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L ]J~251_66 BWT(1)/En(ri)/FS(v)-3. SrTB/DjAAP DD/RD 9/0164, ACC NR: AT6003849 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/013 AU'rHORe. Yarmonen~c, S. P.; Kon2kizannikov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Antiradiation ~rotectlol in connection with the problem of the RBE of M =Mations radiations WiTIn ioll SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologiip v. 4p 1965# 139-164 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation, RBE, linear energy transfer, radiation protections x ray irradiation, gamma irradiation, experiment animal,-rat, mouse, cell physiology, fungus, radiation dosimetry, antiradiation drug ABSTRACT: In this r'ev"Ie'w. ar.t.Icle, the authors present the results of '74 Soviet and 50 Weste~n studies In tabular and graphic form.. Some of the Soviet results ar,e. presented in the following figures and tables: Card 1/15 ..... . L 14251-66 ACC NR: AT6003849 -Table 1. The'RBE of radiations of-low specific ionization (linear energy transfer (LET) in kev per 1 micron of passage) Recorded Effect Standard Radiation Compared Itadiation Type- LET Type LET RBE_ Death of yeast x-rays 2.9 x-rays 0.42 0.85 cells 200 kv particles . 22, mev iSame as above,- X-rays 3.0 I gamma,rays 0.3 0.76 ;haRloid strain 180 kv Co-60 Same as above, x-rays 3.0 I gamma rays 0.3 0.84 Idioloid strain 180 kv Co-60 , hromosomal aberrations x-rays 3.0 gamma rays 0. - dn a human cell culture 180 kv Co-60 0.86 at various cellular La hases . ~ I I I FRatso.LD 50/30 J x-rays 3.0 ga=a rays 0.3 1.0 180 kv I Vo- 0 Card 2/15 L 1.42 51-66 ACC M: AT6 I0038LL9 Table 1. The RBE of radiations of low specific ioniza- "Y t sj:er 4 r ',' Jjnf8 L (LET) in k ev per 1 mier,)n of - - sa pals ,, O "Rabbi~W_, LD 10 0/ 30- x-rays .0 amma ays .3 .3 180 kv Co-60 1.7 Ooga, LD 100/30 x-rays 3.0 ga=a rays 0.3 1.3- 180 kv co-60 1.6 . 7 )ogs, LD 50/30 -rays .0 amma ays .3 .5 180 kv I j Co-60 I hromosomal aberrations x-rays 3.6 gamma rays l 0.3 1 0 nrat liver cells T 180 kv Vo-6o Table 2. Dependence of RBE on the hardness of radiation and species of animal x-rays, 18 0 v gamma- Mice 700 lRats -850 Card.3/15 Animal ___MMLD 0/30 RBE of Co-60 rays, Co-6C 850 gamma rays 0.82 750 'L -1.4251-66-' ACC NR AT6003849 Table 3. 'The RBE of high-energy particles (LET in Kev/micron) Recorded Effect Standard Radiation Compared Rad*iatinn Type LET !Type UXT Pl% Death of yeast x-rays 2.9 deutrons 0.9 1.0 cells 200 kv 190 Mev Same as above, x-rays 3.0 protons, 0.3-1 0.76 havloid strain 180 kv -660 130 Ne v 0 7 Same as-above gamma rayal 0.3 l Co-69 protnnr..130- 660 Nev i P.3- 1.0 1 O.7 Same as above, gamma raysi 0.3 protons 0.3 1.0 di2loid strain Co-69 4 660 Mev Sex determined x-rays protons 0.3 1.0 recessive mutations 180 kv 3.0 660 Mev in fruit flies Mice, LD 50/30 x-rays 3.0 Frotons 180 kV 660 Mev Same as above x-rays 3.0 protons 180 kv 660 Fev Card 4/15 L 14251-66 ACC NR: AT6003849 Table 3. The RBE of high-energ5r particles (cont.) protons Aeath -x-rays 'idue to fractioa- 180 kv 510 kv lized radiation Card 5/15 Same as above .m7~_r-ays _0.~_ 'Protons" Co-60 660 Nev Same as above gamma rays 0.3 protons 3.3 0.8* Co-60 660 1,11ev Same as above gamma rays 0.3 1 protons M T8 Co-60 130 Nev 1 Same as above gamma rays '0.3 1protons .7 Co-60 ;126 ?Icv i Death of mice x-rays 3.0 jprotons .3 ".0 180 kv 660 !!ev Mice, LD 50/30 x-rays 3.0 protons 0.3 180 kv 660 Mev Same as above gamma rays 0.3 t3rotons 0.3 0.75 Co-60 510 Mcv Same as above gamma rays 0.3 protons .4 0.73 Co-60 240 New ~!Same as above gamma rays 0.3 1 protons 0.7 0.70 Co-60 j126 Mev of rats 3.0 .3 .8 L 14251-66 ACC Nr: AT6003849 Table 3. The RBE of high-energy particles (cont .5e-ath of dogs gam"a rays 1.3 protons - 3- 1. single from a -60 Co j10 and 240 .4 l irradiation i Mev ': Same as above x-rays 3.0 S proton '0. 7 1. ' 180 kv - 126 llie~ Death -of -d ogs due to fraction irradiation ized x-rays 180 kv 37 protons 510 Vev ;0. 3 1. ats, state of -rays .0 rotons .5 14 0 0 ~ 147. 9. Monthly List of Russian AccessioasL Library of Congress, ~~1~9. Unclassified. -.V Lyz 1 171 57T-30" NOW/Dw 1947 "bbdulue of Underground Flow of Little Mara-Tau Pang*,', A. A. Emoplyantsev, A pp *ftzvedka NeW No 6 Considerable amount or water needed far production and future use In the Mara-Tau Phosphorite Combinep located in an are& of very light rainfall. Author presents hydrogooological study of Little Kara-Tau Mountain Range where Combine in located. LC 57T38 Trx~' n F j '~) I-L., 7~ r I t ~j T ~-' & 'J, ~- 1 - ~ I - ALITOVSKIY, M.Te.; KONOPLYANT.SW, A.Ao ~'. i,~ gI [Methods guide for a stuAy of the underground water cycle]. Ketodi- chaskoe rukovodstvo pa izuehaniiu rezhima podzem*h vod. Moskva, Googeoltakhizdat, 1954. 