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-&QWOV L.Ye.p kand.tekh.nauk Practice in preventing spoilage in foundries abroad. Biul. tekh.--ekon.inform.Goo.,nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.9.-84-86 162, (MIRA 15:9) (Founding) LANA.T.3VI A.A.; OSTROV, Ye.I.; IVANIOV, D.P.# daktor tekhn. nauk,, reteenzent; IIQI~IAROVp L.Ye.,. kand. tekhn. nauk, red. (Gaetirg gay ow-It Jro- par-O for ztntov voldolos; prd(tlco of tlia Likhachov Automobile Plant) Froizzvodstvo a,.to-,*bij,- rqkh otlivok iz norogo c~ugwia; jz opytA Ma. Jzd- vo "21-lashinostroenis,n 1964. 143 p. (MIRA .17: 8) kand. selfskokhoma. wauk Plowing on slopes. Zemledelie 26 no.8:34-36 Ag 16,1. (MM I. Voronezhekiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy inatitut. - Ili L 38558-66 Z1T(tn)/E'WP (v)/T/~W ffi""~'5'1 V'Tr'~ P ( cJ D/v/a) ACC NRt AT6012405 SOURCE. CODZI UR/OOOO/65/6WW 95/0 A MHOM Guseva, Ye. A.; Komarov, U. A.; Voroblyeva, L. P.; Savitskiyj L~A. ORG: none TIM: Structural and propIerty changes of the basic metal and welded joints of alloy VT'15 during heat treatment SOURCE: Soveshchaniye-.Po metallokhimii, metallovedeniyu i brimeneniyu titans. i Yego' splavov, 6'th. Novyye ipsledovaniya titanovykh splavov (Now research on titanium alloys); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 295-300 -74 Ae0F&,er,%- I TOPIC TAGS: Atitanium. alloy, metal welding* metal property, weld heat treatment Vv'5 titanium alloy ABSTRACT: The aging process of the basic metal and welded joints of alloy VT'15 was experimentally investigated on specimens which (after quenching in water from 600C) had the following properties: 6" 2 =*101-5 kem~2, 6- 0.2 ' 100-7; 6 = 11.7%, 0( 6.2 kg /cm2, bending angle - 750- The ructlaral,* mechanical, and electrical resistance changes after heat treatmenhere investigated. Quenching temperatures Were varied from 650--1100C (quenching in water after 15 min at temperature) and aging temperatures from 300--600C. Curves of resistivity and c~ as a function of quenching and aging temperature are prooontod 41ong with oz=plo photographo of the corresponding microstructures -and the results are simnn ized in t1wo tables. It was Card.112 k-, CR C Cranes, Din-rrickop E.-'tc Dynamic phenomcna ol" hciot cranes., No. 1, 1947. 9. Monthl List of RU5si= Accessions, Library of Congress, December -195j, Uncl. 2 ~,.n~t ACT Sci ~Glmn of or Voro-ozll, IWI'i. XVASNIXOV, V.V. (Voronezh); XOMOV, R.I. (Voronezh) Intensity of carbonic acid liberation in soil when using plows with and without a moldbORrd [with summary in Saglishl. Pochvo- vedenie no.7:47-51 J1 157. (MIRA 10:-Il) (Gases in soils) (Carbon dioxide) (Plowing) Country t USSR Category i Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plantso 0 Abs Jour s' RZhBiol No 6, 1959, No 25230 Author Nomarov Mo la Inst , Title i Use of-Aerosols. ln..Vlne~?ards, Orig hib : bad i ogorod, 1958, No. 61 67-40 Abstract A successful treatment of the vineyards in Krasnodarskiy Yxay in 19571 with the aerosol of a 90 percent solut:kon,of Cu naphthenate in solar oll for the controi of mildew is re- ported'. Card 2/3. KOMAROVp M.I., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk. IncrOa3e the speed of grain sowing units. Zemledelie 25 no.4z 28-3~ AP 63. (=A~16:5) 1. Voronezhakiy sellskokhozyaystvannyy institut. (Grain) (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) 1" kl,A~.~~' ROKHL L N ;F SHTYKIN, R.Z,,. -nw-li-, Rc-T)a-l r f, 5 C5 -01 i-B n t~ a---. - r, e mont suid ~--:qy. k b d' zel I -rt:;neVa: . -,e Ill .3 i.59 P, Dinamika gruzo-rIlleiany1di mashir. DynEv..-Lics of hoisting macli'n~-r-jj. Kiev. 1953. 189 p. Vol. 6 'No. 12 March 1954 SO: Monthly List-of Ru;3oLa IMAROT H.S., doktor tekWchemkIkh nank, professor; KUHIMMSH. H.S.. takbnlche~kM nauk, dotsent. An electric-drive vibrati saw. Vgst.mash. 35 no.10*69-70. 0 155. 1 (5&V936 (RLRA 9:1) SOV/IZ4-58-5-4987 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr5, p7(USSR) AUTHOR' Komarov, M.S. TITLE: The Dynamics of Wei :_;ht -loading a Two-body Elastic System (Dinamika nagruzheniya dvukhmassovykh uprugikh sistem silami vesa) PERIODICAL- V sb.,, Nekotoryye vopr. dinamiki mashin. Llvov, un-t, 1956, pp 90-106 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the free vibrations of a system of two weights placed upon springs. Formulae are given for de- termining the largest forces absorbed by the springs under given initial conditions of motion of the weights. In the deriva- tion of the formulae no allowance is made for the forces of fric- tion, and it is assumed that the largest value for the sum of the two harmonic functions (having different periods and initial phat~es) will equal !ilic arithmetic sum of the amplitudes of the individual functions. Pecause of this the forces in the springs, as determined by these formulae, will be overrated. The prob- lem of the free vibrations of two weights has already been con- sidered many times in this particular formulation. Card 1/1 1- Dynamics-,-Theory 2. Vibrations--Mathe- M.Ya. Kushul' matical analysis 3. Harmonic funct.ions !