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LITVINp F.L.; KONSTANTINOV, B.A. Goomaii~-O-i-,-m~t-r-fa~ce's-an-d--the efficiency of threaded pairs with rolling friction. StanA inetr. 33 no.7tl5-17 J1 162a (screws) (MIRA 15:7) KONSTANTINOV v B.A.. inzh.; EFF&IEAUM, R.V.; MICT, A.?.,, doktor tekhn,nauk Problem concerning the automation of water treating 4yptem. Toploonergetika 10 no*4-52-55 Ap 163. (KWA 16:3) 1, Moskovskoye otdoloniye TSentrallnogo kotloturbinnogo inatituta* (Feed-water purification) f KONSTANTINOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PRINTSEV, A.A.,, inzh. Work practices in suporvising the operation of thermal oyateus Prom@ energ. 17 no.8:1-3 Ag 162. (MIRA 16--4) (Power engineering) KOESTANZINOV, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk ------- Voltage quality for industrial enterprises. Elektrichestvo no&5: 1-5 my 63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Leningradski rno-ekonomicheskiy institut. =a i: power distribution) (Liectric power) XONSTANTINOV B.A. Plenary session of a section of the Central Administration of the Scientikic and Technical Society, of the Power Industry on electric power oupply'to industrial enterprises. From. energ. 18 no.3t56 Mr 263. (MIRA 16t 6) (Electric power distribution) KONSTANTINOV, B.A. Conference on elestrie lighting and power system in the construction of industrial and residential buildings hold in tio Gorman Democrativ Aopublic. Prom. anorg. IS no.3157 Nr 163. (MIRA 16s6) (GormsWO last-Ble ctri city in building) (Gervany,-Isst,Electric wiring) KONSTANTIPIOV, B.A., kand. telechn. nauk (Leningrad) ........ Use of mathematical methods in standardizing the electric power consumption in industry. Elektrichestvo no.lt66-68 Ja 164. (MIRA l7s6) KONSTANTINOV,J3.A. .......... ~11 ~-- Work practi--es of .4ndust-rin-1 antarpri-ses In *-eningrae 3--1 effective use of electric power. Trudy i'IF]. no.41-,260- 278 162, (MIRA 17s6) 1. Leningradakly Jnzh6nern.,:-ekoncm1c1ie5kiy Anatitut. AYZENBERG, B.L.; KONSTANTINOV, B.A. Compensation of reactive power in industrial enterprises fed ~by their own power plants and from the commercial power aistribution system. Trudy LIEJ no.414278-282 162. KFA 17:6) 1. Laningradakiy inzhenerno-okonomicheskiy institut, A book om electrical engineerJng and eleArical ~ruiimpmt. A goncral qiourse under th-i c-ditor-,hip of Frofe.,;3or F.P.lAstrebov. Pvom.energ. 19 no.7tc"O Jj 964. (MRA 18:1) pl, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3527 Filippkin, A. T., K. V. Ficbeta., and B. A. Konstantinov Mekhanizatsiya trudoyemkikh ruchnykh otdelochnykh operatsiy v mashinostroyenti (Mechanization of Laborious Hand Finiehing Operations in Machine Building) Moscow, 1959, 62 p. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheakik komitet.. and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy informataii. Otdol nauchno-tekhnicheakoy informataii. Sektor mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti. Te-ch- Ed.: E. AlItshuler PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel working in the field of machine part finishing. COVERAGE: The authors describe briefly the techniques involved in the use of abrasive belt, grinding and polishing~tumbling, hydropbrasive polishing, and paver brushing. These efficient methods axe not widely used in the USSR beeause of shortage of production of good abrasive belts. No personalities are mentioned. There are 9 references, 7 English, and 2 German. Card 1/3 Mechanization of Laborious (Cont.) SOV/3527 smu 0# COMNM: Introduction Grinding and Polishing of Parts With Abrasive Belts Methods ofmachining parts wIth abrasive belt 14achining regimes and sequence of operations ftuil polishing PbUsh" parts Alch are' *dhanically fed Iwportance of lubrication,, coolants,, and the grain size of belts in machining of parts MISISON-Mr-belt-tM grinders and polishing machines Power Brushing or ftrts besig''as of power-brushing Whines Selection of the type of brush W"brasive Polishing Bmrral Tmbling Card 2/3 3 4 5 8 10 12 14 22 31 31 37 45 48 KONSTANTIN9~, B.A. ~ Z -'. . - Efficient use of electric power in industry. Trudy LIEI no.51:148-196 164. Conference hold in Leipzig on problems of electrical systems in industry and housing construction. Ibid.:277-281 (KRA 18:11) --'AP6013000 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/b5/000/0MOVYLOU9 s AUTHORt Bamdas, As Mel Bol'shan, yes me, Borchaninov, G. So; Glasunov, A. Ael Zalesskiy, As Mel Konstant1nov,..A?, Ass Livshite, Do Sol Lychkavskiy, V. Lel Mi2ler, -f- 0, R.; Petrov, Is .1 V. I., Samaver, Me L.1 SyroxWatnIJwv, Is Aol Chi1ildn, Me Go ZR ORO t now TITIZ: Professor Tue Le Multoseyev (an the occasion of his 60th'birthday) SOURCEs Elaktrichostvo, noo 6. 1963. 91 TOPIC TAGSt scientific personnel, eUctrio power production ABSTRACTt Professor Yurly Loonidavich Mukoseyev, 60. chairman of the depart- ment "Eliktrosnabzhenlye promyshlennykh predpriyatiy I goradov (Electrical Supply of Industrial Enterprises and Cities)" of the Gorlkovskiy politekhale cheskly institut (Gor1kiy Polytechnic Institute) began his studies at the Garkly (Nizhegorod) University. After several years at the "Krasnoye Sormovo" plant he joined In 1935 the Glavelektromontezh system where in 27 years he advanced to the position of chief engineer of the Gorkilrisection of the designing Institute glaktroproyakto In 1951 he published hisibook "Voprosy elektroanabaheniya pro" blennykh prodpriyatty (Proble"I of Blectrin Cal Supply of._1ndustrisl Interwrtnes)"I in 1956 at the Mookovskly,.energeti- Card 1/2 UDC: 621*32 1-11 I ACC NRi AI'UU13UOU cheskiy Institut (Moscow Power'lnstituts) he defended his thesis "DIstrt--_! button of Alternating Currents In Current ConductorO. He became professor in 1960. From 1939 he has been continoumly the vice-president of the Gorkiyl board of the Scientific-Engineering Society of Power Engineers (NM energe. Aikov)e Rvcen~lyq Yu. L.Wwasysm participated in the work of the Uchebneej metodicheskays komisaiiji W omm, p8 on of the -the SSO Ell -for tits 191"trical - - I of,' Ministry of Armament) and of _.VW Supp Y -Industrial Saterprives od o Cittest! Orig, &rC.-t" I ngwee CJPPL7 398 CWB1 10 DMI L 27947-66 ACC NRi AF6017709 AUTHOR: Avilov-&, C Ye-r-mPFn-y--J S . D.; ffiler,-7~. R.; SOURCE CODE: UR/OliO5/66/000/001/0086/0086 I Venikov. 44. A.: Volobdi hov B. N.1 Bol'aham. Ya. !L-L xonsU~inoV4 .9. A.; Knyazavakiy. B. To.; Kinin, U. r.; t-,^Tu. .; Petrov'. I. !.; Serbinovski T.; SyRiiygnikoys lov, A. S.; Chi! Kholmakiyl-G. V Sha Is A*; yweClOrOv. A. A.; a n. ; ORG% none TITLEt Prof. Georgiy Mikhaylovich Layal (on his 60th birthday) SOURCE: Elaktricheatvo, no. 1, 1966' 86 9 TOPIC TAGS: academic personnel, electric engineering personnel, electric equipment ABSTRACTi In 1929, G. N. Kayalov completed the electrotechnical department of the Mechanical Faculty of the Novochorkasek Polytechnical Institute* Until 1947t he worked in the planning department of the Rostov Division of the All-Union Electroteohnical Union. In this time, he rose to the.position of Chief Engineer. He directed the planning of a large number of important pieces of electrical equipment for various projects. He was active in the postwar restoration of many important industrial enterprises@ He is the author of almost 70 published works, and has made a great contribution to modemp scientifically based methods of design and analysis of electrical loads for industrial equipment. He is on a number of commissions and in many scientific and technical societieso Orig, arts hast 1 figure. [JPRS1 SUB CODEt 09 / SUAN DATZj none BAMDAS, A.M.; BOLISHAMP Ya.M.,; BORCHANINOV, G.S.; GLAZUNOV, A.A.; ZALESSKIY, A.M.; KONST_MTjkr..tJ-; LIVSHITS; D.S.; LYCHKOVSKIY, V.L.; MILIER, G.R.; FtWTp- TL; PLLPSKOT, V.I.; SAMOTM, M.L.; SYRONYATNIKOV, I.A.; CHILIKIN-, M.G. - .9 . i I Profossor lUrtti Uvntdovlch--Hmkoses*; 1905'. on his 60th birthday. Elaktrichestvo me.6:91 Jo 165. (MIRA 180) KONSTANTINOV. Corrected transposition of the aorta and pulmonary artery; the clinical aspectst diagnosis and surgical treatment of asoclated defects. Grud. khir. 6 no.1:36-" Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18sll) Otdelenlye vrozhdonnykh porokov serdtsa (sav. - daktor Arl. nauk V.I. BurakovBkiy) Instituta sordechno-soeudistoy khirurgii (dir, - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov; nauchnyy rukoyodite.11 akademJv k.N. Bakul-ev) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Adres avtorat Moskva, V-49, laninskly prospekt, d.8, Institut mardechno-soaudistoy khirurgii. Submitted August 17, 1963. AYZENBERG, B.L,j BOLOTOVt V*V. ; BRILI, R,Ya.1 GERASIMOV, V.N.; GREKOV, V.I.; DOVETOV, M.Sh.; KAMEMKIrt M.D.; KLEBANOV, L.D.; X0=AXTINQV,,,,A.