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,9~ V, D, 137-58-5-11124 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 317 (USSR) AUTHOR: Konkin, V. D. TITLE: An X-ccelerated Method of Photocolorimetric Determination of Aluminum in Steels and Pig Irons (Uskorennoye (olokolori- metricheskoye opredeleniye alyuminiya v stalyakh i chugunakh) PERIODICAL: Byul. naluchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n. -i. in-t. metallov, 1957, Nr Zi pp 76-81 ABSTRACT: A method is proposed whereby Al can be determined with aluminone in the presence of less than 0.7% Ba, approximately 8% V, and large amounts of Cr; when present in amounts in ex- cess of 15 in 50 cc, Ti interferes with the process. 0. 1 g of steel is dissolved in 7 cc of a 5% HZS04 solution under moder- ate heating. I cc of HN03 (1: 1) is added, and I cc of HCI (1; 1) is added if the Al is present in large amounts. The solution is then evaporated to S03. The salts are dissolved in 30 cc of hot H20 and are transferred to a 100-cc flask. 10 cc of the solu- tion are placed 'into a 60-cc flask; enough Fe is added to bring the total Fe content to 10 mg; after adding 5 cc of~HZO. 2 cc of Ca rd 1/2 10% solution of NH4SCN, and 5 cc of a 20% solution of 137-58-5-11124 An Accelerated Method (cont. hydroxylamine sulfate, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 800C for a period of three minutes; after the mixture has cooled, 1.0 cc of a 0.1% alum- inone solution is added to it. The volume of the mixture is brought up to a predetermined mark with a buffer solution (a mixture of 25.2 cc of CH3COOH in 2100 cc of H20, and 126 cc of CH3COONa in 7900 cc of H?O), and, after 10-15 minutes have elapsed, the solution is analyzed photometrically with a green light filter. A calibration curve is plotted for standard specimens of steel. Tables for determination of Al are shown for the gravimetric method and for the method proposed. Up to 49rof Al in 50 cc of solution can be determined. K.K. 1. Aluminum--Determination 2. Steel-Applications 3. Iron--Applications 4. Colorimetry--Applications Ca rd 2/2 Work practice of central chemical labora&ories in nonferrous metallargies plants of the Ukrainian SSS. Zav.lab. 23 no.2:250- 252 '57. (M1RA 10:3) 19 Ukrainskly nauchno-ionledovatellekly institut metallov.. (Ukraine--Xetallurgical laboratories) sov/81-59-5-15079 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 128 129 (USSR) AUTHOR: Konkin, V.D. tM 77777-777- TME: A Speed-Up Complexometric Method for the Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Oxides in a Systematic Analysis of Blast-Furnace Slags DolomitesAnd Limestones PERIODICAL. Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr, n.-i. in-t metallov. 1958, Nr 6, pp 104 - 110 ABSTRACT. It was established that when titrating Ca in the presence of Mg, with complexon III (I) in a strong alkaline medium at pff 14, using murexide as an indicator, the final point of the titration is very clearly shown, which allows for the application of the complexometric method in the determination of Ca and Mg in blast-furnace slags, dolomites and limestones (after the separation of S102 and the hydroxides of Al, Fe and Mn). 0.5 9 of finely ground slag is moistened with hot water and dissolved Card 1/3 in 25 ml of HC1, 1.5 - 2 g of NH4Cl and NH 4OH are added till a SOV/81-59-5-15079 A Speed-Up Complexometric Method for the Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Oxides in a Systematic Analysis of Blast-Furnace Slags Dolomites and Limestones precipitate of Al, Fe and Mn hydroxides is separated, 10 ml of a 15%-solution of (NH 4)2S208 is introduced, this is filtered, boiled for 10 - 15 minutes in order to destroy the excess of (NH 4)2S208, then cooled, diluted with water to 250 ml and mixed. Thirty ml of water are added to 50 ml of the obtained solution, 5 drops of an Indigocarmine solution (0.25 9 in 100 ml of 2.5%-C2H50H) and a 20%-solution of NaOff or KOH, until a yellow color of the solution (pH 14) appears, 0.1 - 0.15 9 of murexide are introduced (0.2 g of the indica- tor are rubbed together with 20 g of NaCl) and a slow titration of Ca is carried out with a 10% solution of I till the pink shade changes to violet. In another aliquote of the solution the Ca and Mg sum total is determined; 30 ml of a buffer solution,is added to 50 ml of the solution to be analyzed (67.5 g of NH4C1 is added to 570 ml of a 20%-solution of NH4OH and diluted with water to 1 liter, 0.1 - 0.15 9 of an acidic chromium dark blue (0.2 g of the indica- tor is rubbed together with 20 g of NaCl) is added and this is titrated with a 10%-solution of.I till the wine-red color changes to a dark blue-lilac Card 2/3 . .1 1 SOV/81-55-5-15079 A Speed-Up Complexometric Method for the Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Oxides in a Systematic Analysis of Blast-Furnace Slags Dolomites and Limestones color. The Mg content is determined by the difference. In analyzing the dolomite or the limestone, after the sample has been dissolved, the obtained- solution is treated with a few drops of HNO 3' then NH Cl and NR40H are added- (Al, Mn and Fe hydroxides are precipitated), this J. filtered, the filtrate is cooled and diluted with water to 250 ml, the Ca and Mg are determined as described above. It is absolutely necessary to carry out a control (blank) experiment with reagents for Ca and Mg. N. Chudinova Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Konkin, V. D. SOV/32-24-10-4/70 TITLE: A High-Speed 1.1ethod for Determining Calcium Oxide in Fluxed Agglomerates, Calcites, Dolomites, and Cinders (Ekspressnyy metod opredelaniya okisi kalltsiya v oflyusovannykh aglo- meratakh, izvestnyakakh, dolomitakh i shlakakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr lo, PP 1181-1183 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to work out a faster complexometric method for the determinations mentioned in the title the triethanol- amine recommended (Refs 1, 2) in the publications was used in the present case. The alkaline content of the medium was controlled with indigo carmine which changes over the pff range of 11,6 to 14,0. In the experiments which were carried out with the assistance of Kh. K. Kaplan it was observed that in the trilonometric (complexometric) calcium determinat-ions up to 00 mg iron, up to 20 m- aluminum, and k. uD to 8 mi- manganese may be present. Data are given on the course of the analysis. The duration of the calcium deter- irination in fluxed agzlomerates is 15 minutes, that in the Card 1/2 other materials 8 - 10 minutes. In the case of a calcium SOV/32-24-lo-4/70 A 11 i Gh - S peod Methol for Determin'ng Calcium Oxide in Fluxed Agglomerates, Calcites, Dolomites, and Cinders content of 15 1,146 the maximum error amounts to + 0,20 % and in the caue of 15 - 56 % Ca it is about + 0,3~~P. A table of the results obtained is given. After The present method had been tested papers were published in the periodicals "Metallurgiya" and "Khim-iyall (Refs 3, 4) which describe a similar method. The results rhich were obtained by variations on the determination method a87ree. The method described in the present case may be carried out within 8 , 10 minutes, whereas using the variations mentioned in the other publi- cations the duration of the analysis is longer. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainski, nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov Y (U~xalniarr Scientific Research Institute for Metals) Card 2/2 S/137/61/000/011/112/123 A060/A101 AUTHORS: Konkin, V. D., Gol'tsberg, I. M. TITLE: Accelerated method of determining small contents (0,005 - 0.01%) of aluminum and aluminum oxides in plain carbon steels PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 4, abstract 11K17 ("Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 289 - 296) TEXT: Two varients are worked out for the determination of small quanti- ties (0-005 - 0.010%) of Al and Al 203 in steel from a single batch, using ascor bine or thioglycol acids as masking reagents. In both variants the steel batch is dissolved in H2S04 under slight heating. The precipitate of carbides and Al ~03 is filtered off through an ashless filter. The Al in the filtrate from the solid solution and the Al in the precipitate in the form of Al ~03 are deter- mined by the photocolorimetric method, using for masking ascorbine and thioglycol acids. The precision of the method according to both variants is �0.0005% Al. The determination of Al and Al 03 in 20 samples of steel takes 16 - 18 hours. It was found that in determining Q Al in a solid solution, it is Dexpedient to Card 1/2 Accelerated method of determining ... S/137/61/000/011/11e123 A060/A101 utilize ascorbine acid for the masking of Pe, and in detennining Al in the fonn Of Al ~03 - thioglycol acid. L. Voroblyeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card P-/2 KONKIN, V.D., kand.khimicheskikh nauk; ZHIKHAREVA, V.I. Analysis of phosphorus and manganese slags with use of urotropine and trilon B. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. met. no-7:271-279 ,61. (MIRA 14-11) (Slag--Analysis) KONKIN, V.D., kand.khimicheskikh nauk; ZHIKHARWA, V.I. -------- Determination of manganese in ferromanganese and manganese ores by means of trilon B. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. met. no.7:280- 284 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Forromanganese--Analysis) (Manganese ores--Analysis) ,~ A KONKIN, V.D., kand.khWeheskikh nauk; GOLITSBERG, I.M., inth. tents (oxo5 - 0.01 percent' of Rapid metbod of determining small con aluminum and aluminum oxide in plain carbon steels. Trudy Ukr. Inauch.-isal. inst. met. no-7:289-296 161. (KIM 14: 11) (Steel--Analysis) (Aluminum--Analysis) KONKIN.J.D.., kand.khimicheakikh nauk; KOVAL', G.L., inzh. 1. Rapid volumetric determination of silicic acid in slags. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-iasl. inst. met. no.7iZ97-300 '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Slag--Analysis) (Silica--Analysis) KONKINt Vasiliy Dmitriymigh; ZHIKHAREVA, Valentina Josifovna; TgYBA, - rX.-IL, Me- TMIS i . re ; GUSAROV, K.F., tekhn, red, (Complexometric awlysial Kampleksometricheakii analizz. Kiev, Gootekhizdats, USSRp 1962. 147 p. (MDU 15:6) (Cbamistryp Analytical) (Complexons) 8/137/62/000/012/076/085 AOO6/A1O1 AUTHORS: Konkin, V. D., Zhikhareva, V. I. TITLE: Analysis of alloys with the use of urotropine and trilon B PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1962, 6 - 7, abstract 12K34 ("Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i.. in-t metallov", 1962, no. 8.', 329 - 336) TEXT: A '0.25 g batch of the alloy is disgolved in 'D'03 (1:4); 2o ml H2~04 (1:3) are added, and the solution is heated until S03 vapors appear. Then 100 ml water, and 5 ml HCl are added, and Cu is singled out with Na thiosulfate. The Cu precipitate is dissolved in HNO water is Added and the solution is 31 neutralized with NH40H, acidified with HC1 (1:1), apd. Cu is titrated with 0.05 n.- solution of trilon 13 (1) in the presence of murexide. After singling out.Cu of the filtrate with urotropine, Fe and Al aie separated from Ni and Co. Then Fe and Al are separated with the use of NaOH and Al is determined by the complex- metrical method with eriochrome black ET-00. Fe is also titrated with I in the presence of sulfo-salicyl acid. To the Co- and Ni-containing solution murexide and ammonia solution are added and their sum is titrated with 0.1 n. I-solution. Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/012/076/085 Analysis of alloys with the use of... A006/A101 The Ni-content is calculated after determining Co from the other aliquot portion of the solution by the weight or potentiometrical method. The error of deter- mining Co and Ni is about 44).10%. There are 10 references. B. Meleptlyev (Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2,/2 S/137/6VO00/012/075/085~ A006/A101 AUTHORS: Konkin, V. D.0 Zhikhareva, V. 1. TITLE: Determination of tungsten in ferrous metal, alloys, and ferro- tungsten by an indirect complex-metrical method PMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1962, 5, abstract M25 ("Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov". 