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%V F, fi-F ROGMsv3ffGl L.N.; LIMITS, I.K.; ISYKIN, G.A.; KMRAT'Yzv, TOG 110bel prize* for 1954 in the fields of physics and chemistryo Pr1roda 44 no.12:37-41 D 155. (MIRA 9:1) i.Chion-karrespondent Al USSR (for Lifshits) (Wobel Orissa) (Physicists) (Chemists) '10FRAT2 r 11.11kolayevich, akademik; XIPNIS,S.Te., redaktor; AIE S ithnicheakly rodaktor [Scientific results of the International Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Inergy. Genova, August 8-20. 1955.1 NnadWo Itogl Keshftnarodnol konforentall po airnsen 1spc'- savanliu atomnal onerg1l; Zbeneys. 8-20 wgusta 1955 g. Kookwe Izd-vo QZnanie,6 1956. 31 p.(Vaesolusnoo obsbehestvo po raspro- stranenilu politichook1kh I nauchaykh xnanti. Ser.3, no.4) (Atomic energy research) (KM 9:2) KMRATIYNVI T.Ne - 41-, Survey on the history of the develelment of chwical reaction kinetics. Vop.lit.eet.l tekh. no.2e)-4 156. (MM 10:1) (Chemical reactiow, Rate of) 1-~ -=. ---l - 1-- _--_ - - .. . I -- ~ - - - -- I I ~- - - - m I------- 1---'.. IONDHATIYEV, V.N.. akademik. A '. Methods of developing the theory of a chemical prowess (homogeneous reaction). Vest.AN SSM 26 no.5:9-21 My '56. Omm 9: 8) (Chemical reactions) - , i ~ I .-I - - . !7 .1 ;, f I~lt~ ~n ~, , --j -Lz~l I -_i ~- - A/ /~Cifl ,r b rP 6 7- YIE VJ A/, AUTHOR: Kondratlyev, V. N. (Moscow) 74-11-5/7 ------------- TITLE: The Development.of. Chemical Physics in #he USSR Since 40 Tears (Razyitiye khimicheekoy fiziki Y SSSR za 40 let). PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Kkimii,.1957, Vol. 26# Ir 11, pp. 1310-1319 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Towards the end of the years about 1920, a new science developed - something between chemistry and physics - the J;ocalle+hemioal physics. The electron theory and the quantum theory appeared as theoretical basis of this science. The investigations of SemyiW6- and his students enjoyed to.lay the foundations of.this young Soviet science. The investigations referred to*the field of chain reactions. According to Semyenov each inflammation sets always in when the probability of an increase of the active molecules, or of tke branching of the chain, prevails over the probability of t 'he destruction of the active molecules with respect to their deactivity. Neyman and Kovallskiy elaborated thic theory and completed it. The rules governing the chain theory, from the chemical point of view, were explained by Kondraeyev. and his students, on the strength of methods Card 1/2 which study the atoms and radicals in course of AUTHM XaGWtYZV'V.N. PA - 262D TIMM UelebUtions on the Occasion of the Awarding of the Nobel Prize in 1956. ,(Na torxhyestvaknh hohyennykj bruchyerdyu Nobelevskikh pryemiy oavy" . 1956 Soda, Russianf PMODICAL: Vestnik Akadsmii Nauk SSSR, 1957s, Vol 27, Hr 3, pp 90-9)+ (U.S.S.R.) Receiveds 5 / 1957 Revlewed2 7 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The awarding of~ the Nobel Prize to the Soviet scientist N.N.313MOV is described as a "Day of Honor for Soviet Solence". The article gives a short surv*y of the history of the Nobel Prize and enumerates all those to whom the Nobel prize has hitherto been awarded. Two now nAMS were added to this honorable list in 1956: X.N.SrOUMOV and S-N-HINSHEXAM, who were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for research work ilk the field of chmical reaction mechanism. The article tell$ of the aottvitiem of X.N.SIMMOV and also wntions the achievements of the president of the British Royal Society, Sir SJ. HERS191LOM. The fact Is stressed that the two scientists have much An common with respect to their ideas and methods, and that they have been friends for zany years. They keep up zvgul&r oo=egp=denae on OaisAtiftc Mtt6rM and not in 1945 when HIMMMMM took part in the celebrations M the occasion of the 220 year0a jubilee of the Academy Of Science of the USSR in Moscow, and they also met &t Stockholm when the Nobel P#ze was awarded to them jointly. This fact in appreciated Card 1/2 -KONDRATYEV, V. N. (Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Reactions of Some Radicals and Their Concentration in Flames." paper submitted at The Seventh Intl. Symposium on Combustion - London and Oxford., England, 28 Aug - 3 Sep '58. C - 3,80q830 , 25 July 1958. VINOGRADOV. A.P., aliademik, *red. --]t AT11W. V.W., akademik, red.: A.'red.; BAKF,- ;A;-~'-db or khim. nauk, red.; ALIMARIff, NIKOlA7AV,, red.; N119RASOVA, G.AO-, kand. khim. nauk, red. MAEM, lej., tekhn.' red, [Isotopes and radiation in ohemiutr7; papers at a confereno'el Izotopy i ftluchenlia v khimil; tiudy konferentsii. No IWma, Izd-vo Akad. muk SSSR, 1958. 380 Ps' (MM 110) 1e Teasoyustaya nawhno-tekhnichookaya konferentsiya po primuentyu radioaktivVkh i sta~,illufth*izotop v i isluchauiy v narodnom kho- zyaystva i nauke. 2d, Mmeow, 1957..?Z. .Chlon-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Alimrin)...-. , (Isotopes) (Radiation) VINOGRADOV, A.P.p akademik, otv. red.j,K0ND1V1T-1YEV, V.N.., akademik,, red.; ALIMARRIJ, I.P., red.; BAKH, It. A., dokUr kh1m. nauk, red.; NEKRASOVA, G.A., kand. khim. naukp red. (Isotopes and radiation in chemistry; transactions] Izo- topy i izlucheniia v khimii,- trudy. Moskva:. Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 380 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Vsesoyuznaya nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentsiya po primenenlya radioaktivnykh i stabiltnykh izo-topov i lzlu- cheniy v narodnom khonraystve I nauke. 2d, Moscow, 1957. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for A-lirrarin). cnemical reac Card lA8 Kinetics of Chemical-Olie- one in an e partly radiochemical reactions. Particular attention is given to the photochemical and electric activation of molecules. General information pertaining to kinetics, thermodynamics. and the theory of combustion is also included in the text. Chapter 3, and individual parts of the Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 8, were written by N.D. Sokolov.' The author thanks v.V. Voyevodskiy, A.B. Nalbandyan, Yu.S. Sayasov, A.S. Sokolik, and V.L. Taltroze for reviewing individual chapters of this monograph. V.D. Grammatchikov and Ye.I. Kondratlyev aqsisted in preparing the book for publication. There are 204 figures, 62 tables, and 1334 references, 310 of which are Soviet and 1024 English, German, and French. TABIE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. General Kinetic Regularities of Cbmt-ical Reactions 5 1. Rate of reaction. Kinetic types of simplO reactions 5 Rate of reaction 5 Kinetic types of simple reactions 8 Card 2/18 KONWATILT, V. Kinetics of chemical reactions. p. 193. Academia Republicii. Populare Romine. STUDII SI CBWETARI DE CHIMIE. Bucuresti,, Rumania. Vol 6, no. 2, 1956. Monthly list of East European Accessions (&AI) Vol. d, no. 7, July 1959 Undi HJUANDTAN, Aram Bagratovich;1 I I =Wynt, 1&o-1a' y Sergeyevichl lk nkRdemik, oty.redo; VTA23KTSIW, T.N., red, Iza-i'va; UUUNWA, A,r,, GGMMred, (Formaldehyde, a basic Formalldegid - material nauk SSSR, 1959. 68 p. (Formaldehyde) material In the dlia plastmass. (Plastics) manufacture of plAstical Koskva. Izd-vo Akad. (KIRA 12:11) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4211 Kondratlyev, Viktor Nikolayevich ___ ---------- Struktura atomov I molekul (The Structure of Atoms and Mole- culea). 2nd ed., rev. Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959. 524 p.. Errata slip Inserted. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: V. I. Rydnik; Tech. Ed.: S. S. Gavrilov. PiMPOSE: This book is addressed to students following courses in physics and chemistry at the university level. COVERAGE: The book in based on lectures for the course "The Structure of Atoms and Molecules" given by the the Fiziko- mekhanicheekly fakul.1tet (Division of Physics and Mechanics) of the Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute) over s, period of many years-. The author deals with theoretical and experi- mental aspects of electrons, the atomic nucleus, atomic structure and molecular structure. No personalities are mentioned. There is a bibliography of references, mostly Soviet, at the end of each chapter. Card-1/13, Q FWM I WOK UPWITATION 807/5597 Kondratlyev., Viktor Nikolayevicho ~cademi.clan Svobodnyye radikaly - aktivn"a form veshebeatva (Pree Radicals, the Active pbra of Substance) Moscow, 1zd-VO AN SM.