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V. S. V.S. Komissarenko. Quantitative repectral determinetion of Rdmixtures in metallic caalmiiua - P. 1260 SO: Factory Laboratory, No. 10, 1950 1 Category : USSR/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments K-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fitikaj No 2) 19571 No 5158 Author : Komi8sarankop V.S. Inst : Saratov PD~= Mkali Storage Batteries, USSR Title Spectral Method for the Determination of Aluminum and Silicorx'in Iron Ore. Orig Pub Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, No 4, 453-454 Abstract An experimental method vas developed to determine the aluminum and silicon content in Itrivorog iron ore; the aluminum and silicon re- main after the ore is chemically processed for enrichment purposes. The concentrations of r*luminum determined range from o-07 to 0.206% Al/Fe', and those-of S102 range from 0.09 to 2.09% Si/Fe. The sample for analysis is pulverized together vith carbon povder in a 1:1 pro- portion and placed in the carbon electrode of an &-c arc. The current if 15 amperes. The4~ of the spectrograph equals 24. The analysis is performed with the three-stand d methods. The analytical pairs of lines are Al 3.082.6-Ye 3055.26 A, and Si 25o6.9-Fe 2507.9 A. The mean-squared error is 7.8% in the determination of aluminum and 10.4$ in the determination of silicon. The spectral-method data agree vith the results of chfmical analysis. Card 1/1 Category: USSRIAnalytic&l Chemistry - Analysis of inorganic G-2 Abs Jour:lReferat Zhur. 1957, M74 Author Komissarenko V. S. Inst 7-not-g-1- - .. 9 Ven -.7 Title 142 WCULmi-Wid NagResids in Mixture of Nickelous_Ardroxid6' alld Graphite. a6d also in Hydroxide and Sulfate, Of- Nickel, Orig Pub:. Zavod. lab 1'956 22,':16 or&, 0. YK 11 1323-1324 Abstract: The samples axe CON "Atd-t6 A solution Vhich is used to impreg- nate the carbon electrodeg. The analysis is carried out accord- single calibration graph., in 4 S, I C c divateg. MVNiC o-or Ca NIO & and is determined vitkin 0.035-0-35 from 0-03 to 0.14%. Spectra axe excitated witk a Feissner generator (cap&- citance 3000 cm, inductance--O) and are registered with a me- dium sPectrOgr&Ph, OD spectral plates of type III sensitivity Of 16 GOST units- There are dissolved in E01 (1:1) 5 g of nic- Card 1/2 L ~14- The Determination of Lithium and Sodium in Lyes 32-24-4-37/67 by the Spectral Method density of 1.18. As inner standard a PbClP solution in lye is used, in which case different ratios are used for the determina- tion of lithium and sodium respectively. The spectra are recorded on an 0-24 apparatus; data axe given in detail. The av'5ra e square deviation is given as amounting to t i1% (re-lativef. The method described is employed for rapid determinations carried out in industry. Thera is I references. 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvannyy zavoa shchelochnykh akkimulyatorov, g.3aratov (State Factory for Lye Accuimilator3 of the City of Saratcv) ation 2. Sodium-Determination. 3. Sodium hydroxide-Spectrographic analysis 4. Potassi= hydroxide --Spectrographic analysis Card 2/2 KOWSISIA-REI TKI09 YU.S. Fxperience in the use of operalicna! accounUng for thc- productian results at the "Upnin Order" Fur Combine in ~'azan, Kozh.-obuv. prom. 6 ro.2;19-23 F'64. -WS-g- v git"; ONO 20 gg 'T I ;w5 1OKISSARMNKO,.Tu.-S. ,Improve the quality and broaden the assortment of fur products. Leg.prom, 14 no.2;10-14 7 '54. (MMA 7:5) 1. Direktor Kazangkogo ordena Lenina. mkhovogo kombinata. (ftr trade) KOMIS S.. ___ The Kazan Fur Combine during the sixth fiTe-year plan. Log-prom; 16 no.4:15-17 AP 156. (NLR& 9:8 1. Direktor Nazanskogo makhavago kombinata. (Kazan--Fur) -NOMISSARENKO Experience in the accountingfor the production output by the standard.oasta of manufacturing. