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Central neural regulation of vascular tonus; survey of literature.
Fiziol. shure Mr..) 1 no.1:126-133 JTA-Y 155. (KM 9:9)
1. Inaititut fisiologii imeni akademika O.O.Bogamolltaya Akademii
nauk MMR, Laboratoriya fistologii krovoobigu i dikhaanya.
11.1:~:-P,unt-n and !,niiiv~L hy~i-.)LC'fnr Circuintion. 1!_4
4, 1~),58,- Lij_1814
i".U-tho r M.A. F,.indi-atuvich
In!; t -Z-
T Ltle 'rhe Functi--)nt~l Qtate -~f the '.1sq-omitor Center in '-'Xperimen-
tai Vynerten-~1.on. 'Rencort II. -liesults of Hese.-Lrch in the
Denre-~-.sor V-*caiar Aefiexes.
('r i g ~ub T3YLU ekrrer1m. blLoi. i me-aitsiny, 11955, No lo, 31-34
Abstr,%ct A stuly =_de ---n rabbits vith reflexogenic hypertension
of depressor reflexes in the nresence of adenvate stimula-
tion of the wiliwnary receptors And respiratory tracts by
bloving m_1 of air into the trachea at the moment of nP.-
turai e"irrtLon. Pmong rabbits with a renal form of hy-
,3ertention, the depressor refflexes vere studied by stimu-
lation of an aortic nerve with rectangular current impul-
~ses at a rate of 50 per zecond for a duration of 0.01 se-
conds Pt a voltage of 0.1 to 06 v- In both series of
Card 1/1
augmented. Their greatest inten*ification was observed
in the early stages of the development of hyptertension
(i to 2 months). The inability of the dmressor reflex
mach-misms, in spite of their increased reactivity, to
reduce a rathological increase in blood pressure is ex-
plained by the author in the following vay: with pro-
longed hypertension of various types, in which the vaso-
motor center is in a state of permanent excitation, the
imnulses arising in the receptors of the depressor zones
are inadequate to oppose the process of excitation in the
vasomotor center.
Card 2/2
Scientific conference on problems of high .er nervous activity
and on the corticovisceral Interrelations under normal and
pathological conditions. M647ch.zhur.24 no.4:87-94 '55.(NLRA 8:1o)
(CMMRAL CORTU, Physiology.
higher nervous funct..coftf.)
OMMUMOMM, physiology.
corticovisceral theory, conf.)
L__ I T
The lighth All-Union Conference of Physiologists, Biochemists. and
Pharmacologists. Visayk AN URSR 26 no.?:58-63 J1155. (MYRA 8:10)
(Physiology--Congresses) (Biochemistry--Congresses) (Pharma-
Functional state of the vasomotor center in experimental
hypertension. Report no.2:Rosults of investigations of
vas�pressor reflexes. Biul.eksp.blol. I sod. 40 no-10:31-
35 Oct. 155. (MLRA 9:1)
1. Is laborstorit fisiologii krovoobrashchonlya I dykhantya
(sav.-daystvitel'My chlon AMN SSSR prof. N.N.Gorev)
Instituta 71siologit ineni A.A.Bogosolltea (dir.-chlon-
korrespondent AN USSR prof. A.M.Toroblyev) AN USSR.
(HTPZRTMSION,, experimental.
off. of aortic nerve & palm. stimulation on
blood pressure & reap.)
(AORTA, Innervation,
off. of stimulation of aortic nerve on blood
pressure & rasp. In exper. hypertension)
(LUNGS, pbysioloaq
off. of stimulation on blood pressure & reep. In
iexper. "rtension)
(RISPIRATION. pbreialogy.
off. of aortic nerve & pulm.stimilation In exper.
(13LOOD PRASSUR11,physiology.
off. of aortic nerve & pula.etl=lation In exper,
ICOVMTOYICH. Nar4t Artatovich.- GOW. N.N.. otv*tstvonnyy rodaktor;
lxdatelfstva; SITACHMO, Te.k.0 tekludchoWdy
[Prgblms in regulating the circulation of the blood In experinental
b"irtension] Nakotorys voprosy regullatell kravoobrashchoulia v
uslivilakh sksporimentall7may g1partonit. liev. Isd-vo Aksdeall nauk
USSO 1956. 110 p. (MM 9:7)
1. DaystvitolljWy chlon Akadmil neditainikikh nauk SSSR (for Gerov)
- ~, ;
,[Vhst tin ole=o of alcohol bad@ to] I chem prtrodit slotrotre-
blenie alkvgoles. Ktov. Almd. nauk Ukrainskot SU, 1957o 26 po
(Alcohollon) (WaA 10:6)
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T
logical). ~Blood. Blood Pressure. Hypertonia
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 97533
Author :-Kondratovich, ML_A.
Inst Not given
Ti~le On Characteristics of Adaptation Phenomena of
Unconditional.'.Vascular Reflexes in Conditions,of
Changed Vascular Tonus
Orig Pub: Fiziol. zh., 19579 3, No 1, 57-63
Abstract: In cats with hypertension (exclusion of sinocaro-
tid zones) in prolonged~stimulaticn of mechanorecep-
tors of urinary bladder blood pressure returned
faster to the original level, and termination of
stimulation was accompanied by more expressed
Card 'L/2
64'e SS
GURZTICH, Noisey Isayevich Effurevych. K.I.];., KONDRATOVICH,,_., Karat AvAa-tovich
[Kondratovych, K.A.3; KAKARC 0 O.Y., profeg otvaredo;
, A.I., red.isd-va; KOLMITCHM, V.O.,
[Kedical sclenoe against religious preJudicel Kedychna nauka
proty religlinykh saboboniv. Kyty, Tvd-vo Akad.nauk URSR. 1958.
44 p. (KIRA 12:4)
1e Chlen-korrespandent AN UMM (for Kakarchanko).
BALITSKIY, X.P. (Balyt,31kyjq 19P*39 kRnd*med.naukj IDIMBATOVICH, M.A.
IXQM&StG~ ~Ii ,
Alcoholism in the enemr of human health. Nauka i zhvttia 8
no-10:31-33 '58, (MIBIA 13:4)
KONMTOVICH. M.A.,st.nsuchW sotrudnik.
--,,,-~Concerning A.?. Urapat's review of N.A. Kbndratocich's book "Some
problems of circulatory regulation In experimentnl hypertension.*
Arkh.pnt. 20 no.3:83-84 159. (MIRA 11:5)
GOW, N.M.,; KAKARQUUIKO, A.F., red.; CNIMM, A.I., red.;
GURVICH, M.I., doktor med.nauk, red,; FROLIKIS, T.T., doktor
md.nauk, red.;. KOM OVICH, N.A., red.; SUMHIN.
M.L., red.lzd-va; MWN-0-U,
[Problem In the physiology and pathology of coronary circulation]
Toprosy fisiologii I patologli koronarnogo krovoobrashchouila.
Kiev. 1960. 149 p. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Akedemlya neuk USSR, Kiyev, Inetitut fixiologii. 2. Daystyl-
tel*nyy chlen AM SSSR (for Gorev). 3. Chlon-korrespondent AN DMIR
(for Makarchenko)'. 4. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SM (for Cherl6s),
5. Institut fisiologii im. A.A.Bogonolitea AN USSR (KIyev) (for
Gurevich). 6. Kiyevakiy maditainakiy institut im. A.A.Bogomolltea
(for Frollkis), (CORONARY TB&S=)
Oonference an problem of the physiology and pathology of blood
circulation, Pkt,fisloleekep,torap. 4 no.1:88-90 Ja-F 160,
(KM 13 W
State of the reflex r,egulatiofi of vaocular,tone under hypothermia,
Iliul. -ekspbiol.i Mdd. 50 no.9z65-65 S 160. (mou 1" 1:..1) -
l..Iz laboratorii fiziologii kravoobrashcheniya i dykhaniya (rukovoditell-
dpystviteltnyy chlen.AMN SM N.N.Gore',K) Thatituta fiziologii imeni
A.A.Bogomol!tsa (dir. - bblefi-korrespondent,AN USSR prof. A.F.
