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Practical Studies in Organic Catalysis SOV/2924 Bibliography Ch. II. Control of Catalytic Reactions 36 1. Measuring the rate of gas flow with a rheometer- 37 2. Measurement and regulation of temperature 40 3. Control-measuring and regulating devices for high pressures 50 Bibliography 53 Ch. III. Prinoipal Characteristics of Catalysts 1. Comparison of the reaction velocities of normal and catalyzed reactions 54 2. The effect of calcination temperature on surface area and catalytic activity 56 3. Determining the specific catalytic activity of aluminum oxide 59 4. Determining the specific surface of a catalyst according to the wetting heat of powder saturated by vapors of a wetting liquid 70 Card 3/6 Practical Studies in Org,anic Catalysis SOV/2924 5. Determining the general porosity of a catalyst 74 6. Determining the wetting heat,of catalysts 78 7. Thermographic investigation of the dehydration of hydroxides or the phase transformation of oxides ' 80 8. St Phase composition of a copper cataly 83 Bibli ography 87 Ch. I V. Catalytic Reactions in Organic Chemistry 1. Catalytic liquid-phas.a hydrogenation 6~-unsaturated compounds 89 2. Catalytic hydrogenation of toluene 93 3. Catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexane 96 4. Hydrogen disproportionatioh r;eactions (dehydrogenation) 102 5. Hydrogen redistribution reactions between several molecules of the same substE~hce (N.'D. Zelinskiy's irreversible catalysis) 105 6. Preparation of,n-butyraldehyde by the dehydrogenation of n-butyl alcohol 1o6 7. Catalytic cyclization of paraffins (dehydrocyclization) 108 8. Kinetics of the dehydrocondensation of trialkyl silaned with alcofiols during the catalytic action of alkalies 129 Card 4/6 Practical Studies in Organic Catalysis SOV/2924 9. Alcohol dehydration reactions 115 .10. Hydration of butylenes 117 11. Hydration of acetylene hydrocarbons (Kucherov's reaction) 120 Alkylation reaction ~, 124 13. Preparation ot the cor.-lensati.on ,of benzene with isopropyl alcohol over an aluminum silicate catalyBt. 129 14. Preparation of methylphenylacetylenyl carbinol according to Favorskiy* 134 15-. Preparation of n-toluyl aldehyd6 (according to the Gatterman-Kokh reaction) 135 16. Polymerization of isobutylene 137 17. Polymerization of styrene 141 18. Preparation of methy-benzyl ketone (1-phenyl-2-propanone) from phenyl-acetic and acetic acids 143 lg.. Catalytic methods of preparing methyl-isobotyl ketone 145 20. Preparation of complex eaters and ketones from primary alcohols 149 Card. 5/6 KOMAROV. V.A.; CHERNIEDVA, Ye.A.; ROM&ROV, G.V.; LMNCHIK, Z.I. Mechanism of the catalytic action of metal oxides in the reaction of decomposition of 6ruic acid. Vast. 1GU 15 no.16:120-133 l6o, (MM 13:8) (Metallic oxides) Obrmic acid) (Catalystev) 1. 68 -a -jA ,97 0 o 5 (4 5/076/60/034/01/006/044 AUTHORS: Komarov, V. A., Chernikovag Ye. BOIO/BO14 (Leningrad) TITLE: The Effect of the admixture of Some Oxide& to Aluminum Oxide Upon the Catalyti Properties of the Latter in the Decomposition of Isopropyl Alooholq PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 34, Nr i, pp, 43 - 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors investigated the effect of various oxide admixtures upon the catalytic properties of aluminum oxide. The admixtures and their concentrations were chosen in such a manner that their addition could effect an extension of the lattice of the basic oxide. The investigation of the oxide preparations as catalysts comprised the determination of the initial reaction temperature at the beginning of gas-formation (Ref 3) and the performance of experiments at different tempera- tures and volume rates." Results are compiled in tablea I and 2.' Herefrom it follows that the initial temperature hardly depends on the presence of admixtures. The decomposition rate of Iso- propyl alcohol is somewhat influenced by I mole% of-the admix- Card 1/2 tures, and is increased according to their character and experi- KCMARGVp V.A,; CIIMIKOVA, Ye.A.; KOMAROV, G.V* Effect of admixtures to al=in= and iron oxides-on the cata- ly-tic decomposition of formic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim, 36 no,3: 540-545 Mr 162. (KMA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarotvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. BAZHINOV, A.G.; GARIN, N.S.; KAMORSKIYP N.#.; WM~10V~ V.A. Sterilization of nutrient miedig usingp -propiolactone. Lab.delo 8 no.5:46-49 VT 162. (KIRA 15:12) (HrDRACRYLIC ACID) (BALCTFRIOLOGY-CULTUM AM CULTURE NEDIA) FOUN, A.V.; SKLADMV, A.A.; KOHAROV,, V.A. ....... Acylating action of mixed anhydrides of fluorine-containing carboxylic acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.10:3271-3274 0 163. (KIRA 16:211) KIIARITONOVP N.P.; KONSTANTINOVA, G.T., FJWMBIN, Yu.I.; KO~aROII, V.A- Gately-tic reaction of trialkyl (aryl) silanes with allyl alcohol. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.khim. no.10:1749-1756' 0 163. (MRA 1. Institut khimii ailikatov im. I.V.0rebenshichikova AN SSSR. DOLGOV, B.N.; VINTER, ~ 7.A.; KRARITONOV, N.P.; MMOBINP YU.I. Interaction between pentaerythritol and trialkyl milanes in the presonce of some metal halides. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser, Mix. no,12i2146-2152 D 163. (MMA 17tl) le Inatitut khimil dilikatov im. I.V. Grebenshchikova AN SSSR i Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. KNUNYANTS, I.L.; DYATKIN, B.L.; FOKIN, A.V.; KOMAROV. V.A. Nitration of perfluoroisabutylons. izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8:1425-1429 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh-soyedineniy AN SSSR. A t 'L 21735_6~5 Fe-h/Pr.-h/Ps-h SSD(a)/RPT, RXAdW -,:R- AP4044703 S/0062/64/000/008/1425/1429 kUTHO.R.- Knun B~ L. Fokiri A. V. KomardvL.~~W A _.: yants', I'l 1- L ENLTRraUon-o_'f_ perfliio__f_616 SOU'RCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 8, 1964, 1425-1429 TOPTC TAGS- perfluGra sobutylene.,:,--nitration, -nitrogen tetroxide reaction,_ fluo robutylnit rite, perfluo roisobulty1dinit rite, nitrrperfluorobutanol, nitroperf .~~RST ?,.!kCT- PerfLuoroisobutylene was heated with an equirnolecuiar amoun~f' off . 0 - C ~or 17 LO I'L. - blityl 1111 r1le ~cornooun(i V in -,,n ec I c,:n ir e) and frac~;on bolinrr 30-1 -.,.x*.,-:re o~ oer- iCF;~.,.( r -,~rv-:,nr7 nrodzrts 0 t~ e 3 109 ic acia il%i in ~.'10-0 viuid based on iniLiaj pr�rLfiuur-u~~tio~u-uLyitti-ie. NLLI-op, r2,UQr'O- - I j 1 3 T 211735-65 ACC I ESS701N.NR: AP404-1703 (D:) .vas obtained In 23% yield, based on initial perfluoroisob-itylene, -1-1-6 1-1~ i LI-/LN. irisLitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedinemy Ak-adernii. nauk SSSR 717--) 7n. e - a c C orr. no u n d s cle -r D- ',8Dec62 LN C L. 0 0 REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 004 SU13 CODE: GC, MT AP4044703 ENCLOSURE: 01 c G-q.o G-K-0 \C - CF, C- Fi%'0al---CFo\C--CF,.vOl(V!) ONO :1.0 t' F, CF C F , 0 N 0 c - c F ON 0 R\r C, No C-Ccoll CF11 CF.1 I CF3 0 IN 0 0H 6m (X) Card3/ 3 AUTHORS: Bochin, V. P.; Zherebtsova, K. I.,- Komarq~~,-K,, Kra-~:-~ov, L. V.-, Litvii~-, V.---F.; Mmilov, Yu. A. TITLE: Elastic scattering of deutero y separated nickel and ziac, isotopes SOURCE: Zhurral eksperimental!noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 3, 19G4, 855-859---~ 1scatitering, I Soto pie -effect A-nSTRACT.