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XOROGODIN, V.I.; MUMMY, O.V.; FORYADKOVA, N.A.; IMOURROV, N.A. Problem of the reversibility of various forms of radiation injury in diploid yeast calls. TSItologila 1 no-3:306-315 Hyn-je 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. lafedra bioflziki Moskovskogo universiteta, laboratoriya radloblologil Instituta fistologii im. I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad, laboratorlyn btofisiki Instituta biologii Urallskogo f iliala All SSSR, Sverdlovsk. (RADIATION--PHYSIOLOGICAL FJ7ECT) (DIAST) KOROGODIN, V.I.; LYU AY-SHWI [Lin ki-shon] Features of the effect of ionizing irradiation on the haploid yeasts Zygosaccharomyces Bailti. TSitologiia 1 no.4.379-386 Jl-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Xafedru bioflziki Koskovekogo imiversitets. (GOM RAYS-PUSIOLOGICAl INECT) (MbT) IMROGM . TARIJSOT, B.M.; TAMBIYEV, A.1h, Relation of postirradiation restoration reactions to the deftity of cell suspension, temperature and oxygen pressure [Vith sw=W7 In Inglishle Bloftsika 4 no.2:224-227 '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Biologo-pochvenr47 falmlltat Koskovskogo gosudarstyannogo uni- versiteta Imeni N.V. Lomonosova. (TRASTS. effect of radiations, gamma rays, off. of suspension density. temperature & oxygen on post-irradiation reactions (Rua)) (GAMMA RAYSO effects, on yeasts. eff. of suspension density, temperature & oxygen on post-irradiation reactiona (Rus)) LGRE, A.L.; KOROGODIN. V.I. ---. Distribution of radioactive pollutions in stagnant water. Mod rad. 5 n0,1:67-73 J& 160, (NIRA 15:3; 1, Iz kafedry bioflaW biologo-pochvennogo fakul'teta, Moskove1togo goadaretvennogo universiteta. (WATER POLLUTION) (RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES) KDROGODINP VII.1 WGMKI N'To Problem of the nature of primary changes in radiation Call Injury. Blofisilm 5 no.1:88-90 160. (KMA 13:6) 1. Biologo-poebTemW fakulftet Koskovskogo gasudaretvannogo univeralteta I laboratorlya bloftsiki Urallskogo filiala AN SSSL (RADIATION INJURY exper.) , KOROGODIN9 V.I.; MAMEDOVp T.G. Effect of irradiated plant seedlings on the growth of nonirradiated seedlings, BiofizW 5 no, 2:186-188 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Biologo-pachvennyy fakulftet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Imonomovas (PIANTS9 EFFECT OF RADIATION ON) '91. 30367 V205/61/001/005/002/005 D299/D304 AUTHORS: E.M. Karabayev, and V.I. Korogodin TITLE2 The effects of temperature and oxygen on the primary les- ions which arise in cells due to irradiation (Experiments on diploid yeast organisms) PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no. 5, 1961, 653 - 658 TEXT. The experiments were calculated to clarify certain aspects of the energetic metabloism in the postradiation restoration of cells.. The aspects were: The fate of the primary radiobiological lesions which,through unfavorable conditions, did not succeed In being "restored"; whether these lesions become irreversible or whether they preserve their "restorability"., Experiments were carried out with Saccharomyces vini var. Megri-139-Bg ir- radiated with gamma-rays in a n T -co-400 (GUT-So,-400) apparatus at an intensity of 1000-1450 r/min. The yeasts were incubated at 00 C in sterile water or on a nutrient medium, at 300 C in sterile water with free access of oxygen or in a state of anoxia. The results proved convincingly that Card 1/ 3 L~ 3C)367 S/20 61/001/005/002/005 The effects of temperature and D299YD304 neither temporary storage of -the irradiated yeasts at low temperature nor incubation in a starvation medium at 300 C in a state of anoxia led to an increase in the survival rate. Further tests revealed that keeping the ir- radiated yeasts at 00 C or in a state of anoxia had no effect on the sub- sequent reparatory changes when the yeasts were transferred into condit- ions conducive to restoration. A third series of tests studied the effects of prolonged (up to 6 hr) maintenance of the yeast ~,,ells, in conditions not conducive to restoration, on the reversibility of the primary biologl-, cal, lesions resulting from irradiation. The results showed that this treat- ment in no way impalred the yeast cell.91 restorabillty. Consequently, low temperatures or anoxia prevented the restoration of viability in irradia- ted diploid yeast nells incubated in a non-at;trIent medium, the lesions due to radiation, however, retained their reversibility. The authors ex- tend the hypothesis that reparation of irradiated cells is perhaps achiev- ed by the final destruction and the removal from the cells of those struc- tural elements which had been partially damaged by irradiation. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 13 references; 8 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4 most recent English- language publications read as Card 2/3 IX 30367 S/205/61/001/005/002/005 The effects of temperature and ... D299/D3o4 follows: A.W. Pratt, W.S. Woos, M. Eden, J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 15, 1039, 1955; P.E. Kimbal, N. Gaither, S.M. Wilson, Radiation Res., 10, 490, 1959; N.E. Gillies, T. Alper, Nature, 183, 237, 1959; T. Alper, Radiation Res., 5, 537, 1956. ISSOCIATION: MGU, Kafedra biofiziki (MGU, Department of Biophysics) Card 3/3 Illy 32750 S/205/61/001/006/010/022 C) 'Jftwl I I)268/D305 AUTHORS: Alekseyeva, S.I., Grayevskiy, Ye.Ya.,_Korogodin,_Y.I._, Nekrasovap I.V., and Tambiyev, A.Kh. TITLE: The effect of cell suspension density on radiosensi-- tivity of yeasts PERIODICAL: Radiabiologiyap v. 1, no. 6, 1961; 878 - 886 TEXT: The correlation between concentration of suspensions and radiosensitivity was studied in 5 yeast strains: the haploid Zygo- saccharomyces bailii, diploid Saccharomyces vini Megri 139-B, and 3 strains of S. cerevisiaep haploid 127-12 dq diploid IVY-110, and tetraploid 16 x 32. Strains were cultured on wort agar at 28 - 300C and irradiated after 2 - 3 days development. Either aliquots obtai- ned by scraping hard medium or by centrifuging dense solutions. or suspensions with a concentration of 109 - 104 cells/ml. were irra- diated. A Pyn-200 apparatus (RUP-200 industrial X-ray unit 200) with a dose rate of 5,400 r/min. was the X-ray source, and a 1',,T.- Co-400 apparatus (GUT-Co-400, therapeutic gamma unit Co 400) the Card 1/5 32750 S120 61/001/006/010/022 The effect of cell suspension ... D268YD305 ,-amma-ray source. Strains were also irradiated in 5 - 10 % egg pro- tein solution. Cell viability was determined 0by counting macro- and micro-colonies, incubated on wort agar at 30 C, according to me- thods previously described by Korogodin (Ref, 8-9: Biofizika, 2, 178P 1957; 3, 206, 1958). Oxygen content in aqueous suspensions at different concentrations was determined polarographically by a me- thod described by Konstantinova and Grayevskiy (Ref. 10: Dokl. AN SSSR9 132, 14279 1960). Aqueous suspensions of the 3 S. cerevisiae strains exposed to X-rays showed a fall in dose effectiveness as the cell suspension concentration increased. The oxygen content was determined polarograph,ically in suspensions at different concentra- tions. Results showed a clearifall in oxygen tension as the suspen- sion concentration increased. Respiration intensity was determined in Z. Bailii and Megri 139-B and showed that the Q02 for the former was 840 � 1569 and for the latter 3,100 � 320 )al./hour for 1010 cells. It was much lower in haploid than in diploid cells~ Accord- ingly the concentration effect would