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~Gnovalov. Ye. G. (Doctor of technicai acier~ces, Lavrin An ultraaonic method f measuring temperature .kN BSSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheski,, institut. PlIastic'.1nostt t obrabotkz -;Ie-iyein 'Plasttcity and Minsk, Izd-V") 196" ,2111-215 7AGS: ultrasound, ultrasonic thermometer, thermometry, steel elasticity, propagatiou A C-I :7his article is dwroted to an investigation of the temperature depend- 7ne propagation velocity of ulti-asonic f.-,)TE h i q -d e - Poss "M e to detprmir~,~ !Iigh "amperatures. '11-; ee xVIe a nd MM Cylindr[cal spi:,c T'he aveerage ti-me of prcpa~;a at the a-ame time the temperature 1), ~-ecurde3 1-1, 73~ Fr(m the temperatures meag-ji~--~ Vf 1/2 [lanavalau, T-A.R.]; KULBSHOV; V.A. [KuliEshou, V.A.] Geometry of the contaot surfaca during metal finishing with a rotating tool. restai, AN BSSR Ser. f t nFL,,-~--: '-.. 1: 113-117 t641 (MITRA 23, :-7 ) GOREV, K.V. [Horau, K.V.lp akademiky KONOVALOV Ye.G. [Kanavalau, IA.R.I, doktor teklm. nwak Vasilt Piatrovich SeviardzenkRp 1904 -; on his 60t.h birthday. Vestsi AN EM. Ser. f iz.-tekh a,. nav. no.1&135--136 161+ (MIRA V &7) I. M BSSR (for Gorev). ar De Vestsi I KONOVALOVI Ye.G.; KULESHOV V.A. v Shaping of surfau-es by a rrjta:~y topl. DoU. AN BSSR 8 no,4A254-257 Ap 164o OMIRA 17 ~, 6) 1. FivIko-tekhnicheskly institut AN BSSR. Fradstavleno akademikem AN BSSR K.V. Gorevym. ':ACczSST.ON NR: AP4040923 W0250/64/008/005/0300/0303- :AUT11OR: Konovalov, Ye. GO; Skripn'ichanko, A. L.- TITLE: 'Effect of cyclic loads of ultrasonic frequency on the. mechanical properties of D16T illoy ;:SOURCEs AN DSSR. Doklady*, v. 8, no. 5, 1964, 300-303 J;'TOPIC TAGS: cyclic load, load frequency# ultrasonic frequency,, licyclic load effect, D16T alloy,, alloy property ;ABSTRACT: The effect of a cyclic load of ultrasonic frequency on :the mi-chanical properties of aluminum-base alloy D16T.alloy (T is the ,.emper designation meaning solution heat-treated and naturally aged) :was investigateZ. The composite specimens (see Fig. I of the Enclo- ;sure) were subjected to cyclic loads in assembled condition and thea~' :disassembled; the central part was used for the tensile test. The .. frequency of ultrasonic vibration was-20,000 cps and the-amplitude, A.008 mm. The maximum cyclLc load in the focus of vibration was 1: 2 t5.25 kg/mm The first specimens were fractured In 165 sec 1/3 Cad 040923 ACCESSION NRs AP4 6 (3.3xlO cycles); therefore the rest w4go testid fo''r 10 "4-X106 1 and 120'sec, which coftesponded to 2.10 9 4. 0 0 1.2X10 n 2. J_ cycles. The tensile tests shived a shj!lrp drop of mechanical proper- ties which was a rioult of faotigue cra6ks originating 'on the surface of specimens and.propigatin'g inward. To eliminate 'the effect of fatigue cracks, a second series of toots was performed with specimens 16--mm in 'diameter with a gage length of 125.5 am. These were tesi for 10-30 min with sixinum cyclic load in the focus of vibration of 2 kg/,MM2. From the gage length of these spicimenag tenoLle.test specimens of the saue size-a's.those used in the first series of tests I I were machined. Results of tensile tests with these specimens'showed 'that--cyclic loads of ultrasonic frequency with stresses of 2 kg/mmz have no of fact on the mechanical proper.ties of the D16T -alloy. OrLgo-,. i-a-rrw -has: 2 figures, Xtikbles, @I formulas* 7ASSOCIATION: Fiziko 7t*khnicheskiy institut AN BSSR (Physicotechni'cil___~ A Institute, AN.'BSSR) SUDHITTEDS 01Ju163 A D PRISSi 3051* ENCLs 01. NO' RZF SOV 14 001' OTHEM 001 B-COM lsr j2/3 7`777-- T. i.' s. T . 