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AUTHOR: prneyev, L.A. SOV/106-58-12-2/13 TITLE: Q-u-ar-Vz-0-s-5=1lato-rs with Nautralisation (Kvartsev-.--~-, generatory s neytralizatsiyvy) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, -1,958, Nr 129 pp 10 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The shunting effeet of the stat-'a 2apacit7 of a quartz crystal presents a ftnd:.;.mental 3bstacio to obtaining oscillati~)Ans at the higher harmonic f.-equencies. Thereforeq when exciting a --,i-ystal a'. high harmonic frequenc.ies, it 4 either to compensate the ..s necessary capacity by an inductance c.- to nautrallse the capacity (Ref 1). The advantlage oS the neutralisation method is that i-'V'- can be w3hievoqd ov6r a wide band and it is easier to preirent p&rasit!---:: oscillations. Pr4dhanskiy (Ref 2) propose! t,,.,fo si-laple cir,:~uits with neautyalising capaeltvi~s. Thass uirQuits are further developed in iigs I and 2. Vie operation of these airmits is explained from simple physical considera- Card 1/2 tions an,~! the aircuits are oompared for 11"u-.r,eliness" and sultabil-Ity for practical tsq. Using 4,;'he ciraait SOV/106-58-12-2/13 Quartz Oscillators with Neutralisation given in Fig 2d I stable oscillations at 90, 126 and 162 Mals were obtained with a crystal having a basic frequency of 18 Mcls. Professor S.I. YeVtYanov advised the author in this work. There are 6 figures and 3 Soviet reforen---es. SUBMITTED: May 307 1958 Card 2/2 6W AUTHOR: TITLE. PERIODICAL: _KgsrneZev, L. A., Regular Member SOV/108-13-11-8/15 of the TO-Gin~- Resonance Method of Measuring Equivalent Quartz Paramete.-s (Rezonansnyy sposob izmereniya ekvivalentnykh parametrov kvartsev) Radiobeklinika, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 11, PP 52-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A modified resonance method of measuring the equivalent quartz parameters within the ranges of short and meter- waves (at harmonic oscillations) is described by the author. This method has not the disadvantages of the ordinary resonance method. It is characterized by the factthat as measuring unit in the voltage divider not the angular resistance but a capacity is used. This ca~acl.y may be considered to be a pure (in no way shunted) capacity at f'--qi.iencies up to 1,30 megacycles and more. By means of the resonancemethod suggested here it is possible to measure the dynamic quartz parameters both in the case of fundamental frequencies and of :iarmonic oscillations aith a total error Card 112 of only some percents. The method is moru reliable than the Resonance Method of Measuring Equivalent Quartz SOV/108-13-11-8/15 -Parameters 11resonance-counterresonance" method (Ref 1) hitherto known and can be employed at considerably higher frequencies. The upper frequency limit depends essentially on 'he measuring apparatus used as well as on the activity of the quartz, the parametcrs of %71,'ich are measured. The experiments carried out by the author showed that this measuring method can be used up to 5C - 100 megracycles. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 Sovict references. ASSW=4DN:-=-~~Nmehao-teikhnicheokoye diuslraAw radiotekhniki i elektroBvyazi Im. A.S. Popew (Sciiiukific-tecbnical Socierty of Radio Engineering and Electro-comm7tnications im. A.S. POP'3-0 SUBNI=: June 19.. 1957 (initialLY) and FebruarY 5., 1958 (after revision) Card 2/2 85483 S/106/60/015/011/oo6/o12 '-7 24 3" /.00 L) B019/BO6'3 AUTHOR: Korneyev, L~ A., Membi)r of t-he Society TITLE- Determination of the Series-resonance Frequency of a Quartz PERIODICAL- Rediotekhnika, 1960, Vol, 45, No~ 11, PP., 45-46 TEXT: The author shows that the series-resonance frequency of a quartz can be determined with a measuring circuit described by him in Ref, t.. The measurement is based on a study of the frequency dependence of the transmission coefficient. The measuring circuit basically consist's Of a capacitative voltage divider which comprises a quartz and a capacitor.. When f is the series-resonance frequency of the quartz and f, the k I generator frequencyat the maximum transmission coefficient the difference between these frequen&s depends on the activity of the quartz. In most f ;z:,- f Ck cases it will be possible to write f where C and C I k 1 400 0 k are the static and dynamic capacitances, respectively, of the quartz. The Card 1/2 85483 Determination of the Seri,es-resonance, Frequency of a Quartz S/108/6o/o!5/01-i/006/012 B019/BO63 accuracy of determination of the series-resonance frequen-,y 2s greatly dependent on the accuracy of measurement, of the generator f-~equency and on the activity of the resonator. There are 2 figures.. I tabie, and Soviet reference,. SUBMITTED: March 10, 1959 Card 2/2 KORNEYEV, L. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Auto-generators of metric waves stabilized on quartz harmonies." Moscow, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Educetion RSFSR,.Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Inst imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze); 150 copies;free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 219); bibliography Gn pp 19~1'20 S/19 62/000/002/084/096 D271YD301 AUTHOR: TITLE; Shembel type, meter wave range oscillator, with quartz crystal PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-7-159ts (Tr. Moak. energ. in-. ta, 1961, no. 34, 76-99) TEXT; Operational features of a quartz crystal oscillator, of Shembel type, working in the neter wave fange are considered method is put forward for the design of such an oscillator ZeAn power in the load and permissible frequency instability are pre- scribed. An example of calculation is given.'Theoretical results (C;> are confirmed'by experiment. 6) references. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation-2 Card 1/1 KOMEW, LA quartz oscia-lator. F-laktrosviaz' 15 no.7: Deoip of a noutralizod (MM 14:6) 12-22 J1 161, (oacillatorso Crystal) 2361l 8/108/61/1000/006/007/008 3 D201/D305 AUTHOR: Korneyev, L.A., Member of the Society (See Association) TITLEt TAe influence of inductances of the *be input leads on the performance of a quartz crystal oscillator with neutralization FERIODICALt Radiotekhnikapl ~no. 69 19619 51 - 60 TEXT: In overton4orystal oscillators the impedance of the reso- nant circuit of the crystal diminishes quickly with the increasing order of harmonics and in order to obtain stable oscillations tu- bes with higher slopes, such as 6)f9TJ(6Zh9F)p 6a5T1(6E5P), 603n (6S3P) should be used. Small metal-oeramic valves have teen intro- duced lately? with leads possessing very small inductances (e9ge P'0-4 (GS-4)p 6017K (6S17K). When in the circuit, however, the wir- ing ind$ctance of the oscillator remainso In the present articie the author analyzes the influence of the cathode, grid and anode lead inductance on the performance of a metric wave generator sta- Oard 1/12 6 S/lOY 1~0'00/006/007/008 The influence of inductances ... D201 "305 bilized by an overtone quartz crystal. The analysis is based on a triads oscillator with all parasitic