be weaker in Z~ bailiJ than in Megri 139-B. If the effect were due to oxygen deficiencyg SU3_ pension concentration would affect radiosensitivity rather less Card 2/5 32750 B120 611001100610101022 The effect of cell suspension D268YI)305 with irradiation in oxygen-free conditions than in aerated water, especially in a strain with low respiration intensityj This would be in line with the views of Gunter and Kohn (Ref. 3: J.Lacteriol., 72, 422, 1956). jo6 cells/ml~ suspensions and aliquots from both strains were exposed to gamma-irradiation in the atmosphere and in a vacuum, and viability determined according to micro-colonies, Re- sults completely confirmed the proposition. The dose effectiveness reduction coefficient for the haploid strain irradiated in air was 0.81, and for the diploid 0.47. In conditions of anoxia, no concen- tration effect was observed for the former, while in the latter the dose effectiveness reduction coefficient was M1. Oxygen content in suspensions in a vacuum was 3 - 5 % compared with that in dilute suspensions in the air. Irradiation of 106 cells/mi. suspensions of haploids and diploids in 5 and 10 % egg protein solutions with gamma-rays showed no protective reactions by the proteins,, Accord- ing to Gunter and Kohn yeast cells are also only very mildly sen- sitive to H202. Tests were made with 4 strains. Results showed that though they differed in their sensitivityp haploids being most sen- sitiveg H202 only affected viability noticeably at concentrations Card 3/5 32750 S/205/61/001/006/010/022 The effect of cell suspension ... D268/11305 of 13.4 and 28.8 pg./ml. Experiments were also made to determine the effect of suspension concentration at the time of irradiation on post-radiation recovery with Megri 139-B, whose post-radiation recovery has been already described by Korogodin (Ref. 7: Biofizi.- ka, 3, 703, 1958). Exposure was to gamma-irradiation. Part of the suspension was sown on nutrient medium immediately after irradia- tion and part at 24 - 48 hours. Viability was determined by macro- colonies. In both cases change in dose effectiveness was largely dependent on suspension concentration at irradiation. The extent of post-radiation recovery of yeast cells was virtually independent of their concentration at irradiationg the dose effectiveness reduc- tion coefficient fluctuating within Oo4l t'O.,03. It is concluded that at concentration effect was produced when yeast cells were ir- radiated with X.- and gamma-rays in normal air and in one case with oxygen deficiency. Radiosensitivity was independent of suspension density up to a concentration of 106 cells/ml., but increased pro- portionally to the concentration logarithm with a further increase in density. The concentration effect was more pronounced in the strain with greater respiration intensity. The very poor sensitivi- ty of yeast cells to H 202 was demonstrated, as well as the reduct- Card 4/5 BILUSHI, V.,- KOROGODIN, V.I. Comparative analysis of the restoration of diploid yeasts fO11OV1j2g alpha and gamma irradiations Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.5:1208-1211 Jo 161. (KML 14x6) 1, Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSR i Hookovskiy gosudarstwanyy wAversitet imo M,V.Lomonosovae Pred- stavleno akademikoz YAJW9911gardtoms, (U"T) (ATMA BAMB--PMIULOGICAL FYMT) (GAM RAYS--PMIOU)GICAL EFFECT) Mprtnitn" of Ntmary It.d6blologre.1 t^lom Ow F-domal Start or Cells During The P~t-It3dldtlon Perim! L I.L V-ln~ and V.6 L It Is known that the survival or nmny unkellular organisms lindimed whh'10rillinS radiatioril depends On the conditions after irradiation. Fxpcrinients with yeast cells allow the folfowingconel-loni: (lithe primury radiobio- logical lesions caused in celli,directly or soon after Irradlation,result In irreversiblechangcs only when they involve certain proasses or the u, cycle or the cell, related probably to the duplication or biological macrorn.lcculei; (2) prior to the metnent oreximmion.the primary lesions either remain unchangcd(at least quantimlively) or cIW arc "mtomd" pro,ldcd iullablc conditions existpk(ii) one or it,- Writ: conditions or ,post-tadimion restorition- it the rate orenergy turnover In irradiated cells, observable In their respiration of their kfowritation. Finally, the sitmiricame Is discussed of the phenotnenon of post-radistion "nestoration" for the study of the rocclonism or the biological effect of ionizing radiations. L-- At---. S.1, USSR rOPOrt P"Beated at the 2rA TAU. Oangma of RMUUan jMWVh' RW=M%t*/rCWk9kLr*, Gt. Arlit. 5_U AVig XqQ PETROV, R.V.ChOROGODIN, V.I.; LYASS., F.M.j VEYFAKH, A.A.; ROMANTSEV,, Ye.F.; VEMNA---N- ., F., red.; MORGUNOVA, G.M.p tekhn. red. (Contribution of radiology to the development of the medical and biological disciplines]Vklad radiologii v razvitie mediko- biologichoskikh distsiplin. (By] R.V.Petrov i dr. Minsk, Izd- vo M-va vysshego,.srednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR 1962. 145 P. (MIRA 15:9) (RADIO13IOLOCZ 5 (RADIOLOCN, MEDICAL) 43478 S/205/62/002/oo6/oo4/021 E027/E410 AUTHORS: KorogG.din, V.I., Karabayev, E.M. TITLL. The relationship between the effectiveness of gamma irradiation of diploid and haploid yeast and the conditions of post-radiation maintenance PERIODICAL; Radiobiologiya, v.2, no.6, 1962, 824-830 TEXT: The authors.,have investigated the effect of environmental conditions on the sxirvival of a diploid'strain of Saccharomyces vini and a haploid sprain of Zygosaccharomyces baili after gamma irradiation. The organisms were suspended in sterile tap-water an4 exposed to a cobalt source of strength 1000 r per minute for various times, after which they were plated out at various temperatures on 2% agar media containing varying concentrations of must. The number of colonica growing up from irradiated and unirradiated cells of the diploid yeast was studied with various concentrations of must (0.2 to 17 Balling) and at temperatures of 20 to 370C. The survival was clearly influenced by both factors, which had an additive effect. The maximum degree of survival (46110 was obtained at 300C on a medium containing 0.2 Balling of must and the minimum (0.650io) at 370C with 5 Balling. The Card 1/2 The relationship between ... S/205/62/002/006/oo4/021 E027/E4io percentage survival of the diploid yeast can thus be varied over 70-fold-range by adjusting the post-radiation conditions. Similar results were found for the haploid strain. The survival of irradiated cells depends on the influence of the environmental conditions,on the intensity of the recovery processes Lind on the durat~ion of time (luring which the Lnitial potantial injuries are rever-sible, i.e. the completion of the first cell division cycle. Hence-,,/ any combination of conditions which retard the completion of the first cell divilion and intensify the reparative processes should increase survival. There are 2 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut meditsinskoy radiologii ANIINt S3.3R, Obninsk (Instittite of Medical Radiobiology AMS USSR, Obninslic) Moskovskiy go.5udarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova, biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet (,Moscow State University imeni 1M.V.Lomonosov, Biology and Soil Science Division) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1962 Card 2/2 KARABAYEV, E.M.;,KO ODF~ ~~ . V.I. Role of oxygen in postirradiation cell restoration. Zhur. ob. biol. 13 no92s15O-152 Mr-Ap 162.