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KALESNIK, Stanislav Vikentlyevich; DOBRON"VOVAY K.O.p red.; , m1ad. red.; LYUBIMOV, I.M., red.; IWILQV VASIKINA, R.S., tekhn. red. [Outline of glaciology] Ocherki gliatsiologii. Moskva# Geografgiz, 1963. 550 P. (MIRA 17:2) LIVOVICH, Mark Isaakovich, prof.; ABRAIN, L.S., red.; KORO -VAIZUK, I.K., mlad. red.; ARDANOVA, N.P., tekhn. red.; VASIKINA, R.S..,' tekhn. red. [Man and water; conversion of the water budget and river runoff] Chelovek i vody; preobrazovanie vodnogo balansa i rechnogo stoka. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 567 p. (MIRA 17:3) GVOZDETSKIY, Nikolay Agdreyevich; MIKWLOV, Nikolay Ivanovich; GALITSKAYA, T.M., red.; KONOVAI.YUK, I.K., mlad. red.; KOSBELEVA, S.M., tekhn.wftW.--` (Physical geography of the U.S.S.R.: Asiatic part] Fizi- cheskaia geografiia SSSR: Aziatskaia chast'' Moskva Geografgiz, 1963. 571 p. (MIRA 17:2~ KOTELTIKOV, Vasiliy Leontlyevich; TUGARINOV, D.11.0 red.; KONOVALYUK, I.K., mlad. red. - I -. (Southern belt of the European U.S.S.R.; a study of its nature) Nzhnaia polosa Evropeiskoi chantl SM; ocherk pri - rody. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 220 p. (MIRA 17:6) MILIKOV, Fedor Nikolayevich; MARGOIZE, Ya.A., red.; KONOVALYUK, I.K., mlad. red. (Natural zones of the U.S.S.R.] Prirodnye zony SSSR. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Mys11,11 1964. 324 p. (MIRA 17:7) ~4 -1 L 14o96- EWT (1) (n) -2/1ETG(m) -6 IJP(c) 'MU/M ACC NR: AT6002847 SOURCE CODE: UR/2754/65/000/004/0149/0165 AUTHOR: Kanovalyuk, 1. P.; Krasillnikov, V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Effect which an edge of,rigidity has on the reflection of a plane acoustic .wave from a thin plate SOURCE: Lenimad. Univer3itet. Problemy difraktali i rasprostraneniya voln, no. 4,. 1965. Difraktsiya i izluchenlye voln (Wave diffraction and radiation), no. 4, 149- -165 TOPIC TAGS: wave mechanics, actiustic propagation, thin plate ABSTRACT: The author considers diffraction of acoustic waves in a liquid by elastic: plates subjected to pure flexure and having so-called edges of rigidity. The unique-, ness theorem for the problem is given. The simplest case is analyzed, i. e. dif- fraction of a plane acoustic wave by an infinite thin plate with a single edge of rigidity. It is assumed that the half-space y < 0 is filled with a liquid of den- sity p0 (the speed of sound is eo) and is separated f-m-m the half-space y > 0 by a Card 1/3 L 14o96-66 ACC HR: AT6002847 thin plate of density p (see figure), thickness H and constant rigidity D. The flexural waves which may be excited in the plate have a wavelength A. Another plate with a finite length in the direction y is rigidly fastened at a right angle to the Z first plate along the line x = 0, y = 0 on the y > 0 side of the half-space. This new plate is called the edge of rigidity with a height b in the direction y. The thickness- es of both plates h and H are of the same order of magnitude and the density of the material for the edge of rigidity is pl. The height of the edge b may be commensurate with the length of flexural waves in the edge, and consequently with those in the piate. It is assumed that h and H are considerably less than A. The boundary conditions for the problem are formulated and the solution is given in the form of an integral equation. This solution is analyzed and numerical calculations show that the edge of rigidity has a comparatively small effect on diffraction of a plane acoustic wave Card 2/3 L 14o96-66 AICC NR: AT6002847 by a plate. The calculations weze done for a a'teel plate with a thickness of 3 CM and an edge of rigidity with a variable thickness. The height of the edge was as- sumed to he constant and equal to 30 cm, I. e. commensurate with the length of a flexural wave in the edge. The frequency of the incident wave from the water was 5 kc. A curve is given showing the effective scattering diametar as a function of thickness of the edge. This curve shows resonance properties and Is made up of the' sum of longitudinal and flexural oscillations in the edge of rigidity. The longitu- dinal waves increase with h fr-am zero to some constant value while the flexural waves pass through extrema. at the points of resonance an the curve. Orig. art. has: g figures, 28 fbrmulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG-REF: 006/ OTH IMF: 001 Card 3/3 1"OULYUK, P. N. ~Xan;=Wetrtc 0 enric contact thermometer of the TRS-120 type. Sakh.prom-30 no-11:31-33 N '56. (NM 10:2) 1.-Klywekly zavod kontrollno-lzmerlteiln7kh priboraw. Ology - allemical products an IjSSR/Chemical Tecbn Industry- Application. Food Abs JOUr Ref Zhur - XhimiYSi No 1, 1958, 2940 Author Konovelyuk) earch~ Institute of the Bead'ng Inst (All_,Union Scientific Res Industry ) see belOW for the VW[U006 Apparatus for Tilermoregulator-Attsebment ent of Materials- Title erndmtion of the Moisture cont Det W. 7, 13-14 konditersk. prom-stv., 1957,ixo Kh1ebopek. OriS pub -am of S t,herMlegulstor attecbment Description and d'agL is extensively utilized Abstract the VNIIDF apparatus that =tent of dou& for jon,of the moisture cC Consists Of for rapid determinst and bread. The therwregulator attachment an elec- in a casine- The panel. cOmPr'ses ints a panel held tmperature pO tric-,--ontact thermoMeter Vith fixed Card 1/2 TeentrallnOYO konstru ktorskoy byurc) U1CrglavprodmaBhdetel-' Card 2/2 XONOVALYUK, P-1. -- r MMMMMww- S,r,gokolov automatic sirup dsugity "thr, Sakh,Pr()m,31 nosleQ~ 40 ft '57- (MM 10:4) I.Ripwaldy s&vod kontrollno-isseritel*nykh priboraw (ZIP) (Sugar lubmtry-Epipmest &w 8(0) SOV/112-59-2-3353 Translation from-, Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 159 -160 (USSR) AUTHOR: Konovalyuk, P. N. TITLE: Reversible -Motor Type Timer (Rele vremeni reversivnoye) PERIODICAL-. Khlebopek. i konditersk. prom-st', 1958, Nr 1, pp 14-17 ABSTRACT: A type RVR timer of the "KIP" factory, Kiyev, is described. The timer can be used for automatic control of various periodic industrial processes, specifically, for the stepless controlling of the conveyer in a bread- baking oven for any period within 15 - 300 sec. The scale factor is 1 11 ec . Duration of on-switching the controlling contact is 1-4.5 sec. An SRD-Z synchronous reversible motor is a fundamental component of the timer. Four- six seconds before the interval expires, a signal lamp lights up; it goes off before the conveyer is started. Two illustrations. B. A. K. Card 1 / 1 KONOV,ILTUK.