capacitances and inductances of the tube taken into account. The results obtained can be applied to a tetrode or pentode oscillator provided the tube lead induc- tances are much smaller than that of the wiring. All notation used is that used by the author in his previous works (Ref. 1: HAB14 (NDVSh)p Radlotekhnika i elektronika, no. So 1958) and (Ref. 2s Elektroavyazlp no. 12, 1958). Fig. I showe'the basic crystal osci- llator configuration (1n - denoting the circuit with neutraliza- tion as shown in Pig. A Subsequently,the 2n configuration is also considered, obtained from cot of Fig. l(with reversed positions of crystal and neutralizing capacitance On). For the purpose of analysis, the circuit of Fig. 1 is replaced by the equivalent cot of Fig. 2. Here zW z go zk - impedances of inductances L.0 LgP Lk; Y. Y Y - the susceptances of the intelectrode capacitances 919 ak gk 0- 0 Y1 Yf Y' - admittances of the equivalent three ag cikt Ogk; ago CLk 99k point generatort assuming the intelectrode admittances to be zero. Oard 2/12 23611 S/108/61/000/006/0074008 The influence of inductances o.a D201/D305 Thus to the right of the tube in Fig. 2 a passive th*e-terminal network Is obtained which contains all parasitic capacitances and inductances of the tube. First the driving impedance (i.e. the im- pedance relating the anode current i,,to the induced by it grid voltage U 9 - Fig. 2) Z is considered. Assuming z. z 9, zk and ad- mittances Y ag 9 Yak P Ygk to be purely reactive and applying the assumptions of Ref. l(Opeoit.) [Abstractor's note: The assumptions of Ref. 2 are not givenji the driving impedance is given as (l + i(x)(A, - iA') + A21 + iA Z = RO 1 2 0 (1 + ia) FBI + 1B D, + 01 2 2) 1 where A A + A"; A At � + A"; D, Djl~+ 1 2 2 2 B2 BA + B2"; D" (2) in which coefficients A.19,A" .... D" are expressed by the parame- Oard 3/12 23611 B/108/61/000/006/007/008 The influence of inductances ... D20l/D305 ters of the ect in Fig. lt analogous to those derived in Ref. l(Op. cit,) but more cumbersome and t4erefore not given here. As in Ref. l(Op.cit.) a = the generalized detuning o* crystal with respect to the fj~quency of series resonancep - the generalized detunMng of A, where R the driving res the anode cotg RI = R istance an 0 0 0 ordinary three.-point generator in 1n or 2n connection. The coeffi- cients of the denominator of Eq. (1) are independent of parasitic inductances of the.' At and AA'in the numerator 1 2 vanish for zero parasitic inductances. The equations for the fre- uency and amplitude of oscillations are derived by rewriting Eq. in the form I, (a) + i P (a). Z re im o Q rea + i Q:Lm(a) where,P re(M)o Qr6WY Pii(a)p Q:i.(a) - are respectively the real and imaginary terms of polynimials in the numerator and denomina- Oard 4A2 23611 5/108/0-1/000/006/007/008 The influen*e of inductances of.. D201/D305 tor. Assuming the driving impedance to be real (Z -:'- R) then for Vx/. frequency Qre(a) Pi'm(a) - Qi.(a) Pr,(a) = 0 (2) ,~s obtained, so that pencil-tylle tubes having a high slope can be used up to 200 mc./s since their transit time would be negligible. E.g6 in tubes types 6)f(9TI (6ZhS,P), 635h (6E5P) the grid to cathode spacing is about 40 microns. This a frequency of 200 0 mc/s and with 1V at the grid produces a transit angle of about 10 which may be considered negligible. If the lead inductances have to be taken into account the following K 2 + I.1(9) M 0 (3) 1 omials of the second or- holds, where K(t), fflf)),aT(S) - are po yn der with respect to detuning of the act ~~, The driving resiBtan- ces for the stationary state can then be writ-ten as G (t) a + P Al R - Rot -7-~ (4) B ~', a 11 9 where G(�), F(1), H(~) --are linear binomials with respect to de- Card 5/12 23611 8/108/61/000/006/007/008 The influence of inductances D201/D305 tuning g., The influence of inductances on the performanc e of the V-41/1 oscillator is analyzed both for In and 2n connections from graphs R9 a(g) drawn for various values of parasitic inductances. The driving resistances in both graplas have been drawn in relative units RS 0o Oscillations occur for the regeneration RS 0 A graph of RS 0 is also given here (so-avorLige slope)for the In connection. For ideal neu,tralization of the atatic capacitance of the crystal and in the absenoe oL' parasitic :Inductances (x,,," xg ti, xk = 0)9 the dependanoe of both R(%) and of a1:1) is uniquely defined (Ref. 1: Op.cit.). For xk / 0, an ambiguity arises and the region of insta- bilitiesq in which there is a phase balancep *creases with the in- crease of the ratio TX gk/ so that eventually for a certain value of this ratio the cu~rves of Card 6/12 23611 8/10 61/000/006/007/008 The influence of Inductances ... D201%305 R and (x(~) are reduced to, single points. The same graph shows also the influence of the grid inductance and anode inductance. The grid inductance helps the oscillations, that of the anode hinders them. As might have been expected from the graphs of R, a(g) in the 2 n connectionsp for which the phase angle of.the feedback is positive andp thereforeo' of opposite sign to that of the tube in- put'cct, the anode circuit can be operated at a smaller detuning. This is shown in Fig. 4p in which graphs of R, a(j) have been drawn for the same values of the valve parameters as for the cat connection *n. Fig. 4a shows the positive portions of the driving resistance only; Fig. 0 shows parts of curves a(�) which corres- pond to the positive values of the driving resistance. The theory has been confirmed by an experiment, in which two oscillators buil in 1 n and 2 n connections, fully neutralized were working at a. 4~ frequency of 110 mc/s Oth overtone of a 15.7 mc/s crystal) 653 P triodes were used with a capacittye divider in the feedback patht with inductively tuned anode cot. Since it had been assumed that parasitic inductances have little effect on frequency - only the Oard 7/12 23611 S/108/61/000/006/007/008 The influence of inductances ... D201/D305 dependence of oscillations amplitude on the anode tuning for vari- oue values of parasitic inductances was investigated. The results of the experiment are given in the form of graphs in Fig. 6a (cir- Guit ln) and Fig. 6b (oct 2n). The following conclusions are made. The performance of a crystal controlled neutralized high frequency oscillator is affected mostly by the cathode lead inductance. Both in oscillators in 1 n and 2 n conaections, the driving resistance decreases with the increase of the relative cathode impedance Xk 2 W L 0 This decrease has a higher rate in the 1 n conlpW /xgk/ J~ k k' nection of the oscillator. A noticeable effect of t e cathode lead inductance can be observed for as small values of 2 as k Lk Ok about 5 %, which for pencil-tubes corresponds to frequencies 100 - 150 mc/s. For relative.cathode impedances larger than 10 %, oscil- lations in a crystal controlled oscillator may not occur owing to the phase unbalance and parasitic oscillations. The parasitic in- ductances affect more-the amplitude than the frequency of 110 cilla- Card 8/12 S11 236 8 61/000/006/007/008 Oy The influence of inductances D201 D305 tions. Thus great dare must be taken In the laygut design of cry- stal controlled oscillators work.'Lng above 100 mc/s, minimizing as much as possible its cathode lead inductance. There is an appendix in which the author derives the oxpression for the driving impe- dance of the osoillatorp based on the t1ree-pole network with poles 1p 2, 3 in Pig. 2. The impedance is expressed using matrices of multi-pole8 components, according to the method given by E.V. Zelyakh (Ref. 4: Osnovy obahchey teorii lineynykh elektricheskikh schem. Izd. AN SSSRt M.V 1951). The author acknowledges the help of Professor S.I. Yevtyanov. There are 6 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: E. Hafnerp IRE National Convention Recordt v. 6, p-5, 1958. ASSOCIATION.