Makarchenko) AN USAR, Kiyev.
Influence of high mountain.climate on cardiac function of animals
with experimental hypertension and experimental coronary insufficiency.
Vrach.delo no.11:73-78 N 160. (MIU 13:11)
1. Laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya i dykhaniya (zav. -
laboratoriyay - doystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR, prof. N.N.Gorev)
instituta fiziologii imeni A.A.BogooolOtsa AN USSR.
(HEMT) -
Functional state of interoceptoirs and central links of the reflex
are of vascular r6fle:66 in hypothermia. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 7
no.. 3:424-431 t~-Je 161.- "1 (MIRA 14*-5).
1. laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya Instituta fiziologii,
im. A.A:;Bogomolltsa AN USSR,-Kiyev. -
GOREV, N.N., otv. red.; GLTXVICH,. M.I.,, red.; KOVDIWOVICH M.A... red.;
KOCHERGA, D.A., red.; MAKARCIMM, A. ., red.; FMOL .1 G.V.,
(deceased), red.; FROLIKIS, V.V., red.FEDOROV, I.I., red.;
GITSHTYM, A.D., tekhn. red.
[Problems in the physiology and pathology of the vascular tonus]
Vaprosy fizologii i patologii sosudistogo tonusa. Kievs Gos. med.
izd-vo USSR, 1961. 274 p. (MRA 15:2)
ILICHEVICH, N.V. [Illchevych, M.V.1; KONDRATUVICH M.A [Kondratovych, M.A.]
Effect of mountain climate on the cardiovascular system. Fiziol.
zhur. [Ukrj 7 no-5:626-631 S-0 161. (K= 14:9)
1. Laboratory of Circulatory Physiolgoy of the A.A.Bogomoletz
Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian
S.S.R., Kiev.
GMIVICH' 11.I. [Hurevych, M.I.]; GOIAN, D.A. (Holov, D.O.]; ILICIEVICH, N.V.
[Illchevych,, I.I.V.1; KOZAK, V.A. - K011DRATUVICH 14 A.
. 0
KVITIIITSKIYO N.Ye. 1Kvitnyts'ki~1~'------.--; MARTY11*1 G.
(Martynenko., A.H.); BRATUSI, V.V.
Some problems in the physiology and pathology of underwater
si-riming; study of the functional state of the cardiovascular
system in underwater owizaing. Fiziol. shur. [Ukr.] 8 no.3:
309-318 My-Je 162. MMI 15: 6)
1, Laborataip fislologii kroyoobrashcheniya Iwtituta fizio-
logii im. Bogomolltsa All US3R, Kiyov.
Reflex regulation of vasmaar tonus in isolated hypothermia
of the brain, Biul, eksp. biol. i med. 53 no.1:7-11 Ja 762.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz laboratox-Ai fi2iologii krovoobrashcheniya (rukovoditel',
deyvtviteltx*7 chIen ANI SSSR N.N. Gorev) Instituta fiziologii
imeni A.A. Bogomol2tea (dir, .. chlen-korrespondent AM USSR
A.F. lkdcarc-honko) AN USSR, Kiyev,, Predstavlena deystvitelInym
chlenom MI SSSR N.N. Gorevym.
Central mechanisms of the regulation of the vascular tonus.
Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 9 no.4r526-537 Jl-Ag 163.
(MIRA 17:10)
1. Laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobranhcheniya Instituta
fiziologii im. Bogomolltsa AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
Current concepts on the functional or~anizaltlon of the bulbar
vasomotor center. Fiziol, zhure [Ukr, 10 no.2:247-254 Mr-
Ap 064. (MIRA 18:7)
1, Laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya Instituta fizio-
logii im. Bogomolltna AN UkrSSRp Kirv.
Investigating the decomposition of sphene concentrates by sul-
furic acid for the purpose of obtaining titanium sulfate solu-
tions with a low acidity factor. Titan i ego splavy no.9:149-
157 163. (Sphene-An%lysis) (Titanium sulfate) WIRA 16:9)
Preparation of disc saws for high speed cutting.,
Les. prom. 12,, no. 1, 1952
Monthly Ust of Russian Acoesslons# Ilbrary of Congreast March 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
the use of pneumatic and hydraulic
Economic effectiveness of Der. prom. 13 no.8:14-15 Ag 164.
mechanisms in sawmilling- (IAIRA 17:11)
LAPIN, Petr Ivanovichi KOI]DRATOVICH, Vikolay Yemellyanovich; YUROYEV,
Yuriy Ivanovi-Cyp.-ODTM=r,-L.-171-r-ea.--,-FETIYMOVkl-L.I.0
tekhn. red.
[Design and use of modern frame.sawal Konstruktsii i eksplu-
atatsiia sovrememWkh lesopillrqkh ram. Arkhangellsk,
Arkhangellskoe kni2hnoe izd-vo., 1962, 82 p.
(VIRA 16:12)
ne YEV i
in illich, kand. tekhn. lik; DUIUU
DEMIYAROVSM, Konstant GH,_N.Ye.t red.
Vjktor Dmitri7evich) inzhql -KOFlq PW -
[sharpening woodcutting tools] Zatocbka derevorezhu-
entOV- I'loskVaq Lesnaia proDIshlennOstI,
shchikh instrum (mM 18:3)
1965. 201 P-
YESIFENKO) B.yOfIFsypenkop:.B.IE.);_NUUTDYIMM.A.(Kondratovych,
m*A 1; POGREBNYAK, L.P.[Pohrebniak, L.P.), red.; DABVICH,
A.ViDanej7ch, A.V.], red.-leksikograf; LIBERW, t.P.,
tekhn. re4,--
Russian-TArainiAn dictionary of pbyaiolog:Vdal terpdpology;
1590M termi)-Rdaliolko-ukrainalkyi slovnyk fiziologichnoi
teryninologii. 15 000 terminiv. Uklad. B.IE.IEsypen#a,
M.A.Kondratovych, Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. na4 UHSR, 201-p-"
(Pbysiology-Dictionaries) (MIRA 16:6)
(Russian language--Dictionaries--Ukrai")
KrMPATOVIC7, N. Ye.: "The effect of cutting speed on the duning of round saws
in protracted sawing". Leningrad, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Len:in-
grad Order of Lenin Forestry Engineering Academy imeni S. M. Kirov. (Dis-
sertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.)
50; KnizhnaLv-- Letonis' No- 50 10 December 1955- Moscow.
G.M.; POTOLOYSM, N.I. red.; MUINIKOVA, K.S., red. izd-va; PARA~--
KM3A; Na., tekbu.-red:
[Manual on the assembly operation,, maintenance and repair of the
equipment of iwminb, :L woodworking enterprisesl Spravochnik po,
montazbu,, ekspluatitsii i remontu oborudovaniia lesopillrykh i de.-
revoobrabatyvaiuBhobikh predpriiatii. Moskva., Goslesbumizdat,, 1961.
