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KOROBOVA, N.I. Age of biotite granitee in the Taymyr Peninsula. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no-3:684-686 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Submitted June 81 1964. -KOROBOVA, M.I. Metamorphic shales containing ilmenite of the TaMr Peninsula. DokII. AN SSSR 162 no.lt183-.185 My 165. (MIRA 18%5) 1. Submitted December 7,, 1964. KORDBOVA, Nina Mikhaylovna; VITUSHKIN, B.I., red.; PRMNOVA, V.A., - HE te (Labor productivity In agriculture and ways for Increasing It] Proizvoditellnost' sellskokhoziaistvennogo truda I puti ee po- vysheniia. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1962. 60 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Leningrad Province--Agriculture-LabDr productivity) IOROBOVA, F. ~ Trade unions are the triis champion's of Communist Party olicy. Sov.profsoivzy 5 no.8:1-6 A-g 157. TKM 10:8) 1.Sekretarl VsesoymnogD ?Sentrallnogo Sovets, prefessionallafth 80"Ove (Trade uniOVA) 1KORCBOVII Polina Mikolayevna; YEMINA. Yu.Y., red.; ATROSHCHRM, L.Ye., ------ [Role of trade unions in the development of commanism] Boll profoolusov v kowinnistichookom stroitaltetve. Xoakv~&. Jsd-vO QZnanie,O 1959. 46 p. (Vaesoluznoe obahchestvo po rasp'rostra- neniiu politichaskikh I nauchnykh snanii. Ser.l. Istorlia, U0.29) (KIRA 12:8) (Trade unions) -Iyzp~~w g-g GUASIMOVA4UTASH13A, To.N*;, EDROOTA, S.N. Role of sysergids In fortillsation. Blul.NOIP. MAW. 64 no.5:69-76 3-0 159. (FMILIZATION OF PIAIRS) (MIRA 13:6) KOROBOVA, S.N. Micromporogenesin and 4welopment of pollen grains in corn. Dokl,AN SSSR 136 no.1:233-236 ja 161. (KIRA i4:5) lo Botanichemkiy inotitut in, V.L.Konarova AN SSSR. Fredstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukachavya. (Corn (HILize)) (Pollen) 17 (4); 30 (1/' AUTRORI Korobovaq S. ff. BOV/20-12'(1-4-55/60 TITLE: On the Course of Fertilization of Maize (Zea mays L.) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959~ Val 127., Nr 4,; pp 921 -- 923 (USSR) ABSTRACT. There is still no uniform opinion on so important a problem ae organization and role of synergidee of the embTyo aao and the stru.~;ture of sperma and female cells of maize; the problem of the fusion of gametes was entirely neglectad. However, the mitotic hypothesis of double-fertilization *A" plants (Ye. N. Geraeimova-Navashina (Ref io) and others (Refs 11-13)) may serve as a key to many disconnected phenomena. From the point of -,iew of the hypothesis mentioned the same rrles hola for the fextilization process as for vegetative cellal howeve-:-, they are peculiarly expressed in .-onnection with the specific character of Qntogenesis of the reproductive oTgans. The ma- terial used for the paper under discussion was fixed on th,~ Kubanskaya opytnaya stantsiya (Kubant Exper.-mental Station) of the VIR (Vaesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodetva (All-Union In- stitute of Plant Cultivation)). As is known, th--~ spsrme of Card 1/3 maize arG fo:rTed ~n the pollen Grain as a result of the 11'Fisicrt On. the Ccu_rse of Fertilization of Ylaize (Zea maya L.) SOV/20-127-4-55/60 rf the sperritiogenic cell (Fig 1b) (Refs 2,.~,q). Thus, the state f)f ripe sperms has to be considered telophatio. The oyt -oplaem was observed bil., the author in the spermiogeni,., cell only but neither with ripe sperms it, the pollen -grain, nor in the elm- bryc sac (Fi_v 1b) - As is known, the embryo sar; of maize has a typical organization (Fis 1a). One end of the synergides (az I'a tiie case with most plants) touches the micropylar arch of thp embryo sac whereas the other and reaches the level of the apical end of the ovum. Usually, the polar nuclei do not fusp, before fertilization. 20 - 25 hours after pollination ths pol- len tube reaches the embryo sac. Its content is discharged in.. to one of the synergides whereas the other synergide remains unchanged. After passing the syne27gide the content Of the pol- len tube reaches the space between the ovum and the central cell of the embryo sac. Hence, the aperms diverge in opposite directions (according to the mitotic hypotheals be-eause of a direlated repulsion) and approach ~he female zr~aclei. Th,.~ sperms do not yet have nucleoli since they axe still in a telophatio state (Fig 1v). After having contacted the female nuclei the sperms dissolve the envelopes of the latter, fuse with these Caid 2/.~ nuclei and assume a state of Test within them (Fig I g_yq). On ~he Course of Fertilization of Maize (Zea mays L.) SOTI/20-127--4-55/60 Thus, the developmental cycle of the sperm is -oncluded. The riale and the female nucleolus 'use som,~Nx-.s' la;,er (Fig 1 zh). The pi-e-m.L~Iotic type of fertil zation is typic-q! of maize, .e.. the fusion of male and fewal,~~ E;ametss b-ifQre the fJ:rst divia-ion of the zyGota. This seems to b4 a przpe~ty of all grasses. There wre 1 figure and 13 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Botanichnski- inatitut im. V. L, Akademill nauk SSSR (B::.,tani~~al 1~stitute -4raeni V, L. Komqr.),.r of th-2 Ai~-ad,~my r~f Sciences, USSR) PRESSITED, April 3, 11159, by V. N. Suka-~hev, Academil;iar SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959 3/1 BATYGINA, T.B.; DOLGOVA, O.A,I_KOROBOVA, S.N. Behavior of pollen tubes in intra- and interspecific hybridization. Doki. AN SSSR 136 no.6:3J+82-1845 F 161. (MIRA 34:3) 1. Botanicheakiy inatitut im. V. L. Komarova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V. N. Sukachevym. (Hybridization,, Vegetable) tr\ 0 0 0 Ll- H 0 tab P1. 1/0 110 34/06/31/04z~ SO I 5Y./, 0 FtA.%.6,;'T. A S., 41- . Ve" 'L or I-ak) law.stic.11.8 of C. . Su -TITLE. 11n.?a Alloys and tUTIL11*111:4.111.1I Ways Jh.rn.l fI.t.b..ko, khixii. 1960. Vol: 34. 1.. pp. 1345-1350 TEXT, of his "';p oft tro-pillary th.2'Aa. ...Igam. (&of. Q, A: 1. ruak I b*d that the dif- '#rondo An the P*t--ti-l:.t t'i-:rtbtb-.- - :t be '0!'t. 1. to the d f..r t2, lu'!.ti. to . t ..1". L. . md- Zp.ri ... t.1 test. of thi: ..... 7111.b or. r.rri:d out .--.I Cie.. .. 1r I larl~:*111 -1 1. 1. 11ro -her, (R.f. 2), (it _j I. '. 3 0. ..4 B. 3), Irn- end L. 1. A.It"P.4 (I.f. 4)1 fee rlll,*bl I It thi. C". t3. k.- .1-1 11. rrl one Ib, I-Is %1o. of coa'.Ct, ...... I., 2iff:-*.. 3/076160/034/06/P1040 Ce~ d Do ...% Z .S.;.T.'All cy- and the Me 015/B061 capillary S.