~ , .1 KOZLOT, Ivan Stepanovich; SOLOGUB, Vikolay Ayramovich- KmRRTAA5._ doktor takhnichaskikh nauk. retsenzeat; MEWS, T.N., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk, retmanzent; SIRDYUK. V.K., redaktor; RUDXNSKIY, Ya.T.. takhnicheekly redaktor Elfachine-shop pract-Ica] Praktika slesarnogo dela. Kiev, Goo. n6uchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroite lit-r7, 1957. 235 P. (Machine-shop practice) (KLRA 10:9) SOV/124-58-11 - I?- 150 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 26 (USSR) T IT LE: A Theoretical Determination of the Dvnamic Loads Absorbed by Weight-hoisting Mechanisms (Teoret~icheskoye opredeleniye dinamicheskikh nagruzok, vosprinimayemykli mekhanizmami gruzopod'Iyemnykh mashin) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. teorii i rascheta podIyemno-transp. mashin. Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1957 V pp 42-47 43 ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the dynamic loads absorbed by weight- hoisting mechanisms in such cases as the hoisting of a weight and in the rolling motion of a crane, both cases representing two-body systems with elastic connections between the two bodies. For a high-frequency system the author gives a simplified solution for a case in which the motor has a constant starting torque, in which the rheostat does----and does not-- -have a prestarting stage, and in which the system is braked by a constant braking torque. He gives a similar but much less complicated solution for a low-frequency Card 1/1 system wherein the starting torque of the motor is variable. M.K.Kristi 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SUV/1802 -Komarov, Mikhail Stepano.vich, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Opredeleniye raschatnykh nagruzok proizvodstvennykh mekhanizmov i mashin (Determining Design Loads for Mechanisms and Machines) Kiyev, FLashgiz, 1958. 141 p. (Series: Biblioteka konstrulctora) Errata:slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency:. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo mashinostro-. itellnoy promyshlennosti. Kiyevskaya. oblastnaya organizatsiya. Reviewer: B.Ye. Bioydo, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed.: V.I. Lauta, Engineer; Chief Ed. (Ukrainian Division, Mashgiz):'V.K. Serdyuk, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for machine designers. COVERAGE: 'The book presents methods for determining static and dynamic design loads to which machines and their parts are Card 1/5 Determining Design Loads (Cont.) SOV11802 aubjected during operation. Examples of design are given in- cluding practical recommendations, reference tablessand sGdards. No personalities are mentioned. There are 14 references, all Soviet.. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 I. Engines and Their Characteristics 5 1. General remarks ' engines 2. Mechanical characteristics of 3. Velocity and acceleration of engines in starting 8 4. Power and torques of engines 10 5. Examples of design 12 II. Determination of Static Resistance Forces 17 1. Forces for breaking materials (cuttings cutting-in, crushing) 1~ 2. Forces resist" plastic deformations 2 3. Elastic forces (forces resisting elastic deformation of materials) 29 Card 2/~ Determining Design Loads (Cont.) sov/18o2 4. Forces resisting motion of bodies in liquid 37 5. Forces of wind and forces of air resisting the motion of bodies 40 6. Friction forces 43 Gravity forces 49 Examples of calculations 51 III. Kinematic and Force Analysis of-Drive Mechanisms . ~62 1. Relation between velocities and accelerations in mechanisms 62 2. Relation between forces (torques) and power in drive mechanisms 64 3. Simplified schematic diagrams of mechanisms 65 4. Examples of calculations 70 IV. Dynamic Loads of Machines 74 1. General remarks 74 2. Start and braking of unloaded machines 76 3. Loading of machines after starting 78 Card 3/5 Determining Design Loads (Cont.) SOV/1802 4. Starting and braking loaded machines 82 5. Dyanmic loading of machines during steady running 87 6. Examples of calculation 95 V., Corre lation of Forces (Torques) in Mechanisms and Units of - Machines 105 1. Correlation of forces In a screw pair 105 2. Correlation of forces in bolted joints 107 3. Correlation of forces in wedged joints 110 4. Correlation of forces-in friction gears and conical friction clutches ill 5. Correlation of forces in belt, rope, and chain drives 113 6. Correlation of forces in gearings M 7. Correlation of forces in worm gearings 11 8. Examples of design 117 VI. General Practical Examples of Determining Design Loads for Meebanisms and Machines 121 1. Example of design load determination for,a disc saw 121 2. Example of design load determination for a hoist carriage 123 Card 4/5 17fiII07, Mikhail Nikolayevicho Prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk-,,KOKARO7. Mikhail Stapanovich, prof., doktor takho.nauk; b-05-R-Ovat"I T. V.A., prof., retsenzent; KURMPSH, R.S., dotsent, kand.tekhu. nauk,; KOTLYAROV, Tu.L., red.; MPIUMOt A.T., [YacUne parts and hoisting and conveying machinery] Detali mashin i pod"emno-trane-portuys mashiny. Livor, Izd-vo Llvoyakogo univ., 1961. 587 P. (min 15:2) 1. Moskovskoye, vyesheye takhnichookoye uchilishche im. Baumaua (for Ivanov), 2. LIvovskiy politekhnichookly institut (for ZDmarov). 3. Odeaskly politekhnicheskly inatitut (for Dobrovollsidy). (Hoisting, machinery) (Conveying machinery) POVIDAYID, Vladimir Alekdandrovich; SILIN, Radomir Ivanovich; SHCHIdMI, Viktor Abramovich: NOVAM N's; doktor tekhn. 