ratio of the energies of the first and second level agrees with the theoretical value obtained on the basis of the simplified nuclear Card 1/3 model. This level probably is the +4 one, The group al corresponds 'Inferior Excited (ROtation-)Levels Of Th234 With the MY/56-34-5-54/61 transition to the level + 2 Of the daughter nucleus, The transition to the level +2 Occurs with an 2376, This value irit Of Various Of the intenrity well a' tensity of deoay,,. Previous works (Refs grees with the results constructed on the basi 2-5)~ The scheme Of t e U238 I Of the results is given in a dia, h on Of this 11,e,, a better separati gram, At present more measurements concernin, Of the aroup a are Performed which will render Possible a more accurate Pr 2 here, There are ecision Of the results obtained AS",IATI01r; Leningradakiy 2 figures and 5 references, V -fiziko-tekhnicjjeskiY 1 of which is Soviet. (Lenin,q,rad T-rstl -e SUBMITTED: &tat 'nstitIt Akademij nauk SSSR Pebruary 20., 1958 of Physics &ad TechnOO93rjAS USSR) Card 213 24M BOV/48-23-7-15/31 AUTHORSs Kocharov, G. Ye., Komar, A. P., Korolev,G. A., Marcy, I. N., Surkov, Yu. A. TITLEs The Fine Structure of the oC-Spectrum of Th 229 (Tonkaya struktura oC-spektra Th 229) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSH. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Ur 7, pp 855-858 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The radioactive isotope Th 229 is obtained by the oC-decay of U233; as the half-life of the latter is 1.62*105p that of Th 229 however, only 7,000 years, a large quantity of U 233 in necessary for'the exact determination of the activity of the isotope 229 Th .A paper (Ref 1) is mentioned in which the oC-decay of this isotope was investigated, but it did not deliver satis- factory resulto due to a poor resolving power. The present investigation was carried out with an ionization-oC-spectroustor of high resolving power, and the chemical production of the 233 isotope from oxides of the isotope U is described In detail. Card 1/2 The isotope U 233 investigated by the authors contains - The Fine Structure of the c4-Spectrum of Th 229 SOV/48-23-7-15/31 besides the isotoDe Th 229 _also Th 228 : the eneraies of the unknown oC-lines were determined from the well-known oC-Iinss of Th 228 and its daughter nuclei. The energy of the principal group of the o(-partioles was determined by several measurements at 5040 key, the determination of the energy of the other c54-groups was carried out by electric collimation. A table contains the energies determined by the authors and the relative intensities of the lines of the isotope Th 229 , and figure 5 shows a scheme of its decay. The authors thank Ye. A* Damaskinakiy of the LPI imeni Kalinin for his help in this work. There are 5 figures, I table, and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Physico- technical Institute of the Academy of Soienceag USSR) Card 2/2 V-7 21(8) AUTHOR: Kocharov, G. Ye., Komar, A. P.9 SOY/56-36-1-11/62 Korolev, 0. A. TITLE: Energy Spectra of ce-Particles of Long Th 232 and U 238 Isotopes (Energeticheskiye spektry 0~ -chastits dolgozhivush- chikh izotopov Th232 i U238)- PERIODICAL- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 68-75 (USSR) AIBStRACT: Investigation of U -spectra fine sttucture makes it possible to investigate the weakly.excited states of heavy nuclei as well as the determination of several parameters of nuclear structure. Na the magnetic spectrometers otherwise used ara not sriteA for fine-structure investigations of 0(--spectra of long-life isotopes because of their low light intensity, and as thu usual ionization chambers furnish a half-width,of lines of only-50 keV, the authors endeavored-to produce a device having a better resolving power. In 1955 and 1956 they develop- ed an ionization chamber in their laboratory, which had a grid for an U -line half-width of 30 keV (Refs 1-4), with the help of which it was possible to carry out an investi ation of the Card 1/4 fine structure of the U -spectra of Th232 and U218. The present Energy Spectra ofcieI-Particles of Long- Th232 SOV/56-36-1-ii/62 and U238 Isotopes paper gives a very detailed description of the device and of its mode of operation. The following was investigatedi 1) The 0-~-transition to the first excited level of the daughter-nuclei of Ra228 and Th234. Figure 4 shows the ae.-apectrum of Th232 (moacuring time 25 hours), and figure 5 shows that of U238 (1-5 hours). For the former an al-intensity of 0�3) ~ is given, as well as an energy of the first level of (60+5) keV, for 238 an oil-intensity of (23+4) % and an energy of the corresponding level of (48�-5) keV. 2) Transition to the second level of the daughter nuclei of Ra228 and Th234. Figure 6 shows N(E) for Th232 (measuring time 90 hours). Owing to the great light intensity and the good resolving power of the ionization chamber, the spectrum shows distinct peaks for 01i(2+))and 0t2.(4+). Figure 7 shows a similar spectrum for U (30 h . The following data are given: Energy of the second level (185�5) keV, intensity.10.2+0.08) % and (160�5) keV intensity (0.23�0.07) % respectiv y. A comparison between experimental data and those calculated by Card 2/4 110 sov (Lief 17) and Komar et al (Ref18) shows good agreement Energy Spectra of o4-Particles of Long-'ife Th 232 SOV/56-36-1 -11/62 and U238 Isotopes (see table). In conclusion the following decay schemes are suggested for Th232 and U2~8: Th 232 0 d6 OOC'6 4+~-- 2+ iC' _V 0 Kev o+ U238 D + ~'~ZZ 4 0- 2+ 0+ In conclusion, the authors thank Yu. A. Surkov for placing the thorium sources at their disposal, V. G. Nosov for dis- cussions and for placing the manuscript of his paper at theit disposal, and they further exprebs their gratitude to Card 3/4 Energy Spectra of Ce -Particles of Long-Life Th 232 SOV/56-36-1-ii/62 and U238 Isotopes Ye. A. Damaskidakiy for his assistance and to V. A. Kireyev and'S. N. Nikolayev for their advice. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 21 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-te*khnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Ph sico-Technical Institute of the Academy of SciencesIUSSR~ SUBMITTED: August 8, 1958 Card 4/4 S/048j6O/O24/03/15/0101 5;2 0 0 B006/BO14 AUTHORS: Korolev~ G, As$ Kocharoy, G. Ys. TITLE: Investigation of Pulses Occurring on the Grid of an Ionization Chamber 11 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No- 3, PP. 357-364 TEXT;. The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960). The use ;f shielding grids in pulsed ionization chambers makes it necessary to study the grid pulses. The problem of the shape of pulses from the collecting and from the high-voltage electrode and the proper choice of the amplifier transmission band have already been studied in Refs. 3 and 4. A ma imum. signal-to-noise ratio was given as basic criterion for the selection of transmission bands. In the present paper, the authors show that in the case of grid pulses the most favorable transmission band 16 primarily determined by the condition of conservation of the angular distribution function. Pirst, the authors investigate an /1 Card 113 -1 Investigation of Pulses Occurring on the Grid of an Ionization Chamber B/048/60/024/03/15/01q, Boo6/BoU ionization chamber with two grids, and the shape of voltage pulses is studied on the first grid. It is assumed that no diffusion of the "electron track" takes placeg that the density of ionization along the alpha track is constant, and that no electronegative impurities exist in the gas of the chamber. The chamber is schematically represented in Fig. 1, and Fig. 2 shows grid pulses. A number of formulas representing the grid potentials as functions of different variables are then derived. Next, the authors describe a theoretical study of the proper selection of transmission bands for operations with negative grid pulses. They investigate the effect of diffusion upon negative grid pulses, and the last section briefly deals with positive grid pulses (due to positive ions). In conclusion, it is stated that the following conditions must be satisfied for the use of negative grid pulses for angular measurements: The chamber must be filled with a gas having a small diffusion coefficient. It is necessary to use transmission bands by which the angular distribution is not distorted. In order to guarantee exact angular distribution in the case of positive grid pulses, it is necessary to use a chamber gas in which the electron drift Card 2/3 S/05y6O/O38/OO5/052/057/XJ 0,9 B Boo6 070 AUTHORSs Komar, A. Pop Norolev, G. A., Kocharov, G. Ye. cay of U236 Iq TITLEa Study of the.Alpha Do PERIODICAls Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No- 5t'PP- 1436 - 1~38 TEXTs The.alpha spectrum of U236 was studied by means of a high resolu- tion ioni ation chamber with.grid. This chamber permits to4etermine the number of ion pairs.formed by the alpha particles in the efiamber. The ion pair number N and the alpha particle energy E are related by the equation E - Nw, where w is the energy required for the formation of an ion pair. w depends on the gas filling of the chamber and on the energy of the alphi particles. To separate the two effects, B is set equal to Xw + where 0 1 0 w is the mean pair formation energy, . f or E > 4 Mev # and E~ is a parameter 0 depending on 0 a 83 kev for a mixture of argon the nature of the gas. and methile). The energy of.alpha particles was determined.from the P11C. 3 64fi 1 " Study of the Alpha Decay of U236 S/056/60/038/005/052/057/XX B006/BO70 Fig. 2 shows the alpha spectrum taken for a channel width +of 13.,9 kev. The three alpha groups corresp?0 to the transitions to 0 1 2 , and 4'~ level, respectively, of the Th nucleus. The distance of the a 2 group from the ground level is 160 kev; the intensity of this group is (0.26 + O..l)%. Professor S. A. Baranov is thanked for having supplied the U236 samples. There are 3 figures and 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 US. ASSOCIATION; Leningradakiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut kkademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Insiitute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED. December 15, 1959 Carcl 3/3 DAMASKIMKIY, Ye.A.; KOROIZV G.A.