-T. Alloys ~wn;d ith -:P..tnt. t1u. . :tsrl a:n h.. . "go 4 r r n. .4 1 7. Imen be detected :1 14. CAB's 31.4 ..1 at 4 10 C.U4 -10-7 to" Is .5 op; are- stellar 1'. the .0. in of 3. end - -P- L - I . ("'. The vac,osmw contained q19046im ... Una puar) ad Alff-in. p-p. -d a4L?--2 (TT-2) thor=OvupF9---*md C~.C-C* 'I!* p-Mod by .-. .?ItIu4 fro k Reagent W.rk.) 11 The lot-tz.l a IIr:r* ... a or, d:t-lnod by the method of seat or %t. dI.d .h.-d t_i .'. 4 . ?h dIW-. obt.1-4 (Figs 5. Z) of Ike jtjfjvrorm*m In it* aintact potortial. between Sn nd Sn .21sy. ;Itlk.O= and 0.15 at% I. sh. d.,iff:ratee is 0.07 v or 0.14 T b*..jW-r*v&VLlI.rr cur... (Let" 5t)thar . d 3n-T:n:lIoy.Iof.t b* .. the% s4cordIng to Ott, ot - . !%- %,3n. '2b4 potential .xth:t!.r.'.ho,,. .'r- t1,. blf%.l ~r V..Lti- valme., out the size of the shift Is ML211~ .. the ..on hot So -d the b.1. 3--?- -111-71 J. t 3/07 60/034/06/31/040 zl-r.- zoi5 ,o61 (Table) for his .4 tbo-do.-Jo.t.rattir n! the In.titut elcktrokhimli AS SSSR Qnotit'~-- lr,)t- A3 11 11) sell. A pop-, ~Z .; of. 1. rote h7 V. red to. ?hqre are 5 figures, I table, and 12 It 5011-at and I A..ric.!. SSSOCIAT-T. Vr:I'tkjy,vmiv*rsitvt is. A. 1. Corlkogo (Ural vor.1t: Is nj I.rk If SUIXITTO, October 10, 19~19 card MR/Mlift6ine -:MWRner Jul 1947 Ylediclue - Regeneration *Regeneration of an Orean After the Inversim of Its Polarity," T. D. Xbrobova, Secon& Red Inst Mosoov, A PP -Dok Almd Nauk EaM, Nova Ser- Vol LVII, No 1 PAI 6C,'1'4,2 Presents experimental work carried out to verify pre- vious research an heteropolar regeneration and to pursue acre accurate study of structure of regenerates. Submitted by Academician I. I. Shnal'Sauzen, 26 Jan 1947- 601142 zc"pOBC?VA, T.- B. IjIn~e6t,i,,,,atjojl ' ' D'ck-. A,,-r, 58, Of the iLaterni Regeneratio, I I;c - 9, 19 ~7 of the Tail of tile U, cde !a, sr 7L J E C V"t PA 77-!/,0 Medicine T MAY 1948 Issue, Tramplantation 'The Problem Or the Possibility Of EiPOlar Regener- &ticn in,VertebratO AnlmlO," T. B. Korobov&J, Moscow Med Tnet lueni 1. Second V-Stalln, 4 pp ~"Dok Ak Nauk SMN Vol LX. N,, 1. R6POrts.subject expqrIments. Method used Of tadPolas tails, subsequent ragenerat vas grafting being observed in vivo with Ive Processes Of exPOrlsonts varied from zagnlfYing glass. Length stages are described 20 to 45 days. Various -with sketches. 1948. SubMitted 12 Feb 77"0 MAMVXO. V* V* a Professor; XMN A. - ZONOBOTA ZUW' V'F-; MISOVA, :I.; IF.. 1, 8 % I ; ""M'=IrOVA, A. 1. - [Araot losa . * 0, V, S.B. 9 ob6hch*1 bloork 'a 9*"ral biology for me logil dlia madvasor. 140skya.dical IschOO181 lwraktlkma ;o X~dg to 1953. 294 p, (jCFARA 721) (Biology) USSR/General ~iolo(S"y In(Uvidual Development. B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1950, 33383 Author : Korobovap T.B. Inst Title Data on DepenClence of Placental Barrier Function on Its Structure. (Materialy k izucheniyu zavisimosti barernoy funktsii platsenty ot ce struktury). Orig Pub : V ab.: Probl. sovrera. embriologii. L., Un-t,, 1956, 321-323 Abstract : After intravenous injection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptocaccus pyogenes into pregnqnt rabbits and cats at different times,, the maternal or(Ans, the fetus and placenta were examined. The bacteria were found in the fetal blood in rabbits after 3 hours, and at times even 50 minutes after the injection. The administration of staphylococcus at the beginning of preLmancy always Card 1/2 g S/169 ,/62/000/010/012/071 U228/D307 iU T.- I.-L 3 1?etrova, G.N. and Korobova, T.B,. T IT LTE I-lagnetization of rlo`21E-9~. ~cyclic temperature change s .',1"111QDICA,: 'I'lleferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1962, 13, abstract 10404 0yul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. N-vo geol. i o1thrany nedr 30k, no. 2 (36), 1962, 50-53) A now form, of magnetization (cyclic magnetization) is doscribed. It arises in a rock if this is subjected to repeated heating for several. score dearces in a constant magnetic field. In this case all magnetic parameters -- the remaneilt magnetization Int the coercive force 11c, the disruptive field F' -- increase simiii- taneously. The experimental set-up causing the formation of cyclic i~_ .inarrnetization is described, as is its physical nature. Uben the 'J temperature rises, the crystallographic anisotropy constant and the ii,a(,-netostriction decrease, and the thermal motion energy also in- L2 creases. The magnetostrictive energy changes. The chaiige in the' Card 1/2 L 17085,65 DIT(d) ijp(c). ACCFSSI()N NR: AR4045226 S/0271/64/000/061/136WBOOT SOUIRCE. -Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika I vy*chistIteI1naya teklinika. Svodny~y tom, Abs.~ 7B56 V. A. AUTHOR: korabov;x TITLE: Solution.of asystein of linear alLyebraic equations by the gradientlmethad -on the "Ural-211 electronic digital. computer CITED SOURCE: Sb. Programmir,, I elektronika. Khabarovsk, 1963, 126-128 TOPIC TAGS: computer programming. linear algebraic equation, digital computer, gradien-t method TRANSLATION: A detailed'deseription is given-of the solution, by means of the- gradient method, of a system Ax --ib, whereA Is a real nonsingular square matrix of order h, x Is tile unknown vector, and b is the vector of the free. terms. It is noted that Ah-e _66 n method- possesses -the, qual Ity -of self -correctability.- an individual error in the calculations is not reflected In the final result, since an in- correct approximation may be regarded as a new initial vectori A standard program is Card 1/2 L 55132-65 E~`T (m)/ (c wym OVWZOV;~P (b). HPL JD ft*1 JG(RM'. ACCESSION IM/ 15(09947 UR/0078/65/010/004/0844/0852 536*66:S46.6S:541.49+536.66*.546. 641:541.49 AUTHOR: Kom~=,.L. A., Prik, G. A, TITLE: Them).~&Smi of Vle s1 formation of certain rare earthInd lum Cb Ke r with ethylenediaminetetio acetate. SOURCE: Zhurnal neo.rganicheskoy khimii,-v. 10, no. 4, 1965, 844-852 TOPIC TAGS: complex:compound, -heat of formation, acetic acid, rare earth element ABSTRACT: The purpose.of this investigation was to make a thermochemical study ofl .1 the formation of ethylenediamenete-traacetati3 complexes with rare earth elements, pr_~marily of the yttrium subgroup and- also yttrium itself and a number of elements of the cerium subgroup.. :The accumulation of the appropriate thermodyramic data on the heat of formation'of rare earth complexes enables one to obtain-a complete I thermodynamic characteristic of the com-plexation. processes involving trivalent -11 cations as well as to elucidate some of the'regularities which are displayed by the rare earth elements and to make,certaid generalizations from the standpoint of i Card 1/4 _1 55132-65- 7 Accassim NR:I ield theory. The calorimeter and method used in this work have-been the ligend f previously described [Zhur. neorg., Min. 9.