1962, no. 8, 337 - ~41) TEXT: The method is bag~d on the preliminary singling-out of tungsten .in the form of tungsten oxide (1), its precipitation with Pb2+ and titration of the excess Pb24* solution with trilon B (II). An alloy batch is dissolved in 50 ml HC1 (I ; 4) and 10 ml IINO3 . The.solution is.con6entrated by,evaporation to 10 - 15 ml, 10 ml 1%-gelatin solution and 150 ml water are added, boiled during 5 min and I is filtered-off after 20 min. The precipitate is dissolved in 5 ml 25%-NH40H and 50 ml water, the singled out metal hydroxides are filtered) and the filtrate is neutralized with the use of Congo paper. Amounts of 20 ml 10%-NI14CGOCH3 solution and 10 - 15 ml n. Pb(N03)2 solution are added. The solu- tion is boiled for 1 2 min, transferred into a 200-ml retort, and 100 ml of Card 1/2 5/081/631'000/005/020/075 AUTFOR: Konkin, V. D. and Zhikharev, V. 1. TITLE: Analysis of alloys using urotropina and trilon B MiODICAL.- -Referativnyy zhurnal'.~-Xhimiya, Z1Q. 51 1963, 128-129, abstract 30129 (5b. tr. Ukr, ii-J, in-t* metallov, no. 8, 1962. 329 - ~36) TEXT: 'A method was.develQped for analyzing alloys, containing large quantities or Cu, Al, Ni, Co, and- Fes using'urotropino and complexon 111 (1). 0.?5 g of alloy are dissolved in 003 (2-:4), 20 ml H?-SC4(1:3) are added and the mixture evaporated to whits fwmes. 100 ml of water, 5 ml concentrated HC1 and 30 Ml Of 30% solution Of Ma2S203 are added to the residue and it is boiled to coagulation of CuS precipitate, whic'n is then filtered and washed with M1 (1: 19). For determination of Cu, the CuS procipitate is dissolved in 20 ml of hot HN03 (1 : 1). 100 =1 of water are added and a solution Of 1IF40H to the transi- tion of a light blue color through.congo, red into red. Then HC1 (1:1) is added drop-wiso to a rose color appearance on congo papar, =rexide is introduced and Cu is titrated with 0.05 N solution 1. For separation of Fe and A2 from KI and Co 10 ml of concentrated "N03 are added to the filtrate after separation of the Card 1/3 L 12354-Z3 Analysis o alloys .... S/081/63/000/005/()2-OJ075 Nff 401 and Nff Us* The solution is boiled and upon cooling to 8001C, 2 g of 40H solution are introduced until precipitationbegins, "The precipitate is dis- solved by addition of dilute H01-and a 30% solution of urotropine is added until hydroxides precipitate. After thist 10 ml of uratropine are added in excess and the solution is held at 800 C for 10 - 15 minutes. The solution with pre- cipitate is diluted to 250 ml and filtered. Fe and Al are determined in the precipitate. To do this, the precipitate is dissolved In hot H01 and Fa is precipitated with N&OH. The solution with Fe(OH)j precipitate is diluted to 500 ml and filtered. To 250 ml of the filtrate 20 ml of 0.1 H solution of I are added, it is made acidic With H.Cl using congo rad paper, eriochormo black ET-00 is introduced, L ammon:Lum, -chloride buffer solution and an excess of I is titrated with 0.1 N solution of,ZnS94. For determination of Fe the precipitate of FO(OH)3 :15 dissolved in HCIL (1:1) and a solution of NH40H is added until pre- cipitation begins, HC1 (1:1) is then added of - 0 the precipitate, Severaldrops 20j; solution of sulfosalicyalic acid are added to the solution and Fe is ti- 'i + Co. trated with a 0.1 N solution of 1. For determinatim of the sum of JR 0.1 - 0.2 g of murexida -and 2 ml -or concentrate(i N140H are introduced to the. tjoL - aliquot-por n of the -filtrate (obtaiaed --after separattion :of Fe - afid Al tropine) and Utrated with:O.j_LU'SOjUtiQn Of 1-to the appearance of a pale pink Card 2/3 --.A.QNK4$1,,,,V,O~D..;"ZHURAREVA,- V.I. t Complexomotric determination of molybdenum in permalloy and ferromolybdenum. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:791-793 163. (MIRA 16*8) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut metallov. (Molybdenum alloys-Analysis) (Complexons) -.Dmitriyevich; MIKHARLTA, Valentina Iooifo-vna; -1y.. EPIK, P.A., kand. tokhn. nauk, retsenzent; (Complexometric analyBis] Kompleksometricheakii analiz. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Kiev, "Tekhnika," 1964. 255 p. (MIRA 17:6) KONKIN, V.D.; KUW'SHOV, G.A. Methods of chemical analysis of steels and cast irons. Standartizatsiia, 27 no.1:27-29 Ja 163. (MIRA 1714) KONKIN, V.D.; ZHIKRAREVA, V.I. Analysis of lead silicate by means of trilon B. Zav. lab. 30 no.1:31-32 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov. ..KONKRI, V.D., kand. kh" nauk; MIKUMA, V.I.; LUM, L.A. Determining small quantities of calcium in cast iron with the use of trilon B for masking the iron. Sbor. trud. UNIIM no.9s 450-453 164 (MIRA 18.,l) KOVALI, G.L.; KONKIN, V.D., kand. khIm. nauk.- MR-WHOV, G.-A. Photocolorimetrie method of determining arsenic in iron ores and produotB of their transformation. Sbor. trud. UNIIM no.9-. 460-463 164 (m4 18.-I) - MIKIN, V.D., kand. khim. nauk; ZHIKHAREVA, V.I. Effect of urotropine and trilon B in the systematic analysis of slag with a large content of chromium oxide. ti-Laniwo dioxide, vanadium pentoxidey and zinz cxldeo fior. trud. UNITM no.9-435-2d,3 f64 ME R.4. 18 3 1) Rapid analysis of rare-sarth metal alloys, Ybid.