- KOCHAROV, G.Ye. Effect of the sticking of electrons in an ionization chamber. Pr1bA tekheekspe 6 noe5:51-54 S-0 161. (MRA 14:10) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut AN SSSR. (Ionization chambers) S/W/61/025/002/008/016 B117/B212 AUTHORS: Kocharov, Gz G. A. TITLE: Ionization alpha spectrometer with high resolution PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 2, 1961, 237-256 TEXTi i;~ie present paper was read at the 11 th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Riga, January 25 to February 2p 1961). The authors describe the ionization alpha spectrometer developed by them. It has a high resolu- tion (half-width of the alpha lines: 25135 kev) and a high light intensity (the solid angle used was 20"301/o of 4n).' The spectrometer is schematically shown in Fig. 10. It oonsists of: 1) ionization chamber with grid; 2) radi- otechnical system (which, in turn consists of: i) preamplifier; 2) amplifle; 3) limiter; 4) one-channel analyserl 5) 26-channel analyserl 6) pulse gener- ator; and 7) amplitude indicator)l and 3) gas pump unit. The main part is the ionization chamber, a brass cylinder with a capacity of 22 liters. The collector electrode is mounted on the bottom of the chamber, The grid and the high-voltage electrode are fastened to a special slide, which makes it Card 1/ 6 f B/048/61/025/002/008/016 Ionization alpha spectrometer B117/B212 possible to change the distance between the electrode. 4-mm thick brass discs are used as electrodes. The diameter of the high,-voltage electrode measures 220 mm, that of the collector electrode 120 mm. The grid consists of nichrome wire (diameter 0.1 mm) and was welded to a stainless steel ring. The distancesbetween the wires are I.r mm.. High-voltage wires are inserted in the chamber wall, and-wires for pulse transmission. The whole system has been evacuated to 10 2 mm. Hg, and then filled with a mixture of argon and 3~o methane. The operating pressure is 1-571.8 atm. The electrode potentials have been selected such that a recombination and deposition of electrons on the grid is excluded. The electrode pulses are passed through a noiseless preamplifier (Fig. 11) and then fed to an amplifier that has an amplification coefficient of 103. The amplifiers are modified models of the type Elmor-100. The use of a'limiter reduces the analyser channel. The channel-width may be varied from 5 to 50 kev by changing the amplification coefficient. The one-ohannel differential discriminator has been used for electric collimation. The 28-channel analyser, designed andi-Ponstructed after plans of the laboratory of the Physicotechnical Institu64(Ref. 14) is to be used for amplitude analysis. The eiectron pulses provideza means to calculate the alpha-particle energy and their angle of emergence. In order Card 2 S/048j61/025/002/Oo8/o16 Ionization alpha spectrometer ... B117/B212 to obtain a high resolationg the authors have thoroughly studied all reasons that might influence the former. These reasons are divided into two groups with respect to their influence upon the alpha spectrum: 1) Fluctuation of ion pairs and radio noises which lead to a Gaussian amplitude distribution of pulses without shifting the maximum, and 2) thickness of the radiation source, sticking of electrons to electronegative additives, no screening of the grid and the end front of the pulses cause an expansion of the alpha line, and also a shift of the maximum towards smaller energies. An inves- tigation of these factors made it possible to find formulas for determining the half-width of the alpha line and the shift of the maximum. By a proper choice of the amplifying tube and its operation conditions (plate potential 50-'60 v, filament voltage 4L6 v) it'was possible to cut down the radio noises-- anh reduce their half-width'to 16 kev. The use of an argon-methane mixture completely reduces the sticking of electrons to electronegative additives (Figs. 12 and 13). A considerable increase in drift velocity added to im- prove the energy and time resolution. Application of electric collimation (Fig. 9) improved the resolution of the ionization chamber without influen- cing the light intensity of the instrument. The novel ionization alpha spectrometer has been used to study the fine structure of alpha spectra of Card 3/6 S/048/61/025/002/008/016 Ionization alpha spectrometer ... B117/B212 uranium and thorium isotopes (Tables 2-4). By strict observation of the corrections, and due to the high resolution it was possible to measure the alpha-line energy with an accuracy of 0.05L0.1%. The energy of the main group of alpha particles from U23b was mea6ured with an accuracy of + 3% (Ref. 18). Laboratory experiments have shown that a use of the elecTrode pulse reduces the background. By a specific adjustment it was possible to obtain 0.1 to 0.2 pulses per hr on thespectral region that corresponds to an alpha line. Thus it was possible to separate the alpha line with an intensity of up to one pulse per hr from the spectrum, i.e., also with suf- ficient accuracy. At a surface of 200 cm2lgnd a thickness of 20W 99 cm-2 this corresponds to a half-life of iol5iio years. Combined with a 48- channeltime analyzer, the ionization aipha spectrometer has been used to measure short half-lives. Thus, half-lives down to lo-4-lo see have been measured. The results are more accurate than those obtained after other methods (Ref. 32). In order to determine the energy of a particles and the corrections caused by electric collimation (distortion of the intensities of a lines), it is necessary to know for argon the dependence of the dis- tance of the ionic center of mass on the start of the alpha particles. This dependence has been determined experimentally and mathematically.(Figs. 15 Card 4/6 8/048J61/025/002/008/016 Ionization alpha spectrometer ... B117/D212 f and 16). The calculations have been made-by the degree student Ye. A. Damaskinskiy of the'LPI. There are 16 figurea, 4 tables, and 32 references:j, 21 Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk (Institute of Physics and,Technology of.the Academy of Sciences) R r 4 L Card -5/6 3/048/61/025/002/008/016 B117/B212 26440 S/048/61/025/007/002/005 ~-o B108/B209 AUTHORS: Korolev, 0. A., and Kocharov, G. Ye. TITLE: Operation of proportional counters PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 7, 1961, 866 - 870 TEXT: This paper was read at the XI Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy in Riga, January 25 - Pebruary 2, 1961. V. Veksler et al. (Ref. 1: Ionizatsionnyye metody issledovaniya izlucheniy. GITTL, M-, 1949) and S. Korff(Ref. 2: Schetchiki elektronov i yadernykh chastits. IL. LT., 1947) showed that the stability of a counter may be increased by adding multi-atomic impurities to the inert gas in this counter. In order to study the effect of such impurities one has to observe the variation of the gas amplification factor,which can be done the better, the better the energy resolution of the counter. This resolution which down to a certain Acr (critical gas amplification factor., given by EAcr WOB ev) is independ- ont of the gas amplification factbr lo interrelated with the primary ionization by the relation LLLF-j i-'43-6 where m indicates the number of ion Card 1/3 1E Vmo ' 0 26440 S/048/61/025/007/002/005 Operation of proportional ... BIOB/B209 pairs. The most important items affecting the line half-width are dis- cussed. With a gas amplification factor equal to 5, the author obtained relative half-widths of 1.7 and 1.9~; for the alpha-lines of U238 and U234, respectively, at an argon pressure of 1.3 atm. The biggest share to the half-width is contributed by end-effects and by the effect of the space charge. The gas amplification factor was found to be higher for argon containing a small quantity of methane (up to about 6.2%) than for pure argon. The theory of M. E. Rose and S. A. Korff (Ref. 6: Phys. Rev., 22, 850 (1941)) is shown to be not applicable to gas mixtures on account of electrons forming in second-kind collisions. The gas amplification factor r a is given by the expression A . e adr, where r0 denotes the radius of i 0 the counter wire, ra the distance at which the avalanche arises, a the number of ion pairs f ormed by rone electron per unit length. The authors a give the formula A - exp (aN a(r)dr), which represents A as depending p0 Card 2/3 A A% Operation of proportional... 