- 11793- ~2 (1964); 7 62 (1962); 8, 099 (1963); IzV. vyssh. uchebn. zave nty, . 1Vd=*ya i khim. tAiotogiya, 5, 13 (1958)]. The mole fraction of H3EDTA- and NEDTA produced at the end of the reaction were, Dierrum method, calculated by the .~The formation of rare earth EDTA.domplexes , the leads to significant exothermic-effects which'are comparable in magnitude to therml effects of the fopmation . of alkaline earth metal complexes with EDTA. The heats of formation and entropies of formation of EDTA,complexes are as follows: COMPLEX, kcal/mI AS, eu. LaEDTA 53 CeEDTA 4.8tO.2 53 PrEDTA "4.7�0.1: 55 I-NdEDTA -4.8tool 55 SmEDTA - _Ifo 6* 0. 2 ; t 59 i EuEDTA j . O.2 - 3.5: 63 GdEIYrA . 66 DyEDTA _3600.3~-. 69 I Card 2/4 A 32-:65 L 551 ACCESSION NR: AP5009947~ COMPLEX -AH. kcal/ml AS, eu MoEDTA -3.lto.2 71 ErEDTA -3.0-tG-.2 72 YbEDTA -2.7tO.Z 76 LUE DTA -3.2*0.2 75 YEDTA 73 The most pronounced effects of ligend fields am displayed by the AH-a,torftj.c number relationship shown in.fig, I of~the Enclosure. , Orig. art. has:4 figures and 10' tableg. ASSOCIATION, none SUBMITTED: Mov63 ENCLi 01 SUB CODE: TD,' IC VO REF, SOV: 004 OTHER: 011 ----Card SYCHN, M.M.; ASTAKHOU, M.ji.; KOROBOTA, Y.Ye. '~rnthesis of dicalciun and tricalcium silicates in the presence of LiF, XF and SrF . lxv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.1 khIm.tekh. 2 no..5,755-76; 159- ' (91" 13: 8) 1. Leningradskiy tethnologichoskiy institut imeni Lensoveta, kafedra tekhnologii vyashushchikh veshcheaty. (Calcium silicates) XMPOTA. Ye.S. 7'. Penicillin tberapy of primary gyphllim. Test. vener. no-5:20-U Sept-Oct 1950. (CIML 20:1) 34' Of the Ukrainian SclOntifle-ROGGarCh SkIn-Venersological Institute (Director - Prof. A. N. Krichevskly), L110OM47 EWT M ACC NR; SOURCE I LUTHORt Xwobova, Zo B. 6 ORGt Tashkent-Astronomical Obs ervato (Taelskentskaya aetronomicheakaya observatoriya' ve" TITLEt The struotwe of the photosphere above a sunao SOURCE: Astronomicheakiy zhurnalf v- 43t no. 39 1966t 480-487 TOPIC TAGS: photospherey sunspot, photographic astronoaq, solar facula ABSTRACT: From photoheliograms taken during 1957--1965, photometric reductions are made of a large number of photoopheric bridges in sunspots. These are classified into three major catagories according to their structure, localization height, and tempera- ture regimes 1) bridges connected with the division of sunspots (type I, the lower layer); 2) bridges which are a superposition of facula chains on the spot (type II, the middle layer); 3) bridges-arcs, evidently conneoted-with prominences near sunspoO (type III the upper layer). Calibration techniques for standardizing the-photohelio-; gram are outline4 and tLe accuracy of the photometric measurements is discussed. lUsing the photometric intensity ratios, the effective temperature of type I bridges is, estimated to be 5925K. The degree of transpaxency of faculae is determined by compar-I, I ing curves of contrast of facalae and bridges of tnM IL The author expresses her i acknowledgement to Yu. M. Slonim. for his helpful evaluation of the work. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 4 equations. SUB CODA: SUBM DAM 11Oct65/ ORIG REP: 015/ OTH REFs 009 Card UDCs 523_t_746_11~ 23U )/6 I/OW/OC)6/029/C)44 S/Cjy AOOI/AIOI AUTHOR- Korobova, Z,B. TITIE: The eruptive prominence of May 10, 1960 PERIODICAL- Referatlvnyy zhurnal. Astronomlya It Geodeziya, na. 6, 1961, 52 ab- stract 6A423 ("Solnechnyye dannyye", 1960 (1961), no. 8, 84-86)' TEXT- The author describes an eruptive prominence observed with an A(V'-2 (AFR-2) of the Tashkent Observatory. The prominence was not associated with an active region and looked quIet prior to explosion; however, its ccarse-filamenta- ry structure indicated apparently internal motions often preceding disappearance of prominences. Daring its rise the prominence looked as a jet inclined t6 the vertical and consisted of separate knots. Its maximum length amounted to^J 0.50 RG, height over 'the solar surface was r~a'1,42 R19 . A comparison of changes ir, the rise veloolty of the knots with their brighme8s shown that fluctuations of hright- ness are, In general, associated with accelerations and decelerations of the knots. Visible trajectories of the knots are Inclined at different angles to the verti- cal, which indicates an expansion of the prominence In the process of its rising. Card 1/2 LOKSHINA, R.D., kand. ekon. nauk; KOROLEVA, M.G., kand. fam. nauk; KOROBOVA, Z.N.; UZDENIKOV, A.N.; MARTINOVA, M.P.; PANCHENKO, Ye.I. - ffw7z7x-'--A-.r. Development of a methodological basis for the determination of medication requirements. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSMIT 4sM-30 161 (MIRA 1713) 1. Otdol organiistaii i ekonomiki aptechnogo dela (rukovoditell otdola - kande famo nauk A.M& Sidorkov) TSentral"nogo aptechno- go nauclmo-isBledovatelinkogo instituta. K CILP 013 OVA - I ILN F. 0~ En;b--jolop,y of the reFresem-ta- ves ol rj~el fjr ~y Ili I j, -, Sa,~ fraga-aae. Report No.l. ~Lagasporo-cnasif: and developpent. of the female gametophyte in Bergenia crassiftlia (L.) Frltroh and Chrfcossplenjum altarn4,fol-iLLm L. Nauch. dokl.vys.shkoly; bicl,naul-i 111.1.4:101-107 '65. (MI F.A 18: 10) 3. Rakumendovana kafedroy vysshll~h. raoten;.,, gosudarstveri- nugo univorciteLa I.m. M.V.Lfwro5nw~nviu. KOROBOVA-SMENCMMO, L.T. Davelopamt of Corydalts Kallarl Willd. under ice. Hauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. naukl no.ItIO8-112 t60. (NIRA 13:2) I.Rskomendovana Botutcheskim sadom Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta im. Me lomonosovat (Birthwort) (Botany-Imbryology) KOROBOVKIII, V. All-Union scientific technological conference of amateur rudio designers of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Asnistance to the