- Nauchno-tekhnicheskciye obshchestvo radiotekhniki I elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications Society*im. A.S. Popov). [Abstraotorts note: Name of association taken from first page of journe,lj SUBMITTED: May 10p 1960 Card 9/12 KORNEYEV, Leonid Konstantinovich; ISLANKVA, T.F., red.; NAZAHOVA, A.S., taxan, red, [F.A.Wander., the enthusiast of interplanetary flight I Entuziast mazhplanetnykh poletav F.A.TSander. Moskva, lzcl-vo nzania," 1961. 46 p. (Vsmiume obshche'stvo po rasprostrananiiu politichookikh i naucbrjykh znanii, Ser-4. Tekbnika, U0.15) (MIRA 24:9) (Rocketry) (TSan4w, Fridrikh Arturoviob, 1887-1933) TSUDER, Fridrich Arturovich,, inzh. [1887-19331; POBED01"'OSTSEV, Yu.A., doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof., retsenzent; KORNEYKV, L.K., red.; ZA- KHAROV, Yu.G.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.--- -ANIKINK-P.-.3- red. izd- va*; ROZHIN, V.P.# tekbn. red. (Flying in a rIocket-propeIled vehicle; interplanetary flig4tal Pro- blema poleta pri pomoshchi reaktivzWkh apparatov; mezhplmetrqe po- lety. Sbornik statei. Pod red. L.K.Korneeva. 2. dop. izd. M6skva, Goo. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo, 1961. 459 P. (MIRA 34:11) (Space flight) Maider, Fridrikh Artur6rich, 1887-1933) S/085/61/000/012/001/003 AUTHOR: Korneyev, L. D047/D112 TITLE: An internlanetary flight enthusiast PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, no. 12p 1961? 17-19 TEXT: ' - This is the second and'f inal -part of an article on the lif e 'and activi- ti6s of one of thd founders of'applied celestial mechanics - Fridrikh Axturovich'Tsander - who-died_6n'Feb-28,'l933 in Kislbvodsk. 'Tsander was an outstanding specialist ih airdtaft'ihternal combustion engines and the*author of a good many works dn'this subj6ct.- At the same time,he enthusiastically worked on the solution of ziumerous problems of'astronautios. In his series "Teoriya mezhplanetnykh puteshestviy" (The Theory of-Interplanett-ry Travel), he dealt with a-great complex of problems involved in space flight and gave an accurate calculation of th6 ttdjectory of a flight to-Mars. In his "Raschet p6leta mezh~lanetnogokorablya v atmosfere Zemli" (The Calculation of d-Plight of a Spaceship-in the Atmosbhere of the Earth) he was the-first to suggest a gliding descent of the spaceship to the Earth. Many calou- Card 1/3 S'./085/61/000/012/001/003 An interplanetary flight enthusiast D047/D112 lations given in his "Teplovok raschet raketnogo dvigatelya na zhidkom topli.v6" (Thermal Calculation of'a Liquid-'Puel Rocket Engine) are valid even ho,4 his calculati6ns-of rocket engines from entropy'diagrams are an example. Other prominent works of his include: "0 temperatilre kotoruyu primet mezhplan6tnYy-korabl' pri-plaiiiruyushchem spuske na Zemlyu" ( On the Tempej~dtur6 of a Space6hip-Gliding Down to the Earth); "0b ispollzoviLnii sily davleniya s-~dta dlya'poletov v mezhplanetnom prostranstvell.'(On the Utilization of'the'Pressure of Light for Plights in Interplanetary Space); 11 0 primenenii tonchayshikh listov dlya poletbv v'mezhplanetnom prostranstvell (On the Use of Very Thin Sheets for Plights-in lnt6r~lanetdry Spade); 11 0 davlenii sveta na kombifiirovannyye zerkala" -(On the Pressure of Light Upon Combined Mirrors). It was Tsander who already in-1925 suggested deflecting meteors from space- ships by means of staticelectricity. 'It was hd'who managed to grow peas and cabbage-in flower -,pots filled with ground oharcoal to provide food for the; C03monaut and absorb the odrb6n dioxide. 'In 1929-32,Tsander worked oil whai was virtually a*prototype of the liquid-fuel rocket engines of to-day, the OP-1 (OR-1) engine fuelled with gasoline and gaseous air. By the end of Card 2/3 S/08 61/000/012/001/003 An interplanetary flight enthusiast D047YD112 1932,he had completed a modified liquid-fu9l rocket enginel'theoP -2 (OR-2). It was fuelled with gasoline, ubed oxygen for an oxidizer and was designed to power an Pf7-l(RP-l) "flying wing" glider designed by B.I. Cheranovskiy. From Jan 1933,Tsander led a group of scientists which designed the rH PA-)(( GIRD- Kh) liquid-fuel rocket, which was completed after his death and fired in liloscow on Nov 25, 1933 (its technical data are given, and it is shown in the photo-, graph on page 19). From the beginning of 1931)Tsander led the Jet Engine Section at the Central Council of Osoaviakhim, which later became the 'iTsentrallnaya gruppa'po izucheniyu reaktivnogo dvizheniya i raketnogo metoda letaniya" (Central Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion and the Roc'ket Method of Flying) (TsGIAD) where Tsander became Chairman of the Technical_c~' Council, In Apr 1932, he joined the Moscow section of the GIRr (Gruppa p0 izucheniyu reaktivnogo dvizheniya cGroup for the Study of Jet !Fropuisio~) anti became its central figure. This organization rendered great nervice in the develoDment of rocket engineering in the USSR. Tsander was a good friend Of Xonstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovskiy and'worked in close contact with such Soviet scientists as V.P. Vetchinkin, B.S. Stechkin and V.V. Uvarov. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 Enthuciast of _4latcrplc---ctV.,,--,f rod, 3-9 14:11) (Tsandor, "Fricill-V-11 .-4rtl,-vOviX:- XORNEYEV L., inshener-nekhwdk Scout of cosmic roads. AvL kona, 45 no.8326-31 162. OGRA 15:8) (Tsandir, Fridrikh Arturovich, 1887-1933) NORNS3ZV L, 0 . The beginning a theAsWe ent (continued). Tekh Sol. 30 noo9s28-29 ' 162. NIRL 150) . (Tsanderp Friarikh Arturovich, 1887-a933) (ft"s flight) KORNEMY L., insh. The beginxiing of the space era (conclusion). Tekh. mol. 30 no.12:.37-38 f629 (MIM. 16- 1) ' . . (Rocketry) ,e x0fimm", K. ~ Using the starting p=p of an electric torch apparatus to test the airtightness of the fuel system of IAAZ-204 engine. Avt. trmnspe33 no.10:34 '0135o (=A 9:1) Outomobiles-4fuel systese) STRTY, N. kandidat takhnichookikh miuk; KOROZ.Ov. I., inzhener; XORMMV. K.. inshener. Explosion method used for cowt*uotion of water reservoirs ar4 well7e Yos~jfel.O noog-'8-9 7 057, (KIaA 1.0:4) water-6~wly engineering) KORNEYBV. M. I I Welding and building-up of parts with a kerosene burner. Avt.- transp. 40 no.9s53-54 S 062. (MIRA 150) (Welding) V V.I. kand.tckbn.rtu0; lKOfu*lUV, m.A.)