0 Alt -,AW- I nauk., red. vypuskaj- FMW, red.; GMUSrAfFOLISKMA, M.S.; tekhne reda (Vibratory devices in the manufacture of machiner7] VibratsiomWe ustroistva v mashinostroenii. Moskva,! Machgiz, 1962. 109 Pi (KIR-A 15, (Machinery industry) (Vibrators) AOMAROV, Mikhail S~q~~ prof, v doktor tekhn. nauk; GNJVCHnXK37, Ye-.T.-S-ka-nd. tokbn*naukp dots,,, retoenzent; BYKOVSKIY, A.I.,; MOSTAYFOLISMA, M.S.j tekhn, red. (Dynamics of load-lifting machines) Dinami a gruzopod"emnykh mashine Izd*2*s parer, i dop. Mosk7av Mashgiz., 1962. 264 p. (MIRA 15-.10) (Hoisting machinery)_ (Cranes, derricks, etc.) Stg nauks _ ~zil~ _~jh; KURWASH; R. S. , kand. tekhn 6 1 red. vypuska; FUR&, P.Ya., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.p tekbn. red. (Loads of industrial machinery]Nagruzki proizvodstverxqkh ma- shin. Mosk7a,, Mashgizo 1962. 80 p. (MM 15:3-1) (Machinery) BERKOVICH, David Moyseyevich; WZPALOV, X.I.,, red.;,KOXA.~DV, H.S.,, red.; NEYMV, A.F., red.; RABINOVICH, A.U., red.; SHATS, Ya.Yu,,, red.4 FUEER, P.Ja., red.; GORHOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.0 tekhn. red. (Inertial forces in engineering and their balancing) Sily inertaii v tekhnike i ikh uravnoveshivanie. Moskva, Mash- giz, 1963. 99 p. (MIRA 16t4) (Moment of inertia) (Balancing of machinery) UMA&L-Y-Ahail Stepnavlch- KUMOASH, R.S., red. vMiska; FURER, F.Ya., red.; GOObSTAYPOLISKAYAO K.S., tekhn. red. [Designing machinery] Nak konstruirulut mashiny. Moskvap Mashgiz, 1963. 73 P. (HIRA 16:7) (Machinery-Design and construction) NEFEDOV, Aleksandr Fedorovich; DOLJGOPOLISKIY, N.A., inzh., red. vypuska;,,~ARff,jj,S-, otvatstvennyy redaktor; HMEW-XI., red.; RABIROVICH, A.N., red.; SHATS, Ya.Yu., 'red.; FUHR, P.Ya., red.; GORUOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., takhn. red. (Mechanization of loading and unloading operations in automotive transportation] Mekbanizatsiia pogziizochno- razgruzoehnykh rabot pri avtomobillnykh perevoskakh. Mosk7a, Hashgiz, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Transportation, Automotive-Freight) (Loading and unloading-Equipment and,supplies) 77- doktor tekhn. nauk GLUSHMENKO, Illya PGtrovich,-IWUt,~ prof,, otv. red.; LOTLYAROV, YU_ red. C' I [Futdamentals of the design Of tain transmissions with bushed-roller chains] OsnoNT proektirov.-nita tsepnykh Fereedach s vtulochno-rolikovym! tsepJami. LIvov, Izd-vo LIvovskogo univ., 1964. 225 p. (MIM. 17:9) STOLYARCIPJK, Vsevolod Filippovich; KOMOV, prof., otv, red.; GRILENKO, L.., red. (Dynamics of vertical hoisting] Dinardka vertikallnogo pod-ema. Livovy Izd-vo LIvovskogo univ., 1965. 150 P. (MIRA 18:9) ACC Nib - Ap7w5663 carries one of the printing elements and W -counect" to the armatiwe of its own elec- tromagnetic drive* . 1--element printing mechaniang 2-clectro-. I J magnetic drive- 3-PrinUng , ten-, 5-rachet feed nechanjul 3..", material T-iWwd ribbon , D=:: -.0700t6h Col 2/ wd . . . ... .... 7~= XOMOV, No, inzh.-podpolkovulk .. WVdavelopments In auto conatruction. Voen. vast. 39 no.8:77-82 Ag 159. (IA,4tomobile industr3r) (MRA 12110) KOMAWT,.-#P,.-.Y I - .~, - rl- - Recent hydraulic machinery. Isobr.i rats. no.11:8-9 N 158. :12) (MIRA 11 (Hydraulic machinery) Som.e questions ori the production of penicillin and aureorVcin. p. 93 Kbimiia I Industriia Vol. 30, No. 31 195b. Sofiia BulEaria Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 10, Oct. 56 Device for dissolving sodium sulfide. P. 93 Khimiia I Industriia Vol. 30, No. 3, 1958. Sof-lia Bulgaria Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCj Vol. 7j, No. 10, Oct. 58 DOMMSKlys, M-9 kand.tekhn.nauk; FOHAROVq N, ations. New system of planning,and accounting in dredging oper (MIRA 15s4) Mm.flot 22 no*4332"33 ip g62. I;aehglorik Arkhangellskogo upravleniya Putio (Dredging-Accounting) IAVRENTIYEV,, H.; KOMAROVP N, Secret of sucoesso Rechetransp. 22 no,.1:18-19 Ja 163. t.- . (MIRA 16:2) 1. Zamestitell-nachallnUa otdelh paseazhirskikh perev!ozok Vo'lzhakago ob"yedinenacigo/rer,-I"nogo parolldiodstva (for. Lav'rent 'Yev). 2. Kapitan teplokhoda "Mikhail Kutimov" (for Komarov). (Herchant aeamen) KOMAROVS N.; KOSTRYUKOV, As Give chief attention to the chomical industry construction projects. Fin.SSSR 39 no*2:22-25 F 164o (IURA 17:2) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Saratovskoy kontoroy Stroybank-a (for Kowov). 2. Nachallnik Planovg-ekonomich*skogo,ptdela Saratovskoy koAtory Stroy- banka (for Kostryukov). L 81' 3 8 _6- 6 DJ.)'V, ..... AL*Z~,,-NR, A~F410113412 BOURO, CODE M/031V/05/000/009/0009/0013~ AUTHOR: KomEkXQj,, ~_.,,(Bngineer -Golonel) rw r-n o z oi (Engin Lie ORG: Ilona -~ITITM: Initiativ~ ~of armored twik company to honor tile soth annivers"arl of Great October, SOURCE Takhnika i vooruzheniye,:'noe~ 99 -.~CPIC TAGS: grotmd for' orCpknization- ordnance, armored vohiale :Military tank, training". ABSTRACT: The authors 'praise the itiativo'bf an armored tank compan in commanded by Captain A.: Shipkov. The oompany makes part of the Guard tank regiment attaohed to tho Soviet armed forces in East Germany. ' The .