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 5 no.lls Ar6 -9 9 163. WRA 17t1) 1. Direktbr Kazanskogo mekhovogo kombinata.. Z~- KOMISSA10-70, lu.S. ""'4' -, ~~74" - -,- -1Z~-1-1~-..;xW Processing of far sh-!p skins preserved with the acid and salt met,hod in the Kazan Fur Gcmbi-ne. Kozh,-obav. prom. 6 no.12t 4-6 D 1611. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Direktor Kazanskogo mekhovogo kombJnata. NENAKHOV, Petr Zakharovich; KOHISSAROV,_A.D,. inzh., retsenzent; ORIDV, VA.. in2h., rsjd.;--fSHISIJLYKOV,, Ye.S., inzh.j, red.; BOBROVA, Ye,N.j tekhn. red. (Manual of the be,ggage-woighing mid issuing attendant]Spra- vochnik vesovshchika-razdatchika bagazha,, Moskva# Tranozbel- dorizdat, 1962.(,:210 P. (MIRA 15: 3-1) gailroada-Baggage) KOMISSAROVp A,F,, inzh, Mechanizing the oxygen cutting out of circular apertures in curvilinear surfaces. Svar.proizv. no.7321-23 JI 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Gas welding and cutting-4-5quipment and supplies) 1~ ........... AM"-w-1 AP60121 33 , Mom as&- A U AUTIJORS, IC (,qy OM,Ssarov SOMCE" com d-lo-6-41F ft-.;, 4~ Antropov, 00 p 0 OR P R none T T T1M. An automatic gJr B OU BdU'C2t lzobreten4a, 'P* Class 35, No. 180320 Alt TOPIC'TAGS: PrO'Wilhlen4m obraztV TOP'l A13STRACT hoisting equipment, automa tovarnyye znak" no- 7P 1966, 52 S 3 T~ tic machineg automati oade This Author Certificate presenta an automatiol(A 0 equipm,,,tnt load-. The grip contains ~ casing wi conn ne 11ted to the pow., th V1.1-de, a. th hooks hinge 9riP -for lifting ine Position Of the grasp d to a d VOL and carryin d c rr cu an a Yng OtOPPing de I aw IT U-- holthe oad has 119. 1). Vloe Mounted in the low a7-pen Position hook. (see To maintain the hoo O*f the shaft `al~ no eo -11, attached load, the 0 fixing -coke an opening connected Piston ka of thearip r Plunger to 'M movable fr to the working Into shaft Of the ;he power placed in the hollow a amO mounted in the caurior of Power cylinder is Wt. The f the c3rlinder. der ~ID Cylin4eZ h Ing. This rame activate The frame Is held by a frame is hel ping den d by a S the stopping device. _XM .0e. UDC8 621-86.0 61 bast rigureo L] Orig. 06i=63 SUM SUB W - b Card' 2 041~2 _=6 ~67 SOURcE CODE: U ACC NR, AP)022005 .. 1, Yu. N.; Komissaroy, A.-G.; Prilipko, V. I.; SusOv, Yu- I'; JY AUTHOR! Denisoy _ 6 Shishlyaj5iU icv. P. T. ORG.. Joint Nuclear Research titutn- nMubn (Obioyedinom-lyy institut yaderiWkh issle TITLE: KLectron--counting system for stabilizing frequency of r-f oscillators e~ SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 107-1-14 TOPIC TAGS: rf oscillator, electronic oscillator, frequency stability ABSTRACT: The development of a new apparatus is reported which automatically sets and maintains the frequency of an oscillator within 0.001% in a 1-100 Me band. The time a tT necessary for filling a counting decade (I through 6, adjustable) register- with the pulses recurring at a frequency fx is compared with a reference time inter- val LN tr. The comparison results in an error signal which adjusts, through a feedback channel, the parameters of the oscillatory circuit in such a way that fx N/6 tr, where N is the number of pulses required for filling the register. The register capacity varies due to clearing (before each filling) not to zero, Ni - NM - N, where NM is the maximum capacity of the register. Thus*# when N' vd-AileltsM fX also varies always remaining f. =(Nm - N1)14 tr. The frequency error is corrected L 06124-67 ACC NRt AP6022005 6 "coarsely" by a servomotor-operated main capacitor of the oscillatory circuit and "finely" by an additional varicap in the same circuit. If the reference time interval is 1 see, the value of Nm:- N' is in cps. In NMR apparatae, the value of Nm - NI can be expressed directly in teslas or oersteds. The frequency stabilizing system is designed for a 1--10-Me band (or 0.0235--0.2350 teslas). An additional high-speed decade is used to widen the frequency band to 100 Me kor 2.35 tl)- Principal circuit diagrams of the apparatus and its component parts are Wlained. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,.09 / SUBM DATE: 08JUn65 / MIG REF: 002 . -- _-~ -- X'v- . ~ -- ---- - - ~- , - ;, -1 ~--, -,- .,;, f I . -~4 1 - 4~ . .- --_ -.. -- .- -..- gg-F UQ --m ali-mill" KOMISSAROV, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk Plotting thread-feed graphs for shuttle sewing machines. Izv- vys.ucheb,zav.; takh.leg. prom. no.1:111-122 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1,Moskovskly takhnologichaskiy-institut legkov promyshlennooti. (Sewing machines) KOMISSAROV, A. I. "Analysis of the Upsetting Mechanl3ms of Plate-TiFhtening Machines." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 1 -ruI7 50, Uoscow Technological Inat of Lipht Industr7 iment L. Me Kaganovinh. Summary 71, 4 Son 52, Dissertationg Eregented tor Derrees jijij SgIence nad_ Enrineoring !a Moscow in 1c)50. Yrom Vechern-vaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 1950. ~ .. WWB;~S-If-T.;'~.. 111) 1 ~! - -- ~- -- - I - - -- - 1. KOIMIS."MHOV, A. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Engineering 7. Duplex sheating machine for connecting wires, Fab.energ. 3 no. 4, 1953. M 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. Electrical Engineering Abst. Vol- 57 No. 675 Mar- 1954 Electrical Engineering 9 921. Erection experience i ~kM W (07W conductors. L. N. Gitr 0v ND KOMISSAROV. Efekt. Stantsil, 191-53yNo. 9, 32-51 JIn Plasiali. aw A description of experience with a 4300 in trial section of 400kV line over wooded, billy country. The section has I I supporting towers, the 9 inter- mediate ones having a conductor height of 27 in. 400 inni length or side, triangular spacing or con. ductors is used. Structural length of each conductor is 1500 m. Each phase comprises 3 separated, con- ductors and these were laid simultaneously, details. being given of tinctor arrangements and of yoke and guide pulley systems. This method avoids entangle-t ment of conductor vvires. - During fiffing over long spans, ground friction ensures the maintenance of insulator chains under tension thereby preventing bending of their pins and cyzs. Over short spans special braking devices are required to achieve this. Efficicrit erection demands frictionless guide pulleys with well-lubricated ball bearings in sealed housings, an'd also effective ficid or radio-telephone co~mmunlca- tion between erection squads, The relative met:(s of various suspension insulators are described, as als * is a method or checking and marking the conductors during erection over sites such as railway lines where minimum interference with amenities- is essential.' Malleable iron eyes h3%c been found unsuitable in certpin,insullater systcms, and it is pointed out that tensioning screws in the latter ~rc'usclcss except In short spans. F.*,,ar--.i!ors between the con- ductors of the Sania plilzc art; necessary to avoid damage due to wind prwsuro. Improvements arc suggestedin thestcclwo.,kof (lie supporting structures to facilitate erection. 1. MCXI!RROW 133-1-18/24 AUTHORS: Kolosovi M.I., Avzenshtok, I.Ya.,,and.Komissarov A.I.7 Engineers. TITLE: Rational Conditions of Annealing Quality Rolled Products in, Batch Furnaces with Mechanical 0harging of Piles (Ratsionallnye rezhimy otzhiga sortovogo prokata v kamernykh pechakh s mekhanizirovannoy posadkoy paketov) PERIODICAL: Stall 1958 RN0.1t pp. ?l - ?4 (USSR). 