196 p. (MUU 8:3D) KOIDPLTANTS A Task@ facing hydrogeoloCiste in the light of decisions of the September and Yebruary-Nuvh.plo of the Central Comittee of the Commnlet Party of Up So'_Vlet Union, Rasyed.l. okh.nedr 2D no.1:42-46 J&-F 154. - (MM 9:12) (Water supply) KCNOPLYANTSEV. A.A.. redaktor;,XRASULIN. V.S.. redaktor; SHIROKOV, A.S., '--ff&-Vf-6#V.IOLOSKOVA, N.I..-irodakto~r-'-tz'Aatelistva; GUROVA, O.A., takhnichesk,4 redaktor Caperience in using geophysical methods of prospecting in hydro- geological, engineering and geological research] Opyt primenentia geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki i gidrogeologichaskikh i inzhenerno- geologicheskikh iseledovaniyakh. Pod red. A.A.Konopliantseva, V.S. Kiasulina i A.S.Shirokova. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit- ry po geol. t okhrans nedr, 1955. 74 p. (MIRA 9.*) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geologii. i okhrany nedr. Tekhaichaskly sovet. (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) r KONOPLYANTSNT, A.A. - CHURINOT, K. V. p loommmowmmww"~'i - Smll scale hydrogeological survey mps. Razved. i okh. nedr 23 no,4: L ( NM I I 50-54 Ap 157. 1. KInisterefto goologil i okhrany nedr SSSR i Tossoyus"Y muchno- Ineled"atel'skly Institut gidragoologit t Inshenernoy goologit. (Gaology--Kaps) (Water. Underground) 40ROPLTANTMffg A40 ~ -, , Now mgazlrA OWdrageology and anineering geology* publimbed In the Chinese People's Repiblic. Ranvid. I okh. nedr 23 no.6t62-63 J9 14;7, (Nak 1112 ) 1, Yeasoyuzayy rAmAbno-Imaledovatellekly Institut g1drogeologil I inxhanernoy geologii. (ChIns.-Geology-Parlodleals) 6 4 AUTHOR: Churinov, N.V., and Konoplyantsev, A.A. 132-12-7/12 TITLE; Socialist Construction Aided by Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology (Cidrogeologiya i inzhenernays geologiya na sluzhbe sotaialistiqheakogo stroitellstva) 1 A3 PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1957.,# 12. p 45-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT:. Hydrogeologic research covers the fields of water supplyp irrigationg Industry, road building, airfield and town planning, and prospecting. To most these requirementeg the number of hydrogeologic stations was increased from 16 in 1937 to 39 in 1939 with 2,000 observation points. Attached to the Academy of Sciences USSR was the T aboratory f6r Geologic Problems. By order of the "CHKII of the USSR of Novemver 29 1939, the hydro- geologic stations Were adminibtered by the Committee of Geology at the "CHK" US3R. During World War II the hydrogeologic stat- ions were requested to perform new tasks, of_which the main assignments pertained tot 1. Study of deep underground water resources for the extract- ion of iodine and bromine. 2. Prospecting for water for military, civilian and industri- Card 1/3 al purposes. 132-12-7/12 Socialist Construction Aided by Hydrogoo2ogy and Engineering Geology 3- Goologo-onginsering research of dame at small rivers. 4. Development of raster methods of the study of physico- mechanical proportion of mountain rocks. 5- Artificial strengthening of the underground for the con- struc.tion of airfields and roads* 6. Geologic and hydrogeologic research in 'Siberia, Uraland Central Asia in connection with the evacuation of industries and.develiopment,.of now mineral resources. Expansiop of hydrotechnical construction after World War ff called for intensive hydrogoologic and engineering work. Besides the aboVe mentioned tasks the organizations of the Ministry of Geology -and Conservation of Natural Resources were requested to.- perform the following work: a. Geologic surveying. b. Prospecting for water resources on virgin soils and waste lands. c. Drilling of water wells for agricultural purpoces. d. Geologic surveying for the installation of melioration and building of water reservoirs. Card 2/3 e. Experiments for vertical drainage systems 'on saline soils KONOPLTANTSIT A.AeLffUDINIROV, A.A. Using underpowd waters for Irrigation (with summary In Inglish)o vs geole 1 no*4:221-123 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:6) lJoesorusaff asuchno-isslodovatellskir institut gidrogeologit I inshenernor geologli, (Water, Underground) (Irrigation) KONOPLYANTSEV, A.A. Third All-Union Conference on hydroloj7 (atudie3 on underground wnters and underground wAter aupply to rivers). Rqrved. i okh.nedr 24 no.1:6o-61 in 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Yeesoyu%W nauchno-issledovntel'skiy Institut gidrogeologii i Inzhenernoy geologli. Miter, Underground) 132-58-3-15/15 AUTHORs Konoplyantsev,,, A.A. TITLE- The Second Hydro-Geological Conference of Uzbekistan (Vtoroye Uzbekistanskoye gidrogeologicheskoye soveshchaniye) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1958, Nr 3, pp 63-64 'USSR) ABSTRACT: The 2nd Hydro-Geological Conference of Uzbekistan, organized by the Institute of Geology of the AS of the Uzbek SSR, in collaboration with the Hydro-Geological Trust of