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TIM ANOMMIM' CIWXU OF T113 UECTRIC ESIsTIVITY OF TIM 9141h ALLOY III THS WMIXTIG n=. `d. K=ar and 1. PoEb j~ln (S. 14. List. Sve 'MaRnWAkacj._ffs-uk S.S.S.R. M~~- ~01948)4 and in r-e-7 1~,P%Uvo chummi 5as- of :the oleo, resistance r in a loncitwiml a t=avarso wgnotic field H. vere dotd. for alloy3.ft 754-2a 24o3 At quencl-led Crter a=c&UQg ett t,~mpa. botwoon 700 and 25CP,, vidah w vs-1, -to- te.U -disordered -and-to--complotaly ordovod------ condit1cm. Depending cu. its degree of orftr# this dUOY~ ChqftaS3 LtO apontaneous magnatdmtlon and Its curie temp. (K. cmd Volke4uhteino T, Exptle Theoret. Pbp. ;.U 723 (19-42)). In the miardeved sUts.. the shapes ot the curves ofc;ixg/r and Ar j fr as functions of at at 293 ad at 77QKe# ve mWogaus to those of pur-8 Ift In the uel~Wrhood of the C~4 -joint- (mvierts - G*A4-, Zfiv 3153). - Ia tho-adued Oat% Ct 293PE.0 both artj/i md 4ri/-r -are nag., have close vduaq tJ=u*wUt8 W lm~rwae (in Mo., Val=) w1th Incrujoing H along Pmatioally the (C*ntlnu,!d) sue curve. At InUrze&ate degrees Of Ord &t H Arjj/r chanzez it$ dep"ding Cm the degree Op order. IMediste source OUPPIUS 11. Thon aut-06100tronic UniBelon ra3ka the rhotoe2eo. mission; &;, eaout Z 10o tho dwTit ourrent in about 10-1-0 amp,/sqP cm.1 fran thc,"o on, V;io autooleebro)110 01=0-2t im rVies ateeply with Ej, Inerw-sing j.o7 ti--- with E irier(wing, 4 timea. ints. dopfim the relation la - A-V-lo-q Tho cathod-3 could be observed vinutaUy by awting tho anodo rAth vMmits) T.7hilo In photoeleo. amiss-.1on tho wbolo surface of Via eathod3 Is aeon to wdt unifomly., mtoelaetxonia emission Ja stroav, fieldo is confinod to discrato,polnt;3, v1sible es, bright spots~ arA evidontly eonvaponding tc edqvs vdth a hi-71 potential gmdient; the over-aLl. exponwAvial iv)-c-tioa ba-Uman ie aad E holds also for indi- vidual ano-G. From the diam. D of tho spots: Ube tmgant ,-ln2. cw,- PonaLt Vo- of tho initle2 enaza of ths eleetrons, can bs dotd. by ,rxaUa,wd (contirraod) the temp., i=el,,r Rj, - R9 = c(JR _ j2) (Viaeri 0 11- a temp. c.~.osa to A ,he Curio point) , , hAs type oflral'Nion ciho,,31d hold for aU ferm.- Mgn3tics for rhich tho alec. cond. at tomps. clooe to the GiTia point depends on thfl spowltwaoug magnetUction. 11. Tion Immediate isom-ce oV.pplng VnUAr. A 32452. Grabarev, .L. IPrimenonlys - oby. a,teltrykh .tekhnologicheskiA pravil na a; zhilstroitellstva promutroy-Stroit. prom-st'. 1949, No. 10. s. 9-12. trista-Dneppy~k SO: Latopis' Zhurnall nykh Statey Vol. 44 3' ?'012. rerroma---nitrCe svoYstva splavov i dnj.'n--'y poryadolk ston-lov Konforentsi-J. no azil- aa---rutri7 dl %e m -avle.TiLy. Sver ov Ic d k. 1947G.) Trudy in-Tia fizini acit-ollov, TiT. 12, 191,,"), S. 50- 1-Diblio-2: '13 Tia-,v. 150: Lotopist 1"Llulmalln,-1-1 bLaLcy, Vol. lt), ~Iookva, 19119 KCMO A.P.. professor. redaktor, 7IWelcs of the Ionosphere and the propagation of radlowaves (tranautions and surveys of foreign periodical literature]. Probl.sovrdiz. 6 no.4: 3-212 1540 Omm 7:6) 1. DaystvitelInyy chlen Akademii nauk USSR. (Ionosphere),(Hadlo waves) U" , 11/1 -- ~1-.- . ;- c :3 Card 1/1 rnub- 43 - 11115 Komar.. A. P. and Klyushin, V. V. Title t Dependence of the electrical resiatance of ferrites upon ter-perature Periodical t Iz ,V. SSSR. Ser. f.".z. 18,/3,, 400-402, -hY-Jun 1954 Abetract I Exreriiients viere conducted to detcraijie tl,p doper-lence of the electrical re;is~ance of Ferro* '-tes urcn temn~r,.*.*are -at 1~ia )f ferromagnetic c-,Dnversion. Data regarding this dependence -w-7 be u3p-fu-l in estimating U::,q ty-pe of ferromagnetic conversions and In deter-ALnLini-, the nechan-ism of Or-iginatior, of spontaneous magnetiza %,ion in ferrites. Yhe noticeable chan- go in temperature gradient of the electrical resistance during passii,~- through the zone close to the Curie point indicates a change in the condi- tion favorable for the appearance of canduct.'-7---y cl,-ctr~ns as well as in c-)nc!i';c)ns ' vorable for t'-,.4 r )~jf e. Five references: La 4 French a-nd 1 LOSR 111950-1952). Graptio. 