443 P. (MMA 14: 11)
(Woodworking macbingr,7) (Samaills-Equipment, and supplies)
to It to
1, A I -AA It
no viis at smviffiv is awe
SW J. No, 9/10. IQ(HKJ),-Tbe"
"PIPIIA"m k.
lift thp K-- d4mvinwr fit wpm
A M. of arm cmducted to tw tht valwity of Ibc
d d
w mma
mw maw
PnA~ag fbes"hwathm nordid it &1lart theout-
04 A emian of 110% of awl sMvkW (ou ibe bask of
gampos"t) C
~x ittri;l
but .4Z=t= the
2 Imn
MavkW allIt"itlil twither tb* chim. nm the
lid sterb olitife ISOM) chsfxrt ronts.
d h
ul fi
m i
c tot
d d
i 0o
Wow not twnpeesqe
np. ' 0
:ij Ire
I low qa~-vwv-
1831404 If Dow OW -j,
, AT
,j yj a assist Go a.. Alt
U 0 aw to a
or., ;51 ,gulm, I a cw a 0 4 1 IN 0 9
f -
0 0 0
0 0 * see* * 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 a a a :
BM'04'sn'sKly. S.S., predeadatell Vaerosoiyskogo Komiteta Osvobozhdeniya;
YURIYEV, S.V,, generalInyy eekretar'; KONDR&TOVIGH, S.L.. nachallnik
Organizatsionnogo Otdela. cawlamw
From the All-Russian Presdom Committee to all Fassian national organiza-
tions. Nashi vestl 9 no.36:10-11 Ag 133. (MLHA 6-7)
1. Voerossiyakiy Konitet Oevobozhdonlya. (Refugees)
E194/E484 Supplied With
.lux When a column 15 is in the
Calculation of the Minimum Ref the Boiling Point or Which
in Not Heated UP to tification Of a complex
Food Which d condition (The Case of Is,
mixture ) on an ideal column
given for the feed tray rpos0s is obtained
balance equations or quation for calcula tion pul . was calculated
and the fundamental : Dmperatur4 g procedure is
of Fq.(5'). The f6 ed tray t4 a followin
in the form tion and th4 first assumed and
by the method of double 80'ecof the feed tray is I found.
recommended A temperature Lbrium of each component ari nominal
hase equill lculate the
the constants Of P in used with Eq*(5) to ca .... of the
tion method The correct
The 90lec the food. ked by
distillation fraction Of ed tray 19 then choc of Eq.(6).
assumed temperature of the fe equation in the form ratur4e
its hoot balance of feed tray t6mPe
formulAtiug given Of ca lculation d the Constants Of
F sumed an 1.
,x&mples are then Iture of 1000C is also found and given in Table
A feed tray temper, all Components or ture of the feed
phase equilibrium Of was 3960C and the tempera f the
The feed temperature Comparison 0
tray is found to be 1400cl, see Table 2.
Card 2/4
Calculation of the Minimum Reflux When a Column is Supplied With
Feed Which is Not Heated'Up to the Boiling Point or Which is in the
Super-Heated Condition (The Case of Rectification of a Complex
compositions of the liquid and vapour phases on the feed tray at
different temperatures of initial feed show that increasing the
feed temperature raises the concentration of high boiling
components in the equilibrium phases and the temperature of the
feed tray of the ideal column. The data of -Tables I and 2 were
used to construct graphs (Fig.1 and 2) which show the regions of
real values of reflux. Fig-3 shows the region of real values of
minimum reflux with various degrees of preliminary heating of the
feed. Increasing the feed temperature is shown to lead to
mixing of the region of the real values tewards higher refluxes.
In addition to the conditions found in the previous work, it is
shown that (1) with a given feed *temperature and constant
minimum reflux, increase in the output of distillate does not
influence Its quality and the residue becomes heavier;
(2) with constant minimum reflux reduction in the feed temperature
Card 3/4
Calculation of the Minimum Reflux When a Column is Supplied With
Feed Which is Not Heated Up to the Boiling Point or Which is in th
Super-Heated Condition (The Case of Rectification of a Complex
gives a lighter distillate; (3) components with a phase
equilibrium constant greater than unity have a higher
concentration in the distillate than in the feed. There are
3 figures, 2 tables and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut
(Ufa Petroleum Institute)
Card 4/4
Selecting a refl= system for rectification colmnso 9himel-tekhe
topl.i nasal 6 no.2t62-" F '61. (KM 14:1)
1. Ufimakiy neftyawy institut.
(Distillation apparatus)
Performance of a rectification column and viaximum, reflux-to-
product rati,4 lzv,vyo,ucheb,zav,; neft' i gaz'5 no,4:65-69
1624, (MIRA 16i1)
1, Ufimakiy neftyawy institut i Moskovsklq inatitut tonkoy
khisicheakoy tekbwlogii Iseni Loxwolo"-~
(Plate towers)
Effect of the number of contact trdating etages on the extraction
process indioes. KUm.i tekh.tog.i masol 7 noiatl2-16 F 062.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno-isoledcyvatellskiy institut.
(Psitroleum-Refining) (F4raction (Chemistry))
--- -- -----
Effect of various *ctors on the minimum reflux ratio in the
rectification of a~binary system. Izv.vyp.uchob.zav.;khim.
i ldd4i.tekh. 3 no-3:546-549 160. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy institut kafedra protsezjsov i apparatov.
(System (Chemistry)~ (Distillation, Fractional)
KLIMENOK, B.V.;,~ Prinimali uchastiye: BASYROVA, Z.V.;
WITSEN, Ya.ya.
Counter-current horizontal extractor for processing hard materials.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft'.1 gaz 4 no.2:75-77 '61.
(MIRA 15:5)
(Paraffins) (Diesel fuels)
Calculation of the mmber of theoretical stages in the
countercurrent washing of precipitates with the use of
several multistage extractors. Khim.prom. no.9:603-607
Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledo-
vatel'skiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov.
(Chemistry, Technical) (Extraction apparatus)
- Characteristics of the process of batch-type extraction.
Rhim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.10s6_9 0 163.
(NIRA 16: U)
1. Ufimskiy neftyancy naucfnno-issledovatellskiy institut.
Calcidation of bif inite refluxing f or. rectifying multicomponent
mixtures. IZV.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.8:67-74, 162*
(14IRA 17: 3)
1. Mmakly neft7anoy institut.
Calcidating the possible rnnge of' variation fr. N4 comdositlon
of the iepai-ablon products of temary mixtures -in the presence
of min' ravm reflux. Izv. vva. ucheb. zav. ~ nof t' I gaz 7
no.3,63-67 '64. (MIRA 17:61,
1. Uflmskiy neftyanoy institut.
Calculation of the composition on the feed plate in rectification
of multicomponent, mixtures. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz
7 no.10:55-59 164. (MIRA 18:2)
1. UfImskiy neftyanoy institut.
L 16929-65 274TW SSDIMTLIAF UR
.5 1,YjA c) IrliA 'rv'~n /rr~ R Ir)021
Ac"E.' 0'" "'R : A P'j 7Y)PP 1 ?
AU 'qOR: Kondraf.'::ev, A A.
T L'~' f-alrulation of the conditions for minimum irri;-.ation in the fractionation
i t~,khnoloriya toplAv i masel, no. 19614, IR,-2'-,
PIC TAG Oei~Vr-y-t-echnique-,:-c"..
Thc~,art iclc~ t-epresenta.
-a reply to -in article by A. K, Manovvan
and L. A. 3ayburski-v /Khimiya Ii .TekhnologL ya Topliv i Hasel, Ho 4, 19637
cr ttne pr 1blerns of deTerminLng minimum reflux ratio, using the componiriotis
o c z. a , ne (i ;n an inv(tstigation of fractionating imnstallatio~Ns. and the accuracy'
,~p;~roii.mste me-Lhods of calculation, Claiming that the inLLLal theoretical
.)remiaes rind method of investigation by Manovyart and Rayburikiv led them
to uniccrp"ahle recor-wendations, the author discu3.qes of a -qvqtcm of ininimum
in whiLft regions of conlant (limiting) concentrati3ns appear Ln
the column. The Ottial sys-tew- Ls~ a Eour-comp-acient -equimalar aixture-witiv-
relative.- volat-flitie-9--of eq'u'al- -t'o eight, four, two and one-,
themixtitre enters the colum the.b~6~j ing poirit. The author analyzes
the three methods of calculation of the minimum reflux ratio used by Manovyan
Card 1/2
L 1692-0-65-
and 13--yburskiy, no--In& that two of them were inapplicable to the cases in
which they were used. An exact calculation of the system of minimum irriga-
ti.oF ccnaLderLng tte change in molar fluxes along- the heighL of Lndiv'Ldual
-, -, L~)n:3 -)f Lhe column and the relative volatilities of the component6
a -i ~-(- performed uaing the method of successive CAICulgLiozl Of the regions
n:iq*8",f rorcentrations or the move general method of alternrLe calculation
-LCFions of conatant concentratLons Of the or distilled-
-,ections, so well as methods including plate-by-plate caLculation of the
(I C(Niumn or its individual parta; in the case of ronatant values of
,r--3 ar
,d relative volatilities of the components, the minLmum reflux
-F., 1 can. also be- claculated using algebraic methods- Cr~ Drt. has 2 graphs.