- (MIRA 15-5) 1. Department of Biophysics, State University of Moscow. (YEASTS) (PLANT CELLS AND TISSUES) KOROGODIN, V.I.; YEGOROV, A.Ya.; J(ABAKOV, Ye.N.; MARKOVA, L.I. Comparative study of light and dark reactivation of yeast cells of different ploidy injured by ultraviolet radiation. Zhur.ob. biol. 23 no.4:302-307 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Department of Biophysics, State University of Moscow and All- Un~on Research Institute of Phytopathology (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFEC;)(CHROMOSOME NUMBERS) -.KQE-OGO-DZ,-"-,, kand. biologicheakikh nauk "'Polymers, cel1j, and life" by N*V9 Lyaogorov, V.S. Tongur. Reviewed bY T-I- Korogodin. Nauka i ahisn' 29 no.6:74 Je 162. (MIRA 35:10) (BIOCHEMISTRI) (LYSOGOROV, N.V.) (TONGUR, V.S.) s/.2o5/63/003/001/OQ9/029 E028/Z185, AUTHORS: _Koroxod~n Vt_I. Bilushi,V., Markova L*I,v and Shekhtman Ya.L. TITLE-., Restoration.o-f the viability of yeaf5t cells of varying ploidy-after irradiation with a-particles PERIODICAL: Radiobiolo~giya, v. 3, no.l. 1963, 39-44 T&XT; The cells of 12 strains~of yeast of varying ploidy were irradiated in thin layers w1th.a-part1cles and were then tested for viability by plating out.on wort-agar. The sources of 239Ful. radiation used were giving a dose of.30 rad/min' at a 210 distance of 13 mm from'the surface, and Po giving at mm a dose of 10 200 rad/min. Irradiation was continued for periods ranging from a few minutes-to several hours, 'and was carried out at,1 - 2 0C and temperature. The results showed that the. LDOL10 was dependent an ploidys the haploid strain being the least and the diploid str&in the most radioresistant. With the higher ploidy.xip to 6 radioresistance declined in one set of strains (Viortimer), but increased in aset obtained from another source Card '1/2 L lZ249-63 EWT(m)/BDS/ES(J) AFFTC/ S/205/63/003/002/007/024- ASD/AFVL AR/K AUTHORS -Ruvevich, Yu. A*, Karabayev, E. M and Korogodin, V. I# TITLE: The choice of a model which describes restoration of vitality of yeast cells damaged hX gan=_radiation PERIMICALt Radiobiologiya,, v. 3. no. 2. 19 630 197-203 TEXT: The objects of the investigation.ware Saccharomyces vini, Megri-139-B strain and Zygosaccharomyces Bailii, -Tm possible models of postradiation restoration of damaged yeast cells were considered - the model of "cellular" or "spontaneous" restoration and "gradual" restoration model. It was.shown that postradiation res- toration of Saccharomyces vin-! occurs gradually by slow decrease in the degree of damageo There are 2 tables, 4 figures and a 10-item bibliograpby. ASSOCIATION: Institut meditainskoy radiologii AM SSSR (Institute of Medical Radi- o1ogX of the AcgOM of Medical Sciences of the USSR . Obninsk; Mos- kovskly gosudarstvenrV7 universitet ime U. V. Lomonosova Biologo- pochvennyy fakul-Itet (Ubsgow State Uhiversi:~X im. M. V. Lomonosov, Department of BioloR7 and Soils) SUBMITTM: March 2,, 1962 Card 1/1 ,KGROGODINS. -V,11 Foreword. Trud MOIP. Otd. biol. 7:5-6 -163. k y Eke of the ploidy factor in radiatiolk.injury of cells and some genetic effects of radiation. la4Ar., Wil- GRAYEVSKIY, E.Yu.,- KOROGODIN, V.I - KUZIN, AJII., ; 1-1,0:~KALEV, YU.I.; V.N.; ISHAY'L"O, N.I., doktor biol. nauk; SHIKHODYRO'V, V.V.; EYDUS, L.Kh.; ALEKSAKHIN, R.M., red. [Principles of radiobiology] Osnovy radiatsionnoi bio- logii. I,.',oskva, Nauka, 1964. 402 p. (1.-.I2-,A 18:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut bio'Logicheskoy fiziki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent P11 SSSR (for Kuzin). ACCESSION NR: AP4015090 S/02o5/64/004/001/0083/0091 AUTHOR:* Korogodin, V. I, TITLE: Time periods in which potential radiation injuries are realized in diploid yeast cells SOURCE: Radiobiologlyap ve W no. 1l 1964p 83-91 TOPIC TAGS: diploid yeast cell, Saccharomycee Vini, gamma-irradiation, potential radiation injury, cell chromosome abnormality, cell regeneration, gamma radiation dooe, budding cell level, incubation duration# regenerable cell level,, mathematical data. analysis ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to establish the period of the life cycle at which potential injuries reeponoible for the death of irradiated cells are realized, and the period at which potential injuries responsible for chromosome abnormalities are realized. Diploid yeast suspensions (Saccharomycos Vini, Megri-139-B strain) containing Oel-O-03% budding zooids were gamma-irradiated (GUT-Co-400 unit, 1350 r/min) with single doses from 100 to 315 kr. The Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR; AP4015090 suspensions were incubated at 300C for 5 to 8 hrs following irradiation. To maintain a constant concentration, the incubation period was terminated in all cases before the buds could separate from the irradiated calls. The level of budding cells was determined by taking suspension samples every hour for 8 hrs, Survivability of cells was determined by comparing tho numbor of colonies in experimental and control sample3 after a 4 day Incubation period. Findings show that all cells Irradiated with doses ranging from 100 to 315 kr can form one or several buds before inactivation. Survivabil- ity or, to be more exactp the number of regenerablo cells depends on duration of the incubation period. During the first hours of incubation the regenerable cell level does not change in cells in which potential injuries have not been realized, and thon this level rapidly decreases depending on the radiation dose, This decrease becomes marked when the number of budding cells reaches 20-30'1% The level of regenerable cells decreases to a minimum value at the end of the eighth hour of Incubation when almost all irradiated cells have Lormed buds* On the basis of mathematioal analyses of the experimen- tal data and on the basis of literature sources,, the author draws the conclusion that the realization of potential Injuries responsible for Card2/3 ACCI.;SSION NR: AP4015;090 the death Of irradiated cells and the realization Of Potential injuries responsible for chromosome same Period of the life cycle and abnormalities the mechanism IstakO Place in the Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables, Probably the sam, ASSOCIATION: Institut meditsinskoy radlOlORII AMR SSSR (Institute Of Medical Radiology AMN SSSRI v ObnInsk ""ITTED: 230ct62 SUB CODE: L.S. Card 313 DATE ACQ: 12Mar64 NR Mip SOV: 0.11 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 006 'ACCESSION NR: AP4027983 ,or,, on the contraryp of lethally damaged cells. Experimntal data ,demonstrate that lysis of Sacch. vini 14egri-139-B yeast and Sacchs cerivisiae 16 x 32 'Yeast practically do not affect the shapes of regeneration curves with 8 to 9 day Incubation after irradiation in sterile water at 300C, Under these conditions lyses of the two call .strains are insignificant or completely absent, However, lyaos of .Sacch. cerevisiae, X-320 and X-362 yeast cells markedly affect the shapes of the regeneration curves, mostly the nonlethally damaged cells. The true call regeneration Irocess of these two strains Is best reflected by curves based on the microcolony method, Regenera- tion curve plateaus for all iniestigated yeast strains are dependent ,on the existence of a true radiation damage irreversible componento And not on lysis participation, Orig, art, has: 9 forwAlas and 3 T igures. ASSOCIATION: 'Institut maditsinskoy radiologli ANN S58RO: Obnlmk Medical Radiology Institute ANN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 01NOV63 ENCLI 00. SUB CODE: LS NR HELP SOV: 005 OTHEt: 000 card 77- KAFULITSEVICH, YuG.; FeROGODTIN, V~[. .:,,.tatist.Lcal m.