1-iotitution kcaderv of Sciences USSR, FIW3ico-Tec--nical L-istitutue Submitted May 3j. 1954 Card 1/1 43 - 12/1.15 Au t- or s I Komar, A. P., and K71yushin, V. V. UtIc t The Goidha-nei-rhc=cn eifecL iji -,'Urviucs --_-w - -nw rUX2. $ ~ . W11; - ~ . I -.----1bdtract Va~ Qq --R ------- 0-4 ea was, St GS whether the r-e is: a'n--y- 'c- o-- nne* ction lbative-en tho- anange' in electri -paresis -tance in tnt- nkignptic field and magnetization. It -aaas 11ound that t-:,.e longitudinal from the seccnd Law o" U-CLIOV~ 3 ~C;-rltC3 !L; C-~- i--]-n Lnc;! 'b-, the insigdfic-ant rjle of t.~-.e --nd lb-7 the volu7ctr~c e nd Z,:It on. ~-I-yo --c lencec 1-; u b-a -tIe May 3, 19 54 --Mvp5tiptior af thz lomp'n'ture drp~W,-, ot)rpt- FI ),er rjz W 1! 2 i3g 1, 1956) An a-,-trav, v Vm ta."m. tivi gI)t-t ly'al., -.L" t., lo. .he ~-trph? -,vm Atweajvd al. 13, k,mom-mm~ in 6 hr SnlurAf;-, al, in a g1 L r 1, 1 Z;z01 hi, trndicLs thr k1w, ~f C.11 it k, !t-w pfk~, !I o" A.,,q, p. Card Authors : Komar, A. P., and Selitskiy, Title : Experim,--nts with an Ion projector Periodical Abr3tract Dok]. AN SISR, 96, FA. 5, 957 - 95P, Junt- IQ',4 it was qugFested that a protcn Oor) u.1c! for stui-ring .t monocrystals :hinges in the. surf:,-e; ,' ~,: " , -~- w-,' - iector, !,',C ',I '~M "~e' 7T3-- ' of an electron m-,-N I r cx-wer of the ii mlich highmr. 1-ilk-~ wi- ~' -rctor P-nd 7ef'CF1?7.-e3. FhOtO,9. ron nro.imctorg ar- i~iv~m of Sc. U-33R. '.eninFrad V_rr KOKAR, A.P.; RZYNOV, N.Ke;.AH1ATL-, S.S. Investigation of photomagnetoeldctric effect In cuprous oxide at low temperatures.,AN SGSR,Ger.fIz* 19 no.4:444-446 ii-~Ag '55- Wa 9: 1) 1*71siko-tekhnicheekly institut, Akadenii nauk SSSR. (Copper oxide--Xlectric properties) (Photoolectricity) (Low ten- perature research) -7 GR1BOVA, M.P., takhnicheakly redaktor; TAPPA, Tu.A., redaktor; KQM,A.Pe. otvetstvennyy redaktor, professor; POPOV, R.Yu, redaktore Classification of elementary particles ("translations and surveys of foreign periodical literiiurel-Problemy soyramennoi fitiki 8 no-11--l-173 1560* (MLRA 10:1) (Particles. Alementary) E i Ith an ma" w xper 51 I d t-a r a b d e k i s r Q v u ,, at 1 n SlAm f y nd ph-,-- phb ?" Im lh~ w P-I!, rws ra*u frc wt iQmUta 1 M - l "kjll: -tit by On d b * N V rc cv c , I S, 10 1 fvw. is C Thig Kvrj Ir ox- o., jmd ( 112- Cato fopnlgu~'a ap-." I)! In, -, WFP_-r~all 4iul, ~wJ ;i r~.41,vl.,r ti~, u-* A o- -z- A ciy-o 3jr ;i p forli!CJ 1"~ -I JAI ~!' I ky i; ~ A-m . ..... 'llo .P,j ''oz a 6UBJUT Ub"a / ffly6ici I M 1611 4UI~R' KOMM A.1. iuuti~' I.e. TITLL The Photoprotons from A:" &RIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 31, fasc-3, 531 - 531 (1956) issued: 12 / 1956 The angular distribution of the photoprotons~'from A:*L~ wnich was irradiated with the y-bundle of a synchroton with the maximum energy of go MeV, was investigated. The photoprotons with an energy of from 2 to 10 MeV were registered by means of a WIL60N chamber which was filled at a pressure of 1A atm with argon and with the vapors of a mixture of ethyl alcohol and water. The 'Nilson chamber, which has a dia- meter of 30 em and a dePth Of 7 cm, works in a cycle with overpressure with a period of from 10 to 15 see. The argon contained by the Wilson chamber was irradiated with a collimated y-bundle of 1,8 am diameter, which incides into the chamber trough an aluminium window (100A.L) in its lateeal wall. The proton traces formed as a result of the reaction (y,p) were photographed stereoscopically. 302 traces were dealt with Angles were measured by the reprojection. method and with an accuracy of from 1 to 2 The histogram contained in -the attached drawing was drawn by joining the traces with intervals of 20Q. Directivity in a forward direction with a maximum at the angle of 70c' is distinctly discernible. The course taken by the curve obtained here.for the angular distribution of the photoprotons from argon agrees sufficiently well with the course of angular distribution obtained by B.M. billchRp Phys-Rev., 100, 791 (1955) by the method of nuc-lear emulsions and with a maximum energy of tFe7y-bundle of 22,5 MeV. I'mi- act 1 "'? 