-P.H. Modernized KV-type vacuum manometer. Sakh. prom. 32 no. 7:17-19 Jy 158. (MIRA llt8) 1. TSentrallnove konstruktorskoye byuro Kiyovskogo sovnarkhoza. (vacuum gauges) SHVAMCA, O.P.;_K(XIOVCW.KI M.3,; PROTSENKO, Ye.G. (Proteenko, IE.H.] Axtomatic control of the nitrosation of phenylh3miroxylamine in the production of Cupferron. Rhim. prom- Mr. no.12 67--68 Ta4fr 163 KM 17 27 1. Vsesoy=7y naucbno-isoledovatellski7 institut monokris- tallov, stsintail7atsiona7kh materialov i osobenno chistykh khimicheakikh veshchostvo U., 7 , N. . _'I 1: t i k ". I j! 1 1;.'".Avh, ~ . tl t.;"" -, Vc.v. .".'! , ~ , c . '. ~ : , , _.; [~' :.. - . j - i'i' I ~ . _' 1. '1 , . SpEctrographic analysIs of hearths, basic slags of open-hearth furnFICC-3. and chromium-magnesite refractorles. Zfw. lab. 30 no.9;1n6-1092 '64. (MIRA ip~-3) 1. Kozakirskiy metallurgicheskly zavad. KONOVETS, V.M..p PODOFOZHNA-YA, R.P., TRTFONOVA, V.P., PETHOVICH, YU. A. (USSR) "Tnvestif-ation of some Properties of Collafvnous Proteins with the Aid of Isotopic and ChromatoCraphic I'llothocls." Report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Con[Tess, Moscow, 10-16 AuC. 1961. KOKOTATS. V.K. 0000W. otein and amino said countent of hard dental tissue in pyorrhea Iveclaria. Stowtologlia 37 no.1:26-28 Ja-F '58- (KIRA 11:3) : . Is biokhimichookogo otdals (sav. TusA,Petrovich) Ukrainskogo nouctino-iseledovateliskogo inatituta atowtologii (dir. K.I. Kukhareva) (PROUINS IN THU BODY) (AKIMO ACIDS) (TRUTH) FODOROINNAYA, 11.11. [PodorozhnA, R.11.);.KONOWTS, V.M. 'I.!' Incorporation of glycine-C,11' in the protein of te.3',b and bolles of cats in postnatal ontogenesis. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 34 no.l-~70-80 t62. (miaik 17:5) L. Ukrainian Research Institute of SI.omatology, Odessa. Ll KONOVETS,, W. M' 09 CAND 810 SCIS_ 0 1 OTE If SUBSTANCES Of THE HARD TISSUES OF re THE ALVEOLAR PROCESS,i~UNDER CONDITIONS OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PA- THOLOGYo (AMINO-ACIO COMPOSITIONt INCLUSION Of GLYCINE - G 14 *ND METHIONIHE - S 5)o ODES$ Al 1960, (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC Eo UKSSR, OD934A STATE UNIV 10 1. 1. MEC"NIKOV). (KL, 2-619 204). KONOVETS, V.M.. [lonovetelt V.M.],- PETROVICH, Tu.A. [Petrovych, IU.0.1 Incorpastion of glycine-C14 into the protein of hard tissues of the tooth and the bow of the alveolar process of the maxilU in dystrophy* Mr. biokhim. shur. 32 no.4:537-550 160. (Km 130) 1. Biokbialchealcip labomtorip Ukrain3kogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo instututa stomatolo iijo Odessa. (GUICS nl'"ASWI (PROTEIN METABOLLSK) FEMOVICH, Yu.A. (Odessa); SAPOGOVSKAYA, T.I. (Odessa); KOROVETS. V.111. (Odessa); PODORIJZHWAYA, R.P. (Odessa); TRIFONOVA, V.P--(~es;a) Rntry of labeled etms into the tissues of the tooth a.-Id the paradentim. Probl.stom. 6s132-:L3? 762,, ( *,kaLl 10/ 3 3 ) (TEETH) (ISOTOPES-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (GUMS) 06273 9(2) SOV/107-59-6-37/50 AUTHOR: Konovich, L, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: LF Amplifiers Without Output Transformers PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 6, pp 41-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes three IF amplifiers without output transformers. An editorial note preceding this article says that in the USSR and abroad, research is bein- con- ducted for designing amplifiers without output trans- formers. Such amplifiers produce very small frequency distortions. It may be expected that Soviet radio re- ceivers of the higher classes will be built without out- put transformers in the future. First, the author ex- plains three basic push-pull amplifier circuits for .-,,1,iCh tubes 6P18P mav be used. In the future, a special tube will be producbd for such amplifiers, A list of loud- speakers which may be used with such amplifiers is shown in a table: 4GD-5, 5GD-16, 3GD-11, 2GD-6, 1GD-17, and Card 1/3 06273 SOV/107-59-6-37/50 IF Amplifiers Without Output Transformers VGD-2o The author explains an IF amplifier with a 6N2P tube in the preamplifier stage and two 6P18P in the Push-pull Output stage. The circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2t the frequency characteristics in Figure 3. Two 2GD-6 woofers and two 1GD-17 tweeters are ubed. The sensitivity of t-he amplifier is 230 millivolts. -The acoustical system develops a sound pressure of 10 bar. Negative feedback of 19 db is Used. A two-channel amplifier with a Common preampli- fier stage was developed for receivers of the highest class- Its circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4. The frequency characteristi' c isshown in Figure 5. A 6N2P tube is used in the pre amplifier. Each of the two Output channels consists of one 6N2P and two 61118P tubes. The sensitivity of the amplifier is 0.2 volts. Negative feedback of 21 db is