77. ~z 77 P, I 7--'- V~ .7 J;'j 1 6502 6 t at IiMM ON URA-4 'k 'AUTH (Doctor o OR L-Y4L.. -G f technical sciences, Frof easor) Skrinnichenko,A L.-.-- -Mnginaer) 9 TITL Effect of ultrasonic vibration on the mechanical prope t i of metals under tension SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 8, 1965, 27-29 TOTPI TAGS: vibration, ultrasonic vibration, ultrasonic vibration effect, vibration stress'k4 ad ABSTRACT: DlWaluminum alloy (quenched and naturally aged) and 99.9%- pure annealed copper were subjected to tensile tests tinder the simul- taneous effect of tens ion-compres a ion vibration of ultrasonic frequency order to study the effect of vibration on the mechanical properties c' stressed material. The experiments showed that ultrasonic vibra- tioa decreases the tensile strength and ductLlity of tested materials and that this decrease depends on the amplitude of vibration. The increase of amplitude from 0 to 0.022 mm, in the cage of D16T, lowered Card 1/2 vi W W _77 _DA_ S/0250/65/009/002/0091/009a, C E s S I mNR. AP5009105 WFHOR: Konovalov, Ye. G.; Dovkyallo G.- Remizovskiy, E. I.; Severdenko, Effect of high-frequency vibrations on static twisting of certain metals anm~ alloys SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklady, v, 9. no, 2. 1965, 91-93 V -OPIC TAGS: static load test, ultrasonic vibration, metal T-nechanical D-cp~:_il ~iloy/ DIEET alloy alloy Y The effect of ultrasonic vibrations on static 0 --iai ir n was stlidied. The tests w,~re On e 1, machne. a siii7l- static load and under a multtple I D~;_z werie bv a U"zlr,?.S ultrasonic generator with a PMS-7m. ma-mietcs-rictic- ~-rans- D-16T alloy was tested in the annealed state 3 .-i:- at r-cial iron (0.0" C) was vacuum-anne -'ad' ,--K far -1: vpt~ comme then furnace-cooled at, 3756K/hr down -tG -6760K.' ~ The results sh(yg that an,ultraso field dzuring static twisting ~af D16T alloy- and com mrcial iron causo!~ a aim-ataneous Card 1/2 ASS',,.' A'F! ON: Fiziko-tekhnir-heskiy institut AN BSSR (Physicatechnical Institute AN BSSR) iSUBMITTED- ISFeb64 ENCL. 00 SUB CODE: MM NO =1 SOV: 006 OVER: 002 En NIEMEN A-5111 191 ME - al, OR KONOV .,-Xet.G -nauk's Prof-; SKRIPNICHENKO, A.L.j inzh. - AIM ~ doktor tekhn Effect of ultrasonic oscillations on mechanical properties of metals subjected to tension. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.8:27- 29 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:12) KCIJOVALOV, Ye.0.1 SKRIFNIOHMKO, I.L. - - 7~- Changes in engineering properties and structure of copr,%r under the action of ultrasonic oscillations. DAL A, EM 9 no. llt745-748 N 165 (MLIA 19 t1) 1. ftziko-tekbnicheskiy institut AN EM L 29�14-66. EWT )/T/EVJP(w)/EWp(t)&T1 IJP(q) JD ACC NRt AP6014347 SOURCE CODE: UR/0250/65/009/011/0745/0748 AUTHOR: Konovaj&xtXgAG,.; Skripnichenko. A. L. ORG:' Physicotechnical Institute AN BSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AWBSSR) TITLE: Effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the mechanical pro rties,and structure O-e of copper SOURCE: AN SR. Doklady, v. 9, no. 11, 1965, 745-748 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic vibration, copper, solid mechanical property ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of ultrasonic vibrations of varying intensity on the mechanical properties of annealed and work-hardened copper (Cu=99.90%). The ultrasonic source was a UZG-10M oscillator with a PMS-7 magnetostriction transducer (resonance frequency 20 kc). The specimens were cylinders 6 m In diameter and 30 long. Running water was used for cooling the specimens since the middle section was strongly heated by the ultrasonic vibrations. A microscope was u3ed for measuring the amplitude of the oscillations at the end of