- 1960. 54 p. Errata printed on the inside of back cover. 20,,000 copies printed. Spongoring Agener Akademlya-zaink.SM, Ed. of Pablishing Rowe: T.G. Levi; Tech. Ed,: I.F. Kovallskaya. PWPOSE: This book Is Intended for the general reader. COMUM: The booklet reviews the historys, properties,, and methods of prw=Ing and investigating free radic&24 and discuses sow reactions involving free radicals, e.g.y polymerizatioup 4xidationp combustion, etc. Special attention is giTen to the behavior of free radicals in solids and in cosmic space. No personalitien are mentioned. There are no references, Gai**ft- h MA I -i, 4!11H o I 3 1-9 3 ~M. (4 4 431 Ulu -.0a 11P 1-S I 01i No I ,. - 4 81;m , :J.. uo I I Ni. I N-; ~rgj~jinga I I., oil w Ali NEYMAN, Moisey Borisovich; KOI I NpR&=4-Y-N-4-pJMd. y otv. red.; MAUS, Ye.M., red.izd-va; lOLENOVAp T.P., tekhn. red. [Atomic energy and its utilization] Atomnaia energiia i ee primenenie. Mosk7a, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 142 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Atomic energy) S/195/61 /ow-, /ool/i 1"030/k,589 AUTHORS~ Kondratlyev. V.N. anti 11tichkin ('I~ TITLE Reaction of carbon monoxide with ozonated oxy~ii-rw ;n h- gas phase, PPA110DICAL Kinetika i kntaliz, v.2, no.4., .101, TVXT: 11revious works ort the forination of c.ji-bon dii-111, i)% oxidation of carbon monoxide in the preczericck of o/nno, hiii,- assumed a reaction of the formt CO - 0 3 = CO 2' -V; 0." but the results have never been in satisfactory agrtbemetit with experiment, The present work comorises more accurato measuring the relative luminescence in the ISUO-i9oti I rang'P. from 100-2500C, The ozone was measured iodoint-trically, iiiisA 'fir cirbon dioxide by a.0,01. N Ha(OH) 2 solution; by carrving, out t1it, ozone determination prior to the carbon dioxide determinot iz~in till- errors in the previous works %vere minimized, A conv(tnt,ion.-l apparattis was used, with equimolar mixtures of carbon dio,xtm- ~Aiikj ozonated oxygen containing 3.26;0' ozone initi-al)y- Cho x-e-fi It card 1/5 Reaction of carbon monoxide with ... S/195/61/002/004/003/008 E030/E585 J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 76, 1523t 1954; Ref-31 S.W.Benson, A.E.Axworthy, J.Chem.11hys., 26, 1718, 1957- ASSOCIATTON1 -Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSH (Institute of Chemical Phyiics, AS USSIO SUBMITTEDt June 2j 1961 Fig.2 Card 3/3 Z Fig.3 F, KONDRATIYEV,---Vl-hl..-,- akademik . Elementary chemical processes. Priroda 51 no.4%42-47 Ap 162. (MM 15:4) (Chemistryt physical and theoretical) V Al - KONDR4urEVI V. No "On the Mechanism of Vibrational Energy Relaxation presented at the Solvay Conference on' the Transfer of Engrgy in Gases in Brassels,, Belgium; 5-10 Nov 162 Acad. Sci*, USSR, Moscow VEDENEYEV, Vladimir Ivanovich; GURVICH, Lev Veniaminovich;,&QARBAT'YEVj Viktor Hikolayevigh. akademik; MEDVEDEV, Vadim Andreyevich; FRAPKEVICH, Yevgeniy Leonidovich; DRAGUNOV, E.S., red.; RYLINAp Yu.V., tekhn. red. (Energies of chemical bond breaking. Ionization potentials 4ud electron affinity]Energii razryva khimichaskikh sviazei. Poten- tsialy ionizataii i aredstvo k elektronu; spravochnik. [By]V.I. Vedeneyev i dr. Moskva, 1zd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 215 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Chemical bonds) (Ionization) (Chemical affinity) KON MITIYEVI V.N., akademik Rate constants of the thexual excitation Of Bodi'm in sodium vapor mixtures with argon and nitrogen. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no. 5: nO8-LUO D 163. (KRA 17: 1) V0,L WWXWR;7 -K NIKITIV, Yevgeniy Yevgenlyevieb K011DRATIM -,V,; LModeri~ Ee thermal disintegration and izomerization of molecules in the gaseous phase] Sov- remennye teorii temicheskogo raspada i izor.erizatsii molekul v gazovoi faze. IJoskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 104 P. (MIR-h 17:8) KONDRATIYEVI V. N- "Determination of the rate constant for thermal cracking of methane by means of adiabatic compression and expansion.? report submitted to 10th Intl Symp on Combustion, Cambridge, UKj, 17-21 Aug 64. ACCESSION NR: AP4oioo49 S/0062/64/000/001/03.66/0168 AUTHOR: Kondratlyev, V. N. TITLE: The importance of diffusion control in jet kinetics SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyas Ser. khim., no. 1, 1964, 166-168 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen atoms, oxygen atoms, atom diffusion, diffusion constant, continuity equation, linear destruction, atom destruction, jet kinetics, potassium chloride, carbon monoxide ABSTRACT: Voyevodskiy and Kondratlyev (Progress in Reaction Kinetics, p. 41, Pergamon Press, 1961) showed that failure to consider the dif- fusion factor in determining the speed constant of elementary chemical processes by the jet method of investigation may lead to considerable errors. It can be shown that substantial errors may also result from disregarding the diffusion of oxygen atoms in similar experiments with oxygen. According to the tests discussed it, (3) (L. I. Avramenko and R, V. Kolesnikova, Journal of Chem. Phys* 31, 1196, 1959), the linear d;struction of the oxygen atoms is dete;Lned by their adsorption on Card 1/2 ACCESSION.NR'. Ap4olooO the reactor walls and the following reaction: 0 + 0 + 0 The probable formula for the speed constant of that ;eaction, basis of Kaufman's figures (.Progress in Reaction Kinetics, p. gatnon Press, 1961), is kp - 1-17410 -34e cm6 0 molee -2 , see-', 2.68 - 10-34 em6 . molec-2 ,ahere see corresponds to a tem- peratU4 -of 428 K. The experimental data produced by Avramenko and Molesnikova made it possible to determine the coefficient of oxygen atom adsorption on a glass surface covered with potassium chloride. Ori.S. art. has: 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut kh:Lmicheskov fiziki Akademil. Nauk- SSSR (Insti- tute of physical chemistry* Acadery of Saonopsq=) .DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUBMITTED: 28,Tun63 SUB CODE: EL, CH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: OOT C.urd, 2/2 ID! retal and bimtal (MURA l8s4) RITL7AROVA, Ye.l., KOINI)PITIYEV, MI.; ITUKI!GY-.'I, ll!.Z. Chemical relaxation in burnt, gag. Kin. i knt. 5 no-4:585-91 jl-Ag 164. (MITUI 17: 11) 1. Institut Irldmicheskoy fiziki AN SF'11. KONDRATYEV, VA. (Kondratlyev, VAJ Modern tanks in the kinetics of ga3 reactions. Kam tild koall MTA 22 no.1-1-14 164. 1. MemberAcademy of Scienc~3 of the U.S.S.R. KONDRATYEV, V..N. [Kondratlyev, V.N.), akademik-us Thermal-formation of active centers in the radical oxidation reactions of organic substances. Kem tud.kozl MTA 22 no.2: 183-197 164. 1. Academy of S2iences of the U.S.S.R. ACCESSION NR: S/0020/64/154/005/1142/1144 AUTHORS: Balakhnino V.P.; Gershenzon, Yu. M.; Kondratlyevi V.N. (Academician); Nalbandyani A.B. TITLE: Discovering a free hydroxyl in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the electron paramagnetic resonance method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964, 1142-1144 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen flame., rarefied flame, microwave spectrum, bydroxyl, free bydroxyl, dipole, dipole transition, bydroxyl absorp-, tion, resonator, linear velocity, OH spectrum, OH absorption, atomic!. oxygen, molecular oxygen ABSTRACT: Studies made by Dousmanis, Radford and other researchers revealed that the micrLwave spectrum of CH absorption is dependent on electric dipole transitions, the intensity of which Is consider- ably greater than that of the ordinary electron paramagnetic reson- ance lines brought about by the magnetic dipole transitions. It Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP016511 follows that when the pressure in the flame of Ha with 02 is low, It; ion of a is possible to detect. the signals of paramagnetic absom.