Army, Air Force and Navy. Radio no.8tl2 Ag 153- (MLVA 6:8) (Radio--Congresses) USSR/ Bloctronic3 Radio receivers Card 1/1 Pub. 89 25/31 Authm I Voroblyev,, S and K6robovkih, V. Title I A simple heterodyne receiver -Periodical I Radio 1l,.49-52, NOV 1954 Abiltract s A six-tube simplified-type heterodyne receiver that can be built by radio- amateurs, utilizing standArd parts., is described and instructions for the assembly of.the vari' cbmponent parts are given. The receiver operates ous on lona, (150 2000 m)'p mdium (200 - 550 m) and short 19 - 50 M) wave bands A general layout d1agram indicating the types of tubes used in the various ilow- circuit-stages is presented. Th3 general description covers also the fo ing itemsi a) the fr'equeney-converter, tte preamplifier and intermediate amplifier stages and a cathode-ray tube. The chassis, the cabinet design and tuninc, are also described. The results of the preliminary test are de- scribed in the concluding section. It is claimed that, in addition to re- ception from the Moscow Central Region, good reception is also obtained from Leniagrad, Kiev, Rostov, Voronezh, Kharkov, Odessa, Minsk, and the Satellite Countries. Diagrams; illustrations; table. Institution : ... Submitted AID P - 44ol Subject USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - lo/11 Authors Nefedov, A. and V. KorobovkIn Title Receiver set with an ultra short wave range Periodical : Radio, 3. 50-55, Mr 1956 Abstract : The receiver, designed by the laboratory of the Central Radio Club is built for a-m and VHF waves. A very detailed description of its components is given. A block diagram of the VHF-section of the receiver is presented. A table of coils data Is included. The mounting and tuning operations are explained. Ten diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 4411 Subject USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 9/18 Authors : Nefedov, A. and V. Korobovkin Title : Assembling oscillator Induction coils Periodical : Radio, 4, 33-34p Ap 1956 Abstract : The article describes the oscillator induction coils assembly of a VHF receiving set designed by the Central Radio Club and described fully in the No. 3 issue of ~-this magazine. Data on coils are summarized In a table. Institution : None Submitted : No date Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 8/14 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION, 526 KorobovkIn Viktor YlAdjairovich and Nefedov, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Vsevolnovyy lyubitellskiy radlopriyomnik (All-Wave Amateur Radio Receiver) Moscow, Oosenergoizdat, 1957. 31 P.' (Massovaya radlobiblioteka, vyp. 280) 60,00o copies printed. Ed.: Ginzburg, Z.B.; Tech. Ed.: Chernov, V.S. PURPOSE: This brochure Is addressed to radio amateurs who have already had some experience in building and adjusting super- heterodyne receivers, and who know how to use measuring In- struments,* COVERAGE: The brochure describes the circuit diagram and design of an eight-tube, all-band, superheterodyne radio amateur receiver with an uhf band. Detailed descriptions of the homemade re- ceiver parts, as well as-assembly and tuning instructions, are Card 112 given. Special attention is given to the design of the uhf channel and to methods of tuning It. TABLE OF CONTENTS: General Characteristic Circuit Diagram Uhf Unit Components Design and Asse"ibly Uhf Unit With Capacity Tuning Tuning Receiver Exterior AVAILABLE: Library of-Congress Card 2/2 JP/ad 9-10-58 3 4 8 11 18 20 22 29 6(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S07/1903 Vsesoyuznoye dobroyollnoye obahchestvo sodeystviya armii, aviatall i flotu V pomoshch radiolyubitelyu, VYP: 3~Nanual for Radio Amateurs Nr 3) Moscow, Izd-vo DO SAAF, 1957 4 p. Errata slip inserted. 100,000 copies printed. Ed.: A. A. Vasillyev; Tech. Ed.: L. T. Tsigellman. PURPOSE: The booklet belongs to a series published by the DOSAAF organization (All-Union Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Air Force.,and Navy) for radio amateurs. ' COVERAGE: The booklet consists of several articles written by different authors on subjects that include descriptions of a standard superheterodyne 6-tube receiver, an UKV (ultraahortwave) battery radio receiver, an UKV ChN (ultrashortwave FN) unit, a simplified calculation of power transformers and autotrans- formers, and band switches of radio broadcasting receivers. There are no references. Card 1/2 Manual for Radio Amateurs Nr 3 SOV/1903 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Voroblyev, S. Standard Superheterodyne Receiver 3 Babayev, B. UKV [Ultrashortwave] Battery Radio Receiver 15 Korobovkin,V., and A. Nefedov. UKV ChN [Ultrashortwave PH] Unit 23 Ivanov, V. Simplified Calculation of Power Transformers and Autotranstormers 38 Andreyev, I., and M. Gaazburg. Band Switches of Radio Broadcasting Receivers 48 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TM/dfh 7-22-59 Card 2/2 =W*Wh; NAMOY, A. Ultr&shortwave frequency-modulation adaptw. T pom. radiollub. no.3: 23~18 '57. (Radio, Short wave-Receivers and reception) (KIRA 10:12) KCROBOWICZ, B. ~ The 5th Book and Technical Preas Featival. Przegl geol 10 no.12-.3 Of cover D 162. KOROBOWICZ, Elzbieta The influence of exterral factors an the Development of portmortal changes. in the kidneys of individuals of dif- derent age. Ann. Univ. Lublin sect. D 19:241-21,8 164. 1. Katedra i Zaklad Anatomii Patologicznej, Wydzial Lekarski, AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Stanislaw MahrburL,). Tomasz; KOROBOWICZ, Elzhiota; WARDA, Edward Microscople picture of the hip joint of growing rats following the excision of abductor muscles, after amputation of the extremity and in experimental dislocation of the hip. Chir. nqrzade ruchu ortop, Pol, 29 no.4t485-491 164. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyoznej Akademii Nedycznej w Lublinie (Kierowniki- doe. dr med St' P3 Ikowski) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Akademii ~edycznej w Lublinie (Kierownik% prof. dr St. Mahrburg). ORLOWSKI, W.j,; KOROBOWICZ, J. Case of benign lymphadenosis of the orbit, epibulber region & eyelids with glaucom, Ilia. oczm 20 no.31307-314 1958. 