..kand.tckhn.ruiuk ARINGHENKO 1 $ ration of D-357G scraperoe Strol. I dor. mash. 10 no*2-11 Ope (MIRA 18:3) F 165. ADONIS, A.S., kand.tokha.nauk; ALIV111DIZAM, K.S., kand.takhn.nauk; ANITAN, V.A., kand.takhu.nauk; ANISIMOV, Ta.P., insh.; APRWV' K.A., dotsent; RZT-1151KIT. V.N., iuxh.; BOGDANOT, A*A*g kind. takhn.nauk-. GORUNKO. L.A., Insh.; DANMYAN, A.A., inshe; DAKHNOV, V.S., prof,; ITANKOV, R.A., lush*; KORN1M,-.X.1,.,.,,iuzh*; LAVRUSMO, P.N.. insh.; LISIK, N.P., Lush,; LOVLTA, S.A.9 kando tekhn.nauk,- LOGINOV, B.G., kand.takhn.nauk; KININZOV, G.M., kand. takhn.nauk; KCLCHANOV, G.T., kand.takhaonauk; KURAVIIEV, I.Koo profo; KUSHIS, A.Z., insh.; CLISEVANG, D.Ye., insh.; PODGORNOT, H.I., lush.; FAURM, IoL., kand.takhnonank; FOKINA, Te.Do, inzho; NFISHAV, A.M., lush. tdooeased]; M-SHOT, P.R., vedushchiy red.; KUKHIKA, N.A., tekhn.redo (Reference book an petrolouis productionj Spravochnik po dob,yehe nefti. Moskva, Goo. nouchno-takhn. i. xd-vo neft. i gorno-topllynoi lit-ry. Vol.2. 1959. 589 P. (KIRA 13:2) (Oil fields-Production methods) ISMAIWV, R.G.; MDRXMV, M.I. Combined reforidog of straight-run 11groin fractions In combination with light cracking of fuel oil in dual-furnace thermal cracking unit. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft9 I gas 2 no-7:61-67 '59. (MIRA 12:12) l.Aserbaydshanski.r institut neftl I khimil im. M. Azizbekova I ob"yedinenlye nAsneftesayody.0 (Cracking process) Subject : USSRAngineering AID P - 2036 Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 9/14 Author Kor'neyev, M. I., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title Heat transfer of mercury and of amalgams of magnesium at boiling under conditions of free conveation. Periodical Teploenergetika, 4. 44-48, Ap .1955 Abstract Results of experiments on heat transfer in boiling mercury and magnesium amalgams from a horizontal tube are discussed. A cross-section of the experimental Installation is given and its operation is described. A mathematical analysis of heat transfer from the wall to the boiling,mercury and to amalgams of magnesium is presented. The author recommends the use of amalgams of magnesium as heat carriers in power engineering. Nine diagrams. Three Russian references, 1946-1951. Institution: Central Boiler and Turbine Institute Submitted No date K OP., N FY VM-1- Subject , USSR/Engineering AID P 2391 card 1/1 pub. 110-a - 5/15 : Korneyevi M. I., Kand. Tech. Sci. Author 7cury and amalp=li Of Title Research on heat transfer in mei ion conditions magnesium under natural circulat Periodical Teploene-rgetikaj 7Y 25-30, 11 1955 A detailed analysis is presented of heat transfer from Abstract wall to'boiling and not-boiling mercury and amalgams of magnesium and the factors influencing the process# and inish, velocity Of liquid such as pressure, surface f he gas components in vertical and horizontal Pipes. T ribed in detail testing installation and method are desc ms. Three with graphic illustrations. Seven diagra English references, 1942-1954 and two Russian referencesi 1949 and 1955.., Institution: Central Boiler-Turbine Institute Submitted No date IAID P - 4426 GKITHANO A.M., kand.tokhn.nauk; IDMTBV, X.I., knnd.tekhn.nauk; SHMZDV, V.I., inshen*r.---,___ Using gas from undergromd gasification In steam-gas equipmant. Blek.sts. 28 no-9:35-39 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Steam power plants) A 0 K X t7 Y E V) P/- 1. GIRLIMAIT, L.L.insh.; EDREffff, K.L.k.and.tekhn.nauk HIO-pressure marine steam generators. Sudostroenie 24 no.4:59-63 Ap '58. (marine engines) I(MMA 11:4) 19,1., kand.tekhn.nauk; rA7-A)NO1(, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; -MMKIN, A.N., doktor tekhn.n3uk, rod.; GOVCMOV# N.G, [Steam-gas power plants and prospects for their adoption Into Soviet power engineering] Parogazovye anergoustanovki I parspektivy M vnedreniis v energetiku SM. Tod red. A.R. .Lozhkina, Nosk7a* Gosenaucirio-tekhn.komitet 3oveta Hinistrov SSSR, 1959. 45 P. (NIU 12:12) (Blectric power plants) s/196/61/000/012/007/029 E194/E153 AUTHORS: Korneyev, M.I., and Poryadin, N.I. TITLE-; The construction of, anti operating experience with, high-pressure Velox boilers PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.12, ig6i, 13-14, abstract 12G 78. (The Problems of Use of Gas in Thermal Power Installations, M. -L~, Gosenergoizdat, 1959, 101-113) TEXTi The boiler of the Buguruslan Power Station (see sketch) with an output of 4o tons per hour, burning natural gas, is of the following parameters and main design charactkristics. Saturated and super-heated steam pressures 53 and 4o atm- su per - heat temperature 450 `C; feedwater temperature 105 Oct; water temperature at outlet from economiser 180 OC. The air pressure at inlet to the combustion chamber is 2.9 atm and the gas temperature beyond the combustion chamber 1700 OC. The furnace diameter is 1500 and the height 3250 mm, giving a combustion- chamber volume of 5.6 m3 and a thermal loading of 7 million Card 1/y The construction of, and operating- S/196/61/000/012/007/029 E194/E155 kilocalories/m3/hour. With an excess-air factor of 1.1, the gas temperature at the inlet to the gas turbine is 500 OC and at the inlet to the economiser 38oO; the air temperature at discharge from the compressor Is 150 *L The evaporative elements are designed on the principle of a tube within a tube. There is a system of automatic control of the combustion process, of feed- water delivery, and of super-heated steam temperature, Interlocking devices automatically shut down the boiler whent, the water level in the separator r1ses above. -t,l n) or fal)-~ bel-vs., -11 m, when the pressure across the circulating pump falls b9low 450 'am Hg-1 when the circulating.-pump speed falls belcur 910 r.p.mi or in the event of a severe voltage-drop lasting longer ~1-an two secondsi also the gas turbine is protected again3t an explosive gas wave in the event of incorrect firing. The boAler is disconnected by a self-closing valve when the pr-~.isure ~1,op across it becomes greater than 2 atm~ The boiler is lit by remote or automatic control. Specific thermal loadings of the heating surfaces in thousands of kilocalorles/m2/hour arel superheater 30, economiser 10, evaporator elements 280 Card 211 1 -~ KORNEYEV, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; MOISIM. G.I., inch. Effectiveness of steam-gas installations of medium,and large capacity with pressure steam generator. Teploenerl;etik& ? no.5:33-38 My 060. ) 04IRA 13:8) 1. Taentrallayy kotloturbinayy Lustitut (Heat engineering) iTurbines) KDEDSHKIN, A.I. (deceased). kand.tekhn nauk;*KORMXM, - JL I )wjid. tekhn.nauk; KALININ, T.F., kond:te;TM-.