-C free hydroxyl; the discovery of OH is possible only when the parti ales are placed in the loop of an ultra-higb frequency electric field. Me reactor made for investigation purposes (from quartz) was designed in such a way that the absorbing cell filled the entire- resonator and this made it possible to observe the spectrum deter- mined by the electric and magnetic dipole transitions. It was found -that the OH sign gradually rises with the increasing ccntent and H2 reaches a maximum when the latter amounts to 60%, while theH sign shows a sharper increase and reaches its max-imum, value at 70% R2. No signal of atomic oxygen was observed in our experiment as it was completely suppressed by the signal of molecular o,-,ygen, the ampli- tude of which at a low temperature of the absorbing cells is consid-. erably greater than the 0 signal. However, the 0 concentrations previousl observed in H,-poor'mixtures have been considerably greater (90-80 times) them the concentrations of atomic' hydrogen. Cord 2/3 ~ACCESSION NR: AP4ol2972 S/0020/64/154/004/0883/0885 AUTHORS: Balakhnin, V Gershenzon, Yu. M.; Kondratlyev, V.N. (Academioianj!,'Nalbandyan., A.B. TITLE: Measuring the concentrations of atomic' oxygen and hydrogen in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the method of electron par&- magnetic SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,. v. 154,, n'O' . 4 ~, 1_964s 883-885 TOPIC TAGS: elementary reaction, successive reaction, stoichio- metry, stoichlometric mixture, resonator, atom concentration, atomic oxygen, atomic hydrogen, rarefied flame, magnetic moment ABSTRACT: This project relates to the finding of atomic oxygen and the measurements of the conoentration of 0 and H atoms in a rarefied! hydrogen flame by the spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance.;---- The jet-type reactor used in the experiment was placed inside the C,resonator which made it possible to determine the 0 and H atom con- centrations in the combustion area. The project began witb a study Card /d' -C T 'r kt ~~/AT A~---_-ESSION NR: AP5010839 UR/0020/65/161/004/0886/08P B, T. Foge j Y -i. M. ; rarggf2r, V. 1, ;N d Shvachko._ __a The ..Lse of seconder-I ion emission for inve5tigation of r (2si m -the, 6xirfk'ce~, 0 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 161, no. 4, 1965, 886-888/ / ~S: sec-mlary emission, steel surfac_e :)x.,*-~_-3-ion, iri~;n pen'-3carbonvl, '-y,~roxide drgon. cia -ecito, 6tuei_ corrosinn L) tn -x,,-aen (1 101-4 nn HO, car T-14d out with the aid of secondary ionic emSssion. ion emission wis a nin t'i' rjl n9 'Aln, "1l, f-r' 1'41AM wall -!,.e var"cus r a t ec rip a~,_ g i v~_, The f a Y-r. a ton _sus the temperatur-e- of the ateei s, Card 1/3 4618-3-65, ACCESSION TIR: APSOI0839 ~he steel surface is due to Dxl/gpn 'rl thc, a:3. ~inw- ';r"~SIVT~_5 higher than 2,11'~~_5 Is 1 n t I Lon be._7m, and 5000 -__Lmz in `j!~A Itior-to the 4~~Cim_ I, of wate- r- Vapol'i coat g the w, e Th' S7,rfaCe 'th Fe(CO)5 aCreases monotonically above 2000. A defini-e :.I ~-e rma Card 2/3 rv OTHER 000 MIN Carci OMER -~~ao p A-M KHARITONP Yu.B.; XQQA 'Y,_.)(A.; BOROVIK-P')MANOV, A.S.; ZAVARITSKIY, . _T14 N.V.; MALKOV, M.P.; KHAYKIN, M.S.; SHARVIN, Yu.V. Aleksandr losifovich Shallnikov; on his 60th birthday. Uspi fiz. nauk 87 no.ltl7l-172 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) C )lr ~R/i: ACC988ION MR; A-p5 010169 Din Y B ; Kondrat'y v, V. UR/0020/65/'61/002/0192/0394 e f--,).e-qlcIu[latton of activation energy on the bj~aj, of the 7drocarbon reactions tv A-11 SSS.R_ 7 ~-S. activation energy, saturated molecule, additi.ity -Y hydrucarbon reaction 7rinciple, bondin A BC~ r:,,~A C-1 : The a'Z:!LLVe q, Potential energy of an activated Cons'sticg of the bonding cc'UPI" may be regarded -Ij j ~-j be energies or Of numerou, "Xperimental on 'h'an, 'd to the reactiDo culale the activation 3 of gatUratpd er:ergi., of of activation energy, previ th e corrps;-~'-~ndt7l, 4c' -fv~ auk, 2, b-, S. 1169 (1963)) Can be gener'll, F. p,. Mn 1.1 any Card additive schene tor calculating the -)f different molecules to their aspect of the Ytr--Cly valuable coursel and Z 0ol LNCL: OMER: 020 SITB CODEo OC Sp Card 3/3 HONDRATIYEV, V,N. Loss of1frame stability at various positions of the load system, Tr-07 L7EI no.57:16-25 165. (MIRA IM) I~arm Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-., No 5, 1958, 21425 Author Kondratlyev Y. P_ Inst Title Some Questions Relating to the Topography of the Nerves of the Abdominal Wall of Cattle (Nekotoryye topografii nervov bryushnoy stenki krupnogo rogatogo skota). Orig Pub; Sb. stud. rabot. Mosk. tekhnol. in-t myas. i moloch. prom-sti, 1956, vyp. 4, 100-103 Abstract.- A study of 4 cadavers of cattle revealed that the cutaneous dorsal nerves at the level of the extremi- ties of the transverse costal processes of lumbar vertebrae are not situated subcutaneously but intra- muscularly or directly on the above processes. The ventral (caudal) thoracic nerve is situated directly Card 1/2 5 S/076J61/035/003/021/023 B121/B206 AUTHORSa Kondratlyev. V. P. and Gorbachev, S. V. TITLE: Procedure and apparatus for measurements of electrical oon- ductivity and polarization potentials in electrolysis of aqueous solutions at high temperatures PERIODICALi Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 3, 1961, 671-676 TRXTs According to the principle of maintaining constant the composition of the solution to be investigatedt the authors designed an electrolytic cell for use in determining the electrical conductivity. The' cell for electro- lysis and measurement of electroae polarization consists of 3 parts: an inversely U-shaped electrolysis vessel made of quartz with 2 sealed in platin-j um electrodes$ a cell with the reference electrodet and a stopper which simultaneously acts as key switch. The cell used to determine the electrical conductivity ooatains no cell with a reference electrode. When conducting the electrolysis, the cell is put into an autoclave of 1.5 1 capacity. The autoclave is made of stainless chrome-nickel steel of the type 1x18H9T (J.q_1r) (1Kh18N9T (EYa-IT)). In the investigation of the electrical con- Card 1/3 S/076J61/035/003/021/023 V Procedure and ... B121/B206 ductivity, the temperature is determined with an accuracy of +0.25 0C, and in the electrolysis with an accuracy of +100. The autoclave has-an outside diameter of 130 mm, an inside diameter of"80 mm, and withstands hydraulic pressures of up -to 501 kg/cm2 and temperatures of 340 OC and more. The auto- clave is sealed by conic connections of the metal-metal type. The tempera- ture is measured by a Chromel-Alumel thermocouple which is placed in a protective tube with diffusion oil of the "All type. The design of the auto- clave used to determine the electrical conductivity and of the heater of the autoclave is similar to that described by I. M. Rodnyanskiy and I. S. Galinker (Ref. 31 1. M. RodnyanBkiy, I. S.,Galinker, Dokl. AN SSSR, 105, 1955; Ref- 4: 1. M. Rodnyanskiy, Diesertatd'iya, Khar'kov, 1954); only the temperature measurement and electric supply lines are different. The electrical conductivity of 1 X KCI solutions was investigated. The method proposed permits the determination of the electrical conductivity at a constant composition of the solutions to be investigated and at increasing or constant temperature, but not on a quick temperature decrease. A method for determining the potentials in aqueous solutions at high temperatures was proposed. V. A. Millchev (Ref. 9: Izv. Vuz. MVO SSSR (Khim.), no. 2, 114, 1958; Ref. 10: Dissertatsiya, Moskva, 1958) a-ad N. Larionov (Ref. 131 Card 2/3 Procedure and ... S/07 61/035/003/021/023 B121YB206 Dissertatsiya, MOPI, 1951) are mentioned in connection with the design of the electrolytic cell. There are 5 figures and 18 referencest 10 Soviet- bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The four references to English-language publications read as followas M. H. Lietzke and R. W. Stoughton, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 75, 5226, 1953; M- H. Lietzke, J. V. Vanghen, J. Amer. Chem. Soo.9 77, 876, 1955; S.Senderoff, A. Brenner, J. Eleotrochem. Soc., 97, 361, 1950; J. N. Ager, W. G. Breok, Nature, 175, 298, 1955. ASSOCIATIONt Khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: September 6) 1960 Card 313 GORBACHEVI 'S*Vo; KMRATIUV V p A- Specific electric iduct Te 163.