Uzbekistan, took place in Tashkent from 3 to 8 February 1958. The confer- ence was opened by the President of the Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences, Academician Kh.M. Abdullayev, who stressed the im- portance of this conference, which will prepare the ways for further developments of hydro-geology and engineering geology of Uzbekistan. The conference heard the following reports: Honored Scientists of the Uzbek SSR, O.K. Lange and N.A. Kene- sarin, on "Results and Achievements of Hydro-Geology of Uz- bekistan During 40 Years Under the Soviet Government and Its Future Tasks"; N.A. Kenesarin on "Preliminary Results of the 6tudy of the Ground Water Supply in Uzbekistan"; M.M. Krylov Card 112 on'Wleliorative Hydro-Geolo and Its Tasks in Uzbekistan" gy ; T The Second Hydro-Geological Conference of Uzbekistan 152-58-3-15/15 Academician of the AS of the UZbek SSR, A.S. Uklonskiy, on "Results of Study of the Isotopepomposition of Natural ~Iiaters of Central Asia"; G.N. Kamenskiy and I.V. Garmonovj on "The Formation of Underground Waters and Their Zonal Distri- bution in the Dry Regions of the USSR", and M.Ye. Alltovskiy on "Basic Problems of the Formation of Underground Waters". ASSOClATIOBt VSEGINGEO AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Geology-USSR 2. Conferences-Uydro-Geological-Uzbekistan U.9CONJI-DC-54756 132-58-7-12/13 AUTHORS: Konoplyantsev, A.A., Marinov, N.A., Titov, N.A. TITLE: Engineering - Geological Research in the German Democratic Republic (Inzhenerno-Geologicheskiye issledo'vaniya v Ger- manskoy Demokraticheskoy Respublike) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhraza nedr, 19582,-yNr 7, pp 59-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 The authors give a short survey of geological engineering activity in East Germany ASSOCIATION: VSEGINGEO [Al,l-union Sciintific Research Institute of Hydrogeology aDd Goolosicel Inginsering] 1. Geology-Germany 2. Scientific research--GermwV Card 1/1 3(2,5) SOV/132-59-2-14/16 AUTHOR: -Konoplyantsev, A.A. TITLE: A Map of the Hydro-Geological Division of China into AkmW ' ~_ (Karta gidrogeologicheskogo rayonirovaniya Kitaya) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 2, PP 56 - 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This map, published in 1958, was prepared for pub- lication by a group of Chinese geologists who worked under direct technical supervision of the Soviet spe- cialist B.D. Rusanov and with the collaboration of M.M. Krylov and D.F. Agaplyev. On this map, Chinese territory is divided into seven hydro-geological pro- vinces, each province having its own hydro-geologi- cal, geographical and geological character. ASSOCIATION: (VNI3:gaz) Card 1/1 SIC-7/13 2--9-L,11 7/17 AUTHOR: Konoplyantsev, A.A. TITILE: _77"-onference of Workers of Illydro-Geolo-ical Sta- tiono P231-11IC'DICia: Razvedka i okhz-ana nedr, 1959, I-Tr "t PP G-1-63 (USSR) ADST:ZACT: The Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issl6dovatel'skiy institut Gidro,'-,-eologii i inzhenernoy GeoloE;ii (the All- W) Up-ion Scientific Research Institute of Eydro-Geolo6gy and Geological EnCinecring (VSEGIITGEO) organized a conference of workers of IWdro--eological and land- slide observation stations, which took place in 7,`oscow from 24 to 26 February 195.01. There are 53 hydro-geological and 8 land-slide observation sta- tions, s-lu-udyi%, and checking the conditions of Ground Water and land-slide phenomena. At present there are-9,635 observation posts in different Card 1/2 parts of the USSR. Systermtic observations over SO 7/17 2- a 0 -41- 17/17 .-I onforcn~;o of 71orkors of I~ydro-Goolo-ical Stations many years have established ~;eneral rules and scheiaes of the decrease and increaslo of the -round viater levels for -uhole regions. Reports on different pro- blems of hydro-Geology were read by: PXI Gass, II.E. :,,'ostyuchenko-Pavlova, D.T.-,. Tats, A.G. Goiub', I.M. TI 11orniyonko, A.F. L_-vrovyyqG.Yu. Israfilov%#V.A. Korobeynikov,, I.T. Grudinshayra, IT.S Diryu_zov. The head of the Departnent of 11ydro-Geoloirly and GeoloEic 3n~;ineering of tulie Ilinistry of Geolou-y and Conser- vation of Mineral Resources of the USSR, V.17. Pon.1n, reported on the "Problems of Ilydro-GeoloC,~ic and Geo- lon-ic Ensineerinr- 71'orks durin- the Seven Year Plan." Q, 1.3 Different decisions for the furthor development of hydro-Geological survey in the USSR, viere taken. ASSOCLITIOIT: VS-,GIIT'uFO Card 2/2 uscomm-w-60,823 3*(5) -DOV/132-59-7-10/17 AUTHOR: -Konoplyantsev, A.A. TITLE: On the fT!"nFfp_1`8`sof Regional Evaluation of Overall Conditions of Ground Waters PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 7, pp 37-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Different methods have recently been developed to establish and forecast the overall conditions of accu- mulation and disch,-nr.