the specimen. The specimens were tested for tensile strength after the ultrasonic treatment. It was found that the change in mechanical properties of copper under the direct action of ultrasonic vibrations de- pends an the intensity of the vibrations, the duration of the exposure and the initial state of the naterial. There is a sharp increase in the strength characteristics of C,rd 1/2 -7-7 L 29614-66 ACC NRt AP6014347 annealed copper in the initial loading period due to an increase in dislocation den- sity in isolated sections of the specimen. The material begins to soften when a cer- tain critical dislocation density is reached in some sections of the metal and micro- scopic cracks appear. The mechanical characteristics of work-hardened copper are re- duced by ultrasonic vibrations. Slip lines were observed an the surface of the speci. mens after exposure to ultrasonic vibrations. It is extz ely probable that destruc- tion of the material originates at these lines. The structural variations which ac- company the changes in mechanical properties of copper subjected to ultrasonic vibra- tions are discussed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: lOMar65/ ORIG REF: 002 Card 2/2 "37159-M ZWT(M)/Me(V)/T/DW(t)/ZTI'. IJP(G) JH/JD ACC N.R,AP6017266 SOURCE CODE: UR/02Ol/65/ooo/oo4/OO4T/OO52 AUTHORS: Kanovaloirl Ye. G.; Resizovskiy, E. ORG: none TITLE: Change in the creep'tharacterist ce of pre-hardened materials under the in- fluence of ultrasonic oscillations SOURCE: AN BSBR. Vestsi. Seryy& fizika-tekhnichnyieh nayuk, no. 4, 1965, 4T-52 TOPIC TAGS: creep, ultrasonic effect, copper, aluminium alloy, metal hardening/PMS-~T zuq2etostriction converter, UZG-~. ultrasound generator, DI6T aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a series of investigations by the authors, carried out at the-Physicotechnical Institute AN BSSR, on the influence of prior ap- plication of ultrasonic oscillations on the changes of mechanical characteristics of annealed and hardened materials (DAN BSSR v. T, no. 12, 1963 and elsewhere). The present article deals with the influence of ultrasound on the creep characteristics of pre-hardened materials. The ultrasound was produced by a magnetostriction con- verter (PMS-7) fef from an ultr%sound generator (UZG-2.5). The tests were made on copper (grade M01"and aluainuemilloy (D16T). The copper samples were first annealed in vacuum and prestressed In a testing machine. The aluminum alloy samples were either quenched or aged prior to the tests. The creep-test procedure vas described by the authors elsewhere (in: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya. obrabotka metaLUov ACC NRi AR6027507 SOURCE CODE: : AUTHOR: Konovalov, Ye. G.; Dovgyallo, 1. G.; skripnichanko, A. L. 1 ITLE: Change in the structure of copper subjected to ultrasound SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 41351 :REr SOURCE: 'Sb. Metallovedeniye i tem. obrabotka met. Minsk, ~auka i tekhnika, 1965, 1102-104 1 icrack propagation asoun tensile stress, compressive stress, stress distribution, -TRANSLATION; A study was made of cylindrical samples uf 99.9'a pure Cu. Maximum cy;1i tensile-compressive stresses of the order of t16 kgJmm2 were induced with the use of lultrasonics at a frequency of 20 KHz in the central portion of a sample, the length of u which was a half wavelength. The samples were cooled by running water in or- Ider to avoid raising the temperature of the samples in the cyclic stress process. It Qas shown that the number and degree of slip lines gradually increased with the number f stress cycles as long as they did not finally join together, after having formed early-merged zones. As