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jam KOW9..~,Zj KOVAMO Zom Zhur.tsldi~fiz. 31 nol.-2 loothermic gma caaorim ja 162a W-A 442) J* Fisiko-tokhniohe institut AN WSRt 14 4--A Ja:;ac,rch on thn. strt;cturO Of '!-cmic nuclei. Vest. AIT i,o. 2:61.,6E. F 1.51. (,XIPV- V,:2) Ato-AC) S/05 61/031/002/012/015 BI 24YB202 AUTHORS: _EomarA. P. and Komar, A. A. TITLE: Molecules and complexes of molecules and atoms as waveguides for electron waves PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 31, no. 2, 1961, 231-237 TEXT: When working with a field.emission microscope, 2 to 4 light spots consisting of two'or four parts frequently appear on the screen of the microscope (Fig. 1). This is mainly the case when the piston walls are poorly degassed or if the vacuum is poor. Sometimes also oval spotal circles, rings and morecomplex patterns are observed (see Fig. 2), which are thoroughly described in Refs. I and 2. On the basis of the papers hitherto published it may be assumed as certain that 1) these patterns are formed by molecules or complexes of molecules and atoms which are adsorbed on the surface of the point; 2) the symmetry and intensity of the patterns are not connected with the symmetry of the molecules; and 3) electron ex- change occurs between molecule and metal point. The intensity distribution in the spots is the same as in light which had Passed through transparent Card 1/8 89166 S/057/61/031/002/012/015 Molecules and complexes of... B120202- threads (Ref. 12) or in amplitudes of ultraviolet vibrations which had~,. passed through elastic rods (Ref. 14). During electron emission of molecules, the electron waves are canalyzed by the molecules. Electron emission mainly takes place from the direction of the free front side of the molecules. It is demonstrated that the molecules are waveguides for electron waveE -ihich was also experimentally confirmed. Two boundary conditions I) Tlr= 0 II) Prlr-a~.00. (5) are set up. The authors also discuss the order of the occurrence of the various types of vibration and the form of the patterns on the screen as depending on the energy E - ev of the electron, i.e., its dependence on the voltage drop on the waveguide. The critical lower energy at which su2h patterns appear on the screen is determined from e uations I) e7 ')n2i 2m V. ) = , 9 (10a) and II) e (E +e7v,) 2 (10b), 712 a2 tL2 a Card 2/8 Molecules and complexes of... S/057/61/031/002/012/015 B124/B202 which-indicate that this order is exclusively determined by the law governing.the increase of the roots of Bessel function "ni and Ani- Various types of vibration for both boundary conditions are shown in Table 1. They indicate that the types of vibration are very similar as to their Y distribution symmetry under both boundary conditions. The pattbkn.� consisting of two and four parts can actually be ascribed to the waveguide properties of the molecules. The order observed in the present paper is-in full agreement with the order of the types of vibration at Y1r=a =_09 shown,in Table I. Table II shows the types of vibration for a waveguide with square cross section which do not essentially differ from those of Table I. The values m corresponding to the lowest types of vibration are low; however, n may vary in a rather wide range. The patterns shown in Table III may be observed on the projector screen if m- 3 and n= 6. -There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 15 referencess 4 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Boviet-bloo. Card 3/8 89166 S/057/61/031/002/012/015 Molecules and complexes of... B124/B202 ASSOOIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe, AN SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni A. F. loffe of the AS USSR) Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: Deoember 14, 1960 Card 4/8 23730 3/05 611031100610141019 BI I 6YB201 AUTHORSs Komar A P., Mikheyev, G. F., Fominenkop V, P. and TITLE3 Study of electron capture with steady betatron acceleration PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 31p no. 6p 1961, 740-745 TEXTt The authors wanted to determine the part played by the individual sections of the capture range, i4e., the contribution of the electrons captured onto the various instantaneous orbits to the total ourrent.of all captured electrons. The investigation was conducted by the method earlier described by the authors (Ref. 1: ZhTF, 50, no- 7, P. 855-859, 1960). This method made it possible to inject the electrons only into the previously chosen narrow section 6- 6 of the instantaneous orbits within the capture interval az (Fig. 1). This was achieved with the aid of a special injector device provided with deflector plates, which made it possible (1) to out off the voltage pulse U(t) of injection on the side of the large or small t values to any pulse duration (Fig. 2A and 6 );(2) to out out an interval Card 1/8 Study of electron capture**. 