'e - "~5f =i~i70V, YC.B., CHIMOV, VOIKOV, Yu.M., and YAVOR., j A!. ) KUL'CHNSKIY, L.A. V P. I TLIAR I:P. "PhotodisintegratiOn Of Nuclei by Gamma-Radiation from Leningrad Synchrotron at 60-90 Mev." Physics Inst. im Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR paper submitted at the A-U Conf. on Nuclear Reactions in Madium and Low Energy Physics, Moscow, 19-27 Nov 57. 6t om AUTHORS: Komar, A.F. and Shrednik, V. N. 126-5-3-11/31 P=formation of Zirconium as Observedby Means of TITLE: M ~F! ~ ~Mectronic Projector (Prevrashcheniya a7t P tsirkoniya po nablyudeniyam. s pomoshchlyu elektronnogo proyektora) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol V, Nr 3, pp 452-464 + 1 plate (USSR) - , ABSTRACT: The aim of the work described in this paper, which was started before the publication of the paper by E.G.Brock (Phys. Rev., 1955, Vol 100, p 1619), was to evaluate the potentialities of the electron projector method for studying phase transformations; to verify by means of this method the crystallographic relations between the lattices of m and 0 zirconium obtained by Burgers by means of the X-ray method on macroscopic specimens; to elucidate the role of -the size and shape of the crystal on the type of mutual orientation of the lattices of the a and P phases. The authors took into consideration the fact that study of zirconium by means of an electron projector is of great interest also from the experimenta- tion point of view, Muller (Ref.6). So far no regular pictures of auto-electron emission of zirconi-am has been Card 1/6 obtained proving symmetry of the crystal. Even in the 126-5-3-11/31 (x;tp Transformation of Zirconium as Observed by Means of an Electronic Projector best vacuum only irregular spots of auto-electron emission are obtained which are due apparently to various contaminations of the crystal surface. In their e-xDeri- ments, the authors used an ordinary electron projeAor as described by Muller (Ref.6). The anode consisted of a layer of "conducting glass" (Ref.8) on the inside of a spherioal glass flask, bhe surface of which was coated by villemite. The work was carried out v,.,ith projectors which were continuously evacuated as viell as sealed projectors containinS tantalum getters. The 4�0 Dhase transformation is investigated for zirconium single crystals of sizes of the order of one micron. By using the electron projector method it is possible to observe visually the transforming crystal at a magnification of 100 000 times. Emission Dictures were obtained of crystals zirconium) as viell as the hexagonal of the cubic (P (cc zirconium) symmetry. The results confirmed the relations published by Burgers, W.G.,(Physica, 1934, Vol 7t P 5611 Usually durir4r, transformation only one of the Card 2/6 possible orientations of-the new phase relative to the 126-5-3-.11/31 a~�p Transformation of Zirconium as Observed btv.- Means -of., an Electronic Projector initial phase manifests itself, which is attributed to the considerable role of the surface energy in the case of crystals of small dimensions. Signs of dislocation have been detected in zirconium crystals, which are attributed to a diffusionless mechanism of transformation. The method of identification and of indication of the emission pictures of the faces of the zirconium crystal is explained in para.3. Since in the first approximation the shapp of the end of the projector point can be assumed as being semi-spherical and since the dimensions of the radius of the point are considerably smaller than the radius of the sphere of the projector, the electric field betveen the point and the sphere of the projector can,in the given approximatioutbe considered as the field of a spherical condenser in which the electrons will move along radii of the projector sphere. On hitting the villemite screen, the electrons will produce light on the screen and will produce on the sphere of the projector an orthogonal projection of the faces and'edges of the crystal. On this projection it is easy to designate the Card 3/6centres of the faces which can be considered as being 126-5--3-11/31 M;gp Transformation of Zirconium as Observed by Means of an Electronic Projector spherical