'A ABSTRACT: In 1946, two new batch furnaces for annealing structural rolled steel, designed by Gipromez, were erected. Character- istic feature of these furnaces (Fig.1): under bottom firing with additional ports for recirculation of the combu&on pro-;- ducts; mechanised charging of piles. The initial operation of these furnaces was found to be unsatisfactory and in order to establish a correct annealing practice, a number of investi- gations of the heating of metal were carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, correct annealing practice was dev- eloped. This results in a 100% increase in the amouat of annealed metal (from 1946-1956), in addition fuel and power consumption decreased by 30 and 15%, respectively, and the cost of annealing a ton of metal decreased tom ?00 to 75 .-roubles. It is stated that the annealing furnaces on the Chel,yabinsk Card 1/2 Rational Conditions of Annealing Quality Rolled Products 133-1-18/24 Furnaces with Mechanical Charging of piles in Batch Works as well as similar furnaces on the DneprosPetastall Works are superior to furnaces on other works with sliding, bottoms. The following PRrticipated in the investigation: V.S. Shvetsov, B.K. Ipatov, A.A. Kbudenlkikh, G.Ye. Mysina R-P- SYromolotovaj M-Ye. Anisimova ZoA~.TavakJLna 7j*A* Monastyrskaya. , A -A; Tomi.6a There are 2 figares and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works (ChelYabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Oard 2/2 KOMISSAROV2 A.I.; KELIN, Yu.A. (Moskva) Characteristics of the work of the rotating thread feeder of a shuttle sewing machine* Shvein.prom. no.1&12-16 Ja4 104. .. I NIRA 17:3) %at treatment of carbon and alloyed stselN by TA Doroniu- Reviewed by M' KONIssarOvo. Stall 18 no 4:355 AP 158,(XM 110) 1 me luddy usUllurglohok- -%vod. restus") AUTHOR: Komisgax_qvv.Aw_Z. 133-58-4-26/40 TITLE: Review of the book by V. K. Daronin "Thermal Treatment of Carbon and Alloy Steel" (Reteenziya na knigu V. M. Doronina "Tormicheskaya obrabotka uglerodistoy i legirovannoy stali") PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 59 p 355 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The book is published by Metallurgizdat, 1955, 391 paGes, 301 figures. The book was reviewed by a reader's conference on the Chelyabinsk Works. The review is favourable. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinekly metallurgicheski zavod (Cheilyabiusk Metallurgical Works~ 1. Ca#on steel--Heat treatment 21 Alloy steels--Heat treatment Card 1/1 133-58-5-9/31 AUTHORS: Kolosov, M. I., Ayzenshtok, I. Ya., Komissarov', A. I., Mysina, G. Ye. and Povolotskaya, M. TITLE: The Influence of the Weight of Ingots on the Quality of Structural Steels (Vliyaniye vesa slitka na kachestvo konstruktsionnykh staley) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 5, pp, 411-414 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation of the possibility of increasing the weight of ingots of steels 18KhVA, 4OKbl]MA, l2Kh2N4A and 30KhGSA from 1.2 and 2 .65 t to 4.5 t was carried out. This increase in weight of ingots was necessary in order to increase the throughput of the casting pit and blooming mill as well as to increase the degree of deformation on rolling profiles of a large cross-section (250 to 300 mm). The investigation was carried out on eight heats made in a 30-ton electric furnace. The experimental metal was teemed into 1 18 2.65 and 4.5 t ingots. In order to study the ch;;acier of crystallisation three ingots of various sizes from each melt of each of the steels