~ Closed-c7cle gas turbine plant mnufactured by the firm lecher Wyss. IlaorgowAshinostroenie 6 n0-7:45-" 11 160. (KIM 1397) (Us turbines) KORNEISV, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Combined steam-gas power plants for district heating operated on the cycle introduc'ad Irj the Central Scientific Research Dwtitute for Boilers and Turbines, and their technical aid economic indices. Teploanargatika 8 no-9:10-14 S 161. (MIRA l4s8) 1. Montrallnyy kot4oturb5mmy institut, (Power plants) (Heating from central stations) KOM M. 1. . hand. telchn. nauk;, D,;-,OWT p V. P. , inzh. Combined steam and gas,,turbine plant with a 200 mw. unit* Teploenergetilca 81 no-IOOCN~~4 0 161. (I'IRA 14: 10) 1. TSpntrallnyy kotlotrubirxiyy institut. (Power -Aanta) KORNEYEV, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; PRUTKOVSKIY, Yo.N., inzh. Use of the gas from underground gasification of coal in large steam-gas systems. Elek. eta. 32 no.2:22-27 F 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Coal gasification, Underground) (Steam power plants) BULANOV, N.G.; KUPRIWOVA, L.V.; TSUKERWI, R.V.; BUDNYATSKIY, D.M.; GELITMAN, A.E.;KOSTOVETSKIY, D.L.; PISKAREV, A.A.1 TARANIN, A.I.; K I- IJOISEYEV'G.I.; KENDYSp' , R"11 41 i'WM.*M'.; SOKOLOV N.V.; P.N.;KIRPICIIEV, 79J.. RUM I SHCHERBAKOVP V.A.; KOIALEV, N.N.; BELOV, A.A.; SEREBRYAKOV, G.M.; SATANOVSKIY, A.Ye., red.; RDDDATIS, K.F., red ; KOMHOVA9 V.I., red.; GHEREPENNIKOV, B.A.., red.; KOGAN, F.L., tekhn. red. IMAnufacture of power machinery abroad] Energeticheskoe ma- shinostroenie za rubez~om. Moskva, 1961. 583 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnictieskoy in- formateii mashinostroyamiya. -(Electric power plants--Equipment and supplies) ISMAILOW... X.I.; KARArADOWA,, O.T. Combined operation of the reforming of ligroine with the light cracking of fuel oils in a double-chanber furnace of thermal cracking processes. KhixA tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.40-5 Ap 162. (MM 1534) 1. Sovet.wtrodnogo khozysystva Averbaydzhanskoy SM. (Baku-Cracking process) (Ligroine) (Gasoline) 8/152/62/000/011/001/001 B126/B166 AUTRORSs Balakishiyev, G. A., Damailov, R. G., Korneyev, M. Iot Mezhebovskiy, Ye. D. TITLE.- Influence of ultrasonic energy on the cracking process of solar oil distillate PERIODICALs Izventiya vysahikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, no. 11, 1962, 59 - 62 TEXTs Ultrasonic experiments were carried out on'& pilot plant for con- tinuous thermal cracking with a view to reduct the process ing temperature. A standard magnetos triction nMC -7 (PMS-7) projector of 21 kc/s fundamental oscillation frequency introduced the ultrasonic energy direct into the re- action zone. The projector was fed from Ai Y3M -10 (UZM-10) ultrasonic generator manufactured in series production. The analytical data of the distillate used.wer~ as followas opecific gravity 0-8952, initial boiling point 2640C, evaporation E 9 il~ 3,000CS 36 at 3250C, 76 at 3500C. The temperatures applied were 440, 420 and 380 C respectively, the pressure was 30 atm and the cracking period 30 minutea. The experiments showed that the application of ultrasonics intensifiso the cracking process and accelerates Card 1/2 S/152/62/000/011/001/001 Influence of ultrasonic energy on B126/B186 the reaction so that with greater ultrasonic intensity the productivity of the plant increases. The cracking results at 4400C without application of ultrasonic energy were almost the. saime as those at 4200C with ultrasonic energy. This implies that the use wl~ ultrasonics enables thermal cracking to be carried out at lower temperatures. Moreover, when ultrasonic energy is applied the coke deposits are reduced and the coke is soft and easily removable. There ai-e 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Azerbaydzbanakiy institut nefti i khimii im. M. Azizbekova (Azerbaydzhan Instituto of Petroleum and Chemistry imeni M. Azizbekov)l NIPI "Neftekhimavtomat" (NIPI "Neftekhimavtomat") SUBMITTED: July 16, 1962 Card 2/2 XOPM)M-V M I. kand.tekhn.bauk; DROBOT., V.P.,, inzh. :-;, Bldck-type steam-gas system ulth 200 Hwo rating. Energomashinostroonio 9 no.6.26 Jo 263. (MIRA 16:9) KORNEYET, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; PRUTKCVSKIY, Ye.N., inzh. Effect of the operating process on the design considerations or equipment of steam and gas systems with high-pressure steam gen- erators. Energazashinostroenie 9 no.110-7 N 163. (MIRA M2) - --, - - I NI.- BALAKISHIM, G.A.; ISMAILOV, R.G.; KDRNEYEV, M.I.; NEZHEDDVSKIY, Ya.B. Effect of ultrasonic energy on the cracking of solar oil distillate. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.11: 59-62 162. .(MIRA 17:6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut neftl i khimii imeni Azizbekova i Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut po kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh proteessov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy promyshlennonti. ISMATLOV R.G.; -K0BjjC(jW, N , L.Z.; Hy~~JITEYrfy S.S. jj.; KAGWIANOVA, A.S.; VAY' EP High-temperature reformed ligroine as a raw material for big chemistry. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; noft' i gaz 6 no.7: 49-55 '63. (MjRA 171:8) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni Azizbekova i Bakinskiy noftopererabatyvayushchiy zavod Imeni. XXII n"yezda Komunisticheskoy partii Sovetakogo Soyuza. I F. -.rac~-~r4stic6 of the starting condl-4., 'eam geriprst.;r -F -t r -71 rl f r -s t h i gh p r e s sLLr 1e se r-;! - g a 6 IS -)~-;eratlon fit LR. nuq rq yu, ~,pp~d ~i t F, r FA m P a ~Cr-~-MTC~T tM calculated A-P',;OGQ156 Actual 1 Tt IC; +15 men- 4= 8500 T5W-= neat ~mllje of the nat4f61--g-atj Kea norm* I f r h r - r, s 2 "rat tcsts -or, the 1 n nt s cai lncreaGe In 6 c s o f-",-.e gas " P X ra rf -P,,~ arE.MePrS 147.~ Fl neG and a determined 1~, -2 n- e5 P -t-. are na,lp. a J3 nam 000 JOB KYAZIMDVv A.A.; KORNM, M.I,j YM-ASHEVp V.N. , - - , !, & Contle method for the air-steas aleaning Xhim. I takh. topl. i sasel 9 na.947-49 of pipeatills. S '64b (MIRA MIO) ISMAMV R.G.; M.AMEDOV, M.A.; SPECTOR, Sh.Sh.,- IVINOVA, L.V.; KOMIEM, M.I.; SULTANOV, Z.A.; SHCHEUCHOGOV, I.A. Petroleum refining industry of Azerbaijan on the threshold of a glorious jubilee. Xhim. i telch. topl. i masel 9 no-llt15-19 N 164 (MIRA 18t1) KOFNEYEV) H.I., kande tekhn. nauk; PMJTYOVSKIY, Ye.F., inzh.,,, VASTLIYM, "M-i-imb, Charaoteristles-of the start condif-lons of a steam gas system with a high-pressure 120 t/hr steam generator and GT--700-4-1 gas turbine. Riergom"hinostroenis 10 no.llal-6 V 164 - (MITIA 18:2) r. '-' , 1 1 t, , i i It. . KOPTIEV) N.J., VASILIYEV, I.V., h-and. telh. naul ; - ERT171-T, A. - Block of a 150 Mw. central heating steair~ga3 power uni".. T(--; Ic- energetika 32 no.2:12-15 1? 165. 0,1LRA 18:3) 1. TSentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut. KCRNEYMAI 14 1., kand. tekhn. -nauk; PITTKOVSKIY) YP.N'., -Lnzh.; RCI-LM1011, First results of the adjustmont and experimental runs of a steam and gas system with a high-pressure steam generator vith a 120 tAr evaporative capacity. Toploenergetilka 11 no.9:7-11 S 164. (M-IRA IWO-.8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kotlotia-binnyy institut i.merli I.I.Polzunava 1 Gidroolektricheakaya stantoly-a No.1 Leningrad- skogo rayomiogo upravlenlya KORNEYEV, M.I., kand. tekhn. nauky- TATWINOV, "I.G., inzh.