-lub:j-1.3 for 1;--~stradlrati:,n -iellt rest-ol'ation. Padiobiologina ~ nc.3:3i,9,,-356 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. institut ireditsinskoy radlologli AM' SSSR., gorod O)bnipsk, KOROGODIN, V.I. Kinetic regitlarities of the postradiation restoration of celln. Med. rad. 10 no.8:17-24 Ag 165. OxIMA 18:9) 1. Otdel obchchey radiobiologii i radiatsionnoy genetiki (zav. - doktor biolog. nauk N.V.TimcfeyeTr-Resovskiy) 1not-ituta ireditsin- ,gkoy radiologii AM11 SSSR. ZEDGENIDZE, G.A.; GORIZONTOV. P.D.; MOSKALEV, Yu.I.; SVYATUKRIN, G.S.; KgA-QqPATN,.V.l.; KOETELYANTS, B.L.; STRELIN, G.S. Brief newa, Mod. rad. 9 no.2:74-84 D t64- (MIRA 18t12) jr, WCC NR: AP6014655 SOURCE CODE: UR/0241/65/010 008/0017 AUTHOR: I ORG: Dopartmnt of General Radiobiology and Radiation Genetics /headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences N. V. Tjjwfeyev-R0sovskjy/, Institute of Medical Radiologyj AIMN SSSR (Otdel obshchey radiobiologii i radiatsionnok geneElki Instituta meditsinsko2 radio-log--ii MIN SSSR) TITLE': Kinetic patterns of the postradiation recovery If cells SOURCE- 14editsinskaya radiologiya, v. 10, no. 8, 1965, 17-24 TOPIC TAGS: gaim irradiation, alpha particle, enzyme, genetics, radiation biologic effect, radiation injur7 ABSTRACT: The phenomenon'of theipo-Aradiatiofi-r-ecoveIry of. c.ells m4 be i&-- vestigated from two standpointsj, by stressing either its kinetic pattems or its u: riderlying biochemical processes. Any fruitful research into the .biochemical nature of this recovery depends on the selection of units for quantitative consideration of the process, and this in turn requires form- lating a working hypothesis and an adequate statistical model of the process. This is why the study of the kinetic patterns of postradiation recovery is :essential. In this connection, the author-presents the results of an investi- :gation of the yeast Sacch. vini (Megri-139-V) grom on wort agar; a 2-3 day 'culture of such ye4s~_pqj~tain _99-2--~99-ep "quiescent" cel-Iso Portions of an. Card 1/~ UDC: 6l6-018.l-Obl.2M36.82'-( aij ACC NRt aqu eous suspension of th esacells were exposed to gamma-irradiation or the ction of alpha-particles and thereupon disseminated on the culture medium 0a And incubated at 300C,. After this the survival rate of the irradiated cell. was investigated as a function of recovery time, i.e., of the intorya be- %wei6d irradiation and placiiment-in the 'culture medium. It is shown that th e ,Postradiation recovery of cello is 'never complete owing to the occurrence of ~irreversible elementary injuries., The elementary unit for a quantitative iconsideration of the process is the probability of recovery from a single ~t elementary injury. An equation is derived to show that the higher the time t~ and the recovery con'stant beta the lower the effectiveness of irradiation of 1, cells with a given dose. Thus' in every individual radiobiological experi- ment the iiiagnitude of the final effect'(e.g., survivability) is a consequence ,'of not only the initial injury to the cells on irradiation -with a given dose," abut also of the supsequent recIovery. It is now virtually established that 'the lethal conseqx1ences of radiation too are associated vdth damage to the genetic apparatu ,,%~bf the cells.' It is.also know that, qualitatively.. the :genetic effectsv radiation*do not differ from spontaneous gene and chromo- .P.ome mutationse. The possibility is noted that in experiments with post- !radiation recovery the activity of the biological Systems vhich in non- irradiated cells are deaigfied to-eliminate prematagenic changes are being .revealed. If further research answers this question affirmatively, this !would mean that the research. into the postradiation recovery of cells has made it.po ppi~le _to establish-A, new law of general: biologr; the exiatence I Card v k 2tL42-66 ACC NR; AP6014655 in the ICalls, 0f biochemical "syst am .'that varticip ate in the regulation or stabilization of the rate of "spontaneous" mutation process., Such an Itanti- =t&ganioll fwotion my be inherent in some group of enzymoo, Orjg.'~~te'has: 5 figures. fjk~j I SUB CODE: 06, 20 SUM DATE i 25jan65 ORIG REF.- 'oi4 MH REM 011 Car -3/3 oul- ACC NRt A1,16029768 of radiobiological Investigation. There are 737 referencea.of which 278 are Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged] Forewo.rd -- 4 Ch. 1. Theoretical assumptions in the study of cell recovery lo f llowing Irradiation -- 7 Ch. 2. Proof of the occurrence of postradiation recovery -- 35 Ch. 3. Recovery effect and the hypothesis of "initial ruptures." Concept of potentialinjuries -- 62 Ch. 4. Formation of-potential injuries -- 88 Ch. 5. Realization and manifestation of potential injuries -- 115 Ch. 6. Recovery of cells from potential injuries. Statistical models -- 166 Ch. 7. Recovery curves and their analysis -- 195 Ch. B. Metabolic aspects of recovery -- 234 Ch. 9. Genetic aspects of recovery- 276 Ch,. 10. Recovery effect and the modification of radiation. injurie3 -- 311 Ch. 11, Results and prospects 345 ..Ccard 2/3 ~ '4 C C 029 Litei~ature -- 368 ,pilogue -- 385 r66/ SUB CODE-: -06/ SUBM DATE: 31ma.- Card oRiG REF: 500/ OTH MEF". 337 GLADKIKH, V.P.; KXLLINk, 0.1.; KOROGODIKA, Tu.V. Data on the tolerance of laboratory antmala for the antimalarial cycloquin. Ned.paras. I paras.bol. 28 no.4.-443-448 R-Ag '59. (NM 12:12) 1. Is Instituta mlyarit, ued1ts1umko7 parazitologii i gellmintologii Mulateretva sdravoothranenba SSSR (dir. Inatituta -prof. P.G. Ser- glyev). (ANTINWRIAW pharmeology) KNUINA, 0.1.; KOROGODINA, Yu.v. Tolerance for cycloquin combined with chlorldine in experimental conditions' Ned.paras. i paras.bol. 28 no.4-448-454 JI-Ag '59- (MIRA 12:12) otde:enlya faimakologil I khtmioterapit Instituta malyarit, 1. Iz neditsinskoy parasitologit I gellmintologli Mintaterstva zdravookh- ranenlya SSSR (dlr. Instituta - prof. P.7. Serglyev, zav. otdolentyem - prof. Sh.D. Noshkavnkly). (AITIVALARIALS pharmacology) QLADKM~ VJ,; KOROGODOA, Yu.V. TbIlcological and certain pharmacodynamic properties of qcLinocide. Wed.parazA paraz.bol. 29 noa4a440--!447 Jl--Ag 260. (KM 13 311) 1. Iz geVmIntologicheskogo otdela (zav. - prof. V.P. Pbdxyapoll- sicaya) Instituta madit inakoy parasitologii i tropicheekoy medi- +,siny imeni Ya.l. NarMnovskogo (diro - prof. P.G. Serglyev) Ministerstva zdrarookhraneniya MR. (QUINOLINE) WODINAv Tu.V.; SSIAVRIp T.T. Ob ditbasmine twdisologyo Yedopamvi,,,* 29 noo6s65&. 654 160. (KMA 14r2) I* Is otdola gallaintologii batituta moditoinekoy para3dtologil i troplabookoy aoftt*IW issai Ta,r, Vin4olnowskago Nivisterstva mimvookbrananila MM (d:Lr. imatituta - prof. IF.G. &niywv my. otde]Lcm - Wof. V.P. M07spollskap), (MMMMUS) IOMM) ALMAZOYEVA, V. V.; BATAYEV, F. S.; STAVROVSKAYA, V. I.; AKSEYENKO, G. R.; BEZZUBOVA, V. F.; VOROBIYEVA, Z. G.; GLADKIKH, V. F.; ZHUKOVA, L. I.; ZUYEVA, H. K.; KOROGOD11VA,_YU,_ V.; KLINOVA, L. P.; KMOV, A. S.; MASLOVY A. SADOVSKAYA, G. Yu.; SPERA.,'ISKAYA, V. N.; SOLOVEY, V. Ya.; TURCHINS, M. Ye.; SHAMRAY, A. F.; SHIP'T.9111A, N. K.; SHINKEVICH, M. A. Field trials of new repellents. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. n0-4: 457-464 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. 