used for the higher frequency channel and 28 db for bhe lower frequency channel. T~,jo Card 2/3 06273 SOV/107-59-6-37/50 LF Amplifiers Iffithout Output Transformers 5GD-16 woofers and three VGD-2 tweeters are used. The output of both channels is 6 watts. Finally, the author describes a third version of an amplifier without an output transformer. Itscircuit diagram is shown in Figure 6 and the frequency characteristics in PiGure 7. Combined feedback is used. Negative feedback is employed in the driver and the output stages. Positive feedback is used inthe driver stage. This arrangement reduces the nonlinear distortions to 0.50115 at an output of 7 watts. The amplifier will reproduce frequencies from 20 cps to 100 kc. The driver stage consists of a 6N2P and the push-pull output stage of two 6Pl8P tubes. There are 6 circuit diagrams and four graphs. Card 3/3 POLYAROV, S.p doktor tekhn.naukt KOVOT)DCHENKO, V. inzh. Econor-tcal brick blokeo. Sol" atroi. 15 no.1:20-22 Ja (Building blocks) 161. (MIRA 14:3) -Alty~jk POLYAKOV, SiryatoDlav VatAllyovich, doktor tvkhn.nauk; UNOV-00 Qj_ Viktor Illich, inzh.; KRALAFYAIITS, N.M., red.izd.-va., RUDAKOVA, N.Ls [Strength and deformation of vibrated brick panels and otlier efficient types] Prochaost' i deformatsii sbornykh vibrokirpichnykh i effektivnykh kladok. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. I stroit.materialam, 1961. 147 p. (Akademi,ta -truitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut stroitellafth konstruktaii. Nauchnye soobahoheniia, noel5). (14M l5sW (Brick walls-Testing) KON0VODOj B. P. and GINZBURG, B. M. I "Forecast Methods of Ice Cover Braking of Ob YenisW. Tr. Tsentr. in-ta, Proonozov, No 40p Pp 56-61p 1955* The causes of cracking of the ice cover of rivers flaming from the south to the north are analyzed. Observations of positive air tempera- tures are considered essential. (RZhFiz, No 11, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 KONOTODOT, D.P. - ~~ ~ -, ~ Iffect of reservoirs an the te"rature and moisture of the air over then before the freezing wA cleaning periods. Trudy TS1P U0050:63-100 t57. (KERA 10:8) (Reservoirs) (meteorology) &1'111~ KMI OVm br Geogr Sci (dies) -- "Irrvestlgation under natural con- ditions of changes in the temperature and. hmidity of the air over reservoirs (during the period. of autumn cobling and the spring melting of lee)". Mloscov, 1958- 9 pp (YAIn Admin of the Hydromotoorological Sorvice, Council of Mtnintex's USSR, Central Inst of Weather Forecasting), 150 coPies (n, No 4, 1959, 122) S/194/61/000/011/070/070 D271/D302 AUTHOR: Konovskiy. A.G. TITLE: The method for translating subscriber numbers in a manner suitable for the switching operations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1961, 8-9, abstract 11 L41 (Tr. nauchno-telft. konferentsii Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi, no. 1, L., 1961t 73-80) TEXT: The capacity of the electronic telephone exchange with pulse-code modulation which is in development in the Leningrad Electrotechnical Telecommunications Institute is divided in 32 line concentratirs, each with 256 subscribers, i.e. the total capacity /I) is < 10,000 lines. Four-digit numbering should be adopted for this capacity. Switching processes in the exchange require, however, 5 digits for determining the concentrator arid the subacrLbcr number in it. The need, therefore, arises to translate 4--digit numbers Card 1/2 ZOVMG~~;-Wh=q Relep rsdaktor; IMOVKIIA, N.A.. tekhzichemkiy --owww"OKor [fte Q~Slpment of balarie's] Oborculawants, khlebopekarnykh predpilatil. Moskva, Pishchepromisdat, 1954, 275 pe [KlcroflW (XIM 80) (Dakan mA bakeries) MARKHELI, Pavel Sillvestrovicht kand. tekhn. nauk; PETROVA, Nina, Nikolayevam, nauchnyy sotr.; RUSINVA, AlskAwdra Viktorovas, nauchn. sotr.; IZMAIL, Lyadmila Mikiforovaa,-nauchn.-votr.; BABUSHKIN, Aleksey Illich, mast4ir po remoata; IVANOT,*Tiktor Tikhonevich, pachnik; ALEKSAND""" Vladimir Mefodfyevich, 0 Yo'lodovich inzhomekhLaik; insh.; &ONOTMEYI-SUalop av tsw --~- . red. PRIMINAt L.A., red.; KISINA, Ye.1.92~- to [Handbook an the overhauling of bakery equipment] Spravochnik po kapitallaosu rmontu khlebopekarzogo, oberudovanita. Moskva,, Rishchepromisdat, 1963. 307 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1, Moicbw. TSentrallmyy sauchmo-looledovatollskiy inatitut khlabbpekarnoy promyshlemosti. Leningradskaye otdolemiye, 2. '--- 1 9W-**WW&tW9k*wWkL-, organizataii prolzldf- stva I trade Lonimpadsk6g-o otdolemiya. TSentrallaisp nauchao- iseledovateltakage instituta khlebopekarsoy promyshlesposti (for Markher!). (Bakeries-Equipment and supplies) (Food machinery-Maintewmee and repair) tc, KONOTRROCKI, A. 'Tniversal Implements." P. 7; (ROCZ-NM WXKROLNICZYCH. SERIA C4ECHM1IZACJI, VOL. O~, No. 11 1153, Warsav, Poland). SO: Montbly List of East Eurpean Acession, Library of Congress, Vol 2 no 10, Oct 1953, Uncl KONMTROCKI, A. . . "rP Testing Fertilizer Spreaders,* P. 5& (ROCZNIKI ILAWK ROL71ICZYGd, Vol. 66 No. 2, 1953. %Tarszawa, Poland) SO: Mcnthly List of East European Accessions, (EEA.L). LC, Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl, f- - - C.~ C -1 , - ~j7 KON,Ct4R-OCKI,-- ALEKSANDER. MaszyrW i aparaty do ochrony roslin. (Wyd. 1.) Warszawa, Panstwowe Ilydawn. Rolnicze I Leane, 1954. 313 p. (Machin63 and apparatus for plant protection. 1st ed.Y' DA Not in DIZ Poland SO: MONTHLT INDEX OF EAST EMOPEAN ACCESSIONS (EM) LC, VOL- 7. NO. 1, JAN. 1958 T~~ _701-1 i v- ~-. i ) --- . - --- - - - "Some reasons for no achievements in cross-seeding potatoen.fl Nowe Rolnictwo, Varsaw, Vol 3, No 71 July 1954, p. 67 SO: Eastern Eruopean Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress KON(Y,iIROCVI, AIEKSANDER. Maszyny i narzedzia do upraior lak i pastwisk. U. u-Id.) Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne. 1955. 3.15 P- (Machines and implements for the cultivation of meadows and pastures. 1st ed.) DA Not in EU SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EBAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. IMMOMM-4. ---- Budowa i naprava maesyn I narzedzi rolniczych (Building and repair or agricul- tural machines and tools) by A, Kenowrocki. Reported in Now Books (Now Kadaski.) February 15, 19569 No* 4a KC.!C'.-,RMJ, A. A,~K, CU LTU RE periodicals: NOWE ROUICTL*0 Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 19510 KONO'~JTRCCKI, A. Principal, problems of the pia~nnedcbvelopment of the mechan~ization (-L' agriculture. I. p. 12. I%Ionthly List of East Luropean Accessions (EMI) LC Vol. FY no. 5 Eav ? , " . . -)59, Unclass. Urices cf ag-ricultural mAchinerr and the foundations of the development of the mechanization of agricultur-n. ,). (47. ROUNJCT'~70. J,11 (Panstwoure V~rdawnictwo Rolnicze i Dm-sne) 'I* rszawa, Poland. '101. S. no. 23, D~'c- 1959. Monthly list of rmst European Accessions (F7AI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1S160 Uncl. PEOPLIGHKO.A.P.; KONOYKO.K.A. Nature of the development of contemporary lakes in pent bogs In the White Russian S.S;R. Trudy Inst.torf. AN BSSR no.2:200-202 153. (KIRA 8:11) (White Russia-Peat bogs) (White Russia--Iakes) PIDOPLICHKO, A.P.; EDMYED, K*A. of the raw supply resources for the Results Of i*i manufacture of waz from peat. Trudy Inst. torf. AN BSSR 6:96-109 '57. 11:7) (Peat) (Osocerits) --- 41, PIDOPLICHKOp A.P.; PIGULEVSKAYAi L.V.; KONOYKOp M.A.; CHISTOVA, L.R. Comparative estimate of the natural. resources of raw bituminous peato Trudy Inst. torfs. AN BSSR 7:73-499 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Peat) PIDOPLICHKO, A.P.; KONOYXD,-~~XA.- 4: ......... . Time of forsation and featurns of the development of peat bogs and lakes In the White Russian S.S.R. during the Holocene. Dokl.AN BSSR 3 no.11:456-168 N 059. (14IRA 13:4) 1. Predstavlano, pkademikom AM SSSR LL Lukashevym. (White Rusels,-Paleogeography) 'T'TL -At _1 Genenis and stratigraphy of cornplexes olf M. the upland peat deposit-s of the northwest parts of I-Ailto Trudy Inst. torf. AN BSSR 9,216..,221. 260. (Iff-FRU 14-~"_)) (White Ru.3.,;ia- --Peat bogs) KOPIOYKO, M.A.; PIDOPLICHRO, A.P. Origin of peatlintercalations of a higher decomposition degree in the highmoor deposits of Wite Russia. Dokl. AN BSSR 5 no.10: 462-464 0 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut torfa AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR K.I.Lukashevym. (White Russia--Peat bogs) Aff -- - - KOROYK0, M.A. Developmental characterintics of raised r-3at bogs in the Disna Lowland. Bot.; issl. Bel. otd. VBO no.6284-95 1614. (KRA 180) VOW M. D. Konoz,, M. D. -- Investigation-of the Influence of Technological Factors on the Strength of Dinas Brick at High Amperatures." Kin HLgher Education U&SR, Khar1kov Polytechnic Inst Imeni. V. I. Ianin, Khar1kov, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SOt Knishnoya Istopis'. No 24, 11 June 1955., Moscow, Pages 91-104 KOITOZY P. F. : Miater Agric Sci (diss) -- "The selection and ty-pen of mixturon of trees for the Protective foreut strily, alo,.V. tlli-) (10-utio of the T t L I., . nfmle a irrigation syetem". jOiarlkov, 1.958. 2~ --up (Wn Higher Educ Ukr SSR, narlkov order of Labor Red Banner Agric Inst. im V. V. Dokuchayev), 200 copien (KL, yo 5, 1959, 157) A s 6 1 1 1 to it a I) M1114 [tie "&'Ila 03d5 24021110 Iall an Mil it ly Is p 4~ i ~ 41 Q &I a a It r .0 A v ~ A W CC PO 94,- b, -1.,A, a 1. V.- -Vi 0 , , -!!0o 00 A csota~ I 00 I -,CttSl$ A~ -OCIF.I'l ---- --- -00 00 no kwA Ogb"y sftd " cmpkx ajjsc,,g. j. 1) ;-0o j IC-Q --PMb- J. FlOd. Thawn. Pkys. (U. S. ,, R.) 7 00 tan a Th wime WWII WO Studied at 147.15-18111- and A 1 ;~00 dlPff"Gee Of Me W* Owest -0 it- ek%-. field was 00 OO .A.: 1`MW- Wbts 0 - CIA a SAtittky dfeet 6 1.1t I 00 U! kWO-0-2crO.441viltwmtbnvftomarobvrv~tii. 1-00 :4 Rallinvann .00 00 lt:~ 1 -00 a5m" d so Okeftk &M sm dw mudace limewticis of 06 V a%= a Ow surb" of tuag"". 1. 1). ~, RsJW. Thwild. PAyj. (Lt. S. S. R.) 9. : v =so go J I .- a K. studied the wriwe icluilation of I 1 4 00 000. Alum ME t ( ll-wiNtOd W Nil" (of 1votolli-d Kt-lifiellt'k 4 of oi o - 4 to rive i4riit i,,,, tint i i% of ItmeW 1riwC&Cl of theoMrritail field, incrmqnq the ion roo Clit"Ut. an evastiWE suflaces. is illtrTinctrti as all ionic Srhollby Marc. The Lartirtnuirliaha twirmIA in opi,li- 00 mbk for V4 > V.; the jo,njula 4 1 %.t,_t 11, ~rdwt cat The AM on the surttii- tortitatiou 1. Inver thnit 0 0= that 01 11tw4ulis. Chi palliLill, Ctlvvtvtl uslat-V% the 'Cis 2 com" at distributed as islands. Do-idtions front thc 000 StbOttkY kw when I > 0 > 0 we interivircted as due to live OUT(SM ", they livay also tesult in the leltion of Clection t2oo 00 :1 11% figs. sbklw the expl 1. rV.Silt 4. F. 11. R. too* t:oo Doi' flog of A a. St. A vlTALLt;RGKAL LITIMIATWE CLASIWICATPCP tie* two t t" 1 10 44#Z.J it 4-1 -,i -j it 11,00,44f w011101 , , 14 0 ad 0 4 l" 04 - 6 * Z o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a : : : : : : 6 6 : 0 0 o o o o : *00-0-0000 0 0:0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 009 0 K011113Z ENO i. b. UM/Phyaics CardA Authors I Kanosenko,, I. Do Title The physics of thin metallic and sani-conductive layers, The struc- ture and electrical-properties of motals and send-conductor3 in thin layers. Periodical t Usp. Fit. flauk. 