'10N: UfNII
SU3,141YEED: 00
Card 212
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 010
Calculation of the conditions of infinite refluxing during the
rectification of multicomponent mixturea. Khim. i tekh. to 1
i masel 10 no.2t4O-42 F 1659 P4RA 18:8)
1. Ufimskly neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut.
, - I . - ---- 1-1-
Selecting the flow sheet for the rectification of =10component mix-
tures. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 10 no.7:53-55 J1 v65. (~IIRA 181q)
1. TJfJmskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel5skiy institut.
AELAKHVERDYAN, D.A., prof.; IPATOV, P.F., dots.; STAM, V.M., dots.;
ABIKSKIN, A.L., dots.; VINCKUR, R.D.., dots.; AZARKH, M.R.,
dots.; SHER, I.D., prof.; KONISHIN, F.V., prof.; NIKOLISKIY,
P.S., dots.; 1;QND4jjYgV "- A.,_Ted.; FILIPPOVA, E., red.;
LEBEDEV, A., tekhn. red.
[Finances of the U.S.S.R.]Finaney SSSR. Moskva, Gosfinizdat,
1962. 412 p. (MIRA 16:1)
1. 'Moskovskiy finansovyy institut (for all except Kondratlyev,
Filippova, Lebedev).
swim eafts j4
A..,BkMMM- -(-SI-ki i
rinim with Intemj
110 nm
jpntly j1pengd ;j;;~;.mmvAdm Y round with a rrs.
izations. the. cornpgponding =,%,, Wh-I undw various con.
lh~ I - - ~1"&.r ,, "qualiffes (" Lndk.W by
I~ilfjf W Ilin"in" of
SOV/1 37- 57-1-1402
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 186 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kondrat'yev, A. B.
TITLE: Analysis of Structural Flaws in Hardened Steel Which Develop Dur-
ing Grinding, Their Classification, and Causes of Their Formation
(Analiz defektov struktury zakalennoy stali, voznikayushchikh pri
shlifovanii, ikh klassifikatsiya i prichiny poyavleniya)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Penzensk. industr. in-ta, 1955, Nr 3, pp 70-94
ABSTRACT: In order to expose flaws caused by grinding (G) and the state of the
microstructure of the surface layer, the author investigated speci-
mens and ball-bearing rings, manufactured from ShKh- 15 steel
subjected to G by different procedures after quenching in oil at
8300C and a 3-hour annealing at 1500. G was carried out on
electric -furnace -corundum wheels of grain size 46 on a ceramic
binder and-emulsion cooled. Flaws were then exposed by means of
successive etching in 50/6 HN03 and in 12% HCI solutions with subse-
quent neutralization with a 5% solution of soda in water. The-following
Card I /Z flaws were detected: G Surns'with hardening (from local overheating
Analysis of Structural Flaws in Hardened Steel (cont. )
SOV/1 37- 57-1-1402
to temperatures above Ac 1 and rapid emulsion cooling) and with tempering with
local overheating at temperatures below Ac I; G cracks which form as a result
of the action of stresses arising through local structural transformations and
drawing of the temper of a thin surface layer. On the basis of the metallographic
analysis of the heat conditions prevailing during G it is shown that rapid heating
of the metal surface takes place during the process of G, with high concentration
of heat (800-9000) in thin surface layers. Heat spreading deep into the article
causes the heating of surface layers and structural transformations therein in
accordance with the temperature distribution.
A. F.
Card 2/2
-3 111 1",d
u Igo
X 9 IA
KONMTIYBV 1,. kand.tekhn.nauk; MSHOVA, Galin&
I WassU BarivoAM
blkolayevna, Inzn.; FDO'MIKOV, lvqn Aleksayevich, prof., doL-tor
tekhn.nauk; MOSKOVSKIT, Mikhail Ivanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk;
SOOLET, David Iosifovich, kand.tokhn.neuk; WIMIGEVICH, Petr
Kazimirovich, inzh.; SHIROKOY, Boris Ivanovich, kand.sellsko-
khoz.nauka Prinimali nchastiye: TMOIN, Boris Nikolayevich, inzh.;
OSOBOV, Vadim Izrailevich, inzh. BRIK, P.A., prepodavatell, ..,
retsenzent; IVANOV. V.A., prepodavatell. retsenzent; KOGAHOV. A.,
prepodavatell. retsenzent; KOHONOV, B.V. prepodavatell; reteenzent;
MARKOV, G.Ta., prepodevatell, retsenzent:, OSIPOY, G.P., prepoda-
vatell, retsenzent; RYABOV, P61,1 prepodevatell, retsenzent;
SOLOVITEV, I.Ye.. prepodavatell, rateen2ent; SOROKU, V.Ya., pre-
podavatell. retsenzent; BANNIKOV, P., red.; VORONKOVA, Ye.,
[Manual for collective farm machinery operators] Sprav'oohnik mekba-
nizatora sel'skogo khozisistva, Penza. Penz~enskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo,
1959. 6io p. (MIRA 14:2)
1. Saratovskly institut mokhanizataii sel'skogo khozyaystve imni
M.I.Kalinina (for Brik, Ivanov. Koganov, Kononov, Markov, Osipove
Ryabov, Soloviyev, Sorokin).
(Agricultural machinery) (Farm mechanization)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 1961, No. 1, P. 56,
# 1B 516
AUTHOR: KondrWyev. A. B.
TITLE: Results of an Investigation and the Experience From the Introduction
of the Speed Grinding of Metals
PERIODICAL: V sb.: "Osnovn. vopr. vysokoproizvodit. shlifovaniya". Moscow,
Mashgiz, 1960, pp. 121-130
TEXT: Results are presented from an investigation of the speed grindIng of -
bearini races made of WX15 (ShKhl5) steel (RC 61 - 64) on the internal-grinding
machine with the high-porous electro-corundum disks. Their structure is No. 12-14
with ceramic binder of the grain size 46, hardness r-it-CM2 (SM1-SM2). It
turned out that the finish of the processed surface improves considerably with
increasing grinding disk speed and becomes worse directly proportional to increas-
ing longitudinal feed. The finish of the grinded surface becomes worse with
increasing rotation speed of the processed work piece and cutting depth; the
specifle consumption of the disk decreases with increasing disk speed. The
Card 1/2
Results of an Investigation and the Experience From the Introduction of the Speed
Grinding of Metals
appearance of austenite in very fine surface layers was stated by X-ray analysis
only in those specimens which were grinded with the cross-feed of 0.015 mm per one
travel of the table and the longitudinal table feed of 6,000 m/min. - There are
5 figures.
I. Brozg9l'
Translator's note- This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 2/2
SHORIN, Yu.A., inzh.; KONDMITIYEV, A.D., inzh.
Operation of the gas and oil system of generators. Elek. sta. 32
no.12:61-62 D 61. (MIRA 15:1)
SHVARTS, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KONDRATIYEV, A.D.; ZYBIN, Yu.P., doktor
tekhn,naukj prof.
Reviews and bibliography. Kozb.-obuv.prom. 6 no.11:29-33 N 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Direktor izdatellatva "Legkaya industriyal (for Kondratlyev).
PWINA, 011ge Pavlovna, doyarka; XCUMTOW, A.?., red.; SXMCHM* Seley
red.; YASMIKDU. Ye.A.. tekhnreT.-
[We shall obtain 5.000 kilograms of milk per cow per year] Budet
5000 kilogrammov moloke ot korovy v god. Kulbyehev, KuLbysbovskoe
knizhnoe lsd-vo,, 1960, 18 p. (MIRA l4a)
1. Zolkhos imeni TO(b) loldybanskogo rayona (fv Youina).
(Dairying) -
GIRASIMOV, Vladimir (levrilovich, postukh-skotnik; -KCIOMATITETV A.F. 9
red.; MWYMIK, G.A., red.;
[my sevelk-y'sar plan) Nola semiletka. KuLbyshev, Kuibyshevskoe
knishnos Isd-vo, 196o. 21 p. (KIRA 14:1) ~
1. Kolkhos %aninskly put" Borskogo reyona (for Geraslnov)*
(Stock and stockbreeding)
K insh,
Land irrIgation in Czechoslovakia. Gidr, i meI. 17 no.3:49-12 Mr 165.