1z entomologicheskogo otdela i otdela sinteticheskikh preparotov Instituta meditsinskoy paraZitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye. I. Martsinovskogo Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - instituta - Prof. P. G. Sergi-yev, zav. otdelaini - prof. V. 11. Beklemishev i prof. V. I. Stavrovskaya) (INSECT BAITS AND REPELLENTS) KORGCIODi'i~ I YU.V. Cr-ara.,,,toris tic-, of the damage of ch"i-ck blastodun-m i:E.Ils all:'tt~-- irradiation in ovo. Radiob-lologila 5 110-3:-'+C,,?-4()O' 165. (Malt 18:7) 1. T-i-sti-tut mEdifainskoy radiologil Al-V SSSR, Gbnins!k. KOROGOMNAj Yu.V.. , . resuIts of the observations on the development of irra iated d chick blastoderm. Radiobiologiia 5 no.49559-561 165, (MIRA 18-9) 1. Inatitut meditsinakoy radiclogii ANN SSSR, Obninsk. 32 (3) SOVI 112-57-5-10942 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 197 (USSR) AUTHOR: Korogodskaya, -9. L, Madison, V. P. TITLE: Selector Testers for Decade-Step Railroad Automatic Telephone Central Offices (Pribory dlya ispytaniya iskateley ZhATS dekadno-shagovoy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transpr., 1956, Nr 151, pp 164-169 ABSTRACT: The Chair of Electric Communications, Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Leningrad Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers), in collaboration with the workers of Leningrad Railroad Junction, have developed and built special instruments for service tests of selectors. Connection diagrams of three instruments are presented; two of the instruments are intended for testing repeater-type selectors (type A central offices) and also fof testing trunk connectors. The instruments have buzzers for checking the contacts of the call circuit as well as two dials for checking vertical wiper motion with various speeds of dial rotation. Each dial Card I /Z VOIXOV,, Vladimir MtktaylovLch, DTUFtIRi-- Sergey 11voy1c'a, KQROqggXAU._Wjja --LLvvvns.-'Novljcoy.v.qsiliy'Aleireandrovich, :red.,- red.; BOROTA, TeX.; tolcbn. red. I [Tele.ohorr] TelefoutiA. Plod obshcheii red. V.A.Hovikova. Moskva. Gos. transp. shel-dor. Is&-vo, 1958. 401+ p. (xnu iiao) (Telephone) 1. Irrp MODSKIYj B. D, .0110V, V. S.; KOF 2. ussR 600 )j. School Gardens 7. Work practice in the school garden; Est* v shkole, No. 1, 1953. ---Anril-1953, Uncl. 9. naLhlZ List 2f Eussian Accessions, Library of Congress, XCROGMSM9 B.D. school of Progressive pedagogic experience, Khim. v shkole:17- no.3t52-55 MY-Je.161. OMU,15 ) 1, Nacbalfnik dcroshnogo psdogfticheskogo babinsta Se"ro-Kaftuskoy sbalesmy dorogi. I (Teacbmg Tr&Wng of) (Chemistry-Study mid teaching) e ACCESSION UP: LP5007790 S/0177/64/000/006/0053/0654 AUTHOR: Koroprodskjy,,D._ M. (Lieutenant colonel of medical service) Kapustnik.A (Lieutenant-7-c-olonel of medical service) JITLE: A case of severe decompreision sickness SOURCE: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 6, 1964, 53-54 TOPIC TAGS: decompression sickness, aviation medicine, therapy, blood, central nervous system ABSTRACT: A description is presented of acute, severe decoml)ression disorders in a nav gatcr whc stayed in a depressurized cabin for 30 minutes at an altitude of 11,000 m. Coma, deviation of vision to the left, cerebellar asynergy . and de- creased Dain and temperature sensitivity with retention of tactile sensitivity on th- T';W"t side of the face suggested right trunk localiz~at:ion of the process. The .111ar diF. ordem--hemoconcentrat, ion, solitary er,~throcytes, proteinemia '-'vpergl,;cem.-a.-- were apparently the result of~ impaired systemic regula- !he central nervous system. Initial therapeuric measures included the ad- ministration of oxygen and- medication aimed at controlling collapse: intraverwus injection of I ml of 0.06% corglycon (Convallaria majalis glycoside) in 10 M1 of ft0% glucose solution, 1% mesaton (meta-oxyphenyl, methylamincethanol hydroc-or- CQ$-d 1/2 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: tocc- :1'40-REF SOVI- QT.HER- 000 !.-Card 2/2 KMOGMSKly. M. Measures for increasing the aurabilitY Of tires. Avtotranspe 37 no -1:51 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Zamestitall nachallnika tokhnicheekogo nprawleniya Ministerstva. avtomobillnogo transporta i shossaMrkh dorog USSR. (Automobile&--Tlree) I Kl?_~O~GOKI~YpM.. Consumption norms for oil and fuel in repairing* Avtotranspo 42 no.12:16-17 D 1649 (MIRA 18: 4) KOROGODSKIY, M. New technioarl-OPS"MeALMS-4 4vt transp. 41 no-4:54 Ap '163. - (NMRA 160) 1. Zematitell nachallnika tekhnicheakogo uprayleniya Ministerstya avtomobillnogo transpbrta i shosseynykh dorog UkrSSR. (Transportation, Autcaotive-Specifications) KOROGODSKIY, M. 1 WaW-. e ~ Temporary norms for fuel consumption for fuel-gas automobilas. Avt.tranap. 41 no.lOt22-23 0 163* (MIRA 16slO) KCROGODSKIT,M.V.; SHRYNIN,A.M., redaktar; MULIKOVA,I.F., teldinicheakiy [Work practice with autwobile trRins; work nractice of driver V.P. Bondarchuk of the auto brigade of the All-Union transportation Maintennnee Association] Opyt raboty na avtopoezde; iz opyta. ra- boty shofers Kirovogradekoi aytoroty Soluzzagottranea V.P.BondAr- chuka. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn.izd-vo avto-transportnoi lit-ry. 1955. 30 p. (MLRA 9:2) (Automobile trains) Z=HCHUX, Tevgenly Vasillyevich; KISHCHINSKIT. Sergey Semenovich; XCRQM- SKIT Miron Vladimirovich; VASILIYZV, N.S.. redaktor; KOGAN. F.L. iWeUchaskiy redaktor [operations of track columns far from regular bases; experience of leading automotive units of the Ministry of Automotive Transport and Highveys of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Rabots avtonobillnykh koloun v otryve ot postotannykh bas; Is opyta paredovykh avtokhoslaistv Mintateretva avtoaobillnogo transports, i shosseinykh dorog UM. Izd. 2-es, perare i dop. Koskva, Sauchno-tekhn. izd-vo aytotransp. lit-ry, 1956. 83 p. (MIRA 9:10) (Transportation, Automotive) MUCHUK, Ye.V.; ZZLIM. L.K.;JO~KIY. N.V.; AMITSKIY, A., I redaktor; YUY , M., tekhnicheakiy re tor. [Prolonging the life of storage batteries] Uvelichente sroku slushby akku=liatornykh batarel. Kiev, Goa. Isd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR. 1953. 78 P. [Microfilm] (HLRA 8:2) (Storage batteries) 1. KO.UOG0D3FIY, MI., Zng. 2. ussa (6oo) 4. Oxyacetylene Welding and Cutting 7. Gas welding of thin-walled cast iron parts for automobiles and tractors. MTS 13, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Itpril _ 1953, Uncl. MICHUK,G.I., inshener; KOROGMSKIY,M.V., inzhener Experiment In restoring thin-welled cast Iron machine parts. Svar. protav. no'2:26-27 7 '55. (jam 8:9) iC"t iron-Velding) V.,A. S. MJUSHKIN, F. A. FEDOTOV, 11. L. '_,VHAffiSH - - - - ------------------ Using Metal-Colloidal Lubricants (Organosol of Iron) for the Running-In of Autoinobile4lotor Parts Povsheni,ve iznosostoykosti i sroka. sluzhby mashin. t. 2 (Increasing the Wear Resistance and Extending the Service Life of Machines. v. 2) Diyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1960. 290 P. 3,,000 Copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy, t.2) Sponsoring Agency- Vsesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo imshimstroitell noy promyshlennosti. Tsentrallnoye i Kiyevskoye oblastnoye pravleniya. Institut mekhaniki 0 UkrSSR. Editorial Board: Resp. Ed.: B. D. Grozin; Deputy Resp. Ed.: D. A. Draygor; M. P, Braun, 1, D. Faynerman, I, V, Kragel Iskiy; Scientific Secretary: 1-i. L. Barabash; Ed. of v. 2: Ya. A. Samokhvalov; Tech. Ed.