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!MHCHENKO, D.; 90HPANTSU, N.F.; 6IRKOVSKIY, Y..Y.. Results and tasks of controlling infectious diseases in thdAI&4-ne. Vrach. delo no..11:3-7 N !6,1. (KUM 14:11) 1. ~amestitell ministra zdravookhraneniya USSR (for Leshchanko). (UKRAINE-IMOMIGABLE DMEASES) M KMIPANTSEV, NX, .Campaign for the eradication of malaria in North VietnBm and the aid of the Soviet Union. tied. paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.62752-PI53 N-D 163 (MIRA 18:1) 1. FbAwroditelt gruppy sovetskikh s pets ialis tov- malyariologav v Demokratichaskoy Respublike VIyetnam. KIKOYAN, A.I.; KARIN16KO, A.Ys., insh.; RAPPOPORT, A.M., inzh.; SUMV, K.T., inzh.., SIMOVOY, P.Ye., inzh.. Prinimli uchastiye: BORODIN. D.D., inzh.; ZHARKOV, N.A.. inzh.; SHIPMOV, B.G., inzh.; KURAKOV, T.Ta., takhnik. SEUMOV9 L,G., otv. red.; -K0KPANTSff,,X.N. , otv.rea.; KRASILIIIIKOV, .S.D., red.; 2UDAKIN, I.Me. takhn.rade [The MIG-17P7 and HIG-17F airplanes; instructions for operation and maintenance] Samolety KiG-17P]r i KiG-17Y; instruktoi4ia-po takhnicheskoi ekepluatataii i obeluzhivaniiu. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl., 1957. 143 p. diagre. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kiniaterstvo oborony. (Fighter planes) (Jet planes, Military) - 'X)HPA1"S'T, N-N-; BABADZUNOV, S-11-; KiMMIN. N.A.; YMOROVA, T.A,; TUKWWYW, A.A. Results of an Investigation of the anthelminitic properties of ome plants of Uzbekistan. W.zhur.Uzb. no-7:51-55 J1 158. (NIPA INO :. Is kafefty farmdcolot-gli. (sav. - prof. T.N. Emapantsev) i - obshchey g1glysay (say. v- prof. S.N. Babafthanav) Tashkentakogo gosudarstyannogo mditsiuskogo institutao' (AimmaNTics) (ummsnw-Bowm, KnicAL) KOMPANTSEV, N.N.p prof.; BABADZRANOV, S.N.p prof.; XOIBULIN, N.A.# BABNOVA, Ye.A., assistent Data for a study on the anthelmintic properties of some plants in Uzbekistan. Med. zhur, Uzb. no-9:13-15 S 162, (WRA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedr farmakologii i obahchey gigiyeny Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo maditsinskogo instituta. KCMPANT$ff,-; N.N.~ prof.,- BABADZHANOV, S.N., prof.; KAMBULPIj N.A.,dotsent t*OT, A.N..q dotsent; BMINOVA, Ye.A., assistant Study of the anthelmintle properties of plants in Uzbekistan. Med. zhur. Uzb. noo,6224-I27 JTO~63 (MIM 17 0) 1. Iz kafedr farmakologii. i obshchey gigiyeny Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ARSKIY, Kh.T., proressor, doktor vetarinarnykh nauk.*,KOX,)ANTSzV V.A.. student. Chain-type conditioned rerlexes in horses. Sbor. trud. Kh&r', Yet. inst. 22:166-170 154. (KLRA 9:12) 1. Kafedra normallnoy risiolocit XharIkovskogo veterinarnego Instituta6 (Conditioned response) (Horses--Physiology) LIA M AV USSR / MWAn arid Animal PbYsIology.. Nervous System. T-10 Kos Jour Ref Zhur - Bio~08").10 1) 1959) No- 3872 Author Arskiyj Kh. T.k-Kdq~antsev, V. A.;'Chumakova, T. A.; Shevchenko, L-st Moscow, AaadeW~jof-Veteririazry - Mislicim, T lo Further . DO& on --the ~ ?hysioloa. 0t ligher Nervous Activity: ta-Horses Orig Pub WI. Moak. vet. akad- 1957, 20, 26-30 Abstract Conditioned motor-defense reflexes of the 2nd order were worked out in horses after 3 - 4, and were con- solidatod on the 22-47th conjunction. Conditioned reactions of the 3rd order wore developed rapidly, but they were unstable, being converted at the attempt of consolidation into conditioned inhibition, Reflexes of 4th order could not be obtained. Formation of the reaction of choice was zoted (selarate conditioned motor Card 1/2 A tVT USSR/Disoueo of Fam, Animlo Geneml Problws Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69469. Author Shaidug~, N i: Y6 Vodloboynikov, V-.M.; Konpanthev, V.A. Inst Title Intm-Osseous