* .P. ivity of Potassium Chloride aqueous ,solutions at high tor raturese Zhur.f,.zekhm, 35 no.64 M"M'ko-tekh4OlO9Ichesk&.v Imstitut (2V2Z) (potassium OhlOride) IMOMI D.I-&ndele?ava (Electric coluctivt,, 28296 S/076/61/035/010/015/015 B106/B110 AUTHORS3 Gorbachev, S. V., and Kondratlyev, V. P. TITLE: Electrolysis in aqueous solutions at high temperatures PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 10, 1961, 2400 - 2401 TEXT: The kinetics of electrodic processes in systems with concentration and chemical polarizations was studied by plotting the polarization curves in the temperature range of 25 - 300OC- Electrolysis was performed in a quartz cell according to a method previously described (Ref. 1: V. P. Kondratlyev i S. V. Gorbachev. Zh. fiz. khimii, 35, 671, 1961). The equipotentials of the logarithm of the electrode reaction rate as a func- tion of the reciprocal absolute temperature were found to be characterized in many cases by curves with a maximum in the temperature range of 220 - 2700C. Fig. 1 shows the curves log i = f(l/T) of the cathodic deposi- tion of silver from its bromide complex in an electrolyte of the following compositiont 0.04 m AgBr, 4.5 m KBr fm - molarity). it may be seen that the acceleration of the cathodic deposition of silver decreases more and more with rising temperature, until a maximum value is attained at a Card 1/5 28296 3/076/61/035/010/015/015 Electrolysis in aqueous ... B106/B110 certain temperature. Further rise in temperature does no longer acceler- ate the process but retards it. Similar curves are known to characterize also the electrical conductivity of solutions of strong electrolytes (Ref. 21 A. A. Noyes, W.-D. Coolidge, Z. phys. Chem., 46, 323, 1903)., This phenomenon is apparently mainly due to an association of ions at high temperatures, since aqueous solutions of strong electrolytes having a density of /0-7 9/cM3 exhibit the properties of solutions of medium or even weak electrolytes (Ref. 3s E. U. Frank, Z. phys. Chem., 6, 92, 107, 192, 1956)- Also the increase of the hydration number of ions-at high temperatures, which was found by I. M. Rodnyanskiy and I. S. Galinker (Ref. 41 Zap. Khar'k. S.-kh. in-ta, 14, 43, 19571 Tr. Khar'k. otd. VXhO im. D. I. Mendeleyeva, 1, 135, 1958),-as,well as the decrease of volume concentration of the el7ectrolyte probably play an important part in the formation of the maximum of the curves log.i - f(l/T). The total increase of the rate of cathodic deposition of silver with rising temperature is not high. The maximum rate is about a little more than five times the rate at room temperature. The effective activation energy determined from the initial part of the curve log i = f(l/T) is 3080 cal/mole, which may be regarded as a limiting stage of the transport process of the substance. Card 2/5 28296 S/076/61/035/010/015/015 Electrolysis in aqueous ... B106/B110 The polarization curves in the cathodic deposition of nickel from a solu- tion with 0.1 m Ni(H 3C202)2 and 2 m. H(H3 C2()2) couYd ~e plotted only up to 270cC, since nickel hydroxide precipitates at higher temperatures owing to hydrolysis. Fig. 2 shows the corresponding equipotentials which are also curves with a maximum. The ascent of the initial, linear sections of the curves decreases with increasing polarization potential (equipotentials 0.6; 0.8; 1.0 v), which indicates the occurrence of chemical polarization. It may be seen from Fig. 2 that the rate of the process at a polarization of 0.2 v increases by about three orders of magnitude, when the temperature rises from 25 to 2400C. This effect of temperature on the rate of an elec- trochemical reaction with high activation energy is comparable with the effect of a catalyst. Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] There are 2 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: April 26, 1961 Card 3/5 GORBACHEV, S-V-; KONDRATIYEV V.P. (Moscow) Electrolysis In aqueous solutions at high temperatures. Zhur. 36 n6-10:2162-2168 o 162. fiz.khim.' (MIRA 17:4) I. NhimikO-tekhnologicheakly institut leyeva. imOni Mande S/076/63/037/001/011/029 BIOI/B186 AUTHORS: kondraV _yev, YZ_-:Z_ Ilikich, V. 1. (Moscow) _ibe TITLE; ctrical condu-tiiiiy of aqueous solutions of alkaline earth chlorides at high temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnalfizicheskoy khimii, vi 37, no. 1, 1963, 100-105 TEXT: The data on the electrical conductivity X of aqueous solutions of. i1gCl 21 CaCl 29 and Sr(~l in molal concentrations of 0-05 - 1.0 m and *2 ~.5 m BaCl at 25 3~90 0C, which so far have-not been published, were 2 calculated and are here tabulated. At rising temperature 4 was found to. PI'ass a maximum. )C = Ac kexp [B(T - fl~/T] , where c i's the molal .ax concentration, and A, B, k are empirical constants, is valid in the above range of temperatures and concentrations. The occurrence of 'at a max certain temperature is explained byl,the assumption,that the dissociation-. of the electrolytes decreases as theNkpmp,erature increases. At lower temperatures the salts are:completely dissociated, their depends on the Card 1/2. S/076/63'/037/001/011/029 Electrical conductivity of aqueous B101/B186 radius of the solvated ion, 1 , e. on its mobility, and forms the sequence 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ Mg - /,'Ca < Sr < Ba . The mobility increases and the.amount of the dissociated ion decreases asi'the temperature ri~eb. Hence, occurs Itmax at a certain temperature. B~sides,.hydrolysis takes place at high temperatures causing the app*earance of highly .m6bile R+.ions~, The sequence MgCl 2> CaCl >SrC holds for"Jt:at 0-05 m$ owing to the' 2 12 )BaC'2 different tendency of the studied*alkaline earth compounds to hydrolyze. There are 6 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: 4oskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (moscow.Institute of Chemical Technology imeni: D. I. Mendeleyev), SUBM.ITTED:. Sept.ember 27, .1961 Card 2/2 GORBACIIEV , S-V-; KOHDRATIM V.p. Electrolysis - U in aqueous solutions at hicfr6h4.temperatures* Part 2. Zhur* riz. kbim. 38 no.6:1557-1563 oTe ' (IMU 18:3) t-kh"Ologieheskiy ins 1- Khimiko- titut imenj Mendeleyeva, Moskva. KONDRATIYEV, V.P.,,mladshiy nauchnYY sotrudnik Participation of sheep dogsp vigrant and rural dogs in carrying larval cestodiases among farm animals of Kurgan Province. Trudy VIGIS 11:8448 164, (MIRA 18:12) KONDR.J I -Ir-S VV "I - GORBOHEIV slv~ - . - - -, .4 Owiductance of aqueous nclutions aL high teraperutur,)e. Zn,,:a-. fiz.khim. 39 no,3122753-2756 N 165, (minA !8-12) 1. Vicskovskiy khirtiko-tekhnologicheskly institut imeni D.r. Yrandelayeva. KODOLOU, I.M.; KOM MIYEV~ ir.S. '14oskva),eacaw-&-jdcroscopy in the study of chronic nonoepecific Inflaumtory processess in the lungs. Arkh. Pat. 27 no.9.-22-27 165. (MIRA 18t12) 1. Kafedra,.Patologicin-koy..anjitomii. (zav.- chlen-korrespondent AMN.SSSR-prof. A.I. Strukov) I Moskovskago ordana Lanina zedi- tainakogo Instituta Imeni I.M. Sechenova. Subftitted December 24, 1963. KONDRAT'YEV, V. S. Cand Vet Sci - (diss) "Methods of obtaining, several physico- chemical properties, morphological state of lymph, and charac- teristics of lymph flow in horned cattle." Tartu, 1961. 21 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Estonian SSRI Estonian Agricultural Academy); 300 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 234) KONDRATIYZV,V.Y. (ftskvu) ---l'ongenital clubfoot and principles of treatment in infants. Felld. i akush. 