- The angular distributions of the elastically scattered were measured with a 90' magne-tic -7he deuteron as 5MeV, clcse to the oDtimal value for studying the in- che surface structure on the anqu'ar di&tribution of .;-jqLjra11v scat'Lered deuterons. The e;,q)erimontal method was de- Cam UUM L ~_ACCESSIOU NR.- AP4G46398 C) scribed elsewhere (Ifemilov and Ditvinj*PTE, No. 2~1321 1.9601. The tar",,-,,fits were thin self-supporting foils (-2 ma/cm . of Fooarated ot nickel and zinc, prepared in accordance with a previous- .:I, ly des,Lrlb_ed~provedltire (BbqhiA~_'P__t_AI_. e__ Report on (Dr -P~: Rea~tioniv_- at the Paris Congreo!i Ion Nuclear Physics, 1964). A distinct iso- effect was observed in the elastic scatterinq of the d(~uterons, -i a systematic increase in the de,,-iation of the cross i secr-Lon from, the - Rutherford-, croa-a . section . as - pairs of -neutrons -are 7 ladded to an aven-even nudleus-i' CoMuter calculations of the elastic'.:- 0 a, if 3~ r es L e different isotopes. Couparison of theory and experiment yielded the nuclear boundary diffuseness parameter for all the stable iso- t~:,pes of nick-al and zinc. Orig. art. has: 2 fiTures, 2 foniralas, :able. Cn,d 2/3 NR. AP4046398 Z T-,eninqrndskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet (1,,:,.ningrad 6 4 Card 3/3 01 f HE P. 009 UR REF SOV: 008 ---- - ---- --- - - ---- --- BOCHIN, V.P.; ZIIER?,BTSOVA, K.I.; KOMAROV, V.A.; KRASNOV, L.V.; LITVIN, V.F.; NEMILOV, Yu.A. Study of (d,p) otripping reactionn on nuclei of medium atomic weight. Part 3. Vest. LGU 20 no.10:34-51 165. (MIRA 18t7) JK IN A.V.~ KOWC Mi'll Vti, SKLADNEV A.A.; DAVYDOVA, SA Reacti-vity of nitroperfluoroal.kyl nitrites and prodact.,l of their transCormation. Part 13 Reaction of ni trope rf luoroaliq I n1trites with hydrogen sulfide. Zhur, ob, khim. 35 no.9i!662-1~i64 Reactivity of nit-nen"luoroalkyl nitrites and proQuw:s of their transformation. PariD 2; Reaction of nitroperfluorcalky'L. nitrites ,RA 16j10) with mercaptans. Ibid.:1664-1666 (M I -kdt- 45 UA ~;6 0 iO 3 8 2 SOURCE CODE: uR/0114/66/oOO/006/0035/00381 AUTHOR: Yuditskiy. P. L. (Candidate of tecbnical sciences); YeEorovs-- P. G. (Engineer); Komarov.-V, A. ORG: none IV TITLE: Tests of graphite, piston rings in the gas plungers of Wa3pl fuel pumps -1 1 SOURCE: Energomasblnostroyaniye, no. 60 1966,, 35-38 TQPIC TAGS: engine -piston, graphite, diesel engine 'TRACT - 4 A B!3 ,The article reports the results of teats o:6 the wear r"istanJ and sirvics life of piston rings made of dfffereFf-b-r-ands of.t ar~tifrictien graphite.materiels, to determine the optimum cost iron- gripbite pair under aonditi6na of dry friction in a gsB modiump at cooperatively high temperatures. The wear was determined by six mdasurements of each ring. The relative weer and tho rate of wear werel~-', determined from the value of the absolute wear. The test materials for the rin s were native materials Brands AO-1500S05 and 2P-1000 and Brand A9V3 made by the "Acheson" company Results (tabulatedi indicate that, of the three materials tested, the beat wear resistance was shown CarO 1/2 UDC: 621.887,621.892.7.001.k __~_45129-66 kCd NR- AP6020362 by a calcined dense material without metallic Impregnations (2P-1000). The average rate of wear of this material was 0.13 micronsAr. Ir the;~''-' permlasible relative wear is taken at 15% 1 such rings could operate f0' i0,000 hours without r6placoment, The material from the "AftesonR. QoMpany was less I-esistant in a gas medium, tho wear belne.34 A. ines grgater than Car AO-1500SO5'and 10 times greater,tban tor 2F10()09.- In t" general# the results arp'seLd to confirm tbO P09albilit* of using graphite piston rInges wi%tp,dry friction, in the cyliodors ot Moors, (Prig. art 2 tables, has, 3 figures ftnd SUB CODE: ;21,9 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005 L 32682-66 E"WT(M)/WP i I SOURCE CODE- UR/0062/66/000/003/046~/0472 TC'CNR. AP6012527 AUTHOR: Knuavants..I. L.; Tdcin, A. V.; Kamarov, ve As -ORG: none TITLE: NLtration-of perfluoropropylen with nitrogen dioxide and investigation of ni- tration products SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 3, 1966, 466-472 TOPIC TAGS: nitration, organic chemistry, nitrogen oxide, fluorine compound I ABSTRACT: The present study is a continuation of work reported in DAL AN SSSR, III, 1035 (1956). The synthesized nitration products are given in the following with sme of their prqperties: UDC: 542.956.1 + 661.723-16 1/ 3 -----L-32682-66 ACC NR, AP6OD527 Boiling Boiling point point .0c (Wes- OC (pres- ormula sum, mm F l 'sure , mm A .20 ormu a Hg) 57 1,63X 1,3276 r-F,C-CF,NO, 118,5 1,391 1 3520 ANOMU~ Civ-41-OVIONO. ." iiLtio M 1 I . &%o Oil CFO oc'", , \OR OH cr c CF M ' , V -,4 0, 8(44) ,616 1,3621 - i- 0. . op 2-M ,5W ,2955 0 'OF C-CF,NO, 7 1 609 1 42-43. 64--63(25) 1,4605 1,3158 1,390 1,3�25 OH G1 , ,M 0 ,936. 1 3768 CY.-Cil.-OH 1 65(401 1147921,3780 OH^Br , NO, C7r-G-CFNO. CK -45(20) 1,6282 1,3495 CH, CrO-d-C". *35) 1,29501,3915 NO. DUrJ ng'ni L 'tration, vf Wing L 10 P*Vflu0r0Pr0PY1W16 with nitrogen dioxide, nitroperfluoro - : nitrile i le dinitroperfluoroprWane form. HYdr0lY8i8 o JE 4 nit roDerflucroisa U -trite.produces rd troperfluoroace tone hydrate which upon pr dehydration produces NRI AP6012527 'nitroperftuoroacetane. The chemical properties of nitroperfluoroacetone were investi- gated and some of its derivatives were synthesized. Nitroperfluoroacetone reacts with basic compounds to form difluoronitromethane and trifluoroacetic acid derivatives. The reaction of-.nitroperfluoroacetone with nitrosyl fluoride produces the sane perfluoro- isopropyl nitrite as that produced by heating of perfluoropropylene with nitrogen diox- ide, which* proven the structure of nitroperfluoroisopropyl nitrite according to the re- actLW NO&- Wv-tF-UsNoll 0~k-o 6-m-o NO Ot NO* NO NO, ~No Not whLah coriesponds to structure III. Orig. art. has: 1 table. 8M CODE,: i7/ SUBM DATE: 2lKov63/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 005 -CeW -3/3~-- L42r- LIMAR'Y T.F.; UVAROVA, K.A.; BULACUVA, A.F.; SGYVUBM, A.S.; BEDNOVAP I.N.; MAKOVSKAYA, E.B.; SOLOMEINA, G.I.; DOLMATOV, Yu.D.; BOBYPENKO, Yu. Ya.; ROGAN, F.I.; KOVALENKO, P.N., IVANOVA, Z.1.; FOKIN, A.V.; V.A.; SOROCHKIN, I N.~ DAVYDOVA) S.M.i RAVDELI, A.A.; Goin 'DAUKSMS V i 9 0 . . Dauksasx V.1; PIKUNAYTE, L.A. [Pikunaite, L.); SHARIPOV, A.M.; SHABALIN, I.J.; STEPNOVA, G.M.; SHMIDT, Ye.V.-, DUDOV, S.S.; STRUKOV, O.G. Scientific research papers f the members of the All-Union Mendeleev Chemical-Society (tr-lof information). Zhur. VHKO 10 no.3050-360 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Donetskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta khimicheskild, reaktivov i osobo chis'vkh khimicherkikh veshchestv (for LI-1, Urav--q '. 11-11-cheva). 2. Urallskiy nauchno- iseledovatellsi.i7 klUmich6ikiy Institut (for ShubinP Bednova, Makovskaya, Solomeina). 3. Chelyabinskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno_is3leAovatel1skogo i proyektnogo Instituta manerallnykh pigmentov (Dolmatov, Bobyrenko). 4. Rostovskiy-na-Donu univer- sitet (for Kogan, Kovalenko, Ivanova). 5. Leningradskiy tekhnolo- gicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta i Institut minerallnykh pigmentov (for Ravdall, Gorelik). 6. Villnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Kpsukasa (for Daukshas, Pikunayte). Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institi% neftekh-4micheskikh proizvodstv (for Sharpipv, Shabalin). 8. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova (:P)r Stepnova, Shmidt). KOj,Lkr%CV, Tj.p.. (ftybyahev) I 'OR- Izv- PW SS'9R' Efficj.#nt diatributiOn of materiala It stru,-'uT (MIRA l8slO) K*kb. no'65t85-87 8-0 165, BOCHIN, V.P.; ZMTJMTSOVA, K.I.; ZOLOTAREV, V.S.; KQURQV,,-7,V.A.; KRASNOV, L.V.; LTTVIN, V.P.; NEMILOV, Yu.A.; PISKORZH, Sh. Study of (dp p) stripping reactions and (d, d) elastic scattering on nuclei of mean atomic weight. Part 1. Vest. LGU 18 no.22:68-77 163. (MIRA 17:1) BOCHIN, V.P.; ZHEREBTSOVA, K.I.; ZOLOTAREVO V.S.; F,_ gy~_V.A.; KWNOV, L.V.; LITVIN, V.P.; NE241LOV, Yu.A.; NOVATSKIrp B.G. Study,'bf'(4~:p) stripping reactions and (d, d) elastio Scattering on nuclei of mean atomic weight. Part 2. Vest. LGU 18 no.22:78-84 16L (MIRA 17:1) ------------------- V, V 0 USSRI'P#p;Lcs of the 3krth - Geophysical Prospecting, 0-5 Abet Journals Beferat Zhur - Fizaa.. No l2.. 1956.- 36466 Authors Komarov, V. A. Instit"ution tNone Title: Concerning the Problem of the Investgation of the Phenomenon of Induced Polarizationj* Geophysical'Prospecting Original Periodicalt Sb. nauch. tekhn. inform. (M-vo, geol. i okhrany nedr),, 1955,,.No 1: 73-75 Abstract: The f.ields of induced po~%riz~tjon are nonstationary and-amount to hundredths and thousa6dths of the value of the polarizing field. Tb~ VITR fias produced and tested a model of apparatus for;record- Ing the iDduce4 polarizqtlon. D-c amplifiers were used with an - input impedance of more than me megobm, jointly with &-photographic recorder, desigaqid au the basisof a FR-2 apparatus. The recording scale goes up to 3 mm/mv- Reliable measurements of the induced po- larization vere obtained wit'", one second after Usconnecting Card 1/2 yq4gov Y, /1, I" . L.K.; KOKAROV 11 V.A.; SMMOV, X.Y. -,~ Use of a.c. Industrial stray currenta prospecting. Vop.rud.geofiz. no.1:128-130 157. (KIRA 10:10) (Prospectlng-Geophysical methods) (Terrestrial electricity) IOKAROT,T.A. MMM,MwMMIw:~ The.nature of electric fields of induced polarization and possibilities of using them for ore probpecting. Vest.IGU 12 no.6:29-W 157. (KLBA 10:5) (Blectric fields) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) SOV/169-59-5-4558 Translation from; Referativnyy xhurnal, Oeoflzika, 1959, Nr 5, p 41 (ussR) A=ORS-, Komarov V.A., Ioffe, L.M., Khloponina, L.S., Semenov, M.V. T1=: Induced Polarization of Rocks and Ores and Its Utilization in Electric Prospecting PERIODICAL. Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metodiki I tekhn. ra2vedki, 1958, Nr 1. pp 257 ABSTRACT: 'The authors note that the conclusions of various investigators on the possibilities and the methods-of detecting ore bodies on the basis of the data of the induced polarization method (IP), are contradictory. In conneotion with this fact ' the necessity arose to study more in detail the IP of rocks and ores both in the laboratory and under field conditions, and also to elaborate the practice of observations of IP fields and to design equipment guaranteeing the reliability of measurements. A device has been developed, which allowed the performing of osaillogre.phia registration of the curves of diminution Of 6UIP Card 1/2 and other quantities, and ensured a sufficiently accurate measure- KOMAROV, V. A., Candidate Geolog-Mineralog Sci (aiss) -- "Induced polarization of rock and ore and its use in prospecting for ore deposits". LeniDgmd, 1959. 18 pp (Min Higher Idne USMI, Leningmd Ordwof Lenin State U im A. Ae Zhdanov), 150 copies (KL, lio 23, 1959.0 162) 3(8) SOV/132-59-2-6/16 AUTHORS: Komarov, V.A. and Ryss, Yu.S. TITLE: Some of the Results of Applying the.Method of Induced Polarization in the Polymetallic Ore Deposits of the Rudnyy Altay (Nekotoryye rezulltaty primeneniya meto- da vyzvannoy polyarizatsii na olimetallicheskikh me- storozhdeniyakh Rudnogo Altaya~ PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 2, PP 31 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Observations of fields of induced polarization ('Ivy- zvann6Lya,polyarizatsiyd) were conducted according to the scheme of median gradient with the dispersion of feeding electrodes from 100 to 1,500 m; that of re- ceiving electrodes was 10 to 50 times less. The po- larizing current, 5 to 10 a was on for 2 to 5 minutes. The strength of the current~i) in the feeding line and the difference of potentials between the receiv- ing electrodes (,a U -) were measured and the value of the apparent specifkF resistance (P ) calculated. After the polarizing current was switched off, the Card 1/3 difference of potentials in the induced polarization SOV/132-59-2-6/16 Some of the Results of Applying the Method of Induced Polarization in the Polymetallic Ore Deposits of the Rudnyy Altay Card 2/3 field (A U VP ) between the same electrodes was measured. The percentage value of the ratio UVp Upr ...,has been taken as a basic interpretation parameter. The utilization of a high resistance equipment with an oscillographic registration on photographic paper of curves of decrease inOU gave exact data on the value ..7,~~- _ . VP OfA V" at any given moment. The authors applied the VP method of induced polarization to prospecting in Zmei.- nogorsk and Zyr7anovsk districts of the Rudnyy Altay for polymetallic deposits, and found that observed changes in the valueO indicated d-ifferent mineral ores of variable conductivity. For rocks not contain- ing any ore, the value 0) usually did not exceed 2016~ SOV/132-59-2-6/16 Some of the Results of Applying the Method of Induced Polarization in the Polymetallic Ore Deposits of the Rudnyy Altay In the ore bearing districts, this value often exceeded 4% and in some parts of the Zmeinogorsk district it reached 15-20%. The excessive valued , caused by the polarization of ores, was considered as an anomaly of the induced polarization field, and the authors describe three different categories of anomalies according to the correlation of thel~ , L U and P curves; each category of anomalies being coRected kth deposits of metals which react differently to polarization. A full description of all experiments is given. There are L~ graphs, 2 profiles and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kamenskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya Sibirskogo geo.- fizicheskogo tresta (Kameniskay~& Ged-Physical pxpedition of the Siberian Geo-Physical Trust). Vsesoyuznyy nauch- no-issledovatellskiy institut metodiki i tekhniki razvedki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Methods and Technology of Survey) Card 3/3 S/160/62/000/003/022/098 D228 D301 AUTHORS: jomarov, V. A. and: Sheynmann, S. M. TITLE: Trial application of the induced polarization and the phase-amplitude measurement methods of electrical prospecting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, 25, ab- stract 3A209 (Byul. nauchno-tekhn. in-form M-vo geol. i okhrany nedr SSSR, no. 4 (32), 1961, 26-34) TEXT: The methods of induced polarization and phase-amplitude mea- surement give good results for deposits of impregnation ores;-'here, in addition to prospecting for mineralized zones by induced polari- zation methods, it is possible to detail the structure of ore zones, appraise their depositional features, and estimate the approximate concentration of sulfides. Multifrequency techniques -- the double- loop method and the method of dipole induction magnetic profiling -- are being put into practice. The application of these methods per- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/003/022/098 Trial application of ... D22a/D301 mits the exposure of orebodies-and the approximate estimation of their de ositional features._Z Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation._~ Card 2/2 KOMAROVt V.A., inzh. ---------------- Defects in the clamps of air switches. Energetik -9 no.12:22-23 D" *61. (MIRA 15:1) (Electric cutouts) KCKARGV, V.A. Elements of the theory of the i.