-company appealed to other Soviet ;failitary units in G(3rn, any to initiate .competition for the first place in combat and operational readiness mainteranoo of equipmeiit and savings in material. The heroi inbluding pAst of the regim, ant (October Revolution, Civil liiar and Second 'Vorld War) A s glorified and pledges for- further achievownts and improvements .are cited. The pledgos cover:,-bqttor tr ,aining, flexible'interchange 1/2 Card I Steps and factors in the evolution of tt;(, ~Iogotativt covcr cf the chvrncz~-m stonppcs; Mookwa, G jos. izd-vo lit-ry. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I May -1954 Uncl. 2 ORG- All-Union Ifeat Engineering Institute (VsezqyuzW teplotekhnicheskiy institut) TITIS: Thermic characteristics of heating turbine model T-100-130-TRZ SOURCE- Teploonarptika, not U, 1965, 12-20 TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectric power plant, power generating station -and- cwet~-tV*iha wad'init -model,-a 0-T-1, !!1. I-Si tir~a p ABSrIUCT. The first i- TErs-20 at Moscow in 1963. i s- diid d t* mv)ly nordnal loads of 100 ~Nr electric power ard lF6 (160 Gcal/hrFh"eat energy, The turbine h;ts a number of new features: a t-vm-utappo hoatinv system for vater qupplyj an increased ranee of pressure c.' steam, from o.6 to 2.5 at. in the upper, from 0.5 to 2.0 at. in the 1cwer takeoff point; heat outlets for heating water in the turbine condensors, Ths turbins can operate in one condene:ttion and three heating regimes, depend- inp on the time of year. Graphs presented in this article show the thernic characteristics produced in tests with the unit operating in a.11 four regimes, 7'm.e tests fihowed the unit to be reliable and efficient, more efficient than the factory guarantee by about 5%.. _Tbe turbine is capable of turning out log Card 1/2 UDC- 621- NR# ' in the coL Mv --Aensation and 120 MW in the heating regimes, although the generators bsin.g. used with it are capable of ohly 100 W. Detailed recomendations for izVrovin I'the operational characteristics of the equipment and increasing reliability are p-ib. lished in Elektrichagkiye Stantaii, no. 1, 1965 (artio19 by Tomarov, Pechenldn, Bunin Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 2 tables. LbRf SUB CODE: 10 SUM DATE: none ORIG REF: 003 C42.-d K(MAROV, N.F.,p inzh.; KOVETSKIY, V.M.., 1nzh,; RUZANIKOV, V.N. Results of heat tests of tho K-200-1-30 turbIno. ToploonargiAika 12 no.6:61-66 Jo 165. (Mai 18:9) 1 *Vsecoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut i Vostochn~y filial Vsesoyuznogo teplotekhnicheskogo instituta, Chelyabinsk. RUBINSHTEYN,. Ya.M., doktor tekhn, nauk; SOKOLOV., Ye.Ya., doktor tekhn. nau'k; KOMROV N,F, in?,h.1 BUNINO V.S., inzh.~ RUIZIAMOV, V.N,,, inth, 9 Thermal characteriDtics of the T-100-13 central heating .m turbine. Teploonergetika 12 no.11:12-20 N 165. (MMA 18;10) 1, Vse6oyuzrqy teplotekhnicheskiy institut, GRINIo FoOs [reviewer]: XOWOV, H-P- (author]. 'Stages and factors of evolution of the Boteshur.lUkT.1 9 no,1184-87 152. vOg~t&tlOn of chernoxem ste"sq.w WU 6:21) (8tappes) (romarov, A SOV/96-58-5-1/2? AUTHORS: Rubinshteyn, Ya.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Gribkov, M.N., Komarov, A.F. "andYedigarev, L.V., Engineers TITLE: Results of Modernisation of Turbines, Type SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Works (Rezultaty modernizatsii turbiny tipa SVK-150 IMZ) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr 5, PP 3 - 9 ~USSR). ABSTRACT: Test results on the first turbine, type 6VK-150, published in Teploenergetika, 1956, nr 8, showed that its heat consumption was 3% above the guarantee figure. Accordi- ly, the design of the similar turbine vr 3 for the Cherepet/7 .Power Station was modernised and the steam conditigns were altered to 170 atm. and 570 OC with reheat to 525 C. The improvements consisted of providing stationary and working blades of new aerodynamic profiles for all stages of the high- pressure cylinder. The double-row regulating stage was devel- oped on the basis of the MEI (Moscow Power Institute) data. A 9th stage was installed in the high-pressure cylinder. Various constructional improvements and some alterations to the thermal circuit were also made. To determine the effectiveness .of these measures, the vTI (All-Union Thermotachnical Institute) made tests at Cherepet/'..' GRES (Cherepet": Power Station) card,/fn turbine Nr 31 type oVK-150, in April- June, 1957- SOV/0,6-58-5-1/2? Results of Modernisation of Turbines Type SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Work6 The thermal circuit of the turbine set is given in Figure 1 which shows the point at which measurements were made. The test conditions and measurements are then described in some detail. The intended tests with and without the regenerative circuit in operation as well as heat-balance tests could not be run in the purely condensing condition and only four tests were made with the high-pressure heaters disconnected. Details are given of the parts of the equipment that were operating, the type of measuring instruments used and various special features of the oper 'ating conditions. In order to determine the thermal characteristics of the turbine, the results of heat-balance tests with the regener- ative sjstem. in operation were geferred to the designed steam conditions of 170 atm. and 550 C. The test results