21 no.4-.1841 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:8) (FOOT--ABNMITIES AND DIWORMITIM) KURASEOV, Sergey Vladimirovich; ..KQ-NDRAT-jYSY,-L-V,, red.; PARAKHINA, N.L., tekhn. red. (Hospital care hea reached a new stage]Bolnichn&',$f pomoshch' na novom etape. Moskva, Medgiz., 78 p. OGRA 16:3) (HOSPITALS) tj j t~_ 99-5-4/11 AUTHOR: Beglyarov, S.A., Engineer, Gankin, M.Z., Candidate of Mechanic- al Sciences, Kondratlyev, V.V., Engineer TITLEi Selection,of Type for Drainage Canal Pumping Stations (Tipovoye proyektirovaniye meliorativnykh nasoanykh stantely na kanalakh) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1957, 5, p 23-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1955 and'13~56 the USSR.Ministry 9f Agrioultu-re selected 11 types of pumping stations for irrigation systems, and 2 types for drainage systems. The capacities of1the pumps ranged from. 100 liter/seo.,tq6, cu m/sec with, manometric pressures up to .,.. 30 m, to be installed at canals with vAriations of.,,water I 'evp~s -to 2 m_.,__For puTpq.,;wi~th *up to 150 kw power input, aaynchron- up , oual Bquirrel, cage motqrs of the series "A", "AO." and IrAM_8~ for vertical and horizontal assembly were usedl for..pumps with a power input-of 150-- 300 kw,synchronous low-voltage motors of the type "AC 11, andfor pumps with a power input exeeding 300 kw high voltage motors (6900b v) pf,the types 11AC"and 'MCII.were dkhoz,endeavored to standardize as muchas possible used. Giprovo . the_construct~on of the pumping units as their com-, ponents. In 1957., developm-ent.of 8 new types..-of pumping.-.atationa, Card 1/3 of which 7 are to serve for irrigation, and 1 for drainage VCIXUUUB-Icyge-d---6f--Wil6lngsp. special attention was aid to th ard 2/3 e p use of prefabricated reinforced con 1. crete s7tructt~ral parts and r f b e a p ricated reinforced concrete pipes. The build-ingq_q~r the Selection of Type for Drainage Canal Pumping Stations 99-5-4/11 chamber type are designed either as monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete constructions. The buildings of the water- conducting type are of more simple construction, without complex and expensive underground chambers. The walls are supported by quarry.-otone-conerete prefabricated foundations. This article contains 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: State Planning Institute for Water Supply Installations (Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektiroyaniyu Yodokhozyayst- vennykh obl'yektov - Giprovodkhoz) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SITKO,VSKIY, P.A.; KOKAROV, G.V.; BRUSENTSEY, V.F.; MKENETSKIY, R.N.; HAMAYNT, K.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKIRMOV, A.V., kand.tokhn.nauk; AFARAS'UV, I.V,; TOLODIKO, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEGLYAROT, S.A.; XONDWI M V V IARLINSICAYA, X.I.; VIKOLAM, X.I., kand.telefin. S.K.; PISHCHMT. P.V.; KLIKINTOTA, A.T.; ROMBLAT. Zh.I.; FANEZYET. V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; XULIKOV, P.79.; SHMMOTICH. S.V.; IMLITSIN, K.T., retsenzent; BRAUDE, I,D., retsenzent; BARTSHN. A.K.; retsenzent-~ GRIGORYANTS, A.S., retsenzent; IGNATYUK. G.L., retsenzent; KALABUGIN. A.Ta.. retsenzent; XRHMXMSKIT. N.D.. retsenzent; PMV, K.V.. reteenzent; ORLOVA. T.P., red.: LITIW, Y.Ta., red.: SOKOLOYA, X.M..; FIMOVA, A.F., [Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik gidrotakhnika malioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ryp 195Q. 766 p. (KIRA 12t3) (Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering) BOIDTIN. B.I., insh.; KONDRATITIV. V.V.. Inshe I Drainage In railroad yards. Zhel.dor.tranep. 40 no.10:58 0 '58, (MIRA 11:12) (DriLinage) (Railroads--Yards) KOH M TITIV, V.T., inzh. On adjacent track divisions. Pat' i put.khoz. 4 no.10:3-4 0 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Railroads--Labor productivity) BCGLYAROVp S.A., insh.; KONDRATIIEV, V.W, inzh. From practices in the design and use of large floating pumping statione. Gidr. i mel. 14 no.12218-3~. D 962, (MM 160) 1. Vaesoyuwwy gasudarstyannyy proyektno.-isyokateltakiy i nauchno- isaledovateltakiy Institut Ministeratva 491'skogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Pumping stations) KONDRATIYEV, V.V.. inzh.; KROLI, E.G., inzh. Prinimall uchastiye HEGLYAROV, S.A., Jnzh. [Instructions for designing irrigation pumpinf, stations) Ukazaniia po praektirovaniiu irrigatsionnykh nisosnykh stantsii. lloskva, Pt.l. 1963. 122 p. (Elltjk 18:4) 1. Moscow. VsesoyumW nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno- izyskatellskiy institut Giprovodkhoz. ANOXHIN, A.A., insh.; ISAYXV, A.G., washinist-instruktor; KONDRATIMI Ya.M.,-,, KRYUCHKOVA, V.K.; MOKHOVA, U.S., pensioner; SEMMnffW"- A.P., pensioner; SIMINIKOV, V.M.; SOKCLOYA, To., ked.; 7300- ROTA, L, takhnared. [This is how it was; from the first Commimist Saturday to the first Commnnist labor unit] Xak eto bylo; ot pervogo kommunisti-, cbeekogo subbotnika k parvomm kollektivu. kommanistichookogo trade. Moskva, Mook.rabochii. 1939. 110 p. (MIRA 12:7) l..Rabotniki depo Moskva-Sortirovochnaya, Mookovsko-Ryassnakoy shelesnoy dorogl (all except Sokolova, Yagorova). 2. Zaveduyor shchaya kabinetom politicheskogo prosveshchenlya do-po Koskva- Sortirovochnaya,'KDekovsko-Ryasanskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Kryuchkova). (Railroads-B*Ioyees) KDUUTIYJIV, T&,M.; byvehly mashinist, uchastnik perrogo kommunisticheskogo iWToffi-ii-6. chlen Kommunisticheskoy Plartii Sovet*ego Soy=&., Those who began the great undertaking. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga, no.11t 15-17 N 157. (MMA 10M) 1. Depo Nopkv&-Sortlrovochnays. (Imesia-levolution, 1917-1921) XONDIMT1 UV. Te.D..kand.tekhn.nauk. dots. Distribution of residual stresses in a steel cylinder caused by the heating of a longitudinal strip. Isv.vyseuchebezave; mashinoatr. no.5:56-64 158. (HIM 12:5) 1. Tagan ogskiy radiotakhnicheskty institut. (Thermal stresses) EDNDRAT'XM,- laa-_ Asnodelel IP-2 machine for testing relaxation. Zav.lab. 26 no.3: 373 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Taganrogskly sayod MmsWr kotel'shchIkO. (Testing machums) (Otraids and stresses) ATJTHORs Kon&ratlyov, ro. D. S10~2V60103610310531064 BOIO/B117 TITLEs Now Construction of the Machine of the Type IP-2 Used to Test Relaxation PERIODICALs Zavodakaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 36, Nr 3, P 373 (USSR) TEXTs The machine of the type IP-2 of the TsNIITWASh generally used for creep tests has been modified in order to perform relaxation tests of steel subjected to elongation. The'new construction is based, in principle, on the fact that (Fig) the load was removed from the load lever, and connected with an annular dynamometer. The sample is loaded by means of a screw-thread aschanisa, deformation being read with an indicator, and load with the indicator of the dynamometer. The constant deformation required is attained by adding additional weights, the additional load (corresponding to damping of the relaxation process) being slowly increased in an interval ranging from some minutes to one hour. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATIONs Taganrogskiy zavod "Krasnyy kotellshchik" (Taganrog Plant "Red Boiler Attendant") Card 1/1 AUTHORs Kondratlyov, Ye. D. S/0~2~60/036/03/053/064 BO10/B117 TITLEt New Construction of the Machine of the Type IP-2 Ik Used to Test Relaxation PERIODICAL# Zavodek&ya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 36, Nr 3, P 373 (USSR) TEXTj The machine of the type IP-2 of the TsN1ITMkSh generally used for creep tests has been modified in order to perform relaxation tests of steel subjected to elongation. The new construction is based, in principle, on the fact that (Fig) the load was removed from the load lever, and connected with an annular dynamometer. The sample is loaded by means of a sorqw-thread aschanisal deformation being read with an indicator, and load with the indicator of the I dynamometer. The constant deformation required is attained by adding additional weights, the additional load (corresponding to damping of the relaxation process) being slowly increased in an interval ranging from *one minutes to one hour. There is 1 figure. ASSOCTITIONt Taganrogskiy zavod "Krasnyy kotellshchik" (Taganrog Plant *Red Boiler Attendant") Card 1/1 18.3200 78o4o SOV/130-6o-3-9A3.. AUTHORS: Kondratlyev, Ye. M.