~-444-.1,1,9 KONKIN, V.D.; LIMANO L.A. Determining cerium cxide in slags. Sbor.trud. UNIIN no.11:379-382 165. (MIRA 18:1-1) KONKINO V.D.; BRUK, I.L. ---^-W~ Rapid photocolorimetrio method phosphorus in steel during the trud, UNIIM no.11:383-386 165. for the determination of smelting process. Sbor, (MIRA l8s1l) DOROKHOVO r,.I*; GERSHGCltffp ".j 101MIN, V.Do; LUOSSROV, G.A. Removal or sulflor from asst Iran b7 vacuuming. Not, i gornorud, prom. no.3 s73-7,4 *J* 165o (KM 18:11) MKIN, Tu.A., aspirant Determining methods for calculating amortization norme of tractorse Trudy MIMIR 5 no-104-64 158. (NIBA 13:U) 1. Rabot& v"olnens pA rukawodstvom saveduyughchogo kafedroy Ikonomiki sellskogo khosymystva I Organizateii prolsvodetva v sots- lallaticheskikh sellvko-khosM*tvenmykh prodprlyatiyakh, doktor& skonomichaskikh nauk, profeemors Vlasova, N.S. (Tr&ctors) KONKIN. Yu.A - kaud.ekon.nauk Graphic-analymis method of establishing on economic basis the life expectancy of tractors. Trudy MIHWKU ll-'82-122 160(HM 13:9) (Tractors) JONKINq Yuriv Alekoandrovichp kand. Acnom. niuk; GREBTSM, F.P. 9 red.; REVICY,-V-.N. -,UJft-. red. [Depreciation of machinery in airiculture; economic principles for determining ths 3ife of tractors andmachinery in agriculture] Amor- tizatsiia tekbnIld v nltskom khoziaistve; skonomicbes)de osum opredeleniia. srokov slushby traktorov i maehin v Bellskom khosiaietwo, Moskvap Goo. isd-vo sel9khoz. Ut-ryq 1961. 174 p. (MIU 140) (Agricultural machinery) (Tractors) (Depreciation) - KONKIN, Yurly Alekoandrovich; SAZONOVp V.V., red.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., tekbno red-. [Service Ufa and replacement of agricultural machinary and tractors on collective f& m ] SrokI ispollzovaniia i obnovleniia traktornogo parka v kolkhosakh, Moskva# Izd-vo H-va sell.khoz. RSFSR, 1960. 15 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Agricult=*l machinery) (Tractors) KONKIN, Yu.A., kand.okonomicheskikh nauk Economic indices of the perfection of Izv. TSKLA no.5:207-216 161. (Agricultur,al agricultural machinery. (MIFA 14:12) machinery) IN SELIT OV, A.I., doktor t8khn. nauk, prof.; U VITSMY, 1-').) doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent; SHAINK, B.E., 1,Tof., zusl. doyatoll wiWci i tokhniki R'TAI, nauchn. red. [Fundamentals of the theory of the aging of machinenrl Osnovy teorii starenlia nuishin. Moskvaj Izi-.vo 111,~ashinostroenic," 19C4. 403 P. ~KIIRA 17:11 20592 KONKDIA, N. G. 0 formirovanii shiak v sovremennykh morskikh otlozygeniYalch. Priroda, 1949, N06, s. 50-52. - Bibliogr- 5 nazv. ,9D: LBTOPIS ZHUXIAL SrATEY- Vol. 28- Moskva - 1949 XONKINA, N.G. '* ~=:, ~- 7-,, ~ ~-- -'. ~ , Formation 257 '49* of *~rsam flow In the North, no.104:219- (KUU 10: 1) (basal&, lorthern.-Hydralaff) NOMIA, *.a. I I MUMORP, 6oudousalloa &3kd evaporation processes *s, the surfaces of glaciers. Uch.s&p.I* 949. (MLPA 9:6) (Glaciers) -. . ,, KOFK!!!~&j '.. Classification of rivers of the U.S.S.R. according to their tee formt1on characteristics. Test. MU 12 n0.18:119-127 157. (Rivers--Classification) (Ice on rivers, lakes, ate.) (MIRA llt3) 3(0) PHM I BOOK EMWITATION SOV/1282 Davydov, Lev Konstantinovich and Kanki , Nina Geogriyevna Obshchaya gidrologiya (General Hydrology) leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 486 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: Mironenko, Z-I.; TL-ch. ?As.: Soloveychik, A.A. and Flaum, M.1h. P.UZPM: This textbook is intended for students of hydrology at the UAiversity level. COVSHMM- This textbook discusses the principles of hydrology, its subdivisions, and & relation to other sciences. It describes the chemical-physical prop- erties of water, circulation in nature, the hydrology of seas, rivers, glac- iers, lakes and swamps, and subsurface drainage The authors thank Profes- sor S.V. Kalesaik, Ye-V. Bliznyak, B.I. Kudelii B.P. Orlov, and Docent B.B. Bogoslovskiy for their assistance. There are 193 diagrams and 35 Soviet references. TABIX OF CONTMITSt Foreword 9 Card 1/21 KONKINAV N.G. Hydrologic significance of asiches. Vest. LGU 17 no.12:42-54 062e (KM 15:7) (Seiches) ARSMOYEVA, Nina Mikhaylovna, assistent; DAAVIDOV, Lev Konstantinovich, prof.; DUBROVIIIA, Lidiya Ilikolayevna, dots.; KQNKP-IA,, Nina Qqa.rgiy.qyna, dots.; PETROVSKAYA, T.I., rod., ZHABKOY G.P.-, - tekhn. red. (Seiches on the lakes of the U.S.S.R.] Soinhi na ozerakh SSSR. [By] NJI.Arseileva i dr. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1963. 182 p. (KRA 16:12) (Seiches) (Lakes~ _KWKZA,,X.G.; RASPOPOV,- I.M. All-Union Conference on the Problems of the Cycle of Matter and Energy in Lake Bodies,. Vest. LGU 19 no.24:159-160 "64 (MIRA 18 t1) OLSL7$YBV, N.4.-, TSVITKOVA. Te.N.; BORODIN, V.P.I. XCIROUCTA, A.P.; SILICHINNO, T.S.; KHOROSHET, I.G.; XTASNIKOY. Yu.Ae; PWIL'YICU, Z.A.; ZRATOK"ILl V.I.; TATSTIKH, N.A.,-. PAYDONIZAS. 0.T.; 3ARANOTA, N.I.; ZIMIS, V.le.; TORMASOVA. L.N.; USTIXL~MROTA. ARIFITIT. S.S.; IQ N.S.; KULIBA. A.P.; KALITS11YA. U.K.; SSIANOTA, G.M.; SORINA, Aa.N*.--.;4Aff- NITSKAYA. V.S.; PRUDNIKOU, M.N. Tularin from a vaccinal strain for epicutaneous use. Zhur. nikro- blolospid. I immun,, 27 weg:22-28 S 156. (MISA 9:10) 1. Is Institute i mikrobiologit in. N.7.Gaaelet AMR SM i protivotullaremlMkh stantely Stalingradekoy, Yoronoshskoy, Tullskoy, Plavskoy, Caskoy, Krasnodarskoys Kookovskoy I Swolenskoy* (TUIAUNtA, diagacels, tularin spid6linsous test (Run)) OLSUFOYEV, H.G.; YFAIELIYANOVA, O.S.; UGWVOY. G.P.; SILICHENED, V.S.; BORODIN, V.P.; SAMSONOVA A.P ; KONKINA, H.S.; SHBLAWOVA, G.K.; LEVACHFIVA, Z.A.: TSARRTA: LEBEIV, A, T.F. Result of mnss use with humnn subjects of dry tulnremiA vnceine prepnred from restored Gaiskil No.15 qnd Emelinnovn No.155 atrnins. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 29 no.3:52-57 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Institutn epidemiologii i mikrobiolorii imeni Gnmalei AKN SSSR, Voronezhakoy, Stalingradakoy, Moskovnkoy, Tullskoy oblastnykh, Altayskoy .,ichaskikh stnntsii I Onskogo instituta krayevoy annitnrno-epidemiolop epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. (TU166MMIA, immunology, vaccine, dry from Gaiskii's No.15 & EmeliAnovn's No.155 strnins, mass applicntion (Rus) PIMENOV, V.V., nauchn. sotr.; TAROYEVA, R,F.