for turbine Nr 3 were compxed with those for turbine Nr 1, the prototype on the basis of the guarantee conditions for the latter. In particular, the steam temperature after reheat and the consumption of feedwater for reheat A ction were taken from the same calculated data as for Nr 1. uard2~~ SOV/96-58-5-1/2? Results of Modernisation of Turbines Type SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Works Steam- and heat-consumption figures as functions of powar output for turbine Nr 3 are plotted in Figure 2. The SDecific heat-consumption for Nr 1 is also indicated,by dotted fibves. The data rel.ate to the use of Vo boilers, i.e. with steam consumption exceeding 240 tons/hour. Turbine efficiency figures for three operating c3nditions are recorded in Table 1, which shows a mean improvement in efficiency for the three conditions of the order of 2.1%. Table 2 compares the heat- consumption of turbine Nr 3 with the works Suargntee figures. when the steam conditions are 1?0 atm. and 550 0, and the steam at the inlet to the medium-pressure cylinder is at the designed temperature. For the three test conditions on vr 3, the heat-consumption exceeds the guarantee figure (without tolerance) by 1.1%, as against 3% for Nr 1. The improved heat- consumption of Hr 3 is mainly due to the increased efficiencies of the high- and medium-pressure cylinders, the better opera- tion of the steam ejectors from the first tapping and the new labyrinth glands. The reasons for the improvement are then analysed in more detail. Pressure losses in the stop valves are rather high. The Card3/7 SOV/96-58-5-1/27 Results of Modernisation of Turbines Type.SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Works effect on the efficiency of opening successive nozzle valves is shown on Figure 5; comparative results for turbine ror I are also given. Figure 6 gives curves of the relative internal efficiency of the high-pressure cylinder as a function of the steam consumption. Modernisation of the flow path of the turbine has improved the efficiency of the high-pressure cylinder, with three valves open, by 7%. This is achieved mainly by the use of improved blade profiles and the addition of one pressure-stage. Tests were made with 2, 3 and 4 valves. fully open and gave efficiencies of 74.?, 78.8 and ?9.3%- rezopectively. The relative internal efficiency of the medium-pressure eyl- inder, plotted in leigure 7, remains constant at 89.5$ over a wide load ren3- a. This is 1.2,016 higher than for turbine ~r 1 and is due to small changes and better manufacture of the flow path of the cylinder. Because the thermal circuit of the turbine is otomplicated, estimates of the heat content of the exhaust steam are approximate. However, as the curve of the internal efficienay of the low-pressure cylinder, given in Figure 8, accords with Card4/T SOV/96-58-5-1/27 Results of Modernisation of Tu:rbines Type SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Works the values determined for turbine Pr 1, there is reason to suppose that the experimental values are nearly correct. Greater precision would entail special tests. With a steam flow to the condenser of 305 tons/hour, the test efficiency of the low-pressure cylinder is 66% (referred to a rated condenser pressure of 0.03 atm.). As this is lOg less than the aluiilated figure, the turbine would be expected to have an excess heat-consumption of 1.8%. The quantity of steam with- -h glands and valve-boxes of turbines drawn from the labyrint mrs 1 and 3 are given in Table 3. For turbine Pr 3, the quantity is 2.6 tons/hour less than for turbine vr 1., which reduces the specific heat consumption by 0.2%. High-pressure heaters Nrs 5, 6 and 7 and low-pressure heaters Dirs 3, 4, worked very satisfactorily bqt the drainage coolers for high-pressure heaters Nrs 6 and ? are quite ineffective,, and that for vr 5 merely reduces the temperature by about 10 C. In low-pressure heaters Nrs 1 gnd 2, the final temperature heads are very great (10 - 14 C) because of high leakage of air into the system and poor de-aeration. Card5/? Undat operating conditions there are a number of other adverse SOV/96-58-5-1/27 Results of Modernisation of Turbines Type SVK-150 of the Leningrad Metal Works factors that were not present during the tests. One is leakage of air into the vacuum system. Also, the quantity of steam supplied to the glands is 1 ton/hour more than it should be.and the feedwater consumption for reheat temperature regulation is high (up to 20 tons/hour). It is concluded that modernisation has imDroved the heat consumption of the turbine by an average of 2.1%, mainly by increasing the efficiency of the high-pressure cylinder by 6 - UY16 at steam consumptions of 300 - 460 tons/hour anL,-1 by raising the efficiency of the medium-pressure cylinder by 1.2%. The efficiency of the turbine is 'Less than the guarantee figure but is within the tolerance. The next step is to improve the efficiency of the low-pressure cylinder and also to reduce pressure losses in the d;op valve of the medium-pressure cylinder, which constitute about 25% of the total pressure-drop on the reheat system. Cerd 6/7 SOV/96-58-5-1/27 Results of Modernisation of Turbines Type SVK-150 of the Lenin&rad Metal Works There