52,, Ed. 4,, 561 - 602,, April 1954 Abstract The electrical properties of thin leye" of metals or semi-conductors should not be considered separately from the problem concerning the structure of the layer, Not only the electrical but all physical proporties of the layer depend upon the conditions of its derivation because tho latter conditions determine the structure of the layer. The structure of very fine metal and serd-conductivo layers depends upon many factors and above all upon: a) the nature of the pulverized -liner .metalt,b) nature of the undo. , c) tomporature of underliner# d) rate of condensation of the layer, e) thicknoss of layer. An increase in the thickness of the layer is follov--d by a change in- the atrutture of the substance which forms the layor. Ont, typa of lattice M, y convert into another, and wa have an allotropic conTorsion. Ninety nine roforc=3. Tables# graphs. Institute t J'! d v 7d ",t!0 - -r, ,at Abstract: Electronographic investigation haa shown . la nesses of 500-11000 R, obtained by sublimation, have a polycrystalline configuration and a structure of the type of sphalerite with a para- meter (a) of 6,465 JR. The conductivity cr has been investigated over the temperature range of -80 to 3000, i.e., in the region of mixed conductivity. The starting specimen exhibited n-conductivity, Vnereas the InSb films exhibited p-conductivity. Upon heating), recrystallize- tion occurs in the films and after tempering at 1500, the'films become stable and their electrical properties become reversible. The Card V2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 1) 1957p 256 Abstractt investigation of the absorption spectra of 1,000 thick films was carried out at 200. In the region A ZZ 2-P151A it is similar to the spectrum obtained fram macrosamples with a small shift of the absorp- tion maximum in the direction of shorter wavelengths. Card 2/2 KONOYJNKO I-D-- IIIKUOVSKIT. S.~. Structure Ud electric propertlpi,,of indium antimonide in thin layers. Isve Ali SSSR-38r.fiz. 20 nool2:1486-14go D 1560 (KM 10:3) I- hAtitut fisiki Akedemit nauk USSR. (IndiuM &Utimonide--Zlectric properties) A/ e 2_ -2 57-8-8/36 AUTHORS Konozenko I.D.t Ustlyanoy TITLE -an---zfl-ea-t-rl-c-al--I>roperties of the Lead-Antimony System. (0b elektricheskikh evoyetyakh sistemy svinets-Burlma-Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz.9 1957,Vol 27, Hr 8, pp 106-1694 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The authors state that alloys formed on the basis of solutions with variable compositions have electric properties which are, to their full extent,dependent on the state of primary solutions in alloys..The authors show that the electric conductivity of the alloys is a function of the component-concentration as well as of the heat conditions of the alloys. The dependence of the electric conductivity of an 10 alloy on the temperature shows clearly the infl-dence of the number of dissolved atoms on the magnitud* and on the charactar of the electric conductivity. It is assumed that antimony in the lead-antimony system plays the role of an anion former. The dissolution of lead in antimony and of antimony in lead decreases the number of charge carriers for a-,B-solutions and for the eutectic mixture. The measurement of the hall-effect proved the assumption that the number of carriers decreases with the drop of temperature. The mobilityettdetermined by means of the hall- effect measurements passes through the maximum of temperature in the interval investigated. The thermo-e.m.f. of the alloys situated close to the autectic mixture, with 40 66,LV/degrees, decreases with the rise of temperature. In the 1:1 alloy the thermo-e.m.f. increa- Card 1/2 ses in the case of heating; this takes place especially qaickly On Electrical Properties Of the Lead-Antimorly System. 57-8-8/36 starting with the 2t2 fold reverse temperature and reaches a limit value of 16o/,WV/degrees. Theauthors show that the thermal coeffi- cient of resistance of 10 alloys reaches the magnitude Of 3% /de- gree at room temperature. Its value above 2460C proves the stead- "less of the SY-Stelil-conditiona, (12 illustrations and 9 Slavic referelloeq). ASSOCIATION KbW Institute for Physics of the Academy Of Science of the Ukrainian $SR. (Inatitut fiziki AN JjSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED July 24, 1956 AVAILABLE Library Of Congress. Card 212 AUTHORSt Konozenko, 1. D., Khaykina, R. M. 57-28-4-21/39 TITLEs On P. A. Kurovis Letter (Reference 1) "On the Problem of the Structure and the Properties of Layers Obtained by Evaporation of InSb in a Vacuum" (Po povoda pialma P. k. Kurova (1) 111K voprosa o strukture i svoystvakh sloyev, poluchayushchikhsya pri isparenii InSb v vakuume.") PERIODICALi Zhurnal Tekhnicheakoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 4,- pp. 789-791 (USSR) ABSTRkCTs In his letter (Ref,,rence 1) P. A. Kurov maintains that in reference 2 "the authors could not have obtained'~ thin InSb-layers, but that instead of InSb they had investigated the properties of thin antimony-layers." Such a categorical statement seems unfounded, as no. computation of the electronograph is given in reference 2. During the performance of the electronographic investim gation of the InSb-structure by the authors the electronow graph did not operate with the maximum voltage of 40, but with a voltage of,--37,5 kV and the constant of the in- Card 1/2 strument in this case is equal to 21,72. These data are On P. A. Kurov's Letter (Reference 1) "On the Problem 57-28- A- -Y9-- of the Structure and the Properties of Layers Obtained by Evaporation of InSb in a Vacuum" not given in reference 2. Kurov did not know them and should therefore not have drawn any conclusions on the electronograph. Table 1 here gives the complete computa. tion of the lecetronogram to fig-dre 1 (identical with figure 1 in reference 2). Table 2 gave the computation of the electronograph in figure 39 obtained at-40kV. Kurov is asked to draw more correct conclusions on ihe basis of these tables. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 3 references, all of which are Soviet. ISSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki USSR) Kiyev (Kiyev, Institute for Physias, Ukrainian SSR)~ SUBMITTED.- November 21, 195T Card 2/2 AUTHORS: TITLE: P;':-.RIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 112 KnnniPnknf _I. ~D., Ust."Yanov, V. I., SOT57-~8-7-6/35 Kedrov, V, P., Absorption of the Gamma-Ray Emission of Cobalt-60 in Cadmium Sulfide (Pogloshcheniye gamma-izlucheniya koballta-60 v sernistom kadmii) Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 26, Nr 7, PP,, 1397 - 1401 (USSR) The linear absorption factor of the pressed powdery cadmium sulfide was determined in dependence on the pressing effect. It is shown that at pressuresof more than 104 kg/cm2 the factor remains practically constant and equal to 0,184 cm- 1~ i. e. close to the theoretical 2 value,, The linear factor of the pressed (P - 11 300 kg/cm crystalline cadmium sulfide was determined as being equal 1 to 0,189 cm" . It is shown that also this value is close to the theoretical valued The mass absorption factor2 of cadmium sulfide was meaaurad immediately (0,042 cm 1g) and determindd as sum of the mass absorption factors Absorption of the Gamma-Ray Emission of CobzJt-60 SOV/57-28-7-6/35 in Cadmium Sulfide of the components (0,047 cm 21g). The results agree well. The mean path of the gamma quanta of cobalt-60 in cadmium sulfide was determined as being equal to 5,3 cm, and the thickness of the hall attenuation in the cadmium sulfide with 3,6 cm for the quanta of this energy,; There are 5 figures and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: institut fiziki All USSR Kiyev .(Institute of Physics IAS Ukrainian SSA' Kiyev) SUBMITTED: November 25, 1957 1, Cadmium sulfide--Absorptive properties 2. Cobalt isotopes (Radioactive)-,.-Applications 3. Gamma radiatiop--Chemical effects Card 2/2 :14( 4) PHASE I Vvidemlya nAUX Ukratna.y ;.:n. jn.L.Lz;A_ rL_jkj POtoelektricheakiyt, 1 apt1,,jn,kjyq yayeflly, j pultip, dn ,Q igakh, trJAV p4rvago vsesn7uzzuoA~ Azviaht.-"nI;a po roto~1-trIone3kIn Z OptlaheSkiz 7MVI.nIYAM v pa1uprnvOdnLkikft. 9. K17eW. 20-26 noY&brra 1957 9 (PnOtOelft4cric ani Optical Pn&nr~,Aa In Semi- conductors; Tran044tiOn3 Or tne Virac Conrr~nce an Photoelectric and Optical Fhenom-ina In 3-:miconauqt-ora... ) Klyev. 1295-3. 403 P. 4.000 copies print~4. &4ditLonal Sponsoring Agency; Akadnalya nauk =SR. Prezidluia. YONIOGLY& po poluprovo4nik=. Xd. of Publishing Houses 1. V. Kleine. Tarh. Ed.: A. A. X3tvs7cr=k j Reap. 114.1 V, Ye. Lashkarev, Acad~lajxn, Ukralnian =Rs Acadaity of 301encoa. rURPOSEt Ibis book Is Intended for cclantinta in Clio field of sam-1- conductor prtyalca solid 5"to apectraacopy. and aemiranductor devices. The aciiectLon w-,rr -s=.4*nts in universities And Institutes or higher'tdennical training apecIallstng in the physicz and technical application or saal- 1 ~41 COURAOXI Jha collection contains reports and InforeatLon bulletin# (the letter are Indicated by 45tnr1Av* read at the First All- Union Conference on Optic1l anl Fho-~lactrlc. fhcnom*~& In Semi- conduntars. A wid* scope or problems In semiconductor physics and technology are considereds photoconductivity, pftGr~electro- motive forces, optical properties, pnotoolectria calls and photoresistars, the action& of hard an,4 corpussular radlations, the properties or thin fIlc:3 and COMPICZ 3MIconductor systems, sto. ?he materials %sere pmpared Car publication by Z. Z. RashbQy, 0. V. SnIckc, X. B. Tolpygo, A. P. Lz4bchcnk*pxnd M. K. _Sheynkmzn. References and discussion rallow each art4zle. 7M (coot.) WT/3140 botoelectric and Optical ph" 233 .,A =Orln'j lnrra_r~d Conductivity Sp*o tz%w of 237 k in& ulfI-. rum of Tw- 240 inrra-r*d Conductivity 3pect -E;-d-3uLr' 'Dt'L.&d Telluride n1a's as SMa S in 11*atrical. 0 b 378T'M 245 4Lnd,- 30r ~-' n 111AS of the A.1-3 rhOto.jectric Propirt-08 0 ONMCTORS FORM IN 3=0 tore WIt32 R1.0tron EXChonige at 301MIcand-0 _TAZ02'_n'.'- I *ul.2 i) Ad-clbsd no @a tj" Force* 268 It c. .h.tLas or Photat00ro" Smiccaduotcrs I, gos V. 1. Votly"ov-, Ithe AUTHORS: TITLE: 3 9 S/058/6Z/000/004/155/160 A061/A101 Akhvlediani, Z. G., Konozenko, I. D., Ustlyanov, V. I. G-oonductivity of CdS pERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 3 - 4, abstract 4-4-6yu (V sb. "Potoelektr. i optioh. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh", Kiyev, AN USSR, 1959, 389 - 395) TIM: Experiments conducted to investigate the secondary conductivity of CdS single crystals and polycrystals under the action of gamma radiation are described. Specially prepared US single crystals and polycrystals wer trans- ferred to a darkroom. The temperature was varied from 83 to 3330K. C090 was used as the gamma source. The volt-ampere characteristics of CdS single crystals and polycrystals at different gamma dose rates and temperatures, the dosimetric characteristics at various temperatures, the relaxation characteristics at various dose rates and temperatures, and the volt-ampere dark characteristics were taken. It was inferred from experimental results that the gamma current was due to the energy of Compton electrons capable of displacing the lattice ions. This dis- placement can be related to the formation of an active center which vanishes Card 1/2 KONOZINKO, I.D.; USTITANOV. V.1. Cu crystals as the receivers of Canns, rays. Fix.tyer.tela 1 no,l--0%-94 Ja 159, (MIRA 12-4) 1, Institut flstkl AN Me Kiyov. (Caftim waf Ide) (Gmua rays) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5432 Konozenko, Ivan Dmitriyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences Deystviye yadernykh Izluchenly na fizicheakiye svoystva tverdykh tel; radiatsionnaya fizika tverdogo tela (Effect of Nuclear Radiation on the Physical Properties of Solids; Radiation Physics of Solids) Kiyev, 1960. 