investigated were selected. After slow cooling and a .softening heat treatment from the twelve selected ingots Card 1/4 axial longitudinal elates were cut. The experimental ingots of 2.65 and .56 (charged hot into soaking pits) 133-58-5-9/31 The Influence of the Weight of Ingots on the Quality of Structural Steels were rolled on a blooming mill to a cross-section 250 x 250 mm. and then on a mill 800 into semis 140 x 140 mm. Ingots weighing 1.18 t were rolled on a mill 800 into semis 140 x 140 mm. For the studies of the macrostructure and mechanical properties specimens were taken from semis 250 x 250 on the following distances from the top of ingots %: Ingot 2.65 t 19, 58, 98 Ingot 4.5 t 19, 392 58, 78, 98 The macrostructure of etched specimens was evaluated according to MAP-MChM scale. Thermal treatment of specimens for testing mechanical properties vas done according to MPTU2333-49. The macrostructure of ingots is shown in Figs. J_L~. The results obtained indicated that: 1. Macrostructural defects in rolled steels were caused by defects in the cast structure of inGots. 2. Aacial intercrystallite cracks in rolled steel l8KhNVA of a cross-section 250 x 250 from 4.5 t ingots remain unwelded during rolling in spite of a considerable Card 2/4 degree of reduction (in steel l2Kh2N4A they are welded 133-58-5-9/31 The Influence of the Welaht of Ingots on the Quality ot Structural Steels on both profiles 140 x 140 mm and 250 x 250 mm (from ingots of all weights). 3. The axial porosity and v-shaped cracks in ingots of steels 40KhNMA and 30KhGSA are welded during rolling. 4. The degree of development of segregation outside the central zone of ingots depends on the chemical composition of steel and increases with increasing weight of ingots, but does not exceed the degree permitted by MAP-MCbM 1951. From the steels investigated the highest development of tbl se2;regation was observed in ingots of steel 30KhGSA. ~). The weight of ingot has no influence on the mechanical properties of steels. 6. The indices of mechanical properties of steels investigated were high with the exception of the top part of 4.5 ton ingot of steel 30KhGSA7 where-strength and plasticity indices were lower.than is required by standards. It is concluded that: 1. Increasing the weight of ingots of 18DNVA~steel from 1.18 to 2.65 ton to 4.r- t is not advantageous, as this deteriorates the macrostructure Card 3/4 of metal due to developing axial intercrystallite cracks which are not welded during rolling. P- Steels l2Kh2N4A 133-58-5-9/31 The Influence of the Weight of Ingots on thF quality of Structural Steels I and 40Kh7iMA can be cast into 4.5 ton ingots as their structure and mechanical properties remain satisfactory. 3. The problem of casting steel 30KhGSA into 4.5 t ingots requires further investigation. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) Card 4/4 A, I j300K MmIrwoo SW/3845 an& Abram lzrailevich 1comissarOv Lyaldwvich., Lev Stepanovich." Of aboy obrabot1d sortovO90 PrOltata (rundmeutals 0snovy tekhnolog,-:, termiche e1 Barsy jehelysbinsk] Chelyabinsko)e ,nt of Merchant Ste Vrintede geat Treatme go p. 2,000 cOPiea., knizbnbye iz&-VO.. 19590 -D Zd*** 'VT. Kolbiebov- G.O. obramovich; Tech rIzerg in heat trO&tment shopas Inspeition PUFMO: This book is intended. for v0 plants. It may also be U50=1 departments,, and, lsborl&tOries Of metallwgical I=s and institutes* to stddents in metsIlUrgical de.pertmehts Of telfti d, in recent Vows by MIULIJUrgicel cribe enerience gaine heat treatment Of merchant COVMIAM-. The authors des I peciaily wMet-iduce in fts of best plants in the s(mthern Uraisseal Theoretical VOW Wars at the Chelyabinsk 10t811m. Leal plant. treated. elsevhere