*~j KUztMllNv V.G,; LYUBAVSKIY, V.I.; HELENTIYEV, L.A.; NIKHALEV, N.Nq POLYANSKIY, V.A.; RAZDROGINA, L.A.; SIVAKOV, Ye.R.; STARIKOV, V.G.; SAVASHINSKAYA, Vj.; SHAYOVICHi-L.L. Igor' Valentinovich Gofman, 1903-1963; obitudry. Trudy LIEI no.510-4 164. (MIRA 18:11) DOBROVA, N.B.. (Mosirva, K-9, Sobinov8kiy per., d.6. kv.14); XONSTANTINOV, B.A., student V kursa; KHILIKIN, A.M., student T kUr3a Axperimental plastic surgery of the aorta with a polyvinyl alcohol prosthesis. [with summary in Rnglish]. Vest.khir, 79 no.8:86-90 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. 1z kafedry operativnoy khirurgii I topograf Icheskoy anatomii (zav. prof. V.V.Kovanov) 1-go Koskovskogo ordens Lenina meditsinskogo insti- tuts im. I.M.Sechenove. (ACRTA, transpl. polyvinyl sponge graft in dogs) (VINYL COMPOUNDS polyvinyl spon& graft In surg. of aorta in dogs) DOBROVA, N.N., knnd. mad. nauk (Moskva, ", Sobinovrikiy per. d.6, k-v. 14) _q_NVAX21WZ--R-A.; IXILIKIK, A.M. Pronhylaxis and treatment of anrdtaa co=licatione in surgery of the heart and large vessels under hypothermia. Vent. Ichir. 82 no.5: 90-94 Vq 159. (K1&% 1217) 1. Iz kafedry operativany khirurgii (sav. - prof. lovanov) 1-go Hookovskogo ordena, Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. im. I.M.' Sechenova, (MRRT-SUffiXRT) 11 KOVAVOVO V.V.; KONST114TIVOVj,.B.A. .-I Experimental studiso on hMtbermiao cavo-pulmonary anastomosis and extracorporeal oirculation in open heart syrgeryo Ekspokbire i anest. 6 no,142-18 061. (MIRA 3.4t1O) (HEART-4UNW) . (HYMHERKIA) KONSTANTIROV, B.A. Cardiotomy of a "dry heart":and some problems of hamodynamics under hypothermal conditons; an experimental study* Trud 1-90 RA "I w1a 16:12-18162. (MI 16:6 1, Iz Rafedry operativnoy Ichirurgii i topograficheekoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMP SSSR prof. V.V.Kovwiov) Pervo- go Moskovskorn rr4pre Lenina meditsinakogo instituta. (IMT-ZURGICRY) (BU)05-GIRCULTAION) (HYMMINIA) KOPSTAMMOVp B.A.; TUSIZIALOVA, L.A.; TREKOVA, W.A. Cardiotomy of the excluded right heart in eavapulmonary anastomosis; an experimental study. Trudy 1-go MMI 16:19-21+162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy ana- tomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. (WART-SURGERY) XMISTANTIROV, B.A. Temporary substitution of -bi.e right and left heart by extra- corporeal blood circultaion in cases of open cardiatomy; an experimental study., Tivdy 1-go MI 16t25-32162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy ana- tomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo instituta. (HEMT-"SURGERY) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) DOEROVA,, N.B.; _~ql~TPT1710v, B.A.; KHILIIM~, A.M. Method of switching arterieg and temporary chunting in surgery for the replacement of the aortal arch in an ex- periment. Trudy 1-go MMI 16:72-79162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy ana tomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo, Moskovskogo, otdena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. (ARTERIES-SURGERY) DOBROVA, P.B.; A.M. Experimental use of a cardiopulmonary prepuration in surgery for the replacement of the ascending aorta and the arch. Trudy 1-go MMr 16:80-85162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy ana- tomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AXI SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo 1-foskovskogo ordena lanina (AORTA--SURGERY) (SURGERY,PLASTIC) DOBROVA, N.B.; KCfTSTAN7TZO,v,,-BA,----- Extracorporeal blood circtaation in the replacement of the ascending aorta and the aortic arch in an experiment; a liminary report. TTudy 1-go HM 16t 86-91162. (MIRA 16:67 1. 1z kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografioheskoy ana- tomii, (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo Moskovskoro ordena Lenina meditsinskogo, instituta. (BLOOD-CIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) (AORTA--SURORY) YEVTEM, Yu.V.;,__~_TSTPI[TINOV., -B.A.; SYUY LE-7YADIO [Hisu-Le-tilen] Transposition of the aorta and pulmonary artery; clinical aspects, diagnosis., surgical tre-atmept. Grund. khir. 5 no.4:3-12 J1-Ag163 (MIRA 1-7 -01) 1. Iz otdelenira vrozhdennykIA por6cov serdtaa (zev. - doktor nwA V.I.Burakovskly) Instituta serdacbno-sosu- distoy khlrurgii ( dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesni-kov, nauchny.-y rukovoditelt - akademik A.N.Bakulerv) AIIN SSSR. Adrea avborov- Moskva V-49,, leninskiy prosp., d.8., hstitu-t serdechno-.3osudis- toy khirurgil A1171 WSR. BURAKRISKIY, V.I.; KONSTANTINOV) B.A. Materials on indications for surgical treatment of congenital heart defects in early childhood. Khirurgiia no,10:35-42 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Otdoleniye vrozhdennykh porokov sordtsa (zav. - doktor med. nauk V,I.Burakovskly) Instituta serdechno-sosudistoy kh-,rurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - almdemik A.N.Bakulev) ANINSSSR, Moskva. prof. BELIT~:K!Y, prof. rzrad); y SFRV E, L.B., In h. -vlirx tlovlmv, G.Y,. -.A k); KW,LOV) I.V., imb. Study of the slAc,-al featuret of condutivIty -,f' 'the hunian body. ElfA-LvL(~.h(;fjt,vt, r.D.r1i.84 %ty 1(5,5. 011111A 18:6) T 17 1 1-" - ! j T 'fl:" 7 TSU ERMa"JI) G. 1. ; FETROS)YAIN, Yu. S. A.D. ; LA, YOST-YUCHILHOK) B.M,.; TSYB, A.r,; KIISIS, S.Ya.; GGLIHOT", C,.T.; l'OKFI,GV3KIY, A.V ; BURAKOVSK11Y, V.1.1 KONSTAIVIVINOV B.A.; LYUDE, M.N.; GCLJDIZXO, R.R. Proceedings of the meatings of the Surgical Society of jMcScow and Mcocow region. Grud. khir. 6 no.6:11J,-117 N-D Omr.P-A is: 1. Institut oerdechno-acaudistoy khirurgil AMN SSSR (for all except Kostyuchenok, TSyb). 2. Institut khirurgii imeni A.V. Vishnevskogo AMN SSSR (for Koot,,jAichenok, TSyb). Y, KLINSTWITINOV, B.A., doktc~r cf the 6rganB~ation th-p ob~rrUon of e""Petulrical'systemS :L,q ~ndustial enterprises. r- 12 .n~--!rgo 2-0 mur to- (laRA 18-t 6) BIBANOV) V.I.; GOITCHATROVt L.A.;_EN~. I TISHCHF1,10Y V.G. _ ZJ14,~~'~IIIOV, B.B.1; FFYiSNH()'!, N.D.; Experlmental study of the vibrations of massive concrete blocks on sand bases. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. no.33. Vop. inzh. seism. no-9:59-76 164. (,':.'