-, Perebeynos, V-. F. TITLE: Design Improvement of Open-Hearth Roof Suspension PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960,~'Nr 3, PP 13-i4 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In the open-hearth shops of the Stalino Metallurgical Plant(Stalinskiy metallurgicheskly zavod a new design of roof suspension was devel *oped (Fig. fl. The authors sugGested changing the old suspension unit. Two wedges working on the self-wedging principle and protecting the roof from sagging are shown in Fig. 2. On the basis of long operation, the following advantages were established: (1) The initial fastening of the roof is made after hammering out the supporting forms before primary heating. (2) There is no need for intermediate fastening of the roof during operation between repairs. (3) Considerable economy in hangers and wedges is achieved due to repeated use of them after general overhauling. c-a-rd-4-/4' There are 2 figures. Design Improvement of' Open-Hearth Root' Suspension , Card--_'741t - Fig. 1. 78040 SOV/130-6o-3-5/23 Des-Lgn Improvement of Open-Hearth Rool' Suspension 780110 SOV/130-6o-3-9/23 Fig. 1. Suspended structure of roof supports (left-- old design; r1ght--new design). (1) cross channel; (2) lining block; (~) distance tube; (4) supporting angles; (5) roof; (b) wedge-shaped hanger; (7) tightening wedge with a slot. Fig. 2. Diagram of wedge action. U7- ,11-d-t/r MOYSEYMCH9 G.I.; KONDRATIYN Ye.M. Improving the-burner flame in the combustion chamber. Metallurg 6 no.WO-22 1 161. (MIR& 14:1) 1. Stalinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Opaji-hearth furnaces-Design and oozw'truotion) ANDONIYEV, S.M.; GLAZKOV, P.G. [deceased]; KUCHIN, V.A,~_KONDRWYEV, Ye.M.; LEVITASOV, Ya.M.; MAKAROV, K.I.; PANKRATOV, F.V.; PEVNYY, POKRAS, L.M.; POCHTMAN, A.M.; TESNER, P.A.; SHEYNFAYN, F.I.; SHKLYAR, T.I.; Prinimali. uchastiye: BERMAN, M.N.; VARFALOMEM, F.L.; ROBIN, M.k.; MOYSIYEVICH, G.I.; SAPIRO, V.S.; ALEKSEYEV, L.M.; P,0POVA, R.S. Heating Martin furnaces with natural gas using reformers. Gaz. prom. 9 no.11:14-17 164. (MIRA 17:12) 0 0 U'N'. 141 YO_ us R T CA;i;ORY Human and Animal Physiology, Circulation ABS. JOUR. : RZM61. . No. 5 1959) N% 22097 AUTROR tKondratlev Ea. M IIJST. T1712 .Evaluation of human plethismographic data. 0,PIG. rUB. ;Byul. eksperim. b1ol. i med., 1957, No. 1, supple- ment, 54-57 ABSTLUCT t The aiT-plethismogram of a finger was recorded photometrically, and at the same time time move ments of-the-finger were observed by means of-an elastic powdered-carboh.reostat, one end of which was fastenedto, a glass-tip attached to a-phalanx of the toe,the other to a finger. Respiration was recorded by means of an adjustib 'le latyago- phone capsule attached to the subject's chest. During the examination of 22 patients, involuntary movements of the finger were observed as well as deep inspirations, which were reflected in the Gard: 1/2 T-51 KOIMRATIYEV-9 Ye.N. (Moskva) Volmmetric changes in the blood supply to the finger of the resting hand in man after an increase in the load on the other hand, Kul, ekep. biol, i med, 49 no, 5:15-20 My 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. 2redstavlona doystvitelln-im chIAn-.AMN SSSR A.I. Sesterovym, (FIWMS-BWOD SUPPLY). I - 'FYATTGOTL3,K*fY. Mf~(J,$ doteent, rleJl'i. t&~'hln. flLO:; Yp-.T.., LnP- Effect sr' varlisus inothois of ----tit trr-at..,,,,en+ on ths of Sv. OSG29 steel diuring drawirF. stn.., 24 no.9-848-850 3 '~; - ..P (!-rilk 17-.10) 1. Vo--gogradski-y r-rj---L KOZLOV, K.K.; KONDRATIYEV, Ye.T.; MELIKHOV, I.-S. -, Internediate transformation of austenite. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.4:8-10 Ap 165. (MIRA 18t6) 1. Volgogradskiy zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabrl" i Volgogradskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. 11"APIPPIf P III is to ty 0 111 8 "1 1.0 0~4014$ p.k-kjs%j% 00 :: 00 ill w J1 4 Is X 5 Is 9 0 0 4 4? it 41 v lid =*Vbl="1020~ is a W&U Mattis with,,,,Id At" yieldcd sill to 23% of a b. ek$ &W 30% Is. MIl,-2M- both licl., from un-mul avid 0 coal C -40 a $I If. btkm Itkal of Ow oftWal Pirtutivel, Nsits"I small "t Oftlict"J. and a "Itificatimm'Junng I,wogr wil, W4.4. .00 weved, Ilse wist. ill AtChnqui" by the tvact1w. 6:hl%.j O)w otighid mis"I the pr%vamp to by mirpst. al IICI wherrhy a wil.411irtaille atilt. .,# vt4milk- .00 1pirmlact41*14nmi. A smecond tmtmnt of lite oll with AICI, "quim mity 101j; whmby as 0 the hydromimms aft sofa lid. A. A. ll,~kHTlLJ4tlK 00 4f late., .4. ,0 1.11 111 it as A w a tip at 0 a It 11 0 0 0 Sao 00 boo "o 0 0 o4 to 04 Of Of Of 4 tr a u w is 16 a " 0 a a A 0 a I a L fil .1 tp a I T .2-1 -------- --- 00 4 N a It Ia11' At It a a id a k 9 a OPISMS -9 1 846oft rem ON " wm~ Ad dow. P. V. Kun- dndVw S. K. KOSWIF. rWIYOMV POW-11SIMS- v M."', No. **, OL-Orts. of paA ad with ek-. at W* famp. 0- - hatow f"Oks thim auto. M W. pwmb,mwmdwgbw 'Psin-blapsm Imalift A; kwAvibw 96 aft dip At. of ammm. as w0 a T ado bydnsk. iftlty % Wkr. Otte. 74%(0 dW Pbrd0k md adds him -do csu& 9d. Umiud. md wmatic a11 F I aft wt Araw. 0 am N compda. me Pbr. tidly eaW. A %vl. Ad sk. is mW IN ON AtUa. OPW to d0 ". Cd 0 06 41d; tht Vol. AA 4k. &M ova UN Vd. at 04 4W " Oft 41AWASOMY bstaw nedw. Ak. kmm im bb. low mm &4%. ftm A (I 1 11- oft b. bdW UP) be I by WeOUMM wM NWM s4. Ift b. AM W mm be pnt. li s, , - mod. kca bwd puraffin. 7U papmemball with Am is dlt* ydbw. Al= " mWift d as espmm to got. Ow awrb brom in a. th" tAw claft 49. PbAsmak, ANA& ad N And 0 awsAIL am bydmmtmm 11114-ILA fdt&LL~AL LIN4411M UASSIVICATIMI u AT : IS 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 At Q 41 WO.Aft. t * 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 st 0 0 0 0 .60 MOO INA, 0 moo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 W0000*094100000404141 03 11 1 A I A ? I * " it u u &A Is 16 1? 0 TV 0 it 21ait IS AsvM so A L_"_I__j I _u v v a v I a A t - - ___ - - - -- SO 040"01,11. ..01. 00 UV ait a a Is X IS IF a a 41 a a49 haso bma*---R- 1. M. Vince. S 21 Is nic 5.2 ww C $ 4.20, prrpd. by (1) WS. the news banate uh. of Na with the sq. win. t4ashout At or ferric oxide land Chemins St a the PIVIMI low of The letter; (2) shaking the buntic scid ith F 3 h ki d I 1 i W i h " w e a ntirs ) s ie w t c w an a c, Wn. ng , ( fF Th d F Ch bkk bi i h o e . e tat. e w Com ned w t th*Auft~k 00 "M ftl�Md vp to 10% and awe. Coat. ro4ts b we" o tained by WMAWS The hufflate with hot "to N 00 of the reaction with FeCNS. 00 i:~ Febawaste,subb,dion, combines with about at. 9 Ft. Aplote 1y. I sun Fecortabiarsivish 1 mW.ofb&mk- w se . Yu vMM* of h Fe sevelersates, the oxidation of the bo Ok WW = over that with Ferric Fe. I Fe sells arr equiy. in tex idedle ability. Which 6ffams with the wervast at ps, in t he bunists. Inie intsask, at the, oxidation ot the hansaft vow she chraileaft cosabined Fe and is ON dkMd t total 41111t of PC plestst a ad- . A. A. Doebtlimirk 'k 019TALLUMIC-L. LITINATIMIS CLASWKATIGO - 110 014V1 00 , view 0 lk .10 041 assail am 0.- M _ A, : :I IN ;41 '41 0 0 0 0 0 9 do a 10 9 0 0, 0 0 0 g, g, 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 : ~1 0 0 0 9 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * g, 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 gs 0 g, 0 a 0 .00 -00 200 409 4*0 900 4141410 90* 00 400 MID 0190 66090, 00 0000 go* i*00*000000060004444 0 00 a 04$000 18 Is is IS III a 16 v is It w b L,M M-1 T AA.