projections of the nomals to the edges. Obviously, this spherical projection of the normals can easily be inter-related with the gnomo-stereographic projection of the crystal which also enables deciphering the aato-emission picture, which is described. The results of the experiments are described in para.4,vthich deals with the,structu're of the face surface and auto- emission as well as with the picture of auto-emission and of tran formation of zirconium. The results are evaluEted in para.5. The following conclusions are arrived at: 1. By means of the electron projector it is possible to determine from the -nature, bf the facep, of a, arystal pointthe mutual orientation of the lattices of the individual phases ' during- .' polymorphous transformations. Fo.- the case of zirconium, the mutual orientation of the lattices of the m and the- 0 phases, earlier determined by Burgers by means of the Xt-ray method, was confirmed. Card, *6 2. The polymorphous transformation of zirconium in the 4/ case of crystals with linear dimensions of the order of a 126-5-3-11/31 a;tp Transformation of Zirconium as Observed by Means of an Electronic Projector micron takes place according to the non-diffusional method throughout the entire volume of the crystals. 3. The non-equilibrium pseudo-morphous crystal of the accompanying phase becomes transformed into the equilibrium state in the case of high surface mobility of the atoms so that the *faces with low indices of the basic and the accompanying crystals remain strictly or approximately parallel. 4. In the case of the studied zirconium crystals with linear dimensions of about 11i, those possible orientations become materialised during transformations which,involve a minimum change of the surface energy. 5. The temperature of the polymorphous transformation of the zirconium depends strongly on the quantity of the nitrogen and oxygen absorbed by the zirconium,inereasing with increasing concentration. 6. The observed faces of the zirconium crystals with cubic symmetry are not equilibrium faces of pure zirconium but equilibrium faces of crystals of the solid solution of Card 5/6 nitrogen 10 Rev 1 + 28in + 0.25cos 0 holds a The major part of the re- actions (1,P) on nitrogen is caused by a direct resonance process* All 12-Mev protons stem from the P3/2-1,d 5/2 transitions. Figure I Card 2/3 shows the energy spectrum of the protons emitted in the reaction Photodisintegration of N14 Nuclei S/020/60~f31702/018/071 B013/B011 (amp). The maximum of the proton-energy spectrum is found at proton e-hergies of 4 1-5 Rev. The neutrons are probably emitted with greater energies as compared with the protons. These and other re- sults can be explained by the assumption that in most cases (-e213) the reaction (- enp) proceeds as followas A neutron is first emitted with relatively gTfat energies, and thereupon a proton from the excited nucleus V-1. On the strength of data found here it is possible to estimate the contribution of the protons that depend on the "quasi-deuteron" mechanism of the interaction of-r-quanta with the nitrogen nuclei, and also the yield of protons with energies of more than 16 Hev can thus be estimated. This contribution is of the order of *v 1%. Further data concerning other photodis- integrations of nitrogen are being worked out. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Lnstitute of Physics and Technology of the Loademy of Sciences of the USSR) SUBMITTEDt December 16~ 1959 Card 3/3 3/02 60/133/04/12/031 B019YI3060 AUTHORS: Komar A. P., Academician Of the AS UkrSSR, Makhnovski-y. Yeg Do. FoNaubnov, V. P. TITLE: The Relative Yield and the Energy Distribution of Photo- delitax From Copper PERIODICAL: Dokla4y Akademii nauk SSSR9 19607 Vol. 133, No. 4v pp. 797-799 TEXT: The authors measured the ratio between the photodeuteron yield and the photoproton yield from copper and the energy distribution of these the maximum energy of the bremespectrum, of the 70 Mev gamma radiation. Basing on Fig. 1, the authors discuss details of the experimen- tal setup. A special pulse method was developed for the identification of the