2373U 3/05 61/031/006/014/019 B116Y5201 in any pulse section by completely cutting off the residual pulse portion (Fig. 2 6 ); (3) to shift the injection pulse with or without the interval along the time axis. The injaotion pulse displayed a sine shape, and had a duration of 12 ~tsec and an amplitude of 40 kv. The intensity of gamma radiation sas checked while conducting the experiments, instability amounting to 5% at most. The experiments were made on the synchrotron of FTI AN SSSR with an initial betatron acceleration. The radius of the equMbrium orbit was Ro M 32 oms the coefficient of the magnetic field drop was n-0.67, and the steepness of increase of the magnetic field during injection was 1 brated/lisec,. Figs. 3 and 4 present typical experimental depende4ees of gamma radiation intensity on the position of tha aquare pulses cutting off one or the other part of the injeotion pulse. Each figura refers to a definite position of the injection pulse with respect to the moment at which the magnetic field of the betatron passes through zero. The corresponding capture interval is represented by the A curves. The A and 6 curves represent the change of intensity when cutting o'ff the injection pulse on the side of the larger ( A curve) and the smaller curve) t values Card 2/8 23730 S/0W61/031/006/014/019 Study of electron naptur,~,_ B 1 " 91/B201 by the square pulse appl-ied to one :)f the plates. The 6 curves refer to the "scanning" of the inject-Lon pulse with the aid of the alit, in time vthi,~h has a width of 0.2 asel-%. and v E;pacing of 0_1 4 ~ -~- (,Fig. 2 ). The c,irves denotR the angle- of-onp' valu.~s fcor tn-~ usual location of the injector at -the external edge of the accelerator-, The in-vestigation allows the following to be stated& *,) The space rharge generated by the electrons escaping from the inje,~tor before and behind the sapture interval has no -ffect- upox? the coad-,tions of capti)re, 2) Under ~!aptur-. conditions.. F_-.) tt::r i: =,I r ~I -.~rri r. th~, iq I ~t i I I br : ura, orb2_ t 9 TD e initial ampl-ittides of the f-ree v-ad~al r,sci. 1.1at~ons jf the electrons ,;_illl JY1 this c(ksf-"- abraut half the -.ham'bi:r wicith-, As a corsequencia, the focal P""'0ii Of are lotaqted on the bourdarie2 of tne regiou of Th-~s aonun.-tform distrib~;tion of iz..Ier:trcnq in the cnamber a1so determines the intensity limif- Ex tr emum i ntensi t y can be at rainerl -i i th di fferen t capture in I. e rvt-tis . The A t' Interval must satlufy the in the arbIts near tha ecL-u-,'-brLum orbits To eEL,: h C~ ~ '* -alue rcrr--~sponds -a and ,ft":! !st harmonic.- of nonunif-:~rmiy cf the ajagnet,~i fleld. Tbil holck~t a-s long as the emission ourrent is suf.Lciently large fra- realiziag a (-.ollective Card 23730 8/057/6 i 105'100610141019 B1-06/B201 Study of eleitron capture,_ aris~a emissaor, currents. 4) The capturt! IT, every iecziozi of iak,2o place such that' the '--itenzi.ty tip t,~, t.-he va:iju~- ,)r quf,f~ .Le*.1ent for the emission c~urrent chosar, a*i for ttie 19t harimt-,ntc t,-f,,~y of the magnetic f JL el d*, -r-ise~j --n prcpcrTi~)n f, the duratlori ),- sh-l-, I nAlthough an iricr~-ar6 of the dD-Ut~-,On ftcra 1~, -7~ % A '; teleerrons to reach c:hamb,~,-r that to a capture anto th us"'Ato near the equilibrii~!u Grbi.-~ tLe ~iifi?nsity ci Camma does not increase, This indi--,ates that, with ti-Le use of th--s modt? (if injection, the limit of the riean e1e,-:trr;n densilty in the chaziber is Fittained already in the interval A t'. Further injecting even leads to a decrease of intensity. 5) The cbange of rionurliformity of the magnetic field with a change of the emission current depends up-~n the space charge produced by the electrons circulating ~An the chamber during the capture interval. only. 6) It is rioted that several authors bold the view that the intensity may be augmented by changinE the form. of the injer.-riori pulse. The ~tuthrjrs of the present pa.per believe that 1).