2644o S/048/61/025/007/002/005 B1013/B209 on gas pressure (N - number of atoms or molecules per unit volume), the kind of gas (a= 6A , where d denotes the ionization cross section and 9 the mean energy of electrons), and on the counter characteristics. A rise in A on account of impurities in the counter gas is due to the excitation of part of the atoms of the inert gas. This rise may appear in all such cases where the work function of the impurity is smaller than the excita- tion energy of the atoms of the base gas. A. P. Komar is thanked for discussions. fAbstracter's notet The formula for A given in the first place should, most probably, read A - exp There are 2 figures and 8 references:' 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Bov(let-blbc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR im. A. F. Ioffe (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences USSR imeni A. F. Ioffe) Card 3/3 VOLKOV, Yu.M.; KOMAR, A.P.; KOROLEV, G.A.; KOCHAROV, G.76. Application of an ionization- spectrometer with a time ana- 2yzer for half-life deter dons. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser'.,fiz. 25 no.9:U88-3196 f61. 34:9) L. 111S#O-tewmichedd), institut im. A.F. Ioffe AN SSSI. (spectrometry) (Radioactive substpoeq-Docay) 5 A A-M ~.O 34171 5/048/62/026/002/0112/032 B101/B102 .2k AUTHORSs Korolev, G. A.., and Kocharov, G. Ye, TITLE: Measurement of the alpha-particle energy of the long-lived isotopes Th 232 and Bi 210* PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 2, 1962, 235 - 236 TEXT: The main alpha line of Th 232 and the alpha lines of Bi 2 10P were measured with an ionization alpha spectrometer. The method was described previously (A. P. Komar, G. A., Korolev, G. Ye. Kocharov, Zh. eksperim, i teor. fiz.,, 38,.. 1436 (1960)). The Th source was prepared by electro- deposition onto a stainless steel disk and radiographically examined for homogeneity. The alpha line of Ra 224 (5681 kev) -was used as reference line. It was found that E a - 4009 t 5 kev. An ionization alpha spec- trometer with a better resolution permitted a more pmise determination of the energy and intensity of the alpha lines of Bi Card __7 TM - - - - - - 5 KOCHAROV,, G.Te - KOROLEV G A 0 Theory of the action of a proportional counter. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.fiz. 27 no.22301-307 F 163. (MRA 16:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy Institut AN SSSR 4. A.F.1offe. (Nuclear counters) ACC NRt Ap6034223 SOURCE -CODE: UR/0120/056/ooo/oo4 /0085/0089 AU-1HOR: Voroblyev, A. A.; Korolev, G. A.; Lebedev, A. K. i ORG: Phyuico-Tachnical Institute, AN SSSRO Leningrad (Fiziko-tokhnichoskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE.- Secondary emission shf detector of heavy charged particles SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 85-89 1 J-1. 4 1 - TOPIC TAGS: secondary emission, particle detector, Jarti Cie/cl__~J I ABSTRACT: A 'tire detector of heavy charged particles based on the use of seccadary emission is described. The charged particle passes throug~n thin alu=--inum foa and knocks out secondary electrons which are directed to a shf cavity. Tae shf field generated in the cavity modulates the energy of passing particlez. An electro- static sne.--trometer analyses particles in respect to their energies. This permits separatica of' particles which passed through the cavity at the fixed pnase of the shf fie~.d. A secondary emission multiplier was used as an electron detector. The cocnbin:,tion consisting of the electrostatic spectrometer and the secondary emission multiplier provides the energetic resolution of 10%. The equipment has been tested using a-particles with 5 Iviev for energy. Time resolut 'on was about 2 x 10-11 sec.; recording effectiveness was 8%. The equipment was designed to measure the life time of nuclear levels which develop during a-particles disintegration. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. i SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 02Qct65/ ORIG REF: 001/ 07H REF: oo6 ! Card 1/1 UDC: 539.1-074 TDIOSHENKO, V.V.; MARTYNISEKD4, A.M.; TSTJLUIOV, V.P.; GAIIIGO, Ya.V.; -SHIKOVY I.P.; N'IKONOV,-A.V.; POSTITIKOV, V.P.; YQRQU*-V-,-G-D,- ARTAMOITOV, A.M.; TEMIIIKOV. S.N.; KABLUKOVSKIY, A F,; WHOV, A.Kh.; KOTROVI A.D.; WIAME-14SKIY, B.A,; ZUYEV, T.T.; 1107,DNYAKOV, t.P.; , IV '0v. S.A.- )M.11,01"TIIII. I.P. New design of electrode holders for electric-7arc smelting furnaces. Prom. energ. 15 no.8:13-11+ Ag 160. (MIRA 15:1) (Electric furnaces) __ ___ - __ --- . I --.' I ~....... XOR-OLM, 0. r, Tnland %ter Transportation-Accounting. Planning and computation of accountable operations on each trip. Rech. tranap. 12 no. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October _195Y. Unclassified. 2 XDROLMV, G.F. . ... I Include all transportation expenses in transportation costs. Rach. transp. 16 no.5:17 My '57. (MMA 10:5) l.Nachallnik planovo-okonovichaskogo otdola parokhodstva. (Inland water transportation--Costs) l== IT ;!r ZS N -hi-h lax., httle. fftet on sutngth bt ,w, -u~~ ir,st rr:43tai3cc at an mrly a , KI -,~n ge a ---4 LQ vt2 -IL- -ofcaC1 does co- i& im Mv~ Addn t . t - 4 . ' a c a Mic M e M d r. --F i ~ a f i t a - 4 tic qi ity A f - , - 4 blL;ralftS st-rcs-&CIE~ Fv6ter eIhvidaw , tiia~j timEortm n-s-e-ttl7terap; zE r P f" G'S b4-,xrvi and uniform twooling [a a:w.6ijt rieditt 20* in 4 &mt. a t. jil vi fig SOV/12Q~-58-11-7/13 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, A. P., Doctor of Technical SciencespProfessor Luneva, Z.S., Korolev, G. G. and Samoylov, V.V., Engineers TITLE: Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel. in a Steam Atmosphere (Termicheskaya obrabotka instrumentov iz bystrorezhushchey stali v atmoafere para) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 11, pp 39-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to data of various authors, the service life of tools made of high speed steel is increased by 50 to 100% if they are heat treated in steam after being finish- machined and ground. In order to establish the effectiveness of such heat treatment, the authors carried out experiments with specimens and drills made of the steels R9 and R18 which, prior to treatment with steam, were hardened, tempered, sharpened and ground. The treatment with steam was effected in a hermetically closed electric fui~nace, a sketch of.which is shown in Fig.2,.in which 0 the temperature was maintained automatically within + 5 C. The steam pressure was maintained at 0.1-0.2 atm. ro prevent the formation of Fe 0 on the machined surfaces Card 1/4 the steam has to be introduged in the super-heated statel. I _' SOV/129-58-11-7/13 Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel in a Steam Atmosphere Only then will a film form consisting of magnetic iron oxides which is the reason for the high corrosion stability and the good appearance of the thus treated tools. The treatment procedure is graphed in Fig.l. Prior to 0 introducing steam, the temperature is raised to 350-370 C and the tools are held at that temperature for 20 to 30mins. Then,steam is introduced and the temperature is maintained at the same level for a further 30 m;ns. Following that, the temperature is raised to 540-550 C. maintained constant at that temperature for 30-60 mins and, finally, cooled in air and quenched in oil. The graph, Fig-3, shows the measured thickness of the oxide film on the steel R9 treated in a steam atmosphere at various temperatures with a holding time of 30 mins; in Fig.4 the thickness is graphed of the oxide fl on the steel R9 treated in a steam atmosphere at 550 C as a function of the holding time. It was found that the oxide film produced by steaming is considerably denser than that produced by Card 2/4 alkali oxidation. The corrosion stability~ and the SOV/129-58-11-7/13 Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel in a Steam Atmosphere resistance to seizure was also measured as well as the service life. On the basis of the obtained results a heat treatment regime in a steam atmosphere was developed for tools made of high speed steels. The steam treatment is recommended as an additional treatment of sharpened and ground tools for the purpose of improving their resistance to corrosion and their cutting performance. Steam is also recommended as an atmosphere in the furnace during tempering for the purpose of preventing erosion of the tool surface; in this case no inter-cycle chemical tgeatment is necessary. After steam treatment at 500 to 600 C a dense film of the magnetic oxide Fe 0 forms', the thickness of which is 1-41L. The preseQ tn the surface of such a film leads to an increase of the adhesion temperature (build UP of machined metal onto the high speed steel) by 100-150 C and this explains the improved cutting properties; furthermorel steam treatment does not bring about a drop in the surface quality during heating in Card 3/4 saltpetre and in air, which is also important from the I Vv SOV/129-58-11-7/13 Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel in a Steam Atmosphere point of view of improving the service life of the tool. Steam treatment is at present applied by numerous Works and should be u s e d on a larger scale. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are English, 1 French. ASSOCIATIONS: VNII, Zavod "Frezer" (Vreze3~ Works) and ZIL 1. Tools--Heat treatment 2. Tool steel--Properties 3. Steam--Metallurgical effects Card 4/4 U8, P-mo aq,~ jo uoT4dTaosap v OATS ejotilnu atU 'BOUTd 2uplul svm UOT4vzTuoqauoap ou ',ljaT4ds0w4ll Mals OWI uT P9waOJ 14OTtlm wTTJ OPTxO DTJaOJ V~~a ata JO q-0eiia aATq.oa;oad atq jo asnpoaq *ajr4ona4s OPTqjvo ptm a!~TTmad mlntmaS v pamolqs T991s appas sqx6 jo *4vqi 'sapTqavo Puu GITTaved oT4Tqaos JO 14vqZ ~aZuasaadaa suawToads Tea;s 9pva2 6U aq% jo aan,4oTL49OJ0Tw OtU 'OTqv!~ P UT uaATS aiv suaw -Toads atj,.~ jo slTnsOa 49a1 9tU * (Tg-ag6S lsoD) polqlaw AT31SAOP'eS 814 Aq P94SO!