-Auced polarization method, Trudy VITR no.3:138-171 161, WIRA 2-5:7) (Electric prospecting) KOMROV, V.A. Induced polarization method and prospects of its use in searching for disseminated ores. Sov.geol, 5 no.6:130-134 je 62. (MDU 15: 3-1) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut metodiki i tekhniki razvedki. (Electric prospecting) (Ore deposits) KNUNYANTS, I.L.; FOKIN, A.V.; KCHAROV, V.A. Nitration or perfluoroproylens with nitrogen dioxide. . Zlnw. VKHO 7 no. 6:70~-flO 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Propene) (Nitrogen oxide) NOMAROV, V.A.; ABDULAYEVA, S.A.; CHEIUIIKOVA, Ye.A. Reaptionn between tb~ oxides and isoproW alcohol. Kin'.i kat. 3 no.6:920-926 N-D 162. (MIRA 15.12) 1. Leni dukiy goeudarstvennyy universitet imeni Zhdanova* Tin oxide) (Isopropyl &lcohol) (Catalysis) S/169/63/066/60VI 3/1 7 AUTHOR:- Komarov,.; r D263/D307 TITLE: The induced _0 e8 P lariiation method and its possibiliti~ ia the search f or.-'disseminated ores PERIODICAL: -Referativnyy -zhui~hal Ge.of izika, no. 21 1963 31, _ab-'. ..utract. 2D18, 4-jS*ov.,.geoldgiya, 1962 no. 6- 1 10 134).1 TEXT: Induced polarization':'(IP)..anomalios are,produced --by.,.electron-..1 conducting minerals:~and, cannot as.a.rule be classified by the IP method according to.the,6omp,ositiozi of mineralization. This neces- sitates-the,use of combined:.-ge-ophysical andgeological methods 'in ~detailed accounts:of geological and, structural characteristics 'of the regions-studied. On the-6xamp -le of applying the,IP method on one part of Rudnyy Altay,, shown that, with considerable separation of electrodes,;it is,possibleU-eliminate-the effects of covering deposits and to study~theAistribution of polarizability in funda- mental rocks-~ working-on the.ground surface. From the 13ositioa and KOWOVP V. A.; CHWIKOVA, Ye, AD'; KCMAROV G. V. I LHONCHIK, Z. I. Mechanism of the catal,4446 action of ow~kllic oxides in the reaction of decomposition of formic acid,, Part It Composition of the reaction products. Zhur. flao kh 36 no.1212577-2581 D 162. (MIRA 16: 1) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni. Zhdanova. (Yormic acid) (Metallic oxides) (Catalysis) KNUIMMI-1. L.;-IMUNI' A.,T.; IMATKI , B. L.; KOMAROT T. A. Action of nitrogen dioxide on perfluoroisobutylone-0 Zhur. -MMO 8 no.2:239-Q40. 163. (FmtA 16:4) 1, lnsti-~ut elementaorganiabeskikh soyedinaniy AN (Nitrogen.oxides) (Propens) KOMAROV, V.A. , Feature of ek ancnelfeB for gradient establishment. Uch. sap. LGU no.320t9&-99 163. (MIRA 16s9' (Electric prospecting) KOI-WROV ., V.A.,',starshiy nauchn. Soti.... red. (Using the method of induced polarization in prospecting for ore deposits] Primenenie metoda vyzvamioi Poliariza- tsii pri poiskakh rudrjykh mestorozhdenii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nodra," 1964. D,4 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiadovatellskiy in3titut vietodiki i tekhniki razvedki. J~.~HOV, V.A.; VAN SU-0 (Waze, Su-11 Catalytic synthesis or dinonyl other. Jzv,vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khlm.bakh. 8 no.4.n7OO-701 165. (MIRA 2.8-.11) 1. bonlngTadskly gosudarstgennyl univeraltet imeni Zhdanovs., kafedra organicheskcT kbimii. MOLOVO PoVol IMPIW6 T&.16 C&Uvuo ImUnbatim C - Cjo nama YvimOX7 &Uchcls* ,36 noj$ mr 1650 ZhwovAkl*WAr,s rsAZ4 OMA IMU) 4 &Amit%d ftbro 7# XQ* --L'5 q Ira A C-CM91 OR MR!' VP PIPP NA; 54ZA58.1 + 547.321 N gg A UTHOR: Fok1n, A. V.; Ko arav,V.A.; Sorochkin. 1. N. Davydova, S. M. ARMN by n1trogeri d1oidde and:& atudy- of the- TITLF one ME nitration products 901TRCE: Vaosoymmaye k1himicheskoye obohebestvo. Zhurn-al, v. 10, no. 3, 1965, .3-A-333 .10 -1r)VTi7 TiiCnq: nitration, olefin, nitrogen oxide, n1tratior product ~_ MI-9-R V T~ k 'r . Tln rillmitim, of niefins 1--iving the, z-n-rq 1 (--1, P-- CP --Cll., (where, Rf `a~*111. !f dho r-a;."!-~1 ~!acuum mixture waS extracLed ivita 1-1 frar-tionated. 3-Mitro-1, 1, 1--trff1uor()--2-prrlj)ar-)[ f 1]9n ri 17i Y., iLri a aitrating mWure; CF,-Cti -V ~T Ttmzimm NO, cc"i T c~ A CC FS-III& NR: "5016226 Brornination of 1 In an alkaftne rae&um produced 3-r-itro-3-bromo-1, 1, I-trffluoro-2- pronan(,I: Bit CF,-CH-CH, CF,-CH-CPIIrNO, I No, tf KOMAROV, V.A.; PLATONOVA, V.I.; RODIMENKOVA, N.A.; KHARITONOV, N.P.; YU.I. Effect of alcohol structure and solvent composition on the kinetics of the alkaline solvolysis of trialkylsilanes. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.9s2139-21" S 064. (MIRA M12) 1. Institut khimii silikatov imeni Grebenshchikova AN SSSRP Leningrad. GTRSPL go. 45 tbi.wl ato Skorhin.-thi, A.A. and Kumarov. V.D., Mine Vemilaition, 1949. Revicwed by V.V. Vladimirski.- 116.8 is Akedmiya Weak B.S.S.R., Dokleft Ifol. 09/ 110. jita -if I 0 a a 0 w is is U 6 4 1 -AL 9 0 a a J a L r--Q A. I_ I fit 4.0 1.0 040101 is 19 4 11 It U W It N 9 IN 0 0 41 41 Q 'A 0 A" rl J R11 - -j -A - -" -- J-- 06 2491. MINE VE5 THATIM SIOCHINSKII. A.A. AND kQMAV B. (MOSCOW: -00 ta. Ul 00 MV. IN 17VEST. AKAD. SAUK SSSR, OTIDEL. TE 8 MD. SCI. ag ~'SSR., SECT* TECH. SCI.), M IVEB. 11-151. 316-310). .00 90,0 if 00 0 0 w 0 goo see so 0 goo see Nee V96 No* big %to OLAL~ 1~ L11161TWIl CLAWK11100 9 1 ilL- . I .. . - I -.- - -~ -.-- --- - ------- It", 111,41sq. I- - -: : .*~ gee .10 ON't dot .3143-. cmit-- I a nee Be I@ two alvelsmii to 6 0 0 0:0 0 0 90 0 0 r 0 w w 0 w 1. BOKIY' 0. NTIYEV, V. I., PROF., DMRJLVA, T. S. D00717T., IAKOZA, I-T. P.. CERO PROF. KOMAROV, V. B., P,ROF,. SUKWIOV, ".. F.Y PROF., SHKIAYP.SKIY, F. IT., PROF. 2. USSR (600) 4. Zvorykin, A. A. 7. Essays on the history of Soviet mining engineering. A. A. Zvorykin. Re- viewed by 0. B. Bokiy, Prof., V. I. Gerontlyev, Docent T. S. Dubrava, Prof... N. P. Lakoza, Prof. V. B. Komarov, Prof., A. F. Sukhanov, Prof. F. N. Shklayr&y. Gor.zhur. no 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, janjinry .1953. Unclassified. 1. GOROMESKIY, P. I. DURRAVAO T, S. KOMAROV, V. Q. SUKhANOVO A. F. 2. USSSR (6GO) 4. Bokii, Boris Ivanovich, 1873-1927 7. Outstanding worker in mining and technology. Gar. zhur. no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. HIMICH, Anton fsaorovich,.IOL)!~W~T4t,. Prof.. dolAor tel.:. C'nauk. otvetst- Vennyy red.;GRISHAOM."' -no-, red. izd-va; ILI INSXhITA.--G-.T.-. tekhn. red,; SMMUR, S.Yae, tekhn. red. [Controlling mine ventilation by depression readings] Kontroll pravetrivantla shaiki*todom' depressionnykfi allemok. Pbd ri,d* T.B. Xomarma. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Noskvr-. Ugletel&lzdat, 19P. 144 p. (KIRA 11:7) (Mine ventilation) GRANSKIY. Viktor Isidor ich;-KOKAROT, T.B., prof., doktor takhn.nank. retsensent; POMNI K.ia.. prof.. oktor khim.nauk. rateensent; TUNARIT. A.S., prof.. doktor takhn.nauk, retsensent; KARPOT, T.G., dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauki retsensent; BLYUNMG. V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, rettensent; BISPALOT. I.V., insh., reteenvent; RfVLIN. L;;Bo. Insh'O. retsenzent; MSIROT, K.A., Itand.tekhn.nank. obelichly d,; VOIDSHIN, D,A., red.; TOLOCHINSMA, B.M., (Guide to technical reference books] Putevoditell po tekhoichaskin spravochnikam. Pod obahchni red. K.A.Anserovs. Leningrade Goo. publichnala bibliotska in. N.I.Saltykova-Shchedrina. 