-e of ground waters in different parts of the USSR, as for instance the methods of hydrodynamic analysis of Ground waters (method of ter- minal differences, proposed by G.N. Kamenskiy). Up to now these forecasts were made for relatively re- stricted regions of the USSR. In this article the au- thor cites different factors, the knowledge of which will permit one to forecast the ove2all conditions over the whole USSR. M.Ye. Al'tovskiy and N.K. Girinskiy already defined these corcItions as being the result of a combined action of meteorological, geomorphological Card 1/3 and lithological factors, in addition to the natural SOV/132-59-7-10/1? On the Principles of Regional Evaluation of Overall Conditions of Ground Waters surface conditions (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc). The largest genetic classification scheme of ground waters was proposed by M.Ye. Al'tovskiy, who took into considerations the above factors. In his classification, he characterized the types of overall conditions for whole provinces. Other authors, such as G.N. Kamenskiy, made it for much smaller parts of the territory. Re- search conducted by V.I. Illin, B.L. Lichkov, O.K. Lange and G.N. Kanenakiy established the zonality of ground waters. According to the author, the most im- portant task is to determine the types of overall con- ditions of ground waters created by the character and the possibilit-71 of the discharge and delivery of the . U water into the ,vater-bearing horizons. He singles out 1 azonal and 3 zonal types of overall conditions for the whole USSR: 1) zonal type of short-period de- livery of water; 2) zonal type of seasonal water delivery; 3) - zonal type of -year-round delivery; and Card 2/3 4) - azonal type of artificial water delivery. The SO'1/132-59-7-10/17 On the Frinciples of Regional Evaluation of Overall Conditions 'of Ground Waters first zone is characterized by the transition from liquid to solidified (frozen) state and by short- lived summer flow of the ground waters. The second type is characterized by the absence of water delivery in vrinter time, the third type - by the delivery of water all year round. The fourth type is created artificially as a result of drainaGe operations and other artificial replenishments of the water-bearing horizons. He di- vides the four basic zonal types into sub-types, and the sub-types into three classes each. This subdivi- sion is conditioned by specific meteorological, geo- morphological and lithological factors different for each sub-type and class. In case of necessity, a more detailed division of classes can be made. There is 1 table, 1 graph and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONMEGINGEO Card 3/3 XCNOPLYANTSNV. A.A. Map of hydrogeological regions of China. Razved. I okh. nedr 25 no.2:56-58 1 '59. (MMA 12:4) 1. Vbeaoymznyy namchno-Iseledervatel'skly inetitut gidrogeologli i inshemernoy geologil. (China-Water. Underground-Maps) ci ind(,ni-ound viitcru. 3-v. Lool. 7 L. I 6c. 14: 1. V. zll:~ r.,xc.,..~ C-1 olo, der-rour -d) XCKOPLTAII TSAY, A. A- 03applying vater to mining enterprises" by lel. Flotolkov'* Reviewed by A.A. Konopliantiney. Razved. l'okh. nedr 26 noolo:62-63 o l6o. (MIM3: U) 1. Veasoyusnyy nauchno-looledovateliekly Institut gidrogiologli I inshenernoy gsologllo (Prospecting-Water su.pply) KONOPLYANTSEV, A.A,; KOVALEVSKIY, V.S, Principles underlying the study of the natural regime of ground waters. Meteor.i gidrol. no.6t28-35 JTe 161. (HIM 14:5) (Watero Underground) 4 I.V.., doktor gool.-odnerals nm&; GARMONOVP ral,nauk NONOPLYANTSEV, A.A&nd.geol.- bmatigation of . . . . . waters .Jmtries-of Asia and Mwa (MIRA 15:10) the Par East* Vest. All SSSRri32 n0-10:75-77 0 162- Asia-Waters Undo d) Fsr Iket-Waterp orground) ~ t 41 KATS, D.M.; KONOPLYANTSEV. A.A.., IVANOVA, I.C., takhn. red. bieze-we the study of underground water conditions in foreign countries]Obzor izueheniia rezhima podzemuykh vod za rubezhom. Moskva, M-vo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR, 1961. 36 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Water, Underground) KATS, D.141.; KONOPLYANTSEV, A.A, Role of the study of the regime of underground waters in solving practical probleme* Razved. i okhe nedr 27 no.905-42 S '61. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vaesoyuznrf nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. KONOPLY,0TSE,V.,,,_ A.A. I KOVkLEVSKIY, V.S.; LEDEDEV, A.V.P nauchn. red . [Principles of the distributlan of an observation net for the study of the natural regime of underground waters; methodological instructions] Printsipy razme- shohenlia nabliudatellnoi setl dila laucbeniia este-- stvennogo rezhima podzeuxykh vod; metodl,:theskie U-kaza- Mia. Moskvap 1963. 