~ Svm TGa'P 9Pva2 611 aq'~ OTT14M 'AOJTX *ulT 84MT':~suI OTtrqOO!:VTOj Tuafj 9t4,4 Aq padolaADP pOq^9W a44 O!~ 2uTP1000v 4no paTiavo 'TOOls OPvaS SID16 OtIl. JOJ 'svm J9Z4VT Ota JO UOT4PST429AUT OLU *aO&T PazTuoqavoop jo tr4dap ptre aanqomrp -ojoTm 'ssau-pjuq oZ su pajvST!~saAuT ajam suampads atU 'sajn!~vaadw94 snOTaVA 4v suOTITPuOD 2~uTPOUUV OIR motis sqdua2 etU '93iauinj atl,4 woaj CUOWTDads ati,4 SUTAOWOJ (9 !STddns uwa4v snonuT4uoo q-~Tm oooog - ogt oz umop aoiauinj ain uT 2UTTOOD (9 !ano4 T aOJ ajr4vjadwa!~ UOT,4vaodo 1p ?uTpTotl (t fooogg - OOL oZ a.m,4vj9dwq; aq!~ 2uTsvejouT (~ fjv g'0 - ~'o jo ainssead v qq.Tm 9ovuanj aqq. o!~ P9TTddns svm 'pa;vatlaad A-[T-'vuTwTT9.xd 'umwp atU 'sa,4nuTw ()a jo asanoo aiqq. uT ainjujadwal UOATS N4 4P Uma'49 UT 2UT440T (3 !sajnuTw O~ JOJ 0000t - 08c 141R aaaqdsow!~V urea4S p9;vaiqa9dnS v uT s4tmTg jo 2uTTieeuuv atu 900/EOO/TT/000/69/T2T/S Z64;08 C/T PXeD 'TpuOo 2uweaedo OtQ qa9iqdsow,4v umg!~s SUT!~UaT4 (T :2uT,,,OlTOJ OT41- aaam suo" a S7 A juawdTnbe TvToada t4TA 90vuanJ 9L-sl v uT POZDOJJ aiq4 UT VOullvaJ!~ JOJ .000g9 Puu ON '09L '00~ JO sganqviedwa!~ 42 ejaildsowiv ssoooid 2UTIMM IIU 9 aplej2 6H PM ja!~OMTP uT = 5*ZT uma,4s atl,4 uT (,,9,49umTp uT ww L'OT JO TGG!~ 144TM '4truTcl w1azaaall jo Tqa4S JOATTR apva2 StD16) SUMTDads JO 2UTTe,?uuL' Qt4 9AT'40a!~ojd v ..~G84 Issoooad 2uTl"ulutm eTqq. 2uTanP u'nTPatu W4 4v 4no PaTJJvD Gaam s 10 U, -2uTzTuoqavD SaTqTlTqTssod 8111 PtrG 4TTlenb 914 3[oatlo Oq~ 'Top uo peauoj ST aPTXO 2UTUTI?Iqo JO A9jd PUG BTDTq.~ Oqq_ jo eovjans alq4- _QP w0 Ga!js 914n, s4ua 180emIni qq,.~ 142noaEV4 uree!~s aTjq_ j0 quTgovd atj,~ oTaaqjjVaa JO luTTJ lTqquSuw V saoiRuani OT-140919 uT ao edTtio UO-IT 4svD JO PTP 2uTana -auasojax JO PTIR 914 14!~Tm paaudmoo 'potlq.Ow OTqVTTVA-e Puu OAT suadxgtrT 914 tlq.Tm sulrllp uT 2uTT-eautm aq4 ITM _Eaq.4s pqAO.(ju ptm poads-XISPA JO ST aaetjdsow!~Ig .10d-GA a8q.'914 'U UT faldwTs 4SOW Oq!~ W4 1413tl,4 !~no 4uTod saO14M OtQ SaTOT4av ptm sxmTq JO 2UTT,29utm . % - 9Z dd 'TT ON '696T "Wawna4suI T T5PM4S. pqqvqqa9dnS 'a uT 93pmTEI JO BuTT'Reuuv 0741 aaaxldsowq.V "Aecoao aqssvAp'j0D .rl-q TAoTAojptre83lOT'f 0-10 '00/ goo/C00/TT/000/69/T?_T/S Z6108 #,- V B.L.; KOROLzV, G.G. .IMUV,6.. A.G.; ALUSAMMOVICH, - y --- New grade of steel for round dies* Stan.i instr& 31 no.3*.24-26 W '60- (MIR& 13:6) (Tool steel) KOROLEVI, G.G. - New data on the stratigraphy and tectonics of the Mesozoic of the Udsk trough (Far.East). Dokl. AN SSSR 159 ne.22330-332 N 164. ()ERA 17t12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.L. Yanshinym, KORQL9V,_9,,j,j MARATAYEV, A.M.; MILOIrZOROV, V.P. Introducing stabilized magnetic voltage regulators. Blul. tekh.- ekon. inform. Goo. nauch.-isel. inat. nauch. i tekh. inform. 18 no. 1207-38 D 165 (MIRA 19t1) KOROLL,7,%G.X. M15 Ra2chet Poperechno-Stro-,alfnykh Rankov (Calculations For Transverse 662.33 Planing Machines) Kiyev, M&Agiz,, 1952. A8 99p. Diagra., Tables. "Uteraturall: p. (101) S121-"1631008100110061006 D29~/f)307 ZOTHOR: Korolev, G.K. TITLE: Changes in the cardiovascular system of dogs suffer- ing from radiation sickness induced by the fission products of uranium PEaiODIC.,'J,: Mcditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 8, no. 1, 1963, 64-70 TEXT: Cardiovascular changes which accompany radiation sickness have a considerable influence upon the course and outcome of that illness. In earlie3~ experiments the authors studied this question mainly with e-.q.)osure to X-rays. In the present paper the author studied the influeLice of uranium fission products (Sr89, SrSO, CS1379 Y90 P CC144' -r45, RU106 and others) upon the cardiovascular system. Solutions of these products were admii-dstcred to dogs in doses betwen I and 4 mc/itg, either by inhalation in the shape of aerosols, or with the food. The ensuing changes in the cardiovascu- lar dynamics were studied by the usual clinical methods such as mea- suring the blood pressure, pulse rate, by auscultation, etc. Elec- Card 1/2 S/241/63/008/001/006/006 Ch;inges in the cardiovascular ... D296/0307 trocardiography was also used. These investigations were repeated 3 times at intervals of 3-5 days. For a short initial period the dogs' normal pulse of 108-124/niii slowed to 60-92/min. This was followed by a period of tachycardia of 150-180/rlin. The volume and pressure of the pulse decrea~cd. The Dattern of respiration charac- tcristic of normal healthy dogs was aliered. The heart sounds were dull and occasional systolic mur-caurs could be heard. The 'E'GG changes mainly consisted of high Q, R and T waves and dei.-)ression of the S-T segment. These changes were more marked in the iast stages of tile illness. The 'changes were essentially the same whether the radio-' active -substance had been inhaled or inrrested. The deerree of changes 0 C3 in the cardiovascular system was closely related to the degree of the general radiation sickness. The authors regard the described changes as evidence for profound biochemical changes in the myocar- dium which lead to a poor circulation. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. SUTMEMD: June 20, 1962 Card 2/2 SOURCE: Raspredeleniyes biologicheskoye deystviye, uskor-eriye w,?%.,deniya radio- al-t i,mj-kh izotopov (Distribution, biological effect, acceleratlica of the excretion o'T rc~,~ioactive isotopes); sbornik rabot. Moccow, Meditsina, 1964, 15-22 TOPIC TAGS: ceriwint, radioisotope, lung, liver, --one, pneu.-nonia, radioactivit-f ABSTRACT: Ce144 was absorbed from the lungs slowly. Half of the element admini- st-~r--d was eliminated within 24 hours. The maximum aniount of absorbed 'activity was 41' (sixth day). The isotope was deposited mostly in the Iiver (2,7� 2.4%) a d ske-1--ron (i5 i0.79%). Radiocerium was absorbed from the 1ungs exponentially. The first exponent for 49% of cerium activity in r-alation to the amount of isotope administered covered the period up to 24 hours (7; 1 eff = 6 hours) while the second exponent for 510% covered the period from 24 hours to 2 months (T2 ef f z 16 days). Intratracheal administration of 0.4.U c/g of Ce144 produced foc-i of catarrhal serous -hemorrhagic pneumonia in the lungs within 24 hours. The synptoms were- most pronounced by the tenth day. Signs of enmhysema and destruction became dominant Card 1/2 L 3033-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5006100 Histoautograms of the Jungs revealed that CeI44 accumulated in the- after 6 month IFter adm' istration. During and interalveolar septa the first few days a- the next 30 days it concentrated nuinly in tile interalveolar septa. Orig. art. .1-43: S figures and 3 tables. A350"IATION: none SUBMIMED: IOApr6lt ENCL: 00 SUB CODE, LS FEF ~Sol/! 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 M ~T_ N 'ACCESSION MR: AT5006099 S/0000/64/000/000/0009/0014 ~;AWHOR: Korolev, G. K~ TITLE: Distribution of Strontima-90 in rats after intratracheal administration ra o- 'SOURCE: Raspredeleniye,.biologiich6skoye de stviye, uskoreniye vyvedeniya di i y ~aktivnykh izotopov (Distribution, biological effect, acceleration of the excretion j ~of radioactive isotopes); sbornik-rahot. Moscow, Izd-vo Heditsina, 1964, 9-14 TOPIC TAGS: strontium -90,. lung, radioisotope, bone, blood, radioactivity ,ABSTRACT: Sr" was rapidly Absorbed from,the lungs.. tive minutes after intra- --i ;~tracheal administration, the organ-contained 33.3% of the amount administered as icompared with 0.39% after 24 hours., Judging by the amount of strShtium accumulat- ingin the bones, the intratracheal route is very similar to the intravenous a--id ,intraperitoneal routes (the rat skeleton contained 76% after the first route was .used and 81% after the second and'third). Elimination of strontium from the skele- ton may be characterizid by two exponents. The first exponent for 14.27% of the ;,content of the element ih relation to the amount administered covered the first to ;third days,(T 2 days), while the second exponent for 61.9% covered the third I ef :to sixtieth days 101,days)., Regression analysis of the Sr90 cor%tent of 2, eff Card. 1/2 I L $199-66 ACCESSION NR: AP50 S 02 1 010 00 0061 0066 Al~ AUTHOR: KoMlev G. 11. J~ TITLE: Cesium 137 distribution with intratracheal administration SOURCE: Meditsinsk a radiologiyap v. 10p no. 3. 1965, 61-66, and al insert between PP. 6 -67 TOPIC TAGS: 'rat,, radioactive isotopes cesium 137, lung, muscles liver, kidney, heart# beta counter, effective half lifes trachea ABSTRACT: In experiments on 60 albino rats weighing 160-200 g, cesium 137 (0-4 miorocurie/g) was injected into the trachea in the form of a sodium chloride solution (0,4-0-5 ml). Following cesium 137 administration the animals were killed in groups of four at periods from 5 min to 60 days6 Cesium 137 accumulation in the bones, bloods and internal organs was measured on a beta unit with an end-window counter,. Findings show that 90% of the cesium 137 absorbed by the lungs escapes during the first 24..