-,, Lxierease can be brought abo-,it by a proper ohoice Card 4/ 8 23730 S/057/61/031/006/014/019 Study.of electron capture.,# B116/B201 of the capture interval. This interval must be sufficiently large for the orbits near the equilibrium orbit, corresponding to the available in- variable nonuniformity of the magnetic field of the accelerator concerned. The main contribution of one or the other front of the injection pulse is also explained thereby. With weak emission currents, an additional rise of intensity can be achieved owing to contraction effects. There are 5 figures and I Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe All SSSR Leningrad (Institute of-Physics and Technology imeni A. F. Ioffe, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1960 Card 5/8 88402 S/020J61/136/004/008/026 B019/BO56 AUTHORSt P., Academician of the AS UkrSSR, Vorob 'yev, A - A, i_n&_Koroi~i'-V. A. TITLEt Measurement of the Fluctuation of Ionization Produced by a-Particles in Argon PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, voi. 136, No. 4, pp. 795 - 797 TEXTt In the introduction, the authors refer to the frequently used measurement of ionization caused by nuclear particles for the purpose of determining the energy of nuclear particles. A relation given by V.Fano (Ref.1) for the mean square fluctuation of the number of ion pairs with constant energy of the ionizing particles is written, and it is found that this formula is suited for determining the upper limit of the mean fluctuation, but not for more exact computations. Besides, Pano assumed that the ratio between the probabilities of the various inelastic processes is independent of the nature and energy of the ionizing particles. The measurements carried out by the authors were made by means Card 1A 88402 Measurement of the Fluctuation of Ionization S/020,/61/136/004/008/026 Produced by a-Particles in Argon B019/BO56 of a-particles emitted by Ra224 (E a ' 5.681 Mev) and of a-particles emitted by Fr 221 (Ea = 6.336 Mev). The ionization chamber was filled with chemically pure argon + 1.5% CH 40 whereby recombination could be prevented under certain conditions. Electronic collimation was used, whereby the resolution and, thus, the quality of the spectrum could be improved. The electronic means for improving the signal-to-noise ratio are briefly described. The measurements are graphically represented in Figs.1 and 2. The half-width of the Ra 224 a-line is 17 kev and has a mean fluctuation of 7.2 kev. This mean fluctuation 6 is Composed of 6 - /62 + 62 + 62 , where N P 0 6N' 6P , 60are the mean fluctuations which are due to the fluctuations of the ionization, to radio noise, and to other causes. In the case of Ra 224 60 is negligibly small, and because 6p - 4-7 kev, it follows thats 5-5 kev. For Fr 221 , 6 6.0 kev was obtained. From a discussion of the results, the authors conclude that 6N may be described by Card 2/4 88402 Measurement of the Fluctuation ofJonization, S102016111361 04/008/P 0 26~ Produced by-a-Partiole3 in Argon B019/B056 6g(%) 5-8 2 for different Ea*'R 6u9 tbe given in Nov. Ifi the relation 6N FRO W., given by Fa,no, where No is the mean number of ion-pairs,.F is -found equal to 0.229 and its upper limit is given as-Flin , 0.33. The authors thank X. F. Sobolevskaya, for her help in carrying out the measurements. There are! a 2 figures and 8 non-Soviet references, 5 Wo 1 Ca~nsdian, 1 German, and French., ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-iekhnicheakiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology, Academy of Sciences USSR) 'SUBMITTEDs November 1, 1960 Ca~d 3/4 '0318 S/02o/61/137/001/009/021 B104/3209 AUTHORS:~' Voroblyevt A.' A*# Academician AS UkrSSR, and Korolevj Y. A4 TITLE: The possibilities of reducing the effect of ionization fluctuations in gases PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 1, 19611 54-57 TEXT: The authors based their work on a paper by Fano (Ref. 1: U. Fano, Phys. Rev., 12, 26 (1947)), in which an expression was obtained for-the mean square fluctuations of the number of ion pairs at a constant energy of the ionizing particles. Fano's calculations show that these fluctuations are determined chiefly by the redistribution of ionized and excited atoms. Evidently, their total amount fluctuates less. The authors have now determined the amount of fluctuations of the total ionization, taking Fano's method as a basis. In this manner, they obtain- ed the mean square fluctuation s2 of the total 'onization U:, 1/4 20316 S)1020/61/137/001/009/021 The possibilities of reducing B104/B209 AF )2 , (.