1958o 334 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Bibliography--Technology) SIOCHINSKIT, Alskeindr.Alskeandrovich. aImdsmik;,-);OKARO'T, Ylsaimir Borisovich..,.p;rof.; CRISRAYMKO, N.I.,; Jr.-, 'tiih~~.'red.; KOROVUKOVA, Z.A., Nine ventilaiion] 'Rmdnichnala viontiliataiis. Izd.3. Kooky&, I UgletsWsdats 1959o 632 pe (KIRA 12:8) i (Nine ventilation) t - , ; . . : " -- ~,\KOINIAFZOV,-V.B. , Research work in the Department of Mine Ventilation and Safety Measures, Zap, WX 38 no.1&3--7 1959 (MIRA 14:3) (MinI ventilation-Re search) Le"'"qu.'a M'An G.%J. pjckt'A'~"' 8/035/62/000/003/025/053 A001/A101 AUTHOR: Komarov, V. B,. TITLE: An experience of constructing profiles in regions of kimberV+- tubes'using aerial photographs without a geodetic controi neLwork. PERIODICAL: 1iei'ej.,a-.JLVnyy Lhu-rnal, Astronomiya i Gi~0-7--z-fYr-, '-'0. 3, 1-962, 13-111, abstract 3G114 (V sb. "Primeneniye aerometodov pri poiskakh korenzykh mestorozhd. almazov", Moscow-Leningrad,,AN SSSR, 1960, 66-84) T M The author considers a simplified graphical-analytical method of processing plan aerial photographs by means of special measuring grids, which takes into account the effect of elements of reciprocal orientation and makes possible their simple determination. He describes the theory of the method, practical ways of *processing aerial photographs using readings of the stAoscope and results of experimental works on constructing profiles on the basis of I : 7,000 aerial photographs along the route without a geodetic control network. The profiles obtained were compared with profiles plotted from topographic maps and using data of a 4-order leveling. The root-mean-square error in determining heights of points tur-ned out to be 1.2 m. To process aerial photographs, a set Card 1/2 S/035/62/000/003/025/053 An experience of constructing profile ... AOOI/AlOI of measuring grids is required constructed for inclination angles of photographs to the base ranging from 0 to 50 with intervals of each 101. The calculation of measuring grids, their construction and method of employing are described. The application of the method described will reduce field work for compiling structural maps of Yakutiya regions on scales 1.; 100,000 and even 1 : 50,000, and will enable one to construct them under conditions of office work. There are 5 references. R. Vollpe [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 MtSTELI, P.I.; DYADIM311 Tu.D.; BOKIY9 B.V.,,- M=19 L.N,,- KOMAROTY Y.B.; SFIMSKIY, V.N.; BORISOV, D.P.; GOLOVIN, G.M.; USEVICH, I.V.; DUBRAVA9 T.S.p SHABLYGINg A.I.; VOLTOLAREV, N.D.; GAIAYEVq N.Z.; SIGACHEY, A.Ye.; PANWOV9 Yu.I.,- SM' D.P.; KOPYLOVAt Ye.V. Pavel Ivanovich Gorodetiskff;.an obituary. Gor zhur. no-5:77 MY 16o. (MIRA 34:3) (Gerodetakiig Pavel Ivanovich, 1902-1950) xamov, V.B,; YCHICHEV, VI. -- Unevenness of gas escape in mine sections. Zap' LGI 46 no,1:6-11 162e jMIM 16W (Nite gases) ASATUTI, K.G., dot,,ent, kand.tekhn.nauk.-,_hQMOV, V,B., prof~, do-itor tekhn. nauk; KUROCIIKIN,- N.N.), dotsent, kand.~;~~-ni&ilk; SEVEfUNJI L.P., dotsentl ip kand.tekhn.nauk Temperature of air heating In mine heating units. Ugoll 38 no.3.,56-57 Mr 163. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Len-;ngradskiy gornyy institut im. G.V,Pleklianova. KMAROV V.Bp doktor tekhn.nauk; MEDVEDEV, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Duration of ventilating develoFment workings and stopes. Gor.zhur. no.12152-54 D 164- (MIRA 18:1) 1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut (for Komarov). 2. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Medvedev). ABRAN.OV, Fedor Alekseyevi~7h; DOLINSKIY, Vitally Andre,,evlch; IDElj'GfIIK, Isaak Yevseyevich,; KERSTF14, Igor' Oskarovich; TSODIKOV, Veniam1n Yakovlevlch; KOMf&OV V,44., rof., j dokLor takhn. nauk rat senzen-T, [Aerodynamic reointance in rahle workings ani subway -,unnois] Aerodinamiohes' -- s-urotivlenie gorny1ch vyrabotok i tonnelei metropolitena. [BY) F.A.,Abrawov I dr. Mios~-vu, Nedra, 19(4. 185 P. -w: I) 85887 *a 2,0.3, S10481601024101110231036 it B0061BO60 ;?'It 7300 (~aq.31114&) AUTHORS: Komarov, V. D. and Fesenko, Ye. G. TITLE: Study of the Effect of an Isomorphic Substitution of Ti Ions Upon the Phase Transformation in BaTiO PERIODICA11s: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 11, PP- 1391-1393 TEXT: This is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at the Third Ccnference on Ferroelectricity which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 50, 1960. Several authors have already studied the effect of iron upon the structure of BaT '03- In this connection, mention is made of B. M. Vul and 1. M. Golldman as well as the Piziko-matematicheskiy iTa-uchno-issledovatellskiy institut pri RGU (Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Mathematics of Rostov State University), where BaT'03 was crystallized in iron crucibles 'and where a seignettoelectric modification was always found besides the nonseignettoelectric one, and the hexagonal phase was imagined to be stabilized by iron ions. This was confirmed by Card 113 85887 Study of the Effect of an Isomorphio 5/04 60/024/011/023/036 Subatitution of T1 Ions Upon the Phase B006~B060 Traneformation in BaTiO 3 later studies made on BaTiO 3 BaFeO3 systems, and the transition temperature from the hexagonal into the perovskite-type modification was established at 14600C. The authors examined the effects of other elements of the iron group (Co,Ni) and other trivalent ions upon the BaT'03 structure. Polycryetalline specimens were prepared for this purpose and were submitted to X-ray and dielectric analyses. The BaT103 specimens were prepared at 12800C from an oxide mixture, sintered at 14300c, and submitted to heat treatment at 13800C. The following results were obtained: l ) Ni2+ content > 2mo2ec/1. and Co2+ > 8molE% stabilized the hexagonal phase after the heat treatment at 13800C- With increasing Ni- and Cc content there occurred first a drop of the Curie temperature and of the F_ maximum, and next, the seignettoelectric properties vanished (transition to the hexagonal modification). 2) Cr3+ and Mn4+ ions had a similar effect, but no drop was observed as to the Curie point. A stabilization of the hexagonal modification was observed at concentrations of over 2mol'e%. 3) The effect of the radius of ions replacing Ti isomorphically was studied Card 2/3 KOWOV, V. D. "The Nature of Snau-Cover Occurrence in a Locality, and t1io Forimation of a Spring Flood." pp 37-42. (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya., No 6 Nov/Dec 194?) SO: U-3218, 3-Apr 1953 V. '). ,l "For-at*or of' Tha.; 'I '-- ct 1. ~ a r3~' -. ed ,-In-off in Small ' ilt,:~' 7 Al' ,~ TIZ '20--,l) I 3~~: U-3 139, 1-1 I'llar. l),--,'3 0'e'LAROV, V. 1). Vo rof3y gidrologicheakikh prognozov (Problems in !qdrolodical forecasting). Leningrad, . p 0 Gidrometeoizdat, 1951- 92 D. SO: flonthly List of Russian Acceqqions,.Vol 6, No. 3, June 1953 US&Obteorology - Thaw Water Oct 52 . "S4=4eculiarititin in Ybrustion of Thav Ruioff oip a P-3 1 Watershed, " V. Di. Komarov , 'tan& I*ch . Sci, Moscow, Cen Inst of, Forecasting I'Meteorol"i Gidrol"No 10, PP 15-21 States that study of motion of thaw water in in- X, portant for estimation of spring floods. Author states that he pointed it out in 1939 C'Mteorol i Gidrol" No 10, 11, 1939) in studies of.the-Oka River. He notes that he also gave data on f1m of thaVvater in "Trudy. Tsentralnogo Institute 23IT83 Prognozov" ffransactions of Central Institute- of 76recasti47 No 9, 1948. Author states ~ that. . . his attempt to clarify the origin of this flov will fac:L litate the forecasting of floods. 