*, ZHIGUNOVA, G.V., inzh. Special features of the joint operation of the GT-700-4-1 gas turbine and a gas and steam system. Energamashinostroorae 11 no.6:1-4 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) L 0371-66 WK0_ ACCESSION NR: AT5013567 UR/0000/64/000/000/0203/0209 AUTHOR: -Korneyev, At. 1. TITLE: A series connected_~!~l kn!~.grgtof made of ferrite -transistor components ISO UR C E -. AN SSSR. Institut eleldromeldianW~ Airtoniatika, telornek-hanika I prlboroaftoy~. -n, vre). Moscow, lzd-vo colye (Automatic . control, remote control, and instrument 2 inufact Naulmy 19611 203-209 TOPIC TAGS. digital integrator, algoritlim, transistorized circuit, coding, ferrite, AIISTPft"'T: The orticle deserlbom n. gorkn-connected, ferrile transJ,,fl1.or lntc~grator ir) whic-11 ille integration it carried out aw, cord im, to the mothod. The Dategrator useq 'thc ternarv incronient. coding sysWin 11 07 - ft~,, opevat iou is resixicted by two 11mitations orl"riniting ill the Interpolator operation- a) [ho ip(lepentlent variable incro- Outs can be, only 1105itivo wid, b) durinfe one ation- the hiLegrator himit in capablo of accupting, only one codc pulso of tho intcg*rwid increracint. The article presunts all the partizient block diagrams of thin four-stroke integrator operating in real time. Orig, art. has- 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: None Cord 1/2 KORWM, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ABUGOV, Ya.M.,, inzh. . Principal trends and prospects for the development of steam and gas power systems. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.11:3-5 N 1 165, (KRA 189 11) ACC NRs AP6012264 (0) soum com un/on4/65/000/011/0003/0005 MOR: __!~ornegrev M. (Candidate of technical sciences); Abugov, Ya. M. (Engineer) 7o ORO; None Trends and prospects in the development of gas-steam power installations 6MCE: Energoaashinostroyeniye, no. U, 1965, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectric pover,gas turbine, steam turbine, sitosm boiler, therso- electric generator, electric power engineering.' electric power plait ABSTRACT; The authors discuss developments and application of combined gas-steam power installations with high-pressure. steam generators where gas turbineimha~st_ gases are used for heating boilers. Basic trends in the development of combined steam turbind installations in the Soviet Union are considered. Existing electric power stations with average steam parameters will be brought up to date by the addition of.a gas- steam cycle. Pilot gas-steam units with high pressure steam generators win be installed in liqijI4 and gas fuel electric paver stations und e.- reconstruction. Gas- steam installations using exhaust gases for heating boilers, working on solid fuels and heavy petro eun res'idu41must 'be developed. Assembly line production-of various types of high-pressure steaift generators and gas turbines wist be organized for gap- UDC: 62-115.001.8 GRITSENKO, H.N.. insheneir; XOMUV. K,,Po. inshenar. wv~-Clrl Extracting piles by pneumatic hydraulic rAthods. Mokh.stroi 11 no.6: 13-14 Je 154. (NM 7:6) (Pile drivIng) .P.A., Inshener; IfORMM,K.P. Construction of bridge supports on high pile grillage. Tranep. strol. 5 no-5:8-10 JI'55- (KLRA 8:12) (Bridges-Foundation* and piers) KAZANOT, Anatoliy Pavlovich; TMIKNY V, V.Ya.,; KORNEM, M,Ta., red.; YODOLAGINA. S.D., J (Production of material wealth In the basic source of sociai devielopment) Kateriailnoo pro:Lzvodetvo -Ioonova obshcheot*onnogo razvitila. Soot. A.P.1azakov. Leningrad, 1957. 25 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Leningrad. Universitat. 0~491 saochnogo obucheniya. Xafedra dialaktichookogo materialisma. (2conomics) KCRNEYEV,XikhFtil YakovIevich, MISOV, N.A., red.-, VODOLAGINA. S.D.. tekhn. [science and Ruperstructurel Naukft i nndstroiks. [Leningrndl Izd-vo Leningr.univ,, 1958. 81 P. (MIRA 11:9) (So One e) YELIMEYEVg V.Ya., prepodavfLtell; IVANOV-ZMJCIY9 I.I., prepodavatell; KOV9 A.P., prepodavatell; NOVOMLOVAq L.I., propodavatell; DROZDOV# A.V.9 prepod&vatell; KO~~Wt~Mja., prepodavatell; BELYKH, A.K.v prepodavatell; YADGV9 V-.K., Prepodavatell; R02klig V.P.1, prof., otv. red.; MIKHM, Ye.I.9 red.; VODOLAGINA, 8.D., tekhn. red. [Base and superstructure of a socialist society) Bazis i nadstrbika sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1961. -168 po (MIAA 14;9) L Leningrad. Universitet, 2o FilosovWdy fakultet Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for all except Rozhinp Mikhlin, Vodo- lagina) (Economics) YELIMUN, Vasil1y Takcvlevicb; KORWFV, 11 Yakoylevich.- LAMAGINAv L _ W(ba 11 G.K., red.; KISEIRVA, L . [Increased role of science in the building of commnism] Vozra tamie rcU nauki v stroitel'stve koummizaa. Ieningrad, Ixd-vo L-eningr.univ.0 1962. 82 p. (KM 15:4) (Technology) (Research$, Industrial) c8nd!,-sellslcokhozyaystvenn.lkh nauk 'face silos. %Uka i Pered. W. . . v sel'khoz. 8 no. 7152-53 (Ensilage) (Hnu 1118) KOMEYV, N. Ixample set by young builders. 5e1% stroi 14 no.11:8 N 159 (KIRL 13:3) 1. Zamestitell savedayushchogo otdolow komeomollskikh organizatriiy TUII- skogo obkoma Vaesoyasnogo, Laninskogo, kommunistichaskogo soyuza molode- shi. (Tala Proviuce-ConstructIon, industry) KORIEYINI, N.A., inzh, Vertical planning of an area with zero ground by means of balancing cuts and fills. Prom. stroi. 42 no.3:29-3.1 '65. (MIRA 18:7) 1. TSentrallnyy n--uchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperi- menta-11-nTj institut promyshlennykh zdaniy i soor-uzheniy. KORME71 N.Ae, inth. I- Vertical leveling with sero balance of cuts and fills. Gor.khox. Mook. 32 no-U:31-33 D 158o (MIRA 11:12) (Urthwork) KORX3TWq N*At, kRud. "Ildwkhonyaystvanufth neuk, Ways to inoreasis tho productlonof My and pastures on arid steppes. Unledelie 6 no.%7-70 Yr 138. (KIM IU6~ (Photures and madows) KORURM, N.A., kand.ssl'skokhozy&ystv~Wkh nauk Improving infortor pastures and meadows. Zonledalle no.2: 85-87 Ir 160. OGRk 13:5) 1. Vladimirskaya gasudaretvannitya Bel I skokhotyayety,onnoya. stantsip., (Pastures and mondows) RYAZANOV, V.S.; BUTUZOVA, V.P.; SINON97, G.V.; GOLIDSHTEYN, A,14.; P KORNEYU4.64,.- "MOYLOV, Ya.K~,- LYSYKF1, LV.; kIMUNITSKff-, G.S.; KRUTIKOV,, Ye.B.; MITONOV, N.Y.; DOBRO,SLISKAYA, T.M. (Recommendations for the establishment of schemes for planning farming areas] Rekomendatsii po sostavlenilitt skham planirovk! sellskokhozialstuvenrWkh raionov. Flosk-ra, Stroiizdat, 1965. 151 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Moscow. TSentrallrqy nauchno-.issledovatelfskiy J proyektnyy institut po gradostrc-itelistvu. 2. TSentrall- nyy nauchno-issledovatellfviv i proyektnyy institut po gradostroitellstvu, Moskva. KOZLOVSKIY, L.I.; TUSHNYAKOVf M.D.; STEPANOVq A.I.; SMETANSKIY, F.V.; SHRPETIYEV, A.I., red.; SPIVAK, S.V.# nauchnyy red.; LOGINOVA, R.1, red.; KOGAN, F.L., tekhn. red. (Hoisting, conveyingi- and,sFecial-machinery for building and repair work) Pod"emno-transportnye i spetsiallnye mashiny dlia stroitellnykh L montashnykh rabot; katalog spravochnik. Pod red.A.I.Shopetleva. -Moova, No,2.[Cmuler cranes] Krany us guseniobnom khodu. 19EV. Z?6 p. (MRA 16:8) 1. TSentrallayy inatitut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informataii po avtomatizateii i mashinostroyeniyu. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) SKUMOV, L.A.; TEMONINA, V.M.; KORNSM', N.D. Structure of rI=.,ed steel section ingots capped with aluminum. Stall 25 no.8:798-802 S 165- (YIIIIA 18:9) 1. Ural'skiy nauchno-issiedavatellskiy institut chernykh metallov i Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskly kombinat. SMIRNOV, L.A.; TIMONRIA, V.M.; Aq!~NE~~V, N.D.; LOSHKINA, N.A. Investigating the quality and mechanical properties of St. 3ps plate steel. Stall 25 no.6:511-516 Je 165. (14TRA l8t6) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chprnykh metallow i Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. C) ~_ \/1 ('~ , j , V, I - n. . AUTHORS:Vecher, lf.A..q. Lebedevo A:X, and1forrMwi (Engineers) TITLE: Use of sinter in openhearth furnace smeltgrg2. ~Frimeneniye t aglomerata v martenovskoy Plalke) , 130 8 2T PERIODICAL: 119etallurg~ ;(Metallurgist), 19579 No 1.6, PP'0'17-19 (USBRY. ABSTRACT: Open-hearth ore has been partly or completely replaced by sinter at the Nizhne-Tagillsk metallurgical combine since early in.1956'.' From experimental heats and the stat- istical treatment of operating data the following main con- clusions are drawn; under otherwise similar conditions morelsinter is charged than ore (e.g'* 8% more for rail steel); more slag is run with sinter than with ore; because of its lower melting point the duration of melting is re- duced with sinter to 12-15 min', per heat; the melt-down slag contains more ferrous oxide; the phosphorus content at melt-down is 0','002-0.012%'less; the consum tion of ore for refining is less because of the more oxidized melt-down slag obtained with sinter; and lime and bauxite consumpt- ions are also less; the rate of carbon removal during the ore boil is less and the daration of finishing is reduced. The reasons for these effects of sinter are discussed and the corresponding quantitiktive data tabulated. The compo- sition of the sinter was: 58'.6.% Fel 19~.2% FeOj 62'.6% Fe203, Card 1/2 314MI'lovy L.A.; KOP14EYEV N.D. Mechanical and chemical capping of rimmed steel ingots in top casting, 'Stall 23 no.lOt894-903 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Urallskiy nauabno-issledovatellskiy ingtitut chernykh metallov i Nizhne-Tagiltakiy metal-lurgicheskiy kombinat. ------ - -- - L 128b8-63 ACCESSIO"11110: 'Ciiki-40 5/0133/63/Q00/005/aP/0432 AMMOR: Smiruoy,, L. A.; Timoninap V. 4.; Kompenlyets, G. Korneyer, 9. D.; Vinogradov, V. 1.~ TIME: In the~Ural Scientiflo Research Institute of FerrQua Matallurgf ?0 432' SOURCE: Stall' no. 5P X P TOPIC TAGS. steel to -a cas ng, chemical dealing, aluminum powder, ri=ed steel ABSTRACT: Aluminum powde *was used,as -in aftercharge for the chemical sealing of 7-ton. square ingots, It was added uader the metal flov in the top casting proce ss, 5-6 seconds before closing 6f the stop-_mr. Steels 0.8, .10, 15, St. 2 and St. 3M= were used in th4 experiment to deterzine the consumption of aluminum powder. The amount of powder ~mrid_d fr= 80 to 300 grams per tom. ~.dcpending on the carboa content'; the: Imt sealing was achieved In Ingots. with T: over~o.12% carbon. The roging of chemiLcally sealed steel gave better results th8A rolling rimmed ate-ell%f the same profile'., A lower percentage-of bloom, trimmg-s, a higher proaue ti onof first-grade steel, and a lower amomt of re- jected products were observed.ia the fomer type. Moreoverj, the chemical sealing r improved working coaditi6na -in the paurEng bay. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. 1/2 .Card KORNEYSEV, N.E.~ ZIUJLENKOp V.N.,.q (Assistant Professorsp Mloscow Technological 1n-S-t-i'-t--Ut-e--&fTC,,Zit and Milk Industry) "Ditiline for weak6ning the maculature in swine.* Veterinariya,, Vol 39., no 11 Jan 1962.,pp 60 -tali I n 0 0 It u u u I 14 4 ta e t 4 W A -z A- 00 1 ,3 -so w UWE JLWW (ft"Mmmift of sw-cwvmv~ , - M Ad t d X 0 . A oy wi . A -A (Ba"m qfA4 &'kicidift RcoawAI Ingiluk q Tr-Um 0 8 I 0 t p). ). 2 -M).-Un M ( t l 1 Al agos ua an.] uminium Alby cmitill with OWY mork(4 defead (eg. cm. 1 1nuous porosity. covitles. &zW trig MY) am unsuitabla for hot. 00 g -04 a 'rot ANA west ASA-SLA PRIALLUROCAL UTINAIWI CLAMICALIM --- %law 10"fiv Wall i 111400 Nat 414V 449 -, 43AAll do q""V Ali d i ' l y 11r i i e 0 1 4 1 11 a 04 4 1 1 1 S 91 5 a 4 3 1 T I T1 T,, u it a ic. is Put If I I " 0 to to 9 01 a it I R it N , 00 o 0 410 0 *10 0 0 9 0 0 0090 0 0 0 0 a a 0 :is go s, o 0, o Jo 0 egos 00, 0.000 0 SSS a Oro ullapa m Silva 91 rl a~ i7. -C, 40 uN, 3 lifau 1 ftgrM, 14J- kwcMq1k" Nauk- w AS- ch;~iz= pr t i . . . . . . . . . . A r r IRM I ON OWN, Kg--~, 07- . . . . .. . . . . ON R=M IN ?s pt;-,Z~,~* O-m- 'KO x )~ F y E- 'P I AIT. ,.USSR/Soli& State Physics - Structure of Deformable VAterials E-8 Abe Jour : Ref 2hur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 1066 Author ; Gorelik, S.S., Gracheva, T.A.V., Borne Skugarev, I.G., Spektor, E.N. Inst Title Relaxation and Recrystallization of Single-Fhase and Aging Alloys'With a Nickel Base. Orig Pub Sb. Moak. in-t stali, 1957, 36, 103-130 Abstract An investigation vas wde of the influence of the content of chromium from one to 20% on the-temperature of the stwt of recrystallization of n1chrome. It fts established that, compared with nickel, nichrome has a considerable higher - recrystallization temperature. It was found that introdu- cing into the nichrome alternately boron, molybdenum, and tungsten vhile retainin the single-phase nature of the al- loy, has little effect on the temperature of the start of recrystallization of the aichrome, but shifts the Card 1/4 7' 7 P/7 S7'~' 41--r ZIS?- 174WIt USSR/Solid State Physics - Structure of Doformableb VALterials Z-8 Abe jour Ref ZhUr Fizika) No 1s 19c,;8) 1066 teMerature of the end of r4,cryVt&lliz&tiOn upward. Introducing into the nichrome elements that Cause &9W9 inci,ease in the recrYstallizgtiOn leads to a considerable ongest effect being exhibited by temperature) with ,the atr aluminump titanium, alumi- introducirl- into,the.nichrolm V Molybde- jum plus titanium) aluminiz1v plus titanium P~us n ].US titanium plus MOlybdenum plus tungsten. nun,, aluminum P .Vure or the Start of recryst&l- A dependence of the teMPera' e of de- 3-i7AtiOn Of the inVegtigstel alloys on the degre gaed. It depends most Pronounce- formation has been establi chrome. In single- dly on the degree of deformstion, edr ni phase &,joys vith & nichrome base) alloyed with tungstenj less Wlybdenm, and boron ) this dependence is somewhat and in agingAlloys the temperature of start pronounced ) ightly vith increasing of recryst&U:Lz&tion-Ae reduced 91 investigLted alloys) degree of deformation- rn all the Ni + 13% Cr, the with the exceptioA of the a-UOY With Card 2/4 USSR/Solid SUte Physics Structure Of D(IfOrMble Jkterials. E-8 Abe jour Ref 2.hur - Fizika, 1ro 1, 1958, .1066 this distortion is eliminated Of,j%i7stalliz&tion. already during the course Card4/4 ,!25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/13CY2 Obrabotka splavov davleniyem; sbornik statey (Pressure Treatment of- Alloys; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 141 p. 4,500 copies printed. Eds.: (Title page): Korneyev, NJ ., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and Skugarev, I.