aftd Wravenous Alcohol-iChloral I~ydmte Tnauced Narcosis in Svine. Oria Fub: Veterinariya, 1957! o 7, 63-64. Abstmet: Chloral hydxate in a dose of 0.1 g. was dissolved in 33% alcohol. in intra-osseous narcosis, the solu- tion vas injected either into the red bone mrrcw substance of the second segment of the sternum or into the upper epiphysis of the hunerus. in intravenous narcosis, the solution was injected into the great ear vein. Narcosis was setting in Card 1/2 4w. KONPIS, Bohuslav, inz. --------- Scientific and technical conference of woodworking industries in the German Democratic Republic. Drevo 17 no-4:120 Ap 162. 1. Statny drevaraky vyakumxiy ustav, Bratislava. COUNTRY Czi~-chosIIqva*;,-5a F CATEGORY Laboratory FVipment. Instrumentation, 1!'59, --/7(A JOuR. X,,Nhi, TIrkLf-,' New Distribution Procedure in Countercurrent Flow by O'Keefe's Metbod in Craig's Apparatus 0 IR Ic- .PUB. chem. zvc-sf--i~ 12, No 61 382-38q P I,T RA C T c r i P t J. r-, i ia ne w d i s "I I ih on, mu o IVE, fi f-514i o f an a u t cna t I --- a pp, a r a t i~-, ci r z,~ of Q 0 lut t s m od I. f iE. 6 oy Ee t s s hr- m t r:~ n SI i urrated a,, I-'jr.-j, IC,,54, 110 162 3~040). TI.n proj.OSE-d -side- ret,ovai of the, em,poner*Ls 'b~. stpa- W C.) ro.ecIL Is Pass-,21e. MI.L.-tures am sepav--ktocl i"! t1ne -L'orm of isol-utions. A for?-~,iula and a f-tre civen for o' oist,.-i;.utIc;-n coef" nd of r~'!.) of pha~,t-- volu-1le- -de-,)en--' lnf~ ma the mm-,ber of vcq:-:eis. I C,aRD: 1/1 M= TECHNOLOGY Periodical CHEMCKE ZIJTESTI- Vol. 12, no. 9., Sept. 1958. y,Ct.jpjS, I imomPY J.- TAMCHYNA, J. Derivatives of N-methylxanthine. 11. 8- -theoph,I.Iline. p. 519. (.,~-;-carboxyphenyl~-th'e'opliylline and 8-(r carboxybenzyl) blonthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol- 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. Y10KRY, Jozef, inz., CSc.; KOMPIS9 Ivan, inz., Csc. (I)-Ind-N-methyl quebrachamine, the fourth racemic alkalold from Vinca minor L. Chem zvesti 17 no.12t852-860 163. 1. Geskoslovenska akademie ved, Chemicky ustav Slovenskej akademie viedg Bratislava, Dubravska cesta. KOMPISP I.; SCHROTERO H. B.; POTESILOVA, H.; SANTAVY, F. Alkaloids of Senecio erraticus Bert. sap. barbaraeifolius Krock) II. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.9:2"9-2453 S 160. (EM 10--g) 1. Chemisches Institut der Medizinischen Fakultat, Palacky-Universitatp Olomouc. 2.Tetzige Adresse: Chemiaches Institut der Slovaklachen Akademie der Wissen'schaften, Abt. Pharmazeutische Chemie, Bratislava (for Kompia) 3- Jetsige Addresses Arbeitatelle fur Biochemie der Fflanzen der Deutsehen Akademle der Witiaenachaften zu Berlins Hall*/ Saale (for Schroter) (Alkaloids) (Senecio erraticus) MOKRY, Jozef, ins., C.~So,'; KOMPIS Ivan ins.; suelly, jen, inz.; SEFCOUC, Pave, --dr.,-inz., C~Sc.; VOTICKY, Zdeno, dr., ins., C.Sa. Contribution to the study of vincamine constitution. Chem svesti 16 no.1/2tl4O-l5O Ja-F 162. 1. Ceskoslovenska akademis ved, Oddelenie chemie alkaloidov Chemickeho ustavu Slovenskej'akademie vied, Bratislava. Authors' address: Bratislava, Mlynske nivy 37, f~hemicky ustav Slovenakej akademis vied. KolipIS, 1. 1 SAIVAVY.. F. Alkaloids of Sonecio orucifolius L. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.6:1413-11+21 is 162. 1. Chemioches Inatitut der Slawakisohon Akadomio der 11inson.4hiftenp Abteilung fur pharmazeutische Chemies Bratislava (for KOMPIs)- 2. Chemisohes Institut, Medizinisch8 Fakultatq Palacky Universitatp 010MOUc (for Suntavy)- MOKRY, J*; KOMPIS Isj SEFCOVIC, P.; BAUER, S. Alkaloids from Vines. minor L. Pt, 6. Coll Cz Chem 28 no. 5: 1309-1315 My 163. 1, Abteilung der Alkaloidchemie, Chemisches Institutt Slowakische Akademie der Wissenscbaften, Bratislava. 45196 'III _z