(min 1834)
1. Vaosoyuann goswiarxtvewWy proy*ktno-tzyskato1'mkiy i nituchno-
isalmdovatel'skiy Institut vodokh6xyaystvennogo stroitel'stva
Goazemodkhaaa SM.
KONDRATIYEY,,, F.,, inzh.; BORISOV, G.M., inzh.
Water supply of rural populated places in Czechoslovakia.
Gidr. i mel. 17 no.lOt52-55 0 165. (MIRA 18-101
1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvannyy proyektno-izyskatellskly i
nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodokhozyaystvennogo
Professor F.Y. Shmakov. Blektrichostvo no.1:94 Ja 156. (KuIA 9:3)
(Shmakov. Pavel Vaoillevich, 1885-)
GURIVICH, Simon BorisovIch;JUADRATjMp_ A.G. #_kand.takhn.nauk, reteensent;
GANDUM9 R*I,, red.; OXaA. L.L. red.; POLOSEATA, B.G., tekhn,red,
[Physical processes In television pickup tubas] Fisicheakie
proteensy v persdalushchikh tolovisionnykh trabkakh. Koakwa. Goo.
Isd-vo fisiko-matenollt-ry,1958. 399 P. (HIM 12:3)
(Television cameras)
V.V.; TARAMS, D.A.; SMUOT, P.T., red.; VRNGRM=p L~Iqq
[Televisionj general course] Talevidenis; obshchii Imrs. Pod
red. P.T.Mmkove. Moskva, Gos.Izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi
i radio. 1960. 391 P. (MIRA 13:12)
Outlook for the use of vidicons in low frame frequency television
systemse Tekhoklno i televo 4 n0-7:63-67 J3. 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1.,,Zatedra, televidenlys, laninUadskogo elaktrotaknichaskogo
inxtituta sy7azle ,
(Television-Transmitters and transmission)
AUTHORt Kondratlyev, A. G.
TITLE: OTCY (FITSU) photo-television well installation
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 12, 1961, 21-22
TW: The author describes the FTSU photo-teleVision well installation,
which he claims to be the first of its kind in the Soviet Union and abroad. The
device has been developed by the Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheakiy inatitut
svyazi Im. M. A. Bonoh-Bruyevicha (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of
Communications im. Bonch-Bruyevich) and has been tested~fn the wells of the
Angrena "Podzemgaz" Station. It is intended for the visual inspection and photo-
graphing of dry well elements. The FTSU installation consists of the well
device of cylindrical shape in diameter and 1,690 mm long and the surface
assembly of 360 x 260 x 220 mm, which are interconnected by a typexrT-4 (KOT-4)
cable. The installation Is of small size and permits to combine TV-observation
with immediate photographing. The author mentions an analogous system developed
by the West-German firm Grundig which, he states, is intended for TV-observation
only. The well device is a TV-camera with optical attachment and photocamera.
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Kondratlyev, A.G., Wkin, M.I. and Minerl~o, Yu.G.
TITLE: Objective measurements of quality indices of tele-
vision signa4s
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 11, 1961, 26, abstract 11 K195 (Tr. nauchno-
takhn. konferentsii Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta
avlazi, no. 2. L., 1961, 3-6)
TEXT: Report on the equipment for objective evaluation of
picture quality which was developed in 1960 by the Television Depart
ment of the Leningrad Eleotrotechnical Telecommunications Institute.
The equipment includes instruments for measuring the definition,
signal-to-noise ratio, horizontal trailing, reflected signals,
levels and non-linearity of the display. Instruments are in devel-
opment for measurin the depth of the picture and contrast com res-
gr-Mracter's note: Complete translation
sion distortions. L 7
Card 1/1
LEYTES, Lev Semenovich;,XQHP8A7I-'BV Ye., Otv.
,AA,reteenzent; TESLER, V.
red.; VEYTSMAN, G.I., red.; VENGRENYUK, L.I., red.; PDMMOVA.S.F.,
tekhn. red.
[Television broadcasting technology]Tekhnika televisionnogo ve-
shchanila. Mockwaf Sviaslizdat, 1963. 495 P. (MIRA 16:3)
Moscow. Inatitui st&)A.
Novoye Y teorli I praktIke proizyodstya mu-tenovskoy stall (Nev (Developments]
in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth Steelmalting) Moscow, Netallurgizdat,
1961. 439 p. (Series: Trudy Mozhvuzovskoso nauchnogo soyeehchmiya)
2,150 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: YAnisterstwo ;rysshego I arednego spetatallnogo abrazovaniye.
RSFUR. Makovskil Inatitut stali imani 1. V. Stalin&.
Eds.t H. A. Glinkov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Kanda)=,
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of
Technical Sciences, G. it. Oyks, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
and. V. 1. Yaroyskiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Scienceal Ed.: To. A.
Borko; Ed. of Publishing Housel N. D. Gromov, Tach. Ed.t A. 1. Karasev.
PURME. This collection of articles is Intended for members of scientific
Institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers
concerned with wtanurgical processes and pbysIcal chemistry, aDd atuAents
specializing In'these fields.
Car4 IPI
New [Developments] In the Theory (Cont.)
COVERACE: The collection contains papers reviewing the develOPMent Of Open-
hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, written by staff
members of schools of higher education, scientific research institutes,
and -In laboratories of metallurgical plants, were presented aneL discussed
at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Righer Education. The foll-wing
topics am consideredi the kinetics and mechanism of carbon oxidation; the
process of slag formation in open-hearth furnace* using in the charge either
ore-lime briquets or composite flux (the product of calcining the mixture or
lire with bauxite), the behavior of hydrogen In the open-hearth bath; metal
desulfurization, processes; the control of the open-hearth thermal melting
regime and Its autcastIoD; beat-engineering problems In large-capacity
furnaces; aerodynamic properties of fuel gases ad their flow'in the furnace
combustion chamber; and the Improvement of high-alloy steel quality through
the utilization of vacuum and natural gases. The following persons took
$.I. Filippor,
part in the discussion of the papers at the Conferencei
V.A. Kudrin, N.A. GlInkov, 16P. Non, V.I. Tsvoyski7, 0.1. Oyks and Ye.
V., Chelishchey (Moscow Steel I=tttute)j Ye. A. ir-zachkov- an& A. S.
rJmr:LWwv (Zhdanor Metallurgical. XastLtute)l N.S. MikhayletsClastitute of
Cheadcal Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR);
A.I. Strogum. and D. Ta. Povolatekil (Chelyabinsk Po"chnie Inatitute)l
P.T. VarikIda %Ural Pblyteebuic Institute), I.I. Fawn (the Moscow 'Serp I
zolots metaumvicai Piant), Y.A. Yway (centroa Asian Polytechrde Instl
Card :~Jl it
New (Developments] in tbd 7b"17 (COnt-)
and X.I. Beylinov (light School of the Dne
treenlucergel, uslostrnlystStoultst
References follow sow of the articles. V:fe
Y&VCYY*Idy, V. 1. Emoskmakiy institut dau - KOBWW steel institute
Principal Trends In the Development of Scientific Research in Ste*1
Xamufacturing T
irluvpov, S. 1. [Professor, Doctorof TechrAcal Sciences, Moscow Steel
Institutal. Regularity Patterns of the Ktnetl~x of Carbon 03ddation
in Matals With low Carbon Content
(V. 1. Antonenka participated in the experimittJ
Levin, S. L. (professor, Dcator of TechnIcal Sciences, Dmpz* tzovskly
metalbargichasidy inatitlit - DasyroYetrav k matinumical institute I.
Card 3!14
Off-F~=ace DeffulfUrization of Cast Iron by Blowing Lime and
Alumim- Suspenaions 173
Card 7/ 14
PRIDANTS", M.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; KONDRATlYEV._~.I',, inzh.
