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LIBEM, A.D,,- OROBKO, I.Ae so TWSOVA, N.D. Dayelopment of the process of onolization of diacatone-2-kato- 1-gulonic azid with a reduced quantity of chloroform and dichlo- rethane. Trudy VN1VI 6:51~-55 '59. (MIRA 13-7) 1. Yoshkra-Olinskly vitaminnyy savod. (GUWN:CG ACID) IULITIKO,. V.Ye. [UlItIko, V-JU-); -VXLBKO,_j.J. jKorobko, M.J. Jj CHERTOV, Y.M. Repeated use of the silica gel. column with subsequent regeneratioh for the chromatographic analynis of volatile fatty acids. Ukr. blo- khim. zhur. 35 no.0606-614 163. (MIRA 17-11) 1. Ukrainian Agricultural, Academy, Institute of Fhysical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the 'Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. BABAKOV, A.k.; FEDOROVA , V.I.; SOLOVIYEV, L.L.; LGIA, V.R.; DMOKA, L.I.; CHERKASHINA. N.P.; SHAMILI, Yu.P.; SMOLY1,011, V.F.; W-BYGV 1L.M.; MOSHKEVICH, Ye.j.; PAMDA, A.N.; REPESHKO-MAVCHEET-11KO, S.I.; ALEKSEYENKO M.F.; KOROBKO, I.I.I.; KORODKO 1.1-I.; AVERIN, N.M.; MATOVP A.A.; MIGUTSKIY, L.R. Inventions. Met. i gormorud. prow.. no.4:83 JI-Ag 164. (MITA 18:7) KOROBKO,,,,.,l,,N., inzh.; FEDOROVSKIY, N.V., inzh.; PLESKACH, V.I., inzh.; ONIKKENKOO A.M., lnzh. - Regulating and measuring vacuum in a ointer strip. Met. I' gornorud. prom. no.4:60-64 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gooplana UkrSSR. XOCHOj V.S.p doktor tekbn. nsuk; KOHOEKO,-,I.M-j MALIKOV, G.P, Device for continuous control of metal temperature in an elamtric arc steel furnace. krt. i prib. no.4R48-49 O-D 164 (MIRA 18&2) SHCHERBATYKH, P.Ya'., prof.; TSION, RIA., prof.; PROTASOV, A.I., dotsent; GRIBANOVSKAYA, Ye.A. dotsent; KOROBKO I.R., veterinarnyy vrach Y Use of specific globulins against paratyphoid fever in young pigs. Veterinariia 41 no*5:50-52 14y 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. L-eningradskiy veterinarnyr institut. Maid.; KOROBYOp L*Gs Few mothodolca of the manufactaire of chavretto leather. ro~)zh,-obuve prom, 7 no*32s35-33 D 163. (IMIRA 19:2) XOROBED, L.T. (Ioningred, pr. in. I.T.Stalina, d.18, kv.8) Plastic resection of a giant call tumor in a joint-with preservation of joint function. Yest.khir- 77 no.9:114-117 8 056. (xim 9: n) 1. Is itafedry ortopedil i protesirovaniya (saw. - prof. N.I.Knalik) Gosularetvonnogo ordena lanins instituta usoverahanstvovantya vrachey In. S.M.11trova i ortapedicheakogo otdolentya (zav. - prof. U.S. Tuaevlch) Inningradskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo inatituta tmv- matologit I ortopedito (MITACARPUS. neoplasab giant ceU tumor. surg.) (GIANT CZIJ6 TUMORS. case reports stacarpol. suig,) -01 L.T Cand Led Sci (diss) "Toe def on-A ties (e--ce,)t hallux Vall'us) Len, 1958- 15 PP (Len Stn te. C-r-aur of Lenin wtt for th;i r Advarcrud Trnlninc, Of PlLyqiCiUl',l ii~l S,I-- -yi3 V 5 . KORCBIO. L.T. I stiology MA Pathogenesis 1)f curvature of the too@ (besides Hallux valgus)e IrruAy ortop. no.7:U3-191 t58. OaRA 13:6) 1. 1z ortopedicbesimgo otdoleniya LouingTadskogo gosudaretvea- nogo'nauchno-looledovatolliikogo instituta travmatologil I orto- pedli. (TC38--MIF03NITIBS ABD M"RHITIMS) KOR,U#X Deformities of the toes (except hallux val9us), Khtrurglis 34 no.2:82-90 Ir 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1, Is kafedry ortopedii I protesirovanira (zav. - zaaluzhennyv dayatell nauki prof. H.I.Kuslik) Ioningradakogo gosudaretvennogo ordeno Innina inatituta unoverehenstvovaniya vrachey Imeni S.M. Kirova I ortopedicheskogo Welenlys (say. - prof. Ya.S.Tusevich) Ieningradakogo muchno-isoledovatellskogo inRtituta travmatologii i ortopedil (dir. -prof. V.S.Balakina) (?=, abnors. claself. (Run)) KOROBK09 M., kimd.tekhn.nauk - - -- Brain and pulse of a Martin furnace. Znan. sila 36 no.10.-15-18 o 161. (MIRA 16t12) KOROBKO, M. I. Building Machinery Automatic operation of electric winches In dragscra.pers. Mekh.stroi., 9 No. 1, 1q52. Monthly List of Rursian Accessions. Library of Congrens, ADr11 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. KOROBKO, M.I. 11 ti Improving the process of reversing martin oven valves Soviet Source: PABOTA I KONSTRUKTSIYA CJ20VYKH PECHEI" (Operation and Construction of Gas Ovans), kAcademy of qciences, Ukrainian SSR, 1953, P- 99- -77 Ft';iS mqe wA~ mMd 'ton c%t tb-~ hd?ht At the lialat -if di5irbatioo-' % -rco tv~(. ivd unavvi (tm-p-. I in Oc I wall Of tb! &lk-. ofthe t-uo,,-Zt Irl thc!;Ivilt ,.I , It w," too UtWTo~,Of CL %I'va had p-,ligg f)1 I . T~j -d Ow. tom KOIROBKU, M.L -, , .4u~- ~ ~, .0L, . Automatic covitrol of gas heitirig furn,)ces. Gaz.prom. no.6:24-28 Je '57. (MLRA 10:7) (Automatic coutrol) (Furnaces) T AUTHORS: _Xarnhko.,-~, , Zaliznyak, D. V., Firer, U. Ya., 72-58-3-5/15 Statsenko, A. V., Khrizman, S. S. TITLE: Automatic Pressure-Regulation in Glass-L-Telting Furnaces (Avtomaticheskoye regulirovanlye davleniya v steklovarennykh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Steklo i KeramLka, 1958, Nr 3, pp. 17-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The major part of the continous glas3-melting furnaces has a regulation of pressure which is carried..ou 't by hydraulic system. Test's with this were carried out in 1952 by V.G. Gutop and V. M. Obukhov in the Gusevokly glaamorks imeni Dzerzhinskiy (roference 2). Their insufficient reliability and complication was proved in practice. This induced some members of the personnelg amongst whom there was also V. 11. Obukhov, to propose other systems of pressure - regulation. A series of systems is compared with each other in this work. The regime of chamber pressure has a great influence on the tochnology and thermodynamics of glass - melting, since it produces the gaseous atmosphere required Card 1/3 above the metal.Special importance is attributed to the AutomatLc Pressure-Regulation in GLass-Molting Furnaces 72-58-3-5/15 0 gaseous and hydraulic regime during the operation with a layer of soda-sulfate, as it was proved in the practice of the Gomel! glassworks. The composition of the-exhaust _,ases of system number 1 of the glass-works at Comel, is shown in table 1. With respect to the problem of pressure- regulation, the authors refer to the works by IA. I. Korobko (reference 1)~ V. G. Gutop and B. 11. Usvitskiy (references I and 2). An electro- hydraulic system of pres~iure-regalntion is shown in figure 1. Further, the deficiencies of the hydraulic systems are fully described and the advantages of an electric system, as well as of the rotary slide valves, are pointed out. Data on both equipment and cost of various systems of regulation are given in the table 2. The following component parts of this system are given: an electric manometerjom, regulator FM - 3, recording mechanism TNSK , magnf_,+:~n- starter jWM',-210, executive mechanism 'IMT 25/12 '0 , electron regulator-Elt -, and others. 