particles, and formulas (1) and (2) are given for the calculation of the radius of curvature of the particle path in the magnetic field 119500 oe toward the emulsion. The authors worked with an HMK~M-,q2 NIKFI-Y42~ 400 A thick nuclear emulsion. Fig. 2 shows the radii of ~ curvature as a function of the particle ranges in the emulsion and the Card 1/2 The Relative Yield and the Energy Distribution 9/020/60/133/04/12/031 of Photodeuterons From Copper B019/BO60 "error zone". The enerey distribution of the identified protons that wa obtained, is in good agreement with the results obtained by other autho;ss. Fig- 3 shove the energy distribution of photodouterons. In agreement with Byerly and Stephens (Ref. 1) the conclusion is drawn that the maximum of the energy distribution is below 4 Hev..The ratio of the deuteron yield with energies of 4 - 10 Hev and the proton yield of the same energy is fmrd to be 0,07 + 0-04,- In the energy range of 3 - 10 Mev it is found to be 0-086 � 0-9475. There are 3 figures and 3 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED% Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) May 39 1960 Card 2/2 S/02 60/135/001/013/030 B006YB056 AUTHORS: Zomar. A. P, Academician of the AS UkrSSR and Makhnovskiy, Ye._D. TITLE: The Fine Structure of thg_Energy Spectrum of Photoprotong and the Levels of the Li Nucleus PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol- 135, No. 1, PP. 52-54 TEXT: Following an earlier paper (Ref. 1), the aut ors report on measure- ments of the energy distribution of protons from Li~ irradiated with gamma rays of the bremsstrahlung spectrum with E ymax = 28 Mev. The target,. enriched in Li6 to 90% was 8.6 mg/CM 2 thick. The protons were recorded by means of H W K!FW -22 (NIKFI LL!nuclear emulsions (400 P); the plates were orientated at an angle of 6o0 to th .e proton beam axis. Measure- ments were made on all tracks with a length of >,,4 9, which began on the emulsion surface and satisfied the geometrical criteria. The,glates were evaluated in 1350-fold enlargement. The background, due to L (y,d)jje4 The Fine StructtLre of the Energy Spectrum of S/020/60/135/001/013/030 Phgtoprotons and the Levels of the BOo6/BO56 Li -Nucleus --reactions, wRP about 1% less than 10% of the measured tracks due to otodisinte_oa~tiona- of the LIT h Admixturee-The background due to the- ap- p paratus (scattered radiation) was < 3%- The proton spectrum measured is shown in Pig. 1. The proton energy (Mev) was measured in the labora~( system. According to Refs. 2-4, the reactions (y,n) and (y,q) on Li de- veloped under formation of the non-stable nuclei Li5 and HeO especially in.the ground state. The question Is now discussed what E p-peaks in the decay of these nuclei may occur in a+p, also in the case of the formation of Li5 and He5 in excited states. The following E p-peaks were measured: 4.19 4.59 5.5, and 11.6 Mev; determined levels: 11.2 and 18.3 Mev; pro- posed levels: 9-5 and 10.0 Mev. (According to Ref- 5 there exists a level with 9.3+0.2 Mev and according to a paper by Ye. A. Al 'bitskaya et al. one at 10 Mev). There are 1 figure, I table, and 5 references: 2 Soviet$ 2 US, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-takhnicheakiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute SUBMITTED: July 13, 1960 232 2141g/089/61/011/006/009/01.4 Kinetic energy of Th B102/BI38 The contour diagram for the fragment energy distribution shows that asymmetr as well as symmetric fragmentations occur, and that the mass ratio m,~mc; diminishes as the mass of the disintegrating nucleus in- e 232 238 '252 creases. For Th , U and Cf , m2/mI is 1-56, 1.36, and 1.31, re- spectively. The figure 1-56 was determined from the fragment mass distri- bution. From the total energy distribution it can be seen that the most probable total energy E = E 1 + E2 is lower and the half-width of the peak (45 Mev) higher, than the respective values for U 238 photofission. The following numerical values for most probable fragment energy (Mev) were determineds Heavy fragmentsi 52 + 2 + 6.8 - 61 + 2 Light fragments: 89 + 2 + 5.6 - 97 * 2 heavy + light f.: 143 + 2 + 12 . 