are 8 figures, 3 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: VT1 Card 1. Turbines--Design 2. Turbines--Performance ROROVINP-V.A.s inah.; KOHAROVI N.F.s inzh.; KOSTRIKINO Yu.M., kand.tekhn. nauk Withdrawl of silicon compounds with moisture separated out by the low prouaure stages of the.VK-100-2 turbine. Tepoloonergetika 7 no. 12:38-43 D 160, (MIRA 14:1) 1, Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut, (Turbines) (Feed water purification) La Iq3 ~_W KO IAARRJ4~j -oborshchikov ,&., brigadir stol7arov For the honorable title of brigade of Co=uniat labor. Gor.khoz. Moak- 33 no,6:3E~-39 Je 159- (14IRA 12: 10) 1. Derevoobdolochan kombinat No~6:Glavmospromatroymaterialov. (Moscow--Joiners) AUTHORS: Komarov, N.I.; Pilkin, 1I.G., Engineers 91-58-8-9/34 TITLE,: A Device for Straightaning Boilnr Parts (Prisposobleniyo dlya pravki detaley kotlov) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, TIr 8, pp 16-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A device for straightening out boiler parts, such as pipes and welded columns, is described and illustrated. This consists of a screw Jack acting on a supporting beam on which the part to be straightened is laid. The whole as- sembly is braced against two concrete pillars in the re- pair workshop. A simpler device for straightening pipes with a diameter of 76-108 mm is described. There are 3 diagrams. 1. Boilers--Maintenance 2. Tools--Design Cord 1/1 .~ ~'/ C) I N ~ f'~ N\~ ~ \1 , ~Q' , A- . KOKAROV, N.1 ; FARBOVSKIY, V.I., speteredaktor; PRITTKINA, L.A., red.; S.M., (Using waste products of food enterprises for livestock feed] Ispollsovanis kormovykh otkhodov pishchavykh predprilatii dlia nushd shivotnovodetva. Moskva. Piehchepromizdat, 1957. 26 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Feeding and feeding stuffs) KOHAROV, If. 1. (Surgical treatment of infected skull and brain wounds] Khtrurgicho- ekoe Ischenle infitstrovant7kh ran cherepa t mosga. facan' Tat- knigoisdat, 1957. 135 P. (MMA 11:6) (WC=) (EFJD--SMGMY) 17( SO'.r/177-58-9-31/51 AUTHOR: Komarov, N.I., Captain of the 1.1edical Corps TITLE: The Prophylaxis of Epidermophytosis and Abscesses in Military Units 'FERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, p 80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives a short review of the well-Known prophylactic measures against epidermophytosis and atecesses inmilitary units. These diseases are Ireated in dispensaries by Professor S.T. Pavlov's method. Lyubiyev's and Teymurov's pastes areprophylactically a-plied. An important prophylactic factor is the hardening of the organism and the skin by physical exercises, air and sun baths and swim:ain.- in rivers. The prophylactic measures resulted in a sick rate decrease of epidermophytosis and abscesses of about 2T% during the 1953/56 period. Card 3 /1 XORAIROV, N. 1, In memory of profeflaor V,,A. Gusyntn, Vop,neirohir. 2? no.3S54-60 NY-jo 158 (OUBTHIII, VASILIT APANAGINVICH, d.1957) AnMOT, A.A.; KOMAROT, N.L. red. (Problems of plastic surgery In craniocerebral operations; combined plastic surgery for defects of the cerebral durs, mater Iand the cranIal arch] Tqprosy plastiki v charepnomos- govoi khirurgi4; kombinirovannala plastika defektov tvardoi mozgovoi obolochkX I kostei evoda cherepa. Kazan', Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959, 77 P. (KIRA 13:2) (3KtW,SWGERY) KOMAMOV, N. 1. KomaroLv,, N. 1. "From the hauling test of CT 2-11 scraper conveyors at Donets coal field mines," Niboty DONWI (Donetskiy nauok.-issled. ugolinyy in-t), sYmposium-4, 1948, p. 38,47 Sol U-3566,, 15 March 53, (Letonis- tZhurnal tnykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) KOIJIVROV, N. 1. Coal-AIIining Machiner"f Using model UKIIG-1 combines in very thin seams. Mekh. trud. rab. 7, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. UPIUROV, H.. VITFIR, D. Experience in use of cutter-loader in mining coal from thin seams. Mast.ugl. 3 no.2:3-3 F 134. (MLRA 7.' 3) 1. Nauchnyy sotrudnik Donetskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo u,-,ollnogo instituta (for Komarov). 2. Pomoshchnik glavnogo inzhenera, ehakhty No.6-14 kombinata Stalinugoll (for Viter). (Coal mines and mining) 7 h KW VADEMIROV, Viktor Ivanovich; MERKULOV, Nikolay Tako7levich; KOKAROV, Nikolay Ivanovich; KHORIN,V.N., redaktor; ANDRZW,G.G7",~ rd tor; KOROVEMMA,Z.A., takhnicheekly redaktor a 7 r e7or (Experience In operation of coal combines for cutting sloping ng slop 1 thin seams] Opyt ekspluatateii ugolinykh kombainov dlia vyaWd dlia vy a pologopadalushchM tonkikh plastov. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, ekhisdat. 1955. 242 p. (NM 9:2) (Coal mines and mining) KOWOV,N.I., inzhanar; YATSKIKH,Y.G., Inzhener Mining coal with the UKMG cntter-looder in extremely narrow aeams. Mekh.trud.rab.9 no.8:21-24 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:10) (Coal mining machinery) KOKAROV, Hikola lv'novich; YATS=, Talarlyan Grigorlyevich; FATOZIff, .F., otv red.; MWITOV, A.,; ALAWVA, Yeje, tekhn.rad. (Experience in the effective operation of UKIG cutter-loaders in Donate Basin nines] Opyt offektivnoi raboty kombainov tMG no shakhtakh Donbassas Moskva, Uglatekhisdat, 1956. 