., 1 V~ 17 : -12 ) 1~-,e A) S'7-/,A/ 7'1A,, o a /? , /J. -- KOROIA)T, A.M. (Korolfov. O.M.]; ICONSTARMY. B.D. A- - 4 0 - - Blastic neutron scattering In a spherical se'atterer [with mumory in ftlishl. Mwe' fis. shur. z noe4t303-309 O-D 157. (KW ljj3) 1. Institut f1siki AN UM. (Neutrons-Scatterim) SOV/58-59-12-26887 Translated from- Referativnyy zhurnal I Fizika, 1959, Nr 12, P 55 (USSR) AUTHORS: Barabuk, 1.F., Vertebnyy, V.P , Konstantino Nemets, O.F., Pasechnik. M.V. TITLE: Spectra of Fast Neutrons Scattered grom Atomic Nuclei PERIODICAL: Tr. Sessii AS UkrSSR po mirn. ispollzovaniyu atomn. energii. Kiyev, AS UkrSSR, 1958, pp 94 - 101 ABSTRACT: The spectra of non-elastically scattered neutrons from the nuclei of Mg, Al, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cu, Sn, Cd, Hg, Pb and Bi were studied by means of ionization chambers, filled with hydrogen or methane, and a scintillation counter with an anthracene crystal. The D (d,n) He3 reaction served as the source of 2.8 Mev neutrons. The exyerimental data obtained from the Ionization chambers wer,_: corrected for the "wall" and "induction" effects. The measurement results are given in graphs and tables. Card 1/2 The authors point out that in heavy nuclei, with non-elastic 1(27 ~1~ 85596 S/048j6o/024/007/030/032/n B019/BO56 AUITHORSs Konstantinov, B. B. and Ovcharenko, V. I. TITLEs P-Transitions-in Weakly Deformed Nuclei PERIODICAL% Izvestiya Aka'lemii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol. 249 Not 7# PPo 912-919 TEXTs This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroacopyg, which took place from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. Using results obtained by (Ref, 5)9 the authors calculated the nuclear matrix elements. Korolev had derived wave function and energy levels of odd nuclei, and.calculated non-adiabatic terms and double-phonon states. The authors confine themselves to investigating the matrix elements of allowed and first forbidden A-transitions in non- relativistic approximation tor a scalar and tenuorial interaction of nucleons with an electron-neutrino field. They calculate the matrix elements of allowed and first forbidden P-transitions between nuclei con- sisting of a core of an even-even spherical nucleus and an external nucleon. The wave function of this system had already been given by 85597 S/048/60/024/007/031/032/XX B019/305'6 AUTHORS: Gurin, Yu. L., Korolev. A. M., and Konstantinov. B. D.- TITLEt The Magnetic and Quadrupole Moments of Weakly Deformed Nuclei 7f PERIODICALg Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 920-923 TFIXT-s This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, which took place from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. B. D. Konstant -i'nov et al. (Ref. 2) derived the expressions for the magnetic and quadrup'8le moments for deformed nuclei. With respect to these nuclei it had been assumed that between the external nucleon and the nuclear surface an intermediate.coupling existed. The nuclear radii were determined for the calculation of the moments by means of the formula Ro = (1.27A'13 + 0.0.10-13 cm. The potential well depth Vo was determined from the coupling energy of the last nucleon of an even-even nucleus. The energy of the first collective level of an even-even nucleus was determined from experimental data, and the coupling constant of the extranucleon with Card 1/5 85597 The Magnetic and Quadrupole Moments of S/048/60/024/007/031/032/XX Weakly Deformed Nuclei B019/BO56 the nuclear surface was that the calculated energy of the ground state agreed with the experimental values. Under these assumptions, the magnetic quadrupole moments were calculated for neutron number (Table 1), as well as for nuclei with As may be seen, the generalized modelg when applied nuclei, gives better results than the shell model. nuclei with an odd an odd proton number. to weakly deformed Card 2/5 - - I- I ! - ~- 85597 The Magnetic and:Quadrupole Moments of S/048/60/024/007/031/032/XX Weakly Deformed Nuclei B019/BO56 Table 41; Magnetic and Quadrupole Moments of Nuclei With Odd Neutron Number Nlarimnue 0 WRIVAPYMMINO )[OMeHTbZ n.XCP, IWICTIMIX 110 11CfiTPOMIX Card 3/5 Z IV 1 A IL 01 V.) fl 1, ( it.) , Tco m p TtOPCT. 11"CuePILM. Z 5 0u L Sr 38' 49 87 g-11 -1,013 -1,077 -J,089-1,3 1,273 0. KAI Zr 40 51 91 ad-,, -t.913 -t.560 (1,q4-0,2) -0,818 -0.460 'NIO 42 53 V5 dj. _ 1,913 -0,998 -0JI14 -0,819 Dn 11,11) -1 j) 1,13 1, 149 0.520 0.835 -0,657 01510 Ba 56 St 131, 1. '~) 0,!)~ , 0 4150 ~Nd 60 83 143 -1,913 -1,701 N 1 d 0 5 8 5 14 - 1,913 1,0 3 094 lig 80 119 199 0.638 016 0 0 119 80 121 201 Py, -.1,913 -1.192 -0 539 -1.703i 0,600 Pb 82 12Z 207 Py. 01tas 0, 77, 6 0 589 : 1 0 S~ 85597 T,he Magnetic and Quadrupole MOm6ntb Of B/Oo/60/014/007/031/032/XX Weakly Deformed Nuclei B019/BO56 Table 2 Magne Itic and Quadrupole Moments of Nuclei V'ith Odd Proton Nu=-ber 2 MMInTRUe n JMt1;IPYnWbRN0 )IMICKTU ftjep, fie-iCTIMIX r1o UPM11n.11 C Q C'. X I ffRP0 z N A '5 01500 Co 27 32 59 5,793 4,730 4.648 O,OS +0,4,% - ((). 13-~- Cu 29 3-1 63 /h/, 3,7P3 2,751) -0.06 -0,!63 �0,01F In 49 66 115 6,793 5,335 5,500 0 j;-) +3,64-1 1,161 Sb 51 70 -121 d-1, 4,793 4,993 3,360 -0:13 -0,205 - (0,3�0,2) TI 81 122 203 8-;,, 2,793 t,778 1,612 0 0 0 Bi 83 126 209 h-1, 2,623 1.824 4.082 -0.2 -0, qv, -0.4 Card 4/5 36841 S/1185/62/007/006/004/014 D407/D301 AUTHORS: Korollov, O.M.,-Konsta D. and Ovcharenko, =noy. V. I. TITLE. Deuteron splitting under the action of nuclear forces PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy,fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 6, 19621, 602-616 TEXT: Deuteron splitting by nuclear forces is considered.'It',is assumed that in the splitting process the nucleus remains in the ground state, and that both the proton and the neutron interact with the nucleus. Th6 analysis is based on perturbation theory; it applies to medium and not very light nuclei,~ whereas heavy nuclei are excluded from the consideration. The operator HI(p,r) repre- sents the perturbation responsible for the deuteron splitting. HI is the sum of the potentials V and V denotes the radius- n' VP P vector of the relative motion of the nucleus and of the system -neutron-proton. Formulas are. derived for-the wave functions Card 1/ 4. S/185 62/007/006/004/014 Deuteron splitting under ... D407YD301 E in the laboiatory Sys'tem (L,' = L" A+2). Prom the figure i.t'is d d 0 A evident that with deuteron energies from 2.3 to 4.65 Mev, the total cross-section increases considerably with the energy, attaining a value of approximately 670 mbarn at B d = 4.65; Such a high proba- bility of deuteron splitting,could be one of the reasons for the large deviation of the elastic scattering cross-section of deute- rons (by medium and heavy nuclei) from.the Rutherford cross-section at large scattering angles. Further, the angular:,distribution of neutron and protons at threshold energies is cialculated. As before, the'numerical calculations showed that in the. energy range under consideration, the main contribution is given by terms with n = 0, I = 11 = 0. Thereby the expression for the diffdrential cross-sec- tion is considerably simplified. A figure shows the angular dis- tribution of protons with respect to neutrons, for deut6ron ener- .vies of 4 I'lev. The angular distribution has a maximum at 4, = 09 0. p ' with a half-width of 75 , Thus in the energy range under con8idera- tion the protons will mainly travel in a forward direction. There -are 2 figures. Card 3/4 Deuteron splitting under S/185 62/007/006/004/014 D407YI301 ASSOCIAdION: Instytut fizyky AN UkrRSR! V YiV (Institute of Phy- sios of the AS UkrRSR, Kjyev~ SUB14ITTED: January 39 1962 Card 4/4 AP4010287 S/0048/64/028/001/0033/0040 AUTHOR: Konstantinov. TITM inelastic neutrons by nuclei with two extra nucleons forming pair In the ground state &eport, Thirteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spec- roscopy hold In Klev)25 Jon to 2 Fab 19627 -a"IRCZ: AN 889R, Isvestiya, Berlya fizicheakaya, vw26p noole 1964j 33-40 TQPIC TAGS:neutron scatterIng, Inelastic scattering, odd nucleon, pairing energy, k1iring interaction, two particle Interaction, direct process :*STRACT: The paper presents a.thooretical treatment of inelastic scattering of -even nuclei, taking into account pairing correlations. The treat- eutrons by even kznt is based on a nuclear model in which the target nucleus is assumed to consist of an even-even core and an outer "core" that consists of two extra neutrons that form a pair in the singlet S state. The wave function chosen for describing the relative*notion of the neutron,pair is of the deuteron type, and the pairing energy of two neutrons to taken an the binding energy of the neutrons in the pair. It is further assumed that the direct two-particle Interaction between the incilent par- ticle and the neutron pair occurs on the surfsce~ of the nucleus and Is described Card 1/3 AP4010287 :b a Yukaws potential. The problem is treated in the Born approximation of partur- hation theory, where