39 P. (Series: Obshchestvo po rasprostranenlyu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znaniy Ukrainskoy SSR. Serlya V, no. 13):20,800 copies printed. Responsible Ed.: V. I. Strizhak,, Candidate of Physics and Math- ematiese Ed,-, M. V. Tuboleva. IF, I FURPOSE: This booklet is Intended for readers interested In the effect of nuclear radiation on matter. COVERAGE: The author discusses in simple language the basic con- cepts of nuclear radiation, giving special attention to the changes which materials undergo under the effect of radiation, The principal nuclear particles and the physical mechanism of Card 1/2 vara --2/2- JA/d"/ee 7-20-61 82551 S/181/60/002/007/031/042 ? '0 0 B006/BO60 AUTHORS- Konozenkog I. D., Ust9yanovq V. I.s: Galushka, A. P. TITLE: The Conditionsfor the Occurrence of Gamma Conductivity in US Single Crystals ilk PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2. No. 7, PP. 1584-1591 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of temperature on the electrical conductivity of CdS single crystals with the aim of exploring the nature of the conductivity stimulated by gamma radiation.19The temperature de- pendenoe of the dark conduction of crystals prior to and after their ir- radiation with gamma raysq and the thermostimulated conductivity due to illumination or gamma irradiation of the crystal were investigated. The measurements were made w;th a cryostat which is schematically shown in Fig. I and described. Co0O of 300 millicuries served as the gamma source, and the maximum intensity amounted to - 3000 pr/sec. For the measurement of the temperature dependence of condueti-vity, the crystals were previously heated in darkness for I hour at 100 0C, and then cooled, in darkness, down to nitrogen temperature. Depending on the duration of the growth or of the Card 1/4 82551 The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma S/181/60/002/007/03i/042 Conductivity in CdS Single Crystals B006/BO6O drop -~f the photocurrentg the crystals were subdivided into two groups: in the first group this period was several seconds, and in the second it was fractions of a second. Fig. 2 shows tan I dark ' f(103/T) for specimens of the first group. In the range of 166.67 - 250 0X conductivity increases only slightly with temperature. In thiE range, 6E , of the various specimens was between 0.08 and 0-14 ev. At higher temperatures the climb becomes suddenly steeper (some curves exhibit a salient point), and AE 2 was be'. twoon 006 and 00a ev (A E denotes the depth of the impurity centers). Fig.3 shows tho same for crystals of the sooobid group. For this, a io praotioul.- ly independent of temperature up to 485 K, while at higher temperatures there is a steep rise; all these curves exhibit a salient point. With a now to ohooklnp, the exiatenoe of local trap-like centers and to determin- ing their depth, the authors studied the thermostimulated conductivity of the various specimens. For gamma-sensitive crystals, current maxima were found at 175 and 290 - 3150K (Fig. 4), whereas gamma-insensitive ones had a maxim-am only in the last-mentioned range. The levels responsible for the peak at 3000K are located (as had been calculated by means of formula (2)) Card 2/4 82551 The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma 3/181/60/002/007/031/042 Conductivity in CdS Single Crystals M6/Bok 0.45 ev below the bottom of the conduction band. The results are finally discussed in great detail. Gamma absorption is mainly due to Compton scattering (92%), but also to photoeffect and pair Production. The quantum yield was found to attain 10D electrons per gamma quantum. The gamma- induced conductivity ( Ai -13a) is mainly due to impurity centers jo (shallow traps) and donor centers located near the bottom of the conduo tion band. Additional experiments -sere undertaken in order to test the role played by shallow traps in gamma conductivity. These traps can be caused by the introduction of bisatith impurities, as is shown by the appearance of peaks (Figs. 7, 8). Finally, the role played by shallow traps and donor oenters in the mechanism of the formation of gamma current is discussed, and the following mechanism is assumed: the Compton electrons arising on the scattering of gamma quanta are exciting carriers from band to band, exoitons as vell as electrons from lower atomic shells. In the case of the existence of shallow trapsv excitons can decay into negatively charged centersp and this decay is followed by a transition of electrons into the conduation band..The authors thank V. K. Lashkarev, Academician of the AS UkrSSR as well as M. K. Sheynkman for discussions. There are 8 figures and 11I references: 6 Soviet and 5 US- Card 3/4 82551 The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma S/181/60/002/007/031/042 Conductivity in CdS Single Crystals Boo6/Bo6o ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics of the AS UkrSSR5 Kiyev e SUBMITTED: July 309 1959 Card 4/4 255dl S/185/60/005/002/018/022 -q4-,7 766 01M J '7 1 /6 3 r) D274/D304 AUTHORS: Konozenko, I.D., Ustlyanov, V.I. and Galushka, A.P. TITLE: On the nature of gamma-ray conductivity in cadmium- sulfide