-.hro. Absorption of the isotope from the lungs follows an exponential curve with an effective half life of 45 min for 8h% of the Isotopes an effective .Card 1/2 6 0,2_ L 3199-66 ACCESSION tR_:_ -AP5009201 half life of 2 days for 15.5% of the taotope, and an effective half life of 30 days for the remaining 0,5%. The highest cesium 137 accumulation was found in the muscles (about 46% of the introduced amo,qnt) and the second highest accumulation was found in the liver (1o%). During the first 24 hra the highest cesium 137 concentrations are found in the kidneys., liver, and heart, On the loth day morpho- logical examinations of the lungs disclosed the development of massive hemorrhagesp perivasoular edema and degenerative changeso At a later date the depnerative changes are replaced by proliferative ceases, but complete restoration did not take place even by the g roth day. In comparing study findings with literature data, no marked differences in cesium 137 distribution are found between subcutaneous and intratracheal methods of administration. Orig. arts has: 2 tables and 1 figure, ATION,* None# tUBMITTED: ~o2mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS REP SOV: 008 0 000 C~ Card 2 C~ NIV ~ih KOROLEV, _P,-K. Characteristics of the behavior of Te132 and 1132 in the organism. Med. rad. 10 no.10:33-34 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted July 19, 1964. k W. L 14149-66 EwT (m) ACC NR: AP6001320 SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/009/0058/0065 AUTHOR: Korolev, G. K. ORG: Institute of Medical Radiology, AMN SSSR, Obninsk Institut meditsinskoy radiologii AMN SSSR) TITLE- Kinetics of accumulation and elimilation of radioactive cesium 06137 lowing penetration of the respiratory organs SOURCE: AMU SSSR. Vestnik, no. 9, 1965, 58-65 TOPIC TAGS: cesium, radioisotope, radiation damage, pathogenesis, half life$ lung injurant ABSTRACT., Following intratracheal administration of 0.4 jjc/g of weight, (absorbed dose 226 rads), radiometry revealed that the isotope is quickly absorbed in rats, almost 90% of the activity being eliminated from the lungs in 24 hours. Absorption fivm the lungs proceeds exponentially. The period of excretion of one half of the material from the lungs is 2 days. CS137 is deposited mainly in the muscles (46% of the activity introduced) and liver (10%). The concentration of the isotope is UDC: 615.849.7-032 611.241-033/-034 Card 1/2 L 1414g-66 ACC NR: AP6001320 highest during the first 24 hours in the kidneys, liver, and heart (it is more or less uniform in other organs), after which no significant differences occur in the Cs 137 concentration in the viscera. Examination of the lungs 10 days after ad- ministration of the isotope revealed massive hemorrhages, perivascular edema, and degenerative changes in the vascular endothelium and bronchial and muscular epithe- ,lium. Regeneration began two weeks later. Thereafter the proliferation of connec- tive tissue intensified. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 05Jun65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF; 000 J Card 2/2j~ KOROLEVp G.K. Distributi8n of some inhaled radioactive subotances. Med. rad. 10 no.10:75-80 0 '65. (MIRS 18:12) 1. Institut meditsinskoy radiolo~gii AMN SSSR. Submitted july 19, 1964. 1'4r%z IU-OV.LLM'(4 510080 SOURCE CODE: UR/0241AVOio/olo/ow AUTHOR: Korolev G. K ;2 n- -22 ORG: Institute of Medical -logy AM SSSH (Institut meditsinskoy radiologi AWUSSSR TITTE: Distribution of certain radioactive substances following their inhalation SOURCE: Meditsinskaya radiologiya'-'v. 10, no. 10, 1965, 75-80 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive,fallout,. radioactive aerosol, radiology, radioisotope ABSTRACT: A survey of the literature on.the pen -etration of radioactive ffub.~_ stances into the organism via the respiratory organs is presented. It is shown that the other principal patWay through w%,ich radioactive isotopes eater the organism during inhalation is the gastrointestinal tract. On Lihalation of readily absorbed radioisotopes, such as Cr69, C137, 1131Y Sr9O,, cs137, the greater part of the amount inhaled is resorbed within the first 24 hoursp whereas on inhalation of poorly absorbed radioisotopes, such as C",, Y91J Rul06' Z05,'N05., Pu239, U288, etc., the amunt of the radioactive substance present in the organism is entirely determined by the activity in the respiratory organs. A table of the rates of eliminAtion of radioactive isotopes by the organis-in, and particularly from the respiratory organs, as a function of the* biological half-lifes is presented. On inhalom tion, C9137 becomes no2nwl3,v distributed in the Internal organs - Thus, the maximum content of activity,-in the rat muscles on the 4th day was 41.3%., Card 1 /9 Ji A intraperi- ACC NR: KP 72 0 of intravenous) perorali hn -VAich is.nearly the same as in the cas)n of Cs137. Investigation, by Cc ratracheal. administratic ~1, p 178). involving the oxford) 194 and int es and Vapors., oactive tonealj I Particl g of .at al- (Ilihale'nice of radioactive isotopes simlating radl following the breathin j inhalation by I atomic explosion revealed that) Lty enters the 90% Of their actiV1 from a surface as muct 39 in the internal ribution, of the isOtOP( ~such aerosols for one how a Lnd to contain 2%1# trointestimi tract and the d"tch that the liver was foL gas same period is su 9%; the boness 1.2%; and within the f the heads study of the organs - - the tissus" The e thyroid g~andj 0.2%$ introduced act Kans is an.ey-t th 2% Of the considerab tracts isotoPe6 via the respiratory orl ,the respiratOl via the lung$ is very netration of radioactiv. ~ib"Utv :,PC . I in' - their abs~' cb Iie,.r than via the gastrolntwtina3 portant Problems 6 "1 09 in the group cf.,the isotopedi otive jectop the radi0a for researCh into and, for a ma, ticularly Ims ate.). The field tract* This pertains Paz, TA Wb the teep~ratory -organ- 9 Of rare-earth elemeats (Cesf~ radioiscitapas into~ Jim] of the OntrY'_ and 2 tables the problem.9 Orig. art. has'. gure ,y unexp,oredi '03 remains large OTH REF" SUB.N DATEt 19Jul64 ORIG Ol SUB CODE: 06, 18 Ord 212JAo. KOROLEV G.K. I .- 11--~- . I Kinetics of the accumulation and removal of radioactive cesium (CB137) introduced into the respiratory organs. Vest. AMN SSSR 20 no.9:58-65 165, (MIRA 18: 3-1) 1. Institut meditBinskoy radiologii AMN SSSR, Obninsk. BREGER, A.Kh.; Prinimali uchastiye: KARPOV, V.L., kand.khim.nauk; BELYIISKIY, V.A.; CSIPOV, V.B.j, PRMDIII, S.D.; TYURIKOV, G.S., kand.lehim.nauk; GOLIDIN, V.A.; RYABUKHIN, Yu.S.; KMOIZV, G.N.; AFONIN, V.P.; POKROVSKIY, V.S.; KULAKOV, S.I.; LEKAREV, P.V.; FEDOROVA, T.P.; KOROTKOVA, M.A.; ILHARIAMOV, M.T.; NIKOLENKO, G.D.; LOPUKHINp A.F.; YEVDOKUNINp T.F.; KASATNIN, V.M.) RATOV, A.V. Nuclear radiation sources for radiational-chemical studies. Frobl.fiz.khim. no.1:61-72 158. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. Karpova. (Radiochemist27) (Radioisotopes) KOROLEV, 0. 0. 454 thdovoy etod Tmmta 42&9~-trsktomo6o Parka. ravropol 19 ku. .12D. 1954. 20s. 20 an. (U IW* 8. - kh. propapiody 1raM. Upr. Sell skogo Mwsyaystua). 3,000 Eks. 25K (54-552") P 631.3-77 SO: Knizhanoya, Istopiss Vol. It 1955 KCROLZV,Georgiy Osipovich. glavnyv inzhener; PAVLOV. Mikhail Andreyevich; V.N.. redaktor-. PA"JMYPKINA, Z.D., tokhnicheskiy redaktor [Over-all mechanization of harvesting; experience in Stavropol Territory] Nomplakensia makhanizataiia uborki: opyt Stavropollskogo kraia. Moskva, Goo. Isd-vo selkhos, lit-ry, 1956. 118 p. (KM 9:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Stawropollskogo krayevogo upravlontya (for PaTlov) 2. Stavropollskpe kraywoloys upravleniye (for Korolev) (Stavropol' Territory-Horvesting machinery) BAKHTIN, A.G., kandidat veterinarnykh nauk; 10ROLIT, G.P., nauchny astrudnik. Prophylactic, therapeutic and recuperative measures In diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs In pigs. Veterinarlis. 32 n9.1:4649 Ja '55. (MUL 8: 2) 1.1suchno-preizvedeftennaya laboraterlys po berlbe a belesnymol molod- nyAm sellskokhosyVetvenafth shivetafth.lialsterstva sollakege kho- zyaystva RSFSR. (SWIM-DISMS33)(ALININTARY CANAL--DISUIXS) (RESPIRATORY ONGM-DISILUS) A RATMM. S.I.. professor; JUROLIV, G.P.; GUBIN, G.N.; KOKOLOVA, R.P. A case of'foot-and-mouth disease of prolonged duration in nan. XlIn. ad. 34 no-7:70-77 J1 056. (MIRA 9:10) 7 Is Infektalonnogo otdoloniva Klinicheskoy ordena Lenina bolinitay Imeni S.P.Botkina (nauchW rukoyoditell - prof. S.I.Ratner, glavnyy vrach - prof. A.I.Shabanov). Namchno-proisvodetvennoy laboratorii NInisterstva movkhozov RSM I Yashchurnoy laboratorli Teesoymnogo instituta, skeperimentalcuoy votarinarii (dir. prof. N.I.Imonov) (NOOT-AND-MOUTH DISMASN. case reports In man, prolonged duration) TOB114SKIY-BF.RWNEV, V.M., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; DEREVLEV, K.M.p kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhb?~KOROLSV, G.Pp_, kapitan meditainskoy sluahby Prevention and treatment of mycoses of the feet. Voen.-med. zhur.. no.4:78-79 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:6) (DEMATOPHYTES) (FOOT-DISMES) K' 0 V V, USSR/Physical Caemistry - ",ties.. Conbustion.~ Explosions., Topo- chendstry,, Catelysia. B-9 Abe Jour: Worst. 