231TO3 S iL --I tJ d4 a4 W1 pviwri --7777 -TW- .Aga imr VI, long rangeruncff fomcastiig for Iloot! trorn watcr b -muce 'v i, ing; VII I, forec-Astilig pealc runoff: TX- foreCa5ting dail) watu disch-r%e froyn jr.,;xv mAt date- Li thnrotughty reviewee and wnotatrr.,~Ildt~d- ra~tla~krn baj~ncv., effect of ic-rehts- Icv.; A ;-ou an 1:� wcu as a ae .. R, 6MI)P'OV, USM/Physice of -the Hydrosphere - Dynamics of Sft and Land Water, N-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur I&Jz1ka, 110 12, 1956, 36278 Authort Kkwarov V* 'Dp Institution: lone Title: Concerning the Calculation of Water Yield of the Melting Snow Cover OrIginal Periodicali Tr. Tsentr. in-ts prognozov, 1956, No 44, 89-91~ Abstract: Explanation of the physical side of this phenomenon. The equa- tiouB derived for the vater yield include the melting rate of the snov and its wator-contal*g ability. With respect to the last factor,, it is Indicated tiAt it W not been well studied, but ap- parently, it depude,prIncipally on the structure of the snow. Based on the critical analysis of many Merimental data., a cam- ,elusion is dravn that the$bLter-containing ability of the average- - grain snow is usually 0.12-0.16 (92% of measurements) and U the case of large-grain snov it is 0.10-0.14 (85% of measurements). Card 1/2 NUTHMs Komarov., V, D, 11=1 Investigation of Water Permeability of Frozen Soil (Iseledovaniye vodopronitsayemosti merzloy pochvy) FMODICALs I*teorologiya i Gidrologiya,, 1957., No, 2, pp. 10-18 (U.S.S.R.) AB67RLCT: Thats on water permeability of frozen soil were conducted from 1954-1955 in the Central Pernafrost Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. under the scientific guidance of N. A. Tsytovich. variatAons in permeability of various soils such as monoliths and sands are analyzed in verbal descriptions, graphs', formulas, and tables. Inter.aliap experiments demon3trated: 1. Seepage of water into frozen soil= accompanied by a partial freezing of the former as indicated by presence of newly formed ice crystals and veins; this new formation decreased the initial permeability to zero., while a to rise and cementation decrease of the soil was noted (Fig, 3), 2, Seepage into soil which had ceaved soon after the advent of water on its surface recurred as soon as the soil began to th" from Such a pattern occurred even when aoil humidity reached adtdmbm moisture capacity prior to freezing, Card 115 Investigation of Water Permeability of Frozen Soil 3. Underthawing soil which does not admit water leads to a renewal of water penetration when thickness of frozen layer is decreased to 8-10 cm. 4. After thawing., the podzolic soil uBed in the tests had a filtration coefficient of 20-30 mm/hr. 5. Yean to of frozen soil can be assqmed to be an index of the cold supply and of latent heat connected with phase transformations of connected water. Hence the to of frozen soil is a main factor of its infiltrational capacity. The author developed additional points: 1. Permeabi3ity of frozen soil with a given iciness and to is heterogeneous for various oil types (so got chernozem, light and heavy podzolic soil, etc.). 2. Formation of a comid- erable ice rind on frozen soil.owing to,its store of cold and p4se transformations of connected water~should-be considered. 3. Heightened seepage ofwater in a b"in which is,comri~n at the beginning aid end of the snow thawing period is relatedlo*the Incivased infiltratiorial-" ability of frozen soil in the period from the outset of thawing until the soil pores are ice-clogged. In substantiation of his paper, Komarov cites: 1. A, K. Fi2ippova and S. I. Kharchenko (16, 17) (State Hydrological Institute) who obtained a dependence of infiltrational ability upon degree of cementation of soil. Komaray objectB to their findings on grounds of their *purely qualitative" nature. 2. Tsytovich,, who (20., 212 22) held that Card 2/5 Investigation of Water Permeability of Frozen Soil non-freezing water is in equilibrium with outer influencess to., pressum, and concentration and composition of water-solvent salts. 3, L, N, Stepenov., who in 1951 derived a filtration coefficient equalling 3 nVoin based on a test of seepage Into frozen sand; his results agreed wen with Sonrov's,, 4. Ye. N. TAU% who In spring of 1954 studies frozen chestnut-brown coil and concluded that low to of such soil can obstruct its saturation by melt water whenever the pores along which seepage wyes are fine and when ice plugs blocking further penetration of water are formed, 5, Observational materials of the Valdai Scientific-laventlixt=7 Fjdrological Lsbomtor7 (VNIM) (7, 8) collected froa 1950-51 which he considers mat suitable for analyzing seepage pattern of walt water penetrating fro"n soil during snow thawing; data of this laboratory confira in essence the author's conclusions on this question. In 1950,, for drainage area No, 3j, the runoff coefficient in the first thawing days am - c. 0. 2 . in the xdd-perlod . c. 1. 0,, and c. 0. 8 at the end. In contrast., an increased seepage of melt water at the inception of snow thawing occumd in 1951 (Abstractor's Comments author does not so state,, but presumbly the increased seepage took place in a& areas). Urd 315 Investigation of Water Permeability of Frozen Soil Two tables in text sent data 1) characterizing mechanical composition of test sands and 23ron soil qualities (porosity, maximum hygroscopic humidity,, and minimum, field moisture capacity) for five catpgories of depths down to 50 cm, arranged by 10 cm, intervaLj. Three text figures are graphs portraying: 1) intensity and amount of water seepage; variation in to of frosen sand at different depths. 2) filtration coefficient of frozen sand as a function of its humidity (before freezing) and 3) results of tests made from 14-15 June 1954 giving intensity of "sped water., amount of water entering since the start of the test, pattern of soil to at depths of 4, 11., and 16 ciao water and air to. vberein soil was thawed from beneath at the and of the tests. One formula in presented on page U,, having the form jim. - l5e -0029% - 0.