Effect of the contaminstinn of structural, manganese-aluminum steel
by magnesium on the quality of slabs. Stall 25 no.7s644~647 J1 165.
(KRA 180)
1. Institut metallurgii im. A.A.Baykava i Mentrallnyy nauchno-is-
aledovatellsKy institut chernoy metallurgii is. I.P.Bardina.
Possibilities for lowering the cost of construction.. Stroi.
truboprov, 6 no,10.-25-26 0 161. OaRk j.,jao)
(Pipelines-Cost of construction)
PRIVALOVI M., kand.tekhn.nauk; KONDRATYYZV A.I., inzh.; KHATKEVICH, G.H.,
inzh. P
Reply to the inquiries of our readers. Elek. i tepl. tia a 7
1no.6s37 Je 163. 1" 16:9)
(Electric locomotives) (Railroads-Brakes)
Am ar. 99e-.12
(De eased ~v
ev, M.,V.,.,I; G,"Sakolov c and A,., it
-Avtomatichesk'aya,avarka, no, 3,~,.Mar 1963,,7-12.
The In'
A. Bayk.ov, in.cooperation with the Cen-,,
stitut6 of Metallurgy. imenl:A.,
tral ScientificResearch Institute 'of Ferrous Metallurgy imeni 1. P.. Bardin
Mektrostal"! Plant, has. investigated the effect of electroslag melting
and the "E
roperties, particularly forgeabil ty. of 814787 h'eat-re-
the mechanical* p L
sistant Fe-Ni-base&lloy. The 1000 to 1250-kg consumable electrodes made
-of conventionally arc-inelted steel were remelted under AH-6 flux [65,70 CaF2,..
3556 A12031 into 910 to 1275-kg ingots. The-dlect1roslag~;.md1te?d --alloy. tdntained
0.08% C, 0'501,3 Si, 0.3316 Mn,. 2.9376 W, 14,05% Cr, 34,474-Ni, 2.661. Ti
1.24% Al, ~ 0.01014 B,-.. Except for -an average loss of 1816 Al and 1316 Ti,'elec-
troslag melting,pad'no significant effect on the. content-.of the alloying. elements.
Card 2/3
AID Ur. 994-12 20 ITUne
However, it lowered 0 co.ntIent to'', 0.-1 100411a -and nonm6tallic. iInclusio.ns- to
compared with 0.008016 and 0.00516-in the lconventionall~y melted alloy: the H
content and the, composition of the nonmetallic Inclusibns remained pract'i'ddily
unchanged. The tensile. strength at 860 to 12000C of the clectroslag- melted
alloy in as-east or forged.c6ndition.was almost the same as that of the con-
entionally melted alloy; at lower'temperatures electroslag-remelted metal
was somewhat stronger. 'Elongation of the as-cast electroslag metal at all
temperatures up to 1200*C was'at of the conv ional.-netal; at 800
to 1200*C-. the forged electroslag metal had a Mto4o%,jr6atez~ elongation thall
the conventional metal. - As -cast- electroslag metal in the 800-1000*C range
.'had a reduction of area 10 to 15016 high er than that, of the conventional metal;
the reduction of area of forged,tal0aai,(*-.iti-tim)es!.al~~hig[L:as
that of conventional'metal at 800"C and 10 to 150%.Mgher at 900, to 1100"C
At temperatures ovpr UOO*C, both elongation and-reduc.tion of,area dropped
Card 213
Effect of oxygen on the desulfuration of liqaid steel. Izvevyme uchebe
sav.; chern. met* 5 no,9:99-104 162o OaBA 15:10)
I* MDakovskiy inatitut stali i aplavov.
(Deaulfuration) (Oxygen.--Industrial-app3.ications)
KONDRATIYEV, Alekney Ivanovich; VISMAKOVA, Ye., red.; YAKOVLEVA, Ye.,
i~6_i ' . - red.
[The new., tested by life] Novoe, proverennoe zhiznliu. Mo-
skva, Moskovskii rabochii, 1963. 61 p. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Pr6dsedatell kolkhoza im. kreysera "Avrora" Volokolamakogo
sovkhozno-kolkhoznogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniya Moskov-
skoy oblasti(for Kondratlyev).
(Moscow Province--Stock and stock breeding)
L 444o7-66 EWT(1)/EEC(k)-2/T/EWP(k) IJP(cl_ 1~/RTW AT
SOURCE C6bf: tk/b6~6/66/000/004/ff08f/k681
AUTHOR: Kondrat' yev, A. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: The determination of the relaxation time of free charge carriers in semi-
conductors using the Faraday effect
SOURCE: Ref. zh. ~izika, Abs. 4E629
,REP SOURCE: Sb. hog. nauchn. kogferentsiya Kazansk- un-ta za 1963 g. Sekts; I,`
paramag .tn. rezonansa, spektrookopii i fiz. polimirov, radio~.fljz_.astron. bion.
--Xazan' , 1964, 72-74
TOPIC TAGS: Faraday effect, relaxation, free carrier, semiconducto7, elliptic
polarized wave
A-13STRACT: Equipment has been described for measuring by the contactless
ra,ethod, the parameters of elliptic polarized waves. The time of relaxation and
riobility of carriers, calculated from there data, the results obtain
e~d by Herring' s formula. (Translation of abstract] [FM]
S" CODE:' 20/
C NR AR6013699 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/010/HO52/HO52'
AUTHOR: KondrkVyev, A. N.
TITLE: Use of coupled circuits for resistivity measurements and photoelectric In-
vestigations of semiconductors at microwave frequencies
~M -,
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mike, Abe. l0Zh355
REF. SOURCE: Sb. Itog. nauchn. konferentaiya Kazansk. un-ta za 1963 9. Sekts.:
paramagnitn. rezonansa, spektroskopii I fiz. polimerov, raffo?iz., astron., bion.
Kazan, 1964, 74-79
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor research, resistivity, photoelectric property, microwave
technology, coupling circuit, measurement
ABSTRACT: A measurement circuit is described and expressions axe presented for a
consistent calculation of the resistivity and conduc~,;ivity of semiconductors by a
contactless method, using microwaves and coupled circuits. The procedure gives re-
producible results, has the advantage of simplicity, and can be used for rapid meas-
urements under productIon conditions. E. 0. [Trans',ation of abstract]
Card 111
ACC NR, AR6017249 SOURCE CODE: UR/oO58/65/oc)O/O12/DL)45/DO45
AUMOR: Kondrat'P74-04'. 3/
TITLE: 1~ tion amplitude comparator for the measurement of magnetic field in-
SOURCE; Refe zb. Fizika, Abs. i2u416
REF SOURCE: Sb. Itog. nauchn. konferentsiya Kazansk. un-ta za 1963 g. Sekta.: para-
magnitn. rezonansa, spektroakopii I fiz. polimerov, radiofiz., astron., bion. Kazanp
1964, 83-87
TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field measurement, magnetic field intensityp flip flop circuit,
recording equipment
ABSTRACT: The author describes an amplitude comparator with adjustable operating
threshold to obtain magnetic-field markers. The voltage is fed from a resistance con-
nected in the circuit of electromagnet to the input'-6f,diode-regenerative comparator
(DRC), on which the reference voltage is regulated by means of a step selector. The
voltage drop at the Input of the DRC triggers a flip-flop circuit, which feeds the
step selector circuit and an electronic relay,,,_w1i6s_e contacts close-the input to an.-,
_iqi~ly - the'v oltage.dr o.p from the
automatic recorder and produce a marker, and alio
flip flop to the step selector, thus cuasing switching of the step selector of the
reference voltage to the DRC. The error in the determination of magnetic fields with
this comparator circuit is t17 Oe at a field of 3" Oe. The possibility is noted of
using the circuit to determine magnetic field intensities when broad lines are re-
corded. V. Kolbas [Translation of abstract]
SUB COD 20 0
0 U
L 41113-66 EIWT(l) IJP(c) GO/AT/GD
ACC NR1 AT6020567 ~S URCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0071/0083
AUTHOR:-,Kondratenko, A. X.