2birnal Xhindlyfa,,' No 3, 1958, 71M. Author N.S. Yenikolopyan., G.V. Nor-olev, G.P. Savusbkina. That, TitLa Upon the WrInum Coneeatraticas of Stable Thteztkediaxy Pro- dncts i-- Couposite O.Adn Reactions. Orig Pub: Zh. fiz. M15ii, 195T, 31, Ito 42 865-8T3- Abstract: It is shown for composite abain reactims of the type A->,B--> C proceeding in two stages (cbain fonaticu of a stable intermediary product B from the Initial substan,,zes A a!ad ebain expenditure of B with the formation of ;fUsl substuaces 0) that there is a pro- portionality ni -_ (;,, n (1) awng the emeentrations (n) of &3-1 active centers (AC) ~nij~ge reaction system; in this equation, -N does not denAnd on the rates of AC generation (W)o of their ficatiou (a3 axd of their destruction (g). Should a slowly re- Ctra 1/3 -1- AUTHORS: Yenikolopyan, N. S., Korolev, G. V. 20-118-6-25/43 1 TITLE: Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde Yields in the Oxidation of Ethane at High Temperatures (0 vykhodakh formalldegida i atsetalldegida pri vysokotemperaturnom okislenii etana) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 118, Ur 6, pp. 1138-1141 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The conceptions which in complicated chain reactions lead to the existence of extreme yields of stable intermediate products lRere verified at the example of the oxidation of methane. Is sample for the further verification of these conceptions the Aext more complicated representative of the homologous series 'of paraffin hydrocarbons, i.e. ethane, was chosen. The behavior of the yields of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was investigated in the case of variation of the conditions of oxidation of C 2H6 at high temperatures. The apparatus and the method were described already earlier. The experiments were carried out in two quartz reaction containers with a diameter Card 1/3 of 45 mm and awlume of 250 ml, the walls of which were Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde Yields in the Oxidation of Ethane20-118-6-25/43 at High Temperatures treated as follows: 1) by washing with H 2F2 (H2 F2-container) and 2) by washing with a one percent solution of K 2B407 (K2B 07- containeA The results of these experiments at l9w pressures (25 mm of mercury column) are illustrated in a diagram for mixtures relatively rich in oxygen (C 2H6:202). The addition of an initiator for the radicals (NO 2) and the dilution of the reaction mixture with a rare gas (N 2) increase the concentration of the active centreB in the reaction mixture to a great extent. The yield of CH 0 and CH3CHO here remains practically unchanged, i.e. it goes not differ from the extreme yields. The same experiments were repeated at a pressure of 53 = torr. The yield of CH 0 remains unchanged as before in the case of a modificaKon of the concentration of the active centres. However, the velocity of the accumulation of CH 3CHO increases considerably in the Card 2/3 very last moments of transformation. The concentration reaches 20-11$-5-38/59 AUTHORS: Yenikolopyan, N. S. Korolev, G. V. TITLE: Formaldehyde Yields on Methane Oxidationg as Dependent Upon the Homogeneous Initiator Concentration, Inert Gas Admixtures and the Condition of the Reaction Vessel Walls (Zavisimost' vykhodov formalldegida pri okislenii metana ot kontsentrataii gomogennogo initsiatora, dobavok inertnogo gaza i ot sostoy- aniya stenok reakt8ionnogo soiuda) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 5, PP-983-986 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The apparatus and the method of the measurings %vere described by thesame authors already earlier (Ref 1). Experiments on the not initi*d oxidation of CR were carried out 4~uartz reaction containers of the same hameter (45 mm) the surface of which was processed in different way: 1) No special pro- cessing ( 11pure" container); 2) washed out by means of hydro- fluoric acid (H F container); 3) washed out by means of a Card 1/4 1 % so lution of2K2B 0 (K2B container). The results of 2 4 7 407 20-318-~-38/59 Formaldehyde Yields on Methane Oxidation, as Dependent Upon the Homogeneous Initiator Concentrationg Inert Gas Admixtures and the Condition of the Re- action Vessel Walls these experiments are illustrated on a diagram and demonstrate that the yield of CH 20 depends on the state of the surface of the reaction contkiner. Therefore, yield of CH 0 at given 2 . conditions of the oxidation of CH has no maximum, i.e. ve- locity of molecular consumption of CH 0 is of the same order of magnitude as with the consumption in the chain reaction. The dependence of the yield of CH 20 on the nature of the surface of the reaction container observed here may have two reasonst 1) Destruction of the active centers an the surface of the reaction container takes place in the kinetic or dif- fusion-kinetic range* 2) Heterogeneous reaction of the con- sumption of CH 20 takes place in the kinetic or diffusion-ki- netic range. A dilution of the reaction compound with nitro- gen renders difficult the diffusion of the radicals and CH20 molecules to the wall and therefore is bound to increase the yield of CH 20. The admixture of materials which can produce active centere to the reaction compound is equally bound to increase the yield of CH 0. A diagram illustrates the results of theexperiments on Ke oxidation of methane Card 2/4 under the presence of different amounts of NO 2* Thus, e.g. PAVLOV, B.V.; KOROLIff, G.V. 9d. 1 no.6:869-877 Kinetl"~-O-F-Induaqd polymerization. Tysokom. so (KIRL 12:10) js 159. i.Iaboratoriya anizotropnykh struktur AN SSSR. (Chemical reaction, Rate of) (Polymerization) Q KOROLEV. G.V.; RAVLOV, B.V.; MLIN, A.A. Thermometry as a method of studying polymerization Unetics. Part 1: Principle@ of the method emd the experimental setup. Vysokom. soed. I no.9:1396-140 2 S 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Isboratorlya aninotropuykh atruktur AN SSSR. (Polymerization) (Chemical apparatus) :rA oil SIM 0 R J.3 ~4 --7 it I! - ; &45., X.i I t a- gjl A~ aim vo L, r 0 4o oil 9 [ILI j . 1 Mo. ui -n RA 1 .3 I KOROIEVVG V.;- HAKHONINA , L. I.; BERLIN. A.A. Polymerization in highly v1scous sys-Lems and three-dimensional polymerization. Part 1: Kinetic characteristics of the poly- merization of some polynarylates. Vysokom. aoed,3 no.2:198- 204 F '61, WRA 14:5) 1. Institut khImIcheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Ackylic acid) (Polpwrization) S/190/62/004/010/OqS/010 11101/B166 AUTHORS: Korolev, G. V., Berlin, A. A., Kefelip T. Ya. ,TITLE-. Polymerization in highly viscous media, and three- dimensional polymerization. II..Study of the initial polymerization stage of polyacrylate esters PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. io,1962, 1520-1527 TEXT: The effect of the viscosity of the medium on the initial polymerization rate w 0 and on the constant kt-of-chain termination in 1 0 polyacrylate esters was studied. Polymerization took place at 50 C and -5~j -dicaibonate (I) in bulkt in f by weight of dicyclohexyl peroxy 0 benzene solution and In highly viscous III w 0 was measured by methods .dq:aoribed previously (Author'.9 certificate no. 1373q4, class 421, 335, 4y.4leten' izobreteniy, 1961, no- 7). The following data were found: Card 1/4 POlYmeriza S/,190/62/004/010/008/010 tibh in highly vjqcou8 ... ~1 I B110,11/111 86 bligomer Viscosity at 1--wo.10- 2. min- -Ikt, 1/mole-sec -or monomer e5O, cat Ln bulk 50/c, II 75~', II (I in bulk 10 6 )~ 3 5 2-3-10 IV 95 7 9.8 3.6-10 V 6o 4 4.3. 8 1.9-106 "VI 1000 17-5 14 5 Vil 1-4-10 115 5 6 5 VIII 8 1 6-4-10 6 Ix 55 17 3 7-5 2-3-10 0.75 1 +) 7 1.2 4-0-10 +) IDP-2 di-,er consisting of djethyl~ne glycol, ph thalic acid, and ii~butYric acid,k?~Fhich is not capable oik'radical-chain Polymerization and has a viscosity of 800-900 estj III - TGM-3, dimethacrylj~e triethylenPlycol; IV - MGF-9 diM thacrylate-(bia-tri- Card 2/4 i9 KOROLEV, G.V.; kand.khim.nauk "Gla,gs-reinforced plasticsp the material of the future* by B.L. Kiselev. "High-strength glass-reinforced plastice by A.K. Burov, G.D. Arxlreevskaia. Reviewed by G.V. Korolev. Priroda 51 no.7:123-124 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (Glas.9-reinforced plastics) (Kiselev, B.L.) (Burov, A.K.) (Andreevskaia, G.D.) S/19 62 000/011/002/019 Bi 01 YB1 86' AUTHORS: Novitskiy, E. G., Korolev, G. V. TITLE: Use of nitrogen oxide as inhibitor of (J-polymerization in the gaseous phase PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy; no. 11, 1962, 6-7 TEXT: The spontaneous c.;-polymerization of methacrylic acid and other unsaturated monomers occurring at high temperatures suppressed in the liquid phase by inhibitors such as tannin, hydroquinone, etc. (1-2~o admixture). However, a spongy C-0-polymer'also forms in the gaseous phase in consequence of high concentration on the walls of the reaction vessel, changes into the liquid phase, and thereupon initiates a spontaneous polymerization, despite of the presence of the inhibitors mentioned. It is shown here that the spontaneous I- ymerization also dccurs when argon is bubbled through methacrylic acid at 155-15&C. but is suppressed for at least one hour when % NO is added to the argon. Like- wise the spontaneous polymerization of the reaction mixture of polydiethyl- ene glycol phthalate and methacrylic acid heated to 2000C was suppressed Card 1/2 S/191/62/000/011/002/019 Use of nitrogen oxide as ... B101/B18b for 6 hra when 2~,' NO hud been added to the Ar. This allows of polyester acrylates being synthesized in the melt almost completely in the first stage of esterification, and of obtaining oligomers which can be rapidly cured by common radical initiators. There is I table. Card 2/2 S/190/62/004/011/004/014 B119/B186 AUTHORSt Korolev, G. V., Berlin, A. A. TITLE: Polymerization in highly viscous media and threedimensional polymerization. III. Mechanism of self-acceleration in the initial and intermediate stages of polymerization of poly- acrylates PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedine'niya, v- 4, no. 11, 19629 1654 - 1659 TEXT: The mechanism that underlies threedimensional polymerization of polyacrylates is explained by studies of reaction systems and kinetics and by reference to published data. The-formation of the intensely branched and crosslinked polymer structure in the initial and inter- mediate stages of the reaction is likewise explained. It is assumed that those of the primary polymer chains which are long enough become coiled, forming microregions within which the liquid monomer is immobilized and, therefore, polymerize much more quickly in all directions than when freely mobile in the pure liquid phase. Taking into account this effect, the kinetic equation wAja_1 - wo + ar (w. . initial rate of polymerization, Card 1/2 Polymerization in highly... S/190/62/004/011/004/01 .4 B119A186 W = current rate Of Polymerization, OligOmer, P = degree Of conversion current concentration of in.gQod agreement with the experi , a = constant) was derived which w s methacrylate triethylene glycol imental results. a e hXtioen glycol' which proved n the form Of 5 Polymerization of di- led production - 10% solutions in tri- t Zhe to be a relatively active transfer agent, setting Of weakly branchedv soluble and fusible thermo- 2 f. ~-P01Y--rs, m.p. igures. 