the sole reason for transition from the initial state to t1ja nal excited state Is assumed to be direct two-particle interaction. On the basis these assumptions, there are calculated the matrix elements of the transition id the values of the total. and differential cross sections for the process of in- astic scattering of the neutron with excitation of the extra nucleon pair. Also calculated Is the differential cross section for the case when the nticloon pair breaks up. The results of the calculations indicate that the f ormulas for the dig- f erontial crogs sections for inelastic scattering of neutrons in of exci-, tation of the nucleon pair in the nucleus and In the case of break up of the pair are qualitatively different as regards the behavior of the angular distributilon.It is noted that In considering the excitation of the nucleus as excitation of the nu- cleon pair in a potential well one ca, from the deduced angular distributions, which are a function of the angular momentum transferred by the neutron to the nuc- lous, Inter signficant data oil the energy levels of even-even nuclei. "in conclu- sion, the author expresses his deep gratittude to A.M.Koralev for suggesting the topic and. constant Interest An the work,," Crig.art4hasi 41 tomulase Cod 3/3 AP4010287 ASSOCIATION: Institut lialki Akademii nauk OSSR (Institute of Physics, Academy of ..Sclenceal SSSR) SUDMITM 00 DATE ACQ: 107064 EXCL: 00 AUB CODE: NS KR REIP SOV: 002 OMR: 006 KONSTANTINOV, B.D. Probabilities of olectromaenatic transitions between excited states of odd mic-let. Izv, IN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.7a1217-1226 Jl 165. (MA 180) 1. Inotitut fiz.1ki AN UkrSSR. Subject USSR/Aeronautics AID P - 3694 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 21/22 Authors : Viktorov, I. V., Maj. and B. K. Konstantinov, Capt. Title : Special features of training pilot Interceptors (according to the foreign press) Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 11.9 92-94, Ja 1956 Abstract : Several articles of American periodicals are briefly reviewed. General aspects of training pilot interceptors are given. Several American fighter aircraft are mentioned. Institution : None Submitted : No date A~THOR: Konstantinov, B.L. ineer (Bulgaria, Sofia) 105-58-5-6/28, TITLE: On the Problem of an Approximate Solution of the Oscillation Equations for the Synohronovus Machine (K voprosu. o priblizhennom analiticheskom reshenii uravneniya kachaniy sinkhronnoy mashiny) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 5, pp. 24-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If a synchronous generator operates on rails Yith invariable vol'.- age, the differential equation for the rotor motion in the case of a modified mode of operation of the generator and with some d2 S s V simplifications is it - P - F-A denotes the inertia dt2 0 m constant of the machine, the angle between the vectors of the longitudinal DIP of the generator and the voltage of the system, PC- - power output of the primary motor, Fm - the mA-dmim value power characteristio in the case of a new mode of operatior. In order to explain the character of rotor motion (oscillation or continuous acceleration) the function: Y If - COS Cos (3) Card 1/3 0 -i-;il( 0 On the Problem of an Approximate Solution of the 105-58-5-6/28 Oscillation Equations for the Synchronous Machine must be in,;estigated. The iw7estigation of the first and second derivation of the function (3) as well as of the equation y = 0 (Kepler equation of the type cf= p sin cr + a) shows that in the presence of a second radical the condition: rM :/~' I must be satisfied. A--, however, this condition is connected P 0 with the initial angle of it cannot be considered to be a crite- rion (for the e3etermination of the chamc+,er of rotor motion). In order to find an approximate criterion establishing the connection between the values Pol 0 ar-1 P., it is necessary to make use of the condition for the oonjerTation of stability based upon the principle of a comparison of surCaces. Here the fcnirala (6) is de- rived as a criterion for the c3naenration of stability: PM Next, the approximated solution of the P 2 0 7 Tr 0) equation (1) in the domain 0 Tr is obtained. Eouation 0). Card 4/3 The latter Is solved %Y:Lth respgct to S, and the equation (8) ic On the Problem of an Approximate Solution of the 105-58-5-6/28 Oscillation Equations for the Synchronous Machine obtained, from which the initial inter-ial of the oscillation In Po - X so -, S < - ~ PM 0 is immediately ascertained as also the "half-period" of this interval T. The fomula. (9) for the utmost time t for switching off short circuits is derived. Finally, the solution of tvio concrete prob- lems by means of the foxmulae (7) and (9) is described. For reasons of comparison also the results obtained by the successive intervals are given. - In conclusion it is pointed out that form- ula (9) can also be used in the case of the parallel operation of two stations with commensurable power outputs vrith the same limits for the modification of the angle cP. There are 1 figure, I table, and 3 references, which are Soviet. SMUTTED: February 5, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Generators--Mathematical analysis 2. Rotors--Motion--Mathematical analysis 3. Rotors--Oscillation--Mathematical analysis 4. Approxi- mate computation--App lic at ions sov/86-58-11-15/37 AVIIMR: Konstantinov, B.M., Col, TME: Piloting a Turboprop Aircraft (Pilotiroveniy-e turbovintoV090 samO3,et'L) PEXODICAL: Vestaik vordushnogo flota, 1958,~~6 3.1, PP 47-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes in detail the technique of piloting the 3:1-18 air- craft. The 11-18, equipped with four turboprop engines, has a number of peculiar- ities when compared with aircraft equipped with piston or turbojet engines. - The takeoff can be made from bath a paved and an unpaved runway. During the takeoff run, the takeoff direction is held, first, with the use of brakes and later with the increase of speed, with the aid of the rudder. The aircraft becomes airborne at a speed of 200-225 km/hr. In the air the aircraft * stable and easy to control at altitudes up to 6000 m. At higher than .6000 =~s4tittdes some deforsation in the aircraft structure takes place as a reault,of a considerable difference in temperature drop in the pressurized cabin and in the unpressurized tail put of. the fuselage. As a result of such deformation, the right pedal is moved forward. and both ailerons are lifted uywtrd. 03&r such conditions the pilot, vhen making a turn.. for instance, has the feeling that the ailerons are somewhat overbalanced and therefore, at high altitudes and in. turbulent air in particular, he bas to Card 1/2 - KONSTANTINDV, B. ~', - Graphite In lubricating automobile engines and chassis units. Avt. transp. 