ORG: none
TITLE: Kinetic theory of-electromaxnetic waves jD_fjDjS&_.Rlasma
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of
plasma). Kiev, Naukovo duaka, 1965, 71-83
TOPIC TAGS: kinetic theory, plasma electromagnetic wave, distribution function, elec-
tromagnetic wave dispersion
ABSTRACT: The propagation of electromagnetic waves in an infinite plasma layer is in-
vestigated with the aid of the kinetic theory of plasma. A self-consistent system of
Maxwell and linearized Vlasov equations for the distribution function departing from'
the equilibrium conditions is used with a set of boundary conditions appropriate to
the infinite layer. Standard methods are used to derive the dispersion relations and
the linearized solutions of the distribution function. These in turn lead to Fourier
expansions for currents induced by the incident wave. The currents are then used with
Maxwell equations to derive integro-differential equations for the electric and mag-
netic fields and their coefficients are calculated. The damping coefficient obtained
by this method coincides with that derived by M. F. Gorbatenko, et al, (ZhTF, 1964,
L 41753-" EWTM IJP(c) GO/AT
ACC NR: AP6011911 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/66/009/002/OZ72/0278
IAUTHOR: Kondratenko, A. N.; Wroshnichenko, V. 1.
'ORG: none
TITLE: Kinetic theory of passage of an electromalinetic wave through a plasma
jay4~r placed in a magnetic field
!SOURCE: IVUZ. Radioftsika. v. 9. no. 2. 1966, 272-278
!TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave, plasma electromagnetic wave, plasma
00A,90M/9 IV4VE-
,magnetic field
'ABSTRACT. Reflection and transmission are considered of a circularly polarized
electromagnetic wave arriving normally to the boundary of a plasma layer placed
'in a cross-oriented (perpendicular) constant magnetic field. Reirlection. trans-
mission, and absorption factors are determined for these cases: (1) Specular
Card l/Z UDC: 6 21. 37 1. 1
.L 41753-"
!ACC NR: AP6011911
reflection of electrons and ions from the layer boundaries; the plasma absorptive
power is proportional to the cube of the thermal velocities of electrons and ions;
(2) Arbitrary reflection of electrons and tons from the layer boundaries; a slight
ty of;
spatial dispersion; the absorptive power to proportional to the thermal veloci
electrons and 'ions; (3) R-f waves with the condition and with
the ion motion neglected; (4) L-f waves. Orig. art. has: SS formula*.
SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 07Jun65 / ORIG REF: 004
L 417,52-66 EWT(J) Jjp(c) GG/AT
~AUTHOR: Kondratenko, A. N.; Liokumovich, V. I.; Rybin, P. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Nonlinear theory of , electromagnetic waves in a confi~n~ed plasma
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radtofisika. v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 261-271
TOPIC TAGS: isotropic plasma, plasma electromagnetic wave AJVJVJ.1&'e.9#
7N90MY C-0M.-1A14F0 P4-45MI9
ABSTRACT: The propagation of electromagnetic waves with small finite amplitude,
in a homogeneous plasma layer of any thickness in theoretically considered. The
E-mode (E. t Ex p Hy) to determined; a slight nonlinearity in assumed. The
,initial hydrodynamic system of nonlinear partial differential equations consists of
three Maxwell equations and one equation describing the motion of plasma
electrons. Solution of this system is sought in the form of a s mall -parameter
~Card 1/2 UDC: 621. 37 1. 182
cy_-Decay of Pu21M"' by.A. TI. Ko ndratlyev, G. 1. Novikov,
Yu. P. Sobolev, and L. L. GO_1IzM_IM__rn_a_l tksperEe-n-ta-11noy
i Teo_r_e-t-icI_esT-.-oy Fi0 No 5 11T
( , Nov 56, pp 771-
A study of the rotational levels of even-even nuclei was made by
determining the CL-spectrum of PuNo.
"The parameters of the 4+ level have been determined more precisiol
than previously. An Mline corresponding to a transition to the 60' level
has been observed for the first time and the parameters of the level
were measured."
The experimental value f or the intensity of the 6 +level was f ound 600 times greater than the value computed,from Landau's theoret-,..
ical formula.
SUM. 1287
AUTHOR: --JLQAdratlyev, A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences,
TIT4: Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia (Korrozionnoye
rastreskivaniye latuni v ammiake)
FMODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 12,
PP 45 - 52 + I plate)
ABSTRACT: In the first part of the paper, literary data on the
problem are-roviiwed. According to Akimov (Ref 17),
the potential of metals under the influence of stresses
and strains drops to thousandths and even to hundredths
of 1 V. For elucidating the influence of stresses on
the potential of the metal of a brass grains and of
their boundaries, the following experiments were carried
out: flat specimens were produced from cast and
annealed brass eont ining 30~6 Zn and having an average
grain area of 24 :P. Their surface was coated with
~ melamine formaldehyde varnish and after polymerisation,
~ layer of bitumen lacquer was deposited. The lacquer
layers were deposited with the aid of a binocular
microscope with a magnification of ten times and, during
Cardl/6 this process, sections of 0.5 to 0.8 mm wide were
Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia SOV/129-58-12. 9/12
separated out along the grain boundaries. The potential
was(btermined,,with an accuracy of 0.001 V, in a 15%
aqueous solution of ammonia relative to a calomel
electrode. By means of a potentiometer and a zero-
Yalue instrument, the specimens were loaded by mean of
suspended weights. Some of the obtained results are
.entered in Table 1. The lower values of the potential
of the grain itself in the brass in the no-load state
indicate absence of a predisposition to inter-cryBtallite
'failure. An increase in the potential of the grain and
of its boundaries with the progress of time in no-load
tests is due to the formation of a film of corrosion
products. In the case of stress application, the stress
concentration along the grain boundaries brings about
not only a fracture of the film but also an increase in
the energy level which r lts in an appreciable drop of
the potential. The longer vration of the effect of a
corrosive medium and of stresses 'the deeper will the
corrosion crackspenetrate, the higher will be the stress
concentration and consequently the greater will be the
drop in the potential. If the role of the stresses were
Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia SOV/129-58-12-9/12
restricted to the braking-up of the film of corrosion
products, the potential aifference grain-grain boundary
would remain practically constant during the entire
time of stress application. These and other results
indicate that the intensification of carosion cracking
due to stresses is not solely due to the breaking-up of
the film of the corrosion products. In a number of
cases, a drop in the potential and trans-crystalline
cracking occurs in individual grains as a result of
their being deformed. In studving the influence of the
corrosive medium, the author was mainly concefted with
the influence of the content Of JWi11Bt1iL4 and oxygen in
the 8MMonia vapours on-the test duration until failure.
The experiments were carried out on flat,, tensile
specimens made 8f rolled brass containing 30% Zn,
600 C for 40 min 2
annealed at - The stresses (5 kg/mm
were produced by suspending weights. The results of
these tests are entered in Table 2. It can be seen that
reduction of the contents of moisture and oxygen,
respectively,, to 14 and 90 mg/litre has practically no
Card3/6 influence on the degree of the corrosive effect of
Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia
ammonia. In the absence of moisture or if only traces
of moisture and oxygen were present, the brass specimens
did not fail for 5 days in spite of the high content of
ammonia in the atmosphere; in subsequent tensile tests,
the specimens had high values of,elongation, which
indicates that no inter-crystallite corrosion occurred.
It was not possible to exclude completely the influence
of oxygen but there is reason to assume that in the
absence of oxygen, corrosion cracking of brass cann t
occur. The mechanism of corrosion cracking of brass in
ammonia solutions seems to proceed as follows: at the
beginnin , stressed brass in Ammonia will be subjected to
relatively uniform corrosion with some predominan e of
corrosion in spots in which physical non-uniformity or
micropores exist1which bring about stress concentration.
Due to the effect of the stress concentrators and also
the contact of differently oriented grains, the corrosion
will be non-uniform by the end of the first period.