1. Z Oddzialu Ocznego Wojskovego Szpitala 0kregowego Ordynator: dr Med. W. J. Orlowski. Adres autra: Watezawa 31, u1. Dzielna 15a m. 23. (ORM, neoplasms benign lymphadenoste of orbit, epibulbar region & eyelids with glaucoma, cas-3 report (Pol)) (LYMPHO14A, case reports same) (WELIM. neoplasms benign lymphadenosis of eyelids, orbit & ep1bul'ber region with glaucoma, case report (Pol)) I N KOROBTSEV, I. I. Do Uand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Gefteerftlmg the q"*GtAAM of d"Gmvaml---41~ ofj%* differentiated-c"a of sowing of spring wheat in -.4441one ef Irkutskaya Oblast." Irkutsk, 1957. 19 PP 19 cm. (Irkutsk Agricultural Insto, 100 copies (KL9 21-57t 104) -8t- XOROBTSOV, A., inzh. Forehearth with gas outlet tube as means of increasing the heating of cast iron in cupolas operating on a cold blow. Mv. flot 21 no. 6:26-29 Je 461. (Kft IW6) 1. Tekhhicheskiy otdel sudoremtntnogt zavoda imeni X godev3hchiny Cktyabrlskey revolyutsii. (Cu-pola furnaces) (Shipa-Maintenance and repair) 4~ :_~~ ~. ~ _" ; "~ -- 50) SOV/153-2-3-17/29 AUTHORS: Petrov, V. N., Buzhenko, M. A., Korobtsov, A. A. (Deceased) TITLE: Photocolorimetric Determination of Acetone Under the Use of Hydrochloric Hydroxylamine PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, PP 394-398 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The photocolorimetric method described in the present paper makes it possible to determine small amounts of acetone in air and in water. The determination is based on the reaction of acetone with hydrochloric hydroxylamine: (CH 3)2C0 +NH2 OH.HC1 ;;:t-(CH 3)2 CNOH + H20 + HCI. The determina- tion of the released hydrochloric acid was made by the photo- electro-colorimetric method with a device FEK-M and a green filter. Methyl orange proved to be the best indicator. With all other indicators investigaAed the calibration curves are steeper; this increases the error of determination. If methyl orange is used the calibration curve E - f(c) (C ... coefficient of perviousness, c...amount of acetone) for quantities < 1 mg Card 1/3 acetone is so flat that the error of determination is t3-4% SO-VI153-2-3-17129 Photocolorimetric Determination of Acetone Under the Use of Hydrochloric Hydroxylamine (with respect to an arithmetic mean value of several measuring results). Amounts up to 2.5 mg acetone in the solution to be measured may be determined with satisfactory accuracy. Since the calibration curve remains constant only for 12-14 hours it must be made on the day of the measurement. Temperature changes strongly influence the accuracy; for this reason the coefficient of perviousness of the test solution must be measured at the same temperature at which the calibration curve was made. If the air, the acetone content of which is to be determined, is impurified by black, dust, etc, the solution must be centrifuged prior to the photoelectro-colorimetric measurement. The solution cannot be filtrated since the methyl orange of the filter paper or the other filtering substances are adsorbed. The duration of the developed determination is only 8--9,minutes, which is especially valuable for series analyses. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiN dizellnyy institut i Card 2/3 Murmanskoye vyssheye morekhodnoye uchilishche (Central Sci- SOY/i53-2-3-1 J-129 f ~ Photocolorimetric Determination of Icetone Under the U-ce of Hydroxylamine entific Research Institute for I)iesel Engines and Murmansk Higher Institute of Marine Navigatiow~ SUBMITTED: April 2, 1958 Card 3/3 KOROBTSOV, A.I.. inzh. Machin s have replaced mnnual work. Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.10:20-21 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Ships--Maintenance and repair) KO PRC E T , I ~71. e I. ". -4 Z. 0, USSR/Chemical. Technology - Chemical. Products and Their 1-13 Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor Fuels. Lubricautw. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4) 195'0 120 Author Kbrobtsov I.M. Inst ORe-ssa nstitute of Engineers of the Maritime Fleet Title Problems of Utilization of Fuel Mazuts in USSR Electric Power production. Orig Pub Nauch. tr. Odeask. in-ta irlzh. mor. flota. Yubileynyy byp., M., 1955, 93-U0 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 257 - KOROBTSBY, I., dotsent. Use of low-grade fuel oil by ships. Mor.flot 16 no.2:18-19 F '56. OU3A 9:5) 1. Direktor OIIMF. (Narine engines--Fuel consumption) KORDBTSOV, I., dotsent; TSYMARM, A.. Inshener. N,, Some problems connected with the functioning of ship repair yards. Mor.flot. 16 noo3:19-21 Kr 156. OWU 9:7) 1.0desekly Institut Inshenerov morskogo flota (for Tsymaray) (Ships-Kaintenance and repair) KOROBTSOV. L. doteent; BMIKOVSKIY D., doteent; GALITHR-NMAN, G., prepoda, KKYAMW. L. Inzhener. More widespread use of progressive practices In the repair of ships. Mor.flot 16 no.11:16-19 N '56. (KLRA 10:1) 1. Odesekly Instltut Inshenerov morskogo flota (for Knyftsev) (Ships-Kaintenance and repRir) KMC93TSOV. I-M-, dotment; GIMURG. S.A.g doteent Papid method of checking the moisture content in h4:hly viseoug furnace mazout. Nauch.trudly oIDW no-13:252-265 1 7. (Diesel fuels) IMIRA 11:11) KOROBTSOT, Ivan Ma1minoviah- MWIKOMIT. Dmitriy Daitriyevich; ULITSICIT, =.L-: ~kdrM'd1-zdr6vIcn; GALIVAR. Grigorly Godeonovich; TSTMAPIM, A,K,, red.; SMO. - GA., red. Izd-vo; IAVROOTA. N.B., tekhn. red. [Problems In the organization and teohnology of ship repairing] Yopromy organizatell I tekhnologil sudoremonta. Nookya, Isd-vo mKorskol transport." 1958. 101 p. (MIRA 11:7) (ShIps-Maintenance and repair) 3/08 62/000/002/091/107 B157YBI10 AUTHORS. Yelin, L. V., Korobtsov, I. M., Khalupovskiy, M. D. TITLEt Phosphorescence of lubricating oils at liquid oxygen temperature PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 496, abstract 2M303 (Nauchn. zap. Piz-matem. fak. Odessk. gos. ped. in-t. v~ 22, no. 1, 1958, 63 - 65) TEXT: Phosphorescence and fluorescence of 11 grades of mineral lubricating oils at liquid 0 2 temperature, using a plant of special design were studied. It is shown that phosphorescence becomes less apparent as anti-friction properties of oils increase. [Abstracter Is notes Complete translation Card 1/1 G11T7.BURG -ag the qualit.7 of fuel oil and wthods Urgent asures for improvi for using It In the merchant martne. %ft. khoz. 36 no.1%64-69 J& ,q .qj. (MIR& 11a) (Petroleum as fuel) KCRCBTBOV# I.t dot..e.. Heating high-viscosity fuel oil b7 steam jet. Mor.flot 19 no,,8.017-20 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Odesakly Institut Inshenerov marekogo flota. (Diesel ftels) (steam jets) BRIKOVSKIYg Dlnitrly DmitriTsvich, doteent, kand. tekhn..