-L-A a to-it 00 1 so 00 00 f 00 00 a %mmis is im oboe" so L U.Nam- Xhim. T"W441 v am b6 - ink of ka content of c4idw. FWiv C _ pan P =I imemom dw deff-batial. Although no quant. rvinalm w basims. sommatly this c" dope f"wy =.tbe wAtuWdd*sW ad pl*W m " im of the 00.3 The uW eamem al wW pwtkvlwly the casum 40 ft do so indicate $be leadewy to my4gaition. lu somm a# ft ownift" witb tha buok- embetamee at dw pint been a cbm rvistim to aff-loftim. A 4 Rmbtunak 06 v 00 00 8 a 44 a 0 00 -00 .00 -00 -00 .00 goo zoo ago 606 goo 0041 coo Soo Soo lie 0 ttoo no* WOO woo L .10 7,. cot dw do. III *0 a .0 is C, W* w0 OTS"88 In In 00000010000000000000::::0:1:0o0 0 0000000*00 0000000000000040000 0 000*000*0000000*00 ast6venxLau ones 11010.1.11 U a it Used sawn 10414141 40 a 4 tv cis AT IS Tnt qLO ."D m Wife -140 AUD &1- 040181 460UPS .414% oo. 004 V13 vinivolul 11"NOW411vin I, ,601 19 0 r. Odin I 13"nill-1,11 'V 'V 00 000 .9 O."JoIll vm.,v Ittm4 put 1H 00 '11. Iim!q At'j-11 llin&" 10 3wrl. to SIRI I j aI I III .Juj,1 Xtrmpx- to qI-liva &q ."mift. 00 oc 1111M milvil PI .1%jitt " ul 4.411M "101.31 111! plus 111J."A .111 it, '11ml I I., alp IpAympita Aqj P) Iti.)JINI, .111 I auratx,pv,j mmll Upt(n 0 0- lijad p liqiIii-11 #,(I- Ox-pAi'l mlyv so i1v -pas al load lo volilsodIM03 [W)PWIP G* pi 0. 00- 00- ...... ..... 00 Oe" .10.1 111441,1041 Guy fllslwod Q;;'_ dot G V'-`0-fr-t w 0 i; 00 0 to IT of M, 0 IN IT of a It a ft I YAW IF IF I At it a 61 or ot a of v a U a 01 It 911 1 " ft h 11 ,1 A I I I 1 0 1 t I no 0 9 0 0 0 if 0 0 0 00000 see 0 9'0 ago go 0 0 0 o 00 6-0 of 'Z~ P, 0 0 V, 9 10 it u 11 w is is v 0 0 a ?I a a 14 a -x--17 -a 00 00 Chop d as cbmw umm of put ademoscs Md" do "dw de 00 2 so a 00 ,l. 00 a I rdwftm. so 13 06 oes META, UNK L LITINATUSE CLASSIFICATION ....... IJI U JJ M J3 M M - M 0 6 41 J? di -0 Orb wirw C6. In a adf- Tur&p I hitum" Dd Wne In- chamter i. Twenty. %dvmv wee wee woo too t2 LIS 0 AT go 41 1 - , i, , - . . . -. . I . . . - . I ; -0 0-4 toodi mi vii Ifild Rog K,* A i ii 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * # @If 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 S, 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 r 0 0 0 a 0 0 *A 0 40 - 4FW- -a .0 1 4 A r A u ]I a-u 4 it A, a it a- a lmd' -26 11 Yt 0. 101 loan 1131 Itir M394 11 41.43 ape -A t 'I Ir 6 I-A -A P-9 --L-t--L.JL _-k - , . a R -1. to A .- ~J'j raclettles AW P40*141.11 %Cc 1 -*6 so L A. V. #Wbm- (I. A"L Chm. Russ- fisigic *cW and 11pirl it, ud In putkutal 'Itifint pfumimtke of the Oil M"m d pow the timum skilwd may for of fww lee cw~n grow w -Mwl- =t in b, that ZOO amlefills 14W aft*# ir"tt"Itt with Su% Home. 7 fee qve law* lee too TRATual CLAISWKATM a Z- AMA %11 FWO W IVORIJA30 go so o 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0~0 00 9 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 oil 00 go to 00 awpow WAG. C4-- 6frotl to bytto c w l j #0 m ro On go ve the at -134 In dy* St- ain. Tlwy am 1, 119HUSOCKS Cd 11 VC ; 0b prom"" am Wr of 40 W 00 0 0 0 4F*--Ivv - 41 v 4 0 e A- -k- A--$ ~A I iND tq.0-4- S%f -04 1,90 1-00 /0 (v. s, R.) I#, .4. 3S. 321136.-Tbe win und In "6%n ampks [g)(CW00(0101(olf . (I Me) OH)J(t); CaHaA% uYvastamdausc m the kamk adds vid kWa Lm . eke* rowed to 119- 1 We %detnethylation and vmp. m"vcf, both them r0mvices. A A It ro 0 too too LUKKAL 1.11WROW4 CLAUVICATOO slow $1-41900 t1346 0010v tam*vo -d Issawa .40 4-0 0" GIA111 sa 0.7 as P- T 4 ; 1A I s I em C a 0 1 IN at 0 0-0 3-0- 0 u A, So- 00 0 000 0 0 0 0 0, 00 46600644040 4001 0 00 7-7- r% jl~ 1)1~iirll chrm. 21. "'N1 Olt 191111 trecd of trwilono sol. In Cile and bod'.~c DO and ilsitil it) ctmst. wt. was cutd. with dioxane (b. 101-2*) by rt-fluxing :m a boiling IfvO both in the Pfvmce of V, 127v IICI (1-aml ii1thrut.old6oxam). The extil. wwlt relwatt4l twicv with it) tinm MA much illoune Aq org. mattcr by wt. Th~ Cu. woA filt"vd, comd. to I/@ vol, aml I%mud into ita exec- of 1-"IgO or HA); thm 3 fractions air obtaincd: (a) that %hkh 6 sol. in dioxane and Is PpId. by HtgO or HrO, crude lipin, (6) that whkb is itmol, In diunne; and (c) IlLit which il Sol. in diousne and is not pold. by FlO or IftO. Two PrOMON4442 Womigmul atht Sphallium Jab6iotor. W,-T~ f."Ilul to Contain it.) liguill. WhOr listin.o. pil%v aud pri,- PAI.Wum luximamm were found to etsmain 34 told mllt; lippli", r-p, YeLative to the unhydrolyml liSilrotm r"clue. The INkf1ion which was In3ol. in diounc was complex. ),.to] W. llowerion USSR/Chimalstry - Dryophytee, OxIdstlem- Ang'49 Sphagntas, Oxidation "Oxidation of Green Bryophyta and Spha6nas With Norogen Peroxide," TO * V. Kondratlyev, Chair 6f Gen Chem, Moscow Ned Inst, 4* pp ,"Zhur Prik Khim" Vol XXII, No. 8 Folloving the elimination of hemicellulose, a 25% solution of HL>02 at room temperature oxidizes al- most all substances contained in the Drepanocladus vernicosus and sphagnum subbicolor to form mineral concentrated &Cid 11guin residues. The greater part of these products are soluble, and from them M16- 67/49T63 USSR/Chemistry - Bryophytes, Oxidation Aug 49 (Coutd) xylonic, gluconic, and another (apparently uroule) acids are obtained. The insoluble product* which can be hydrolyzed by dilute HC1, contain reducing substances. Aromatic compounds are in evidence among the products of oxid&tion. These results confirm data obtained by the d1ozane method. ftb- nitted 5 Aug 48. CA Hemkollialowe 0 am* filina anaterials anif their chauffoli dwing egeft. R, V. Kouilrat'cv out$ MN A. Wu=bYa1W.,1k1.".",Sr.9cow Nkim. (I. Applied Chem.) U. 1W.14(1940-11truicellu. *Count wdian and &iorAmam tutiswimm were VZAttid, Them were isolaited by Calls IvAching. follawtA by licating the residues with 6% lICI 2.5 firs. on a sicain Imth. The r-3ulting hydrolyzates were neutral!" with IIACO,. coned. in =a". and tmted with basic Pb acetate. the filtrates WITC ClAuld. for specific reducing substancrs, As follows: SPUIXIM Product contained uronic acids W.27, pentoors MW and fructoise =43%. as well as glucose 1.32, man"ar 1.71, Plactoft 1.13; the &i~P~Vxv product Wned uronk acids IS, pentoors 711.3, fructose M. 17, gl.~x 0,2, maritime O.W, galacto3c 0.4%. Examn. of peat -Aln- Mes selected kom varying depths showed that the chein. compts. does not primarily relate to the depth of the dtpoift; thus the lowest oubohydrate level is found at 1.716-10 in. Pth. Alt b the lwtk-uUr sample studied vontalnud a ow amt. NMI*) of Sphalman jauduct. vic extesit of dr- .1olropri. also dets. the carbohydrate content: uronic acid* 1 decline rapidly when peat formation cortmences; fruct~ alw drops s1wply. but other carbohydrates suffer but little clunife. lienct, the polyurmiccompicland hrnliccllul~ kmA on (ruclaw are le'lo Ouble. ii ~26. lost).- by mi"d ww cmt&Aa ubm pomme ammuts fcw I P=l ==Cqvmbw~ Is vm~ by wed. MsS% veft candkkn 49 a". Ngdo with deuv- ; .1 = C.A. 46, 001b). U.Siplatim of Usnin.. : tim" OW am.. dmwe tM PWWWWO of beake Id- iom in the I , of a Vpk osidot dorbe by"ris w*b S MCI. Ift imokdm of VpW by elk. exts. b also ccommed with a y6sly of dw cm 6 Aydrate complex; tkk pmm the materal AWKIN at the baktrd Product in dwAW, WWk 0.5 N Nam eam ham " 71 too a plahmo vwy sbuilK to %*in bt t,"Zd A% gmw", mad of It nosim buml. in the A. P*n. G. U. Konkpoff . - i~ Y V. EDNDRAT'nV, Ys.V.; IDSTINA, M.I. ...... Reproilvding the process of peat formation under artificial conditions. Soob.o nauch.rab.chl.TZHO no.1-26-31 '55. (KIRA 10-10) (Peat) AID P 3748 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 12/22 Authors : Kondratlyev, Y V. and M. I. Kostina Title : Disintegration of organic matter in plant material under artificial conditions Periodical : Zhur. prikl. khim. 28, 9, 982-988, 1955 Abstract ; Formation of peat under experimental conditions resembling natural conditions has been studied by observing the transformation of various plants, (bushes, grass, and moss). Three tables, 2 diagrams, 3 references, all Russian (1934-1953). Institution : Department of General Chemistry of the Moscow Steel Institute im. 1. V. Stalin Submitted : D 15, 1953 KONDRATIYEV, Ye.V., prof.; FRIDENBERG, Ye.E., ass. ---- [Hydrolysla] Gidroliz; uchebnoe posobie. 