During the second period, the process of corrosion is
concentrated an the ions (atoms) of zinc an# the corrosion
speed will be highest and will be directed towards sections
SOV/ -9/12
Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia j29-58-12
with the highest stress concentration. The mechanism of
corrosion cracking during the second period is due to
alternating of processes of transfer of zinc into the
solution and breaking-up of the crystal lattice. During
the first and particularly during the second period,
stresses act as corrosion localisers; this is due to
breaking up of the film of corrosion products and also to
the distrubance of the stability of the lattice and
subsequent breaking up of -the lattice. This perm-its
explaining the observed cases of absence of corrosion
cracking of alloys with low (up to 10016) and with hl:gh
(over 50%) zilic contents. In the first mentioned group,
the localised corrosion hardly disturbs the stability
of the erystal laftice; in the case of*high zinc content,
the ammonia solution reaches saturation rapidly and
extraction corrosion can no longer occur. To prevent
corrosion cracking, the author recommends using monovalent
metals (zinc, cadmium) or slight quantities of admixtures
of metals less noble than zinc.
Card 5/6
Corrosion Cracking of Brass in Ammonia SOV/129-58-12-9/12
There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 17 references, 8 of
which are English, 1 French, 2 German and 6 Soviet.
Card 6/6
Connecting secondary steel beams with the main bean on the same
or nearly the same Isvels using a single type welded angle sup-
port. Rate. t Isobr. predl. v strol. no-101:3-5 155.
(Girders) (MULA 8: 10)
DYKHOVICHNYY, Yu.A.,, ihsh.; KAMENKOVIG.11, M.S., inzh.; PrIni-14
uchastlys: IIDFtATIYZV A 14 . inah.; VIDGOLITS, O.H., insh.1
SKANAVIt A.N,p kand. tekhas nauk; BORODINA, I.S.p red.iad-
va; SHKIRV, A.N.,inxh.,,nauchnyy red.; MOCHALINA,Z.S.,
(Concise handbook on the design of residential and public
buildings] Kratkil spravochnik po proektirovanilu shilykh i
grazhdanskikh zdanii. Moskva, Goastroiizdat, 1963. 507 p.
(MIRA 16:5)
(Apartment houses-Design and construction)
(Public buildings-Design and construction)
Sergel Vladimirovich Geluate; obituary. Yest.khlr, 83 no.8:155-156
Ag 159. (KIBA 13:1)
dotsent,; B07KOV, G.A.,; V3RMCHAGI"o
L.N., GONCHAROVA U.N. prof., doktor md.nauk;
ZHOLOBOV, L.K., Y-.,-ach; MRSIATA: A.G.,' kand.-md.nauk; KAYSARITANTS,
G.A.. dctseMo,, KCLISOV, A.P.. doktor med.nauk;
,_Eg!LDR~AT~~,iwn&.med.nauk; KORGELANOT, G.I.,;
LYANDR36, Z.A.. prof.. doktor med.nauk; KOROZOVA, T.I..;
YeJeq kandemedenauk; SVISMOV, W.I., vrach; CHMOVIC11. G.V., YAKOVLETA, T.S., vrach; KARGORIN, Yevgeniy Kikhaylovich.
prof., red.; DOIXTSKIT, S.Ta., red.; VJF4=CHAGIjiA, L.N., red,;
[Operative surgery on children] Operativnaia khirurgiia detskogo
vosrasta. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Kedgiz, Laningr.otd-nis.
1960. 475 p. (KIRA 13:12)
Modernization of "GPS-e" pmeses. Shvein.prom. no.203-34
Mr-Ap 162, (KRA 15S4)
(Pressing of gorments-49quipment and supplies)
XO'N`DW. I Y---%', A. S.
"Application of Integral Mquationa to Certain Problems of Natural Oscillations of Elastic
Systems and Invent igat ion of the Bqotlibrium, Form3 of a Bar Under Longitudinal Bendlnr."
Thesin for degree of Dr. Physico-Nathematical. Sci. Sub 10 Mai? 50, Moscow Order of Lenin
State U iment M. V. Lomonosov
Summm7 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Pregented for Degreeg Ln Science AlLd. Enp-jileeKIng ja
Moscow 'in 1950. From VechernygyEt M29kva. Jan-Doc 1950.
~ F,- 'A . , - . .1. .
,* -~ I .
SOV/ 124-58-8-9106
Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 113 (USSR)
AUTRORS: KgndxAtyev, A.S., Chistovskaya, N.I.
TITLE: The Vibrations of Loaded Bars (Kolebaniya zagruzhenny-kh
PERIODICAL: Sb. Nauchn. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7 (a),
pp 9-29
ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the natural transverse vibrations
of rectilinear bars fastened at the ends in a number of different
ways. By using the resolvent of the influence function of the bar
the authors obtain vibration -f r equenc y equations for bars of con-
stant stiffness subjected to a concentrated mass load. When the
primary vibration frequencies arrived at with the aid of exact
equations and approximate formulae are compared, it becornei
possible to draw inferences concerning the accuracy of the ap-
proximate solutions obtained. Two cases are examined: In one,
both ends of the bar are simply supported; in the other, one end
is clamped and the other end is free. Formulae are adduced for
the resolvents in the case of a bar having one end clamped and
Card 1/Z the other end simply supported and in the case of a bar having
SOV/ 124-58-8-9106
The Vibrations of Loaded Bars
both ends clamped. These formulae make it possible in either case to evolve
the vibration -frequency equations.
S.M. Zavartsev
Card 2/2
AUTHORt t:^INDRAT IYEV, A.S., CHAYKINA, Z.S.(Kuybyshev) 40-4-14/24
TITLEs The Oscillatory Properties of the Vibrations of a Bar Which
is Compressed in Longitudinal Direction (Ostsillystalawy
evoystva kolebaniy prodollno szhatogo sterzhnya).
PERIODICALs Prikladnaya Natei Nekho, 1957P Vol*219 Nr 4, PP-560-;563 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The present paper is an extension of A.S.Nelyakhovetakiyts
result (Priklad.Mat.i Mekh.17,4,1953) to a much more general
case. It is shown that the kernel of the homogeneous integral
equation which is obtained in the investigation of the eigen
oscillations of the bar is oscillatory for arbitrary fastening
of the ends of the bar and for arbitrary axial load which
does not exceed a certain maximum limit.
SUBMITTEDs December 15, 1956
AVAILABLE% Library of Congress
CARD 1/1
Oscillation Properties of the Form of Equilibrium Solt/40-22-4-17/26
for Longitudinal Deflections
functions determine the possible forms of equilibrium of the
bar. Now it is well-known that in two cases the influence
function is of the Green type and possesses oscillation pro-
perties. These cases concern s
1. a bar with a fixed end and a free second end,
2. a bar with two fixed ends.
In the present short paper two further limit cases are in-
vestigated, namelyt
3. a bar which is flexibly supported on both ends;
4. a bar of which one end is rigidly fixed, while the other
one is flexibly supported.
It is shown that also for these two boundary conditions the
oscillation properties of the influence function occur in
about the same way as in the first mentioned two cases.
Therefore it can be shown that not only the critical forces
but also the characteristio functions have similar oscillation
properties as for a bar with flexibly supported ends.
There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and 1 German.
Card 2/2
SOV/179-5 9-5-29 /41
AUTHORS: Ko and Ustinova, T.I.
TITLE: The Limits of Longitudinal Loadftetween Which
Oscillatory Behaviour of a Longitudinally Compressed Rod
PERIODICAL:Izvestiya Akademii nauk,SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyenlye, 1959, Nr 5,
PP 141-143 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 2).
The discussion is based on the following theoremi
If the rectilinear form of equilibrium of the rod remains
stable under the influence of a longitudinal axial load,
then in order to establish the oscillatory nature of the
influence functions, it is sufficient to show that the
deflection does not change sign more than n-l times under
the action of n concentrated lateral forces. The theorem
is applied to a rod rigidly clamped at the ends and it is
shown that the influence functions are oscillatory if the
value of the longitudinal load P does not exceed a
certain limit Pl. There are 4 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: October 6, 1958
Card 1/1