3 systems of regulation are represented in figures 3, 4 and 5 and a diagram of the recording device is shown In figure 6. The automatic pressure regulation in the furnace, based on the measurement at one point, is qualified B.s insufficient. The use of the regulator Card 2/3 MR* '- of the Institute for Gas-Utilization ATT Ukraninian SSR Automatic Pressure-Regulation in C-lass-Meltinff Furnaces 72-58-3-5/15 which regulates all sections of the furnace (figure 7) and which was experimentally used in the Gomel glassworks, is recommended. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references, 7 of which are Soviet. 1~ Glabs--Production' Card 3/3 KMCBKO, M. I.; FATMVp F. G. - Maltipoint automtic control of annealing tunnel furnaces, Steka I ker. 15 no*4-018-22 Alp 1158. (KM& 11--5) (Glass furnaces) (Automatia control) PO x, F4 !j. K ij j!u 2 1q. ~i! I ! 1w9 I C ~ I I :j t I ic ;. Iff 'o- ilia Ij YUK, "", jL,__STR1RL1CHNNKO, A.G., KOROTOVICH, V.N.; KOZL TTSHKO , A.I.;.ARTrNSKIYI V'M- -hearth furnace* Automatic control of thermal processes in an Open (MIRA 13:10) tom.j prib. no.1:9-14 159. A V (Electronic 'control) (Opon-h',earth furnaces) KOROBXO, AM.I.; KOZLYUK, V.I. Control system for open-hearth furnaces. Avtom.i prib. no.1:14-17 '59. (MIRA 13:10) (Nlectroni4,ontrol) (Open-hearth Purnaces) K 6- A o 1. ui G V 4ME.; iij a Pal lit ADTIF, 46L CAMOut AX-1; OAYUMO. Ta.0. [ftlevouko, 1U.0.1; VTAODWOpAT&,;-~ZKAROV XT I ITAM, SA KARNTUIRIZ, L.B.: VAISIalskrz, mi. tnad~tslwi, I.L*]'; XOMS' Td.y. Crabus, IU.I.]; r(amn, T.T. [16211uk, V.I.]; KMY"IKOTO V.P.; I SME90", : 108TOORIZOT, V.S. [Altehrysov, V.S.1; LAD"V, R.Ta. ,.E.ZA- JUMINIX, P.M.; kand.6khu.nauki WAVOLIM, O.Ye. VA,; SPINUt G.O. [3ff=.xO-1 SHMM, L.A.; SOMILM, LA.; ICCRSAI' Tajo, Crersak, 19.11L]# -fed,,;,~AGUTIN, I.A. Clahutin. I.A.]. telchn.rod. [Automation In industry] Avtonatizataiia v proorelorosil. ryly, Dersh,vyd-vo tokho,lit-ry DISR, 1960. 288 p. (Autonati*n) (Industrial management) S/133/60/000/011/P04/023 A054/AO29 AUTHORSt Korobko,_M 1.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Artynskiyt V.M., Mrii r '. -f TITLEa Computers Used in Controlling the Thermal. Conditions of Open- Hearth Furnaces PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, No. 11) PP-981-984 TEXT3 To date trials are made to use computers in controlling the heat operating condition of open-hearth furnaces by regulating automatically the two bost important indices of the heat systemz the specific heat-absorption of the bath ( A Q) and the thermal efficiency of the furnace (jZ) . In order to feed the necessary information into the computer, transmitters of gas and air temperature, as well as of temperatures and quantities of the burning products removed from the melting area and of the volume of carbon Oxide libe- rated from the batht etc., have to be designed and constructed. The R9TW (KETI) type computer designed for this purpose is based on the equation of reversed "momentary" heat balance and serves in the first place to complete the Intermediary automatic heat-process regulation of the system, of open-hearth furnaces (CAMTT, - SMO system) . . This system, which is still in the experi., Card 113 Sh-3/60/000/011/004/023 A054/AO29 Computers Used in Controlling the Thurmal Conditions of Open-Hearth Furnaces parameters,qt AQ, the thermal load and the feed of oxygen into the torch, it was found that with the aid of the KETI computer it was.possible to establish the optimum intervals of reversals) which could be decreased 2-3 times per casting. In this way the idling time of the furnace during periods of heat exchange, the fuel losses through the chimney and the wear of the reversing mechanisms could be decreased. As a result of the application of the computer control system, the experimental melting time was reduced by 55 minutes and the fuel consumptionfor one melting could be decreased by 3%, i.e., 10.3 million calories. The C-content of the experimental melt was 0.6211o as compared to 0.7ea of the conventional melts. The KETI type computer can be used in any automatic system of heat regulation for open-hearth furnaces equipped with ferrodynamic transmitters. There are 4 figures, I table and 2 Soviet referen- ces, Card 3/3 B/194/62/000/006/015/232 D413/D308 AUTHOR: Ko rabko-i- TITLE: Application of computers to the control of an open- hearth plant PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,' no. 6, 19629 abstract 6-1-124 1 (V sb. Primeneniye vychisl. tekhn. dlya avtomatiz. proiz-va, M., Mashgiz, 1961, ~10-222) TEXT: It is observed that the conditions do not at present exist for the design and application of a centralized computer for con- trolling the thermal process in all the furnaces of a plant, as well as the melting process and all auxiliary equipment. It is pro- uosed t-hat local compute-rs should be designed and brought into use. ~iGures are given for the expected efficiency of the all-round auto- mation of open-hearth steel production. The objectives of automa- tion are listed. A description is given of a system and equipment under development at the Institut avtomatiki USSR (UkrSSR Institute of Automation): 1 ) The OAmn (SAMP.) openhearth furnpLee automation Card 1/2 S/1 19 162/000-/7001/004/011 D2017D3.6421 AUTHORS z Berezovskiyq M.A~q Korobko, M.1-y Saulovap LoVeg and Strellchenko, A.G. - TITLE: Multitrack recording instruments and devices for multi-point and vicltii-channel control PERIODICAL: Priborostroyenlyap no. 19 19625 15 - 19 TEXT: The authors briefly describe the following mult-i-track recor- ding instruments developed, at the Instit-ut avtomatiki Gooplana USSR (Institute of Automation of State Planning of the UkrSSP). 