-nauk;GAL'VKR, GrIgoriy Godeonarjobt g m Giorlkh Aitash"owisfi; msnumr, -A.K. 9 -red.; HEUT, W. I. red. izd-ia; LAVRENOVA, NoBov tekhn* red* [Techtology ot ship -rovair T,&lrlmQ3ngjja'.jUujorgM=ta. pod - - &I - obehobei red, D.D.Boull=skmo. Moakva,.Izd-v-o "Morakni tnxsport," 1961. 559 p. (MMA 14:6) (Sbips--Naintemmee and repair) KOROBTSOV, I., prepodavatell; RISOVICH, A., prepodavatell Ways of increasing the effectiveness of the over-all mechanization and automatization of shiD repairing. Mor.flot 21 no.1:35-38 Ja 161. (NM 14:6) 1. Kafedra organizatsii i iekhnologii sudoremonta Odesskogo instituta inzhenerov morskogo flota. . (Ships--Maintenance and repair) (Automatic control) KOROBTSOV ., dotsent; RISOVICH, A., starshiy gruppovoy inzhener Objectives in the increase of labor. productivity and the over- all mechanization in ship repairs. Mor. flot 22 no-5:28-29 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Odesskiy inatitut inzhenerov morskogo flota (for Korobtsov). (Merchant ships-Maintenance and repair) KOROBTSOV, 1-...-,M. Flaw detection of the plant. Sudorem. i sudostr. no.2:3-6 163. (YJ,RA 17:4) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. B-711, iKOVSKIY , Dmitriy Dmitriyevj,,~h, prepod,; GALIVER, Grigofty I prepod r)Rn13T MY Ivan Makoimr.-,ch, prepod., Gedecinovich" 11--i- . - - -V14. it' I ~ I C'k-,! nzh. .;- SO It , E. I.., reJ. .NM Davil Pavlovi [Organization and planning of vork in ship-repairing enter- PrIle.."I OrganIza.1-sila. I planirovanie proizvadstva na sudo- reincntrAykb predprilatiiakh. Moskva, Transport. 1965. 289 p. (MhA 18:9) 1, Kafedra arganizatsli i planirovaniya sudoremonta Odes- 5kog,; instVata inzhexiercv morskogo fl,ita (fur Bantkovskiy, rtaj,',~jer, Kor%,,blsov~. "-Wceak1y:uudoremontn),y zavod no.1 (,fcr-.Terk). KOROBTSOV, Ivan Maksimovich; PASHKOV, A.P.,, spets. red.; ZAREZIN, I.V., red, (Technical servicing and repair of the fleet] Tekhniche- skoe obsluzhivanie i remont flota. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 195 P. (MIRA 19:1) 1 7721J-66 EWP(c)/EtYP(h)/EWT(d)/4TC(m)-~6/EWP[I) ACC AM6000297 Monograph UH/ -B~n'kovsk y, Dmitriy--Dmitriyevich; Oallver Grigoriy_qedeonovich; Korobtso Ivan D -Maksimovich: Terk. David Pavlovich Organization and planninA f production in shiD reDaiAnterprises (Organizatsiya i planirovaniye proizvodistva na sudoremontnykh~predpriyati~.akh) Moscow, Izd-vo "Transport", -1965. 289 p. biblio. Errata slip inserted., 2500.copies printed. Textbook for higher educational institutions of the Ministry of'the Merchant- Marin~_2~h_e U S.S.R. TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, marine engineering, cost estimate, ship repair PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for use as a textbook for students in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of the Merchant Marine and is recommended as a handbook for engineers and technicians in ship-repair facilities. In the book, principles underlying the organization and planning of merchant-ship repairs and the administrative structure of repair facilities are discussed along with the organization of production technology, auxiliary ships,.and maintenance departments. The organization of labor, production quotas, and salaries are re- viewed, as are engineering, economic, and operations planning and cost accounting. Problems relating to the classification and frequency of repairs, the planning and organization of repairs in the year, and coordination between customer and yard -;rc* are presented in the light of the existing status of the repairs to merchant Bhip8,,_ L-sa-ld 1/3 um 629.128.008(075.8) 1-27214-66 ACC NRt AM6000297 TABLE OF CONTENTS: (Abridged): Ch.-I. Procedure, classification, and frequency in ship repair 3 Ch. II. Methods of organizing ship repairs -- 15 Ch. III. Preparation and planning in ship repair 21 Ch. IV. Production structure of.a ship-repair yard and the basic forms of speciali- zation and cooperation 34 Ch. V. f-The organization and planning of the work of auxiliary shops and maintenance departments -- 47 Ch. VI. Administrative organization of ship-repair facilities 67 Ch. VIII. Technical preparation for production and the organization of ship repairs in the yard -- 88 Ch. VIII. The organization of engineering quality control 107 Ch. IX. Production capacity and methods for, its determination and utilization 115 Cord 2/3 L 27214-66 ACC NRt AM6000297 Ch. X. The organization of labor dnd setting production quotas 126 Ch. XI. Wages 176 J, .Ch. XII. Engineering-economic planning 185 Ch. XIII. Production planning -- 231 Ch. XIV. Working capital -- 247 Ch. XV. Operational production accounting -- 252 Card 3/3 ICh. VVI. Organization of cost accounting in ship-repair facilities 259 Ch. XVII. Basic trends in engineering progress and in the improvement of production organization at ship-repair facilities 265 Appendices 271 References 286 SUB CODE: 13, 14/ SUBM DATE: 17Jun65/ ORIG REF: 020/ A.CC NR, -Aj-16-o-i i-668- Monograph UR/ 1(orobtsov, Ivan Maksimovich leet (Tekhnicheskoye Technical maintenance and repair of the f I obsluzhivaniye i remont flota) Moscow, Izd-vo "Transport J9 1965. 195 P- illus., biblio. 