~' _ 'k den.1e. the mean-number of ion pairs, i N 0 W NO i W W0/(1 + 6(1-P,)IP) WOAV P Z:Pk the total probability of ionization in inelastic collision, W the mean energy of ion pair 0 production without additional ionization, and n k the number of ions produced in the k-th collision. The relations + 2, P, (IV, Eh) + [Y' 'Pi (IV, -~eh) h (8a) 73 21 8a) P 4 no" I - P [(W W,)2 + a , (W W')2+ (I W. (86) W: P P (8b) 3 are obtained for P. The last two terms in (ea) are due to fluctuations. of the energy losses during ionization and excitation, and do not depend Card 2/4 20318 S/020/61/137/001/009/021 Thepossibilities of reducing ... B104/B209 on the additional'i6nization. 6.(d) is determined by the redistribution of the number of-ionized and excited atoms, as well as by the fluctuations, arising in the additional io 'nization. In'the limiting case where additional ionization is missing (d - 0), Eq._(Ba) goes over into the formula of Fano"..., . Fig. 1 shows t he, rat io ~;150as depending on the obability of additional ionization for He and Ar. It is seen that (cr) for argon drops, to nearly one-thirtieth with rising probability, T and for helium it drops to nearly one-hundredth. The first of the terms appearing in (8a) was fou-nd to be always about 0-03, and the second is negligible. Prom this it follows that the accuracy of measurement of the, energy of ionizing particles is considerably improved by recording all ionized and excited atoms. There are 1 figure and 3 non-Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of -Sciences USSR) Card 3214~6 0 0 AUTHORS: S/02 61/141/006/009/021 B1 04YBI 12 Komar, A. Academician AS UkrSSR, BochaSov, B. A., and Solyakin, 0. Ye. TITLE: Energy distribution of a-particles in argon photodisintegra- tion PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 6, 1961 , 1339-1342 TEXT: The authors observed the energy distribution of a-particles by an ionization chamber with grids,for a period of 30-40 hours. Fig. I shows the block diagram of the experimental arrangement. y-rays (Emax ~ 70 Mev) were produced by the synchrotron of the Physicotechnical Institute AS USSR and possessed lengths up to 1500 4sec. The device was calibrated by means of the a-particle spectrum of natural uranium. Energy distributions of VY a-particles were determined at argon pressures of 1. 1.3, 2, and 3 atmos- pheres. The maxima of energy distributions at these pressures 1y at 4.6, 4.87, 4.4, and 4.3 Mev, the corresponding half-widths amounted to 2.62, 2-76, 3.20, and 3.65 Mev- Since these spectra differ only slightly, the effect of protons, deuterons, and tritons on the taking of spectra may Card 1/)r3 32426 S/020/61/141 /()0t'3/009/021 Energy distribution of ... B1041B112 be considered low. Effectiveness of recording of charged particles with R~> d decreason with increasing RY%. In this case, R" is a value which approximately equals the particle path d = 35 cm (distance between electrode 1 and grid 2). The natural energy spectrum of a-particles prod- uced in argon photodisintegration is constructed from the spectra obtaine& The spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. Its maximum lies at 4.8 At"ev, its half- width is 3.3 Mev. By a comparison with the spectrum calculated by the statistical theory, the difference of maxima was found to be 2 Mev, The deviation of the experimental from the theoretical value may be explained by the occurrence of the reaction A40(ayn)S36 besides reaction A40(7a)S36 or by a Coulomb penetration faf.':rr higher than used in the calculation. The authors thank the team of the synchrotron of the Physicotechnical Institute AS USSR for work performed. There are 3 figures and 9 references: 3 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: M. E. Toms , 1. McElhinney, Phys. Rev. , 111 , 561 , 0 958) ; M. M. Shapiro, Phys - Rev. , ~LO, 171 0 953) -, G - A - Ferguson, J. Halpern et al . , Phys . Rev 776 (1954). Card 2/h 321';-6 S/020 61/141/006/0091/021 Energy distribution of ... B 10 4,Y-,, B112 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-teklinichesMy institut Al-,adumii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: September 22, 1961 Fig. 1. Block diaaram of the experimental arrawrement. Legend: (A) nundle of y-rays; (C.Y.) lead oollimator; (1) electrode; ~2~ grid; (3) grid; (4) anode, (5) preamplifier; (6) amplifier; 7 selectori (8) coincidence circuit,- (9) bri,,,-hteninC circuit, (10) impulsei shaper; (11) recording device (electron-beam tube). Card 3 37944 S/181/62/004/005/040/055 B139/B102 -3 Komar, A,. P., and Savchenko, V. P. TITLE: Effect of impurities and dislocations on the auto-emission of electrons in the case of metallic crystals PEMODICATU Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1346 - 1351 TEXT: Microscopic exposures were made of the emission from technically pure platinum, silver, andjopper single crystals. The specimens were heated in a vacuum of t~ 10 mm, Hg, some of them to more than 10000C, emission being induced by continuous or pulsed voltage of 3 - 40 kv. .Lron %~as sputtered onto a Dlatinum sDecimen which was then heated to 7000C for a period of 6 min, vithin which the iron dissolved in the Dlatinum. VIhen the specimen was cooled rapidly, the pictures 3howed briglit spots spreading rapidly over the whole specimen after I min heating at 9000C. A smal-J. bulge developed at the tip of the specimen as a result of electric discharges. The specimen was then heated to 12000C and allowed to ocol down to room temperature. 