1) A six' -point recordei f6-r operation in conjunction with inductive pick- ups; developed from the sl.Zc-point ele--tronic automatic bridge type arin-209 (EMP-209). 2) A oix-channe! flowf pressure or consumption meter to work with original ferro-dynamic iransducersq based on the electronic pen-recorder type KBT (KVT) in production in East Germa- ny- 3) A multi.-channel temperature recorder and controllery based on the automatic electronic potentiometer BU-09 (EPP-09). The new instrument incorporates a switched electronic controller type pan - Card 1/ 4 S/11 62/000/001/004/011 Multitrack recording instruments ... D20N / 302 2(: (Hi~,2B). In this controllerg as pposed to the existing con- troller'B SPC-67 (ERS-61) and .9PK._.77 (ERK.-77)p the readings of con- trol intervals are independen1k; of the formation of output signals. For mul+U-point controly the Institute has developed a switching, six-position unit type sv -6 CBPU-6)~ A further development of itp a multi-channel control device -type ;13n - 6 (REP _M6) makes it pos- sible to adjust every control channel for the' specific dynamica of the Object, The lase of the control arrangement REP----M6 or 9py ---,K (ERU-7K) in conjunct.lon with the switching unii BPU..6 makes it'pos- sible to obtain a multi-Charuiel, multi-point control of up to 100 points. The following other automation devices have also been de-- veloped at the Insiitlute. 1) Eie~._tronic consTol devioe type P311 ~_OM (REP.-IM). Its-measuremenT see-rion takes the f-,)rm of an a.c. bridge, the control section consiElts of a set of foor ele_-troni~l time re- laysp using type 6HHf) (611n?) valves a-ad eleotromechanical relays. The devJce is quite flexible in opera-c-ion.. 2) Ele,,tronij control device type P~fl-2 (REP-2). A more seneit-1-ve vartant- of RF'P.,2)o A _1M. wi,: more sensitive variant of'REp. 11--h seif-%-~-n,_hronizing OUIVI relays and a thyratron for ind2-oailion of' crn,,-r.jJ operation. 3 Elec.- Card 2/4 S/119'/62/000/001/004/011 Multitrack recording instruments D201/D302 tronic control device type ?3n-3 (REP-3)~ developed for controll- ing high-resistance (ferri)-dynamic) pick-ups which require higher input voltages. This has been achieved by using a 63M5R (6Zh5P) pen- tode at the input. The response is logarithmic whichv howevert does not introduce noticeable distortion of 'the etatin. characteristic of the controller. For sequential multi-point control using type REP controllers, the latter axe used in conjunction with switching units BFU-6. Each of the controllers of the above type, has a con- tact controlling the BPU operation in such a manner, that after thE control device has been switched to the control position, the BPU connects to it the pick-up and the output of the next object, The circuit of the BPU device rep-resents a ring circuit, designed arourd cold cathode thyratrons -type MT'X--90 (MTKh-.90)9 which can switch from 2 - 6 controlled points. The ins-t-raments of multi-point; sequen- tial control type 9MRP (EMPR) and 9nnp (EPPR) are used as the ba- sis for REE~--H instruments, the modification consisting of adding another bank of commutators to-the switch and by replacing the discs of the position control arrangement by potentiometer pick-ups. The six-channel electronic controller REP-M6'consists of eight units, Card 3/4 S/119/62-/000/001/004/01~1 Multitrack recording instruments coo D201/D302 six having a thyratron trigger in con4junction with two 6HWR (6NIP) valve switches. The six are triggered from a time interval unit, the latter consisting of a binary thyratron counter. The 9PY -7K (ERU-7K) seven.-channel control device consists of eight units againo Seven of these are the proper control circults and the eighth Is the power supply unit. Every i*ontrol unit consists of an amplifier using a 6Zh5F valve in conjjun~'Aion with aa electronic time relay. The series prcduc-tj_on of REP-IM instruments began in 1960: REP.-,'2j REP-3, REP,-M6, 3PU-6 and ERU-7K are produ~,ed in small ba4 -he I ~~_ a by the experimental plant of the Institute of Automation. The multi- track instruments are not- being serles-produced~ 'There are 10 fi- gures and 1 table. Card 4/4 K0R0EKOL_,U, SAIIOYLF-',,'Ko, YUS I- Dynamic Planning of an Open Hearth Plant." Paper to be presented at the IFAC Congress to be held in Basel, Switzerland, 27 Aug to It Sep 63 BEREZOVSKIYP Mikhail Aleksandrovich, inzI,.; -YAO-UO 3~Q, Ivanovich, knnd. tekhn. nauk; SATILDVA, Larion . -- fy-&CGR-Ii~ovna, inz)).; JKOCIIO, V.S., (Jok-tor tekhm. nauk, retsenzent (Samplod-data control devices] Elektronkye shchie ustroistva preryvintogo dei5tviia. Kiev, TeA- nika, 196"'. 137 p. 1F,:1) SERDYUK, S.M.; AORWKQ,,,.,MX., kand. tekhn. naxdc; SOBOLLIV, S.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; STEPANCHERKOp L.K. Control of heat conditions in converter smelting. Art. i prib. no.40-5 O-D 1164 (MIRA 1832) KOROBKO, 14.1.~ kand. tokhn. nauk~ red.~ INOSOV, VA.,; red.; red.; REMIK, M.G., red.; PECHUK, V.I., red.; ShUMILOV, K.A., red.; PAVLENKO, VX . red. [complete automation in steelmaking] Kompleksnaia av-to- matizatsila proizvodstva stali. Kiev, In-t te1chn. in- formatsii,, 1963. 198 p. (miRA 18-6) 1. Ukraine. Gosudarstvannaya platiovaya komissiya. Institut avtomatiki. SEPJ)YUK, S.M.; SOBOLEV, S.K., kand. tskhn. M.1.,, k-R-nd. takhri. nauk; KOZIN, G.N.-j GUL'Yg',, G.F.-, RACHKO'V,'-VX'. Continw-as measurement of metal -n!mperature and carbon content controi. In a converter during scavenging. Avtom. -I prib. no.IgI2-14 Js-h~- 165. (MIRA IM) BABAKOV, A.A.; FEDOROVA, V.I.; SOLOVIYEV, L.L.; LOLA, MI.; DODOKA, L.J.; CHERKASHINP, N.P.; SHAMILf, Yu.P.; SMOLYAKOV, V.F.; DIBKOV, T.M.; MOSUREVICH, Ye.l.; PARADA, A.N.; REPESHKO-UNIMIENKO, S.I.; ALEYSEYENHO., KOROBKOI I.m., AVERIN, N.M.; MATOV., A.A.; 14IGUTSKIY, L.R.- Inventions. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.4:83 il-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:7) MARTYNYUK I KDROBKO ., 0, Fs , ___j_fft jjj;SEIZVj Yuje. DeteraWng the technological parammaters of open-haarth furnace smal-bing by means of controlling the furmeti atmosphore. Met. i gornorud. prom. no,3s22-25 MY-Je 165. (MIRk 18 -.11) EDWOED, 0 ., inshener. --- ~A M ~11~ Improving the reversing of valves ou open-hearth furnaces. Tray InstAnp.gaza, AN URSR 1:99-118 153. (Km 9:6) (Open-hearth furnaces) KOROBKO, N.0 mayor The banner is presented to the military commissariat. Voen.-znan. 41 no.12:32-33 D 165- (K[RA 18z12) KOROBKO N.I [Korobko, M.1.1; ULITOKO, V.Ye. [Ulitlko, V.1U.1; 77 V.M. Chromatograph~e analysis of volatile fatty acids in the rumen contents of rutinants. Ukr.biokbim.zhur. 34 no.6015-923 162. (mm 16s4 1. Ukrainian Agricultural Aaaden7 and the Institute of Physical Chemist of the AcadwW of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. (RUMZ -(J.CIDS, VATTY) (CHROMATOMPHIC ANALYSIS) F, RO-PE.C., P. I a, ""a! A "" ::I I -'A - (cliss ) 'I I I 1 7- , on J` -07- 1 -- 1 -.-I'al c I C, :. - ~- -,;" ~ rl.~("Illl,oljir Z~ L j. U Ij 0 piacfuk-,~ 'i,:Wl l7 I , ;~ 4 Lioscow, 1960, 11 pp (11,,)s,-~ov; institute of E-Mvay Transport bii-,ineers im 1. V. -`talin) (KL, '215-60, 125) XOROBKO, F.Ya., assistent. "Waxaft i Selecting aptiu= capacity Lee storage facilities for railroad Ice plants. Trudy TASMIT no.6:95-102 156. (NLU 9: 11) (reelummes) 0 ou ,Tf, J, If 'USSR A333. JOUR, RZBiol., NO. 19.t 1951-1, No. 86981 AUT1110i Korobko P. Ya. entiftc Resz:arch Institute* T !TLz~ Some Data on Selection of Lodging liesistant Winter Wheat Varieties Under highly ~'avorable Growing Conditions. I OR.-IG. puB. Byul. nauchno-tekbn. inform, ?4old. n.-i. in-ta S. lh. i~lshlnev, 1957, 53-515, A', 3 ~3"r RA C. TOf all the varieties tested in competitive tlal.s -rythrosperraum 720 did not lodge. This vari?ty can nc; 'jc~ used 'M Moldavian SSR because of its low winter- hazdinesL; and. poor quality of grain. Among hybrids particu- lar] 'y good characteristics are shown by brythrospermum 720 X Odesskaya 3, which exceeds in yield the parent forms, is more resistant to lodging than Cdesskaya, bi-it inferior In this respect to Erythrospermum T."O. __ A. F. Khlystovas LD of Agriculture. J(DROBM, P.Ya.,inzh. Chooeing cmt1mum capscittei; and dimensions of forms used in making lee. Test. TSNIZ RPS 17 no.1:54-56 7 '58. (MMA 11:3) (Ice--Konufneture) (Railroads--Equipment and supplies) KOROBKO, F.Ya., kand.tekhn.naui i selection of the efficient thickness of ice block insulatibi;A Rhol.te" 39 no.6:52-53 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12Y 1. Tashkentskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Ice industrr--Equipment and supplies) I Kom.-~-Ko, V. M.P.; GlAmbzDj!, IGIOTIMCHEWO, M.M.; bhS"VCdL.-:,K;,, Y&.O.-. RUDOY, P.YU.: KHARCIRMIKO, P.P.; 10MAI-lov. 0.0.; GURIKOYA. V.O.; 4=Lll(, L.Ts.; RIZHKOV, I. I.; WARMIN, G.?.; 111KWAYNVA, I.V.; WHOM. V., redaktar; IAPCUIIKO, K., takhatchrAy rodaktor [Industry of tko Soviet Ukxairo during 40 years. 1917-19571 i?romyvlcvist' Padianslkoi bkrainy %a 40 kokiv (1917-1957)- KYiV, Dersh.vyd-vo pollt.lit-ry URSR. 1957. 330 p. (XIY-A 10-10) 1. Akademiya nauk UMR, Kiyev. Imatitut ekonomiki (Ulcrair.e- Ind uc tries) KOROBKO, V.. oty. za vypusk [Program In the economic geography of the U.S.S.R. for the departments of economics of evening unl"~ raities of Marz- Loninism conducted by local committees of the party] Program s skonosichaoi geografil SUSH dlia okonamichnykh fakulltetiv vechirnikh universytativ marksysm-leninisma pry alsikkoukh partil. XyIT, Dersh,.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSR, 1958. 1) p. (MIRA 12:6) 1. lo-nistichaskays, partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Tyeshaya partlynaya shkola. Kafedra skonomichookoy I politicheskey geografli SM I sartLbeshnykh gosuderetv. (Russia,--Economic conditions) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3736 Zhalnin, I.Ye., Ye.V. Starikova, P.S. Tindo, V.A. Korobko, and G.N. Ratush, compilers. Tekhniche5kiye uslovir na nefteprodukty (Standard Specificatione,for Petroleum Prodticts Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960, 462 P. 7,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: RSFSR. Gosudarstvennaya planovaya. komisslya Ed.: G.Ya. Solganik; Tech. Ed.: A.V. Trofimov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for . petroleum refinery. personnel and those engaged in,:purchaning, supply, transportation and other branches of the petroleum Iindustry. COVERAGE: The book gives specifications for petroleum products In- cluding.syntnetic hydrocarbons, solvents, illuminating ftol, lubri- cants, greases, additives, paraffins, ozokerite and deresine pro- ducts, petrolatum, asphaltic products, and process materials used Standard Specifications (Cont.) SOV/3736 at.p6tr-oleum refineries and in the chemical industry. It contains 205 standard specifications approved on November 1. 1959 by the former Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, USSR; the former Ministry of the Petroleum Industry,,.Azerbaydzhan'skaya SSR; the Mosgoreovnar- khozo Kuybyshevskiy qovnarkhoz, and Checheno-Ingushakiy aovnarkhoz; and the GlavNIT, QlaTnOftepererabotka, and Glavgaz organizati6ne of the petroleum industry. It in pointed out that various products Including aviation gasolines are being produced from sulfur-beiring crude, that the viscosity index of motor and industrial lubricants manufactured from such crude at eastern refineries is 85 or higher~ while the viscosity index of similar lubricants from low-sulfur crude at the Baku refineries ranges from 50 to 70, and that.all lubricants manufactured at the now refineries by means of the selective solvent process have a higher Color index. No personali- ties are mentioned. There,are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Card e/21 ZH IN, I.Ye.j inzh.; STARIKOVA, Te.V.. inzh.; TINDO, P.S.. inzh.; KORCBKO, V.A., insh.; RAT=, G.N., inzh.; SOLGA41K, G.Ta., -ie'auiho hi y re d.; TROFIKOV. A.T., [Technical specifications for petroleum proau'otal Takhni- cheskie usloviia na nefteprodukty. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhm. izd-vo neft. I gorAo-toplivnol lit-ry, 1960. 