3000 copies printed. Textbook for students at institutes of higher learning of the Ministry of the Merchant Marine. TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering$ ship component, ship repair, heat engineering, marine steam boiler, marine piston enginep marine turbine, preventive-maintenance, ship hull, ship propeller, heat exchanger PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This textbook is intended for use in ship maintenance;,departments in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of the Merchant Marine; it may also be used by students in other fields in higher and middle marine educational institutions and by ship personnel and workers in steam navigation* The book contains basic Information on the planning and organization of logistic maintenance and support for ships and their engineering maintenanceo as well as information on the maintenance of ship hulls, systems, and machinery,, their servicing, and the organizing ACC NR: and conducting of heat-engineering tests for ships. Problems in the planning, organization, and technology of ship repairs are reviewed, and measures for lengthening the In-service'time of a ship as a whole and of its individual components are given, TABLE OF CONTENTS: (abridged]t Foreword -- 3 Part One* Technical Maintenance of Ships 5 Ch, 1. Logistic maintenance and support 5 Ch. II, Basic methods of logistic economy 43 Ch, III, Engineering maintenance of ships 54 Ch. IV. Heat-engineering tests for ships 66 Ch. V, Servicing of hulls, superstructures, and ship equipment and systems -- 72 Ch. Vi, Maintenance of marine steam boilers 95 _46f _N~-_ Am6o11668- - - Ch.. VII. Maintenance of main engines and their servicing 105 Ch. MI. Maintenance of pumps, heat exchangers, electric-power units, and electronic navigation gear, and their servicing 108 Part Two. Ship Repairs 117 Ch* IX. The organization of merchant-fleet ship repairs 117 Ch. X. The repair of metal hulls 146 Ch. XI. The repair of ship's equipment -155 .Ch. XI14'The repair of pipes and fittings -- 15$ Ch. XIII. The repair of marine boilers -- 161 Ch. XIV. The repair of marine piston engines -_ 167 Ch. XV., The repair of marine turbines -- 184 Ch. XVI. The repair of shafts and propulsion gear 186 3 LQ., L d /4. KOROBTSOV, V., aspirant Providing sailing safety of seagoing vessels during the transpor- tation of loose bulk cargoes. Mor. flot ~l no.8:23-26 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo flota. (Merchant marine--Safety measures) (Stability of sbips) BASZVIC]i,, Vadim Viktorovich; lrQ'RQTVPS"- 3lkt"-4v&novAcb.,-GRUNIN. A.G., red.; TAROVA, L.V., red.izd-va; TIKHONOVA, Te.A., (Marine passenger transportation In 1959-1965] Korskie pasma- shirskie perevoski v 1959-1965 gg. Mosima, Izd-vo "Morskoi - transport,O 1960. 83 p. (KIU 13:10) (Merchant wrine-Passenger traffic) KOROBTSOV, V.I. Certain characteristics of the transportation of granular materials by sea. Trudy TSNIIMF 7 no.37:104-11.1 t6l. (MM 15:3) (Granular materials.-Transportation) (Ships--Cargo) KOROBTSOV V I. kazid. tekhn. nauk -, -- -, .1 - ,~ - Icomechanical properties of grain Ghanges of certain phys nsportation by sea. Trudy cargo mid regularities of its tra (IAIRA 17:11) TSNIIMF no-56:59-64 164. KO~_Q Prwomntic naw on the drill, Bezzop.. truda V J)Twn. Fj no.1203 D 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Nacballnik FVS shakhty No.17-55 tresta Kopeyakugoll. SARYKHOV, I.D.- KOROBTSOVA M I Amperometric determination of ethylmercaptan in odorized natural gases, Azerb. khim.zhur. no.3:131-135 161. (MIRA 14-11) (Thiols) (Gas, Natural) ;-C-k T-1 A. "On rocic salt frcT, the K~,lusjjs!~ d,~-posjt in -,rikarpalt'C, Korobtsovey - - , i , of,,: 6 itms Yineral. aborni k , Jo. 2, 1948, p. ili-02 - -'110-1 5y l` onis i~hurjjal Inykh --tatcY, IfS -T ne 53, (Let KORCOTBOYA, H.S. Irainits from seat-bowing deposits of the Carpathian NOUAWIS region. Min.eb6r. no.5.-253-260 151. (KM, 9:12) 1. Gosuniverettet Imeni Ivanm Franko, Llvov. (Carpathian Mountain region-lainIte) KOROFMOVA, M. S. "Mineraloa of the Potash Deposits of Prikarfatlye." Cazd Geol-flin Sci, LIvov State U imeni 17au Franko, Min Higher Education USSR, LIvov, 1954. (KL, No 4, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (1?.0 SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 jun 5c XUROBT60i%, M.b. UMwwwwAV%W=3~ft Mineralogy of potassium deposits in the eastern Carpathian Mountain region. Vop.min.osad.obr. 2:3-137 '55. (MLEL 9:11) (Carpathian Mountain region--Potassium salts) XOROBTSOVA. H.3.; LISA, 1I.8.; MjRTyyoyA, S.J.; SLIVIO, M.N., otvetstvannyy red. LGuide to the Mineralogical museum of Lvov State University) Hineralogichaskit Muset Llvovskogo Gosudaretvannogo Universitets; putevoditel#.[Llvov] Izd-vo Llvovskogo Universiteta, 1956. Ill p. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Xwov. Universytet. Mineralogicheskiy mussy. (Iffov-Kineralogtool museums) IVANOV, Pntr.Pntrovich; KDROBTSOVA, N.A., rad.; GOLOVED, B.N., [Agrochemical clubs in schools) Agrokhimichoskii k-ruzhok v shkale. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-padagog. Izd-vo M-ya proov. RSFSR. 1958. 91 p. (MIRA 11:10) (Agricultural chemistr7--Study and teaching) SLAVIN. David Osipavich:,KOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.; FEDOTOVA, A.F., [Principles of metallurgical production; manual for teachers] Oannvy metallurgicheskogo prolzvodstva; posebie dlia uchitelet. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Gee. ucheban-podagog. Izd-ve Kva proev. RSFSR. 1958 158 P. (MIRA 12:1) jIrom) (steel) UG,RTUMOV, Pavel Grigorlyevich.; IOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.: NATAPOV, M.L,tekhn. red. [Chemical processing of carbohydrates, fate and proteins in industry; a manual for teachers] Khimicheskata pererabotim uglevodov, zhirov , belkov v promyshlennosti; posobia dlis uchitelei. Moskva, Gott. ucbebno-pedegog. tzd-vo X-va prosy. RSFSR, 1958. 252 o.(MIRA 11:11) (Carbo~qdrpites) (Oils and fate) (Proteins) BESKOV, Sergey Dmitriyevich; SLIZKOVSKATA, 011ga Aloksandrovna; KOROBTSOVA, N.A.._,red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, M.D., takhn.rod. ---- --. [Analytic chemistry; qualitativo and quantitative analraial Anali- tichaskaia khimila; kachestvannyt i kolichestvannyi analiz. Izd. 2. .%skva, Goo. uchebnn-pedagng. izd-ve N-va proev. RSFSR. i958. 590 P. (MIRA 12: 1) (Chemistry. Analytical) IaAFOSM. Nikolay Petrovich; KOROBTWVA N.A., red.; FEDOTOTA, A.F.,; KA OVA, . .. (Selected chapters of the general chemistry; fundamentals of constitution of setter] Uhrannye glavy obahchei khimii; oenovy stroenila veshchestva. Isd.2. Koskya. Gos uchabno-podagog. Izd-vo N-va prosv.RSFSR. 1959. 346 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Natter-Constitution) GUN, Rudollf Borisovich; MAX. Koisey Borisovich;XPROBTSOVA, N.A., veduahchiy red.; XMINA. B.A., [Complete automatic control of second-stage distillation unital lomplekanals evtonatizateiia ustanovok vtorichnol peregonki. Koetwe, Gos.nauchno-tekhz4izd-To Aeft. I gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 74 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Petroleum--Plefining) (Automatic control) DOLZZHALK, Vitezolay [Dolesslikp Vitozelav], dots.9 doktor; STUKHLIK, Lp [translator]; GELIFEM, N.I., Prof., red.; KOROBTSOVA, N.Aep red*; TR"07, A. T. p tekhn. red. [Similitude and xodillM'in cbmical'engineering] Podoble I no- delirowavie Y khimieheskoi tekWologii. Moskva, Goo. nauabno- tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-Py, 1960. 