4? P. (Mi-ru, JMg) 1. Moskva. Vsesoyuzny-.v nauzhno-Iss-Iedovat,eI'ski7 Insti- tut gidrogeologi-4 i inzhenerroy geologii. KONOPLYANTSEV,A A.; KOVAIEVSKIY, V.S.; SEMENOV, S.M.; KUDELIN, B.I., retsenzent; ALITOVSKIY, M.Ye., retsenzent; BEREZOVSKAYA, L.I., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Natural regime of underground waters and its characteristics] Eatestvennyi rezhim podzemnykh vod i ego zakonomernosti. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963.- 229 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno- issledovatellskii institU gidrogeologii i inzhenernoi geologii. Trudy, no.2). (MIRA 17:4) Ko~'OFT i 1,YANTB,',,V, A.A.; i,'QVALrVSKIY, V.S.; 5l--,,H',,'NOV, S.S. Some rr:gi.onal characteristIcs of the regimo of ground walklers in the U.S.S.R. Sov. geol. 7 no.9:A'21-11.25 S 16"'. O-Tlwk - Zl y nauchno-iLsledovaLe lsl~iy 1 ' I. V:3esopimp I I - 1. L I -Ln%llOnevr,.oy f"Cologii. KONOPLYA14TSEV, A.A. Some problems in the study of the regime of ulderground waters in the U.S.S.R. Trudy VSEGINGEO no.10:5-17 164. Studying the natural regime of underground waters in relation to the estimation of their explpitation reserves. Ibid.:37-45 (PUTIRMA -17 - 10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nailchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeolcigii i inzhenernoy geo:40gii. KONOPLYANTSEVY A.A.; SEMENOV, S.M.; GOLUB', A.G.; KfiRATLUYEVA, S.S. Regionalization of the northern slope of the Trans-Ili Alatau and the alluvinl Ili Depression adjacent to it according to the character~_stica of the regime of ground waters. Trudy VSECINGEO no.10:.139-.151 164. (MIRA 17: 10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. N GARMCKOV, I.V.; NONOPLYANTSEV. A.A. --, -- -- ml,.,- - "-. -,- - , I., Effect of the artificial lowering Of the- under1rmind water level on the condition of the earth's surfase. Ramed. i okh, nedr- 30 u6.2145-48 7 164, (MIRA 1738) 1. fiesoyUSMY nauchno-ionledovatellskiy inatitut gidrogeologii LAnzhenernoy geologii. I,J KOVOPLYAUTSEV, A. A. "Principles of distribution of observation hydrogeological wells for regional study of unconfined ground water regime." paper submitted for Intl Symp on Hydrological Networks, Design of, Quebec, 15-22 June -1965. SKVORTSOV, Grigoriy Grigorlyevich, starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; ROMANOVSKAYA, Lidiya Ivanovna, mladshiy nauchnYY sotr.; POPOV, I.V., retsonzentl DUBROVKIN, V.L.t retsenzent; PROKROROVp S.P.., retBenzent; KONOPLYANTSEV, A,A,. - retsenzent; GRISHINA, T.B... red. izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V.V tekJin. red. [Geological engineering observations in constructing and exploiting open-pit mines; methodological instructions) Inzhonerno-geologichoskie nabliudeniia pri stroit.ellstve i ekspluatataii karlerov; metodicheskie ukazaniia. Moskva# Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1962. 58 p. (KIRA 15:10) (Engineering geology) (Strip mining) ALITOVSM, M.Ye.; CHMVSKIY, Ye.G.; BABUSIIKIN, V.D.; BlIMEMAN, N N - LAPTEV F.F.[deceaf3ed]; SOKOIDV, I.Yu.; CHALISFCHEV, A:M:tdeceased']; PROXHOIROVp S.P.; TONAREVO MI.; KOROTUEV, A.P.- AMA140V S.K.; KONOPMANTSEV, A.A._, red.; PRIKLOIISKIY, V.A., red.?deceased red.; b SPIT~ red.; MAR121OV, N.A., KULICHIM321, N.I., red.; GARMONOV, IN., red.; LYUBCHENKO, Ye.K., red. izd-va; POTAPOV, V.S.,, red. izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn, red, [Hydrogeologiat's handbook] Spravoehni4 gidrogeologa. Pod ob- shchei red. M.E.Alltovskogo. Moskva, ostooltekhizdat, 1962. 615 p. (~:IRA 15:7) (Water., Underground) WASCHMWOV, A.S.; ANTONkYKO, K.I.; TITOV, N.A.; CBAPOV6KIY~ Yo.G.,- CHURINIOV, M.V.; KON0FpIIYYAUISXV,-A-Z-; VIKTOROV, S-V-; VOSTOKOVATA, Ye.A.; BADOVSKty', -N.D.; KUDE'Lilf, B.I.; OGILIVI, II.A.; WN(MRSGAUZIRI, rp.F.;BRODSM, k.A.; SHCHERBAKOV, A.V.; POPOV, V.N.;YR9L9TAN0VA, "a.P.; SOKOLOV, S.S.; MSENEV, I.I.; GROSHIS, S.I.; MAKKAVEYEV, A A MAHIWOV N.A.; YEFIMOV, A.I.; ASSOVSKIY, G.N.; VLADDIIRDVp ZGIdecenaedl; PROKHOROV~ S.P.; FILIPFOVA, BeSep red* izd-va; HYKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Ilethodological manual on bydrogeological surveying at the scales of 1:11000,000 - 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 - 1:100,00011-letodiche- skoe rukovodstvo po gidroeeologicheskoi s"emke masshtabov 1:1000 C400 - L;5000 000 1 1:200 000 - 1:100000. Pod obshchei red. A.A.Mal-kaveeva i A.S.Riabebenkova. Moskva, Gos. naucbnc~- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 318 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geologii i okhrarq nedr. (Watero Underground) (Geological surveys) ,XONOPLUNTSIV, N.A. An Instance of geometric representation of ore bodies in calculating resources. lazvod.1 okh.medr 22 no.4:48-" Ap 156. 