53 p. (MIRA 14,-1) (Donato Basin--Coal mining machinery) ~OKAROT# R.I. Inzhener; FOTOLMSM, I.A., inzhener; FURMAIMM, R.I., inzhoner; iff~XH' V.Gi, inzhener. Tastixg the 19-1 and IN-2 coal cutter-loaders. Hekh.trudorab.10 no.4; 33-36 Ap 1~6. (Coal mining machinery) (MMA 9:71). 1 NOMOV, 11.11 innhoner; YATSKW, V., Inshener. I -, drifting combine. Hast.ugl.5 no.11:22 N 156. (Coal mining, mchinen,) (HIRA 10:1) LYAPIN, DOP.; YATSKIKR. VA; MHARDT. V.1.1 SMNIWV. V.V. The over-all macbanigation of cleaning and preparation work. Makh. trud, rab. 10 no-9:5-9 5 156. (HLRA 9:10) (Coal mines and mining) LTAPIN, D.P.. insh.; NOMOV, 9*1*1 inzh.; YATSKIKH, V.G., i nzh. fIV ~__ - ~__ - ; V, t'. The over-all mechanization of cleaning and preparstory work. Makh.trud.rab. 11 no.8:25-27 Ag '57. (MIRA lotll) (Coal minea and mining) MMROV, Me, insh.; PILIIff* N.G., insh. Device for straightening bo%ler parts. Snergetik 6 no.8:16-17 Ag '58. (MIRRA 1111--.-1100)~ (Boilers) KOMR~Tt.,.A.L; TATSKIKH. T.G. Performne's Of U-1 cutter-loaders In Donato Basin mineq, Ugol' Ukr. 3 no.1:35-38 A '59. (KM 12: 1) A (Coal mining machinery) LYAPS11, D.P., inzh.; KOMAROV) N.I., inzh.; SUTCHEIIK~,`, S.K., lnzh.; 1-1111 ... 7 SHAPIROY IML.- I Pos!Able area of u-sing a ciroular grader-coineyor as a type of actuating mechanism for the machine un-It naethod of Coal uAnIng in the Donctq Basin. Sbor. DLnUGl no-33:2z'~6-259 164. (1-112%11 17:11) KMUTROV, N. L. USSR/Chemistry - Production of Aluminum Feb 51 "Effpct of the Geometric Parameters Electrolytic Cell on the DiGtribution of 'Electric Energy in It," V. 14. Mashovets, IT. V. Pototskaya, IL L. Koirarov, U. F. Yuromshina, All-Union Aluminum-Mag:ies-ium Inat "Zhur Prik Khinll Vol XXIV, No 2. pp :L54-166 Studied structure of elec fld in flat model of Al 'oath with Ou electrodes and electrolyte of 1~0 g11 CUS01, 5H 0, 49 9/1 H2 so 0 and 50 9/1 ale. Clarified effect of distance from anode to side walls, depth of electrolyte, and interelectrode distance for cells with working and insulated side walls. Proposed more satisfactory formula for "reduced" cross section of electrolyte. 177T14 KOMAMV, IT. KO'3ROV, N. M. (Lecturer, CentrAl Scientific Practical Disinfection Laboratorf, Peoples' Commissariat for Agriculturet USSR). 1% t air for disinfe^,Uan and degasi- ficatLk-,,n of harness, So: V,terinariya.- 22; ~11): Januarj 1945; Uncl. TABCON 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 es 0 1 d 1 4 1 a It a If If ts Is U to a a A 13 a 17 ~l h M U a-P, 2-4-4- ..~, A 004 iff 0" jtrf:~;t ... #41al -4 A-Ug. lcilfla"th 53 horses OLL effects of Mccousal (11. a Cmpkx Ma salt at Ow -flic Rew, were daA-kd after "V*M4V of lunwe of Salk 0 tah"Sh for 13 Wis. to sk coate. dlvh~ae (U, 0.8-1 0 104./Ij~ The dam of t w" 0.(Ms to 0.1 COAS'. oven itillawimlly, Which in nortud harles 1wre"" uttasty output IS. t*204ald In "min. Afterabout0n,the diumtk COM (apm ad to about S-W am the next 44y. 0 O-C thlod" Witft I (vit"a to If atui wa% Mteitled ditet 2. 4. 6. It, at 24 tars- 4MIOU"it I's 4414""t fwlt. its saaw Orttl*4 O"14C drug (Caffelm 4w 411tAlt") 0 qfij~ and CACf, Were given ekwe With 1. but they h4J fitfle effect am the polioalog. latead of r-lkv!M thc~etf us .3 =b I lb"y iomvdwj mortality witbout RV OV: its uaruWdlvxetL-sdl=. Jf given 1-3 hr#. after ex to It, 1 r4= newer to Its aaratal c6oct. kcres"= WRY after g(T(dX I h AttfiblAtO to MdIOVILOCUIV C it D #A a At a a d a 4k 441 .00 00 -06 .00 Its* zoo ;:so r. 00 9 40 v 1 7 00 1 - I t , "N ""w-i'! 01 it cc n it It 61W A I il,, h,A 1 8 PW 0 V I at 64 M a 31 41 V 0 0 0 0 a G'* 0,411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 4 0 0 Wo 00 001000004 0 0 * 0 is 0 ei o 0 0 0 -0 Wo -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0-0 0 0- o e1 o -0 -0 0-00006640 (Soo's soil ~ MtkROVt N.M. , Dr. of Vet* 'Sai. All-Union Sci. Masearch Lab. of Vet. Sanitation and Disinfection. 111~bbile unit for mechanized disinfection with hot solutiond." SO: Voterinariia 23(7), 1951,.p. 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pm -11 = No 0 Av -N HINE 10 KOMROVS N. H. 2 0 Mit (600) 4. Farm Buildings -.Disinfection 7* Automotive disinfecting assembly for livestock buildings. Dosto sellkhoze No* 5. 1952o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January _lrj3. Unclassified. 'USEM/Medicine Sanitation Aug 52 ',"Data 'on the organization of "the bperation of Mobile Nuitis for Disinfection, Prof' N.~ M. Komarov, All-Mnim I'last of Exptl Vet Med 4"Vetarinariya" no 8, pp 43-46 peacribes, in detail the perform~ftnce of appliances jaw=~aa DUK. The 1952 models are an improved version ,.of the 1951 model produced by the Kalachinsk MechMA=tf ii~,cJr Agr USSR. Nationyide uae,~ of these units is Iemo . ~Pe,6tedLfin 1952, vhen the~DUK units will-be rele"'ad~,to~' the Can Vat Bacteriol LOoratories iu each oblast,of the POP. The DUK install-ational are mounted on GUm -233T,13 W4 7415-5 WOO =es InIptialitioli 17, Wit lt~vp ty,pe ;,one: ~ , D GprayerP: 3 ofthe 4 1 aprayerj and- one for aerovol ~ -formation The' cA-'' P&~Ity, of each DUK unit, working in a 100-km rd rd dlua If used acco ing to plan,. abouXd be capable of decontaminating an area of 500,000 to 600POOO fiq me during the 8- to 9-M'onth work season. ~ FAch udit Vill be accompanied by:a trained crew, sup--* plied vith necessary materials and protective clothing. Data are cited. on the performance'awad. effective dispersion using kerosene dolus of XOT and bexachlorocyclahexane as well as of various sQlua in solar and diesel oils. 23'3T13: USSR diclue - Vaterinuy FD-120,2 Card 1/1 'Pub 13T-12/20 Author Komarov,, N. BL Professor,, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Title Results of extensive use of automatic disinfecting equipment Periodical Veterinarlyap, 4T-52$ Aug 1954 Abatract The. mobile automatic disinfecting apparatus (peredvUhnaya-disinfektsion- naya avtoustanovka "DW) )as demonstrated its usefulness in saving hours of labOr. 