a result of cyclic stressing over a period of 150 see from thi lstart of testing, cracks, which passed through the maximum aggregation of slip lines, Iformed. It was concluded that the origin of a crack is a slip band and that the crack litself propagates into the ample along slip pl .anes'# V, Kudx"/ashov. I 11'Z0 Sy~ CODE: i _J % J, 'ACC NRt_ AR602750b SOURCE-'CODE:' UR/0137/66/000/004;/~~060/106-0- Aj!T11OR: Kanovalov, Ye. G.; RerAizovskiy, E. 1. iTITLE: Effect of ultrasonit oscillations on the creep properties of copper SOURCE: Ref. zh,, Metallurgiya', Aba. 41409 iREF SOURCE: 1179-187 Sb. Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka met. Minsk. Nauka i tekhnika, 1965, .'OPIC TAGS: creep mechanism, metal deformation, elongation, ultrasonic vibration I ,RANSLATION: A study was made of the effect of ultrasonic oscillations olF varying in- ;ensity on creep properties. Tapered samples with a 50 mm resonance length, a 30 rm ;pan and a 6 mm diameter were made from Ml grade Cu, vacuum annealed at 5000C ri~'or 2 hr,! ind air cooled. A high frequency PMS-7 transducer was used as a source of ultrasonic oscillation at a frequency of 21 KHz. A modernized VP-8 machine was*used f6r creep :esting at 3000C with the simultaneous application of cyclic loading. Every 10 min of :he creep process, a cyclic tensile-compressive stress of varying intensity was applied! 'or 10 sec to a different sample. The greatest increase in defor-,mtion was found only Luring the initial ultrasonic oscillation application, while further use of ultrasonic oscillation resulted in slight elongation. In the case of small oscillation anplitudes,! 'he elongation increase becom amewhat greater during the subsequent application of UDC: 539.376:669.3 'ACC - NR,-A6 -02 --- 7509- 'ultrasonic oscillation. After taking away the cyclic loading, the sample retained the total deformation obtained during the application of ultrasonic oscillation. During ithe use of ultrasonic oscillation, the creep rate was decreased somewhat, relative to lunoscillated samples, particularly at the higher amplitudes. The higher the ultrasonic', !O-scillation intensity, the greater the effect it had on thecreep properties. The igreatest influence of ultzesonic oscillation occurred in the transient creep region. jAn increase in the creep rate (to 35%) and in the total accumulated deformation (to 0 20%) was noted as a result of applying tensile-compressive HF oscillations to the sta- i; itic. load relative to static loading by itself. L. Ustinov. CODE: ll,?-G Card 2/2 L 11316-67. - ZVI NAITW/R~__,J~(c) JD ------- ACC NRI AR6022170 SOURCE CODE: U~/-61-3f[66-/0-66-/O-by/1-0-7-0-/107,0---' '=HOR: Konovalov, Ye. G ; Bryantseva, T. A. L'ITLE: Effect of a magnetic field on the mechanical DroDerties.of steel 'OURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs 31473, IEF SOURCE: 6b. Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka met. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, -9/5, 107-110 U .'OPIC TAGS-. steel property, steel microstructure, hardness, magnetic field MSTRACT: The autho a study the effect of a magnetic field an ihe If V and microstruc- ~ure of KhVG steel.1 The specimens were prequenched or quenched (from 810-8300C) and 1 annealed at 2700C. A reduction in H Vwas observed in the quenched state as well as anisotropy in HValong and across the axis of the specimen. Consideration was given, to the effect which the number of reversals in magnetization and the time of effective' action of the magnetic field have on the HV of quenched and annealed steel. The steel structure is stabilized under the effect of the magnetic field (a darkening of the martensite was