'This caused some Card 1/2 S/181/62/004/005/040/055 Effect of impurities .... B139/B102 of the white spots to disappear, whilst others darkened preserving a bright fringe. These erupting white spots are the impurities which di-t"fuse rapidly from the cylindrical Dart toward the tip of the specimen, emerging at the surface along with the dislocations, where the intensity,: of Culect'ron emission is locally damped by them. As a result of this emergence of impurities, a cathode formed of commercial platinum becomes 'Ourified throug"n alternate heating and cooling under a high vacuum in the electric force field. There can be no doubt of the correlation found to exist betvein the appearance of bright spolus in the microscopic and electric breakdown. If the tip of the specimen is thoroughlY nurified from impurities and dislocations, breakdown is difficult to achieve, even if a multinle of the voltage is applied which before -ourification was sufficient to cause it. There are 4 figures and 1 table. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physicotechnical institute imeni A. F. T-offe USSR, Leningraa) SU!".'ITTED: January 18, 1962 C C"-- d 2/ 2 KobfAR, A.P.; KOHARt A.A. Theory of the wave guide properties of metallike molecules and their complexes. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 32 no.7-.867-873 Jl 162. (MM 150) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institat Imeni A.F*Ioffe AN SSSR,, laniMrad i Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.Iebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva* Oblecular association) lWave guidea) (Field emission) 39 79 Vj /7 -M-0-73 C Voroblyev, A., Komar, A. P. Yorolev, V. A. no of a_nart4cles in ar6on Decrease 01C ionization fluctuatio v 43, Z s' oy -E 1110 D 1 Ck : I 'e 0:: e t,- cfzL hurnal eksperimental"10.7 i t no. 2(8), 19-02, 426-428 'EXT: The authors had: shown earlier (DAN SSSR, 137, 54, 1961) that the vith redi, s'r4butjiG, ioni::at- ion fluctuatlio'n's associated 4 - no o f th e numocra of excit".ed and ionized molecules reduced by addinj a ~--ascouo i!:;-purity it' e, J, - ;1 4 an ionization Dotenti_-I lower than the en Ey 6' the lo,.-;est excited level of the ?)rincipai comr)onent. Here, the authors '.--,-i-ed to chec' -, .nis 20--silbility b-y e"eximent. They us-ad a nulsed ionization C'hamber vii-ch arZon contuinin~-, 0-17 112' 0-02 ~'5 0 21 and an acetylene ira.)urit-y. . s its ionization i)otlential of 11-35 ev is lower than the loyiezt .`r,-oi% level (11.5 ev), the acetylene -3dition incveases the ionization. The -ionization fluctuations %,.,cre calcula;ed from the half-width of-the a-line (EC., 51631 Alev) of Ra 224 for comparison, the measurements ,-iere Ire,.jeate-I Card 1/p 050., 62j &V W Decrease of.jonization... 002/00,' 3102/3'10A o n A r + 1 C H4* CH AE lkev e V Ar+i/~L 4 8.1 5.8 5-7 2!0' 215000 0-22 .-r+0. %-, C2F,2 6.o 4.7 175 2680oo o.o, 6B, total -root-mean-square PuIse-hei6.Icj,6 fiuctua,jons, Mean-square Pulse-heiCh, fluctuationg due 0 electronic ro 0,- V41 noiso, the due to fluctuations in the niiziber of I'on Dairo, to'. root-mean- &.L 1, ~~uarO fluctuation Umoor O-L ion ~cterrlined by t~!~T/ij . I a in the llmiiber of jor, 2 I.V/110; 110 a 212,ooo ion ai~:o. T,~j 0 K, - , is ,~,idth Of the ix-line was 8.7 kOv. There are*1 D -, , axitrluri half A 0 1, 1 n 1 1' lla-ure and 1 table. MIT : Piziko_'ekhnich0n%jY in:jtitut i.-'. A. P. ~ , :. j 23"11 (Physicotec Ac,doray of Scie_hn'cal Tnstitute imeni i.. 'Ices USSR) Z -, e March 13, 1962 Card 2/2 43362 5/056/62/043/005/006/058 B183/B102 AUTHORS: Boebagov, B. A., Komar, A. P., Solyakin, G. Ye. TITLE: The energy dist'ribution of photofission fragments from U 258 nuclei for various maximum energies of a y-quantum brems;- strahlung spectrum PERIODICAL: Zburnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 45, no. 501), 1962, 1611 - 1615 TEXT: The bremastrahlung spectrum of a synchrotron having maximum energies of EP/max = 17.5, 30 and 50 Mev was used for plotting contour diagrams Of the kinetic energy distribution of photofiesion fragments from U 236 nuclei. A double ionization chamber with hn oscilloscope connected to two deflection systems was used as detector. A collodion film coated with bismuth on both sides, on one of which a layer of uranyl nitrate was -condensed, servei as target. 