80 - 900C, in a Yield Of 70 - 90%. There are ASSOCIATION, In-Ititut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR Physics AS USS]R) (Institute of chemical SUBMITTED, June 19, 1961 Card 2/2 S/190/62/004/011/005/014 B119/B186 AUTHORS: Korolev, G. V., Smirnov, B. R., Bolkhovitinov, A. B. TITLEs Polymerization in highly viscous media and three-dimensional polymerization. IV. Study of free radical recombination in polyacrylate ester glasses by the electron paramagnetic resonance method PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye noyedineniya, T. 4, no. 11, 19629 1660 - 1664 TEXT: Recombination of macroradicals at 50'- 100 0C by the e.p.r. method was studied with a view to determining the specific features of polymeri- zation kinetics in a completely structurIzed three-dimensional polyatri- zation system. The recombination rate conet 'ants kt, the activation energies and the pre-exponential factors were determined for the following three types of polyacrylate eaters t Mr~ -9 (MGF-9) 9 M131 -1 (MDF-1 ), and TrM-3-(TGM-3). Macroradioals in these esters may be considered being some kind of polymer fragments of the three-dimensional structure with free valencies.. it has been shown that, if all other conditions remain un- Card 1/2 Polymerization in highly viscous..o S/190 62/004/011/005/014* B119 B186 changed, k X t increases with the increasing length and resulting flexibility of the oligOmeric Ch - greater lattice of the glassy ains that form the three-dimensional POlyacrylates has been Polymer. The aut0accoleration in the cur, 05 found to be associated with a decrease to the th to 106 th Part of k during the Course of the'reaction, ng of the Place from near t zone degree Of which takes There are 3 figures and 1 conversion to high degrees of O,v, table. r8ion. ASS'CIATION2 Institut khimicheskoy fiaiki AN SSSR SUBMITTED1 Physics AS USSR) (ins.tit-te of Chemical June 19, 196, Card 21z EERLIN, A.A.; KEFELI, T.Ya.; KOROIEV, G.V. Folymeriza*9 oligowroo Dim.prom. no.12:870-880 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Estero) (Polymerization) T~ "R 8/191/63/000/003/015/Q?2. Biol/BW AUTHORs Korolev# Go Ve TITLEt Universal apparatus for determining the activity of nonoftrf and oligomers. PERIODICAW, F118stichookiyo- massyt no., 3t 19639 51 54 W19-0-t-_ A simple apparatus for determining the activity of monomers yielding stiPr1c, insoluble, or nonmelting polymers is described. Two types of the appaWus'are built. In typo A, the reaction vessel consists of a flat round box filled with the monomer initiitor, and inhibitor. It rotatea in a Dewar flask filled withwater or a mixture of water. and glycerol. Therso6 couples measure the rise. in temperature during polymerization. The quanti-. ty of heat supplied by rotation is tested' in a blank test. In type B9 polymerization takes place in the gap between a block of duraluminum-and a cylindrical duraluminum* insert. In A and B9 the ratio monomer i coblant is so chosen that the.temperature increases by no more than approxim&4*4- .10C in all. a/a 0 is suggested for meiburing the relative activity* a - r X/tmaxPj rbeing the degree of conversion. a. W the activity of a Card T 2 S/19Y63/ooo/oo3/oi51w2 Universal apparatus for..... B101/B186 standard sample (-cal/mole), E~-- time (min), P - polymer weight. Ifq bqw- .ever, monomers with diffevent polymerization heats q are to be oompav"q or. if apparatus with different heat capaoiti-as and scales are used for- measure- ment, then a - r max C/t-..x is valid; -(- scaling faotor,,ri,3 given in scale sections. The kinetic curves r verau*s Vfor dimethacrylato tristiom glycol and polyester. acrylate with different amounts of iniftator and Inhibi- tor are given as an example. - 'Activity such as initial activity, mean activity, activityversus time of conversion, etc. can be determined with the above apparatus6 There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 -~K ~OLEV, G.V.; MOGILEVICH, M.M.; RADUGIN, V.S. Apparatus fqr the thermometric measwement of the rate of 41~format*n- Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:57-60 163. (miRA 16:2) (Films (Chemistry)) (Polymerization-44easurement) NOVITSKIYI E. G.; KOROLEV, G. V. Use of nitrogen oxide as an inhibitor of the gas phase polymerlsation. Plast. massy no.11:6-7 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Polymerization) (Nitroi-en oxide) SORDLEVY G.V., _1_140GIU-VICII, M.M. IMestigating the film formation by some polyester acrylat4s. 'Iskokras,~. mate i ikh prim. no.2:12-16 163. (MIRL 16:1,) (Polymerization) Polymerization of highly viscoue- ii.edLa and, polyrrerizaticn. Fart 5,- Apparatua; Cor studyIncy ungtealy siatF. . r3 I Rinetics (prp- and post-effoot) in tcu or the polyzer-12aticn of' polyente.,~- acrylatc-2. Vysoliom_soed, t- no. -l,-8?7-fl83, 1. institut khiml,,heskoy fizikf i4i 17*,.';':,. in iicl, V'l tw. Fail (m pu~ KiL gill aj ------------- 19~01-45 _60~Wj' 18rp~ c MEPO ACCESSION NR: AP5oo36io. S/0190/64/006/007/1256/n-60 AUTHOR: Korolev, G. V.;-Smirnov, R.; Bashkirova, S. G..; Berlin, A. A. TITLE: P-olymerization')in highly viscous media and three-dimensional polymerization, VIII. Determination of;the rate constants of initiation of radical polYmerization i by certain peroxides and azo initiators In incompletely set dimetiacrylatebutyisme glycol SOURCE: Vy6okomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 1256-1260 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, oreanic azo compound, polyester plastic, acrylic plastic, organic oxide AMTRACT: The-Fate constants of. initiation And decomposition in the thermal J decomposition',~of benzoyl peroxide, dicyclohexyl peroxydicarbonate, and azo- -b f~ -i's- -o-b- u-t --- yronitrile, in 1-4111*~ by weight concentrations in dimethacrylate- butylene glycol, set to a degree of 40-M;. were measured, It was found that. the values of the initiation rate did not depend on tha initial concentra- tion of the initiator. This independence inidicated that no chain decompo- sition occurred-under the reaction conditions, and only a monomolecular p.rocess took place. The establishment that the initiation rate does not depend on the degree of conversion of the polyester acrylate was additiok4L Card 112 L 19801-65 ACCESSIONAR. AP5W3610 evidence of the monamocular mechanism of'the decomposition.of initiators in incompletely set polyester acrylate glasses with residual double bonds. It was found that the activation energies of initiation by the investigated organic peroxides coincide with tha activation energies of decomposition of the corresponding initiators in benzene; the. preexpoRential factors of initiation were approxim~_tely- 2.57VIiiaG lower than -the preexponential factors' of decomposition. The efficiency of initiation by peroxide initiators was ,v 0.3, which is only slightly less than the theoretical value of 0.5 for the liquid phase, calculated on the basis oil the theory of the "cage effecti" The efficiency of initiation by azo-bis-isobut5TOnitriler7was approximately 10 times lowar. Orig.-art. has 2 forms.,, 1 graph Kn-d-47-tables, L-42425-65 0.JT(m)/EPF(c)jEPA PI ACCESSION NR: APS006555 AUTHOR: Korolev, AlIter, Yu..*H.-, Zhillts2!a. L. A. loo, TITLE: Polymerization rate for some a6rvlic acid volyesters in the block as a function of initiator concentration and temperature 1SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1965, 9-Y1 ,:TOPIC TAGS: acrylic acid polyesterst-polymerization, synthesis, kinetics, initia- concentration ABSTRACT: Polynieriz4tion ~:of %'two acrilic acid. polyesters. dimethacrylateof bl. s_. :,-triethy~efiegly.colphthala-te, (11GFAYI~~(i-dlmethacrylate of-bisdiethylglycolphthalate NDF-l)k~was studied in the-5r-esence of radical-chain initiators:Se-azobisisobutyl- Ei~trile, benzoyl peroxide (BP) and bicyclohex-Ilpe. oxide carbonate (BHC). The rate of polymerization of the acrylic acid polyesters under different conditions IS sho!,m in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. For both polyesters the rate of polymerization proceeds according to the equation "p (-6jRT) Vnere E is a function og~the_depth.:.qf conversion, A ir, a constant which dOpends Oil Card A, d` jj~- ACCESSION NR: AP5005898 S/0020165/160/003/0646/o649 AUTUOR: coildanskiy, V. 1. (Corresponding GusaRovskaya, 1. G.; Yegorov Ye. V. TITLE: Ridiation polymerizationlLf SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. i6O, member AN SSSR); Korolev. G. V., Rapoporc, V. R. poly(alkyl acrylates no. 3, 1965, 646-649 TOPIC TAGS: alkyl acrylate, alkyl methacrylate, polyalkylacrylate, polyalkylmethacrylate, radiation polymerization, free radical, hot radical theory, thermal polymerization, polymerization energy transfer ABSTRACT., Because there is no published data on the subject, the authors studied the kinetics o,f radiation-induced polymerization of alkyl acrylates and compared :the obtained relationships with those pertaining to the three-din-Msional thermal polymerization of the S"IMC monomers. A method of direct meai:uring of 0Q heat evolved in the polymerization, developed by the autliors, was applied for the first time. Poly(alkyl methacrylate) oligamers (MB from butanediol methacrylate) and two condensation products of butanediol and metha- crylic and phthalic acid (MBP-1 and MBP-2), differing in the length Card 1/3 L 27184-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5005898 P, of the oligomer chain, we re used. the viscosity of the medium was increased by adding varying amounts of an inert, highly viscous sal- _4 vent, a condensation product of Isobutyric acid, diethylene- glycol and( thalte acid). irradiation was carried out e i ther i n, a GU~-400 Co 'gh installation (dose rate 3-21 rad/sec) or in an electron acce lerator (dose rate 10 -105 rad/sec) at 20-25C. The results were recorded by a the heat vs the time_df~Jrradiatio-A~ -4."Galy ical- of gave processing d 6 -a d-vs-.