482 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Petroleum prodhicts-Specifications) ZMBKD. T.G.j Inshener. Introduce now safdty measures In mines of Nikopol'-N,,rgansto Trnst DOZOPA00a. v Prom. I no.6:12-13 Je 157. (MIRA 10:7) (likopoll doin--Nining engineering--Safety measures) e~_ - 1) 4 6 -1-- - - - - - - -- - b/. 7. KOROBKCI, f.G., insh.; LISTROV, O.F.. insh. , Preventing accidents in mines of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Besop. truda v prom. I no.10:11-13 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Krivoroshekly nauchno-iseledovatellskiy gornoruduyy inatitut. (Krivoy Rog Basin--Mine accidents) KOROADE"J6, starshiy nauchW,-q~Ltrudnik; LISTROV, O.F., starshiy -"waw~na-u chnyY -AWUWAWIN~ mines'* erkrouW- r lighting in Iron v prom. 2 no.1:36 Jk-'560 (MIRA 1L- 1) norv netitut, Krivbass. .~iuck~~qj!pledevatellzldy gor will, (Iron -idnes and mining-Wety measures) JODROBED. V.G..insh. Textbook on sAfety engineering in mining. Beson.truda v nrom. 2 no-4:37 Ap 158. NMA li:4) 1. Trivoroshakiy usuchno-iseledovatellskiy gornorudnyy institut. (Mining engineering--Safety mennures) XALINICHENKO, V.P., inzh..- KOHOBXO, V.G., iash. Operating eloictrl equipment at Krivoi Rog Basin rainec. Desop. truia v prom. 2, no. 6:9--Te 158. (MIRA 11.7) (Krivoi Rog Basin-Ilectricity in mining) ..yich; KONOGRAT, ILITZKO, Vasiliy Grigorlyevich; !2WAQjp-s'l4-A4gqrlye Boris Takovlevlch; KOVSMTA, Yedor Andreyevloh; LISTROT, Oleg Feidorovich: DITACHMMO. I.. red.; OUSAROT, K.. (Safety techniques In Krivoy Rog Basin mines] Tekhnika besopasnostl wk shakhtakh Krlybassa. Kiev, Oom,izd-vo takhn.lit-ry USM, 1959. 133 Pe (NM 13:4) (Krivoy Rog-Xining engluserin,-gSefety measures) KOLOSOV, M.N.; POPHAM, S.A.; GUREVICH, A.I.; J~~qp~O, V.G.; VASINA, I.V.; SHEMYAKINJ, M.M. Tetracyclines. Part 28: Syhthesis and reversible isomerization of the derivatives of 9-keto-4.5,10-trihydroxy-1,4,4a,9,9a,10-hexahydro- anthracene. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2534-2539 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1, Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. VOLKOV, Yu.P., KOLOSOV, M.N.; KOROBKO, V.G.; SHEWAKIN, M.M. "WARM" Tetracyclines. Report No.20i Configuration of 2- and 3-substituted 10--kato-9-hydroxy-1,2,3,4,4a,9,9a,10-octahydroanthracenes and the stereochemistry of the reduction of naphthoquinone-butadiene adducts with aluminum hydride. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.31 492-501 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. KOLOSOV, M.N.; POPRAVKOp S.A,; K_ORQQKq,y,.~,.;,--KAIIAPOrYAN, M.G.; S101YAKIN, M.M. Tetracyclines. Part.30s Gonstruction of a tricyclic system DGB of tetracycline antibiotic, Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2547-2553 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1, Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. GUREVICH, A.I.; KARAPETYAN, M.G.; KOLOSOV, M.N.; KOROBKO, V.G.; ONOPRIYENKO., V.V.; SHEMYAKIN, M.M., akademik-' * ---- Synthesia of hydronaphthacenes related to anhydrotetracyclines. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.1:125-127 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) - 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. GUREVICH7 A.I.; KOLOSOVY M.N.;- ~-QJ~OBAO,,,.V.G. ; POPFMVKO, S.A.; SHEMIYAKIN, M.M. Tetracyclines: Part 40: Richaells reaction with derivatives of 0 2_ tricycline DCB. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.4:652-659 Ap 165. OKIRA IS: 5) 1. Institut khimii prirocnyl:h soyedinenily AN SSSR. T 4 qp_Kq , V. G. ; SHEI-ffA.~ i -, ! . im, GUREVIGH, A.I.; FJ-RA1'ET7Ai-lT, M.G.; KOLOSOV, . I I., Tetracycline5. Part 42: ~I:ynthesis of 11,12-1-'-dideov-4- dedimethy:Lamino-5r,K,6-ar,hydrotetracycline. 7hur. ob. k-him. 35 no.4:668-673 Ap 165. (I'lapil 18: 5) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. '~'ASHNIN, R.M.; CHALYETI, A.Ye.; FOP,.OBFO, V.I. Moving boundary problem In diffusLon in the polymer - solvent systems. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.4:593...600 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Mioskovskiy teklinologicheakiy Institut leg,-koy promyshlennosti. IVATOVSKIT, Georgiy Ivanovich [Ivenovalkyi, H.1; GAK. D.V. (Hak. D.M. k0ndookon.naukg red*; DANIKO, I.T90 referents redo; XORMO, VOI. red. __ [Zaporoshlys Economic Region) Zaporislkyl skonomichuyi administra- tynqi rsion. Kyiv, 1959. 38 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrannia politychnykh L naukovykh snan' UWR. Ser.2. no.1) (KIM 12:3) (Zaporashlyo Province--Industries) -4 SHEMIENKO, Anton Yefizovich,- PALAMARCHIM, M.M., doktor ekon. nauk,, prof.p otv. red.; KOROBKO, V.I., red.; YATVIICRUK, O.A., tekhn. red. (Industrial development and its role in creating the productive forces of comunismjRonytok pronyslovosti ta U roll u stvoren- ni produktyviVkh syl komuni=u. Kyiv, 1962. 37 p. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrennia politycYzykh i naukovykh m=l Ukrainslkoi MR. Seriia 3, no-5) (MIRA 15.12) (Russia-Industries) KORCBKO, V.I., gornyy inzh. Results of reorganizing the Mine No.2 of the Laninougoll Trust. Ugoll 40 no.1:64-65 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kommunarskiy gornometallurgicheskly institut. KOROBKOV V.80 Relation.. Itoween the frequencies of symmetric and antisymmeti-ic vibrationi,'Ot type XH 2 grouPs* opts I. spektr, 14 no,6t825- 821 Je 163-o' (VIM 16:8) (Amino group--Spectra) YASKINICII, A. I. Collection of clinical proscriptions." B.I.Trusevich, V.V.Korobko. Reviewed by A.I.1aakevich. Farm. i toks. 18 no.4:56-57~=Ak"'~%~--~! (IMICINB-TORMULAN, RBCZPTS. PEMRIPTIONS) (nM 8:11) (TMISKNICK, B.I.) (KORDBIO. V.V.) MAGHUIAO V.I.; KOROBKOO__Vjq~.--- Contribution of the efficiency promoters of our factory. Sakh. prom. 36 no.9:4&49 S 162* (MIRA.16:3.1) 1. Sakharnyy zavod im. gazety "Pravdam. KOPIOBI(Oll Y-L"A. Study of ofifiewis -.,ellophane 11-amora. Dokl. AN SSS-R 159 n0.2: ,:+57-460 N 164. (MIRA 17sl2) I lr,-A+,'tut morfologil zhivotnvkh im. A.N. Severtsova AN SSSR. -6 - - Predetavlenc aka-damf.kom T.D. Lysenkoo MROBED, Yu..A. -------I---- Study of skin regeneration in mice following chemical carainogenesis. Dokl. AN S.SSH 134 no.6sl494-1496.o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut morfologii shivotuykh im. A.U.Severteova Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Bakulevym. (GMIMGM) (REGINMTION (BIOLOGY)) (SKIN-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) L 4o V, C AP5018362 UR/0020//64/159/002/0457/(y460 AC ESSIO' NR: ATTHORt Korobko, Yu. A. T ITU: Investigation of cellophane bone tumors SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doldady,v. 159, no. 2, 1964, 4q1-46() q vi&~- 1PACSS: experim!