2. izd. Mo- skva, Moak. in-t stali i splavov. 1962. 15 P. (MIRA 16:11) (Hydrolysis) ~~w end- --71. of Influenza Cutbrc~'ks," Tr. In-ta E-padenio-, In st-atistical d:-Aa, the author noticed tne re,-ular cyclic nature of in- fluenza outbrea".-s, a fact fro&~s it T~ossiblc to ~,redict tl~,e ti ne ut-,en the npzt out- break vill occur. c-clic u:!Iture of the opi-dom.cs i.- evidently dop.-cudent upon chan'-'es Thin .1 1 i -1 a~-- cauzscd by n tlic-- mljhv~"~~"cnt of the virus !..hich occur in a ic orde, , and -.Jaich , - - I J: C--'Orr~-Ini , ti V~ -. t~,e rc~Z.IC-t; 04' "lle isri to scasonal -,ccl tc, t-ho vJ,4t,-.1 c - -ti 's L 1, L ~ U:; of t~i-~- vi-rus itself . This leads to -.rofound in th,-.~ anti.-:--, st-ucturc of "-c causa- tive arid, in tne orArOon of tho z1uthor, -~-vcn talc of t~vpe i. i"'to t.-;~re B, -,:hich explains the alte'ration of the types C) 11, us in sciim---sSive epildc:;'dc~~. :),? 1, - T Biol, ;.0 C, 10,r,5) 50: 713, 9 :' v 55 's '0 5(/ SOV/153-)a-2-14/30 .AUTHORS: Smirnova, T. V., Dukel'skaya, N. M., Kondratlyev, '1*~. TITLEt Synthesis of Some Physiologically Active Subst4m.ces (Sintez nekotorykh fiziologicheski aktivnykh veshchestv) PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 82-86 (USSR) ABSTRAM It is known from literature that compounds of the type RO where R = CH 3-' C2H 5-1 C4Hq-j C3H7- , arephysiological R 1y active and exert an insecticidal effect (Ref 1). It was found that the introduction of such groups as OH and OR into the molecule of an organic compound provide this substance with physiological activity. For instance, if the -OH-group is introduced into the nucleus of an aromatic compound, this com- pound is often provided with a protoplasmatic effect; the in- troduction of -OR, on the other hand, increases the effect - exercised by the resulting compound upon the nervous system. If a halogen atom is introduced into the molecule of an organic compound the physiological activity of the latter is multi- Card 1/3 plied, particularly in the case of fluorine introduction (Ref3~ Synthesis of Some Physiologically Active Substinces SOV/153-58-2-14/30 The purpose of this paper was the synthesis of some physio- logically active compounds which are used for deratization. 6 halogen derivatives of phenyl ether were produced (Table 1). All these compounds were synthesized according to the same method (see experimental section). The halogen derivatives of phenols or the phenol itself were condensed with the oorre- sponding 1,2-dihalide-ethane. In the laboratory of the faculty mentioned under "Association" the toxic properties of the synthesized phenyl-ethyl ether were tested. The most toxic compound wao.p-ohloro-phenyl-A-fluoroethyl-ether which was able to kill within 3-7 hours 100/1i of adult rate if administer- ed perorally in a dosage of 0,005 ml. All of the 6 compounds listed possess a strong etheric odor which complicates their use in deratization. In order to overcome this difficulty, the synthesis of p,p-di(p-fluoro-ethoxy-phenyl)-dimethyl-methane was carried out. This is a solid odorless compound and has stood its test. Its lethal dosis for white rats is 120 1 140 mg/kg, for voies - 0125 m9/100 9 live weight. Thus it is Val- uable also in the destruction of rodents in the fields. There Card 2/3 are 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Synthesis of Some Physiologically Active Stibetances SOV/153-58-2-14/30 ASSOCIATlONt MoskovBkiy kkii-iko-teklinologicheskiy institut imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva i Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev and Faculty of Biology and Soil-Science of the Moscow State Uni- versity imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: October 4, 1957 Card 3/3 IVIN, S.Z.; KOlJDRkTjYFV,,j34,.A.-; SHEIAKOVA., I.D.; ZAYSHLOVA, I.A.; GUBENKO, I.I. Reaotivity of ethvlenamide-0-alkylmethyl phosphinates and thio ph6sphinates. Zhur. ob. k-him. 35 no.7t1218-1220 Jl 165. (MIRA 18j8) I YU G Ju apectrn from Middl rassif.- sediments in the ,T~11-yc,no'i-sk z"roiL(z Gec)i -i geofiz- ncl."1157-159 165. b. (MM 1M) ~ra -4w)yanjkoy; gc,)hcgicheskaye uprarleniye. 1/2 Ccard L 'ACC NR: m6o36464 was tes'tea. -Weight, external appearance, behavior, 'dfi*C1-d-p-p6t-1fe-`Were 'observed. Assimilation of basic substances, the nitrogen bala~nce, the ~composition of hemoglobin and erothrocytes in the blood, and certain biochemical indices were determined. Pathological examination of the animals was perfomed and individual internal'organs were weighed. In experiments where unicellular algae were used as the source of protein, the average duration of viability 6a5 5. 5' months. When animals were fed only the biomass of the algae-0 khey lived only about one month. Death results fmn nvInutrition. Experi- ~rndnts showed that greatest nutritional value was provided when the ~iomass of unicellular algae was augmented by an increased amount ,of cysteine. The least value was provided by biomass of yeasts. The. nutritional value of the purified biomass bf microbacteria was higher than th-at of the uniDurdied biomasa.ACW*A9'NoG 22; 'At6tapoit 6GIly SW CODES 06 SWX DAT&S 00MAY" Card kRAKUMVA I.k.,- AU'EBININSKIY, K.S.; ffGHKOV, V.P..-, DEMOGHKINk, N.G.; K ; USHAKOVP A.S. Some data on a group ot animals in a closed ecologic system. Probl.,6sm. biol. 4:107-118 t65. (KIRA 18:9) L 45964-66 JXT(CZ)/ ACC NR: AT603o694 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/ AUTHOR B chkov, V. P.; Boyko, N. N.; Km ~tkin~a&; ~G-' Kondratlyev, Yu. 1., Ushakov, 7. S. ORG: none (/3 TITLE: The possibility of using dehydrated products in cosmonaut diets SOURCE: _KonfeMtsiya po kosmicheskoy -biologii i meditsine, 1964. Materialy. Mosc -Inst. madi 11 TOPIC TAGS: space biology, space food, human physiology, nutrition, biologic metabolism ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted to study the effects of dehydrated food rations on human metabolism. Freeze-dried and heat-dried food products were used to make up three different rations, with caloric values from 2117 to 2974 kcal. Thr food was eaten dry, but could be washed down with unlimited amounts of water. Amorig the foods used were freeze-dried meat products (pork and beef sausage, beef roll, hazz and smoked.pork~ dried milk products (a 5:5:11:1 mixture of cream, walnuts, milk, and sugar, 6nd a 5:5.1 mixture of pot cheese, cream and sugarl and candy and pastry, (vitaminized caramels, lemon drops: etc.). Biomedical monitoring of the six healthy subjects was conducted throughout the e*xperiment, and each subject kept a medical journal. In the first test', laboratory workers were fed normally Card 1/3 L 45964-66 ACC NRs for 10 days, and then for 20 days ate equivalent amounts of the same foods, dried, (Rationib.1, see Table 1) while performing their normal tasks. In the second test Table Lweiaht- nhemina-1 nnmnnRitinn_ and nalnrin value of food rations Number of Weight in Moisture Protein Fat Carbohydrate Ash Caloric ration 9 in g in g in g in g in g value in kcal 1 6o9 43.4 112.3 93.2 339.0' 21.1 2117 2 638 34.4 118.1 ul.4 354.7 19.4o 2974 3 615 51.6 107.8 lo6.6 326.1 22.90 2770 one subject was fed Ration No.2 and water regenerated from urine for 35 days. He remained in a small chamber (7 m3), where normal atmospheric and microclimatic con- ditions were maintained; his day was d!ivided into sleep (8 hr), exercise (35-40 miw~ meals (three per day), and drafting work and reading (specially selected literature). In the third test two subjects stayed ~n a-similar chamber for 33 days, during which time they were fed Ration No-3 for 22 days and normal food in the 11 days before and after. One received water regenerated from urine and the other distilled water. The system of biosensors was also tested in this exppriment. In addition to sleep and exercise periods (8 hr and 35-40 min, respectively), and meals, the subjects' time was occupied in recording physiological functions using the sensors. T_ Card 2 PR jl-y mz