__-_th the curves .-ot~ the -rg_d_u_*dc_d -.r:a to - vs ose .-rat P degree of conve rsion.' -It.. was f otind --that:,~ as in thermal po lyt-ae riza- tio , oxygen inhibits the process of radtation-induced polymerization, and that the process has a chain-radical mechanism of convertsion. 9N, However, two dlfferenc~~s were notcd: 1) In radiation polymerization hot ra'ical" recombination in the rigid tbree-dimensional structure i _. - ~7! W38 more dif ficult. Therefore, it was assuned that the dissipacton -i nA tranafer of energy necessary for the propazatLon of tile Polyn- "NA i M, _-~-Lza~ion took place along the polyiacr ch,~ins, which acquired, a cer- t a i 11 ~-Ilob i I i ty ,And that enorpy transf-r was effectet! by a gradual ex- cktatton of the energy lLvels along the chaini. Thc lauLr assumntion Was confirmed by the indepandence.of the pollymerization rate on the MY 9121 Card 2/3 X_ -L-;;- L 27184-6-5 ACCES S T Otj NR: AP5005898 viscosity of the medium, which inhibits the direct diffusion of-rad- icals. 2) Radiation polymerization produced complete conversion (up Lo 100%.) whereas chemically induced polymerization cannot achieve such a. high degree of conversion even if: high temperatures. Ener~zy along the chains also explains the improvement in physical and mech-anAcal properties of the polymers. For example, the ',eat__._ stabilityk-'~'of the radiatf.on-ind.uced poly(alkyl acrylates) iq several times higher than that of chemically cured polytners. The increased energy of the separate elements of the three-dimensional structure apoarently produces a relaxation of inner stresseq, a kind of high- tepiper-ature "annealing" of the polymer. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. [3N I ASSOC,IATION: Institut.k-himiche-skoy.fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of.- Chemical Phy.Gics, All SSSR); SUBMITTED: 14Sep64 ENCLz 00 IUB CODE'. CX,, C- 0 NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 002 ATD PRESS: 3191 Card 3 3 d4n,-il KOROIEV, G.V.; SIIIRIIGV, B.R.; MAMONINA, L. I* Use of the electron paramagnetic resonance method for determining the rate constant of chain growth in the polymerization cf poly- acrylic esters. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.8:1417-1421 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. MON' L_~6509-66 Ej1T(M)/D1PW. 1/65/000/01VOOOMOO10 1 Ace NRt AP6001492 (A) SOURCE CODEt UR/019 Sel'skayal_ AUTHORS: Berlin, A. As; Korolevp_ Go V.; Makh _najL_L. I_ Belovap G. Vo ORG: none TITLE: Effect of conjugated polymers upon R2!1m01'iZ4t_,0.Anof oligoesteraorylatOB tability of the produced polymers and thermal s SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, nos l2p 1965s 8-10 TOPIC TAGS: oligomer, thermal decomposition stabilizer additive, conjugated polymer, polyester plastiop polymerization Vinetics / ATV-2 thermal scalesp-MOs- MDF-2 1yesteracrylate, MBF-1 polyesteracrylate ABSTRACT: Thermal stabilitTof three-dimensional poolyesteracrylate (I) was Ljp~heny e~ne razo- Studied by using conjugated thermostabilizers: po: (II)o pol) I. phenylene (III)v polyphenylacetylene (IV), polytolane M, anthracene (VI), and ted (IV) and (VI), Kinetic study of polymerization of I was per- 7. thermally trea formed according to the method described by Go V, Korolev (Plast massy, No., 3P 51, 1963)o Kinetic curves of the thermal-oxidative decompositio~~of cured I vere UDCt 678.01:335, Card 1/3 ------- -16509-66 ACC NRt AP6001492 obtained by beating at 200C bV MF AN SSSR. 'n air on autOm4tic thermal scal data obtained are SP-CiMO- er. 0o70 + 0,c2 Mm thic 08 ATV-2 constructed summarized in Figs. k dud weighed 70 mg and 2o The i 03 20 0' 43 4 8 Time.. ilia., Fig. Effect Of the addition of th Oxidative decomposition Of JOrmal stabllizerd~pon the thormo_ Stabilizer; 2 thermSU7 f tYPi HF-2: no thermal 111 5 V. treated IV; 3 70110,w IVI 4 JV0 -Lpqp~ 2/3 J L 165,09-66 1 AGG MRs AP6W1492 M20 0 H 0 I Z a 4, 5 6 Time~ hro.' Fig. 2. Effect of the addition of thermally treated VI upon the thermo- oxidative decomposition of I# type MBF-lt 1 - no additive; 2 - 5% of Vi. It was established that addition of 5% of either of the tested thermal stabiliz- ers completely retarded destruction of I. In lower concentrations (up to ly'O), thermally treated IV was most effective, It is concluded that deactivating abil- ity of this type of thermal stabilizera increases with temperaturep which is in contrast to the behavior of other Imown stabilizers# Orig, art, has$ 4 figures, SUB CODEs 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG Ws 010/ OTH REFs 001 'Card 313 KOROLEV, G.V.; KARAPETYAN, Z.A. Improved "UP-2" universal device for determining the activity of monomers and oligomers. Plast. massy no.11:51-53 165. (MIRA 1802) jL tWr(M)jH'4YP RM L Mull-tt, 0 )/T IJP (0 ACC NR1 AP6015679 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/009/0078/0078 3A INVENTOR: Korolev G. _ V. Smirnov, B. R. ; Yarkina,_V. V. ;.Berlin, A. A. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of formulations which can be polymerized when exposed to light, Class 39, No. 181300,t< SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promymhlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 78 t TOPIC TAGS: photopolymerization, polymerization ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of preparing formulations suitable for photopolymerization.4 The formulations contain a polymer base, a compound that can be polymerized and a polymerization initiator. To stabilize the material and to plasticize it *temporarily during processing, the compound containing inits chain groups: to suggested an suitable for polymerization. (LDI [Translation) SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 25Feb65/ C.'d I /I Al M UDC: 7171. 531. 67 8. 7 1,6. ~ r ' - ;Lt, I ACC NR, AP6 3 I.Nu' SOURICS CODZ&-UA/olgl/66/ooo/oo7/oooB/ooog'- AUTHOR: Koz V.; Kondrateyeva, A. G.; Berlin. A. A. ORGI none 01 Chomical regulation of inhibitortactivity in the radloal-chain po2merizationi 1of monomers and oligomers SOURCEt Plastichaskiye massys no. 7. 19669 8-9 TOPIC TAGS& radical polymorizationg, chain reaction polymerizationp iodinev ascorbic acid, hydraquinone, polymerization kinetics ABSTRACT: The paper describes some methods for chemically regulating the activity of inhibitors of radical-chain polymerization by Introducing Into the polymerization Sys- tem suitable admixtures which increase or decrease the effectiveness of quinone_4~ inhibitors. The effect of such admixturos on hyAE9 "n a oqui _quin2L(~.a d b nz none was deter- minod from the change in the polymerization kinetics of met"crylatesy(methyl Methik rylates polyester acrylates). Polyester aevilate of bra_n_cT_7-_26-w1s_-used in the expe iments. The polymerization was carried out at 500C in the presence of the initiator dicyclohexylperoxydicarbonato (DCP) and at 700C in the presence of azoisobutyrodini trile (AD). Iodine admixtures were found to increase the effectiveness Of quinone: type inhibitors considerablyl, whereas ascorbic acid admixtures deactivate the inhibi- tors almost completely,, By treating 12 as an oxidant and ascorbic acid as a reductant~ UDCs 678. 1 ~ 08400--t~7 ACC NRi a603174~ the interaction of these two agents with the inhibitors can be explained In terms of redox processes. In the case of 12, its synergistic effect involves not only an =i-. dative process, but also the formation of a complex between IZ'and the inhibitor; tife effectiveness of this complex is greater than that of tho inhibitor &louse Orige &A9 hafis 3 figures. SUB GOD& 07/ SUBX DATEV none/ ORIG RSFI 005 Card 2/2 afs 4. L 7880-66 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/ZWP(J)/T RM ACC NR: AP5025016 SOURCE comet uR/b286/65/bO0/016/0(Y79/0079 AUTHORS: IM91aX. Gt V Kondrat9yevat A. ORG: none TITLEt A method for increasing viability of compositions on the basis of P_0jjM--' erizina ol mars* Class 39.Nos 3925 SOURCE. Byaleten' izobretenly i tovarnykh znakov, no. 16" 1965, 79 TOPIC TAGS1 oligomer, synergic agent, iodine, polymer ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for increasing the viability Of compositions on the basis of polymerizing oligomers (containing aquinone type inhibitor) by Introducing into the composition a synergic agent for the inhibitors To increase the intensity of the method, iodine is used as the eynergic agent, SUB COIZ; 07/ SUBM DATE: 03Aug64 nw Card 14 uDo.#: 678.764.. V