observed--the tetragonal modification being converted to the cubic). V. Olenicheva. [Translation of abstract) 3UB CODE: 11 ard 1/1 bib ux: 669.15.018-.252 !steel, lathe ABSTRACT: In order to increase the wear resistance and productivity of cutting tools during semifinishing operations, a study was made of the spin cutting method. Steel ! i 'work pieces were cut on a lathe with a cup-shaped rolling tool which rotated on bear- ;ings relative to the working surface. The cutter was clamped in the tool holder of the. :lathe so that its rotating axis was at a small angle a = 5-100 with the base plane. :The front face of the cutter had a tapered surface which rotated along with the emerg- !ing chip, while the cutter edge was the back face. With this design, slipping and heat, ;release decreased on the cutter edge so that wear was minimized. The slip velocity of: Ithe working surface relative to the back face of the cutter was much lower than the r0 L_qqrd 1/2 ACC NR: AP700 0156 ,:tational velocity of the stock, decreasing the heat release and wear in the friction Izone. The plastic deformation characteristics of the cut layer affected tool wear con-, isiderably. Cutting temperatures were indicated by the thermal emf arising in the con- Itact zone. During cutting of type 45 steel the thermal emf equaled 2.45 mv, corre- :sponding to chip less rates of 53, 74, and 330 m/min. The austenitic steel IKhl8NIgT ihad a thermal emf of 4.4 mv, corresponding to a cutting speed of 24 m/min with an or- !dinary cup-shaped tool, or 180 m/min with the spinning tool. Wear measurements on the !back face of a P18 spinning tool are given as a function of the number of cutting pas- 1~ses made on type 45 steel of 152 mm diameter. The amount of wear per pass increased Nith spindle velocity. Trigonometric equations were derived for the change in facing !angle and diameter of the spinning tool as a function of wear. Spindle velocities at Idifferent tool angles were given for both steels as a function of tool life, cutting itim, , and feed rate. A geometrical construction showed the microprofile of the ma- Ichined surface. Steel 45 had a surface finish number of 7 (4.5 micrometers) after spin cutting with a peripheral cutting velocity of 372 m/min, a feed of 0.5 MM/rev, l and a cutting depth of 0.25 mm. %Orig. art. has: 2 figures, a formulas.. SUB CODE: 13,14/ SUBM DATE: OgJun66/ ORIG PXF: 004 Cord 2/2 L 27251-66 EWP (j )1E'NP (k )/F-VIT(d)/P-',"TWAVIP (h)/T/E',V (1)/EIIP MIJP(C) RM ACC DR: Ap6oo986s A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/004/0067/0067i IAUTHOIIS: Koz1ov, Yu4 Ko; K a ovt Shkarupaj A. V.; Yakimenko', N. G. ~ORG; none ;TITLEt bevice for assembly of automobile tireet Class 39# No-_jL8MZannounced 1by Omsk Tire Omakiy ahinnyy zavoay- ~SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proWshlennyye obraztsyg tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966, 67 ITOPIC TAGS.- tire, automotive industry ABSTRACT. This Author Certificate presents a device for assembly of automobile tirea, consisting of an assembly table and tire rim stretching mechanism. To- increase the automation of the assembly, the letter is equipped with a device for removal and introduction of tubes, a mechanism for removal of the assembled tire, and a tire rim stretching mechanism equipped with a compressed air connection. Thei------, stretching mechanism is fastened to the assembly table on a movable vortical wall (Bee Fig. I). Card 1/2 ~-UDC'--,-678-05t629.11.012-555,1 ji..7.. rill Ye , 4 L! 1-Z, I iT XONOVAWV, To. M., starshly nauchw sotrudnik Bnallage of corn in Mordovia. Zhivotnnvodstvo 21 n0-5:33-34 * 159. (xIRA 12:7) 1. HordovskWa gosudaretvannsys sel'skokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantelya. (Mordovia--halLwe) (Corn(Mize)) r0!!1 0 1; 11 IS 4 V 4 P1 a i J) 22 23 Js a h D X 21 N 3) 1; U m J~ w LP is 4, 41 Q. 0 - -3 r I I L A, I A ..C.