9:8 1. laragandimakeyo geolupmv1smiye. (Nine@ and m1neral resources--Keanuresent) AUTHOR4 Konoplyantg3ev, M.A. 30V-132--8-9-3/18 TITLE: The Correlation Between Surveying, Prospecting and Explor- atory Operations (0 vzaimoavyazi s"yemki, poiskov i razved-- ki) 23 PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1953,ANr 9, PP 11-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Surveying, prospecting and exploring operations are all con- cerned with the discovery, description and evaluation of mineral deposits. The author finds that the instructions and textbooks available in the Union very often give con- tradictory definitions of the precise task of each oper- ation. The development of new instructions, which will de- termine and synchronize with preoision all these operations is urgently needed. ASSOCIATION. Tsentrallno-Kazakhstanskoye geolupravleniye (The Central Ka- zakhstan Geological Administration) 1. Minerals--USSR 2. Geophysical prospecting--USSR 3. Geophysical surveying--USSR Card 1/1 XONOPLYANTSEV, M.A. Molybdenum deposit In central Kazakhstan [with summrv in English]. Sov. geol. 2 no.2:85-104 F '59. OaRk 12:5) leAkkultelmya goolegorazvedechnaya partiya. (Khzakhstan--Mol7bdenum orea) ARKHIMS. Ye.Ya. (Kiyev); B011MAROVICH. I.M. (Kharlkov); BUIAMOV, Y.N. (111yev); GALUSLIN, V.B. (Kiyev); GOMSI. G.A. (Nikolayev); GURBUNOVA. W.N., (Xiyev); GMLITSKIT, B.A. (Kiyev); DYADYUSHA, G.G. (Kiyov).- KATSIMLISON. I.Ye. (Dnepropetrovsk); KVITCHUX, B.A. (11yev); XIRIIJAV. T.A., (Kan) (Chernoytsy); NIKOLISKIY, -V.T. (Kiyev) PONOMMM, -WINtan"ter . OR-ANSKIY. A.I. (Kiyov); POPOV, T.N. iKiyev); PMBNIXDTA. I.T. (Ushgorod); STZSHMG. E.G. (Ktyev); CHATKIN. K.K. (finnitea); 39"HNIKOVA. E.N. (KLyev); SHPOELTYUK. V.I. (Kiyev); UNKO. X.M. (9talinsksys oblaot'); SYSCHNIKOVA. N., redaktor; SXCMSKIY. V., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Tourist routes through the Ukraine] Turietakie marshruty po Ukraine. Kiev. Isd-vo TeX LKWU ONolod'.0 1957. 368 p. (KIFA 10: 8) (Ukraine-Description and travel) 'AUTHORS: Baranskiy, P. I. , SOV/57-58-8-1/37 _L ~110 TITLE: Investigation of the Volume-Gradient Thermo-e.m.f. and of the Heat Conductivity in Germanium Monocrystals With Definite Crystallographic Orientation (Izucheniye obl'yemno-gradiyentnoy termoeds i teploprovodnosti v monokristallakh germaniya izvest- noy kristallograficheskoy oriyentateii) _0 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958,/,Ur 8, pp. 1621 - 1630 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this-,paper a method for the investigation of the volume- gradient thermo e.m.f. t is exposed. This voltage is a generated when a grad T is present in the sample because of the volume heterogeneities. This method was tested in experiments with germanium. The function of the ordinary thermo e.m.f. aGe-Cu versus T and the dependence of the volume-gradient thermo,e.m.f.upon the temperature was investigated. The following was confirmed: 1) The transition to an intrinsic cond uctivity with varying temperature (which is observed, when - the sign of the ordin ary thermo e.m.f. a is inversed) is . Ge-Cu Card 1/3 accompanied by a reduction of the volume-gradient thermo e.m.f. Investigation of the Volume-Gradient Thermo-e.m.f. SOV/57-58-8-1,/37 and of the Heat Conductivity in Germanium MonocrystalB With Definite Crystallographic Orientation Card 2/3 2) If temperatures are sufficiently high (and correspond to the conditions of intrinsic conduction ) the volume-gradient thermo e.m.f. within experimental errors is independent of the oryBtallogj~aphical orientation and equal to zero. The isotropy of thermo e.m.f. in germanium is substantiated. Measurements of 0the volume-gradient thermo e.m.f. of samples annealed at 500 C for 32 hours proved that the effect is in- different to annealing. Th a proves that not the lattice defects but the heterogenetties in the distribution of residual impurities in germanium are responsible for the generation of the volume-gradient thermo e.m.f. ;-.. It was shown that ta disappears in the t*emperature range of intrinsic conduction also in annealed samples. The heat conductivity in germanium is also isotropic,.as was shown with an accuracy of I -* 2%. The heat conductivity versus temperature function was measured in the temperature interval of 774 T4~, 3700K. The free length of path of the phonons was estimated according Investigation of the Volume-Gradient Thermo-e.m.f. BOV/57-58-8-1/37 and of the Heat Conductivity in Germanium Monocrystals With Definite Crystallographic Orientation to the accurate value of the heat conductivity of Ge at room temperature.. It amounted to 2.8-jo-6 which equals about 50 lattice parameters of Ge. The germanium crystals were made available by Z.B.Mertens (deceased) and A.N.Kvasnitskaya. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inst't fiziki All USSR, Kiyev( Kiyev,, Physics Institute., AS Ukr SSR SUBMITTED July 2 , 1Y57 Card 3/3 20795 S/181/61/003/003/021/030 B102/B205 AUTHORS: Baranskiy, P. I., Dzyubenko, G. M., and Konoplyasova, N. S. TITLE: Experimental study of the nature of the volume-gradient emf occurring in germanium in the presence of a current PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 3, 1961, 876-863 TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. 