~ naucim. sotr.; KELtS=A, Z.N., nauchn. sotr.j Yr;IIIYK -., rjauchn. __L __,- U, S sotr.; VYAYSINEN, T.I., naudlm. sotr.; imuchn. sotr.3 CHISTOV, K.V., otv. red. [Verkhrdy Olonets,, a settlement of, Imbermen tin experiment in etlulographical description] Verkludil Olonets - poselok lbsombov; opyt etnograficheskogo opisaniia. Moskva., Nauka, 1964. 194 p. (MIRA 18.1), 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Karelc-Finskly filial, Petro- zavodsk. Institut Istorill yazyka i literatury. 2. Petrozavodskly Insti-L,.A, yazyka, literatury i istorii All SSSR (for all except Chistov), 40 to 1 4111 V on 3031 UPI$ Am no 16,10,1104 a a! 11 CM AT S TS .kv .41M.Ct -,.Ott A-41 an i*.P 7944.0m1. Not&v310MM) 1040111111 1wx9mr1livi" wit-�%w a * t: 000 009 son coo 00 zoo zoo oe 00. #00 90- 00. It -.00 roe Of n If x M if If if a11 *1 if m it rt 11 C4 AIj 0 sI MID Is, o 0 st 0900 4;1 32145 3/675 A 0/000/004/004/005 17, D298/D304 AUTHOR3 Konko, A.I. TITLE: A portable in,,strument for measuring the intensity of the sun's ultra-violet radiation SOURCE: Konferentsiya po biologicheskomu. deystviyu ulltrafio- letovogo izlucheniya. Leningrad, 1956~ Ul'trafioleto- voye izlucheniye solntsa i yego ispollzovaniye dlya profiltakticheskikh i lechebnykh tseley; trudy konfe rentsii. no. 4. Leningrad, 1960, 93-95. At head of title: blinisterstvo zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. Institut radiatsionnoy gigiyeny. TEXT: The apparatus is constructed usin6WK- M2(FSK-M2) photo- resistances prepared by the Institut fiziki AN USSR (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR). At a tension of 70 v the darkness cur- rent of this photoresistance is only 10-8 - 10- 10 amp. When Card 1/4 32145 S/675/60/000/004/004/005 A portable instrument D298/D304 illuminatecl it jumps immediately to around 3-10 amp/lumen. The principle of the device can be seen from Fig. 1. The device is powered from a hearing-aid battery and the microammeter is of the 50/L&,a type. The voltage to the photoresistance can be va- ried from 0 to 50 v according to the intensity of the ultra- violet source being measured. To record the total ultra-violet radiation, a matte quartz glass hemisphere or Ulbricht Globe is fixed and an appropriate bandpass filter inserted below it. perience with the apparatus showed that the lag of the photo- resistance was negligible and did not influence the instrument's readings. Nor was the resistance affected by liei6htened atmos- pheric humidity. At maximum beach temperatures and a tension of 40 v no darkness current appeared in the instru.,iient. Test3 at the Institute of Physics 6 AS UkrSSR, showed that in a -tempera- ture ran6e from 10 to 50 0 the coefficient indicating the uercair tage chanbe in photocurrent with a temperature caanc,e of 1 was 0 Card 2/4 323145 t3/615/60/000/004/004/005 A.-portable :instrument ..D298/D304 1.18 for the PBK-M2 photoresistance. The authors believe that after-calibration (expressing- the units in energetic units)-an error,.of US-should.-not,preclude the instrument's use. Thein- strument prov*ed convenient-to'use, comparative measurements of*the intensity.of ultra-violet radiation at diffe- rent points. Its total cost with batteries, is very low. There 1B..1 figure. ASSOCIATIM Institut im. Seohenova (Institute im. Sechenov),: Yalta card 3/4 ~Y)V6115/60/000/004/004/005 A portable instrument ... D298/D304 1 Circuit diagram 6f 9 ultrarviolet*meter with PEK-92 phoi'oresistance* Legendt I - Ulbricht Globe; 2 - UPS-2 filterl 3 Pho- toresistance., 4, Own b t-IA Rg Card 4A 1~~d. sod. nauk Scientific and practical donference of physicians of trade-union sanatoriums and health resorts on problem of medical immunology and climatotherapy. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech, fiz. kult'. 30 no.3t284-287 )tr-Je 165. (MIRA 18:12) PFASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sovI6150 Akademiya nauk Latvlyskoy SSR. InBtitut ekapdrimentalinoy meditsiny. Voprosy kurortologii. It.) 50: Probiery fIzIolosicheakogo deystviya 1. terapevtichaskogo primeninlya aeroionov (Problems in Health-. Reso;rt Therapy. v. 5: Studies of the Physiologi4al Efrect' and Ther- apeutic Application of Air Ions). Riga, Izd-ib AN,.Latviyskoi SSR, 1959. 424-p. (Series: Its: Trudy, t. 20) Errata,'slip in- serted. 1000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency; Akademiya nauk Lat,~Iys~o y.SSR. Inatitut.eksperl- mentallnoy m6ditsiny. Editorlal Board: Hoop ~d.: L. Vas1l'yov, Professo:~,, P. D.': Psrlli~', Protessor, F. G. Po~tnov, Candldate'of Medical Sciences, Ya. Yuo Reynet, CAndidate.of Physics). and,14athematical Sciences,*and LA Tutkevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Nd.i A._'Ve.ngranovich; . i Tech. Id.s A. Zhulcovakaya, Card 1/7 .Problems In Health-Resort (co-nt.) S0716150 PURPOSE: This book is intended for phisicians workihg at health resorts and for the general practitioner. COVERAGE: Thin book, a collection of arilolee, In essentially the proceedings of the Second Conference on the 11WslologUal ~ Effect and Therapeutic Applioation of Alr'lons,'-held qt Riga'(Latvlan SSR).In December 1957. The use of negative air Ions-Is believed to be beneficial in the treatment of nonheqlIng'wounc and ulcers', which often result from radiation Wury.. The b6ok coht4lns photod.of numerous devices deacrIbodInUatate -N~taeroUb refer- ences, mostly Soviet, are given at the odd of sew of the'articles. TA 43 dFCONTENTS (Abridged]& Gerie, P. Ye. Introduction Vasillyev, L. L. Current Problems of the fteloldiloal andLTherapoutic Effect-of Air*X Card 21-r Problems in Health-Resort (Cont.) SOV16150 Kol-odina., N. S. The DepeAdence of Atmospheric 10n Concentration on the Dose of Gamg~a. Radiation 119 Davydova, K. P. Ionizing the,Air Iof Hospital Roops 129 Putilin, A. S. Air-Ionization Conditions for Operat- ing FrarAklinization Equipment 137 perience Gained in Air-IQn Therapy 0 ~ 0; 153 O~Wi hindivitual Dosages Skorobogato,Vap A. M. The Humoral Mechanism of the 161 Effect of Air Ions Upon the OrgaZism Blagodatova, Ye. T. Influence of Negative Air Ions Upon the IExcitability of the Anemized Neuromuscular 171 System Card 5/7 KONKOVAJ. Dosage of mm baths.