~nt animal-, neoplasm, bone disoase, histr'locy. cytolog-y ~RSTRACT- '11hLs study was part of a larger investi-gation on the isolation of ti8sue systems and organs with to show the inf I uence exerted ~n 1-he 7"J to n o f a Ce I 10 p Ka r. e which exert a morphogenetic and h i a togcnc- f lu - another, in the experimental rats, the fibula was separated from the tibia; then a cut T-,,au made on the tibia with a sharp scalpel, the periosteum wag GfF with a cpatula., and 4 cellophane film w.-F pushed through and card 1/3 mm MW L r6o46-65 F-ACCESSION UR: Ap5o18362 vrapped twice around the tibia. Wrapping of the bone with cellophane film 1-~ 'L~ - , Deriosteum was found to lead to the EormatLon of, bone tumors. The :7, ~"jV 0 rs consisted of two types of cells s!sc-sliaDed, an~ Tound. ctions, The strain isolated from 0-'? -)r ho r Zia r yu mo r 8 through 12 Aenerations. As the number osteosarcoma) waa passed a t ' I - on3 was increased, the bone formation of -hp stra"n decreased' -e occurred in the cellular composit'on 'decrease in ~hzt zells of -.7 a n g I rypej , as well as ja certain incre~ase I.'te num'-er o~ toaaa. .4er'es, where cellophane waq wrappe6 a,, -JrA '.he e-.,~ve 10L- was In '4 disturbi-Ig Lhe periosteum, no, 01'e '-'L 4 24 )DDo~ed to the experimental series, where sevan rat3 Dut of Ll~e authors conclude th-at- the Of t~e inter- ~--a*veen the eysteam of bone tissues leads to the for-mntjon of bone can be grafted. Card 2/3 I SUBHPITED: a7-jul64 i it k %R REF SOV: 005 EML: 00 OVM: 002 I i SUB CODE: IZ I i i JPRS i t . i FRUMIN, G.; VODOPIYANOV, I.; KOROBKOV, A. Building control by State Bank brancheB. Don. i kred. 21 no.3: 39-46 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdola Laningradskoy gorodskoy kontory Goebanka (for Frunkin). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Stavropollskoy krayevoy kontory Gosbanka (for Vodoplyanov). 3* Starshiy insh. Stavropol'skoy krayevoy kontory Gosbanka (for Korobkov). (Construction industry-Auditing and inspection) (Banks and banking) KOROBKOVP T.L (Mnakva); XOROBKOV, A.I. (Yoiskva) btage division of the Oligocene. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Nauki o xam. 18 no.5:3-14 165. (KrRA 18%9) KOROBKOVY A.I. [Korobkov,, 0.1.]; SELJNP Yu.I. . -: -- Find of Aralocaedia. abichiana Roman in the Upper Eocene formations of the middle Dnieper Valley. Dop, AN URS! no.4:504-507 165. (MI14 18-5) 1. Trest "Kiyevgeologiya" i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isgledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut. USSR/ Physiology FD-2698 j , i~_. ~ V, Card 1/1 Pub. 33-7/28 Author Korobkov, A. V., Leningrad Title Variation in the maximum frequency of motion of a digit under the influence of movements of the symmetrical (corresponding] extrem- ity Periodical Fiziol. zhur. 41, 43-47, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract Investigated the change in the efficiency of the middle digit of man during the performance of movements at maximum speed under the influence of movements of the corresponding extremity, at the be- ginning, in the middle, and at the end of the exercise. Graphs. Thirteen reference, all USSR (6 since 1940). Institution Submitted September 29, 1953 YAKOVIEV, Hikolay Nikolayevich, prof.;.LQjJQBKQV._AREtolj vitallye Vich; YANANIS, Stanislav Vladimirovich; BERZIN, A.A., red.; MANINA, M.P., tekhn. red. (Physiological and biochemical principles in the theory and methodology of sports training] Fiziologicheskie i biokhimiche- skis osnovy teorii i metodiki sportivnoi trenirovki, izdo2,, perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Fizkulltura i sport," 1960. 405 P. (MIRA 14:12) (PEYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) Z12411ITTYKN., po:LkovnA meditainakoy oluzhbyj, doktor rAed.naukpprof. PodPolkovnik moditsiskoy sluzhby,, doktor meditsinskikh nauk, dotsent Increasing the body's remistances Voen,vest, no.9:92-95 S 160. (PHMICAL.RDUCATION AND TRMM) (MMA 34:7) KOLOBKOV, A.V.,- GOLOVACHEVAO D-.A.; SHKURDODAq V.A. Effect of muscular training and tonic substances on nonspecific resistance and work capacity in rats.' Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.1:30- 37 Ja '61. (MIRA 3-4:3) 1. From the Lmdn Institute of Physical Culture and Sport,,Leningr"ad. (EXERCISE) (I R&M-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BENZIMIDAZOLE) (GINSENG) S/865/62/002/000/007/042 Plvrical exercise D405/D301 latt6r.. is . subjected to adverse environmental factors such as radi a- -lith t' toxic substances, infections.. overheating, cooling, etc. I re,,gard to the phys io logical ~, processes by means oT which the musculari., cozitrillctio s n maintain:internal stab4lity of the body, the relati on-. Ship between organism.and environment (both internal and external) is stressed._~ It seems likely that the dreat changes in the mataboli Ca _in:-organs_:,E~iid-- tissues ar cul exercise, have a considerable.-influence'on basic life processes and onlraising the stability, of 'the, -organism.: 111hysical exercise leads to the development of 'Com ensatory processes when the body i sub- I p jected to adverse envirotmental fac.tors-_ the exercise should be o Tp timal for a given person both in'intensity and duration; moreover it should be emotionally. satisf actory and,diverse. The importance of physical exercise under conditions of weightlessness and limited,; s uras ay montally establisled. Ex- mobility (a in a space cabin). pari Darim e-nt -also show,ed-: th, nw-V phy~sical -it prelimi -training is -helpful in i-iaintaining the dtabilitylTof the human organism undev conditions 11 Of limited mobility and motiortsickness. The physical-training of astronauts should be coordinated in such a way do as. to ensure opti-41 mal,resistance under space.-flight-ponditions. 