- N. P. Rakhlina. COVERAGE: The collection contains papers presented at the Third Scientific Technical Conference held in Kiyev in September 1957 on problems of increasing the wear resistance and extending the service life of machines. The conference was sponsored by the Institut stroitellnoy mekhaniki All UkrSSR (Institute of Struc;' 1 Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR) .ura ', and by the Kiyevakaya oblastnaya organizatsiya. muchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva. mashinostroitell noy promyshlennosti (Keyev Regional Organization of the Scientific Technical Society of the Machine-Building Industry). -1 I.N_ 13 N I V V S/021/61/000/002/010/0-1.3 D210/D303 AUTHOR: TITLE: Running in of certain metals in the presence of orga- nic iron sols PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Dopovidit no. 2. 1961, 188 - 191 TEXT: The author gives the results of his investigations into the effect of organic iron solsg added to a standard lubricant, on the running in of a steel-bronze friction-couple. The experiments were carried out in the Department of Metallurgy and Contact Strength of the Institute of Mechanics of,.Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, or, a fri, tion installation MI9 to whi4h some special devices were added LAbetractor's note: Description of equipment not give:1]. The tests_ were made with a standard lubricant 112" GOST 1707-51 (subsequenti'y called "All) and with a mixture of this oil with 2.5 ~6 of organic iron sols, prepared in the Institute of General and Anorganic Che- Card 1/4 S102 61/000/002/010/013 Running in of certain metals ... ID210YD303 mistry of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR- [Abstractor's notet. Com- position of iron sole not given]. The mixture of oil and iron sols is subsequently called "B". The steel used for tests wasatempered standard steel 45; the pressure on the friction-couple was fixed before the tests, the lubricant added by drops on the rotating sample; pressures used were: 25, 75 and 100 kg/cm29 with a constant friction rate of 0.47 m/sec and a fixed amount of lubricaant added to the friction area. At 25 kg/cm2 pressure and a drop of added every 30 seco the running in proceeded quite smoothly and a 0.25 friction coefficient was attained and stabilized after 509000 L_-, rotation cycles; with a drop of "All added every 60 see, this :3oef- ficient reached a similar value only after 160,000 cycles. When the pressure was raised to 100 kg/cm2 with one drop of RAI' every 60 see, particles of bronze began to stick to the steel roller, covering its whole surface; the temperature of the bronze part of the friction-couple rising to such an extent that a falling oil drop was evaporated in 20-30 see# and dry friction was observed, the color of theloteel roller changing -to a very'dark one. The Card 2/4 S/021/61/000/002/010/013 Running :kn of certain metals D210/D303 adding of lubricant at 30 Bee. intervals did not affect the pr~- cess essentially and only an uninterrupted supply of oil preven-.ed, to some extentq the rollers' excessive heating; but even in that case the amount of friction was six times larger than where a drop of "B" was added under the same pressure at 60 sec. intervals. Therefore, the tests with "A" under 190 kg/cm2 pressure were stop- ped, the pressure lowered to 75 kg/cm and the lubricant added at first every 60 see., then every 30 sec., but the results were the same. Friction stabilization was not reached even after 21,5~00U cycles, the samples being excessively heated and badly worn outlo Only whe the samples were subjected to previous friction under 45 kg/cp pressure for 15 min. ("All added at 30 see. intervals), the friction coefficient was stabilized during the normal test af ter 50,000 cycles; but even then the coefficient was 3 tlme~ higher than in the case of "B" added every 60 sec. under 100 kg/cm pres- sure. To verify these results another series of experiments was carried out with lubricant "B" under 1001CM2 pressure, oil added every 60 sec. The transfer of brorize particles was markedly redu- Card 3/4 S~/021/61/000/oo.,2..,"O-LL)/"ii-3 Running in of certain metals D210/D3O3 ced, the friction coefficient during the first 30 min. (8,000 cles) was never higher than 0,,3409 falling after 139000 cycles to 0.25; which was much faster than with "All and 25 kg/cmie` and'oil added at 30 sec. intervalso The stabilization of the friction--cos-f- ficient with "B" was observed also after 50,000 cycles, but i+ was twice as low as that with "A" at 25 kg/cm? pressure (oil eve.y 30 see). For testing the lasting after-effects of "B", during the first two hours, friction was carried out with "B" under pressure 100 kg/eff? v and was oil added every 60 sec; then the test proceeded in the same way with "A"o The result was very similar to "hat ob.- tained with "B" under the same conditions and was more favorable than with "A" at 25 kg/cm2 pressure, oil being added every 30 see. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Institut mekhaniky AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics, AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: by Member of Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, P. P. Byelyankin SUBMITTED: April 27, 1960 Card 4/4 KOROGODSKIYS M.V. Using the MI-type machine for studying the running-in of friction pairs. Zav.labb 27 no.11:1417-1420 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN USSR. (Testing machines) (Friction) 8/08 i /62/000/017/094/102 B1 70166 AUTHORS. Barabash, M. L., Korogodskiv ray4shkin, A. 3a TITLE: 174etal-polymer' films on th6 friction surfaces of components Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 171 1962t 545, abstract 17P68 (In collection; Plaotmausy,v mashinoetr. i priborootY. Kiyov, (',oGtGk11i%d4t* USSR, iq6f, 3~9 - 366) TEXT; For use in repairind componento which hiLve become worn by friction, a method is proposed for obtaining metal-polymer films 'based dlypta-l varnish or epoxy resin A-.6 (ED-6) 4hd h filler (dispersed phase of.organoqols of F6). Methodd of deposiiing the films'on 91:yptal varnish or on the epoxy riesih ED-6 are descftbed~. It is observed that components sufferinG froin'friction wear,' e tial inbluding the most ess n components (pistons, motor-carengine parts *etc'. qcan be so treated. fAbstracter's note; 6omplete, translation "_Card 1/1 _Vz; A 43776 S16531611000100010331051 IOWI242 A -7,Y00 AUTHORS: Barabash, X.L., Koroeodsk4_, and Krayushkint A.S. TITLE: Metal polymer films on the frictional.surfaces of comi)onents SOURC7: Plastrxassy v machinostroyenii i pftborostroyenii.- Pervay.t r,!sp. nauch.-t-~kh. konfer. po vopr. prim. plastraass v machinoctr. i priborostr., Kicv, 1959. Kiev, Gostekhizd~t, 1961, 359-366 T= The addition of 0.1 ~.iron particles improves the effec- tiveness of lubricoait-3. A 1-arce. nvuiber of ..these partial,--a reorien- tates the Oil M01=lleS in. such a mannet as to create a rec-ilie,nt boundary layer.. The particles, in addition, tend to 'Lill in and. smootli out the surface microrouo-iness. Still.,*.the non-uniform dis.~ tribution of lubricant crop-tes points of'frict~on which affect the ..,,.Card 1/2: 3/653/61/000/000/033/051 1042/1242 Metal PQlymer films on the..~, perfox-mance of t4c entire maoninc. A new method 01" lWorication by L coating surfaces with a film which has hieh adhesion to inetal and a low coef~Aicjojj~u- of frict:Loa has bc-~n )roposed;-. Such filgjs collsio- of elyphthalic lacquer or3A-6 (ED-6) epoxide resin with dibutyl phthalate plasticizer allu PolYethylene polyd'imine hardener, and c on- tain 2.5r. finely dispersed iron particl-es. Before application of the film, the surfa* lirtuct bo, thOuroughly degreased anU, in case o~k the epoxide resin', rubbed with act-ivated'graphite. The opoxide film gave better resu.Lts in labora-tOrLr tests. Field tests*on piston sur- ....faces in auu tomotile cn~,,ines*ohowed that the film coat cuts down by a factor of 3 the amount of'gases escaping into the crankcase. After 50 '000 km,the fil-ra was used-up but no wear was detected on the piston r cylinder surfaces. There are 4 figures.," ard 2/2 ARNAUTOV, V.T.; BARANOV, V.1;1-; DONSKOY, S.A.; PASTUYiJOV, A.I.; TORSHIT)V, Yu.V.; TRF,,r'YAKOV, M.A.; UMVENKO, V.G.; F!d;YJ,'E1:ZGN, Y(-.Z.; 8HCHMAIEV, Yu.