34 no.6:38 Je '56. (KLRA 9:9) (Great Britain--Automobilee--Lubrication) AUTHOR: Allperovich, A.G. and Konstantinov, B.P. 113-58-6-2/16 TITLE; Fuel Economy Road Trials for Automobile (0 dorozhnykh ispy- Vaniyakh avtomobilya na toplivnpyu ekonomichnost') PERIODICAL: Avtomobiltnaya promyshlennoett, 1958, Nr 6, P 5-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method used in England to determine the fuel economy of automobiles is described by the authors. They find this method superior to the method used in the Soviet Union, which is pre- scribed by COST 6875-54. They recommend that the Englidh method be used in the Union by adding road trials on shingle and dirt roads. There are 2 tables and 1 non-Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: .NAMI Card 1/1 1. Au~omobiles--Operation 2. Fuel-Economic aspects KONSTANTINDY, B.; SHIPKIN, T. - - - ., ~ ~:- __ -~ Plans for transporting gas from the Sahara to Western Europe. Gaz. prom. 4 n0-7:51-52 J1 159. (MIRA 12:3.0) (Gasq Natural-Transportation) BASOV, A.N.; K-ONSTANTINOV, B.P.3 MYAGKOV, V.S.; TRAKTOVENKO., I.A. Economic effect diesel fuel quality improvement., Kh:Ln.1 tekh.toplei masel 6 no.6:1-11 Je 161. (KUU 14:7) 1. Vaesovuznyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusst-vennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Diesel fuel) h0920 S/230/62/000/010/ 001/001 D036 D114 AUTHORt Konstantinov, R.P., Engineer ,TITLE: A technology for sinking and injecting a bylihdrical ferro- concrete.sheet pile PERIODICAL: Transportnoye stroitel'stvo, no. 10, 1962, 46-48 TEM A technique is described.for sinking and injecting a cylindri- cal ferroconcrete sheet pile designed by TsNTIS Tkansportnoye str'oit6ll-- making up 5 x 12-m-piles) stvoll, no. 6, 1962, 26). Ten 6-m-long sections each with an external diameter of 1-55-m anid weighing 95 t were sunk in sandy soil with the following characteristicst angle of natural -slope.of thel dry sand - 34-370; of the wet sand - )1-330; volumetridweight of the sand 1.49-1.60 g/cm3. The experimental sinking was carried out in 4 stages. In the first stage, the piles were sunk to a depth of 3 m by jetting with'four needles with 20 mm nozzles. In t~e second stage, the piles were sunk to 6 2: by 80-3 (VP-3) and,Bn -160 (VP-160) vibration rame. The hydraulically- loosened soil was removed from the pile by a 120-mm-diameter air lift. In the third and fourth stages, the,second sections were joined to the first, and the-piles sunk to 10-11 m by a VP-160 r&m, with jetting and air-lifting. Card(1/3) S/230/62/000/010/001/001 A technology for sinking and injecting ... D036/D114 It was found that the sections must be joined by welding if a vibration ram is used. During the sinking process, the air and water needles were sytematically moved around the perimeter of the pile. To avoid damage to the.out-offs, the sheet-pile wall must be assembled within the length of the. travelling piling frame. The crane should be correctly placed relative to the wall, and be high enough to set up the planned number of s.ections. The piles should be slung, and lowered striotly vertically. Examination of the test piles at a depth of 7-3 a revealed no damage to the out-offe. The out-': offs should be kept free of soil by air or water jets, and the resulting spaces below the out-offs should be filled with mortar,sand or gravel. The injection mortar was selected on the basis of laboratory experiments, and experimental injection of the cut-offs performed in earth, in air, in water and airt and in water. In the water medium,the free apace of the groove was filled by the underwater method, whereby the mortar was fed continuously. into a metal tube so as to always fill the tube up to the top and not come into contact with the-water when running out. Injection in air or earth can also be done by the above method or else by pouring in the mortar di- rectly from the mixer. On-th* Usis of the test, the cylindrical sheet Card 2/3 Card 3/3 KONSTAVIINUVp B.P... inzh. Efficient design of.the catcher an a cylindrical reinforced conWeta shoot pile* Trmsp. stroi. 12 no.6*26-29 Je 162. OEM 15:6) (Sheet piling) ~ KGNRM~~-P- , inzh. Techniques of sinking and grouting ey'lind*cal reinforced concrete sheet piling. Tranap.stroi. 12 no.10:46-48 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Sheet piling) IPATOV, M.I.; TOBIAS, D.A., kand. tekhr..nauk, retsenzent; KONSTANTINOV..B.P.. inzh., red.; PETUKHOVA, G.N., red. UMMMi 17"ji-IMCMUITILU, F.P., tekhn. red. (Technical and economic evaluation of motor-vehicle elements in designing; motortrucks] Takhniko-okonomicheskaia otsenka konstruktaii avtomobilei pri proektirovanii; ruzovye arto- mobili. Molqkva, Mashgiz, 1963. 186 P.. MRA 16:9) (Motortrucks-Design and construction) __C 66 16-41/1643 _~kC_1C11__Qi5A14_030009 IJP( wc,/jD/ww/jw/ SOURCE C. ODR UR/0020/66/i6g/005/ - AU771OR: ABhkinadze, B. M.; Vladimirov, V. I.. Likhachev, V. A.- vkin. S. M.; ISalmanov!_Y_ M. -_ Yaroshetakiy, 1. D..; Konstantinov, B. P. (Acese-dee c an ORG: Physicotechnical I stitute im. I. F. loffe. Acadenv of Sciences SSSH (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Laser induced damae in transparent dielectril s SOURCE: AN GSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, lo41_103 TOPIC TAGS: laser ts One@ domiga-r glass, dielectric,. alkali halide/ crystal ABSTRACT: DamW,4nduceAby standard an ;iant::gulse lasers in abroad class _;:,-P-' materials (alkaliX~alidiPbingle crystals~,: polymers, glasses.) was investj lexperimentally. - Pla-ne c;acks were observed in'.poly.(methyl methacrjlate (PMW) under ~a 0 a 4 standard-pulse radisticnN 4' gle with respect to the laser beam a and at raqdom with respect to ttZcrack rontation plane around the aame axis. A large number of isolated cracks\was observed at superthreshold energies. A 20-j beam fociised at f a -6 cm ~caused tail-end damage in glasses. The same pulse caukied total destruction along the cleavage planes in alkali-halide crystals at energies slightly abc~e threshold. In each. instance, damage was observed when a giant-pulse beam was focused on the inside of specimens. -In single crystals the damage occurred along L 43025-66 ACC, NR, AP6030009 all three cleavage planes; in the case of PIOK it had the form of an extended cone consisting of small individual cracks-(of the order of 0.1-0.5 glasses. filiform damage appeared sharply with the thickening at the focus. To explain the damage mcchanisim and kinetics, the effects of pulse energy,.focur, position, temperature, and the focal length on the nature and extent of the domaged -region were investigated. The experimental dataindicate a strong dependence of the nature and extent of damage on the test material. and the operating (peak or total energy) conditions. The damage in each spot.occurred independently and was caused by beams of a small critical density. The most probable damage mechanism.' is thought to be the coherent hypersonic phonons,generated as the result of stimulated Brillouin scattering. Yhe.tbermal explosion accompanying damage due to hype rsoni c phmorii in the 'case of strong optical absorption is suggestea as a secondary mechanism. The-experiments showed that the thermal explosion occurred basically near thefocus and that its role varied with materials and,energy density. Crack formation occurred during a period not exceeding the pulse duration (for giant pulse laser 10*79sec), the dwnage taking place first at the focus and traveling backwards. Damage induced by powerful Isser beams can be used as a method of J~comparing the bulk and surface _4jX2_nAth` of a material. Orig. art. has:-2 figures and I formula. its IYKI SUB CODE: 20/'-8UBMTM--24W"/ ORIG REF: 002/ Rgi__66~fvAh Piigi~:'--~rdaT -.-KONSTANTINOV-1 M.P. Anthracotic phthisis of the lymph nodes with perforation into the trachea and esophagus. Suvrem mW.t Sofia no.6:83-87 160. 1. 1z Katedrata po obahta p#tologiia I patologichan anatmiia ISUL (Rukov. na. katedrata: prof. Iv*Goranov) (TUBERCULOSIS LIMH NODE case reports) o 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 W~- I n d. 6 a o 4 a # V-473 0 ~ ., 14. 0 1 T 09 o 0 0 0 *69 6 S 11 ti ti m 1! ii ltxj~ 1 "k llq nun 1,PN)9 x 1, 1., 1) u 0 30 11 is b441 e. .3 kt N I v .1. L )L, I I #A 14 ax LV U 0 00 00 00 go m -00 00, 1, 00 4646. AbBWVdm 4d MeWd at 89W Moundwtem. N. K=- 499 Oftlebwwo Tahm PAYS. U.S.S.R. 9. 0. op. "O-no. of the obsorptim of mmund at a plam mulki boundwy. .00 00 takft into acmat the tbwmal condectivity and vUcomity of Ow madluns AQ, by mamusa of KLeckbedo cim" readia. DA 00 00 90 I Mot , 00 u 0 0 0 9 so 0 so & o 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTOOS000019 0 test 0 0 test 000011A ! : : : 0 e o a 0 -Ir- 0* ~166 o r 0 0 & * : 0 9 1111, 0 0 41 4-4 't*J 5 h 4 � % I q I I I I - - - 0-0 s o I a 1 4 1 a it is u 11 is 16 If to to a , I X1 ,, , , , unalva SHOP 1211 111n IOU 0041 43 u4$ " 21 n a % _ . . L b 2 A&AL a see AI _C_& - x_X_ , A. 4-4 _ -041 4 -00 P XO AIS 7'/9 71 r go c 002, go a 190. The dumpimir of ==A to a rom w" qmW wwk MW no 1, eodkkd d lewd Amorpuft. 11 J. Techow. 