77 Card 2/2 v 1 tdj "ev-; KORObK~N (Exercise and health] Dv-izl.leridia zdor-ovle. ',"oslwa, Izd- vo 11~~nanle, " 1964. 3~ uliversitet- zdorovIia, ric).2~) ACC ~R. AT6036592 SOURCE CODE: WC600/66/000/000/0222/0224 AU TIHOR-L~~~~ ORG; none TT~V~-d aPytnfjmign?f human adDgj)j&R 2apor Pro- 0 ,,S~t0flon1j4,4 2?s drence on C I-lay 196~j SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy- meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine ); materialy konferentsii, Moscow, 1966, 222-224 TOPIC TAGS: manned space flight, hypodynamia, space psychology, spatial orientation, i body temperature, heart rate, respiration, human physiology, p3ychophysiology ABSTRACT: In order to gain some understanding of the stages of adaptation to prolonged spaceflight s and of acquisition- of the ability to withstand the effect of extreme factors under those conditions, it is possible to uti-lize data obtained in ground experiments under conditions of limited space and hypodynamia, as well as data which illustrate the adaptation of the organism I under conditions of high-altitude climate accompanied by maximal physical I and psychological stresses. Adaptation to conditions of hypodynarnia is characterized by a series of common shifts on the part of the endocrine mechanism'. I ,by capillary stability, and by certain other reactions. On the basis of available data, it is possible to identify the following _p!ages. of adaptation to_pKqlonged spaceflig hts: ACC NR: AT6o36592 a--stage Of acute functional compensation under conditions of accelera-' .tion, weightlessness, limited space, etc.; b--th,e stage of chronic compensation in new conditions of the "man- environment" system -- constantly operative factors (weightlessness, space limitation., altered nature of communication, etc.), and periodically operative factors (noises, vibrations, changes in the nature of many types of information, etc.); c--the stage of biological stability in new conditions of the "man- environment" system; d--stage of chronic and acute decompensation, related to the exhaustion ~'of compensatory mechanisms. The duration of each phase depends on the level and characteristics of *the previous readiness, and also on, the in-flight measures which assu're stability of the human organism. At the present time the characteristics of the first stage of adaptation (shifts related to psychological reactions, control of movement, endocrines, and others which have received the na-me "hypodynamic syn~rp~me") have been best studied. As far as the following ACC NR: ADS036592 ...... ------ stages are concerned, they can be judged on the basis of shi"s which ar-'se I L I Under condAions of prolonged ground experiments under conditions of limited Ispace and 1%ypodynamia, and under conditions of heavy exercise with long periods of adaptation under high-altitude mountain conditions. The study of changes of the functional state of persons conditioned to multiday hypodynamia has shown that readjustment of motor control is characterized by relatively great stability in persons with a high degree of physical fitness. At the same time, the level of physical fitness has a sig- nificant continuous effect on certain aspects of motor activity. Chang!~-.'s in the condition of the cardiovascular system were very marIzed in persons who had'trained to develop muscular strength. At the same time, along with changes in the cardiac activity, a deterioration of the function of muscle iblood vesse:Ls;was noted. Changes registered during the study of tempera- ture variations of the human body, respiration, and gas exchange 'indicate the increased instability of these indices due to hypodynamia. These changes were particularly marked among runners. Adaptation to conditions of prolonged flight, which involves small, physical and psychological strain, is not identical with the reactions of the organism during maximum psychological and physical strain which are observed at Card ACC NR: A-M036,592 various stages. of the flight. The m o'st important condition for expanding the capabilities of humans for activity under conditions of prolonged spaceflight is a properly organized I schedule of raotor and psychological activity in coordination with the use olo food, pharmacological agents, and other factors both during preflight train- ing and during the entire duration of spaceflight and the.postflight period of rest. [W.A. No.'22; ATD Report 66-1161 SUB CODE: 06,22 SUBM DATE: OOMay66 ACC NRt APT002610 ~A, A0 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/023/0117/0117 INVENTOR: Korobkov A,V,; Gol*dberg, I.H ORG: none TITLE: Method of thersochemical treatment of molybdenum and molybden alloy articles. Class 48, No. 189277 SOURCE: lzobr~tenija, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 117 TOPIC TAGES: molybdenum thermochemical treaimentg molybdenum alloy thermochemilcal treatment, ABSZICT: This Author dir*tifi-c~t-e-"*in't**r-o,d,*,u,c,es a' 'm'e t'hod for thermochemical treatment of molybdenum and uolybdenuak-alloy artiicles which includes paste car- burizing. To increase hardness and oxidation resistance, the articles -iare subjected to earbos1lic'onijdn&.o=W with carbailLiV-Epa4tO, Packed in ,ground annealed silicon, and held at 1100-1300C 'for 5-20 hr. In a ~variantj the ground 115OC'for 8-10 hr. [Wk-881, JDVI SUB CODE: 13, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 26oct64./ AtD PRESS: 5114 UM 621*793.6 69,28 Card ACC NRi AT7064~24 SOURCE CODE: UR/2563/66/000/268/0078/0088 AUTHOR: Kcrobkov, A. V.; Lapkin, D. T.; Sitnikova, L. I.; Xhoroshaylov, V. G. ORG: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (Leningradskiy politakhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Concerning the improved properties of dispersion hardening heat-re31.