1: ZhTF, XXVIII, 1896 , 1958), Baranskiy at al. reported on the detection of a volume-gradient emff t*, which occurs p at the resistivity gradients (VQ) in single crystal crystals of n-type,and p-type germanium during the passage of a current. Consideration of the specific peculiarities of bipolar carrier diffusion (theoretically and experimentally studied by V. Ye. Lashkarev) indicates that 6* is probably p due to the injection of minority carriers from one part of an inhomogeneou specimen into another. This assumption was checked by a measurement of th: resistivity ' ?# by a probe compensation method. The authors proceeded from the following. If 0 is due to the factors assumed, the potential drop P between the'meaeuring drops can only increase if the direction of 79 Card 1/ 5 20795 S/181/61/003/003/021/030 Experimental study B102/B205 The rapid decrease of 6* after the maximum is related to a homogenization p of the specimen, caused by an increase in the intrinsic carrier ooncentra- tion '(p/n approaches unity). In the region of growth, the functioniQ(T) p corresponds to p/n - f(T), which is in accordance with the results obtained by Z. A. Demidenko and K. B. Tolpygo. The current dependence of N under strictly isothermal conditions has also been studied. The p aI empirical relation 6P A(e 1) has been found already earlier. An exponential function with an exponent 2 in the first part and an exponent for 6* < 2 at higher amperages was obtained p (I) by exact measurements (cf. Fig. 10). Results: 1) All the factors reducing the effective carrier lifetime T also reduce f.W. 2) A correlation exists between the tempera- eff p 2 ture dependence of 6* and that of p/n. Both V and n are propoTtional to p p i exp(- AE/kT) (ni - intrinsic carrier concentration, &E- forbidden band width) 3) The "floating particles" are not responsible for the occurrence of f * in Ge - 4) 9 *(1) is an exponential function. 5) The experimental p p Card 3 5 20795 S/181/61/003/003/021/030 Experimental study ... B102/ 205 data indicate that 9* is caused by distributed injection (exclusion) of P minority carriers. V. Y9. Lashkarev, Academician AS UkrSSR, is thanked for discussions. There are 10 figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Boviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: July 26, 1960 Card 4/5 BOMWSU-G&MIG. Dami &; lDHDPNICXA-LACZrNSLA, Barbwa. Case 6f street& of the posterior nares. Pedlat.polsks, 30 no-5: 485JM K&Y '55. .Z Odds.119mmlecego I Odds. laryngologicsnego Instytutu Matki I Dslacks w Waresawle. Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr Red. Fr.Groer lisrownik Oddslalu lllowwlec*V:. doc. dr Ned. 1. Dielicks. Kierowulk: Oddslalu LigymWologics"go: dr mod.J. Dantelevics. Waresma,laspirsake, 17. 1.M. I Ds. (SkUl CAVITY, aboormlitles, street& of ammo) (AR]IDEWAITIBB, atreela of nares) BVILICKA, I MALACHOWSKA, 1. KO1K)P1-1ICKA-LACZT11SKA,. B. Investigations on the role of alpha strain of Zscherichis. coli in etiology of diarrheas in newborn infants. Pediat. polska 30 no-10:933-936 Oct. '55. 1. Z Oddzialu Wczesniakow Kliniki Niemowlecaj Instytutu Matki, i D21ecka w Warazawie. Dyrektor Instytutu: prof.dr mad Yr. Groer. Kierownik kliniki: doc. ir mod.:-I. Bielicka I z 1~anstwowego Zakladu Higiany w Warazawin. Dyrektor: Prof. dr mod. F. Frzesmycki Warszawa, Kasprzaka 17, I.M. I D2. (DIARR M , bacteriolo N.coll In new-6ornf (ESCHFMCHIA COLI, infections, diarrhea In newborn) JANUS, Aleksandra; EDMPHICKA-LACZYNSKA, Barbara Application of ACTH In neglected cases of hemolytic disease in newborn Infants. Pediat. poiska 31 no.6:663-67o June 56. 1. Z Iliniki ffiemowlecej Inetytutu Matki I Dziecka w Warezawie Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr. med. Fr. Groer. Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr. mad. 1. Btelicka, Warszawa, Easprzaka 17, ViDs. (ACTH, therapeutic use, ox7throblastosts, fetal'(Pol)) (=TTHWBLASTOSTS. MAL, therapy. ACTH (Pol)) Rm-bara; MENA, Anna ,inIcni ~bce77r-tiom-., of previable infantE. Pediat. Y)o's,:a 12 no. 7: T-,.i'y 57. 1. Z Odlzinllu Wczasnialrow Iwtytutu Matki i Dziecka w 'Jarszavio Lzzytutu: prof. dr. mod. Pr Groar. Kisrownik Oddzialu: doe. dr I 131alicl-ti. ACU-es: War-asava. ul. gasprasaka 17. In.-tytut M,--tk Dazlec,ka. (VIYANTI, Pk-,!lA?rUIG previtible. plWsiopathol. (Pol)) K01101-10VA; Kvrsta' ina. ";SIC. Theory of the separating capacity of filters. Papir a selulosa 19 no.llg298-302 11 164. 1. Ragearch Institute of Paper and Cellulose, Workbite, Prague. EItMMq WiodsWers; IONOPSKA# Wiselaws, N Serotonin &W rhmmtlc diseases. Rematologla Polska noe 31/.23-426 060. 