'More extensive utilization of this. apparatusLIs recom- mended in order to Improve'the sanitary-epidemic control in kolkhozes and sovkhozes of the USSR. This rec tion is in line vith the directive of the 19th Congress of the CPSLI which stressed the need for improvement of labor efficiency in all branches of national economy including animal' husbandry. Illustrations. Institution All-Uhion Institute of Ezperlmental Veterinary Science (VIEV) Submitted MOKAROT, N,H., doktor vaterinarnykh nauk, professor. Hore attention to the hygiene of livestock barns. Toterinarlia 32 ne.3:73-77 Mr 155* (MM 8:2) l.Vaeooyuznff luatItut ekxperlmentallney veterinwil. (VRMMRARY RYGIM ) (BARNS) KOMOT, N.lf*, dektor vaterinarnfth nauk, professor. Hygiene of the summer stall-and-field shelter system for cows. Tateriuarits, 32 no-5:57-67 97 155. (HLRA 8:7) I,YsesoyuzWy Inatitut eksperimitntallney vatorinaril. (COWS) (VEWMMY HYGIM) KDRANT, NA, daktor vaterinqrnykh nauk, profecoor. Improved moblla disinfection unit, Taterinarlia 32 no.8:n-74 Ag 155a (RIBA 8:10) I,Vaeaoyuxrqy inatitmt vtkapericantallnoy vaterinarili (DISINMTION AND DISIMMOTARS) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Noninfectious Diseases R-2 Abs Jour :-Ref Zhur Biol., No 7, 1958, ~,;o 3uo5 Author:. Kmm4~ H~-- SbW z0ov V I Titlia y' Dine"es: W: Inda During the Sumadr: -Prevezi.tIcii of. Pt~,izr Period Orig Pub : Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 6,, 44-45 Abstract : It is pointed out that the incidence of pulmonary diseases in lambs in the sut=~-rLim-- is due to overheating of the organism, associated with a high temperature of.the air said prolonged insolation. 7he keeping of lambs under light awnings in hot weather, and eqxipping artesian and shaft wells with tanks for heating the water before watering the animalsp. constitute the surest measures for preventing pul- monary diseases in lambs. Card 1/1 16 KUIWI.OV. N.M., professor; Y'MOROV, Ye.G.. 1whener. :. ~I VentlIntion systoms on livestock fame. UAukn i pered,op, v sellkhoz. 7 no.8:25-26 457. OILRA 10-3) (Farm buildings--Heating ind ventilation) I XOI~WZOV, H.M.. professor. Improve ventilation in livestock buildings. Veterinariia 34 no.7:72-?6 J1 157. (11LU. 10: 8) l.Vaesoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnor vaterinarii. (Barna-Ventilation) MWAROT, IT.R., prof. Role and tasks of veterinary specialists In the" building ard utilization of stock ba=s; Taterinarlia 35 no,6:25-2~ is 158. MR& ut6) lo VoesoYuxnyy imatitut eksperlmentAlno7 vaterinarii, (Barns) (veterinary bygiona)- Out-of-tmm meting of the All-Union Lenin AandwW of Agricultural Sciences. Veterinariia 36 A0,3:95 Mr 159. NMA 12:14) (Drel-Veterinary hygiene) KOMAROV, N.M., prof. Veterinary control of the ventilation of stock barns, Taterinariia 36 no,11177-81 9 159 (KIM 13 3 1. Veasoyusvqy institut, eksperimentalluoy vaterinarii. Okrm buildings--Heating and ventilation) Mmvj N.. MO) TORPAKOV, P. G, ana WMI XU A. M. I'Venti.lation, of pigsties with heating of flowing air.lf Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 7) 1960) P. 75 (Professor, VIEV) "Problemo-of establishing noxma -for th -maintenance conditipnB -of aaim-als,~-' Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 91 P- 73, 196o. MY,-LN-,. Prof.; GRM(MMI, Po$.,,, kand.veterinarny'kh nauk; BELYAW, A.r.., vaterinarn7y vrach [deceased] F~ree maintenance of dairy cows without stalls. Trudy MT 26: 236-249 162. (MM 16:2) 1, laboratori3ra zoogigiyeny Vsesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentall- noy voterinarile (Dairy cattle) IM4AROV' V ff. proT, I TORPAKOVj F,G,., kand,voterinenauk; SIAVIU,, A-M-p uchonyy zootekbn1k Tentilation of pigsties with a heated air flovd, Toterinariia 37 Lo.7t75-78 Jl 160~ (MIRA 16:2~ (afine houses and equipment) Orarm buildings- iisating and ventilation) KCMAROV, _N.Mo; B-Al..YBERDIN, N.S. Study of the t=ic effect of thermomen-hanical aerosols of iiehlorc-diphenyl-trichloroothans (DUT) and hexachlorooyclc- hixane. Farm. i toks. 26 no.1213,3-1-16 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 1717) 1, Vuesoyunyy institut eksperizentalln-cy v6terinarii, Ionizing tbo u r 11 p.;u'; oellkhoz. nuixk no.2421-~-'.lc F 165. (MIRA '.18.5) 1. Vsovo-vvn.T--- insf,i-t-ldv, voter n. i BFRDOV, A.Z., aspirant Propjhylaxis of heat-exchange disorders in duckling 41 no.1&88-90 Ja 165. p. Veter--rj,4a (MIRA l8a2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy inatitut eksperimentallnoy veterinarli. kand.vetertn,riail, Anemia. in young pig,, and it!; prophylaXi5a VeLE-Inar'Lip- 9 Mr I(J5. (NmURA 18s4) 41 1. V.,;:soy-uznyy Instiv;t e~jspe,-Laentaallncy