15POO to 20000 fission events were recorded in each series of measurements. The contour diagrams show that in symmetric fission the yield probability increases with increasing E .max The kinetic energy at the moment in which the fission products fly apart Card 1/2 S/056/62/043/005/008/058 The energy distribution of... B183/B102 is, however, found to be constant within the limits of error � 3 Mev 'Ahen the mean excitation energy of the fissioning nuclei is varied a moderate amount. The values 13.6, 17.0 and 21.4 Mev obtained for the mean nuclear excitation energy in symmetric fission correspond to the maximum energies E, = 17.5, 30 and 50 Mev and %ere derivei from an estimate of the mean A max nuclear excitation energy in asymmetric fission. This estimate, based on data previously publishel on known cross sections for the photofission from 238 U and on the structure of the bremsspectrum, is practically independent of Ei-max. So the resulting value for the kinetic energy during the' formation of the nuclear fragments in asymmetric fission is found to be always 169 Mev. The position of the maximum of the energy distribution of the fission products in symmetric fission is determined from the shift relatively to this maximum in asymmetric fission. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe Akademii nauk 83SR (15hypico-technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUB'i!ITTFD: June 5, 1962 Card 2/2 8/056162/043/005/015/058 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Aorkar,--A,,Fv-r- Kul i kov, A. V., Chizhovq V. P., Yivor, I. P.# Volkov, Yu. M. TITLE: Emis sion of fast deuterons in the photodisintegration of 0 16 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental"noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,.v. 43, - no, 501), 1962, 1657-1659 . .1 ./ TEXT: Chizhov et al. (Nucl. Phys. 34, 562, 1962) have found that the deu- teron yield from (/-,d) reactions with Li 6 , Be?t B10,11 and Cu can be observed only~when E exceeds the kinematic threshold of the reaction by about the nucleon binding energy. This rdsult was now verified and it was determined which particles accompany the photodeuterons. The authors used a cloud chamber filled with He + 0 and scintillation counter 2 16 telescopes in their experiments on the photodiointegration of 0 induced by E,~.bax=90 Rev. iDeuterons with Ed ~ 11 Mey were recorded by the telescopes (accuracy of Z d measurement: +5%) and the energies of the recoil nuclei card 1/3 S/056/62/043/005/015-1/058 Emission of fast deuterons in the ... B102/B104 were determined from their tracks. For the N15 nuclei produced in 016 Q'-~p)N15 the range - energy curves were determined. Among the ster'eophotographs of 27 photodeuterons with E between 11 and 40 Mev there 6 d 14 was none that could be attributed to an 0 V?-d)N reaction. With yields of 41% each, the reactions were of type Vdp) and (3'-;dn) with thresholds of 28.25 and 31.2 Mev, respectively. The remaining reactions (16%) were multipronged stars with at least two particles besides the deuteron. If the V,dp) and (/'Idn) riactions are' assumed to occur in two stages .(emission of p and n after d) the excitation energy of the compound nucleus N14 can be estimated. When the low probability of 0 16 (rd)N" is taken into account, the first excited level of N 14 (O+tT'.1) is obtained as 2.0 Mev. The emission directions of the deuterons and the accompanying nucleons are correlated: in most cases-p-and n were emitted oppositely to d. Such a correlation exists only for nucleons with more than 2 Mev. There are 2 figures and I table. Card 2/3 Emission of 'Last deuterons in the B102/B104 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy ine.titut im, As F. Ioffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical InstiWe imeni A. F. loffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 29, 1962 Card 3/3 S/020/62/144/003/014/030 B108IB102 AUTHORS: Komar, A- P_-, Academician AS UkrSSR, and Shrednik, V. X. TITLE: Atomic structure of tungsten microcrystals of up to 60 size PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no- 3, 1962, 541-543 TEXT: Tungsten miarocrystals having radius of some 200 R were studied by u3ing an ion projector with helium ions at 9.5 kv. The point of the projector was cooled with solid nitrogen. The images obtained were very clear. The image can be improVed*considerably when the point contains "tubercles" caused by vacuum discharge. Using such a procedure the authors succeeded in observing the atorale structure of tungsten micro- crystals having a diameter of some 60 a. The most important English- language reference is: E. W. U"uller, Adv. in Electronics and Electron" PhYs., 13, 83 (1960). 