157 t 3 The authors thank the proton-synchrotron team of the PTI AN SSSR, and G. N. Nikolayev and K. Shvets for assistance. There are 4 figures, I table, and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: D. Hiller, D. Uartin. Phys. Rev., 90, 581 (1953); R. Jensen, A. Fairhall. Phys. Rev., 109, 942 (1958) Card 24-z_ VOLKOV,, Yu.M,; KOMAR, A.P.; KO-ROI-EV$ G.A.; KOCHAROV., G.Ys* Application of an ionization &:~epectrcmeter with a Uide ana- lyzer for half-life aeterminations. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.jfiss. 25 nog:n88-3.196 161. (MIRA 24:8) 11, Fu#o-te#=iChesjdy i hatitut im. A.F. Ioffe AN SSA. (spectrometry) (Radinactive substaces-Decay) A-I S/057/61/031/001/016/017 '.24-2 B104/B204 AUTEORS: Komar, A. P., Mikheyev, G. P., and Chernov, N. N. TITLE: A System for the'extremum control of the intensity of gamma radiation of a synchrotron PERIODICAL* Zhurnal tekhnioheekoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 19 1961, 109-115 TEXT: The authors describe an extremum control system which had been constructed'for the synchrotron of the institute mentioned under Association and which controls simultaneously two parameters which, essentially, - determine the stability of the intensity of gamma radiation. In the first part of'this papers an extremum controller with one input parameter is studied. The so-called step-modulation of the input parameter is mentioned as the m6st favorable control method. The injection time T is considered to be the input parameter. This injection time changes with a canstant frequency and the amplitude 6T. Thus, the initial.quantity, i.e., the intensity of gamma radiation assumesthe ialues V according to the injection time T, and I" according to the injection time T + 6T. The sign of the difference (I" - II) if; - determined from these values. Card 1/ 7 A system for the extramum control... S/057/61/031/001/016/017 B104/3204 if (it, I 1 00 the operating- point-. is,~ to--the -left of Ahe ex remum an t ~Thua kzign(V:~ if At i -w are, 6-f b- I anIdIf are-the'mean h -"-T'I:d he,AU-ciament' t on tide values'of the i,n.te-nsiiies corresponding to the injection times T and T -~ M For impx~oving the quick response, the authors, in the scheme- deve146d by them, used not only the sign of (I" - If) according to (1), but also the amount of this difference according to the relation T -1 ff".- YI) (2), where k is the negative feedback factor. In order k that the quantity b(AT) be as small as possible, a high amplification factor is~necessary for the feedback. A scheme based on this principle is shown in Fig. I as a block diagram, whereas in Fig. 2 it is shown as a eircuit diagram. A parpmfter which Just as important for a synchrotron, is the instant T hf where ihe high-frequency voltage is connected to the resonator-of the synchrotron...It is shown that for normal operation of aIsystem of several extrsu= -controllers the demand that the extremum. controllers do not act upon one another need not necessarily be fulfilled.- Card 2/7 a 2067 A'%system f or.. the extremum cont3~oi S40571611031100110~610V B1002041 -Thi a dam6nd may be satisfidd If the extremum 'controllers operate ~lter- natively. In this wayt however, a reduction of the'quick resp6nse is caused, 'a~d the '4uestiow is examined',how tar an incomplete de6oupling. of-the two extr6mut controllers i6 permis6ible. For thi6 purposer it is suffici,~nt to. modulate the. two'ilaput parameters 'by means of another j frequency. :~ Fig. - 3-.shows e.-system ot tiio ex'tremuq,_p .ontro-Ilers whiah operate principle. Blocks (1) and (2) correspond to blocks (1) aftd7* (2) in Fig. 1, the dashed blocks correspond to.the dashed Fig. 1. By means.,of thin extremum controller, T ana.T hf, are Controlled, and the good results obtained from this controller.are disc cussed.' ' Scientif ic collaborator A. V...Kulikov is thanked for-interest 5 So et-bloc references. and advice. There are 4 figures and vi ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of 'Physics and",Technology AS USSRi~;Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1960 Card 3/7 L