11A vs. U.S.S.R-% 424-432.1939. Oil tile twuis , of the 11%IsAl ittatiatical theory of architectioral arouitics the leprinuhle of " " Nee the thilmse cuefficient of -%ound absorptimi tit a tigid kmodarv and the me 00 of fifor of leverberation of tile " nl,.t temilloding " T."'111 are detluceil ; the : tesults of a previous r". atch new th~ aipwrlition of reflected sound wairm me p bv hard %vall% me u%etl, Nuinctical valuni, of the difluse cocificivitt of l, ,, ; uI itiwrlition ift air under rimmi consti6sim are coropted with thme can- ago tsiwd lis (ablemi of tile almmirption coeff cient of blick and concrete walls, see 60 41w siiif.scr.if water in tw%insi and the (it lit for sm4loth metallic WAN KiMS see in a paper of Kimilwn'g, F. It. K. 0 A4&4/-d.L& Noe ties Nee Nee $d- W. AV ; a.- aft F o A. -0 L% 0 19 it Is IN 1111% L a ed a It a I W W 9 as IL n I T4 1O 4: 0 0 0 b4t. 14, 1.642, pp. t. 144 low P'n,A !7 It- aut too -r-oott- A tow pam. two tow lb Kiwil'iml sumv III %hr iml IA low mosithwit'll Ow" aft ans"emd In %III- aftallod irw mmmbs ala imm6a 4m paws It is :acrth:t ittImpi'm 1.6 44"11 is grim's.11 w4ull'.11 .4 tion fooIsatko dortmimuig 11141 NOW Witt -11 A i,AAtts%g swupow our failk. and fvfvsvwv 6 InaJor p~ .411t.tht-I "Limatio molb'"J "bick, It it twwo~l. t' w- ].~K.A Wate tMa Ike um pgupuwd by Gutin. = .- -1- MershlizimdW mm - JK,,~ r~ ~j T w -; I j v" ff, IOM, A.Y.; LZBEDEV, A.A.; YOK, V.A.; STARIK, I.Ye.-, KORSTANTINOV. B.P.; DZHIZMV, B.S.; PWILOV, N.A.; DOBEMOV, L.N.; RMISTIll'; n, '; nMlwv, YU.A.!; ZHALNOV, A.P.; KURIN, A.N.; AGLIWMV, K.K.; TSAHII- VA, T.V.; SHULIKO, A.B.; YEHMMYZV, M.A. P. I.Inkirskii; obituary. Vest.AN SSSR 24 no.12:62 D 154. (MLRA 8:1) (Eakirskii, Pstr Ivanovich, 1894-1954) p Y1 11 It neiU:,,r thI- Tlic m- AUTHORS: Yefremova, Z. N., SOV/57-58-8-22/37 Ryskin, G. Ya. TITLE: Expansion Coefficient Measurements of NaCl, LiFf XCIt and KBr by the Flotation Method (Izmereniye koeffitsiyentov rassh,.'Lreniya NaC1, UP, K01, KBr flotatsionnym metodom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, 1958, Nr 8, pp 174o - 1747 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper a detailed description is presented of the technique of measuring the expansion coefficients of salt crystals according to the flotation method. The application of floaters for the determination of the temperature coefficient of the density P of a fluid is suggested. This method is based upon the measurement of the temperature difference cf the flotation of two floaters kept in the fluid to be inves- tigate$ and in a control fluid, the P of which is known. The room temperature expansion coefficients Tk Of Nae" Kol' KBr, LiF were measured. The reproducibility of the measurements is as high as 095 - 1%. This is in accordance with the estimation of the accuracy of this method presented by Card 1/2 Konstantinov and Ryskin in reference 1. The measured values VITMAN, F.F., prof., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk.; IOFYB. A.F., skademik~ i~edvt KMWTUMOV, G.Vo', hkmdomik, rod.1 ZHUMOT, S.N., red.; KONSTANTINOT,.B.P.. redo-. GLIDW. I.A., prof.. doktor tekhn. nauk~ red.; MMIN, N.I., doktor fin,-vat.nauk. redo; SMAROV. -V:A7.v' doktor telthn.nauleg red.; FRIDKAN, Ya.B., prof.. doktor takhn.nank. red.; IOM, B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; AVIMITMOV. V.I.. red.isd-va: MZIGM, R.S., [Some problems on the strength of solid bodies; collection of articles dedicated to the 80th birthday of N.M.Davidankov. me*bar of the AcadixF of Selences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Nekotorys problemy prochnostl twerdogo tela-, abornik statel. posviashchennyi voolaideniatiletliu skademike AN USSR N.M.Davidankova. Koakwa. 1959. 386 p. - -1 (KIRA 12:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zhurkov, Konstantinov). (5trength of materials) NONSTANTI!Ryl, LBAYIODV, TU.M.; RYSIIN, G.Ta. Plotation method for measuring compression coefficients of solids and liquids. Pis. tyer. tela 1 no.6:963-969 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Laningradakly fisiko-takhnicheekly institut AN SSSR. (Compressibility) KONS?A9fxvw,,Ak.; IMBORIN, A.M., akademik; PEYVE. Ta.V.; IOFFZ' A.?., akademik; XIKHATWVq A.I., prof;,; SATPAYRV, K.I., akadeolk; ZOKOV. Ye.M., akademik; LAVRENTIYJM. M.A., akademik-, SRSNOV, N.N.. akademik; PAVIOVSXIY, U.N., akadendk; MINTS, I.I., akademik; SISMAN, N.K.; RbKASHK'Lg, P.S.; FIDOROV, U.K.; STICHKII. B.S.. akELdemik-, KAYSXIT. I.K., akadem1k; PAVIOV, Todar, akademik; ARMOV. A.Ye.. akademik; VASIL'YXV, N.V., doktor ekon.nauk; SWUSOV. V.V.; MITIN. H.B., akademik; BLAGONUVOV, A.A.* akademik; KAWTOROVIGH, L.V.; RYUMV, B.A., akademik; MWCHINOV, V.S., skademik Discussion of the addraml. Vest. AN SSSR 29 no.4:34-63 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) l.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR ifor Konsta4tinov. Peyve, Slaak7an, Romahkin, Fedorov, Belausov. lantorovich). (science) S/186/60/00Z/001/007/022 A057/A129 AUTHORS: Konstantinov, B.F.; Kiaelev, B.P.; Skrebtsov.. G.P. TITLE: Separation of radium and barium in the exchange between amalgam and solution PMODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1960, 44 - 49 TEXT: In the present investigation the separation of radium from barium by means of ion exchange between barium amalgam and solution containing radium and barium salts was studied and the separation factor ot was determined. Various methods concerning the separation of Ra and Ba'have been already published. The statements given by N.B. Miller and V.A. Pleskov [Ref. 9:' Tr.soveshch. po elek- trokhimii (Proceedings of the Conferenbe of Electrochemistry), 165, Izd. AN SSaR (Ed. AS USSR)] on the kinetics of the ion exchange with different amalgam eleo- trodes, and the values*obtained for the exchange current have to be verified in connection with the effect of mixing (especially of the mercury phase) on Ion ex- change kinetics. The present experiments were carried out in an exchange cell containing a mixer in the form of &-i Archimedian screw. The duration of experi- ments varied from 1 to 25 min. At the end of the experiment radium was deterntied Card.16 S/186/60/002/001/008/C22 AO57/A129 AUTHORS: Konstantinov, B.P.; Kiselev, B.P.; Skrebtsov, G.P. TITLE: Electrolytic separation of radium and barAum with a mercury elec- trode PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1960, 50 - 56 TECT: In the present paper the effect of current density, temperature, and anion concentration in the solution on the separation factor tAof radium and bar-/ ium in electrolysis on a mercury cathode was investigated. The prevalent method for radium and barium separation in fractional crystallization developed by M. Curie. The present investigations were carried ut in a glass electrolyzer val,--- Ing the ratio between radium and barium from 10-~ to 10-1u%. In the discussion concerning the dependence of the separation factor on current density a theoreti- cal consideration by B.P. Kon3tantinov is presented. The separation effect on the mercury cathode is controlled by processes occurring in the diffusion layer, i.e., in a thin,layer on the boundary with the mercury surface. The flowing is laminar in this layer and its thickness depends on hydrodynamic conditions. Kon- stantinov derives an equation for the determination of the change In the concen- Card 1/3 BMIJM, S.Ye.; YJGORDV, A.I.; XONSTANTIMY# B.P. Theory and practice of continuous chromatograyby. Isv- AN UU. Otd. khim. nauk no.11A938-1947 9 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1, Fixtko-takhatcheakty institut AN SSSR t Leniz6gradekly politekbniche- skly Inetttut im.N.I.Kalluba. (Chrovatographic analysis) S/181/60/002/011/OJV/042 BOo6/BO56 0 0 oo 3 5-j /V C/5" )'/' a), AUTHORS: Konstantin 9640k and Badenko, L. A. TITLE. Investigation of the Behavior of Indium and Antimony Impurities in Germanium by the Method of Electrodiffusion PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2696 - 2702 TEXT: The authors investigated the transport of indium and antimony impurities (electrodiffusion) induced by the application of direct current to a germanium sample with a view to studying the general rules of this process; besides, the possibility of using electrodiffusion for introducing and distributing impurities in germanium was studied. In the course of the experiment, impurities were introduced locally into the crystal, and their distribution by direct "153nt was investigated by the method of contact radiography. Inil and Sb were used as tracer atoms. Radiographic plates of the type tl'P (MR) and an X-ray film were used. The pictures obtained were photometrically recorded by a microphoto- meter of the type MI-2 (MF-2). The specimens (single crystals of germanium) had an initial resistivity of 20 ohmic'm. After introduction of Card 1/4 Investigation of the Behavior of Indium and S11811601002101110061042 Antimony Impurities in Germanium by the B006/BO56 Method of Electrodiffusion the impurities, the specimens were heated at 70000 for 4 - 6 hours, and the specimens, which were then found to be faultless, were examined in a vacuum chamber (Fig. 1 ) at 10-2muL Hg. Fig.2 shows the results of a photometric evaluation of the initial and the final distribution obtained from one of the experiments with n-type Sb. Fig-3 shows the concentration distribution of n-type Sb in a specimen after three experiments with different-current directions. From the rate at which the frontal maximum was shifted, the carrier mobility was determined. Numerical resulteare contained in a table. Finally, Bpeoial experiments on the temperature dependence of the mobility of impurities are degoribed. The experiments were carried out within the ranges from 300-600 C and 800-9000C. Accordin to temperature, the current density varied from 200 to 350 a/am f at a field strength of 0-4 - 0.8 v/om, Card 2/4 86422 Inve6tigation of the Behavi or of Indium 3/18 60/002/011/'006/042 and 4timony. Imptfi-fties in- Germanium by t 1~e B006XB056 Method of Ele ctrQditfusion Type of initi al Impurity' Temperature, Mobility Direction of material 0 C cm 2/v. see transport n-type 0 50 6 2) '12- 1 L+0 p--;type Sb. 580 4+0-5 10 ~ 6 ~ Cathode :n-type- Sb- 600 47~+0.5)00 , 'n-type Sb Boo 5. 1.2+0.2).10 -type' ' n-t b' oo 850 -5 1 47o fl.10 -5 ~2:47o:3 * 10 ~ node ype . 5 p type Sb: 90d .7+0. (3 T 5)-10 n-type,' t In 300 1.5�0 -7 2J.10 -7 - n ype In 450 0 5 3 5 :10 6 - Anode n-type In: 550 : (3 6+o:5 10 ) p-type:~ n 8QO -6 0 9.8+1.3 n-type t n,: I a 820 -5 ~: 1.3+0.2 10 - 5 6 T ~ Cathode, p- ype In 900 o. 5.c ).lo ' '4 1A A ANISIMOV, A.I.; VIWGRAIW, N.I.; GOLANT, Me.; EDITSTANTIMV, B.Pe Nethod for investigating the spatial distribution of electrons in p1mma. Shur, teldu fix. S-j'~. no*9:1009-1018 S 160. WU 13 -- 11) 1, Tiziko-teonichaskly inatitut AN SSSR, Ieningrad. (Blectrons) (Moms (Ionized gases)) QC 0961 Is& Irrur C2 ==cos. cc Kv InATIful CTA--t;OTv".3 :fn 9 P" *Weir-d* c 401." (4 :*"BUD ZZ l" v.Aavjj 9 ". w.,qz 1.9 tv oyq~%*.4 set, *1 Olooljo so" is vols.-Id. -.wN 0~ Oulp.622. a.TSj.** 11%i. suo-j"d it AST11"st 09"1 Tput ey tioltis of ey .4.qA v.pTt*ff ;a SSI.asymoqui I "wzj Fam -alwe" ;o eqs ar"I -azzenselp J. Az%eQe`*w 01M owl -is ... so TwQ2,,wTx. a3lst * jo eou.%spe 641 woz$ -Norval& 04946seve vT%fmJ V *41% is pswessim.-VeM O"'T D 0: . 6s ftloo memde OT" V:lz Rol" .1"Ib" emstd Aml D; slolnmv *1qS Apts,jolems is go"* Xw..oo Ts"..S MM *I mdotsioz %= op *94,MPOTP v So jR*$*Ojw" VM *4% IIR% -oqe vj,rv. no %u6 VvIA"s *%Aoqnvv 916001TAIMIRS q4 ."emeTv ex. 6.41td .11% Jq 9*1%1" "Is wT"Se son so QwTmO get I Iv" ~$*.d Rol" 4.n;v *tloldl TV 11"T8" :t :1 .24sip.Tv J. Tie vlossecto ot%mvem :Z*xm,T1 P.%Gs .3d" 'ITT Toesq*4 $I put, R41410,400 0 ty assets *I G"11 vlz*3 1 -1 ": st" -AVj * Dexter 0&4*1 fty"O so *totedw* 980*S" to o#pw (-a lit ve.up"d tire smas"s lvw*%" " Itive "M -ft m 9- 04-9 p.qv is v IT V..T*jq. e1 .23vipoyp rm -v&9%jjq In, P-1113 6.1 '*qwTqo,:qz V.qlj ... v sT 0 1 J. As%-wvIP sols"s-Sev,80 soon pos z .I ;a stallp oft".1 vv qs" I.q"tp TvVT*Sos a in se*"" ..TV P..Ind put.urwd oj uoj%.jT"eTj qo"**&t T :an& LIKL zi --X 'M 'I-A -IRIOU tow.qz v;.Tv. 101A B-TIftlv v o,j :ff7ua I.-OAT IT 31. :11 'Astpztvw -I j-:- . , FM '.1""11 ". 'A '---TOOJ;T STORMT //C.C. 0/100/m/00/009)r15DA STL54 9=030/M2/001/01 41 Logeng to n#.2: 2) 10c...kif Str4l., 3) Coil for set&. flux passing %ur-.gtk t%. "... 4) Coil f .'izS .... tb. 1.0 lhax~-:g 5) -T $:*r. %a. m66"116 fl.14 bat 6). and 7) osl%term of millimstor and couttestar .4we Imatmamat for study- ing flax. A) Vagmetic ooAduc%or. 2) Manber. C) Inzor shmats C&" 5/5 S/062/60/000/011/004/ol6 B013/BO78 AUTHORS: Brealerp So Ye.9 Yegorov# Ao I*j Konstantinovj B. P. TITLE: Theory and Practice of Continuous Chromatography PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naukp 19601 No. lit pp. 1938 - 1947 TECT; The possibility has been examined of performing chromatography as a continuous process. This would be extremely favorable for the large-scale partition of mixtures. The simplest solution of this problem seems to be the creation of apparatus on the basis of extraction columns, i.e., with a counterflow of ionite powdpr and solution. To pre- vent the longitudinal intermixing of the liquidp which would be inevit- able in this came and would impair the creation of the highest possible number of partition steps, it is suggested here that the counterflow of the solid sorbent be replaced by a oounterflow of the vessels filled with the solid sorbent. The suitability of such a solution was proved by Spedding, Powell, and Svec (Ref.1). A system with a counterflow of the vessels (Fig.1) consists of a set of columns with ionite. The zone of Card 1/4 Theory and Practice of Continuous Chromato- 3/062J60/000/011/004/06 graphy BO13/B078 the mixture to be separated is situated in one of these columns. Under the action of the displacing ionic current, the mixture zone is shifted into the next section, from this again into the next, etc. If the dis- placing and-the ions are properly selected, it can be shifted as far as desired, without thereby losing their size-or shape. The mixture compo- nents, in this connection, concentrate at both ends of the zone. Once the equilibrium distribution of the components is stabilized, the perio- dic taking of partition products is started. This takes place at the moment when the mixture zone changes over from one section into the other. The problem of the distribution of mixture o6mponente was solved for the case of a stationary zone by S. Ye. Bresler (Ref-2)- An ana- lysis was made of the operation of a chromatographic partition system for the caso E~& 1, and the distribution of the components in the zone under continuous displacement was determined from a differential equa- tion. With a view to.demonstrate the possibilities of continuous chroma;- tography, an investigation was made of the partition of alkali metals on the COC (SBS) cationite. A laboratory system was worked out (Fig-3) in which there was practically no space left between the individual sections. Equimolecular Na+ - Li+ and K+ - Na+ mixtures were examined. Card 2/4 Theory and Practice of Continuous Chranata- graphy The main characteristics of chromatographic displacement were the fol- lowing: length of the mixture tone L a 40 Qzj total length of the column of sorbent 150 eml rate of shift of the mixtu-re zone in the column Y - 0.002 0.01 cm/sec; salt concentration of. the displacing solution c 0.5 NJ "volume capacity" Of "'he szrl~ant I.Z :Zg-eqU_,VSL- 0 ~& lent/mil ac 0~mo 0 0-25 (a - volume of the distance between the grains of sorbent; mo - exchange capacity of displacing solution). It was possible to establish the stabilization of the.distribution of elements in the zone by recording the change in electrical conductivity in various sec- tions. It was found that Aho concenlk-ratizn stai-tt zhaagi:ig at the ends of the zone. This disturbance propagates towa-rd the center of the After a distance of 1.5 m the stationary interf ace between the 4-ons of the-mixture stabilizes. In the experiments, pure lithiu-_ acetate -was placed at the front end of the zone I and rure soiium acetate at 'the --ear end. Similar results were obtained for K Na -Thus, continuous par- titien can be uootl for obt&inirq~ b.