-tant al- loys and steels SOURCE: Leningrad. P61itekhnichaskiy institut. Trudy,no. 266, 1966. Metallovedeniye (Metal science), 78-88 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant allay, heat resistant steel, metal heat treatment, high dispersion hardening temperature strength, agZag=VnIM ~~ "aL~~ ABSTRACT: Me effects of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the heat-re- sistant alloys E1437BU and E1617, as well as the steel E1787, were studied. Samples of E1437BU zod E1787 were cut from billets, and forgings of turbine discs and buckets. The alloy E1437BU was given two types of heat treatments: (1) air quenching after 8 hrs; at 1080c'C + aging for 16 bra at 7500C and air cooling, (2) just aging for 16 hrs at 7500C. Tensile and impact testing were done at room temperature, 500, 600, and 7000C. Creep testing was done at 600, 700, and 7500C. Treatment #2.raised the strength, ductility, and impact resistance above that.for #1 by as much as 10%. The creep resistance of 01 at 6009C and 70 kg/MM2 was higher than for 02, but at 700 and Card 1/2 ACC NRt AT7004524 ~500C the creep.resistances were similar. Annealdd and cold worked (30 and 65% de- formation) r(xIs of E1617 were also given two heat treatments: (1) air quenching after 2 hrs at 1190('C + air quenching after 4 hrs at 10500C + aging at 8000C for 16 hra and air cooling, (2) just aging at 6000C for 16 hrs and air cooling. Room temperature tensile data and stress rupture data at 550 and 6000C were given. Again higher strength, ductility,.and creep resistance resulted from #2. Similar conclusions were obtained for E1787 steel. Macrostructures of the three materials showed that after #1 a nonuniform grain distribution resulted, while #2 gave a fine-grained homogeneous structure. T~,A dislocation arrangements occurring'after the different heat treat- ments were discussed. 'High4r strengths resulted because of 'greater dislocation densi- ty. -The plasticity wqs convIated. with dislocation mobility. Orig. art, has 6 tables 2 figures. SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: am*/ ORIG REF: 003 SOURCE CODE; UR/2563/66/000/260/0089/0096 ~r7004525 AUTHOR: Ka, A$ Y k ,D. T.*, Sitnikova, L. I.; Khoroshaylov, V. G. Lap, in ORG: Leningrad Polytechnicai Institute (Leningradskiy politekhnicheakiy institut) TITLE: The effect of holding time at high temperatures an the pro'Perties of economi- cal grades of heat-resistaut steel SOURCE: Leningrad. Politakhnici%askly institut. Trudy. no. 268, 1966-. Motallovedeniye (Metal science). 89-96 TOPIC-'TAGS:. austenitic steelt- stainless steel, baron steel, heat resista2-t steel, heat treatment,,agft=XQpca&s., high temperature steel, Impact strength, me-tallographic examination ABSTRACT: A study wax done. owthleeffects of aging E1696 and EI696A austenitic steels 'to 5,00 ~rs at 600 and SSOOC.~'Also studied were the effects of reheating to 700 and U P 7500C after the first aging treatment,-and the influence of boron additions. Four heats of steel were made having the following compositions: 0.06-0.08% C, 0.32-0.85% Mn, 0.31-0.62S Si, 11.24-11077% Cr,-19.25-20.1% Ni, 2.66-3.08% TI, 0.26-0.50% Al, nil- -0.015% B, 0.005-0.012% S, and.0-016-0.06% P. Rod samples were heated to 11700C, held for .2. hrs, air cooled,, reheated to 7500C for 16 hrss, and air'cooled. Aging was done by heating to 600 or for 169 100, 200,'and 500 hra. Some samples were aged again ;ord 1/2 VOLOGDIN. Vl,V.; KORCBKOV, A.V., kandetekhn.nauk. retsenzent; FOG111, A.A.0 kand.tekhn'~hs,ak, red.; SOKOLOVA, L.Y., [High-frequency soldering] Vvookochastotnais paika. Pod red. A.A.Fogelia. Hoi3kva, Gos.n&uahno-tekhn,izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 49 p. (Bibliotechka vysokochastotaiks- terminte, no.13) (MIRA 11:7) (Solder and soldering) ,W*BM,,,~to11Y-3ff-tq-1'ye ch 1A - SHKURDODA, yL, doktor med. r uk, prof., Vlad:imir Antonovich, kand. pedaR. nauk starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik,- Nikolayevichs doktor b YAX0VT -4olog. nauk,, prof.; YkKOVLEVA,"Yelena Sergeyevna, kand. biDlog. nauk, starshiy nauah4yy Portrudnik; XHOTYANOVA, G.B.9 red.; MINA, M.P., takhn. red. [Physical education for persons of varidue ages; biological fundamentals] Fixiaheskaia kulltura liudei raznogo vozrastat biolomicheekle onnovy Pod red. A.V.Korobkova. Moskva,, lzd-vo "Nuiltura i sport#* 1;62. 370 p. (MIRA 16s6) (PHYSIPAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) KOROB.KPV.j,_.~!~T!~j; VASIL'YEVA, A.B.; STUANOV, G.I. Mobile device for cleaning petroleum tanks from bottom settlings. Tranap, i khrans nefti i nefteprode no.7125-27 165. WIRA 18:9) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellakiy inatitut po transportu i khrananiyu nefti i nefteproduktove ABRAMZON, L.S.; STOYANOV, G.I.; KOROBKGV,,. A..-Ye. , , . ,- . 71 - - I ~ %,, Cleaning the deposits in tanks with a water spray. Neft.khoz. 41 no.1004-58 0 163e (MIRA 17:4) ANTOMY, A.S. I ARTANONOV, 2.A.; KMOIN ISM-# , MAGIDOVICH, Te.l.; POORUM# Inshowjr-jmMRb-*uik, rodaktorl EMIKIN, 1.790 ,tokhnicheekly roWtoro C Mm ta*, I Tank, Kookw, Voennos is&-vo Ministerath oborour Mit 1954. 607 p. 86 (2ants (Kilitary 444ance)) KOROBKON',F.S., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk V:~C -- .v Burning bleaching clays in coal mixtures. Tekh.zhel.dor.6 no.9: 27--28 S147. (KM 8:12) (Lococotives-Fuel consumption) WROBIOV, F.S., kand. takhn. nauk Nake better use of-lubricating oil In dissol-svitching locomotivi". Blek. I tepl. tiaga 3 no.3:22 Mr 159. (KIBA 12:3) (Diesel engines--lubrication) KOROBY(AT, Georgly Grigorlyevich Of the question of the Mechanism of Changes in the Coagulation of Blood in Connection with Hemo-transfusional Shock Dissert.,--ion for candidate of a Mo~-dlcal Science degree. Chair of Pathological Physiology ( head, Asst. Prof. P. Ya. Novorasova) Snrntov Vedical Institute, 1q54 KOROBKGV, G.A. (Ordzhonikidze) Work of the J!orth Ossetian Pharmacy Adminietratlin in providing eorvice for the people.lot.delo 7 no.1:29-31 Ja-Y 158. U-PRAIMab (MIRA 110) KOROBROVs O.G, - --------------- Influence of ox7pn deficiency ozj the origin and development of an experimental tumor. Trudy Sar. goa. mad. inst. 26:69-71 159* (KTtA 14:2) 1, Saratovskly maditainskiy imftitutp kafedra patologicheakoy fiziologii (2&v. - dbtaent P.YP. Novorasova). (ANOXEMIA) (C=M) NOVOR.A.13OVA, P.Ya.; FEYGELISONp A.S.j ZOJ~OBKOVp G.G,'_ GORIKOVAP A,V, Influence of cortisone ca the growth of experimental tumors. Trudy Sar,*'gos., mod. inst, 26:72-75 '59. (MIFLA 14:2) 1, Saratovskiy meditsinskiy institutp kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii (Zav.-iotaent P.Ta. Novorasova). (CORTISONE) (TUMORS)