~T Aur., fizioter.i lech.fizikullt. 28 no.ItSl-432 163. u 4 (KMA 161-4) 1. Iz Institute. meditsinskoy klimatologii i Irlimsitoterapii imeni I.M.Secheimova (dir. B.V.Bogntskiy). (SUN BATHS) KONIO, Vkiamin Markovich; AGAPITOVA. M.P.. redaktor. [Organixation and technology of Soviet cooperative trade] Organizatella I tekhnika sovetskoi kooperativnot torgovli. Pod red. M.P.Agapito.m. Moskva, Izd-vo TSentramoiusa. 1950- 308 P. (KM 6:10) (Retail trade) KONKOL Janina; KURZYNA Krystyna; LIPINSKI,, Zdzislaw; tARSLOWSKI, Rowuald; Y STANKIEWICZ, Helena Juvenile goiter among high school students in Bialystok. Zdrow. publiczne 7/8:279-282 JI-Ag 165. 1. Studenckie Kolo Naukowe przy II Klinice Chorob Wownetrznych AM w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Chlebowski). MORAWSKI, Czeslaw, agr inz.; KO.UOL5 Jerzy, agr inz. Voltage regulator for powor transformers with on-load-top-changer. Energetyka Pol 14 no.10 Biuletyn:28-)l 0 060. (EEAI 1'13) (Voltage regulators) (Electric transformers) IONKM Jerzy mgr.inze; KORALUNI Mink, mgr.inz.; MORAWSKIO Czeslaw., Application of automatic control of the voltage ot eleotrofilters. Viad elaktrotechn 30 no.6.216-21-7 Je 162. KORALUNp Marek, mgr inz..-, kQNML#.- ~erz -mgr inz.; MORA'dSKI,, Czealaw.. W inz. New measuring unit for the autcoatic control of electrostatic precipitators. Pomiary 8 no,3.1:523-525 N 162. 1. Instytut Energetyki,, Warszawa. MORAWSKI., Cz6slaw,.. mgr. inz.; KOIqKOL, JerZ7, & inz,; KORALUIT, Marek,, mgre inz. Modernization of installations feeding electrostatic precipitators. Energetyka 16 no.4: Suppl.: Biul Inst. Energ.:13~-16 Ap 162. I* Fracownia Autcmatykiq Gdansk MORAVSKIY, Ch.S., inzh.; KORALYUN, M.E., inzh.; inzh. RIIITT-21 automatic voltage regulator. Elek. sta. 34 no.11:74-76 N '63, 1. Energaticheskiy institut, Vars~avae (MIRA 17:2) . fV; ~ EDNKOLIWSKI, Leon; WARSZWSKI, Stefan ~-- :, j~ i%,-a ~ e !4,: 5, ~~. ng~~t~, 5, In memoriam of Dr. Usislaw Dandeliski-, Nov. 18, 188D - July 1. 1954. Polski prsegl. chir. 27 no.12:1169-1170 Doe 55. (BIOGRMI]IS Dandelski, Zdslslaw) KO?qKCLItIK, Zdzislaw, inz. Standardization in an industrial labor establishment. Aormalizacja 1 30 no.2:63-68 162. i NIASSEF, El Adavy,, prof.dr.; GAYEDPY.K*y prof.dr.; K(SKOLYpBalaxx [translator] The swirling flow under gravity through bottom outlets. Hidrologiai KozIony 37 no.Zt238-24 157. f VOU~',f~E C011TROL 'Mk',1S1'0lUEW3. p2 ('!AGYAR HIRUDSATECIMIKA) BIMAPE,.T, HUNGARY VOL. 8 NO 1/2y JUNIE 1'757 SO: '.40MITLY POEX OF Elll~'T MtOpEAN ACESSIOITS (AEEI) VOL. 6 hitYll NC-V'--lT-ER 1957 KONKOLYO-T0. A new method for gauging voltage-stabilizer transformers. p. 109. MERES ES AUTOMATIKA. (Merestachnikai as Automatizalasi Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 7, no. 4/5, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EKAI), 1L, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. KONKO "Y,.T. IlDynamometi- y of chipoing on cast irons of granulated graphite." p. 118. (GZP, VOle 5p no. 3, Hare 1953. Budapest.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, h/8, Library of Congress August, 1953, Uncle KOWOLY, T. "Thernmurement, of cutting power in the spherulitic graphite cast iron." II, P. 183. (GEP, Vol. 5~ no. 11, Apr. 1953. Wdapest.) SO: Mlonthlv List of East J~t=pean Accessions, Vol* 21 #8p Library Of Congress AUF,Usti 1953~ Uncl. KUW(U Y , 7'. KCI%TFCI,Y, T. Inner fuz-,iness of X-ray films affected by X rays and ganwa rays. P. 394. Vol. 7, No. 10, Oct. 19545. CEF. T-TRi~GLCOY Fudape8t, Hungary So: East European Accession, Vol. 5, No. 51, Mey 1956 Hvmgary/Solid State Pbysics - Structure of Deformable Materials, E-8 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Fizika,, No 12, 1956., 34818 Author: Konkoly, T. Institution: Technical University, Budapest, Hungary Title: Methods of Photography with the Aid of X-Rays and Gamma Rays for the in- vestigation of Macrostructure Original Periodical: Acta techn. Aqad. sci. hung., 1955, 13o No 3-4, 373-391; Germanj Russian, English, French resumLe Abstract: A study was made of the various combinations of films and amplifying screens to obtain the ur-4nim Internal blurring and maximum contrast when exposing materials with x-ray and gamma rays. The blurring in the absence of amplifying screens increasen sharply for g- rays. For a film placed between amplifying screens made of calcium tungstanate, the internal blurring in the 160 kv region is considerably greater than for a softer radiation. Lead amplifying ocreens.* used for ga- rays, reduce the contrast by 10%; thiby improve the internal blurring by 33-44%; they reduce the exposure by 41%p it being advisable therefore to employ such a ccmbinatirm. / 0'r/ - 1 - HUNGARIA/Crys~al's. B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18231 Author Tj~ Inst Academy of Sciences of Hungaria. Title To the Method of Making Photographs with X-ray and Gamma- ray Radiations at the Macrostructure Study. Orig Pub Magyar tud. akad. Musz. tud. oszt kozl., 1955, 16, No 2 - 4, 257-275. Abstract See RZhKhim, 1956, 72112. Card 1/1 - 46 - KONKOLY., T. KONKOLY,, T. The Liliput 120, an X-Ray apparatus for material testings of macrostructures. p. 149 Vol- 8, No- 4s April-1956 GEP, Budapest, Hungw7 SOURCE: East Zuropean Acceselow List (EEAL) Val. 6, No. 4 - APrII 1957 KONKOLY, T. 60 KONKOLY., T. - Cc radioactive Is6topee in the exarAnation of welding. p. 271s Vol- 8, no. 79 JulY 1956 GEP - BudapostsHmWary SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EM) Vol, 6p No* 4 - April 1957 KONYOLY~ T. A Hungarian industrial X-ray machine. p. 199 (Przeglad Spawalnictwa. Vol. 8p no. 8, Aug. 1056. lollars-zawa, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) I.C. V01. 7, no. 2, Febru,ary 1958 FOROLY~ T. The Liliput 120 X-ray aDparatus for testing welded parts in our steam plants. P. 73. MIGYAR ENERGIAGUDASAG. (Energiagazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Egyesulet-,) Budapest. Vol. 9j, No. 2., Feb. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (VAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5. No. 6. June 1956 'r . -;Z KONIKO-1y) DK1,1, Z. The Co 60 radioactive isotope for testing welded steam pipes in our power plants. p.260. MAGYAR EINERGLIGAZDASAG. Budapest. Vol. 91, no. 7, July 1956. SOURCL: Fqst European Accessicns List (EEAL), Librery of Con.gress Vol. .51 No. 12, December 195,6 Distri 4E26 Iasi muence or tAmmum an the altrida-hardeniog of ec T mv. Budap Hdr- _pt, Hung.) 1, No. 2. 102-14(1959).---Orthogonal test bars 12 X 12 X 8 mm. contc,.0-4.2570 Ti am made from Armco iron contg.' C 0.04. Si 0.11, Mn 0.06, 8 0.019, and P 0.017%. They am heat-treated-at 900* for 0.5 hr., oven-cooltd, nitfided in NHj gas at 460, 510, 550, 6W, and 660% exwnd. by taicroscope, and their hardness measured. For Ti:C >20, the care hardness increases by 50-100%. com- pared to Ti-free steel. The vArface hazdness may be in- C IreastdbyG-150%. For Ti:C;55, a deep surface layer of little hardness is Mmed, with gradual transition to the core. For Tl!C >9. the hardness falls froom high values in a thin surface layer rapidly towards the cove. Max. hardness is obtained at 600'. The thickness of the i1trideelayer in. creases with temp. and has a maximum 1" -71: C - 4-5.1. Distrs VEirect of fitamium 40 the nitrill 10ty of Iton-titanlum qui alloys. _RZ-Hrm"li Me (juiv., Buds T. Ivill. M "I (1060)(in uitriding exptx.~e_r' ntd out with NHx. corresponding to definite degrees oldissocu. The use of Pe-Ts alloys for N case-hardeuing was found to be advantageous, since Ti effected decarburization of the Fe and therebl eahanced the N diflusloa into the alloy. Further- tuare, thm diffused N reacted with die Tito fom TIN, whick inermed the bardam of the alloy cote. APIM!cIable hard- mess of the core was effected only by the ratio Ti: C > 20. The mdo Tl.C - 4 merely produced dewburizatIon of the Fe. By varying the Ti content, it was Possible to pro duce nitriide casino of any hardness value var-Ant,!rom that of the altride case on Arince Fe to a value 2S0% greater. -The vittiding quality of the F-tTf alloy depended on the TI;Cratio. Alloys with a ratio Ti:C;S 5 exhibited a heivy coating of law hardness, and the haften decreased g=4u- Alloys with a ratio Ti:C > IQ ex- ally at the fatedg=, Whited a light coatiag of great hardness, and the hardness 'no degree of NH, decreased abruptly at the intaked. idUsom. (.x - 24-74) d1d not 4ftt the depth or hardua Jof the waft witUa the Investigated tewp range 460~ MOO. IncrealUDIT the cw*-har&-Uft temp. from 166 to W* Increased the depth of case In all butances. This' was most Waaaaced IM aUM With a TI:C ratio of "A. 4C steets cmt Wded similar Ti Nitridlu of low 7 g. y l; Zoet: The Investiptlon Is being coritlaued. Field tests' l tM applicability d N cue4m*=4 Ti ttedi, am a Prop Iferffite R. F KONKOLY, To (Budapest, XI,j Muegyetem rkp-3* Hungary-) Diffusion of nitrogen in iron-titanium alloys- Periodica polytechn eng 5 no.1:5-12 161. 1. Institute of Mechanical Technology,, Polytechnical University Budapest. (Titanium-iron alloys) (Nitrogen) ~9!9~94,.Tibor,.,d,r.; BAUER, Parene; HF-GMI,, Bela Some data on the tecbnology of are welding performed in the CO, protective atmosphere. Gepgyartastechn 3 no.5:168-171 My'63. I. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Mach. Techn. Intezete (for Konkoly and Bauer)e 2, Wilhelm Pieck Vagon- as Gepgyar, oC j-.ilw nr~'Le,.umnT.5 at i,)ie -Ird Eaturial Testl.n.ty .cxgreso. I-lutiz elst 19 rio.19.-2 I -D 6. 4 1. MaLt)rial Test'n.a Ssi-,t-lon$ Association of tne Machine KCNKOLYp Tilumer . 1~1, -'.. C :1-'I-, :- I Up-to-date circuit arrangements An the AM-FI4 signal generator. Magy hir tea)m LI no*2~74;~80 -~,trAp 160, 1. Huszeripari Kutato Intenat KONKOIX, Thege Aladar, dr.; NIKOLOV, Laszlo, dr. The health and social status of inhabitants over 60 years of age in a mining area. Nopegesseegugy 11:341-31+5 N 161. (HMTH SURVEYS in old age) (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) K011KOLi TMDGE, Aladar, dr,# --- - ------ On the hand injuries of coal miners. Munkavedelem, 8 no.V6:56-58 162. KOXKOLY-MME~ I.; PUNGORo E-s' SCHULIX9 E- Reextion on the surface of silver iodide. p. 561. KOZLEKMYEI. Budapest. Vol. 5. no* 4P 1955e SOURCE: Bast Buropean Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5,, No. 2,, Feb. 1956 X014-KOLY TIEGE, I. KONKOLY THEGE9 1. Oxidation reactions on the surface of silver iodide. In German. P. 49. Vol. 8, no. 113, 1955 ACTA CHDIICA SCENCE Budapest, fhingar7 So: Eact Europeon Accessions, Vol. 5, no. 5, 1-lay 1956 'V 2(149. The e"luttomotwaormt 4with :(hd futile and 17 --- Qera., em. '11.gyar e Ww-51, ;1)..17-24.-Varions anions and i cations interfere with t' he flarneophotometric dcter- minglan of Mg. -Its em(Wort speCtrum fio indepen- %dent: of the aniort fxresenf, but the absolute valae of tj~e emission depanda on the ~ anLarz EKcaum varieus salts Gswcixt~ In the flame, at vanous emittla cam velocities to nds (NfgO or -M&OH). ' f ' Th ddiiio i th i H i . a ti n ncreases ss as. e em on, ) -see becau.-~ Y 11 ra idly. To correct for 2 the anio S pro at. Uld 111 tawa sillit. and the Calibratih SON ' ns should contain the same Lonca. Thes p(i thol same aniam a can be predicted from. , the pre-io us. chernic.J treatment of. the sutmfance. Alternatively, fix each win., one anion o;an V-* kt~pt . . In M, far exceq. while ItotVing the caticn, of the others rmilarto the standard and unknown voln. The interference by Cs, Rb; Na, K rLnd.C-- car- be calculated by. determining- the emissions at two wavelengths (35 and 371 miz). A. G. PcTo 0 2 Flante phatometrit, study of L I T 21fl figs., I tab- Anions aucl catfoil~t scrimisiv in-l-ti,,, fiame - I provedum,s were proposco to t~l' fit, 0-ausm; bir awckm-~ .m.uple Solution in the !;ttnl,- cuqc'ntr~.U'~il of one of tlw antoas I-) ij,Al! ! i - and the ianple Solution III tht, A. ~'--'nn-'cted w' th thei-r iafluence on the temPerature of the tlame or on the surface tension of the investigated solutions. Card optics optical Metho ofe is K-8 dS/ rjOU,/r of zhur zika,'No 4 1958., 110 9554 Author FLmgorr FOP Nonk , inst L. Eotvos Ujj Perafty., Badapest., H=gary .6, Title ium by means of a Flame Investigation of CoMpOWC1,3 of Mape Photometer Orig Pub Acta chim. Acad. sci. huna.: 1957.. 