-I'th-yar.1-.~ salts. G. V..Samsonov is mentioned. There are 5 figures and 4 references; 3 Soviet and 1 US. Card 3/4 Theory and Practice of Continuous Chromato- S/062 ./60/000/011/004/016 graphy 30131BO78 .ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tokhniaheakiy institut.Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Leningwadskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M. 1. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) SUBMITTED; June 22, 1959 Card 4/4 B7461 S/05 60/030/012/008/011 BOI 9XB056 AUTHORS: Anoshkin, V. A. p Golant, V. Ye.,, W-alian~1494Y Poloskin, B. P., and Shcherbinin, 0. N. TITLE: Microwave Studies of Plasma With "Al'fa'' Research Installation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikiq 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1447 - 1455 TEXT: The authors studied plasma in the research installation "Allfa" with 3-cm and 8-ma waves. Fig.1 shows a block diagram of the measuring arrangement. The studies were carried out at a voltage of 10 and 15 kv at the discharge capacitors (capacity 4600 microfarads), field strengths of the longitudinal field of 180, 360, 540, and 720 oe, and pressures of the hydrogen atmosphere of 2-10-3, 10-3, and 2*10-4 mm Hg. The re- aults concerning the reflection and the passage of radiowaves through plasma were discussed in detail on the basis of oscillograma and dia- grams. From the results obtained by the experiments described, the Card 1/5 87461 Microwave Studies of Plasma With "Allfa* S/057,/60/030/012/008/011 Research Installation B019/BO56 authors conclude that the collective notion of Plasma las a complex character. The Plasma effects irregular vibrations witt frequencies not xceoding 105 cps. It first occurs near the chamber wil~n a concentration : f 1012 ca-3, and later more in the interior. Under tht conditions in- vestigated, no continuous production of plansis, over th( entire crone section was observed. It was further found that near tie chamber wall there exists a region, in which the electron concentralion exceeds the original concentration (4-1 012 ca-3). At pressures of r.ore than -3 10 am Hg and at certain values of the magnetic longi-.udinal field the breakup of Plasma has an ordered character. The br,..-akup has a dura- tion of about 0-5 to 2 microseconds. There are 10 figu:--es and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/5 871161 Miorowave Studies of Plasma With "Al'fa'' S/057/60/030/012/008/011 Research Installation B019/BO56 ASSOCIATION: khnioheakiy in8titut AN SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS USSR). Hauchno- issledovatellskiy institut elektrofizicheakoy apparatury (Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1960 1~1633 S/080,/62/'03-j/009/001/014' D202/D307 AUTHORS: Konstantinov,,'B.P*# and Alimova, I.Ao TITLE: The amalgam exchange of K and Na 'PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiio vo 55, no. c,,, 19620 1908 - 1916 TEXT: The present work is the first of a.-series of studies.concer- Yied with the separation-of alkali *And alkaline eart'. metals by the amalgam exchange method. The exchange of K and Na b;Aween ama 'lgame and aqueous solutions of hydroxides were c4rried ou-,-, in the range- -7 to 600C, The concentrations of the Na, K amalgm 3 were varied between 0.08 and 1o5 N and those of the.aqueous KOFp,NaOH phases between 0.07 and 6.37 N. The distribution coefficient, aq was found to be a function of temperature-and of the concentrations in the two phases, passing through a value of 1, but not exceeding 4.1 (the r~atio a was generally calculated,to be greater than 1). The equili- brium constant of the exchange reaction in the same system was mea- sured as 1.93 � 0.01 at 210C, and the heat of reaction was calcula- ted from its temperature dependence as -3600 cal/mole, The ratios Card 1/2 The amalgam exchange Of K and Na D202/D307 e U of th activity coefficients of Na and K viere measured in the tv7o Phases in dependence on the concentrations of the tw coninone~ts. 2h, exchange current density was Of the order of tens increased linearly with increasing rate of stirring of ka/m and ded "that effective Na-K separation, It is conclu- as: thodp u3ing a m 9 are fe ible by the above me ,ultistage prooess. There are 10 figures and 2 tables. SUB1,4ITTED: June 15, 1961 Card 212 KONSTANTIMOV B.P.; ALIMOVAp I.A. Amalgam exchange between Li - Xp U - Ia. and Li - Ca. Zhur. prikl.khim. 35 no.lOi2266-2271 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Amalgam) I KONSTANTINOV B. P. - TROSH* V. P. - p Measurement of - the trAMPOrt MARbOr of lons relative to the solution. Zhur.prIX.khim. 35 no.11:242u-2426 N f62. (MM 15:12) (Ions-Migration &M velocity) (Solution (Chemistr'y)) KONSTANTINOV,, B.P.; KAYMAKOV, Ye.A. Measuring transfer numbers in aqueous CuC12 solutions, using the method of concurrent observation on the motion of ions and 6f-the solution. Zhur. fis. kh1m. 36 no.4:842-845 AP 162. (Min 15 16) 1. Fisiko-tokhnichosidy institut. (Mass transfer) (Copper chloride) (Ions) KONSTANTINOV, B.P.; KArMAKOV,, Ye.A.; VARSHAVSKAYA, N.L. Use of the Kohlrausch law in determining the transport numbers in solutions of highly concentrated electrolytes. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.5:1028-1034 Yq 162. (MIRA 15:8) .(Electrolyte solutions) (Ions-Migration and velocity) - KONSTANTINOV, B.P.; KAYMAKOV, Ye.A.; VAF6HAVSKAYA, N.L. Use of the Kohlrausch law for determining the transport nmbers in solutions of CuCL2, COC12, ZnCl2J, and CdCl2. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.5t1034,10V Yq 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut, Leningrad. (Iona-Migration and velocity) (Chlorides) KONSTANTINOVO B.P.; RYSKIN, G.Ya.; RYLOV, V.S. --------- Rate of elownt exchange betveen lithium amalgam and KG1 aqueous solution. Zhur.fiz,khim. 36 no.8sl639-1645 Ag 162. (KDLA 15:8) 1. laningradskiy fisiko-tekhaichaskiy institut, ANASSR. (Imalgams) (Potassium chloride) (Electrochemistry) S/056/62/042/002/005/055 B*102/Bi3a AUTHORS: Dragnev, T. N., Konstantinov, B. P. TITLEs Energy and angular distributions of protons from the Ca4l q5 P) K39 reaction with E &aX . 22 Mev PER10DICALz Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy 'Xiziki, V. 42, no. 2, 1962, 344 - 348 TEXTs The authors continue previous studies (DAN SSSR, 126, t234, '959) 2n which they discovered a fine structure in the proton energy distrib-a- L +i 4o 39 on of Ca p) K reactions. The experiments were carried out with the bremsatrahlung of the synchrotranat the Fiziko-tekhn-*Lcheakiy instivat AN SSSR (Physi co technical Institute AS USSR). HYIKOO-~2 (NIKFI-Ya2) naolear emulsions were used for the proton distribution measurements,. The experi- mental arrangement (Fig. 1) provided for high accuracy (---1.5%) and easy evaluation of the results. The apparatus for measuring the doses wa,~ de.- signed by 3. P.Kruglov. Background was less than i% for protons of more Card 1/3 Bnerpy and angular ... 5/05 62/042/002/005/055 B102~B138 Elliott, B. H. Flowers. Proc. Roy. Soc., AU-2, 57, 1957; J. Rotblatt. Na- ture, 165, 387, 1950; R. R. Wilson. Nucl. Inst. -1, 101 , 19571 M. Morita et al. Progr. Theor. Phys. 12, 713, 1954. ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheskiy instit~ut Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk g. Sofiya (Physics.Institute of Bolgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia) SUBMITTEDt July 13, 1961 Legend to Fig. 1: (1) Tar et, (2) ramma ray, (3) emulsion plates, M lead shieldo (5) Pole PiOces, (6) monitor, (7) lead collimator, (8) synchrotron. V/ 7 - "n, -Off loll Card. 3/3