0 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR) )958h S/020/62 1457002/008/018 B178/B104 94 6c; AUTHORS: Komar A. F., Acadebioian AS UkrSSR, Kruglov, S. P*# and _n -,] -Fo;at_iLn, i. V. TITLE: Sensitivity determination of a quantometer for energies of 15-300 Mev PERIO-DICAL: Akademiya nauk.SSSR. Dokladyp v. 145, no. 2f 1962P 309-311 a) TEXT: A quantometer is used to-measure the area ST i(t)dt bounded by 0 the ionization current i(t) and produced by g-irradiation 6.f a body, This area is proportional to t)ie energy current 6 U S 6 'T where is the energy consumed,-for Ithe production of. ion pairs; e is the electron charge; is the mean-ionization loes'l 6 is the density of the z matter; and 6 9is the density of the gas. The value of S as determined Card 1/3 /62/145/602/008/0-18 S/020 Sensitivity determination of a... B178/B104 hSSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe Akademii nauk 514SR (Physiootoohnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBLIMED: April 14, 1962 MA M S EM C Card 3/3 Fig. 1 41672 S/020/62/146/005/006/011 B125/Ble6.I Academician AS UkrSSR, Boch gov, B. Aot AUTHORSi Komar a 238 TITLE: Fiesion'of U nuclei b~ continuous-spectrum photons with EYmax - 35 Mev and by 14-Mev neutrons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no- 5, 1962,'1051-1053 TEXT: The mass and energy distributions o.fthe fragments from fission of heavy nuclei by photons and neutrons are. compared for various angular intervals. These distributions were taken by means of a double pulsed ionization chamber. The targett .150 ~g/CU12 uranyln.itrate deposited on an aluminated collddion film Of'30 JL9/cm , was.transparent to the fission fragments and was attached to the cathode of the ionization chamber. The target was bombarclecl by neutrons and y-quanta obtained from a neutron generator and from the synchrotron of the Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR). The diagrams E V(E) weie pkotted for five 9-intervals between 0 and 800 Card 1/2 BOCHAGOV, B.A.; KOFAR A.P.- FAjDEYEV, V.I. Kinetic en'ergy and angular distribution of the fragments of U238 fission by-neutrons and photons. Atom. energ. 15 no 3:191-194 S 163. imm 16:10) (Uranium isotopes) (Nuclear fission) L 18474-63 EW(M)IBM, AFFTC/I~BD '%CCrSSION 'IM.: AP30055OG S/0057/63/033/008/0949/0953 AIJ 'EMOR: Komar, A. P. Xruglov, S. P. Lopat in, I. V. TITIZ: Srcmsstrah!un_rr energy Measurement with a "standard" ionization chamber SOURCE: Zhurnal tc1chnichaskoy fiziRi, v.33, no.,S, 1963, 949-953 ,:OPIO TAGS: Lnor-,Iy moasurement, ga-m-ma-ray brenisstrahlung, ioniznt:Lon chamber, standard instrixuartt PMTI4%CT- The "standard" ionization chxnbor is n simple 130 din"Ictor cylindri- cal chninber with copper end platos that was built and calibrated at the Physical- Tccluiical Institute, Lenin.-rad, with the intcntio~ that it be copied elsewhere and employed, with the Leningrad calibration, as a secondary standard for the mezsure- mont of the anorgy flu;% in collimated gai-ma-ray boarz. The construction of the chaL- bcr is shown in the Enclosure. The instr=cnt was calibrated against a calorinoter,- using sy,,iclirotron.brc:iisstr.-dilung, over the range from 15 to 00 MeV. The sensitivi- ty is about, 2~1'10-17) coulcmb/,~:eV a-,,.d varies by about 14% over this range. Tile sen- sitivity also var,'"s sli_-~itly with the buam diamctcr, dropping by about 5'14 as the box-=. dixitater is i-acreased fron. small values to 10~~ --rm. The papal- also brially Cord I/Z,,, L18474-63 II.CUS" 103 NIZ: APIU05LOG Cuscribos a sinplc instrumant, consistin-r of a standard capacitor and an electronic cloctromater, for neasurin.- the ionizntiun, Current. "The authors express thei:, [:ratitudo to V.S.1,51,ov, I.P.Mly,*sov, V.M.Suvorov, I.A.Pronin and Yu.,%.'. Pares kokov , participated -Ari the measurements.- Orig.avt.hast 6 figures. r.!;SGCI, ION: riIzjIW-toRhnicheskiy in!~!