in spediAl. treatment are not discussed beresince they are methods of in- atment regime, are covered thOrQU9UyI and literab=- Rest tre bar Microsti-actv= are also =tUnedo NO IMMUOLUt60 spection of merchant are 2o references, a7,1 Soviet. are mentioneds There Card 1/3 Pundalnentals Of Heat Treatment of j(erchant Steel Bars S07/3845 TAM OF cMn=W: IntrOdUction 1. Buie Gharw-teristics of Beat Treatwnt Of Merchant Bars 2. Heat Treatment of Steels for Ban Bearings 6 3. Heat Treatment of ToOlLateels 4. Annealing or ConstructlOnal Steels 29 5" Annealing Of Stainless Steels 55 6- Heat Treatment of Magnet Steels 70 7- Certain Characteristics Of ftnaces Used for Rest 73 Treatment of Merchant Bars C ard 2/3 To Fundamentals of Ffeat Treatment of Merchant Steel Bars 8. Layout and Work Flow in Shops for Beat Treatment of Merchant Bars 9. Quality Inspection of Merclumt Bars After Reat Treatment Appendixes References AVAUANZ: Library of Congress (T8340,jL48) Card 3/3 80713%5 84 T-28-60 SOV/133-59-9-13/31 AUTHORS: Keys, N#V*j Ayzenshtokq I.Ya., Komissarov, At # and ' Royak, D.B., engineers TITLEt The Production of Steel 38KhMYuA for Internal Combustion Engines PERIODICAL: ,Stall, 1959, Nr 9s pp 808-811 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Changes in the technology of smelting 38Khf-fYuA steel since the start of its production in 1952, are outlined. The main points in the smelting technology used at present: a) a preliminary deoxidation of the bath with pig iron after the end of the oxidising period; at the beginning of refiningsthe bath is deoxidised with a mixture of silicomanganese and 75% ferrosilicon in lumps; b) addition of ferrochromium at the beginning of refining; c) diffusion deoxidation with coke and ferrosilicon during 20 minutes; d),shortening of the reducing period to 80 minutes (instead of 120 to 150 minutes in the previous technology) metal temperature before casting 1600 to 1620*C in the ladle 1575 to 15900C. Despite improvements in the smelting technology, the proportion of defective metal is still high (in 1957 - 145%). Card 1/3 Due to the appearance of spot segregation, head crops were SOV/133-59-9-13/31 The Production of Steel 38KhMYuA for Internal Combustion Engines increased to 25%. Most common defects encountered in this type of steel are described: 1) Spot segregation consisting of localised enrichment of metal in carbon, sulphur and phosphorus; the appearance of the defect is associated with the evolution of gas during crystallization. 2) "Bubbles" - in the axial zone of macrotemplets discontinuities in the metal called "coarse bubblesil (Fig 1). A fracture along the zone of the "bubbles" appears as lamination in the form of dark thread. No changes in structure in the zone of the defect was noticed, non-metallic inclusions are absent. Studies of longitudinal cross sections of ingots (Fig 2) indicated that the defect is associated with insufficient feeding of the ingot during its solidification. 3) Cracks - usually situated in the central part of macrotemplets (Fig 3). The defect was found to be caused by too early transportation of ingot bogies after teeming (40 minutes) by retaining the bogies in the casting pit for 2 hours 20 minutes this type of defect disappeared. An investigation of the defects in the finished parts - Card 2/3 blisters (Fig 5, 6 and 7) indicated that some improvements SOV/133-59-9-13/31 The Production of Steel 38KhMYuA for Internal Combustion Engines in the forging of semis and stamping of parts are necessary as at present, the central part of the ingot is pushed towards the internal working surface of the stamped parts. The necessity of establishing well founded standards for defects which at present are considered as unavoidable is stressed. There are 7 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) Card 3/3 MS, N.Y.; KOHISSMY, A.I. --- - -- ----- 1----- Studying conditions for the acceleration of the sintering process and preparing a h h-basicity fluxed sintere I Stall 20 no.8:694 AC T. (MIRA 13--7) (31atering) KRS, N.V.; KQHISWOV, A. I. laboratory reaearob at tho Ghel7abinsk Metallurgical Plant@ Stall 20 n0-8:715 Ag 160. CHIA 13: 7) (Opon-bearth process) S/133/60/000/008/005/013 AUTHORS& Keysq N. V.