1, Z Instytatu Reumtologiossago w Warssawie Dyrektort prof* dr mdo E. Reicher (SHROTONIN wtab) (RHEUMATISK metab) BRUHL, W.; K .; LUFT, S.1 WROBLEWSKA-GUFF, T. I Serotonin tests in rheumatic diseases. Reum- Pol. 4:133-137 161. 1. Z Instytutu Reumatologii v Warosawie Dyrektor: dr med. W. Bruhl. (RHMUTISM) (SERDTONIN) I :i LAZNSKI, Zygmunt,- LUFT, Stanislaw; KONOPSKA, Vieslawa Faperimental administration of the blood from rheumatoid patients to mice. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 1 no.L29-32 163. I. Z Insty'!-,tu Reumatologicznego w Warszawie (Dyrektors prof. dr med. E. Reicher). m , - 4te MILICHENKO, D.V.; KONOREV, N.M. I ,I 41 1 Study of the formation of compensating space during the brnaking, of hard ores. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh. SSR 15:3-11 163, (MIRA 17:3) XOTTOREV, N.M., inzh.. LUKIYANOV, L.S., inzh. 2 Gauge for placing buntonoo Shakht. stroi. 6 no-5:25 14Y 162 (MIFA 15:7) 1. Altayskiy gorno-mtallurgicheskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut. (Shaft sinking-Equipment end supplies) KARGIN, V.A.; KOZLOV, F.Y.; PLATE, R.As; KONOREVA, I.I. Method of obtaining graft polymers from starch and styrene and inventigation of their properties. T7sokom.soed. I no.1:114-122 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Khtsicbeskiy, fakul'tat Moskovskago goRudarstvannogo universiteta I qkb soyedinenly, In. H.V.Lomnomove Kafedra vysokoriol:kulyarr (styrene) (Starch) (P irmers) 011M. N.A. [31splifled methods for buildinguateriAl testing] Uprosb- chennys sposoby Ispytantia stroltellnykh mterialov. Koakwa. Gos.iad-va strolt.lit-ry, 1946, 71 P, (KLRA 8*.Z) (Building materlals-TeatIng) KONOROVo A- V- 3'5254. Oruanizatiya i wlekhanizats~ya Betonnykii i Zholezobetonnykh Rabot. Trudy IV Vsesoyuz . Konf-tsii Po Beton i Zhetezobeton. Konstruktsiyam. Ch. I. M. L.P 19499 S. 263-70 SO. Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh StateV Vol. 34, 1949 liaskv' KONOROT, A.V., prof.; STARUIHIN, N.M., insh. Over-all nechanisation and the use of containers in housing constructione Stroi.prom. 27 no.4:1-5 Ap 149. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Tsesoyusnyy nauchno-looledovatellakly Institut po organizatell I ackhanIzatall stroltel'stvae (containers) (Imading and unloacung) ONUFRIYAY, I.A.. insh9ner, otvatstyennyy redaktor; EAUMN, V.A.v kandidat takhaichaskikh amuk, redaktor; DWROVS11Y, N.G., daktor takhatchs- skIkh nauk. professor, redaktor; ITANOV, V.A., inshener, radaktor; KOKISSAROV, A.T., inshener. redaktor; professor, redaktor; IROITSKIY, Kh.L,, kandidat t5l"it" neuk, redaktor; SIAZNIKOV, G.I., inshener, redaktor; FULIZINA, Ye.A.. tekhnichooki.7 redaktor; DAKHNOV, V.S., tekhalcheskly rMaktor [Handbook of construction mechanical Spravochnik makhanilm na stroitelletviso Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, I arkhttakture, 1051.4064 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 10:2) I* Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosuderstvannyy kowitet po delas stroitalletya, (Building machinery) XONOROV. A.V., doteent; 106HUENNO. M.S.. professor, Uo~-- ~~Rwikdl [Building materials3 Stroiteltnye matortaly. Kookys., Goo.1%d-vo lit-ry po stroitellstva i &rWtekturs, 1933. 293 p. (=4 6:12) (Buildins materials) 7T: SdWIN. ka., -do t'or tekhnichookikh nank; WOROV, A.Y., professor, r*ts*n- sent; XOLOTNITUIY, N.D., doktor tekbirel-e-sUkIf nauk, professor, re- daktor; NOTOCUMV, A.G.; PZTROVSFATA, To.. tekbuicheskly redaktor. [Technology of construction] Tokhaologlia stroltellnogo prolsvodstia. Isd. 2-*, perer. i dop. Moskva. Isd-vo, Ministerstva k6mnuna1 I U060 khosialstya ASM. 1954. 579 p. [Xicrofilm) (HM 7:11) (Builaing) I-C)oo'Rov' [.).V. VORCE'U'VI, V.A., professor. "BuIlding materials.* A.T.Konorov, K.N.loshurnikov. Reviewed by T.4 Voroblev. Strol.prom. 32 no.6:48 A 134. Off-HA 7:6) (Building materials) L Kfca ov., A,, ariLd 2b.0 t ftr!"l v WNDROV, A.V. The hietory of brick In Russia from the 11th to the 20th century. Trudy I tekh- 7:178~-224 156. 0a" 9: 9) (Bricks) Alsksandr Vladimirovich; NIKOLAYWA, M.N., red.; GOROILHOV, Tu.N., [Modern Insulating materials in building. and in engineering] Sov"MODUY6 lsolla"telonnyo-materialy v stroitelletv's I takhnilm. Koskva, Vsss.uchsbuo-jwdagog.isd-vo Trudreservisdat, 1958, 1.58-P. (KIM 12:7) (Insulating materials) KONOROV. A.T., prof.; POLYAKOV, V.I., inzh. Cranes to be used In constructing mnltistoried buildinge. Stroltellstyo no.11:15-23 N 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Cranes. derricks. ate.) SHATAVA, Vladimir (Satavat Vladimir]; SM?DLIK.. Yaroslav (Skrdlik, Jaroslav]; kASLOBMSHCHIKOV, V.M.ftranslatorl; KONOROV A V red. ; VIKOIAMA, N.M.,, red. izd-va; red. ["Silikark". a porous concrete]Poristyi beton silikork. Pod red. A.V.Konorova. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 230 p.Translated frm the Czech. (MIRA 15; 10) (Lightweight concrete)