--it-ut in-A.F.Iof-fa AN SSSR# I Leningrad (-Physico-technica3 Institute, JM SSS!i.) E'UMIIT ED: 3GJuIG'z Ulf ENCL:- 01 EU3 CCDE.: 21" NO SCW: CA"D GTI"ER- 001 Card KOMAR, A.P.; K4UGLOV, S.P.; WPATIM, I.V. Comparison of-absolute energy measurements in a beam of bromsetrahlung conducted in laboratories of various countries. Zhur. eksp.' i teor, fiz. 45 no.3:824-825 S 163. (KMA 16slo) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut imeni A.F. Ioffe AN SSSR. (BremsstrOlung-Measurement) cwirig and recovery in N! AN SSSR. Doklady,*, v 150, no, 5, '963, n n I-- aging, recovery, Ni-Pe 9 j-ir p o a a o 1 9 work. wau riie T'-ha 7.:n, e a 0, :-ne 3a~r ~]e z-e One by vak;uulfil ue~.)un` P n 9 r epLi r .. ..... A42 F-ulsating voltage o' zz :i -,d o L; c, j I K V -zi6n-fical-lons reached --s.' - V --~s are akademik,---BOMGOVp B.A.;. ~ADEM,, V.I. KOMAR Fiaaicn-of TO?2-,ntwleL-by-,14.-Kev.--neqtrans- and -contimmus .-spectnim photoosvith-an-energy of'E 90*Kev. Dokl. f fmax AN SSSR ~ 15P., . no.4:858-461 - 0 0 153. (MIRA 16.-11) 1. kitiko,~-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F. Joffe AN SSSR. 2. AN UkrSSR (for Komar). KRUrTT,OV, S.P.; LOPATIN, I.V. lordzation. levices for the measurement of energ.-r in ra7 teams. Med, rado 9 no.7:46-51 Ji 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni Ioffe AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4031188 S/0056/64/046/004/1497/1499 'AUTHORS: Bazhanov, Ye. B-1 Komar,.A. P.: Mulikov, A.-V. TITLE: Photoneutrons from U-6 and Co-59 SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no.,4, 1964, 1497-1499 TOPIC TAGS: lithium-6, cobalt-59, photondutton, photoneutton reac- tion cross section, integral cross section, giant pesonance splittinjj hydrodynamic theory 6 ABSTRACT: The cross section of the photoneutron reactions on Li and Co 59 were investigated in the synchrotron of FT1 iM. A. S. loffe, AN SSSR, using a technique where slowed down neutrons were registered by BF counters. The data obtained confirm the presence of. a broad, 3 resonance in'the energy range 7-17 MeV, a considerable dip at 17-19 MeW and a rise above 19 MeV.;, The data in&4~pte the presence of two Card 1/4 AccEssiON NR: AP4031188 additional maxima,,4t 20-24 and 20-30 MeVj w~iich were not indicated 'in the recent investigation by Costa at al. (Phys. Lett. v. 4, 308, 1963)1. The resul~d indicate tha,~ the U6 has~high polarizability and ~he theoreticad' calculaticins of J. S. tevinger (Phys. Rev. v. 59 107,11554, 1957) do 'hot apply to light nuclqi.,,, in the case of CO the -qesults are in,,. good agreement- with the; pridictions of the hydro- dynamic model of qY.,,=,oto, and Danqq. Orig.,,art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizi-ko-tekhnichoskiy institut im. A. P. loffe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physic6technical Institute, Academy of Sciences SSSR) Sumar-PED: 2lNov63 DATE Aco.- o7z4ayr*4 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE., NP NA REP SM 001 OTHERs 003 Card ~/4 . ......... ACCESSION NR-. Ap4oi9972 3/0020/q4/154/006/1318/1320 J :AUTHOR: Komar, A. F* (Academician); Kruglov, S. P.; Lopatin.-I..V.; Mus, K. 7. TITLE:lConstant sensitivity for;gamma radiation of .energy above 15 Mev SOURCE; AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 6, 1964, 1318-1320 :TOPIC TAGS: gamma quantometer, Samma radiaition energy measurement,. constant sensitivity quantometer, quantomeiter, ionization chamber., pultiplate ABSTRACT: The.gamma, quaintometer is a-multiplate ionization chamber 1. used fbr measurement of the..en.ergy in a beam of gamma photons. Its "ionization current depends on the partial ionization in differeiLt sec4 .,~tions of the bhhmber. The'purpose of the present work is to obtain ,,constant sensitivity of the quantometer in various-energy ranges or gamma rays. Thi 41s achieved, first,.-by the construction of a new. *del permitting a better Integration of the ionization in different 1/2 A c a d e mi c ian kN S R a -n d f o r-I o t h,4 T, i t t h tu t OIL I L wai9 1 1 C d j f f ua v i; fA ad a v i th th e me I t i ng po f, 3 r o c.%perimeat was uadgrtalt~u lLeorwa- ,~arsiotig anti curvc~.ture t F.. r-- h and t~ hi c Crystal u 'I a v-I "Maern! rtipta" i~t;,' hre,~kiloqn thore via i 1 9 u r-, i eve that a I iquid :A)a rs J-I'- f-hip, SuplAetcen"ed by- P,j [).Li V P fl k- AP4048036 i- a r, A. P. (Academician AN U),r---~' S,~ P and 81hape of crns5 causing ._~3 autoelectronic em-,cs-lon cl~ C t a -, S ~--;SR. D,3kLady*, v. 158, no. ;r7,ani_c semiconduct. r, tnlcro- -irpose of the invest iga~ "t j- p -7lat1ion on the cross sections "'ZU C or" ex e s unusual electron-m-icros cope- ~Ihich low-molecular compou.-ids ai.- TI- o ub - on this subject is observed .-requently attributed to separ-al-i. Aaother pur ._n%-estigation was to chec?. or e -.ieor,, of -%P4048036 of these spots, proposeid~ e D ;tr~Ors else- Komar and A. A. Komar, Zh!'F -h e T Br)m(~ rail- known radius