- p I -P -A- & I I --Y- ~ I- I t PSC-CISM, No b(. t.,.f% .."I. *0 41 J6,rq oil 04 to -00 00 HydrocheradW mathod 01 pr o4puting for 1told. E. 11. 1941, \o 2. 111 1- K. fitu% Sit 1114C Ow $41 Cualciot of river waters i4 Vveriable an(I that else 9OW content of any am rim cannot be taken as a rrl(416= at the $old content of file rooks and mAls o( the 00 Ilivelil dralluW basin. The hythocleerts. meth(A of pf". 809 for SoM can be used only jet caw the phyjewliell, =00 00 .3 "Octa. m affecting the win. of gold in the ground waterj are r0 0 00 comparable. In general these physicachvil. fator-s are rnmr4ex and unknown. 11, It. Rathimann coo 00 ztoo OOU 00 0 00 fro* 4r COO 2900 boo t:o 0 Z too CfO 0 00 A:*.$Lk Of ALLURGKAL LITIRATUIRCLASISFICATIONS woo SIGN, I 00 0 to I ' I w I or IS 0 ftrpq 111PIPIP4 was% stiff its wo n I ooeoo.ooooqpo::Ooooaoo:oootooooooooooooooeogeoi 0: 0000400 000100000000600006000001 ~46*0090~000000 KONOVALOV, Ye. S. "An Important Factor in High-Quality Performance of ATS.," Vest. Svyazi,, No.q., p. 20,9 1951 Translation Trans . No.533, 6 Apr 56 IAKHMIIN, Vladimir Vladimirovich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KHOZE., Anatoliy Paumovich) dots.., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEONTIYEVSKIY, Ye.S., inzh,p retsenzentj.KONOVALOVI Ye,S,. kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHIIZAYEV, P.N., kand. tokhn. nauk, re- tesenzent; POTAPOV, H.S., inzh., red.; SHLENNIKOVA) Z*V.p redo izd-va; BODROVAj V.A., tekhn. red. (General heat engineering; thermodynamics and marine power plants) Obshchaia teplotekhnika; termodinamika i sudovye silo- vye ustanovki. Mosk7aq Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport " 1961. 300 P. (Marine engines) (Thermodynamics) NM 15:2) KOIUVIIU)V, Yll. Deputy Grigoril Lishakov. Vympol 10 no.24:2-lp D 147. (Lishakov. Grigoril Ivanovich) i j,0V ) VU. R. KCNOWIOV, YU. B.: "The ripening of spring whe-at.11 IMoscow Order of c~ Lenin Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev. 1.1loscow.0 1956. (Dis!iertations for the Decree of Doctor in Agricultural Sciences). SC: Fnizhnays Letopis, No. 22, 1956 KONOVAWV, Yu.B., kand. sellakokhozyaystvennykh nauk. Development of kernel In different spring wheat varieties [with sumumry in Nnglish]. Isy. TSKM no.6-17-30 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Wheat-Varieties) KONDVALDV, Tu.B. IIffect of moisture deficiency of soil on the ripening of grain in spring wheat. Fisiol.rant. 6 no.2:183-189 *-Ap 859. (KM 12:5) 1. Dep'artment of Genetics, Breading and Seed Growing of neld Crops, Timiryasev Agricultural Academy. Moscow. Wheat) (Plants, Affect of aridity on) I- - - C: - - - -- - - - --- - - - - -- KONOVALOV, Yu.B., kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Effect of meteorological conditions on the develor-wnt of sprIng wheat kernels (with sumar7 in English]. Izv,. TSKhA no.2:26-39 161. (Wheat) (Grops and c2imate) (MIRA 14:8) KONOVALOV, Yu.B. Causes of different grain sizes in the ear of barley and vheat. -DokI.AN SWR 149--no*3;728-730 Mr 163. (KERA 16t4) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Kursanov,7, (Wheit) (Barley) GORINI A.P., prof.; DUNV, N.S.; Kq~Oy4WV.,-Yu.B.,- MITROFANOVA, K.S.; POLITOVA, I.D.; SAMSONOV, M.P.; SEUVRI, UKOLOV, A.A.; YURTSEV, V.N.; GRACHEVA, V.S., red.fqmW--w-: [Manual on field work in the breeding and seed production of field crops] Rukovodstvo k prakticheskim zaniatiigm po -Im2ektsii i semenovodstvu polevykh kulltur. (By] A.P.Gotin i dr. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 574 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Kollektiv prepodavateley kafedry genetiki, selektsii i semenovodstva polevykh kulltur Moskovskoy sellskokhozyay- stvennoy akademii im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Gorin, Konovalov, Mitrofanova, Samsonov,, Selavri., Ukolorv, Yurtsev). 2. Kafedra Fitopatologii MoskovskV sellskokhozyqrstvennoy akademii im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Dunin). 3. Kafedra statiatiki Moskovskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy akademii im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Politova). (Field crops) (Seed production) MONASMV, V.K.; BOMMIK, I.I.; KCNOVAWV, Yu.G. Disia for eoundinors using the refraction method for mapping the surface of the basment of the West Siberian Plain, Trudy SWITGOW no. 306-18 1 64 (MIM 19t1) Point sounding using the refraction method. lbid.tI9-38. S/182/62/000/003/005/006 D04O/D113 &UTHOR-. Konovalov, Yu. I. TITLE; Producing moped crankpin forgings by hot extrusion PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovoobnoye proizvodstvo, no. 3, 1962, 47)-45 TEXT: The author describes a new hot extrusion process and dies developed by the SKB-2 of the Belorussian Sovnarkhoz for producing mopei crankpins in one solid piece. Such parts are at present being produced by the Soviet motor cycle industry in two separate portions, i.e. web and rod, assemhle-11 "by pressing after machining, and in this way the joint frequently gets loose. Besides, the old method is less economical in metal and man-hours. By the new method, webs (Fig. 1) are produced in the following stages: (1) Cutting grade 45 steel blanks,36 mm in diameter and 80 mm long; (2) heating the blanks to 1100_ 12000C in a flame furnace; (3) stamping in three 3trokes, i.e. upsetting (and removal of scale), preliminary stamping in whioh the rod is extruded and a sufficiently thick portion is left for the Card 14 -Z S/182/62/000/003/005/006 Producing moped crankpin D040/DI13 web, and a final stroke in which the web is formed and the r,.~d madp longer. The special die is shown (Pig- 3). Surplus rod length is cut off in another die, also shown in a drawing. The forge of a turbine plant in Kaunas, Litovskaya SSR, has been using the new extrusion method Aince 1961 for produoing crankpin forgings for the Shaulyanskiy velozavod eiauliai Bicycle Plant). A 1000-ton K863P (K8633) hot crankshaft praos is used for this purpose. The extrusion method is highly produ,--tive, the metal U4--ilization fact-or high (up to 0.85), and requires less work fhan. th,;- I method used by the Czechoslovakian industry in manlifacturing solid on,~- piene crankpins for the "Java" motor cycle. There are 5 figures. Card 24 -Z KONOVALOV, YU.I. Making forgings of crankshaft journals for motorbikes by hot extrusion. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.3:43-45 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Extrusion (I*tals)) (Cranks and crankshafts) KONOVALOV., YU.I Making bevel gear forgings vith shaping of spiral teeth. Kuz.- shtam, proizve 4 no.9:44-45 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Goaringg Bevel) (Forging) it intensity distribution of red and blue maximat and a dip in the m1c'CL-Le the line. W. Lth ]i1, the ma,ximum displayed a very slight red shift- The Card I /1 2 S/057j62/032/004/010/017 Electron concentration and B111/B102 measured values fit the theoretical curve well both if the radial tempera- ture distribution is taken into account and if it i's not. The electron concentration can be calculated as a function of the plasma temperature (,