=,, in which KH is the filtration coefficient of frozen send and alpha ta the wetness of the sand, prior to freezing., In % of dr7 batch weight. Tbere am 25references,, of which 23 are Slavic,, I Englishl, and I Swedish. Card4/5 Imestigation of Water Permeability of Frozen $oil ASSOCIATION: Author was associated with the Central Permafrost Laboratory of the . Academy of Sciences of tbe U.S.S.R. in connection with conducted tests. PMENTED BT: SUBMrr=1 I AVAIUMt Card 515 - -- ---- - ---- --- - -- -- - -- - - --- --m KOKAROT, T.D. - I Water permeability of frozen sand. Kat. po lab. isel. serzl. grunt. no,3:142-148 157. (NIU IOS11) - (SwA) (Pbrmability) (Frozen ground) KOMROV, V. .iaory and colculation (prognosta) of snow high water of small loifland rivers. Trudy TSIP no-50:3-39 157. (KM 10:8) (stream measurements) KOKO V I - -*V-. Y-n-. "W"Wep Isboratory Investigation of water permeability of frozen grounds, Trudy TSIF no.54t3-:.W 157. (KM 10a) (Irrosen ground) (Boll absorption) J, AUTHOR: Komarov, V. D. 50-58-3-4/22 TITLE: Re~;ularities in the Distribution of Coefficients of Snowmelt Flood Flow ank of the Looses of Melted Snow in the Time of Myeltinc on the Territory of the European Part of the USSR (Oanovnyye zakonomernosti raspredeleniya koeffitsiyentov stoka snegovogo polovodlya i poter' vod v period tayaniya na Yevropeyskoy territorii SSSR) PERIODICAL: tleteorologlya i Gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 3, pp 28-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Beginning from the year 1947 a number of invectigations was published which represent the conditions of the formation of the spring efflux and which also contain the data on the coefficients of the spring efflux and the losses of melted snow in the time of melting in individual water reservoirs and regions of the European part of the Soviet Union. The paper by P. F. Idzon on the distribution of tha coefficients of the spring efflux and the losses of melted water on the European territory of the Soviet Union was also published But Idzen was forced to use very approximate charts of norms Card 1/3 of the water supplies in the snow blanket and of the efflux ~A Regularities in the Distribution of Coefficients of 50-58-3-4/22 Snowmelt Flood Flow and of the Losses of Melted Snow in the Time of Melting on the Territory of the European Part of the USSR in the period of flowoff an basis for his calculations. The spring precipitations were very approximately calculated, too. The observation data collected at present on the efflux of the rivers in the poriod of floodo,and its factors permit completely to determine the regularity of the geographical distribution of the quantities of the losses of melted snow in the'time of melting and of the quantities of efflux of the melting in the European part of the USSR. The solution of this problem is facilitated by the fact that during recent years the method for the calculation of the partial values of the water conservation of the water reservoirs in the period of floods was already considerably determined. Now it is also possible to subject to an analysis the already determined regularities of the variation coefficient of the spring efflux in this reGion. For the investigation of the lose distribution of melted snow in the flat land of the European part of the USSR the observation data for the time from 1936 to 1953 were treated according to a uniform method. These data referred to 95 water reservoirs mainly with a Card 2/3 surface of from 3.000 to 12-000 km2. Among this material were Regularities in the Distribution of Coefficients of 50-t~-3-V22 Snowmelt Flood Flov and of the Losses ~ of Melted Snow! in the Tine of Melting on the Territory of the European Part of the USSR also the data on the efflux of the rivers in the time o:t floods, on the water supplies in the snow blanket at the J ')eginning of the melt, on theice crust on the surface of the ground, on the precipitations in the time of snow-melting etc. The data given in the article confirm that in the wcod zone the losses of melted snow can be coneLderable and re- present a water layer of a height of about 30 mm. This '9 quantity completely corresponds to the chart (figure 1). The distribution of the multiannual averace quantitiet of the efflux of the snow floods in the region is represented on anotherchart (figure 2). The course of the isocurites of the quantities of efflux is in connection with the distribution in the region with summary losses, as well as with the water supplies in the snow blanket plus the precipitations in the melting period in the time from 1936 to 1953. There are 2 fipres and 22 references, all of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 1. Snow--Melting Inland waterways--Water supply 3. Water --Conservation 4. Hydrology--USSR M EVAROT. T.D. Q~-- ~- - ~-- - ~~i - I Problem in Nydrological forecasting. Factors governing spring discharges of rivers In the forest som of the Buropean part of the U.S.S.R. Traft.1nip ad.75:3-10.158 (MM 11tu) '(Rlv;rs) - KOMROV, V. D.: Doc Geogr Sci (diss) -- "The spring runoff of tile plains rivers of the European portion of the USSR, the conditions of its formation, and methods of prognosis". Moscow, 1959. 24 pp Qlain Admin of the Hydrome teoro logical a Service of the Council of Ministers USSR, Central Inst of Weather Forecasting), 150 copies (U, No 13, 1959, 101) KOKAROT, Valentin DpitrAyevich; WBBOTIN, A.I..; SOROXIIFA, 9:116.1,111 -i-, aw.-i-l" "p I.K., tekhn,red, (Spring runoff of lovland rivers in the Puropean part of the U.S.S.R., conditions influencing its formation and methods used In predicting It] Vesennii stok ravninnykh rek Ivro- paiatkoi chasti SSSR, uslovila ego formirovaniia I metody prognozov. Moskva, Gidrometeor.izd-vo (otd-nle). 195P. 294 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Runoff APOLLOV, Borio Aleksandrovich; XAL;U111, Gennsdiy Pavlovich; NONARQX,-- Valentin Daltriyovich; SUTILINA. M.N., red.;'TUDIMIMT, O.G., teZZ-r-ed.-, [Hydrological forecostIl Gidrologicheskis prognosy. Leningrsd4 Gidrowteor.lzd-va 1960. 406 p. (KIRA 13:11) N*;rology) _SatG arjRrN5N% ~ _... 1. 6 s/196/63/000/001/009/035 F,193/E383 AUTHORS, Fesenico, Ye.G., Karamarov, O9P#)_4omLe~rqM_t_Y.D. -and Shpolyanskiy, Ya-A. TITLE: A study of the effect of isomorphic displacement of T! ions by Cr, Mn, Co or Ni ions on the phase- transformation in BaTiO 3 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elelctrotekhnika i enersetileca, no. 1, 1963, 18, abstract'l B58- (In collection: Segnet-oolektriki (Perroelectrics), Rostov-na-Don'u, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 96-loo) T EXT: BaT:L0_ specimens, pure and with Cr., Mn, Co or Ni additions, were stadied. The pure i specimens were synthesized from BaCO and TiO (with 1 t4ole 0,,, exces; of the latt-er constituent) 0 at a sintering temperature-of 15;3 K'(1280 C). For the preparation'of alloyed specimens, BaTiO powder with Cr 20 MnO Coco NiO or Ni2o additions was ball-Ailled for 4 h, 004actea and KIntered in a hlit furnace. It'was established that replacing the Ti ions -Ln BaTiO by Cr, Mnt Co or Ni increased the rate of .recrystallization ana reduced the sintering temperature and the Card 1/2 A study of S/196/63/000/001/009/035 E193/E383 temperature at which the perovskite modification changed to hexagonal. Comparison of the results of X-ray of the temperature-dlpendence of v in the 293-413 OK (20- 0 'C) range (at 5.x 10 c.p.s.) and measurements of the Piezomodulus of various specimens led to the conclusion that.- depQndin on the' temperature of the final sinter"ng 0 9 1703 OK, i.e. 143o 0 1 (1653 K., 1-0 e. 1380 C f or C) - specimens with a low concentration of Ni and Co (and, probably, Cr'and ~jn) additions could-have either Perovskite or hexagonal structure with correspondingly high or low values of c . The state and properties Of specimens after repeated annealing depended On the temperature of the last treatment, which indicated that the transformation from perovskite to hexagonal .Modification was reversible. There are 2 fig'ures and 3 references, [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 L /Epw(,p On A -r-7 5), ,(,m A 3/00-98/63/000/00,005l/E051 SOURCE: M- Mika.