~Iand Komisearovi As 1. TITLEt News in Brief PERIODICALt.. stall, 1960~10- 8v 721 TEXT& 1. In the.Chialyabiziskiy,metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) tests'were ourried-,out in order,to.improv,e-the electromagnetic properties of transformer steel. %J Mainly the oxidizing,,. p6riod of melting, the temperature conditions and vario-as deoxidizing agents for removing the non-metallic inclusions from the metal were examined, The blowing of oxygen into the metal was Started when the carbon content in the bath was 0.20-0.25~ and ended when the ataximum carbon con- tent was 0-03-0,035%- optimum metal temperature in tho ladle was 1,5700.. 195900C. -During p6uring, wooden frames were placed in-to the ingot molds, t The electromagnetic properties of the sheets of 0-5 mm in thickness were C improved bY 30-35% in the Novosibirskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Novosi- oi birsk Metallurgical F. at) compared to the 1958 produets and by 52-63% to in the M. The, quantity of waste matter, due to surface defects, de-';' O.f creased from 1.41a. In order to remove the noa-metallic inclusions,- Ca'r Card 1/3 a res,,l Steel Iri t-h S/133/60/000/008/005/013 News in Brief carbon tetrachlorideq the surface of the ingots was smoother and no pre- liminary planing was necessary. The ingot molds lasted for only 8-10 smeltings. Various protective lubricating substances were tested,there- fore. The best results were.,obtained with petrolatum consisting of the mixture of paraffin hydrocarbons and ceresing produced by deparaffination of aircraft oils. Card 3/3 S/133/60/000/008/010/013 AUTHORS& Keys, N. V. and Komissarov, A. I. TITLE% News in Brief PERIODICALt Stall, 19609 No- 8, P. 740 TEXT& At the Chelyabinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (ChelyabJnsk Metallurgichl Plant) the output of rolled productsl~~rom the 1x18"9T (1P18N9T Ktype stainless steel was raised considerablyg and consequent- ly the demands made on the 800 and 1100 type adjusting machines also increased. In order to raise the capacity of the adjusting process, two equipments for flame scarfing the stainless steel were installed. An aluminum-magnesium powder is applied in this process. It was found that it is economical to use flame scarfingonly for metals with rough surface defects. Card 1/1 AUTHORSt Keys, N. V. and Komissarovit_ Ao I. TITLEt News in Brief S/133/60/000/008/012/013 PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960t No. 89 P- 757 TEXT& 1. The new meltinK te2hnology:1applied at the Chelyabinakiy metallurgichookiy zavod ( Chelyabinsk Metallurklaal Pl~nt) in order to improve the quality of ball-bearing steel differs from the conventional method in several aspectst the boiling period is made more intensive, pig iron is added at the end of the oxidation phase, the metal temperature is reduced during melting and pouring (1,530 0- 1,5500C); the steeI and slag are tapped through an opening of 2501-300 mm. This new method decreases the quantity of non-metallic inclusions, oxides, etc. in the metal (the amount of specimens with inadmissible contents of oxides decreased from 14.9-16.0% to 7.7-6.0% and the amount of globular enclosures from 9.7-7-5% to 0955-2%yo 2. The causes of the low notch toughness of the 3CxrcHA (32ppm)~type steel were investigated. The conditions of the heat treat- ment for this type of steel are prescribed by a standard for an average chemical composition of the metal with 0.27-0-32% C and maximum content Card 1/2 KLYS, N.Y.; ImProving the qu%Zity of roller-bearing steel. S.t&ll 20 DoAtM Ag 160. . (MIN& 13; 7) (Bearing metals) KO~tISSAROV,_.A.I_.