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: MAKAYEV, S.V.; K0111AWYETS, G.M.; NAGOVITSYN, D.F.; NOVOLODSKIY, P.I.; VARSHAVSKIY, V.L.; KQaQL,CDSJ~_LY_, V.G.; KLIBANOV, Ye.L.: WMEDEVSKIKH, Yu.; TALANTSEVA, T.I.; DUBROV, N.F.; DZEMYAN, S.K.; TOPYCHKANOV, B.I.; CHARUSHNIKOV, O.A.; KHARITONOV, Yu.A. Developing and mastering the technology of converting vanadium cast Iron in oxygen-blown converters with a 100 ton (14g) capacity. Stall 25 no.~.:~04-708 Je 165. (,',IIRA 18:6) 1. Nizhne-'XagiAYskiy matallurgicheski.y kombinat (for Rakayev, Ar'or, niyets, wagovitsyn, Novolodskiy, Varshavskly, Korogodskiy, Klibwov.. Medvedevskikh, Talantseva). 2, Urallskiy institut chenykh metallov (for bubrov, Pzcmyzan, Topychkanov, nikov, Kharitonov), KOROGODSKIY. Yu- (Loningrobi 42569. OP7t Povyshentya Xvalifikatsil Vedushohikh Fabotnikov AVtOkhO2yay5tV Avtotrest 9-m Actotansport& RS7SR.) Automovlf. 1948. NO. Ill S. 23-24. V, KOROGOGYIN, V.J, a biologiai tudomanyok kandidatusa Remedial treatment of cells. Elovilag 5 no.1-18-23 Ja-Mr 160. KCROM, Lmrene - , The Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the new in- dustrial district in the Soviet Union. Foldr kozl 7 no-49 391 '59- KORDIIODA.. Jerzy; ANGELUS, Wojoiech Effect of gibberellic acid upon -the concentration of chlorophyll in pea leaves. Nauki matem przy'rod Torun no.6:113-3-16 160. lo Zaklad Hodowli Roal#.. Wyzsza Szkola Robdazap Lublinp i Stacja Hodow3l Roslin Bronovice k. Krakowa. KOROHOD*',~ Je~Ixr; MIWZAK, Marian mulching potatoes vith highmoor and amonia treated peat. Rocz nauk roln rosl 86 n0-3150345 162. 1. Katedra Hodovli Roslin i Nasiennictwa, Wyzsza,Szkola Rolnicza, Lublin. I MROHODA, Jerzy Experiment in applying gibberellic acid in horticulture and agriculture. Nauki matem. przyrod Torun no.6:3.17-125 160. 1. Zak3ad Hodowli Roslin, Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, Lublin. KOROHODA Jerzy .- Twenty years of vegetable growin- in Peoplols Polanj. Postepy nauk 0 ,oln 11 no.5:3-23 S-0"164. KOROHODA, jerzy Decreased sugar level of the cerebrospinal fl,,,.id in patients with Cysticercosis of tile nPrvous sYsterr- Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no-13:473- 475 23 Mr 164. 1. Z KlIniki Vaurologinmej Akademil. Madycmej w Krakowle (kierownik: prof. dr. Wladyslaw J&kimowicz)~ MUSIAL., Leopold; KOROHODA, Maria Jolanta. New hydantoin derivatives substututed in positions 3 and 5. Pt. 4. Rocz chemii 36 no.11:16(Y7-1614 162. 1. Katedra Chemii, Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, Yxakow. KOROHODA, Wlodzimierz Plasmatic membraAes in the call. Wiadom botan 7 no.2:127-144 163. KORCHODAJI W.; LUKIEWICZ, S. Electrophoretic studies on plant cells, Pt. 1. Folia biol 11 no.1:11-17 163. 1. Department of Plant Physiologyp Polish Academy of Sciences; Heads F. Gorski, Ph,D. and Department of Experimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow.; Head: S.Skowron, Ph.D, C PALLOIN. O.V., red.; S16HPOWW. M.P.. skademik, red.; SHCHERBANI. 0.M.. akedemik, red.; GNXMKO. B.V. [Kniedeako, B.V.], akademikjred.; 113LIKARSKIY, Yu.K. [belimars I kyi, W.K.] . akademik, red.; KAVBTSZIY, R.Ye.*CJ~'Vqts44,i, R.q.], akademik, red.; KEMIOV, K.K. [1hrienov, 1K.K.] akedemik, red.; XCROD O.S.. kand.ekon.neuk, red.; GUDZ111Q, P.P. tHudzeako, red.; SHIKAN, T.L., red. izd-va; RAKHLIMA, M.P., [Development of science in the Ukraine during the past 40 years] Rozvytok hauky v Ukrainelkii,RSR za 40 rokiv. Kyiv, 1957. 529 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. AkEkdemiyi nauk UM Kiyev.(for Semenanko. Shcherban'. Gnedenko. Delimerskiy, Kayetskiy: Khrenow) (Ukraine--Science) YOM, Tovgeniy Nikhaylovich CUM. U.N.]; KOIROID. 0.S.. red. [Problems of socialist reproduction) Daiski pytannis motsialintychnobo ,vidtvorannia. IAv, 1958. 39 P. (Tavarystvo dlia poshyrounia, poli- tychnfth L naukovykh anon' Warainelkol RSR. Ser.2, no.5) (MIRA 12:3) Oks'sla-Zoonomic conditions) KOROID, O.S.; BALKOVIT. P.M. [13alkovyi, P.M.] Literature dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October. Visnyk AN URSR 29 no,1:72-77 Ja '58, (KIRA 11:4) (Ukraine-History) GORBLIK, Leopoild Emmenuilovich (Horelik, L.B.1, doktor ekonom.nauk; XOROID. O.S.. kand.okon.nauk, red. Elconomy and planning of an industrial enterprise] Pytannie, ekonomiky i planuvannia promyslovoho, pidprilemstva. Kylv, 1959. 51 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politycbnykh I naukovykh snanl Ukrainsikoi RSR. Ser-7. no.12) (HIRI 13:2) (Industrial =nagemnt) KOROID, 0o5., kand.okon.nauk lor the victory of communism. Nauka I shyttia 9 no.3:1-4 Mr '59. (14IRA 12-: 4) (Rusal onomic conditions) SMCE=O, Anton.Yefinavich.[Shevehooko, A.W.J. doktor skonom.nauk;, kand.okonom.nauk,; TUBOLIVA, N.V. (Tabolieva, N.Y.) rod. [Steady growth In labor productivit in the most important con- dition for the viatory of Comwanlezi Neukhyllne zrostannia produktyvnostI pratel - nalvashlywishe umova peremohi kommisum. Kyiv, 1960. 55 p. (Toverystvo dlis poshyrounis politychnykh I naukovykh suan' Ukrainslkol RGR. Ser,2# no*415). (Bfflcienc~-, Industrial) (HIM 13:8) __W 0 ~ ~ 0~ - , OW-_0 4-:, ARMMO, Lidlys Ivanovne. prof.; KOROID, O-S., kand.okon.nauk, red. [Decisive stage in the realization of Lenin's great Idea on the over-all electrification of the country] Tyrishal'na stadlia adlisnennia, Idel velykaho Lenina pro sutaillnu elektry- filmtsilu krainy. Kylv, 1960. 60 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshy- rennia politychnykh I naukovykh snan' Ukraine'koi HM. Ser.1, no,11-12) (MIRA 13:5) (Illectrincation) GMUMS. 0.1. (Hanusets', 0.1.]; WARRIZO, O.A.- KOROID 0 ' kand. L ekonom.nauk.; WINITIMATA, P.P. (Add-nytelka, P.P.], red.; NA7-ARMO, S.G. (Mazaranko. S.H.J. red.; WASMIGH, 0.0., [Birth of a now, coummist soolety] Paroetky novoho. komnietychnoho. Kyiv. Vyd-vo Aked.nauk URSH, 1960. 245 p. (KIM l3zl2) 1. Akedemila nauk URSR. Xlyev. Viddil suspilInykh nauk. (c0 - nism) (Afficiency, Industrial) NX62ARMO, 010..; BARANOVSKIT, A.K. (Beranovolkyi. A.K.I. red.; ,KOROID. 0.�.,_k&nd.*konom.usuk9 red.; aORILIK, L.Y9. ioktor skonou.nouki red.; GRADOT, G.L. [Elradov, 14741, kand.ekanom.usuk, red.; KOZAKIVICH, T.A., red. izd-va; RAMTRA. N.P,, tokhnoredo [The national economy of the Ukrainian S.S.R. in the seven-year plan; Its present-day conditions and prospects for its development] Narodne hospodarstvo Ukrainsikol JUM u semyrichtsi; suchmanyi mt&n I perspektywy rosvytku. Xylv, 1960. 519 p. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk UMM. Klyev. Institut ekonomiki, 2, Chlea-korre- spondent AV USS,.(for Nesteranko), 3, Pbrvyy samestitell predse- datelys, Gosplans, Ukraluskoy SSR (for Barenovskiy). Mraine-1conomic conditions) Mraine-Mconomic policy) KOROID) 0. S. Communism and science. Nauka i zh7ttia 11 no.90-5 S 61. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Chlerkorreepondent AN USSR. - Science) ~ tomunism) . KOROID, O.S., red.; RADCHENKO, A.Ya., doktor ekon. nauk, prof., red.; AR, G.0 (Kobsar, H.O.], rid. izd-va,- KADASHEVICH, 0.0., [Kadashevyci# O.Owl, takhn, 'red, [Iabor productivity and hidAsn potentialities for increasing it in socialist agricultureTPioduktymist' pratsi ta reservy ii pidvyohohozmia v sotai"tychnom sillalkonu hospodarstvi. Eyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSRv 1962. 254 p. (MIRA 16s2) 1. kkademiya nauk URSRO Kifv. Instytut ekonomiky. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademli nauk Ukr,SSR (for Koroid). (Agriculturs.-Labor productivity) CHUMUTO, Anatoliy Andreyevich; KOHOID, O.S., otv. red.; DROMMIN, Ye.V.[Drozhzhyn, IE.V;--]-;-r6d-.j 'OFIOTNA-,-O.D., tokhn. red. (Distribution of material and cultural goods during the large-scale building of cowPjnism]IIozpodi1 matorinl'rWkh i ImllturrWkh blah v period rozhornutoho budiviWtetva ko- munizml. Kyiv, Vyd-vo I~yivslkoho univ., 1962. 266 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. ChUn-konvspondmt Akademil nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Koroid). (Cost and standards of living) CHUISTOV., V 11.9 kand. ekon. nauk,* CHERNENKO, M.S.; KRASVOKUTSKAYA, O.I.iKrannokutalkap O.L]q- DROSOVSKAYA, L.I.[DroBovs'ka,, L.I.1; MOKIYENKO,, B.FIP* DARAGAN, M.V.[Darahan, M.V.1; OGAIIYAN, G.A. [Ohanian, H.A. ; TERESHCHENKO, I.P.; KRUGLIKOV, B.I.[Kruhlikovt B.I.]; KORCIDO 0 &, otv. red.; 1VANIKOV, M.D., red.; KADAST"TCH, 0.0.[Kadashevych,, A.A.],, tekhn. red. (Socialist reproduction of the means of production]Sotsiali- stycbve vidtvorennia. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk IJRSR 1962. 298 p. ?MIRA 15:12) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii naWc Ukr. SSR (for Koroid). 3. Institut ekonor,iki Akademii nauk Ukre SSR (for all except Koroid,, IvanIkovp Kadashevich). (Economics) KUROKHOV, B. L. Biological- Chemistry, Biochemistry of Plants (16548) Izv, 1-11ildavskopo Fil, AN SSSR, No 2, 1953, Pp 75-78 Dorokhov, L. M.; Klimenko, V. G.; Kor-akhov, B. L. Effect of Conditions of Mineral Nutrition on Some Physiological Indexes and on Nitrogen-Bearing 6ubstances in Winter 6heat Grain. Conducted exT)eriments on the growth of -,various types of winter whear by, using various fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium salts. 'he conditions of mineral nutrition have an effect on the form in which nitrogen exists in the grain. I So: Moscow, Aeferativnyy, Zhurhal - Khimiya No 4, 1954 W-31059 KOROKHOV, K.T. Sff"ct Of finishing on the wear resistance of machinery parts. Hekh.sillhosp. 10 no.2:15 7 '59. (141R& 12:6) 1. Ukrainakaya akadautya sel'skokho aystvennvkh nauk. (Agricultural rachin'"Y5 (mechanical W"r) KOROKHOV, K.T., inzh.-makhanik Iapping machinery parts with the help of an endless abrasive belt. Mekh. sill. hemp. 11 no.9:7-8 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Grinding and polishing) USSR/Plant Physiology. Minerai Nutiritioh 1-3 Abs Jour t Ref Zhuir - Bidl&j - 96 7a 1958, No 29U1 Author : Korolkhar-Lif, Inat t Kishinev Agricultural Thatitute Title t Mineral Nutrition as a Factor In the Productitity Increase of Photosynthesis and Yield of Agricultural Plants, Orig Pub : Tr. Klabinevake a. -kho lip-tas IL9572 IL39 230L Abstract t Pleld WA vegetation experiments were carried out in 1940-1955 to study the effect of the conditions of root nutrition on the productivity of photowjntheaia of various agricultural plants (grains, wyas beams radish, awflow and others), The positive action of optima done of I NsPOX - on the Intensity and the productivity of photosynthesis and related physiological processes was noted. Me shortage and am-plus of basic nutrition ele- ments shortened the period of productive photosynthesis, Card 1/2 Card 2/2 - --- --- - . . --- ~, ~ . -, , . :, . T"obacco industry Effect of press diametor on the volume properties of tolacco in making cigarettes. Tabak 14, No. 1~ 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accossictis, Library Of C0nLl-U3ss June 1953. 7kT,!!CJ,. BIBIK, A.I.; GORELIK, V.I.; KOROIKHOV, V.G.,,~ POLYSHCHUK, A,V, Efficient procedure for manufacturing rolls of reduction rolling mills. Met. i gornorud, prom. noJiV ?tr-Je 164. IM: I RA 17~10) TALISMA1,1p L-V.; FOMINA, V.I.; KOROK110VA I M. 1. DshYdration of hydrocarbon solvents with silica gel. Neft"W. i nsftskhim. no.5:34-38 063. (MIRA 17:9)~?` -1- NOvokuYb5rshevskiy filial Nauchno.-issled,,at, 11skogo insitituta sinteticheakikh spirtov. MIT(d WEED~2.154P(j), Pq-4/Pg-4/F?-4 lXt cl C NCGF,~SION tal "5015528 0~96/65 &1008/0066/0066 A LrL F. o fiz Ovehinnik-ov, V, N,; Korokin, P, At; ~!kutin 1. if. Q I TITLE: 09 1419thod for inputting:informationJT11'o a computer. Class 1-,2t Yo.-:17102- -SOURCE- Byulleten' izobrateni~ i.t6mrokch znakov, no. 8, 1965, 66 TOPIC TAGS: computer input dwdda, infdrmtion processing ABSTRACT: _-This'Author for inputting informa ion: - -A t into a car-puter with tho infottation rQv resented in the fem, for emmpla, of a i uniform telegraph coda by commutation of co-nmiunication channels at the inpul. of the computer. To input information with its transfer rate along the co=mni- cation channels without intermediate storage of information in each channel, com- mutation of all the co=wn-tcation channels is produced during a time not exceed- ing. tho transfer time of one tolograph sign alow M. a channel op rating t wi h 1 imal transfer rate. Interrogation of each channel is carried out in equal in- tervals of time less than the cormultation period of one channel. The accepted information ia recorded in gn operational register vith operational bands, the number of which corrosponda to the number of aervice channels. 1 ASSOCIATION: none 1_~Vd 1/2 KOROKNAY, Andras QUAD-antenna for TV and ulbrashortwave band. Radiotechnika 10 no.4: 111-1-12 Ap 160. ,- . :-7i, VYKHODETS, D.p slesar'; KUZININ, L., slesar'; NAVARENKO, A. (Rubezhnoye); IKOROLIP A.$ slesarl (Kostroma); ZAYNULLIN, G. (Davlekanov, B&RbUlr-s-Vsj~ ASSR); AVITSINIYA, S. On friends and comrades. Sov. profsoiusy 18 no.8:26-28 162. (MIU 154) 1, Rowntno-stroitellnyy savod imeni Dzerzhinakogo, g. Kiyev (for Vykhodets). 2. 3-y makhanichookiy tsekh Chelyabinskogo traktornogo, savoda (for KusImin). 3. Mister mony kombinata, proisvodstyennykh predpriyatiy Luganskoy oblasti (for Navarenko). 4. Profsoyuznyy organizator gurpp komplekonoy brigady stroyuprav- leniya No.1 g. Thilisi (for Kvitsiniya). (Labor and laboring claines) (Trade-unions) VOLZHENIN, Boris Sergeyevich; POPOV, Pavel Vasillyevich; KOROLI, A., red.; NAGIBIN, P., tekhn. red. [Noninfectious abortions in sheep] Nezarawye aborty u ovets. Alma-Ata, Kax3ellkhozgiz, 1962. 36 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Abortion In animals) (Sheep) NIKOLENKO, Grigoriy Filippoviahj,.~ ~ROLI ~A. red.; NAGIBIN, P., tekhn. red. (On the virgin land] Na zemle tselinnoi. Alma-Ata, Kazaell- khozgiz, 1962. 82 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Direktor TSeli*ogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta mekhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Nikolenko). (Kazakhstan-Agriculture) RABINOVICH, Naum Mikhaylovichl KQRQT-f, A-- otv. za vypuak; SHERMAN, R., red.; NOGIBIN, P., tekhn. red. (Interesting stories about corn]Zanimatelinyo rasokazy o ku- kuruze. Alma-Ata,, Kazaellkhozgiz, 1962. 230 p. NTRA 16:4) 1. Glavny7 agronom po-kukuruze Ministerstva sellskago khozyay- stva Kazakhakoy SSR (for Rabinovich). (Kazakhstan-Corn(14aize)) p SAKOVTSEV, Vyacheslav Stepanovich, kard. tekhn. nauk; III, P., tekhn. red. red.; NAGIB - [With a wide sweep] Shirokim zakhvatome Alm-Atal Kazsell- khozizdats 1963. 19 pe (MIRA 17:2)