1-1., No 1-2j. 23-43 Abstract The authors investigate the problem of the Possibil-itY Of det-armbAng magnesium in soluU=s of its compoundn by using the flone photomet'ry method using the emission molecular beals. It is noted that the presence of various anions and cati-ons in the solution Ji-tter-feras with the determination of the magnesium. It is therefore recommended to work where pos- sible with standard soluttonsp whose composition is close to those invC!st-igated. In those cases when this cannot be done, It is proposed to introftae into the sample solutions and into the standards a certain one anion in large concentration3 this leads to the suppression of the interfering action of the other anions. In particWAr: ith is conveniett to work with Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Optics - Optical Mothods of Analysis K-8 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizlko, Nc 11, 1958, No 26427 Authcr :Pungor E.yz~on~*ly Thego I~GJVII Inst iL EotVoa Uhfiv`-5Fr5`rfy-,-Ra9-pest, Hungary Title IS;udy of Molecular Bmnd EniBsion Spectra With the Aid of P Plena Photonater. I. Froperties of Copper Salts During Plena Photonetry. Orig, Fub I Aote chim. Acad. sci. hung.p 1957P 13t No 1-29 1-7 1 ilbstrect s An investigation wes node of the influonco of different anions on the intensity of radiation of the nolecular spoctm of copper oxide in a hydrogen.-oxygen flems, Molar solutions of sulfuricl hydrochlcric, and ecotio acids wore introduced into the flanop with addittn of CuS04P5H 0 slats the concentration of which in all solutions Wes 5 X.18-2 r~ojot /litor. The pro- sonce of sulfuric void bausos a considerable ~oduction in tho entire radiation in thovisiblo rogioni including the r1eximuc at 538 nillimicrons. Acotic- acid Ormses a sharp increase in radiation. AcAU acid eauses'a sharp increase in rrdintion. Card 1/2 HIVGARY/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis K-8 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizike, No 11, 1958, No 26427 The hydrochloric acid does not change noticoebly the entire radiation, but dininishes sonewhat the mexinui et 435 milli- nicrons md shifts the unxinu-- rt 538 nillinicrons to a nr-xii-.-.m et 546 nillimicrons. Ethyl and -.,.othyl sloohols (to concontrations up to erproxioptoly 13%) increase the idontity of radiation of the 538 -illinicron bandl and a further in- croaso in tho concontrntion of alcohol lends to a reduced intonsity. A stronger offect duo to alcohol ic obeerved in the prosenco of hydrochloric acid. Card 1 2/2 51 94MARY/opticB - optical Methods of Anely9in K-8 Abe Jour: Rof Zhur - Fiz1krj No Ilt 1958p No 26438 Author zFunGor E., Konkoly Thego 1. Inst IL. Eotvas lgi-vert~, ~-de~;estp Hungary. Title iInvostiCation of Molecular Bond Emission Spectra with the Aid of Flmo Fhotonetry. 11, Fhotmotric Investigation of Boric Aiid in Flame. Orig lub i Acte chiu. Aced. sci. hung.# 1957, 13, No 1-2, 39-47 Abstrect I The spoctrtu of boric acid has been plotted in the region frori 440 to 570 millkaicrons In a hydrogen-oxygon fliria. It is shom that the fom of the spactrw- does not change with varition of the solvent (hydrochloric acid, 50% ethyl alcohol, 5e1- nothyl alcohol). For the scria concentration of boric acid in the solutionj the inientity of rcdiation oftho bands increases with increasing concentration of alcohol (methyl or ethyl). Qualitatively end '4uentitetivoly this,depondenco is ancloCous to that previously obtained by the euthors for sodimp calcium, beritrip negnosixmp and silver. It is indi- Card 1/2 HLUGARY/Option - Optical Mothods of Analysis K-8 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Fizikaj No 11, 1958, No 26438 cated that the clibice of methyl n1coholl mado by Dotn rnd Thompson (Reforat Zhur Fizikap 1956# No 2, 54119) is not suitablog since the concontrationof the latter cffocts the results of the nonsuron-ont. Data cro Ldvon on the influence of tho following onions: H01 and HpSO4, in nolar conentre- tions, do not influence the intensityof rediation. H(1104 increases the intensity of rodietion of boric ecids, while NaOH docreeses it. Froblene of clinination of interference in quantitative flame anplysis ere discussed. Card 3 2/2 52 18 d 14W XdW Fbacwtv W cm PUM On fA6 SUVISCO Of Distrt 4E 'diftc W44k by mesm at tftmd4W. R-Runtur and.-L-1- 2o (k..R%6tv6s VdIV, HtUlap"t),Ada Chm. It, lt3-t7(1&%ixG caimai).-Itl tm t1tratlea d, I - Mth ACKOl. with Htha%ych*iddtne as admptim Iddicatori ercm filmat ts ue&f~d to ptlamft of CKS-' "-- Calms, d lonlie tvAl UgW4 these etcm (16ZC vgues show that CNS fam. UW ImUd. tons, adsorb without hydnt(on sphere, *hems S04-- W, ted ko CTW FUNGORF Zrno,,dr.(Budapesi VIII Maze= korut 4/b);_ KONKOLT THEGE, Ilona (Budapest VIII Museus korut 4/b) Data On 04-flass Photometric determination of the effect of alcohol. Acta chimica Hung 28 no.1/32325-132 061. (Ew 10:9) 1. Ilkatitut fur Amorganische und ASSITtische Chemie der L. 110+,vos Univerattatv Budapest. Maim) (Alcohols) a PUNGOR, Erno,dr. (Budapest); PN~Oq_,THEGZ, Ilona (Budapest) Atom absorption investigations vith sodium. Acts, chimica Hung 28 no.1/3:133-139 161. (ULAI 10: 9) 1. Institut fur Anorganiache und Analytische Chemle der L. 10tv0s Uaiversitat, Budapest. (Atoms) (Absorption) (Sodium) (Alcohols) (Anions) nWAR, Imo; 10149OLY THEGEp Ilona Characteristics of transition.elements from the point of view of flams photometry. KaV'kem folyoir 66 no.12,520-522 D 1(10o 1. gotvos loramd Tudcmanyegyetem Szervetlft es Anel itikai. Kemiai. Intezete, Budapebt.