-O,kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent --- Designing mechanisms with lower pairs according to intermittent dependences. Nauch.trudy MTILP no.18:191-203 16o. (MIRA 15:29) 1. Rafedra mashin i apparatov legkoy promyshlennosti Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta legkoy promysblennosti. (Mechanical engineering) KOMISSAROVO A.I., kand.teklin.nauk, dotsent Designing the crankgear mechanism according to the given movement of the crosshead. Nauch.trudy MTILP tio.18-204-215 '60.. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra masbJn i apparatov legkoy promyshlennosti Moskovskogo tekhnologichoskogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti. (Cranks and crankshaft) KOMISSAROV~--A.L,,,kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; MURYGIN, Ve Ye-t assistent Formation of the loop overlap in shuttle sewing machines. Nauch. trudy 14TILP no.26:158-f69 162. (MIRA 17;5) 1. Kafedra mashin i apparatov legkoy promyshlennosti Mookovskogo te10-nologicheskogo instituta legkoy prowjshlennostis KEYS~ N.J.; KOIIIISSARO Research being carried out by the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. Stall 21 no.S-. -W .7070745 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Chelyabinsk-44otallurgical plants) 8/133/6Z/000/006/004/015 A054/A 127 AUTHORS: Keys, N. V., Komissarov, A. I. TITLE: At the Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallur- gical Plant) PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 6, 1962, 525 TEXT: 1) The corrosion resistance of the IX 18H9T (1Kh18N9T) grade steel containing 0.09 - 0.11% carbon increases if its titanium content exceeds the fivefold amount ~f carbon by more than 0.02%. The tendency towards intergranular corrosion also depends on the degree of reduction of the metal and slag during refining. This is indicated by the increased silicon content in the refining process of heats. with high corrosion resistance. At a Ti : C = 5 ratio they pass the corrosion test and have an average silicon content of 0.41% as compared to heats which have to be re-tested and whose silicon content is not more than 0.29%. The use of titanium increases upon applying on the bath surface a meniscus of easily smelting fluorito.slag.prior to adding ferrotitanium. The accumulation of titanium nitrides and titanium oxides in the Ingot top can be reduced by increas- Card 1/~ S/133/62/000/006/004/015 At the. Chelyabinskiy ... A054/A127 pig iron does not impair the quality of'the steel. However, no saving can be realised, owing to the higher price of liquid pig iron as compared to that of scrap. 4) Testz were carried out to reduce the riser part of 500-kg ingots (with 5.74 conicity to one side, an H/D ratio of 3.7 and an ingot-body volume of 57-85 cm ) of 314435 (E1435), X15H6o (Kh15~Q), X2oH8o (Kh20N80), X131011 (M13yulO, PiB (R18), P9 (Rg), 3X2B8 MhM), 1X18H9T (M18NW) steeL grades. With a (liquid) riser volume of 17.4% and a dozzle with a 355-mm opening no shrinkage cavities were observed in the 54 ingot bodies tested. 5) The tech- nology of smelting 2OX15H3MA (20KM5143MA) [AM-1 (DI-1)] steel grade in small electric furnaces was established. The steel contained (in %): 0.15 - 0.21 C, ,< 0.60 DIn, -/, 0.60 Si,