- Abs- 4EN3 AUTHOR: Fewnko, Yee O.'P.; Kbmaroy, Y. D.; Sbpolyan&17~ Yas A. TME: Investigation of Vaf .--e Of Ti-- ions by- -Ur-f-n- -pbase trawformations in BaiO sub 3 CRija nd o a on .gr Cum Sb. qjS,egaetoel ektriki. Rostov-na-Donq, Rostovs un-t, 1961, 90--ioo TOPIC TAGS: Barium titamte, effecrt of loomorphous substitutionso dielectric prcperties,, piezoelectric modulus, TRAMMION: An X-ray structural investigation vus made of Ba Ti 0 sub 3 with different. additives, the. dielectric constant Epsilon vas measured by a resonant method, azA the static plezo-modulus was measured, Replacement of the TI. ions with Ni and Co Ions leads to a reduction In . the tramsition t=pemture of - the perovskite modiflcaUcn Into.'% hmgon., With increasing Ni concentration, a deareane in- the Curie tempemture and In the maximan of Epsilon takes place, and 1/2 Card L AR306D 2pr-.:Le disappear. at a 6oncentration'Nigreater than 2%,-the ferroglectric pro The ~de=ease~ in- the Curie temperature is connected with a decrease of the spontaneous deformation- Of Ba, Ti 0 sub 3 Upon introduction of the Ni ions, while the decrease of Epsilon and the disappearance of the ferroelectric propwties with appearance of non-ferroelectric hexagonal modification. The piezowdulus of specimens with 0415% nickel does not. change, while at 0.5% it decreases to 220-2.50 absolute units,,and at the same time there Is a noticeable increase in the stability of the piezo-nodulus with time* For specimens with Co, no hexagonal phase Is observed up to 6% Co., 71he piezo-modulus d sub 3 sub 3 in specimens with 1.,s.6% co, amounts to 350,450 absolute units - and bas - high -ttAe - stability- Foi~_ specimens -with Cr and- Mn - -a~. feature Is a reduction in 4silon without a change in the Curie temperature, this being connected with the fo=tiort of the hexago phase. When the content of cr and Mn is greater thm, a 2%, the hexagonal phase occupies more than 50% of the volume of the specimen, wbile the,' remaining volune contains the peroveldte modification with a spontaneous deformation 0#01 vhich is characteristic of Ba Ti 0 sub 3. The plezo-Modulus, does not -change -upon intr~oductiou of Cr and Mao L, Hirkin DATE ACQ: .101%Y63 EXCL: 00 gn OMS: PH Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4042160 S/0196/64/000/005/BO19/BO19 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnilm I energetika, Abs. 5B82 '.JLUTH0R-. Fesenko,,.Ye. G.; Prokopalo, 0. L; Komarov, V. D.-, Shpolyanskiy, Ya. A. 'TITLE: Investigation of'the, influence of modifiers with pentavalent cations on the properties of barium titanate CITED SOURCE: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-LA, vy*p. 51, 1963, 2~2-259 TOPIC TAGS: pentavalent cation, barium titanate, dielectric property,', x ray. diffraction analysis, crystal lattice ITANSLATION: Dielectric properties were investigated of ceramic samples of VaTiO with different concentrations of Impurities Of V 205 (0. 8; 1. 6; 2, 4 mole 76), Sb 20 3 .::(:l;-2; 3; 5 mole %), Nb2O and ta205 (0-5; 10'3'-* 5; 10 mole the dependence of. on the intensely. ?f a variable electriv field. (Eup to 12 kv/Fx~) reversible 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4042160 4 (OUP^ to 10 kv/cm) at 50 cps,, hysteresis loop, piezoelectric modulus d and 12??es of dependence on temperature of e from 20 to-1600C (for samples with impur, V205 at 1 Mc and E = 30 v/cm, for samples with impultie3 of Sb2O5 at I ke and t.= 200 v/cm. X-ray diffraction analysis of samples was also conducted. Alloyed i impurities were introduced Into preliminarily synthesized BaTi03 by means of 1 4 hour mixing in a ball mill and subsequent sintering at 1350-1450"C. Introduction Of V205 does not change the character or the dependence or t on temperature; however, e at 6 decreases and 0 is displaced in the direction of low temperatures (~Y 3 to 4 degrees if the samples were burned at 1330'C, and up to 7 degrees if the samples were burned at 1425"C). Samples with lowered 0 possess, accordingly, lowered tetragonality. With increase of concentration of V20 d decreases and with Sb205 impurities, t depends i ' P? t at 0 is P is increased. In BaTiO 3 on sharply lowered, and the mean value Of c/a decreases. The assumption is made that in these samples there takes place the mechanism of relaxation polarization. With the increase or concentration of Sb205, d33 decreases (upon addition of 5 mole % Sb 205-* d33 decreases from 45 to 60 cges). With.the growth of f from 60 kc to 20 Me,, t decreases, and tan8 grow3. In BaT'03 with 1'r0205 impurities, with the increase of concentration of impurities, e at 0 decreases almost by one order; however, the value"of 8 is not changed. Analogous results-were also obtained for BaTiq~ with k,clrd 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AIR4042160 i Ta_,~05 impurities. Decrea3e*of e in these samples' (with impurities of Rb2P5 and jTa205) is explained by the structursl distortions of the crystal lattice, and also I partially by the presence of intercrysta,11ine layers of ceramics. The assumption )on the stabilization of ferroelectric modification of BaT'03 upon addition of '~-valent cation impurities is confirmed by the fact that upon alloying them with ,~a=3, formation of a nonferroelectric hexagonal phase is not observed. Five ,illustrations. Bibliography: 10 references. (Rostov-on-Don State University]. SUB CODE: IC, SS- ENCL- 00 Cord 313 XAKHANOVO V.Gr.; MUM, V.D. Mectric ei-t-cuit for control b~ inducAlson brakIng during the testing of automobile units. kvt. prom. 30 no.lltl&,Il V 164. (KM is 12) 1, Moskovskiy aytozavod Imeni Likhachava. BEFANI, Nen.11a Feofanovna; KALININ, Gennadly Pavlovichj 04AROV, V.D.p ot.v. red.; KOZHTNA, Z.M.p red, - (Exercises and methodological developments on hydrologic forecasts] Uprazhneniia i metodicheskie razrabotki po d1grc- logicheskim prognozam. Leningrad# Gidrometeoizdat, 1.965. 438 P. (MIRA 18:5) -T. 2Wm66 rjp(o JDA.' k~C N% AP51028115 OURCE CCDE: UR/0048/65/629/011/2038/204.1' AMOR: Komarov,V. 1~4, I 0; L~ ~01(opallto-x.; Fasonko Yo~G. ORG: R"tov-on-the Don State University'(Rostovskly-na-Donu gosudarstvonyy universitet) A-ALI b TITLE: Clagsification of dopants for barium titanate ~ieport, Fourth All-Union -_ Conference on Ferro-electricity held at Rostov-on-the Don 12-16 September 19617 _Ak~ SOUPCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Serlya fizicheakaya, v. 20, no. 11, 1965, 2038-2041 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material;' ~barkun' titanate, dopant ABSTRACT: It is proposed that dpoonts for barium titanate be classified into the following fcar groups: A) those which monotonically shift the Curie point wiViout reducing the dielectric constant or giving rise to appreciable reinxation polnriza- tion; B) those which at lrjw concentrations do not considarably low-or the Curie point and at large concentrations give rise to relaxation polarization processes; C) those which do not greatly shift the Curie point but reduce the dielectric constant at all temperatures owing to the formation of compounds that are not isomorphous with barium titanate; and D) those which considerably reduce the Curie temperature with an accompanying general reduction of.the dielectric constant at higher,concentrations owing to transformation of the barium titantate to the hexagonal (nonferroe.'Lectric) modification. Twenty-two dopants are assigned to these ilasses as shown In the table. LCord 1/2