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ea. (Inside Book): Samokhodskiy, A.I., Engineer: Ed.of Publishing House: Morozova, P.B.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Zaymovskaya, A.S.,, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for engineers, technicans, and research workers in scientific research Institutes. It may also be used by design engineers and other personnel interested In the shaping and.working of various metals and alloys. COVERAGE: This collection of articles deals with modern methods of forming nickel alloys, structural steels, heat resistant alloys, titanlum alloys, and also aluminum and magnesium alloys. A descrip- tion is given of the methods of measuring resistance of these metals to deformation. It is stated that during the last years great emphasis has been put in the USSR and abroad on production Card 1/4 Pressure Treatment of Alloys (Con,t.) SOV/1~:002 Of Precision forged parts which can be finished by polishing and lapping only. Such methods have led to substantial savings In metal and man hours in the production of turbine blades. The 20th Congress of the Communist Party indicated the necessity of using Periodically rolled stock in forging for the sake of greater economy and efficiency. Large-sized aluminum alloy extruded structural members with complex cross sections are said to have wide application in airplanes, helicopters, and diesel locomo- tives. Research and experimental work in this field is, reported to have resulted in improved production methods and higher mech- anical properties of'large-sized aluminum alloy structural parts. The results Of these developments, together with som_e experlmental work in sheet metal forming, are preBented and graphed in -this book. A part of the book deals with the study of Plasticity and resist- ance to deformation of the new,heat-resistant titanium, molyb- denum, and aluminum alloys, and their suitability for forging and press forming. The authors mention the names of senior technicians P.I. Potanov, R.N. Yakovleva, and laboratory techniaiars V.B. Emelyanovs.and AN. Sokolov, who assisted in the experimental work Card 2/4 Pressure Treatment of Alloys (Cont.) SOV/1302 Bykov,R.S. (deceased); N.D. Khabarov; L.D. Ogurchikov; E.M. Nepo E.M. Nepomnyashchly; and T.N. GolokhmatoVa. Methods of Extrusion of Large-sized Aluminum Alloy Structural Members 80 Davydov, Yu.P.; I.G. Kovalev; and G.V. Pokrovkly. Special Features of Sheet Forming of Aircraft Steel and Aircraft Alloys 103 Filatov., F.I.,Instruments and Methods of Measuring Resistance to Defomat.ion of Metals and Alloys 120 Korneyev, N.I.; I.G. Skugarev; and F.I. Filatov. Study of Fl-ow-PiWo-sure of Certain Alloys 134 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 GO/her 3-23-59 FRIDLYANDER. I.H., kand.tekhu,nauk, 1)tvetetvennyy red.; PETROV, D.A., daktor takhn.rAuk, prof., red.; BZWV, A.F., red.; DRITS. X.Ye., Imad. tekhn,nauk, red.; LHAUOT, V.A., ksnd.tekhn.nauk. red.; SUROV. H.Vo. knod.tekhn.neuk, red.; QRj&*jjqU,,jj%--doktor takhn.nauk, prof.. red.; RZHUNIKOV, V.Se, red. izd-"; CRWOV, A.M.. red, izd-". [Light alloys] Legkie splavy. Koskva, I%d-vo Akad. nauk 330. No.10 [Physloml metallurgy. heat treatment, fouading, a~nd use of pressure] Hatellovedenie, termicheakela obrabotka, litle I obrabotka davlenin, 1958. J47 P. (min 11:6) lo Tsesoyusnaya konforentst3ni po legkis splavem. 2dI 1955. SOV/ 137-58-9-19043 Tkanslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 129 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: Improvement in Light-alloy Pressworking Technology (Usover- shenstvovaniye tekhnologii obrabotki davleniyem legkikh splavov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye splavy. Pir 1, Moscow, 1958, pp 39-48 ABSTRACT: The trends in advancement of the procedure for presswork- ing Al and. Mg alloys so as to improve rate of output and quality and to reduce physical effort, are presented. In the field of extrusion, the question of the need to develop and introduce extrusion with counterpressure in the case of alloys that are brittle or of low ductility, to increase the precision to which shapes are extruded, to expand the list of shapes of varying cross section, and to make sure that large shapes have the re- quired mechanical properties, has been posed. In the field of rolling (R), there is the problem of developing and introducing the R of corrugated sheet (S), improvement in the R of S on continuous mills, reduction in S warpage, improvement in the Card I/Z procedure for R of S of varying cross section, expansion of the SOV/ 137-58-9-19043 Improvement in Light-alloy Pressworking Technology list of types of tubing and shapes that are R instead of extruded, develop- ment and improvement of the production of large-size light-alloy annular products and disks on tire and wheel rolling mills. In the field of forging and hot forming (F), there is a need for the most rapid introduction of pre- cision hot F, flashless F, liquid F, F from rolled stock of variable cross section, improvement in the procedure J`or F of large forgings with high mechanical properties, and F with counterpres sure for alloys of low ductil- ity. Particular attention is given to the development of the theoretical found- ations of the technology of pressworking. Ye.M. 1. Aluminum alloys--Processing 2. Magnesium alloys--Processing 3. Rolling mills --Applications 4. Materials--Extrusion Card 2/2 -~OjjgytL~:-v 'I I , M~ERIK, B. K., BOVJIKOV, Y. A., LAMNSKIY, K. 7., BRODSn" A, J,., SKODLO, A. I., ATULIV, A. S., B. B., 915Y071KOVI P. V., SUIVIANOV, V. P., RUEYMNITSEV, A. N. "Processes of Continuous Thermocontact Transforrations of Crude )id on Coke." -7. 4v Renor t, subritted at the Fifth World Petroleum Congress, 30 Fay 5 'J~;ne,1959. New York. ag Z. -j. Id lot & dJ. All its M P6 1A. 6z q2(1) SOV/3-59-3-9/48 AUTHORS: Korney!j~N ~I., Professor; Fobedono5tsey, Yu.A.i Yur- -je--ns, V.F. - all Doctors of Technical Scienc6s; Kob- zarev, A.A.; Levin, V.R. and Urmin, Ye.V. all Pro- fessors; Abiants, V.Kh. and Merkulov, I.A. both Candidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: Our Readers Suggest (Nashi chitateli predlagayut) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 3, pp 24-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Industrial academies ex-isted in the USSR until 1956. Their principal task wa:3 to raise the qudlifications of the leading engineeri3 of industry. Because of se- rious shortcomings they were liquidated and the Mi- nistry of Higher Education was instructed to Nvork out another, better system of training leading en- gineers. As no steps have been made in this direct- ion so far, the authors believe that industrial aca- demies should be reesta:blished. The term of train- ing must not exceed 1 year, and for some categories Card 112 of students it may even be reduced to 3 or 4 months.