95 p (KM 14:5) (Chemical engineering) (Dimensional analysis) FIGHUGIN, Aleksey Favlovich; KOROBTSOVA, II.A., veduahchiy red.; PMOSINAl, A.B., (Petroleum refining: distillation, thermal cracking. and coking) Pererabotka nefti; priamals peragonka, tormicheakii kraking, koksovanie. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. I gorno- toplivnot lit-ry, 1960. 343 p. (NIRA 13:3) (Petroleum--Refining) ZWZOVI Nil Petrovich ; VOVCHENKO, G.D.0 pror., otv. red.; GORDEM, t D.I.9 prof., red.; VILMISMI D.G.9 pj~of,q red.; BERNSHTEYN, S.B.9 prof., red.; GUDZIYp N.K.9 prof.p red.; ZAYONCHKOVSKIY, P.A., prof.9 red,; NECHEKIYANg S.F.j prof., red.; MELINIUVA', K.P., kand. geologo- mineralog. nauk, rod.; POLYANSKIr, T.Ya., prof;.p red.; FffMIKOV, K.A., prof., red.; SUZKIN" S.D., akad.,"red.; SOIDV YEV, A.I., dots.9 red.; KOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.; MABLEMKOVAp T.A.p tekbn. red. [Vladimir VasilleVich Geamrling] Vladimir Vasillevich Gemerling. Moskvap Isd-vo Moak. univ., 1961. 57 P. (KERA 34s7) (Ge=serlIw, Vladimir Vaail'evich, 1880-1954) YEREMB, Yevgeniy Nikolayevichj*,KOROBTSOVAO.I~.A~,P- red.; MSIMIKOVAj T.A., tekhn, reds [Elements of gas electrochemistry] Elementy gazovoi elektro- khimii. Moskvap Izd-vo Mook. univ.p 1961. 77 Pe. (MIRA 14tl2) (Electrochemistry) GALKINp N.P., doktor i4khzi. naukp prof.j MAYOROV, A.A.IVEMATIN, U.Do; SUDA- RIKCFVp B.N.; NI.KOLATSVp N.S.j SHISHKOV, Yu*Do; KRUTIKOV, A.B.; KOROB- XSO!A., N.A., red.j POFOVAp S*Mop tekhn. red. -- (Chemistry and technology of uranium fluorides] Khimiia i tekbno- legiia ftoristykh seedinenii urana. Moskva, Goo. ize-vo lit-ry Y oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekbn4ldt 1961. 347 P. (MM 3-4:10) (Uranium fluorides) AVDOVIII, N.S., prof... red.;RENEZOV, N.P., prof., red. [decease4j; KOROBTSOVA N.A., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.L., tekhn. red. .11 . [Role of trace elements in agriculturel Roll mikrob-lementov v sel'skom khoziaistva; trudy. Pod red.N.S.Avdonina i N.P.Rems- zova. Moskva, Izd-vo Fosk. univ., 1961. 296 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Mezhvuzovskoye soveshchaniye po mikroelementam i prirodnoy radioaktivnosti pochv SSSR. 2d, Moscow, 1960. (Trace elements) (Plants-flutrition) VOLIFKOVICH, Semen IBaakovich; KOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.; LAZAREVA, L.V. I tekhn. red. (Cbemical technology as a science and its objectiveslad- micheakaia tekbnologiia kak nauka. J ee zadachi. Moakvi.. Izd- vo Moak. univ.,q 1961. 32 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Chemistry,, Technical) BERZIN, Illya Vasillyevich; DENISOV, Yevgeniy Timofeyevich; EKWUSLI, Nikolay Markovich; KOROBTSOVA,.N.A., red.; KCZLOVA, T.A., tekhn. red. [Oxidation of cyclohexan*]Okislenie taiklogsksana. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ. 1962. 301 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Cyclohexans) (Oxidation) BEKKER, Zinaida Ernestovna; KOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. (physiology of fungi and their practical use]Fiziologiia gri- bov i ikh prakticheskoe ispolizovanie. Moskva, Izd-vo Moske univ., 1963. 267 po (MIRA 16:4) (Fungi-Physiology) TURKOVA, Nina Sergeyevna; KQBMKVA, NA.,,.red.; KOZLOVA, T.A,,v tekhn. red. [Plant respiration] Dykhanle rastanii. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak. univ..' 1963. 290 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Plants--Respiration) KHOMCHENKO, GaAriil Platonovicb; KGRO'BTSOVA, N.A.; red.; YEIVAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red., [Handnook on chemistry for students entering in8titU- tions of higher learning] Posobie po khimii dlia po- stupaiushchikh v vuzy. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1963. 279 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Chemistry--Han4books, manuals, etc.) ANIKIN, Aleksey Gerasimovich; DUGAGHEVA, Galina Kikhaylovna; GERASIMOV, Ya.I., prof., otv. red.-; PLATE, A.F., prof., otv. red.; KOROBTSOVA, N.A., red.; YER4AKOV, M.S., tekhn. red.- [Determination of the purity of organic substances] Opre- delenie chistoty organich4oskikh veshchestv. Otv. red. IA.I. Gerasimov, A.F.Plate. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ. 1963. 147 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Organic compounds) (Chemistry, Analytical) VINOGRADOVA, Ye.N.; GALLAY, Z.A.; FINOMENOVA, Z.M.; ALIYARIN, I.P., prof., otv. red.; red.; CHISTYAKOVA, K.S., tekhn. red. [Methods of polarographic and amperometric analysis] Metody poliarograficheskogo i amperometricheskogo analiza. Moskvap Izd-vo Mosk. unive, 1963. 298 pe (MIRA 16:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Alimarin). (Polarograpby) (Conductometric analysis) ALEKSANDROVA, G.G.; ZHUXOVA, V.A.; KONDRATIYEV, R.N.; KUSKOV$ V.K.; MALETS, A.M.; SOLOMONOVAp N.L.; FEDOROVICH, R.M.; VOLIFKOVICH, S.I., akademik,, red.; KQBQDT$.Q ., red.; YERMAKOV, M.S. p tookhn. red. (Work in technology] Tekhnologicheakie raboty. Moskva, Izd- vo Mor3k. univ. 1963. 115 pe (Laboratornyi pra4ikum po khi- micheskoi tekhnologii, no-4) (MIRA 17:1) SKURAWV, Sergey Mikhaylovich; KOLESOV, Viktor Petrovich; VORODIYEV, Adollf Fedorovich; SOKOLOV, V.A., nauchn. red.; -.KOROHISOVA, N.A.,#-red. [Themochornistryl Temokhimiia. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ. Pt.l. [General data on thermometry and calorimetry] Obshchie svedeniia o termometrii i kalorimetrii. 1964. 301 P. (MIRA 17:5) ZYRTN, Nikolay Georgiyevich;ORLOV, Dmitriy Sergeyevich; KORnBTSOVA, N.A., red. t [Physicochemical methods of studying soilsl Fiziko- khi-micheskie metody issladovaniia pochv. Moskva, Izd- vo, Mosk. univ.,, 1964. 347 p. (MIRA 17:12) TATEVSKIT p Vladimir Mikhaylovich$ KOROBTSOVAI N.A.# red. [Quantum mechanics and the theory of molecular structure] Kvantovaia mekhanika i teoriia stroenila molekul. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1965. 163 P. (MIRA 180) NR