crystals PERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy.zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 276-277 TEXT: The fact that rf-conductivity is found in certain crystals only of cadmium,,sulfide, makes the physical processes involved more difficult to understand. Thus, owing to non-homogeneous composition of such crystals in the vapor phase, an extraordinary spread in the values of the dark resistivity of the crystals is observed. The author obtained single'crystals of cadmium sulfide by a method (Ref. 3: E. Grillot, Compt. Rend., 242, 779, 1956) which yielded more hom- ogeneous crystals; the spread of dark resistivity did not exceed an order of magnitude of 1.5. These crystals can be divided into two groups according to the lag in their photoconductivity. To the first group belong the crystals for which an 80% rise (or drop) in Card 1/3 2558,1 S/185/60/005/002/018/022 On the nature of gamma-ray... D274/D304 photocurrent takes place in tens of seconds. An investigation of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for this group showed the presence of impurity centers with following activa- tion energy: donor-levels with AE from 0.4 to 0.12 eV, and from 0.5 to 1.2 eV; trapping-levels with AE3 from 0.08 to 0.13 eV, and from 0.5 to 1.2 eV. To the second group belong crystals which have no trapping levels with activation energy from 0.13; for this group the rise (or drop) in photocurrent takes place in a few seconds. It is noted that first-group crystals show a decrease in electrical resistivity under the effect of 'Y -radiation; they are called I -sensitive. The crystals of the second group are not' T -sensitive. Hence the author considers that the trapping centers with small attivation energy have an important role in the genera- tion of I-conductivity. It can be assumed that the Compton ele- ctrons excite the carriers and the. excit3ons 1. the latter, can in- crease the carrier concentration in the conductivity zone, i.e. lead to 't -conductivity. A. Rose (Ref. 5: Phys. Rev., 97, 1543, 1955) and (Ref. 6: Poluprovodnikovyye preobrazovateli energii iz- lucheniya, IIL, 1959 (Semiconductor Converters of Radiation Energy)), Card 2/3 On the nature of gamma-ray... 25581 S/185/60/005/002/018/022 D274/D304 showed that the great inertia of the cadmium crystals (the crystals of the first group - according to this article), can be explained by virtue of the centers of two types with a different electron- capture cross-section. There are no tapping centers in the absence of 't -sensitivity; this.should be expected with the exciton mechan- ism too, of T -conductivity. There are 6 references: 3 Soviet- bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: A. Rose, Phys. Rev., 97, 1543, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Instytut fizyky AN USSR (Physics Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: December 23, 1959 Card 3/3 - KOROZENKO USTOYAlVoV, V.I. U'PkIroduftion of large CdS Single crystals for dosimetry . zhur. 5 no. 5:606-6,14 S-o 160o of gama field. 11 Institut fiziki AN USSR. (MIRA- 14:4) (Cadmium BUlf1de crystals) (Ga=a rayn) r KON07,11WO, Ivan Dmitriyevich, doktor tokhn.nauk; PASICHNIK, L.L., kand. Hz.-matem.nauk,; VTADRO, Sh.Ta., red.; MMOTA, TO.F., [Atomic sources of electric current] Atomni d2herela strumu. I~riv, 1961. 33 P. (Toyar7stvo dlia posbyrennia politychnykh I naukovykh snan' Mcrainelkot M. Ser.6, no.18). (Atomic pcwer plants) (Thermoeleetricit7) (MIRA 15:2) 33105 S/638/61/001/000/031/056 Vvoo (I g3l /A B116/B102 AUTHORS: Konozenko, I. D., Ustlyanov, V. I., Galushka, A. P. TITLE: Study of the y-conductivity of CdS single crystals SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 200-210 TEXT: The authors describe the production of CdS single crystals and present the investigation results. They found that their y-conductivity was due to local centers having the form of shallow traps (AE - 0-08-0-140 since the slightest disturbance of crystallization considerably influences the crystal properties, the authors developed a special production method to reduce the parameter spread. Crystallization took place at 12000C in quartz tubes, in which prior to heating, the air replaced by nitrogen. During the heating nitrogen is continuously added with the flow rate being chosen in such a way that at 12000C a temperature drop of 10-150C occurs. This method guarantees a small number of crystallization centers and a high growth rate of the crystals. Crystallization where a constant Card 1/3 33:io5 5/63 61/001/000/031/056 Study of the I-conductivity ... B116YE102 nitrogen flow rate and constant temperatures are of great importanceg takes 1-5-2 hr. Debye-Sherrer patterns showed that the CdS single crystals grown in such a way have a hexagonal lattice with a a 4 .08 1, o - 6-72 and o/a - 1.65. The temperature dependence of the dark conductivity of the crystals before and after y-irradiation and the thermostimulated conductivity causgd by irradiation by light or gamma rays were studied in a thermostat. Co 0 of a maximum intensity of 3 curies/sec served as I-source. the CdS crystals obtained can be divided into two groups according to their dark conductivity and the photocurrent inertia: (1) increase and decrease of the photocurrent take several seconds'(2) only fractions of a second. From 170-2500K the conductivity of the first group slightly increases with temperature. AEI a 0.08-0-14 ev. Above 250 OK the- curves becoras steeper and LE, - 0.6-0.9 ev. The conductivity of the second group hardly increases from 170-2850K and beyond 2650K the curves has the same slope as that of the first group. Considerably I-conductiviv (L\I